sas 9.2 scalable performance data engine- reference

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  • 8/8/2019 SAS 9.2 Scalable Performance Data Engine- Reference


    SAS 9.2 Scalable PerformanceData EngineReference

  • 8/8/2019 SAS 9.2 Scalable Performance Data Engine- Reference


    The correct bibliographic citation for this manual is as follows: SAS Institute Inc. 2009. SAS 9.2 Scalable Performance Data Engine: Reference . Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.SAS 9.2 Scalable Performance Data Engine: ReferenceCopyright 2009, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA

    ISBN 978-1-59994-707-5 All rights reserved. Produced in the United States of America.For a hard-copy book: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in aretrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, SASInstitute Inc.For a Web download or e-book: Your use of this publication shall be governed by theterms established by the vendor at the time you acquire this publication.U.S. Government Restricted Rights Notice. Use, duplication, or disclosure of thissoftware and related documentation by the U.S. government is subject to the Agreementwith SAS Institute and the restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19 Commercial ComputerSoftware-Restricted Rights (June 1987).SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, North Carolina 27513.1st electronic book, February 20092nd electronic book May 20101st printing, February 2009SAS Publishing provides a complete selection of books and electronic products to helpcustomers use SAS software to its fullest potential. For more information about oure-books, e-learning products, CDs, and hard-copy books, visit the SAS Publishing Web siteat or call 1-800-727-3228.SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarksor trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. indicates USAregistration.Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of theirrespective companies.

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    SAS Data Set Options That Behave Differently with the SPD Engine Than with theDefault Base SAS Engine 73SAS Data Set Options Not Supported by the SPD Engine 73

    Chapter 5 4 SPD Engine System Options 75Introduction to SPD Engine System Options 75


    SPD Engine System Options List 84SAS System Options That Behave Differently with SPD Engine 84

    P A R T 3 Appendix 85Appendix 1 4 Recommended Reading 87Recommended Reading 87

    Glossary 89

    Index 93

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    Whats New


    The SAS 9.2 Scalable Performance Data (SPD) Engine has the followingenhancements:3 new and enhanced data set options3 new and enhanced LIBNAME statement options3 new and enhanced system optionsThese enhancements enable the SPD Engine to perform rapid processing of very

    large data sets that are stored in partitions across multiple disk volumes.

    SPD Engine Data Set OptionsCOMPRESS=

    The COMPRESS= data set option now supports binary compression with theCHAR and BINARY options.

    ENCRYPT=The new ENCRYPT= data set option species whether to encrypt an output SPDEngine data set.

    IDXBY=The new IDXBY= data set option species whether to use indexes when processingBY statements in the SPD Engine. In some cases, this option can enhanceperformance.

    LISTFILES=The new LISTFILES= data set option is used only with the CONTENTS

    procedure. It lists the complete pathnames of all of the component les of an SPDEngine data set.PARTSIZE=

    The PARTSIZE= data set option now expresses the partition size value ingigabytes, terabytes, or the default megabytes. The maximum number of megabytes has increased to 8,796,093,022,207.

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    vi Whats New

    SPD Engine LIBNAME Statement Options

    ACCESS=READONLYThe ACCESS=READONLY LIBNAME statement option determines the accesslevel of the data source. Using this option prevents writing to the data source.

    IDXBY=The new IDXBY= LIBNAME statement option species whether to use indexeswhen processing BY statements in the SPD Engine. In some cases, this option canenhance performance.

    PARTSIZE=The PARTSIZE= LIBNAME statement option now expresses the partition size value in gigabytes, terabytes, or the default megabytes. The maximum number of megabytes has increased to 8,796,093,022,207.

    SPD Engine System OptionsCOMPRESS=

    The COMPRESS= system option now supports binary compression with the CHARand BINARY options.

    MINPARTSIZE=The MINPARTSIZE= system option now has a default of 16 megabytes, instead of 0 megabytes.

    SPD Engine Compatability A new section has been added with information for upgrading from SAS 9.1.3 to SAS

    9.2. See SPD Engine Compatability.

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    P A R T


    Chapter 1 . . . . . . . . . .Overview: The SPD Engine 3

    Chapter 2 . . . . . . . . . .Creating and Loading SPD Engine Files 11

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    C H A P T E R

    1Overview: The SPD Engine

    Introduction to the SPD Engine 3 SPD Engine Compatibility 4Using the SMP Computer 4Organizing SAS Data Using the SPD Engine 5

    How the SPD Engine Organizes SAS Data 5 Metadata Component Files 5 Index Component Files 5 Data Component Files 6

    Comparing the Default Base SAS Engine and the SPD Engine 6Overview of Comparisons 6The SPD Engine Libraries and File Systems 6Utility File Workspace 6Temporary Storage of Interim Data Sets 6 Differences between the Default Base SAS Engine Data Sets and the SPD Engine Data Sets 7

    Interoperability of the Default Base SAS Engine and the SPD Engine Data Sets 8 Sharing the SPD Engine Files 8 Features That Enhance I/O Performance 8

    Overview of I/O Performance Enhancements 8 Multiple Directory Paths 9 Physical Separation of the Data File and the Associated Indexes 9WHERE Optimization 9

    Features That Boost Processing Performance 9 Automatic Sort Capabilities 9Queries Using Indexes 9 Parallel Index Creation 9

    The SPD Engine Options 10

    Introduction to the SPD Engine

    The SPD Engine is designed for high-performance data delivery. It enables rapidaccess to SAS data for processing by the application. The SPD Engine delivers data toapplications rapidly because it organizes the data into a streamlined le format thattakes advantage of multiple CPUs to perform parallel input/output functions.

    The SPD Engine uses threads to read blocks of data very rapidly and in parallel. Thesoftware tasks are performed in conjunction with an operating system that enablesthreads to execute on any of the computers available CPUs. Although threaded I/O isan important part of the SPD Engine functionality, the real power of the SPD Enginecomes from the way that the software structures SAS data. The SPD Engine organizesdata into a new le format that includes partitioning of the data. This data structurepermits threads, running in parallel, to perform I/O tasks efciently.

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    4 SPD Engine Compatibility 4 Chapter 1

    Although it is not intended to replace the default Base SAS engine, the SPD Engineis a high-speed alternative for processing very large data sets. It reads and writes datasets that contain millions of observations. For example, this includes data sets thatexpand beyond the 2-gigabyte size limit imposed by some operating systems and datasets that SAS analytic software and procedures must process faster.

    The SPD Engine performance is boosted in the following ways:3 support for gigabytes of data3 scalability on symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) computers3 parallel WHERE selections3 parallel loads3 parallel index creation3 parallel I/O data delivery to applications3 automatic sorting on BY statements

    The SPD Engine runs on UNIX, Windows, z/OS (zFS le system only), and OpenVMSon HP Integrity Servers (ODS-5 le systems only).

    Note: Be sure to visit the Scalability and Performance focus area at for more information about scalability inSAS 9.2. For system requirements, visit the Install Center at . 4

    SPD Engine CompatibilityIf you upgrade from SAS 9.1.3 to SAS 9.2, you do not need to migrate your data sets

    if you remain in the same operating environment. If you upgrade across hosts, such asfrom a 32-bit to a 64-bit Windows operating environment, you must migrate your datasets. To migrate your data sets, use CIMPORT, COPY, or CPORT. For moreinformation, see the Base SAS Procedures Guide .

    Visit the Migration focus area at for

    migration information. Note: The MIGRATE procedure does not support the SPD Engine. 4

    Using the SMP ComputerThe SPD Engine exploits a hardware and software architecture known as symmetric

    multiprocessing. An SMP computer has multiple central processing units (CPUs) andan operating system that supports threads. An SMP computer is usually conguredwith multiple controllers and multiple disk drives per controller. When the SPD Enginereads a data le, it launches one or more threads for each CPU; these threads then readdata in parallel from multiple disk drives, driven by one or more controllers per CPU.The SPD Engine running on an SMP computer provides the capability to read anddeliver much more data to an application in a given elapsed time.

    Reading a data set with an SMP computer that has 5 CPUs and 10 disk drives couldbe as much as 5 times faster than I/O on a single-CPU computer. In addition tothreaded I/O, an SMP computer enables threading of application processes (forexample, threaded sorting in the SORT procedure in SAS 9.1 or later).

    The exact number of CPUs on an SMP computer varies by manufacturer and model.The operating system of the computer is also specialized; it must be capable of scheduling code segments so that they execute in parallel. If the operating system

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    Overview: The SPD Engine 4 Index Component Files 5

    kernel is threaded, performance is further enhanced because it prevents contentionbetween the executing threads.

    As threads run on the SMP computer, managed by a threaded operating system, theavailable CPUs work together. The synergy between the CPUs and threads enables thesoftware to scale processing performance. The scalability, in turn, signicantlyincreases overall processing speed for tasks such as creating data sets, appending data,and querying the data by using WHERE statements.

    Organizing SAS Data Using the SPD Engine

    How the SPD Engine Organizes SAS DataBecause the SPD Engine organizes data for high-performance processing, an SPD

    Engine data set is physically different from a default Base SAS engine data set. Thedefault Base SAS engine stores data in a single data le that contains both data anddata descriptors for the le (metadata). The SPD Engine creates separate les for thedata and data descriptors. In addition, if the data set is indexed, two index les arecreated for each index. Each of these four types of les is called an SPD Enginecomponent le and each has an identifying le extension.

