satans new world order agenda revelation 20 volume ii

SATAN’S NEW WORLD ORDER PYRAMID SCHEME HOW THE REVELATION 20 UNION WAS CONSTRUCTED THROUGH THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION [Volume II] B!e" O# $E#"%me& Do'ume#()* P)o"u'e" +* Ale, -o#e! Re!e)'. /)om T.e L+))* O1 D)3 M'.el Su#!() 2004 5T. ! 6)e!e#( 7 #"o7 o1 o66o)( u# (*8 "u) #% 7. '. ()ul* 6e'e1ul #" #(e)"e6e#"e#( 7o)l" o)"e) m %.( +e +u l(8 7 ll #o( +e o6e# 1o) (oo lo#% 9 We )e o# (.e :e)%e o1 %lo+l

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[Volume II]

B!e" O# $E#"%me& Do'ume#()*

P)o"u'e" +* Ale, -o#e!

Re!e)'. /)om T.e L+))* O1

D)3 M'.el Su#!() 


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B+l'l /(. #" 'me (o u#"e)!(#" CON ERVATI M !

)e6l'eme#( 7o)" 1o) THE HOLY PIRIT’ TEACHING 3 You

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Bu( (o (.#< (.( "emo')(! #" Re6u+l'#! BOTH

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REVELATION 20 CENARIO 7(.ou( e:e# )el#% (3 T.! !

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WORLD ORDER AGENDA VOLUME )e # e,(e#!o# o1 Ale,

-o#e!’ )e!e)'.3

I .:e 'om6le" (.e )e!e)'. )('le! .e )e1e)e#'e" #

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-o#e! 1o) .! (.o)ou%. )e!e)'. 'o#'e)##% (.e No)(.

Ame)'# U#o#3 T.! :olume %oe! o:e) "o'ume#((o# .e


6)o:#% (.( BOTH "emo')(! #" Re6u+l'#! !ol" Ame)'


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China to install sensors along NAFTA highway Documents reveal NASCO plan to militarize I-3

Posted: August 18, 20071:00 a.m. Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi© 2007 Word!et"aiy.#om

Radio sensing stations to track trafc and cargo up and down the I-35NAFTA Superhighway corridor are being installed by o!!unist hina"operating through a port operator subsidiary o# $utchison %ha!poa" incon&unction with 'ockheed (artin and the North A!erica)sSuperorridor oalition" Inc*

 The idea is that R$%" chips placed in containers where !anu#acturedgoods are shipped #ro! hina will be able to be tracked to the (e+icanports on the ,acic where the containers are unloaded onto (e+icantrucks and trains #or transportation on the I-35 NAFTA Superhighway todestinations within the .nited States*

NAS/" a trade association based in 0allas" Te+as" has tea!ed with'ockheed (artin to use RFI0 tracking te#&noogy 'ockheed (artinde1eloped #or the .*S* 0epart!ent o# 0e#ense)s pro&ects in Ira2 andA#ghanistan" as well as at .*S* !ilitary stations throughout the world*

hina has a central position in applying the R$%" te#&noogy on I-35"gi1en $utchinson ,ort $oldings) 4 percent ownership o# Sa1iNetworks" the 'ockheed (artin subsidiary that will get the &ob o#placing the sensors all up and down the NAFTA Superhighway*

Nathan $ansen" a (innesota attorney" has archi1ed on his blog aseries o# NAS/ docu!ents obtained under a (innesota 0ata ,racticesAct* 

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A contract signed with NAS/ authories Sa1i Networks to place asyste! o# RFI0 sensors along the entire length o# I-35 to track RFI0e2uipped containers which tra1el the I-35 NAFTA Superhighway"including those hinese containers that enter the continent throughthe (e+ican ports o# (ananillo and '6aro 6rdenas*

 The Federal $ighway Ad!inistration website is currently archi1ing aslide show presentation by Ti<any (el1in" NAS/>s e+ecuti1e director"containing a discussion o# the North A!erican Facilitation o# Transportation" Trade" Reduced ongestion and Security" designed totrack containers along I-35 with Sa1i RFI0 technology and to pro1idethe in#or!ation to 71arious #ederal and state 0/T ?0epart!ent o# Transportation@ participants*7

$utchison ,orts $olding operates the ports at (ananillo and '6aro6rdenas" as well as both ends o# the ,ana!a anal*

Sa1i Technology spokes!en re#used to return %N0 calls a#ter!essages were le#t at the co!pany #or three consecuti1e days*







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Sensors to trac! "superhighway" cargo #rom $e%ico&oc!hee' (uil'ing high-tech system with North America"sSuperCorri'or Coalition&tt':(())).)ordnetdaiy.#om(ne)s('*AR+%CE-%"/2/ 

Posted: "e#emer , 2001:00 a.m. Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi© 200 Word!et"aiy.#om

'ockheed (artin is working with North A!erica)s Superorridoroalition  the 0allas-based trade association on a BC !illion deal tobuild high-tech sensors to track cargo re!otely along a superhighwaystretching #ro! Te+as to anada*

 Dohn (ohler" a senior 1ice president at 'ockheed told the 7NorthA!erica %orks II7 transportation con#erence last week in 8ansas itythat E sensor locations would be established in the ne+t three !onthsto track specic cargo ship!ents along the NAS/ corridor

 The superhighway incorporates Interstates 35" 4 and 4* The sensorlocations would include the (e+ican port o# '6aro 6rdenasG 'aredo" Te+asG 8ansas ity" (o*G and %innipeg" anada*

ontainers co!ing into '6aro 6rdenas #ro! hina and the Far :ast

would concei1ably be e2uipped with these sensors #or tracking intrucks and trains along corridors #unctioning as NAFTA superhighways*

According to an Associated ,ress report" (ohler told the con#erencethat the #ull network would cost BC !illion and in1ol1e 35C to CCsensor locations along the NAS/ corridor" as well as a 7co!!and andcontrol center7 to monitor  in#or!ation on the tracked ship!ents"including cargo location" te!perature and weight changes*

8ansas ity consultant Di! 9erg#alk" the president o# the TransA!;roup" told the con#erence NAS/ and 'ockheed are setting up an

7electronic backbone7 o# sensors that would coordinate with groupssuch as 8ansas ity S!art,ort* %N0 pre1iously has reported that 8S!art,ort is planning to establish a (e+ican custo!s ofce in 8ansasity)s 7inland port7 co!ple+ as part o# the I-35 NAS/ corridor*

o#3&eed 4artin and the TransA! ;roup are both !e!bers o# NAS/*

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'eslie $oloweiko" a spokeswo!an #or 'ockheed (artin" told %N0 herco!pany is 7working with NAS/ to propose a cargo tracking syste!that we think will !ake our super-corridor highways syste!s !oresecure without i!peding the How o# co!!erce*7

$oloweiko conr!ed that no contract with NAS/ has been signed*

7urrently" we are pursuing a proposal"7 she told %N0* 7Nothing is r!as o# yet and we should ha1e !ore details in the ne+t #ew !onths*7

$oloweiko conr!ed that senior 'rogram manager  (ohler was workingon the NAS/ proposal" but she declined to pro1ide %N0 any detailsabout (ohler)s &ob or about the NAS/ contract he was de1eloping*%hen asked to dene a super-corridor" $oloweiko also declined* (ohlerdid not return %N0 phone calls*

9erg#alk and the TransA! ;roup show up not only on the progra! o#the North A!erica %orks II con#erence" but also on !any other 1enuesin1ol1ing cooperati1e business 1entures with (e+ico* A 8ansas itybusiness paper story in No1e!ber CC noted that the TransA! ;roupled by 9erg#alk had tra1eled to (e+ico)s National %eek o# Science and Technology in (onterrey" (e+ico" to pursue the possibility that a8ansas ity li#e sciences co!pany !ight begin working in (e+ico*

 The 8ansas ity 9usiness Dournal story also listed ;eorge 9lackwood asa !e!ber o# the TransA! ;roup* 9lackwood" an attorney with the8ansas ity law r! o# 9lackwood" 'angworthy Tyson" is also on the

board o# directors o# NAS/*

$owe1er" the TransA! ;roup does not ha1e a 8ansas ity telephonelisting* 9erg#alk" the president o# the TransA! ;roup" takes histelephone calls at the ofce o# S;9 o!!unications" a public relationsofce that 9erg#alk shares with Scott 9urnett" the only other personlisted on the website as a !e!ber o# S;9* 9urnett is credited on theS;9 website as being 7an elected legislator o# Dackson ounty"(issouri*7

 Ti<any (el1in" the e+ecuti1e director o# NAS/" conr!ed NAS/ was

pursuing a sensor contract with 'ockheed" telling %N0 that theproposal 7is a great opportunity #or i!pro1ing the efciency and se#urityo# cargo as it !o1es along highways and rail*7

(el1in told %N0 that NAS/ was in the process o# co!pleting thecontract with 'ockheed* She also conr!ed 9erg#alk was being hiredby NAS/ to be the president o# the International (id-ontinent Trade

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and Transportation orridor Association" a new non-prot organiationNAS/ is #or!ing to ad!inister the 'ockheed contract*

According to the A, report" 'ockheed)s (ohler told last week)s 8ansasity con#erence 'ockheed planned to contribute B5 !illion o# the BJ

!illion needed to co!plete the pilot-pro&ect phase o# the sensorpro&ect*

'ockheed and NAS/ declined to tell %N0 how they planned to #undthe BC !illion re2uired to build out the #ull sensor syste!* 'ockheedand NAS/ also declined to say who would own the syste! once it isco!pleted*

Are You Ready for Your North American nion ID !ard"

#y $ame% P&ummerPosted: 07/17/2006


Human Events Online has been leading the coverage of the so-called !ecurit" and Pros#erit" Partnershi#$% a unilateral #rogramim#lemented b" the &ush 'dministration designed to set the course fora (orth 'merican )nion that *ould subsume our national sovereignt"+' de facto treat" signed b" the leaders of ,anada$ e.ico$ and the)+!+$ the agreement *as never submitted to the !enate for ratification+(o* it can be revealed that #lans for the (orth 'merican )nion includea tri-national (orth 'merican )nion% card+

ecent testimon" to ,ongress b" a Homeland !ecurit" officialreinforces the #oint+ 't a une 3 hearing before an immigrationsubcommittee$ H! counselor and acting assistant secretar" Paulosen4*eig touted something called the 5estern Hemis#here ravelnitiative 5H8+ n doing so$ he cited the !PP and bragged thatunder the !PP$ ,abinet !ecretaries and inisters convened trilateral*or9ing grou#s to develo# concrete *or9 #lans and s#ecific timetablesfor securing (orth 'merica and ensuring legitimate travelers and cargo

efficientl" cross our shared borders+% 

he 5H *as established to im#lement legislation #assed as #art ofthe 200 intelligence reform bill$ *hich *as in turn s#urred on b" thefindings of the federal government;s ad hoc  </11 ,ommission+ '#rovision in that legislation re=uired that ever"one entering the )nited!tates$ including 'mericans$ #resent identit" documents -- but all of

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the details *ere left to the e#artment of Homeland !ecurit"+ heresult *as the 5H$ *hich aims to re=uire that #eo#le entering the)+!+ from ,anada$ e.ico$ the ,aribbean$ or &ermuda #resent either ane* document called a Pass#ort ,ard% or other documents to benamed *hich *ill meet certain standards to be determined+ his

re=uirement *ould also a##l" to 'mericans$ *ho currentl" do not needa #ass#ort to travel to those countries but *ould need a documentcom#liant *ith 5H to return home+

&" folding the 5H into the !PP;s agenda for a (orth 'merican )nion$the &ush 'dministration is bra4enl" la"ing the foundation to turn 5Hinto a bac9door tri-national s"stem+ 'nd 'mericans ma" have littlechoice but to be integrated into it+

5hat forms of identification *ill be acce#table for the 5H have "etto be finali4ed b" H! and the !tate e#artment+ &ut as the>overnment 'ccountabilit" Office re#orted to ,ongress$ ' number ofsta9eholders are advocating a driver;s license *ith enhanced securit"features as a substitute for a #ass#ort+ he" maintain that *hen statesado#t driver;s licenses *ith enhanced securit" features in accordance*ith the E'? 'ct$ the document should be sufficient for landborder crossings under the ravel nitiative+% 

he E'? 'ct *ill force Homeland-!ecurit"-*ritten standards ontostate drivers; licenses and lin9 the state databases into a national s"stem+ Each draft of the legislation before the final version #assed as

an amendment to emergenc"% ra= s#ending8 said that nationalstandards for state drivers; licenses should be based on thoserecommended in a document called the river ?icense 'greement+%he ?' *as a se#arate 2@-#age document drafted b" 'merican'ssociation of otor Aehicle 'dministrators$ a 9ind of tradeassociation% of states; A offices+ &uried in the glossar" of thatdocument is a note that states% eligible to Boin the standardi4eddatabase s"stem included #rovinces of ,anada and states of e.ico+he #rovision referring to the ?' *as #ulled from the bill after ?ibert",oalition and other grou#s brought attention to the matter+ !o this

scheme for a (orth 'merican )nion is nothing ne*+

,hief among those sta9eholders% mentioned in the >'O re#ort areman" ,hambers of ,ommerce interestingl"$ the !PP is being runthrough the e#artment of ,ommerce8 and other businesses alongboth sides of the border$ *or9ing together under the name &usinessfor Economic !ecurit"$ ourism$ and rade% &E!8+ ather thansearching for a *a" to #reserve both free mar9ets and national

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sovereignt"$ &E! dis#atched </11 ,ommissioner !lade >orton totestif" to ,ongress on ho* machine-readable E'? drivers; licenses can be combined *ith other re=uirements$ li9e the 5esternHemis#here ravel nitiative$ for #ur#oses li9e border crossing+%'nother &E! re#resentative$ ?u9e Cord$ has been telling

,ongressional staffers that ,anadian drivers; licenses could easil" bet*ea9ed enough to integrate into a E'? border-crossing s"stem+

&ut *ill this ultimatel" ha##enD he >'O re#ort #oints out that,ongress *ould have to #ass legislation authori4ing Homeland !ecurit"to re=uire that an indicator of )+!+ citi4enshi# be e.#licitl" included inthe machine-readable data on nationali4ed E'? drivers; licenses+'ssuming H! doesn;t go ahead and do so an"*a" *hen it releasesE'? standards later this "ear$ there is alread" legislationintroduced in the House to include that information+ he P', 'ct$introduced b" e#s+ ?ouise !laughter and ohn cHugh *ould alsore=uire the )+!+ and ,anada to develo# identical documents for useunder 5H+

5hat all this means is that *e are facing a situation *here )+!+ and,anadian drivers; licenses$ *hich 'mericans need to drive to *or9$ goto a tavern$ and generall" navigate da"-to-da" life$ *ill containsensitive #ersonal biometric information$ interlin9ed and readable b"the governments of ,anada and e.ico+ 'nd de#ending on thestandards decided u#on b" Homeland !ecretar" ichael ,hertoff$ ourdrivers; licenses could contain more information than the documents

e.icans use to cross into the )+!+ legall" nevermind those *ho crossour insecure southern border *ithout #ermission+


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&icense )late Trac!ing #or All 

 *AS+IN,TON -- ealous lovers may soon have an alternative to sni##ing #or

per#ume to catch a cheating mate. ust #ollow their license plate/

In recent years0 police aroun' the country have starte' to use power#ul in#rare'cameras to rea' plates an' catch car1ac!ers an' tic!et sco##laws/ 2ut thetechnology will soon migrate into the private sector0 an' morph into a tool #ortrac!ing in'ivi'ual motorists" movements0 says #ormer policeman An'y2ucholz0 who"s on the (oar' o# irginia-(ase' ,4 Tactics0 a manu#acturer o# thetechnology/

2ucholz0 who 'esigne' some o# the #irst mo(ile license plate rea'ing0 or &)50e6uipment0 gave a presentation at the 4778 National Institute o# ustice

con#erence here last wee! laying out a vision o# the #uture in which &)5 'oeseverything #rom helping insurance companies #in' missing cars to letting retailchains chart customer migrations/ It coul' also let a nosy citizen with enoughcash #in' out i# the mayor is having an a##air0 he says/

,iant 'ata-trac!ing #irms such as Choice)oint0 Accurint an' Ac%iom alrea'ycollect 'etaile' personal an' #inancial in#ormation on millions o# Americans/Once they 'iscover how lucrative it is to !now where a person goes (etween thesupermar!et0 #or e%ample0 an' the strip clu(0 the &)5 in'ustry coul' e%plo'e0says 2ucholz/

)rivate 'etectives woul' want the in#ormation/ So woul' repo men or (ail (on'smen/ An' the government0 which o#ten contracts out personal 'atacollection -- in part0 so it 'oesn"t have to 'eal with Free'om o# In#ormation Actre6uests -- might encourage it/

9I !now it soun's really 2ig 2rother09 2ucholz says/ 92ut it"s going to happen/It"s going to get cheaper an' cheaper until they slap them up on every ta%ica(an' 'elivery truc! an' trac! where people live/9 An' wor!/ An' sleep/ An'move/

)rivacy a'vocates worry that 2ucholz0 who wants to sell &)5 'ata to consumer

'ata (ro!ers li!e Choice)oint0 !nows what he"s tal!ing a(out/

9*e have pretty much a *il' *est society when it comes to privacy rights09says ay Stanley0 a spo!esman #or the American Civil &i(erties :nion/ 9Theoverall lesson here is that we really nee' to put in place some (roa'-(ase'privacy laws/ *e nee' to esta(lish (asic groun' rules #or how these newcapa(ilities are constraine'/9

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Current laws 'on"t constrain much/ ust as it"s legal #or the paparazzi to ta!epictures o# cele(rities in pu(lic0 it"s legal #or anyone to photograph your licenseplate on the street/ Still0 there aren"t enough &)5 units in service yet to #ollow your car everywhere/

The systems0 which cost aroun' ;40777 an' are ma'e (y ,4 Tactics0 Civica0 Autou an' 5emington <lsag &aw <n#orcement Systems0 among others0 have (een sol' mostly to ma1or police 'epartments aroun' the country/

)olice in cities such as &os Angeles use them to hunt 'own stolen cars an'#elony vehicles li!e getaway cars/ An' par!ing-en#orcement o##icers use &)5 tocollect money -- lots o# it/ In the #irst =4 hours a#ter New +aven0 Connecticut0'eploye' a ,4 Tactics &)5 to crac! 'own on par!ing violations0 the city towe'or (oote' ==> cars0 resulting in a ;?70777 win'#all0 accor'ing to 2ucholz/

&)5 cameras0 which are usually aroun' the size o# a can o# tomato sauce0 can (emounte' on police cruisers an' powere' (y cigarette lighters/ As the car moves0the camera (ounces in#rare' light o## other vehicles" license plates/ The camerarea's the plates an' #ee's them to a laptop in real time0 where in#ormation #roman F2I or local 'ata(ase can tell an o##icer i# the car is hot/ Some systems canrea' up to 87 plates per secon'0 an' they wor! at highway spee's an' acuteangles/

The ne%t step is connecting the technology to 'ata(ases that will tell cops whether a se%ual o##en'er has #aile' to register in the state or is loitering tooclose to a school0 or whether a 'river has an outstan'ing warrant/ It coul' alsosnag you i# you"re uninsure'0 i# your license e%pire' last wee! or even i# yourli(rary (oo!s are over'ue/ 

7'icense ,late Nu!ber TrackingG Traceability without the ;ettysburg


9y 0r* Dohn Robertson" :/" In#oSight orporation 

$istorically" products were tracked by batches* ,ieces were kepttogether and the slowly changing batch nu!ber was !arked using

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sta!ps" !old pointers and stencils* 9atch !arkings did not need to bere-progra!!ed 2uickly*

 Today" we understand the ad1antages o# using indi1idual piece identity*8eeping track o# the indi1idual pieces rather than batches !eans that

1aluable data about the parentage" process history and ulti!atedisposition o# each piece can replace the crude a1erages typical o#batch data* (odern progra!!able identication techni2ues such asink &et" dot peen !arking" and bar codes now per!it practicalidentication piece by piece*

Newer progra!!able identication tools capable o# !arking highdensity 0 barcodes and dot codes per!it a s!all 7database7 to be!arked on each piece* /ne is there#ore te!pted to !ark dataincluding e1erything that is known about the piece at the ti!e whenthe !arking is doneG in e<ect" !arking the ;ettysburg Address* Such

database !arkings are necessary and desirable when that data !ust#ollow the piece into 1enues where co!puteried databases are neithera1ailable nor practical* %e should re!e!ber that the Internet will soonbe !aking online lookups practical anywhere*

$owe1er" within the closed plant or corporate 1enue" the higher costand lower reliability o# high density codes suggests that we shouldidenti#y each piece only with a short 'icense ,late Nu!ber ?',N@ whichinde+es a co!plete le record #or that piece within a networked" realti!e co!puter data base* The ;ettysburg Address ?and !uch !oreK@ is

then a1ailable in real ti!e #ro! that database which can be #urtherupdated with 1aluable data long a#ter the initial ?',N@ !arking is done*

Figure E* presents a 7standard7 bar code sy!bology application"specically a ode EL sy!bol which encrypts an L deci!al digit ',N7E35MLE7 and is here used to identi#y a hot band coil* As is theaccepted practice" the bar code data is also written in !an-readablecharacters underneath the bar code pattern* ?The appended 7547check characters will be e+plained later*@

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Note that additional !an-readable characters can also be printed #orcon1enience* $ere" alphanu!eric characters are shown* Theseadditional characters are not part o# the auto!atic identication" but!ay be 1ery help#ul #or !anual identication o# the piece outside o#the !ill*

A#ter choosing an appropriate ',N" the sy!bology and code sie !ustbe intelligently selected* There are !any standard bar code


 The narrowest bar or space in a linear ?E0@ bar code is called the 7+7di!ension* In Figure E ?#ull sie@" the 7+7 di!ension is 1ery close to *CMC7* Such a code is readable #ro! up to C #t with a !odern long-range laser 9ar ode Reader ?9R@* I# ode 34 ?another co!!on barcode sy!bology but with #ull alphanu!eric capability@ were used toencode the L deci!al only digits" the 7+7 di!ension #or the sa!e

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physical barcode length would shrink to about *C357 and would bereadable #ro! less than EC #t* There#ore" choose the sy!bologycare#ully*

%hen I!ple!enting an ',N syste!

E* hoose an ',N length which will pro1ide sufcient 7per!utations7and no !ore*

 Typically" the ',N should allow the uni2ue piece identication #or eachpiece produced ?con1erted@ within a closed #acility in 5 years ?the7wrap7@*

For e+a!ple" an L deci!al digit ',N ?ECC"CCC"CCC per!utations@ would

sufce #or a #acility which annually produced or con1erted C"CCC"CCCindi1idually identied pieces*

* (ark the indi1idual pieces with indi1idual ',N)s and add a !anreadable check digit suf+ to the !an readable string*

 The indi1idual ',N)s will per!it data to be collected #or each indi1idualpiece until it is !odied by a process that obliterates that ',N*

 The !an readable check digit will per!it the ',N to be !anually

entered ?backup@ with a high degree o# accuracy* (ost !anualtranspositions and !isreads will be Hagged i# the !anual operator!ust also enter the check digit*

In our e+a!ple o# ',N O 7E35MLE7" the check digits could be denedas the check digit used within code EL sy!bology* In this case 7547 * This is a !od EC3 test so entry errors are reduced by o1er a #actor o#ECC i# the check digits are entered and then tested by the application*

3* 0on)t be a#raid to add additional alphanu!eric ?;ettysburg Address@

in#or!ation when the ',N is !arked* 9ut don)t put this additionalin#or!ation in the auto!atic identication sy!bology - put it in thedatabase where it can be accessed using the ',N*

* I!!ediately a#ter applying the ',N to the piece" read the ',N on theproduct and create rst database record entries* This will eli!inateerrors associated with unreadable or !issing code !arkings and will

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identi#y !i+ed up !arkings ?e*g* ShuPed stacks o# tags@* This is called=:RIFIATI/N*

5* .se the ',N to track the piece and to update it)s historical databaseas it proceeds through the process* Qou will soon nd that the ',N that

can be auto!atically read will beco!e !ore use#ul than the;ettysburg Address *

M* As the ',N !arkings are re!o1ed by the processing ?e*g* rolling@ "re-!ark the parent piece with a New ',N ?nu!bers are #ree@ - don)t tryto reuse the old ',N * The processing which re!o1ed the original ',N!ay also create new ?child@ pieces ?including 1aluable scrap@ each o#which needs a new ',N*

J* The old ?pre-processing or parent@ ',N database !ust then beupdated to include eld?s@ containing the ',N)s o# all the new childpieces* /ptionally" the parent ',N can !aintain a pointer to a linkedlist o# child ',N)s* Additionally" the database?s@ containing the new?child@ ',N)s !ust include the ?now obliterated@ parent ',N* Thisper!its !aterial traceability in both directions --- our goal*

 Dohn Robertson

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 A (ay 1223 omel$nd "ec#rit% $#dit predicts that increasing amounts oftraveller0s personal information will be stored on central computer databases andreadable via passive "F#& trac'ing. #t forecasts an e!pansion of the 0trustedtraveler0 system being introduced in airports to all ma/or roads and highways.

The 4ush administration has embra'ed on a policy of selling off 'ey USinfrastructure to the highest bidder - in most cases foreign owned corporations.The #ndiana Toll "oad 5irginia0s *ocahontas *ar'way a Te!as toll road from

 Austin to Se6uin and The )hicago S'yway have all been siphoned off to foreigncompanies who will all en/oy billions in profits from American citizens forced topay the tolls.

The New 7ersey Turnpi'e and the 8hio Turnpi'e are also under the hammer withforeign interests at the forefront of the negotiations.

The framewor' on which the American Union is being pegged is the NAFTASuper +ighway 9pictured: a four football-fields-wide leviathan that stretchesfrom southern (e!ico through the US up to (ontreal )anada.

 An earlier )orsi $rticle cites government websites which carry full planningdetails of the Super +ighway and its construction has already begun in Te!aswith no congressional oversight whatsoever. The Trans-Te!as )orridor is beingoverseen by The Te!as &epartment of Transportation 9T!&8T: and the contractis owned by the )intra corporation which in turn is owned by the ;ing of Spain7uan )arlos. The pro/ect is being financed by the implementation of a toll that willbe collected by means of ,*S trac'ing devices installed in all vehicles and alsoenvelops many connecting roads to the highway.

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The NAFTA Super +ighway will allow vehicles people and goods to travel from(e!ico into the heart of America and up to )anada with little impedimenteffectively erasing America0s borders wholesale.

)oupled with 4ush0s l$net $mnest% progr$m the *an American Union and

the NAFTA Superhighway are the final hammer blows for the wholesaledismantling of American sovereignty.



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Comm((ee o1 MP! (o !(u"* !e')e( T.)ee Am%o!


Chris Cobb, The Ottawa Citizen!"#$"!%#$2e!#8!&'#e6'8a68bd"8(  

Puis&ed: +&ursday, A'ri 2, 2007An all-party $ouse o# o!!ons co!!ittee will gi1e the secreti1e NorthA!erican Security and ,rosperity ,artnership ?S,,@ its rst public airingbeginning today* Then-pri!e !inister ,aul (artin" .*S* ,resident ;eorge %* 9ush and#or!er (e+ican president =icente Fo+ launched the S,," known as the Three A!igos agree!ent" two years ago in %aco" Te+as*Since then" critics say the agree!ent has been hi&acked by big

corporations !eeting in secret with go1ern!ent ofcials with the &ointintent o# #ast-tracking the deeper integration o# the anadian" .*S* and(e+ican econo!ies*

N0, international trade critic ,eter Dulian" who has been pushing #orthe public hearings" wants the! to lead to a debate in the $ouse o#o!!ons*

7%e !ust ha1e a #ull and accountable public debate and e+pose theentire agenda around the S,,"7 (r* Dulian said*

7%hat is being discussed is nothing less than the #uture o# thiscountry*7

 The secret tripartite !eetings held a!ong go1ern!ent ofcials and bigbusiness representati1es are already ha1ing an i!pact on anadianpublic policy" added (r* Dulian*

7There is a dri1e to bring #orward legislation that essentially puts us atthe sa!e le1el as .*S* regulation"7 he said*

7And generally that)s !uch lower* /ne e+a!ple is the changing o#

Hight attendant ratios on anadian Hights" which lea1es #ewer Hightattendants to e1acuate passengers in the e1ent o# an accident or are*7

/ther potential changes in1ol1e regulations on #ood sa#ety" bulk watere+ports and a continental energy pact" which" (r* Dulian said" would allnegati1ely a<ect anadians*

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7These issues all ha1e a tre!endous i!pact on anadians"7 he said"7and once it beco!es a public debate" anadians will be deeplyconcerned* That)s why a lot o# this has been taking place behind closeddoors* It shows a basic !istrust o# de!ocracy and de!ocratic debate*7

 The tele1ised hearings will be held today" (ay E and 3*


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De) Delu"e" M!! Me"8 No)(. Ame)'# U#o# A%e#" E,!(!

De!6(e o11'l m6!8 "o'ume#(!8 6l#! #" +ll! # Co#%)e!! (.e )el(* o1 

(.e NAU #" ()#! +o)"e) !u6e).%.7* ! !(ll "e#e" ! Ro# Pul !

(('<e" 1o) !6e<#% ou( +ou( (3 I#1o7)!3#e( De'em+e) 8


S(e:e W(!o#



he media cam#aign to den" the realit" of the move to*ards a (orth'merican )nion in the mold of the Euro#ean )nion$ *hich *ouldencom#ass a merging of the economies of he )!$ ,anada ande.ico$ continues *ith a shar# focus on attac9ing #residential

candidate on Paul *ho has s#o9en about the move on numerousoccasions+

he (orth 'merican )nion issue came to the fore last *ee9 *hen,ongressman on Paul *as sardonicall" as9ed during the ,(( >OPdebate if he believed in it as his man" su##orters have suggested+

r Paul #ut the record straight b" e.#laining that it is ludicrous to callthe ver" real (') movement a cons#irac" theor"+

Fhe ,C e.ists$ the rilateral ,ommission e.ists$F Paul e.#lained+

F'nd it is a cons#irac" of ideas$G this is an ideological battle+ !ome#eo#le believe in globalism$ others believe in national sovereignt"+ 'ndthere is a move on to*ard a (orth 'merican )nion$ Bust li9e earl" onthere *as a move for a Euro#ean )nion that eventuall" ended u#+ !o*e have ('C' and a move to*ard a ('C' high*a"$ these are realthings+F

es#ite on PaulGs e.#lanation that these things are real$ and des#iteover*helming and manifestl" #rovable evidence that the" are real$ thehac9s at ,(( s#ent much of their #ost debate coverage attac9ing the

,ongressman on the issue as if he *ere insane+

he #ost debate coverage in the video belo* features these attac9sfollo*ed b" a loo9 at the various legislation$ ma#s and *ebsites thatdocument the realit" of a move to*ard a (orth 'merican )nion and atrans national corridor:

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he frame*or9 on *hich the 'merican )nion is being #egged is a crossborder (orth 'merican Cree rade 'greement su#er high*a" thatstretches from southern e.ico through the )! u# to ontreal,anada+

he organisation overseeing the im#lementation of the high*a" isNAS/" the North A!erica Superorridor oalition Inc +$ *hich

describes itself as a Fnon-#rofitF organi4ation dedicated to develo#ingthe *orldGs first international$ integrated and secure$ multi-modaltrans#ortation s"stem along the nternational id-,ontinent rade andrans#ortation ,orridor to im#rove both the trade com#etitiveness and=ualit" of life in (orth 'merica+F

('!,O has received 2I0 million in earmar9s from the )+!+e#artment of rans#ortation to #lan the ('C' !u#er High*a" as a10-lane limited-access road five lanes in each direction8 #lus#assenger and freight rail lines running alongside #i#elines laid for oiland natural gas+ One glance at the ma# of the ('C' !u#er High*a"as #roduced b" ('!,O ma9es clear that the design is to connecte.ico$ ,anada$ and the )+!+ into one trans#ortation s"stem+

oll roads are to be #laced u#on e.isting roads in !ecurit" Pros#erit"Partnershi# agreements that b"#asses ,ongress$ agreements bet*eenthe bureaucracies of the )! and e.ican governments$ to raise ca#italto build the !u#er high*a" that *ill go !outh of and into e.ico+

!ecurit" Pros#erit" Partnershi# documents reveal that out of 3Iinterstate high*a"s$ 3@ of them are slated to go under this agreementand toll roads are going do*n on them alread"+ he mone" from thiso#eration *ith further fund the dismantling of )! sovereignt" b"sei4ing the infrastructure at itGs ver" heart in a bloodless cou#+

he high*a" is to be lin9ed to the Trans-Te+as orridor the first leg of

the high*a" *hich *ill connect e.ico *ith the )!+ his is beingoverseen b" the Te+as 0epart!ent o# Transportation ?T+0/T@ *hich is

a member of ('!,O+

he ('C' corridor movement also involves ANA(: $ another trade

organi4ation that #romotes a 5estern tri-lateral route utili4ing -1<$ -10$ -<@ and -1I in the states of 'ri4ona$ (evada$ )tah$ daho andontana to lin9 the three countries in trade+ !ee belo* clic9 toenlarge8+

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'nother non-#rofit grou#$ the North A!erican Foru! on Integration('C8$ identifies four bands of ('C' corridors Pacific$ 5est$ Eastand 'tlantic8$ all rel"ing #rimaril" u#on internationali4ing north-southe.isting interstate high*a"s into ('C' trade corridors+ !ee belo*+

he ('C *ebsite states the follo*ing:

FCollo*ing the im#lementation of ('C'$ coalitions ofinterest have been formed in order to #romote s#ecifictrans#ort channels$ to develo# the infrastructures of these

channels and to #ro#ose Burisdictional amendments tofacilitate the crossing of borders+ hese coalitions includebusinesses$ government agencies$ civil organi4ations$metro#olitan areas$ rural communities and also individuals$*ishing to strengthen the commercial hubs of theirregions+F

Fhe (orth 'merican trade corridors are bi- or tri-nationalchannels for *hich various cross-border interests havegrou#ed together in order to develo# or consolidate theinfrastructures+ he (orth 'merican corridors areconsidered multimodal in the sense that the" bring into#la" different modes of trans#ort in succession+F

Fhe infrastructures ma" include roads$ high*a"s$ transitroutes$ air#orts$ #i#elines$ rail*a"s and train stations$ rivercanal s"stems and #ort facilities$ telecommunicationsnet*or9s and tele#orts+F

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he architects of this unification are not Bust in name merging the agencies and thela*s and the regulations$ the" are#h"sicall" getting rid of the borders b"bu"ing off and lobb"ing the #oliticians at

the state level$ *ho then hand the roadso1er to international bodies and their

subsidiary co!panies +

't the end of anuar" *e reported on the re1elation that one of the

foreign toll road conglomerates$ ac=uarie$ has agreed to bu" do4ensof ne*s#a#ers in and O9lahoma that have u# until no* beenharsh critics of the rans ,orridor su#erhigh*a"+ his indicates aclear of influence #eddling #ointing to rac9eteering$ and ades#erate lunge to silence dissent against the sellout of 'mericaninfrastructure and the (orth 'merican )nion+

he mainstream media *ill 9ee# telling "ou none of this is real$ that itson a #ar *ith invading s#ace aliens and that if "ou believe in an" of it"ou are totall" cra4"+he further incontrovertible evidence for a (') agenda is overflo*ing$"ou could *rite entire boo9s on the issue+he initial !ecurit" and Pros#erit" Partnershi# agreement *as signedb" President &ush$ e.ican President Aicente Co. and then-,anadianPrime inister Paul artin in 5aco$$ arch 2@$ 200I+ testablished *or9ing grou#s$ under the (orth 'merican Cree rade'greement office+!ecurit" and Pros#erit" Partnershi# !PP8 documents released under

the CO' sho* that a *ide range of )! administrative la* is being re-*ritten in stealth under this #rogram to FintegrateF and Fharmoni4eF*ith administrative la* in e.ico and ,anada$ Bust as has becomecommon#lace *ithin the E)+he documents contain references to u#*ards of 1@ *or9ing grou#s*ithin an entire organied in#rastructure that has dra*n from officials

*ithin most areas of administrative government including )+!+de#artments of !tate$ Homeland !ecurit"$ ,ommerce$ reasur"$'griculture$ rans#ortation$ Energ"$ Health and Human !ervices$ andthe office of the )+!+ rade e#resentative+

Further docu!ents PC lin98 from last "earGs !PP meeting in &anff*hich *ere obtained b" udicial 5atch under the CO'$ refer to anFevolution b" stealthF agenda for the !PP$ e.#laining that the ,ongressand the 'merican #eo#le *ould not *illingl" go along *ith such amove+his stealth agenda has also been carefull" #ointed out in a Hudsonnstitute 5hite Pa#er entitled Negotiating North A!erica The Securityand ,rosperity ,artnership PC8

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Fhe most im#ortant feature of the !PP design is that it isneither intended to #roduce a treat" nor an e.ecutiveagreement li9e the ('C' (orth 'merican Cree rade'greement8 that *ould re=uire congressional ratification orthe #assage of im#lementing legislation in the )nited

!tates+ he !PP *as designed to function *ithin e.istingadministrative authorit" of the e.ecutive branch+F

he #a#er also states Fmobilit" across the border is central to the ideaof an integrated (orth 'merican economic s#ace+Fhe Hudson 5hite Pa#er also reminds us that the 200I ,ouncil onCoreign elations document called F 9uilding a North A!ericano!!unity F bragged that its recommendations are Fe.#licitl" lin9edF

to !PP+ he ,ouncil on Coreign elations document called forestablishing a Fcommon #erimeterF around (orth 'merica b" 2010$the develo#ment of a biometric (orth 'merican border #ass$ and theado#tion of a (orth 'merican tariff+FFurther FR docu!ents have revealed that the grou# *ants to

Festablish #rivate bodies that *ould meet regularl" or annuall" tobuttress (orth 'merican relationshi#s$ along the lines of the &ilderbergconferences+F &ilderberg are the #o*er bro9ers behind the formationof the E) and the single Euro#ean currenc"8uring the recent secretive !PP meeting an advisor" ,ouncil createdlast "ear 9no*n as the North A!erican o!petiti1eness ouncil met

on issues including border regulation and com#etitiveness in theautomotive$ trans#ortation$ manufacturing and services sectors+ he

council is e.#ected to meet annuall" *ith securit" and #ros#erit"ministers and *ill engage *ith senior government officials on anongoing basis+he most recent !PP meeting in ,anada also sa* the )! arm" enforcea huge 5k! security peri!eter as *ell as crac9ing do*n on #rotests$

barring media and shutting do*n #ublic forums in the vicinit" of theevent+Eighteen states have introduced resolutions calling on their federalre#resentatives to halt *or9 on the (orth 'merican )nion the"include Airginia and !outh ,arolina8+ hree of these states daho$

ontana and O9lahoma8 have #assed their resolutions+

O9lahoma$ *hich is in the #ath of the su#erhigh*a" com#onent of the(orth 'merican )nion #assed their resolution in the !enate <7-0+ see9asic Search For! link - top le#t - type in SREC 8

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his came after it *as revealed that the a"or of O9lahoma ,it"$ *iththe a##roval of <0 other officials$ signed a docu!ent endorsing an

economic and #olitical integration of the )+!+ *ith ,anada and e.ico+

.*S* ongress!en $ including (,Gs Airginia Co.. and 5alter ones$

along *ith all three e#ublican ,ongressmen running for President$have signed on as co-s#onsors of H,0$ *hich calls on the e.ecutivebranch to end all *or9 on the (orth 'merican )nion and the #ro#osedsu#erhigh*a"+

Even the Sierra lub o# anada is sounding the alarm against the

(orth 'merican )nion+

he standardi4ation and centrali4ation of #olic" into a (orth 'merican)nion frame*or9 is ver" real$ a fact *e #ersonall" came face to face*ith this *ee9 after our office received aletter from the 5or9force,ommission demanding that *e #rovide business information for the#ur#oses of assigning a (orth 'merican ndustr" ,lassification !"stem(',!8 code to our location+

he NAIS website re1eals that Fhe (orth 'merican ndustr"

,lassification !"stem has re#laced the )+!+ !tandard ndustrial,lassification !,8 s"stem+ (',! *ill resha#e the *a" *e vie* ourchanging econom"+F

F(',! *as develo#ed Bointl" b" the )+!+$ ,anada$ and e.ico to#rovide ne* com#arabilit" in statistics about business activit" across(orth 'merica+F

he fact that *e received this letter and that businesses across'merica are being forced to submit census information for the#ur#oses of registration in a (orth 'merican database that includese.ico and ,anada is no Fcons#irac" theor"$F its another documentedste# on the road to full harmoni4ation and integration+

he #lanned introduction of the 'mero$ a #an-'merican currenc"lambasted in the >lobe #iece as another cons#irac" theor"$ is common9no*ledge amongst all financial anal"sts *orth their salt+ !teve Previsof efferies nternational tal9ed about it on a ,(&, segment in(ovember last "ear+

ust last *ee9$ renowned !oney !anager Stephen Darislowsky told aparlia!entary co!!ittee in anada that F*e have to reall" seriousl"

,lic9 for enlargements+

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start thin9ing of the model of a continental currenc" Bust li9e Euro#e$Fas he advocated the creation of a (orth 'merican currenc" to re#lacethe ,anadian dollar$ the )+!+ dollar and the #eso+

obert Pastor$ one of the architects of the #lan for a regional

government$ has authored a book and speaks at con#abs in front ofgovernmental officials$ #romoting the ado#tion of the amero as acommon monetar" currenc" to re#lace the dollar and the #eso+

Cormer e.ican President =icente Fo+ hi!sel# ad!itted the plan for a

(orth 'merican Feuro-dollarF currenc" during an a##earance on ?arr"Jing ?ive recentl"+

he latest media attac9s come on the bac9 of a recent &oston >lobe#iece entitled The a!ero conspiracy $ the latest in a long line of #ublic

relations stunts on behalf of the establishment to attem#t to hood*in9'mericans into thin9ing that the (') is crac9#ot cons#irac" fodder ona #ar *ith bigfoot$ *hen in realit" a #lan for merging the 'mericas ison the record and its #rotagonists have long bragged about their goalto destro" )+!+ sovereignt" in #ursuit of *orld government+

he ultimate goal$ to bring together the Pan 'merican )nion$ the 'sian)nion and the Euro#ean )nion into a structure of *orld government$ isalso often scoffed at b" the media as another cons#irac" theor"$ butthe agenda to end )+!+ sovereignt" in the interests of centrali4ingglobal #o*er is a conce#t that has been #ushed b" elitists for decades

and their intentions to do so are on the record+

Here are Bust a handful of =uotes from to# #o*er bro9ers attesting tothat fact$ as *ell as *arnings from those *ho o##ose it+

Fn the ne.t centur"$ nations as *e 9no* it *ill beobsolete all states *ill recogni4e a single$ global authorit"+(ational sovereignt" *asnGt such a great idea after all+F!trobe albot$ President ,lintonGs e#ut" !ecretar" of!tate$ as =uoted in ime$ ul" 20th$ 1<<2+

Ff instant *orld government$ ,harter revie*$ and agreatl" strengthened nternational ,ourt do not #rovidethe ans*ers$ *hat ho#e for #rogress is thereD he ans*er*ill not satisf" those *ho see9 sim#le solutions to com#le.#roblems$ but it comes do*n essentiall" to this: he ho#efor the foreseeable lies$ not in building u# a fe* ambitiouscentral institutions of universal membershi# and general

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Foda"$ 'merica *ould be outraged if )+(+ troo#s entered?os 'ngeles to restore order+ omorro* the" *ill begratefulM his is es#eciall" true if the" *ere told that there*ere an outside threat from be"ond$ *hether real or#romulgated$ that threatened our ver" e.istence+ t is then

that all #eo#les of the *orld *ill #lead to deliver them fromthis evil+ he one thing ever" man fears is the un9no*n+5hen #resented *ith this scenario$ individual rights *ill be*illingl" relin=uished for the guarantee of their *ell-beinggranted to them b" the 5orld >overnment+Fr+ Henr" Jissinger$ &ilderberger ,onference$ Evians$Crance$ 1<<1

Fhe rilateral ,ommission is intended to be the vehicle formultinational consolidation of the commercial and ban9inginterests b" sei4ing control of the #olitical government ofthe )nited !tates+ he rilateral ,ommission re#resents as9illful$ coordinated effort to sei4e control and consolidatethe four centers of #o*er #olitical$ monetar"$ intellectualand ecclesiastical+ 5hat the rilateral ,ommission intendsis to create a *orld*ide economic #o*er su#erior to the#olitical governments of the nationstates involved+ 'smanagers and creators of the s"stem$ the" *ill rule thefuture+F)+!+ !enator &arr" >old*ater in his 1<7< boo9: 5ith (o'#ologies+

Ever" time the agenda for full #olitical and economic integration isadvanced one ste# further$ *hether b" treaties$ la*full" bindingagreements or rhetoric about *hat the ne.t ste# *ill be$ theestablishment media ste#s in to scoff at such #atentl" observabledevelo#ments and label them Fcons#irac" theoriesF+5e have #reviousl" seen articles in other !a&or publications that

e.actl" !irror each other in denying the e+istence of the (')+ he

establishment media has #romoted this consistent hoa. andre#eatedl" engaged in mass #ublic dece#tion+

his tactic of smearing an"one *ho attem#ts to raise the issue and tocategoricall" den" realit" comes directl" from those *ho are #ushingthe (')

an" of the afore mentioned media hit #ieces surmise that the entiresubBect of the (orth 'merican )nion is an urban m"th that Ffeeds on'merican fear of immigration and globali4ationF$ Bust as &ush outlinesabove+

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Other media hit #ieces against the (orth 'merican )nion Fcons#irac"Fseem to hinge on the notion that the globalists #ushing for it donGt callit a FunionF but a Fcommunit"F+ his is a9in to *hen avid oc9efellerdismissed the notion that he *as aiding the creation of a globalgovernment$ instead asserting onl" that he believed in Fglobal

governanceF+ he media are basicall" ninn"ing about ho* man" angelscan dance on the head of a #in+

5hatever "ou *ant to call it - a #lan for #olitical$ economic and socialintegration of the 'mericas is afoot and it is being rammed through*ith little or no sa" from ,ongress or the 'merican #eo#le+

Ho*ever$ as the old sa"ing goes$ an" 9ind of P is good P+ he ra#idmove to*ard a (orth 'merican )nion is finall" getting mainstreamattention $ as *itnessed b" the increased effort on behalf of thecor#orate media to den" its realit" and im#lement the usual techni=ueof branding it a m"th or baseless cons#irac" theor"+ 's the attac9sbecome more #ronounced$ the clearer it *ill become that the moveto*ard a (') is a ver" real #ros#ect+

'le. onesG terrif"ing ne* film End >ame: &lue#rint Cor >lobalEnslavement e.#lores the histor" of eugenics and ans*ers *h" theelite are so obsessed *ith thinning the human #o#ulation+ lick hereto order the 0=0 or subscribe to prison planet*t1 and *atch the

documentar" in high =ualit" online streaming format+



De) Delu"e" M!! Me"8 No)(. Ame)'# U#o# A%e#" E,!(!

De!6(e o11'l m6!8 "o'ume#(!8 6l#! #" +ll! # Co#%)e!! (.e )el(* o1 

(.e NAU #" ()#! +o)"e) !u6e).%.7* ! !(ll "e#e" ! Ro# Pul !

(('<e" 1o) !6e<#% ou( +ou( (3 I#1o7)!3#e( De'em+e) 8


S(e:e W(!o#

he media cam#aign to den" the realit" of the move to*ards a (orth'merican )nion in the mold of the Euro#ean )nion$ *hich *ouldencom#ass a merging of the economies of he )!$ ,anada ande.ico$ continues *ith a shar# focus on attac9ing #residentialcandidate on Paul *ho has s#o9en about the move on numerousoccasions+

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he (orth 'merican )nion issue came to the fore last *ee9 *hen,ongressman on Paul *as sardonicall" as9ed during the ,(( >OPdebate if he believed in it as his man" su##orters have suggested+

r Paul #ut the record straight b" e.#laining that it is ludicrous to call

the ver" real (') movement a cons#irac" theor"+

Fhe ,C e.ists$ the rilateral ,ommission e.ists$F Paul e.#lained+F'nd it is a cons#irac" of ideas$G this is an ideological battle+ !ome#eo#le believe in globalism$ others believe in national sovereignt"+ 'ndthere is a move on to*ard a (orth 'merican )nion$ Bust li9e earl" onthere *as a move for a Euro#ean )nion that eventuall" ended u#+ !o*e have ('C' and a move to*ard a ('C' high*a"$ these are realthings+F

es#ite on PaulGs e.#lanation that these things are real$ and des#iteover*helming and manifestl" #rovable evidence that the" are real$ thehac9s at ,(( s#ent much of their #ost debate coverage attac9ing the,ongressman on the issue as if he *ere insane+

he #ost debate coverage in the video belo* features these attac9sfollo*ed b" a loo9 at the various legislation$ ma#s and *ebsites thatdocument the realit" of a move to*ard a (orth 'merican )nion and atrans national corridor:

on Paul again had to e.#lain on ,(( "esterda" that #lans for the (')

and an accom#an"ing high*a" in realit" des#ite continued mindnumbing denial:

he frame*or9 on *hich the 'merican )nion is being #egged is a crossborder (orth 'merican Cree rade 'greement su#er high*a" thatstretches from southern e.ico through the )! u# to ontreal,anada+

he organisation overseeing the im#lementation of the high*a" isNAS/" the North A!erica Superorridor oalition Inc +$ *hich

describes itself as a Fnon-#rofitF organi4ation dedicated to develo#ingthe *orldGs first international$ integrated and secure$ multi-modaltrans#ortation s"stem along the nternational id-,ontinent rade andrans#ortation ,orridor to im#rove both the trade com#etitiveness and=ualit" of life in (orth 'merica+F


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or more th$n 13 %e$rs NA") $nd its memers h$ve stood $t theforefront of driving p#lic $nd priv$te sectors to #nite to $ddressstr$tegic$ll% critic$l n$tion$l $nd intern$tion$l tr$de, tr$nsport$tion,sec#rit% $nd environment$l iss#es.

! )AN5

conomists predict U.S. bound international containerized cargo will increase<=2> by 1212. United States (e!ico and )anadian e!ports to one another andthe world are at an all time high.

?e are literally facing a trade tsunami and U.S. (e!ico and )anadianinfrastructure is unable to handle the burden.

! &!*N'!

*essimists view this as an impending crisis. NAS)8 views these challenges as avaluable opportunity for economic development /ob creation and to improve theoverall trade competitiveness of the United States (e!ico and )anada in theglobal mar'etplace.

! "*!'N

NAS)8@s purpose is to boost economic development activity by supporting

• (ulti-modal 9rail truc' ships air cargo: infrastructure improvements 

• Technology and security innovations on e!isting infrastructure to improve

security and efficiency • nhanced visibility security and accountability of supply chains critical to

every day life • nvironmental pro/ects to preserve 6uality of life and allow for future

growth • Strengthened security in cross-border trade flows  

"!!'N5 ! &)&( "!&A'5!The critically important role transportation and trade play in our every day livesand in our nations@ economies is dramatically undervalued and underappreciated.)ritics are attempting to e!ploit this misunderstanding to disrupt federal state

and local pro/ects aimed at propelling our communities and countries forward.These critics attempt to falsely portray NAS)8 as anything other than what it isan effective and necessary advocate for efficient secure and environmentallyconscious trade and transportation.?e have updated our website to clearly articulate the purpose and ob/ectivesthat h$ve defined, $nd $lw$%s will define, our organization.

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NA") is developing )orridor related Technology and Strategic "esearch&emonstration *ro/ects that enhance the security safety and efficiency oftransportation trade processing and logistics systems along the )orridor.


North Americ$n $cilit$tion of !r$nsport$tion, !r$de, &ed#ced )ongestion "ec#rit% 9NAFT"A)S: is a three phase pilot pro/ect designed to focus onbusiness processes and information as freight is transported from buyers tosellers. The pro/ect is intended to create a partnership between businesses andlocal state and federal governments while fostering cooperation amongst thesame entities. The pilot pro/ect will use actual freight shipments moving throughthe #-<=$1B$C2$BD trade corridor. This pro/ect will engage voluntary industryparticipants who will allow actual freight shipments to be trac'ed and monitoredfor location and condition of freight. 5arious federal and state &8T participantswill have access to the appropriate and necessary information as necessitated by

the pilot pro/ect concept of operations rules and methodology. 4usinessprocesses systems architecture and data flow will comply with ?orld )ustoms8rganization@s 9?)8: EFramewor' of Standards to further facilitate North

 American trade and transport.

Some of the important goals of NAFT"A)S are

G. &emonstrate the benefits of enhanced information sharing ande!change on security in the trade process while facilitating theprocess of trade transactions and their transportation.

1. &emonstrate and evaluate true integration of trac'ing devicetechnologies and how they perform with respect to security andfacilitating cargo movement.

The results of the pilot pro/ect will e!hibit improvement in freight mobility velocityand efficiency while reducing congestion and cost of trade. Some of theparticipants in the pilot pro/ect will be truc'ing companies <*H@s bro'ers$freightforwarders railroad operators emergency responders and local state andfederal governments.

 An operational system derived from this pilot version of the proof-of-conceptinformation architecture will red#ce the cost $nd congestion $nd improve the

efficienc%, moilit% $nd velocit% of freight $nd sec#rit% of the NorthAmeric$n tr$de thus enabling U.S. )anadian and (e!ican agencies toaccomplish their vital border security and trade facilitation missions - providing for the Security and *rosperity of North America.

 About NASCO  

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NA") is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing economicdevelopment activity while supporting multi-modal infrastructure improvementstechnology $ security innovations and environmental initiatives along the NAS)8)orridor and to stimulate the dialogue between the public and private sectorsabout critical corridor-wide trade and transportation challenges.

NAS)8 members include cities counties states provinces and private sectorrepresentatives along the )orridor in )anada the United States and (e!icodedicated to ma!imizing the efficiency and security of their e!isting trade andtransportation infrastructure. The NAS)8 )orridor represents the e!isting tradeand transportation infrastructure roughly shadowing U.S. #nterstate +ighways <=1B and BD and the connecting transportation infrastructure in )anada and(e!ico critical to national and international trade. This includes ma/or intermodalinland ports along the corridor and under development.

From the largest border crossing in North America 9The Ambassador 4ridge in

&etroit (ichigan and ?indsor )anada: and (anitoba )anada to the secondlargest border crossing of Haredo Te!as and Nuevo Haredo (e!ico and Southto the (e!ican *orts of (anzanillo and Hazaro )ardenas the impressive tri-national NAS)8 membership truly reflects the international scope of the )orridor and the regions it impacts.

8ur goal is to distinguish ourselves from other corridors by ta'ing leadership todeploy far-reaching aggressive action I solutions along the entire NAS)8)orridor focusing on broader corridor issues to include cross-border tradefacilitation re6uirements and issues of national and international importance. ?estrive to be the lead on solving the industry adoption hurdles to new processes

procedures technologies and systems.

 As such we have developed a networ' of contacts with public and private sectorindividuals organizations companies and public entities institutes and centers of 'nowledge as well as with regulatory and governmental entities from the localstate provincial and Federal governments of (e!ico the United States and)anada.

Through interaction and e!changing of information and problems concernse!periences and relationships NAS)8 and its members are able to drivepro/ects forward that the private sector and public sector players find difficult toachieve on their own. NAS)8 has a highly credible G<-year trac' record ofsuccessful advances in policies pro/ects and accomplishments.

*lease visit our website at &tt':(())).nas#o#orridor.#om('ages(aout(aout.&tm 

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• very JG billion in highway investment generates DK=22 /obs 

• Transportation accounts for up to GD> of the price of products we buy  

• Since GBBB the Federal ,overnment has directed more than J1<D millionin pro/ect funding towards the NAS)8 )orridor  

('!,O has received 2I0 million in earmar9s from the )+!+e#artment of rans#ortation to #lan the ('C' !u#er High*a" as a10-lane limited-access road five lanes in each direction8 #lus#assenger and freight rail lines running alongside #i#elines laid for oiland natural gas+ One glance at the ma# of the ('C' !u#er High*a"as #roduced b" ('!,O ma9es clear that the design is to connecte.ico$ ,anada$ and the )+!+ into one trans#ortation s"stem+

oll roads are to be #laced u#on e.isting roads in !ecurit" Pros#erit"

Partnershi# agreements that b"#asses ,ongress$ agreements bet*eenthe bureaucracies of the )! and e.ican governments$ to raise ca#italto build the !u#er high*a" that *ill go !outh of and into e.ico+

!ecurit" Pros#erit" Partnershi# documents reveal that out of 3Iinterstate high*a"s$ 3@ of them are slated to go under this agreementand toll roads are going do*n on them alread"+ he mone" from thiso#eration *ith further fund the dismantling of )! sovereignt" b"sei4ing the infrastructure at itGs ver" heart in a bloodless cou#+


he high*a" is to be lin9ed to the Trans-Te+as orridor the first leg of

the high*a" *hich *ill connect e.ico *ith the )!+ his is beingoverseen b" the Te+as 0epart!ent o# Transportation ?T+0/T@ *hich is

a member of ('!,O+


 These rather #etching billboards ha1e apparently already beenre!o1ed but pro1e that plans to build a huge toll road between Te+asand (e+ico known as the )Trans-Te+as orridor7 are well underway*

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%e ha1e long been reporting that the corridor is the lynchpin o# theNorth A!erican .nion" yet we are still called conspiracy theorists bythose who re#use to accept the reality in #ront o# their #aces*

he ('C' corridor movement also involves ANA(: $ another trade

organi4ation that #romotes a 5estern tri-lateral route utili4ing -1<$ -10$ -<@ and -1I in the states of 'ri4ona$ (evada$ )tah$ daho andontana to lin9 the three countries in trade+ !ee belo* clic9 toenlarge8+


!ince its ince#tion in 1<<I$ the !ANAME. !orridor has gro*n tobecome the cornerstone for the seamless and efficient trans#ortationof goods$ services$ #eo#le and information bet*een ,anada$ e.icoand the )nited !tates+ 's the im#lementation of ('C' moves to*ard

fruition$ the !ANAME. !orridor *ill broaden its initiatives to harvestthe benefits of increased trade$ tourism and economic activit" *ithinthe region+ he !ANAME. !orridor #rovides man" o##ortunities tobuild regional economic #ros#erit" through innovating:

• !afe and efficient multi-modal Tran%'ortation Net/or0%+

• Enhanced G&o#a& !om'etiti1ene%% *hich re=uires =ualit"

education$ accessible telecommunications infrastructure and ana##ro#riate regulator" environment+

• !hared commitment to the regionGs 2ua&ity of Life+

 The C)*)+- Trade orridor" as dened by ongress in the E445*ational ihway 0ystems 1esination )ct" is a $igh ,riorityorridor*

!rom 34blic 5aw &$#%', *oember 28, &''%7

?M@ The C)*)+- orridor #ro! Nogales" Ariona"through 'as =egas" Ne1ada" to Salt 'ake ity" .tah" toIdaho Falls" Idaho" to (ontana" to the anadian 9order as#ollows

?A@ In the State o# Ariona" the C)*)+- orridor shallgenerally #ollow-- ?i@ I-E4 #ro! Nogales to TucsonG ?ii@ I-EC#ro! Tucson to ,hoeni+G and ?iii@ .nited States Route 43 inthe 1icinity o# ,hoeni+ to the Ne1ada 9order*

?9@ In the State o# Ne1ada" the C)*)+- orridor shall#ollow-- ?i@ .nited States Route 43 #ro! the Ariona 9order

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• he Ports of Entr" ,ommittee of the >overnorGs ,'('EN as9

Corce com#lete a &order 5al9 along 'ri4onaGs #orts of entr"+ hecommittee and various interested #arties toured land #orts andfacilitated #ublic meetings in each border communit"+

• !ecured middle mile telecommunications infrastructure in !anta

,ru4 and ,ochise ,ounties• >overnor anet (a#olitano issues E.ecutive Order 200@-1<

e.tending the use of the >overnorGs ,'('EN as9 Corcethrough ecember 200+

• ,'('EN ,orridor ,oalition O) resigned b" the governors of

'ri4ona$ daho$ ontana$ (evada and )tah to e.tend the lengthof the agreement through une 200I+

42 +--+ • he >overnorGs ,'('EN as9 Corce re#orts attracting over 36

million in federal funds for the Hoover am &"#ass #roBect+

+2 +--+

• ,onstruction on the -10/-1< interchange in ucson$ a 9e"

#roBect for the ,'('EN ,orridor$ began in une+

42 +--3 • ,,, constructs a ne* O)

• ,,, agrees to *or9 on develo#ing and defining the conce#t of a

F!mart ourist ,orridorF

+2 +--3 • ,,, a##roves the final ,'('EN ,orridor Plan+

32 +--3 • ,,, meets in (ogales$ 'ri4ona to discuss the raft ,'('EN

,orridor Plan$ and decide to amend the #lan before release tothe #ublic+ esolution 2001-01 #asses regarding intero#erabilit"+an" international guests attend including re#resentatives from'lberta and the e.ican ,'('EN states+

42 +---• 5or9ing Pa#er: Economic and evelo#ment O##ortunities$

Cinancing O#tions and Polic" nitiatives+• ,,, meets in >reat Calls and a##roves the ight-of-5a"

esolution 2000-02+

52 +---

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• embers of the ,,, and the >overnorGs ,'('EN as9 Corce

met *ith numerous #ublic and #rivate sector leaders in !onora$!inaloa and alisco to #rovide an overvie* of the ,'('ENvision and #roBect+ he" found that there is significant su##ortfor the ,'('EN >oals and ObBectives$ and the suggestion to

initiate formal action to designate ,'('EN as an official #riorit"trade corridor *as su##orted in all three states+

52 +--- • 5or9ing #a#ers: E.isting nfrastructure Emerging echnologies+

32 +---

• ,'('EN ,orridor Plan Cinal e#ort

• he ,'('EN ,orridor Plan ,onsultant begins *or9 on the #lan+

42 3666 • Cive governors sign a emorandum of )nderstanding O)8$

forming the ,,,+

+2 3667 • rans#ortation E=uit" 'ct for the 21st ,entur" E' 218 is

#assed b" ,ongress$ #roviding a s#ecial (ational ,orridorPlanning and evelo#ment Program and ,oordinated &ordernfrastructure Program that authori4es 10 million #er "earform 1<<<-200@+

42 3668• he (ational High*a" !"stems esignation 'ct of 1<<I is #assed

b" ,ongress$ officiall" defining and designating the ,'('EN asa high-#riorit" ,orridor+

+2 3668

• !enate &ill 123 is #assed b" the !tate ?egislature$ creating a

&order nfrastructure Cinance Office and a##ro#riating 2I$000non-la#sing8 to the 'ri4ona e#artment of ,ommerce for'ri4onaGs share of the costs for the initiation #hase of

establishing a maBor trade corridor for the ,'('EN multi-statetrade coalition+

 The creation o# a 7S!art orridor7 is a uni2ue concept that relies 1eInitiati1es proposed in the orridor ,lan* Initiati1es E" " 3 and 5 areconsidered 79old Initiati1es7 because their i!ple!entation re2uires anew le1el o# cooperation a!ong the 1e states andor the creation o# anew !ulti-state organiation that does not currently e+ist* The #ourth

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Initiati1e" orridor $ighway I!pro1e!ents" does not re2uire the sa!ele1el o# !ulti-state cooperation*

nitiatie *o.& 0mart 9reiht Corridor The ability #or states to operate on a shared In#or!ation Technology

Syste!s ?ITS@ with the sa!e in#or!ation would enhance the sa#ety andefciency o# the orridor #or both #reight and tourists by pro1idingin#or!ation to the public" en#orce!ent agencies" and to e!ergency!edical" re" and haardous !aterial tea!s* For e+a!ple" an ITSsyste! would allow e!ergency response tea!s to track when a truckcarrying haardous !aterials enters their state to ensure a 2uickresponse i# a spill were to occur*

 This Initiati1e would also pro1ide ser1ice in#or!ation to co!!ercial1ehicle operators and !otor carriers either o1er the %eb atstrategically located truck stop kiosks" or through in-1ehicle syste!s

that !ay be i!ple!ented as a result o# publicpri1ate partnerships*

nitiatie *o.2 0mart To4rist Corridor Touris! is an i!portant co!ponent in the econo!ics o# all 1eANA(: States* ITS i!pro1e!ents could pro1ide considerableopportunity #or a robust touris! business and enhanced tra1elersa#ety* ITS syste!s could help tourists in an e!ergency by creating2uicker responses and allowing #ull cellular co1erage by eli!inatingdead spots* In addition" state o# the art rest stops could pro1idetourists access to tra1eler in#or!ation ser1ices such as touristattractions" border crossing" hospitality ser1ices" and hunting and

shing licenses*

nitiatie *o. ( Telecomm4nications )ccess !or 4ral )reas The essential in#rastructure #or econo!ic growth #or the early part o#the Est century will be teleco!!unications in#rastructure* Since !osto# the rural areas along the orridor are lagging in broadband access"this 9old Initiati1e)s !ain ele!ents are

• )sing government authorit" to leverage telecom com#anies to

install broadband service to smaller to*n and rural communities+• Encouraging the de#lo"ment of fiber o#tic and other

telecommunications cable lines *ithin the ,'('EN ,orridor+• evie*ing the status of 5ireless ?ocal ?oo# technolog" carriers

in the ,orridor states and #roviding recommendations on ho* tofacilitate de#lo"ment of these carriers for Flast mileF access inrural areas+

• Establishing a north-south broadband bac9bone to facilitate the

de#lo"ment of ! and related smart corridor enhancements+

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T.e #o)(. me)'# ()"e 'o))"o)!


