sat by topics level 1

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  • 8/10/2019 Sat by Topics Level 1


    optimistic believing positively

    mercurial flighty ; temperamental

    magnanimous giving and kind

    taciturn uncommunicative

    docile compliant ; submissive

    morbid gloomy ; nasty ; sickly

    specificity state of being precise or particular

    discontinuity stop

    loftiness arrogance

    profundity wisdom

    uniqueness differentness

    detail feature, specific aspect ; military troop

    concreteness facts of existence

    inaccessibility not accessible ; unapproachable.

    inclusiveness extent ; great importance

    comparability contrasting ; corresponding

    loquacious talkative

    querulous grouchy ; hard to please

    disaffected alienated ; estranged

    diplomatic politic ; tactful

    diffident hesitant ; unconfident

    alacrity liveliness ; promptness

    languor lethargy

    resentment hate ; anger

    decorum appropriate behavior ; good manners

    aplomb assurance

    crucial critical ; important

    indispensable necessary

    detrimental damaging ; disadvantageous

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    tangential digressing

    relevant appropriate ; to the purpose

    renunciation abandonment ; rejection

    dissemination distribution

    communication giving, exchanging information, ideas

    interpretation understanding

    legislation law of a government

    insistent demanding

    unnatural not regular ; artificial

    melodious harmonious

    inaudible silent

    strident harsh ; shrill

    discrete individual

    straightforward honest ; simple, easy

    elementary simple ; basic

    vacuous empty ; unintelligent

    discontinuance stop, suspension of activity

    appointment arrangement for meeting ; prearranged meeting ; assignment of responsibility ;

    job, position of responsibility ; furnishing(s)

    waiver giving up ; letting go

    census head count

    levyassessment ; tax

    predict express an outcome in advance

    defend protect

    chronicle report ; recount

    avert thwart ; avoid by turning away

    surmise come to a conclusion

    libertine debauched person

    zealot enthusiast

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    patriot person who loves his or her country

    maverick person who takes chances, departs from accepted course

    rebel person who does not obey

    provincial countrified ; limited

    partisan interested ; factional

    indulgent lenient ; giving

    altruistic unselfish

    vicarious done or felt for, or on behalf of, another

    spread expansion, development ; extent ; outlay of food, meal

    concentration consolidation of effort ; aggregation

    fading declining

    symptom sign of illness or problem

    improvement bettering ; something bettered

    scholarly academic

    lackluster dull ; lifeless

    influential effective ; powerful

    primitive ancient, original ; barbaric, crude

    outdated old-fashioned

    antiquarian old ; ancient

    masterful expert ; skilled

    novelty newness, originality ; trinket, gadget

    diversity variety ; difference

    stature importance

    starkness grimness ; barrenness

    toxicity adverse drug reaction caused by excessive dosing

    traditional usual ; established

    myriad innumerable

    vibrant alive, colorful ; throbbing

    varying variable

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    plague annoy ; disturb

    afford able to have or do ; within financial means ; give, produce

    exempt relieve ; absolve

    rack torture ; strain

    embolden encourage

    concordance agreement

    esteem think highly of ; consider, believe

    debate argue ; discuss

    dissension conflict of opinion

    scrutiny close examination

    articulate clearly, coherently spoken

    immature young, inexperienced

    disturbed disturbed physically ; disturbed mentally

    precocious exceptionally smart, ahead of age in understanding

    callow immature

    skeptic person who is leery, unbelieving

    pundit person who is authority

    dilettante amateur

    insurgent rebellious

    ascetic self-denying

    foresight mental preparedness

    nostalgia pleasant remembrances

    folly nonsense, ridiculous idea

    despair depression ; hopelessness

    artistry great skill in creative endeavors

    candid honest

    fictional fictitious

    convoluted complicated

    capricious given to sudden behavior change

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    bombastic pompous ; grandiloquent

