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  • 8/9/2019 Sat World List



    Abash humiliate, humble, embarrass

    4. abattoir: a slaughterhouse.

    5. abed: in bed.

    6. aberrant: abnormal.

    7. aberrant: markedly different from an accepted


    8. abeyance: suspension; temporary cessation.

    9. Abhor hate

    10. Abhorrence hatred11. abjure: to renounce or reject with solemnity.

    12. abjure: to renounce, reject, or shun.

    13. ablution: the washing of the body, or some

    part of it.

    14. ablution: the washing of the body, or some

    part of it.

    15. abominate: to detest intensely.

    16. Abridge shorten (usually used for books)

    17. abrogate: to annul; to do away with.

    18. abscond: to depart in secret.

    19. Absolved forgiven; removed from blame20. Abstain refrain from

    21. abstemious: sparing in diet.

    22. abstemious: temperate; abstinent; refraining

    from indulgence.

    23. Abstinence self-denial, moderation

    24. abstruse: difficult to comprehend.

    25. abulia: loss or impairment of the ability to act

    or to make decisions.

    26. accede: to agree or assent; also, to become a


    27. Accentuated emphasized28. acclimate: to accustom or become accustomed

    to a new climate, environment, or situation.

    29. Accomplice someone who aids a criminal

    30. acerbic: sharp, biting, or acid in temper,

    expression, or tone.

    31. acme: the highest point of something.

    32. acquiesce: to concur, but not heartily.

    33. acrid: bitter to the taste or smell.

    34. acrid: sharp and harsh; bitter.

    35. Acrimony bitterness and bad feeling

    36. acrimony: bitter, harsh, or biting sharpness.37. acuity: acuteness of perception or vision.

    38. acumen: quickness of perception or


    39. acumen: quickness or keenness of perception

    or discernment.

    40. adage: an old saying.

    41. adamant: not capable of being swayed.

    42. adamant: not susceptible to persuasion;


    43. Adept skilful

    44. admonition: gentle or friendly reproof; friendl


    45. Adulation adoration, admiration

    46. Adulatory involving strong praise or worship

    47. adumbrate: to give a slight representation of;

    to outline.

    48. adventitious: added extrinsically; notessentially inherent.

    49. aegis: a shield; protection.

    50. Aesthete someone concerned with art and


    51. aesthete: one who cultivates great sensitivity

    to beauty.

    52. Aesthetic concerned with art and beauty

    53. Aesthetics visual/artistic impact; study of


    54. aestival: of or belonging to the summer.

    55. Affable sociable, pleasant, friendly56. affable: courteous; sociable.

    57. affable: easy to speak to; also, gracious.

    58. Affectation pretence; unnatural manner

    59. afflatus: a divine inspiration.

    60. affray: a tumultuous assault or quarrel; a


    61. aficionado: a fervent admirer; a fan.

    62. aggrandize: to make or make appear great or


    63. aggress: to make an attack.

    64. Agile flexible65. agitprop: propaganda.

    66. agog: in eager desire.

    67. agon: struggle; conflict.

    68. Alacrity speed and eagerness

    69. alacrity: a cheerful readiness, willingness, or


    70. alfresco: outdoors; outdoor.

    71. Algae seaweed-like simple plants

    72. algorithm: a step-by-step procedure for

    solving a problem.

    73. Allege claim, assert74. Alleviate make less severe

    75. Almanac year-book with useful information

    76. alpenglow: a reddish glow seen near sunset o

    sunrise on the summits of mountains.

    77. Amalgamation joining together

    78. Ambiguous unclear, vague

    79. Ambiguous vague

    80. Ambiguous vague

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    81. ambit: circuit or compass; also, sphere of

    action or influence.

    82. Ambivalence lack of certainty

    83. Ambivalent unsure, undecided

    84. Ambivalent vague

    85. ameliorate: to make better.

    86. Amiable friendly

    87. Amicable friendly

    88. amicable: characterized by friendliness andgood will.

    89. amity: friendship.

    90. Amorphous having no definite shape

    91. Amorphous having no definite shape

    92. Amphibian able to live on land and in water

    93. Amphitheater arena, auditorium

    94. Anachronistic in the wrong time period

    95. Anachronistic in the wrong time, outdated,


    96. anathema: a curse; a person or thing cursed,

    or intensely disliked.97. Anecdote short, amusing story

    98. animadversion: harsh criticism or disapproval.

    99. animus: a feeling of ill will; also, animating

    spirit; disposition.

    100. anodyne: serving to relieve pain.

    101. Anomaly irregularity, inconsistency

    102. Anonymous without a name

    103. antediluvian: extremely old.

    104. Anthology book containing many items (e.g.

    Poems) anthology collection of poems/ short

    stories etc.105. aplomb: confidence; coolness.

    106. apocryphal: of doubtful authority or


    107. apogee: the highest point.

    108. apologia: a formal defense or justification.

    109. apostasy: desertion or departure from one's

    faith, principles, or party.

    110. apothegm: a terse remark, conveying some

    important truth.

    111. apotheosis: a model of excellence or

    perfection of a kind.112. apparition: a ghost; also, an unexpected


    113. appellation: a name, title, or designation.

    114. apposite: of striking appropriateness and


    115. apprise: to give notice to; to inform.

    116. approbation: formal or official approval; also,


    117. appurtenance: an adjunct or accessory.

    118. Arable suitable for cultivation

    119. arbiter: one having the power of judging and


    120. arbitrage: The simultaneous purchase and

    sale of a good or asset.

    121. Arbitrary random; for no definite reason

    122. Arbitration mediation; deciding between two

    opposing sides123. arcane: understood by only a few.

    124. arcanum: a secret; a mystery.

    125. Archetypal acting as a classic example of


    126. Archived kept in store

    127. Ardor enthusiasm

    128. argot: a specialized vocabulary peculiar to a

    particular group.

    129. Argus-eyed: extremely observant; watchful.

    130. Arid dry

    131. Arid dry, parched132. Arid very dry

    133. aright: rightly; correctly.

    134. arrant: outright; thoroughgoing.

    135. Arrest to stop

    136. arriviste: an upstart.

    137. arrogate: to claim or seize without right or


    138. Ascetic without luxuries/indulgences; harshly

    simple; Spartan

    139. ascetic: one who practices extreme self-

    denial; also, austere, severe.140. ascetic: one who practices extreme self-

    denial; also, austere, severe.

    141. ascribe: to attribute, as to a cause.

    142. asperity: roughness, of surface, sound, or


    143. aspersion: a damaging or derogatory remark

    144. asseverate: to affirm or declare positively or


    145. Assiduous diligent, hard working

    146. Assiduous eager and thorough

    147. assiduous: constant in application orattention.

    148. Assiduously eagerly; thoroughly

    149. Assiduously thoroughly; eagerly

    150. assuage: to soften; to ease, or lessen.

    151. Astute mentally sharp

    152. Asylum refuge; place of safety

    153. atelier: a workshop; a studio.

    154. atrabilious: irritable; ill-natured.

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    155. Atypical not typical

    156. aubade: a song greeting the dawn.

    157. Audacious very bold

    158. augury: an omen; prediction

    159. Auspicious favorable, indicating good fortune

    160. auspicious: favorable; also, prosperous;


    161. autochthonous: formed or existing where

    found.162. autocrat: a despot.

    163. autocrat: a ruler with unlimited authority.

    164. autodidact: a person who is self-taught.

    165. avarice: an excessive desire of gain;


    166. avatar: an incarnation.

    167. aver: to assert as true.

    168. Avian concerned with birds

    169. avoirdupois: weight; heaviness.

    170. avuncular: resembling an uncle.

    171. bacchanalia: a revel.172. badinage: light, playful talk.

    173. badinage: playful raillery; banter.

    174. bagatelle: a trifle; also, a short, light literary

    or musical piece.

    175. bailiwick: a person's specific area of

    knowledge, authority, interest, skill, or work.

    176. Balk hinder, prevent

    177. banal: commonplace; trivial.

    178. bandog: a large and fierce dog.

    179. Bane troublesome influence

    180. Bard poet181. Barricade barrier

    182. bedaub: to besmear or soil.

    183. bedizen: to dress or adorn in gaudy manner.

    184. beholden: obliged; indebted.

    185. bellicose: warlike; pugnacious.

    186. Belligerent aggressive; ready to fight

    187. bellwether: a leader of a movement or


    188. bellwether: a leader or leading indicator.

    189. benefaction: the act of conferring a benefit;

    also, a benefit conferred.190. Benefactor giver of gifts

    191. beneficence: the practice of doing good.

    192. Benign kindly

    193. benignant: kind; gracious; favorable.

    194. benison: blessing; benediction.

    195. Berate rebuke, criticize

    196. Berate scold; criticize

    197. berate: to scold severely or angrily.

    198. Bereft deprived of

    199. bestow: to give or confer.

    200. bete noire: something or someone especially


    201. bete noire: something or someone

    particularly detested or avoided.

    202. bevy: a group; an assembly.

    203. Bewilder confuse

    204. bibelot: a trinket.205. bibulous: of, pertaining to, marked by, or

    given to the consumption of alcohol.

    206. Bicker quarrel about petty matters

    207. bifurcate: to divide into two branches.

    208. bilious: of or pertaining to bile; also, ill-


    209. Bilked cheated

    210. billet: to quarter, or place in lodgings.

    211. billet-doux: a love letter.

    212. billingsgate: foul language.

    213. bivouac: a usually temporary encampment;also, to encamp.

    214. bivouac: an encampment for the night.

    215. blackguard: a scoundrel.

    216. blandishment: flattering speech or action;


    217. blandishment: flattery intended to persuade

    218. bloviate: to speak or write in a pompous


    219. Blueprint plans for a building etc.

    220. Blueprints plans for a building

    221. bombast: high-sounding words; an inflatedstyle.