    In addition, each of these components can consist of one or more physical les so thatthe component can span volumes but can be referenced as one logical le. For example,the SPD Engine can create many physical les containing data, but reference the lescontaining data as a single data component in an SPD Engine data set. The metadataand index components differ from the data component in two ways:

    1 You can specify a xed-length partition size for data component les using thePARTSIZE= option. However, you have little or no control over the size of themetadata or index partitions.

    2 The data component les are created in a cyclical fashion across all dened paths.The metadata and index components are created in a single path until that path isfull, and then the next path is used.

    Metadata Component FilesThe SPD Engine data set stores the descriptive metadata in a le with the le

    extension .mdf. Usually an SPD Engine data set has only one .mdf le.

    Index Component Files

    If the le is indexed, the SPD Engine creates two index component les for eachindex. Each of these les contains a particular view of the index, so both exist for eachdata set.

    3 The index le with the .hbx le extension contains the global index.3 The index le with the .idx le extension contains the segment index.

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    6 Data Component Files 4 Chapter 1

    Data Component FilesThe data component of an SPD Engine data set can be several les (partitions) per

    path or device, rather than just one. Each of these partitions is a xed length, speciedby you when you create the SPD Engine data set.

    Specifying a partition size for the data component les enables you to tune the

    performance of your applications. The partitions are the threadable units, that is, eachpartition (le) is read in one thread. Chapter 2, Creating and Loading SPD EngineFiles, on page 11 provides details on how the SPD Engine stores data, metadata, andindexes.

    Comparing the Default Base SAS Engine and the SPD Engine

    Overview of ComparisonsDefault Base SAS engine data sets and SPD Engine data sets have many similarities.

    They both store data in a SAS library, which is a collection of les that reside in one ormore directories. However, because the SPD Engine data libraries can span devices andle systems, the SPD Engine is ideal for use with very large data sets. Also, the SPDEngine enables you to specify separate directories, or devices, for each component in theLIBNAME statement. Chapter 2, Creating and Loading SPD Engine Files, on page 11provides details on designing and setting up the SPD Engine data libraries.

    The SPD Engine Libraries and File Systems An SPD Engine library can contain data les, metadata les, and index les. The

    SPD Engine does not support catalogs, SAS views, MDDBs, or other utility (byte) les.The SPD Engine uses the zFS le system for z/OS and the ODS-5 le system for

    OpenVMS on HP Integrity Servers. This means that some functionality might beslightly different on these platforms. For example, for z/OS, the user must have a homedirectory on zFS.

    Utility File WorkspaceUtility les are generated during the SPD Engine operations that need extra space

    (for example, when creating parallel indexes or when sorting very large les). Defaultlocations exist for all platforms but, if you have large amounts of data to process, thedefault location might not be large enough. The SPD Engine system optionSPDEUTILLOC= lets you specify a set of le locations in which to store utility scratchles. For more information, see SPDEUTILLOC= System Option on page 81.

    Temporary Storage of Interim Data SetsTo create a library to store interim data sets, specify the SPD Engine option TEMP=

    in the LIBNAME statement. If you want current applications to refer to these interimles using one-level names, specify the library on the USER= system option.

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    Overview: The SPD Engine 4 Differences between the Default Base SAS Engine Data Sets and the SPD Engine Data Sets 7

    The following example code creates a user libref for interim data sets. It is deleted atthe end of the session.

    libname user spde /mydata temp=yes;data a; x=1;run;proc print data=a;

    The USER= option can be set in the conguration le so that applications thatreference interim data sets with one-level names can run in the SPD Engine.

    Differences between the Default Base SAS Engine Data Sets and theSPD Engine Data Sets

    The following chart compares the SPD Engine capabilities to default Base SASengine capabilities.

    Table 1.1 Comparing the Default Base SAS Engine Data Sets and the SPD Engine Data Sets

    Feature SPD Engine Default Base SAS Engine

    Partitioned data sets yes no

    Parallel WHERE optimization yes no

    Lowest locking level member record

    Concurrent access from multiple SASsessions on a given data set

    READ (INPUT open mode) READ and WRITE (all open modes)

    Remote computing via SAS/ CONNECT

    no yes

    Data transfer via SAS/CONNECT no yes

    RLS (Remote Library Services) viaSAS/CONNECT

    no yes

    Available via SAS/CONNECT no yes

    Support in SAS/SHARE no yes

    Automatic sort for SAS BY processing(sort a temporary copy of the data tosupport BY processing)

    yes no

    User-dened formats and informats yes, except in WHERE 1 yes

    Catalogs no yes

    Views no yes

    MDDBs no yes

    Integrity constraints no yesData set generations no yes

    CEDA no yes

    Audit trail no yes

    NLS transcoding no yes

    Number of observations that can becounted

    263-1 (on all hosts) 2 31-1 (on 32-bit hosts)263-1 (on 64-bit hosts)

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    8 Interoperability of the Default Base SAS Engine and the SPD Engine Data Sets 4 Chapter 1

    Feature SPD Engine Default Base SAS Engine

    COMPRESS= YES|NO|CHAR|BINARY (only if the le is not encrypted)


    ENCRYPT= cannot be used with COMPRESS= can be used with COMPRESS=

    Encryption data les only yes (all les)

    FIRSTOBS= system option and dataset option no yes

    OBS= system option and data setoption

    yes, if used without ENDOBS= orSTARTOBS= SPD Engine options


    Functions and call routines yes, with some exceptions 2 yes

    Move table via OS utilities to adifferent directory or folder

    no yes

    Observations returned in physicalorder

    no, if BY or WHERE is present yes

    1 In WHERE processing, user-dened formats and informats are passed to the supervisor for handling. Therefore, they are notprocessed in parallel.

    2 In WHERE processing, functions and call routines introduced in SAS 9 or later are passed to the supervisor for handling.Therefore, they are not processed in parallel.

    Interoperability of the Default Base SAS Engine and the SPD EngineData Sets

    Default Base SAS engine data sets must be converted to the SPD Engine format sothat the SPD Engine can access them. You can convert the default Base SAS enginedata sets easily using the COPY procedure, the APPEND procedure, or a DATA step.(PROC MIGRATE cannot be used.) In addition, most of your existing SAS programscan run on the SPD Engine les with little modication other than to the LIBNAME

    statement. Chapter 2, Creating and Loading SPD Engine Files, on page 11 providesdetails on converting default Base SAS engine data sets to the SPD Engine format.

    Sharing the SPD Engine FilesThe SPD Engine supports member-level locking, which means that multiple users

    can have the same SPD Engine data set open for INPUT (read-only). However, if anSPD Engine data set has been opened for update, then only that user can access it.

    Features That Enhance I/O Performance

    Overview of I/O Performance EnhancementsThe SPD Engine has several new features that enhance I/O performance. These

    features can dramatically increase the performance of I/O bound applications, in whichlarge amounts of data must be delivered to the application for processing.

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    Overview: The SPD Engine 4 Parallel Index Creation 9

    Multiple Directory Paths You can specify multiple directory paths and devices for each component type

    because the SPD Engine can reference multiple physical les across volumes as a singlelogical le. For very large data sets, this feature circumvents any le size limits thatthe operating system might impose.

    Physical Separation of the Data File and the Associated IndexesBecause each component le type can be stored in a different location, le

    dependencies are not a concern when deciding where to store the component les. Onlycost, performance, and availability of disk space need to be considered.

    WHERE OptimizationThe SPD Engine automatically determines the optimal process to use to evaluate

    observations for qualifying criteria specied in a WHERE statement. WHERE

    statement efciency depends on such factors as whether the variables in the expressionare indexed. A WHERE evaluation planner is included in the SPD Engine which canchoose the best method to use to evaluate WHERE expressions that use indexes tooptimize evaluation.

    Features That Boost Processing Performance

    Automatic Sort CapabilitiesThe SPD Engines automatic sort capabilities save time and resources for SAS

    applications that process large data sets. With the SPD Engine, you do not need toinvoke the SORT procedure before you submit a SAS statement with a BY clause. TheSPD Engine encounters a BY clause and the data is not already sorted or indexed onthe BY variable. The SPD Engine automatically sorts the data without affecting thepermanent data set or producing a new output data set.

    Queries Using IndexesLarge data sets can be indexed to maximize performance. Indexes permit rapid

    WHERE expression evaluations for indexed variables. The SPD Engine takesadvantage of multiple CPUs to search the index component le efciently.

    Parallel Index CreationIn addition, the SPD Engine supports parallel index creation so that indexing large

    data sets is not time-consuming. The SPD Engine decomposes data set append or insertoperations into a set of steps that can be performed in parallel. The level of parallelismdepends on the number of indexes present in the data set. The more indexes you have,

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    10 The SPD Engine Options 4 Chapter 1

    the greater the exploitation of parallelism during index creation. However, indexcreation requires utility le space and memory resources.

    The SPD Engine Options

    The SPD Engine works with many default Base SAS engine options. In addition,there are options that are used only with the SPD Engine that enable you to furthermanage the SPD Engine libraries and processing.