9)lic' a region:

Following the i!ple!entation o# NAFTA" coalitions o#interest ha1e been #or!ed in order to pro!ote specictransport channels" to de1elop the in#rastructures o# thesechannels and to propose &urisdictional a!end!ents to#acilitate the crossing o# borders* These coalitions includebusinesses" go1ern!ent agencies" ci1il organiations"!etropolitan areas" rural co!!unities and alsoindi1iduals" wishing to strengthen the co!!ercial hubs o#their regions*

 The North A!erican trade corridors are bi- or tri-nationalchannels #or which 1arious cross-border interests ha1egrouped together in order to de1elop or consolidate thein#rastructures* The North A!erican corridors areconsidered !ulti!odal in the sense that they bring intoplay di<erent !odes o# transport in succession*

 The in#rastructures !ay include roads" highways" transitroutes" airports" pipelines" railways and train stations"ri1er canal syste!s and port #acilities"teleco!!unications networks and teleports*


!he $cific corridor 

   The ,acic corridor includes the entire geographic band#or!ed by the Rocky (ountain range and the ,aciccoast* A huge transport network ?highways" railways"airports and port in#rastructures@ #acilitates trade between%estern anada" the .*S* :ast oast and (e+ico*

 The trafc in the ,acic corridor !ainly uses $ighway I-5in the .nited States" which &oins together the !a&or citiesalong the ,acic coast* At the .*S*-(e+ican border" thecorridor passes through two !a&or ports o# entry San

0iegoTi&uana" the busiest crossing point on the entireborder" and ale+ico(e+icali" where there is a highconcentration o# !a2uiladoras*

 To the north" %ashington State and 9ritish olu!bia ha1e establishedthe <.0.#Canada nternational +obility and Trade Corridor inorder to #acilitate cross-border trade at the land-based crossing

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points there between anada and the .nited States*

NAFTA encouraged the creation o# a network o# business people in the,acic corridor* The ocy +o4ntain Corridor" #or e+a!ple" is anassociation o# s!all and !ediu! businesses in the three countries"

doing business in the region*

North o# the 4th parallel" two initiati1es ai! to de1elop the tradepotential o# the corridor the north#west corridor ai!ing to link%estern anada with the trade Hows o# NAFTA" and the )lasaailroad connection" pro&ect" ai!ing to #acilitate land-based accessto Alaska*


!he centr$l western corridor 

   The central western corridor includes the largestconcentration o# !a2uiladoras and the nd largest trade1olu!es o# all the North A!erican corridors* It uses one o# the oldest trade routes on the continent" nickna!ed theUa!ino RealV" or U8ing>s RoadV* The route linkshihuahua in (e+ico to 0en1er" olorado" 1ia the U,asodel NorteV" the ports o# entry o# :l ,asoiudad Duarebetween hihuahua and Te+as" and Santa Teresa in New(e+ico*

 The sur#ace trade Hows ?by truck and rail@ circulate along$ighway I-5 in the .nited States which" together with$ighway I-4C" brings the corridor north to (ontana* ,lansare to continue the a!ino Real to ;reat Falls" where thecorridor could &oin up with ana!e+" a North A!ericanhighway pro&ect" to enter anada*

Caname> is a planned #our-lane highway e+tending #ro! (e+ico ityto :d!onton" Alberta" in anada* The pro&ect has recently recei1ed thesupport o# a certain nu!ber o# states and pro1inces including Ariona"

Sonora and Alberta* The anadian ;o1ern!ent is pro1iding nancialsupport #or the building o# the *orth 0o4th Trade Corridor inAlberta" the anadian section o# ana!e+* The .*S* ongress hasdesignated the co!pletion o# ana!e+ as a high priority in theA!erican road syste!* ana!e+ currently uses $ighway I-E5 in the.nited States* The e+ternal relations secretariat o# (e+ico has taken onthe pro!otion o# the pro&ect*


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!he centr$l e$stern corridor 


 The central eastern region has two trade corridors" oneurban" which passes through the largest North A!ericancities and the industrial basins o# the central eastern

region" and another which is rural and which passesthrough the ;reat ,lains in the .*S* and through theanadian ,raries*

 The urban corridor o# NAFTA brings hal# o# the NorthA!erican population to within a single day>s &ourney byhighway between (ontrWal" anada" and (e+ico* Thecorridor passes through the industrial stronghold o#anada and its largest !arket* It enters the .nited Statesat ,ort $uron and at %indsor" where it crosses theA!bassador bridge" the busiest bridge in North A!erica"

to &oin 0etroit" (ichigan" where the giants o# theauto!obile industry are located* In the .nited States" theurban corridor #ollows Uorridor ELV" which e+tends to thelower Rio ;rande 1alley in Te+as" through Indianapolis"Indiana and (e!phis" Tennessee*

 The second corridor includes the ;reat ,lains North 0akota" South0akota" Nebraska" 8ansas" /klaho!a and Te+asG and the anadian,rarie pro1inces Saskatchewan" (anitoba and Alberta* A certainnu!ber o# associations ha1e been #or!ed #ollowing the creation o#

NAFTA" in order to re1italie the rural co!!unities o# the centraleastern region" by taking ad1antage o# the transcontinental tradeHows* The Central *orth )merican Trade Corridor )ssociation,The *orthern reat 3lains nitiatie" the 3orts#to#3lains TradeCorridor an the +id#Continent Trade Corridor are networks o#business people" ci1il organiations and go1ern!ent agencies ai!ingto #oster growth and e!ploy!ent in the central eastern region by!eans o# a direct transcontinental link between anada" the .nitedStates and (e+ico* A network o# cities" the *orth )mericannternational Trade Corridor 3artnership *)TC37" ai!s to builda huge regional !arket by holding regular trilateral !eetings between

!e!ber cities" and by #acilitating contact between businesses in thecorridor* In particular" the NAIT, has put together a huge directory o#enterprises in the corridor" which !ay be consulted on-line" andorganies 1irtual trade !issions*


!he Atl$ntic corridor 

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 The Atlantic corridor includes #our econo!ic areas ?E@ theanada-.*S* :ast oastG ?@ the ha!plain-$usdoncorridorG ?3@ the Appalachian region and ?@ the ;ul# o#(e+ico* The corridor pro1ides an inter!odal transport

syste! linking a -lane north-south highway" 3 !a&orNorth A!erican rail networks" E interstate highwaysyste!s" M interpro1incial syste!s" one trans-anadianhighway and all the !arine and airport #acilities o# theAtlantic coast* Transcontinental trade along this corridoruses the corridor o# the ;ul# o# (e+ico or the !ariti!eroutes o# the .*S* :ast oast*

 The rst area includes all the trade tra1elling along the .*S* :ast oaston $ighway I-45* It has the appearance o# a geographic band about5"5CC k! long and 5C k! wide" passing through a large nu!ber o# &urisdictions* Indeed" the area includes a population o# o1er 55 !illioninhabitants spread out across anadian pro1inces and in ELLcounties in E3 A!erican states*

Another part o# the north-east trade passes through the Champlain#4dson trade corridor* This corridor e+tends #ro! XuWbec ity toNew Qork ity* The ha!plain'acolle border crossing is one o# thethree largest co!!ercial ports o# entry between anada and the.nited States* The corridor between XuWbec and New Qork possessesad1anced transport in#rastructures that include anadian $ighways Cand E5" .*S* $ighway I-LJ" a #ully !odernied rail network and !arine

channels* The Appalachian region #ollows the contours o# the !ountain rangethat runs #ro! the south o# New Qork State to northern (ississippi* Itco1ers o1er 5EL"CCC k! and includes a population o# 3 !illionpeople" Y o# who! are in rural areas ?as co!pared to CY o# the.*S* population as a whole@* The highway in#rastructure o# theAppalachian region the )ppalachian 1eelopment ihway0ystem  supports an international )ppalachian corridor linking/ntario to the southern e+tre!ity o# Florida" passing through 9alti!ore"%ashington" Nor#olk and harlotte* The Continental &coalition has the

ai! o# de1eloping an international corridor #or trade and touris!between Toronto" /ntario and (ia!i" Florida*

Finally" the ;ul# orridor links the three (e+ican states o# oahuila"Nue1o 'eZn and Ta!aulipas to the entire north-eastern part o# thecontinent* It passes through the cities o# (onterrey" San Antonio"Austin" $ouston and 9aton Rouge" to &oin the trafc o# the Atlanticcoast* The border crossing at Nue1o 'aredo'aredo between Nue1o

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!NN9 Doe% Ron Pau& :e&ie1e in a !on%'iracy to ;orm a NorthAmerican nion"

 TruthNews [ No1e!ber 3C" CCJ

Jurt (immo

on Paul outlines the globalist #lan to im#lement a (orth 'merican)nion during the ,(( e#ublican debate+ Fhe ,C e.ists$ therilateral ,ommission e.ists$F Paul e.#lains+ F'nd it is a cons#irac" of ideas$G this is an ideological battle+ !ome #eo#le believe in globalism$others of us believe in nation sovereignt"+ 'nd there is a move onto*ard a (orth 'merican )nion$ Bust li9e earl" on there *as a movefor a Euro#ean )nion that eventuall" ended u#+ !o *e ('C' and amove to*ard a ('C' high*a"$ these are real things+F

ndeed$ the" are Freal things$F although ,(($ in a lo*er third$ chal9son Paul u# as a cons#irac" nut$ a tinfoil hatter$ a blac9 helico#ter9oo9 b" *a" of insinuation+

Of course$ it is the #rescribed agenda of ,(( and the rest of thecor#orate media to den" the (orth 'merican )nion$ as its architectsare determined to snea9 it under the *ire b" stealth+

Fhe establishment media has #romoted a consistent hoa. andengaged in mass #ublic dece#tion b" claiming that a #lan for the

#olitical$ social and economic integration of the )+!+$ ,anada ande.ico into a (orth 'merican )nion does not$ des#iteover*helming and manifestl" #rovable evidence to the contrar"$F*rites Paul ose#h 5atson+ F' recent &oston >lobe #iece entitled heamero cons#irac" is Bust the latest in a long line of #ublic relationsstunts on behalf of the establishment to attem#t to hood*in9'mericans into thin9ing that the (') is crac9#ot cons#irac" fodder ona #ar *ith bigfoot and alien abduction$ *hen in realit" a #lan formerging the 'mericas is on the record and its #rotagonists have longbragged about their goal to destro" )+!+ sovereignt" in #ursuit of*orld government+F

Ever" time the agenda for full #olitical and economic integration isadvanced one ste# further$ *hether b" treaties$ la*full" bindingagreements or rhetoric about *hat the ne.t ste# *ill be$ theestablishment media ste#s in to scoff at such #atentl" observabledevelo#ments and label them Fcons#irac" theoriesF+

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hus *e have ,(( sla##ing a banner beneath on Paul as headdressed the obvious+ Ho*ever$ ,((Gs crass attem#t to discreditPaulGs message *ill not *or9$ as increasing numbers of #eo#le aretuning into on PaulGs message and a large #art of the message is theattem#t to sell our national sovereignt" do*n the globalist river to*ard

the ultimate goal total enslavement based on the F,hinese miracleFof cor#orate feudalism+


'nother non-#rofit grou#$ the North A!erican Foru! on Integration('C8$ identifies four bands of ('C' corridors Pacific$ 5est$ Eastand 'tlantic8$ all rel"ing #rimaril" u#on internationali4ing north-southe.isting interstate high*a"s into ('C' trade corridors+ !ee belo*+

he ('C *ebsite states the follo*ing:

FCollo*ing the im#lementation of ('C'$ coalitions ofinterest have been formed in order to #romote s#ecifictrans#ort channels$ to develo# the infrastructures of thesechannels and to #ro#ose Burisdictional amendments tofacilitate the crossing of borders+ hese coalitions includebusinesses$ government agencies$ civil organi4ations$

metro#olitan areas$ rural communities and also individuals$*ishing to strengthen the commercial hubs of theirregions+F

Fhe (orth 'merican trade corridors are bi- or tri-nationalchannels for *hich various cross-border interests havegrou#ed together in order to develo# or consolidate theinfrastructures+ he (orth 'merican corridors areconsidered multimodal in the sense that the" bring into#la" different modes of trans#ort in succession+F

Fhe infrastructures ma" include roads$ high*a"s$ transitroutes$ air#orts$ #i#elines$ rail*a"s and train stations$ rivercanal s"stems and #ort facilities$ telecommunicationsnet*or9s and tele#orts+F

he architects of this unification are not Bust in name merging theagencies and the la*s and the regulations$ the" are #h"sicall" getting

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rid of the borders b" bu"ing off and lobb"ing the #oliticians at thestate level$ *ho then hand the roads o1er to international bodies and

their subsidiary co!panies +

8#sh Administr$tion 9#ietl% l$ns NA!A "#per ighw$%http://www.prisonpl$$rticles/#ne2006/140606ighw$%.htm

erome + ,orsi / Human Events une 1 2006

Muietly but systematically the 4ush Administration is advancing the plan to builda huge NAFTA Super +ighway four football-fields-wide through the heart of theU.S. along #nterstate <= from the (e!ican border at Haredo Te!. to the)anadian border north of &uluth (inn.

8nce complete the new road will allow containers from the Far ast to enter the

United States through the (e!ican port of Hazaro )ardenas bypassing theHongshoreman@s Union in the process. The (e!ican truc's without theinvolvement of the Teamsters Union will drive on what will be the nation@s mostmodern highway straight into the heart of America. The (e!ican truc's will crossborder in FAST lanes chec'ed only electronically by the new ESNT"# system.The first customs stop will be a (e!ican customs office in ;ansas )ity their newSmart *ort comple! a facility being built for (e!ico at a cost of J< million to theU.S. ta!payers in ;ansas )ity.

 As incredible as this plan may seem to some readers the first Trans-Te!as)orridor segment of the NAFTA Super +ighway is ready to begin construction

ne!t year. 5arious U.S. government agencies dozens of state agencies andscores of private N,8s 9non-governmental organizations: have been wor'ingbehind the scenes to create the NAFTA Super +ighway despite the lac' ofcomment on the plan by *resident 4ush. The American public is largely asleep tothis 'ey piece of the coming ENorth American Union that government planners inthe new trilateral region of United States )anada and (e!ico are about to driveinto reality.

7ust e!amine the following websites to get a feel for the magnitude of NAFTASuper +ighway planning that has been going on without any new congressionallegislation directly authorizing the construction of the planned international

corridor through the center of the country.

NAS)8 the North America Super)orridor )oalition #nc. is a Enon-profitorganization dedicated to developing the world@s first international integrated andsecure multi-modal transportation system along the #nternational (id-)ontinentTrade and Transportation )orridor to improve both the trade competitiveness and6uality of life in North America. ?here does that sentence say anything aboutthe USA Still NAS)8 has received J1.= million in earmar's from the U.S.

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&epartment of Transportation to plan the NAFTA Super +ighway as a G2-lanelimited-access road 9five lanes in each direction: plus passenger and freight raillines running alongside pipelines laid for oil and natural gas. 8ne glance at themap of the NAFTA Super +ighway on the front page of the NAS)8 website willma'e clear that the design is to connect (e!ico )anada and the U.S. into one

transportation system.

;ansas )ity Smart*ort #nc. is an Einvestor based organization supported by thepublic and private sector to create the 'ey hub on the NAFTA Super +ighway. Atthe ;ansas )ity Smart*ort the containers from the Far ast can be transferredto truc's going east and west dramatically reducing the ground transportationtime dropping the containers off in Hos Angeles or Hong 4each involves for mostof the country. A brochure on the Smart*ort website describes the plan in glowingterms EFor those who live in ;ansas )ity the idea of receiving containersnonstop from the Far ast by way of (e!ico may sound unli'ely but later this

month that seemingly far-fetched notion will become a reality.

The U.S. government has housed within the &epartment of )ommerce 9&8): anES** office that is dedicated to organizing the many wor'ing groups laboringwithin the e!ecutive branches of the U.S. (e!ico and )anada to create theregulatory reality for the Security and *rosperity *artnership. The S**agreement was signed by 4ush *resident 5icente Fo! and then-*rime (inister*aul (artin in ?aco Te!. on (arch 1< 122=. According to the &8) website aU.S.-(e!ico 7oint ?or'ing )ommittee on Transportation *lanning has finalized aplan such that E9m:ethods for detecting bottlenec's on the U.S.-(e!ico border

will be developed and low cost$high impact pro/ects identified in bottlenec'studies will be constructed or implemented. The report notes that new SNT"#travel lanes on the (e!ican border will be constructed this year. The border atHaredo should be reduced to an electronic speed bump for the (e!ican truc'scontaining goods from the Far ast to enter the U.S. on their way to the ;ansas)ity Smart*ort.

The Te!as &epartment of Transportation 9T!&8T: is overseeing the Trans-Te!as)orridor 9TT): as the first leg of the NAFTA Super +ighway. A D222-pageenvironmental impact statement has already been completed and public hearingsare scheduled for five wee's beginning ne!t month in 7uly 1223. The billionsinvolved will be provided by a foreign company )intra )oncessions de#nfraestructuras de Transporte S.A. of Spain. As a conse6uence the TT) will beprivately operated leased to the )intra consortium to be operated as a toll-road.The details of the NAFTA Super +ighway are hidden in plan view. Still 4ush hasnot given speeches to bring the NAFTA Super +ighway plans to the full attentionof the American public. (issing in the move toward creating a North AmericanUnion is the robust public debate that preceded the decision to form the

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uropean Union. All this may be for calculated political reasons on the part of the4ush Administration.

 A good reason 4ush does not want to secure the border with (e!ico may be thatthe administration is trying to create e!press lanes for (e!ican truc's to bring

containers with cheap Far ast goods into the heart of the U.S. all without theinvolvement of any U.S. union wor'ers on the doc's or in the truc's.

htt#://***+#rison#lanet+com/articles/Bune2006/10606High*a"+htm  htt#://***+#rison#lanet+com/articles/februar"2007/0I0207nafta+htm 

NA!A !$es ;ore <ictimsStates 4egin Selling 8ff Toll "oadsL *atriot Activists See 8minous Trend

Mark Anderson

 American Free *ress(onday February = 122K

In a !o1e that !any grassroots acti1ists belie1e signals a co!ingtrend" two states ha1e put ta+payer-nanced toll roads up #or sale to#oreign co!panies* (ore disconcerting is the #act that these ha1e thepotential beco!ing a !assi1e network o# toll roads #acilitating #reetrade throughout North A!erica under the #ra!ework o# the NorthA!erican Free Trade Agree!ent" or NAFTA*

In Indiana" #oreign interests are obtaining the rst lease agree!ent

with a state go1ern!ent to pri1ately operate an e+isting toll road\paying B3*L billion #or a J5-year lease to operate the Indiana Toll Road*

In addition" the historically signicant ,ennsyl1ania Turnpike also !aybe headed to the pro1erbial auction block" as conr!ed by A!ericanFree ,ress* 9ut apparently it>s not a done deal*

AF, reported last 0ece!ber that ,ennsyl1ania state Rep* Richard ;eisthad planned to introduce $ouse 9ill E to sell the ,ennsyl1ania Turnpiketo pri1ate in1estors* The Indiana Toll Road deal pro!pted $oosiers tosend scores o# U0itch (itchV bu!per stickers critical o# ;o1* (itch

0aniels>s unwa1ering support o# the sale* It in1ol1ed a deal betweenthe state and ITR oncessions ''" a partnership o# the intrao!pany o# Spain and the (cXuarie 9ank o# Australia*

(cXuarie and intra" as AF, pre1iously noted" also are in1ol1ed withthe highly contro1ersial Trans-Te+as orridor" a planned toll roadsyste! that would ripple through the Te+as countryside" gobbling uplarge tracts o# land* It would largely be used #or trucking #oreign

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!erchandise to the .nited States* A nu!ber o# sa#ety and securityconcerns ha1e been raised*

In ,ennsyl1ania" ;eist" a 9lair ounty Republican" is e!ployed as aUconsulting engineer-legislator"V according to his ofcial web site* $e is

the ranking !inority !e!ber o# the Transportation o!!ittee*0e!ocrat Doseph F* (arkosek is the chair!an*

A spokes!an #or (arkosek told AF, on Dan* 4 that" as it turns out"$ouse 9ill E was acti1e in the pre1ious legislati1e session but the billdied when the session ended at the close o# CCM* 'ook #or the bill tosur#ace with a new nu!ber in the CCJ session*

According to the Dan* EM" CCJ" ,atriot-News" the ,ennsyl1ania Turnpikeo!!ission ?,T@" an agency o# the state go1ern!ent" Uhired a tea!o# well-connected $arrisburg insiders to ght any proposal to sell or

lease the turnpike*V

$owe1er" 9ill apone" the ,T>s co!!unications director" clai!edthat>s not true* $e said the ,T only has been in1ol1ed in thego1ernor>s study o# the critical lack o# state transportation #undingconcerning !ass transit" toll ways and possibly con1erting non-tollways into toll roads* ,roposed re!edies include leasing or selling theturnpike to raise state re1enues*

 Though the toll way>s actual construction was not nanced until theti!e o# Franklin 0elano Roose1elt>s UNew 0eal"V the ,ennsyl1ania

 Turnpike>s origins can be traced back to the days o# %ashington"according to the ,T*

U,resident %ashington publicly #a1ored the establish!ent o# roads topro!ote the westward e+pansion o# our nation"V notes a passage onthe ,T>s web site* UIn EJ4E" the legislature o# the ,ennsyl1aniano!!onwealth appro1ed a statewide transportation plan and a yearlater created the ,hiladelphia and 'ancaster Turnpike o!pany*V

 The co!pany>s charter called #or constructing a M-!ile long-sur#acedroad" pro1iding success#ul transport #or settlers and their goods o1er

!uddy territories* A#ter ELCC" the route o# the #uture 'ancaster Turnpike was replaced by a canal" and then replaced in the ELLCs bythe early stages o# a railroad* A series o# decisions and changingnational transportation needs o1er the years led to today>s turnpike"now in its si+th decade o# ser1ice*

UThe original EMC-!ile route"V the ,T>s web site adds" Uhas beene+panded to 5E !iles" carrying E5M* !illion 1ehicles a year at a toll

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o# &ust o1er *E cents a !ile* * * *Today" the ,ennsyl1ania Turnpike" parto# Interstate JM" can be recognied as the rst o# a new breed o#A!erican tollways in the interstate highway syste!*V

9ut it>s not as i# only e+isting toll ways are under consideration* Newones" with up to si+ lanes in each direction" are en1isioned #or the Trans-Te+as orridor" which see!s wellsuited as a linchpin #or #asteningtogether the .nited States" anada and (e+ico under the u!brella o# aUNorth A!erican o!!unity*V

hina has a big interest in the toll ways because o# its co!!ercialshipping in ,acic and Atlantic seaports* So!e i!ported goods can berouted away #ro! %est oast ports" to be unloaded o< ocean 1esselsat cheaper (e+ican ports and transported by truck and rail through(e+ico into Te+as

and beyond by (e+ican trucks and dri1ers*

8ansas ity" (o*\despite being E"CCC !iles #ro! the .*S*-(e+icoborder\has been dubbed a !a&or hub" including as a custo!sinspection location" #or the goods and raw !aterials transportedthrough the area on e+isting rail lines and toll ways" and on the newones that !ay be built" #ore1er altering the physical" econo!ic andpolitical landscape o# these .nited States*

htt#://***+#rison#lanet+com/articles/februar"2007/0I0207nafta+htm htt#://***+#rison#lanet+com/articles/Banuar"2007/2<0107bu"ssilence


't the end of anuar" *e reported on the re1elation that one of the

foreign toll road conglomerates$ ac=uarie$ has agreed to bu" do4ensof ne*s#a#ers in and O9lahoma that have u# until no* beenharsh critics of the rans ,orridor su#erhigh*a"+ his indicates aclear of influence #eddling #ointing to rac9eteering$ and ades#erate lunge to silence dissent against the sellout of 'mericaninfrastructure and the (orth 'merican )nion+

8ig 8#siness 8#%s "ilence of !oll &o$d )ritic$lNewsp$persForeign corporation in desperate lunge to 6uell massive popular dissent against Trans Te!as)orridor I North American Union

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones*rison *lanet(onday 7anuary 1B 122K

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A #oreign toll road corporation has agreed to buy doens o# newspapersin Te+as and /klaho!a that ha1e up until now been harsh critics o# the Trans Te+as orridor superhighway" a clear e+a!ple o# inHuencepeddling that pointed to racketeering" and a desperate lunge to silencedissent against the sellout o# A!erican in#rastructure and the North

A!erican .nion*

7Australian toll road giant (ac2uarie agreed %ednesday to purchase#orty local newspapers" pri!arily in Te+as and /klaho!a" #or BLC!illion* (ac2uarie 9ank is Australia)s largest capital raising r! andhas in1ested billions in purchasing roads in the .S" anada and .8*(ost recently the co!pany &oined with intra oncesiones o# Spain in acontro1ersial J5-year lease o# the E5J-!ile Indiana Toll Road"7 reports The Newspaper*co!*

 The 9ush ad!inistration has e!barked on a policy o# selling o< key

.*S* in#rastructure to the highest bidder - in !ost cases #oreign ownedcorporations* The Indiana Toll Road" =irginia)s ,ocahontas ,arkway" a Te+as toll road #ro! Austin to Se2uin and The hicago Skyway ha1e allbeen siphoned o< to #oreign co!panies who will all en&oy billions inprots #ro! A!erican citiens #orced to pay the tolls" while others willbe thrown o< their land and ha1e their property re1oked without &ustco!pensation #ollowing the trend o# recent e!inent do!ain rulings*

 The #ra!ework on which the A!erican .nion is being pegged is theNAFTA Super $ighway ?pictured@ " a #our #ootball-elds-wide le1iathanthat stretches #ro! southern (e+ico through the .S up to (ontreal

anada* Its construction has already begun in Te+as with nocongressional o1ersight whatsoe1er* The Trans-Te+as orridor is beingo1erseen by The Te+as 0epart!ent o# Transportation ?T+0/T@ and thecontract is owned by the intra corporation which in turn is owned bythe 8ing o# Spain Duan arlos* The pro&ect is being nanced by thei!ple!entation o# a toll that will be collected by !eans o# ;,S trackingde1ices installed in all 1ehicles and also en1elops !any connectingroads to the highway*


.S citiens will be #orced to adopt a de-#acto national identicationcard and ha1e their #reedo! o# !obility dened by beha1ioral #ealty tothe go1ern!ent under proposals set to deri1e #ro! NAFTAsuperhighway toll road syste!s and the i!ple!entation o# the NorthA!erican .nion*

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,et = months free at rison l$ when you sign up for our New Oears SpecialP T5 shows conference

footage field reports protest clips in studio camera and audio interviews boo's every Ale! 7ones film

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dozens of other documentariesP )lic here to subscribeP---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sal ostello" #ounder o# Te+asToll,arty*co!" an organiation co!!ittedto ghting the i!ple!entation o# the international toll roads" &oinedAle+ Dones on his nationally syndicated 8'9D show Sunday to discuss

(ac2uarie)s buyout o# toll road critical newspapers*

7This issue is about a #oreign corporation co!ing in and it)s abouteditorial independence" it)s buying these newspapers" doens o# the!"and they)1e had hundreds o# stories o1er the past couple o# yearssla!!ing the Trans Te+as orridor"7 said ostello*

7They)1e been 1ery 1ocal in educating their co!!unities all o1er Te+as- so you ha1e these newspapers saying there)s so!ething wrong hereit stinks"7 said ostello" characteriing the newspaper buyout as an acto# desperation on behal# o# (ac2uarie*

7These newspapers ha1e been 1ery 1ocal and this one corporationco!es in and buys the! up" buys the whole news group" which isdoens o# the!" and basically this kills editorial independence*7

$ost Ale+ Dones wondered aloud that i# #oreign corporations out o#Spain and Australia can &ust wade in and buy up large swathes o#newspapers then what would stop a notoriously censorship happynation like o!!unist hina doing the sa!e] $e cited #or!er %orld9ank econo!ist and Nobel ,rie winner Doseph Stiglit" who stated thatthe process o# #oreign corporations buying up .*S* in#rastructure and!edia was part o# the globaliation endga!e" where the A!ericaliterally goes into recei1ership to other countries*

7Set aside the #act that they)re #oreign" that !akes it worse" but let)ssay that they weren)t #oreign" let)s say that the newspapers weretrashing #or e+a!ple 8odak #or so!e horrible thing they)re doing and8odak co!es in and buys up all the papers" it)s still wrong"7 saidostello" characteriing the process as crony inHuence peddling thatpointed to racketeering*

7It shows how dirty these special interests are but the #olks that reallypay #or this in the long run is us because what they)re really doing isthey)re a#ter our land" they)re a#ter our roads and they)re a#ter ourwater*7

ostello said that the only reason !a&or newspapers are starting toreport on the toll roads and highlighting the e+tortion tactics beinge!ployed to purchase the! was because o# the noise being !ade by

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'griculture$ rans#ortation$ Energ"$ Health and Human !ervices$ andthe office of the )+!+ rade e#resentative+



Further docu!ents PC lin98 from last "earGs !PP meeting in &anff

*hich *ere obtained b" udicial 5atch under the CO'$ refer to anFevolution b" stealthF agenda for the !PP$ e.#laining that the ,ongressand the 'merican #eo#le *ould not *illingl" go along *ith such amove+his stealth agenda has also been carefull" #ointed out in a Hudson

nstitute 5hite Pa#er entitled Negotiating North A!erica The Securityand ,rosperity ,artnership PC8

Fhe most im#ortant feature of the !PP design is that it isneither intended to #roduce a treat" nor an e.ecutiveagreement li9e the ('C' (orth 'merican Cree rade'greement8 that *ould re=uire congressional ratification orthe #assage of im#lementing legislation in the )nited!tates+ he !PP *as designed to function *ithin e.istingadministrative authorit" of the e.ecutive branch+F

he #a#er also states Fmobilit" across the border is central to the ideaof an integrated (orth 'merican economic s#ace+Fhe Hudson 5hite Pa#er also reminds us that the 200I ,ouncil onCoreign elations document called F 9uilding a North A!ericano!!unity F bragged that its recommendations are Fe.#licitl" lin9edF

to !PP+ he ,ouncil on Coreign elations document called forestablishing a Fcommon #erimeterF around (orth 'merica b" 2010$the develo#ment of a biometric (orth 'merican border #ass$ and theado#tion of a (orth 'merican tariff+Fhtt#://***+cfr+org/#ublication/3102/  

• Sponsored by the ouncil on Foreign Relations in association withthe anadian ouncil o# hie# :+ecuti1es and the onse&o (e+icano deAsuntos Internacionales*

North A!erica is 1ulnerable on se1eral #ronts the region #aces terroristand cri!inal security threats" increased econo!ic co!petition #ro!

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abroad" and une1en econo!ic de1elop!ent at ho!e* In response tothese challenges" a trinational" Independent Task Force on the Future o# North A!erica has de1eloped a road!ap to pro!ote North A!ericansecurity and ad1ance the well-being o# citiens o# all three countries*

%hen the leaders o# anada" (e+ico" and the .nited States !et in Te+as recently they underscored the deep ties and shared principles o#the three countries* The ouncil-sponsored Task Force applauds theannounced USecurity and ,rosperity ,artnership o# North A!erica"V butproposes a !ore a!bitious 1ision o# a new co!!unity by CEC andspecic reco!!endations on how to achie1e it*

• Tas 9orce +embers

31O )03 is :/ o# ,rotego" a leading in1est!ent bankingad1isory r! in (e+ico* (r* Aspe was !ost recently the Secretary o#

the Treasury o# (e+ico ?E4LL-E44@* $e has been a ,ro#essor o#:cono!ics at Instituto Tecnologico Autono!o de (e+ico ?ITA(@ and hasheld a nu!ber o# positions in the (e+ican go1ern!ent*

TO+)0 0. )-@OTA  is the hair!an o# the entre #or the Studyo# 0e!ocracy at Xueen)s .ni1ersity* Fro! E4LE to E4L" 0r* A+worthywas ,rincipal Secretary to the ,ri!e (inister o# anada" ,ierre Trudeau*Since CCE" he has ser1ed as hair!an o# the Asia ,acic Foundationo# anada*

1 0. C<B is an energy in1est!ent banker with (errill 'ynch in

$ouston" Te+as* She ser1ed in the 9ush %hite $ouse under 0r*ondoleea Rice as the :cono!ic 0irector #or the %estern$e!isphere at the National Security ouncil" as the 0irector o# the'atinA!erica /fce at the .*S* Treasury 0epart!ent" and as SpecialAssistant to A!bassador Robert 9* ^oellick" .*S* Trade Representati1e*,rior to go1ern!ent ser1ice" (s* ru was an in1est!ent banker with D*,* (organ in New Qork ity*

*50O* @. C<***)+ is (anaging ,artner o# 8issinger (c'artyAssociates" the international strategic ad1isory r!* $e ad1ised Dohn

8erry)s CC presidential ca!paign on international econo!ic and#oreign policy issues" and pre1iously ser1ed in the linton %hite $ouseas Special Ad1iser to the ,resident #or %estern $e!isphere A<airs*$e earlier ser1ed as a lawyer at the %hite $ouse" as Senate Dudiciaryo!!ittee ;eneral ounsel under then-chair!an Doseph 9iden" and asa #ederal prosecutor in New Qork*

TO+)0 3. 1)D<*O0 is hie# :+ecuti1e o# the anadian ouncil o# 

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hie# :+ecuti1es ?:@" co!posed o# one-hundred-#ty chie#e+ecuti1es o# !a&or enterprises in anada* A lawyer" entrepreneur" andbusiness strategist" he has ser1ed as Special Assistant to the ,ri!e(inister o# anada and Ad&unct ,ro#essor o# 'aw lecturing on the law o# international trade* $e is the hair!an o# the :)s North A!erican

Security and ,rosperity Initiati1e launched in CC3*

)59O*0O 1 )*OT) is :+ecuti1e =ice ,resident and hair!an o#the Finance o!!ittee o# ;rupo Tele1isa" S*A* In addition" he has beena !e!ber o# the 9oard o# 0irectors and o# the :+ecuti1e o!!ittee o#the co!pany since E44J" and ser1ed as hie# Financial /fcer ?E444-CC3@* ,rior to &oining ;rupo Tele1isa" S*A*" he was a partner o# the lawr! o# (i&ares" Angoitia" ortes y Fuentes" S**" in (e+ico ity*

5<0 1 5) C)55 3)1O is (anaging 0irector and #ounding partnerat 0e la alle" (adrao" (ancera" S** $e ser1ed as .ndersecretary #or

International Trade Negotiations in (e+ico)s (inistry o# the :cono!yand negotiated se1eral o# (e+ico)s bilateral #ree trade agree!ents andregional and !ultilateral agree!ents with the %orld Trade/rganiation* As Trade and NAFTA (inister at the (e+ican :!bassy in%ashington" 0" he was instru!ental in cra#ting and i!ple!enting theNorth A!erican Free Trade Agree!ent*

@*1A E. 1OF0O* is ,ro#essor and 0irector" Institute #orInternational 9usiness" Rot!an School o# (anage!ent" .ni1ersity o# Toronto* She has ser1ed as ,resident o# the *0* $owe Institute andAssociate 0eputy (inister o# Finance in the go1ern!ent o# anada*

She is =ice hair o# the anadian ,ublic Accountability 9oard and anone+ecuti1e director o# se1eral corporations*

C)1 ). 9)5E*)T is =isiting Fellow at the 9rookingsInstitution* ,re1iously" he ser1ed as 0eputy $o!eland Security Ad1iserand Special Assistant to the ,resident and Senior 0irector #or ,olicyand ,lans at the %hite $ouse)s /fce o# $o!eland Security* $e is alsoSenior 0irector o# the i1itas ;roup ''" a strategic ad1isory andin1est!ent ser1ices r! ser1ing the ho!eland security !arket" asecurity analyst #or the able News Network ?NN@" and a !e!ber o#the 9usiness Ad1isory 9oard o# Ar+an Technologies*

)9)5 9*)*1B 1 C)0TO is the #ounder and head o# the0epart!ent o# International Studies at the Instituto TecnologicoAutono!o de (e+ico ?ITA(@* 0r* Fernande de astro is also the editoro# Foreign !airs en "spanol" the sister !againe o# Foreign A<airs* $ealso has colu!ns in #e$orma and the weekly !againe Proceso*

)+O* )5FTO )B) is ,resident and ;eneral 0irector o#

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(onte!edia" a consulting r! specialiing in !edia" public i!age"entrepreneur relations" and politics in the A!ericas* $e was the#ounding :+ecuti1e :ditor o# Re#or!a and ,resident o# :ditorial Tele1isa*

O1O* 1. 99* is Senior ,artner at (c8enna 'ong Aldridge''," and ser1ed as .*S* A!bassador to anada ?E44J-CCE@* $e alsospent 1e years as hie# ounsel and 'egislati1e 0irector to .*S*Senator Sa! Nunn* $e currently ser1es on se1eral !a&or corporateboards" as well as the 9oard o# Trustees o# the arter enter" inaddition to his international law practice*

)55)* OT5F was anadian A!bassador to the .nited States".ndersecretary o# State #or :+ternal A<airs" and hair!an o# theanadian ouncil* $e is currently a senior ad1iser to the law r!Stike!an :lliott ''," and hair!an o# Sotheby)s anada and the

0onner Foundation* $e has also been a !e!ber o# the board o# anu!ber o# anadian and .*S* corporations" taught at 1ariousuni1ersities in both countries" and written se1eral books and articles oninternational law and international a<airs*

+C)5 )T holds the Si!on Reis!an hair in trade policy in theNor!an ,aterson School o# International A<airs at arleton .ni1ersityin /ttawa* $e is a #or!er ofcial in anada)s 0epart!ent o# ForeignA<airs and International Trade" #ounding director o# arleton)s entre#or Trade ,olicy and 'aw" and the author o# !ore than a doen booksand a hundred articles on anadian trade and #oreign policy*

C)5O0 1) is Senior Ad1iser on International A<airs to;o1ernor 'aaro ardenas-9atel o# the State (ichoacan* $e has heldsenior positions in the (inistry o# Finance and the (e+ico itygo1ern!ent* For o1er twenty years" he has worked with (e+ican"anadian" and .*S* nongo1ern!ental organiations" pro!otingecono!ic citienship and participatory de1elop!ent* Since CC" hehas been =ice ,resident o# the onse&o (e+icano de AsuntosInternacionales ?/(:I@*

C)5) ). 550 is hair!an and :/ o# $ills o!pany" an

international consulting r! pro1iding ad1ice to .*S* businesses onin1est!ent" trade" and risk assess!ent issues abroad" particularly ine!erging !arket econo!ies* She also ser1es as =ice hair!an o# theouncil on Foreign Relations* Fro! E4L4 to E443" A!bassador $illsser1ed as .*S* Trade Representati1e in the rst 9ush ad!inistration"Secretary o# the .*S* 0epart!ent o# $ousing and .rban 0e1elop!ent"and Assistant Attorney ;eneral" i1il 0i1ision" .*S* 0epart!ent o# Dustice in the Ford ad!inistration*

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)A C. <9F)< was 0irector o# Studies at the ouncil on ForeignRelations and holder o# the (aurice ;reenberg chair in E44J and E44L*$e then resu!ed his position as Reginald Dones Senior Fellow at theInstitute #or International :cono!ics* Together with De<rey D* Schott" he

authored a new appraisal o# NAFTA" publishedin the #all o# CC5*

3 +)C GO*0O* is a #or!er ,re!ier o# Xuebec" attorney"and physician" and has also been ounsel to the law ofces o# $eenan9laikie since E44M* $e was a senior !e!ber o# Rene 'e1es2ue)scabinet ?E4JM-L5@ and succeeded (r* 'e1es2ue* Since E4LJ" (r* Dohnson has been ,ro#essor o# 'aw at (c;ill .ni1ersity and an ad1iserto the .nited Nations ininternational en1iron!ental negotiations* $e has written nu!erousbooks and essays on trade and the en1iron!ent" ci1il society

participation" and globaliation* $e lectures in anada" the .nitedStates" and (e+ico" and ser1es on anadian and :uropean boards*

 G)+0 . GO*0 is :/ o# (anatt Dones ;lobal Strategies" a businessconsulting r!* For!erly" he was .*S* A!bassador to (e+ico ?E443-4J@" ,resident o# %arnaco International" hair!an and hie# :+ecuti1e/rder o# the A!erican Stock :+change" and .*S* ongress!an #ro!/klaho!a #ro! E4J3 to LJ ?0-/8@" where he was hair!ano# the $ouse 9udget o!!ittee* $e was Appoint!ents Secretary?currently known as hie# o# Sta<@ to ,resident 'yndon 9* Dohnson* $eis hair!an o# (eridian International and the %orld A<airs ouncils o#

A!erica" and is a board !e!ber o# Anheuser-9usch" ;rupo (odelo"8eyspan :nergy orporation" and the 8aiser Fa!ily Foundation*

C)3355 . 5)@0O* is a ,ro&ect 0irector o# this Task Force" and isalso an Associate ,ro#essor o# political science at (IT" where he holdsthe lass o# E45 areer 0e1elop!ent hair* 9e#ore &oining the (IT#aculty" he ser1ed as 0irector #or Inter-A!erican A<airs on the NationalSecurity ouncil*

 GO* 3. +)*5A  is Senior ounsel at (carthy Tetrault '',* $e hasheld se1eral senior port#olios in the anadian go1ern!ent throughout

his #teen years o# public ser1ice -- including industry" #oreign a<airs"and nance -- as well as holding the position o# 0eputy ,ri!e (inister*Following 4EE" he was na!ed hair!an o# the ,ublic Security andAnti-terroris! abinet o!!ittee and" in that capacity" negotiated theS!art 9order Agree!ent with .*S* Secretary #or $o!eland Security Tho!as Ridge*

1)H1 +c1. +)**" X**" is ounsel at o+ $anson /)Reilly

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(atheson" an Atlantic-anadian law r!* $e is the #or!er =icehair!an and #or!er ,resident and :/ o# :!era Inc*" a di1ersiedin1estor-owned energy and ser1ices co!pany*

1O0 +. +00* is Senior Fellow at the (igration ,olicy Institute

?(,I@ in %ashington" 0* She has worked in the eld o# i!!igrationpolicy and international !igration #or 3C years in both go1ern!ent andpolicy research organiations* She ser1ed as a senior ofcial in the .*S*0epart!ent o# Dustice during the Ni+on" Ford" arter" and Reaganad!inistrations" and as a senior associate at the arnegie :ndow!ent#or International ,eace* She returned to go1ern!ent during the lintonyears as o!!issioner o# the .*S* I!!igration and NaturaliationSer1ice ?INS@ #ro! E443-CCC*

TO+)0 +.T. *50 is =ice hair!an o# the .nited States ouncil #orInternational 9usiness ?.SI9@* $e retired #ro! the .*S* Foreign Ser1ice

in Septe!ber E44L" #ollowing a career o# !ore than thirty-si+-yearsand ha1ing ser1ed as A!bassador to anada ?E4L5-E4L4@"A!bassador to the :uropean .nion ?E4L4-E44E@" Assistant Secretary o# State #or :urope and anada ?E44E-E443@" and A!bassador to ;reece?E443-E44J@*

F)TB 3)10 ser1es as ,resident o# the Fundacion olosio" A**(s* ,aredes is a #or!er A!bassador o# (e+ico to the Republic o# ubaand #or!er ;o1ernor o# the State o# Tla+cala ?E4LJ-4@* She was therst #e!ale ;o1ernor o# that state and only the second wo!an e1er tobe elected ;o1ernor in (e+ico* She is also a #or!er Speaker

o# the $ouse o# Representati1es*

OFT ). 3)0TO is 0irector o# the enter #or North A!ericanStudies" =ice ,resident o# International A<airs" and ,ro#essor atA!erican .ni1ersity* Fro! E4JJ to E4LE" he was 0irector o# 'atinA!erican A<airs on the National Security ouncil* $e is the author oreditor o# si+teen books" including Toward a %orth merican&ommunity (essons$rom the )ld *orld to the %ew*

)*10 OB*T)5 is ,resident o# the onse&o (e+icano de Asuntos

Internacionales* (r* Roental was a career diplo!at #or !ore thanthirty years" ha1ing ser1ed his country as A!bassador to the .nited8ingdo! ?E445-E44J@" 0eputy Foreign (inister ?E4LL-E44@"A!bassador to Sweden ?E4L3-E4LL@" and ,er!anent Representati1e o# (e+ico to the .nited Nations in;ene1a ?E4L-E4L3@* 0uring CCE" hewas A!bassador-at-'arge and Special :n1oy #or ,resident =icente Fo+*

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5<0 <FO is ,resident o# the entro de In1estigacion ,ara el0esarrollo-enter o# Research #or 0e1elop!ent ?I0A@" anindependent research institution de1oted to the study o# econo!ic andpolitical policy issues* 9e#ore &oining I0A" in the E4JCs he was,lanning 0irector o# itibank in (e+ico and ser1ed as an ad1iser to

(e+ico)s Secretary o# the Treasury* $e is also a contributing editor o#Re#or!a*

 G99A G. 0COTT is Senior Fellow at the Institute #or International:cono!ics* $e was #or!erly an ofcial o# the .*S* Treasury and .*S*trade negotiator" and has taught at ,rinceton and ;eorgetown.ni1ersities* $e has authored or coauthored #teen books oninternational trade" including %FT chievements and &hallenges"%FT n ssessment G %orth merican Free Trade" and The &anada+United States Free Trade greement The ,lo-al mpact *

@55)+ 9. @51 is ,rincipal at 'eeds %eld o*" a pri1ate e2uityin1est!ent r! in New Qork* ,re1iously (r* %eld was elected to twoter!s as ;o1ernor o# (assachusetts ?E44E-E44J@" ser1ed as Assistant.*S* Attorney ;eneral in charge o# the ri!inal 0i1ision o# the .*S*0epart!ent o# Dustice in %ashington" 0 ?E4LM-E4LL@" and as the .*S*Attorney #or (assachusetts during the Reagan ad!inistration ?E4LE-E4LM@*

)<5 . AB)< currently ser1es as the ,residential ,ro#essor o#,ractice at Ariona State .ni1ersity ?o!!unity 0e1elop!ent and i1ilRights@* (r* Qaguirre" who recently retired as ,resident and :/ o# the

National ouncil o# 'a Raa ?N'R@ in %ashington"0 ?E4J-CC5@" spearheaded the council)s e!ergence as the largestconstituency-based national $ispanic organiation and think tank inthe .nited States*

Further FR docu!ents have revealed that the grou# *ants to

Festablish #rivate bodies that *ould meet regularl" or annuall" tobuttress (orth 'merican relationshi#s$ along the lines of the &ilderbergconferences+F &ilderberg are the #o*er bro9ers behind the formationof the E) and the single Euro#ean currenc"8

uring the recent secretive !PP meeting an advisor" ,ouncil createdlast "ear 9no*n as the North A!erican o!petiti1eness ouncil met

on issues including border regulation and com#etitiveness in theautomotive$ trans#ortation$ manufacturing and services sectors+ hecouncil is e.#ected to meet annuall" *ith securit" and #ros#erit"ministers and *ill engage *ith senior government officials on anongoing basis+

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he most recent !PP meeting in ,anada also sa* the )! arm" enforcea huge 5k! security peri!eter as *ell as crac9ing do*n on #rotests$

barring media and shutting do*n #ublic forums in the vicinit" of theevent+ htt#://***+info*ars+net/articles/Bul"2007/2I0707(')+htm 

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;ilit$r% !o )r$cdown n North Americ$n *nionrotestersSecretive S** confab to be protected by 1='m military cordon forums bloc'ed

Steve 7uly 1= 122K

 The .S ar!y is to en#orce a huge security peri!eter around theupco!ing North A!erican .nion !eeting in anada this August as wellas cracking down on e+pected protests" ha1ing already shut down apublic #oru! due to take place close to the e1ent*

 The Security and ,rosperity ,artnership !eeting in (ontebello" Xuebecon August C and E is to be policed by A!erican #orces" who alongwith the Royal anadian (ounted ,olice ?R(,@ and the S_retW duXuWbec ?SX@ ha1e already re!4sed to allow the (unicipality o#,apineau1ille" which is about si+ kilo!etres #ro! (ontebello" to rent aco!!unity centreto the ouncil o# anadians action group who were planning to hold apublic #oru! the night be#ore the con#ab to e+press their concernsabout the !eeting and the issues being discussed*

6%t is de'orae t&at )e are eing 'reented rom ringing toget&er a 'ane o )riters, a#ademi#s and 'ariamentarians to s&are t&eir #on#ernsaout t&e 9e#urity and Pros'erity Partners&i' )it& Canadians, said BrentPatterson, dire#tor o organi;ing )it& t&e Coun#i o Canadians.64ean)&ie, si< 3iometres a)ay, #or'orate eaders rom t&e =nited9tates, 4e<i#o and Canada )i &ae unim'eded a##ess to our 'oiti#aeaders.

 The ouncil o# anadians has also been told that in addition to the5k! peri!eter in (ontebello" there will be checkpoints in nearbyareas" and 1ehicles carrying !ore than 1e people will be turned back*

A whole host o# other anadian acti1ist groups are sched4linprotests despite the !ilitary cordon* According to &ournalist and NA.

researcher Dero!e R* orsi" the protesters belie1e that as !any asEC"CCC people could asse!ble in Xuebec to de!onstrate*

/ne particular acti1ist group" Canadian )ction 3arty" has taken issuewith .S troops coordinating operations #or the con#ab on anadian soilwhile denying access to anadian citiens*

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A,>s leader said"V9ad enough that our R(, and theXuebec pro1incial police #orce would apply o<ensi1eanadian law to pre1ent a legiti!ate !eeting o# dissentingcitiens* Totally untenable that a #oreign ar!y assu!es &urisdiction on our land* 9ut this we knew #ro! the

9inational ,lanning Agree!ent begun in CC that sawanada crawl on its belly and per!it the .SA !ilitary toenter our land whene1er it dee!s necessary* U

6"oes anyone sti eiee t&at our edera eaders &ae not t&ro)n a)ayour soereignty * +&at rom C&retien >iera? to 4artin >iera? to@ar'er >Conseratie?, t&e Prime 4inisters o our and &ae not een#ommitting treason e&ind #osed doors* @o) ot&er)ise )oud it e 'ossie t&at a 'roud, soereign, and ree nation )oud see a oreign armyon its soi interering )it& t&e rig&t o Canadians to asseme and tos'ea3*

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The true story behind government sponsored terror K$K ,ladio and B$GG get

!error "torm=Het us help you reach a huge audience of potential customers. +elp support thewebsite and ta'e advantage of low advertising rates. )lic here for more info.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  :lite lobbying group the ouncil on Foreign Relations seeded the plan#or a 7North A!erican Ad1isory ouncil7 which e1entually beca!e theS,,*It co!es as no surprise to NA. researchers that the latest S,, !eeting

will be a highly secreti1e and guarded a<air gi1en that C9doc4ments ha1e re1ealed that the group wants to 7establish pri1atebodies that would !eet regularly or annually to buttress NorthA!erican relationships" along the lines o# the 9ilderberg con#erences*7nternal 033 doc4ments released under the F/IA ha1e also shownthat a wide range o# .S ad!inistrati1e law is being re-written in stealthunder this progra! to 7integrate7 and 7har!onie7 with ad!inistrati1elaw in (e+ico and anada" in a si!ilar #ashion to !o1es that ha1ebeco!e co!!onplace within the :.* The docu!ents contain re#erences to upwards o# E3 working groupswithin an entire organied in#rastructure that has drawn #ro! ofcials

within !ost areas o# ad!inistrati1e go1ern!ent including .*S*depart!ents o# State" $o!eland Security" o!!erce" Treasury"Agriculture" Transportation" :nergy" $ealth and $u!an Ser1ices" andthe ofce o# the .S Trade Representati1e*0uring the upco!ing S,, !eeting an ad1isory ouncil created lastyear known as the *orth )merican Competitieness Co4ncil will!eet on issues including border regulation and co!petiti1eness in theauto!oti1e" transportation" !anu#acturing and ser1ices sectors* The

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*/*" ;erger: New 5lo$l rder 8% "te$lthFew notice huge shift towards globalization as frothing masses distracted by climate changedebate

In a sweeping !o1e that has garnered surprisingly little attention this

week the .nited States and the :uropean .nion ha1e signed up to anew transatlantic econo!ic partnership that will see regulatorystandards 7har!onied7 and will lay the basis #or a !erging o# the .Sand :. into one single !arket" a huge step on the path to a newglobalied world order*

 The 99 reported #ro! the Su!!it in %ashington on (onday

The two sides agreed to set up an "economic council" to push ahead with

regulatory convergence in nearly 40 areas, including intellectual property,

 financial services, business takeovers and the motor industry.

Skipping o1er what the #all out #ro! a single %estern !arket will be"the 99 si!ply announced 7The ai! is to increase trade and lowercosts*7 be#ore !o1ing swi#tly on to analyse what this !eans in ter!s o# global war!ing*%hile the !asses are being whipped up into a ne1er ending #renyo1er cli!ate change at e1ery gi1en opportunity" hardcore politicalactions that will a<ect the li1es o# e1eryone on the planet in the hereand now are being skated o1er with little or no attention being paid tothe!* The proponents and architects o# a one world order ha1e worked long

and hard behind the scenes #or a long ti!e pushing a gradual erosiono# national so1ereignty 1ia a har!oniation o# all areas o# li#e"econo!ic" social" cultural and en1iron!ental*Such har!oniation and eli!ination o# di1ersity is the only way to!a+i!ie the prot o# the #ew at the e+pense o# the !any" while!aintaining tight controls o1er society as a whole in order #or a longcontinuation o# that status 2uo* The global corporate elite are the only ones who will benet #ro!essentially wiping out the #ree !arket and eli!inating econo!icco!petition across nations* The :. has long been used as a tool #or such har!oniing globaliation

and has now reached the point at which it has beco!e a supranational#ederal go1ern!ent #or :urope* /1er the years" what was originallysold as a si!ple #ree trade treaty has slowly been built #ro! thebotto! up into an all enco!passing !onolithic authority o1er theentire region* The areas it now seeks to do!inate also include public health" socialpolicy" transport" &ustice" agriculture" sheries" energy" econo!ic and

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social cohesion" the en1iron!ent" internal and e+ternal trade" andconsu!er protection*It has recently been highlighted that :uropean globalists such as9ritain)s Tony 9lair and ;er!any)s Angela (erkel are seeking toi!ple!ent by stealth areas o# the :. constitution regardless o# its

blanket re&ection by 1oters* Senior 9ritish abinet sources ha1e warnedthat they are also pushing hard #or 9russels to be gi1en a #ull-ti!eunelected president" who would ser1e a 1e year ter! and speak asthe 1oice o# :urope on the world stage*It is co!!only accepted that re#or!s to strengthen the :uropean,arlia!ent" scheduled to be i!ple!ented be#ore CC4" couldunder!ine the ability o# !e!ber states to opt out o# :. laws" as9ritain does at present" e<ecti1ely ending national so1ereignty*In their i!portant history o# the :." The ;reat 0eception" 9ritishauthors hristopher 9ooker and Richard North" concluded that the J!e!ber nations now entangled in the union ha1e ceded their

so1ereignty in a care#ully planned stealth operation* They grudginglycredit european globalists with acco!plishing 7a slow-!otion coupd>etat the !ost spectacular coup d>etat in history*7 The authors o# The ;reat 0eception su!!aried the e<ect o# the Treaty o# Ro!e 7Thus did the central deception o# the whole storybeco!e established* Fro! now on" the real agenda" politicalintegration" was to be deliberately concealed under the guise o#econo!ic integration* 9uilding :urope was to be presented as a !attero# trade and &obs*7In addition dissidents and outcasts such as =ladi!ir 9uko1ksy ha1ewarned that an elite plan has long e+isted whereby the :. would be

hi&acked and trans#or!ed into a So1iet style Socialist superstate thatwould eli!inate the indi1idual nation state)s power and create ago1erning body with no accountability or direct representation*In CC3 the 99 unco1ered incredible archi1ed docu!ents whichconr!ed that both the :. and its single currency" the :uro" were thebrainchild o# the secreti1e 9ilderberg ;roup* So!e 5C years 9:F/R:the i!ple!entation o# the :uropean single currency" 9ilderberg" nowin#a!ous as the secret elite hand behind world e1ents" had drawn upthe plans*

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In addition to the :." an agenda #or a North A!erican .nion is nowbeyond doubt and is well on course according to the internal policydocu!ents o# its unelected legislators" the ouncil on ForeignRelations* The FR)s North A!erican .nion !irrors 9ilderberg)s :uropean .nion*In the FR)s docu!ent" 9uilding a North A!erican o!!unity"

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!ention is gi1en to the 9ilderberg group in a reco!!endation thatpri1ate bodies be #or!ed to direct policy between anada" (e+ico" andthe .nited States* The docu!ent states

"To ensure a regular injection of creative energy into the various efforts

related to North American integration, the three governments shouldappoint an independent body of advisers This body should be composed

of eminent persons from outside government, appointed to staggered

multiyear terms to ensure their independence Their mandate would be toengage in creative e!ploration of new ideas from a North American

 perspective and to provide a public voice for North America A

complementary approach would be to establish private bodies that wouldmeet regularly or annually to buttress North American relationships,

along the lines of the ilderberg" 

=ery !uch like the :." pro1isions #or a NA. such as NAFTA and ;ATT

were sold at their inception as #ree trade agree!ents* As ti!e hasprogressed we ha1e witnessed the birth o# the 7Security and ,rosperity,artnership7" a treaty" which see!s to be a little !ore than a si!pleecono!ic agree!ent" between leaders o# the .S" (e+ico and anadathat has been agreed without ongressional o1ersight*A anadian report has described the S,, as 7an international#ra!ework #or trilateral and bilateral cooperation in North A!erica7that is 7not a #or!al international treaty7 or 7an o1erarching bindinglegal agree!ent*7 9ut what is an 7international #ra!ework7 thatco!!its .*S* ofcials #ro! 1arious #ederal agencies to working withofcials o# two other countries] %hy is such a process not sub&ected to

congressional scrutiny and appro1al]'ast Septe!ber we reported that Dournalist Dero!e orsi had recei1edthe rst docu!ents pertaining to a F/IA re2uest asking #or #ulldisclosure o# the S,, ofce in its acti1ities towards creating a ,anA!erican .nion* The docu!ents show that a wide range o# .S ad!inistrati1e law isbeing re-written in stealth under this progra! to 7integrate7 and7har!onie7 with ad!inistrati1e law in (e+ico and anada" &ust as hasbeco!e co!!onplace within the :.* The docu!ents contain re#erences to upwards o# E3 working groupswithin an entire organied in#rastructure that has drawn #ro! ofcials

within !ost areas o# ad!inistrati1e go1ern!ent including .*S*depart!ents o# State" $o!eland Security" o!!erce" Treasury"Agriculture" Transportation" :nergy" $ealth and $u!an Ser1ices" andthe ofce o# the .*S* Trade Representati1e*orsi also reported that at a recent high-le1el con#ab in 9an<" anassistant .*S* secretary o# state" Tho!as A* Shannon " chaired a panelthat #eatured a presentation by ,ro#* Robert ,astor" author o# a bookpro!oting the de1elop!ent o# a North A!erican union as a regional

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go1ern!ent and the adoption o# the a!ero as a co!!on !onetarycurrency to replace the dollar and the peso* Dust a conspiracy theory] Not according to Ste1e ,re1is o# De<eriesInternational who stated on N9" 7I think one thing #or people who aredollar based need to #ocus on is the A!ero" that)s the one thing that

nobody is talking about that I think is going to ha1e a big i!pact*** one1erybody)s li#e in anada" the .*S* and (e+ico***7

A global crash" predicted by #or!er %orld 9ank chie# econo!ist andnobel prie winner Doseph Stiglit" and a totally de1alued dollar thatcan barely ri1al the peso are greasing the skids #or a single NorthA!erican currency* This spells disaster #or all A!ericans who wish to!aintain their standard o# li1ing and not nd the!sel1es bare#oot onthe street in a bread 2ueue*

 The decline o# the econo!y in the .S is being caused by the 1ery

predatory globalist policies o# the I(F and %orld 9ank that are stillpresented to us as the solution #or econo!ic tur!oil* These twoglobalist 1a!pires ha1e drained the third world dry" and are now#ocusing their attention on ensla1ing the de1eloped world*

 The single currency and a )new econo!ic order) is a !a&or step on theroad to global go1ernance* :urope already has its own strong singlecurrency" while the dollar)s days see! to be nu!bered* %hen !oney isbeing printed by a pri1ate corporation is it any surprise to see a push#or a !erger with other countries) currencies]

 Talk has long been o# a global currency by CEL i# plans go accordingly*A E4LL #a!ous co1er o# The :cono!ist e!phasied this" depicting aphoeni+ standing atop burning paper !oney sy!boliing its rise out o#their destruction" with the words 7;et ready #or a world currency7 ne+tto it*

 The article carried in The :cono!ist" titled 7;et Ready #or the ,hoeni+"7stated that" 7T$IRTQ years #ro! now" A!ericans" Dapanese" :uropeans"and people in !any other rich countries" and so!e relati1ely poor oneswill probably be paying #or their shopping with the sa!e currency*7

 The article went on to state that so1ereignty will be lost with thead1ent o# the new currency" but that trends towards globaliation arealready doing away with it anyway*

"The phoeni! #one would impose tight constraints on national

 governments There would be no such thing, for instance, as a national

monetary policy The world phoeni! supply would be fi!ed by a newcentral bank, descended perhaps from the $%& The world inflation rate '

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and hence, within narrow margins, each national inflation rate' would be

in its charge (ach country could use ta!es and public spending to offset

temporary falls in demand, but it would have to borrow rather than printmoney to finance its budget deficit )ith no recourse to the inflation ta!,

 governments and their creditors would be forced to judge their borrowing

and lending plans more carefully than they do today This means a bigloss of economic sovereignty, but the trends that make the phoeni! so

appealing are taking that sovereignty away in any case (ven in a world

of more'or'less floating e!change rates, individual governments have seentheir policy independence checked by an unfriendly outside world" 

7,encil in the phoeni+ #or around CEL" and welco!e it when it co!es"7the article concludes*In CC Robert (undell" the Nobel-prie winning econo!ist o#tencredited with pa1ing the way to the :uropean single currency" called#or a global currency*

In an inter1iew with French paper 'ibWration" (undell said 7%ith thee!ergence o# the euro and its instability against the dollar" :urope" the.nited States and the Asian powers should co!e together and create anew international !onetary syste!*7In CCM the scandal-ridden and highly secreti1e 9ank For InternationalSettle!ents" considered to be the world)s top central banking policy"released a policy paper that called #or the end o# national currencies in#a1or o# a global !odel o# currency #or!ats* The 9IS is a branch o# the o# the 9retton-%oods International Financialarchitecture and closely allied with the 9ilderberg ;roup* It iscontrolled by an inner elite that represents all the world)s !a&or central

banking institutions* Dohn (aynard 8eynes" perhaps the !ostinHuential econo!ist o# all ti!e" wanted it closed down as it was usedto launder !oney #or the Nais in %orld %ar II*It appears we are now seeing the slow realiation o# a gloabalecono!ic syste! with a single currency* The end ga!e o# such regionaliing har!oniation is o# course a globalgo1ern!ent*It has long been recognied that an instant world go1ern!ent would beroundly re&ected by the !asses and that a stepping stone agenda" astealth i!ple!entation o# a new global order is the key to its success*%riting in the April E4J issue o# Foreign A<airs" the Hagship

publication o# the ouncil on Foreign Relations ?FR@" Richard N*;ardner " who has held a nu!ber o# State 0epart!ent posts" arguedagainst what he called 7instant world go1ern!ent*7 Instead" he wrote"7the )house o# world order) will ha1e to be built #ro! the botto! uprather than #ro! the top down* It will look like a great )boo!ing"buing con#usion") to use %illia! Da!es) #a!ous description o# reality"but an end run around national so1ereignty" eroding it piece by piece"will acco!plish !uch !ore than the old-#ashioned #rontal assault*7

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In a si!ilar senti!ent" #or!er National Security Ad1iser ^bigniew9reinski pointed to 7regionaliation7 as the key #or 7globaliation7 inhis address to ;orbeche1)s State o# the %orld Foru! in /ctober E4457The precondition #or e1entual globaliation \ genuine globaliation \is progressi1e regionaliation" because thereby we !o1e toward larger"

!ore stable" !ore cooperati1e units*7 This week we ha1e witnessed the rst steps towards the biggest7cooperati1e unit7 there has e1er been with the groundwork being set#or a :.-.S single !arket* $owe1er" as the FR would say" a!idst the7boo!ing" buing con#usion7 #ew ha1e noticed*htt#://***+info*ars+net/articles/ma"2007/00I07E))!+htm 

Eighteen states have introduced resolutions calling on their federalre#resentatives to halt *or9 on the (orth 'merican )nion the"include Airginia and !outh ,arolina8+ hree of these states daho$ontana and O9lahoma8 have #assed their resolutions+

O9lahoma$ *hich is in the #ath of the su#erhigh*a" com#onent of the(orth 'merican )nion #assed their resolution in the !enate <7-0+ see9asic Search For! link - top le#t - type in SREC 8

his came after it *as revealed that the a"or of O9lahoma ,it"$ *iththe a##roval of <0 other officials$ signed a docu!ent endorsing an

economic and #olitical integration of the )+!+ *ith ,anada and e.ico+


.*S* ongress!en $

htt#://info*ars+net/articles/august2007/200307!PP+htm  including (,GsAirginia Co.. and 5alter ones$ along *ith all three e#ublican,ongressmen running for President$ have signed on as co-s#onsors ofH,0$ *hich calls on the e.ecutive branch to end all *or9 on the(orth 'merican )nion and the #ro#osed su#erhigh*a"+

"cores 'n )ongress rotest North Americ$n *nionAgend$11 )ongressmen write to *resident in opposition to S** as secret (ontabello confab begins

Steve ? August 12 122K

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3artnership progra! to 7integrate7 and 7har!onie7 withad!inistrati1e law in (e+ico and anada" &ust as has beco!eco!!onplace within the :.*

 The docu!ents contain re#erences to upwards o# E3 working groups

within an entire organied in#rastructure that has drawn #ro! ofcialswithin !ost areas o# ad!inistrati1e go1ern!ent including .*S*depart!ents o# State" $o!eland Security" o!!erce" Treasury"Agriculture" Transportation" :nergy" $ealth and $u!an Ser1ices" andthe ofce o# the .*S* Trade Representati1e*

orsi also reported that at a recent high-le1el con#ab in 9an<" anassistant .*S* secretary o# state" Tho!as A* Shannon " chaired a panelthat #eatured a presentation by ,ro#* Robert ,astor" author o# a bookpro!oting the de1elop!ent o# a North A!erican union as a regionalgo1ern!ent and the adoption o# the A!ero as a co!!on !onetary

currency to replace the dollar and the peso*

94rther doc4ments ?,0F link@ #ro! the 9an# !eeting which wereobtained by Dudicial %atch under the F/IA also re#erred to an7e1olution by stealth7 agenda #or the S,,*

 Dero!e orsi &oined Ale+ Dones on his nationally syndicated 8'9DSunday show yesterday" declaring the S,, a 7bureaucratic coup d)etat7and describing it as 7being #oisted upon !illions o# A!ericans withouttheir consent or knowledge7*

orsi" ada!ant that the S,,)s greatest hurdle is public e+posure" hastra1eled to anada to docu!ent the !eeting but like all other &ournalists he will not be granted any access to co1er the internaldiscussions and presentations during the su!!it*

 The .S ar!y ?on anadian soil@ along with the Royal anadian(ounted ,olice ?R(,@ and the S_retW du XuWbec ?SX@ is to en!orce ah4e sec4rity perimeter around the !eeting as well as crackingdown on e+pected protests" ha1ing already shut down a public #oru!due to take place close to the e1ent*

 The highest elected ofcials within the .S" anadian and (e+icango1ern!ents are !eeting together with ad1isory bodies sta<ed bysenior pri1ate sector representati1es yet the public and the press arebeing #orcibly denied any access to the e1ent*

In addition" the corporate !ainstrea! !edia continues to 0:NQ T$:=:RQ :IST:N: o# an S,," ridiculing anyone who suggests the NorthA!erican .nion plan e1en e+ists*

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 The latest e+a!ple ca!e this weekend in the o4ston Chronicle which" despite ha1ing access to the 1ery docu!ents hyperlinked and!entioned in this report and despite ha1ing detailed con1ersationswith Ale+ Dones and Dero!e orsi" published an article #ull o# snide &okesabout black helicopters and the illu!inati" concluding that the S,, is

 &ust a 7conspiracy theory7*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The true story behind government sponsored terror K$K ,ladio and B$GG get !error "torm=Het us help you reach a huge audience of potential customers. +elp support the website and ta'e advantage

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Signatories to the letter to the president protesting the S,, agendaincluded the #ollowing !e!bers o# the $ouse o# Representati1es

Rep* Terry :1erett" R-Alaba!aRep* 0uncan $unter" R-ali#ornia

Rep* To! Tancredo" R-olorado

Rep* Ted ,oe" R-Te+as

Rep* Nancy 9oyda" 0-8ansas

Rep* %alter Dones" R-North arolina

Rep* 0a1id 0a1is" R-Tenn*

Rep* ,hil ;ingrey" R-;eorgia

Rep* Dohn 9oo!an" R-Arkansas

Rep* Dohn 0uncan" R-Tenn*

Rep* =irgil ;oode" R-=irginia

Rep* To! ,rice" R-;eorgiaRep* ;inny 9rown-%aite" R-Florida

Rep* Sue (yrick" R-North arolina

Rep* Do 9onner" R-Alaba!a

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Rep* ;ary (iller" R-ali#*

Rep* Ste1e 8ing" R-Iowa

Rep* ;reg %alden" R-/regon

Rep* (ichael Rogers" R-Alaba!a

Rep* Thaddeus (cotter" R-(ichigan

Rep* Robert Aderholt" R-Alaba!a

Rep* Todd Akin" R-(issouri

Congress tells 2ush. 2ac! o## S)) agen'a&awma!ers" letter warns "stealth" e##ort to "harmonize" coul' un'erminesecurity 

 Posted: August 17, 2007/:00 '.m. Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi© 2007 Word!et"aiy.#om

 Twenty-two !e!bers o# the .*S* $ouse o# Representati1es ERepublicans and a 0e!ocrat are urging ,resident 9ush to back o< his

North A!erican integration e<orts when he attends the third su!!it!eeting on the Security and ,rosperity ,artnership o# North A!ericane+t week in (ontebello" Xuebec*

 They !ake it clear that continuing any such agenda at this point wouldbe disregarding growing apprehension in ongress about the plans*

7As you tra1el to (ontebello" anada later this !onth #or a su!!itwith your anadian and (e+ican counterparts" we want you to beaware o# serious and growing concerns in the .*S* ongress about theso-called Security and ,rosperity ,artnership ?S,,@ you launched with

these nations in CC5"7 the letter said*

%hile the letter authors e+press their support #or the president)s7desire to pro!ote good relations with our neighbors to the north andsouth"7 they are worried about the secreti1e !anner in which S,, isbeing conducted and concerned it 7!ay actually under!ine oursecurity and so1ereignty*7

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prohibiting the use o# #ederal #unds to participate in S,,-relatedworking group !eetings in the #uture* The !e!bers noted in their letter that" 7This 1ote is an indication o#the serious concerns #elt by those o# us in ongress and by ourconstituents about this initiati1e concerns that will only be intensied

i# pursuit o# the S,, continues out o# public 1iew and without#ongressiona o1ersight or appro1al*7 The last paragraph o# the letter called upon the president 7not topledge or agree to any #urther !o1e!ent in connection with the S,, atthe upco!ing North A!erican su!!it*7 The letter concluded that" 7in the interest o# transparency andaccountability" we urge you to bring to the ongress whate1erpro1isions ha1e already been agreed upon and those now beingpursued or conte!plated as part o# this initiati1e" #or the purpose o#obtaining authoriation through the nor!al legislati1e process*7Signatories to the letter included the #ollowing !e!bers o# the $ouse

o# Representati1es• Rep* Terry :1erett" R-Alaba!a• Rep* 0uncan $unter" R-ali#ornia• Rep* To! Tancredo" R-olorado• Rep* Ted ,oe" R-Te+as• Rep* Nancy 9oyda" 0-8ansas• Rep* %alter Dones" R-North arolina• Rep* 0a1id 0a1is" R-Tenn*• Rep* ,hil ;ingrey" R-;eorgia• Rep* Dohn 9oo!an" R-Arkansas• Rep* Dohn 0uncan" R-Tenn*• Rep* =irgil ;oode" R-=irginia• Rep* To! ,rice" R-;eorgia• Rep* ;inny 9rown-%aite" R-Florida• Rep* Sue (yrick" R-North arolina• Rep* Do 9onner" R-Alaba!a• Rep* ;ary (iller" R-ali#*• Rep* Ste1e 8ing" R-Iowa• Rep* ;reg %alden" R-/regon• Rep* (ichael Rogers" R-Alaba!a• Rep* Thaddeus (cotter" R-(ichigan• Rep* Robert Aderholt" R-Alaba!a• Rep* Todd Akin" R-(issouri


North America con#a( "un'ermines" 'emocracy  Atten'ee o# high-level meeting says o##icials wante' to hi'e it #rom

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 Posted: 9e'temer 21, 2001:00 a.m. Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi© 200 Word!et"aiy.#om

A closed-door !eeting o# high-le1el go1ern!ent and business leadersthat discussed the !erger o# North A!erica was designed to sub1ertthe de!ocratic process" charged an attendee o# the con#ab in 9an<"anada*

(el $urtig" a noted anadian author and publisher who was theelected leader o# the National ,arty o# anada" pro1ided %N0 the

agenda and attendee list o# the North A!erican Foru! at the Fair!ont9an< Springs $otel in 9an<" Alberta" Sept* E-E*