    dispassionate unfeeling ; impartial

    decorous appropriate ; suitable

    emotional demonstrative about feelings

    chance accidental ; unforeseeable

    intuitive instinctive

    deliberate intentional

    intellectual very smart

    intentional deliberate

    random haphazard ; chance

    impulsive tending to act without thought

    instinctive reflex ; automatic

    logical probable ; reasonable

    streamlined modernized ; sleek

    mitigate check, diminish, lighten

    ossified bony

    politicized made political ; made partisan

    venerable respected

    infighting conflict ; strife

    jingoism extreme devotion to a belief or nation

    bureaucratization a complicated organized system; rules and regulations

    innovation change ; novelty

    cowardice timidity

    prudence caution

    hospitality neighborliness

    aloofness detachment

    loyalty faithfulness ; dependability

    applaud clap for; express approval

    derail go off the rails

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    acknowledge verbally recognize authority ; admit truth or reality of something ; verbally

    recognize receipt of something

    permit allow participation

    anticipate expect ; predict ; act in advance of

    condition circumstances ; requirement, limitation ; physical shape, fitness ; illness

    highlight memorable part

    stimulus provocation

    dictum saying ; proverb ; decree, pronouncement

    respite pause, suspension in activity

    negotiate bargain, discuss ; traverse, cross

    antagonize cause problem ; oppose

    surrender give up ; resign

    dominate govern, rule ; tower above

    equivocate avoid an issue

    concession yielding, adjustment

    friend confidant, companion ; benefactor

    enemy someone hated or competed against

    inquiry asking ; looking into

    denunciation condemnation ; criticism

    rousing stirring

    pedestrian everyday ; dull

    chaotic utterly confused

    derivative borrowed, transmitted from source

    spontaneous impulsive ; willing

    memorable noteworthy ; significant

    evolving develop gradually by process of growth and change

    unprecedented exceptional ; original

    inept clumsy, unskilled ; incompetent ; not suitable ; improper

    graceless clumsy, unsophisticated

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    cheapen diminish worth

    transform change completely

    revolutionize transform

    provoke make angry ; start, evoke ; stimulate

    stimulate excite ; provoke

    affordable inexpensive

    viable reasonable ; practicable

    improbable not likely

    inaccessible out of reach

    cryptic secret ; obscure in meaning

    judicious wise ; thoughtful

    jubilant happy

    supercilious arrogant ; stuck-up

    pugnacious belligerent

    belligerence fight

    indigence poorness

    perfidy treachery ; faithlessness

    aspersion verbal exhibition of bad temper

    tenacity diligence ; stubbornness

    imprecise inexact ; not working ; incorrect ; intangible, unsubstantial

    deficient imperfect ; inadequate

    obtrusive pushy ; obvious

    elliptical oval-shaped

    vast very large ; wide in range

    sparse very few and scattered

    enormous very large

    unimpressive ordinary ; insignificant

    negligible insignificant

    hollow empty, hollowed out ; deep, resonant in sound ; meaningless

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    thunderous booming

    deafening very loud

    mute muffle, tone down sound

    advance move something forward, often quickly ; promote or propose an idea ; give money


    alter change ; sterilize animal

    contradict be at variance with

    reinforce strengthen ; augment

    halt stop, cause to stop ; hesitate, stutter

    setback disappointment

    revolution drastic action or change, often in politics ; circuit around something