    See:3 Chapter 3, SPD Engine LIBNAME Statement Options, on page 253 Chapter 4, SPD Engine Data Set Options, on page 413 Chapter 5, SPD Engine System Options, on page 75

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    C H A P T E R

    2Creating and Loading SPDEngine Files

    Introduction for Creating and Loading SPD Engine Files 11 Allocating the Library Space 12

    How to Allocate the Library Space 12Conguring Space for All Components in a Single Path 12Conguring Separate Library Space for Each Component File 12 Anticipating the Space for Each Component File 13 Storage of the Metadata Component Files 13

    Example: Initial Set of Paths 14 Example: Adding Subsequent Paths 14 Storage of the Index Component Files 14 Storage of the Data Partitions 14

    Renaming, Copying, or Moving Component Files 15 Efciency Using Disk Striping and Large Disk Arrays 15Converting Default Base SAS Engine Data Sets to SPD Engine Data Sets 15

    Converting Default Base SAS Engine Data Sets Using PROC COPY 16Converting Default Base SAS Engine Data Sets Using PROC APPEND 16

    Creating and Loading New SPD Engine Data Sets 16Compressing SPD Engine Data Sets 17 SPD Engine Component File Naming Conventions 19 Efcient Indexing in the SPD Engine 21

    Parallel Index Creation 21 Parallel Index Updates 22

    Introduction for Creating and Loading SPD Engine FilesThis section provides details on allocating SPD Engine libraries and creating and

    loading SPD Engine data and indexes. Performance considerations related to thesetasks are also discussed.

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    12 Allocating the Library Space 4 Chapter 2

    Allocating the Library Space

    How to Allocate the Library SpaceTo realize performance gains through SPD Engines partitioned data I/O and

    threading capabilities, the SPD Engine libraries must be properly congured andmanaged. Optimally, a SAS system administrator performs these tasks.

    An SPD Engine data set requires a le system with enough space to store the various component les. Often that le system includes multiple directories for thesecomponents. Usually, a single directory path (part of a le system) is constrained by a volume limit for the le system as a whole. This limit is the maximum amount of diskspace congured for the le system to use.

    Within this maximum disk space, you must allocate enough space for all of the SPDEngine component les. Understanding how each component le is handled is criticalto estimating the amount of storage you need in each library.

    Conguring Space for All Components in a Single PathIn the simplest SPD Engine library conguration, all of the SPD Engine component

    les (data les, metadata les, and index les) can reside in a single path called the primary path . The primary path is the default path specication in the LIBNAMEstatement. The following LIBNAME statement sets up the primary le system for theMYLIB library:

    libname mylib spde /disk1/spdedata;

    Because there are no other path options specied, all component les are created inthis primary path. Storing all component le types in the primary path is simple and

    works for very small data sets. It does not take advantage of the performance boost thatstoring components separately can achieve, nor does it take advantage of multiple CPUs.

    Note: The SPD Engine requires complete pathnames to be specied. 4

    Conguring Separate Library Space for Each Component FileMost sites use the SPD Engine to manage very large amounts of data, which can

    have thousands of variables, some of them indexed. At these sites, separate storagepaths are usually dened for the various component types. In addition, using diskstriping and RAIDS (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) can be very efcient. Formore information, see the SPD Engine Disk I/O Setup in Scalability and Performanceat .

    All metadata component les must begin in the primary path, even if they spandevices. In addition, specifying separate paths for the data and index componentsprovides further performance gains. You specify different paths because the I/O load isdistributed across disk drives. Separating the data and index components helps preventdisk contention and increases the level of parallelism that can be achieved, especially incomplex WHERE evaluations. The following example code species a primary path forthe metadata. The code uses the DATAPATH= LIBNAME Statement Option on page29 and INDEXPATH= LIBNAME Statement Option on page 32 to specify additional,separate paths for the data and index component les:

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    Creating and Loading SPD Engine Files 4 Storage of the Metadata Component Files 13

    libname all_users spde /disk1/metadatadatapath= (/disk2/userdata /disk3/userdata)indexpath= (/disk4/userindexes /disk5/userindexes);

    The metadata is stored on disk1, which is the primary path. The data is on disk2 anddisk3, and the indexes are on disk4 and disk5. For all path specications, you mustspecify the complete pathname.

    CAUTION: The primary path must be unique for each library. If two librefs are created with thesame primary path, but with differences in the other paths, data can be lost. Youcannot use NFS in any path option other than the primary path. 4

    Note: If you are planning to store data in locally mounted drives and access thedata from a remote computer, use the remote pathname when you specify theLIBNAME. If /data01 and /data02 are locally mounted drives on the localA computer,use the pathnames /nfs/localA/data01 and /nfs/localA/data02 in the LIBNAMEstatement.

    You cannot change the pathnames of the les. When you specify the DATAPATH=,INDEXPATH=, METAPATH=, or primary path LIBNAME options, make sure that theidentical paths that were used when the data set was created are used every time you

    access the data sets. The names of these locations are stored internally in the data set.If you change any part of the pathname, the SPD Engine might not be able to nd thedata set or might damage the data set. 4

    Anticipating the Space for Each Component FileTo properly congure the SPD Engine library space, you need to understand the

    relative sizes of the SPD Engine component les. The following information provides ageneral overview. For more information, see the SPD Engine Disk I/O Setup inScalability and Performance at .

    Metadata component les are relatively small les, so the primary path might belarge enough to contain all the metadata les for the library.

    Index component les (both .idx and .hbx) can be medium to large, depending on thenumber of distinct values in each index and whether the indexes are single orcomposite indexes. When an index component le grows beyond the space available inthe current le path, a new component le is created in the next path.

    Data component les can be quite numerous, depending on the amount of data andthe partition size specied for the data set. Each data partition is stored as a separatedata component le. The size of the data partitions is specied in the PARTSIZE=LIBNAME Statement Option on page 34. Data les are the only component les forwhich you can specify a partition size.

    Storage of the Metadata Component FilesMuch of the information that the SPD Engine needs to efciently read and write

    partitioned data is stored in the metadata component. The SPD Engine must be able torapidly access that metadata. By design, the SPD Engine expects every data setsmetadata component to begin in the primary path. These metadata component les canoverow into other paths (specied in the METAPATH= LIBNAME Statement Optionon page 33), but they must always begin in the primary path. This concept is veryimportant to understand because it directly affects whether you can add data sets (withtheir associated metadata les) to the library.

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    14 Storage of the Metadata Component Files 4 Chapter 2

    For example, a new data set for a library is created and the space in the primarypath is full. The SPD Engine cannot begin the metadata component le in that primarypath as required. The create operation fails with an appropriate error message. Tosuccessfully create a new data set in this case, you must either free space in theprimary path or assign a new library. You cannot use the METAPATH= option to createspace for a new data sets rst metadata partition. METAPATH= only species overowspace for a metadata component that begins in the primary path, but has expanded to

    ll the space reserved in the primary path. Your metadata component might grow toexceed the le size or library space limitations. To ensure you have space in theprimary path for additional data sets, specify an overow path for metadata in theMETAPATH= option when you rst create the library.

    You can specify additional space at a later time for data and index component les,even if you specied separate paths in the initial LIBNAME statement.

    Example: Initial Set of PathsIn the following example, the LIBNAME statement species the MYLIB directory for

    the primary path. By default, this path is used to store initial metadata partitions.Other devices and directories are specied to store the data and index partitions.

    libname myref spde mylibdatapath=(/mydisk30/siteuser)indexpath=(/mydisk31/siteuser);

    Example: Adding Subsequent PathsLater, if more space is needed (for example, for appending large amounts of data),

    additional devices are added for the data and indexes, as in the following example:

    libname myref spde mylibdatapath=(/mydisk30/siteuser /mydisk32/siteuser /mydisk33/siteuser)indexpath=(/mydisk31/siteuser /mydisk34/siteuser);

    Storage of the Index Component FilesIndex component les are stored based on overow space. Several le paths are

    specied with the INDEXPATH= option. Index les are started in the rst availablespace, and then overow to the next le path when the previous space is lled. Unlikemetadata components, index component les do not have to begin in the primary path.

    Storage of the Data PartitionsThe data component partitions are the only les for which you can specify the size.

    Partitioned data can be processed in threads easily, thereby taking full advantage of multiple CPUs on your computer.

    The partition size for the data component is xed and it is set at the time the dataset is created. The default is 128 megabytes, but you can specify a different partitionsize using the PARTSIZE= option. Performance depends on appropriate partition sizes. You are responsible for knowing the size and uses of the data. SPD Engine data setscan be created with a partition size that results in a balanced number of observations.(For more information, see PARTSIZE= Data Set Option on page 60.)

    Many data partitions can be created in each data path for a given data set. The SPDEngine uses the le paths that you specify with the DATAPATH= option to distributepartitions in a cyclic fashion. The SPD Engine creates the rst data partition in one of the specied paths, the second partition in the next path, and so on. The softwarecontinues to cycle among the le paths, as many times as needed, until all data

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    Creating and Loading SPD Engine Files 4 Converting Default Base SAS Engine Data Sets to SPD Engine Data Sets 15

    partitions for the data set are stored. The path selected for the rst partition is selectedat random.