$urtig said the 7secret !eeting was designed to under!ine thede!ocratic process*7

7%hat is sinister about this !eeting is that it in1ol1ed high le1elgo1ern!ent ofcials and so!e o# the top and !ost power#ul businessleaders o# the three countries and the North A!erican Foru! inorganiing the !eeting intentionally did not in#or! the press in any o#the three countries"7 he said* 7It was clear that the intention was to

keep this i!portant !eeting about integrating the three countries outo# the public eye*7

As %N0 reported yesterday" the !eeting was closed to the press" andthe docu!ents obtained by %N0 were !arked 7Internal 0ocu!ent"Not #or ,ublic Release*7

 The !oti1e #or .*S* participation" according to $urtig" was 7to gainaccess and control anada)s e+tensi1e natural resources" including oiland water*7

As #or anada" he said" the anadian ouncil o# hie# :+ecuti1es7wants to !ake sure that the E5C anadian top co!panies who aretheir !e!bers who gain access to the A!erican !arket and toA!erican capital*7

 The ofce o# Tho!as d)A2uino" president and :/ o# the anadianouncil o# hie# :+ecuti1es" conr!ed d)A2uino attend the 9an<!eeting*

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 The North A!erican Foru! consists o# the three indi1iduals who co-chaired the 9an< !eeting ;eorge Schult" #or!er secretary o# stateunder ,resident ReaganG anadian ,eter 'ougheed" the #or!er Albertapre!ier and #or!er leader o# the ,rogressi1e onser1ati1e ,arty o#AlbertaG and (e+ico)s ,edro Aspe" the #or!er secretary o# the Treasury

o# (e+ico*

 The North A!erican Foru! has no business ofce and no businessaddress* Attendees at the 9an< !eeting contributed #unds to co1er theorganiational e+penses* Attendees" including go1ern!ent ofcials"were responsible #or their own tra1el" lodging and per die! e+penses*

A spokes!an #or the anadian ouncil o# hie# :+ecuti1es said theouncil o# anadians" which he characteried as a 7#ar le#t group"7 wasthe rst to obtain and begin circulating the !eeting)s agenda andattendee list*

(eera 8arunananthan" spokeswo!an #or the ouncil o# anadiansconr!ed to %N0 the group was responsible #or obtaining andreleasing the !eeting agenda and attendee list* She took e+ceptionwith the anadian ouncil o# hie# :+ecuti1es" pre#erring tocharacterie her organiation as 7a citiens) ad1ocacy group*7

8arunananthan said the ouncil o# anadians released the NorthA!erican Foru! in#or!ation because it 2uestions the 7pri1acy o# a!eeting that in1ol1es senior !inisters o# our go1ern!ent !eeting withsenior go1ern!ent ofcials in the .nited States and (e+ico*7

7The anadian public has not been ade2uately in#or!ed about the on-going North A!erican integration process" and we belie1e it is wrong#or a !eeting that in1ol1es top North A!erican business e+ecuti1esand go1ern!ent ofcials to be held in secret behind closed doors"7 shesaid*

 Dean-Qes 'eFort" also a spokes!an #or the ouncil o# anadians" told%N0 the group opposes the e<ort to create a North A!erican .nionbecause 7the NA. represents an elite corporate agenda and to us whatis being planned would be an unacceptable loss o# so1ereignty*7

Attending the 9an< !eeting was Robert ,astor" the director o# theenter #or North A!erican Studies at A!erican .ni1ersity* ,astor iswidely known #or his e+tensi1e writings arguing #or the creation o# aNorth A!erican .nion" a new super-regional North A!ericango1ern!ent based on the !odel o# the :uropean .nion" with the intento# subrogating the so1ereignty o# the .nited States*

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,astor was co-chair o# the ouncil o# Foreign Relations task #orce thatin (ay CC5 released a report entitled 79uilding a North A!ericano!!unity*7

About one-third o# the listed !e!bers o# FR task #orce attended the

9an< con#erence* /ne pro!inent participant in both was arla A* $ills"who ser1ed as .*S* trade representati1e #ro! E4L4 to E443 and wasthe pri!ary .*S* negotiator #or NAFTA*

/n the second day o# the con#erence" a session entitled 7A =ision #orNorth A!erica Issues /ptions7 was !oderated by Tho!as A*Shannon" the .*S* assistant secretary o# state #or %estern $e!ispherea<airs*

,errin 9eatty" president and :/ o# anadian (anu#acturers :+porters" anada)s largest trade and industry association" also

conr!ed to %N0 he attended the 9an< North A!erican Foru!!eeting* 9eatty described the !eeting as 7an opportunity #or a s!allgroup o# people #ro! our three North A!erican countries to gettogether in#or!ally and discuss issues o# co!!on interest*7

%hen asked why the !eeting was closed to the press" 9eattyresponded the !eeting was not a 7decision #oru!7 but a 7discussion#oru!*7

9eatty clai!ed ,astor)s 1iews were not uni1ersally shared by allattendees*

7(y interest in attending the !eeting was econo!ic"7 he told %N0*7$ow do we insure we keep pace with the e+plosion in co!petition inthe North A!erican industry] It)s absolutely critical to the econo!icgrowth o# our three countries that we stay co!petiti1e and success#ul*7

A!ong the .*S* go1ern!ent participants listed was Secretary o#0e#ense 0onald Ru!s#eld" though %N0 was told he did not attend*Also listed were .*S* 0epart!ent o# 0e#ense 't* ;eneral ;ene Renuart".SAF Senior (ilitary Assistant to Secretary Ru!s#eld" and (a&or ;en*(ark A* =olche<" director o# ,lans" ,olicy" and Strategy #or N/RA0-


In what is apparently intended to be an annual e1ent" the rst NorthA!erican Foru! !eeting was held last Septe!ber in Sono!a" ali#*"and a !eeting #or ne+t Septe!ber is to be held in (e+ico*


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 Atten'ance list North American #orumDonal' 5ums#el'0 ,eorge Schultz among :/S/ o##icials on roster


,osted Septe!ber E" CCMECC a*!* :astern

N/RT$ A(:RIAN F/R.(/NFIR(:0 ,ARTII,ANTS?Internal 0ocu!ent" Not #or ,ublic Release@

Report dated August 3E" CCM

9or4m Co#Chairs:

0r* ,edro Aspe$on* ,eter 'ougheed$on* ;eorge Shult

Canadian 3articipants 

• ol* ,eter Atkinson" Special Ad1isor to hie# o# 0e#ence Sta<• $on* ,errin 9eatty" anadian (anu#acturers :+porters• (r* ,eter (* 9oeh!" Assistant 0eputy (inister" North A!erica"

$oreign Aairs and International Trade anada• (r* Tho!as d)A2uino" anadian ouncil o# hie# :+ecuti1es• $on* Stockwell 0ay" (inister o# ,ublic Sa#ety" ;o1ern!ent o#

Canada • 0r* %endy 0obson" The Institute #or International 9usiness• (r* N* (urray :dwards" :dco Financial $oldings 'td*• (r* %ard :lcock" 0eputy (inister o# National 0e#ence• (r* 9ill :lliott" Associate 0eputy (inister" ,ublic Sa#ety• 0r* Dohn :nglish" The dn entre #or International ;o1ernance

Inno1ation• (r* 9rian Felesky" Felesky Flynn '',• (r* Richard '* ;eorge" Suncor :nergy Inc*• 0r* Roger ;ibbins" anada %est Foundation• Rear Ad! Roger ;irouard" o!!ander Doint Task Force ,acic"

dn Forces• (a&or ;en 0aniel ;osselin" 0irector ;eneral" International

Security ,olicy• (r* Da!es 8* ;ray" anada %est Foundation• (r* Fred ;reen" anadian ,acic Railway• (r* =* ,eter $arder" 0eputy (inister o# Foreign A<airs

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• (r* ,aul D* $ill" $ar1ard 0e1elop!ents Inc*• ;eneral Rick $illier" hie# o# the 0e#ence Sta<• (r* ,ierre (arc Dohnston" $eenan 9laikie• (r* Da!es 8innear" ,engrowth orporation• (r* $arold N* 81isle" Transanada orporation•

$on* Dohn ,* (anley" (carthy Tetrault '',• (r* Ron (anni+" oril $oldings 'td*• (r* Ron (athison" (atco In1est!ents• $on* Anne (c'ellan" Senior ounsel" 9ennett Dones• $on* ;reg (elchin" (inister o# :nergy" ;o1ern!ent o# Alberta• (s*Sharon (urphy" he1ron anada• (s* Sheila /)9rien" ,resident" orporate 0irector" 9el1edere

In1est!ents• $on* ;ordon /)onnor" (inister o# 0e#ense" ;o1ern!ent o#

anada• (r* 9erel Rodal" International enter on Non1iolent onHict• (r* ordon 9mit&" hair!an" The International 0e1elop!ent

Research entre

)merican 3articipants • (s* 0eborah 9olton" ,olitical Ad1isor to o!!ander" .S

Northco!• (r* Ron T* o1ais" ,resident" The A!ericas" 'ockheed (artin

orporation• Sec* 8enneth %* 0a!" (a+ ,a! ,ro#essor :!eritus o# A!erican

Foreign 'aw and Senior 'ecturer" .ni1ersity o# hicago 'awSchool

• (r* 0an Fisk" Senior 0irector" %estern $e!isphere" NationalSecurity ouncil

• Sec* Ryan $enry" 0eputy .nder 9e#retary o "eense #or ,olicy• (s* arla A* $ills" hair!an :/" $ills o*• (s* aryn $ollis" 0AS0 ?Acting@ %estern $e!isphere A<airs• (r* 9ill Irwin " (anager - International ;o1ern!ent A<airsG ,olicy"

;o1ern!ent and ,ublic A<airs" he1ron orporation• (r* Robert ;* Da!es" ,resident" :nterprise Asset (anage!ent

Inc*• Ad!iral Ti! 8eating" o!!ander" .S Northern o!!and• (r* Floyd 81a!!e" hair" ,resident)s ouncil o# Ad1isors on

Science TechnologyG 0irector" entre #or ;lobal Security Res*• 0r* Ronald F* 'eh!an II " 0irector" enter #or ;lobal Security

Research" 'awrence 'i1er!ore National 'aboratory• (r* %illia! %* (cIlhenny" ,olicy ,lanning ouncil #or %estern

$e!isphere A<airs• 0r* ,eter (c,herson " ,resident" National Association o# State

.ni1ersities 'and-;rant olleges

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• (s* 0oris (eissner" Senior Fellow" (igration ,olicy Institute• 0r* ;eorge (iller" 0irector" 'awrence 'i1er!ore National

'aboratory• (r* ;eorge Nethercutt" hair!an" .S Section o# the ,er!anent

 Doint 9oard on 0e#ense" .S anada ?Security@•

(ary Anastasia /);rady" Dournalist #or %all Street Dournal ?AreaSpecialist@• 0r* Robert A* ,astor" 0irector" enter #or North A!erican Studies"

A!erican .ni1ersity" %ashington" 0• 0r* %illia! ,erry" o-0irector" ,re1enti1e 0e#ense ,ro&ect• 't* ;en* ;ene Renuart" .SAF Senior (ilitary Assist* to Sec*

Ru!s#eld• (r* :ric Ru<" " "e'artment o "eense ,ress Secretary• Sec* 0onald R* Ru!s#eld" Secretary o# 0e#ense" .S 0epart!ent

o# 0e#ense• 0r* Da!es Schlesinger" For!er Sec* /# :nergy 0e#ense• (r* %illia! Schneider" ,resident" International ,lanning Ser1ices• Sec* lay Sell" 0eputy Secretary o# :nergy" .S 0ept* o# :nergy• 0r* Tho!as A* Shannon" Assistant Secretary o# State #or %estern

$e!isphere A<airs• 0r* 0a1id ;* =ictor" 0irector" ,rogra! on :nergy Sustainable

0e1elop!ent" enter #or :n1iron!ental Science ,olicy• (a&* ;en* (ark A =olche<" 0irector" ,lans" ,olicy Strategy"

N/RA0-N/RT$/(• (s* Dane %ales" ,resident :/" %orld A<airs ouncil o#

Northern ali#ornia• (r* R* Da!es %oolsey" =ice ,resident" 9oo Allen $a!ilton

+e>ican 3articipants: • :!b AndrWs Roental" ?(e+ican oordinator@ (e+ican ouncil

on Foreign Relations• Sil1ia $ern6nde " For!er Senator and hair o# the Senate

Foreign Relations Subco!!ittee on North A!erica• (ario (olina " " E445 Nobel 'aureate in he!istry• Fernando hico ,ardo " :/" ,ro!ecap•  Duan ;allardo " " :/" ;rupo ;:.SA• ;erZni!o ;utiWrre " 0eputy Foreign (inister #or North A!erica• 'uis de la alle " onsultant* For!er 0eputy (inister o# :cono!y• Agust`n 9arrios ;Z!e " Solutions Abroad• =inicio Suro" " ,:(:• :duardo (edina (ora " Secretary o# ,ublic Security• arlos $eredia " 9tate oernment o# (ichoac6n•  Dai!e ^abludowsky " onsultant* For!er trade negotiator• (anuel Arango " :/" ;rupo oncord•  Dorge Santibae " ,resident" :l olegio de la Frontera Norte

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• 'uis Rubio" I0A• (Znica Serrano " :l olegio de (W+ico" Seor Fellow /+#ord

.ni1ersity• Arturo Sarukhan" oordinator o# Int)l A<airs" a!paign o# Felipe


 Duan a!ilo (ourio" ;eneral oordinator o# ,resident :lect)stransition tea!• :rnesto ordero" oordinator #or ,ublic ,olicy Issues

Amassadorsonsul ;eneral• (r* arlos de Icaa" " A!bassador o# (e+ico to the .nited States• (r* ;atan 'a1ertu" A!bassador o# anada to (e+ico• (s* (aria Teresa ;arcia Sego1ia de (adero" A!bassador o#

(e+ico to anada• (r* Tho!as $u<aker" .*S* onsul ;eneral in algary ?on 0/0)s

list@• (r* Dohn 0ickson" 0eputy hie# o# (ission" =9 Emassy in /ttawa"

?representing A!bassador o# .S to anada@• (r* olin Robertson" (inister $ead" %ashington Ad1ocacy

Secretariat" ?representing A!bassador o# anada to .S@


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 G4dicial @atch eleases 3entaon ecords!rom I*orth )merican 9or4mJ +eetins

"eense 9e#retary, 9enior 4iitary and 9ta 4et )it& 4e<i#an Canadian

i#ias oer 6Continenta Pros'erity in t&e !e) 9e#urity Enironment

@ashinton, 1C7  Dudicial %atch" the public interest group that

in1estigates and prosecutes go1ern!ent corruption" today released

docu!ents obtained No1e!ber CCM under the pro1isions o# the

Freedo! o# In#or!ation Act ?F/IA@ #ro! .*S* Northern o!!and

?N/RT$/(@* The docu!ents concern the participation o# N/RT$/(

o!!ander" Ad!iral Ti!othy 8eating" N/RT$/( ,olitical Ad1isor

0eborah 9olton" and ,lans" ,olicy Strategy 0irector (a&or ;eneral

(ark =olche< in a !eeting o# the UNorth A!erican Foru!V at the 9an<

Springs $otel in 9an<" anada on Septe!ber E-E" CCM* A si!ilar

re2uest #or records concerning #oru! participation by then-0e#ense

Secretary Ru!s#eld and his entourage is still pending with the


 The records include E@ ,roposed co!!ents #or Ad!iral 8eating>s

speech to the North A!erican Foru!G @ ,resentation outlines with

handwritten !arginal notes and co!!ents #ro! (s* 9oltonG 3@ ,olicy

papersG @ 9iographic sketches o# participantsG and" 5@ Notes #ro!

(a&or ;eneral =olche<*

 The North A!erican Foru! presentations discussed i!!igration and

border en#orce!entG #ull econo!ic and energy integration includingin#rastructure and transportationG a North A!erican in1est!ent #undG

and co!!on custo!s and duties* The idea o# a carbon ta+ was raised

as a !eans to co!bat so-called global war!ing* Re#erences to the

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Security and ,rosperity ,artnership ?S,,@ occur throughout the


 The notes #or the presentations docu!ent the need to o1erco!e

popular opposition to North A!erican integration UTo what degree

does a concept o# North A!erica helphinder sol1ing proble!s between

the three countries]%hile a 1ision is appealing working on the

in#rastructure !ight yield !ore benet and bring !ore people on

board ?e1olution by stealth>@*V

UIt is not encouraging to see the phrase e1olution by stealth> in

re#erence to i!portant policy debates such as North A!erican

integration and cooperation"V said Dudicial %atch ,resident To! Fitton*

UThese docu!ents pro1ide !ore in#or!ation to A!ericans concerned

about the Security and ,rosperity ,artnership* The !ore transparency"

the better*V


Even the Sierra lub o# anada is sounding the alarm against the

(orth 'merican )nion+

he standardi4ation and centrali4ation of #olic" into a (orth 'merican)nion frame*or9 is ver" real$ a fact *e #ersonall" came face to face*ith this *ee9 after our office received aletter from the 5or9force,ommission demanding that *e #rovide business information for the#ur#oses of assigning a (orth 'merican ndustr" ,lassification !"stem(',!8 code to our location+

he NAIS website re1eals that Fhe (orth 'merican ndustr"

,lassification !"stem has re#laced the )+!+ !tandard ndustrial,lassification !,8 s"stem+ (',! *ill resha#e the *a" *e vie* ourchanging econom"+F htt#://***+census+gov/e#cd/***/naics+html 

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No)(. Ame)'# I#"u!()* Cl!!1'(o# *!(em


 The North A!erican Industry lassication Syste! ?NAIS@ hasreplaced the .*S* Standard Industrial lassication ?SI@ syste!* NAIS

will reshape the way we 1iew our changing econo!y*NAIS was de1eloped &ointly by the .*S*" anada" and (e+ico topro1ide new co!parability in statistics about business acti1ity acrossNorth A!erica*

NAIS CCJ includes re1isions to NAIS CC across se1eralsectors* The !ost signicant re1isions are in theIn#or!ation Sector" particularly within the

 Teleco!!unications area*

+&e !ort& Ameri#an Produ#t Cassii#ation 9ystem >!APC9? is no) aaiae or

 'rodu#ts o seri#e industries >se#tors /1581?. >!APC9 )i o#us on manua#turing 'rodu#ts at a ater dateD or e<isting #ensus #odes, see t&e !umeri#a ist.? 

 The ofcial 2" <0 *)C0 +an4al  %orth merican ndustry&lassifcation System++United States/ 0112 includes denitions #or eachindustry" tables showing correspondence between CCJ NAIS andCC NAIS #or codes that changed" and a co!prehensi1e inde+--#eatures also a1ailable on this web site* To order the ECC-page 01123anual" in print" call NTIS at ?LCC@ 553-MLJ or ?JC3@ MC5-MCCC" orcheck the NTIS web site* The 0110 3anual" showing correspondencebetween CC NAIS and E44J NAIS" and the 4552 3anual" showing

correspondence between E44J NAIS and E4LJ SI" are also a1ailable* The #ollowing CCJ NAIS les are currently a1ailable #or downloadingin spreadsheet #or! CCJ NAIS codes--- through M-digitG CCJ NAIScodes--M-digit onlyG and correspondence table #or those industries thatchanged CCJ NAIS to CC NAIS and CC NAIS to CCJ NAIS* Are1ised NAIS search incorporating the CCJ NAIS codes will bea1ailable in the near #uture*

Also a1ailable at this site are lists o# CC NAIS codes ?with links todenitions@" E44J NAIS codes" tables showing correspondence

between NAIS 4J and SI" tables showing correspondence betweenNAIS 4J and NAIS C" and other les #or downloading*

n Cebruar" 1<<<$ the statistical agencies of ,anada$ e.ico$ and the)nited !tates launched a Boint multi-#hase initiative to develo# acom#rehensive demand-oriented #roduct classification$ 9no*n as the(orth 'merican Product ,lassification !"stem ('P,!8+ 5or9 to datehas focused on the #roducts #roduced b" service industries in 12

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(',! sectors 3-< through 31+ 5ith that *or9 nearing com#letion$this *eb #age #rovides an overvie* of and #rogress re#ort on the('P,! initiative and #resents the final versions of the #roduct listsdevelo#ed so far for the service industries included in those 12 sectors+


n Cebruar" 1<<<$ the statistical agencies of ,anada$e.ico$ and the )nited !tates launched a Boint multi-#haseinitiative Cederal egister (otice$ '#ril 16$ 1<<<8 todevelo# a com#rehensive demand-oriented #roductclassification s"stem to com#lement the ne* su##l"-oriented industr" classification s"stem introduced in 1<<7+he industr" classification s"stem is 9no*n as the (orth'merican ndustr" ,lassification !"stem (',!8 the#roduct classification is 9no*n as the (orth 'mericanProduct ,lassification !"stem ('P,!8+ he long-termobBective of ('P,! is to develo# a mar9et-oriented$ ordemand-based$ hierarchical classification s"stem for#roducts goods and services8 that a8 is not industr"-of-origin based but can be lin9ed to the (',! industr"structure$ b8 is consistent across the three (',!countries$ and c8 #romotes im#rovements in theidentification and classification of service #roducts acrossinternational classification s"stems$ such as the ,entralProduct ,lassification !"stem of the )nited (ations+ For

more information, see discussion paper, "Overview ofNAPCS Objectives, Guidance, and ImpementationStrate! and Goas# A $nited States Perspective%"  In &a

'((), the three countries a!reed that the objectives and

 principes articuated in sections A throu!h C of that paperdefine the purposes of NAPCS and the operationa

!uideines for creatin! it% Aso see additiona papers underNAPCS *iscussion Papers in+ and Freuent As+ed

-uestions about NAPCS under the FA-S in+% 

n #lanning the ('P,! initiative$ the three countries began*ith a consensus on the #ro#osition that im#roved #roductdata for service industries is critical to im#roving vitaleconomic measures related to measuring the gro*th ofout#ut$ #rices$ #roductivit"$ and trade+ n recognition ofthis fact$ ('P,! *or9 to date has been largel" focused onidentif"ing and defining the #roducts #roduced b"industries in the 12 (',! service sectors from !ector 3-

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< through !ector 31+ Embod"ing research conducted b"1@ trilateral *or9ing grou#s$ *ith e.tensive in#ut fromindustr" e.#erts$ this effort *as im#lemented in three#hases and is no* nearing com#letion+

Phase *as launched in earl" 1<<< to e.#lore thefeasibilit" of identif"ing and defining service #roductsacross the three countries$ and it focused on the #roducts#roduced b" industries in four (',! service sectors:!ector I1: nformation$ !ector I2: Cinance and nsurance$!ector I: Professional$ !cientific$ and echnical !ervices$and !ector I6: 'dministrative and !u##ort and 5asteanagement and emediation !ervices+ Phase generated@6 #roduct lists that cover the final #roducts #roduced b"117 )! service industries+ Products from 26 of these lists*ere incor#orated into the 2002 Economic ,ensus$ andsome *ere incor#orated into the 2001 and subse=uent!ervices 'nnual !urve"s+ &ased on the success of Phase $the three countries agreed that the ('P,! should continueand be e.#anded to cover the #roducts of industries in all(',! service sectors from !ector 3-< through !ector31 e.cluding those in !ector 31$ Private Households$ and!ubsector I2I$ Cunds$ rusts$ and Other CinancialAehicles8+

Phase $ launched in ul" 2001$ e.tended ('P,! to the

industries in five additional (',! service sectors: !ector3-<: rans#ortation and 5arehousing$ !ector 61:Educational !ervices$ !ector 62: Health ,are and !ocial'ssistance$ !ector 71: 'rts$ Entertainment and ecreation$and !ector 72: 'ccommodation and Cood !ervices+ Phase *as launched in a" 200$ and it e.tended ('P,! toindustries not covered in the sectors addressed underPhases and and to industries in !ector I@: eal Estateand ental and ?easing$ !ector II: anagement of,om#anies and Enter#rises$ and !ector 31: Other !ervicese.ce#t Public 'dministration8+ a9en together$ Phases and researched the final #roducts #roduced b" morethan 2I0 )! service industries+

he #roducts develo#ed under Phases - have so farbeen assembled into 102 #roduct lists that identif" anddefine the significant #roducts #roduced b" about @70 )!service industries+ hese lists include <7 that are e.#ected

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to be finali4ed at the trilateral level t*o at the bilaterallevel )! and e.ico for (',! 621210-Offices of entistsand for (',! 621610-Home Health ,are !ervices8 threeat the )!-onl" level Rincludes a list for industr" I@@110-?essors of (onfinancial ntangible 'ssets e.ce#t

co#"righted *or9s8 a list for the industries in (',!II111-anagement of ,om#anies and Enter#rise and alist for health service industries in (',! 621-2 e.ce#t6212$ 6$ and <8S+ Product lines develo#ed from either finalor draft versions of all 102 lists have been incor#oratedinto ne* #roduct collection forms develo#ed for the 2007Economic ,ensus$ and the" are being incor#oratedincrementall" into the !ervices 'nnual !urve" beginningin 20018+

Of the << trilateral and bilateral lists$ 71 have beenfinali4ed at this time and can be vie*ed either in PC fileformat PC files8 or in a do*nloadable E.cel file usinglin9s on the ('P,! Home Page the balance *ill be addedon a flo* basis as the" are finali4ed+ !imilarl"$ draftversions of 2@ of the 23 unfinali4ed trilateral lists and the @)!-onl" lists can no* be vie*ed in either PC or E.cel fileformat using lin9s on the Home Page+

Plans for e.tending ('P,! to include the #roducts ofindustries in (',! sectors not "et covered !ector 11:

'griculture$ Corestr"$ Cishing and Hunting$ !ector 21:ining$ !ector 22: )tilities$ !ector 2@: ,onstruction$!ector @1-@@: anufacturing$ !ector 2: 5holesale rade$and !ector -I: etail rade8 are #resentl" underdiscussion b" the three countries the" *ill be announcedon this site as the" are decided+




;ina& NAP!S Product Li%t% #y NAI!S Indu%try Su#<ectArea

NA')" !itle

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"#ect Are$

=GGGG Newspaper *ublishers

=GGG1 *eriodical *ublishers

=GGG< 4oo' *ublishers

=GGGD &irectory and (ailing Hist *ublishers

=GGGB 8ther *ublishers


Software *ublishers #nternet Service *roviders ?ebSearch *ortals and &ata *rocessing Services

=G1GG$1 (otion *icture and 5ideo *roduction$&istribution

=G1G< (otion *icture and 5ideo !hibition

=G1GB*ost *roduction Services and 8ther (otion *icture and5ideo #ndustries

=G11G-< "ecord *roduction &istribution and *ublishing

=G11D-B Sound and 8ther Sound "ecording Studios

=G= and =GK=4roadcasting 9e!cept #nternet: and )able *rogram&istribution

=G3 #nternet *ublishing and 4roadcasting

=GK Telecommunications

=GB 8ther #nformation Services

=1 Finance and #nsurance

=<G "eal state

=<1G  Automotive 6uipment "ental and Heasing=<11 )onsumer ,oods "ental

=DG1 Accounting Ta! *reparation 4oo''eeping and *ayrollServices

=DG<G-1  Architectural and Handscape Architectural Services

=DG<< ngineering Services

=DG<D &rafting Services

=DG<= 4uilding #nspection Services

=DG<3 ,eophysical Surveying and (apping Services

=DG<K Surveying and (apping 9e!cept ,eophysical: Services

=DG<C Testing Haboratories

=DGDB 8ther Specialized &esign Services

=DG3G (anagement )onsulting Services

=DG31 nvironmental )onsulting Services

=DGK Scientific "esearch and &evelopment Services

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=DGCG  Advertising Agencies

=DGC1 *ublic "elations Agencies

=DGC< (edia 4uying Agencies

=DGCD (edia "epresentatives

=DGC= &isplay Advertising

=DGC3 &irect (ail Advertising

=DGCK  Advertising (aterial &istribution Services

=DGCB 8ther Services "elated to Advertising

=DGBD 5eterinary Services

=3GG 8ffice Administrative Services

=3G1 Facilities Support Services

=3G< mployment Services

=3GD 4usiness Support Services=3G= Travel Arrangement and "eservation Services

=3G3 #nvestigation and Security Services

=3GK Services to 4uildings and &wellings

=3GB 8ther Support Services

=31 ?aste (anagement and "emediation Services

31G1G 8ffices of &entists

31G3G +ome +ealth )are Services

31GB 8ther Ambulatory +ealth )are Services

31GBB  All 8ther Ambulatory +ealth )are Services

KGG *erforming Arts Spectator Sports and "elated #ndustries

KG1 (useums +istorical Sites and Similar #nstitutions

KG<G  Amusement *ar's and Arcades

KG<1 ,ambling #ndustries

KG<B 8ther Amusement and "ecreation #ndustries

K1G  Accommodation

K11 Food Services and &rin'ing *laces

CGGG  Automotive "epair and (aintenance

CGG1lectronic and *recision 6uipment "epair and(aintenance

CGG<)ommercial and #ndustrial (achinery and 6uipment9e!cept Automotive and lectronic: "epair and(aintenance

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CGGD *ersonal +ousehold ,oods "epair and (aintenance

CG1G *ersonal )are Services

CG11 &eath )are Services

CG1< &rycleaning and Haundry Services

CG1BG *et )are 9e!cept 5eterinary: Services

CG1B1 *hotofinishing

CG1B< *ar'ing Hots and ,arages

CG1BB  All 8ther *ersonal Services

 F(',! *as develo#ed Bointl" b" the )+!+$ ,anada$ and e.ico to#rovide ne* com#arabilit" in statistics about business activit" across(orth 'merica+F

he fact that *e received this letter and that businesses across'merica are being forced to submit census information for the#ur#oses of registration in a (orth 'merican database that includese.ico and ,anada is no Fcons#irac" theor"$F its another documentedste# on the road to full harmoni4ation and integration+

he #lanned introduction of the 'mero$ a #an-'merican currenc"lambasted in the >lobe #iece as another cons#irac" theor"$ is common9no*ledge amongst all financial anal"sts *orth their salt+ !teve Previsof efferies nternational tal9ed about it on a ,(&, segment in(ovember last "ear+

ust last *ee9$ renowned !oney !anager Stephen Darislowsky told aparlia!entary co!!ittee in anada that F*e have to reall" seriousl"

start thin9ing of the model of a continental currenc" Bust li9e Euro#e$Fas he advocated the creation of a (orth 'merican currenc" to re#lacethe ,anadian dollar$ the )+!+ dollar and the #eso+

obert Pastor$ one of the architects of the #lan for a regionalgovernment$ has authored a book and speaks at con#abs in front of

governmental officials$ #romoting the ado#tion of the amero as a

common monetar" currenc" to re#lace the dollar and the #eso+

Cormer e.ican President =icente Fo+ hi!sel# ad!itted the plan for a

(orth 'merican Feuro-dollarF currenc" during an a##earance on ?arr"Jing ?ive recentl"+

he latest media attac9s come on the bac9 of a recent &oston >lobe#iece entitled The a!ero conspiracy $ the latest in a long line of #ublic

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F)ltimatel"$ our obBective is to *elcome the !oviet )nionbac9 into the *orld order+ Perha#s the *orld order of thefuture *ill trul" be a famil" of nations+FPresident >eorge &ush 'K )niversit" 1<3<

Fhere does and has e.isted for a generation$ aninternational + + + net*or9 *hich o#erates$ to some e.tent$in the *a" the radical right believes the ,ommunists act+n fact$ this net*or9$ *hich *e ma" identif" as the oundable >rou#s$ has no aversion to coo#erating *ith the,ommunists$ or an" other grou#s and fre=uentl" does so+ 9no* of the o#erations of this net*or9 because havestudied it for t*ent" "ears and *as #ermitted for t*o"ears$ in the earl" 1<60s$ to e.amine its #a#ers and secretrecords+ have no aversion to it or to most of its aims andhave$ for much of m" life$ been close to it and to man" ofits instruments+ have obBected$ both in the #ast andrecentl"$ to a fe* of its #olicies + + + but in general m" chief difference of o#inion is that it *ishes to remain un9no*n$and believe its role in histor" is significant enough to be9no*n+FProfessor ,arroll Luigle"$ in his boo9 raged" and Ho#e$1<66+

F5e are on the verge of a global transformation+ 'll *eneed is the right maBor crisis and the nations *ill acce#t

the (e* 5orld Order+F- avid oc9efeller

Foda"$ 'merica *ould be outraged if )+(+ troo#s entered?os 'ngeles to restore order+ omorro* the" *ill begratefulM his is es#eciall" true if the" *ere told that there*ere an outside threat from be"ond$ *hether real or#romulgated$ that threatened our ver" e.istence+ t is thenthat all #eo#les of the *orld *ill #lead to deliver them fromthis evil+ he one thing ever" man fears is the un9no*n+5hen #resented *ith this scenario$ individual rights *ill be*illingl" relin=uished for the guarantee of their *ell-beinggranted to them b" the 5orld >overnment+Fr+ Henr" Jissinger$ &ilderberger ,onference$ Evians$Crance$ 1<<1

Fhe rilateral ,ommission is intended to be the vehicle formultinational consolidation of the commercial and ban9ing

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interests b" sei4ing control of the #olitical government ofthe )nited !tates+ he rilateral ,ommission re#resents as9illful$ coordinated effort to sei4e control and consolidatethe four centers of #o*er #olitical$ monetar"$ intellectualand ecclesiastical+ 5hat the rilateral ,ommission intends

is to create a *orld*ide economic #o*er su#erior to the#olitical governments of the nationstates involved+ 'smanagers and creators of the s"stem$ the" *ill rule thefuture+F)+!+ !enator &arr" >old*ater in his 1<7< boo9: 5ith (o'#ologies+

Ever" time the agenda for full #olitical and economic integration isadvanced one ste# further$ *hether b" treaties$ la*full" bindingagreements or rhetoric about *hat the ne.t ste# *ill be$ theestablishment media ste#s in to scoff at such #atentl" observabledevelo#ments and label them Fcons#irac" theoriesF+5e have #reviousl" seen articles in other !a&or publications that

e.actl" !irror each other in denying the e+istence of the (')+ he

establishment media has #romoted this consistent hoa. andre#eatedl" engaged in mass #ublic dece#tion+his tactic of smearing an"one *ho attem#ts to raise the issue and tocategoricall" den" realit" comes directl" from those *ho are #ushingthe (')

an" of the afore mentioned media hit #ieces surmise that the entire

subBect of the (orth 'merican )nion is an urban m"th that Ffeeds on'merican fear of immigration and globali4ationF$ Bust as &ush outlinesabove+

Other media hit #ieces against the (orth 'merican )nion Fcons#irac"Fseem to hinge on the notion that the globalists #ushing for it donGt callit a FunionF but a Fcommunit"F+ his is a9in to *hen avid oc9efellerdismissed the notion that he *as aiding the creation of a globalgovernment$ instead asserting onl" that he believed in FglobalgovernanceF+ he media are basicall" ninn"ing about ho* man" angelscan dance on the head of a #in+

5hatever "ou *ant to call it - a #lan for #olitical$ economic and socialintegration of the 'mericas is afoot and it is being rammed through*ith little or no sa" from ,ongress or the 'merican #eo#le+

Ho*ever$ as the old sa"ing goes$ an" 9ind of P is good P+ he ra#idmove to*ard a (orth 'merican )nion is finall" getting mainstream

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attention $ as *itnessed b" the increased effort on behalf of thecor#orate media to den" its realit" and im#lement the usual techni=ueof branding it a m"th or baseless cons#irac" theor"+ 's the attac9sbecome more #ronounced$ the clearer it *ill become that the moveto*ard a (') is a ver" real #ros#ect+

'le. onesG terrif"ing ne* film End >ame: &lue#rint Cor >lobalEnslavement e.#lores the histor" of eugenics and ans*ers *h" theelite are so obsessed *ith thinning the human #o#ulation+ lick hereto order the 0=0 or subscribe to prison planet*t1 and *atch the

documentar" in high =ualit" online streaming format+


North America activists plotte' "stealth" strategy Details o# secret 2an## meeting release' as part o# FOIA re6uest

 Posted: January 0, 20071:00 a.m. Eastern

By Jose'& $ara&© 2007 Word!et"aiy.#om

WA9@%!+!  ,articipants in a high-le1el" closed door" three-daycon#erence on the integration o# the three North A!erican nations

debated whether openness about goals was pre#erred to a stealthypolicy o# building inrastru#ture be#ore a 1ision o# the end result wase1en laid out to the people o# the .*S*" 4e<i#o and anada" accordingto notes obtained through a Freedo! o# In#or!ation Act re2uest*

/fcial notes taken on a session on 79order In#rastructure andontinental ,rosperity7 at the North A!erican Foru! in 9an<" Canada"last Septe!ber" re1eal the internal debate o1er continued secrecy*

7%hile a 1ision is appealing" working on the in#rastructure !ight yield

!ore benet and bring !ore people on board ?)e1olution by stealth)@"7record the notes disco1ered a!id docu!ents obtained by Dudicial%atch* 

Se1eral speakers at the e1ent e!phasied the i!portance o#7deepening econo!ic integration"7 7integrating the energyin#rastructure7 and 7the de1elop!ent o# new institutions7 between thethree North A!erican nations*

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,articipants pro!oted the idea o# using popular issues" such asconcern o1er cli!ate change" to push integration o# energy anden1iron!ental go1ernance and the possibility o# i!posing a carbonta+*

 Dudicial %atch released yesterday the docu!ents it recei1ed in a F/IAre2uest #ro! the .*S* Northern o!!and" whose co!!ander" Ad!iral Ti!othy 8eating" participated in the con#erence along with Northco!political ad1iser 0eborah Boton and ,lans" ,olicy and Strategy 0irector(a&* ;eneral (ark =olche<* A si!ilar re2uest concerning participationin the North A!erican Foru! !eeting by #or!er 0e#ense Secretary0onald Ru!s#eld is still pending*

At least one attendee o# the con#erence said the !eeting was intendedto sub1ert the de!ocratic process* (el $urtig" a anadian author andpublisher elected as the leader o# the National ,arty o# anada" told

%N0 last #all the idea o# the North A!erican Foru! is to !o1e thecountries toward integration without public consent or e1enknowledge*

7%hat is sinister about this !eeting is that it in1ol1ed high le1elgo1ern!ent ofcials and so!e o# the top and !ost power#ul businessleaders o# the three countries and the North A!erican Foru! inorganiing the !eeting intentionally did not in#or! the press in any o#the three countries"7 he said* 7It was clear that the intention was tokeep this i!portant !eeting about integrating the three countries outo# the public eye*7

 The con#erence raised !ore suspicions about plans #or the #uture!erger o# the .*S*" anada and (e+ico with topics ranging #ro! 7A=ision #or !ort& Ameri#a"7 7/pportunities #or Security ooperation7 and70e!ographic and Social 0i!ensions o# North A!erican Integration*7

onr!ed participants included Ru!s#eld" #or!er Secretary o# State;eorge Shult" who ser1es as co-chair!an o# the North A!ericanForu!" #or!er entral Intelligence Agency 0irector R* Da!es %oolsey"#or!er I!!igration and Naturaliation Ser1ices 0irector 0oris(eissner" North A!erican .nion guru Robert ,astor" #or!er 0e#ense

Secretary %illia! ,erry" #or!er :nergy Secretary and 0e#enseSecretary Da!es Schlesinger and top ofcials o# both (e+ico andanada* 9ut the only !edia !e!ber scheduled to appear at the e1ent"according to docu!ents obtained by %N0" was the %all Street Dournal)s (ary Anastasia /);rady*

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 The e1ent was organied by the anadian ouncil o# hie# :+ecuti1esand the anada %est Foundation" an Alberta think-tank that pro!otescloser econo!ic integration with the .nited States*

 The ne+t !eeting o# the North A!erican Foru! is set #or /ct* E-E in

,uerto =allarta*

 The anadian e1ent is another in a series o# !eetings" policy papersand directi1es that ha1e citiens" ofcials and !e!bers o# the !ediawondering whether these e<orts represent so!e sort o# coordinatede<ort to i!ple!ent a 7!erger7 so!e ha1e characteried as 7NAFTA onsteroids*7

,ro!inent at the Ban  con#erence was Robert ,astor" an A!erican.ni1ersity pro#essor who wrote 7Toward a North A!erican o!!unity"7a book pro!oting the de1elop!ent o# a North A!erican union as a

regional go1ern!ent and the adoption o# the a!ero as a co!!on!onetary currency to replace the dollar and the peso*

,astor also was 1ice chair!an o# the (ay CC5 ouncil on ForeignRelations task #orce entitled 79uilding a NorthA!erican o!!unity7 that presents itsel# as ablueprint #or using bureaucratic action within thee+ecuti1e branches o# (e+ico" the .*S* and anada totrans#or! the current trilateral Security and ,rosperity ,artnership o#North A!erica into a North A!erican union regional go1ern!ent*

$e calls #or the establish!ent o# a North A!erican o!!unity" whichso!e 1iew as a signicant step toward a :uropean .nion-style system o# regional or continental go1ernance*

7Increasing interdependence o<ers additional costs and opportunities"7he told the 9an< audience* 7To !itigate the dangers and e+pand thebenets o# a !ore integrated and less regulated !arket re2uirescontinental plans and institutions* It re2uires a new consciousnessa!ong both leaders and people a new way o# thinking about ourneighbors* This will take ti!e" but we want to begin the &ourney*7

,astor continued 7/ur purpose is to build a greater sense o# being apart o# North A!erica* %e do not want to displace the pride each o# us#eel in our countries" but rather to supple!ent that with a #eeling o#being North A!erican* %e do so not to build a #ortress or to separateoursel1es #ro! the world* /n the contrary" we want to connect betterwith our closest neighbors in order to strengthen our ability to co!petein the world and to ser1e as a !odels #or other regional groups*7

 American University*rofessor "obert *astor 

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,astor said narrowing the gap in inco!e 7!ay be the single !osti!portant issue on the North A!erican agenda*7 $e pointed hope#ullyto a bill introduced Dune 4" CCM" by Sen* Dohn ornyn calling #or aNorth A!erican In1est!ent Fund to channel grants to (e+ico #or thispurpose* $e #ailed to note" howe1er" that ornyn had already

withdrawn his bill two !onths prior to the 9an< con#erence a#ter thesenator was alerted by %N0 to the role it played in #ostering regionalgo1ern!ent in North A!erica* 



Climate Panel Recommends Global Temperature Ceiling, Carbon TaxBy Peter @einein =nited !ations*+ &ebruary *00 

) panel o! scientists has presented the <nited *ations adetailed plan !or combatin climate chane. HO)scorrespondent at the <.*. 3eter einlein reports the strateyinoles reachin a lobal areement on a temperat4re ceilin.

A group o# EL scientists #ro! EE countries is calling on the internationalco!!unity to act 2uickly to pre1ent catastrophic cli!ate change*

In a report re2uested by the .nited Nations and partially paid #or by

the pri1ately #unded .*N* Foundation" the panel warns that any delaycould lead to a dangerous rise in sea le1els" increasingly turbulentweather" droughts and disease*

 The report was issued three weeks a#ter the Intergo1ern!ental ,anelon li!ate hange concluded that global war!ing is real and causedin large part by hu!an acti1ity* 9ut unlike the I, report" this latestdocu!ent !akes policy reco!!endations*

,anel !e!ber Dohn $oldren o# $ar1ard .ni1ersity says the world !ustbe !obilied i!!ediately to a1oid catastrophe* 7li!ate change is

real" it)s already happening" it)s already causing har!" it)s acceleratingand we need to do so!ething about it" and we need to do so!ethingabout it seriously" starting now* /ur specic conclusions are that i# theworld were to go past the point o# an increase abo1e pre-industrialte!peratures greater than to *5 degrees elsius" we would be in aregi!e where the danger o# intolerable and un!anageable i!pacts onwell-being would rise 1ery rapidly"7 he said*

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 The panel)s reco!!endations include a series o# steps to cut the rateat which te!peratures are rising* hie# a!ong the! are a globalagree!ent on an acceptable ceiling #or te!perature rise and ndingways o# adapting to cope with the da!age already done*

$oldren" howe1er" says e1en these !easure will achie1e 1ery littleunless they are acco!panied by a global ta+ on greenhouse gase!issions* 7%e don)t think ulti!ately society will get it right in ter!s o# the #ull range and scope o# acti1ities needed to reduce greenhouse gase!issions" until there is an additional incenti1e in the #or! o# a priceon greenhouse gas e!issions" either through a carbon ta+ or a cap andtrade approach"7 he said*

 The .nited States is the biggest e!itter o# greenhouse gasses" but isnot a party to the cap and trade syste! contained in the 8yoto ,rotocolon cli!ate change*

Ne1ertheless" the 9ush ad!inistration has set a target o# cutting .*S*greenhouse gas e!issions by EL percent by CE" and is spending B3billion a year on cli!ate change research*

,eter Ra1en" the head o# the Sig!a i Scientic society and co-authoro# the latest report" says success in li!iting the e<ects o# globalwar!ing will re2uire pri1ate sector leadership" and a co!bined e<ortby the .*S* and the international co!!unity* 7The pri1ate sector isdoing a 1ery good &ob" and kind o# leadership we)re calling #or #ro! the.nited Nations and international organiations and the kind o#

leadership the .nited States is !o1ing towards will both be keyingredients in that"7 he said*

A .*N* spokes!an says Secretary-;eneral 9an 8i-!oon is consideringcalling a su!!it !eeting on cli!ate change later this year*:n1iron!ental acti1ists are calling on (r* 9an to play a leading role inthe process o# negotiating a successor to the 8yoto agree!ent" whiche+pires in CE*




What’s A Carbon Tax? 

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@hy ) Carbon Ta>?

 The rationale #or a carbon ta+ is si!ple the le1els o# / already in the:arth>s at!osphere and being added daily are destabiliing establishedcli!ate patterns and threatening the ecosyste!s on which we and

other li1ing beings depend* =ery large and rapid reductions in the.nited States> and other nations> carbon e!issions are essential tore1erse runaway cli!ate change and a1ert resulting se1ere weathere1ents" inundation o# coastal areas" spread o# diseases" #ailure o#agriculture and water supply" in#rastructure destruction" #orced!igrations" political uphea1als and international conHict*

A carbon ta+ !ust be the central !echanis! #or reducing carbone!issions* urrently" the prices o# gasoline" electricity and #uels ingeneral include none o# the costs associated with de1astating cli!atechange* This o!ission suppresses incenti1es to de1elop and deploy

carbon-reducing !easures such as energy efciency ?e*g*" high-!ileage cars and high-efciency heaters and air conditioners@"renewable energy ?e*g*" wind turbines" solar panels@" low-carbon #uels?e*g*" bio#uels #ro! high-cellulose plants@" and conser1ation-basedbeha1ior such as bicycling" recycling and o1erall !ind#ulness towardenergy consu!ption* on1ersely" ta+ing #uels according to their carboncontent will in#use these incenti1es at e1ery chain o# decision andaction \ #ro! indi1iduals> choices and uses o# 1ehicles" appliances"and housing" to businesses> choices o# new product design" capitalin1est!ent and #acilities location" and go1ern!ents> choices inregulatory policy" land use and ta+ation*

A carbon ta+ won>t stop global cli!ate change by itsel# \ other"synergistic actions are re2uired as well* 9ut without a carbon ta+" e1enthe !ost aggressi1e regulatory regi!e ?e*g*" high-!ileage cars@ andUenlightenedV subsidies ?e*g*" ta+ credits #or efciency and renewables@will #all woe#ully short o# the necessary reductions in carbon burningand e!issions*

*o Ta> ncrease? ow? 

A carbon ta+ should be re1enue-neutral* At least that>s what we

?arbon Ta+ enter@ and !any other carbon ta+ proponents aread1ocating* Re1enue-neutral !eans that little i# any o# the ta+re1enues raised by ta+ing carbon e!issions would be retained bygo1ern!ent* The 1ast !a&ority o# the re1enues would be returned tothe A!erican people" with so!e s!all a!ount utilied to !itigate theotherwise negati1e i!pacts o# carbon ta+es on low-inco!e energyusers*

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 Two pri!ary return approaches are being discussed* /ne would rebatethe re1enues directly through regular ?e*g*" !onthly@ e2ual di1idendsto all .*S* residents* In e<ect" e1ery resident would recei1e e2ual"identical slices o# the total re1enue pie* Dust such a progra! hasoperated in Alaska #or three decades" pro1iding residents with annual

di1idends #ro! the state>s North Slope oil re1enues*

In the other !ethod" each dollar o# carbon ta+ re1enue would trigger adollar>s worth o# reduction in e+isting ta+es such as the #ederal payrollta+ or state sales ta+es* As carbon-ta+ re1enues are phased in ?withthe ta+ rates rising gradually but steadily" to allow a s!oothtransition@" e+isting ta+es will be phased out and" in so!e cases"eli!inated* This Uta+-shi#tV approach" while less direct than thedi1idend !ethod" would also ensure that the carbon ta+ is re1enue-neutral*

Note that each indi1idual>s receipt o# di1idends or ta+-shi#ts would beindependent o# the ta+es he or she pays* That is" no person>s benetswould be tied to his or her energy consu!ption and carbon ta+ Ubill*V This separation o# benets #ro! pay!ents preser1es the incenti1escreated by a carbon ta+ to reduce use o# #ossil #uels and e!it less / into the at!osphere* /# course" it would be e+traordinarilycu!berso!e to calculate an indi1idual>s #ull carbon ta+ bill since toso!e e+tent the carbon ta+ would be passed through as part o# thecosts o# 1arious goods and ser1ices*

0o!tenin The mpact

A carbon ta+" like any Hat ta+" is regressi1e \ by itsel#* $owe1er" theregressi1ity o# a carbon ta+ can be !ini!ied" and perhaps eli!inatedaltogether" by keeping the ta+ re1enue-neutral in a way that protectsthe less aPuent*

 The operati1e #act is that wealthier households use !ore energy* Theygenerally dri1e and Hy !ore" ha1e bigger ?and so!eti!es !ultiple@houses" and buy !ore stu< that re2uires energy to !anu#acture anduse* As a result" !ost carbon ta+ re1enues will co!e #ro! #a!ilies o#abo1e-a1erage !eans" along with corporations and go1ern!ent*

 That is why the two UreturnV approaches discussed abo1e \ carbondi1idends or ta+-shi#ting \ can turn the carbon ta+ into a progressi1eta+* 9ecause inco!e and energy consu!ption are strongly correlated"!ost poor households will get !ore back in carbon di1idends than theywill pay in the carbon ta+* The o1erall e<ect o# a carbon ta+-shi#t couldbe e2uitable and perhaps e1en Uprogressi1eV ?beneting lower-earninghouseholds@*

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Cap#and#Trade 3roblems 

A ta+ on carbon e!issions isn>t the only way to Uput a price on carbonVand thereby pro1ide incenti1es to reduce use o# high-carbon #uels* Acarbon cap#and#trade system is an alternati1e approach supported

by so!e pro!inent politicians" corporations and !ainstrea!en1iron!ental groups*

T has no ideological ani!us against cap-and-trade syste!s* In #act"the .*S* sul$ur dioxidecap-and-trade syste! instituted in the early E44Cs deser1es so!e o#the credit #or efciently reducing acid rain e!issions #ro! powerplants* $owe1er" the scale o# a car-on trading syste! \ it would be upto ECC ti!es larger than that #or sul#ur \ co!bined with the lack o#readily a1ailable Utechnical +esV #or ltering or capturing /" appearto rule out the sul#ur cap-and-trade syste! as a !odel #or carbon*

%e regard a carbon ta+ as superior to a carbon cap-and-trade syste!"#or 1e #unda!ental reasons

• Caron ta<es )i end 'redi#taiity to energy 'ri#es, )&ereas #a'5and5trade

systems )i do itte to mitigate t&e 'ri#e oatiity t&at &istori#ay &asdis#ouraged inestments in ess #aron5intensie ee#tri#ity generation, #aron5redu#ing energy ei#ien#y and #aron5re'a#ing rene)ae energy.

• Caron ta<es #an e im'emented mu#& sooner t&an #om'e< #a'5and5trade

systems. Be#ause o t&e urgen#y o t&e #imate #risis, )e do not &ae t&e u<uryo )aiting )&ie t&e myriad detais o a #a'5and5trade system are resoed t&roug&

engt&y negotiations.• Caron ta<es are trans'arent and easiy understandae, ma3ing t&em more i3ey

to ei#it t&e ne#essary 'ui# su''ort t&an an o'aue and dii#ut to understand#a'5and5trade system.

• Caron ta<es #an e im'emented )it& ar ess o''ortunity or mani'uation y

s'e#ia interests, )&ie a #a'5and5trade systemFs #om'e<ity o'ens it toe<'oitation y s'e#ia interests and 'ererse in#enties t&at #an undermine 'ui##oniden#e and under#ut its ee#tieness.

• Caron ta< reenues #an e reated to t&e 'ui# t&roug& diidends or ta<5

s&iting, )&ie t&e #osts o #a'5and5trade systems are i3ey to e#ome a &iddenta< as doars o) to mar3et 'arti#i'ants, a)yers and #onsutants.

See our Ta+ 1s* ap-and-Trade page #or !ore*@hat )bo4t China? The i!!inence o# hina>s leap-#rogging the .*S* as the %orld>s Eannual carbon e!itter \ it !ay happen as early as this year or ne+t \is being cited to de#end A!erican inaction on carbon reductions* Thisstance ignores se1eral central points*

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help carbon ta+ proponents in e1ery region and across the politicalspectru! coalesce into an irresistible ci1ic #orce*

Mexico: the Pentagons Prox! Arm! in

"ra#"You Could See the Fear in Their Eyes"  

Co4nter34nch K 9ebr4ary 2&, 2%Fy Gohn oss 

(e+ico" which unlike its entral A!erican neighbors was ne1er a!e!ber o# ;eorge 9ush)s 7oalition o# the %illing7" now has thelargest contingent o# any 'atin nation ghting on the ground in Ira2--LCCC (e+ican and (e+ican-descent troops who 1oluntarily &oined the

.*S* ar!ed #orces*

All entral A!erican contingents sa1e #or Sal1ador" which also has aconsiderable nu!ber o# security and construction personnel on theground" ha1e been withdrawn #ro! Ira2 by their go1ern!ents*

(e+ico)s bellicose national anthe! speaks glowingly o# 7a soldier ineach son o# ;od7 and (e+ico)s sons ha1e been !arching o< to wars--albeit .*S* wars--since ,earl $arbor* 9ush)s doo!ed aggression in Ira2is no e+ception*

5C !iles north o# ^acatecas city" in a region that has been thetraditional headwaters o# the great Hood o# 7indocu!entados7 whoha1e !ade it to :l Norte" the shrine to the Santo Nino de Atocha ?7$olyhild o# Atocha7@ is crowded with !igrant #a!ilies asking protection #ortheir lo1ed ones in this dangerous &ourney to 7the other side7" with7plegarias7 ?prayers@ sta!ped on orna!ental tin sheets or si!plywritten out in long hand on a sheet o# school notebook paper*

In e1ery .*S* war that the sons and now the daughters o# (e+ico ha1egone o< to ght" #a!ilies ha1e co!e here to the shrine to hangportraits o# handso!e young !en in .*S* dress !ilitary uni#or!s andask the Santo Nino #or his protection* Now" Ira2 is !uch in e1idence onthe walls here* 'ike !any" the (edina (aldonado #a!ily has co!e toask the $oly hild to keep their Dai!e out o# har!)s way 7especiallynow that he is being sent to Ira2*7 The #a!ily o# Desus ;utierre(ercado asks 7the #a1or7 that he be brought ho!e 7sano y salvo7?)sa#e and sound)@ #ro! the A!erican war*

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 Dust about hal# o# the EEC"CCC 'atinos ?,uerto Ricans" 0o!inicans"entral A!ericans" :cuadorians" (e+icans@ in the .*S* !ilitary are o#(e+ican descent" and "CCC out o# the 3J"CCC non-citiens ser1ing inanticipation o# obtaining .*S* citienship" are si!ilarly o# the (e+icanpersuasion--!ost o# the! s!uggled into the .*S* as kids without legal


9ecause 'atino troop nu!bers ?two thirds o# all 'atinos are (e+ican@still do not !atch general population proportions" (e+ican descentyouth are pursued assiduously by high school recruiters--the .*S*(arine orps is particularly aggressi1e and (e+icans now #or! E3Y o#that branch o# ser1ice*

9ecause (arine units #ro! a!p ,endleton in San 0iego" which ha1ehigh nu!bers o# (e+ican recruits" led the initial in1asion o# Ira2 in(arch CC3 and later were brought back to le1el Fallu&ah in No1e!ber"

the casualty rates ha1e co!e ho!e pain#ully to (e+ican co!!unitieson both sides o# the border*

/# the rst ECCC .*S* deaths recorded in Ira2" al!ost all o# the! thelowest-ranked" poorest-paid" and worst trained troops" E were'atinos" about JC o# the! o# (e+ican descent* Their deaths in a warthat !ost (e+icans strongly oppose ha1e triggered co!plicatedreactions north and south* Three recent deaths in particular arein#or!ed by such contradiction*

G +&is 'ast January 12t&, inantryman 9ergio "ia; Harea )&o e in

Ramadi in t&e deady 9unni triange "e#emer 2It&, )as uried )it& umiitary &onors in uadaaara. !ine armed troo's rom $ort @ood, +e<ased y enera Ken Keene a##om'anied t&e young sodier to &is inaresting 'a#e, and =.9. amassador +ony ar;a #ommended t&e oyLs souto od. +&e unera, t&e se#ond o a 4e<i#an5orn sodier on 4e<i#ansoi, #ame o )it&out a &it#&.

'ast Duly" a .*S* honor guard acco!panying the body o#another young soldier" Duan 'ope Rangel" to a countrygra1eyard in San 'uis de la ,a" ;uana&uato was disar!edand detained by ele!ents o# the (e+ican ar!y #or

1iolating national rear!s laws* %ith !any !ore such#unerals in the pipeline--a third (e+ican youth" DesusFonseca" was buried in the altos o# Dalisco state at thebeginning o# February - the Fo+ go1ern!ent is !o1ing toease the diplo!atic pain*

'ance orporeal Andres Raya did not #all ghting theene!y in Ira2* A hu!1ee dri1er pushing unprotected

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1ehicles in and out o# Fallu&ah #or se1en !onths" Raya wase+posed to attacks by the resistance and roadside bo!bse1ery day he ser1ed on Ira2i soil* $o!e on holiday in theali#ornia central 1alley #ar!ing town o# eres and hauntedby ru!ors that his unit would soon be sent back to Ira2"

Raya" E4" snapped" pro1oking a three hour running gunbattle with back-ups #ro! #our di<erent ali#ornia policedepart!ents*

ea'ing oer a#3yard en#es and das&ing do)n dirt aeys in t&e to)n )&ere &e gre) u'as an undo#umented ied )or3erLs son, Raya assured neig&ors t&ey )ere not in &armLs)ay i t&ey )ere Minno#ent #iiians.M Re'ortedy s&a3en y 4i#&ae 4ooreLs anti5Bus&do#umentary M$a&ren&eit N(11M, Raya sto''ed to as3 one )itness i &e &ad oted orBus&,Finally cornered a#ter killing one ofcer and gra1ely wounding anotherwith an outlaw assault riHe" the young (arine was cut down by EL

rounds when he charged a police barricade* 7Andres Raya died like atrue (e+ican standing on his #eet7 a neighbor" $ilda (ercado" shoutedout at a tension-packed reconciliation !eeting a #ew days later* 7Andywas a casualty o# war"7 'alo (ercado who grew up with the dead(arine told the New Qork Ti!es*Raya)s ra!page tripwired brown-white rage in eres* Andres hadgrown up in a !igrant labor ca!p here and as a teenager" was o#tenrousted by the local police--as recently as a week be#ore his ra!page"he was stopped despite being in uni#or!* %hen #riends sought to buildan altar to Raya in the alleyway where he died" police repeatedly tore itdown and indignant grafti was 2uickly painted out near the cri!e

scene*Ratcheting up tensions to lynch-!ob le1els" police cited Raya)s tattoosas proo# that he was a gang banger--the tattoos were sy!bols o#(e+ican pride" his #ar! worker #ather afr!ed* ,olice later displayed a1ideo o# Raya purportedly s!oking !ari&uana and throwing downsupposed gang signs while surrounded by ripped-up swatches o# a .*S*Hag arranged to spell out 7Fuck 9ushK70espite the three !edals Raya won while in Ira2 ?a!ong the! 7The;lobal %ar /n Terroris! :+peditionary Ser1ice Award7@" the .*S* (arineorps re#used the #a!ily all !ilitary honors* In the days be#ore hisdeath" #riends say Raya 1ehe!ently counseled his 7ho!ies7 not to

#ollow his e+a!ple and &oin up* (arine recruiting is in crisis with theser1ice #ailing to ll its !onthly 2uota in Danuary #or the rst ti!e sinceE445*Although he is ali1e to tell about it" death in Ira2 has also clai!ed apiece o# the li#e o# Ar!y Sergeant Donatan ardenas Alban o# arson"ali#ornia" an o1erwhel!ingly black and (e+ican suburb o# 'osAngeles* 'ast August ELth while on patrol in an inHa!ed Sadr ity"Sergeant ardenas" a nine year 1et ?the !ilitary re#ers to hi! !erely

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as 7ardenas Alban7@" saw a bo+ drop o< a truck he was #ollowing and7lit up7 the 1ehicle" killing se1en ci1ilians who had been out sca1enginggarbage* %hen EM year-old Xasa! $asan ran #ro! the e+ploding truck"Alban gunned hi! down* %hat happened ne+t re!ains clouded butwhen Alban and other soldiers gathered around the boy who was

barely clinging to li#e" an argu!ent broke out and the Sergeant turnedhis assault riHe on $asan" nishing hi! o< in what ardenas would tellauthorities was 7a !ercy killing*7 The third !e!ber o# a unit out o# Fort Reilly" 8ansas to be charged with!urdering Ira2i ci1ilians ?one allegedly killed a !e!ber o# the Ira2iNational ;uard a#ter #orcing hi! to ha1e se+@" Donatan ardenas Albanwas sentenced in No1e!ber to a !ini!u! year in prison and strippedo# all rank" and thus earned the unen1iable distinction o# beco!ing therst .*S* soldier o# (e+ican descent to be con1icted o# a war cri!e inIra2*For !ore than JC #a!ilies o# (e+icans who ser1ed in Ira2" prayers to

the Santo Nino de Atocha or any other protecti1e deity or talis!an"ha1e not been answered* %hen the !ilitary ca!e to in#or! the #a!ilyo# Isela Rubacal1a in a downtrodden colony o# iudad Duare that shehad been killed in action in the sa!e tank that !ade Desica 'ynch#a!ous" all her #ather could think to ask was 7what #or]7 And when(arine guards dro1e up to the 'os Angeles ho!e o# arlos Arredondo"a osta Rican i!!igrant" to tell hi! that his son had been taken in theholy city o# Na&e#" the distraught #ather grabbed a can o# gasoline"doused it on the (arines) 1an" cli!bed inside" and set the 1ehicle onre" su<ering critical burns on o1er JCY o# his body*Fernando Suare del Solar has pursued a distinct path" turning his grie# 

into social action e1er since the (arines knocked on his San 0iego doorto in#or! hi! that his son Desus had #allen during the rst weeks o# thein1asion* ,osthu!ously eligible to recei1e .*S* citienship" Fernandoturned down the (arines) o<er--Desus" raised in Ti&uana" had been a7conchero7 dancer and liked to think o# hi!sel# as an Atec warrior*Now Fernando Suare has created the ;uerrero Ateca ,ro&ect toca!paign against the 9ush war in Ira2* Suare has taken on the San0iego school board o1er the issue o# (arine recruiters in the highschools and led a !arch on the local Titan orporation" which pro1ided7interrogators7 to Abu ;hraib prison* 'ast su!!er" Fernando was apro!inent participant in anti-war de!onstrations at both !a&or

political con1entions and his wi#e Rosa was recently part o# adelegation that brought !aterial aid to Ira2is dri1en out o# their ho!esin Fallu&ah by the .*S* !ilitary*Suare hi!sel# &ourneyed to Ira2 soon a#ter Desus was killed to seewhere he had #allen and to talk to 'atino troops ser1ing o1er there*7Qou could see the #ear in their eyes7 he wrote in a recent e-!ail* Today" the ;uerrero Ateca ,ro&ect dedicates itsel# to supporting young

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'atino soldiers who re&ect the war" such as Sergeant a!ilo (e&ia"con1icted o# desertion a#ter he re#used a second ter! in Ira2*Sergeant (e&ia is a Nicaraguan and the son o# arlos (e&ia ;odoy"author o# the Sandanista anthe! ?7we ght against the Qan2uis" theene!ies o# !ankind7@ who &oined the Qan2ui ar!y soon a#ter arri1ing in

(ia!i #ollowing the .*S*-sponsored Sandanista de#eat in E44E* Gohn oss has &ust been awarded the CC5 .pton Sinclair Award ?an7.ppie7@ by the San ,edro ali#ornia chapter o# the A!erican i1il'iberties .nion #or his latest cult classic 7(urdered 9y apitalis!--A(e!oir o# E5C Qears o# 'i#e 0eath on the .*S* 'e#t7*.((67773@@om!!o#)e6o)(3'om6e#(%o#me,'#!3.(ml 



Ml()* 'o#!"e)! )e')u(#% 1o)e%#e)!E,6e"(e" '(e#!.6 7oul" +e # #'e#(:e

4y 4ryan 4ender ,lobe Staff Q &ecember 13 1223

%AS$IN;T/N -- The ar!ed #orces" already struggling to !eetrecruiting goals" are considering e+panding the nu!ber o# noncitiensin the ranks -- including disputed proposals to open recruiting stationso1erseas and putting !ore i!!igrants on a #aster track to .Scitienship i# they 1olunteer -- according to ,entagon ofcials*Foreign citiens ser1ing in the .S !ilitary is a highly charged issue"which could e+pose the ,entagon to criticis! that it is essentially using

!ercenaries to de#end the country* /ther analysts 1oice concern that alarge contingent o# noncitiens under ar!s could &eopardie nationalsecurity or reHect badly on A!ericans) willingness to ser1e in uni#or!* The idea o# signing up #oreigners who are seeking .S citienship isgaining traction as a way to address a critical need #or the ,entagon"while #ully absorbing so!e o# the roughly one !illion i!!igrants thatenter the .nited States legally each year* The proposal to induct !ore noncitiens" which is still largely on thedrawing board" has to clear a nu!ber o# hurdles* So #ar" the ,entagonhas been 2uiet about specics -- including who would be eligible to &oin" where the recruiting stations would be" and what the !ini!u!

standards !ight in1ol1e" including :nglish prociency* In the!eanti!e" the ,entagon and i!!igration authorities ha1e e+panded aprogra! that accelerates citienship #or legal residents who 1olunteer#or the !ilitary*And since Sept* EE" CCE" the nu!ber o# i!! igrants in uni#or! whoha1e beco!e .S citiens has increased #ro! J5C in CCE to al!ost"MCC last year" according to !ilitary statistics*

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%ith se1ere !anpower strains because o# the wars in Ira2 andA#ghanistan -- and a !andate to e+pand the o1erall sie o# the !ilitary-- the ,entagon is under pressure to consider a 1ariety o# proposalsin1ol1ing #oreign recruits" according to a !ilitary a<airs analyst*7It works as a !ilitary idea and it works in the conte+t o# A!erican

i!!igration"7 said Tho!as 0onnelly " a !ilitary scholar at theconser1ati1e A!erican :nterprise Institute in %ashington and a leadingproponent o# recruiting !ore #oreigners to ser1e in the !ilitary*As the wars in Ira2 and A#ghanistan grind on" the ,entagon has warnedongress and the %hite $ouse that the !ilitary is stretched 7to thebreaking point*79oth ,resident 9ush and Robert (* ;ates" his new de#ense secretary"ha1e acknowledged that the total sie o# the !ilitary !ust bee+panded to help alle1iate the strain on ground troops" !any o# who!ha1e been deployed repeatedly in co!bat theaters*9ush said last week that he has ordered ;ates to co!e up with a plan

#or the rst signicant increase in ground #orces since the end o# theold %ar* 0e!ocrats who are preparing to take control o# ongress"!eanwhile" pro!ise to !ake increasing the sie o# the !ilitary one o#their top legislati1e priorities in CCJ*7%ith today)s de!ands placing such a high strain on our ser1ice!e!bers" it beco!es !ore crucial than e1er that we work to alle1iatetheir burden"7 said Representati1e Ike Skelton " a (issouri 0e!ocratwho is set to chair the $ouse Ar!ed Ser1ices o!!ittee" and who hasbeen calling #or a larger Ar!y #or !ore than a decade*9ut it would take years and billions o# dollars to recruit" train" ande2uip the 3C"CCC troops and 5"CCC (arines the ,entagon says it needs*

And !ilitary recruiters" ghting the perception that signing up !eans aticket to 9aghdad" ha1e had to rely on nancial incenti1es and lowerstandards to !eet their 2uotas* That has led ,entagon ofcials to consider casting a wider net #ornoncitiens who are already here" said 'ieutenant olonel 9ryan$il#erty " an Ar!y spokes!an*Already" the Ar!y and the I!!igration and usto!s :n#orce!entdi1ision o# the 0epart!ent o# $o!eland Security ha1e 7!ade it easier#or green-card holders who do enlist to get their citienship"7 $il#ertysaid*/ther Ar!y ofcials" who asked not to be identied" said personnel

ofcials are working with ongress and other parts o# the go1ern!entto test the #easibility o# going beyond .S borders to recruit soldiers and(arines*urrently" ,entagon policy stipulates that only i!!igrants legallyresiding in the .nited States are eligible to enlist* There are currentlyabout 3C"CCC noncitiens who ser1e in the .S ar!ed #orces" !aking upabout percent o# the acti1e-duty #orce" according to statistics #ro!