    truce peaceful solution

    crisis critical situation

    breakthrough advance ; progress

    credence trust ; acceptance

    disrepute dishonor ; shame

    acceptance agreement ; taking

    momentum impetus ; push

    currency paper and coin money of a country

    irrefutable beyond question

    dubious doubtful ; vague, unclear

    convincing persuasive

    systematic orderly

    inconclusive up in the air

    palpable clear, obvious ; concrete, real

    diaphanous fine, see-through

    variegated diversified ; varicolored

    luxurious affluent ; indulgent

    anomalous deviating from normal, usual

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    egalitarian equal

    dowager old woman

    iconoclast detractor

    purveyor custodian

    ensure guarantee ; make secure

    approve agree something is good ; allow, authorize

    belittle detract

    amateurish unprofessional

    lax slack ; remiss

    selective discriminating

    judgmental arbitrary

    sensitive impressionable ; easily hurt

    professional skilled ; trained

    harsh rough, crude (to the senses) ; nasty, abusive

    inclusive all-encompassing ; all-embracing

    insightful perceptive

    verbose wordy ; long-winded

    concise short, to the point

    succinct brief, to the point

    provocative aggravating ; sexually stimulating

    mundane ordinary

    edifying enlightening

    enlightening educational

    technical concerning details, mechanics

    aggregation collection

    inclination tendency, bent ; slant, angle

    prognosis forecast

    retrenchment economic decline ; lessening, reduction ; lack ; political conservatism

    preeminence dominance ; eminence

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    unequivocal definite ; positive

    effusive gushing ; profuse

    incorrigible bad ; hopeless

    tenuous weak ; thin

    ineffable too great for words

    misleading deceptive, confusing

    ironic sarcastic

    spellbindingattracting and holding interest as if by a spell

    misinterpret misconstrue ; misunderstand

    foresee anticipate ; predict

    ignore disregard on purpose

    liquefy melt

    contaminate adulterate

    purify free ; make clean

    saturate drench, wet through

    pollute make dirty ; corrupt

    founder person who establishes an institution

    backfire have an opposite effect

    boomerang backfire

    reciprocate exchange, alternate ; equal

    prevail dominate ; control

    insubstantial weak ; imaginary

    esoteric mysterious ; obscure

    indignant angry

    conclusive definite ; final

    tenable reasonable

    mythical make-believe

    erroneous wrong ; incorrect

    reality facts of existence

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    misconception wrong idea, impression

    possibility feasibility, likelihood ; chance

    delusion misconception, misbelief

    substantiate back up a statement, idea

    impugn criticize ; challenge

    protect take care of ; guard from harm

    unite combine ; join together

    mollify pacify ; soothe

    flotsam floating debris

    reconnaissance inspection

    decimation mass destruction ; mass extermination ; killing of many

    raiment attire ; clothes

    sustenance necessities for existence

    disposition personal temperament ; arrangement, management of a situation

    anatomy study of animal, plant structure ; physical structure of animals, plants

    outlook point of view ; probable future ; scene, view

    personality person's character, traits

    cantankerous difficult ; crabby

    churlish crude ; boorish

    benevolent charitable ; kind

    laconic short ; to the point

    robust healthy ; strong

    corrosive consuming, wearing ; bitter

    disingenuous insincere

    implacable merciless ; cruel

    phlegmatic unemotional

    lush profuse and delightful

    sprawling spread out irregularly

    desolate unused, barren ; depressed, despondent

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    gaudy bright and vulgar

    monumental impressive ; overwhelming

    misnomer a wrong or inaccurate name or designation ; a wrong or inaccurate use of a name or


    hybrid composite ; mixture

    vector heading

    curative healing ; health-giving

    precursor something that indicates outcome or event beforehand ; something that precedes


    stringent rigid ; tight

    dispersive spread out

    conditional dependent

    recessive passive

    revolutionary rebellious ; new, progressive

    positive definite, certain ; beneficial, helpful

    divisive dissenting

    militant aggressive ; combative

    promote help, advance ; give a higher position in organization

    prohibit make impossible ; stop

    protest complain, disapprove ; argue against

    restrict confine, limit situation or ability to participate

    foster promote, support ; give care or accommodation to

    bucolic rural ; rustic

    lugubrious dismal ; melancholy

    sundry miscellaneous

    metaphorical figurative

    misguide deceive, fool ; tell an untruth ; give wrong information intentionally ; mislead

    absurd ridiculous ; senseless

    plausible reasonable ; believable

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    painstaking meticulous ; thorough