    Assume that you specify the following in your LIBNAME statement:

    datapath=(/data1 /data2)

    The SPD Engine stores the rst partition in /DATA1, the second partition in /DATA2,

    the third partition in /DATA1, and so on. Cyclical distribution of the data partitionscreates disk striping, which can be highly efcient. Disk striping is discussed in detailin SPD Engine Disk I/O Setup in Scalability and Performance at .

    Renaming, Copying, or Moving Component FilesCAUTION:

    Do not rename, copy, or move an SPD Engine data set or its component les usingoperating system commands. 4

    You should always use the COPY procedure to copy SPD Engine data sets from onelocation to another, or the DATASETS procedure to rename or delete SPD engine data


    Efciency Using Disk Striping and Large Disk Arrays Your system might have a le creation utility that enables you to override the le

    system limitations and create le systems (volumes) greater than the space on a singledisk. You can use this utility to allocate SPD Engine libraries that span multiple diskdevices, such as RAID. RAID congurations use a technique called disk striping thatcan signicantly enhance I/O. For more information about disk striping and RAID, seeSPD Engine Disk I/O Setup in Scalability and Performance at .

    Converting Default Base SAS Engine Data Sets to SPD Engine Data Sets You can convert existing default Base SAS engine data sets to SPD Engine data sets

    using the following methods:3 PROC COPY3 PROC APPEND

    Some limitations apply. If your default Base SAS engine data has integrity constraints,then the integrity constraints are dropped when the le is created in the SPD Engineformat. The following chart of le characteristics indicates whether the characteristiccan be retained or dropped, or if it results in an error when converted.

    Table 2.1 Conversion Results for Base SAS File Characteristics

    Base SAS File Characteristic Conversion Result

    Indexes Rebuilt in SPD Engine (in parallel if ASYNCINDEX=YES)

    Default Base SAS engine COMPRESS=YES|CHAR |BINARY *

    Converts with compression if the data le isnot encrypted

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    16 Converting Default Base SAS Engine Data Sets Using PROC COPY 4 Chapter 2

    Base SAS File Characteristic Conversion Result

    Default Base SAS engine ENCRYPT=YES * Converts with encryption

    Integrity constraints Dropped without ERROR

    Audit le Dropped without ERROR

    Generations le Dropped without ERROR

    * If the default Base SAS engine le has both compression and encryption, thecompression is dropped, but the encryption is retained. SAS retains the security of thedata set instead of the compression.

    Converting Default Base SAS Engine Data Sets Using PROC COPYTo create an SPD Engine data set from an existing default Base SAS engine data set

    you can simply use the COPY procedure as shown in the following example. The PROCCOPY statement copies the default Base SAS engine-formatted data setLOCAL.RACQUETS to a new SPD Engine-formatted data set SPORT.RACQUETS.

    libname sport spde conversion_area;

    proc copy in=local out=sport;select racquets;


    Even though the indexes on the default Base SAS engine data set are automaticallyregenerated as the SPD Engine indexes (both .hdx and .idx les), they are not createdin parallel because the data set option ASYNCINDEX=NO is the default.

    If an SPD Engine data set is encrypted, only the data component les are encrypted.The metadata and both index les are not encrypted.

    Converting Default Base SAS Engine Data Sets Using PROC APPENDUse the APPEND procedure when you need to specify data set options for a new SPD

    Engine data set.The following example creates an SPD Engine data set from a default Base SAS

    engine data set using PROC APPEND. The ASYNCINDEX=YES data set optionspecies to build the indexes in parallel. The PARTSIZE= option species to createpartitions of 100 megabytes.

    libname spdelib spde old_data;libname somelib old_data;proc append (asyncindex=yes partsize=100);run;

    Creating and Loading New SPD Engine Data SetsTo create a new SPD Engine data set, you can use the DATA step, any PROC

    statement* with the OUT= option, or PROC SQL with the CREATE TABLE= option.

    * except PROC MIGRATE

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    Creating and Loading SPD Engine Files 4 Compressing SPD Engine Data Sets 17

    The following example uses the DATA step to create a new SPD Engine data set,CARDATA.OLD_AUTOS in the report_area directory.

    Note: Encryption and compression are mutually exclusive in SPD Engine. You canuse the ENCRYPT= option only when you are creating an SPD Engine data le that isnot compressed. You cannot create an SPD Engine data set with both encryption andcompression. 4

    libname cardata spde /report_area;

    data cardata.old_autos(compress=no encrypt=yes pw=secret);input year $4. @6 manufacturer $12. @18 model $12. @31 body_style $5. @37engine_liters @42 transmission_type $1. @45 exterior_color$10. @55 mileage @62 condition;


    1966 Ford Mustang conv 3.5 M white 143000 21967 Chevrolet Corvair sedan 2.2 M burgundy 70000 31975 Volkswagen Beetle 2door 1.8 M yellow 80000 41987 BMW 325is 2door 2.5 A black 110000 31962 Nash Metropolitan conv 1.3 M red 125000 3;

    Compressing SPD Engine Data SetsWhen COMPRESS=YES|BINARY|CHAR, the SPD Engine compresses, by blocks,

    the data component le as it is created. The SPD Engine does not supportuser-specied compression. In addition, if you are migrating a default Base SAS enginedata set that is both compressed and encrypted, the encryption is retained, but thecompression is dropped.

    Once a compressed data set is created, you cannot change its block size. Thecompressed blocks are stored linearly, with no spaces between the blocks. The followinggure illustrates how the blocks are stored on the disk:

    Figure 2.1 Compressed Blocks on the Disk

    If updates to the data set after compression require more space than what is availablein a block, SPD Engine creates a new block fragment to hold the overow. If further

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    18 Compressing SPD Engine Data Sets 4 Chapter 2

    updates again cause overows, new block fragments are created, forming a chain. Thefollowing gure illustrates how the updates create a chain of blocks on the disk:

    Figure 2.2 Compressed Blocks with Overow

    Performance is affected if the chains get too long. To remove the chains and resizethe block, you must copy the data set to a new data set, setting IOBLOCKSIZE= to theblock size appropriate for the output data set.

    When the data set is expected to be updated frequently, it is recommended that youuse PADCOMPRESS=. SPD Engine creates a padded space for each block, instead of creating new block fragments. The following gure illustrates how each block haspadded space for updates:

    Figure 2.3 Compressed Padded Blocks

    If updates to the data set after compression require more space than what isavailable in a block, SPD Engine uses the padded space for each block, instead of creating new block fragments. The following gure illustrates how the updates decreasethe padded space:

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    Creating and Loading SPD Engine Files 4 SPD Engine Component File Naming Conventions 19

    Figure 2.4 Compressed Padded Blocks with Updates

    The CONTENTS procedure prints information about the compression. The followingexample explains the compressed info elds in the CONTENTS procedure output:

    - Compressed Info -Number of compressed blocks 202Raw data blocksize 32736Number of blocks with overflow 5Max overflow chain length 3Block number for max chain 80Min overflow area 87Max overflow area 181

    Number of compressedblocks

    number of compressed blocks that are required to store data.

    Raw datablocksize

    compressed block size in bytes calculated from the size specied inthe IOBLOCKSIZE= data set option.

    Number of blocks withoverow

    number of compressed blocks that needed more space. When data isupdated and the compressed new block is larger than thecompressed old block, an overow block fragment is created.

    Max overowchain length

    largest number of overows for a single block. For example, themaximum overow chain length would be 2 if a compressed blockwas updated and became larger, and then updated again to a largersize.

    Block numberfor max chain

    number of the block containing the largest number of overowblocks.

    Min overowarea

    minimum amount of disk space that an overow requires.

    Max overowarea

    maximum amount of disk space that an overow requires.

    SPD Engine Component File Naming ConventionsWhen you create an SPD Engine data set, many component les can also be created.

    SPD Engine component les are stored with the following naming conventions:

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    20 SPD Engine Component File Naming Conventions 4 Chapter 2


    lename valid SAS lename.

    mdf identies the metadata component le.

    dpf identies the partitioned data component les.

    p#is the partition number.

    v#is the version number. *

    fuidis the unique le ID, which is a hexadecimal equivalent of the primary (metadata)path.

    idxsufxidenties the segmented view of an index, where sufx is the name of the index.

    hbxsufxidenties the global view of an index, where sufx is the name of the index.

    spds9denotes a SAS 9 SPD Engine component le.

    Table 2.2 shows the data set component les that are created when you use thisLIBNAME statement and DATA step:

    libname sample spde /DATA01/mydirdatapath=(/DATA01/mydir /DATA02/mydir)indexpath=(/IDX1/mydir);

    data sample.mine(index=(ssn));do i=1 to 100000;ssn=ranuni(0);end;


    Table 2.2 Data Set Component Files

    mine.mdf.0.0.0.spds9 metadata component le

    mine.dpf.000032a6.0.1.spds9 data le partition #1mine.dpf.000032a6.1.1.spds9 data le partition #2

    mine.dpf.000032a6 .n- 1.1.spds9 data le partition #n

    mine.dpf.000032a6. n .1.spds9 data le partition #n +1

    * The version number increases only when the data set is updated, that is, when the data set is opened in UPDATE mode.Operations such as PROC SORT that replace the data set reset the version number to one, instead of incrementing it.