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the !ilitary and the ouncil on Foreign Relations* About ECCnoncitiens ha1e died in Ira2 and A#ghanistan*A recent change in .S law" howe1er" ga1e the ,entagon authority tobring i!!igrants to the .nited States i# it deter!ines it is 1ital tonational security* So #ar" the ,entagon has not taken ad1antage o# it"

but the calls are growing to take use the new authority*Indeed" so!e top !ilitary thinkers belie1e the .nited States should goas #ar as targeting #oreigners in their nati1e countries*7It)s a little dra!atic"7 said (ichael /)$anlon " a !ilitary specialist atthe nonpartisan 9rookings Institution and another supporter o# theproposal* 79ut i# you don)t get so!e new idea how to do this" we willnot be able to achie1e an increase7 in the sie o# the ar!ed #orces*7%e ha1e already done the standard things to recruit new soldiers"including using !ore recruiters and new ad1ertising ca!paigns"7/)$anlon added*/)$anlon and others noted that the country has relied be#ore on

siable nu!bers o# noncitiens to ser1e in the !ilitary -- in theRe1olutionary %ar" #or e+a!ple" ;er!an and French soldiers ser1edalongside the colonists" and locals were recruited into .S ranks to ghtinsurgents in the ,hilippines*/ther nations ha1e recruited #oreign citiens In France" the #a!edForeign 'egion relies on about L"CCC noncitiensG Nepalese soldierscalled ;urkhas ha1e #ought and died with 9ritish Ar!y #orces #or twocenturiesG and the Swiss ;uard" which protects the =atican" consists o#troops who hail #ro! !any nations*7It is not without historical precedent"7 said 0onnelly" author o# arecent book titled 7The Ar!y %e Need"7 which ad1ocates #or a larger

!ilitary*Still" to so!e !ilitary ofcials and ci1il rights groups" relying on largenu!ber o# #oreigners to ser1e in the !ilitary is o<ensi1e* The $ispanic rights ad1ocacy group National ouncil o# 'a Raa hassaid the plan sends the wrong !essage that A!ericans the!sel1es arenot willing to sacrice to de#end their country* /fcials ha1e also raisedconcerns that i!!igrants would be disproportionately sent to the #rontlines as 7cannon #odder7 in any conHict*So!e within the Ar!y pri1ately e+press concern that a big push torecruit noncitiens would s!ack o# 7the decline o# the A!ericane!pire"7 as one Ar!y ofcial who asked not to be identied put it*

/fcially" the !ilitary re!ains condent that it can !eet recruitinggoals -- no !atter how large the !ilitary is increased -- without ha1ingto rely on #oreigners*7The Ar!y can grow to whate1er sie the nation wants us to grow to"7$il#erty said* 7National de#ense is a national challenge" not the Ar!y)schallenge*7

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$e pointed out that &ust E5 years ago" during the ;ul# %ar" the Ar!yhad a total o# about J3C"CCC acti1e-duty soldiers" a!ounting to aboutone A!erican in 35C who were ser1ing in the acti1e-duty Ar!y*7Today" with 3CC !illion A!ericans and about 5CC"CCC acti1e-dutysoldiers" only about one A!erican in MCC is an acti1e-duty soldier"7 he

said* 7A!erica did then" and we do now" ha1e an all-1olunteer #orce"and I see no reason why A!erica couldn)t increase the nu!ber o#A!ericans ser1ing*79ut (a+ 9oot" a national security specialist at the ouncil on ForeignRelations" said that the nu!ber o# noncitiens the ar!ed #orces ha1enow is relati1ely s!all by historical standards*7In the E4th century" when the #oreign-born population o# the .nitedStates was !uch higher" so was the percentage o# #oreigners ser1ing inthe !ilitary"7 9oot wrote in CC5*70uring the i1il %ar" at least C percent o# .nion soldiers werei!!igrants" and !any o# the! had &ust stepped o< the boat be#ore

donning a blue uni#or!* There were e1en entire units" like the E5th%isconsin =olunteer In#antry the Scandina1ian Regi!ent and ;eneral'ouis 9lenker)s ;er!an 0i1ision" where :nglish was hardly spoken*77The !ilitary would do well today to open its ranks not only to legali!!igrants but also to illegal ones and" as i!portant" to untoldnu!bers o# young !en and wo!en who are not here now but wouldlike to co!e"7 9oot added*7No doubt !any would be willing to ser1e #or so!e set period" in return#or one o# the world)s !ost precious co!!odities -- .S citienship*So!e !ight deride those who sign up as !ercenaries" but these troopswould ha1e signicantly di<erent !oti1es than the usual soldier o#



"$nt$ e olice (ep$rtment looing into hiring;e>ic$n n$tion$ls

 A*Thursday (ay GK 122K

 The Santa Fe ,olice 0epart!ent is considering the possibility o#recruiting (e+ican nationals to ll 1acant police &obs*

Sgts* ;illian Alessio and (ar1in ,aulk" who are in charge o# thedepart!ent)s recruiting and training" said Tuesday they are consideringalternati1e approaches to ll C 1acancies on the city)s E55-personpolice #orce*

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9ut ,olice hie# :ric Dohnson said New (e+ico 'aw :n#orce!entAcade!y regulations prohibit non-citiens #ro! ser1ing as policeofcers*

Alessio said the Santa Fe police #orce" like others around the country" is

1ying to recruit the sa!e E- to 3C-year-olds as the .*S* !ilitary"whose need #or recruits is taking a toll on the police depart!ent*:1ery day" we get approached by young !en and wo!en #ro! (e+icowho are in the country legally but are not naturalied"7 Alessio said*

7There is a huge pool o# people who are dedicated" hardworking andtrying to beco!e citiens o# this country* They would like nothingbetter than to de1ote their ti!e to protecting the co!!unities thatthey li1e in"7 she said*



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New (e!ico )ity Hoo's to (e!ican Nationals to Fill *olice 7obs!h#rsd$% , ;$% 17, 2007


The "$nt$ e olice (ep$rtment is considering the possibility of recruiting(e!ican nationals to fill vacant police /obs.

Sgts. ,illian Alessio and (arvin *aul' who are in charge of the department0srecruiting and training said Tuesday they are considering alternativeapproaches to fill 12 vacancies on the city0s G==-person police force.

4ut *olice )hief ric 7ohnson said New (e!ico Haw nforcement Academyregulations prohibit non-citizens from serving as police officers.

 Alessio said the Santa Fe police force li'e others around the country is vyingto recruit the same 1G- to <2-year-olds as the U.S. military whose need forrecruits is ta'ing a toll on the police department.

very day we get approached by young men and women from (e!ico whoare in the country legally but are not naturalized Alessio said.

There is a huge pool of people who are dedicated hardwor'ing and trying tobecome citizens of this country. They would li'e nothing better than to devotetheir time to protecting the communities that they live in she said.

The United States speeds up naturalization for foreigners who enlist in the U.S.

military and Alessio as'ed ?hy can0t we do that with law enforcement

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resident 8#sh ;eets with * e$ders, )h$ncellor;erel of the eder$l &ep#lic of 5erm$n% $nd resident8$rroso of the #rope$n )o#ncil $nd resident of the#rope$n )ommission



,R:SI0:NT 9.S$ Thank you all" please be seated* %elco!e to theRose ;arden* I want to welco!e Angela (erkel and Dos 9arroso here* Thank you all #or your #riendship" thank you #or what has been aserious set o# discussions*

I told the hancellor and the ,resident that the :.-.*S* relations are1ery i!portant to our country" that not only is it i!portant #or us tostrategie how to pro!ote prosperity and peace" but it)s i!portant #orus to achie1e concrete results* And we ha1e done so* I thank thehancellor and Dos 1ery !uch #or the trans-Atlantic econo!icintegration plan that the three o# us signed today* It is a state!ent o#the i!portance o# trade* It is a co!!it!ent to eli!inating barriers totrade* It is a recognition that the closer that the .nited States and the:. beco!e" the better o< our people beco!e* So this is a substantialagree!ent and I appreciate it*

%e also talked about 0oha* And I thank ,eter (andelson and SusanSchwab #or brieng us* The rst thing I told the group in the abinetRoo! was that I a! r!ly dedicated to a success#ul 0oha round* Ibelie1e it)s in this country)s interests that we re&ect isolationis! andprotectionis! and encourage #ree trade* I)! under no illusions as tohow hard it will be to achie1e the ob&ecti1e" but the rst thing is there!ust be a r! co!!it!ent by the leadership to get a deal*

Secondly" I re!inded the people that this country is dedicated toworking to eli!inate po1erty and disease" and the best way to help thede1eloping world is through a success#ul 0oha round* %e told our trade!inisters work hard" work o#ten" work constructi1ely" and I belie1e wecan be success#ul* %e)re co!!itted to reducing our agricultural

subsidies in order to ad1ance the process* %e e+pect others to #ollowsuit and !arket access*

Anyway" I a! opti!istic we can achie1e the ob&ecti1e and today)s!eetings ga1e us a chance to discuss a way #orward*

%e talked about the 1isa wai1er progra!* %e talked about Iran and theneed #or our nations to continue to work closely together to send a

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unied !essage to the Iranians that theirde1elop!ent o# a nuclear weapon is unacceptable topeace*

%e talked about 0ar#ur* %e talked about A#ghanistan and Ira2* And I

appreciate 1ery !uch the :. support o# the international co!pact thatwill be !eeting on Ira2 here in Shar! el-Sheikh* %e talked about ubaand the i!portance #or uba to be a #ree society" a society thatrespects hu!an rights and hu!an dignity" a society that honors therule o# law*

%e also talked about cli!ate" and here we share a co!!on interest/ne" we recognie that we ha1e a proble! with greenhouse gasesGtwo" we recognie we ha1e a proble! with a dependence on oilG three"we recognie that we can use technologies to help sol1e this proble!Gand" #our" we recognie we ha1e an obligation to work together to

pro!ote the technologies necessary to sol1e the proble!" andencourage the de1eloping world to use those technologies*

And so I #ound the discussion re#reshing and interesting" and Iappreciate the candid con1ersations we had*

(ada! hancellor" welco!e back here to the Rose ;arden" and I)!looking #orward to your co!!ents*

$AN:''/R (:R8:' ?As translated*@ Thank you" (r* ,resident" dear;eorge* Thank you #or the hospitality* Thank you #or the hospitality you

accorded to the :uropean .nion" and also #or the #act that you !ade itpossible to hold this su!!it !eeting between the :. and the .nitedStates o# A!erica" which already has a 1ery good and rich tradition*

It was a 1ery interesting debate and one that was actually -- we weretalking about a lot o# issues -- about transatlantic econo!ic integration"ob1iously rst and #ore!ost* And let !e thank you 1ery war!ly #or the#act that we)1e been able to en&oy such substantial progress in such arelati1ely short ti!e* That was only possible because the A!ericanad!inistration -- but in particular" you" (r* ,resident -- were behind"#ull-s2uare behind this pro&ect" and because we not only agreed on

general #ra!eworks" but on 1ery concrete pro&ects*

And I think that)s e+actly what the people in our country e+pect #ro!us" all the representati1es o# our respecti1e business co!!unities* They ask us what can we do in order to really pool our resources and!ake sure that we work on one and the sa!e le1el playing eld asregards" #or e+a!ple" our shared 1alues* So I a! condent that whatwith the :cono!ic ouncil that we ha1e set up" we will be able to !ake

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progress on 1ery concrete pro&ects" #or e+a!ple"!utual recognition o# standards and other areas* It is"as I see it" a signicant step #orward*

I would also like to thank you #or the progress we)1e

been able to !ake on cli!ate and energy issues* There is a co!!onbasis* %e are aware o# the #act that we do ha1e a proble! here" thatwe need to sol1e this proble!* There are di<erent approaches"ob1iously" as to how to sol1e that*

9ut we ha1e been able" actually" to nd a lot o# co!!on ground* Andone o# the issues we talked about" #or e+a!ple" was a co!!it!ent o#the .nited States o# A!erica to introduce C percent bio#uels o1er thene+t #ew years to co!e" until CC" and to ha1e this at their disposal*And #or that" too" we need to de1elop a co!!on !arket" co!!onstandards which" as I see it" has been" again" gi1ing a !ore -- a 1ery

i!portant i!petus to that particular industry and that technology*

Now" on cli!ate" we will also need to work on this in 1iew o# theupco!ing ;L su!!it where we will !ake it clear" as :uropean .nion"as .nited States o# A!erica" that we don)t want to isolate oursel1es orshut oursel1es o< against the rest o# the world" but where we want toenlist the support o# others" in1ite the! to &oin us*

And I also note that the trade talks ha1e been taking place here on the!argins o# this !eeting* They also" ob1iously" will then ha1e to takeplace in a !ore wider group" the !ultilateral group* 'et !e &ust tell

you" this agree!ent between the :uropean .nion and the .*S* is not inany way against #ree trade* No" not at all* And what we need to do hereis really to look at the larger picture" and I #eel it)s good that the,resident is co!!itted to !ake a step #orward also on reducing non-tari< barriers to trade* All o# the partners will ha1e to be in on this" butwe will do our bit to !ake this true*

I don)t want to go through the whole agenda o# international issues*And let !e &ust tell you" it was an open and candid discussion thatclearly showed us that we need to work together" that diplo!acy canonly be success#ul i# we stand together" be this on the (iddle :ast" on

other issues*

And let !e tell you that we ha1e been talking at greater length alsoabout the situation in 0ar#ur" which we consider to be totallyunacceptable" and that we need to do e1erything we can in order tohelp the people there on the ground who su<er i!!ensely because weha1e not !ade progress so #ar" and that we ought to use all o# ourpossibilities in order to achie1e progress also in the .nited Nations*

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And on a separate issue" your #oreign policy chie# has said that the .*S*should talk to Iran* I wondered whether you could tell us e+actly whatthe .*S* should be talking to Iran about*

,resident 9ush" because I ha1e a 2uestion on that" your Secretary o#

State is going to a con#erence in Ira2 where the Foreign (inister #ro!Iran is going to be present* 0o you e+pect her to ha1e con1ersationswith the Foreign (inister o# Iran] %hat will she talk about] And i# shedoes ha1e a con1ersation" is there going to be a change o# .*S* #oreignpolicy] Thank you 1ery !uch*

,R:SI0:NT 9ARR/S/ Regarding the #ra!ework #or ad1ancingtransatlantic-:uropean integration" we said it 1ery clearly" and it isclearly stated in the declaration" and also in all our con1ersations" thatthis is not detri!ental to the global trade talks* /n the contrary" you &ust heard ,resident 9ush" hancellor (erkel and !ysel# saying it

clearly that co!pletion o# 0oha round re!ains a priority #or all o# us*

9ut there are so!e articial barriers to trade and in1est!ent -- it)s!ore about in1est!ent than to trade" to be #rank -- still between the.nited States and :urope* And through har!oniation o# standards"through a giant e<ort" #or instance" to pro!ote the en#orce!ent o#intellectual property rights" through so!e co!!on approaches toin1est!ent" to capital !arkets integration" to co!!on -- or at leastco!!only accepted rules #or accounting -- we are trying to un-tap a loto# potential that e+ists in the .nited States-:uropean .nion relations*

 This is not at all against global trade talks* /n the contrary" we re!ainand" in #act" we are urging #or a co!pletion o# the 0oha trade talks" notonly because they are about trade" but because they are aboutde1elop!ent* And today we had e+tensi1e con1ersations about it* Andas ,resident 9ush has said" we)1e heard a co!plete brieng by SusanSchwab on the A!erican side" and ,eter (andelson on the :uropean.nion side*

Regarding Iran" we also share the sa!e 1iews" basically" about how todeal with Iran* And it)s not only the .nited States and :urope" I)ll say --there are se1eral resolutions with the .nited Nations Security ouncil*

And the Iranians should understand that this !essage they arerecei1ing #ro! the global co!!unity -- by the .nited States" by:urope" but #ro! othersG the Security ouncil adopted se1eralresolutions* ,roli#eration" nuclear proli#eration is" indeed a threat" notonly to regional stability" but to the global peace and global stability* SoI belie1e we are united in sending this 1ery clear !essage here" butalso in the .nited Nations" to the Iranian authorities*

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,R:SI0:NT 9.S$ Should the Foreign (inister o# Iran bu!p into ondiRice" ondi won)t be rude* She)s not a rude person* I)! sure she)ll bepolite*

9ut she)ll also be r! in re!inding this representati1e o# the Iranian

go1ern!ent that there)s a better way #orward #or the Iranian peoplethan isolation* (y hopes" o# course" is that the #oreign !inister wouldsee the resol1e o# our go1ern!ent" through ondi" to continue to rallythe world to con1ince the Iranians to gi1e up their nuclear weaponsa!bitions* I happen to belie1e a signicant threat to world peace"today and in the #uture" is the Iranian threat i# they were to end up witha nuclear weapon -- 7today7 is the wrong word -- 7in the #uture"7 theydon)t ha1e a weapon today*

And so I -- i#" in #act" there is a con1ersation" it will be one that says i#the Iranian go1ern!ent wants to ha1e a serious con1ersation with the

.nited States and others" they ought to gi1e up their enrich!entprogra! in a 1eriable #ashion* And we will sit down at the table withthe!" along with our :uropean partners" and Russia" as well* That)swhat she)ll tell the!*

$AN:''/R (:R8:' Allow !e" i# I !ay" one re!ark on thetransatlantic econo!ic partnership" and how that tallies with the 0oharound* The 0oha round actually is !ainly about reducing tari<s* Andthe transatlantic econo!ic partnership has to do !ore with standardsthat ha1e nothing to do" actually" with tari<s*

%hat we are a#ter is to see to it that we try #or con1ergence onstandards in !any" !any areas where we do not ha1e !utualrecognition o# standards" or areas where we can actually har!oniethose standards" and there#ore" reduce costs by !illions" #or e+a!ple"in drug testing" in crash tests #or auto!obiles* And i# we look at wherethe challenges lie" I a! r!ly con1inced that both the .nited Statesand the :uropean .nion would be #ar !ore co!petiti1e" and need tobe #ar !ore co!petiti1e" 1is- -1is the e!erging countries*

So in this way" this will liberate !oney to put into new technologies"into de1eloping techni2ues that can enable us to do that* And we)re

actually s2uandering !oney that could be put to better use* So the twoare co!ple!entary" but they also ser1e strengthening co!petiti1enesso# both the :uropean .nion and the .nited States*

X For all three o# you" did you at any point today" either in#or!ally ornot" ha1e discussions about the #ate o# %orld 9ank ,resident ,aul%ol#owit] Should he resign" keep his &ob] And your reason #or that"please*

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,R:SI0:NT 9.S$ The answer is" no" we didn)t ha1e a discussion* (yposition is" is that he ought to stay* $e ought to be gi1en a #air hearing*And I appreciate the #act that he has ad1anced -- he)s helped the %orld9ank recognie that eradication o# world po1erty is an i!portantpriority #or the bank*

$AN:''/R (:R8:' %ell" today" we did not address that issue" and!y position is" and this is going to be relayed by a !inister in theboard -- in the indi1idual bodies o# the %orld 9ank" and they ha1e therespecti1e co!!issions" as well" that this ought to be a 1erytransparent" 1ery candid con1ersation* This is" I think" where thisbelongs" this particular issue*

X ?As translated*@ A 2uestion addressed to you" (r* ,resident" and alsoto the hancellor* Qou were speaking o# progress that you ha1e beenable to achie1e on cli!ate* Are these true and genuine -- is this true

and genuine progress i# we still don)t agree on the instru!ents to getthere] The :uropeans see! to be banking !ore on li!iting /e!issions" sort o# national li!its that are i!posed by go1ern!ents* Qousee! to be !ore in #a1or o# sort o# a 1oluntary regi!e* 9ut apparentlywe)re sort o# reaching the EEth hour*

,R:SI0:NT 9.S$ Actually" that s not an accurate portrayal o# !yposition* For e+a!ple" take tailpipe e!issions #ro! auto!obiles* I ha1esaid we)ll ha1e a !andatory #uel standard" not a 1oluntary #uelstandard" but a !andatory #uel standard that will reduce our uses o#gasoline by C percent o1er a EC-year period o# ti!e* %e belie1e that

ethanol and biodiesel" the spread o# ethanol and biodiesel are -- thegoal o# spreading ethanol and biodiesel is achie1able" that)s what webelie1e* And we)re spending a lot o# !oney to achie1e that goal*

Now" the spread o# ethanol in the .nited States is not going to beachie1able i# we rely only upon corn* There is a li!it to the a!ount o#ethanol we can produce with corn as a #eedstock* So our researchdollars are going to what they call cellulosic ethanol" and that !eansthe ability to !ake ethanol #ro! switchgrasses or wood chips* Andwe)re spending a lot o# !oney to that end*

And it is a !andatory approach* And the reason why I laid it out isbecause" one" I do belie1e we can be better stewards o# theen1iron!entG and" two" I know it)s in our national interest to beco!eless dependent on #oreign sources o# oil* The #unda!ental 2uestion is"will A!erica be able to de1elop the technology necessary #or us toachie1e the goal* I think we can* It)s in our interest to share thattechnology" not only with our partners who are wealthy enough tospend !oney on research dollars" but also with the de1eloping world*

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Now you talk about helping alle1iate po1erty in the de1eloping world --wouldn)t it be wonder#ul i# the de1eloping world could grow crops thatwould enable the! to power their auto!obiles" so they wouldn)t ha1eto be dependent on #oreign oil" either* And that)s the !essage I tookdown to South A!erica" with 'ula" and to entral A!erica* For

e+a!ple" sugar cane is the !ost -- you)re learning about ethanol here"but sugar cane is the !ost efcient way to !ake ethanol* It turns outin entral A!erica there is a lot o# land and opportunity to continue toproduce cane" which !eans that the entral A!erican countries couldbe e1entually net e+porters o# energy* So we)1e got a lot o# co!!onground and a lot o# area to work on*

As to how each country approaches it" that)s an interesting 2uestion"and I think that each country needs to recognie that we !ust reduceour greenhouse gases and deal" ob1iously" with their own internalpolitics" to co!e up with an e<ecti1e strategy that" hope#ully" when

added together" that it leads to a real reduction*

Finally" you)1e got to recognie that in order to !ake progress ongreenhouse gases" we)1e got to !ake sure that the de1eloping nations"which are signicant e!itters" are a part o# the process* As I re!indedthe people around the con#erence table today" the .nited States couldshut down our econo!y and e!it no greenhouse gases" and all itwould take is #or hina in about EL !onths to produce as !uch as wehad been producing to !ake up the di<erence about what we reducedour greenhouse gases to*

So this is a 1ery i!portant issueG it)s got global conse2uences* Thegood news is" is that we recognie there)s a proble!* The good news isrecognie technology is going to lead to solutions" and that we)rewilling to share those technologies* %e all recognie we)1e got to dealwith the de1eloping world" particularly hina and India*

$AN:''/R (:R8:' I #eel -- &ust look back a year ago* I #eel that wewould ha1e had a lot !ore difculty actually bringing about languagethat describes this proble! ade2uately than we ha1e to now* And it isthanks to the ,resident and his tea! clearly !entioning what theproble! is in this docu!ent -- it says" clearly" we need to do

e1erything we can in order to work against these detri!entalconse2uences* A lot is being done discussing this issue* For e+a!ple"we need to discuss possible pricing o# /" how can we translate thisinto a !arket econo!ic co!patible sche!e*

And we are also agreed that we" as industrialied country" need toaddress this issue" need to de1elop the necessary technology* 9ut we"alone" without the e!erging countries" will not be able sol1e this

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proble!* And this is why it)s so i!portant that this :.-.*S* result istranslated into the ;L" debated together with the outreach countries --hina and South A#rica" 9rail" a!ong others" and India -- because i#we were not doing that" we would not be able to co!bat this proble!that is truly a global one*

9ut what is also true is that i# the de1eloped countries who ha1e thebest technology don)t do anything" it will be e1en harder to con1incethe others* 9ut without con1incing the others" / e!issionsworldwide will not go down* And I do think that we" together" need todene steps* %e ha1e done it* For e+a!ple" we need a proper agenda#or the Indonesian talks at the end o# this year" that)s an enor!ousstep #orward* And I think this is where we should be clear about theglass being hal# #ull" instead o# hal# e!pty* So think again*

X For (r* 9arroso" I would like to know how happy the :uropean .nion

is" really" with the nal docu!ent on cli!ate change] Is it as a!bitiousas you were planning] Thank you*

,R:SI0:NT 9ARR/S/ To be 1ery #rank" it)s better than what I wasplanning* I think it was real progress* /# course" it)s working inprogress" but as ,resident 9ush said" we agree there is a global threat"it)s a serious threatG we agree there is a need to establish a li!it togreenhouse gasesG we agree with !any o# the !echanis!s" na!elythe !arket-based !echanis!s" the technology cooperation* %e ha1eagreed to establish a high-le1el group" a #oru!" between the :uropean.nion and the A!erican ad!inistration to look at those issues* And as

hancellor (erkel &ust said" we ha1e to engage others* So now we cango to the ;L in $eiligenda!! in Dune" in ;er!any" to discuss this issuealso with others" that are 1ery rele1ant #or a global solution to a globalproble!*

So I really belie1e that there was progress" and 1ery concrete progress*For instance" standards #or bio#uelsG it)s good* The idea to ha1e acon#erence on renewables between the :uropean .nion and the .nitedStates" it will be ne+t year here in %ashington* And so!e concrete --it)s 1ery detailed in our docu!ent" so!e concrete !echanis!s" inter!s o# energy efciency*

So I really belie1e that by linking those di<erent les -- cli!ateprotection" energy security -- we can really achie1e a 1ery i!portantgoal o# ha1ing sustainable de1elop!ent that is #riendly to ouren1iron!ent* 9ut I think it was 1ery i!portant progress" and we areworking along the sa!e lines* 9ut it is" o# course" still work in progress*

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,R:SI0:NT 9.S$ Thank you all 1ery !uch* (ada! hancellor" thankyou* (r* ,resident" thank you*



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S and E a=ree >%in=&e mar0et>

The nited State% and the Euro'ean nion ha1e %i=ned u' to ane/ tran%at&antic economic 'artner%hi' at a %ummit inWa%hin=ton) 

he #act is designed to boost trade and investment b" harmonisingregulator" standards$ la"ing the basis for a )!-E) single mar9et+

he t*o sides also signed an O#en !9ies deal$ designed to reducefares and boost traffic on transatlantic flights+

&ut little of substance *as agreed on climate change+

Ho*ever$ E) leaders *ere #leased that the )! ac9no*ledged humanactivit" *as a maBor cause+

Riche%t re=ion% 

Economics rather than the environment or #olitics *as the focus of thesummit$ sa"s the &&,Gs Euro#e corres#ondent$ onn" "mond$ from5ashington+

he t*o sides agreed to set u# an FeconomiccouncilF to #ush ahead *ith regulator"convergence in nearl" 0 areas$ includingintellectual #ro#ert"$ financial services$business ta9eovers and the motor industr"+

he aim is to increase trade and lo*er costs+

!ome re#orts suggest that incom#atibleregulations in the *orldGs t*o richest regionsadd 10T to the cost of develo#ing and#roducing ne* cars+

>erman ,hancellor 'ngela er9el$ *hose countr" holds the E)Gsrotating #residenc"$ said last month that if the )! and E) could setbusiness norms toda"$ the" *ould Fsecure the mar9ets of tomorro*F+

Without the Sthere can>t #e any

%ucce%% in co'in=/ith a =&o#a&i%ed


Euro#ean di#lomat

Limited ho'e% for E?

S %ummit 

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!ince she came to office 13 months ago$ she has made re#airingdamaged relations *ith the )! a to# #riorit"+

Emi%%ion cut% 

he Euro#eans said the" *ere #leased that the )! no* officiall"ac9no*ledged that climate change *as ha##ening and that humanactivit" *as a maBor cause of it+

F5e agree thereGs a threat$ thereGs a ver" serious global threat$F saidEuro#ean ,ommission President ose anuel &arroso+

F5e agree that there is a need to reduce emissions+ 5e agree that *eshould *or9 together+F

&ut behind the scenes$ sa"s our Euro#e corres#ondent$ officials *ere

sa"ing that not much had changed+

s er9el *ill tr" to nudge the )! to*ards a global a##roach toclimate change before a >3 summit >erman" is chairing in si. *ee9sGtime$ sa"s our corres#ondent+

&ut the )! has consistentl" reBected the Euro#ean a##roach ofim#osing national limits on greenhouse gas emissions$ sa"ing the"*ould harm the international econom"+

@i%a ho'e 

he O#en !9ies agreement *ill ta9e effect on @0 arch 2003 and *illallo* E) carriers to fl" to an"*here in the )! and vice versa+

he deal #romises to lo*er airfares and *iden choice for #assengerson both sides of the 'tlantic+

he E) ho#es to go further and create an FO#en 'viation 'reaFbet*een the t*o sides Fin *hich investment can flo* freel" and in*hich Euro#ean and )! airlines can #rovide air services *ithout an"

restriction$F said a E) statement+

he E) is also ho#ing that the )! *ill agree to *ithdra* its visare=uirement for travellers from a number of E) states+


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**# Q *olicy "eport Q (ay G< 122D

!he merging Asi$n *nion?)hin$ !r$de, Asi$n 'nvestment, $nd $ New )ompetitive )h$llenge4y dward ,resser 


 American trade policies today are more controversial than at any time in twodecades. And no topic is getting more attention than )hina.

The 4ush administration0s )ommerce and Treasury secretaries have maderecent pilgrimages to 4ei/ing to deliver appeals petitions and protests.)andidates in the &emocratic primaries spent much of the winter debate seasonarguing for tougher trade policies. )hina is charged with delin6uency in its ?orldTrade 8rganization 9?T8: commitments and 4ush is charged with wea'ness inenforcing them. Hawsuits are flying the AFH-)#8 filed a case against )hineselabor abuses with the U.S. Trade "epresentative in (arch and a group ofmanufacturers is said to have prepared one against )hinese currency policyL theU.S. Trade "epresentative re/ecting both has filed its own case protesting)hinese computer chip ta!es at the ?T8.

The sheer number of complaints is stri'ing. 4ut e6ually stri'ing is the fact thatfew of them are new. )hina0s labor record has not notably improved in recentyears -- but neither has it deteriorated. )hina0s currency rates have not changedsince GBBD. And )hina0s implementation of ?T8 commitments has gaps -- withcomputer chips a high-profile dispute and intellectual property rights perhapseven more so. 4ut the )hinese economy is more open than ever before andsuc'ing in imports at an e!traordinary pace. ?hy then such a heated debate

 Are Americans blaming foreigners for frustration or failure at home +as )hinapolicy intended since the Ni!on administration to integrate the world0s mostpopulous nation into the global economy gone wrong -- or has it gone entirelytoo well #n fact something deeper than either of these things may be at wor'.

The 1Gst century has brought rapid integration of the Asian economy and theemergence of what can be termed an informal Asian Union. For the first time)hina0s manpower and low costs are united with the money and technology of7apan ;orea Taiwan +ong ;ong and Singapore. )hina0s emergence as

 America0s most visible source of goods thus reflects a structural change in the Asian economy more than it reflects new )hinese trade or labor policies. The

development offers economic and security opportunities carries with it potentialsources of ris' and financial instability and also means a powerful newcompetitive challenge.

&emographic realities to be noted later show that Asia0s new competitiveadvantages are unli'ely to last forever. 4ut in the ne!t decade Americanbusinesses wor'ers and government may find themselves ad/usting to a muchmore challenging environment. Trade policy can be only a part of the response.

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7ust as America met the Asian challenge of the GBC2s with the improvedbusiness competitiveness and government policies of the GBB2s we must raiseour game again.



;$ss Amnest% And !he nd f Americ$http://www.prisonpl$$rticles/m$%2006/270@06m$ss$mnest%.htm 

Pri%on P&anet * May + +--,

Histen as Ale! 7ones outlines the literal end of America following the Senatepassage of 4ush0s mass amnesty program.

&ownload the (*< here.

T+ ;O *8#NTS

- The plan is the biggest amnesty ever and legalizes 1= to <2 million illegalimmigrants 9not the GD million as reported:.

- "ampant illegal immigration and its promotion by the US government is part of

a st$ted $gend$ to merge the US into a pan-American union with (e!ico and)anada and replace the dollar with the Amero. &estroying the middle class anderecting a de facto world government is in process.

- Fau! neo-conservative tal' show hosts are the most avid cheerleaders of themass amnesty program feeding poison to their listeners by claiming 4ush isgetting tough on the border issue and associating empty solutions li'e 3222unarmed national guard troops with the necessity to pass the guest wor'erprogram.

- Hiberals are supporting 4ush0s number one demand while their idol +illary

)linton dines with "upert (urdoch.

- The program facilitates an invasion of s'illed wor'ers further eviscerating American employment in high-tech /obs.

- The illegal alien invasion is spearheaded by violent $nd r#t$l r$ces#prem$cist gro#ps that call for the genocide of all blac's and whites and anoccupation of the southern and western states.

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- #n an $rticle )NN0s Hou &obbs called the program full amnesty for all illegalaliens in this country even though nobody really 'nows whether the number is GGmillion G1 million or 12 million.

- The blan'et amnesty guest wor'er program includes a provision that if you0re a

felon the new law doesn0t apply yet the legislation includes a trap door thatallows felons to remain if they have a hardship or family within the country. Thisis a'in to putting a band-aid on a severed leg.

- The recent immigration protests were run by 5icente Fo! and 4ushadministration *" firm "ob Allyn and )o. and were whipped up by the Spanishmedia wee's in advance as a mobilization of a fifth column to bully the Americanpeople.

- The media gives a positive spin to the immigration protests yet applies negativeconnotations to any anti-war or property rights protest.

- 8n the surface the protests were labeled a day without immigrants yet inreality the organizers called the protest a day without gringos and this wasreported by the Associated *ress.

- 4ush has tied the smo'e and mirrors ploy of getting tough to his blan'etamnesty program which legalizes all illegal aliens and anyone that can get intothe country for the ne!t si! years as well as allowing corporations to fly in s'illedand uns'illed wor'ers to further eviscerate Americans0 /obs.

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)S) am#a%%ador %ay% &and 'a%%'ort ru&e comin=%ooner rather than &ater

'' &'&&'>E

hursda"$ arch 01$ 2007

OO(O ,P8 - ,anadians should Fget read"F to sho*#ass#orts ne.t "ear at all land and sea crossings into the)nited !tates des#ite efforts on both sides of the border toe.tend the deadline$ )+!+ 'mbassador avid 5il9ins saidhursda"+

,ongress has granted a une 200< e.tension$ and ,anadian

officials continue to #ress for a re#rieve from the originalanuar" 2003 im#lementation date$ but )+!+ Homeland!ecurit" and !tate e#artment officials *ant to bring therule into effect sooner rather than later+ 5il9ins$ during as#eech on )+!+-,anada relations$ said he believes thecurrent 'merican administration *ill accom#lish that goal+

Ft could be im#lemented as soon as anuar"+ +++ believe it*ill ha##en sometime during this administration$F 5il9ins


F believe *e need to get read" for it and so$ sim#l" #ut$ themessage tr" to give to 'mericans and to ,anadians is$ G>eta #ass#ort+G tGs that sim#le+F

he air travel com#onent of the #ass#ort la*$ 9no*n as the5estern Hemis#here ravel nitiative$ *ent into effect an+2@ for #eo#le fl"ing into the )nited !tates+

ravellers must carr" either a valid #ass#ort$ a (EN)! cardreserved for fre=uent travellers$ a )+!+ merchant marinerscard or #ermanent resident card+ embers of the )+!+armed forces are e.em#t+

he ne* air rules a##l" to ,anadians and 'mericans

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entering and leaving the )+!+$ as *ell as #eo#le from e.icoand &ermuda+

Ho*ever$ onl" 27 #er cent of 'mericans hold #ass#orts+

5orried that the ne* rules *ill slo* do*n trade and tourism$a contingent of ,anadian #remiers travelled to 5ashingtonearlier this *ee9 in an effort to #ush for #ass#ortalternatives+

Ontario Premier alton c>uint"$ anitobaGs >ar" oer and(e* &runs*ic9Gs !ha*n >raham s#ent three da"s shoringu# su##ort for high-technolog" driverGs licences as a stand-

in for #ass#orts+

he" also *arned that a #ush to meet the anuar" deadline*ill have FenormousF re#ercussions for the t*o countries+

On hursda"$ 5il9ins called the driverGs licence #lan aFcontinuing *or9 in #rogress+F

Fhe =uestion is$ *ill enhanced driverGs licences be read" to

go and the technolog" read" to be im#lemented b" the timethe land #ortions are im#lementedDF 5il9ins said follo*inghis s#eech+

F5e have to *ait and see+F

(e* Uor9 legislator ?ouise !laughter$ *ho chairs the rulescommittee in the House of e#resentatives that vets ever"#iece of legislation$ has become a #o*erful all" in the

#remiersG efforts to dela" the ne* #ass#ort rules and e.#loreother alternatives+

n Cebruar"$ !laughter introduced a bill that *ould force )+!+officials to *ait until une 200< to full" consider a #ilot#roBect on driverGs licences in &ritish ,olumbia and5ashington state$ and anal"4e the costs and benefits of

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#ass#orts and an alternative card for 'mericans dubbedF#ass#ort lite+F

!o far$ )+!+ officials have agreed to some concessions+

he )+!+ Homeland !ecurit" e#artment issued a #ass#orte.em#tion last *ee9 for children 1I and under$ and teensaged 16 to 13 travelling *ith schools$ "outh grou#s ands#orts teams and accom#anied b" an adult+

5il9ins ac9no*ledged there are *orries about unnecessar"dela"s at the border$ but said that *onGt ha##en if bothcountries *or9 together+

F thin9 if *e could all bu" into it$ and all get behind it$ andall *or9 to im#lement it smoothl"$ it *ill have the o##ositeeffect$F he said+ Ft *ill ma9e it easier+F

&order guards currentl" have to e.amine man" differentdocuments$ from birth certificates to driverGs licences$ hesaid+ (arro*ing do*n that list of documents *ill actuall"s#eed u# the #rocess+

Ft *ill facilitate trade and travel$ not im#ede it$F he said+

Fhere is no one in 5ashington$ no one in the )nited !tatesthat *ants to im#ede or do an"thing detrimental to this*onderful trade relationshi# *e have *ith our friend,anada+Fhtt#://***+broo9sbulletin+com/ne*s/nationalne*s+as#DitemidQ60<@0 

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+ealth and immigration records sold at 4.). auction

!everal investigations have begun after com#uter ta#escontaining health and immigration records for thousands of#eo#le in &ritish ,olumbia *ere sold at a #ublic auction for101+

he Aancouver !un re#orted over the *ee9end that thehigh-ca#acit" data ta#es *ere sold under the direction of the&+,+ inistr" of ?abour in ul" 200I+

he bu"er turned the ta#es over to the ne*s#a#er afterreali4ing *hat *as on them+

he data is mostl" from the late 1<<0s$ and includesinformation on se.ual abuse$ HA status and mental illness+

&+,+ nformation and Privac" ,ommissioner avid ?ou9idelissa"s he *ants to 9no* *h" the ta#es *ere not erasedbefore being sold to the #ublic as sur#lus com#uter goods inthe !urre" sale+

'fter a similar incident four "ears ago$ ?ou9idelis sa"s thegovernment brought in rules that should have ensured thatall information *as removed from sur#lus com#utere=ui#ment before it *as sold+

FObviousl" *e have to loo9 to ensure that *hatever rulesare #ut in #lace are res#ected and consistentl" anda##ro#riatel" im#lemented$F he said+

Fhe matter has to be ta9en ver" seriousl"+ *ill be

#ursuing it vigorousl" and as9ing the government some ver"hard =uestions here+F

?abour inister i9e de ong has ordered an internalinvestigation of the #rivac" breach$ sa"ing he also *ants tofind out *hat *ent *rong+

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FtGs about as serious a breach of #eo#leGs #rivac" rights as can thin9 of$F he said+ FtGs unacce#table+ tGs ina##ro#riate+F

he ta#es also re#ortedl" contain information on @0$000refugees$ *hich has #rom#ted se#arate action b" the federalimmigration ministr"+

FObviousl" there *as some breach of #olic" some*here thatallo*ed this information to get out$ and *eGll have to have ahard loo9 to find out e.actl" ho* this ha##ened$ *here itha##ened and *hat can be done to remed" this$F federal

mmigration inister onte !olberg told the Aancouver !un+



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And by #reeing up e+isting rail in cities" it could spawn new co!!uterrail trafc" %illia!son said*

7This conr!s ;o1* ,erry)s 1ision that once our !obility challengeswere open to inno1ation" the !arket would respond"7 %illia!son said*

Rail co!panies .nion ,acic and 9urlington Northern Santa Fe lastyear signed agree!ents with ,erry to work toward !o1ing #reight linesout o# urban areas*

.nion ,acic spokes!an Doe Arbona said the co!pany had not heardo# the new rail line plan be#ore %ednesday and didn)t know how itwould a<ect its e+isting agree!ent with the state* .nion ,aciccurrently operates about M"CC !iles o# railroad in Te+as*

 The corridor plan has been !et with opposition*

Far!ers and en1iron!entalists worry they will be #orced to gi1e upland or that local econo!ies will su<er as trafc is di1erted to alternateroutes* I# the corridor is E"CC #eet wide in so!e areas as planned" a#ar!er could lose as !uch as EM acres per !ile" according to the Te+as Far! 9ureau*

 Three o# ,erry)s political opponents" 0e!ocrat candidate #or go1ernorhris 9ell and independents arole 8eeton Strayhorn and 8inkyFried!an" ha1e all criticied the toll road plan*

Any rail line could take two or three years to get started* In addition tothe bidding process" the state would also ha1e to per#or!en1iron!ental i!pact studies to see where it could be built*

 Theoretically" the rail line run near the toll road* State ofcials will soonun1eil a potential corridor #or the highway" a EC-!ile wide swath o#land that will e1entually be parred down*

.nder the proposal" the new line would be built so all 1ehicle trafcwould cross either under or o1er it" eli!inating dangerous crossings*





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?elcome to the #nternet home of )orridor? an organization of concerned Te!ans and public officials who 6uestion the wisdom of the Trans-

Te!as )orridor.

' donBt thin the gener$l p#lic is $w$re of $ll the inform$tion the% need to

now . . .R Te!as "epresentative "obert "obby )oo'97uly D 122D: lin'

?hen did you first hear about the Trans-Te!as )orridor

#t0s shoc'ing /ust how few Te!ans 'now about this massive super-highway-rail-utility pro/ect launched by ,overnor *erry in 1221. Ten vehicle lanes si!

rail trac's utilities pipelines state concessions 9gas stations restaurantsmotels stores warehouses etc.: all on D222 miles of toll roads that will

consume more than one-half million acres of Te!as. (8"

C Note: !he riorit% &o#tes $lone tot$l 4,000 milesD

the complete !!) is E,000 miles cons#ming one million$cres. F


!e support the concept of the Trans Te"as Corridor#but we don$t want it at the e"pense of all the urban

transportation i%proe%ent that are needed'  — Hois Fin'leman &allas )ity )ouncilwoman (8"

 'tBs not $o#t tr$nsport$tion . . . 'tBs $o#t reven#e.

Goernor (erry and his friends spenta great deal of ti%e researching ideas to create %ore reenue

G !r$nsport$tion )ommissioner &ic Hilli$mson9(arch 1= 122<: citation full te!t

One of the big issues that )ind of got *+,, going wasthe issue of funding for transportation'

G !r$nsport$tion olic% (irector ohn $ngmore, 7Ethegisl$t#re

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9Austin (arch D 122D:

in %o#r lifetime most e>isting ro$ds will h$ve tollsG !r$nsport$tion )ommissioner &ic Hilli$mson 98ctober GG


'tBs either toll ro$ds, slow ro$ds or no ro$dsG !r$nsport$tion )ommissioner &ic Hilli$mson 9(ay 122D:

' ' ' concentrating on the four pri%ary routes first#is the beginning of generating the cash flow ' ' ' 

G !r$nsport$tion )ommissioner &ic Hilli$mson 97une 1K1221: citation

more about tolls

... there $re serio#s I#estions eing r$ised %the citi+ens of !e>$s

$o#t this new $ppro$ch to f#nding highw$%s ino#r st$te.

- )$role Jeeton "tr$%horn, !e>$s "t$te)omptroller  (8"

.ocal citi/ens would suffer the negatie i%pact of

such a corridor without receiing any benefit  - (i$ne $c%, eff ($vis )o#nt% )ommissioner 


veryone should understand that this isn0t another #nterstate +ighway. #t not /ust a /umbo-sized highway. This )orridor pro/ect is a very wide very flat

e!tremely limited access mostly toll highway-rail-utility corridor. To cross the)orridor at any point will re6uire a 6uarter-mile long overpass.

0f there is no access to the s%all towns# it will change the face of thestate'  

- Hill owr$nce, illsoro ;$%or (8"

#t will connect to #nterstate and other ma/or highways. +owever by design itwill not provide easy if any access to the communities it passes by. #t will not

spur commercial development along its frontage li'e our #nterstate+ighways. There will be no frontage. There will be no opportunity for theowners of property it abuts to develop new or e!panded businesses with

access to the )orridor. (oreover it has provisions in the plan and the law toplace all possible traveler services on the corridor itself.

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very mile of )orridor will consume GD3 acres of land. That0s property thatwill become state owned land - removed from county and school district ta!

rolls everywhere it e!tends.

0f it is done the way it$s proposed# it will hurt us eentually '''— )arlos 5igil )oo'e )ounty )ommunity &evelopment &irector (8"

)ommunities with travel and tourism based economies will lose access tothose travelers. #f the )orridor is successful in attracting traffic away from

e!isting highways communities will suffer significant economic loses.

Hith $ right-of-w$% $ppro>im$tel% 1,200-feet-wide, the proposedcorridor 

co#ld ch$nge the f$ce of $gric#lt#re in !e>$s forever $s itsw$llows #p tho#s$nds of prod#ction $cres of f$rml$nd.R 7uliet 4ris'in )ountry ?orld News 9November D 122D: lin'

?here will they build the )orridor

The Trans Te"as Corridor is a state of %ind# not an align%ent on a%ap' 

G !r$nsport$tion )ommissioner &ic Hilli$mson9(arch 1= 122<: citation full te!t

The plan adopted by the Te!as Transportation )ommission outlines D222miles of )orridor to crisscross the entire state. Four of those )orridors have

been identified by the Te!as &epartment of Transportation as *riority)orridors to be constructed first 9shown below in orange:. No effort has beenmade by the state to identify the specific placement of the )orridors. Thereare however some 'nown constraints. The )orridors do not directly connect

large cities. #n fact they go around ma/or urban areas for three prime

reasons one to 'eep traffic away from e!isting urban congestionL two to'eep vehicle air pollution out of urban areasL and three to provide new

routes for the transportation of hazardous materials. Topography will also bevery important because of the high-speed rail component of the )orridor. #twill be necessary that the )orridor be as straight and level as possible 9no

uphill or downhill grades or sharp turns:.

Note: !he riorit% &o#tes $lone tot$l 4,000 milesDthe complete !!) l$n tot$ls E,000 miles.

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+ow did the Trans-Te!as )orridor get started

Hh$t st$rted o#t $s $ c$mp$ign promise is now in the f$st l$ne. R "udy ;os'i ;5U News Austin 9(arch G3 122D:

#n 1221 ,overnor *erry announced his )orridor vision and instructed T!&8T

to prepare an action plan to build the Trans-Te!as )orridor. ?ithin si!-months T!&8T had completed the plan and presented it to theTransportation )ommission. ?ithout any substantive discussion or debate

and without public comment the )ommission approved the plan aspresented on 7une 1K 1221. the plan

Once the Goernor decided that this is where we needed to head#he wanted to re%oe it fro% the political flow of the state#

he wanted it to beco%e policy as opposed to politics#and that was one of the reasons he as)ed us to %oe so fast#

and we$e done an ad%irable 1ob'''' G !r$nsport$tion )ommissioner &ic Hilli$mson

97une 1K 1221: full te!t

0f this is the goernor$s plan#0$d li)e to hae the goernor co%e down and e"plain it to us'

- d $nec$, $%ette )o#nt% #dge (8"

The Trans2Te"as Corridor plan is not the product of transportation professionals# urban planners# sociologists and eniron%entalistsha%%ering out affordable infrastructure to %eet our 34st Century 

needs' 5ather# it was hatched in a s%o)e2filled roo% where nobody worried about the needs of ordinary Te"ans'

- (ic J$llerm$n, !r$nsport$tion 'ss#e )oordin$tor, "ierr$ )l# one

"t$r )h$pter more

Since the plan was developed a series of state laws have been put into placedrastically changing the highway construction and financing rules R givingthe Te!as Transportation )ommission unprecedented authority and power.The most significant of these new laws is 'nown as +ouse 4ill <=CC. +4-


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!he egisl$t#re threw the door wide open ' ' ' and we intend to use it' G !r$nsport$tion )ommissioner &oert . Nichols9Te!as ,ood "oads Annual (eeting 7une <2 122<:

't C8-3@EEF gives #s $ll of the $#thorit% $nd $ll of thepower we need on $ st$te level to move forw$rd on the

!r$ns-!e>$s )orridor, pl#s some.G hillip &#ssell, (irector, !e>$s !#rnpie A#thorit%

(ivision 9August 12 122<: citation full te!t

!he )ommission m$% $cI#ire, in the n$me of the st$te, p#licor priv$te re$l propert% as they  determine to e necess$r% or convenient for the constr#ction, enl$rgement or oper$tion of 

the !r$ns !e>$s )orridor.

!he )ommission c$n le$se or sell p$rt of the propert%, for $n%p#rpose, incl#ding pl$cing on the $doining right-of-w$% $ g$s

st$tion, g$r$ge, store, hotel, rest$#r$nt, p$ring f$cilit%,r$ilro$d tr$c, or illo$rd #nder terms they  set. !he% c$n even

le$se it $c to the origin$l owner or any other  p#lic or  priate entity for #nrel$ted co%%ercial or industrial purposes' 

!he 5overnor, the !e>$s !r$nsport$tion)ommission, the !>(!, the $dministr$tion -- o#r st$ff -- we $re $ll committed to implementing this

pl$n. He elieve it is re$l.  G )ommissioner &oert Nichols, !e>$s !r$nsport$tion )ommission

9August 12 122<: citation full te!t

#f you0re thin'ing that this won0t happen for several years into the futureyou0re 'idding yourself. The draft agenda for the Transportation

)ommission0s &ecember 122D meeting includes as item number GG!#rnpie roect / <$rio#s )o#nties - Approve the selection of the best

value proposal for the planning development ac6uisition designconstruction financing maintenance and operation of the 8'lahoma-(e!icopriority element of the Trans-Te!as )orridor system generally paralleling #+<= 9TT)-<=:L and authorize the department to e>ec#te $ comprehensive

development $greement with the chosen developer. lin'


. . . we $re ver% $ggressive, weBre ver% serio#s $o#t it,$nd we $re going to move forw$rd on it.

R *hillip "ussell &irector Te!as Turnpi'e Authority &ivision9August 12 122<: citation full te!t

#t has been their plan for more than a year . . .

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#r go$l is to $w$rd -- o#r pl$n is to $w$rd$nd e>ec#te the )(A % l$te 2004. He st$ndcommitted to th$t sched#le, $nd weBre going

to wor ver% h$rd to tr% to m$int$in th$tsched#le. G dw$rd ensoc, (irector of 

)orridor l$nning (evelopment, !e>$s!#rnpie A#thorit% (ivision 9August 12 122<:citation full te!t

!h$tBs o#r commitment to %o#, $nd th$tBs o#r promise. G dw$rd ensoc, (irector of )orridor l$nning (evelopment, !e>$s

!#rnpie A#thorit% (ivision 9August 12 122<:citation full te!t

. . . ' thin %o# see th$t trend of $ 5overnor $nd of $)ommission $nd of $ (ep$rtment th$tBs going to e ver%$ggressive moving forw$rd. He donBt w$nt $n% gr$ss to grow#nder o#r feet, $nd so we will e moving ver%, ver%$ggressivel% forw$rd on this proect. o# now, the go$l herere$ll% is, from the 5overnor $nd the )ommission on down, isthe% w$nt $ contr$ct e>ec#ted -- $ developer selected $nd $contr$ct e>ec#ted ne>t %e$r. And the% w$nt to get down to the#siness of this $s soon $s possile.  G hillip &#ssell,(irector, !e>$s !#rnpie A#thorit% (ivision 9August 12 122<: citation full te!t

The official Trans-Te!as )orridor *lan reads

. . . $cI#iring propert% for $ll components m#st egin $s soon $spossile. plan page DD


The truth is this is a +62year plan with an e%phasis on the first tenyears to get %oing

and to focus on the pri%ary corridors as 7uic)ly as possible to relieecongestion and

%oe ha/ardous %aterial out of our current urbani/ed areas' G !r$nsport$tion )ommissioner &ic Hilli$mson97une 1K 1221: full te!t

. . . we $re ver% $ggressive, weBre ver% serio#s $o#t it,$nd we $re going to move forw$rd on it. G hillip &#ssell,

(irector, !e>$s !#rnpie A#thorit%

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KA#g#st 20, 2003L Ccit$tionF Cf#ll te>tF

o# c$nBt s$% the ide$ is $ oe when %o#Bve got three intern$tion$lcomp$nies proposing

m#ltiillion-doll$r investments in the first piece.

G !r$nsport$tion )ommissioner &ic Hilli$msonK#l% 4, 2004L ClinF

#f you ta'e comfort in the lengthy environmental process and public hearingsfor a highway pro/ect of this massive size you0re in for a rude awa'ening.

The Federal +ighway Administration announced on (arch G3 122D that thefirst segment of the Trans Te!as )orridor 9+illsboro to San Antonio: has beengranted 0e!perimental pro/ect0 status and construction can begin before the

environmental study is complete. (8" 

*nder the stre$mlined process, p#lic he$rings wo#ld still e

cond#cted,#t the% wo#ld not h$ve to e completed efore wor st$rted. 

G ort Horth "t$r-!elegr$m K;$rch 16, 2004L (8" 

0 thin) definitely the Trans2Te"as Corridor pro1ect as a whole# and een any one corridor ''' potentially has enor%ous eniron%ental 

i%pacts' - Jen Jr$mer, "ierr$ )l# one "t$r )h$pter (8"


There are hundreds of flaws in the plan that one /ournalist has called

err%Bs 'mperi$l )orridor . There are so many problems its hard to 'nowwhere to start.

!he !!) is $n $ll $ro#nd $d ide$ for !e>$s.

ere $re #st $ few re$sons wh%:

• 'tBs designed to gener$te reven#e first $nd provide

tr$nsport$tion second. • otenti$l for tremendo#s li$ilities cre$ted %

)omprehensive (evelopment Agreements. 

• !he l$n is $sed on #ncert$in $ss#mptions. 

• (oesnBt solve the prolem. 

• 'nefficient tr$nsport$tion pl$n. 

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• Adverse economic imp$ct. 

• riv$te 'nterests v. #lic 'nterests. 

• oss of loc$l propert% t$>es. 

• !oo m#ch mone%= 

• )re$tes $ BsoftB terrorism t$rget. 

• (ividing the "t$te. 

• !#rns priv$te l$nd into "t$te l$nd.

• !oll ro$ds represent do#le t$>$tion. 

• Air poll#tion. 

le$se elp "#pport the )orridorH$ ;ission

C )')J & F 

!>(! its !he !oll &o$d &#nning

#t sure didn0t ta'e T!&8T long to sha'e off the legislative sessionand resume their headlong rush to use every available loopholee!ception and remaining authority to build toll roads and grant

toll road concessions /ust as fast as possible. "ather than

ac'nowledging the concerns of the people and their legislatureT!&8T is now moving even more 6uic'ly. The )ommission and

T!&8T are ta'ing full advantage of the legislature0s failure torestrain their action. 8ur fear is that they will attempt to do thesame with the Trans Te!as )orridor. And of course they will.

?hile )orridor?atch is not anti-toll we are certainly distressedabout the way T!&8T is single-mindedly focused on using Te!as

highways to generate revenue. ?e are concerned about aprocess where the state forces its will on every level of 

government with utter disregard for local and regional needs or 

concerns. ?e also 6uestion the wisdom of private controldangerous financial schemes and multi-generationalagreements that could spell future disaster for Te!as and all


mboldened by the arrogance of their leadership )ommissionmembers and T!&8T e!ecutives openly moc'ed members of 

the Hegislature during their meeting last wee'. Their unabashedcomments foretold of the vetoes that would soon follow.

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4efore the meeting ended the )ommission authorized T!&8T tomove forward on eighty toll road pro/ects across the state.

$st weeend 5overnor err% vetoed 4M more ills.

*roperty protections were dashed with the veto of an eminent

domain bill T!&8T didn0t li'e. Another bill that would havere6uired T!&8T to consider using e!isting highway routes for future TT) routes was struc' down. A bill that called on the

 Attorney ,eneral to study the impact of international agreementson Te!as was ridiculed by the )ommission and also vetoed by

the ,overnor.

 A few more vetoes smac' of retaliation dealt to those whoopposed the ,overnor0s view of the TT) +*5 TO) or education

during the session.

#t is truly incredible to see a ,overnor who0s actions are

completely disconnected from the people he is sworn torepresent. +is actions are at odds with his own political partyparty platform and leadership they are in conflict with

overwhelming public opinion they offend a wide variety of largeorganizations that previously supported his election they fly inthe face of the virtually unanimous will of the Hegislature. ?ho

can help but wonder who ,overnor *erry represents and who0sinterests is he protecting

Now the stage is set for the )ommission to demonstrate /usthow far they will go to protect their Spanish partner. &espite

incredible pressure North Te!as has re/ected the ,overnor0s pre-

selected private business benefactor. ?ill the )ommissioncontinue their now routine pattern of putting what *erry wants

first and the people want last Sadly we believe that our ,overnor serves the money bro'ers not the people. +e has

demonstrated that his loyalty is not with the people of Te!as butresides e!clusively with those who can provide the 'ind of 

money that can further personal and political ambition.

(a'e no mista'e )orridor?atch will continue the fightchallenging the wisdom of the Trans Te!as )orridor. That doesnot mean we won0t lose battles along the way but in the end we

will have an undeniable impact on this flawed pro/ect and thebad public policy that has made it possible.

Go1ernor Perry @etoe% Se1era& :i&&%

to Protect Hi% Tran% TeBa% !orridor

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!itiCen% of TeBa% are the :i= Lo%er%a% Go1ernor Perry Act% to Protect Hi% O/n S'ecia&

Intere%t%o#se 8ill 1EM2 m$% h$ve een the first, #t it w$snBt thel$st ill err% h$s vetoed in his effort to s$ve the !r$ns

!e>$s )orridor.o#se 8ill 2006

There isn0t anything more important in a free society than theright of its citizens to own and hold land as private property.?hen government erodes that right it attac's a fundamental

freedom of its citizens.

?ith +41223 the Te!as Hegislature sought to protect the state0scitizens from potential abuse of eminent domain 9the

government0s power to forcibly ta'e private land: by ensuringlimited use and /ust compensation.

,overnor *erry ob/ects to pes'y proceedings that might slowdown his massive highway construction pro/ects li'e the TT)and compensate land owners for their losses and damages.

8nce again citizens are short changed by the very governmentthat should be protecting them.

+41223 is described by the Te!as *ublic *olicy Foundation asone of the most significant landowner rights initiatives in morethan a decade. T**F0s 4ill *eacoc' said Unfortunately thisveto e!poses property owners from Freeport to l *aso to the

very real threat of eminent domain.

Te!as and Southwestern )attle "aisers Association *resident7on (eans says ,overnor *erry has sent the message loud

and clear that he does not support private property rights.

The Te!as Farm 4ureau who supported *erry0s re-election sothat they could maintain their seat at the table have found

themselves pushed aside. TF4 *resident ;enneth &iersch'ecomplained that ta'ing private property has become too easyand says 8bviously there are many powerful interests that

prefer it stay that way.

4y vetoing +41223 the ,overnor ma'es sure T!&8T can runroughshod over landowners who have the misfortune of being in

the path of the TT).

"en$te 8ill 71EThis bill didn0t create much of a control over the TT) but any

limitation on the TT) certainly draws the ire of ,overnor *erry.

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4y vetoing S4KGC he has released T!&8T from ma'ing anyeffort to consider upgrading the state0s e!isting highway system

before they establish a completely new TT) route across thestate.

(ost laughable is the ,overnor0s assertion that S4KGC would

conflict with National nvironmental *olicy Act 9N*A:regulations by presupposing a route for the TT). Apparently hedoesn0t 'now that in virtually every N*A environmental review

for a highway upgrading an e!isting facility is one of thealternatives considered. 8f course that0s not the case with any of the TT) segments studied to date. ?hy 4ecause T!&8T haspresupposed a new route will be re6uired. Now that is in conflictwith N*A regulations ,overnor. 9?e0ll be seeing you in court

about that tooP:

o#se 8ill 3647

+4<3DK would have re6uired the Attorney ,eneral to conduct astudy to determine if the authority of the state may be restrictednullified superseded preempted or otherwise affected by

among other things any compact or agreement between thestate and a foreign governmental entity or international body.

Specifically the A, was directed to consider the North AmericanFree Trade Agreement 9NAFTA: Security and *rosperity

*artnership of North America 9S**: ?orld Trade 8rganization9?T8: ,eneral Agreement on Trade in Services 9,ATS: United

Nations 9UN: and North American Super)orridor )oalition9NAS)8:.

;ind of ma'es you wonder what it is that ,overnor *erry doesn0twant the Attorney ,eneral to report to the Hegislature 9and

public: doesn0t it

Go$ernor Perr! )inall! *igns *+-.

n June 11, 2007, oernor Ri#3 Perry signed 9enate Bi 7N2, )&i#& e#omes ee#tie immediatey. +&e oernorLs oi#e issued a 'ress

reease uoting t&e oernor and outining 3ey 'roisions.

"es'ite uestionay ee#tie ++C moratorium anguage, S4KB1 will 'roide +e<ans )it& many ne) and im'ortant 'rote#tions.

+RA"9ne)s says, S4KB1 is almost a total reversal of - aU-turn from - +4<=CC passed /ust over four years ago

encouraging toll concessions. CorridorWat#& t&in3s t&atLs a goodt&ing. $or more detai on t&e good t&ings 9B7N2 does or +e<as and

+e<ans, #i#3 &ere.

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With A *enate /ote o' 0& to &, The 1ouse /oted To Pass *+-., 2.

To 2-

Complete *tor! 33

8low-%-8low <iew of the egisl$tive "ession omep$geAction  &


!he implic$tions $re enormo#s.- )%ndi Hright, ditor, Fayette County 5ecord  CmoreF

 Are Te!ans happy about the )orridor *lan No they are notP

'tBs either toll ro$ds, slow ro$ds or no ro$dsG !r$nsport$tion )ommissioner &ic Hilli$mson K;$% 2004L

ighw$% tolls $re %et $nother form of regressivet$>$tion, designed to p#sh the #rden of p#lic

costs downw$rd onto the $ver$ge t$>p$%er/driver,while the lionBs sh$re of the enefits go to the

ind#stries dem$nding st$te-s#sidi+ed moilit%$nd infr$str#ct#re.

G ;ich$el Jing, )$pitol )hronicle: 8l$me 't onthe Jids, A#stin )hronicleKer#$r% 1, 2002L ClinF

+ere are the words of !r$nsport$tion )ommission )h$irm$n &icHilli$ms as presented before the +ouse Transportation )ommittee (arch

1= 122< Cf#ll te>tF

• 5overnor err% $nd his friends spent $ gre$t de$l of timerese$rching ide$s to cre$te more reven#e Ccit$tionF

• !he !r$ns !e>$s )orridor is not $n $lignment on $ m$p. !he !r$ns!e>$s )orridor is not $ contr$ct signed to #ild $ ro$d in $

specific loc$tion. Ccit$tionF

• He will #ild the !r$ns !e>$s )orridor... Ccit$tionF

• 'n f$ct we h$ve $lre$d% st$rted. "t$te ighw$% 130, e$st of A#stin,is the eginning of $ st$te wide toll s%stem which will p$r$llele>isting t$> s#pported highw$%s $cross the st$te. Ccit$tionF

• oc$l tr$nsport$tion le$ders were not cons#lted in developing thecorridor pl$n. 5#ilt%, #t for $ good re$son. !he 5overnor w$s

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not interested in picing $ spot for new ro$ds. e w$s interestedin ch$nging the w$% we loo $t pl$nning $nd e>ec#tion. !he

!r$ns !e>$s )orridor is $ st$te of mind, not $n $lignment on $m$p. Ccit$tionF

• !he !r$ns !e>$s )orridor is the first re$l opport#nit% we h$ve

seen in twelve %e$rs to st$ili+e $nd incre$se c$sh flow $v$il$lefor new constr#ction $nd c$p$cit% e>p$nsion. roperl% pl$nned

$nd e>ec#ted the !r$ns !e>$s )orridor will prod#ce c$sh for tr$nsport$tion proects thro#gho#t the st$te incl#ding #r$n

!e>$s. Ccit$tionF

• ...we firml% elieve the corridor will grow f$ster $nd ecome $v$l#$le $sset more I#icl% if tot$l proect deliver% $nd

#nsolicited propos$ls $re the norm $nd not the e>ception.Ccit$tionF

&#r$l or *r$n . . . . !>(! (oes N! H$nt o#r 'np#t

(onBt e fooled into elieving th$t the !!) is #st $ r#r$liss#e, itBs not. 'tBs $ !e>$s iss#e. *r$n tr$ffic pl$nners $nd

org$ni+$tions h$ve een woring on tr$nsport$tionsol#tions for %e$rs. o# might h$ve $ss#med th$t the%were incl#ded in pl$nning $ proect th$t is s#pposed toprovide them with etter tr$nsport$tion $nd congestionrelief. 8#t %o# wo#ld e wrong. !his is $ reven#e proectdriven % politic$l $mition. As s#ch #r$n le$ders, lieever%one else, h$ve een e>cl#ded from the process.

' $m $g$inst !r$ns !e>$s )orridor 3@. ' w$ntto m$e th$t perfectl% cle$r. ;$inl% for the

process, ec$#se this h$s not een $n openprocess . . . 'Bve wored with !>(! ver% well,

#t not since &ic Hilli$mson h$s eenono$rd the )ommission . . .   (8"

($ll$s )o#nt% )ommissioner, Jenneth;$%field9&#S *ublic +earing 7uly 1K023:

'f %o# $ggressivel% invite the priv$te sectorto e %o#r p$rtner,

%o# c$nBt tell them where to #ild the ro$d O &ic Hilli$mson, )h$irm$n, !e>$s !r$nsport$tion

)ommission, ;$% 24, 2006

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)orridorH$ Ass:Hho is the ro$d for, !e>$ns or )intr$? 

?e have set the Te!as Transportation )ommission loose on the Te!ascountryside.

8ur legislators have agreed to pay for superhighways without 'nowing wherethey will be built. #n fact we are told they are /ust a state of mind P

This is not a transportation improvement pro/ect it is a revenue generationpro/ect.

Never efore h$s !>(! h$d so m#ch power $nd $#tonom%.

Never efore h$ve we gone in det for ro$d constr#ction.

Never efore h$s the "t$te gr$nted $ "t$te Agenc% the

$#thorit% to condemn l$nd so th$t the% c$n le$se it to $#siness for reven#e gener$tion.

Never efore h$s any  "t$te Agenc% h$d s#ch ro$d $#thorit%to cre$te p#lic det.

le$se elp "#pport the )orridorH$ ;issionC )')J & F 

o#se 8ill 3@EE

H$nt to now more? ere $re some e>cerpts from o#se 8ill3@EE:

• ...the commission h$s the s$me powers $nd d#tiesrel$ting to the condemn$tion $nd $cI#isition of re$l

propert% for $ f$cilit% of the !r$ns-!e>$s )orridor th$tthe commission $nd the dep$rtment h$ve rel$ting to the

condemn$tion or p#rch$se of re$l propert%... C"ec.227.041K$LF A f$cilit% incl#des $ t#rnpie proect. !hecommission is empowered to t$e l$nd whenever the

owner ref#ses to sell or the% c$nnot $gree on $ price for 

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the propert%. 

• !he l$w $llows the dep$rtment to $cI#ire re$l propert%for $ t#rnpie proect $nd to provide $ loc$tion for $n$ncill$r% f$cilit% th$t gener$tes reven#e for #se in the

constr#ction, m$inten$nce, or oper$tion of $ t#rnpieproect, incl#ding $ g$s st$tion, g$r$ge, store, hotel, or 

rest$#r$nt. C "ec. 361.132KdLK@LF  Hhile five t%pic$lt#rnpie t%pe #sinesses $re listed, the l$w does notlimit the $cI#isition to those specific #sinesses. 'n

f$ct, other l$ng#$ge provides $ virt#$ll% limitlessdefinition of wh$t enterprises c$n e $ccommod$ted onthe !r$ns-!e>$s )orridor. ropert% m$% e le$sed or $fr$nchise or license gr$nted for $n% p#rpose, incl#ding

#se $s $ f$cilit% $nd #se for #nrel$ted commerci$l,ind#stri$l, or $gric#lt#r$l p#rposes. C"ec.

227.0E2KdLF !here is no $pp$rent limit on how m#ch l$ndm$% e $cI#ired or t$en not onl% for the tr$nsport$tion

elements of the !r$ns-!e>$s )orridor, #t $lso for the#tilit% +one $nd for $n% other $ncill$r% f$cilit%. An%vent#re th$t h$s the potenti$l to gener$te reven#e,incl#ding priv$te enterprises oper$ting on th$t l$nd

#nder le$se or fr$nchise, is $#thori+ed.