    wrongheaded antagonistic ; opposite ; dogmatic

    remonstrance protest ; challenge

    erudition higher education

    lassitude lethargy

    fabrication lie

    chicanery deception ; trickery

    cosmopolitan worldly-wise

    worldly material, nonreligious ; sophisticated, materialistic

    moral ethical ; honest

    stunted kept from growing

    limited restricted, definite ; inadequate, short

    defense armament; protection system ; explanation, justification

    inspiration idea ; stimulus

    obligation responsibility

    center middle point ; point of attraction for visitors, shoppers, travelers

    hinder prevent ; slow down

    reconcile make peace ; adjust ; resign oneself to something

    control have charge of ; curb, hold back

    soothe calm ; ease

    extend make larger, longer ; offer

    coddle indulge, pamper ; boil lightly, usually eggs

    taunt provoke, reproach ; tease

    prod poke at ; urge, incite

    oust expel, get rid of

    chide criticize ; lecture

    exhilarating stimulating ; cheering

    shocking outrageous ; very surprising

    startling frightful

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    appalling horrifying

    unanticipated happening suddenly and unexpectedly ; conditional ; possible

    banal commonplace

    prophetic telling of the future

    irrelevant beside the point

    proximity nearness to something

    expansion growth

    stabilization counterweight

    correlation equating ; equivalence

    complacent contented

    aggressive belligerent, hostile ; assertive

    playful funny, fun-loving

    bellicose belligerent

    placid calm ; mild

    frisky full of spirit

    mentor person who advises

    profiteer newly rich

    counterfeiter forger

    clairvoyant person who is psychic

    propagandist spreader of misinformation

    obscure not easily understood ; cloudy, shadowy ; out-of-the-way, little-known

    deferential respectful ; considerate

    sanctimonious self-righteous

    unrelenting merciless

    replicate copy

    peruse check out ; examine

    obliterate destroy

    recollect remember

    scrutinize examine closely

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    discard get rid of

    translate interpret, explain ; change

    conceal hide ; disguise

    decipher figure out ; understand

    deterrent impediment ; restraint

    panacea cure-all

    barrier obstruction ; obstruction to goal

    catalyst something which incites activity

    provocation incitement ; stimulus

    launch send off ; begin, initiate

    overcame beat ; defeat

    awaken make conscious or alert

    stir mix up, agitate ; incite, stimulate ; get up and going

    conducive favorable for

    invaluable priceless

    imperative necessary ; authoritative

    indistinguishable alike

    miscreant person who is very bad, immoral

    revisionist person who disturbs, causes trouble

    anomalies deviation from normal, usual

    pacifist peace-lover

    extremist person zealous about a belief

    tacit taken for granted ; not said aloud

    fervent enthusiastic

    unqualified not prepared, incompetent ; outright, absolute

    impetuous acting without thinking

    regal fit for royalty

    simplistic simple

    liberating give freedom

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  • 8/10/2019 Sat by Topics Level 1


    symbiotic joint, unified ; beneficial, beneficent ; cooperative

    avuncular able, authorized to recommend

    convivial fun-loving

    funerary concerned with funerals

    cacophonous harsh sounding

    syncopated compact ; condense

    harmonic harmonious

    collaborative cooperative

    mellifluous smooth and sweet sounding

    metropolis major city

    neighborhood community ; surroundings

    countryside non-city environment

    emporium market

    multitude large group

    sensible realistic ; reasonable

    residual leftover

    mannered affected ; put-on

    formulaic ordinary

    eliminate remove ; throw out

    synthesize combine ; make whole

    create develop in mind or physically

    constitute comprise, form ; authorize

    superfluous extra ; unnecessary

    feasible possible ; doable

    accessible approachable ; ready for use

    researcher research worker

    amateur casual participant

    entrepreneur person who starts a business alone

    biologist wildlife expert

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    historian student of history