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    Creating and Loading SPD Engine Files 4 Parallel Index Creation 21

    mine.hbxssn.000032a6.0.1.spds9 global index data set for variableSSN

    mine.idxssn.000032a6.0.1.spds9 segmented index data set for variable SSN

    Efcient Indexing in the SPD EngineIndexes can improve the performance of WHERE expression processing and BY

    expression processing. The SPD Engine enables the rapid creation and update of indexes because it can process in parallel.

    The SPD Engines indexes are especially appropriate for data sets of varying sizesand data distributions. These indexes contain both a segmented view and a global viewof indexed variables values. This feature enables the SPD Engine to optimally supportboth queries that require global data views, such as BY expression processing, andqueries that require segmented views, such as parallel processing of WHEREexpressions.

    When an SPD Engine data set is encrypted, only the data component les areencrypted. None of the other les are encrypted, such as the metadata and index les.

    Parallel Index Creation You can create indexes on your SPD Engine data in parallel, asynchronously. To

    enable asynchronous parallel index creation, use the ASYNCINDEX= Data Set Optionon page 42.

    Use this option with the DATA step INDEX= option, with PROC DATASETS INDEXCREATE commands, or in the PROC APPEND statement when creating an SPD Enginedata set from a default Base SAS engine data set that has an index. Each methodenables all of the declared indexes to be populated from a single scan of the data set.

    Note: If you create an SPD Engine data set from a default Base SAS engine dataset that is encrypted and that has an index, the index is not encrypted in the SPDEngine data set. For more information, see Converting Default Base SAS Engine DataSets to SPD Engine Data Sets on page 15. 4

    The following example shows indexes created in parallel using the DATA step. Asimple index is created on variable X and a composite index is created on variables Aand B.

    data foo.mine(index=(x y=(a b)) asyncindex=yes);x=1;a="Doe";b=20;


    To create multiple indexes in parallel, you must allocate enough utility disk space tocreate all of the key sorts at the same time. You must also allocate enough memoryspace. Use the SPDEUTILLOC= System Option on page 81 to allocate disk space andSPDEINDEXSORTSIZE= System Option on page 79 in the conguration le or atinvocation to allocate additional memory.

    The DATASETS procedure has the exibility to enable batched parallel indexcreation by using multiple MODIFY groups. Instead of creating all of the indexes atonce, which would require a signicant amount of space, you can create the indexes ingroups as shown in the following example:

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    22 Parallel Index Updates 4 Chapter 2

    proc datasets lib=main;modify patients(asyncindex=yes);

    index create number;index create class;

    run;modify patients(asyncindex=yes)

    index create lastname firstname;

    run;modify patients(asyncindex=yes);

    index create fullname=(lastname firstname);index create class_sex=(class sex);


    Indexes NUMBER and CLASS are created in parallel, indexes LASTNAME andFIRSTNAME are created in parallel, and indexes FULLNAME and CLASS_SEX arecreated in parallel.

    Parallel Index UpdatesThe SPD Engine also supports parallel index updating during data set append

    operations. Multiple threads enable updates of the data store and index les. The SPDEngine decomposes a data set append or insert operation into a set of steps that can beperformed in parallel. The level of parallelism attained depends on the number of indexes in the data set. As with parallel index creation, this operation uses memoryand disk space for the key sorts that are part of the index append processing. Usesystem options SPDEINDEXSORTSIZE= to allocate memory and SPDEUTILLOC= toallocate disk space.

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    P A R T


    Chapter 3 . . . . . . . . . .SPD Engine LIBNAME Statement Options 25

    Chapter 4 . . . . . . . . . .SPD Engine Data Set Options 41

    Chapter 5 . . . . . . . . . .SPD Engine System Options 75

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    C H A P T E R

    3SPD Engine LIBNAME StatementOptions

    Introduction to the SPD Engine LIBNAME Statement 25 Syntax 25

    ACCESS= LIBNAME Statement Option 26 BYSORT= LIBNAME Statement Option 26 DATAPATH= LIBNAME Statement Option 29 ENDOBS= LIBNAME Statement Option 30 IDXBY= LIBNAME Statement Option 31 INDEXPATH= LIBNAME Statement Option 32 METAPATH= LIBNAME Statement Option 33 PARTSIZE= LIBNAME Statement Option 34 STARTOBS= LIBNAME Statement Option 36TEMP= LIBNAME Statement Option 38

    SPD Engine LIBNAME Statement Options List 39

    Introduction to the SPD Engine LIBNAME StatementThis section contains reference information for all LIBNAME options that are valid

    for the SPD Engine LIBNAME statement. Some of these LIBNAME options are alsodata set options. As in the default Base SAS engine, data set options take precedenceover corresponding LIBNAME options if both options are set.


    LIBNAME libref SPDE full-primary-path ;libref

    a name that is up to eight characters long and that conforms to the rules for SASnames. You cannot specify TEMP as a libref for an SPD Engine library unlessTEMP is not used as an environment variable.

    full-primary-path the complete pathname of the primary path for the SPD Engine library. The namemust be recognized by the operating environment. Enclose the name in single ordouble quotation marks. Unless the DATAPATH= and INDEXPATH= options arespecied, the index and data components are stored in the same location. Theprimary path must be unique for each library. Librefs that are different butreference the same primary path are interpreted to be the same library and canresult in lost data.

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    SPD Engine LIBNAME Statement Options 4 BYSORT= LIBNAME Statement Option 27

    YESspecies to automatically sort the data based on the BY variables whenever a BYstatement is encountered, instead of invoking PROC SORT before a BY statement.

    NOspecies not to sort the data based on the BY variables. Specifying NO means thatthe data must already be sorted before the BY statement. Indexes are not used.

    DetailsDATA or PROC step processing using the default Base SAS engine requires that if there is no index or if the observations are not in order, the data set must be sortedbefore a BY statement is issued. In contrast, by default, the SPD Engine sorts the datareturned to the application if the observations are not in order. Unlike PROC SORT,which creates a new sorted data set, the SPD Engines automatic sort does not changethe permanent data set and does not create a new data set. However, utility le spaceis used. For more information, see SPDEUTILLOC= System Option on page 81.

    The default is BYSORT=YES. A BYSORT=YES argument enables the automaticsort, which outputs the observations in BY group order. If the data set optionBYNOEQUALS=YES, then the observations within a group might be output in adifferent order from the order in the data set. Set BYNOEQUALS=NO to retain dataset order.

    The BYSORT=NO argument means that the data must already be sorted on thespecied BY variables. This result can be from a previous sort using PROC SORT, orfrom the data set having been created in BY variable order. When BYSORT=NO,grouped data is delivered to the application in data set order. Indexes are not used toretrieve the observations in BY variable order. The data set option BYNOEQUALS=has no effect when BYSORT=NO.

    If you specify the BYSORT= option in the LIBNAME statement, it can be overriddenby specifying BYSORT= in the PROC or DATA steps. Therefore, you set BYSORT=NOin the LIBNAME statement and subsequently a BY statement is encountered. An erroroccurs unless your data has been sorted (either by previously using PROC SORT orbecause it was created in sorted order). Set BYSORT=YES in the DATA or PROC step,for input or update opens, to override BYSORT=NO in the LIBNAME statement. Thepoint is that BYSORT=NO instructs the engine to do nothing to sort the data.

    When you use the BYSORT=YES and the IDXWHERE= data set options, thefollowing messages are written to the SAS log if you set the MSGLEVEL=I SAS systemoption:

    3 If IDXWHERE=YES and there is an index on the BY variable, the index is used toorder the rows of the table. The following message is written to the SAS log:

    Note: BY ordering was produced by using an index for table tablename .

    3 If IDXWHERE=NO or IDXWHERE=YES and there is no index on the BY variable,SPD Engine performs an automatic sort to order the rows of the table. Thefollowing message is written to the SAS log:

    Note: BY ordering was produced by performing an automaticsort on table tablename .


    Example 1: Group Formatting with BYSORT=YES by Default

    libname growth spde D:\SchoolAge;data growth.teens;

    input Name $ Sex $ Age Height Weight;datalines;

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    28 BYSORT= LIBNAME Statement Option4 Chapter 3

    Alfred M 14 69.0 112.5Carol F 14 62.8 102.5James M 13 57.3 83.0Janet F 15 62.5 112.5Judy F 14 64.3 90.0Philip M 16 72.0 150.0William M 15 66.5 112.0


    proc print data=growth.teens; by sex;run;

    Even though the data was not sorted using PROC SORT, no error occurred becauseBYSORT=YES is the default. The output is shown:

    Output 3.1 Group Formatting with BYSORT=YES by Default

    The SAS System


    Obs Name Age Height Weight2 Carol 14 62.8 102.54 Janet 15 62.5 112.55 Judy 14 64.3 90.0


    Obs Name Age Height Weight

    1 Alfred 14 69.0 112.53 James 13 57.3 83.06 Philip 16 72.0 150.07 William 15 66.5 112.0

    Example 2: Using BYSORT=NO in the LIBNAME StatementIn the following example, SAS returns an error because BYSORT=YES was not

    specied on the DATA or PROC steps to override the BYSORT=NO specication in theLIBNAME statement. Whenever automatic sorting is suppressed (BYSORT=NO), thedata must be sorted on the BY variable before the BY statement (for example, by usingPROC SORT).

    libname growth spde D:\SchoolAge bysort=no;proc print data=growth.teens;by sex;run;

    ERROR: Data set GROWTH.TEENS is not sorted in ascending sequence.The current by-group has Sex = M and the next by-group has Sex = F.

    NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.

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    SPD Engine LIBNAME Statement Options 4 DATAPATH= LIBNAME Statement Option 29

    DATAPATH= LIBNAME Statement OptionSpecies a list of paths in which to store data partitions (.dpf) for an SPD Engine data set.

    Affected by: PARTSIZE= data set or LIBNAME optionDefault: the primary path specied in the LIBNAME statement

    SyntaxDATAPATH= (path1 path2... )

    pathn is a complete pathname in single or double quotation marks within parentheses.Separate multiple arguments with spaces.

    Note: The pathnames specied in the DATAPATH= option must be unique for

    each library. Librefs that are different but reference the same pathnames can resultin lost data. 4

    Note: If your data is in the zFS le system, only one path specication isrequired. The zFS system automatically spreads the partitions across multiplelogical volumes. 4

    DetailsThe SPD Engine creates as many partitions as needed to store all the data. The size of the partitions is set using the PARTSIZE= option and partitions are created in thepaths specied using the DATAPATH= option in a cyclic fashion.

    Note: If you are planning to store data in locally mounted drives and access the

    data from a remote computer, use the remote pathname when you specify theLIBNAME. For example, if /data01 and /data02 are locally mounted drives on thelocalA computer, use the pathnames /nfs/localA/data01 and /nfs/localA/data02in the LIBNAME statement.

    You cannot change the pathnames of the les. When you specify the DATAPATH=,INDEXPATH=, METAPATH=, or primary path LIBNAME options, make sure that theidentical paths that were used when the data set was created are used every time youaccess the data sets. The names of these locations are stored internally in the data set.If you change any part of the pathname, the SPD Engine might not be able to nd thedata set or might damage the data set. 4


    The path for the rst partition is randomly selected and then continues in a cyclicalfashion:

    libname mylib spde /metadisk/metadatadatapath=(/disk1/dataflow1 /disk2/dataflow2 /disk3/dataflow3);

    For example, if /DISK2/DATAFLOW2 is randomly selected as the rst path, the rstpartition is located there. The second partition is located in /DISK3/DATAFLOW3, thethird partition is located in /DISK1/DATAFLOW1, and so on.

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    30 ENDOBS= LIBNAME Statement Option4 Chapter 3

    ENDOBS= LIBNAME Statement Option

    Species the end observation number in a user-dened range of observations to be processed.

    Used with: STARTOBS=Corresponding data set option: ENDOBS=Default: the last observation in the data setRestriction: use ENDOBS= with input data sets onlyRestriction: cannot be used with OBS= system and data set option or FIRSTOBS=system and data set option

    SyntaxENDOBS= n

    nis the number of the end observation.

    DetailsBy default, the SPD Engine processes all of the observations in the entire data setunless you specify a range of observations with the STARTOBS= and ENDOBS=options. If the STARTOBS= option is used without the ENDOBS= option, the implied value of ENDOBS= is the end of the data set. When both options are used together, the value of ENDOBS= must be greater than the value of STARTOBS=.

    In contrast to the default Base SAS engine option FIRSTOBS=, the STARTOBS= andENDOBS= SPD Engine system options can be used in the LIBNAME statement.

    Note: The OBS= system option and the OBS= data set option cannot be used withSTARTOBS= or ENDOBS= data set or LIBNAME options. 4

    (See Chapter 4, SPD Engine Data Set Options, on page 41 for information aboutusing the ENDOBS= data set option in WHERE processing.)


    The following example shows that the STARTOBS= and ENDOBS= options subsetthe data before the WHERE clause executes. The example prints the four observationsthat were qualied by the WHERE expression (age >13 in PROC PRINT). The fourobservations are out of the ve observations that were processed from the input data set:

    libname growth spde D:\SchoolAge endobs=5;data growth.teens;

    input Name $ Sex $ Age Height Weight;datalines;Alfred M 14 69.0 112.5Carol F 14 62.8 102.5James M 13 57.3 83.0Janet F 15 62.5 112.5Judy F 14 64.3 90.0

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    SPD Engine LIBNAME Statement Options 4 IDXBY= LIBNAME Statement Option 31

    Philip M 16 72.0 150.0William M 15 66.5 112.0;

    proc print data=growth.teens; where age >13;


    The output is shown:

    The SAS System

    Obs Name Sex Age Height Weight

    1 Alfred M 14 69.0 112.52 Carol F 14 62.8 102.54 Janet F 15 62.5 112.55 Judy F 14 64.3 90.0

    IDXBY= LIBNAME Statement OptionSpecies whether to use indexes when processing BY statements in the SPD Engine.

    Corresponding data set option: IDXBY=Affected by data set option: BYSORT=Default: YES

    SyntaxIDXBY= YES | NO

    YESuses an index when processing indexed variables in a BY statement.

    Note: If the BY statement species more than one variable or the DESCENDINGoption, then the index is not used, even if IDXBY=YES. 4

    NOdoes not use an index when processing indexed variables in a BY statement.

    Note: IDXBY=NO performs an automatic sort when processing a BY statement. 4

    DetailsWhen you use the IDXBY= LIBNAME option, make sure that you use BYSORT=YESoption and that the BY variable is indexed.

    In some cases, you might get better performance from the SPD Engine if youautomatically sort the data. To use the automatic sort, BYSORT=YES must be set andyou should specify IDXBY=NO.

    Set the SAS system option MSGLEVEL=I so that the BY processing information iswritten to the SAS log. When you use the IDXBY= LIBNAME option and theBYSORT=YES option, the following messages are written to the SAS log:

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    32 INDEXPATH= LIBNAME Statement Option4 Chapter 3

    3 If IDXBY=YES and there is an index on the BY variable, the index is used toorder the rows of the table. The following message is written to the SAS log:

    NOTE: BY ordering was produced by using an index fortable tablename .

    3 If you use IDXBY=NO, the following message is written to the SAS log:

    NOTE: BY ordering was produced by performing an automatic sorton table tablename .


    Example 1: Using the IDXBY=NO LIBNAME Option

    libname permdata spde c:/sales idxby=no;options msglevel=i;

    proc means data=permdata.customer;var sales;

    by state;run;

    The following message is written to the SAS log:

    NOTE: BY ordering was produced by performing an automatic sorton table PERMDATA.customer.

    NOTE: There were 100 observations read from the dataset PERMDATA.CUSTOMER.

    Example 2: Using the IDXBY=YES LIBNAME Option

    The following example uses IDXBY=YES:

    libname permdata spde c:\sales idxby=yes;options msglevel=i;

    proc means data=permdata.customer;var sales;

    by state;run;

    The following message is written to the SAS log:

    NOTE: BY ordering was produced by using an index for tablePERMDATA.customer.

    NOTE: There were 2981 observations read from the data setPERMDATA.CUSTOMER.

    INDEXPATH= LIBNAME Statement OptionSpecies a path or list of paths in which to store the two types of index component les (.hbx and.idx) associated with an SPD Engine data set.

    Default: the primary path specied in the LIBNAME statement

    SyntaxINDEXPATH= (path1 )

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    SPD Engine LIBNAME Statement Options 4 METAPATH= LIBNAME Statement Option 33

    pathn is a complete pathname, in single or double quotation marks within parentheses.Separate multiple arguments with spaces.

    Note: The pathnames specied in the INDEXPATH= option must be unique foreach library. Librefs that are different but reference the same pathnames can resultin lost data. 4

    DetailsThe SPD Engine creates the two index component les in the locations specied. If there are multiple pathnames specied, the rst path is randomly selected. When thereis not enough space in the path, the index component les overow into the next lepath specied, and so on.

    Note: If you are planning to store data in locally mounted drives and access thedata from a remote computer, use the remote pathname when you specify theLIBNAME. For example, if /data01 and /data02 are locally mounted drives on thelocalA computer, use the pathnames /nfs/localA/data01 and /nfs/localA/data02in the LIBNAME statement.

    You cannot change the pathnames of the les. When you specify the DATAPATH=,INDEXPATH=, METAPATH=, or primary path LIBNAME options, make sure that theidentical paths that were used when the data set was created are used every time youaccess the data sets. The names of these locations are stored internally in the data set.If you change any part of the pathname, the SPD Engine might not be able to nd thedata set or might damage the data set. 4


    The following example creates index component les that span the paths /DISK1/ IDXFLOW1, /DISK2/IDXFLOW2, and /DISK3/IDXFLOW3.

    libname mylib spde /metadisk/metadatadatapath= (/disk1/dataflow1 /disk2/dataflow2 /disk3/dataflow3)

    indexpath=(/disk1/idxflow1 /disk2/idxflow2 /disk3/idxflow3 );

    The path for the rst index component les is randomly selected. SAS puts the indexcomponent les in the rst location until that location is full, and then continues in acyclical fashion. For example, if /DISK2/IDXFLOW2 is randomly selected, the rstindex component les are located there. When that location is full, the index componentles overow to /DISK3/IDXFLOW3, and then to /DISK1/IDXFLOW1.

    METAPATH= LIBNAME Statement Option

    Species a list of overow paths in which to store metadata (.mdf) component les for an SPDEngine data set.