    222. bombast: pompous or pretentious speech or


    223. bombinate: to buzz; to hum; to drone.

    224. bon ton: the height of the fashion;

    fashionable society.

    225. bonhomie: pleasant and easy manner;


    226. booboisie: a class of people regarded as

    stupid or foolish.

    227. bootless: unavailing; unprofitable; useless.228. bootless: unavailing; useless.

    229. boulevardier: a man-about-town.

    230. bouleversement: complete overthrow; a


    231. Bourgeois middle class

    232. Bourgeois middle class, capitalist

    233. bowdlerize: to remove or modify the parts

    considered offensive.

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    234. brackish: somewhat salty; also, distasteful.

    235. braggadocio: empty boasting.

    236. Braggart someone who boasts

    237. bravado: a real or pretended show of courage

    or boldness.

    238. bravura: a showy display.

    239. bricolage: construction or something

    constructed by using whatever materials happen to

    be available.240. brio: liveliness; spirit.

    241. brio: vigor; vivacity.

    242. Brobdingnagian: gigantic; enormous.

    243. bromide: a commonplace or conventional


    244. Browse glance/look through

    245. Brusqueness unfriendliness, abruptness

    246. bucolic: rustic; pastoral.

    247. Buffoonery foolish behavior intended to


    248. bumptious: crudely, presumptuously, ornoisily self-assertive.

    249. bumptious: obtusely and offensively self-


    250. busker: a street musician or performer.

    251. busker: a street musician.

    252. buss: kiss.

    253. Buttress support

    254. Byline the line giving the name of the author

    of an article

    255. cabal: a group that seeks power usually

    through intrigue.256. cacophony: harsh or discordant sound.

    257. cadge: to beg; to sponge.

    258. cadre: a core or nucleus of trained or

    otherwise qualified personnel around which an

    organization is formed.

    259. cadre: a small unit that serves as the nucleus

    of a larger organization.

    260. caesura: a break or pause in a line of verse;

    also, any break or pause.

    261. Cajole coax

    262. cajole: to coax.263. callow: immature.

    264. callow: immature.

    265. Calumny slander

    266. calumny: malicious misrepresentation;


    267. Camaraderie friendliness

    268. camarilla: a group of secret and often

    scheming advisers.

    269. canard: a fabricated sensational report or


    270. Candor frankness, honesty

    271. canorous: melodious; musical.

    272. canorous: melodious; musical.

    273. cant: empty, solemn speech.

    274. capacious: able to contain much; large;


    275. capitulate: to surrender under agreedconditions.

    276. Capricious impulsive, unpredictable,


    277. capricious: whimsical; changeable.

    278. captious: disposed to find fault or raise


    279. Captivate fascinate

    280. carapace: a shell; a protective covering.

    281. carom: to strike and rebound; also, a

    glancing off.

    282. Carouse party, sing and drink283. Carping complaining, finding fault

    284. Cartographer map-maker

    285. castigate: to punish or criticize severely.

    286. cataract: a large waterfall; also, a downpour

    a flood.

    287. Catastrophic disastrous

    288. caterwaul: to make a harsh cry or screech.

    289. Catnap short sleep

    290. Caustic burning; strongly attacking

    291. cavalcade: a procession.

    292. caveat: a warning or caution.293. cavil: a frivolous objection.

    294. cavil: to raise trivial objections; also, a trivia


    295. cavort: to bound or prance about.

    296. celerity: quickness; swiftness.

    297. censorious: harshly critical.

    298. censure: to criticize severely; also, an

    expression of disapproval.

    299. Censured blamed

    300. Censures blames; criticizes

    301. Cerebral concerned with thinking302. cerebration: mental activity.

    303. chagrin: acute vexation or embarrassment.

    304. Charlatan trickster

    305. chary: careful; wary; cautious.

    306. Cherished looked after, valued, held

    307. chicanery: the use of trickery to deceive.

    308. chichi: affectedly trendy.

    309. chimera: a mental fabrication.

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    310. chimerical: merely imaginary; fanciful.

    311. choler: anger.

    312. choleric: easily angered; also, indicating or

    expressing anger.

    313. chortle: to utter, or express with, a snorting,

    exultant laugh or chuckle.

    314. chthonic: dwelling in or under the earth; also,

    pertaining to the underworld.

    315. Circuitous indirect316. Circuitous roundabout, indirect

    317. circumambient: surrounding; encompassing.

    318. circumlocution: the use of many words to

    express an idea that might be expressed by few.

    319. Circumlocutions using to many words

    320. Circumscribed limited

    321. circumspect: cautious; prudent; wary.

    322. Clairvoyant able to see into the future

    323. clamber: to climb with difficulty, or with

    hands and feet.

    324. Clandestine secret, furtive325. claque: a group of fawning admirers.

    326. clarion: a kind of trumpet; also, loud and


    327. clemency: disposition to show mercy; also,

    an act of mercy.

    328. clerisy: the intelligentsia.

    329. Clich over-used, unoriginal expression

    330. Clientele customers, patrons

    331. clinquant: tinsel.

    332. Clique small group with common interests

    333. Cloying sickly sweet; over sentimental334. Cloying sticky sweet; over-sentimental

    335. Cockaigne: an imaginary land of ease and


    336. coeval: existing during the same period of

    time; also, a contemporary.

    337. coeval: existing during the same period of

    time; also, a contemporary.

    338. Cogent convincing, forceful

    339. Cogent convincing, forceful

    340. cogent: appealing to the mind or to reason;

    convincing.341. cogent: having the power to compel


    342. cogitate: consider carefully and deeply;


    343. cogitate: to think; to ponder.

    344. Cognizant aware of

    345. cognoscente: an expert in a certain field.

    346. cohort: a group; also, a companion or


    347. Collage picture made up of many smaller


    348. collegial: characterized by or having authorit

    vested equally among colleagues; also, collegiate

    349. colloquial: characteristic of informal spoken


    350. Colloquially locally and informally

    351. collude: to act in concert; to conspire.352. collude: to conspire; to act in concert.

    353. Collusion plotting and planning

    354. Colossus huge figure or statue; giant

    355. comely: pleasing to the sight.

    356. comestible: suitable to be eaten.

    357. comestible: suitable to be eaten.

    358. comity: a state of mutual civility and respect

    359. comity: a state of mutual harmony,

    friendship, and respect.

    360. commensurate: equal in measure or extent;

    also, proportionate.361. commodious: comfortably spacious; roomy.

    362. complaisant: exhibiting a desire to please.

    363. complement: something that fills up or


    364. complement: that which completes.

    365. Compliant flexible; not stubborn

    366. comport: to behave (oneself) in a particular


    367. comport: to conduct; to behave.

    368. compunction: anxiety or unease from guilt;

    also, a scruple.369. compunction: the sting of conscience.

    370. concatenation: a chain; a succession.

    371. Conciliatory tending to bring opposing sides

    together; ending argument

    372. concinnity: elegance -- used chiefly of literar


    373. Concocted made up, invented

    374. concomitant: accompanying; attendant.

    375. concomitant: accompanying; attending.

    376. concomitant: accompanying; attending.

    377. concupiscence: lust.378. concupiscence: lust.

    379. Condescending arrogant

    380. Condescending arrogant; talking down to


    381. condign: deserved; adequate.

    382. condign: deserved; adequate.

    383. Condone give silent approval to

    384. confabulation: familiar talk; also, a plausible

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    but imagined memory.

    385. conflagration: a large and destructive fire.

    386. conflate: to bring together; to meld.

    387. confluence: a coming together.

    388. Confounds confuses

    389. confrere: a colleague, comrade, or intimate


    390. confrere: a colleague.

    391. confute: to refute conclusively.392. Congeal solidify

    393. congeries: a collection; an aggregation.

    394. Congregation gathering (esp. In a church)

    395. Congregation gathering of people (esp. In a


    396. connubial: of or pertaining to marriage.

    397. consanguineous: related by blood.

    398. consanguineous: related by blood; descended

    from the same ancestor.

    399. Consecration dedication

    400. Consensus common agreement401. Consensus general agreement

    402. conspectus: a sketch, survey, or outline of a


    403. conspectus: a sketch, survey, or outline of a


    404. constitutional: a walk taken for one's health.

    405. Consummate supremely good

    406. Contagious can be caught through direct

    contact (used of diseases)

    407. Contemplate think over deeply

    408. contemporaneous: originating, existing, oroccurring at the same time.

    409. Contemptuous arrogant; showing intolerance

    410. contradistinction: distinction by contrast.

    411. contradistinction: distinction by contrast.

    412. contravene: to act or be counter to.

    413. contretemps: something inopportune or


    414. Contrite sorry

    415. contrite: feeling or expressing grief and

    regret for sins or offenses.

    416. contumacious: obstinate; stubbornlydisobedient.

    417. contumely: rudeness compounded of

    haughtiness and contempt.

    418. Conundrum puzzle

    419. Conundrum puzzle, riddle

    420. conurbation: an aggregation or continuous

    network of urban communities.

    421. conurbation: an aggregation or continuous

    network of urban communities.

    422. convivial: merry; festive; social.

    423. convivial: relating to or fond of festivity and

    good company.

    424. Coop chicken-shed

    425. copious: large in number or quantity.

    426. copious: large in quantity; also, affording an

    abundant supply.

    427. copse: a thicket of small trees.428. coquette: a flirt.

    429. Cordial friendly

    430. cormorant: a gluttonous, greedy, or

    rapacious person.

    431. cornucopia: the horn of plenty; also, an


    432. corpulent: very fat; obese.

    433. Corroborate give evidence in support of


    434. corroborate: to strengthen or make more

    certain with other evidence.435. Corroborating giving supporting evidence

    436. coruscate: to give off or reflect bright beams

    or flashes of light.

    437. coruscate: to sparkle.

    438. cosmopolite: a cosmopolitan person.

    439. cosset: to pamper.

