saskatchewan scrap tire corporation treads winter 2009

Six communities around the province got a rubberized facelift over the summer with Community Demonstration Grants from the Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation (SSTC). The SSTC established the Community Demonstration Grant Program as a way to encourage communities to undertake projects that make use of recycled tire products. The program helps to fund community improvement projects that serve as examples to other communities across the province, and also enables SSTC to give back to the people of Saskatchewan, who have helped build one of the most successful tire recycling programs in Canada. The program is open to all Saskatchewan municipalities, registered non-profit organizations/ community groups, schools, and First Nations and Métis settlements. Eligible applicants can apply for matching grants of up to $5,000 for the purchase and transport of recycled tire products, and up to $500 for the installation of the product. Recycled Tire Projects Give A Lift In Six Communities GRANT PROGRAM ENCOURAGES COMMUNITIES TO USE RECYCLED TIRE PRODUCTS Return undeliverable copies to: Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation PO Box 1936 Regina SK S4P 3E1 T READ S ISSUE 2 FALL 2009 Re-tire Reclaim Recycle Six summer students had unique jobs this year thanks to a collaboration of Saskatchewan’s environmental stewardship groups. The 2009 Recycling Ambassadors Project was a joint effort of the Saskatchewan Association for Resource Recovery Corp. (SARRC), the Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council (SWRC), SARCAN Recycling, Product Care (Saskatchewan Paint Recycling Program (SPRP), Saskatchewan Waste Electronic Equipment Program (SWEEP), Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation (SSTC) and Retire Your Ride (RYR). The students attended various community events over the summer to help represent the stewardship groups, and also visited 900 retailers on behalf of all the organizations. Included in their schedule were visits to tire retailers and auto wreckers around the province to both educate about SSTC and hear any feedback retailers had to offer. The team also left behind “vinyl clings” to keep SSTC top-of-mind. Students visited 348 municipal offices on behalf of most of the project partners. They reported that many municipal offices were interested in Phase 3 of the SSTC Program and reported anecdotally that there are many farmers with tire piles that will want to take advantage of the cleanup of private stockpiles. Summer “Ambassador” Program Travels Province RETAILERS PROVIDE FEEDBACK COMMUNITY PROJECT RECYCLED SCRAP TIRE CONTENT Coronach Early Learning Literacy Centre Pre-school playground surface; pathways Crumb rubber playground surface; pathways Resort Village of Coteau Beach (Community Club) Playground Recycled rubber edging boards Town of Rosetown Pool park & playground Rubberized asphalt pathway; rubber parking curbs Town of Maidstone Landscape upgrades (cemetery property) Crumb rubber mulch Town of Wakaw Playground surface Crumb rubber playground surface City of Weyburn Gordon Miles Place mini park Crumb rubber playground surface THE 2009 GRANT RECIPIENTS: The team left ‘vinyl clings’ with retailers Crumb rubber playground surface

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The Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation Treads Winter 2009


Page 1: Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation Treads Winter 2009

Six communities around the provincegot a rubberized facelift over thesummer with CommunityDemonstration Grants from theSaskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation(SSTC). The SSTC established theCommunity Demonstration GrantProgram as a way to encouragecommunities to undertake projects thatmake use of recycled tire products.

The program helps to fund communityimprovement projects that serve as

examples to other communities acrossthe province, and also enables SSTC to give back to the people ofSaskatchewan, who have helped buildone of the most successful tire recyclingprograms in Canada. The program isopen to all Saskatchewan municipalities,registered non-profit organizations/community groups, schools, and FirstNations and Métis settlements.

Eligible applicants can apply formatching grants of up to $5,000 for the

purchase and transport of recycled tireproducts, and up to $500 for theinstallation of the product.


Return undeliverable copies to:Saskatchewan Scrap Tire CorporationPO Box 1936 Regina SK S4P 3E1


Re-t ire Reclaim Recycle

Six summer students had unique jobsthis year thanks to a collaboration ofSaskatchewan’s environmentalstewardship groups. The 2009 RecyclingAmbassadors Project was a joint effortof the Saskatchewan Association forResource Recovery Corp. (SARRC),

the Saskatchewan Waste ReductionCouncil (SWRC), SARCAN Recycling,Product Care (Saskatchewan PaintRecycling Program (SPRP),Saskatchewan Waste ElectronicEquipment Program (SWEEP),Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation

(SSTC) and Retire Your Ride (RYR).

The students attended variouscommunity events over the summer tohelp represent the stewardship groups,and also visited 900 retailers on behalfof all the organizations. Included intheir schedule were visits to tire retailersand auto wreckers around the provinceto both educate about SSTC and hearany feedback retailers had to offer. Theteam also left behind “vinyl clings” tokeep SSTC top-of-mind.

Students visited 348 municipal officeson behalf of most of the projectpartners. They reported that manymunicipal offices were interested inPhase 3 of the SSTC Program andreported anecdotally that there are many farmers with tire piles that willwant to take advantage of the cleanup of private stockpiles.