• !he BI#ic t$eB provision of the l$w provides th$t thedep$rtment m$% file $ decl$r$tion of t$ing with thecler of the co#rt, immedi$tel% serve $ cop% of the

decl$r$tion on e$ch person possessing $n interest inthe condemned propert%, file evidence of the servicewith the cler of the co#rt, $nd m$% there#pon t$e

possession of the propert% pending the litig$tion. C"ec.361.137K$LF  'f the condemned propert% is $ homeste$dor $ portion of $ homeste$d the dep$rtment m$% t$e

possession of the propert% on the M1st d$% $fter the d$teof service. C"ec. 361.137KLF !he BI#ic t$eB provision

effectivel% elimin$tes the tr$dition$l opport#nit% for reconsider$tion of condemn$tion. A concession$ire whoh$s $ contr$ct in h$nd $nd is re$d% to st$rt constr#ction

will move $he$d immedi$tel% #pon the st$te t$ingpossession. A concession$ire will not e s#ect to the

s$me politic$l press#res th$t serve to ens#re $re$son$le $pplic$tion of the condemn$tion powers.


• !he commission h$s the power to $cI#ire re$l propert%Kl$ndL loc$ted in or contig#o#s to $n e>isting or pl$nned

segment of the !r$ns-!e>$s )orridor % $n% method,

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incl#ding p#rch$se $nd condemn$tion. rim$r%p#rposes of l$nd necess$r% for the !r$ns-!e>$s )orridor incl#de, ...gener$ting reven#e, directl% or indirectl%, for 

#se in constr#cting or oper$ting the !r$ns-!e>$s)orridor from or for $ncill$r% f$cilities th$t directl%

enefit #sers of the !r$ns-!e>$s )orridor. C"ec.227.041KLK@LF $nd co#ld e p#rch$sed or condemnedfor virt#$ll% $n% reven#e gener$ting p#rpose. !his

incl#des le$sing propert% loc$ted in or contig#o#s tothe corridor for commerci$l, ind#stri$l or $gric#lt#re

p#rpose #nrel$ted to the constr#ction, m$inten$nce, or oper$tion of the corridor. !here is no $pp$rent limit onhow m#ch l$nd m$% e $cI#ired or t$en not onl% for 

the tr$nsport$tion elements of the !r$ns-!e>$s )orridor,#t $lso for the #tilit% +one $nd for $n% other $ncill$r%f$cilit%. An% vent#re th$t h$s the potenti$l to gener$te

reven#e, incl#ding priv$te enterprises oper$ting on th$tl$nd #nder le$se or fr$nchise, is $#thori+ed.

• !he commission h$s the power to $pprove thecondemn$tion of re$l propert% th$t it determines,

necess$r% or convenient to mitig$te $n environment$leffect th$t directl% res#lts from the constr#ction,

oper$tion, or m$inten$nce of $ t#rnpie proect. C"ec.361.13@KLK2LF  !he dep$rtment m$% $cI#ire, m$int$in,hold, restore, enh$nce, develop, or redevelop propert%for the p#rpose of mitig$ting $ p$st, present, or f#t#re

$dverse environment$l effect $rising from theconstr#ction or oper$tion of $n% p$rt of the !r$ns-!e>$s)orridor witho#t reg$rd to whether the need for 

mitig$tion is est$lished for $ p$rtic#l$r proect. C"ec.227.02EK$LF !he dep$rtment m$% contr$ct with $

government$l or priv$te entit% to $ccomplishenvironment$l mitig$tion. C"ec. 227.02EKLF !he

dep$rtment is $#thori+ed to #ndert$e $ progr$m of mitig$tion l$nd $ning. 5iven th$t the corridor pl$n

identifies the proect $re$ to e $ppro>im$tel% @E0,000$cres, the res#lting $mo#nt of l$nd th$t co#ld e s#ect

to condemn$tion for environment$l mitig$tion isenormo#s. Hith the dep$rtment $#thori+ed to $cI#ires#ch l$nd to mitig$te f#t#re $dverse imp$cts, mitig$tion

l$nd co#ld e $cI#ired immedi$tel%. 

• ropert% m$% e le$sed or $ fr$nchise or licensegr$nted for $n% p#rpose, incl#ding #se $s $ f$cilit% $nd#se for #nrel$ted commerci$l, ind#stri$l, or $gric#lt#r$l

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p#rposes. C"ec. 227.0E2KdLF e$ses $nd fr$nchises m$%e gr$nted for $ period of #p to @0 %e$rs. C"ec. 227.0E2F 

As st$te owned propert% s#ch l$nd #se will not es#ect to $n% form of loc$l control or reg#l$tion.#rther, )oven$nts, conditions, restrictions, or 

limit$tions $ffecting propert% $cI#ired in $n% m$nner %the dep$rtment $re not inding $g$inst the dep$rtment$nd do not imp$ir the dep$rtmentBs $ilit% to #se the

propert% for $ p#rpose $#thori+ed % this ch$pter. C "ec.361.142F  &even#e gener$tion is the driving force.

)oncession$ires who $re $#thori+ed to negoti$te or otherwise p$rticip$te in le$ses or fr$nchises will not e

s#ect to the s$me politic$l press#res th$t serve toens#re $ re$son$le $ccommod$tion of $#tting

propert% owners $nd the comm#nities. $ndowners inthe pro>imit% of the corridor will lose $ll protections

the% presentl% h$ve $fforded them % cit% ordin$nces,co#nt% reg#l$tions, priv$te coven$nts, $nd deedrestrictions.

• ...contr$ct with $ person for the #se of p$rt of $tr$nsport$tion proect, or le$se or sell p$rt of $

tr$nsport$tion proect, incl#ding the right-of-w$%$doining the portion #sed to tr$nsport people $ndpropert%, for $n% p#rpose, incl#ding pl$cing on the

$doining right-of-w$% $ g$s st$tion, g$r$ge, store, hotel,rest$#r$nt, p$ring f$cilit%, r$ilro$d tr$c, illo$rd,

livestoc p$st#r$ge, telephone line or f$cilit%,telecomm#nic$tion line or f$cilit%, d$t$ tr$nsmission lineor f$cilit%, or electric line or f$cilit%, #nder terms set %

the $#thorit%. C"ec. 370.172K$LK2LF !his provisioneffectivel% $#thori+ed the p#rch$se $nd t$ing of priv$te

l$nd % the st$te $nd the s#seI#ent le$se or s$le of l$nd to priv$te commerci$l enterprises.

• An $#thorit% is e>empt from p$%ment of developmentfees, #tilit% connection fees, $ssessments, $nd service

fees imposed or $ssessed % $n% government$l entit% or 

$n% propert% ownersB or homeownersB $ssoci$tion.C"ec. 370.17@KLF !he fees $nd $ssessments m$de#ncollectile % this provision will res#lt in those

$ssoci$ted costs eing pl$ced $c on loc$l t$>p$%ers,#tilit% c#stomers $nd propert% owners.


• ...the dep$rtment m$% reI#ire $ person, incl#ding $government$l or priv$te entit%, to p$% $ fee $s $

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condition of #sing $n% p$rt of the !r$ns-!e>$s )orridor.C"ec. 227.0E1K$LF ;#nicip$l $nd other p#licl% owned#tilities present cross over $nd #nder st$te highw$%switho#t p$%ing $ #se fee. Applic$tion of this provisionwill res#lt in $n ongoing ch$rge to the loc$l t$>p$%er 

owned #tilities th$t cross the !r$ns-!e>$s )orridor.Hhere th$t fee m$% e p$id to $ concession$ire it willnot e s#ect to the s#pervision or reg#l$tion % the


• !olls, fees, f$res, or other #s$ge ch$rges $re nots#ect to s#pervision or reg#l$tion % $n% $genc% of 

this st$te or $nother government$l entit%. C"ec.370.172KdLF !his provision provides the opport#nit% for 

the concession$ire to h$ve $sol#te control over $lltolls, fees, f$res $nd #s$ge ch$rges within their segment

of the corridor. A concession$ire will not e s#ect tothe s$me politic$l press#res th$t serve to ens#re

re$son$le tolls, fees $nd ch$rges. 

• !he commission % order m$% convert $ segment of the free st$te highw$% s%stem to $ t#rnpie proect $ndtr$nsfer th$t segment to $n $#thorit%, or m$% tr$nsfer $ne>isting t#rnpie proect th$t is p$rt of the st$te highw$%

s%stem, whether previo#sl% tolled or not... C"ec.370.03@K$LF


• An $#thorit% m$% impose $ toll for tr$nsit over $ne>isting free ro$d, street, or p#lic highw$% tr$nsferredto the $#thorit% #nder this ch$pter. C"ec. 370.176K$LF

• ...$n $#thorit% m$% not p$% compens$tion for p#licre$l propert%, p$rw$%s, streets, highw$%s, $lle%s, or 

reserv$tions it t$es... C"ec. 370.16MK$LF  Hith thee>ception $ p$r, pl$%gro#nd, design$ted environment$lpreserve propert%, or propert% owned % or on eh$lf of this st$te th$t #nder l$w reI#ires compens$tion to this

st$te for the #se or $cI#isition of the propert%, nocompens$tion will e p$id for the t$ing of p#lic re$l

propert%. Accordingl%, ever% cit%, co#nt%, w$ter district,school district $nd st$te $genc% th$t owns l$nd notprotected % the few e>ceptions is $t ris of t$ing

witho#t compens$tion. oc$l t$>p$%ers will e$r thee>pense of repl$cing needed l$nd lost to the corridor K$t

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the r$te of one $cre ever% 36-feetL.

• An $#thorit% h$s f#ll e$sements $nd rights-of-w$%thro#gh, $cross, #nder, $nd over $n% propert% owned %the st$te or $n% loc$l government th$t $re necess$r% or 

convenient to constr#ct, $cI#ire, or efficientl% oper$te $tr$nsport$tion proect or s%stem... C"ec. 370.16MKcLF


roposition 1@*" 8&''N5 A&

pposition "$%s8orrowing mone% % iss#ing onds will m$e highw$%s more

e>pensive.8onding will not gener$te new mone% for highw$%s.

!oll ro$ds represent do#le t$>$tion.)re$tes $n incentive to t#rn toll proects into c$sh cows.

*sers of toll ro$ds will s#sidi+e other highw$%s.*ndermine legisl$tive oversight %p$ssing legisl$tive control

of $ tre$s#r%-$sed f#nd.

!he )$liforni$ >perience


!hen the state first e%braced toll roads# thin) tan)s#

 politicians and goern%entofficials couldn$t find enoughsuperlaties to describethe%'

8#t this p#lic-priv$te toll pl$n

t#rned into dis$ster.


)$mino )olomi$!oll &o$d

!he st$teBs first $nd onl%priv$te toll ro$d

f$ils, $n.B04.


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Si%ple logic should tell us it$s i%possible for the priatesector to

delier the sa%e serice for less and %a)e a profit as well' - llen . ($nnin, rofessor of $w, H$%ne "t$te *niversit%

$w "chool CmoreF


#rope$n !o#r 

&id you 'now that T!&8T sent their )alifornian attorney and Te!asTurnpi'e Authority &ivision &irector *hillip "ussell to urope formore than two wee's to sell the Trans-Te!as )orridor to potentialuropean partners The trip included stops in Hondon *aris"ome (adrid and 4arcelona and may be the most e!pensiveemployee travel in T!&8T history costing Te!as ta!payers morethan J32222. article "Texan wooed Europe ontrators!"  ?. ,ardner Selby San

 Antonio !press-News

0 would i%agine if you$re as)ing a priate2sector co%pany toinest billions of dollars# an e2%ail is not going to be

sufficient'G!e>$s &epresent$tive ;ie Jr#see, )h$irm$n of the o#se

!r$nsport$tion )ommittee K&-&o#nd &ocL

The effort seems to be wor'ing. T!&8T is 6uite proud of theinterest that the trip has generated including visits from a group ofSpanish highway construction firms.

#f T!&8T lands one of the multi-billion dollar investors they0re afterhow long do you thin' it will be before you see more )orridorconstruction start

&id you 'now that a uropean firm wor'ing with T!&8T describesthe entire Trans-Te!as )orridor pro/ect to have a development spanof up to three decades ven if they0re /ust being optimistic itcertainly sounds li'e the goal is to finish in <2 years R not start in<2 years.  lin' 

!he highw$%s of !e>$s $re #ilt $nd p$ved inp$rt % p$ths of gold le$ding to the !e>$s

5overnorBs ;$nsion. G &.5. &$tcliffe, ighw$%

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NHS H%. P)o)(* Co))"o)!B'<%)ou#"

9eginning with the Inter!odal Sur#ace Transportation :fciency Act o# E44E ?IST:A@" corridors ha1e been designated in Federal

transportation legislation as high priority corridors on the National$ighway Syste! ?N$S@ #or inclusion in the EM3"CCC-!ile appro1edN$S as specic routes or general corridors* The IST:A designated Ecorridors* Subse2uent legislation added additional corridors and bythe end o# CC5" there were o1er LC such corridors ?includingcorridors that are subsu!ed or partly subsu!ed in other high prioritycorridors*@ So!e o# the corridors are entirely within a single State suchas .rban $ighway orridor along (-54 in (ichigan or the 9ir!ingha!"Alaba!a Northern 9eltline* /ther corridors are !ulti-State such as the:ast-%est Transa!erica orridor #ro! =irginia through 8ansas or the I-J3J North-South orridor #ro! South arolina through (ichigan*

So!e corridors are along highways that are already essentiallyco!pleted and carrying trafc such as :cono!ic 'i#eline orridoralong I-E5 and I-C in ali#ornia" Ariona" and Ne1ada* /ther corridorsare generally along the path o# anticipated #uture highways such asthe corridor #ro! Sarnia" /ntario" anada" to the 'ower Rio ;rande=alley between Te+as and (e+ico* Finally" so!e o# these corridors aredescribed in detail in legislation" such as the the 0alton $ighway #ro!0eadhorse" Alaska to Fairbanks" Alaska* /thers are broadly denedsuch as the :1erett-Taco!a FAST Freight Action Strategy #or :1erett-Seattle-Taco!a orridor in %ashington State and so!e corridors aredened by re#erence to other legislation such as the ;eorgia

0e1elop!ental $ighway Syste! orridors identied in section 3-- o# the /fcial ode o# ;eorgia" Annotated*

C)(e) These corridors are ongressionally designated* The only criterion #orbeing a ongressionally designated $igh ,riority orridor is that it iswhat ongress designates*

A":#(%e o1 De!%#(o# ! Co#%)e!!o#l H%.

P)o)(* Co))"o)

As noted below #unding was pro1ided either directly or indirectly #orthese corridors in the current ?SAF:T:A-'.@ and the two pre1ious?IST:A and T:A-E@ !ultiyear sur#ace transportation authoriations*

#nding - '"!A

Section EEC5?#@ o# IST:A authoried #unding #or scal years E44through E44J #or so!e specic high priority corridor seg!ents" andSection EEC5?h@ authoried so!e additional #unding #or high priority

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corridor #easibility and design studies* N$S" ST, and 9ridge ,rogra!#unds authoried by IST:A !ay be used to #und i!pro1e!ents to highpriority corridors* In certain instances" Interstate (aintenance #undsauthoried by IST:A !ay be used to #und i!pro1e!ents to so!e highpriority corridor routes*

#nding - !A-21

Section EMC o# T:A-E authoried #unding #or scal years E44Lthrough CC3 #or so!e specic high priority corridor seg!ents* Also"#or!ula #unds #or the N$S" ST," 9ridge ,rogra!" and in certaininstances" Interstate (aintenance authoried by T:A-E were used to#und i!pro1e!ents to high priority corridors* In addition" beginning inFQ E444" the planning and de1elop!ent o# high priority corridors waseligible #or #unding under the discretionary National orridor ,lanningand 0e1elop!ent ,rogra!*

#nding - "A!A-*

=arious sections #or SAF:T:A-'. pro1ide #unds #or these high prioritycorridors* For e+a!ple" #or!ula #unds #or the N$S" ST," 9ridge,rogra!" the oordinated 9order In#rastructure ,rogra! and incertain instances" Interstate (aintenance !ay be used to #undi!pro1e!ents to high priority corridors* Also" so!e pro&ectsspecically identied under section E3CE ?,ro&ects o# Regional andNational Signicance@" E3C ?National orridor In#rastructureI!pro1e!ent progra!@ and EJCE ?$igh ,riority ,ro&ects progra!@ will

support i!pro1e!ents to these corridors* In Section E3C?d@ o#SAF:T:A-'." the #ollowing phrase appears" 7There are authoried tobe appropriated to carry out" in accordance with title 3" .nitedStates ode" pro&ects on corridors identied in section EEC5?c@ o# theInter!odal Sur#ace Transportation :fciency Act o# E44E ?ECE Stat*C3@ such su!s as !ay be necessary*7 $owe1er neither SectionEECE o# SAF:T:A-'. ?Authoriation o# appropriations@ nor any otherSection o# SAF:T:A-'. pro1ided any #unding to carry out thispro1ision*

De!%#(o#! ! I#(e)!((e! Rou(e!

Section EEC5?e@ o# the IST:A" as a!ended" designates all or portionso# #ourteen high priority corridors as #uture parts o# the Interstatesyste! and authories the Secretary to add seg!ents o# the corridorsto the Interstate Syste! when certain criteria are !et*

Lo'(o# o1 Co))"o)!

Statutory listing o# orridor 0escriptionsorridor nu!bers correspond to Statutory listing in Section EEC5?c@ o#IST:A" as a!ended 

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A)+! (o Bu* 20 Pe)'e#( o1 N!"8 Pol('#! Jue!(o# Del

Friday September 1G 122Khttp$$!$story$21B<<1BK=DG22.html 

*@ AOE L *asdaM 0toc +aret nc. str4c a comple>

deal to sell a 2 percent stae to the state#owned Forse14bai in ret4rn !or control o! 0wedens leadin stoc maret,b4t the plan met with some M4estions !rom <.0. politiciansconcerned it wo4ld raise sec4rity iss4es.

The sale of the Nasda6 sta'e is part of a flurry of cross-border handsha'ingunveiled Thursday that holds potential to rema'e the already shiftinglandscape of global stoc' e!changes.

#f enacted the Nasda6 deal would let the e!change meet a long-held goal ofplanting a flag overseas as its larger rival the New Oor' Stoc' !change did

this year with the ac6uisition of *aris-based urone!t.

Nasda60s plan would allow it to sidestep a further bidding war with cash-rich4orse &ubai for Sweden0s 8(% while &ubai gains footholds in both Nasda6and the Hondon Stoc' !change. Nasda6 Stoc' (ar'et #nc. would pay &ubaiGG.D billion 'ronor 9JG.K1 billion: in cash. 4orse &ubai would get a GB.BBpercent sta'e in Nasda6 and two of G3 board seats in combined Nasda6-8(%. 4orse &ubai0s voting rights would be limited to = percent howeverperhaps to help assuage concerns that a (iddle astern government wouldfor the first time own a sizable chun' of a U.S. e!change.

Nasda6 plans to use proceeds from the deal to pay down debt and repurchasestoc'.

4ut a potential complication arose only hours later when a group from Matarsaid it become the largest sta'eholder in the Hondon e!change. Matar hasshown interest in 8(% and could perhaps try to spoil 4orse &ubai0s bid forthat e!change.

#f Matar doesn0t try to disrupt the deal two state-owned investment vehiclescould in total control nearly half of the <22-year-old HS urope0s largeste!change.

The transactions are sub/ect to approval by shareholders and regulators inurope and the United States. Nasda6 and 4orse &ubai said the agreementshad unanimous support on both boards.

*olitical scrutiny could further complicate the desires of the ac6uisitivee!changes.

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U.S. Sen. )harles . Schumer &-N.O. chairman of the 7oint conomic)ommittee and a senior member of the Senate 4an'ing )ommitteee!pressed doubts about the deal saying at this early stage this deal gives mepause. Schumer sent a letter to the Treasury &epartment see'ing a review ofthe deal.

+owever *resident 4ush told reporters at a wide-ranging news conference in?ashington that he was concerned protectionism would hamper economicgrowth.

?e0re going to ta'e a good loo' at it as to whether or not it has any nationalsecurity implications involved in the transaction. And #0m comfortable with theprocess to go forward 4ush said.

+ouse Spea'er Nancy *elosi &-)alif. said while she would want to learnmore about the deal the Nasda6 plan didn0t appear to raise the same

concerns as an effort GC months ago by a &ubai state-owned company topurchase operating rights at si! U.S. ports.

That proposal touched off a firestorm of protest in )ongress which ultimatelys6uelched the deal. #n the aftermath of the controversy ?ashington passed alaw re6uiring that investments by foreign state-owned companies undergo anadditional D=-day investigation by government officials on top of a standard<2-day review.

Hegal e!perts said the transaction will face scrutiny by U.S. governmentagencies and on )apitol +ill though it0s too early to tell whether steps will be

ta'en to scuttle the deal.

"onald (eltzer an attorney at law firm ?ilmer+ale said political concernsabout the &ubai firm0s investment are li'ely due as much to the company0s(iddle ast location as any innate security concerns about the deal.

4ut Nasda6 )hief !ecutive 4ob ,reifeld said the initial reception to its planshad been a warm one.

?e0ve had some outreach with politicians today and the response has beenvery favorable he said on a conference call.

Nasda6 said it would submit the deal to the federal )ommittee on Foreign#nvestment or )F#US which reviews ac6uisitions of American companies byforeign entities for security concerns.

,reifeld told reporters in Stoc'holm he believed the U.S. Securities and!change )ommission would be positive toward the agreement.

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#t0s a good transaction for the U.S. capital mar'ets system and it will ma'esure that Nasda6 is a 'ey player in the global consolidation he said. #t0s our

 /ob to communicate that to legislators and regulators and clearly.

4ut beyond any political headwind in the United States the latest round of

global dealma'ing only furthers a rapid consolidation among the world0se!changes as the rise of electronic trading threatens to further s6ueeze profitmargins.

The multilayered Nasda6 plan would allow it to buy 8(% from 4orse &ubaiand in turn sell the bul' of its holdings in the HS to 4orse &ubai. Nasda6said it would sell the HS sta'e after failing to ta'e over the e!change. Stillwanting a footprint overseas Nasda6 turned its focus to 8(% which operatesstoc' and derivatives e!changes in Sweden &enmar' #celand Finland and inthe 4altic countries of stonia Hatvia and Hithuania.

 Analysts cautioned that the Matar #nvestment Authority which bought 12percent of the Hondon e!change could try to disrupt the bid from &ubai a city-state within the United Arab mirates.

&ubai has been an aggressive suitor of businesses and tourists as it see's todiversify its economy beyond its oil wealth which has helped ban'roll a hugeboom in business and tourism.

)ubillas &ing a senior analyst at )elent in Hondon said 4orse &ubai couldharbor ambitions of setting up an entity that would eventually hold a group ofglobal e!changes a'in to the marriage that combined the NOS with the

e!changes of urone!t.

#t0s hard for me to see what really strategically they0re trying to do he said.They have the money but whether the thin'ing behind it is clear #0m not sosure. The e!change landscape is going through 6uite an uncertain period.They0re coming under price pressures.

The HS which has fought off a multitude of bids in the past few years hadno immediate comment on the Nasda6-4orse &ubai deal but said itwelcomed the purchase of a sta'e by the government of Matar.

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ornyn)s bill re2uires the go1ern!ent o# (e+ico to raise ta+ re1enue toEL percent o# the gross national product* The current ta+ rate isappro+i!ately 4 percent*

7The purpose o# this #und is to rein#orce e<orts already underway in

(e+ico to ensure their ?sic@ own econo!ic de1elop!ent"7 ornyn said*7The #unding would !ake grants a1ailable #or pro&ects to constructroads in (e+ico" to #acilitate trade" to de1elop and e+pand theireducation progra!s" to build in#rastructure #or the deploy!ent o##ommuni#ations seri#es and to i!pro1e &ob training and work#orcede1elop!ent #or high-growth industries*7

As %N0 reported recently" opposition is !ounting to si!ilar progra!s"including ,resident 9ush)s North A!erican Security and ,rosperity,artnership*

,lans by goernment agen#ies and pri1ate #oundations alike pro!otingdeeper cooperation between the three countries including e1en aplan #or a co!!on currency called the 7a!ero7 are getting !orescrutiny in the !edia" by acti1ists and by public ofcials*

'ou 0obbs o# NN a #re2uent critic o# 9ush)s i!!igration policies has been !ost outspoken*

7A regional prosperity and se#urity 'rogram]7 he asked rhetorically in arecent cablecast* 7This is absolute ignorance* And the #act that we are we reported this" we should point out" when it was signed* 9ut" as we

watch this thing progress" these working groups are continuing* They)re intensi#ying* %hat in the world are these people thinkingabout] Qou know" I was asked the other day about whether or not Ireally thought the A!erican people had the sto!ach to stand up andstop this nonsense" this direction #ro! a group o# elites" an absolutecontra1ention o# our law" o# our onstitution" e1ery national 1alue* AndI hope" I pray that I)! right when I said yes* 9ut this is I !ean" this is beyond belie#*7

Rep* To! Tancredo" R-olo*" the chair!an o# the $ouse%mmigration Reorm aucus as well as author o# the newbook" 7In (ortal 0anger"7 !ay be the only electedofcial to challenge openly the plans #or the newsuperstate*

Responding to a %orldNet0aily report" Tancredo isde!anding the 9ush ad!inistration #ully disclose the acti1ities o# thego1ern!ent ofce i!ple!enting the trilateral agree!ent that has noauthoriation #ro! ongress*

"ep. Tom Tancredo "-)olo.

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 The Resource enter 9ulletin

 The Resource enter 9ulletin is published 2uarterly by theResource enter* The 9ulletin e+plores .*S* inHuence in (e+ico"entral A!erica" and the aribbean*

,eaceNet(ail 9o+ 5CM" Albu2uer2ue" N( LJE4M,hone ?5C5@ L-LLL Fa+ ?5C5@ M-EMCE

%inter E443 ;lobal apitalis!" ;lobal .nionis!

9y $arry 9rowne and 9eth Si!s

 The proposal #or the North A!erican Free Trade Agree!ent ?NAFTA@sounded a wake-up call #or organied labor in the .nited States*Signed in 0ece!ber and due to be 1oted on in the legislatures o# anada" (e+ico" and the .nited States this year" NAFTArepresents a #urther step toward the globaliation o# the .*S*econo!y* NAFTA will eli!inate all tari<s and !ost otherbarriers to trade and in1est!ent a!ong the three participatingcountries by the end o# CCL* 9ut the trade accord threatens tointensi#y the runaway plant pheno!enon" the loss o# .*S*production and &obs to co!petition #ro! cheap #oreign i!ports"and the downward pressure on wages and benets that ha1e !arked

!ost o# the last two decades* The uni!peded How o# capital andgoods in the region will place workers in all three countries indirect co!petition with each other" raising #ears that laborstandards and wages will be dragged down in the .nited Statesand anada rather than raised in (e+ico*  9ecause o# these concerns" NAFTA #ocused .*S* labor)sattention on (e+ico" #orcing a long o1erdue e<ort to e1aluatethe labor !o1e!ent there and to strengthen relations with its1arious ele!ents* :specially i# NAFTA is adopted" .*S* labor!ust continue to e+pand and deepen its contacts with (e+icanunions* Accelerating .*S*-(e+ico econo!ic integration !eans that

increasing nu!bers o# laborers in (e+ico and the .nited Stateswork #or the sa!e transnational r!s* The unions representingor seeking to represent these workers will benet #ro! sharingin#or!ation and coordinating bargaining strategies* /n theglobal scale" .*S* labor !ust continue to de1elop and pro!oteits 1iew o# an international trading syste! based on #airness sothat labor rights" li1ing standards" and the en1iron!ent are not#urther degraded under the banner o# enhancing co!petiti1eness*

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:+panding co!!unication with (e+ican unions is a crucial part o# this e<ort and is the #ocus o# this e+cerpt #ro! our upco!ingbook" The ;reat 0i1ide The hallenges o# .*S*-(e+ico Relationsin the E44Cs*  Since the E4JCs" (e+ico has been one o# the !ost i!portant

battlegrounds in .*S* labor)s struggle to keep &obs #ro! !o1ingo1erseas* 'ow wages" !ini!al regulations" a largely unorganiedwork #orce" and geographic pro+i!ity !ade (e+ican !a2uiladorasirresistibly attracti1e #or !any .*S*-based !anu#acturers* 9utthese sa!e characteristics also !ade (e+ico an e+cellent place#or .*S* unions to begin to de1elop a !ore e<ecti1einternational strategy* Ne1ertheless" until the early E44Cs theAF'-I/)s approach in (e+ico !irrored its international strategyelsewhere support #or a stable" capitalist syste! outranked thepursuit o# genuine labor rights e1en when !ore 1igorousorganiing e<orts by independent unions were crucial to .*S*

workers as well as (e+icans*  Fro! the A!erican Federation o# 'abor)s support #or the!ost conser1ati1e #orces in the (e+ican Re1olution to outrightracis! against (e+ican workers in !ore recent years" organiedlabor in the .nited States see!ed bent on alienating progressi1eele!ents in the (e+ican labor !o1e!ent* 9etween the world wars"so!e labor leaders organied anti-(e+ican dri1es that in1ol1edboth inti!idation and illegal deportation* For !uch o# thecentury !any .*S* unions or union locals re#used to ad!it(e+icans or (e+ican-A!ericans as !e!bers* And the AF'-I/ andothers #re2uently bla!ed (e+ican i!!igrants--and !ore recently"

workers in the (e+ican !a2uiladora industry--#or causingune!ploy!ent in the .nited States*  For decades the AF'-I/ see!ed undisturbed by itsalienation o# (e+ican unionists* 9ut in the late E4LCs" andespecially a#ter the #ree trade proposal" the #ederation beganto pay #or its neglect* The AF'-I/)s central role in organiingand #unding the binational oalition #or Dustice in the(a2uiladoras" #or instance" !ade so!e (e+ican organiations waryo# the coalition)s purposes* In at least one case a .*S* groupturned down the coalition)s in1itation to &oin #or #ear o# da!aging its working relations with (e+ican counterparts*

 Tentati1e 9eginnings

  The rst signs o# changing attitudes and strategies withinthe labor !o1e!ent appeared at the grassroots le1el* In the lateE4JCs a nu!ber o# union locals and district ofces o# the AF'-I/ scrapped e<orts to pre1ent i!!igrants #ro! entering the.nited States" #ocusing instead on organiing new workers and

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i!pro1ing the obser1ance o# their labor rights* Notsurprisingly" the rst to do so were !ostly in the Southwest*In ali#ornia)s 'os Angeles and /range counties the AF'-I/launched an organiing dri1e in E4JJ targeted at undocu!entedworkers" and #ollowed this se1eral years later with a si!ilar

dri1e in :l ,aso* Nu!erous 'os Angeles union locals #ollowedsuit" signing up undocu!ented workers and helping de#end the!against deportation when necessary*  In a conte+t o# increasing econo!ic integration thetheoretical &u!p #ro! organiing i!!igrant (e+ican workers andi!pro1ing their working conditions here to working with (e+icanunions toward the sa!e ends in (e+ico is a s!all one* In bothcases e!powering workers with the lowest wages and the worstworking conditions not only is !orally co!!endable" but alsohelps protect the standards o# better-o< workers* $owe1er" thepractical &u!p #ro! working with (e+icans in the .nited States

to seeking cross-border partners" de1eloping &oint strategies"and de1oting li!ited resources to international solidarity isdaunting* As a result" cross-border work re!ained li!ited toisolated e<orts by relati1ely s!all unions ?or by a #ewindi1iduals within larger unions@ until the late E4LCs*  Far! labor unions" !any o# whose !e!bers are (e+icani!!igrants" led the way in working directly with (e+icanorganiations on co!!on pro&ects* 9eginning in E4J4 the ArionaFar! %orkers union won clauses in !any o# its labor contractsre2uiring e!ployers to contribute ten ?and later twenty@ centsper worker-hour to a de1elop!ent #und* The #und paid #or

agricultural and co!!unity pro&ects in the workers) ho!etowns in(e+ico*  In E4LJ the /hio-based Far! 'abor /rganiing o!!ittee?F'/@ sought help #ro! the National .nion o# Far! %orkers?SNT/A@ in (e+ico* A year earlier" during F'/)s negotiationswith a!pbell Soup" the co!pany threatened to !o1e to!ato pasteproduction to (e+ico" where it already operated a cannery* F'/o1erca!e this threat" but anticipating a!pbell)s use o# (e+icoas a bargaining tool in #uture negotiations" F'/ reached out toSNT/A" the union that represents workers at a!pbell)s to!atopaste #actory in Sinaloa* The two organiations launched the

.*S*-(e+ico :+change ,rogra! and ha1e continued to e+changein#or!ation and de1elop bargaining strategies to work #or 7wage1s* li1ing cost parity"7 #ull e!ploy!ent" protection o# 7guestworkers7 in the .nited States" and the de1elop!ent o# 7strongand de!ocratic7 unions in both countries* In E4L4 F'/)ssolidarity and the !obiliation o# its support network helpedSNT/A win a wage increase so!e E5 percent higher than thego1ern!ent)s legal cap #or that year*

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ounterproducti1e Alliances

  .ntil E44C none o# the industrial unions ca!e close to#orging si!ilarly close ties with (e+ican counterparts* This

#ailure occurred despite the #act that .*S* corporations#re2uently threatened to ship work to (e+ico during contractnegotiations" and despite the steady ties that the AF'-I/ has!aintained with (e+ico)s ofcial union" the on#ederation o# (e+ican %orkers ?T(@* .ntil recently the AF'-I/ posted a #ull-ti!e sta< person to T( head2uarters in (e+ico ity* The AF'-I/ also pro1ides training in the .nited States #or up to twentyT( sta< !e!bers each year" in a progra! #unded by the .*S*Agency #or International 0e1elop!ent*  9ut the .*S* labor #ederation has been unable to parlay itsrelationship with the T( into an e<ecti1e organiing dri1e

a!ong e+port-oriented asse!bly plants" the part o# the (e+icanecono!y o# greatest i!portance to .*S* workers* T( ofcialsha1e repeatedly pro!ised to !ake organiing these plants--especially the !a2uiladoras--a priority" and &ust as repeatedlyha1e co!!itted the!sel1es to encouraging the growth o# theindustry by ensuring labor peace* In the !id-E4JCs the ofcialunions collaborated with the go1ern!ent and !a2uila e!ployers tocrush a series o# strikes and the independent labor groups thatorganied the!* In E4L3 T( head Fidel =el 2ue inter1ened tobreak a strike at ^enith)s Reynosa plant--then the largest!a2uiladora in the country--twice nulli#ying elections #or local

T( ofcials and cooperating with ^enith)s #orced resignationo# ten local acti1ists* In E4L4" a#ter the T( won an interunionbattle #or representation at a nu!ber o# plants in Reynosa"=el 2ue reportedly pro!ised 1isiting .*S* !e!bers o# ongressthat there would be no #urther labor proble!s*  There is not necessarily a contradiction between =el 2ue)co!!it!ents to organie the !a2uiladoras and to pro!ote theindustry* The !a2uiladora progra! co!petes directly with low-wage e+port-processing ones around the globe" and one o# theprincipal arenas o# co!petition is the stability o# the work#orce* Attracting in1estors !eans controlling worker acti1is!"

and the !ost direct way the T( and other ofcial unions can dothat is to organie workers under their own banners* Accountsabound o# the efciency with which ofcial unions per#or! this#unction* The Dalisco (a2uila Association" #or e+a!ple" hasad1ised new !e!bers to accept the T(" 7especially since unionsin ;uadala&ara tend to #acilitate rather than i!pede internalplant relations*7  The #ounder o# (e+ico)s rst industrial park" located in

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iudad Du re" had nothing but praise #or the city)s labor chie# in E4LE 7'uis =idal has always been understanding* $e has beena big help to us" and I think it)s been to our ad1antage to ha1ea labor leader like =idal--1ery" 1ery ad1antageous*7 The general!anager o# an asse!bly plant in Reynosa was e1en !ore e+plicit*

7%e had so!e labor proble!s" so along with a doen other plantswe went to (e+ico ity to !ake a special arrange!ent with theT(* It was ti!e-consu!ing and e+pensi1e" but we arranged toha1e a special union leader that our co!panies can deal with* ** * I# you ha1e any disruptions in the plant" they are 1eryhelp#ul with that" too*7  The T()s reluctance to stray #ro! go1ern!ent econo!icpolicy" and its repression o# independent labor acti1ists who!ight take a !ore !ilitant stand has not persuaded the AF'-I/to support other unions or independent organiing e<orts* .ntilrecently" the #ederation #ailed e1en to e+pand its contacts

outside o# ofcial union circles* The reason !ost #re2uentlycited #or this co!!it!ent to the T( is the weakness o# theindependent union !o1e!ents--it !akes !ore sense" in this 1iew"to work with an i!per#ect partner that can get so!ething donethan with a partner that agrees on i!portant issues but ispowerless* 9ut the AF'-I/)s o1erseas history suggests thatanother reason #or its past #ailure to support de!ocratic union!o1e!ents in (e+ico !ay be the .*S* #ederation)s interest inpolitical stability" which includes pre1enting the e!ergence o# le#tist labor !o1e!ents*  Qet another likely reason is that established unions and

labor #ederations in all countries are reluctant to deal withdissident !o1e!ents abroad #or #ear o# setting a precedent* 7Assoon as you start dealing with non-ofcial labor unions inother countries" you open it up to their dealing with non-ofcial bodies in this country"7 noted an acade!ic obser1er o# international labor relations*  %hether out o# allegiance to the T( or ignorance o# the(e+ican labor situation" the attitudes o# AF'-I/ afliatestoward (e+ico !irrored that o# the #ederation until the lateE4LCs* In so!e cases" .*S* union leaders re&ected the approacheso# independent (e+ican labor groups* The Septe!ber E4th National

;ar!ent %orkers .nion--na!ed #or the date o# (e+ico ity)sde1astating E4L5 earth2uake--pro1ides a case in point* Seekinginternational support #or its Hedgling organiing e<ort a!ongthe sea!stresses o# (e+ico ity)s sweatshops" Septe!ber E4thunion representati1es tra1eled to New Qork and then across thecountry to 'os Angeles" 1isiting the head2uarters and a nu!bero# locals o# the two largest .*S* gar!ent workers) unions* The(e+icans were largely ignored by the hierarchy o# the

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International 'adies ;ar!ent %orkers .nion and the A!alga!atedlothing and Te+tile %orkers .nion ?AT%.@* %hat is !ore" bothhead2uarters sent instructions to their locals 7warning the! notto recei1e the 1isitors" since they weren)t part o# the T("7according to a .*S* labor acti1ist working with the 1isiting

group* This attitude was especially surprising in the case o# AT%." since the union was an outspoken opponent o# the AF'-I/)s policies in entral A!erica at the ti!e*  7The ?.*S*@ unions were uninterested7 in the 1isit"according to a #or!er AT%. sta< !e!ber* 7(e+ico &ust didn)te+ist in the !inds o# the trade union hierarchy at the ti!e* Allthey talked about was the aribbean 9asin Initiati1e*7 9ut the#arther the (e+ican workers got #ro! New Qork" the !orerecepti1e .*S* unionists were* In 'os Angeles" local leadersorganied a 'abor Solidarity Network to support the new union)se<orts* They were #orced to do so in#or!ally" howe1er" without

ofcial union backing*  j93C$:A0- O A hange o# $eart]  NAFTA ended labor)s inaction* A nu!ber o# union ofcialsrecognied that political acti1ity within the .nited States wasonly hal# o# the response that NAFTA re2uired* The anti-NAFTAcoalitions o# labor" en1iron!ental" consu!er" and other groupsrepresented e+citing new possibilities in the .nited States"but" as the political director o# the .nited :lectrical %ork-ers said" 7(uch o# the work in those coalitions is ulti!atelylegislati1e* %e don)t think that)s enough* * * In the last tenyears" the .: has lost EC"CCC &obs to (e+ico alone* The answer

that too o#ten gets ignored by the labor !o1e!ent is solidarityacross borders*7  The prospect o# #ree trade with (e+ico #orced labor leadersto take a long-ter! 1iew* ;radually the AF'-I/ began to realiethat e1en de#eating NAFTA--itsel# a great challenge gi1enlabor)s poor legislati1e record--would do little to keep &obsand in1est!ent in the .nited States o1er the long haul* apitalwill !o1e abroad with or without a North A!erican agree!ent*  %hat ties workers in di<erent countries together is not anabstract concept o# worker solidarity" but the concretepheno!enon o# the internationaliation o# capital* The

internationaliation o# organied labor--in a 1ariety o# #or!s--has to be part o# the solution* 9ut in what #or!s] And how toget there] In de1eloping answers to these 2uestions" unions ha1epiggybacked onto the agendas #or regional integration set bytheir go1ern!ents* In :urope labor organiations ha1e &oined#orces to shape the 7social charter7 that sets labor anden1iron!ental standards #or the :uropean o!!unity* In NorthA!erica" awakened by NAFTA" so!e unionists are atte!pting to

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de1elop a si!ilar continental social #orce in league withanadian and (e+ican groups*  ;i1en the history o# cross-border relations" howe1er" both(e+ican and .*S* unions ha1e proceeded cautiously* In !anycases" union sta<ers here ha1e had only a di! picture o# the

politically co!ple+ (e+ican labor scene* A #ew unionists ha1egained a head start in the e<ort to identi#y appropriate(e+ican counterparts through their participation in a series o# bi- and trinational e+changes launched in E4LL* Sponsored by as!all" New Qork-based group called (e+ico-.*S* 0i logos" thee+changes brought together North A!erican counterparts #ro!di<erent social sectors to share perspecti1es" proble!s" andideas #or the #uture*  /ther .*S* unions ha1e !ade contacts through e<orts tolink NAFTA opponents across North A!erica* At an /ctober E44Etrinational" anti-NAFTA !eeting in ^acatecas" (e+ico" #or

e+a!ple" .: representati1es !et ofcials o# the Authentic 'aborFront ?FAT@* The two groups ha1e since e!barked on the !ostconcrete e+a!ple o# labor solidarity to date" agreeing tocooperate in organiing !a2uiladora workers* The e<ort is#ocusing on 7runaway7 plants that started up in (e+ico a#tershutting down .:-represented shops in the .nited States* /therunions" including the o!!unications %orkers o# A!erica and theSer1ice :!ployees International .nion" ha1e also set up contactswith (e+ican unionists*  $as there been a change o# heart within .*S* labor] To besure" cross-border interest and acti1ities ha1e picked up

considerably" but to !any long-ignored (e+icans this s!acks o# opportunis!" born o# .*S* labor)s struggle to de#eat NAFTA*%hether the interest endures" and whether the scope o# NorthA!erican labor cooperation e+pands beyond !ere state!ents o# solidarity depends on changes in the labor !o1e!ents o# both(e+ico and the .nited States* (e+ican unions will ha1e onlyli!ited options #or cross-border cooperation as long as theyre!ain dependent on the go1ern!ent and inattenti1e to their!e!bership* .nions in the .nited States will ha1e to o1erco!e alegacy o# arrogance" racis!" and unilateralis!" and anentrenched hierarchy whose apparently inHe+ible world 1iews

were shaped during the old %ar*

Forging ross-9order 'inks

  A new international outlook #or .*S* labor would o# courseha1e to e+tend beyond the %estern $e!isphere* 9ut North A!ericais the rst testing ground" and whether opti!is! or pessi!is!is warranted will be deter!ined by the e1olution o# nascent

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.*S*-(e+ico-anada labor ties* Acti1ists see two paths that !ustbe blaed one that leads to coordinated bargaining strategiesa!ong e!ployees o# indi1idual transnational corporations" andanother that leads to the adoption by all three countries o# en#orceable !ini!u! labor standards*

  In February E44 the .A% did !ake a concrete e+pression o# international solidarity" contributing BE5"CCC to the strike#und o# a !a2uiladora union in (ata!oros" (e+ico* Thecontribution ca!e in response to the (e+ican go1ern!ent)s arresto# that union)s leader" Agapito ;on le" on charges o# ta+e1asion* The arrest was a blatant and e<ecti1e e<ort to gi1e!a2uila operators in (ata!oros an ad1antage in theirnegotiations with the union* ;on le" a long-ti!e T( ofcial"was released nine !onths later* $e heads the Industrial Dourney!en and %orkers .nion" which represents workers atnu!erous plants owned by .*S* auto !akers* $is relati1ely

asserti1e negotiating tactics achie1ed wages in the (ata!oros!a2uiladoras roughly 5 percent higher than those in otherborder cities*  As a rst step toward &oint bargaining strategies and inorder to prod the union hierarchy into greater acti1is!"grassroots groups began conducting cross-border workere+changes* These e+changes proli#erated a#ter a group called(u&er a (u&er ?%o!an to %o!an@ began sponsoring 1isits by(e+ican unionists to the .nited States in E4L5* Such e+changesplay a crucial role in enhancing rank-and-le understanding o# the process o# globaliation and add a hu!an signicance to

calls #or international solidarity*  AT%. has pro!oted se1eral such e+changes" and has begun toshare in#or!ation about specic co!panies with se1eral (e+icanlabor organiations" including so!e independent groups* 7%e)retalking with anybody we can talk with7 in (e+ico" said AT%.research director Ron 9lackwell* In so!e cases the talkingincludes progra!!atic work" potentially in1ol1ing &ointca!paigns targeting specic co!panies* Se1eral locals o# theSer1ice :!ployees International .nion ha1e tra1eled to (e+ico to!eet with counterparts* Representati1es o# 'ocal J4C in SanFrancisco were i!pressed with opposition party leader uauht!oc

rdenas--an ally o# FAT--and sent obser1ers to !onitor state-le1el elections in (ichoac n in E44*  Another &oint e<ort sprang #ro! the labor 1iolations thatare all too co!!on in (e+ico* A#ter the !urder o# a (e+ican Fordworker in Danuary E44C" se1eral o# his co-workers tra1eled tothe .nited States and anada seeking support #ro! the .nitedAuto %orkers ?.A%@ and the anadian Auto %orkers* The anadiansand a couple o# .A% locals--in St* ,aul" (innesota" and 8ansas

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ity" (issouri--launched publicity ca!paigns and encouragedtheir !e!bers to write Ford)s corporate head2uarters and the(e+ican go1ern!ent* 0elegations o# .*S* and anadian autoworkers tra1eled to uautitl n--&ust north o# (e+ico ity--to!eet with the dissidents and to leaHet at the plant)s gates*

/fcials o# the St* ,aul local publicly challenged Forde+ecuti1es to e+plain the co!pany)s apparent 1iolation o# basiclabor rights in (e+ico* The acti1ists caused enough trouble #orFord in the .nited States that the co!pany de!anded that (e+icanunionists cut their ties to .*S* groups be#ore they wouldrecei1e their se1erance pay*  I# the .A% as a whole had picked up on these !e!bers)e<orts" acti1ists argue" Ford would think twice be#ore abusingits (e+ican workers) rights again* 9ut the .A% hierarchy wasreluctant to #ollow the acti1ists) lead and re#rained #ro!organiing a sy!bolic unionwide action" !uch less sponsoring

trips to (e+ico or pro1iding nancial support to the (e+icandissidents) Ford 0e!ocratic %orkers (o1e!ent*  In addition to building direct contacts and #orging &ointstrategies with cross-border counterparts" a secondinternational labor strategy in1ol1es the establish!ent o# en#orceable !ini!u! labor standards* :n#orcing e+isting laws isa rst step in this process* In the .nited States" this !eansusing the pro1isions o# the E4L Trade and Tari< Act thatre2uire countries to !eet internationally recognied !ini!u!labor standards in order to gain duty-#ree access to the .*S*!arket #or their goods*

  In E44E a group o# .*S* acti1ists led a petition with the.nited States Trade Representati1e ?.STR@ re2uesting that(e+ican e+ports be denied eligibility #or duty-#ree treat!ent"based on the 1iolation o# workers) rights at the Ford plant inuautitl n" a!ong other ite!s* The .STR re&ected the petitionout o# hand" illegally #ailing to detail its reasons* 7$ow doyou o1erlook the #act that (e+ican workers are routinely red"beaten" disappeared" shot" and e1en killed #or e+ercising theirright to de!ocratic trade unionis!]7 asked petitioner and Fordworker To! 'aney in a 7re!inder letter7 to .STR arla $ills*7The only reason #or their re&ection I can think o# is that it

would !ess up their negotiations o# NAFTA"7 he said*  The trade ofce)s re&ection o# the petition highlightedthe difculty o# relying on indi1idual nations to en#orceinternational labor rights* The process as it is now structuredis hostage to the political priorities o# the e+ecuti1e branch*9ut labor rights acti1ists argue that only by bringing cases"ling suits" and de!onstrating the syste!)s ine<ecti1enesswill they be able to #orce the issue onto the national agenda*

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And only by working closely with labor organiations around theglobe will acti1ists be able to build trust" incorporateconcerns" and create an international !o1e!ent to include laborrights in international trade and in1est!ent agree!ents*  This is an area ripe #or .*S*-(e+ican labor cooperation*

Such issues as occupational health and sa#ety" the rights tobargain collecti1ely and to strike without being red" and theen#orce!ent o# child labor laws are issues on which both sidesshould be able to agree* The debate o1er NAFTA pro1ides aplat#or! #or raising labor standards in policy circles" e1en i# NAFTA itsel# is not !odied*  (uch trickier" howe1er" and !ore i!portant in the long run"is the 2uestion o# how to guarantee that workers are #ree to &oin the union o# their choice and de!ocratically elect theirleaders* It !ay well be that working toward these goals !eansthat .*S* labor will ha1e to weaken or se1er its ties with

ofcial (e+ican unions* It al!ost certainly !eans pro1iding!oral and !aterial support to independent unions in (e+ico andapplying strong political pressure in the .nited States*  9ut .*S* unions !ust also strengthen their own positionsthrough grassroots organiing" de!ocratie their own internalstructures" and learn to think on a consistently global plane*7orporations already !ake plans and build alliances as thoughnational borders were not e1en there"7 notes Doe Fahey"president o# Tea!sters 'ocal 4E" which lost hundreds o# &obswhen its ;reen ;iant plant ran away to cheaper pastures in(e+ico* 7'abor has a long way to go to catch up*7


A!erican 'abor :ducation enter" CCC , St* N% 3CC" %ashington"0 CC3M* ,hone ?C@ LL-5EJC*

oalition #or Dustice in the (a2uiladoras" 3EC %* Ashby" SanAntonio" T JLL* ,hone ?5E@ J3-L45J*

International 'abor Rights :ducation and Research Fund" ,/ 9o+J" ECC (aryland A1e* N:" %ashington" 0 CCC* ,hone ?C@


0an 'a 9ot" (ask o# 0e!ocracy 'abor Suppression in (e+ico Today ?9oston South :nd ,ress" E44@*

8e1in D* (iddlebrook" ed*" .nions" %orkers" and the State in(e+ico ?San 0iego enter #or .*S*-(e+ican Studies" E44E@*

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8i! (oody and (ary (c;inn" .nions and Free Trade Solidarity 1s*o!petition ?0etroit 'abor Notes" E44@*

North A!erican %orker-to-%orker Network" J35 (ichigan A1e*"0etroit" (I LEC* ,hone ?3E3@ L-MM*



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Ford (otor )ompany@s global visioning continues to ran' it in the top three of theautomotive industry worldwide. This research e!plores Ford@s long term strategicplanning in terms of global operations the North American hemisphere and the


(")&'!'N &( ;!& );AN 

Ford (otor )ompany started as a G2-man operation with +enry Ford in GB2<. #nGB2= Ford (otor )ompany of )anada Htd. started operations positioning Fordfor the future globalization in the automotive mar'ets. Since then Ford has heldG<> of the world mar'et and is the second largest producer of cars and truc's

with active manufacturing assembly or sales operations in the thirty countries onsi! continents 9http$$$archive$fordhistory1222.html:. ?ith respectto sales Ford ran's second on Fortune@s list of the largest U.S. industrialcorporations. 

 Anticipating that trade barriers would fall and a future for regional trade bloc'sFord established Ford of urope 9GB3K: 12 years before the )Vs arrival and theNorth American Automotive 8perations 9GBKG: and finally twenty-three yearsbefore the NAFTA. These strategic moves have facilitated Ford@s globalpositioning in the automotive industry 9http$$$historyglobal.html:. 

&el$tive import$nce of )$n$d$, *nited "t$tes $nd ;e>ico 

Ninety five percent 9B=>: of the total automobile production mar'et share in theNorth American hemisphere is concentrated within four countries United States4razil )anada and (e!ico. #n GBB3 the total )anadian (e!ican and Americanautomotive unit sales accounted for a total of G3C=K222 truc's and cars ofwhich B1> were American K> were )anadian and G> were (e!ican. This didnot include 4razil which produced DD> more units than )anada in the sameyear. 9http$$$corp...$govtWpolicy$trade1.html: 

#n the ;e>ic$n $#tomotive sector  GBB= and GBB3 were depressed sales years

as a conse6uence of the (e!ican crisis. &espite an improvement from theprevious year sales remain inconsistent because of tight customer credit and anincrease in retail prices for automobiles in the beginning of GBBK. A total ofBD222 motor vehicles were sold in the domestic mar'et during 7anuary-(arch of GBBK an increase of <<> from the first 6uarter of GBB3. #t is also worth notingthat more than C=> of the total (e!ican e!ports were heading to the U.S. and)anadian mar'ets. As well (e!ican (otor e!ports increased during the first

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6uarter of GBBK to such mar'ets as 4razil )hile and *anama 9(e!ico conomicNews I Analysis on (e!ico. April 1<GBBK:. 

Unli'e the American and )anadian mar'ets the (e!ican mar'et is highlyinfluenced by companies other than the 4ig Three 9Ford ,( and )hrysler:.

&irectly related to (e!ican economical position and mar'et prices 5? andNissan have introduced their products and are able to achieve shares of around12> of the total mar'et share each. +owever Ford de (e!ico is the biggestproducer of automobiles in the country registering 1D.<> of the entire productionshare until GBB=. According to the same data Ford in (e!ico until GBB= had thefourth place with GK.3> of the total mar'et share behind Nissan 911.<>: ,(91G.C>: and 5? 9GK.B>: and only a bit above )hrysler who registered GK.D>9Auto )ase 1222:. 

!he )$n$di$n $#tomotive m$ret does present a normal American trendaccording to mar'et share and relative importance of the companies. According

to registered data until GBB= Ford held second place in mar'et share with 11.D>of the total mar'et. ,( held first place with <<> and the third place by )hryslerwith GC.C>. 

!he Americ$n $#tomotive m$ret presents a better view of Ford (otor)ompany. 

ven though it holds second place of the mar'et share the distance betweenFord and the first place is less than in the )anadian mar'et. The first placewhich is held by ,( shows a <1.1> of share while Ford registers a 1=.3>GG.<> above the third place )hrysler 9GD.<>:. 

Hoo'ing at the NAFTA countries as an entire region Ford (otor )ompany hasreduced its mar'et share in accordance to its net e!ports from North Americastruggling between C> to the lowest registered at 1.=> in GBB=. Ford@s closestcompetitors show a similar trend. ,( dropped their share from a top G1.=> inGBC1 to a D.=> in GBB=. )hrysler hasn@t been affected by this trend showing acontinuous share around 1.=> and D.=> 9Auto )ase 1222:.  

 After the NAFTA Ford product e!ports from )anada and the United States to(e!ico has risen in a much bigger proportion than (e!ico@s e!ports to their tradepartners. As well sales have shrun' in (e!ico@s local mar'et while )anada and

the U.S. sales have grown in their local mar'ets from GBB< to GBB3. *rior toNAFTA in GBB< )anada and U.S. Ford e!ports to (e!ico accounted for only <>of the (e!ican mar'et. #t@s worth noting though that the (e!ican mar'et shran'its sales D1> from GBB< to GBB3. 8n the other hand (e!ican Ford e!ports to theU.S. and )anada remained around G> of their mar'ets even though the)anadian and U.S. mar'et sales grew C> in the same period9http$$$corp...$govtWpolicy$trade1.html:. 

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Hor orce 

#n GBB3 Ford employed 113222 people world wide of which CD> were Americanemployees nearly C> were )anadian and almost C> were (e!ican. Since theimplementation of the NAFTA employment has grown at around G2> in the

three countries 9http$$$corp...$govtWpolicy$trade1.html:. 

;ost 'mport$nt rod#cts 

#n GBB= profits were very low in Ford@s auto business but the truc' business wasbooming especially in )anada and in the U.S. the trend to truc's is good forFord. 

4y the year 1222 half the vehicles sold in the U.S will be truc's up from D<>today and in Ford@s case truc's will account for 32> of sales 9Flint DD:. 

Truc' sales for the 4ig Three show a very encouraging trend. Ford )hrysler and,( registered from GBC1 until GBB= a continuously increasing trend on theproportion of cars-truc's sold in their mar'ets. )learly this trend can be seen asmore encouraging for Ford@s growing truc' mar'et while in GBB2 the firmregistered for this product a proportion of around =2> of the total car sales andhas gone up in GBB= to around K=> of the total car sales. Ford@s principalcompetitor on this specific product is )hrysler who registered since GBBG agreater proportion of their total vehicle sales due to truc' sales 9Auto )ase 1222:.

Ford@s U.S. mar'et share registered at 13.<>. Today Ford has a wide range of

products although the most popular and profitable products are the !plorer andthe big F series pic'-up truc's. 8ther products include Taurus which is priced inthe middle segmentL !pedition which is one of Ford@s big utility vehiclesL scortwhich is /ust a brea' even product and the ?indstar as a minivan truc' 9FlintDD:. Ford is also planning to put on the mar'et some new models which aregoing to meet different customer needs for e!ample a smaller utility vehicle tocompete with the 7apanese models which may be produced in urope. Also asmaller 7aguar and a related but probably lower Xpriced Hincoln version iscoming too 9Flint DD:. 

#n &ecember GBBK Ford )anada@s total unit sales were mostly a compound of

truc's. Truc's accounted for CG> of the total units sold and cars accounted for /ust GB>. Also a very important increase in sales too' place from GBB3 to GBBKwhen these products grew up KG.1> and =.B> respectively. )anada@s strongtruc' performance ta'es place with three truc' types !plorer ?indstar F-Series pic'ups and Hincoln Navigator 9http$$$corporate-infor$news$:. 

l$nt oc$tions 

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Ford (otor )ompany has its (e!ican head6uarters in (e!ico )ity which wasestablished as a national company in GB1=. To this day there are three assemblyplants around the country. The first plant to be established is the )#$#titl$n 

industrial comple! plant constructed in GB3D which operates as an assemblyand stamping plant. #ts actual production concentrates on Ford )ontour (ercury(ysti6ue F-G=2 F-1=2 and F-<=2. 

The second plant to be constructed in (e!ican territory is the )hih#$h#$ engineplant which initiated its operations in GBC< and actually concentrates itsproduction on the modern G-D Yetec motor. The last plant to be established in(e!ican territory is the ermosillo stamping and assembly plant in GBC3 and isactually considered one of the most modern plants around the globe. This plantconcentrates its production on the (ercury Tracer and Ford scort which arebuilt to be e!ported to the United States and )anada

9http$$$corporate-info$international$FAT?(e!i.html:. The total production capacity of these three plants accounts for appro!imately<=2222 vehicles and motors per year. Ford de (e!ico e!ports most of thevehicles and motors it produces in its (e!ican plants. #n order to satisfy nationaldemand though it imports other vehicles and motors produced in Ford@s)anadian and U.S. plants 9scort (ustang Sable ,rand (ar6uis Hincoln Town)ar Hincoln )ontinental !plorer ?indstar !pedition "anger and the new F-G=2 H848:. #n GBB3 Ford de (e!ico produced 1G<222 vehicles and 1G=222motors of which CD> were produced for e!porting and G3> for domestic mar'et.

 As well it sold 33222 vehicles in (e!ico obtaining with it 12> mar'et share.

Nowadays Ford de (e!ico has G<2 dealers in the country and employs morethan GK222 people throughout the country. 


Ford (otor )ompany of )anada Himited was established in H$lerville,nt$rio 9now ?indsor: on August GK GB2D with GK employees. )anada@shead6uarters is in 8a'ville 8ntario near Toronto as is the $ville Asseml% plant which produces the Ford ?indstar (inivan and the 8ntario Truc' plantproducing the F-Series pic'ups. Another plant is the "t. !hom$s Asseml% plantsituated near Hondon 8ntario that concentrates its production on Ford )rown

5ictoria and (ercury ,rand (ar6uis. #n addition to these assembly plants thereare other plants such as the <.C-liter motor and v-3 engine producer sse>ngine *lant situated in ?indsor 8ntario. 

 Aluminum engine parts are produced in the sse> Al#min#m *lant and the ironcastings at the Hindsor )$sting *lant 9http$$$corporateinfo$international$FAT?)ana.html:. #ts full production capacity is almost half amillion vehicles accounting cars and truc's. The 8a'ville plant builds the

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?indstar (inivan and e!ports its product to D2 countries. #n addition the ?indsor and 8a'ville plants e!port their products worldwide9http$$$global$ca.html:. 

)anada has accounted for the highest total of vehicles made outside of the

United States. Since GBB3 a wholly owned subsidiary of Ford (otor )ompanythe company will increase gains in the )anadian mar'et.9http$$$global$ca.html: #t too' )anada K1 years to ma'e their firstten million cars. +owever they were able to ma'e the second ten million carsduring the ne!t twenty years and it has introduced G2 new vehicles within thelast 1 years. The company has also invested more than J= billion in the lastsever years in its )anadian operations. 

Now a wholly owned subsidiary of Ford (otor )ompany the company is gainingmore mar'et share in the )anadian mar'et. For the first time they have becomeleaders in truc' sales with a 11.B> mar'et share. The sales for cars and truc's

combined have been of 1K=D<1 9=.1> increase:. Taurus (ustang F-Series"anger )lub ?agon and conoline 5an were segment leaders. The scort)ontour and Sable cars and the ?indstar (inivan set calendar-year sales record9http$$$global$ca.html:. 

*nited "t$tes 

 As mentioned earlier in the history of the company Ford (otor )ompany wasborn in the United States and actually is considered between the 4ig Threeautomotive companies in the world sharing that title with )hrysler and ,eneral(otors. Ford U.S. is the center of the corporation and has the largest

concentration of assembly stamping and other different types of plants that thecompany has. The concentration of plants throughout the American territoryconsists of 37 m$n#f$ct#ring pl$nts including 1@ $sseml% $nd 13powertr$in oper$tions 2@ rese$rch $nd engineering facilities more than 20$#tomotive p$rts distri#tion centers and hundreds of offices. The states of(ichigan 8hio ;entuc'y #ndiana #llinois and (issouri hold the ma/ority ofFord@s manufacturing and assembly operations in the United States. 

#n addition &earborn (ichigan is the central concentration for all of the researchand engineering activities. Ford U.S. with all of these listed activities provides /obopportunities to more than G33222 employees and more than =<22 Ford and

Hincoln-(ercury dealers in the United States. 9http$$$corporate-info$international$FAT?Usa.html: . 

'''. &( AN( ! NA!A 

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balances and during a transition period which e!pired for all vehicles by GBB<there was a D2> national value-added re6uirement 9BK:. 

This sub/ection to a trade balancing system obligated Ford to e!portsignificantly more than it imported 9Ford A#TA G:. (oreover Ford was re6uired

to purchase a large percentage of vehicle@s content from (e!ican ownedsuppliers which in many instances did not meet globally competitive sourcingstandards in terms of 6uality or price 9G:. )onse6uently Ford plants in (e!icooperated at less than ma!imum efficiency and e!ports of cars from the US to(e!ico were constrained. The Automotive &ecree will be eliminated on a gradualbasis by 122D under the terms of NAFTA 9"amirez K<:. 

ordQs &esponse to NA!A 

Ford along with )hrysler and ,( were 'ey players involved in the negation offree trade in autos between )anada the US and (e!ico. A pivotal 4ig Three

ob/ective achieved in the negotiations was the opening up of (e!ico@s highlyprotected automotive mar'et. (e!ico was becoming one of the fastest growingauto mar'ets in the world 9+ufbauer <K:. As a result achieving enhanced accessto this mar'et was a pre-condition for the 4ig Three@s approval of a NAFTA. Theautomotive provision in the anne! to chapter < dealing with autos as they relateto (e!ico outlines in four interrelated parts how increased access was achieveddecrease in import barriersL liberalization of investment laws and regulationsLseizing of performance re6uirements by (e!icoL and rules of origin 9?eintraubG<:. 

The 4ig Three wanted to enhance an already prominent presence in (e!ico.

 After *eme! they were (e!ico@s three largest e!porters 9+ufbauer <K:. Fordsupported NAFTA because of its allowance for increased regional mar'et accessfor its automotive products 9Ford #ord Perspetives <:. This would permit Fordto establish plants in (e!ico more efficiently. 

Ford would be able to consolidate all production regionally rather than country bycountryL thus permitting Ford to enhance its competitiveness by gearingproduction to meet the needs of North America and not specific country mar'ets.Ford would be able to select production sites and scale based on businessfactors rather than the need to locate behind tariff or other trade barriers. FinallyFord believed that their firm@s competitiveness and viability would be impacted in

such a way that there would not be a large migration of production or /obs to(e!ico 

9Ford A#TA G:. 

The most pugnacious matter in the automotive negotiations was establishing therules of origin. For automotive goods )hapter D lays out how the regional valuecontent that ma'es a vehicle 6ualified for free trade under the NAFTA will

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increase in two steps to 31.=> after 1221 for passenger autos and light truc'sand engines and transmissions for such vehicles and to 32> for other vehiclesand parts. 

Ford@s support of high regional value content rules was attributable to their desire

to discourage non-US manufacturers from developing autos with low North American content in (e!ico for e!port to the US. NAFTA would thus effectivelydefuse any potential for (e!ico to become an e!port platform to the US for7apanese particularly and other foreign-based producers. Ford would now beable to protect its position within North America while forcing 7apan and otherforeign-based producers to do more sourcing in North America. 

Finally Ford e!pected that the slow phase out of the domestic contentre6uirement would ensure that any new auto assembly firms establishingoperations in (e!ico would have to encounter the same obstacles as e!istingfirms already established in North America must confront. 

ordQs "tr$tegic l$ns 


*rior to the NAFTA Ford (otor )ompany@s United States and )anada sales in(e!ico were less than G>. +owever as a result of the NAFTA sales havecontinued to climb with GBB3 sales reaching GG percent of the (e!ican mar'et.NAFTA then continues to help shape Ford@s vision for its global operations and

will act as a springboard for deeper mar'et penetration into Hatin America. 

#n addition pre NAFTA Ford had to assemble its vehicles in (e!ico if it hoped tomeet the trade balancing system that re6uired Ford@s (e!ican operations toe!port more than it imported. Ford was also re6uired to use a high percentage of(e!ican parts suppliers in its vehicle assembly. 8ften the (e!ican suppliers didnot meet global standards which further compromised (e!ican vehicleproductions 9Ford *erspective Trade *olicies:. 

The NAFTA has changed these production inefficiencies and helped to open thedoor for global economies of scale in terms of consolidating Ford@s manufacturingoperations to help lower costs while maintaining 6uality of products. #n that sensethe NAFTA is integral to Ford@s strategy. ?ithout the NAFTA Ford would not beable to reduce its vehicle platforms and establish cross-functional fle!iblematrices for its global operations. Ford@s strategy has included consolidation ofoperations in specific (e!ican plants. *rior to the NAFTA Ford of (e!icoproduced four separate car and truc' lines at its )uautitlan plantZ9"amirez:.

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The vision came from the thin'ing that Ford needed to be much leaner fasterand more competitive eliminating duplication of effort and spreading bestpractices around the world. As a result Ford has reorganized its structure andbegan pursuing a total cost management strategy 9Auto 8perations MIA 1:. #fFord is successful with this approach the company will 

o 8ffer more and better vehicles 

o #ncrease its global mar'et share. o 4ecome the world@s largest vehicle ma'er  o #ncrease profits substantially 9)onnellyG:. 

ord 2000Qs Appro$ch to &eorg$ni+$tion Ford@s new approach to reorganization see's a balance between centralizedstrategic leadership and decentralized implementation. )entralized leadershipand creating a single global profit center 9i.e. merging Ford@s uropean andNorth American Automotive 8perations into a single entity named Ford

 Automotive 8perations: allows top management the fle!ibility to manage thecompany strategically and steer its course into the 1Gst century. Throughcentralized decision ma'ing Ford can consider the broadest range of mar'etopportunities and subse6uently gain the most efficient use of the productdevelopment dollar by creating products to satisfy the consumer needs inmultiple mar'ets 9Auto 8perations MIA 1:. &ecentralized implementation allows Ford to ta'e advantage of the corporation@scentralized strengths as well as the fle!ibility and rapid responsiveness of muchsmaller companies. Several layers of management have been eliminated in order to improve communications and encourage empowerment. mpowermentrepresents a critical component to the new structure since there simply is no

longer time for managers to micro-manage. The span of control has nowbecome the span of empowerment 9Auto 8perations MIA 1:.  ord 2000Qs !ot$l )ost ;$n$gement Ford 1222@s heart lies in Total )ost (anagement 9T)(:Ra system designed toeliminate e!cess costs in every aspect of the corporation. ngineering personnelhas been reduced by <2>. +undreds of dollars are being cut from vehiclematerial costs. The company now uses one process to develop cars ratherhaving each engineering center operate under a different process. Such costreductions help the company become leaner and more competitive 9(clroy et alG22:. +owever the biggest benefits have been seen within purchasing operations. #n

GBB3 Ford reduced its overall costs by USJ1 billion primarily by lowering its totalpurchasing bill. #n addition cuts across the board in GBBK e6ualed USJ1.= billion9(clroy et al G2G:. *urchasing has become a global enterprise rather than aregional function. Ford has reduced its supplier base by cutting its number onnon-production suppliers from =C222 to 1C222 and plans to reduce that numberto =222 by the year 1222 9(clroy et al G2G:. Ford plans to focus on a smallgroup of suppliers that will earn full-service status. 