    440. cosset: to pamper.

    441. coterminous: of equal extent or duration.

    442. countermand: to revoke (a former command

    or recall by a contrary order.

    443. countermand: to revoke (a former commandor recall by a contrary order.

    444. countervail: to counteract; also, to offset.

    445. coxcomb: a vain, showy fellow.

    446. cozen: to defraud; also, to obtain by deceit.

    447. crapulous: sick from, or marked by, excessiv


    448. Crass crude

    449. credulous: inclined to believe too readily.

    450. crepuscular: pertaining to twilight.

    451. crepuscular: pertaining to twilight.

    452. Crescendo increase in volume in music453. crux: the essential point or feature.

    454. cudgel: a club.

    455. Culpable guilty, blameworthy

    456. Cumulative building up; increasing

    457. cupidity: eager or excessive desire, especial

    for wealth.

    458. cupidity: greed.

    459. Curator person in charge of a museum or its

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    460. cursory: hastily or superficially performed.

    461. Curtail limit, shorten

    462. Curtailed cut short

    463. Cynicism looking on the black side;

    pessimistic (esp. About human behaviour)

    464. Cynics pessimists

    465. cynosure: a center of attention.

    466. cynosure: a center of attention.467. daedal: skillful; artistic; ingenious.

    468. daedal: skillful; artistic; ingenious.

    469. dapple: a small contrasting blotch; also, to

    mark with spots.

    470. dapple: a small spot or blotch.

    471. Debacle disaster

    472. Debased degraded

    473. Debilitating weakening

    474. debouch: to emerge; to issue.

    475. Debunkers people who expose faults and get

    rid of myths476. Decibel unit of sound measurement

    477. Decibel unit to measure noise

    478. Decorous proper, appropriate in behavior

    479. Decorously done in a way consistent with

    good, correct behavior

    480. Decried criticized, belittled

    481. defenestrate: to throw out of a window.

    482. deign: to condescend.

    483. Deleterious harmful

    484. deleterious: harmful.

    485. deleterious: hurtful; destructive; pernicious.486. Deliberate v.) Think deeply about

    487. Deliberation careful thought

    488. Delineated outlined

    489. Delineates outlines

    490. deliquesce: to melt away or become liquid.

    491. Demagogue a leader who appeals to the

    emotions of the mob

    492. Demagogue political leader who plays on the

    emotions of the crowd

    493. demagogue: a leader who obtains power by

    means of appeals to the emotions and prejudicesof the populace.

    494. demagogue: a leader who tries to stir up

    people by appeals to emotion, prejudice, etc.

    495. Demean degrade

    496. demur: to object; also, to delay.

    497. Denigrated belittled, degraded, decried

    498. denizen: an inhabitant.

    499. denouement: the final resolution of the main

    complication of a literary or dramatic work.

    500. deprecate: to disapprove of strongly.

    501. deprecate: to disapprove of; also, to belittle

    502. deprecate: to disapprove of; also, to belittle

    503. depredation: an act of plundering or


    504. deracinate: to uproot.

    505. Deride mock

    506. deride: to laugh at with contempt.507. deride: to laugh at with contempt.

    508. Derided mocked

    509. derogate: to deviate from expectation; also,

    to detract; also, to disparage.

    510. descant: a discourse; also, to discourse.

    511. descry: to catch sight of something distant o


    512. descry: to catch sight of; to detect.

    513. desideratum: anything desired.

    514. desideratum: something desired.

    515. Desolate empty, lonely516. Destitution poverty

    517. desuetude: disuse.

    518. desuetude: disuse.

    519. desultory: jumping from subject to subject;

    erratic; inconsistent.

    520. desultory: without logical sequence;

    disconnected; aimless.

    521. Detractor a person who give negative


    522. detritus: debris.

    523. detritus: debris.524. deus ex machina: an agent who appears

    unexpectedly to solve an apparently insoluble


    525. diablerie: sorcery; also, mischievous conduc

    526. diadem: a crown.

    527. diadem: a crown.

    528. diaphanous: allowing light to pass through.

    529. diaphanous: allowing light to pass through.

    530. dictum: an authoritative statement.

    531. Didactic intending to preach or teach

    532. didactic: conveying instruction; teachingsome moral lesson.

    533. diffident: bashful or unassertive.

    534. diffident: showing modest reserve.

    535. Diffidently hesitantly

    536. digerati: persons knowledgeable about


    537. diktat: an authoritative decree or order.

    538. Dilatory slow, dragging, slack

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    539. dilatory: given to, or marked by,

    procrastination or delay.

    540. dilatory: inclined to put off what ought to be

    done at once.

    541. dilettante: an amateur; also, an admirer or

    lover of the fine arts.

    542. Diminutive very small

    543. Dingy shabby; dark

    544. Disavowed disclaimed545. Discern distinguish, discriminate

    546. discomfit: to disconcert; also, to thwart.

    547. Disconcert make someone feel uncomfortable

    548. disconcert: to disturb the composure of.

    549. disconcert: to disturb the composure of.

    550. disconsolate: hopelessly sad; also,

    saddening; cheerless.

    551. Discourse lecture

    552. discrete: constituting a separate thing; also,

    consisting of distinct or unconnected parts.

    553. Discursive talking at length about something554. discursive: digressive; rambling; also,

    marked by analytical reasoning.

    555. Disdain contempt

    556. Disdain contempt

    557. Disgruntled annoyed; dissatisfied

    558. dishabille: the state of being carelessly or

    partially dressed.

    559. disheveled: disordered; disorderly; untidy.

    560. disheveled: in loose disorder; disarranged.

    561. Disingenuous crafty

    562. Disparaged criticized563. Disparate dissimilar, different

    564. disparate: fundamentally different; also,

    composed of dissimilar elements.

    565. disparate: fundamentally different; composed

    of markedly dissimilar elements.

    566. Dispelled removed; made to disappear

    567. disport: to frolic; to amuse (oneself).

    568. disquisition: a formal discourse on a subject.

    569. Dissembler someone who hides the truth

    570. Dissemblers people who try to hide the truth

    571. Disseminate spread (information)572. Disseminates spreads (esp. Ideas)

    573. Dissent disagreement

    574. dissimulate: to feign; to pretend.

    575. Dissipated wasted; dispersed

    576. dissolute: loose in morals and conduct.

    577. Distort twist out of shape

    578. Distortion twisting out of shape

    579. distrait: divided or withdrawn in attention,

    especially because of anxiety.

    580. Diversion entertainment

    581. Divination fortune-telling; forecasting

    582. Divisive causing division

    583. Divisive discordant, disruptive

    584. Divulge give out; reveal

    585. doff: to take off; to remove; also, to rid

    oneself of.

    586. Dogged stubborn, steadfast587. Dogmatic inflexible, rigid

    588. dolorous: marked by, causing, or expressing

    grief or sorrow.

    589. donnybrook: a brawl or dispute.

    590. doppelganger: a ghostly double.

    591. dotage: senility.

    592. doughty: valiant; brave.

    593. doula: a woman who assists in childbirth.

    594. dour: stubbornly unyielding; also, harshly

    uninviting; also, showing a brooding ill humor.

    595. doyen: the senior member of a body orgroup.

    596. Draftee someone called up into the army etc

    597. Drubbed beaten

    598. dubiety: the condition or quality of being

    doubtful; also, a matter of doubt.

    599. dudgeon: a state or fit of intense indignation

    600. dudgeon: a state or fit of intense indignation

    601. dulcet: melodious.

    602. Dupe deceive, trick, fool

    603. dyspeptic: pertaining to or having

    indigestion; also, ill-humored.604. ebullient: high-spirited.

    605. ebullient: joyously unrestrained

    606. Eccentric unconventional, unusual, odd

    607. Eclectic taking things from different sources;


    608. Ecstasy extreme joy

    609. edacious: given to eating.

    610. edacious: given to eating.

    611. edify: to instruct and improve.

    612. efface: to cause to disappear by rubbing out

    striking out, etc.613. effete: infertile; also, worn out; also,

    decadent; effeminate.

    614. Efficacious effective

    615. efficacious: producing, or capable of

    producing, a desired effect.

    616. Effrontery daring, over-confidence,


    617. effrontery: shameless boldness; insolence.

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    618. effulgence: a flood of light; great luster or

    brightness; splendor.

    619. effulgence: the state of being bright and


    620. effusive: excessively demonstrative.

    621. Egotist selfish person

    622. Egregious outstandingly bad

    623. egregious: outrageously bad.

    624. egress: the act of going out or leaving; exit.625. eke: to increase; to add to.

    626. eldritch: unearthly; weird; eerie.

    627. eleemosynary: relating to charity.

    628. eleemosynary: relating to charity; charitable.

    629. Elliptical indirect, roundabout

    630. Eloquent able to speak well and persuasively

    631. Elucidate make clear; explain

    632. elucidate: to make clear or manifest

    633. Elude avoid

    634. Elusive difficult to pin down

    635. Elysium: paradise.636. Embellish decorate

    637. Embellish decorate, adorn

    638. Embellishment decoration

    639. Embezzle to steal money by tampering with


    640. Embittered made to feel bitter; resentful

    641. emblazon: to display pompously; to decorate.

    642. embonpoint: plumpness of person.

    643. Emend edit

    644. Emissary messenger and representative

    645. Emollient something that soothes (esp. Anointment)

    646. emolument: profit, gain.

    647. emolument: the wages or perquisites arising

    from office, employment, or labor.

    648. emolument: the wages or perquisites arising

    from office, employment, or labor.

    649. Empathetic able to sympathize with

    650. Empathy form of sympathy; feeling of


    651. Empirical practical, observed, found by

    experiment652. empyrean: the highest heaven; the heavens;

    the sky.

    653. Emulate copy, imitate

    654. Emulate imitate, copy

    655. Emulated copied

    656. en masse: all together.