    Default: the primary path specied in the LIBNAME statement

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    34 PARTSIZE= LIBNAME Statement Option4 Chapter 3

    SyntaxMETAPATH= (path1 )


    is a complete pathname in single or double quotation marks within parentheses.Separate multiple arguments with spaces.

    Note: The pathnames specied in the METAPATH= option must be unique foreach library. Librefs that are different but reference the same pathnames can resultin lost data. 4

    DetailsThe METAPATH= option is specied for space that is exclusively overow space for themetadata component le. The metadata component le for each data set must begin inthe primary path, and overow occurs to the METAPATH= location when the primarypath is full.

    Note: If you are planning to store data in locally mounted drives and access thedata from a remote computer, use the remote pathname when you specify theLIBNAME. If /data01 and /data02 are locally mounted drives on the localA computer,use the pathnames /nfs/localA/data01 and /nfs/localA/data02 in the LIBNAMEstatement.

    You cannot change the pathnames of the les. When you specify the DATAPATH=,INDEXPATH=, METAPATH=, or primary path LIBNAME options, make sure that theidentical paths that were used when the data set was created are used every time youaccess the data sets. The names of these locations are stored internally in the data set.If you change any part of the pathname, the SPD Engine might not be able to nd thedata set or might damage the data set. 4


    The following example creates overow metadata le partitions as needed using thepath /DISK1/METAFLOW1.

    When /METADISK/METADATA is full, the metadata overows to /DISK1/METAFLOW1.

    libname mylib spde /metadisk/metadatadatapath=(/disk1/dataflow1 /disk2/dataflow2)


    PARTSIZE= LIBNAME Statement OptionSpecies the maximum size (in megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes) that the data componentpartitions can be. The value is specied when the SPD Engine data set is created. This size is axed size. This specication applies only to the data component les.

    Corresponding data set option: PARTSIZE=Used with: MINPARTSIZE= system optionAffected by LIBNAME option: DATAPATH=

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    SPD Engine LIBNAME Statement Options 4 PARTSIZE= LIBNAME Statement Option 35

    Default: 128 MB

    SyntaxPARTSIZE= n | n M | n G | n T

    n | n M | n G | n Tis the size of the partition in megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes. If n is speciedwithout M, G, or T, the default is megabytes. PARTSIZE=128 is the same asPARTSIZE=128M. The maximum value is 8,796,093,022,207 megabytes.Restriction: This restriction applies only to 32bit hosts with the following

    operating systems: z/OS, Linux SLES 9 x86, and the Windows family. In SAS 9.2,if you create a data set with a partition size greater than or equal to 2 gigabytes,you cannot open the data set with any version of SPD Engine before SAS 9.2. Thefollowing error message is written to the SAS log:

    ERROR: Unable to open data file because its data

    representation differs from the SAS session datarepresentation.

    DetailsSPD Engine data must be stored in multiple partitions for it to be subsequentlyprocessed in parallel. Specifying PARTSIZE= forces the software to partition SPDEngine data les at the specied size. The actual size of the partition is computed toaccommodate the maximum number of observations that t in the specied size of nmegabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes. If you have a table with an observation lengthgreater than 65K, you might nd that the PARTSIZE= you specify and the actualpartition size do not match. To get these numbers to match, specify a PARTSIZE= thatis a multiple of 32 and the observation length.

    By splitting (partitioning) the data portion of an SPD Engine data set into xed-sizedles, the software can introduce a high degree of scalability for some operations. TheSPD Engine can spawn threads in parallel (for example, up to one thread per partitionfor WHERE evaluations). Separate data partitions also enable the SPD Engine toprocess the data without the overhead of le access contention between the threads.Because each partition is one le, the trade-off for a small partition size is that anincreased number of les (for example, UNIX i-nodes) are required to store theobservations.

    Scalability limitations using PARTSIZE= depend on how you congure and spreadthe le systems specied in the DATAPATH= option across striped volumes. (Youshould spread each individual volumes striping conguration across multiple diskcontrollers or SCSI channels in the disk storage array.) The goal for the conguration isto maximize parallelism during data retrieval. For information about disk striping, seeI/O Setup and Validation under SPD Engine in Scalability and Performance at .

    The PARTSIZE= specication is limited by the SPD Engine system optionMINPARTSIZE=, which is usually set and maintained by the system administrator.MINPARTSIZE= ensures that an inexperienced user does not arbitrarily create smallpartitions, thereby generating a large number of les.

    The partition size determines a unit of work for many of the parallel operations thatrequire full data set scans. But, more partitions does not always mean fasterprocessing. The trade-offs involve balancing the increased number of physical les

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    36 STARTOBS= LIBNAME Statement Option4 Chapter 3

    (partitions) required to store the data set against the amount of work that can be donein parallel by having more partitions. More partitions means more open les to processthe data set, but a smaller number of observations in each partition. A general rule isto have 10 or fewer partitions per data path, and 3 to 4 partitions per CPU.

    To determine an adequate partition size for a new SPD Engine data set, you shouldbe aware of the following:

    3 the types of applications that run against the data3 how much data you have3 how many CPUs are available to the applications3 which disks are available for storing the partitions3 the relationships of these disks to the CPUs

    If each CPU controls only one disk, then an appropriate partition size would be onein which each disk contains approximately the same amount of data. If each CPUcontrols two disks, then an appropriate partition size would be one in which the load isbalanced. Each CPU does approximately the same amount of work.

    Note: The PARTSIZE= value for a data set cannot be changed after a data set iscreated. To change PARTSIZE=, you must re-create the data set and specify a differentPARTSIZE= value in the LIBNAME statement or on the new (output) data set. 4


    When you specify the partition size in the LIBNAME statement, you have to select asize that is appropriate for most of the data sets stored in that library. For example,suppose you have an 8-disk conguration. The smallest data set has 20 gigabytes of data, the largest has 50 gigabytes of data, and the remaining data sets have 36gigabytes of data each. A partition size of 1250M is optimal for a 36-gigabyte data set(four partitions per disk). The 20-gigabyte data set uses two partitions per disk, and the50gigabyte data set uses ve partitions per disk.

    libname sales spde /primdisk partsize=1250Mdatapath=(/disk01 /disk02 /disk03 /disk04/disk05 /disk06 /disk07 /disk08);

    STARTOBS= LIBNAME Statement Option

    Species the starting observation number in a user-dened range of observations to be processed.

    Used with: ENDOBS=Corresponding data set option: STARTOBS=Default: the rst observation in the data set

    Restriction: use STARTOBS= with input data sets onlyRestriction: cannot be used with OBS= system and data set option or FIRSTOBS=system and data set option

    SyntaxSTARTOBS= n

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    SPD Engine LIBNAME Statement Options 4 STARTOBS= LIBNAME Statement Option 37

    nis the number of the starting observation.


    By default, the SPD Engine processes all of the observations in the entire data setunless you specify a range of observations with the STARTOBS= and ENDOBS=options. If the ENDOBS= option is used without the STARTOBS= option, the implied value of STARTOBS= is 1. When both options are used together, the value of STARTOBS= must be less than the value of ENDOBS=.

    In contrast to the default Base SAS engine option FIRSTOBS=, the STARTOBS= andENDOBS= SPD Engine options can be used in the LIBNAME statement.

    Note: FIRSTOBS= default Base SAS engine option is not supported by the SPDEngine. The OBS= system option and the OBS= data set option cannot be used withSTARTOBS= or ENDOBS= data set or LIBNAME options. 4

    (Refer to Chapter 4, SPD Engine Data Set Options, on page 41 for informationabout using the STARTOBS= data set option in WHERE processing.)


    The following example prints the ve observations that were qualied by theWHERE expression (age >13 in PROC PRINT). The ve observations are out of the sixobservations that were processed, starting with the second observation in the data set:

    libname growth spde D:\SchoolAge startobs=2;data growth.teens;

    input Name $ Sex $ Age Height Weight;datalines;Alfred M 14 69.0 112.5Carol F 14 62.8 102.5

    James M 13 57.3 83.0Janet F 15 62.5 112.5Judy F 14 64.3 90.0Philip M 16 72.0 150.0William M 15 66.5 112.0;

    proc print data=growth.teens; where age >13;


    The output is shown:

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    38 TEMP= LIBNAME Statement Option4 Chapter 3

    Output 3.2 STARTOBS=

    The SAS System

    Obs Name Sex Age Height Weight

    2 Carol F 14 62.8 102.54 Janet F 15 62.5 112.55 Judy F 14 64.3 90.06 Philip M 16 72.0 150.07 William M 15 66.5 112.0

    TEMP= LIBNAME Statement Option

    Species to store the library in a temporary subdirectory of the primary directory.

    Default: NO

    SyntaxTEMP= YES | NO

    YESspecies to create the temporary subdirectory.

    NOspecies not to create a temporary subdirectory.

    DetailsThe TEMP= option creates a temporary subdirectory of the primary directory that wasnamed in the LIBNAME statement. The subdirectory and all of its les contained aredeleted at the end of the session.

    You can use TEMP= with the SAS option USER= to create a temporary directory tostore interim data sets that can be referenced with a single-level name.