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(ore importantly Ford will help these suppliers develop their "I& design andengineering abilities so that they can meet Ford@s specific criteria. Ford alsoconsolidated its internal supplier operations into one organization called

 Automotive *arts 8perations which operates as a self-funding profit center9(clroy et al G2G:. 

<. )oncl#sion Ford (otor )ompany continues to reinvent itself in the face of our changingglobal economy. 4y consolidating its operations streamlining its productionplatforms and utilizing )A& systems worldwide Ford is able to meet the needsof a globally diverse mar'etplace. )learly the North American Free Trade

 Agreement is but one element in Ford@s overall strategic plan to meet theseglobal demands. 



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Cintra sins contract !or Trans#Te>as CorridorNinestment o! &.( bln 4sd <31)T9orbes  [ Dune 3C" CCM [ AF News 'i!ited

,osted on "/2/26 &:22:$( 3+ 31T by Tolerance 04cs ocs

.,0AT: with en1iron!ent report" nancing details" tari<s structure

(A0RI0 ?AF@ - A consortiu! led by intra oncesionesIn#raestructuras SA said it has signed its rst contract to build a sectiono# the Trans-Te+as orridor toll road pro&ect in the .S and will in1est E*3bln usd*

In a state!ent" intra said the 5C-year concession is to design"construct and operate seg!ents 5 and M o# the S$ E3C !otorway

between Austin and Seguin*

 The consortiu! is M5 pct controlled by intra and 35 pct by localconstructor ^achry*

intra announced the contract in 0ec CC" and said it e+pected tode1elop M bln usd o# !otorway pro&ects o1er the ne+t 1e years as parto# the pro&ect*

 The nal appro1al o# the contract is sub&ect to en1iron!ental appro1alwhich !ay co!e within M-L !onths" intra said*

Financing #or the pro&ect is yet to be nalied though the constructor ise+pecting to pay with C-3C pct o# its own #unds and JC-LC pct debt*

intra added that the tari< sche!e #or the !otorway will be C*E5usd!ile #or light 1ehicles and C*5C usd!ile #or hea1y 1ehicles inCCM" and will be increased in-line with Te+as) ;0, per capita eachyear*



Trans-Te%as Corri'or pave' with campaign contri(utions@San Antonio construction company0 capital consortium #rom Spain

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stan' to gain

Posted: Juy 12, 2001:00 a.m. Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi© 200 Word!et"aiy.#om

 The contractors building the Trans-Te+as orridor a !assi1e statewidetransportation network critics clai! is an i!portant part o# thecontro1ersial proposed integration o# the .*S* and (e+ico ha1e !adelarge contributions to the ca!paigns o# Te+as politicians" includingRepublican ;o1* Rick ,erry* 

As %N0 has reported" opposition is !ounting to the little-publiciede<orts by the 9ush ad!inistration" aided by corporate and politicalelites o# the .*S*" (e+ico and anada" including the ouncil on ForeignRelations" to push North A!erica into a :uropean .nion-style !erger*ritics o# the Trans-Te+as orridor see the !assi1e pro&ect ironically#unded by Spain as part o# this !o1e!ent to integrate the .*S*"(e+ico and anada*

 Terri $all" director o# a ta+payers) group called the San Antonio Toll,arty" told %N0" 7there is not a single politician in our entire 9e+arounty delegation that has not taken !oney #or! $* 9* ^achry" Dr*7^achry onstruction orporation" head2uartered in San Antonio" hasentered into a li!ited partnership with intra" a capital consortiu!based in Spain to undertake the TT construction*

7^achry owns San Antonio"7 $all told %N0" 7and he has spread his!oney inside and outside 9e+ar ounty where San Antonio is thecounty seat to !ake sure he dri1es the highway lobby*7 The SanAntonio Toll ,arty is grass roots !o1e!ent and political actionco!!ittee opposed to the Trans-Te+as orridor*

Although %N0 could not conr! $all)s charge that e1ery localpolitician has accepted !oney #ro! ^achry" she and others are na!ing2uite a #ew na!es*

7The politicians in Austin are listening to the highway lobby rather thatthe citiens who put the! in ofce"7 $all told %N0" adding" 7you willnot understand the politics o# the TT until you track down ^achry whohas a long and distinguished !oney trail to ofces o# our statepoliticians*7

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It)s to be built with e+tre!ely li!ited public o1ersight*:+cept #or the corridor east and roughly parallel toInterstate 35 ?TT-35@" it)s a road syste! !ost Te+ans canhardly i!agine will e1er be built* 9ut road builders and tollbond nancers #ro! around the world are lining up to

participate* These interests contributed BEMM"CCC toa!end Te+as) onstitution and !ore than B*J !illion in Te+as) last two elections to turn the nation)s largest tollroad pro&ect into a reality*

9lack resists any insinuation o# collusion* 7The T+0/T contracts wereawarded on an open bid process"7 ,erry>s ca!paign spokes!an told%N0* 7These TT opposition groups are typically )conspiracy theorists)who think we)re gi1ing Te+as land away to Spain* The State o# Te+aswill still own TT highways" e1en i# intra has the right to lease the!and collect tolls*7

%N0 could nd no re#erence on the websites o# either the San Antonio Toll ,arty or a!paigns #or ,eople that TT highways were going to beceded to Spain* Today" there are so!e 5C"CCC !iles o# interstate highway in the .*S*"yet T+0/T has proposed building "CCC !iles o# Trans-Te+as orridorsuperhighways in Te+as o1er the ne+t 5C years* The TT pro&ect at #ullde1elop!ent will in1ol1e the re!o1al o# as !uch as 5L"CCC acres o#producti1e Te+as #ar! and ranchland #ro! the ta+ rolls per!anently"while displacing upwards o# E !illion people #ro! their currentresidences*7%e !ay not need to build all "CCC !iles"7 9lack asserted* 79ut the

population o# Te+as is going to double in the ne+t C years and our Te+as interstates are already strained* The days o# building a 5C-yearold :isenhower interstate syste! are o1er* TT is a new !odel #orA!erica*7A close reading o# the "CCC-page :n1iron!ental I!pact State!ent" or:IS" posted on the Trans-Te+as orridor website re1eals on page 3 theNAFTA purpose o# the TT-35 pro&ect" which generally runs parallel toInterstate-35* .nder the subtitle 7enhance econo!ic 1itality"7 the :ISnotes that 7appro+i!ately J5 percent o# A!erica)s co!!erce with(e+ico tra1els through Te+as* Increased access and !obility within thestudy area would i!pro1e the !o1e!ent o# people" goods" and

ser1ices and potentially lead to new e!ploy!ent and businessopportunities*7 This" contend critics" !akes clear that the TT-35pro&ect is not 7&ust a highway needed #or anticipated Te+as growth"7 butrather a NAFTA-inspired highway" intended to grow Te+as by 1astlyincreasing NAFTA co!!erce with (e+ico* The EE separate corridors planned will per!anently cut across so!eE"CC Te+as roads" with crosso1er unlikely #or !uch o# the nearly2uarter-!ile-wide corridor planned to be built* 0oens o# s!all towns in

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!oll &o$d 5i$nt 8#%s Newsp$pers to "ilence )ritics)ritics charge that the (ac6uarie purchase of American )onsolidated (edia is designed tosilence critics of a Te!as toll road pro/ect

The ewspaper Sunday 7anuary 1C 122K

Australian toll road giant (ac2uarie agreed %ednesday to purchase#orty local newspapers" pri!arily in Te+as and /klaho!a" #or BLC!illion* (ac2uarie 9ank is Australia)s largest capital raising r! andhas in1ested billions in purchasing roads in the .S" anada and .8*(ost recently the co!pany &oined with intra oncesiones o# Spain in acontro1ersial J5-year lease o# the E5J-!ile Indiana Toll Road*

Sal ostello" the leading opponent o# toll road pro&ects as head o# the Te+as Toll ,arty" says the !o1e is directly related to a CCC-!ile tollroad pro&ect known as the Trans-Te+as orridor* It will cost betweenBE5 and BEL3 billion to construct the road" e+pected to be up to ECC#eet wide" re2uiring the ac2uisition o# 4CCC s2uare !iles o# land in theareas through which it will pass*

7The newspapers are the !ain co!!unication tool #or !any o# therural Te+an co!!unities" with !any citiens at risk o# losing theirho!es and #ar!s through e!inent do!ain"7 ostello wrote*

(any o# the s!all papers purchased" !ost ha1e a circulation o# 5CCCor less" ha1e been critical o# the Trans-Te+as orridor* An article in the9onha! Dournal #or e+a!ple" states" 7The toll roads will be undercontrol o# #oreign in1estors" which !ore than #rustrates Te+ans*7



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>planation o! the Fiodiersity Treaty and the @ildlands3roPect

9y (ichael S* o<!an" ,h*0*#or ,roperty Rights*org

posted 4E3C3

 This !ap is based on the strategy and procedures laid out in what isknown as the %ildlands ,ro&ect and the .N.S (an and the 9iosphere,rogra! ?(A9@* 9oth are based on the need o# protecting biologicaldi1ersity using core wilderness reser1es which are surrounded bybu<er ones that 1ariably regulate hu!an acti1ity to protect theattributes o# the core reser1es ?see below@* Areas not included in core

reser1es or bu<er ones are ones o# cooperation where regulationsare designed to #a1or biodi1ersity and ecosyste!s*

 The Statutory Fra!ework o# the %orld Network o# 9iosphere Reser1es" The Se1ille Agree!ent #or the (A9 ,rogra!" and the Strategic ,lan #orthe .S(A9 all state the (A9 ,rogra! is designed to help i!ple!entthe on1ention on 9iological 0i1ersity" a treaty currently be#ore the .SSenate #or ratication* 'ikewise" Section E3****3 o# the .nitedNations ;lobal 9iodi1ersity Assess!ent denes the %ildlands ,ro&ectas the basis #or preser1ing biodi1ersity #or the on1ention on 9iological0i1ersity* The %ildlands ,ro&ect is based on the science o# conser1ation

biology and was de1eloped by 0r* (ichael Soule" co-#ounder and rstpresident o# the Society For onser1ation 9iologyG 0r* Reed Noss"current editor #or the &ournal o# onser1ation 9iologyG and 0a1idFore!an" co-#ounder and long-ti!e leader o# :arth FirstK

 The science o# conser1ation biology was largely created by the I.N?International .nion #or onser1ation o# Nature@* The I.N is anaccredited .N ad1isor and is co!prised o# go1ern!ent agencies andN;/s ?non-go1ern!ental organiations@* These include the :,A" .SForest Ser1ice" .S National ,ark Ser1ice" .S Fish and %ildli#e Ser1ice" The Sierra lub" National %ildli#e Federation" Natural Resources

0e#ense ouncil" The Nature onser1ancy" Society #or onser1ation9iology" and !any others* The I.N is also one o# the pri!arypro!oters and de1elopers o# the on1ention on 9iological 0i1ersity* This perhaps e+plains why the .S ;o1ern!ent and en1iron!entalorganiations appear to be working in concert to i!ple!ent the%ildlands ,ro&ect and 9iodi1ersity Treaty e1en though the treaty hasnot been ratied*

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 This !ap is drawn under the super1ision o# a ,h0* in :cology" and#ollows instructions pro1ided by the %ildlands ,ro&ect" the .N.S (A9"and the rapidly increasing control within .S counties through the.N.S $eritage progra!s* This is especially true #or counties ha1ing#ederal land" particularly in the %estern .S* The !ap incorporates"

when a1ailable" actual !aps as well as a !ultitude o# go1ern!ent anden1iron!ental literature de!anding 1arious reser1es or national parksinterconnected with corridors*

(A;NIT.0: /F T$: %I'0'AN0S ,R/D:T

7onser1ation !ust be practiced on a truly grand scale"7 clai!s ReedNoss* And grand it is* Taken #ro! the article" 7The %ild- lands ,ro&ect'and onser1ation Strategy7 in the E44 special issue o# %ild :arth"Noss pro1ides the whopping di!ensions o# this e<ort*

ore reser1es are wilderness areas that supposedly allow biodi1ersityto Hourish* 7It is esti!ated"7 clai!s Noss" 7that large carni1ores andungulates re2uire reser1es on the scale o# *5 to 5 !illion acres**** Fora !ini!u! 1iable population o# ECCC large !a!!als" the gureswould be !illion acres #or grily bears" CC !illion acres #orwol1erines" and ECC !illion acres #or wol1es* ore reser1es should be!anaged as roadless areas ?wilderness@* All roads should beper!anently closed*7

orridors are 7e+tensions o# reser1es* ** (ultiple corridorsinterconnecting a network o# core reser1es pro1ide #unctional

redundancy and !itigate against disturbance**** orridors se1eral !ileswide are needed i# the ob&ecti1e is to !aintain ? resident populations o# large carni1ores*7

9u<er ones should ha1e two or !ore ones 7so that a gradation o# useintensity e+ists #ro! the core reser1e to the de1eloped a landscape*Inner ones should ha1e low road density ?no !ore than C*5!iles2uare !ile@ and low-intensity use such as***hiking" cross-countryskiing" birding" pri!iti1e ca!ping" wilderness hunting and shing" andlow-intensity sil1iculture ?light selecti1e cutting@*

%$AT 0/ R:S:R=:S AN0 /RRI0/RS R:A''Q (:AN]

%hile this e<ort has a noble !ission" the i!plications are staggering*As noted in the Dune 5" E443 issue o# Science" it 7is nothing less thanthe trans#or!ation o# A!ericato an archipelago o# hu!an-inhabitedislands surrounded by natural areas* 7 According to the %ildlands,ro&ect" 7/ne hal# o# the land area o# the EL conter!inous unitedstates be enco!passed in core wilderness reser1es and inner corridor

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ones ?essentially e+tensions o# core reser1es@ within the ne+t #ewdecades****/ne $al# o# a region in wilderness is a reasonable guess o#what it will take to restore 1iable populations o# large carni1ores andnatural disturbance regi!es" assu!ing that !ost o# tire other 5Cpercent is i !anaged intelligently as bu<er one7 ?Noss" E44@ I# #ully

i!ple!ented" the on1ention /n 9iological 0i1ersity would to ha1e todisplace !illions o# people through unacceptable regulations"nationaliation o# pri1ate land" and #orcing people to !o1e out o# corereser1e areas and inner bu<er ones* It would - seriously reduce theproduction o# agriculture" #orest" and !ining products* In the process"!illions o# A!ericans could lose their &obs* In turn" the resulting scarceresources !eans the rest o# us I are going to pay double and triple #orthese products* This !ay sound insane" but it)s either being plannedor i!ple!ented right now across A!erica* 'and is being conde!ned oroned in reser1es" corridors or bu<er ones under a 1ariety o# na!esto reestablish or protect biodi1ersity andor specic species* Should

these 2uasi-religious theories and pseudo-science - deter!ine our#uture]

R:S:R=:S /RRI0/RS 0/ N/T %/R8 

%hat science is really showing is that there is no clear e1idence thatreser1es and corridors work or are e1en needed* Rather" good I #orest!anage!ent" including the use o# clearcutting" enhances biodi1ersityand sustainability

7The theory has not been properly 1alidated and the practical 1alue o#

biogeographic principles #or conser1ation re!ains unknown* *** Thetheory pro1ides no special insights rele1ant to conser1ation*7^i!!er!an" 9*' and R*/* 9iergaard* E4LM Dournal o 9iogeographyE3E33-E3

 The theory behind the need #or reser1es and corridors is being7increasingly hea1ily criticied***as inapplicable to !ost o# nature"largely because local population e+tinction was not de!onstrated*7Si!berlo#" 0* D* Farr" D* o+* and 0* (ehl!an E44* 7(o1!ent orridorsonser1ation 9argains or ,oor In1est!ent]7 onser1ation 9iologyM?@45*

7No unied theory co!bines genetic" de!ographic" and other #orcesthreatening s!all populations" nor is their accord on the relati1ei!portance o# these threats*7 Ibid*

7There are still #ew data" and !any widely cited reports areuncon1incing**** The theory that reser1es and corridors 7#acilitate!o1e!ent is now al!ost an article o# #aith*7ibid*

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7Studies that ha1e been #re2uently cited as illustrating corridor use #or#aunal !o1e!ent" do not" in #act" pro1ide clear e1idence*7 /# thosethat do support the need #or corridors" wooded #ence rows areade2uate #or !any species" while only a #ew re2uire well 1egetatedstrips* $obbs* R*D* E44* The Role o# orridors in onser1ation Solution

or 9andwagon7 Tree J?EE@3L4

 The science used in the on1ention on 9iological 0i1ersity does notwork and !ay actually reduce biodi1ersity* The i!plications o# thistreaty are enor!ous and !ust be thoroughly re1iewed be#ore it isconsidered #or ratication*



5ocation: so4thern)rizona, *ew+e>ico, northern0onora andChih4ah4a, +e>ico

4order fencing and othersecurity infrastructure

The ?ildlands *ro/ect would set up to one-half of America into core wildernessreserves and interconnecting corridors 9red: all surrounded by interconnectingbuffer zones 9yellow:. No human activity would be permitted in the red and only

highly regulated activity would be permitted in the yellow areas. Four concernedconservative activists who now ma'e up the board of Sovereignty #nternational were able to find UN documentation that proved the ?ildlands *ro/ect conceptwas to provide the basis for the UN )onvention on 4iological &iversity. Theyused this information and this map produced by &r. (ichael )offman editor of$isernin% the Times $i%est and ews'tes and )8 of Sovereignty#nternational to stop the ratification of the treaty an hour before its scheduledcloture and ratification vote. 9See )ongressional "ecord SG<KB2: Since thetreaty was stopped tens of thousands of Americans have used this map toe!pose environmentalist0s efforts to implement this diabolical agenda piecemeallocal /ust as *resident )linton is doing by setting aside millions of acres of

public and private land. [ 1222 &iscerning the Times &igest and News4ytes.

Ta'en From The United Nations )onvention on 4iological &iversity Article Ca-eLUnited Nations ,lobal 4iodiversity Assessment Section G<.D.1.1.<L US (an andthe 4iosphere Strategic *lan UN$US +eritage)orridor *rogram The ?ildlands *ro/ect ?ild arth GBB1. Also see ScienceThe +igh )ost of 4iodiversity 1= 7une GBB< pp GB3C-GCKG and the 4order 1GSidebar of NAFTA. The very high percentage of buffer zone in the ?est is due to

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the very high percentage of federal land.



2y Dr/ $ichael S/ Co##man )h/ D/Septem(er 4>0 4773News*ithiews/com 

Though #ew Christians are aware o# it0 the cry to 9save the earth09 9(e sustaina(le9an' 9live in harmony with nature9 is roote' in the ancient pantheistic religions

that 'ominate' the <gyptian0 2a(ylonian0 ,recian an' 5oman <mpires/ Former ice )resi'ent ,ore even promotes them in his (oo! <arth in the 2alance0 9///theprevailing i'eology o# (elie# in prehistoric <urope an' much o# the worl' was (ase' on the worship o# a single earth go''ess0 who was assume' to (e the #ounto# all li#e an' who ra'iate' harmony among all living things//// It seems o(viousthat a (etter un'erstan'ing o# a religious heritage prece'ing our own (y so manythousan's o# years coul' o##er us new insights into the nature o# the humane%perience/9

Diametrically opposite to Christianity0 u'aism an' Islam pantheistic (elie#sma!e no allowance #or a one true ,o' who create' all things o# nature/ Instea'0pantheism hol's that all earth an' all o# nature is go'0 comprise' o# many go'san' go''esses0 all o# whom 'eman' total worship an' o(e'ience #rom everyhuman/ Failure to 'o so will evo!e the wrath o# these go's/ Over the past 37 years0 these pantheistic (elie#s have gra'ually 'ominate' the environmentalpolicies o# (oth the :nite' States an' the :nite' Nations/ An'0 they areinterwoven into every environmental international treaty0 especially theConvention on 2iological Diversity/

In a cli##hanger race to the wire0 the Convention on 2iological Diversity came within an hour o# rati#ication in the :nite' States Senate on Septem(er 370 =>>?/It was only stoppe' when Senator ay 2ailey +utchinson B5-T intro'uce'irre#uta(le evi'ence that the treaty is (ase' on the pantheistic 'ogma thatnature"s #ragile ecosystems must (e protecte' #rom human use/ The evi'encecame in the #orm o# a 'ra#t copy o# the :nite' Nations B:N ,lo(al 2io'iversity Assessment B,2A0 which was written to partially #ul#ill Article 4 o# the treaty tohelp write its implementing language/

The :N ,2A (lames the environmental pro(lems plaguing the worl' to'ays6uarely on *estern civilization/ The *estern worl'view0 argues the ,2A0 9ischaracteristic o# large-scale societies//// It is a worl' view that is characterize' (y

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the 'enial o# sacre' attri(utes o# nature///Ewhich (ecame #irmly esta(lishe'a(out 4777 years Eago with the u'eo-Christian-Islamic religious tra'itions/9

Not only 'oes the :N ,2A 'emonize monotheistic (elie#s0 (ut speci#ically singlesout Christianity0 9Societies 'ominate' (y Islam0 an' especially Christianity have

gone #arthest in setting humans apart #rom nature/// In the process0 /// nature lostits sacre' 6ualities/9

Conversely0 the 9tra'itional9 or pantheistic worl'view is haile' as a mo'el #or the worl' in the 4=st Century (y the :N ,2A.

The worl' view o# tra'itional societies ten's to (e stri!ingly 'i##erent #rom themo'ern worl' view/ They ten' to view themselves as mem(ers o# a communitythat not only inclu'es other humans0 (ut also plants an' animals as well as roc!s0springs an' pools/ )eople are then mem(ers o# a community o# (eings-living an'non-living/ Thus rivers may (e viewe' as mothers/ Animals may (e treate' as!in//// The many restraints on the use o# natural resources0/// may have evolve'culturally in response to the nee' to ensure more sustaina(le use o#///(iological'iversity/ Compliance///is typically assure' through two 'evices. #ear o# the wratho# o##en'e' nature spirits an' social sanctions against o##en'ers/

Continuing its pantheistic (ent0 the ,2A asserts that earth must (e protecte'#rom man!in' (y treating 9certain sites as sacre'0 where most human activitiesare prohi(ite'/9 2ase' on this theology0 the ,2A calls #or the implementation o#The *il'lan's )ro1ect0 man'ating up to 7 percent o# America (e put into wil'erness where 9most human activities are prohi(ite'/9

Incre'i(ly0 the :N tol' the :/S/ Senate a month earlier in August =>>? that the,2A 'i' not e%ist0 nor 'i' the :N inten' to write it/ *hen Senator +utchinsone%pose' this suppose'ly non-e%istent0 anti-human 'ocument on the SenateFloor0 along with a map illustrating this plan0 the :/S/ Senate with'rew the treaty#rom consi'eration/

 Although the treaty was 'e#eate'0 #ormer )resi'ent Clinton launche' numerous#e'eral programs 'esigne' to loc! up lan' as prescri(e' (y the *il'lan's )ro1ect/:n'er the #eel-goo' (anner o# sustaina(le 'evelopment0 Clinton create' TheClean *ater Initiative0 American +eritage 5ivers Initiative0 greenways an' openspace smart growth planning an' many others/ They all have one thing incommon - the *il'lan's )ro1ect at their core/ The 'enial o# lamath Falls

#armers to their own irrigation water in 477= is (ut one o# many e%amples o#using the <n'angere' Species Act to 'estroy rural #amilies there(y 'epopulatingareas #or the *il'lan's )ro1ect/

<nvironmental lea'ership an' overzealous (ureaucrats are perverting the law toattac! American citizens #rom all wal!s o# li#e while implementing theirpantheistically (ase' agen'a/ Ne%t year mar!s the =7th anniversary o# the 'e#eato# the pantheistically oriente' Convention on 2iological Diversity in the :/S/

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Senate/ So #ar0 the treaty has never (een reintro'uce' - although it coul' at anytime/

)art II - The &uci#er Trust0 the newageG environmental movements an' theChurch/ 



2y Dr/ $ichael S/ Co##man )h/ D/Octo(er 80 4773News*ithiews/com 

"From the point of Light within the Mind of God; Let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth.... The purpose which the Masters know and serve.... Let Light and Loveand Power restore the Plan on Earth."  

:se' as the invocation at the <arth Summit in 5io 'e aneiro 'uring =>>40 thea(ove cree' is part o# the ,reat Invocation (ase' in Theosophy/ The source o#light in the ,reat Invocation is &uci#er an' the )lan inten's to implement worl'government an' religion groun'e' in occult powers/ This goal is at the heart o#the glo(al agen'a/ It is also something that very #ew Americans realize/

Theosophy is a (len' o# eastern an' western religions0 most closely aligne' with e'ic +in'uism/ Although the Theosophical Society originally starte' in New Hor! in the =77s0 it was not until Alice 2ailey (ro!e away #rom the Society in theearly =>77s an' create' &uci#er Trust0 that it gaine' power in America/

Not surprisingly0 the mostly Christian America in the early =>77s 'i' not receivethe name &uci#er Trust  very well an' it was 6uic!ly change' to &ucis Trust/ To'ay it wor!s through its occult Arcane School an' *orl' ,oo'will/ Together0 theyimplement what is terme' 9The )lan09 which is reveale' in 4? occult (oo!s  written (y 2ailey/ The concepts o# 9New Age9 an' the 9New *orl' Or'er9 ha'

their origins in these (oo!s/

2ailey claims D1whal hul0 her Ascen'e' $aster0 actually wrote the (oo!sthrough her while she was in a trance using occult automatic writing/ Ascen'e'$asters are suppose'ly superhuman (eings who are part o# an e%alte' hierarchyo# 'emigo's that secretly gui'e the a##airs o# humanity/

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The Feast o# Saint Francis cele(ration at the Cathe'ral Church o# theSaint ohn Divine in New Hor! City where animals are (lesse' an' the,ree! ,o''ess ,aia is e%alte'/ This years cele(ration is to (e on Octo(er/

 Although virtually un!nown0 &ucis Trust wiel's tremen'ous importance/ As 'e#ine' in my (oo! Saviors o# the <arth@0 nota(les such as 5o(ert$cNamara0 Donal' 5egan0 +enry issinger0 Davi' 5oc!e#eller0 )aul

 ol!er0 ,eorge Shultz an' immy Carter have supporte' its activities/ &ucis Trusthas consultative accre'itation within the :N an' has playe' a !ey role in helpingto shape 9the New *orl' Or'er/9 Steve 2onta notes in the $arch =0 =>>> New American magazine0 that Theosophy0

9Jen1oys the attention o# the worl'"s power elite at the :nite'Nations0 the *orl' 2an!0 an' other centers o# political an'#inancial power in the :nite' States/ Its in#luence is #eltEthroughout/// our nation"s popular culture/9

&i!e cancer0 The )lan is insi'iously sprea'ing through thousan's o#organizations0 many o# which have no i'ea what they are a'vancing/ One o# themost prominent vectors o# The )lan is the <piscopal Cathe'ral Church o# St/ohn Divine in New Hor! City0 consi'ere' (y many analysts to (e the new age$ecca in the :nite' States/ Fre6uente' in the past (y #ormer ice )resi'ent,ore0 the Cathe'ral annually hosts the 9Feast o# Saint Francis9 where the9resi'ent Omega an' Forces o# Nature 'ance troupes per#orm the 'azzling <arth$assG$issa ,aia9 an' the clergy (less 9a myria' o# creatures09 #rom elephantsan' algae0 to a 3/ (illion year ol' Australian #ossil/The Cathe'ral has house' several ra'ical new age groups at various times0 one o#

 which is the Temple o# :n'erstan'ing/ The Temple0 whose inter#aith purpose isthe 9re-integration o# the sacre' into our lives9 via 9the worl'"s religioustra'itions9 through 9universal spiritual wis'om09 colla(orate' with the :N"s,lo(al Forum o# Spiritual an' )arliamentary &ea'ers #or +uman Survival to co-#oun' the National 5eligious )artnership on the <nvironment in =>>4/The )artnership0 also house' in the Cathe'ral o# St/ ohn Divine at one time0 is (ille' as a 9#e'eration o# ma1or American #aith communities/9 This non-alarmingsanitize' 'escription hi'es the #act that )aul ,orman0 the )artnership"s initial<%ecutive Director0 was #ormer ice )resi'ent o# pu(lic a##airs o# the Cathe'ral o# the Saint ohn Divine0 an' Director o# the Temple o# :n'erstan'ing"s oint Appeal/ ,orman reveals his new age emphasis in the original purpose o# the


///how people o# #aith engage the environmental crisis will havemuch to 'o with the #uture well-(eing o# the planet0 an' in allli!elihoo'0 with the #uture o# religious li#e as well/

 *ith the help o# ice )resi'ent ,ore"s en'orsement0 the )artnership has sentenvironmental literature to over 8K0777 congregations an' =77 million

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congregants calling #or the Church to ma!e the protection o# the earth a centralmessage o# the Church/ Although written in 9(i(leze09 it nonetheless represents a'eceptive attempt to create guilt there(y shi#ting the #ocus o# the Church #rom thegospel o# Christ to one o# protecting $other <arth/The :/S/ Catholic Con#erence0 the National Council o# Churches o# Christ0 the

Coalition on the <nvironment an' ewish &i#e0 an' the <vangelical<nvironmental Networ! co#oun'e' the )artnership/ Not only are the CatholicChurch an' mainline Christian 'enominations involve' in the )artnership"sinter#aith pantheistic agen'a0 (ut evangelicals li!e *orl' ision0 the 2aptist,eneral Convention o# Te%as0 Intervarsity an' others are also in'irectlyentangle' in its we( o# 'eception through the <vangelical <nvironmentalNetwor!/Christian an' ewish lea'ers are #air game #or this !in' o# 'eception (ecause they  (elieve we are 'estroying the earth/ &i!e most Americans0 'istorte' reports o#environmental 'estruction are the only thing they have hear'/ *hile thin!ingtheir Church or synagogue still worships the ,o' o# creation0 its lea'ership an'mem(ers are promoting laws that ma!e earth-not ,o'-the central organizingprinciple o# our society/





2y Dr/ $ichael S/ Co##man )h/ D/ August =>0 4773News*ithiews/com 

Few Americans realize that many o# our #e'eral environmental laws an'regulations originate at the international level/ These laws have a 'evastatinga##ect on private property0 stripping hun're's o# millions0 perhaps (illions o#

'ollars o# lan' value #rom rural citizens/ Fe'eral 'ocuments reveal that agencieshave a greater 'esire to en#orce these internationally (orn socialist laws than toprotect an' serve the citizens o# the :nite' States/

The <n'angere' Species Act0 #or instance0 is authorize' (y a num(er o# :nite'Nations a'ministere' treaties0 not on the enumerate' powers o# Congress givenin  Article =0 Section  o# the :/S/ Constitution/ These treaties inclu'e theConvention on Nature )rotection an' *il'li#e )reservation in the *estern

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+emisphere an' the Convention on International Tra'e in <n'angere' Specieso# *il' Fauna an' Flora/ &i!ewise0 the 5A$SA5  Convention o# *etlan's is thepattern #or much o# the #e'eral wetlan's regulation even though the Clean *ater Act 'oes not even speci#ically mention wetlan's/

Fe'eral agencies have use' these treaties0 an' over =7 others li!e them0 tocontrol the use o# private property0 ostensi(ly #or the Lpu(lic goo'/M Over onehun're' o# these treaties were rati#ie' a#ter an unsuccess#ul #ive-year e##ort (y$orris :'all an' environmental organizations to pass #e'eral lan' use controllaws in Congress the early =>K7s (ase' on the =>K4 pu(lication o# The :se o#&an'. A Citizen"s )olicy ,ui'e to :r(an ,rowth/ It claime' that lan' is essentialto human survival an' that planning its wise use is the (est tool to gui'e growthtowar' achieving economic (ene#its an' protecting environmental 6uality/&aurance 5oc!e#eller #un'e' the pu(lication0 an' *illiam / 5eilly0 who laterserve' as <)A A'ministrator un'er ,eorge 2ush0 Sr/0 e'ite' it/

Following the #aile' e##ort to achieve #e'eral lan' use control through legislationin the :/S/0 the =>K8 :nite' Nations Con#erence on +uman Settlements B+a(itatI was hel' in ancouver an' espouse' the same principles as lai' out in The :seo# &an'/ For instance0 the )ream(le o# Agen'a Item =7 o# the Con#erence 5eportstates that.

&an'///cannot  (e treate' as an ordinary asset0 controlle' (y in'ivi'uals an'su(1ect to the pressures an' ine##iciencies o# the mar!et/ )rivate lan' ownershipis also a principal instrument o# accumulation an' concentration o# wealth an'there#ore contri(utes to social in1ustice i# unchec!e'0 it may (ecome a ma1oro(stacle in the planning an' implementation o# 'evelopment schemes/ Theprovision o# 'ecent 'wellings an' healthy con'itions #or the people can only be

achieved  i# lan' is use' in the interests o# society as a whole/ Public control ofland use is therefore indispensable...."  BItalics a''e'

Throughout this :N 'ocument the socialist mo'el #or private property rights areset #orth as the (asis #or #uture :nite' Nations policy.

)u(lic ownership or e##ective control o# lan' in the pu(lic interest is the singlemost important means of...achieving a more equitable distribution of thebenefits of development J/ ,overnments must maintain #ull 1uris'iction an'e%ercise complete sovereignty over such lan'J/ Change in the use o# lan'///shoul' (e su(1ect to pu(lic control an' regulationJo# the common goo'/ BItalics


State control over private property has (een central to every international treatysince the =>K7s/ The Convention on 2iological Diversity0 gran''a''y o# all lan'use control e##orts0 was intro'uce' to the worl' at the <arth Summit in 5io 'eaneiro in une o# =>>4/ Article o# this short0 eighteen-page treaty re6uires thatnations Lregulate or manage (iological resources important #or the conservationo# (iological 'iversity/M

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Translate'0 this means signature states must pass an' en#orce laws that limitlan' use activities that may cause harm to (iological 'iversity within ecosystems which inclu'es nearly all lan' use activities/ The pu(lication o# the eleven-hun're' page =>> :N ,lo(al 2io'iversity Assessment B,2A spelle' out thisi'ea an' helpe' 'e#ine how to write the implementing language #or the

incomplete treaty/

The ,2A calls #or property owners to. ce'e rights to some 'ecision-ma!ingregulatory authority E(ecause resources are non-e%clusive in their use. they arein the nature o# local pu(lic goo's/J )roperty rights can still (e allocate' to theenvironmental pu(lic goo'0 (ut in this case they shoul' (e restricte' tousu#ructual or user rights/ +arvesting 6uotas0 emissions permits an' the'evelopment rights are e%amples o# such rights/

This represents a (latant contra'iction to the very intent o# the :/S/ Constitution which the Foun'ing Fathers 'esigne' to protect private property rights0 notcontrol them/ <ven so0 the real 'anger o# this treaty was its intent to place 37 to7 percent o# the :/S/ into wil'erness reserves an' interconnecting corri'ors inor'er to protect ecosystems an' (io'iversity/ This goal was e%pose' to the :/S/Senate mere hours (e#ore the rati#ication vote was sche'ule'0 stopping itsrati#ication one o# the #ew nations in the worl' to not rati#y the treaty/

<ven (e#ore the treaty came (e#ore the Senate #or rati#ication0 the :/S/<nvironmental )rotection Agency B<)A ha' alrea'y 'evelope' a plan toimplement the conventionPs provisions/ Accor'ing to an <)A internal wor!ing'ocument 'ate' August 80 =>>3.

Natural resource an' environmental agenciesJ shoul'J'evelop a 1oint strategyto help the :nite' States #ul#ill its e%isting international o(ligations Be/g/Convention on 2iological Diversity/J The e%ecutive (ranch shoul' 'irect #e'eralagencies to evaluate national policies///in light o# international policies an'o(ligations0 an' to amen' national policies to achieve international o(1ectives/

Shoc!ingly0 the <)A strategy calle' #or #e'eral agencies to evaluate nationalpolicies an' to change them to con#orm to international o(1ectives/ Amen'ingnational policy is a Constitutional responsi(ility o# the :/S/ Congress0 not thee%ecutive (ranch0 an' certainly not #e'eral agencies/ Het certain (ureaucrats (elieve their responsi(ility to international o(1ectives superce'e' the :/S/Constitution an' their man'ate to serve the American people/

 Although the :/S/ 'i' not rati#y the treaty0 the Clinton a'ministrationnonetheless implemente' the Convention using the <)A strategy/ The #irst o#these involve' 3 million acres o# national par!s an' other lan's registere' within the =>K4 :N Convention #or the )rotection o# the *orl' Cultural an'Natural +eritage0 an' :N<SCOPs $an an' the 2iosphere )rogram in the :/S/The management o# these par!s an' reserves change' to meet the protocol

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containe' in the Convention on 2iological Diversity an' similar :N treaties rather than to serve the :/S/ pu(lic/

Two other #e'eral lan'-use control e##orts that are highly signi#icant are the American +eritage 5ivers )rogram BA+5 an' ice )resi'ent ,orePs Clean *ater

Initiative BC*I/ 2oth are the o##spring o# the (io'iversity treaty an' the :N Agen'a 4=/ As has (ecome the norm0 the :/S/ Congress 'i' not vote on eitherprogram/ Instea'0 )resi'ent Clinton implemente' them through e%ecutiveor'ers/ Agen'a 4= is a ?7-chapter :N 'ocument to reorganize the worl' aroun'socialist0 comman' an' control regulation/

The C*IPs =>> Clean *ater Action )lan calle' #or o(literating #ive thousan'miles o# roa's every year on #e'eral lan'0 an' setting asi'e a whopping "twomillion miles of conservation buffers on agricultural lan's/9 The potential impacto# this program is enormous/ The Department o# AgriculturePs Stream Corri'or)lan calls #or the wi'th o# these conservation corri'ors to e6ual a riverPs =77-year#loo' plain0 which coul' (e many miles wi'e/ <ven a =77-#oot (u##er strip alongtwo million miles totals seventy-si% thousan' s6uare miles B#orty-eight millionacres0 an area e6uivalent to the entire state o# Ne(ras!aQ

Similarly0 the A+5 also ma!es it clear that the program will li!ely impact 9entire watershe's9 (y a 'esignation o# 1ust a portion o# the river as an American+eritage 5iver/ Technically0 the entire $ississippi 5iver watershe'0 covering ?7percent o# America0 is now un'er the A+5 programQ In a giant step to impose#e'eral lan' use controls0 the C*I targets one-thousan' watershe's as 9criticalrural watershe's9 #or special assistance to 9comply with applica(le stan'ar's9that are consistent with goals #or 9watershe' an' (asin level planning/9

)romote' as a plan to reinvent government0 (oth the A+5 an' C*I are toute' as9groun' up0 Jcommunity (ase'9 e##orts un'er the control o# local people/ In #act0each step is un'er the top 'own control o# the #e's/ 2y 'e#inition0 a 5iverCommunity un'er the A+5 is 9sel#-'e#ine' (y the mem(ers o# the community/9In the C*I0 it is calle' a *atershe' Council/ These councils are unaccounta(le tothe people who are a##ecte' (y their policy 'ecisions/ Het0 they have the power to withhol' monies #rom communities that 'o not toe the #e'eral line0 whilerewar'ing those that 'o/

The Clinton A'ministration carrie' out the concept o# ecosystem management was one-step #urther when it attempte' to impose #e'eral control over the entire

)aci#ic Northwest when it attempte' to impose the Interior Colum(ia 2asin<cosystem $anagement )ro1ect/ I# it is ever #ully implemente'0 the #e'eralgovernment woul' control harvesting0 mining0 viewshe's an' 'evelopment onpu(lic and  private lan' over the entire Colum(ia 5iver (asin #rom the Casca'esto Cana'a in the north0 to I'aho0 $ontana0 an' *yoming in the east0 to :tah an'Neva'a in the South/

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These are (ut a #ew e%amples/ $any0 i# not most0 :/S/ environmental laws0programs an' regulations come #rom international treaties an' programs/ All o#them convert Constitutionally - protecte' private property rights to state-controlle' rights0 ostensi(ly to achieve some mythical level o# Lsustaina(ility/M 2y'oing so0 +ernan'o 'e Soto0 in his illuminating (oo! The Mystery of Capital 0

says the very (asis #or creating wealth is greatly 'iminishe' or 'estroye'/ I#strangling regulations encum(er property rights there is little to no e6uity an'there#ore little to no capital with which to create wealth/

Ironically0 only a wealthy nation can a##or' to protect its environment/ 2y'estroying private property rights0 these internationally inspire' laws an'regulations are also 'estroying the very a(ility to achieve their state' purpose to protect the environmentQ 

R 4773 $ichael Co##man - All 5ights 5eserve' 

)oste' with permission (y propertyrights/org an' the American &an'Foun'ation/ 

Dr/ $ichael Co##man is presi'ent o# <nvironmental )erspectives0 Inc/ an' C<O o# Sovereignty International Corporation in 2angor0 $aine/ 




2y Dr/ $ichael S/ Co##man )h/ D/ August =0 477KNews*ithiews/com 

The cover o# the August =30 477K issue o# Newswee! sports a picture o# a veryactive sun with a title L,lo(al *arming is a +oa%/M 2ut the cover story isnPt a(outhow the man-cause' glo(al warming hysteria is a hoa%/ Oh0 no0 it is 1ust the

opposite/ It is a 'iatri(e a(out how those who are s!eptical a(out manPs in#luenceon climate are 'enying the truth an' are un'ermining the true science/ Sciencethat allege'ly shows without a 'ou(t that man is causing glo(al warming/ ThearticlePs title0 LThe Truth A(out Denial0M provi'es the lea'-in #or the accusationthat the s!eptics are receiving millions o# 'ollars Bprimarily #rom (ig oil0 o#course to provi'e research 'isproving man-cause' glo(al warming/ The author0Sharon 2egley0 accuse' <%%on alone o# giving ;=> million to such e##orts/

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Nineteen million 'ollars since =>>7 is a lot o# money until it is compare' to the whooping ;7 (illion that has #e' the man-cause' glo(al warming hysteria/ Hourea' it correctly0 that is ;7 billion/ O# course0 Newswee! conveniently le#t that (it o# in#ormation out o# its article/ The conventional wis'om that man isresponsi(le #or the cataclysmic warming over the past =77 years was (ought an'

pai' #or with your ta% 'ollars an' huge #oun'ation grants/ Although ;7 (illionhas (ought (ig hea'lines an' 'ooms'ay rhetoric0 the actual research has shownalmost no connection (etween earthPs CO4 an' its temperature/ )aleoclimatescientist 2o( Carter0 who has testi#ie' (e#ore the Senate <nvironment an' )u(lic *or!s Committee0 e%plains how much money has (een spent researching an'promoting climate #ears/ LIn one o# the more e%pensive ironies o# history0 thee%pen'iture o# more than ;:S7 (illion on research into glo(al warming since=>>7 has #aile' to 'emonstrate any human-cause' climate tren'0 let alone a'angerous one/M

ust how (a' is the science supporting man-cause' glo(al warming@ &etPs 1ustsay that i# this was any other (ranch o# science #or which (illions o# 'ollars werenPt given out li!e can'y0 it woul' (e shunne'/ ery #ew scientists woul' (e wor!ing on man-cause' glo(al warming (ecause there 1ust isnPt any cre'i(lescienti#ic 1usti#ication/ The entire theory 'epen's on glo(al warming mo'els thatcan not accurately pre'ict what has happene' the last 7 years Bwithout a lot o# (lac!-(o% manipulation0 let alone pre'ict catastrophic warming over the ne%t 7 years/ +owever0 the siren song o# (ig research grants an' even (igger prestige hassuc!e' many scientists 'own the roa' o# politicizing their science/ I# they 1umpo## the (an'wagon (y telling the truth they will #in' themselves without grantsan' out a 1o(/ *hen you have a #amily to support0 there is 6uite an incentive to#in' a connection to CO40 no matter how #limsy the 'ata/

$ost rea'ers o# News*ithiews alrea'y !now this or at least suspect it/+owever0 trying to convince your #rien's an' #amily that the man-cause' glo(al warming hysteria is a #rau' o#ten earns you a nomination #or mem(ership in thelunatic #ringe/ I# that 'escri(es you0 then there is hope #or re'eeming your sullie'name/ Sovereignty International the organization who stoppe' the onerousConvention on 2iological Diversity an hour (e#ore the :/S/ Senate was sche'ule'to vote on it has 1ust pro'uce' a pro#essional DD in which 'ozens o#scientists0 e%perts an' politicians tell the other si'e o# the glo(al warming story/Calle' ,lo(al *arming or ,lo(al ,overnance@0 this power#ul DD is the s!epticsanswer to sharing har' #acts with those who (elieve man!in' is causing glo(al warming with his CO4 (elching S:s an' #actories/ A#ter viewing this DD0 most

 (elievers o# man-cause' warming will either re1ect the #rau'0 or (egan toseriously 6uestion it/ The DD e%poses the myths that.

• ,lo(al warming is causing all the La(normalM weather we are currentlye%periencing

• CO4 has cause' warming an' cooling o# the earth over the past severalhun're' thousan' years

• CO4 is the most important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere

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• The earth has ha' a stea'y temperature #or the past thousan' years an'then su''enly s!yroc!ete' to recor' levels in the late twentieth an' earlytwenty-#irst centuries/

• The rapi' temperature increase in the late twentieth century is evi'ence o#glo(al warming/

The num(er an' severity o# hurricanes an' other violent weather isescalating/• The International )anel on Climate Change BI)CC is an un(iase'

scienti#ic (o'y/• The Antarctic an' ,reenlan' ice caps are melting an' will cause ocean

levels to rise 47 #eet/• The polar (ears are threatene' with e%tinction as the polar ice cap (rea!s

up• CO4 is a pollutant an' its emission shoul' (e constraine'• CO4 has no (ene#its• There is scienti#ic consensus that CO4 is 'riving mo'ern glo(al warming

an' the science is settle'/

5ather than (eing a pollutant0 CO4 is an e%tremely (ene#icial gas that coul'increase #oo' pro'uction (y 47 to ?7 percent an' 'ramatically improve thehealth o# earthPs ecosystems i# its concentration 'ou(le'/ 

I# CO4 can (e so (ene#icial0 why are we spen'ing tens o# (illions o# 'ollars toprove it is so (a'@ The answer is simple/ It is part o# an agen'a to create glo(algovernance/ There are several e%cellent DDs coming out in the ne%t severalmonths that e%pose the glo(al warming #rau'0 (ut only ,lo(al *arming or,lo(al ,overnance@ e%plains why so much money is (eing spent a'vancing theman-cause' glo(al warming hysteria/ <%perts an' politicians who are aware o#the glo(al governance agen'a e%plain how the international cartel is using glo(al warming0 (io'iversity0 e'ucation an' many more allege' crises to control oureconomy an' implement glo(al governance with them in control0 o# course/News clips in this DD show how this is actually (eing 'one to'ay/ 

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4niting and *trengthening America b! Pro$iding Appropriate Tools Re#uired to

"ntercept and 5bstruct Terrorism 64*A PATR"5T ACT7 Act o' .&&2 68nrolled +ill

6*ent to President77

0C. 82. 19*TO* O9 1O+0TC TO0+. >a? "4E9+%C +ERRR%94 "E$%!E"5 9e#tion 21 o tite 18, =nited 9tatesCode, is amended55

>1? in 'aragra'& >1?>B?>iii?, y stri3ing Oy assassination or 3idna''ingLand inserting Oy mass destru#tion, assassination, or 3idna''ingLD>2? in 'aragra'& >?, y stri3ing OandLD>? in 'aragra'& >I?, y stri3ing t&e 'eriod at t&e end and inserting OD andLDand>I? y adding at t&e end t&e oo)ing:O>/? t&e term Odomesti# terrorismL means a#tiities t&at55

O>A? inoe a#ts dangerous to &uman ie t&at are a ioation o t&e

#rimina a)s o t&e =nited 9tates or o any 9tateDO>B? a''ear to e intended55

O>i? to intimidate or #oer#e a #iiian 'o'uationDO>ii? to inuen#e t&e 'oi#y o a goernment y intimidationor #oer#ionD or O>iii? to ae#t t&e #ondu#t o a goernment y massdestru#tion, assassination, or 3idna''ingD and

O>C? o##ur 'rimariy )it&in t&e territoria urisdi#tion o t&e =nited9tates.L.

>? C!$R4%! A4E!"4E!+5 9e#tion 077>1? o tite 18, =nited 9tatesCode, is amended to read as oo)s:

O>1? Oa#t o terrorismL means an a#t o domesti# or internationa terrorismas deined in se#tion 21DL.

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<'& !e$ms $trol ;$ss !r$nsit $cilities, oo or "#s#picio#s'ndivid#$ls



'ssociated Press/?E!?E ??E ecember 1 200I

(omment) More Charles de 8ene/es and 5igoberto Alpi/ar$s in the makin%* 

?AS+#N,T8N - Federal air marshals are e!panding their wor' beyondairplanes launching counterterror surveillance at train stations and other masstransit facilities in a three-day test program.

 As of ?ednesday the Transportation Security Administration said teams of

undercover air marshals and uniformed law enforcement officers weredescending on bus stations ferries and transit systems across the country toprotect them from potential terrorists.

?e /ust want to develop the capability to enhance security outside of aviationsaid air marshal spo'esman &avid Adams.

 Air marshals stepped outside of their usual role of flying undercover on airlinersafter +urricane ;atrina struc' New 8rleans. They were sent to 'eep order atHouis Armstrong #nternational Airport where thousands of evacuees convergedafter the levees were breached.

The so-called 5isible #ntermodal *rotection and "esponse teams R or 5#*"teams R will patrol Amtra'0s Northeast )orridor and Hos Angeles rail linesL ferriesin ?ashington stateL bus stations in +oustonL and mass transit systems in

 Atlanta *hiladelphia ?ashington and 4altimore.

The teams will consist of two air marshals one TSA bomb-sniffing-canine teamone or two transportation security inspectors and a local law enforcement officer.

 Adams said there is no new intelligence indicating that terrorists are interested intargeting transportation modes.

"ather the TSA is trying to e!pand the role of air marshals who have beeneager to conduct surveillance activities beyond the aircraft and tighten securityat public transit stations over the holiday.

Some members of the team will be obvious to the traveling public and wear /ac'ets bearing the TSA name on the bac'. 8thers will be plainclothes airmarshals scanning the crowds for suspicious individuals.

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TSA e!pects to find new ways to 6uic'ly deploy resources in the event of anactual threat that adds comple!ity to security measures outside of the aviationdomain the agency said in a statement.

Thousands of air marshals were rushed into service after the Sept. GG terrorist

attac's. The service has been shunted among different agencies since thenstarting out at the Federal Aviation Administration moving to the TSA then to#mmigration and )ustom nforcement and recently bac' to the TSA.

Though the e!act number of air marshals is classified pilots estimate that theycover only a small percentage of flights. fforts were made to e!pand coverageby cross-training other law enforcement officers to perform air marshal duties but)ongress put a stop to it.

 Air marshals last wee' shot and 'illed a passenger in (iami who they said madea bomb threat.

The ?ashington *ost first reported the deployment of the 5#*" teams.



Tm6 u!e! 'me)! (o !'# 1o) 7#(e"

1'e!7uly 1 122G

T)+3), 9lorida )37 ## Tampa is 4sin hih#tech sec4ritycameras to scan the citys streets !or people wanted !orcrimes, a law en!orcement tactic that some lien to FiFrother. 

A co!puter so#tware progra! linked to 3M ca!eras began scanningcrowds Friday in Ta!pa)s nightli#e district" Qbor ity" !atching resultsagainst a database o# !ug shots o# people with outstanding arrestwarrants*

:uropean cities and .*S* go1ern!ent ofces" casinos and banks arealready using the so-called #ace-printing syste!" but Ta!pa is the rstA!erican city to install a per!anent syste! along public streets" The Ta!pa Tribune reported Sunday*

A si!ilar syste! was used at Super 9owl =" which was held in Ta!pa last Danuary*

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why should you worry about it )hief +arold +urtt toldreporters ?ednesday at a regular briefing.

+ouston is facing a severe police shortage because of toomany retirements and too few recruits and the city has

absorbed G=2222 hurricane evacuees who are fillingapartment comple!es in crime-ridden neighborhoods. The)ity )ouncil is considering a public safety ta! to pay for moreofficers.

4uilding permits should re6uire malls and large apartmentcomple!es to install surveillance cameras +urtt said. And if ahomeowner re6uires repeated police response it isreasonable to re6uire camera surveillance of the property hesaid.

Scott +enson director of the American )ivil Hiberties Union0s*olice Accountability *ro/ect in Te!as called +urtt0s building-permit proposal radical and e!treme and said it may violatethe Fourth Amendment0s protections against unreasonablesearches.

 Andy Teas with the +ouston Apartment Association said thatalthough some would consider cameras an invasion ofprivacy # thin' a lot of people would appreciate the thoughtof e!tra eyes loo'ing out for them.

Such cameras are costly +ouston (ayor 4ill ?hite said buton the other hand we spend an awful lot for patrol presence.+e called the chief0s proposal a brainstorm rather than adecision.

The program would re6uire )ity )ouncil approval.

Super 4owl security to use sensor fusion to fight?(& threats


er#$r% 02, 2006 9)omputerworld: As some 3=222 football fans gather at FordField in &etroit Sunday for this year0s Super 4owl %H (ichigan National ,uardtroops will be patrolling the stadium and nearby neighborhoods with handheldcomputers and special sensors tied together in a uniform system to fight terroristthreats.

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Similar systems have been used separately in the past to combat terrorism butthe one in place for this year0s game will for the first time allow security officials touse a single interface one wireless networ' and a variety of related e6uipment tomonitor potential threats providing real-time data wirelessly to all securitypersonnel.

The big advantage here is that it uses #nternet protocols so the incoming datacan be loaded into secure or classified ?eb sites so personnel up to thousandsof miles away can get readings in real time said Ht.)ol. )lar' +inga of the(ichigan National ,uard0s =Gst ?eapons of (ass &estruction )ivil SupportTeam.#n the past National ,uard units or other security personnel monitored sensorsindividually for chemical biological or radiological threats which re6uired them toconstantly update one another by radio he said. Now using sensor fusiontechnology from &istributed #nstruments HH) in Sterling +eights (ich. securityofficials at the Super 4owl can monitor a constant flow of data from multiplesensors in one centralized command center.Some sensors will be mounted in fi!ed positions while others will be carried byNational ,uard personnel as they move around the stadium during the event withhandheld computers.The ability to have a mi! of strategically-placed fi!ed sensors and mobile sensorswill improve the security coverage he said.#t will allow us to do a better /ob of placing the remote monitors +inga said.This way # can have more monitors than people as well as it being a more low-'ey operation to do the monitoring. ?e want to protect the public without scaringthem.The sensor fusion technology is being used by the (ichigan National ,uard as afield test for the U.S. Army0s Tan' and Automotive "esearch &evelopment andngineering )enter  9TA"&): which is testing the technology to find ways tolin' sensors military personnel vehicles and other e6uipment using high-speedwireless networ's for instant and reliable communications +inga said.The handhelds being carried by National ,uard personnel at the game will sendreadings bac' to a base station without user intervention. #f any readings areabnormal the base station can communicate with the soldiers by radio and havethem investigate further +inga said. ?e0re field testing the beta version hesaid. The devices can be carried inside clothing and don0t have to be actuallymonitored by the soldier carrying them -- allowing security personnel to blend intothe crowds.The ob/ective is to 'eep it as low-'ey as possible +inga said. This systemallows us to be discreet.The (ichigan National ,uard will be at the game in support of federal lawenforcement authorities but the &etroit *olice &epartment will be in charge ofsecurity he said. Assisting the state guard will be troops from the ?isconsin and#owa National ,uard units. The civil support teams are used to help localauthorities prepare or respond to chemical biological or radiological events hesaid. Similar teams have assisted at other events including the ?orld Series andthe 8lympics.

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7effrey "ic'er )8 of &istributed #nstruments said the sensor fusion technologydeveloped by his company will wor' with sensors made by any sensormanufacturer. The software uses open standards and is open-source based onthe 8S,i Service *latform which is a standardized component-orientedcomputing environment for networ'ed services. 8S,i allows networ'ed devices

to be managed from anywhere in the world while allowing software to beinstalled updated or removed on the fly while the device is operating.Those capabilities are critical to hardware used by the military and emergencyofficials "ic'er said.The software which is still unnamed allows users to correlate sensor data to thee!act location of a sensor using ,lobal *ositioning System 9,*S: information.8ne 'ey to &istributed #nstrument0s technology is the use of the Transducer &ata!change *rotocol 9T&%*: which is being submitted to the 8rganization for the

 Advancement of Structured #nformation Standards for consideration as astandard protocol. T&%* is a highly-scalable platform that provides plug-and-playcapability for ma'ing sensors and sensor networ's #nternet-accessible by acting

as a membrane between digital data and physical devices. That is somethingthat0s been missing "ic'er said.&uring the Super 4owl several dozen National ,uard troops will be carryinghandheld devices from Sony )orp. and 8M8 #nc. that are specially prepared forthe mission.Future capabilities could include small wireless cameras lin'ed to facial-recognition software databases that would help identify suspects in crowds hesaid. #t can be 'ind of scary "ic'er said but it0s not as scary as thealternative.



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2ush grants presi'ency e%traor'inary powersDirective #or emergencies apparently gives authority withoutcongressional oversight

Posted: a" 2@$ 20071:00 a+m+ Eastern



,resident 9ush has signed a directi1e granting e+traordinary powers tothe ofce o# the president in the e1ent o# a declared nationale!ergency" apparently without congressional appro1al or o1ersight*

 The 7National Security and $o!eland Security ,residential 0irecti1e7was signed (ay 4" notes Dero!e R* orsi in a %N0 colu!n*

It was issued with the dual designation o# NS,0-5E" as a NationalSecurity ,residential 0irecti1e" and $S,0-C" as a @omeand 9e#urity ,residential 0irecti1e*

 The directi1e establishes under the ofce o# the president a newnational continuity coordinator whose &ob is to !ake plans #or 7National:ssential Functions7 o# all #ederal" state" local" territorial and tribal

go1ern!ents" as well as pri1ate sector organiations to continue#unctioning under the president)s directi1es in the e1ent o# a nationale!ergency*

7atastrophic e!ergency7 is loosely dened as 7any incident"regardless o# location" that results in e+traordinary le1els o# !asscasualties" da!age" or disruption se1erely a<ecting the .*S*population" inrastru#ture" en1iron!ent" econo!y" or go1ern!ent#unctions*7

orsi says the president can assu!e the power to direct any and all

go1ern!ent and business acti1ities until the e!ergency is declaredo1er*

 The directi1e says the assistant to the president #or $o!eland Securityand ounterterroris!" currently Frances Fragos Townsend" would bedesignated as the national continuity coordinator*

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orsi says the directi1e !akes no atte!pt to reconcile the powerscreated #or the national continuity coordinator with the National:!ergency Act" which re2uires that such procla!ation 7shalli!!ediately be trans!itted to the ongress and published in theFederal Register*7

A ongressional Research Ser1ice study notes the National :!ergencyAct sets up ongress as a balance e!powered to 7!odi#y" rescind" orrender dor!ant7 such e!ergency authority i# ongress belie1es thepresident has acted inappropriately*

9ut the new directi1e appears to supersede the National :!ergencyAct by creating the new position o# national continuity coordinatorwithout any specic a#t o Congress authoriing the position" orsi says*

 The directi1e also !akes no re#erence to ongress and its language

appears to negate any re2uire!ent that the president sub!it toongress a deter!ination that a national e!ergency e+ists*

It suggests instead that the powers o# the directi1e can bei!ple!ented without any congressional appro1al or o1ersight*

$o!eland Security spokes!an Russ 8nocke afr!ed to orsi the$o!eland Security 0epart!ent would i!ple!ent the re2uire!ents o#the order under Townsend)s direction*

 The %hite $ouse declined to co!!ent on the directi1e*



3,+3) Dec&aration of nationa& emer=ency #yPre%ident 'u#&ication in ;edera& Re=i%ter effecton other &a/% %u'er%edin= &e=i%&ation

Ho* ,urrent is hisD 

aF 5ith res#ect to 'cts of ,ongress authori4ing the e.ercise$ during the #eriodof a national emergenc"$ of an" s#ecial or e.traordinar" #o*er$ the President is

authori4ed to declare such national emergenc"+ !uch #roclamation shallimmediatel" be transmitted to the ,ongress and #ublished in the Cederal

egister+ htt#://***+la*+cornell+edu/uscode/I0/uscsecI000001621----000-+html 

#F 'n" #rovisions of la* conferring #o*ers and authorities to be e.ercisedduring a national emergenc" shall be effective and remain in effect

3F onl" *hen the President in accordance *ith subsection a8 of thissection8$ s#ecificall" declares a national emergenc"$ and

+F onl" in accordance *ith this cha#ter+ (o la* enacted after !e#tember1$ 1<76$ shall su#ersede this subcha#ter unless it does so in s#ecific

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terms$ referring to this subcha#ter$ and declaring that the ne* la*su#ersedes the #rovisions of this subcha#ter+

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HITLER Q 2080008000

MAO TSE TUNG Q K080008000


TUR>EY Q @8008000

CAMBODIA Q 280008000

UGANDA Q 008000


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TearsL War 


needed Q


needed Q


C&ina 18I 20/Part o +&reeKingdoms War 


needed Q

,/00,0001Q Korean War Korean

Peninsua1N/0 1N/ Cod War 


needed Q


needed Q


9out& EastAsia

1NI/ 1N7/

2,000,000 I,000,00017Q

$ren#&Wars oReigion

$ran#e 1/2 1/N8 Reigious )ar 

2,000,00018Q 2,000,0009&a3aLs#onuests

Ari#a 181 1828

1,/00,0001NQ 2,000,00020Q Ag&anCii War 

Ag&anistan 1N7N 'resent9oietinterention21Q22Q

[e"(] No#'om+(#( <ll#%!This section lists campaigns either aimed at or resulting in signifcantmortality o$ noncom-atants/ excluding victims o$ collateral damage$rom war.This list is incomplete3 you can help by e!panding it .

The neutralit! and 'actual accurac! o' this section are disputed9Pease see t&e reeant dis#ussion on t&e ta3 'age.

This section is missing citations or needs 'ootnotes9=sing inine #itations &e's guard against #o'yrig&t ioations and a#tua ina##ura#ies. -August





8stimate8$ent ocation )rom To ;otes

27,000,0002Q 72,000,0002IQ

Poiti#are'ression reat ea'$or)ard amine, seenote2/Q

Peo'esRe'ui# oC&ina

1NIN 1N7/ 4ao Uedong

21,000,0002Q 21,000,000

"emo#ides o !a;i ermany under @iter ,in#uding t&e


Euro'e 1N 1NI/

9ee @oo#aust andConseuen#es o erman !a;ism

1,778,00027Q 20,000,000/Q

"emo#ide o !atieAmeri#ans yEuro'eans andC&ristians

Ameri#as 1/00s 1N00

Amerindian&istory andEuro'ean#ooni;ation

,000,00028Q 0,000,0002NQ %m'eriaJa'anLs

Asia 1N0s 1NI/ Ja'anese )ar#rimes

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o##u'ation oAsia

I,000,0000Q1Q 0,000,0002Q

Atanti# saetrade>in#udingAri#an tria

)arare 'romoted yt&e trade andmore t&an 1miion )&odied during t&etrans5Atanti##rossingsQ?.


100s 1800s

I,000,000 /0,000,000

Poiti#are'ression,in#uding >in

arger igure?@oodomor  amine


=nion1N2 1N/

 !umer o

9tainLs i#tims

,00,000IQ 20,000,000/Q Ara saetrade

Ari#a, Asia,Euro'e

800s 2000s

%sam andsaery and9aery in4odern Ari#a

,000,000Q 22,000,000Q

"e'o'uation >rom or#edaour #onseuent

s'read odisease,massa#res?

Congo $ree9tate

1877 1N08eo'od %% oBegium

1,000,000 /,000,0007Q

"emo#ide oC&inese4usims

C&ina 18/ 187

Pant&ayReeion 4usimReeion

800,000 1,000,000Partition o%ndia

%ndia 1NI7 1NI8

/00,000S8Q /00,000SAnti#ommunist  'urge

%ndonesia 1N/ 1N/

I00,000 I00,000+ai)an underJa'anese rue

+ai)an 18N/ 1NI/

00,000 /00,000 !an3ing4assa#re


1N7 1N89ee !an3ing4assa#re

2,000 NQ ,000,000 NQ 1N71Bangades&atro#ities


1N71 1N71 4urder o et&ni#Bengais and@indus y West

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Pa3istanimiitary andasso#iatede<tremist %sami#grou's



"emo#ide =ganda 1N71 1N7N %di Amin

00,000 00,000Et&ni##eansing oCir#assians

Cau#asus 17 18IRussian5Cir#assian War 

1/0,000I2Q /00,000IQ 4ass 3iings,eno#ide

Et&io'ia 1N7I 1NN1

4ar<ist regimeo 4engistu@aie 4ariamIIQ


1/0,000 1/0,000@arrying o t&e !ort&

Engand 10N 1070Wiiam t&eConueror 

100,000 1,200,000

"emo#ide o

+ietans >in#uded intotas orPeo'eLsRe'ui# oC&ina aoe?

+iet 1N/0  'resent+ietan geno#idetria and @umanrig&ts in C&ina

80,000IQ 20,000I7Q

4asse<e#utionsduring and ater t&e 9'anis&Cii War 

9'ain 1N 1NI0s $ran#is#o $ran#o

80,000I8Q 80,0004ass 3iingsINQ



1N8 1N7N$ran#is#o 4a#Vas !guema

72,000S 2/2,000Russian 'ogroms

Russia 1881 1N22Reoution(CiiWar 

I0,000 100,000S

Pa3istani,%ndian andC&ineseo##u'ation oKas&mir 

%ndia 1NI7  'resent

72,000 72,000 E<e#utions Engand 1/0N 1/I7 @enry H%%%

I0,000 100,000/1Q 4assa#res Waa#&ia 1II8 1I2 Had %%% t&e%m'aer 

18,000 0,000 Reign o +error  $ran#e 17N 17NI Ja#oin Cu

0,000 0,000Poiti#are'ression

@aiti 1NI 1N71MPa'a "o#M"uaier 

27,N27/2Q 27,N27 Boer  )omenand #&idren inBritis&

9out& Ari#a 18NN 1N02 9e#ond Boer War 

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1/,000 2,000/Q Poiti#are'ression

Cua 1N/N 2007 $ide Castro

12,000 2I,000+&e 228

%n#ident+ai)an 1NI7 1NI7

K)o 4intang

>K4+?10,000 0,000 +&e "irty War  Argentina 1N7 1N8

,000 ,000Poiti#are'ression

C&ie 1N7 1NN0AugustoPino#&et

[e"(] Ge#o'"e

The neutralit! and 'actual accurac! o' this section are disputed9Pease see t&e reeant dis#ussion on t&e ta3 'age.

 %ain article enocides in history The ,,; denes genocide in part as 7acts co!!itted with intent todestroy" in whole or in part" a national" ethnical" racial or religious

group7*0eter!ining what historical e1ents constitute a genocide and whichare !erely cri!inal or inhu!an beha1ior is not a clearcut !atter* Innearly e1ery case where accusations o# genocide ha1e circulated"partisans o# 1arious sides ha1e ercely disputed the interpretation anddetails o# the e1ent" o#ten to the point o# pro!oting wildly di<erent1ersions o# the #acts* An accusation o# genocide there#ore" will al!ostalways be contro1ersial* The #ollowing list o# genocides and alleged genocides should beunderstood in this conte+t and not necessarily regarded as the nalword on the e1ents in 2uestion*



8$ent ocation )rom To ;otes

11,000,000/IQ 1,00,000//Q eno#ides o !a;i ermany

Euro'e 1N 1NI/

Weestais&ed. 9ee@oo#aust,Conseuen#eso erman !a;ism


needed Q


needed Q

@oodomor  amine


1N2 1N2 As o !oemer 200, t&e

=3rainegoernment )astrying to get t&ismass starationre#ognised yt&e =nited !ations as ana#t o geno#ide,

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)it& Russiangoernment andmany memerso t&e =3rainian 'ariament

o''osing su#& amoe./Q


needed Q


needed Q

$amine, 'oiti#are'ression

Camodia 1N7/ 1N7N

As o 9e'temer 2007, no one&as een oundguity o 'arti#i'ating int&is geno#ide, ut on 1N9e'temer  2007 !uon C&ea,

se#ond in#ommand o t&eK&mer Rougeand its mostsenior suriingmemer, )as#&arged )it&)ar #rimes and#rimes against&umanity. @e)i a#e

Camodian and=nited !ationsa''ointedoreign udges att&e s'e#iageno#idetriuna./7Q

200,000/8Q 1,/00,000citation

needed Q


+ur3ey 18N/ 1N2 By 200, iteennationaassemies &adoted to

re#ognise t&att&is )as ageno#ide,/NQ utt&e +ur3is&goernment)&ie a##e'tingt&at many dieddoes not

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re#ogni;e t&ee'isode as ageno#ide.0Q


needed Q


needed Q


R)anda 1NNI 1NNI

@utu 3iedunarmed men,

)omen and#&idren. 9ome 'er'etrators ot&e geno#ide&ae een oundguity y t&e%nternationaCrimina+riuna orR)anda, utmost &ae not

 een #&argeddue to no)itnessa##ounts.


needed Q 700,0001Q

=stas&e geno#ide o9ers, Je)s,Roma

Ba3ans 1NI1 1NI/

Weestais&ed, see%nde'endent9tate o Croatia

00,000 /00,000 !an3ing4assa#re

 !an3ing 1N7 1N8

+&e !an3ing4assa#re,#ommony

3no)n as t&eRa'e o !an3ing, )as aninamousgeno#ida )ar#rime#ommitted yt&e Ja'anesemiitary in !aning, t&en#a'ita o t&e

Re'ui# oC&ina, ater ite to t&e%m'eriaJa'anese Armyon "e#emer1, 1N7.