    657. Enchantment fascination

    658. encomium: expression of praise.

    659. encomium: high praise.

    660. Encompassed surrounded

    661. Encompassing including

    662. encumbrance: a burden, impediment, or


    663. encumbrance: a burdensome and

    troublesome load.

    664. encumbrance: something that burdens or

    impedes.665. Endorsed supported, approved

    666. Enduring lasting

    667. enervate: to weaken.

    668. enervate: to weaken.

    669. Enervated weakened

    670. Enfranchised given voting rights

    671. Engendered caused, produced, stimulated

    672. Enhances improves

    673. Enigmatically in a puzzling manner

    674. enjoin: to direct or impose with authority;

    also, to forbid.675. enmity: hatred; ill will.

    676. ennui: a feeling of weariness and

    dissatisfaction arising from lack of interest.

    677. ennui: a feeling of weariness and


    678. Ensemble troupe (musicians etc.); group; se

    (of clothes)

    679. Ensemble troupe or group (esp. Musicians or


    680. entreat: to ask for or request earnestly.

    681. enunciate: to utter articulately; also, to stateor set forth precisely or systematically.

    682. Ephemeral short-lived

    683. Ephemeral short-lived, transient, temporary

    684. ephemeral: short-lived.

    685. ephemeron: something short-lived.

    686. epicene: having the characteristics of both

    the male and the female.

    687. epigone: an inferior imitator.

    688. epigone: an inferior imitator.

    689. Epilogue end part of book or play

    690. Epilogue part added at the end691. Epilogue something written at the end (esp.

    Of a play)

    692. Epistolary though the medium of


    693. equable: equal and uniform; also, not easily


    694. equable: equal and uniform; also, serene.

    695. equanimity: calmness; composure.

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    696. equipoise: equilibrium; also, counterbalance.

    697. Equitable fair; equal

    698. equivocate: to be deliberately ambiguous or


    699. equivocate: to be deliberately ambiguous.

    700. Eradication wiping out; destroying

    701. Erasure wiping out

    702. eremite: a hermit.

    703. ergo: therefore; consequently.704. errant: wandering; deviating from an

    appointed course, or from a direct path; roving.

    705. erroneous: containing or characterized by


    706. ersatz: being a substitute or imitation.

    707. ersatz: being a substitute or imitation.

    708. erudite: characterized by extensive reading

    or knowledge.

    709. erudite: characterized by extensive reading

    or knowledge.

    710. eschew: to avoid.711. eschew: to shun; to avoid.

    712. Espouses adopts, supports, takes up

    713. espy: to see at a glance.

    714. esurient: hungry; greedy.

    715. Ethos system of values

    716. etiolate: to blanch or bleach; to make sickly.

    717. Etymology study of word origins

    718. Eulogy praise

    719. euphonious: pleasing in sound.

    720. euphonious: pleasing or sweet in sound.

    721. Euphoric overjoyed, excited722. Evanescent short-lived

    723. evanescent: fleeting.

    724. evanescent: liable to vanish or pass away like


    725. Evenhanded fair; unbiased

    726. evince: to show in a clear manner.

    727. evince: to show in a clear manner.

    728. exacerbate: to aggravate; to make worse.

    729. exacerbate: to irritate; to make worse.

    730. Exacerbates makes worse

    731. Exalt raise to higher level; worship732. exalt: to praise, glorify, or honor.

    733. exalt: to praise, glorify, or honor.

    734. Exasperation frustration and annoyance

    735. Exasperation frustration; annoyance

    736. excoriate: to censure scathingly; also, to flay.

    737. excrescence: something growing out from

    something else; also, a disfiguring or unwanted


    738. Exculpate remove blame or guilt

    739. exculpate: to clear from alleged fault or guilt

    740. exculpate: to relieve of blame.

    741. excursus: a digression.

    742. execrable: detestable; extremely bad.

    743. exegesis: exposition; explanation.

    744. exegete: a person who explains or interprets

    difficult parts of written works.

    745. exemplar: a model or pattern to be copied oimitated; a specimen; an ideal model or type.

    746. Exemplary acting as a good example;


    747. Exemplify act as a good example of

    748. exhort: to urge strongly.

    749. Exhortation strong encouragement

    750. exigency: state of requiring immediate

    action; also, an urgent situation; also, that which

    is required in a particular situation.

    751. exigent: requiring immediate aid or action;

    also, demanding.752. exiguity: smallness; thinness; the quality of

    being meager.

    753. exiguous: extremely scanty.

    754. Exonerated pardoned, acquitted

    755. Exorbitant very expensive

    756. expatiate: to speak or write at length.

    757. expatiate: to speak or write at some length.

    758. Expedite hurry something up; hasten

    759. expeditious: characterized by speed and


    760. expeditious: characterized by speed andefficiency.

    761. expeditious: characterized by speed and


    762. expiate: to make amends for.

    763. explicate: to explain.

    764. explicate: to explain.

    765. expropriate: to deprive of possession; also,

    transfer (another's property) to oneself.

    766. Expropriated confiscated, seized

    767. expunge: to blot out; to obliterate.

    768. Expurgated censored; removed offensiveparts

    769. Extant in existence, present

    770. extant: still existing.

    771. extant: still in existence.

    772. extemporaneous: composed, performed, or

    uttered on the spur of the moment.

    773. extempore: without premeditation or


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    774. extempore: without preparation; on the spur

    of the moment.

    775. Extenuating mitigating; excusing or making

    something seem less serious

    776. Exterminated wiped out

    777. extirpate: to eradicate; to destroy.

    778. extirpate: to root out; to eradicate.

    779. Extol praise

    780. extol: to praise.781. extraneous: coming from the outside; also,

    not essential; also, irrelevant.

    782. Extricate get out of; remove

    783. extricate: to free or release from a difficulty

    or entanglement.

    784. Fabrication manufacture; invention

    785. Faade front of building; assumed or false


    786. facetious: characterized by wit and


    787. facetious: playfully jocular; humorous.788. Facile over simplified

    789. facile: easily done or performed.

    790. facile: performable or attainable with little


    791. factious: addicted to form parties and raise


    792. factitious: artificial; sham; not natural.

    793. factotum: a person employed to do all kinds

    of work.

    794. factotum: a person employed to do all kinds

    of work.795. faineant: doing nothing; idle; also, a do-


    796. fait accompli: an accomplished and

    presumably irreversible deed or fact.

    797. Fallacious wrong

    798. fallible: liable to make a mistake.

    799. fanfaronade: empty boasting; bluster.

    800. farrago: an assortment.

    801. farrago: an assortment; a medley.

    802. Fathom to measure depth

    803. fatidic: of, relating to, or characterized byprophecy.

    804. fatuous: inanely foolish; stupid; also, illusory.

    805. fatuous: weak; silly; stupid; foolish.

    806. fealty: fidelity; allegiance; faithfulness.

    807. febrile: feverish.

    808. febrile: feverish.

    809. feckless: ineffective; weak; worthless.

    810. fecund: fruitful; prolific.

    811. Feign pretend

    812. Felicities suitable or happy things

    813. Felicitous apt, suitable, fortunate

    814. felicitous: apt; also, delightful.

    815. felicitous: apt; also, delightful.

    816. Feral wild, untamed

    817. Fervent eager, passionate

    818. fetid: stinking.

    819. fetid: stinking.820. fettle: a state or condition of fitness, order, o


    821. fey: possessing or displaying a strange and

    otherworldly aspect or quality; elfin.

    822. fiat: an arbitrary or authoritative command o


    823. Fickle changeable

    824. fiduciary: relating to the holding of somethin

    in trust for another.

    825. filial: of, pertaining to, or befitting a son or

    daughter.826. fillip: a snap; also, a stimulus.

    827. fin de siecle: characteristic of the close of th

    century; sophisticated; world-weary.

    828. firmament: the sky or heavens.

    829. firmament: the sky; the heavens.

    830. Fission splitting

    831. flagitious: grossly wicked; scandalous.

    832. Flagrant obvious

    833. flaneur: one who strolls about aimlessly; a

    lounger; a loafer.

    834. Flaunting showing off835. flibbertigibbet: a silly, flighty, or excessively

    talkative person.

    836. Flippancy joking; levity

    837. flippant: lacking proper respect or


    838. flippant: showing inappropriate levity; pert.

    839. Florid elaborate, fancy, ornate

    840. Florid flowery, fancy, extravagant, elaborate

    841. Florid over-decorated, red-colored, flowery

    842. florid: flushed with red; also, excessively

    ornate.843. florid: of a lively reddish color; also,

    excessively ornate.

    844. Flourish thrive, prosper

    845. flout: to treat with contempt.

    846. flummery: mumbo jumbo; nonsense.

    847. flummox: to confuse; to perplex.

    848. foment: to instigate; to incite.

    849. foment: to nurse to life or activity; to

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    850. foment: to nurse to life or activity; to incite.

    851. foofaraw: excessive or flashy ornamentation;

    also, a fuss over a trivial matter.

    852. Foolhardy reckless

    853. Foolhardy reckless

    854. fop: a man who is much concerned with his


    855. fop: a man who is vain about his dress andappearance.

    856. Forage search for food

    857. forcible: effected by force used against

    resistance; also, powerful.

    858. Forensics concerned with debate or legal


    859. Foreshadows suggests something that will


    860. forfend: to avert; also, to protect or preserve.

    861. forgo: to do without.

    862. forlorn: sad and lonely because deserted,abandoned, or lost.

    863. Formidable inspiring fear or awe

    864. Fortitude bravery; ability to withstand trouble

    865. Fortitude strength, bravery

    866. Fortuitous accidental, fortunate coincidence

    867. fortuitous: happening by chance.

    868. Forum meeting, discussion, place for debate

    869. foundling: an abandoned child.

    870. fractious: tending to cause trouble; also,


    871. Franchise license872. frangible: capable of being broken; easily


    873. Freight cargo, luggage

    874. friable: easily crumbled, pulverized, or

    reduced to powder.