Summer “Ambassador” Program Travels ProvinceRETAILERS PROVIDE FEEDBACK

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Coronach Early Learning Literacy Centre Pre-school playground surface; pathways Crumb rubber playground surface; pathways

Resort Village of Coteau Beach (Community Club) Playground Recycled rubber edging boards

Town of Rosetown Pool park & playground Rubberized asphalt pathway; rubber parking curbs

Town of Maidstone Landscape upgrades (cemetery property) Crumb rubber mulch

Town of Wakaw Playground surface Crumb rubber playground surface

City of Weyburn Gordon Miles Place mini park Crumb rubber playground surface


The team left ‘vinyl clings’ with retailers

Crumb rubber playground surface

Page 2: Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation Treads Winter 2009

SSTC is facilitating a research projecton the effectiveness of using rubberfrom recycled tires in road repairs.The project arose out of discussionswith the City of Estevan, which waslooking for an innovative approach torepair “frost boils”, which are areas of damage to paved roads cause by frost heaving.

“There was some anecdotal evidencethat good results had been achieved byusing scrap tire materials to repair thesefrost boils,” says SSTC ExecutiveDirector Theresa McQuoid. “We

wondered if this might have a

broader application, and who could

prove it out.”

As a result a working group has been

formed to test this idea. SSTC has put

together the project outline, and will beworking with Communities ofTomorrow, the SaskatchewanTransportation Centre of Excellence,and the City of Estevan to test the concept.

The details of the Road Rehabilitationusing Recycled Tires project will bedeveloped this winter, and the actualtesting will take place during normalspring road repairs in Estevan in 2010.

“If this idea works well, it could be awhole new market for recycled rubberfrom scrap tires,” said McQuoid.

SSTC Leads New Research on“Rubber in the Road”A WHOLE NEW MARKET FOR RECYCLED RUBBER?

• • • • •Preparations are underway to launchPhase 3 of the SSTC tire recyclingprogram. Phase 1 dealt with simplyestablishing the program to collect scraptires from retailers and develop arecycling system. Phase 2 undertook thework of collecting historical scrap tirepiles from municipal landfills, whichwill be completed during 2009. Phase 3will target private stockpiles of scraptires across the province.

“Our board authorized development ofthe Phase 3 plan at our 2009 strategic

planning meeting,” said SSTCExecutive Director Theresa McQuoid.“They laid out guidance for timing andgeneral parameters of the budget. Nowwe’re getting down to work, developingthe details of the plan itself.”

The first step in Phase 3 planning is tohire a full time Plan Coordinator to jointhe SSTC team. SSTC is working withan executive search firm to find theright person for this role.

“There is much to be done, and theindividual who takes on this

responsibility will be managing thedevelopment and execution of the Phase 3 program,” said McQuoid. “Wereally need to be sure that we find theright candidate.”

The coordinator will work with SSTC'sBoard and staff to develop andimplement a multi-year program, whichwill seek to identify and collect the vastmajority of private scrap tire stockpilesin Saskatchewan. The position isexpected to be hired by the end of 2009or early 2010.


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The most recycled scrap tires ever used in one roadwork season inSaskatchewan have been rolled intohighways across the province assummer construction came to a close.An estimated 205,500 tires were putback into the roads, using crumb rubberasphalt pavement, which is produced inpart from scrap tires.

This alternative to conventional pavingwas used by the Ministry of Highways

and Infrastructure on resurfacingprojects on Highways 1 and 32 in theSwift Current and Maple Creek areas.This typical resurfacing work recycles anestimated 1,300 tires per lane kilometre.

Thinner resurfacing projects usingsimilar technology on Highway 5 westof Humboldt, Highway 7 southwest ofSaskatoon and Highway 11 nearKenaston are estimated to recycle about500 tires per lane kilometre.

During the 2009 construction season,about 227 km of various highway laneswere paved with asphalt crumb rubber,which helped divert an estimated205,500 tires from landfills.

“We are very pleased to see that bothindustry and the province’s Ministry ofHighways and Infrastructure are usingthis technology more each year,” saidSSTC Executive Director TheresaMcQuoid. “It is truly a win-win, withboth the environmental benefit ofdiverting tires from municipal landfillsas well as an economic benefit fromreducing long-term maintenance costsfor rubberized asphalt.”

205,500 Tires Estimated to be in Highway Projects

Billboard Campaign Targets Wider Audience

As part of its ongoing publicawareness campaign, SSTC ran abillboard campaign in Septemberand October to get our message outacross Saskatchewan.

“We wanted a fresh, new message inareas where we haven’t done asmuch advertising this year,” saidSSTC Executive Director TheresaMcQuoid. “I was really pleased with

this campaign.”The billboard campaign includedpostings in North Battleford,Yorkton Moose Jaw, Estevan, andWeyburn. The creative featured a

man and little girl looking at a pileof tires, making note of the fact thatover 13 million tires have beenrecycled through the program, withthe slogan “Thanks for your 13”.

“This campaign gave us the chance to show the tremendousresults of scrap tire recycling inSaskatchewan,” said McQuoid. “It isimportant that the success of the

program is continually in the public mind.”SSTC’s advertising is reviewed andrefreshed on a rolling six-monthschedule.