    Note: When using the SIGNON statement in SAS/CONNECT software, theINHERITLIB= option cannot refer to an SPD Engine library that was dened with theTEMP= option. 4

    ExampleThe following example illustrates two features:3 the use of the TEMP= LIBNAME option to create a temporary library3 the use of the USER= system option to enable the use of single-level table names

    for SPD Engine tables

    A directory is created under mydata . The MASTERCOPY table has its metadata lestored in mydata. The data and index for MASTERCOPY are created in the locationsspecied in the DATAPATH= and INDEXPATH= options.

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    C H A P T E R

    4SPD Engine Data Set Options

    Introduction to SPD Engine Data Set Options 41 Syntax 41

    ASYNCINDEX= Data Set Option 42 BYNOEQUALS= Data Set Option 43 BYSORT= Data Set Option 45COMPRESS= Data Set Option 47 ENCRYPT= Data Set Option 49 ENDOBS= Data Set Option 50 IDXBY= Data Set Option 53 IDXWHERE= Data Set Option 54 IOBLOCKSIZE= Data Set Option 56 LISTFILES= Data Set Option 57 PADCOMPRESS= Data Set Option 60 PARTSIZE= Data Set Option 60 STARTOBS= Data Set Option 62 SYNCADD= Data Set Option 65THREADNUM= Data Set Option 67UNIQUESAVE= Data Set Option 68WHERENOINDEX= Data Set Option 71

    SPD Engine Data Set Options List 71 SAS Data Set Options That Behave Differently with the SPD Engine Than with the Default Base SAS

    Engine 73 SAS Data Set Options Not Supported by the SPD Engine 73

    Introduction to SPD Engine Data Set Options

    Specifying data set options for the SPD Engine is the same as specifying data setoptions for the default Base SAS Engine or SAS/ACCESS engines. This section providesdetails about data set options that are used only with the SPD Engine. The defaultBase SAS engine data set options that affect the SPD Engine are also listed.When using the options, remember that if a data set option is used subsequent to aLIBNAME option of the same name, the value of the data set option takes precedence.


    (option1=value1 ...)

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    42 ASYNCINDEX= Data Set Option4 Chapter 4

    species a data set option in parentheses after a SAS data set name. To specifyseveral data set options, separate them with spaces.

    ASYNCINDEX= Data Set Option

    Species to create indexes in parallel when creating multiple indexes on an SPD Engine data set.

    Valid in: DATA step and PROC stepDefault: NO


    YEScreates the indexes in parallel (asynchronously).

    NOcreates one index at a time (synchronously).

    DetailsThe SPD Engine can create multiple indexes for a data set at the same time. The SPDEngine spawns a single thread for each index created, and then processes the threadssimultaneously. Although creating indexes in parallel is much faster than creating oneindex at a time, the default for this option is NO. Parallel creation requires additionalutility work space and additional memory, which might not be available. If the indexcreation fails due to insufcient resources, you can do one of the following:

    3 set the SAS system option to MEMSIZE=0*3 increase the size of the utility le space using the SPDEUTILLOC= system option

    You increase the memory space that is used for index sorting using theSPDEINDEXSORTSIZE= system option. If you specify to create indexes in parallel,specify a large-enough space using the SPDEUTILLOC= system option.


    The DATASETS procedure has the exibility to use batched parallel index creationby using multiple MODIFY groups. Instead of creating all of the indexes at once, whichwould require a signicant amount of space, you can create the indexes in groups asshown in the following example:

    proc datasets lib=main;modify patients(asyncindex=yes);

    index create PatientNo PatientClass;run;

    * for OpenVMS on HP Integrity Servers, increase the paging le quota (PGFLQUO); for z/OS, increase the REGION size.

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    SPD Engine Data Set Options 4 BYNOEQUALS= Data Set Option 43

    modify patients(asyncindex=yes);index create LastName FirstName;

    run;modify patients(asyncindex=no);

    index create FullName=(LastName FirstName)ClassSex=(PatientClass PatientSex);



    BYNOEQUALS= Data Set Option

    Species whether the output order of data set observations that have identical values for the BYvariable is guaranteed to be in the data set order.

    Valid in: DATA step and PROC stepUsed with: BYSORT=YES data set optionDefault: NO


    YESdoes not guarantee that the output order of data set observations that have identical values for the BY variable is in data set order.

    NOguarantees that the output order of data set observations that have identical valuesfor the BY variable is in data set order.

    DetailsWhen a group of observations that have identical values for the BY statement is output,the order of the observations in the output is the same as the data set order because thedefault is BYNOEQUALS=NO. By specifying YES, the processing time is decreased, butthe observations are not guaranteed to be output in the data set order.

    The data set or LIBNAME option BYSORT= must be YES (the default) because theBYNOEQUALS= option has no effect when BYSORT=NO.

    The following table shows when the SPD Engine preserves physical order in theoutput:

    Table 4.1 SPD Engines Preserves Physical Order

    Condition: Data Set Order Preserved?

    If BY is present YES (BYNOEQUALS=NO and BYSORT=YESby default)

    If BY is present and BYNOEQUALS=YES NO

    If BY is present and BYSORT=NO YES (because no automatic sort occurs)

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    44 BYNOEQUALS= Data Set Option4 Chapter 4

    Condition: Data Set Order Preserved?

    If neither BY nor WHERE is present YES

    If WHERE is present NO


    Example 1: BYNOEQUALS=YESIn the following example, the observations that have identical BY values on the key

    variable are output in unpredictable order because BYNOEQUALS=YES:

    title With BYNOEQUALS=YES;proc print data=tempdata.housreps(bynoequals=yes);

    by state; where state in (CA TX);


    The output is shown:

    Output 4.1 BYNOEQUALS=YES


    Obs Representative District26 Berman, Howard L. 26th55 Calvert, Ken 43d60 Capps, Lois 22d76 Cardoza, Dennis 18th22 Becerra, Xavier 30th

    9 Baca, Joe 42d80 Cox, Christopher 47th38 Bono, Mary 44th89 Cunningham, Randy "Duke" 50th

    State=TXObs Representative District

    87 Culberson, John Abney 7th20 Barton, Joe 6th75 Combest, Larry 19th36 Bonilla, Henry 23d

    8 Armey, Richard K. 26th23 Bentsen, Ken 25th44 Brady, Kevin 8th

    Example 2: BYNOEQUALS=NOThe following example shows the output with BYNOEQUALS=NO:

    title With BYNOEQUALS=NO;proc print data=tempdata.housreps(bynoequals=no);

    by state; where state in (CA TX);


    The output is shown:

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    SPD Engine Data Set Options 4 BYSORT= Data Set Option 45

    Output 4.2 BYNOEQUALS=NO



    Obs Representative District

    9 Baca, Joe 42d22 Becerra, Xavier 30th26 Berman, Howard L. 26th38 Bono, Mary 44th55 Calvert, Ken 43d60 Capps, Lois 22d76 Cardoza, Dennis 18th80 Cox, Christopher 47th89 Cunningham, Randy "Duke" 50th


    Obs Representative District

    8 Armey, Richard K. 26th20 Barton, Joe 6th23 Bentsen, Ken 25th36 Bonilla, Henry 23d44 Brady, Kevin 8th75 Combest, Larry 19th87 Culberson, John Abney 7th

    BYSORT= Data Set OptionSpecies for the SPD Engine to perform an automatic sort when it encounters a BY statement.

    Valid in: DATA step and PROC stepAffects data set option: BYNOEQUALS=Default: YES

    SyntaxBYSORT= YES | NO

    YESspecies to automatically sort the data based on the BY variables whenever a BYstatement is encountered, instead of invoking PROC SORT before a BY statement.

    NOspecies not to sort the data based on the BY variables. Specifying NO means thatthe data must already be sorted before the BY statement. Indexes are not used.

    DetailsDATA or PROC step processing using the default Base SAS engine requires that if there is no index or if the observations are not in order, the data set must be sorted

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    46 BYSORT= Data Set Option 4 Chapter 4

    before a BY statement is issued. In contrast, by default, the SPD Engine sorts the datareturned to the application if the observations are not in order. Unlike PROC SORT,which creates a new sorted data set, the SPD Engines automatic sort does not changethe permanent data set and does not create a new data set. However, utility le spaceis used. For more information, see SPDEUTILLOC= System Option on page 81.

    The default is BYSORT=YES. A BYSORT=YES argument enables the automaticsort, which outputs the observations in BY group order. If the data set option

    BYNOEQUALS=YES, then the observations within a group might be output in adifferent order from the order in the data set. Set BYNOEQUALS=NO to retain dataset order.

    The BYSORT=NO argument means that the data must already be sorted on thespecied BY variables. This result can be from a previous sort using PROC SORT, orfrom the data set having been created in BY variable order. When BYSORT=NO,grouped data is delivered to the application in data set order. Indexes are not used toretrieve the observations in BY variable order. The data set option BYNOEQUALS=has no effect when BYSORT=NO.

    If you specify the BYSORT= option in the LIBNAME statement, it can be overriddenby specifying BYSORT= in the PROC or DATA steps. Therefore, you set BYSORT=NOin the LIBNAME statement and subsequently a BY statement is encountered. An erroroccurs unless your data has been sorted (either by previously using PROC SORT orbecause it was created in sorted order). Set BYSORT=YES in the DATA or PROC step,for input or update opens, to override BYSORT=NO in the LIBNAME statement. Thepoint is that BYSORT=NO instructs the engine to do nothing to s