    875. frisson: a brief moment of intense


    876. frisson: a shudder of excitement, pleasure, or


    877. Frivolity non-seriousness

    878. Frugal economical879. Frugal very economical

    880. fugacious: lasting but a short time.

    881. fugacious: lasting but a short time.

    882. fulminate: to issue or utter verbal attacks or


    883. fulminate: to thunder forth menaces.

    884. fulsome: offensive from excess of praise.

    885. funereal: pertaining to a funeral; solemn;


    886. funereal: pertaining to or suiting a funeral;

    gloomy; mournful.

    887. fungible: interchangeable.

    888. furbelow: something showy or superfluous.

    889. furtive: obtained or characterized by stealth

    sly; secret; stealthy.

    890. fustian: a kind of coarse twilled cotton; also,

    bombast.891. gadabout: one who roams about in search of

    amusement or social activity.

    892. gainsay: to contradict; to deny.

    893. gallimaufry: a hodgepodge.

    894. galumph: to move in a clumsy manner or

    with a heavy tread.

    895. galvanic: pertaining to a direct current of

    electricity; also, having the effect of an electric


    896. gambol: to dance and skip about in play.

    897. gamine: an urchin; also, a mischievous girl oyoung woman.

    898. gamut: a complete extent or range.

    899. Gargantuan huge, enormous

    900. Garish too bright; gaudy

    901. garrulous: talkative.

    902. garrulous: talkative; also, wordy.

    903. gastronome: a lover of good food and drink.

    904. gastronome: a person devoted to refined

    enjoyment of good food and drink.

    905. gauche: lacking social polish; tactless.

    906. gaucherie: a socially awkward or tactless actalso, lack of tact.

    907. Gauge measure, estimate, guess

    908. gelid: extremely cold; icy.

    909. Genial friendly

    910. genial: sympathetically cheerful and

    cheering; kindly.

    911. genial: sympathetically cheerful and

    cheering; kindly.

    912. genuflect: to bend the knee, as in worship;

    also, to grovel.

    913. germane: appropriate or fitting; relevant.914. gesticulate: to make gestures or motions.

    915. gewgaw: a showy trifle; a pretty but

    worthless bauble.

    916. gewgaw: a trinket; a bauble.

    917. Gibberings meaningless noises

    918. gimcrack: a showy but useless or worthless


    919. gimcrack: a trivial mechanism.

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    920. Glacial icy cold

    921. Glacial icy cold, unfriendly

    922. gloaming: twilight; dusk.

    923. gloaming: twilight; dusk.

    924. glower: to stare angrily or with a scowl.

    925. glower: to stare angrily or with a scowl.

    926. gnomic: uttering or containing maxims.

    927. gnomic: uttering, containing, or characterized

    by maxims.928. Goad urge, provoke, prod

    929. Gourmand epicure, food lover

    930. gourmand: one who enjoys good food in

    great quantities.

    931. gourmand: one who enjoys good food in

    great quantities.

    932. grandee: a man of elevated rank or station; a


    933. grandee: a man of elevated rank or station; a


    934. grandiloquent: lofty in style.935. Grandiose flamboyant, pompous

    936. Grandiose on a grand scale, excessive

    937. gravid: pregnant.

    938. gravitas: high seriousness.

    939. gravitas: high seriousness; dignity.

    940. Gregarious outgoing, sociable; liking to be in


    941. gregarious: seeking and enjoying the

    company of others.

    942. gregarious: seeking and enjoying the

    company of others.943. grok: to understand.

    944. Grub Street: the world or category of

    impoverished literary hacks.

    945. gubernatorial: of or pertaining to a governor.

    946. gustatory: pertaining to the sense of taste.

    947. habitue: one who habitually frequents a


    948. habitu: one who habitually frequents a


    949. Hackneyed unoriginal; overused

    950. halcyon: peaceful; undisturbed; happy.951. halcyon: peaceful; undisturbed; happy.

    952. hale: free from disease and weakening

    conditions; healthy.

    953. Harangue strong verbal attack

    954. harangue: a speech addressed to a large

    public assembly; also, a noisy or pompous speech.

    955. harbinger: a precursor; one that presages

    what is to come.

    956. hardscrabble: barren, marginal; also, marke

    by poverty.

    957. harridan: a scolding, vicious old woman.

    958. harridan: a scolding, vicious woman.

    959. Haughty arrogant; too proud

    960. hauteur: haughtiness; arrogance.

    961. hauteur: haughtiness; pride; arrogance.

    962. hebetude: mental dullness or sluggishness.

    963. Heckler someone who tries to put a speakeroff

    964. hector: to bully or harass.

    965. Hedonist pleasure seeker

    966. Hedonist pleasure-seeker

    967. Hedonistic pleasure-seeking

    968. Heinous very bad

    969. heterodox: holding unorthodox opinions.

    970. heterogeneous: consisting of dissimilar


    971. Hierarchy chain of command

    972. hinterland: backcountry.973. hirsute: covered with hair or bristles.

    974. hirsute: shaggy; hairy.

    975. histrionic: theatrical.

    976. hoary: white or gray with age; hence,

    extremely old.

    977. hobbledehoy: an awkward, gawky young


    978. hobnob: to associate familiarly.

    979. Hobson's choice: a choice without an


    980. Hogmanay: the name, in Scotland, for thelast day of the year.

    981. hoi polloi: the common people; the masses.

    982. homily: a sermon or lecture; also, an

    inspirational saying or a platitude.

    983. hortatory: giving strong encouragement;


    984. hubris: overbearing pride or presumption.

    985. hugger-mugger: secret; also, muddled,


    986. hugger-mugger: secret; clandestine.

    987. hullabaloo: a confused noise; uproar.988. hyperbole: extravagant exaggeration.

    989. hypnagogic: leading to sleep; hypnotic.

    990. Hypocrite someone who does not practise

    what he preaches

    991. Iconoclast person who opposes orthodoxy

    992. idee fixe: a fixed idea.

    993. idee fixe: a fixed idea; an obsession.

    994. Ides: the fifteenth day of March, May, July,

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    and October, and the thirteenth day of the other


    995. Idiosyncratic characteristic, personal; unique

    to an individual

    996. Idolatrous worshipping idols; over-praising

    997. idyll: a poem or prose work depicting rural or

    pastoral life; also, a carefree episode or


    998. ignoble: not noble.999. ignoramus: an ignorant person; a dunce.

    1000. Illegible cannot be read

    1001. Illusory not real

    1002. imbroglio: a complicated and embarrassing

    state of things.

    1003. imbroglio: a complicated and embarrassing

    state of things.

    1004. imbue: to dye; to instill profoundly.

    1005. Immoderate excessive

    1006. immolate: to kill or destroy, often by fire.

    1007. immolate: to kill or destroy, often by fire.1008. Immunize protect against disease

    1009. immure: to enclose within or as if within


    1010. immure: to inclose within walls, or as within


    1011. Immutable cannot be changed

    1012. impassible: incapable of suffering;

    unfeeling, or not showing feeling.

    1013. Impassioned passionate; strongly felt

    1014. Impassive unreacting

    1015. impassive: devoid of emotion; also, showingno emotion.

    1016. impecunious: habitually without money;


    1017. impecunious: not having money.

    1018. Impenitent unremorseful, unapologetic

    1019. impervious: impenetrable; also, not capable

    of being affected.

    1020. Impetuous impulsive

    1021. Impetuous spontaneous, impulsive

    1022. Impious irreverent; unholy

    1023. implacable: incapable of being pacified.1024. importunate: troublesomely urgent.

    1025. importunate: troublesomely urgent.

    1026. imprecation: a curse.

    1027. impregnable: able to resist attack.

    1028. improvident: lacking foresight; negligent;


    1029. impugn: to call in question; to make

    insinuations against.

    1030. impugn: to call in question; to make

    insinuations against.

    1031. Impute imply

    1032. inamorata: a woman whom one is in love


    1033. inanition: exhaustion from lack of

    nourishment; also, emptiness.

    1034. inanition: exhaustion from lack of

    nourishment; also, emptiness.1035. Inarticulate garbled, unintelligible

    1036. Inarticulate unable to express well in words

    unclear in speech

    1037. Inauspicious not favorable

    1038. Incantation magic spell; chant; ritual words

    1039. inchoate: partially but not fully in existence

    or operation.

    1040. inchoate: partly but not fully in existence o


    1041. Incinerator device to burn waste

    1042. incipient: beginning to be; commencing;initial.

    1043. incipient: beginning to exist or appear.

    1044. Incisive directly to the point

    1045. inclement: harsh; severe -- especially said

    of the weather.

    1046. inclement: physically severe or harsh (esp.

    said of the weather).

    1047. incommunicado: without the means or righ

    to communicate.

    1048. incongruous: lacking in harmony.

    1049. Inconsequential unimportant1050. Inconsequential unimportant, negligible

    1051. Inconspicuous not easily seen

    1052. Incontrovertible cannot be denied

    1053. incontrovertible: indisputable;


    1054. Incremental increasing in steps

    1055. inculcate: to teach and impress by frequent

    repetition or instruction.

    1056. inculcate: To teach by frequent repetitions.

    1057. Incumbent in office; current office holder

    1058. Indecorous not in accordance withacceptable behavior

    1059. Indefatigable cannot be tired

    1060. indefatigable: untiring.

    1061. Indefensible cannot be defended; very


    1062. indelible: incapable of being removed or


    1063. indigence: extreme poverty.

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    1064. indigent: extremely poor.

    1065. Indignation offence, righteous anger

    1066. Indiscernible cannot be seen easily

    1067. Indiscretion unwise act

    1068. Indiscriminately randomly

    1069. indolent: avoiding labor and exertion; lazy.

    1070. indolent: lazy; inactive.