22/,000 22/,000citation "e'o'uation o Austraia 1788 1888  !o a#ademi#

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needed Q Austraianaorigines 2QQ

#onsensus t&att&is )as ageno#ide, seeAustraiangeno#ide deate

200,000 I00,000 "arur #oni#t 9udan 200  'resent9ee%nternationares'onse to t&e"arur #oni#t


needed Q


needed Q

4assa#res o4ayan %ndians

uatemaa 1N2 1NN

eno#idea##ording to t&e@istori#aCarii#ationCommission.IQ /Q

117,000Q /00,000Q Reot in t&eHende

$ran#e 17N 17N

"es#ried as

geno#ide ysome &istorians.9ee aso $ren#&Reoution


needed Q


needed Q

Poiti#are'ression oEast +imorese

East +imor  1N7/ 1NN0Ls

Commonyreerred to asgeno#ide ymedia, s#&oars.


needed Q


needed Q

Poiti#are'ression o

West Pa'uans

%ndonesia 1N1  'resent

eno#idea##ording tosome sour#es,

see eno#ide inWest Pa'ua

100,0007Q 200,0008Q A5AnaCam'aign

%ra 1N8 1N8N

BaLat&ist %radestroys oer2,000 iagesand #ommitsgeno#ide ont&eir Kurdis& 'o'uation.

/0,000NQ 100,000NQ 4assa#res o@utus

Burundi 1N72 1N72

+utsi goernment

massa#res o@utu, seeBurundigeno#ide


needed Q


needed Q

4assa#res o+utsis

Burundi 1NN 1NN @utugoernmentmassa#res o

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+utsi, seeBurundigeno#ide


needed Q


needed Q

@erero and !amauageno#ide

 !amiia 1N0I 1N08

eneraya##e'ted. 9ee

aso %m'eriaermany

2,000 NQ ,000,000NQ



1N71 1N71

+&eBangades&i 'ress and ot&ersaege t&at t&eatro#ities )ere ageno#ide, ut todate no one &as een indi#tedor su#& a #rime.

8,00070Q 8,0009reeni#amassa#re

9reeni#a 1NN/ 1NN/

A geno#idamassa#rea##ording to t&e%C+T. 9ee asoBosnia )ar .

QeditR ndiid4al e>termination camps

• 1,/00,0005I,000,00071Q 5 Aus#&)it; e<termination #am' >y  !a;i5ermany,

o#ated in X)iY#im, Poand, 1NI051NI/?

• 1,000,00051,I00,00072Q 5 +rein3a e<termination #am', >y  !a;i ermany,o#ated in +rein3a, Poand, 1NI251NI?

• /,000 7Q58I0,0007IQ 5 Jasenoa# e<termination #am' 5 >y !"@ =staZe !a;i

regime in Croatia. 4ost o t&e i#tims )ere 9ers?• I80,000500,0007/Q7Q77Q 5 Be;e# e<termination #am', >y !a;i ermany, o#ated

in Be;e# Poand, 1NI251NI?• /0,000 5 4adane3 e<termination #am', >y  !a;i ermany, o#ated in uin 

Poand, 1NI251NII?• 00,000 5 C&emno e<termination #am', >y  !a;i ermany, o#ated in C&emno 

Poand, 1NI151NI?• 20,000 5 9oi[r e<termination #am', >y !a;i ermany, o#ated in 9oior  

Poand, 1NI251NI?• //,000 5 !euengamme #on#entration #am', >y !a;i ermany, o#ated y

@amurg, ermany, 1N851NI/?

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[e"(] Hum# !')1'e #" )(ul !u'"e

This section lists tolls $rom the systematic practice o$ human sacrifceor suicide. For nota-le individual episodes/ see 8uman sacrifce andmass suicide.




8stimate <escription Group ocation )rom To ;otes

2,000,000 2,000,000@umansa#rii#e

A;te#s 4e<i#o 1I00s 100s

@umansa#rii#ein A;te##uture

2,000,000 2,000,000@umansa#rii#e

+&uggee %ndia 100s 18N0

2,I00 2,I00 Ritua sui#ides 9ati %ndia 1N00s 1N88*

1,00078Q 1,000@umansa#rii#e


C&ina BC100 BC10/0ast 2/0years o


,N12 ,N12Kami3a;e sui#ide 'iots,see note 7NQ

%m'eriaJa'anese air or#es



C))ol Ju%le* 9 (.e +#<e)! 6l#

M+&e Po)er o inan#ia #a'itaism &ad aQ ar rea#&ing 'an, not&ing esst&an to #reate a )ord system o inan#ia #ontro in 'riate &ands ae to

dominate t&e 'oiti#a system o ea#& #ountry and t&e e#onomy o t&e)ord as a )&oe.

 This syste! was to be controlled in a #eudalistic #ashion bythe central banks o# the world acting in concert" by secretagree!ents arri1ed at in #re2uent !eetings andcon#erences*

 The ape+ o# the syste! was to be the 9ank #orInternational Settle!ents in 9asel" Switerland" a pri1atebank owned and controlled by the world)s central banks"

which were the!sel1es pri1ate corporations*:ach central bank sought to do!inate its go1ern!ent byits ability to control treasury loans" to !anipulate #oreigne+changes" to inHuence the le1el o# econo!ic acti1ity inthe country" and to inHuence co-operati1e politicians bysubse2uent rewards in the business world*7httpwww*bilderberg*orgbis*ht!  

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)$rrol 9#igle%, !r$ged% $nd ope, 1M66 - C8ill )lintonBs mentor $nd5eorgetown *niversit% professorF

Muotes from &avid "oc'efeller0s Memoirs 9"andom +ouse NewOor' 1221: )hapter 1K pages D2D and D2=. )ited by &r. &ennis


(y lifetime pursuits as an intern$tion$list might bestbe summarized by one rather e!traordinary day inGBB=. 8ctober 1< was a busy day at the )o#ncil onoreign &el$tions. The fiftieth anniversary of theUnited Nations had drawn almost two hundred headsof government to New Oor' and many had as'ed tospea' at the )ouncil. but even then the day wasunusual for the diversity of the spea'ers i$ngRemin president of the *eople0s "epublic of )hina

and heir apparent to &eng %iaopingL <$cl$v $vel ofthe )zech "epublic... $sser Ar$f$t... and finallyidel )$stro.... Hith the e>ception of $vel, thesemen h$d vowed to fight to the de$th $g$instimperi$list Americ$. Now with the end of the )old?ar they floc'ed to the center of world capitalismeager to meet and close deals with American ban'ersand corporate e!ecutives or at least to be seen withthem -- even )astro....

For more than a century ideological e!tremists at

either end of the political spectrum have seized uponwell-publicized incidents such as my encounter with)astro to $tt$c the &ocefeller f$mil% for theinordin$te infl#ence the% cl$im we wield overAmeric$n politic$l $nd economic instit#tions.Some even believe we are p$rt of $ secret c$$lworing $g$inst the est interests of the *nited"t$tes characterizing my family and me asBintern$tion$listsB $nd of conspiring with others$ro#nd the world to #ild $ more integr$ted glo$lpolitic$l $nd economic str#ct#re--one world, if%o# will. 'f th$tBs the ch$rge, ' st$nd g#ilt%, $nd '$m pro#d of it.

The anti-"oc'efeller focus of these otherwiseincompatible political positions owes much to*opulism. 0*opulists0 believe in conspiracies and oneof the most enduring is that a secret gro#p ofintern$tion$l $ners $nd c$pit$lists, $nd their

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minions, control the worldBs econom%. 4ecause ofmy name and prominence as the head of the )hasefor many years # have earned the distinction of0conspirator in chief0 from some of these people.

*opulists and isolationists ignore the t$ngileenefits th$t h$ve res#lted from o#r $ctiveintern$tion$l role d#ring the p$st h$lf-cent#r%. Notonly was the very real threat posed by Soviet)ommunism overcome but there have beenfundamental improvements in societies around theworld particularly in the United States as a result ofglobal trade improved communications and theheightened inter$ction of people from differentc#lt#res. *opulists rarely mention these positiveconse6uences nor can they cogently e!plain how

they would have sustained American economicgrowth and the e!pansion of our political powerwithout them.

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!hurche% and Mi%%ionary Or=aniCation% Non?:a'ti%t of

n%'ecified Denomination%F 

'darondoc9 ,ha#el - 133I'9ron$ Ohio ,ongregational ,hurch 'rlington !treet8 - 13<6'las9a ,ongregational ,hurch - 13<<'las9a E#isco#al ,hurch - 13<<'lliance$ Ohio ,hurch - 136@$ 13<0'merican !unda" !chool 'ssociation - 13<0'm#ersand Presb"terian ,hurch - 13<&a"onne$ (e* erse" !unda" !chool #eriodicals8 - 1336&ethel ,hurch$ 163th !t+$ (e* Uor9 >erman8 - 1333&ible and Cruit ission (e* Uor98 - 1333&ible ,hristian ,hurch - 136I&i*abi9$ innesota ,ongregational ,hurch - 13<0&radford$ Penns"lvania E#isco#al ,hurch - 13<0&road*a" abernacle (e* Uor98 - 13<@,am# emorial ,hurch - 13<,anada !unda" !chool - 1332,ase 'venue Presb"terian ,hurch - 1331,ha#el ,or+ EvangelistGs *or98 - 13<1-13<<,hesterto*n ,hurch - 1336,hinese ission !an Crancisco8 - 133I

,hrist +E+ ,hurch ,leveland$ Ohio8 - 137<,hristian ,ommission - 136-136I through Erie !treet &a#tist,hurch8,hristian Endeavor ,onvention ,leveland8 - 13<,hristian Endeavor ,onvention (e* Uor98 - 13<2-13<,hurch ,horal )nion - 133-1336,hurch Histor" Cello*shi# - 1337,leveland 'ssociation - 136@-1366 through Erie !treet &a#tist,hurch8,ollamer E#isco#al ,hurch - 13<6-13<7

,ollamer Presb"terian ,hurch - 13<-13<<,ollin*ood ,ha#el - 1373,ollin*ood ,ongregational ,hurch - 13<I,ollin*ood$ Ohio ,hristian ,hurch - 13<3,leveland !abbath ,ommission - 1331,leveland !unda" )nion - 1<02,ongregational ,hurch on Heights - 136I through Erie !treet &a#tist,hurch8

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,ongregational issionar" to ,ala - 133<eaf utes church mission8 - 1336-133<etroit !treet ission - 1336-1337East ,leveland ethodist ,hurch ,leveland Ohio8 - 1336Emmanuel &ethel ,hurch (e* Uor98 - 1336-1<0@

E#isco#al ,hurch$ innesota - 13<I-13<7 issionar" *or98Euclid 'venue ,hristian ,hurch - 1333Euclid 'venue ,ongregational ,hurch - 1336-1337Evangelical 'lliance - 1336-13<6Eveleth$ innesota Hol" Camil" ,atholic ,hurch - 1<00Cairmount ethodist ,hurch - 13<<>lenville +E+ ,hurch arr"to*n$ (e* Uor98 - 13<I>lenville$ Ohio ethodist ,hurch - 13<1-13<>rand ?igne ission ,anada8 - 133I-1<02>ravesend$ England ,hurch - 13<6Haughville$ ndiana ,ha#el - 1337Hibbing$ innesota !*edish ?utheran ,hurch - 13<<Highsto*n$ (e* erse" ethodist ,hurch - 13<IHome and Coreign issions - 1333-133<o*a ,hurch - 136@-1373 through Erie !t+ &a#tist ,hurch8a#an ,hurch &ell - 1337udson emorial ,hurch - 1333-13<1udson ission !ociet" Euclid 'venue &a#tist ,hurch$ ,leveland$Ohio8 - 133-13<0?adies ,hristian )nion (e* Uor9 ,it"8 - 13<-13<7?eaven*orth ,hurch$ Jansas - 136-136I through Erie !treet &a#tist

,hurch8?a9e Aie* ,ongregational ,hurch ,leveland$ Ohio8 - 13<0-1<02?e.ington ,olored ,hurch - 136I through Erie !t+ &a#tist ,hurch8?ittle ,hurch (e* Uor98 - 1336?ouisville ,hurch - 137<adison 'venue ,ongregational ,hurch ,leveland$ Ohio8 - 1333adison 'venue Presb"terian ,hurch (e* Uor98 - 13<-13<6ariners em#le$ (e* Uor9 see also 'ver"$ +C+8 - 13<0-13<3c'll ission Paris$ Crance8 - 133-13<2c'ule" ,remorne ission - 13<-1<02

c'ule" ission 5ater !treet ission8 - 133-1<02ethodist ,hurch ountain nn - 133I-1336innesota ,onference Evangelical ?utheran !"nod - 1<00innesota ,ongregational ,hurch 5or9 - 13<7-1<01innesota E#isco#al ,hurch missionar" *or98 - 13<I-13<7innesota ethodist ,hurch 5or9 - 13<6-13<3innesota Presb"terian ,hurch - 13<3-1<01ormon &ible - 1337 to iddleditch$ ?ivingston8

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(ational Cederation of ,hurches - 1<00-1<0(e* ochelle ethodist ,hurch - 13<7(e* estament nstitute - 133(e* Uor9 Ecumenical ,onference on Coreign issions in (e* Uor9 -1<00

(e* Uor9 Cederation of ,hurches - 13<6-1<02(e* Uor9 !*edish ethodist ,hurch - 13<1(ottingham$ Ohio +E+ ,hurch - 13<@Olivet ,ha#el ,leveland$ Ohio8 - 133I-1337Ongola ission$ ndia - 133I-13<2Par9erGs eacon8 ,hurch - 137<Pilgrim ,ongregational ,hurch ,leveland$ Ohio8 - 13<Pl"mouth ,ongregational ,hurch oledo$ Ohio8 - 13<3Pl"mouth ,ongregational ,hurch - 1331-13<<Pl"mouth$ assachusetts ,hurch - 13<IPocantico Hills ,atholic ,hurch Cair - 13<6Portland$ Oregon ,hurch - 13<<Proctor Jnott ,atholic ,hurch - 13<<eligious Education 'ssociation - 1<0@ouseville$ Penns"lvania +E+ ,hurch - 13<0o*lsto*n$ Ohio ,ongregational ,hurch - 13<6!aranac ?a9e E#isco#al ,hurch - 13<@$ 13<3!aranac ?a9e ethodist ,hurch - 13<@!aranac ?a9e Presb"terian ,hurch - 13<3!eabright$ (e* erse" ,hurch of the Cisherman - 13<0!econd Presb"terian ,hurch ,leveland$ Ohio8 - 1330

!t+ ?u9eGs +E+ ,hurch (e*ar9$ (e* erse"8 - 13<!t+ ar9Gs '++E+ ,hurch il*au9ee$ 5isconsin8 - 13<0!t+ ar9Gs E#isco#al ,hurch 5est ,leveland$ Ohio8 - 1<01!ociet" to Provide Evangelical ?iterature to the &lind - 13<I-1<0@!*edish ?utheran ,hurch Eveleth$ innesota8 - 13<<!*edish ethodist ,hurch - 1333!*edish ission in llinois - 136-136Iabernacle ,hurch erse" ,it"8 - 13<-13<3abernacle ,leveland - 1373-133arr"to*n ethodist ,hurch - 13<I

arr"to*n Old ,hurch 5ashington rving emorial8 - 13<7)nited &rethren - 1336 Rhird >erman )nited &rethren ,hurch$,leveland$ OhioSAassar !outhern issionar" - 1367Airginia$ innesota ?utheran ,hurch - 13<IAirginia$ innesota ethodist ,hurch - 13<Airginia$ innesota Presb"terian ,hurch - 13<I5elsh ,hurch$ (e*burgh$ Ohio - 136<$ 1336

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5esle"an ,hurch - 136@5est ichfield ,hurch - 13375estfield$ (e* erse" ,hurch - 13<75illo* ission ,ha#el ,leveland$ Ohio8 - 13<25ilson 'venue ethodist ,hurch ,leveland$ Ohio8 - 133

5oodland 'venue Presb"terian ,hurch - 137<$ 13<15indermere Presb"terian ,hurch ,leveland$ Ohio8 - 13<75omenGs ,hristian 'ssociation - 136<-13<@5omenGs issionar" )nion V 1337



Davi' 5oc!e#eller0 in China0 Says )e!ing 5etains Open-Door )olicy 

)u(lishe'. $ay 4?0 =>=

Davi' 5oc!e#eller0 chairman o# Chase $anhattan 2an!0 sai' to'ay

that China remaine' committe' to an open'oor policy 'espite its

economic cut(ac!s/

China cause' consternation in anuary when it cancele' or

suspen'e' ;=/ (illion in contracts #or in'ustrial e6uipment0 or'ere'

mainly #rom apan/

$r/ 5oc!e#eller was spea!ing as North American chairman o# the

Trilateral Commission0 a group o# in'ustrialists0 politicians an'

scholars #rom in'ustrialize' nations that has hel' three 'ays o# tal!s

 with Chinese lea'ers/




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The Council on )oreign Relations• Ara&am asserts t&at one o t&e 'rimary reasons t&ese %uminati )or3ed e&ind

t&e s#enes to orment WW% )as to #reate in its atermat& a )ord goernment to#ontro resour#es o t&e )ord. +&e seing 'oint is 'ea#e. Proessor Carrouigey, 4r. CintonLs o)n 'roessor at eorgeto)n =niersity, in &is oo3

Tragedy and 2ope >4a#4ian, !e) Tor3, 1N? inorms us t&at t&e se#ret 5ound Table )as #reated or Rot&s#&id, to e &eaded y ord 4iner, using Ce#iR&odesL money. >%s it a##identa t&at R&odes s#&oars&i' und )as #reated and aR&odes s#&oar, Bi Cinton, )as nominated and ee#ted President o t&e =.9.*?The 5ound Table )or3ed e&ind t&e s#enes at t&e &ig&est ees o Britis&goernment, inuen#ing oreign 'oi#y and EngandLs inoement and #ondu#to WW%.

• Proessor uigey tes us t&at in !e) Tor3, t&e Round +ae rou' )as 3no)n

as t&e 6ouncil on &oreign 5elations >C$R?. >uigey, '. N/1? A##ording touigey, t&e most im'ortant inan#ia dynasties in Ameri#a oo)ing WW% )ere>in addition to 4organ? t&e Ro#3eeer amiyD Ku&n, oe Com'anyD "ion

Read and Com'any and Bro)n Bros., @arriman. >uigey, '. /2N?. +&e ounderso C$R in#ude t&ose )&o inan#ed t&e Bos&ei3 Reoution. +&e C$R &as #ometo e 3no)n as =The 8stablishment,= =the in$isible go$ernment= and =the

Roc>e'eller 'oreign o''ice9= 9t. 4i#&ae #aed "aid Ro#3eeer t&e man )&o&ides t&e mas3 ruing t&e =.9.

• +&e C$RLs ta3eoer and #ontro o t&e =.9. "e'artment o 9tate is #ontained in

9tate "e'artment Pui#ation 2IN, Re'ort to t&e President on t&e Resuts o t&e9an $ran#is#o Coneren#e. %t is t&e re'ort o 9e#retary o 9tate President on t&eResuts o t&e 9an $ran#is#o Coneren#e. %t is t&e re'ort o 9e#retary Ed)ard R.9tettinius >C.$.R.? to President +ruman. +&is do#ument states t&at ne) 'roemsater t&e )ar reuired a s'e#ia #ommittee to dea )it& t&em. As a resut, a

Committee on Post5War Proems )as set u' )it& &ig& oi#ias o t&e 9tate"e'artment >a ut one )ere C$R memers? assisted y a resear#& sta )&o)ere 'reiousy )or3ing or C$R ut no) e#ame 'art o 9tate "e'artment as"iision o 9'e#ia Resear#&. Ater Pear @aror, t&e Committee on Post5WarProems e#ame Adisory Committee on Post5War $oreign Poi#ies. >9ee asot&e C.$.R.Ls oo3et, A 5ecord of Twenty 7ears, 1N2151NI7.? >ibid, ''. N/5N?.

• +&is is t&e grou' )&i#& designed t&e =nited !ations. +&e and in 4an&attan, !e)

Tor3 )&ere t&e =.!. uiding no) stands )as donated y t&e Ro#3eeers. >#. P.Coier and ". @oro)it;, The 5ockefellers An American 8ynasty, @ot, Rine&artWinston, 1N7, ''. 2I52I7?.

• The 6hristian /cience %onitor  indi#ates t&e antasti# 'o)er t&e C.$.R. &as &ad

during t&e ast si< administrations >eore 4r. ReaganLs se#ond term?: MAmost&a o t&e Coun#i memers &ae een inited to assume oi#ia goernment 'ositions or to a#t as #onsutants at one time or anot&er.M +&e 'oi#ies 'romoted y t&e C.$.R. in t&e ieds o deense and internationa reations e#ome, )it& areguarity )&i#& deies t&e a)s o #&an#e, t&e oi#ia 'oi#ies o t&e =nited9tates oernment. >Ara&am, ''. NI5N/?.

• +&e C$R dominated President KennedyLs 9tate "e'artment, &is Cainet, and9e#retary o 9tate "ean Rus3Ls sta. Ant&ony u3as o t&e !e) Tor3 +imes

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re'orted: M t&e irst 82 names on a ist 're'ared to &e' President Kennedy sta&is 9tate "e'artment, )ere Coun#i memers. Kennedy on#e #om'ained, L%Ldi3e to &ae some ne) a#es &ere, ut a % get is t&e same od names.L >James W.Wardner, The 9lanned 8estruction of America, P.. Bo< 11I1, Atamonte9'rings, $orida 27151I1D I0758/5N722 , '. 0?

President !i<on a''ointed 110 C$R memers to t&e &ig&est un5ee#ted oi#es int&e and. >Wardner, op cit ., '. /N?• President Carter a''ointed more t&an 70 men rom t&e C$R and oer 20 memers

o t&e +riatera Commission >+C? to t&e &ig&est unee#ted oi#es o goernment.>Wardner, op cit ., '. /8?

• President Reagan a''ointed oer 80 indiiduas to &is administration )&o )ere

memers o t&e Coun#i on $oreign Reations, t&e +riatera Commission, or ot&. !ote es'e#iay &is running mate, +riateraist eorge Bus&. Reagan a''ointed tot&e &ig&est oi#es in goernment: I C$R memers, +riatera memers, ot&C$R and +riatera memers, and / ormer memers o t&e +riateraCommission. >Wardner, op cit ., '. /.?

4ost o President CintonLs irst term #ainet oi#ers )ere C$R memersin#uding 9e#retary o 9tate, "e'uty 9e#retary o 9tate, 9e#retary o "eense, !ationa 9e#urity Adisor, "e'uty !ationa 9e#urity Adisor, C%A "ire#tor,C&airman o t&e $oreign %nteigen#e Adisory Board, 9e#retary o +reasury,"e'uty 9e#retary o t&e +reasury, 9e#retary o @eat& and @uman 9eri#es,9e#retary o @ousing and =ran "eeo'ment, 9e#retary o t&e %nterior, =nder9e#retary or Poiti#a Aairs, Assistant 9e#retary o 9tate or East Asian andPa#ii# Aairs, Aid Coordinator to t&e Common)eat& o %nde'endent 9tates,"e'uty "ire#tor, i#e o 4anagement and Budget, C&airman, Coun#i oE#onomi# Adisors, =.9. Amassador to t&e =nited !ations >4adeeine Arig&t)&o )as res'onsie or oreign 'oi#y egisation during t&e Carter years and )as

"ire#tor o t&e )ord5goernment5'romoting Atanti# Coun#i, no) 9e#retary o9tate under Cinton.? >Wardner, op cit ., ''. /15/2.?• "r. James W. Wardner in &is )e5do#umented oo3 ists t&e oo)ing:

o t&e eig&teen se#retaries o t&e treasury sin#e 1N21, t)ee &ae een

memers o t&e C$R.o t&e si<teen se#retaries o state, t)ee &ae een C$R memers >our

&ae een 'residents o Ro#3eeer $oundation?.o +&e "eense "e'artment, #reated in 1NI7, &as &ad iteen se#retariesD nine

&ae een C$R.o +&e C%A, aso #reated in 1NI7, &as &ad eeen dire#tors seen &ae een


9i< o seen su'erintendents at West Point &ae een C$R.o Eery su'reme Aied #ommander in Euro'e &as een C$R

o Eery =.9. amassador to !A+ &as een C$R.

o +&e $our 3ey 'ositions in eery administration, Re'ui#an or

"emo#rati#, are routiney ied y C$R memers:  !ationa 9e#urity Adisor

9e#retary o 9tate

9e#retary o "eense

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9e#retary o +reasury

o +&ere are in#reasing numers o C$R memers in t&e egisatie ran#& o 

goernment. Pat 9#&roeder >"5C?, C&risto'&er "odd >"5C+?, !e)tingri#& >R5A?, Warren Rudman >R5!@?, Bo ra&am >"5$?, +&omas$oey >"5 WA?, C&ares Ro >"5HA?, Jo&n ". Ro#3eeer, %H >"5WH?

are a memers.o eorge Bus& &ad 87 memers o t&e C$R in &is administration. Ronad

Reagan &ad 1.o +&e team o Cinton and ore is inan#ed and su''orted y t&e C$R as

)e. Cinton is a memer o t&e Coun#i on $oreign Reations and t&e+riatera Commission.

o Perot, t&e outsider in t&e 1NN2 ee#tions, 'i#3ed C$R 'eo'e to run &is

#am'aign.o +ota C$R memers&i' as o "e#emer 1NN2 )as 2N0/.

• The obecti$e o' the C)R and C)R@controlled *tate <epartment is to

completel! disarm the (hole (orld including America and let the 4nited

;ations has monopol! on armed 'orces (hich the! called the 49;9 Peace)orce. >Wardner, o'. #it., ''. 758?.

• %n &is stunning oo3 The %ost /ecret /cience, retired Air $or#e Coone Ar#&iad

Roerts states: M=nder t&is 'an, t&e =nited 9tates )i inan#e and man atotaitarian =! miitary #om'e<.M >Wardner, op cit, '. 8?. A##ording to t&eC$R and its agen#y t&e =.9. 9tate "e'artment, een t&e =.9. )oud not &ae t&e 'o)er to #&aenge t&e =.!. Pea#e $or#e. Conseuenty, Coone Roerta#ontinues: M+&e enormity o t&is suersion is neary in#om're&ensie 55 as is t&eaiure o t&e Ameri#an 'eo'e to 'rotest t&e #rimina arogation o t&e =nited9tates Constitution. As one Ameri#an sodier, % ittery resent eing turned oer toan organi;ation )&ose eery 're#e't and ery e<isten#e #ontraenes t&e

Constitution % &ae s)orn to u'&od.M >'. 1, uoted in Wardner, op cit , '. 8?.• W&ie media re'orts and dis#usses eeryt&ing ese e<#e't t&e C$R and its

oe#ties. +&is is e#ause, a##ording to C$RLs o)n 1N87 re'ort, 22 o itsmemers are Mournaists, #orres'ondents, and #ommuni#ations e<e#uties.M>Wardner, op cit, '. 70?.

o +&e %uminati, t&roug& t&e C.$.R., &as s'read its inuen#e to ot&er ita

areas o Ameri#an so#iety. %ts memers &ae run or are running !BC,CB9, ABC, t&e New 7ork Times, t&e )ashington 9ost , t&e 1os Angeles

Times, t&e 6hicago /un, t&e 8es %oines 5egister , t&e )all /treet :ournal ,Time, 1ife, Newsweek , &ortune, usiness )eek .

o @ere is t&e ist o )e53no)n re'orters and an#&ors )&o &ae een or are

#urrent memers o t&e C$R: CB9: Bi 4oyers C$R, Wiiam Paey C$R, "an Rat&er  C$R,

@arry Reasoner  C$R.  !BC: +om Bro3a) C$R, Jo&n C&an#eor C$R, 4arin Ka

C$R, %ring R. eine C$R. ABC: "aid Brin3ey C$R, +ed Ko''e C$R "iane 9a)yer C$R,

Jo&n 9#ai C$R, Barara Waters C$R. C!!: "anie 9#&orr  C$R.

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PB9: @odding Carter %%% C$R, Jim e&rer  C$R, Roert 4#!ei


?The list is based on Da!es %ardner" Planned9estruction o$ merica" p* E3*@

o "t is a conspirac! o' silence among the media to >eep American people

in the dar> about the C)Rs plan to sub$ert the 49*9 Constitution and

to create a dictatorial one@(orld go$ernment under the leadership o'

the emerging Anti@Christ. %n &is o'ening statement to t&e se#retBidererger meeting in ermany 1NN1, <a$id Roc>e'eller in#uded t&ea#3no)edgment: MWe are grateu to t&e )ashington 9ost , +&e New 7ork

Times, Time maga;ine, and ot&er great 'ui#ations )&ose dire#tors &aeattended our meetings and res'e#ted t&eir 'romises o dis#retion sien#eQor amost orty years....%t )oud &ae een im'ossie or us to deeo'our Pan or t&e )ord i )e &ad een sue#t to t&e rig&t ig&ts o

 'ui#ity during t&ese years.M >arry Ara&am, $nsider 5eport , January1NN2, '. 2.? %n ot&er )ords, t&e su##ess o t&e #ons'ira#y to set u' one5)ord goernment under t&e Anti5C&rist is due in 'art to the cooperation

o' the media sector. W&en t&e Anti5C&rist inay arries on t&e )ords#ene, do you t&in3 t&at t&e media 'eo'e )oud e on our side, t&e side o reedom*

!he !ril$ter$l )ommission

 The roots o# the Trilateral o!!ission ?T@ ste! #ro! a bookBetween Two ges written by Bbiniew Frzezinsi in E4JC

while he was a pro#essor at olu!bia .ni1ersity in New Qork ity*1aid oce!eller read the book and was i!pressed with itscontents* The book inspired Rocke#eller to create the T*

• %n Juy 1N72, 8 memers o C$R, among )&om )ere "aid Ro#3eeer and

Uignie) Br;e;ins3i ounded t&e +riatera Commission. +&e CommissionLs 'ur'ose is to engineer an enduring 'artners&i' among t&e ruing #asses o !ort&Ameri#a, Western Euro'e, and Ja'an 55 &en#e t&e term L+riateraL 55 in an attem'tto inuen#e 'ui# o'inions and goernment de#ision5ma3ings in su#& a )ay t&att&e 'eo'es, goernments and e#onomies o a nations must sere t&e needs omutinationa an3s and #or'orations. +o a#&iee t&is, +riateraists must manage ot& de'enden#e and demo#ra#y 55 at &ome and aroad. %n ot&er )ords, the!

must reduce the mass to dependenc! and suppress democrac! and an! $oiceo' protest through control and sur$eillance. The ultimate aim (ould be to

establish an one@(orld econom!, one@(orld go$ernment, one@(orld monetar!

s!stem, and one@(orld religion9 +&e oo)ing e<#er'ts rom oi#ia +CLsdo#uments, toget&er )it& )ritings and s'ee#&es o ounding memers )i#onirm t&is.

• %n &is oo3 )ith No Apologies -;<<., 9enator Barry od)ater  )rites: M+&eC.$.R. is t&e Ameri#an ran#& o a so#iety )&i#& originated in Engand.

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 No Apologies, '. 28.? 9enator o)ater #ontinued, MBr;e;ins3i and Ro#3eeer  inited Carter to e a memer o t&e +riatera Commission in 1N7. +&eyimmediatey egan grooming &im or t&e Presiden#y ... We &ae arried at our 'resent 'osition o 'eri in t&e )ord and at &ome e#ause our eaders &aereused to te us t&e trut& ... unless (e, (ho pro'ess to belie$e in 'reedom, (a>e

up, the (orld is headed 'or a period o' sla$er!9M >)ith No Apologies, '. 2NN.? !o) you understand )&y a irtua un3no)n #oud ;oom to t&e 'residen#y in1N7. Carter )as aeed t&e utimate outsider, ut a#tuay &e )as an insider 55 a+riateraist.

• Eary on in CarterLs a''ointee 'ro#ess t&e )ashington 9ost  remar3ed, M% you i3e

#ons'ira#y t&eories aout se#ret 'ots to ta3e oer t&e )ord, you are going tooe t&e administration o President5ee#t Jimmy Carter....M >January 1, 1N77.?>Comment: +&e #ons'ira#y y t&e +riateraists is no onger a t&eory ut a a#t\But, o #ourse, t&e )ashington 9ost  is 'art o t&e #ons'ira#y.?

• %n &is W&ite @ouse memoirs, Br;e;ins3i a#3no)edged, M4oreoer, a t&e 3ey

oreign 'oi#y de#ision5ma3ers o t&e Carter Administration &ad 'reiousy

sered in t&e +riatera Commission....M > 9ower ? 9rinciple %emoirs of the National /ecurity Advisor, ;<';<+;, !e) Tor3: $arrar, 9traus, irou<, 1N8, '.28N.? +&e @/ News and )orld 5eport  assessed t&e im'a#t o +riateraistsL 'o)er under Carter: MThe Trilateralists ha$e ta>en charge o' 'oreign polic! ma>ing

in the Carter Administration, and aready t&e immense 'o)er t&ey )ied iss'ar3ing some #ontroersy. A#tie or ormer memers o t&e +riateraCommission no) &ead eery 3ey agen#y inoed in ma''ing =.9. strategy ordeaing )it& t&e rest o t&e )ord ... some see t&is #on#entration o 'o)er as a#ons'ira#y at )or3.M >$eruary 21, 1N77.?

• 9in#e Br;e;ins3i, )&o e#ame its ounding e<e#utie dire#tor, 'roides t&e

rationae or t&e #reation o +C, )e )oud i3e to urt&er e<amine t&e ideas

#ontained in &is oo3 etween Two Ages >'. 00?:o M+&oug& *talinism may &ae een a needess tragedy or ot& t&e Russian

 'eo'e and #ommunism as an idea, there is t&e intee#tuay tantai;ingpossibilit! that or t&e )ord at arge it (as, as )e s&a see, a blessing in

disguise.M >;ote: 9tain &ad massa#red at east 20 miion 'eo'e and &ereBr;e;ins3i 'raises t&e ideoogy o t&is mass murderer.?

o MMarxism re'resents a urt&er $ital and creati$e stage in t&e maturing o

manLs uniersa ision9 Marxism is simultaneousl! a $ictor! o' the

external man o$er the inner, passi$e man and a $ictor! o' reason o$er

belie'9= >!ote: &e eiees in t&e god o reason.?o M%n t&e asen#e o so#ia #onsensus societ!s emotional and rational

needs ma! be 'used 55 mass media ma3es t&is easier to a#&iee 55 in theperson o' an indi$idual (ho is seen as999ma>ing the necessar!

inno$ations in the social order9= >;ote: &e #as or a #&arismati#indiidua )&o #an #&ange t&e so#ia order, i.e. t&e Anti5C&rist.?

o =*uch a societ! (ould be dominated b! an elite )&ose #aim to 'oiti#a

 'o)er )oud rest on aegedy su'erior s#ientii# 3no)5&o). =n&indered y t&e restraints o traditiona iera aues, this elite (ould not hesitate

to achie$e its political ends b! the latest modern techni#ues 'or

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in'luencing public beha$ior and >eeping societ! under close

sur$eillance and control9= o M4oement to)ard su#& a #ommunity >o deeo'ed nations?... )oud

inoe t&e orging o #ommunity in3s among t&e =nited 9tates, WesternEuro'e, and Ja'an >a +riatera Commission stated oe#tie?.M


M+&oug& t&e oe#tie o s&a'ing a #ommunity o t&e deeo'ed nations isess amitious t&an t&e goa o )ord goernment, it is more attainae.Mo M+&e 9oiet =nion #oud &ae emerged as t&e standard5earer o t&is

#enturyLs most inuentia system o t&oug&t and as t&e so#ia mode orresoing t&e 3ey diemmas a#ing modern man.M

o 4ar<ism Msu''ied t&e est aaiae insig&t into #ontem'orary reaity.

4ar<ist t&eory isQ t&is #enturyLs most inuentia system o t&oug&t.Mo L+&e a''roa#&ing 200t& anniersary o t&e "e#aration o %nde'enden#e

#oud ustiy t&e #a or a nationa Constitutiona #onention to ree<aminet&e nationLs orma institutiona rame)or3.M

• Br;e;ins3iLs ideas aoe it in e<a#ty )it& t&ose o <a$id Roc>e'eller )&o

stated in 1N7 ater &is isit to C&ina:o M+&e so#ia e<'eriment o C&ina under C&airman 4aoLs eaders&i' is one

o t&e most im'ortant and su##essu in &uman &istory.M >uoted y New

7ork Times, M$rom a C&ina +raeer,M August 10, 1N7.? Among t&e so#iae<'eriment )as t&e #reation o a #ommune system in )&i#& Mt&e amiyunit is ro3en u'...+&e #&idren are ta3en a)ay rom t&e 'arents and 'a#ed in goernment5run nurseries...+&e 'arents may see t&eir #&idrenon#e a )ee3 and )&en t&ey see t&em t&ey #annot s&o) ae#tion to)ardt&e #&idren. +&e idea is to &ae t&e #&idren and t&e amiy seer t&eirae#tion and dire#t it to)ard t&e state. !ames are ta3en a)ay rom t&e#&idren and t&ey are gien numers. +&ere is no indiidua identity... +&e

#ommune system is destroying moraity in Red C&ina: +&ere is nomoraity e#ause t&e oe o t&e amiy is ta3en a)ay. +&ere is no &onestyand res'e#t among men or et)een men. +&ere is no &uman dignity: t&eyare a i3e animas. +&ere is no guit asso#iated )it& murder o indiiduasor t&e im'roement o t&e state.M > 9)orn statement eore t&e @ouse =n5Ameri#an A#tiities Committee y t&e Reerend 9&i35Ping Wang, EastAsia "ire#tor o t&e Ba'tist Eangei;ation 9o#iety %nternationa, in4yron C. $agan, The Truth About "National 6ouncil of 6hurches" , CPABoo3 Puis&ers, Boring, regon, '. 10.?

o +&is is t&e Communist system t&at Ro#3eeer 'raises, a system in )&i#&

I miion 'ersons )ere 3ied as resut o 4aoLs so#ia e<'eriment. +&e

numer is ased on t&e =.9. 9enate %nterna 9e#urity 9u#ommitteeLsre'ort.• A maor +riatera Commission 'osition 'a'er entited M+&e Crisis o "emo#ra#yM

t&e aut&ors, 4i#&ae Cro;ier, 9amue @untington and Joi Watanu3i, #on#ude t&at 'o'uar 'arti#i'ation y t&e 'eo'e o t&e +riatera nations in goernment 'oi#yma3ing is a ad 'ro'osition. A##ording to t&e study, t&e ruing eites in t&e=nited 9tates and Western Euro'e are aready a#ing grass5roots dissent rom t&eran3s o t&eir 'eo'e and t&at )i e ne#essary Mto restore amore euitae

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reations&i' et)een goernment aut&ority and 'o'uar #ontro.M %n ot&er )ords,t&e 'o)er o t&e +riatera eites and t&e goernnments t&ey #ontro must estrengt&ened 55 and t&e 'o)er o t&e 'eo'e must e diminis&ed.

• %n t&e 1N81 oo3  8emocratic 8ictatorship The (mergent 6onstitution of 6ontrol 

Art&ur 9. 4ier des#ries a Mne) euda orderM #ontroed y eitists, and asserts

t&at Mdictatorship (ill come 55 is coming 55 but (ith the ac#uiescence o' thepeople. . . +&e goa is L'redi#taeL man.M

• %n ie) o t&e 4ar<ist t&oug&ts es'oused y Br;e;ins3i and Ro#3eeer, )&i#&

are aso dominant among +riateraists, it no sur'rise t&at t&ey )oud a##e't&oo#austs, mass murders, and di#tators&i' o t&e Communist regimes. +&euestion immediatey #oming to mind is: )&o are eing rationa &ere, t&e+riateraists 55 t&e eites 55 or t&e dominated 'eo'e under t&em* %ndeed, )e are#oming to an age o ararism )&ere t&e eiteLs de#ision5ma3ings are no ongerguided y reason, mu#& ess y odLs #ommandments, ut instead y oerriding 'assions i3e greed or 'o)er and money. %n t&e age o ararism, )e )oude<'e#t mu#& #&aos and disorder. +&is is e<a#ty )&at )i e needed y t&e Anti5

C&rist or t&e 'o'uation o t&e )ord to a##e't &im as t&e MsaiorM.• +&e +riateraistsL ready a##e'tan#e o su#& #rimes against &umanity )oud seem

in#om're&ensie i )e orget anot&er maor oe#tie o +C: to redu#e )&at ittermed t&e Mra'idy gro)ing 'o'uationM and to soe t&e 'roems oMoer'o'uation.M %t #aed on t&e deeo'ed #ountries to in#rease t&eir aidMsustantiayM, in#uding, o #ourse, Mamiy 'anningM, to t&e ess5deeo'ed#ountries. But t&ese grants5in5aid are not )it&out strings. Mrants #an 'ro'ery esue#t to #onditions to a#&iee t&eir stated oe#tiesM and Mre#i'ient #ountries)&ose sense o nationa soereignty is oended y su#& #onditions #an de#inet&e oreign assistan#e.M +&ese #onditions are aready im'osed in 9e#tions 102 and10I>d? o t&e @/ $nternational 8evelopment and &ood Assistance Act  5 i.e.,

#ountries re#eiing Ameri#an aid must ta3e ste's to #ur t&eir 'o'uation gro)t&.>Towards a 5enovated $nternational /ystem A 5eport of the Trilateral

 $ntegrators Task &orce to the Trilateral 6ommission, !e) Tor3: +riateraCommission, 1N77, '. 28.? $rom t&ere )e 3no) t&at aortion >i.e. murders o t&eunorn? and irt& #ontro are or#ed on t&ose 'oor #ountries t&at re#eie ot& =.9.and =.!. aids.

o $irst, t&e Re'ort 're'ared or t&e %asonic Cu o Rome 'osited t&at as

t&e )ord 'o'uation )as gro)ing out o #ontro, t&e non5rene)aeresour#es o t&e )ord )oud eentuay run out and t&e )ord e#onomy)oud mire in de'ression and misery. Worst sti, t&e )&oe #iii;ationmay #oa'se as a resut o t&e a#3 o a drasti# res'onse to t&is #riti#a

 'roem. >"onea @. 4eado)s, "ennis . 4eado)s et a., The 1imits torowth A 5eport for the 6lub of 5omes 9roject on the 9redicament of

 %ankind , !e) Tor3: =nierse Boo3s, 1N72?. !e<t, t&e CarteradministrationLs oa 2000 Re'ort, )&i#& )as essentiay )ritten y+riateraists, 'redi#ted: MWit& t&e 'ersisten#e o &uman 'oerty andmisery, t&e staggering gro)t& o &uman 'o'uation, and eer in#reasing&uman demands, t&e 'ossiiities o urt&er stress and 'ermanent damageto t&e 'anetLs resour#e ase are ery rea.M >The lobal *000 5eport to

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1istor! o' the 1ebre( Manuscript on the 5rigin o' )reemasonr!

I3 I#()o"u'(o#

• %t )as generay eieed t&at modern $reemasonry )as #reated in 1717 )&en its

rand odge o Engand )as estais&ed. %t )as aso generay eieed t&at it

)as "r. James Anderson )&o )rote its M!e) Constitutions.M >9ee, or instan#e,Pau A. $is&er, ehind the 1odge 8oor , 9&ied Puis&ing, %n#., P..Bo< N0181,Was&ington ".C.200N0, '. 2I?. %t is true t&at t&e ne) name )as ado'ted in 1717, ut t&e real  ounder o $reemasonry is not Anderson. 4oreoer, e) 'eo'e,in#uding most o its memers, 3no) t&at its origin is 2000 years od. %ndeed, asar as )e 3no), none o t&e #urrent oo3s on $reemasonry tra#es $reemasonry toits true origin. 4asonry )as ounded y King @erod Agri''a at t&e suggestion o@iram Aiud, )it& t&e #onsent o 4oa ey, Adoniram, Jo&anan, Ja#o Adon,Anti'as, 9oomon Aeron, and As&ad Aia in t&e year I. +&e origina name )ast&e "%ysterious &orce"  A its ounders eonged to Judaism. %n t&is arti#e, )eare going to 'resent a true &istory ased on t&e 'ri#eess manus#ri't )ritten in

@ere) #ontaining minutes o t&e meetings o t&e origina ounders o 4asonry.• +&e oo)ing se#tions on 4asonry are ased on t&e Engis& transation o t&e

origina manus#ri't )ritten in @ere) o t&e @istory o 4asonry. +&e @istory)as transmitted rom t&e nine ounders ony to t&e dire#t des#endants o t&eseounders. ne o t&e origina @ere) #o'ies )as 'assed rom 4oa ey, aounder, to Jose'& ey in 17t& #entury. @o)eer, Jose'& eyLs #o'y )asroed y "esaguiers, t&e ounder o modern 4asonry, ater ey )asassassinated y "esaguiers. Jose'&Ls son Ara&am ey died o tuer#uosis t)oyears ater &is marriage to Est&er. Est&er remarried to Ara&am Aiud )&o )as adire#t des#endant o @iram Aiud, t&e rea ounder o t&e an#ient 4asoni#Asso#iation. Ara&am Aiud 'ossessed anot&er #o'y o t&e origina manus#ri't.

+&eir ony emae #&id, aso named Est&er, )as married to 9amue a)ren#e.+&eir son Jonas a)ren#e &ad a son 9amue y &is irst )ie ut ater marriedJanet a C&ristian Protestant and #onerted to C&ristianity. +&is ony manus#ri't)as 'assed on to Jonas )&o e<'ressed &is desire to 'uis& it. But Jonas )asassassinated or &is #onersion to C&ristianity and &is iega 'ossession o t&e@istory e#ause &e )as not a dire#t des#endant o t&e ey ine. JonasLs )i#oud not e #arried out unti &is great grandson, a)ren#e . 9. a)ren#e orn188, )&o )as a Protestant, transated t&e @istory rom @ere) into Engis&. %nt&is transation, 4r. a)ren#e 55 t&e ast "es#endant o t&e o)ner o t&e &istory>t&e @ere) manus#ri't? 55 ado'ted t&e tite: The 8issipation of the 8arkness, the

>rigin of %asonry %n t&e oo)ing se#tions, )e )i uote e<tensiey rom t&e

Engis& transation o t&e @ere) manus#ri't and t&e 'ages t&at #ontain t&euotes reer to t&is do#ument.

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II3 H!(o)* o1 (.e He+)e7


 These are the words o# 'awrence ;*S* 'awrence• +&us it is t&at %, a)ren#e, son o eorge, son o 9amue, son o Jonas, son o

9amue a)ren#e, o Russian origin, t&e ast des#endant o t&e des#endants oone o t&e o)ners o t&is @istory, say:

o % in&erited rom my at&er a manus#ri't #om'osed y our an#estors in t&e

@ere) anguage and transated y one o t&em to Russian anguage.Anot&er o t&em transated it to Engis&. >'. 18?.

o ur an#estor, Jonas, introdu#ed in t&e manus#ri't a series o eentsD t&is

@istory, t&us, eing 'rodu#ed y &im and &is an#estors. Jonas arranged itand diided it into t)o se#tions. @e )anted to 'uis& it, ut ariousosta#es im'eded it: &eat&, e#onomi# means and 'oiti#a eents. @e and

&is )ie, Janet, #on#eied t&e idea o t&e 'ui#ation o t&is @istoryD oninding t&emsees in#a'ae o doing so, t&ey #ommended its 'ui#ationto t&eir son, my grandat&er, 9amue. Jonas died )it&out seeing &isonging uied. >'. 18?.

o 4y grandat&er, 9amue, t&e son o Jonas, )&o )as t&e son o 9amue

a)ren#e, &ere addresses &is )ords to &is son, eorge, my at&er. 9amuesaid to &is son, eorge:

9on: @ere you see t&ese introdu#tions &eaded y a ist o names.

+&ese names #orres'ond to t&e su##essie &eirs o t&is @istorysin#e t&e rene)a o t&e Asso#iation >The %ysterious &orce? )&ereit #&anged its name to M &reemasonry.M +&ey in#ude: Jose'& ey.

>'. 1N? Jose'& ey is one o t&e rene)ers o t&e asso#iation. @e is a Je)

and an &eir o t&e @istory rom &is an#ient an#estors )&o, in turn,in&erited it rom 4oa ey, one o t&e nine ounders.

%t )as our an#estor, Jose'&, )&o #on#eied t&e idea o #&anging

t&e name o t&e asso#iation >The %ysterious &orce? to$reemasonry and o reorming t&e statutes.

@ere you &ae t&e detais: @e )as sent to to ondon )it& &is son,

Ara&am, and a riend named Ara&am Aiud, a Je)s,des#endants o t&e &eirs o t&e @istory and ery )e inan#ed.+&ey &ad made eorts to enter anot&er #ity and, not &aing

su##ess, t&ey &eaded or ondon. +&ere t&ey met t)o inuentiaand 3no)edgeae 'ersons )&o sered as suitae eements toa##om'is& t&eir 'ur'oses. +&ey are:

Jo&n "esaguiers and a #om'anion #aed eorge >ast name

un3no)n to manus#ri't o)ner?. >'. 1N? Ater &aing strengt&ened t&e riends&i' among t&emsees,

Jose'& ey reeaed t&e name o t&e asso#iation, M+&e4ysterious $or#e,M and reated to &is t)o riends, in synt&esis and

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)it& dis#retion, some 'arts o t&e @istory, #on#eaing itsundamenta se#rets. @e aso made it 3no)n to t&em t&at or a ongtime it )as ina#tie, amost dead, needing or its rene)a t&e#&ange o name and t&e reorm o t&e statutes in su#& a )ay t&att&e ne) statutes and t&e #&anged name mig&t attra#t many

memers. +&us it )oud gro). >'. 1N? Wit& eouen#e and #eerness, Jose'& ey su##eeded in

#onin#ing &is t)o riends, "esaguiers and eorge, o t&ene#essity o reiing t&e asso#iation. @aing a#&ieed t&is initiasu##ess, t&ey se'arated on #ondition t&at t&ey )oud meet again,ea#& one o t&em ringing t&ree names a''ro'riate or t&e ne)asso#iation, rom )&i#& t&e s'e#ii# name )oud #ome. +&e ne<tmeeting )as &ed ten days ater. Ea#& one 'resented &is names, t&eone a''roed eing one o t&ose 'ro'osed y Jose'& ey:$REE4A9!RT. %t )as August 2/, 171. >'. 20?

o Ara&am, son o Jose'& ey, )&o &ad )itnessed t&e t)o sessions, said:

+&is name &ad 'reeren#e oer t&e ot&ers or t)o reasons. $irst, e#ause it is t&e same name t&at some %taian ar#&ite#ts ado'ted int&e 1t& #entury >$reemasons?. And se#ond, e#ause it )as asuitae e<'ression o t&e an#ient signs and symos used in t&easso#iation, The %ysterious &orceD symos t&at 'ertained to#onstru#tion and to ar#&ite#ture, 'ro'osed y @iram Aiud, one ot&e ounders, or t&e 'ur'ose o #on#eaing t&e origin o t&eAsso#iation, attriuting it to e'o#&s 'rior to Jesus. >'. 20?

o "esaguiers a''roed t&e )ords o my at&er, adding:

M%n t&e t&ird 'a#e, 'resent5day ar#&ite#ts and uiders &ae

asso#iations, syndi#ates ond odges )&ere t&ey gat&er to ortiy

and digniy t&eir 'roession. Wit& t&is name t&en, )e #an gat&er,a in a singe asso#iation )it&out anyoneLs 3no)ing our 'ur'oses.And ourt&, t&ese t)o terms,L 4asonry,L >#onstru#tion? and L4asonLare en#ountered sin#e antiuity, )i e a thick veil over the secret

of the origin of the foundationD and, esides, )it&out dout, t&ey)i in#rease t&e 'restige o t&e Asso#iation.M >'. 20?

o ur an#estor, Ara&am ey, eore &is deat&, added:

M"esaguiers s'e#iied t&at t&ose 'eo'e )&o oined t&e odges

 eore 1717 in ondon )ere masons, in t&e sense t&at t&ey )ereengineers, ar#&ite#ts, uiders, a''renti#es, ut t&ey &ad no#onne#tion )it& t&e Asso#iation, The %ysterious &orce, t&at egan

true 4asonry.M >'. 20? $or t&at 'ur'ose ie men met: ey, "esaguiers, and t&e

#om'anions mentioned aoe and t&ey a''roed t&e addition ot&e term, M &ree,M t&us uneuio#ay #on#eaing t&e date o itsoundation rom t&e rest o t&e 'eo'e in genera and t&e memersand asso#iates in 'arti#uar. >''. 20521?

Jo&n "esaguiers and &is #om'anion egan to demand t&at ey

s&o) &im t&e @istory. ey &ad made it 3no)n to t&em t&at it )as

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transated into Engis&, t&at t&ree o t&e in&erited manus#ri'ts &ad een ost re#enty, our &ad een ost ong ago, and t&ere remainedony &is manus#ri't and one ot&er > !ote: t&e ot&er is t&emanus#ri't o Ara&am Aiud. %t is t&e one )&ose transation )e&ae on &and?. 9u#& de#arations e<#ited "esaguiers and eorge

e<tremey, t&e reason )&y t&ey insisted on t&e need or a suitae#o'y so t&at )it& said #o'y it )oud e mu#& easier or t&em toorm t&e ne) statute. +&ey s&o)ed t&emsees so ait&u to t&e 'rin#i'es, desires and do#trines o ey t&at t&ey su##eeded in#onin#ing &im to deier a #o'y to t&em. %t )as deiered to t&em.A time 'assed during )&i#& t&ey read it. >'. 21?

+&e ie met again and de#ided to summon some riends on t&e

 'rete<t o estais&ing a M=nitie Asso#iation.M +&e true 'ur'ose)as t&e rene)a o t&e Asso#iation, the %ysterious &orce, itsresurre#tion )it& t&e ne) name agreed u'on y t&e ie and t&erestoration o t&e irst Prin#i'a odge >Jerusaem?. +&us ey

)anted it. >'. 21? n 4ar#& 10, 1717 t&ey inited seera ar#&ite#ts and

a#uaintan#es. +&e inited )ere 'resided oer y a )ise mannamed "r. James Anderson, )&o )as a riend o "esaguiers. Ater engt&y dis#ussions t&ey rea#&ed an a##ord and designated June2I, 1717, to reai;e a great meeting. >'. 21?

4ean)&ie ey )as 're'aring &is son, Ara&am, or t&e great

eents o t&e uture. "ays ater Ara&am ey ourneyed toPortuga a##om'anied y Ara&am Aiud, &is reatie. +&e atter ist&e des#endant o @iram Aiud, one o t&e ounders, and o)ner ot&is #o'y. >'. 21522?

Bet)een 4ar#& 10 and June 2I a great #oni#t )as egun et)eeney and "esaguiers and eorge e#ause o t&eir reusa to returnt&e #o'y. %n t&e June 2I meeting, t&e maority )ere on t&e side o"esaguiers and AndersonD as a resut ot& #ons'ired against ey,assassinating and roing &is 'a'ers in#uding t&e aorementionedEngis& #o'y and t&e @ere) #o'y. >'. 22?

• n t&e June 2I, 1717 meeting, t&ey agreed on #reating t&e rand odge o

Engand.• @ere it is ne#essary to mention t&e names o t&e su##essie &eirs o t&is @istory,

rom our an#estor, Jose'& ey, t&e rene)er o t&e Asso#iation, do)n to me,a)ren#e.


Jose'& ey )as t&e son o !at&an, )&o )as t&e son o Ara&am,Ara&am t&e son o Ja#o, Ja#o t&e son o !at&an, !at&an t&e son oJa#o, )&o )as t&e son o %saa#, )&o )as t&e son o 4oa, 4oa t&e sono Raae, et#., et#. a#3 to 4oa ey, t&e irst an#estor and one o t&e !ine $ounders o t&e Asso#iation, the %ysterious &orce. >'. 2252?

11 Jose'& ey, Je), 1/51717

11 Ara&am, son o Jose'& ey, Je), 18/ 5 1718

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11  !at&an, son o Ara&am ey, Je), 1717 5 1810

11 Est&er, daug&ter o !at&an ey, Je), 17/ 5 17N

11 9amue a)ren#e, &er &usand, Je), 17I2 5 17N/

11 Jonas >son o 9amue and Est&er?, #onerted to C&ristianity )it&

t&e name o James, 177/ 5 182/

11 Janet, daug&ter o Jo&n in#on, C&ristian Protestant, 178/ 5 18/I11 9amue, son o Jonas and Janet >9te'mot&er?, Protestant C&ristian ,

1807 5 18811 eorge, son o 9amue a)ren#e, Protestant C&ristian, 18I0 5

188I. >'. 2?• "esaguiers, orn 4ar#& 12, 18 and died in t&e year 17I2, )as t&e ony man

)&o distinguis&ed &imse y &is erent ;ea in t&e reitai;ation o t&eAsso#iation in t&e eginning o t&e 18t& #entury. @e merited t&e tite o M$at&er o t&e !e) 4asonry.M +&e e<isten#e o t&e grand odge o Engand is due to &iseort aone. >P. I1?

•  !ot)it&standing t&e indi#ation o t&e name o Anderson as t&e one )&o

estais&ed t&e irst edition o t&e undamenta statutes o t&e ne) 4asonry, itsorger and origina oserer )as "esaguiers. % Anderson #om'osed it, it )as"esaguiers )&o eieed it and di#tated t&e undamenta t&emes and asi# ideas.>'. I1?

T.e O)%# o1 /)eem!o#)*

M!o#)* 7! 1ou#"e" +* >#%

He)o" A%)66 7(. o(.e) 4

-e7!. /ou#"e)!

• %n t&e year I, King @erod Agri''a summoned t&e #ourt o Jerusaem and said:

o M"ear Brot&ers, you are not t&e KingLs men and &is #oaorators. Tou are

t&e su''ort o t&e King and t&e ie o t&e Je)is& 'eo'e. =nti no) you&ae een &is ait&u oo)ers. $rom t&is moment on you )i e &is rot&ers . . .

o Met us a understand t&en, and et us not orget, t&at t&is undamenta

meeting reai;ed y t&is ne) grou' is ased on Brot&er&ood . . .o M4y Brot&ers, t&e aristo#ra#y as )e as t&e #ommon 'eo'e &ae

 'er#eied t&e s'iritua and een 'oiti#a reot t&at t&e a''earan#e o t&e%m'ostor Jesus > as in t&e origina? &as #aused among t&e 'eo'e, andes'e#iay among our %sraeites.

o MWe &ae noted a great 'o)er in &im, )&i#& &e et as an in&eritan#e to

t&at grou' &e #aed dis#i'es. @e ounded an Asso#iation t&at &e #aed areigion, it eing #aed t&at y t&em as )e. +&is su''osed reigion is at a 'oint o oerturning t&e oundations o our reigion and demois&ing it . . .

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• M4aesty, ased on t&e eiden#e t&at t&ere is no ei#a#ious means o

in#or'orating our ideas, nor irm &o'e o atta#3ing t&at or#e, undoutedymysteriousD t&ere is no ot&er oat& t&an to estais& a 4ysterious or#e, simiar tot&at one >to atta#3 mystery )it& mystery? . % &ae #ome to t&e #on#usion t&at it isour unaoidae duty, uness you &ae a etter idea to estais& an Asso#iation o

greater 'o)er so it may asseme t&e Je)is& or#es t&reatened y t&at mysteriousor#e. %t is itting t&at no one 3no)s anyt&ing aout t&is oundation, its 'rin#i'esand its a#tions. ny t&ose )&om Tours 4aesty may #&oose as ounders )i3no) t&e se#ret o t&e oundation.M >'. I?.

T.e 1)%.(1ul o(. o1 1ou#"#%


• +&e nine ounders &ad to ta3e a &orriying oat& :


M%, >Jo&n "oe, son o Jo&n "oe?, s)ear y od, t&e Bie and my &onor,t&at, &aing e#ome a memer o nine ounders o t&e Asso#iation, L+&e4ysterious or#eL, % ind myse not to etray my rot&ers, t&e memers inanyt&ing t&at mig&t &arm t&eir 'ersons, nor to etray anyt&ing #on#erningt&e de#rees o t&e Asso#iation. % ind myse to oo) its 'rin#i'es and toreai;e )&at is 'ro'osed tin t&e su##essie de#rees a''roed y you, t&enine ounders, )it& oedien#e and 're#ision, )it& ;ea and ideity. % indmyse to )or3 or an in#rease in t&e numer o its memers. % indmyse to atta#3 )&oeer oo)s t&e tea#&ing o t&e %m'ostor Jesus and to#omat &is men unti deat&. % ind myse not to diuge any o t&e se#rets 'resered among us, t&e nineD eit&er among outsiders or among t&eaiiated memers.

o M% % #ommit 'erury and my etraya is #onirmed in t&at % &ae reeaed

some se#ret or some arti#e o t&e de#rees 'resered among and our &eirst&is #ommission o eig&t #om'anions )i &ae t&e rig&t to 3i me y)&ateer means aaiae.M >''. /15/2?.

Me##% o1 #!()ume#(! #"

!*m+ol! o1 M!o#)*

• King Agri''a e<'ained t&e meaning o instruments and symos used in

4asonry:o MTou aready 3no) t&at )e must ma3e eeryone eiee t&at our

Asso#iation is ery an#ient... We )i reinor#e t&is de#eit )it& t&e use ot&e instruments o #onstru#tion t&at t&e ar#&ite#t @iram utii;ed in t&e#onstru#tion >o t&e 9oomon +em'e?, su#& as t&e 9uare, t&e Com'ass,t&e +ro)e, t&e 9#aes, t&e @ammer, et#., a o )ood as @iram Ai &adt&em.M >'. 2?.

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o M...Eery session )i e o'ened y stri3ing t&ree times #onse#utiey )it&

t&is &ammerD t&us )e )i rememer eternay t&roug& #enturies, t&at )e&ae #ru#iied &im and )it& t&is &ammer )e &ae i<ed t&e nais in &is&ands and eet, 3iing &im. +&ese t&ree stars you see symoi;e t&e t&reenais . We )oud e ae to #&ange t&em or t&ree 'oints t&at )i &ae t&e

same signii#an#e. Among our symos )i e t&e t&ree ste's, ridi#uing)it& t&em t&is as'&emy: od is $at&er, 9on, and @oy &ost, )it& &is#aiming to e t&e 9on.M >'. ?.

o MWit&in our Asso#iation, )e )i ma3e degrees, as )e &ae mentioned

 'reiousy. +&ese )i e t&irty5t&ree, symoi;ing t&e age o t&e im'ostor.We )i gie a name to ea#& degree and )e )i #reate ot&er simiarsymos. A t&ese t&ings )ere my ideas and t&ose o rot&ers 4oa and@iram. +&e meaning o t&ese ironi# symos must not e 'er#eiedD itmust remain among t&e nine o us. $or t&e ot&er rot&ers or aiiates it isenoug& to ma3e t&em see t&e utiities and instruments so t&ey may eieet&at t&e Asso#iation )as ounded in t&e times o 9oomon or earier t&an

t&is.M >'.I?.o MAny rot&er #an 'ro'ose a ne) symo.M

o MW&at do you t&in3 and osere, rot&ers, #on#erning )&at % &ae

 'resented to you*Mo +&e si< men a''roed )it&out oe#tion, eeryt&ing eing re#orded.

> Note from the >riginal %anuscript : men and t&e t&ree 'ro'osers: t&eKing, 4oa, and @iram. (nd of Note.?

o +&en t&e King said: Met us reoi#e\ et us egin t&e mar#& on t&e 'at& o

trium'&\ et us ta3e our irst t&ree ste's\ et us stri3e t&ree times )it& t&isi#torious &ammer, )it& t&e symo o deat& or our enemy t&e %m'ostor,t&e symo o t&e estais&ment o our &onorae 'rin#i'es t&at )e i<

)it& t&e nais o rot&er&ood and union\ et us a e<#aim )it& oy:n)ard to i#tory\M >'. I?o "uring t&e $irst 9ession, t&e nine ounders aso #reated a ne) symo: t&e

a'ron t&at symoi;ed t&e 'rote#tion o t&e #ot&ing rom t&e mud. +&istoget&er )it& t&e 4asoni# instruments are to #on#ea t&e true 'ur'ose andto assure t&e aiiates o t&e antiuity o t&e Asso#iation. >'. I?.

o +&e King5President said: M%, )it& my aut&ority as President >and not as

King? grant ea#& one o you t&e rd degree, t&e &ig&est in ourAsso#iation. . . . 9in#e our rot&er @iram is or'&aned o &is at&er sin#e#&id&ood, 3no)ing no one ot&er t&an &is )ido)ed mot&er, % 'ro'ose to#a our Asso#iation, M+&e Wido),M as3ing your a''roa. $rom no) on

t&e name o t&e ounders )i e M+&e 9ons o t&e Wido).M Ea#& memero t&e Asso#iation )i #a &imse a son o t&e )ido) unti t&e end otime e#ause )e eiee t&at our Asso#iation )i ie unti t&e end otime.M >'. /?

o >!ote: King Agri''a e#ame ind )it&in ie days o t&e iness o t&e

eyes, t&en 'aray;ed, and died s&orty ater)ard in t&e year II. A#ts o t&eA'ostes >12:2? re'orted t&at t&e King )as stru#3 y an ange and eaten y )orms eore &e died. @iram Aiud re'a#ed +&e King as 'resident o

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t&e Asso#iation ut disa''eared mysteriousy and &is ody )as oundeaten y utures. "esaguiers e#ame mad and died in e<treme 'oerty?.

T.e #me 7! '.#%e" (o

/)eem!o#)* o# -u#e 28

@S@S # Lo#"o#

• 4asonry set u' t&e +em'e o Jerusaem and sent &eir5des#endant o @iram Aiud

to Rome to estais& t&e t)o +em'es o Rome and o A#&aea. Ater t&e memerso t&e atter t)o tem'es 3ied 9t. Peter and 9t. Andre), t&e +em'e o Rome e#ame t&e 'resider o a tem'es in t&e East. +&e &eir5des#endant o 4oa ey)as sent Russia, t&at o Adoniram to au >$ran#e? and t&ose o t&e su##essor oAiud to ermany. +&e moement initiated y t&e 4ysterious $or#e did not

e<'and greaty due to t&e ear #reated y its name. Jose'& ey and Ara&amAiud, &eir5des#endants o 4oa ey and @iram Aiud, )ere sent rom Russiaand ermany to ondon )&ere t&ey met Jo&n "esaguiers, )&o )as a Protestant)it& intense &atred or Cat&oi#s. +&e t&ree agreed on naming t&e Asso#iation :$reemasonry on August 2/, 171. +&en on June 2I, 1717, t&ey met )it& t&easso#iations o ar#&ite#ts and uiders in ondon and oi#iay aun#&ed t&eAsso#iation )it& t&e ne) name. 9in#e 1717, t&e tem'es )ere #&anged to odges.

T.e 'ou#!el! o11e)e" +* -#e(

(o .e) .u!+#" -me!


• James said:

o Beore eginning )it& &er )ords, my )ie reuired me to reate to &er a

t&e eorts and #ons'ira#ies t&at t&e 4asons deised against Cat&oi#ism.o % tod &er &o), t&roug& my 'ermanent #onta#t )it& t&e grand 4asons, %

dis#oered t&at t&ere are t&ree grou's o t&em in t&e odges: 9ome atta#3Cat&oi#ism. t&ers atta#3 a reigions. +&e t&ird, #om'osed o men romt&e irst t)o grou's, atte in 'oiti#s or t&e 'ur'ose o #oming to

dominate tem'ora aut&ority.o @ere is )&at my )ie said to me:

MJames, your aiiation )it& t&e ne) 4asonry )as not to su''ort

t&e enemies o reigions, nor to su''ort any reigion, ut, as )e&ae resoed rom t&e eginning, to study it and #om'are it )it&t&e 4asonry o your an#estors or t&e 'ur'ose o #om'eting t&[email protected]

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MWe &ae ot& understood in t&e te<ts o t&is @istory t&e u'set

 'rodu#ed )&en your an#estor ey #&anged t&e name o t&eAsso#iation, toget&er )it& "esaguiers. %n a##ord )it& )&at youreate to me, t&ere e<ists among us Protestants a se#t united to t&eJe)s >your reaties? )&ose goa is to demois& )&at our Jesus

>si#?, may @e e goriied, and to #rus& Cat&oi#ism and t&eRoman C&ur#&. 9u#& are t&e 'rin#i'es o "esaguiers andAnderson.M

M4y 'arents and %, dear James, are not o t&at se#t. Tes, )e are

Protestants, ut )e are ar rom t&e intention o #rus&ing t&eRoman C&ur#&. isten to )&at % te you: We eiee t&at JesusC&rist is t&e one )&o uit it. and @e said t&at it )i not a. Toumust &ae our ait& in s'ite o our traditiona reot t&at )ein&erited rom our 'arents against t&e aut&ority o t&e Ponti. %nour &earts )e #on#ea a irm ait& t&at t&e C&ur#& o 9t. Peter is t&eorigina C&ur#& o Jesus. !eer &ae )e t&oug&t, neit&er my

 'arents nor %, o asso#iating )it& t&e enemies o t&e C&ur#&. Tou,)&o are no) #onerted to C&ristianity t&roug& my inter#ession,must ado't t&e 'rin#i'es % &ae in&erited rom my 'arents. Be#areu in #oaorating )it& t&ose t)o se#ts: t&e one t&at atta#3sCat&oi#ism in 'arti#uar and t&e ot&er t&at atta#3s a reigions ingenera. Be #areu t&at you do not a into t&eir tra's. 9in#e youoeyed me and #onerted to my reigion, you oed me andmarried me, % desire t&at you a)ays #ontinue irm )it& me in your C&ristianity, irm in your 'romises, and in your ne) 'rin#i'es.