    depreciate devalue, lose value ; belittle, ridicule

    legitimize legalize

    subsidize give money to get started

    eschew have nothing to do with

    improvise make up

    amend improve ; correct

    forgo give up ; do without

    reiterate say or do again

    realistic sensible, matter-of-fact ; genuine

    abstruse difficult to understand

    contrived overly planned

    eccentric bizarre ; unusual

    memorable noteworthy ; significant

    incomprehensible not understandable

    complex involved, intricate ; difficult to understand

    anecdotal informal

    theoretical hypothetical

    impressionistic suggestive

    unsubstantiated questionable ; unproven

    dogmatic dictatorial, opinionated ; based on absolute truth

    analogous agreeing ; similar

    dilatory procrastinating

    rigorous severe ; exact

    ardor enthusiasm

    profusion abundance

    bounty bonus ; compensation

    obtuseness unintelligence, inexperience ; dullness of mind ; ignorance

    dearth insufficiency ; scarcity

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    paragon outstanding example

    icon image

    formality convention, custom ; etiquette, protocol

    variety difference ; type, sort

    uniformity consistency ; regularity ; harmony

    incongruity discrepancy

    diminish become or cause to be less ; belittle

    insignificant not important ; of no consequence

    ubiquitous ever-present

    universal worldwide ; entire

    trivial not important

    surly gruff ; bearish

    cowardly fearful

    solitary alone, single ; unsociable

    suspicious distrustful ; doubtful, fishy

    perturbed troubled ; angry

    serene calm ; undisturbed

    stoic philosophic

    ambivalent conflicting

    furious extremely angry, very mad ; stormy, turbulent

    outrage wrong ; offend ; abuse

    tranquil quiet ; peaceful

    ebullient enthusiastic

    amiable friendly ; agreeable

    inscrutable hidden, mysterious ; blank

    servile groveling ; subservient

    jocular funny

    melancholy depressed ; sad

    propitious full of promise ; good, favorable ; friendly

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    illusory deceptive

    resilient bouncy ; flexible

    pertinent relevant ; suitable

    poignant affecting, painful ; sharp, bitter

    susceptible exposed ; naive

    consummate ultimate, best ; achieve, finish

    visionary idealized ; romantic

    vitriolic bitter ; scathing

    doctrinaire dogmatic ; opinionated

    restitution compensation ; repayment

    suffrage legal right

    solace comfort ; peace

    initiative eagerness to do something

    classified top-secret

    demographic mathematical

    conjectural speculative

    qualitative concerning qualities not quantities

    anecdotal informal

    persevere keep at ; work hard

    acquiesce agree with some reluctance

    resign give up responsibility

    recant take back something said

    servility slavery

    competence ability

    banality common saying

    conformity compliance ; correspondence, harmony

    vestigial dormant, hidden ; barbaric, crude ; basic, fundamental

    prodigious huge, enormous ; extraordinary, fabulous

    invasive obtrusive

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    kinetic energetic

    criticize disapprove, judge as bad ; analyze, interpret

    condemn blame ; convict

    denounce condemn ; attack

    condone make allowance for

    somber sad ; depressing

    conciliatory placid ; yielding

    decisive definite

    haphazard without plan or organization

    sentimental emotional ; romantic

    resolute determined ; strong-willed

    steadfast loyal ; steady

    philanthropic charitable ; giving

    quarrelsome being disagreeable

    litigious quarrelsome

    polemical argumentative

    acquiescent passive

    incantatory having the effect of a verbal charm or spell

    economical conservative with resources ; careful ; inexpensive

    unstinting generous

    evenhanded fair

    anticipation expectation ; readiness ; forethought

    publicity promotion of something, someone

    penalty punishment

    opposition obstruction, antagonism ; person, people competing

    backlash adverse reaction

    reveal disclose, tell ; show, uncover

    abridge shorten

    abandon leave behind, relinquish ; leave in troubled state

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    include contain ; involve