    1071. Indomitable cannot be conquered

    1072. indomitable: incapable of being subdued orovercome.

    1073. indomitable: not to be subdued; untamable.

    1074. Industrious hard working

    1075. Ineffable cannot be expressed in words

    1076. ineffable: incapable of being expressed.

    1077. ineffable: incapable of being expresses in


    1078. ineffectual: without effect; weak; useless.

    1079. Inefficacious ineffective

    1080. ineluctable: impossible to avoid or evade.

    1081. ineluctable: Impossible to avoid.1082. Inexorable cannot be put off

    1083. inexorable: unyielding; relentless.

    1084. Inexorableness inescapability

    1085. Inflammatory stirring up; arousing


    1086. ingenue: a naive girl or young woman, or an

    actress representing such a person.

    1087. inhere: to be inherent.

    1088. inimical: unfriendly; unfavorable.

    1089. inkhorn: affectedly or ostentatiously

    learned.1090. innocuous: harmless.

    1091. inscrutable: difficult to fathom or

    understand; impenetrable.

    1092. inscrutable: difficult to understand;


    1093. insensate: lacking sensation or awareness.

    1094. Insidious dangerous; menacing

    1095. Insinuate hint slyly

    1096. Insolence insulting, offensive, or rude


    1097. insouciant: marked by lightheartedunconcern; carefree.

    1098. insouciant: nonchalant.

    1099. insuperable: incapable of being passed over,

    surmounted, or overcome.

    1100. Insurgency rebellion, revolt, riot

    1101. Intemperate not moderate

    1102. interlard: to insert between; to mix.

    1103. Interlocutors people involved in a discussion

    1104. Interminable never ending

    1105. internecine: destructive; especially,

    mutually destructive; also, relating to conflict

    within a group.

    1106. interpolate: to insert between; also, to alte

    or corrupt by insertion.

    1107. interregnum: the interval between two

    reigns; also, any breach of continuity in an order.

    1108. interstice: a space between things or parts1109. interstice: a space between things or parts

    1110. intractable: not easily governed, managed,

    or directed.

    1111. intractable: not easily governed, managed,

    or directed.

    1112. Intransigent inflexible, unyielding

    1113. Intransigent stubborn

    1114. intransigent: not capable of being swayed o

    diverted from a course.

    1115. intransigent: uncompromising.

    1116. Intrepid brave1117. Intrepid brave

    1118. intrepid: fearless; bold.

    1119. introspection: the act or process of self-

    examination; reflection.

    1120. introspection: the act or process of self-

    examination; reflection.

    1121. Intuitive working by intuition; gut feeling

    1122. inure: to make used to; also, to take or

    have effect.

    1123. inure: to use till use gives little or no pain o

    inconvenience.1124. invective: insulting or abusive language.

    1125. invective: insulting or abusive language.

    1126. inveigh: to attack with harsh criticism.

    1127. inveigle: to entice.

    1128. inveigle: to persuade or obtain by ingenuity

    or flattery.

    1129. inveterate: deep-rooted; of long standing.

    1130. inveterate: deep-rooted; of long standing.

    1131. invidious: likely to produce ill will.

    1132. invidious: tending to provoke envy or ill wil

    1133. invidious: tending to provoke envy or ill wil1134. Inviolable cannot be invaded

    1135. iota: a very small quantity or degree.

    1136. irascible: easily provoked to anger.

    1137. irascible: quickly aroused to anger.

    1138. irenic: promoting peace.

    1139. Iridescent glowing; giving off light

    1140. Irony quirk of fate; sarcasm

    1141. Irrational not logical

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    1142. irrefragable: impossible to refute.

    1143. irrefragable: impossible to refute.

    1144. Irresolute not firm

    1145. Irreverence disrespect, cheek

    1146. itinerant: going from place to place.

    1147. itinerant: traveling from place to place.

    1148. Jaded tired, worn out

    1149. jejune: lacking in nutritional value; also,

    immature; also, dull.1150. jocular: given to or characterized by joking.

    1151. jocund: light-hearted; mirthful.

    1152. jocund: pleasant, cheering, delightful.

    1153. jollification: merrymaking; revelry.

    1154. Jollity happiness; gaiety

    1155. jovial: merry; joyous; jolly.

    1156. jovial: merry; joyous; jolly.

    1157. Jubilant thrilled, delighted

    1158. Jubilation rejoicing

    1159. juju: an object superstitiously believed to

    embody magical powers.1160. junta: a clique that seeks or obtains power

    usually through intrigue or revolution.

    1161. junta: a governmental council or committee,

    esp. one that rules after a revolution.

    1162. Jurisprudence study of law

    1163. Juror member of a jury

    1164. Juxtaposition placing two things next to

    each other

    1165. juxtaposition: a placing or being placed in

    nearness or side by side.

    1166. ken: cognizance; view; especially, reach ofsight or knowledge.

    1167. Kernel most important part, core

    1168. Kin family, relatives

    1169. kismet: destiny; fate.

    1170. kismet: destiny; fate.

    1171. kitsch: art in pretentious bad taste.

    1172. knell: the stoke of a bell tolled at a funeral.

    1173. kobold: a kind of domestic spirit in German


    1174. kvetch: to complain habitually.

    1175. kvetch: to complain habitually.1176. lachrymose: given to or causing tears.

    1177. lachrymose: given to shedding tears.

    1178. lackadaisical: lacking spirit or liveliness.

    1179. lackadaisical: lacking spirit or liveliness.

    1180. laconic: expressing much in few words.

    1181. laconic: using or marked by the use of a

    minimum of words.

    1182. lacuna: a blank space; a missing part.

    1183. lacuna: a missing part; a gap.

    1184. lambaste: to scold sharply; also, to beat.

    1185. lambent: playing on the surface; flickering.

    1186. lambent: playing on the surface; flickering.

    1187. land of Nod: sleep.

    1188. land of Nod: sleep.

    1189. languid: lacking vigor or force.

    1190. Languidly in a slow and relaxed manner

    1191. languor: lack of energy or vitality.1192. Larceny theft

    1193. largess: generosity; also, money or gifts


    1194. lascivious: lewd; lustful.

    1195. lascivious: wanton; lewd.

    1196. lassitude: lack of vitality or energy.

    1197. lassitude: lack of vitality or energy.

    1198. latitudinarian: having or expressing broad

    and tolerant views.

    1199. laudable: praiseworthy; commendable.

    1200. laudable: praiseworthy; commendable.1201. Legend key to a map

    1202. legerdemain: sleight of hand.

    1203. legerdemain: sleight of hand.

    1204. Legion numerous

    1205. leitmotif: a melodic phrase that

    accompanies the reappearance of a idea, person,

    or situation; a dominant and recurring theme.

    1206. lenity: the state or quality of being lenient.

    1207. levity: an inappropriate lack of seriousness

    1208. levity: frivolity.

    1209. lexicography: the writing or compiling ofdictionaries.

    1210. lexicon: a dictionary.

    1211. lexicon: a dictionary; also, the vocabulary o

    a person, group, etc.

    1212. libation: the act of pouring a liquid as a

    sacrifice; also, a beverage.

    1213. Libertarian tolerant, open-minded, believer

    in liberty

    1214. limn: to draw or paint; also, to describe.

    1215. limn: to draw or paint; also, to describe.

    1216. limn: to draw or paint; also, to describe.1217. limpid: clear; also, serene.

    1218. Linchpin central point of an argument

    1219. lineament: a distinguishing or characteristi


    1220. lissom: limber; supple; flexible; lithe.

    1221. lissom: supple; nimble.

    1222. listless: having no desire or inclination.

    1223. Lithe flexible

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    1224. Lithe flexible

    1225. Litigant claimant in a law case

    1226. littoral: on a coastal or shore region.

    1227. Livid very angry

    1228. Loathing hatred

    1229. Lobbyist one who tries to persuade

    1230. Lobbyist someone who tries to persuade


    1231. logorrhea: excessive talkativeness.1232. logorrhea: excessive talkativeness.

    1233. Longevity long life

    1234. Longevity long life, permanence

    1235. longueur: a dull and tedious passage in a

    work of literature or performing art.

    1236. loquacious: very talkative.

    1237. louche: of questionable taste or morality.

    1238. lubricious: lewd; also, slippery or smooth.

    1239. Lucid clear, logical

    1240. lucre: money; profit.

    1241. lucre: money; profit.1242. lucubration: nocturnal study; also, that

    which is composed by night; meditation.

    1243. ludic: playful.

    1244. lugubrious: exaggeratedly or affectedly


    1245. lugubrious: indicating sorrow, often


    1246. lugubrious: mournful; gloomy; dismal.

    1247. Lull reduce fear, soothe

    1248. luminary: any body that gives light; also, a

    person of eminence or brilliant achievement.1249. Lummox clumsy person

    1250. Lure tempt, attract, entice

    1251. Lurid glaring

    1252. Lyricist someone who writes the words for


    1253. machination: a crafty scheme intended to

    accomplish some usually evil end.

    1254. Machinations plots and plans

    1255. maelstrom: a large, powerful whirlpool;

    also, a violent, disordered, or turbulent state of

    affairs.1256. maelstrom: a large, powerful, or violent

    whirlpool; also, a turbulent state of affairs.

    1257. maladroit: awkward; unskillful; inept.

    1258. malaise: a condition of uneasiness or ill-


    1259. malapropism: misuse of a word, especially

    by confusion with one of similar sound.

    1260. malapropos: unseasonable or unseasonably;

    inappropriate or inappropriately.

    1261. malcontent: one who is discontented or


    1262. Malediction curse

    1263. malediction: a curse.

    1264. malfeasance: wrongdoing, misconduct, or


    1265. Malign to say evil things about someone;

    slander1266. Malinger deliberately avoid work

    1267. malinger: to feign illness or inability.

    1268. malleable: capable of being shaped; also,


    1269. malleable: capable of being shaped; also,


    1270. malodorous: having a bad odor.

    1271. malversation: misconduct in public office.

    1272. Mandated ordered

    1273. Manifest obvious; clear

    1274. manse: a large and imposing house.1275. manse: a large and imposing residence.

    1276. martinet: a strict disciplinarian.

    1277. masticate: to chew.

    1278. Matriarchal governed by women

    1279. matutinal: relating to or occurring in the


    1280. maudlin: easily moved to tears.

    1281. maudlin: excessively sentimental.

    1282. maunder: to talk or wander aimlessly.

    1283. Maverick rebel; loner

    1284. mawkish: sickly or excessively sentimental1285. Maxim proverb; sentence expressing a rule

    of conduct

    1286. Maxim short saying expressing a rule of


    1287. mazy: resembling a maze in form or

    complexity; intricate; confusing.

    1288. Mediator someone who tries to bring

    disputing sides together

    1289. megalomania: a mental disorder

    characterized by delusions of grandeur.

    1290. melange: a mixture.1291. melange: a mixture.

    1292. melange: a mixture.

    1293. melee: a confused conflict.

    1294. melee: a hand to hand conflict.

    1295. mellifluous: flowing sweetly or smoothly.

    1296. mellifluous: flowing sweetly or smoothly.

    1297. Melodramas unrealistic, overacted plays

    1298. mendacious: given to deception or

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    1299. mendacious: untruthful; also, untrue.

    1300. Mendicant beggar

    1301. mendicant: a beggar.

    1302. Mentors advisors, teachers

    1303. mephitic: offensive to the smell; also,


    1304. mercurial: changeable; temperamental;

    volatile.1305. meretricious: pertaining to prostitutes;


    1306. Meticulous painstaking; careful about details

    1307. meticulous: extremely or excessively careful

    about details.

    1308. mtier: an occupation for which one is

    especially well suited.

    1309. miasma: noxious effluvia; also, a harmful

    atmosphere; also, an atmosphere that obscures.

    1310. microcosm: a smaller, representative unity

    having analogies to a larger unity.1311. mien: aspect; air; manner; demeanor.

    1312. mien: demeanor; also, aspect; appearance.

    1313. Miffed annoyed

    1314. Milestone important event or stage

    1315. milieu: environment; setting.

    1316. milieu: environment; setting.

    1317. militate: to have force or influence.

    1318. milksop: an unmanly man.

    1319. mimetic: imitative.

    1320. Mimicry imitation, impersonation

    1321. minatory: threatening; menacing.1322. minatory: threatening; menacing.

    1323. miscreant: a scoundrel, a villain; also, a


    1324. miscreant: a villain, rascal.

    1325. Misgivings doubts

    1326. misnomer: a misnaming.

    1327. misnomer: a misnaming.

    1328. misnomer: a wrong or inapplicable name.

    1329. missive: a written message.

    1330. missive: a written message; a letter.

    1331. Mitigated made less severe1332. Modicum very small amount

    1333. modicum: a small or token amount.

    1334. moiety: a half; a small part.

    1335. moiety: a half; also, a small part.

    1336. moil: to labor; to toil; to drudge.

    1337. Mollify calm, soothe, pacify

    1338. mollify: to reduce in intensity; to soothe; to


    1339. mollify: to reduce in intensity; to soothe; to


    1340. mollify: to soothe; to temper; to soften.

    1341. Momentous very important

    1342. monomania: obsession with a single subjec

    1343. monomania: obsession with single subject


    1344. Monopoly an exclusive right to something

    1345. Morass mess; tangled mass1346. mordant: biting; caustic; sarcastic.

    1347. mordant: biting; caustic; sarcastic.

    1348. mores: customs; habits; ways.

    1349. moribund: dying.

    1350. moribund: dying.

    1351. Morose gloomy

    1352. mountebank: a quack; also, a charlatan.

    1353. Muffle suppress (esp. Sound)

    1354. mulct: to defraud.

    1355. multifarious: having great diversity or

    variety.1356. multifarious: having great diversity or


    1357. Mundane boring, dull

    1358. Mundane dull, ordinary

    1359. Munificence generosity

    1360. munificent: very generous.

    1361. munificent: very generous.

    1362. Mural wall painting, fresco

    1363. Myriad many

    1364. myriad: consisting of a very great, but

    indefinite, number; also, a very great many.1365. myrmidon: a loyal follower.

    1366. Mystify confuse

    1367. Mystify confuse

    1368. nadir: the lowest point.

    1369. nadir: the lowest point.

    1370. Narcissism vanity; excessive concern with

    ones own appearance

    1371. Narcissistic over-concerned about ones

    own appearance

    1372. nascent: beginning to exist or to grow.

    1373. ne plus ultra: the highest point; also, themost profound degree.

    1374. nebbish: a weak-willed, timid, or ineffectua


    1375. Nefarious infamous; wicked

    1376. nefarious: wicked in the extreme.

    1377. nefarious: wicked in the extreme.

    1378. Negate cancel; deny

    1379. neologism: a new word or expression; the

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    use or creation of new words or expressions.

    1380. neophyte: a new convert; also, a beginner.

    1381. neophyte: a novice.

    1382. neoteric: recent in origin; modern.

    1383. nepotism: favoritism shown to members of

    one's family.

    1384. nescience: lack of knowledge or awareness.

    1385. nescience: lack of knowledge.

    1386. nettlesome: causing irritation, vexation, ordistress.

    1387. nettlesome: causing irritation, vexation, or


    1388. nimbus: a dark gray rain cloud; also, a halo,

    an aura.

    1389. nimiety: excess.

    1390. Nit pickers people who find fault with small


    1391. noisome: offensive or disgusting; also,

    harmful; unwholesome.

    1392. noisome: offensive to the smell.1393. nonage: a period of immaturity; minority.

    1394. nonage: a period of youth or immaturity.

    1395. nonagenarian: someone whose age is in the


    1396. Nonchalance an appearance of indifference

    1397. Nonchalantly in an unconcerned manner

    1398. Nondescript having no special features

    1399. Nondescript having no special features

    1400. nonpareil: having no equal.

    1401. nonplus: to cause to be at a loss as to what

    to think, say, or do.1402. nosegay: a bouquet; a posy.

    1403. nostrum: a medicine whose effectiveness is

    unproved; a questionable remedy.

    1404. nostrum: a questionable remedy.

    1405. Novice beginner

    1406. nugatory: insignificant; also, ineffectual.

    1407. nugatory: insignificant; also, ineffectual.

    1408. numinous: spiritual; holy.

    1409. numismatics: the collection and study of


    1410. Nurtured fostered, encouraged1411. Obdurate stubborn

    1412. obdurate: hardened in feelings or in

    wrongdoing; unyielding.

    1413. obdurate: hard-hearted; stubbornly wicked.

    1414. obeisance: an expression of deference.

    1415. obfuscate: to darken; to obscure.

    1416. Objectivity being unbiased; scientific


    1417. objurgate: express strong disapproval of.

    1418. objurgate: to scold or rebuke sharply.

    1419. oblation: an offering.

    1420. oblivious: forgetful; also, unmindful.

    1421. obloquy: ill repute.

    1422. obsequious: servilely attentive; fawning.

    1423. obsequious: servilely attentive; fawning.

    1424. Obstreperous noisy and boisterous

    1425. obstreperous: noisily and stubbornlydefiant; also, boisterous.

    1426. obtrude: to thrust out; also, to impose on


    1427. Obtrusive obvious

    1428. obviate: to anticipate and dispose of or

    make unnecessary.

    1429. obviate: to prevent by interception.

    1430. Odometer devise to measure distance


    1431. officious: meddlesome.

    1432. officious: meddlesome.1433. Ominous threatening

    1434. omnipresent: present in all places at the

    same time.

    1435. oneiric: a pertaining to or suggestive of


    1436. oneiric: pertaining to or suggestive of


    1437. Onerous burdensome

    1438. onus: a burden; an obligation.

    1439. onus: burden; also, blame; stigma.

    1440. opportune: suitable for a given purpose oroccasion.

    1441. opprobrium: disgrace; infamy; reproach

    mingled with contempt.

    1442. Opulent lavish, wealthy

    1443. Opulent lavish; wealthy

    1444. Oration formal speech

    1445. Ornate highly decorated

    1446. orotund: full in sound; also, bombastic.

    1447. orotund: full in sound; also, pompous.

    1448. osculation: the act of kissing; a kiss.

    1449. ossify: to harden or to become bone.1450. ostensible: appearing to be true, but not

    necessarily so.

    1451. ostentation: excessive or pretentious


    1452. Ostentatious flamboyant, pretentious

    1453. Ostracism shunning

    1454. ostracize: to banish or expel.

    1455. ostracize: To expel from a community or

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    1456. otiose: ineffective; also, being at leisure;

    also, of no use.

    1457. outre: unconventional; eccentric; bizarre.

    1458. overweening: overbearing; also, excessive.

    1459. pablum: something (as writing or speech)

    that is trite, insipid, or simplistic.

    1460. paean: a song or other expression of praise

    or joy.1461. paladin: a champion of a cause.

    1462. palaver: idle talk; also, to talk idly.

    1463. palimpsest: an object a place whose older

    layers or aspects are apparent.

    1464. palimpsest: an object or place whose older

    layers or aspects are apparent.

    1465. palindrome: a word or phrase that reads the

    same backward as forward.

    1466. palindrome: a word, verse, phrase, or

    sentence that reads the same backward or

    forward.1467. palliate: to extenuate; also, to relieve.

    1468. Pallid pale

    1469. palpable: plain; distinct; obvious.

    1470. palpable: plain; distinct; obvious.

    1471. panacea: a cure-all.

    1472. panacea: a remedy for all diseases or


    1473. panache: dash or flamboyance in manner or


    1474. pandemic: affecting a whole people or a

    number of countries.1475. panjandrum: an important or self-important


    1476. panoply: a splendid or impressive array.