    illuminating lighting up

    tedious dull ; monotonous

    disjointed loose ; disconnected

    unsettling disturbing

    contain include, hold ; hold back, control

    eradicate destroy ; remove

    check inspection, examination ; restraint, hindrance ; symbol for ticking off

    unleash let loose

    cure heal, ease bad situation ; cook, age food

    monitor listen, watch carefully

    subdued quiet ; controlled

    quizzical appearing confused or curious

    nonchalant easygoing, laid back

    scathing nasty, critical in remarks

    remorseful guilty ; ashamed

    perfunctory automatic ; unthinking

    culpable responsible for action

    succinct succinct, terse

    enthralling absorbing

    felicitous appropriate ; suitable

    vocalize put into words or song

    ad-lib improvise speech

    extemporize improvise

    satirize ridicule

    rehearse prepare for performance

    bungle blunder ; mess up

    harshly sternly

    prematurely too early

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    nomadic itinerant

    dissolute lacking restraint, indulgent

    lavish profuse ; splendid

    itinerant roaming

    unbounded utter ; endless

    admirable held in great respect

    substantial important, ample ; material, real ; rich

    confined limited ; enclosed

    extensive far-reaching ; thorough

    stable constant, fixed ; resistant

    abate lessen, grow or cause to grow less

    concur agree ; approve

    mediate try to bring to an agreement

    conclude finish, come to an end ; decide, deduce ; settle, resolve

    escalate increase ; be increased

    perfidious treacherous

    sympathetic concerned ; feeling

    euphonious pleasing to the ear

    exasperation upset ; provocation

    commiseration consolation

    disputatious argumentative

    pervasive extensive

    parochial narrow-minded ; restricted

    precede go ahead of

    deter check, inhibit from action

    induce cause to happen ; encourage

    decline lessening ; downward change in value, position

    resurgence revival

    quarantine isolation

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    discover find ; uncover

    preserve care for, maintain ; continue

    counterfeit make deceitful imitation

    mishandle bobble

    originate begin ; spring ; create, introduce

    persist carry on ; carry through

    endure bear hardship

    prohibition ban ; forbiddance

    manifestation exhibition ; proof

    misapplication abuse

    modicum bit ; small amount

    plethora excess

    obfuscate confuse

    facilitate assist the progress of

    debilitate incapacitate

    exacerbate infuriate ; make worse

    intuition insight

    rationality logic ; sense

    reason mental analysis ; intention, aim ; explanation for an action

    revelation disclosure ; telling

    conjecture speculation ; assumption

    radical fundamental, basic ; deviating by extremes

    reputable worthy of respect

    established in a firm position ; set up to endure ; conclusively proved

    progressive liberal ; growing

    nonchalance apathy

    circumspection caution

    expediency stopgap

    complement complete

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    forestall keep from happening

    depict describe, render in drawing or writing

    feature give prominence to

    antecedent prior

    harbinger indication

    replicas duplicate

    forerunner messenger, herald ; example, sign

    magnitude importance

    panoply display

    spate series

    ruggedness masculinity

    paucity lack ; scarcity

    voluntary willing

    experimental exploratory

    elinical dispassionate

    omission something forgotten or excluded

    inconsistency discrepancy

    extravagance indulgence ; waste

    assumption taking something for granted; something expected ; assuming possession, power ;


    relaxed easygoing

    covert clandestine ; underhanded

    unscheduled not scheduled

    illicit not legal ; forbidden

    secret hidden, unrevealed ; underhand, clandestine

    productive fruitful ; creative

    prestigious famous ; influential

    clandestine secret ; sly

    unconditional absolute ; total

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    preternatural unusual ; abnormal

    interminable infinite

    legendary fictitious but well known ; famous

    gratify give pleasure ; satisfy

    formulate plan, specify systematically

    minimize make smaller ; underrate

    hypothesis theory

    predictability likeness, similarity ; evenness ; sameness

    corroboration confirmation

    inflexibility stubbornness

    spoof trick ; mockery

    avoid refrain or stay away from ; prevent

    hero submarine sandwich

    genre type

    pitfall hazard ; trap

    denizen resident

    wordly material, nonreligious ; sophisticated, materialistic

    moral ...