    1477. panoply: a splendid or impressive array.

    1478. pantheon: the collective gods of a people;

    also, a group of highly esteemed persons.

    1479. Pantomime play without words

    1480. Paradox apparently contradictory situation

    1481. paragon: a model of excellence or


    1482. Paramount vital; great1483. Paranoid excessively worried

    1484. Parched dried up

    1485. Parched dry

    1486. pari passu: at an equal pace or rate.

    1487. pari passu: at an equal pace or rate.

    1488. Pariah outcast

    1489. parley: a conference or discussion; also, to


    1490. parlous: dangerous.

    1491. parlous: fraught with danger; hazardous.

    1492. paroxysm: an outburst; a fit.

    1493. paroxysm: any sudden and violent emotion

    a fit.

    1494. parse: to analyze.

    1495. parsimonious: frugal to excess.

    1496. parsimony: excessive sparingness in the

    expenditure of money.1497. Partisan biased; supporting one particular


    1498. parvenu: a person who has suddenly risen

    to a higher economic status.

    1499. parvenu: an upstart; one newly risen in

    class or economic status.

    1500. pastiche: a hodgepodge; a potpourri.

    1501. paterfamilias: the male head of a househol

    or the father of a family.

    1502. paterfamilias: the male head of a

    household; the father of a family.1503. Pathos sadness

    1504. patina: a superficial layer.

    1505. patrician: a nobleman; also, a person of

    refined upbringing, manners, and taste.

    1506. Patronizing condescending, talking down to


    1507. paucity: fewness.

    1508. paucity: fewness; insufficiency.

    1509. peccadillo: a slight offense; a petty fault.

    1510. peccadillo: a slight trespass or offense.

    1511. pecuniary: relating to money.1512. Peer an equal

    1513. pejorative: depreciatory; disparaging;

    unfavorable; belittling.

    1514. pelf: money; riches.

    1515. pellucid: transparent, clear; also, easily


    1516. pellucid: transparent, clear; easily


    1517. penchant: a strong liking.

    1518. penchant: a strong liking.

    1519. Penitent repentant; sorry; contrite1520. Penurious poor, having no money

    1521. penury: extreme poverty; also,


    1522. perambulate: to stroll; to walk through or


    1523. perdurable: very durable; long lasting.

    1524. perdurable: very durable; long lasting.

    1525. peregrination: a traveling from place to

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    1526. peregrination: a wandering.

    1527. peremptory: precluding or putting an end to

    all debate or action.

    1528. perfervid: ardent; impassioned.

    1529. Perfidious treacherous

    1530. perfidy: faithlessness; treachery.

    1531. perforce: by necessity.

    1532. perforce: by necessity.1533. Perfunctory superficial; not thorough

    1534. perfunctory: done routinely.

    1535. perfunctory: performed mechanically.

    1536. peripatetic: walking about or traveling from

    place to place.

    1537. permeate: to spread or diffuse through.

    1538. pernicious: deadly; destructive; exceedingly


    1539. perorate: to conclude or sum up a long

    discourse; also, to speak at length.

    1540. Perplexing puzzling1541. perquisite: a benefit in addition to a salary.

    1542. persiflage: frivolous or bantering talk.

    1543. persiflage: frivolous or bantering talk.

    1544. perspicacity: clearness of understanding.

    1545. perspicacity: clearness of understanding.

    1546. pertinacious: obstinate; also, stubbornly


    1547. Pervasive spreading everywhere; common

    1548. pervicacious: stubborn; obstinate.

    1549. pettifogger: a petty, unscrupulous lawyer;

    also, one who quibbles over trivia.1550. Philanthropic generous

    1551. philomath: a lover of learning.

    1552. philomath: a lover of learning; a scholar.

    1553. philter: a love potion.

    1554. Phlegmatic calm, imperturbable

    1555. physiognomy: the face, with respect to the

    temper of the mind.

    1556. piebald: mottled.

    1557. piebald: mottled; also, mixed.

    1558. piebald: mottled; also, mixed.

    1559. pied-a-terre: a temporary or second place oflodging.

    1560. Pinioned tied down

    1561. placate: to appease; to pacify.

    1562. Plagiarism stealing someones ideas; taking

    credit for the work of another

    1563. plaint: an expression of sorrow; also, a


    1564. plaintive: expressive of sorrow or


    1565. plangent: beating with a loud or deep

    sound; also, expressing sadness.

    1566. platitude: a banal, trite, or stale thought or


    1567. platitude: a thought or remark which is

    banal, trite, or stale.

    1568. plaudit: enthusiastic approval.

    1569. Plaudits praise1570. plebeian: common; vulgar.

    1571. plenary: full; complete.

    1572. plenary: full; entire; complete.

    1573. plenipotentiary: invested with full power.

    1574. pleonasm: the use of more words than are

    necessary to express an idea.

    1575. plethora: excess; superabundance.

    1576. Ploy trick

    1577. Polarization separating into two extremes

    1578. Polarizing separating into two extremes

    1579. politic: political; also, shrewdly tactful; alsojudicious; expedient.

    1580. polyglot: speaking many languages.

    1581. polyglot: speaking, writing, or made up of

    many languages.

    1582. polymath: a person of great learning.

    1583. polymath: a person of great or varied


    1584. Pompously arrogantly

    1585. Ponderous slow and heavy

    1586. popinjay: a vain and talkative person.

    1587. portend: to foreshadow; to bode.1588. portend: to foreshadow; to bode.

    1589. portentous: foreboding; ominous.

    1590. posit: to postulate; also, to suggest.

    1591. posit: to postulate; also, to suggest; also,

    set firmly.

    1592. postprandial: happening or done after a


    1593. potable: drinkable.

    1594. potable: drinkable; also, a beverage,

    especially an alcoholic one.

    1595. potboiler: a usually inferior literary orartistic work, produced quickly for the purpose of

    making money.

    1596. Potentate powerful ruler

    1597. potentate: one who possesses great power

    or sway.

    1598. practicable: feasible; also, usable.

    1599. Pragmatist practical person

    1600. Preamble introduction to a document

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    1601. precipice: a very steep, perpendicular, or

    overhanging place.

    1602. Precludes prevents

    1603. Precocious developing very early

    1604. precocious: characterized by or

    characteristic of exceptionally early development.

    1605. Predatory greedy, voracious

    1606. Predetermined fixed beforehand; fated

    1607. Predilection liking, fondness1608. predilection: an established preference.

    1609. prelapsarian: pertaining to the time or state

    before the Fall.

    1610. preponderate: to exceed in weight,

    influence, importance, amount, etc.

    1611. preponderate: to exceed in weight,

    influence, importance, amount, etc.

    1612. Prepossessing attractive

    1613. prepotency: predominance.

    1614. prescience: knowledge of events before they

    take place.1615. prescient: knowing or anticipating the

    outcome of events before they happen.

    1616. presentiment: a premonition.

    1617. prestidigitation: manual dexterity in the

    execution of tricks.

    1618. prestidigitation: sleight of hand.

    1619. Pretentious putting on an act, immodest

    1620. Pretentious putting on an act; immodest

    1621. preternatural: beyond of different from what

    is natural; inexplicable; extraordinary; abnormal.

    1622. prevaricate: to depart from or evade thetruth.

    1623. prevaricate: to stray from truth; to


    1624. prima facie: at first view.

    1625. prink: to primp.

    1626. privation: the state of being deprived of


    1627. probity: complete and confirmed integrity.

    1628. probity: honesty; uprightness.

    1629. proclivity: a natural inclination.

    1630. proclivity: a natural inclination.1631. Procrastinate put off and delay

    1632. Procrastination postponing, delaying

    1633. procrastination: the act or habit of delaying

    doing something.

    1634. Profane unholy; wicked

    1635. Proficiency competence, skill

    1636. profligate: dissipated; dissolute.

    1637. Profundity depth (of ideas etc.)

    1638. profuse: plentiful; copious.

    1639. Proliferated increased, flourished

    1640. Prolific producing a lot

    1641. prolix: unnecessarily long.

    1642. prolix: wordy.

    1643. Promethean: of or pertaining to

    Prometheus; also, boldly original.

    1644. Promulgated spread, encouraged

    1645. pronunciamento: a proclamation; apronouncement.

    1646. propinquity: nearness.

    1647. propinquity: nearness.

    1648. propitiate: to appease; to conciliate.

    1649. propitious: presenting favorable


    1650. propitious: presenting favorable


    1651. proponent: an advocate.

    1652. propound: put forward; to propose.

    1653. propound: to put forward for consideration1654. Prosaic dull, mundane

    1655. Prosaic ordinary, banal

    1656. proscribe: to forbid; to prohibit.

    1657. proselytize: to convert (someone) to

    another religion, belief, etc.

    1658. Protagonist main character in a book, play,

    film etc.

    1659. protean: readily assuming different shapes

    or forms.

    1660. protean: readily assuming different shapes

    1661. Protg someone who is under theprotection or guidance of a mentor

    1662. provenance: origin; source.

    1663. provenance: origin; source.

    1664. provender: food or provisions.

    1665. Provocative stimulating, provoking


    1666. Proximity closeness

    1667. Prudent wise, cautious

    1668. Prudent wise; cautious

    1669. Pseudonym false name

    1670. puckish: whimsical; mischievous; impish.1671. puerile: displaying a lack of maturity.

    1672. puerile: juvenile; childish.

    1673. pugilist: a boxer.

    1674. pugilist: a boxer.

    1675. Pugnacious aggressive, belligerent

    1676. pugnacious: combative; quarrelsome.

    1677. pugnacious: inclined to fighting.

    1678. puissant: powerful.

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    1679. puissant: powerful.

    1680. pukka: authentic; genuine; also, first-class.

    1681. pulchritude: beauty.

    1682. pule: to whimpe