MContinue t&en in t&e 'at& o #om'eting t&e studies or )&i#& you

entered t&e ne) 4asonry, to su##eed in satisying our ongings to

reea trut& and to denoun#e ei, in order to dissi'ate t&e dar3ness)&en ater t&e doors o ig&t )i e o'ened eore t&e indodedeyes so t&ey may orient t&emsees in t&e 'at& o trut&. And t&ereon t&e 'ea3 o t&e soid mountain o reaity t&e ig&t )i eirradiated t&at )i guide ea#& #onused 'erson and ea#& #onuser.M>''. 1075108?

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T.e o+;e'(:e! o1 M!o#)*

7e)e (o "e!()o* (.e Hol*

Rom# C(.ol' C.u)'.8 (o

')e(e o'l!m8 #" (o

e!(+l!. "om#(o# o1 (.e

7.ole 7o)l"

• +&ere are tri'e5oe#ties o t&e ne) 4asonry: >a? to 'resere Judaism or t&e

Je)s, >? to atta#3 Roman Cat&oi#ism, >#? and to emra#e naturaism andni&iism. As a resut, it a#ted or t&e demoition o t&rones, t&e aoition oaut&orities, s'iritua and tem'ora, so it may &ae asoute domination o t&e)ord. >'. 11/?. %t 'rea#&es ierty, euaity, and raternity )it& 'ererse meaning:ierty )it&out imits, ierty o as'&emies and de#eits, ierty destru#tie o#&ara#ter, reigions, )eat&, ies and amiiesD euaity signiies t&edisa''earan#e o a order, eeryt&ing aing into #onusion, )it& t&e oss o trueauesD raternity is a rot&er&ood u o egotism and 'riieges, oe o reenge,diisions, endess #oni#ts, etraya, roery, 'ride, 'roanation, and ni&iism. %t&e new &reemasonry is t&e daug&ter o mot&er 4asonry, /ocialism is itsgranddaug&ter.

• +&e mot&er 4asonry t&re) a &er intention in a singe goa, )&i#& )as t&e atte

against JesusL men. +&e daug&ter 4asonry >i.e. $reemasonry? sur'asses t&at imit y great distan#es. %t a#ts or t&e demoition o t&rones and t&e aoition oaut&orities, s'iritua and tem'ora, so it may &ae asoute domination o t&e)ord. >'. 11/?

• Jonas >James? a)ren#e >177/5182/? 'redi#ted een eore t&e irt& o

Communist t&eory >Kar 4ar<, 18I8: Communist 4aniesto? t&at t&e ne)4asonry )i gie irt& to 9o#iaism. !ot ony t&at, a t&e #orru't des#endantorgani;ations )i e t&e daug&ters and granddaug&ters o mot&er 4asonry. >'.11N?.

• +&is is JonasLs o)n )ords:

o MKno), my son, t&at t&e ne) 4asonry, res'onding to t&e demands o t&e

enemy o &umanity and uiing orders to in#rease t&e daug&ters o#orru'tion, gae irt& to 9o#iaism. +&is granddaug&ter #ame to e ei)orse t&an earier eis.

o M% 'redi#t to you, 9amue, t&at a t&ese #reatures )i gro) and gie irt&,

 y 9atani# s'ouses, to a ot&er #reatures o )i#3edness, #orru'tion anddestru#tion.

o M+&ey )i e muti'ied and t&ey )i s#atter t&eir seeds oer a t&e eart&,

#orru'ting it and &o) 'oisonous )i e t&eir ruits\

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o MEa#& one o t&ose #reatures )i orm a 'arty and ea#& 'arty )i oo3 out

or t&e interests o its mot&er, aggraating t&e eis o #onusion,#iii;ation disa''earing, eiminating reigion and edu#ation degenerating.+&en t&e trum'ets o grie and disaster )i o).

o M+&is 'ro'&e#y o mine )i e uied and )i &ae a great e#&o. ur

des#endants )i see inerna generations. 4en )i rememer me, atermy deat&. +&ey )i testiy to t&is o'inion o mine t&at a t&e #orru'tdes#endants )i e daug&ters and granddaug&ters o mot&er 4asonry.@o) itting t&is is, )it& res'e#t to t&is: Eis eget not&ing ut eis.M>'.11N?

• Jonas 'redi#tion &as een uied or t&e most 'art.

-#e(! me!!%e (o 7ome# o1

(.e 7o)l"

• Janet, a Protestant )&o married Jonas, 4r. a)ren#eLs great grandat&er,

understood t&e ei 'an o 4asons to #&ange t&e roe o t&e )oman #ontrary toodLs )i. 9&e een oresa) )it& stri3ing a##ura#y t&e 'resent #onditions o)omen. @ere is JanetLs anaysis o 4asonryLs #ons'ira#y to turn t&e )oman into atoo o 9atan to destroy &uman so#iety.

o M4asons ierated &er rom a rues and #onditions, &aing as a resut t&e

degeneration and misery o t&e )oman. ur des#endants )i )itness&orrie s'e#ta#es orn o t&e misery o t&e )oman.

o M+&e )oman, )it& t&is e<aggerated ae#tion, )as asey e<ated,

rauduenty #utiating &er 'ride )it&out adising &er o t&e irre'arae

oss t&at )oud e 'rodu#ed in &er. Wit& e<tremist ierty, t&e )oman ost&er tem'ora and eterna &a''iness, s&e ost &er edu#ation, s&e ost &er ieand een more, s&e made t&e )ord ose amiy, so#ia, edu#ationa and 'ro#reatie order.

o M% s&e too3 #omort in t&is easy and ou'tuous ie, t&e resut o t&is oy

)as misery and mourning, mourning and misery or a t&e )ord.M >'.122?

• As a resut, to &e' admonis&ing t&e )oman not to oo) 4asonsL ure o Lierty,

euaity, raternityL into t&e tra', in t&e introdu#tory se#tion o t&e @istory o4asonry, The 8issipation of the 8arkness, the >rigin of %asonry, 4r. a)ren#ein#uded t&e )ords o Janet, as oo)s:


MWoman\ 9in#e Creation you enoy t&e greatest ae#tion and res'e#t int&e )ord. Wise men, '&ioso'&ers and great men &ae said o you. +&e)oman ro#3s t&e #rade )it& &er rig&t &and and s&a3es t&e )ord )it& &eret.

o M+o you t&en, irtuous )omen, % 'resent t&is @istory t&at it 'eases me to

#a, L+&e "issi'ation o t&e "ar3ness,L and to you % say: $or &ainginuen#e my &usand Jonas, t&e o)ner o t&is @istory, ater &is#onersion to C&ristianity, and &is eing ae to marry me, and or my

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&aing een t&e instigator o t&e idea o 'rinting it and 'uis&ing it, you,too, must aso s&are in t&e 3no)edge o its #ontents, to utii;e )&at is)it&in rea#& to #onin#e men t&at 4asonry is not&ing ut Judaism. +o#onin#e men t&at it )as 4asonry t&at made t&e 'iars o nations totter,t&at demois&ed t&e 'o)ers, t&at ree#ted reigion. %t )as 4asonry t&at

s&ed riers o inno#ent ood )it& its Je)is& #unning. %t )as 4asonry,4asonry\o MKno) t&at eery eent #ontrary to Reigion &as its origin in 4asonry.

o MBy t&e monstrous e<aggeration o t&e inter'retation o t&e )ords: ierty,

Euaity, $raternity, t&e reins o &uman moras )ere oosened. %t )as4asonry t&at diused disoedien#e to t&eir duties in )omen, )it& t&e 'ur'ose o s'reading e<tremism, #orru'tion and 'rostitution. +&ese are t&e 'ur'oses o the %ysterious &orce and its daug&ter, 4asonry.

o MAny #onta#t )it& a 4ason ins'ires in us, in one )ay or anot&er, i not t&e

des'ising o Reigion, #odness to)ard it.o M@ere is t&e e<am'e: in t&e #ountries )&ere 4asons aound, s'irituaity,

&onor and irtues diminis&. %t is a rig&tening danger t&at t&reatens@umanity. +&e #onseuen#es )i e disastrous or your daug&ters andsons and or t&e entire )ord.

o MTou must, t&en, my riends, diuse t&e a#ts in t&is @istory at ea#&

meeting, in eery &ome, e#ause reigion is t&e oundation o a irtue,&onor and usti#e.M >'. 2?

'll#min$ti: !he )ontroller of All ;$sons


%n 177, Adam Weis&au't, Proessor o Cat&oi# C&ur#& Canon a) at t&e=niersity o %ngostodt, Baaria >ermany?, ounded t&e rder o %uminati>u#ier ig&t earers?. At&oug& trained as a Cat&oi# Priest, &e eieed in9atanism and &umanism. @umanism taug&t t&at a 'erson #oud attain great 'o)eri3e unto od )it& t&e &e' rom demons. @e s'ent aout ie years )riting onmet&ods o )ord reoution under orders and 'ay rom t&e Rot&s#&id "ynasty)it& t&e aim o estais&ing ne Word oernment. @e #aed t&is goernment"The Novus >rdo /eculorum"  >!e) Age or !e) Word rder?, )&i#& is aso t&etite o &is oo3 'uis&ed in 4ay 1, 177. +&is atin '&rase is 'rinted on t&ereerse side o t&e one5doar i toget&er )it& t&e year 177 in Roman numeraat t&e ottom o t&e 4asoni# 'yramid. n to' o t&e 'yramid is t&e eye o u#ier 

)it& t&e ins#ri'tion MAnnuit Coe'tisM )&i#& means &e >u#ier? &as smied on our underta3ings. 4ost 'ersons eiee t&at t&e date 177 &onors t&e Birt& o t&e =.9. !o, it &onors Weis&au'tLs ne Word or 9atan.

• %n 178/, a memer o t&e order named an;e, )&o )as #arrying t&e se#ret

do#uments to t&e rand rient o t&e %uminati in Paris >$ran#e?, )as stru#3 yig&tning at Ratison. +&e do#uments on &is ody )ere sei;ed y t&e Baariangoernment and no) #oud e seen in t&e ar#&ies in 4uni#&. +&ey reea t&e%uminati a#tiities not ony in t&e $ren#& reoution ut aso t&e destru#tion o

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a Kings and reigions, e<#e't Je)ry. +&e time tae or t&e 178N $ren#&Reoution )as #arried out e<a#ty as 'anned in t&e #a'tured do#uments.

• At&oug& t&e %uminati order )as inde'endent in t&e eginning, it )as grated, at

see#ted 'oints, onto $reemasonry, i3e a ungus. +&en on Juy 1, 1782, at t&eCongress o Wi&ensad, ermany, t&e order )as gien t&e reign o #ontro oer

$reemasonry on a )ord5)ide s#ae.• +&e oat& o sumission is ta3en y t&e #andidate or t&e memers&i' as oo)s:

o M...% ind myse to 'er'etua sien#e and uns&a3en oyaty and sumission

to t&e rder, in t&e 'ersons o my 9u'eriorsD &ere ma3ing a ait&u and#om'ete surrender o my 'riate udgement, my o)n )i, and eerynarro)5minded em'oyment o my 'o)er and inuen#e. % 'edge myseto a##ount t&e good o t&e rder, as my o)n, and am ready to sere it )it&my ortune, my &onor, and my ood. 9&oud %, t&roug& omission, nege#t, 'assion, or )i#3edness, e&ae #ontrary to t&is good o t&e rder, %sue#t myse to )&at re'roo or 'unis&ment my 9u'eriors s&a enoin.+&e riends and t&e enemies o my rder s&a e my riends and enemiesD

and )it& res'e#t to ot&, % )i #ondu#t myse as dire#ted y t&e rder,and am ready, in eery a)u )ay, to deote myse to its in#rease and 'romotion, and t&erein to em'oy a my aiity. A t&is % 'romise, and 'rotest, )it&out se#ret reseration, a##ording to t&e intention o t&e9o#iety )&i#& reuire rom me t&is engagement. +&is % do as % am, and as% &o'e to #ontinue, a 4an o @onor.M Jo&n Roison, 9roofs of a

6onspiracy, 17N8, ''. 57, aaiae rom Emissary Pui#ations, N20/9E Ca#3amas Road, ^177, Ca#3amas, R N701/, >/0? 82I520/0Q.

5o$ls of the 'll#min$ti

+&e %uminati oo) 7 main goas:1. Aoition o a nationa goernments.2. Aoition o a reigions e<#e't 9atanism.. Aoition o t&e amiy.I. Aoition o 'riate 'ro'erty./. Aoition o in&eritan#e y &ig& in&eritan#e ta<es.. Aoition o 'atriotism.7. Creation o t&e )ord goernment under t&e =nited !ations #ontroed y

t&e %uminati.

'nside $ 5r$nd odge of 'll#min$ti in $ris

 The #ollowing pro1ides short su!!ary #ro! the book From %ymph o$ Satan to a Bride o$ &hrist " by 9rother =incent de ,aul o# theI!!aculate" $eart " T*/*S*F*" E4LJ" published by Third /rder" ,*/* 9o+JE" St* 'ouis" (/ M3ELL *

Introductiono Kotide Bersone )as a rais&ingy eautiu gir at 17, )&o )as an &onor

student and #oud s'ea3 si< anguages. @er at&er )as a $reemason. @e

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ost 0,000 ires >aout _700? in gaming and agreed to se Kotide tot&e rand odge o t&e %uminati in %stanu, +ur3ey in e<#&ange or t&e 'ayment o t&is det. +&is +ur3is& odge )as #onne#ted to ot&er randodges o t&e %uminati t&roug&out t&e )ord. Bersone rose rom t&e ran3 o M!ym'& o t&e !ig&tM to M!ym'& %nitiated to 9e#retsM, M%uminatiM,

M9oereign rand 4aster !ym'&M, and t&en MBride o u#ierM or Mueeno t&e %uminatiM.o +&e initia setting )as in +ur3ey in "e#emer 187I, ut it )as moed to

Paris, $ran#e )&ere in t&e eginning s&e )as ra'ed y t&e rand rient o t&e 9u'reme odge o %uminati o $ran#e, t&e Ameri#an enera JamesAram aried, and e#ame &is mistress. aried )as ee#ted to t&e@ouse o Re'resentaties )&ie sti a enera ig&ting t&e #ii )ar. @e)as a &ero o 9&io and 'romoted to 4aor enera. @e )as t&e youngestenera >0? in t&e Cii War. @e e#ame rand rient o t&e $ren#&%uminati in se#ret and s'ent mu#& time in Euro'e as in Ameri#a. %n"e#emer 18, at t&e reuest o President Ara&am in#on, aried

resigned as enera and ran or Congress. @e )as #ongressman or 17years, rising to t&e 'osition o Re'ui#an @ouse eader. @e )as marriedin 18/8 to 4iss u#retia Rudo'&, and &ad 2 daug&ters and sons. @e )asee#ted to t&e 9enate in January 1880, ut neer sered in t&at oi#e. @e)as a)ays asent in Paris )it& 4asoni# usiness. %uminati odges)anted &im to )in t&e 'residen#y.

o aried )as ee#ted President o t&e =.9. in 4ar#& 1881 and )as s&ot on

Juy 2, 1881 y C&ares uiteau o $ran#e at t&e Batimore Potoma#Rairoad 9tation in Was&ington ".C. aried )as e<'e#ted to uyre#oer ater eing dismissed rom t&e &os'ita. n August 11, )&iere#u'erating in a seaside #ottage &e )rote to &is mot&er t&at &e )as

re#oering )e and gro)ing stronger eery day. @e signed it MTour oingsonM. @e died mysteriousy on 9e'temer 1N, 1881.o Kotide, u o &atred or eeryone in t&e 4asoni# odges, )as

determined to earn a se#rets aout t&e %uminati, to rise t&roug& t&eran3s, and eentuay to reea t&ese se#rets to t&e )ord in order to ta3ereenge against t&ose )&o &ad ioated &er )oman&ood and roug&t &erinnumerae misery and &orror.

o +&e origina =!P=B%9@E" manus#ri't o &er diary )as in %taian. %t

)as transated into $ren#& and t&en erman in 1N1. %t )as transated intoEngis& in 1N8I y a &oy Jesuit it&uanian Priest, $at&er Jonas aud;e>died in 1N8/?, )&o )as t&e 9u'erior o t&e @oy 9eer, Portao;, 4ot&er

Con#&ita, o t&e $ran#is#an 4inims o 4e<i#o City, 4e<i#o.

Inside the ;rand 'odge o# the Illu!inati o# Franceo $irst, to e#ome memer o t&e rder, Kotide &ad to ta3e a dreadu

oat&. %n t&e ma3ing t&e oat&, Kotide &ad to 3nee do)n )it& &er &ead ent a#3)ards, as t&oug& oering &er t&roat to a dagger, and to s)ear t&eoo)ing oat&:

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1. M% s)ear indy to oey a orders o t&e 4asoni# odge, )it&outuestioning t&e reason or it.

2. M% s)ear to not eong to any ot&er reigion e<#e't t&e 4asons.. M% s)ear to not gie in to any inuen#e, and to rea3 any

o''osition >resistan#e? against t&e aim >goa? o t&e 4asoni#

odge.I. M9&oud % e#ome eer unait&u to t&is oat&, t&en may a daggers 'ier#e me, )&i#& are no) dra)n against my t&roat.M

o Kotide dis#oered a deat& #&a'e )&ere 18 s3us )ere aid on taes and

atars. +&ere )as a )&ite mare east )it& 7 &eads, )&i#& t&e masons #aM"ragon @ydraM. %t oo3ed terrie, )it& some eauty. 9ome &eads oo3edi3e ions, some reseme 'ant&ers. 9ome &ad one &orn, )&ie ot&ers &adseera &orns. +&e ody )as one o a eo'ard )it& a#3 stri'es. +&e s&ortstrong egs &ad 'o)eru #a)s. +&e rand rient >enera Jamesaried, eore &e e#ame =.9. President in 4ar#& 1881? reuentyino3ed 9atan to animate t&e mare east. @ere is &is 'rayer o adoration:

M% re#ogni;e you as t&e &ig&est Being, )&i#& enig&tens our mindsand our a#tions. Tou aso enig&ten me es'e#iay, and you ead myarm. Tou &ae t&e su'rema#y o t&e =nierse, and you moe it e#ause a is your #reation >si#?.

M@eaen and eart& eong to you, )&i#& are uied )it& yourgory, )&i#& are images o your greatness, and su'eriority. Tou aret&e ig&t, strengt& and 'o)er. 9&o) your mig&t, )&i#& i )anted,#an sue#t &eart and mind. Tou are t&e &e'u 'rote#tor o ea#&one o yours, you enemy o t&e #ru#iied.

M%n your name, % #urse od, +&e +rinity, C&rist, and @is Hirgin

4ot&er. @ear me, t&e one you 'ossess, and )&o is one )it& you\ M%n trust o your reeations, in t&e ait& o your mig&t aoe a

#reated, isie and inisie t&ings. % &ae t&e rig&t to reuest andre#eie rom you )&at you 3no).M

o Ater t&is and some #&ants in Tiddis& anguage, t&e east e#ame aie.

@e &o)ed and ans)ered uestions. +&roug& t&is east, 9atan a''roed or disa''roe 'ro'osas and de#isions made y 4asoni# odges t&roug&outt&e )ord. And t&roug& t&e nym'& o Bee;eu, &e en#ouraged, urged, 'rodded, and guided t&e odges to a#tions against t&e Cat&oi# C&ur#&.+&e east #oud ta3e t&e orm o a "ragon @ydra )it& 7 &eads >ony oneo t&e &eads )ore a #ro)n?, t&en a man. @e een a''eared as a eautiu,ri#&y adorned )oman. @e aso s&o)ed &imse as an Ange o "ar3ness.@e 'ut on t&ese transormations to im'ress &is ride, Kotide. ne time,t&e east rained do)n god 'ie#es at &er eet.

o +o e &ig&5initiated, s&e &ad to 3i a man en#osed inside a &oo)ed

&uman5si;e do )earing a tiara >tri'e #ro)n )orn y Po'es?, to renoun#e&er a Cat&oi# "ogmas, t&e 9a#raments and Jesus C&rist, to euna'ti;ed, and to a##e't t&e "ragon >u#ier? t&roug& t&e Beast

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>Bee;eu, t&e se#ond &ig&est demon ater u#ier, aso #aed t&e Beastrom t&e sea in #&a'ter 1 o Apocalypse? as &er 4aster.

o Beore Kotide e#ame t&e nym'&, s&e &ad to sign a 'a#t )it& 9atan in

 ood. +&e te<t o 'a#t is as oo)s: M% renoun#e t&e @oy +rinity, t&e Cru#ii<iona 9a#rii#e o t&e

Roman Cat&oi# Reigion. % renoun#e t&e eie in one od. % gieu' a se#rets )&i#& are not reeaed y t&e 9'irit >9atan?, and asot&e )or3s, )&i#& do not originate rom &im. % gie ountariy to&im, a o myse, my ody, and my sou\ % eg &im to ta3ee<#usie 'ossession o &is ruing domain, my mind, my )i, andmy t&in3ing. % #a u'on &im to ie and a#t in me as % aso ie anda#t in &im. %n &is name, % #urse C&rist\ t&e ony true Cat&oi#C&ur#&, and a @is 9a#raments\M

o %n t&e rituas o initiation to t&e memers&i', #ountess a#ts o sa#riege

)ere aso gien to a Conse#rated @ost stoen rom t&e Cat&oi# C&ur#&.ne time, an a'ostate aen Cat&oi# Aot >named 4a;ati? #ame to t&e

odge to say 4ass and et 120 Conse#rated @osts or t&e sa#riege#ommitted on ood $ridays. +&e Aot &ad a more 'o)eru )ay to order t&e "ragon to a''ear in t&e ody o t&e 75&eaded east. @e did not oo)t&e rituas o adoration and in#antation, )&i#& mig&t ta3e &ours, utsim'y ordered t&e "ragon to a''ear in t&e name o t&e @oy +rinity,$at&er, 9on and t&e @oy &ost. Eery time &e used t&is, t&e "ragon@ydra reeaed &imse immediatey and t&e mare east e#ame aie.9eera o t&e %uminati egan using t&is ne) ormua, e#ause it )asmore ee#tie and #onenient in s'ite o t&e dis'easure eiden#ed y9atan )&en it )as used. n one o##asion, t&e east reeaed t&at t&e reareason or t&e odge to )ors&i' &im )as money. +&e east aso reeaed to

Kotide a o t&e errors o a !on5Cat&oi# 9e#ts.o +&e &ig& %uminati o rand odge o Paris in#uded President o $ran#e

Jues ry, &is Premier and many 4inisters. But t&e &ig&est among t&em)as James aried, its rand rient. +&e Je)is& Talmud  )as used as t&e@oy Boo3 or 'rayer and in#antation in t&e odge.

o As t&e !ym'& o 9atan, s&e e#ame t&e oi#e o< or Bee;eu >aried

#aed &im t&e M4asonry 9'iritM? issuing orders to t&e odges to 3i or tota3e a#tions, )&i#& terriied many rand 4asters o t&e odges. 9&e#ommitted many murders under t&e order o t&e odges. Among t&emurdered i#tims )ere King o %tay Hi#tor Emmanue %% and eneraJames aried. %n t&e atter #ase, t&e #&arge )as t&at &e &ad ioated t&e

rues o t&e odges y oing Kotide, t&e ride o demon Bee;eu, andta3ing &er as &is mistress, t&erey 'utting 'ersona interest eore t&eodgesL interest. +&e assassination o aried )as assisted y Prin#e ttoEduard eo'od Hon Bismar3, t&e C&an#eor o ermany. Bismar3 )asaso a 4ason )&o 'roided t&e Paris odge )it& do#uments to s&o) t&ataried #ommitted treason against 4asonry. +&is atta#3 on aried )asBismar3Ls reenge or t&e ruta 3niing o Uemard, one o &is Knig&ts oKados#&, )&o )as sa#rii#ed to t&e demon Bee;eu at t&e Paris odge

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on a ood $riday. u#ier )as totay dis#ouraged )&en t&e odgede#ided to 3i aried as t&e atter )as riiant in ringing ran3ingdignitaries into t&e 'it o 4asonry. aried &ad e#ome one o u#ierLsaorites. u#ier a''roed o t&is order sin#e &e must res'e#t &uman ree)i. $or een u#ier &imse #oud not #ontro t&e 'assions o t&e

odgeLs memers. +&e Beast amented to Kotide: M% #annot toerate t&e &uman ra#e. Een my o)n 4asons are

demonstrating t&e ieness o &uman #&ara#ter in its aari#e, andugar 'assions. +&ese 'eo'e do not gien &im >u#ier? enoug&&omage and gratitude. But &o) #oud t&ese #orru'tie, seis& ando) instin#t, addi#ted eart&ings e ait&u* +&ey are seis& to me,t&eir master, )&o is giing t&em eeryt&ing. . . . +reason )as t&eireement, and unrestrained 'easure )as t&eir roe. +&ey een deiedt&e L@oyL a)s o t&e 4asoni# odge.M

o 9o u#ier resigned to ta3ing sous )it& &im to @e )&eneer o''ortunity

arose. Besides, y &is nature, &e oed to stir u' eaousy and &atred or

one anot&er among dierent a#tions )it&in t&e rand odges. +o t&eBeast, deat& to #a'ture a sou is to' 'riority oer t&e su##ess o t&e odge.o Jeaousy among memers or KotideLs ast rise to t&e &ig&est 'osition in

t&e rand rient odge and &er sudden s'ee#&es out'ouring t&e memersLaiures and omissions #aused t&e maority o t&e rand Coun#i to turnagainst &er. 9&e &ad made t&em treme y &er 3no)edge o t&eir deedsgien y u#ier. +&e &ig& initiates &ed a tria and de#ided to anis& &erto a rot&e in renoe. +&is de#ision )as a''roed y u#ier )&o e#ame disen#&anted )it& &er or &er eginning disi3e o &im. ny )&enKotide e#ame 'regnant at t&e rot&e did s&e ma3e t&e #riti#a de#isionto es#a'e and ta3e reuge in a Cat&oi# #oistered #onent in Paris. +&ere,

s&e e#ame 9ister 4arie Ameie. 9&e re#ounted &er rig&tu story insidet&e rand odge o %uminati in Paris to &er 4ot&er 9u'erior, )&o#ommanded &er to )rite it do)n in 188/ or t&e 'ui# to 3no). +&edu'i#ate aut&enti# manus#ri't o &er memoirs o 188/ is 3e't some)&erein t&e ar#&ies o a Roman Cat&oi# Coent in $ran#e. +&an3s or isitingCe'&as 4inistry %n#. >))).#e'&asministry.#om?

"ecret "ocieties condemned % !he )$tholic )h#rch

Reactions by the atholic hurch are swi#t #ollowing the re1i1al o# theancient (asonry in the new Free!asonry in :ngland in EJEJ*

n A'ri 28, 178, Po'e Cement ]%% in &is Pontii#a Constitution "$n (minenti"  #ondemned $reemasonry as eing Counter5C&ur#& and Counter59tate. +&us saidPo'e Cement ]%%:

o Met us meditate u'on t&e serious eis )&i#& are usuay t&e resut o

t&ose 3inds o 9o#ieties or #enters, not ony #on#erning t&e 'ea#e otem'ora 9tates, ut sti more as regards t&e saation o sous. +&ose9o#ieties are not in agreement )it& t&e #ii and e#onomi# a)s o t&e9tates.

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o M%n order to #ose t&e )idey o'en road to iniuitiesD )&i#& mig&t e

#ommitted )it& im'unity and aso or ot&er reasons, ust and reasonae,t&at &ae #ome to our 3no)edge . . . We &ae resoed and de#reed to#ondemn and orid su#& 9o#ieties, assemies, reunions, aggregations ormeetings #aed eit&er $reemasoni# or 3no)n under some ot&er

denomination. WE C!"E4! A!" $RB%" +@E4 BT +@%9, =RPRE9E!+ C!9+%+=+%!, W@%C@ %9 + BE C!9%"ERE" HA%"$R EHER.M

• Po'e Cement ]%% aso e<tended t&e 'enaty o e<#ommuni#ation to any o t&e

ait&u )&o oined 4asonry:o MWE C44A!" + +@E $A%+@$= + AB9+A%! $R4

%!+ERC=R9E W%+@ +@9E 9C%E+%E9 . . . %! R"ER + AH%"E]C44=!%CA+%!, W@%C@ W% BE +@E PE!A+T %4P9E"=P! A +@9E C!+RAHE!%! + +@%9, =R R"ER. !!E, E]CEP+ A+ +@E P%!+ $ "EA+@, C=" BE AB9HE"$ +@%9 9%! E]CEP+ BT =9 R +@E +@E! E]%9+%! R4A!

P!+%$$.M• Po'e Benedi#t ]%H in 17/1 airmed in &is Pontii#a Constitution "9rovidas"  t&at

t&e #ondemnation o $reemasonry )as %RREHCABE and )as to e a''ied tot&e $=+=RE as )e as to t&e PRE9E!+.M

• Po'e Pius H%% in &is En#y#i#a "(cclesiam a :esu'6risto"  in 1821 reiterated

against t&e $reemasons t&e #ondemnations 'ronoun#ed y Cement ]%% andBenedi#t ]%H.

• Po'e eo ]%% 'uis&ed &is En#y#i#a Muo raioraM on 4ar#& 1, 182/

#ondemning t&e so#iety #aed $reemasonry, as )e as a ot&er 9e#ret 9o#ieties.• Po'e Pius H%%% in &is En#y#i#a "Traditi" , 'uis&ed at t&e time o &is adent on

4ay 21, 182N rene)ed a t&e #ondemnations o &is 'rede#essors, re'eating t&at

a 4asoni# 9e#ts are issued rom t&e MWE $ PER"%+%!.M• Po'e Pius %] rene)ed t&e #ondemnation in t&e oo)ing terms:

o We &erey #onirm eore you t&e Constitutions o ur Prede#essors and

in irtue o ur A'ostoi# Aut&ority )e &od u' to re'roation and We#ondemn t&is 4asoni# 9o#iety and A +@ER 9C%E+%E9 o t&e9A4E R"ER )&i#&, at&oug& dierent in a''earan#e, ut 'ursuing t&esame aim against t&e C&ur#& or egitimate Cii Po)er are #onstanty eing ormed. %t is ur order t&at a C&ristians o any standing)&atsoeer, o any ran3 or &ig& a''ointment and HER A +@EEAR+@ s&oud e inormed t&at t&e said 9o#ieties are oridden andre'roed y =9, and in#ur t&e same senten#es and #ondemnations as t&ose

t&at are s'e#iied in t&e ormer C!9+%+=+%!9 o our Prede#essors.M• Po'e eo ]%%% 'uis&ed &is magnii#ent En#y#i#a "2umanum enus"  on A'ri

20, 188I. @e )rites:o M+oday ei doers a seem aied in a tremendous eort ins'ired y and

)it& t&e &e' o a so#iety 'o)eruy organi;ed and )idey s'read oer t&e)ord, it is t&e 9o#iety o $reemasons. %n a#t t&ose 'eo'e no onger eentry to dissimuate t&eir intentions, ut t&ey a#tuay #&aenge ea#& ot&erLsauda#ity in order to assai odLs August 4aesty.

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o M%t is no) 'ui#y and oerty t&at t&ey underta3e to ruin t&e @oy

C&ur#&, so as to su##eed, i it is 'ossie, in t&e #om'ete dis'ossession oC&ristian nations o a t&e gits t&ey o)e to ur 9aior Jesus C&rist.

o MAs a resut, in t&e s'a#e o a #entury and a &a, t&e se#t o t&e

$reemasons &as made in#redie 'rogress. 4a3ing use at t&e same time o

auda#ity and #unning, 4asonry &as inaded a t&e ran3s o so#ia&ierar#&y, and %n t&e modern 9tates it &as egun to sei;e a 'o)er )&i#& isamost euiaent to 9oereignty.

o M+&is 'eri )as denoun#ed or t&e irst time y Po'e Cement ]%% in 178,

and t&e Constitution 'romugated y t&at Po'e )as rene)ed and#onirmed y Benedi#t ]%HD Pius H%% oo)ed in t&e ootste's o t&osePontis, and Po'e eo ]%% in#uding in &is A'ostoi#a Constitution LuoraioraL a t&e deeds and de#rees o t&e 're#eding Po'es on t&at sue#t,RA+%$%E" A!" C!$%R4E" +@E4 $R EHER. Po'es Pius H%%%,regory ]H% and on seera o##asions Po'e Pius %] s'o3e in t&e samemanner.M

Po'e Pius ] >1N051N1I?, Po'e Benedi#t ]H >1N1I51N22?, and Po'e Pius ]%>1N2251NN? #ontinued airming t&e #ondemnation o 4asonry. Po'e Pius ]%%made one s'e#ii# reeren#e to $reemasonry and %uminism in &is address to t&e9eent& Wee3 Pastora Ada'tation Coneren#e on 4ay 2, 1N/8. @e said, Mt&eroots o modern a'ostasy ay in s#ientii# at&eism, diae#ti#a materiaism,rationaism, iuminism, ai#ism, and $reemasonry 5 )&i#& is t&e mot&er o t&ema . . . M >uoted in Pau A. $is&er 1NN1Q, Their od is the 8evil , Ameri#anResear#& $oundation, Batimore, 4aryand, '. /.?

• +&e su##essors o Pius ]%% a''roed t&e Code o Canon a) o 1N17 )&i#&

e<'i#ity #ondemned t&e 4asons: =All those (ho enroll their names in the sect

o' )reemasons or similar associations (hich plot against the Church or the

legitimate ci$il authorities incur b! this $er! 'act the penalt! o'excommunication, absolution 'rom (hich is reser$ed simpl! to the 1ol!

*ee9= >Canon 2/?.• +&e reised Code o Canon a) o 1N8 sti'uates: =5ne (ho oins an

association (hich plots against the Church is to be punished (ith a ust

penalt! one (ho promotes or moderates such an association, ho(e$er, is to

be punished (ith an interdict9= >Canon 17I?.o Po'e Jo&n Pau %% 'romugated t&e 1N8 Code o Canon a) on January

2/, 1N8. n !oemer 2, 1N8, t&e Congregation or t&e "o#trine ot&e $ait& re'ied to an inuiry )&et&er t&e C&ur#&Ls 'osition regarding4asoni# organi;ations &as een atered, es'e#iay sin#e no e<'i#it

mention is made o t&em in t&e !e) Code o Canon a) 1N8Q, as t&ere)as in t&e d Code 1N17Q. +&e Congregation stated t&at organi;ations)ere omitted in t&e !e) Code due to a dierent #riterion ado'ted indrating t&e #ode. +&ey )ere in#uded in roader #ategories. 9ee Canon17I.Q +&e Congregation did not, &o)eer, s'e#iy t&e #ategories it &ad inmind >it mig&t &ae een t&in3ing o su#& #anons as Canon 1I?, ut itinsisted t&at t&e C&ur#& is sti o''osed to 4asoni# asso#iations, sin#e

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t&eir 'rin#i'es are irre#on#iae )it& t&e C&ur#&Ls do#trine and t&at it)oud e seriousy )rong to oin t&em.

o !ote: Canon 1I o 1N8 Code states:

`1. With due regard 'or canon 2-D, E2, n9 ., an apostate 'rom

the 'aith, a heretic or a schismatic incurs automatic 6latae

sententiae7 excommunication and i' a cleric, he can also bepunished b! the penalties mentioned in canon 200%, E29 nn9 2, .

and 09  `2. "' long lasting contumac! or the seriousness o' scandal

(arrants it, other penalties can be added including dismissal

'rom the clerical state.Q

reem$sonr% )ondemned % the "t$tes of New or, enns%lv$ni$, $nd;$ss$ch#setts

• Pau A. $is&er 1NN1Q re'orts in &is oo3 Their od is the 8evil  t&at et)een

182N and 18 t&e egisatures o t&e 9tates o !e) Tor3, Pennsyania and4assa#&usetts inestigated $reemasonry and ound it to e Ma mora ei 55 adistin#t inde'endent goernment )it&in our o)n goernment, and eyond t&e#ontro o t&e a)s o t&e and y means o its se#re#y, and t&e oat&s andreguations )&i#& its sue#ts are ound to oey, under 'enaties o deat&M >'. 18.?

M!o#! "m((e" (.( (.e* )e

#((o)! o1 )e:olu(o#! #"


1. $ren#& Reoutiono +oday $reemasonry o'eny a#3no)edges t&e $ren#& Reoution as its

)or3. %n t&e #&amer o "e'uties during t&e session on Juy 1, 1N0I t&e4aruis de Rosano stated:

M$reemasonry &as )or3ed in a &idden ut #onstant manner to

 're'are t&e reoution... We are t&en in #om'ete agreement on t&e 'oint t&at reemasonry )as t&e ony aut&or o t&e reoution, andt&e a''ause )&i#& % re#eie rom t&e et, and to )&i#& % am ittea##ustomed, 'roes, gentemen, t&at you a#3no)edge )it& me

t&at it )as masonry )&i#& made t&e $ren#& reoution.M 4r. Jume: MWe do more t&an a#3no)edge it, )e 'ro#aim it.M

9our#e: 4gsr. @enri "eassus, 1a 6onjuration anti'chrDtienne,

o. 1, 1N10, '. 1ID uoted in de Pon#ins, o'. #it.,'.0Q.2. Reoution in %tay

o %n t&e oo)ing )e uote Pau A. $is&er >1NN1? rom &is oo3 Their od

is the 8evil , Ameri#an Resear#& $oundation, %n#., P.. Bo< /87,Batimore, 4aryand 21210.

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M+&e moderate and #onstitutiona demands o t&e 4asoni# odges

 egan to e a##om'anied , y more demo#rati# demands, and t&ere)ere in 4ian, Boogna, Rome, and !a'es #es o %uminati,re'ui#an reet&in3ers, ater t&e 'attern re#enty estais&ed inBaaria y Adam Weis&au't. . . . %n t&e sout& t&e irst 'ro5

reoutionary #entres deeo'ed in #onne#tion )it& t&e 4asoni#odgesD an e<am'e is t&e Ceestini odge at !a'es.M (ncyclopedia ritanica, 1N77, Ho. N, @istory o %tay and 9i#iy, '.11//.?

+&e reeion in %tay against Pa'a goernments during 180s

M)as 3no)n as t&e LRisorgimentoL )&i#&, in reaity, )as a #assi#4asoni# reoutionary moement. %ts eaders )ere iuse''e4a;;ini, iuse''e ariadi, Camio Caour and King Hi#torEmmanue %% 55 a ardent $reemasons.M >$is&er 1NN1Q, '. 17.?> King Hi#tor Emmanue %% )as ater 'oisoned y &is o)n son,Prin#e =merto, )&o, in turn, )as assassinated y t&e order o

4asoni# odges.? M4a;;ini, a##ording to t&e rand Commander o 9#ottis& Rite

$reemasonry in Ameri#a, )as t&e irst &ead o modern$reemasonry in %tay. >ibid , '. 17.?

Mne &istorian, C&ares @e#3et&orn, in &is oo3, 9e#ret 9o#ieties,

says t&e #&iing )ord M4aiaM is an a#ronym meaning L4a;;iniAutori;a $urti, %n#endi, Aeenameti:L t&at is: L4a;;ini aut&ori;est&ets, arson and 'oisoning.L >ibid, '.17.?

o M+&e "e#emer 1N20 issue o t&e !e) Engand Cratsman, a 4asoni#

 ourna, re'orted t&at L'ra#ti#ay a t&e &eroes o %taian ierty )ere4asons.L >ibid, '. 17.?


M+&e 9#ottis& Rite rand Commander )rote in t&e 4ay, 1NI1 issue o t&e !EW AE maga;ine >t&e ags&i' 'ui#ation o 9#ottis& Rite 4asonry o t&e 9out&ern urisdi#tion? t&at 4a;;ini and Caour )ere 4asons L)&o 'utHi#tor Emmanue % on t&e t&rone o %tay.L >ibid, '.18.?

o M+&e rand Commander aso said ariadi >)&o e#ame rand 4aster

o 4asonry in %tay in 18/? #aed or t&e Po'e to e oert&ro)n andMt&at t&ere e uit u'on &is ruins a reign o trut& and reason t&at )oudQeiminate t&e 'riests o od. . .M>ibid, '. 18.?

o MC&ares oinger, in &is 2istory of the /cottish 5ite >'. 827? reated t&at

t&e rand Commander o t&e %taian 9u'reme Coun#i, Raou Paermi,attended a meeting o t&e 9u'reme Coun#i o t&e 9#ottis& Rite in t&e

=nited 9tates in 1N21 and tod &o) t&e 9#ottis& Rite L'ros'ered and s'readin our 'roin#es, #ontriuting argey to 're'are t&e Reoution or t&eirieration rom t&e 'etty tyrants and rom t&e Pontii#a "i#tators&i' . . .L>ibid, '. 18.?

. +ur3is& and Portugese Reoutionso %n t&e time o t&e +ur3is& reoution, a Je) said 'roudy to a @ungarian

adyLs at&er: M%t is )e )&o are ma3ing it, )e, t&e Toung +ur3s, t&e Je)s.M

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o "uring t&e Portuguese reoution, s&e &eard t&e 4aruis de Has#on#eos,

Portuguese Amassador at Rome, say: M+&e Je)s and t&e $reemasons are dire#ting t&e reoution in

ison.Mo 9&e urt&er noted t&at:

Mtoday )&en t&e greater 'art o Euro'e is gien u' to t&ereoution, t&ey are eery)&ere eading t&e moement, a##ordingto singe 'an.M

o 9&e as3ed &o) t&ey su##eeded in #on#eaing t&e 'an )&i#& emra#ed t&e

)&oe )ord and )&i#& )as not t&e )or3 o a e) mont&s or years* 9&eans)ered t&at t&e Je)s 3no) &o) to 3ee' a se#ret and t&at none o t&em etrayed t&e ot&ers. >9our#e: Ce#ie de +ormay, 1e livre 9oscrit , '. 1/?.

I. Euro'ean Reoutiono %n t&e oo)ing, )e are going to uote Benamin "israei eore &e

 e#ame t&e C&an#eor o t&e E<#&euer o reat Britain in 18/. +&eseuotes are ta3en rom 2ansards 9arliamentary 8ebates, >t&e euiaent

o our Congressiona Re#ord?. >ur uotes are ased on $is&er 1NN1Q, ''.1851N?. n Juy 1I, 18/, Benamin "israei rose in t&e @ouse oCommons to say:

M. . .+&ere is in %tay a 'o)er )&i#& )e sedom mention in t&is

@ouse, ut )it&out #onsidering and understanding )&i#& )e s&aneer rig&ty #om're&end t&e 'osition o %tay. % mean t&e se#retso#ieties. +&e se#ret so#ieties do not #are or #onstitutionagoernment . . .

Mt is useess to deny. . . a great 'art o Euro'e 5 t&e )&oe o %tay

and $ran#e, and a great 'ortion o ermany, to say not&ing o ot&er #ountries 55 are #oered )it& a net)or3 o t&ese se#ret so#ieties,

 ust as t&e su'eri#ies o t&e eart& is no) eing #oered )it&rairoads. And )&at are t&eir oe#ts* +&ey do not attem't to#on#ea t&em. +&ey do not )ant #onstitutiona goernment. +&eydo not )ant ameiorated institutionsD t&ey do not )ant 'roin#ia#oun#is nor t&e re#ording o otesD t&ey )ant. . .an end toe##esiasti#a estais&ments. . . .

M% am tod t&at a Britis& 4inister &as oasted 55 and a ery un)ise

 oast it )as 55 t&at &e &ad ony to &od u' &is &and and &e #oudraise a reoution in %tay tomorro). . .M

MA great 'rin#e e suddeny. . . soey and entirey y t&e a#tion o 

se#ret so#ieties. +&at % a''re&end is a a#t )&i#& no man

a#uainted )it& t&e eents o 18I8 )i deny\Lo 4r. "israei )as reerring to t&e 18I8 reoutions )&i#& ro#3ed $ran#e,

%tay, ermany and Austria, during )&i#& Prin#e 4etterni#&, t&e )e53no)n Austrian $oreign 4inister, )as or#ed to see3 reuge in Engand.

o An e<traordinary 'oiti#a igure in reat Britain, t)i#e 4r. "israei

 e#ame Prime 4inister >188 and 187I51880?. @e a##e'ted a 'eerage)it& t&e tite Ear o Bea#onsied in 187. W&ie &e )as Prime 4inister,

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&e deiered a s'ee#& at Ayesury on 9e'temer 20, 187, in )&i#& &esaid:

M%n t&e attem't to #ondu#t t&e goernment o t&is )ord, t&ere are

ne) eements to e #onsidered )&i#& our 'rede#essors &ad not todea )it& . . .t&e se#ret so#ieties 55 an eement )&i#& at t&e ast

moment may ae a our arrangements, )&i#& &ae t&eir agentseery)&ere, )&i#& &ae re#3ess agents )&i#& #ountenan#eassassination, and )&i#&, i ne#essary, #oud 'rodu#e a massa#re.M

/. +&e P&ii''ine %nsurre#tiono etLs uote Pau A. $is&er 1N88Q ehind the 1odge 8oor , on t&e

P&ii'ine %nsurre#tion: MConentiona )isdom says t&e P&ii''ine %nsurre#tion o 18N

)as ignited e#ause o natie o''osition to t&e 'o)er o t&eCat&oi# C&ur#& in t&e %sands. +&e reoutionary ire )as ueed y t&e )ritings o Jose Ri;a, augmented y t&e 'oiti#a eaders&i'o Emiio Aguinado.

M%n reaity t&e P&ii''ine %nsurre#tion )as or#&estrated y$reemasonry, and )&ie Emiio Aguinado indeed ed t&atreoution, &e did so as a dedi#ated memer and too o t&e Crat.

M+&at insig&t into P&ii''ine &istory )as su''ressed y t&e =nited

9tates oernment or I/ years, unti it inay )as reeaed y&istorian Jo&n +. $arre in 1N/I.M >$is&er 1N88Q, ''. 2115212?

. Russian Reoutiono Again, etLs uote $is&er on t&e Russian reoution

M+&e 9#ottis& Rite mont&y  New AgeQ added: L+&e irst Reoution

in 4ar#& 1N17 is said to &ae een ins'ired and o'erated romt&ese odges and a t&e memers o Kerens3iLs goernment

 eonged to t&em.LM >ibid, '. 218?7. Word War %

o %t is )e 3no)n t&at t&e assassination o t&e Austrian Ar#&du3e $ran;

$erdinand triggered t&e Word War %. etLs uote $is&er on t&e great )ar. M!ot mentioned y t&e 9#ottis& Rite ourna  New AgeQ )as t&e

a#t t&at t&e aeged assassins o t&e Ar#&du3e )ere memers ot&e MBa#3 @and,M a 9out& 9a reoutionary organi;ation )&i#&)as a 'rogeny o $reemasonry.

M"uring t&e tria, Prin#e' testiied t&at &is #oeague, Ciganoit#&,

Ltod me &e )as a $reemasonDL and, on anot&er o##asion, Ltod met&at t&e @eir A''arent $ran; $erdinandQ &ad een #ondemned to

deat& y a $reemasonLs odge.L M4oreoer, anot&er o t&e a##used assassins, C&arinoit#&,

testiied t&at 4aor +an3osit#&, one o t&e 'otters, )as a$reemason.M >ibid , ''. 2175218?

8. "omination o oernmentso $inay, t&e oo)ing e<#er't rom $is&er 1N88Q s&o)s #eary t&at t&e

to'5ee $reemasons 3no) aout t&e true origin o t&eir se#retorgani;ation and understand t&e symos deised y King @erod Agri''a:

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M%n 1N7, a oo3 y $red Ueer, ormer rand 4aster o t&e rand

rient o $ran#e, tited, Trois 9oints, 6est Tout  , reeaed t&at et)een 1N12 and 1N71, a o t&e +&ird and mu#& o t&e $ourt&Re'ui# o $ran#e )as dominated y $reemasons, )&o oug&tt)o maor anti5#eri#a reorms in a atte against C&ur#&

inuen#e. MAnd, in 1N81, t&e )ord earned o t&e ma#&inations o rand

4aster i#io eiLs 4asoni# odge 3no)n as 9ropaganda 8ue, or P52, )&i#& 're#i'itated t&e a o t&e %taian oernment t&atsame year.M >ibid, '. 21?

/)eem!o#)* 1##'e" (.e

Bol!.e:< Re:olu(o# #

Ru!! @@S

In this section we are going to 2uote 'arry Abraha! #ro! his book &allt &onspiracy " 0ouble A ,ublications" ,*/* 9o+ MC4" %auna" %ashington4L345*

• $irst, t&e etist moement in t&e =.9 )as inan#ed y t&e internationa an3ers.

arry Ara&am >'. 8? uotes s)ad 9'enger, t&e great &istorian o t&e 20t&#entury:

o M+&ere is no 'roetarian, not een a Communist, moement t&at &as not

o'erated in t&e interests o money, in t&e dire#tion indi#ated y money,and or t&e time eing 'ermitted y money 55 and t&at )it&out t&e ideaists

among its eaders &aing t&e sig&test sus'i#ion o t&e a#t.M > 8ecline ofthe )est , 4odern irary, !e) Tor3, 1NI/?

• +&e Ree#e Committee )&i#& inestigated oundations or Congress in 1N/

 'roed )it& an oer)&eming amount o eiden#e t&at t&e arious Ro#3eeerand Carnegie oundations &ae een 'romoting so#iaism sin#e t&eir in#e'tion.>9ee Ren WormserLs &oundations Their 9ower and $nfluence, "ein Adair, !e)Tor3, 1N/8.? >Ara&am, '. 70?

• arry Ara&am asserts t&at Mt&e #ons'ira#y &ad een 'anning t&e )ar >Word War 

%? or oer t)o de#ades. +&e assassination o an Austrian Ar#&du3e )as merey anin#ident 'roiding an e<#use or starting a #&ain rea#tion.M >'.71? But )e 3no)no) t&at een t&at Min#identM )as 'anned as )e.

• +&e )ar 'roonged des'ite t&e staemate in t&e atte ront e#ause o t&e entry ot&e =.9. into t&e )ar. Winston C&ur#&i on#e osered t&at t&e )ord )oud &ae een etter i t&e =.9. stayed out o it sin#e M'ea#e )oud &ae een made )it&ermany, and t&ere )oud &ae een no #oa'se in Russia eading toCommunismD no rea3do)n o goernment in %tay oo)ed y $as#ismD and !a;iism neer )oud &ae gained as#endan#y in ermany.M >9o#ia Justi#e4aga;ine, Juy , 1NN, '. I?. But MWord War % )as a inan#ia onan;a or t&einternationa an3ers.M >ibid, ''. 7I57/?

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• +&e Bos&ei3 Reoution &a''ened, not e#ause o t&e do)ntrodden masses

rising u' against e<'oiting osses as t&e #ommunists 'er'etuate t&e ig ie, ut e#ause ery 'o)eru men in Euro'e and t&e =nited 9tates sent  enin in9)it;erand and +rots3y in !e) Tor3 to Russia to organi;e it. >ibid, '. 7?.

• Menin )as sent a#ross Euro'e5at5)ar on t&e amous Mseaed train.M Wit& &im

enin too3 some _/ to _ miion in god. +&e )&oe t&ing )as arranged y t&eerman &ig& #ommand and 4a< Warurg, t&roug& anot&er ery )eat&y andieong so#iaist y t&e name o Ae<ander @e'&and, aias MParus.M W&en+rots3y et !e) Tor3 )it& an Ameri#an 'ass'ort )it& &is entourage o 27/reoutionaries. >ibid, ''. 7577?

• Ja#o 9#&i, senior 'artner in Ku&n, eo Co., and at&er5in5a) o 4a<

WarurgLs rot&er $ei<, aso &e'ed inan#e eon +rots3y. A##ording to t&e !e)Tor3 Journa5Ameri#an o $eruary , 1NIN: MM+oday it is estimated y Ja#oLsgrandson, Jo&n 9#&i, t&at t&e od man san3 aout 20,000,000 doars or t&e inatrium'& o Bos&eism in Russia.M >ibid, ''. 77578?

• Arsene de oueit#&, an im'ortant W&ite Russian enera, )rote in &is oo3

6#arism and the 5evolution :o M+&e main 'ureyors o unds or t&e reoution, &o)eer, )ere neit&er

t&e #ra#3'ot Russian miionaires or t&e armed andits o enin. +&e LreaLmoney 'rimariy #ame rom #ertain Britis& and Ameri#an #ir#es )&i#& or a ong time 'ast &ad ent &eir su''ort to t&e Russian reoutionary#ause. . . . +&e im'ortant 'art 'ayed y t&e )eat&y Ameri#an an3erJa#o 9#&i in t&e eents in Russia, t&oug& as yet ony 'artiay reeaed,is no onger a se#ret.M >ibid, '. 78?

• enera Ae<ander !e#&oodo is uoted y de oueit#& as saying t&at:

o M%n A'ri 1N17, Ja#o 9#&i 'ui#y de#ared t&at it )as t&an3s to &is

inan#ia su''ort t&at t&e reoution in Russia &ad su##eeded.M•

9#&iLs 'arti#i'ation in t&e Bos&ei3 Reoution )as )e 3no)n among Aiedinteigen#e seri#es at t&e time. ater eiden#e indi#ates t&at t&e an3roing ot&e Bos&ei3s )as &anded y a syndi#ate o internationa an3ers, )&i#& inaddition to t&e 9#&i5Warurg #iue, in#uded 4organ and Ro#3eeer interests."o#uments s&o) t&at t&e 4organ organi;ation 'ut at east _1 miion in t&e Redreoutionary 3itty. +&e 'aymaster o t&ese unds in Petrograd, )&ere t&eReoution started, )as ord Ared 4iner, &ead o t&e se#ret "5ound Table"roup )&i#& )as a#3ed y ord Rot&s#&id. "e oueit#& reeas t&at:

o M%n 'riate interie)s % )as tod t&at oer 21 miion roues )ere s'ent

 y ord 4iner in inan#ing t&e Russian Reoution.M >ibid, ''. 7N580?• Proessor Antony 9utton o 9tanord =niersityLs @ooer %nstitution on War,

Reoution and Pea#e, using or t&e most 'art, oi#ia 9tate "e'artmentdo#uments, s&o)s #on#usiey t&at irtuay eeryt&ing t&e 9oiets 'ossess &as een a#uired rom t&e West. %t is not mu#& o an e<aggeration to say t&at t&e=.9.9.R. )as made in t&e =.9.A. >ibid, '. 8?


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:t was not my intention to dou-t that the doctrine o$ the lluminati andthe principles o$ ;aco-inism/ had not spread in the United States. )nthe contrary/ no one is more satisfed o$ this $act than am.

The idea meant to convey was that did not -elieve the (odges o$

Freemasons in this country had/ as societies/ endeavored to propagatethe dia-olical tenets. 

That individuals o$ them may have done it/ or that the $ounder/ orinstruments employed to $ound the democratic societies in the UnitedStates may have had this o-<ect/ and actually had a separation o$ the people $rom their government in view/ is too evident to -e=uestioned.:

---;eorge %ashington to Re1erend ;* %* Snyder" EJ4L

"/ome even believe we -the 5ockefeller family. are part of a secret cabal working against 

the best interests of the @nited /tates, characteri#ing my family and me as

internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a moreintegrated global political and economic structure'''one world, if you will $f thats the

charge, $ stand guilty, and $ am proud of it" 

55"aid Ro#3eeer, %emoirs, 'age I0/

:Single acts o$ tyranny may -e ascri-ed to the accidental opinion o$ aday> -ut a series o$ oppressions/ -egun at a distinguished period and pursued unaltera-ly through every change o$ ministers/ too plainly prove a deli-erate/ systematic plan o$ reducing ?a people@ to slavery.:

---Tho!as De<erson Rights o# 9ritish A!erica" EJJ

"/ince $ entered politics, $ have chiefly had mens views confided to me privately /ome of 

the biggest men in the @nited /tates, in the field of commerce and manufacture, areafraid of somebody, are afraid of something They know that there is a power somewhere

 so organi#ed, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that theyhad better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it" 

555Woodro) Wison

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")e shall have )orld overnment, whether or not we like it The only Euestion is

whether )orld overnment will be achieved by conEuest or consent" 

555James Pau Warurg, s'ea3ing eore t&e =nited 9tates 9enate

A plan to bring about a con1ergence or !erger o# the .*S* and the.SSR is not a recent policy response to the supposed re#or!s o#;orbache1 and Qeltsin* It rst ca!e to light ofcially in E453 whenpublic concern o1er large ta+-e+e!pt #oundation grants to co!!unistsand co!!unist causes pro!pted ongress to in1estigate* /# particularconcern were the #unding acti1ities o# the arnegie" Ford" andRocke#eller Foundations*

,erhaps the !ost startling re1elation o# that in1estigation ca!e when

Ford Foundation president $* Rowan ;aither ad!itted to Nor!an 0odd"sta< director o# the ongressional Special o!!ittee to In1estigate Ta+-:+e!pt Foundations

"Of course, you know that we at the executive level here were,at one time or another, active in either the OSS, the StateDepartment, or the European Economic administration. Duringthose times, and without exception, we operated underdirectives issued by the hite !ouse. e are continuing to beguided by ust such directives.... #he substance $of thesedirectives% was to the e&ect that we should make every e&ort

to so alter life in the 'nited States as to make possible acomfortable merger with the Soviet 'nion."

:)nce the ruling mem-ers o$ the &F# have decidedthat the U.S. government should adopt a particular policy/ the very su-stantial research $acilities o$ the&F# are put to wor7 to develop arguments/intellectual and emotional/ to support the new policy/and to con$ound and discredit/ intellectually and

 politically/ any opposition.:

:n my view the Trilateral commission represents a s7ill$ul/ coordinatede!ort to seiAe control and consolidate the $our centers o$ power++ political/ monetary/ intellectual/ and ecclesiastical. ll this is to -e donein the interest o$ creation a more peace$ul/ more productive worldcommunity. *hat the Trilateralists truly intend is the creation o$ aworldwide economic power superior to the political governments o$ the

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nation+states involved. They -elieve the a-undant materialism they propose to create will overwhelm existing di!erences. s managersand creators o$ the system they will rule the $uture.:

---9arry ;oldwater" *ith %o pologies


D4otable Salvos at  )merican Sovereignty  will be hihlihtedon this pae hence!orth:


:Two centuries ago our $ore$athers -rought $orth a new nation> now we

must <oin with others to -ring $orth a new world order.:

---0eclaration o# (nter dependence" signed by E !e!bers o# ongress" Danuary 3C" E4JM

:*e are grate$ul to The *ashington Post/ The %ew or7 Times/ TimemagaAine/ and other great pu-lications whose directors have attendedour meetings and respected their promise o$ discretion $or almost$orty years. t would have -een impossi-le $or us to develop our plan

$or the world i$ we had -een su-<ect to the -right lights o$ pu-licityduring those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The super+nationalsovereignty o$ an intellectual elite and world -an7ers is surely pre$era-le to the national auto+determination practiced in pastcenturies.:

---0a1id Rocke#eller" at a E44E 9ilderberger !eeting

:%ationhood as we 7now it will -e o-solete> all states will recogniAe asingle/ glo-al authority. %ational sovereignty wasn't such a great idea

a$ter all.:

---Strobe Talbott" #or!er 0eputy Secretary o# State and 9ill linton)s/+#ord roo!!ate" in Time" Duly E44

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:This regionaliAation is in 7eeping with the Trilateral Plan which calls$or a gradual convergence o$ "ast and *est/ ultimately leading towardthe goal o$ one world government. %ational sovereignty is no longer avia-le concept.:

---^bignew 9reinski" National Security Ad1isor to ,resident Di!!yarter

:t is the sacred principles enshrined in the United %ations charter towhich the merican people will hence$orth pledge their allegiance.:

---,resident ;eorge 9ush addressing the ;eneral Asse!bly o# the .*N*"February E" E44

:The %ew *orld )rder is a world that has a super+national authority toregulate world commerce and industry> an international organiAationthat would control the production and consumption o$ oil> aninternational currency that would replace the dollar> a *orld9evelopment Fund that would ma7e $unds availa-le to $ree andcommunist nations ali7e> and an international police $orce to en$orcethe edicts o$ the %ew *orld )rder.:

---%illy 9randt" For!er %est ;er!an hancellor and #or!er chair!an

o# the Fi#th Socialist International

:*e are on the verge o$ a glo-al trans$ormation. ll we need is theright ma<or crisis and the nations will accept the %ew *orld )rder.:

---0a1id Rocke#eller

:But this present window o$ opportunity/ during which a truly peace$uland interdependent world order might -e -uilt/ will not -e open $orlong. lready there are power$ul $orces at wor7 that threaten todestroy all o$ our hopes and e!orts to erect an enduring structure o$glo-al interdependence.:

---0a1id Rocke#eller" speaking at the 9usiness ouncil #or the .nitedNations" Septe!ber E" E44

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: colossal event is upon us/ the -irth o$ a %ew *orld )rder.:

---9rent Scowcro#t" ;eorge 9ush)s National Security Ad1isor" on the e1e

o# the ;ul# %ar

:The Persian ,ul$ crisis is a rare opportunity to $orge new -onds withold enemies Cthe Soviet UnionD. )ut o$ these trou-led times a %ew*orld )rder can merge under a United %ations that per$orms asenvisioned -y its $ounders.:

;eorge 9ush" Septe!ber EE" E44C

:The world can there$ore seiAe the opportunity Cthe Persian ,ul$ crisisDto $ulfll the long+held promise o$ a %ew *orld )rder where diversenations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universalaspirations o$ man7ind.:

---;eorge 9ush" in his State o# the .nion Address" Danuary 4" E44E

:%FT is a ma<or stepping stone to the %ew *orld )rder.:

---$enry 8issinger" ca!paigning #or the passage o# NAFTA

:Further glo-al progress is now possi-le only through a =uest $or universal consensus in the movement towards a %ew *orld )rder.:

+++3i7hail ,or-achev/ in an address to the United %ations/ 9ecem-er 45EE

:*e are not going to achieve a new world order without paying $or it in-lood as well as in words and money.:

---Arthur Schlesinger" Dr*" in Foreign A<airs" DulyAugust E445

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:n short/ the 'house o$ world order' will have to -e -uilt $rom the-ottom up rather than $rom the top down. t will loo7 li7e a great'-ooming/ -uAAing con$usion.' To use *illiam ;ames' $amous

description o$ reality/ -ut an end run around national sovereignty/eroding it piece -y piece/ will accomplish much more than the old+$ashioned $rontal assault.:

---Richard N* ;ardner" in Foreign A<airs" April E4J

:*hen the struggle seems to -e dri$ting defnitely towards a worldsocial democracy/ there may still -e very great delays anddisappointments -e$ore it -ecomes an ecient and -enefcent world

system. &ountless people will hate the new world order + and will die protesting against it. *hen we attempt to evaluate its promise/ wehave to -ear in mind the distress o$ a generation or so o$ malcontents/many o$ them =uite gallant and grace$ul+loo7ing people.:

---$*;* %ells" in his book entitled The New %orld /rder ?E434@

:)ur tas7 o$ creating a socialist merica can only succeed when thosewho would resist us have -een totally disarmed.:

---Sara 9rady" hairwo!an" $andgun ontrol" to Sen* $oward(etenbau!" Danuary E44

:*e can't -e so fxated on our desire to preserve the rights o$ ordinary  mericans.:

- 9ill linton" .*S*A* Today" (arch EE" E443

:*hatever the price o$ the &hinese #evolution/ it has o-viouslysucceeded not only in producing more ecient and dedicatedadministration/ -ut also in $ostering high morale and community o$ purpose. The social experiment in &hina under &hairman 3ao'sleadership is one o$ the most important and success$ul in humanhistory.:

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---0a1id Rocke#eller" state!ent about (ao Tse-tung in The New Qork Ti!es" August EC" E4J3

:*ar to the hilt -etween communism and capitalism is inevita-le.Today/ o$ course/ we are not strong enough to attac7. )ur time willcome in thirty or f$ty years. To win/ we shall need the element o$surprise. The *estern world will need to -e put to sleep. So we shall-egin -y launching the most spectacular peace movement on record.There shall -e electri$ying overtures and unheard o$ concessions. Thecapitalist countries/ stupid and decadent/ will re<oice to cooperate totheir own destruction. They will leap at another chance to -e $riends. s soon as their guard is down/ we shall smash them with our clenchedfst.:

---0!itrii ^* (anuilskii" 'enin School o# ,olitical %ar#are" (oscow" E43E

: want to extend condolences to the $amilies o$ those who died in theservice o$ the United %ations.:

---Al ;ore" as he tra1eled to (arrakech" (orocco" #or the signing o# thenew world trade agree!ent* ;ore appeared hours a#ter .*S* planesen#orcing an allied )no Hy) one o1er northern Ira2 accidentally shotdown two helicopters" killing E5 A!ericans and EE #oreign ofcials* The

'os Angeles Ti!es" Dune E" E44

:The urge to save humanity is almost always a $alse $ront $or the urgeto rule.:

---$* '* (encken

:The only hope $or the world is to ma7e sure there is not anotherUnited States *e can't let other countries have the same num-er o$cars/ the amount o$ industrialiAation/ we have in the U.S. *e have tostop these third world countries right where they are. nd it isimportant to the rest o$ the world to ma7e sure that they don't su!ereconomically -y virtue o$ our stopping them.:

--- (ichael /ppenhei!er" :n1iron!ental 0e#ense Fund

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:8uman -eings/ as species/ have no more value than slugs.:

---Dohn 0a1is" editor o# :arth First Dournal

:*e've got to ride the glo-al+warming issue. "ven i$ the theory o$ glo-al warming is wrong/ we will -e doing the right thing + in terms o$ 

economic policy and environmental policy.:

---Ti!othy %irth" #or!er .*S* Senator ?0-olo*@" presently with the.nited Nations

:The whole aim o$ practical politics is to 7eep the populace alarmed +and hence clamorous to -e led to sa$ety+ and menacing it with anendless series o$ ho-go-lins/ all o$ them imaginary.:

---$* '* (encken

:$ were reincarnated/ would wish to -e returned to earth as a 7iller virus to lower the human population levels.:

---,rince ,hillip o# ;reat 9ritain" %orld %ildli#e Fund

:sn't the only hope $or the planet that the industrialiAed civiliAationscollapseG sn't it our responsi-ility to -ring a-outG:

---(aurice Strong" $ead o# the E44 :arth Su!!it in Rio de Daneiro

:*e re<ect the idea o$ private property.:

---,eter 9erle" president o# the National Audubon Society

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@Au% 9 D:" Ro'<e1elle) "e1e#"! (.e

T)l(e)l Comm!!o#

rom theSro#ndt$leTin$ 

9elow are two letters to the editor o# the New Qork Ti!es that you!ight nd interesting* /ne letter was written on August Eth E4LC" by;eorge %ald" e!eritus pro#essor o# 9iology at $ar1ard and co-recipiento# the E4MJ Nobel ,rie #or (edicine* %ald)s letter was published onAugust E4th" E4LC* The other letter was published a day latter* It is areply to %ald)s letter #ro! 0a1id Rocke#eller* Read Rocke#eller)s letterrst" write down what you think %ald accused the Trilateral co!!issiono#* Now read %ald)s letter* %hat type o# a person do you think 0a1idRocke#eller is] %hy did the ti!es publish the letters one day apart"instead o# together]

WEDNE DAY8 AUGU T 20 @40 9 Le((e)! Ne7 Yo)<


!o the ditor:

I ne1er ceased to be a!aed at those #ew a!ong us who spot aconspiracy under e1ery rock" a cabal in e1ery corner*Surprisingly" the latest to &oin the conspiracy theorists is ,ro#essor;eorge %ald" a Nobel laureate" who postulates in an Aug* E4 letter that7Dohn Anderson)s try #or the ,residency was in1ented by" or with theconni1ance o#" the Trilateral o!!ission to cut into the 0e!ocratic1ote***7,ro#essor %ald" alas is not alone in his suspicions* To so!e" the Trilateral o!!ission is a sinister plot by :astern:stablish!ent business!en who will do al!ost anything - includinggoing into cahoots with the 8re!lin - #or the sake o# nancial gain* The#act that !any #or!er !e!bers" including ,resident arter" are now!e!bers o# the Ad!inistration is hailed as proo# o# how de1ilishly wellthe conspiracy works*As #ounder o# the Trilateral o!!ission and its current North A!ericanchair!an" I a! usually singled out as the 7cabalist-in-chie#7*/ne recent tirade had !e orchestrating a plot 7***to reduce New Qork)spopulation to appro+i!ately #our !illion and siphon o< the surpluspopulation into sla1e labor ca!ps***7 The sa!e publication asserts thatI)! already responsible #or a #ascist sche!e in 'atin A!erica that7***led to shi#ts in global weather patterns" !arked by droughts andse1ere winters in the .nited States*7

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/riginally" this sort o# nonsensical de#a!ation was easy to dis!iss* Itca!e #ro! the e+tre!e #ringes o# the le#t and the right" and I supposebeing called a o!!unist and a #ascist at the sa!e ti!e puts !eso!ewhere near the center o# the political spectru! where I a! !ostco!#ortable anyway*

'ately though" the dru! beat o# inanities has grown louder" and a #ewo1eracti1e i!aginations ha1e atte!pted so!ehow to link theco!!ission with the E4LC ,residential election ca!paign*I thought there#ore that ,ro#essor %ald and his co-conspiracy theorists!ight appreciate an e+planation o# the !ysterious organiation thatsee!s to haunt their e1ery !o!ent*I a! a#raid the reality is !uch less &uicy than the theories* The Trilateral o!!ission now has about 3CC !e!bers #ro! NorthA!erica" %estern :urope and Dapan* About one-2uarter are #ro! the.nited States and include not only business people" but labor unionleaders" uni1ersity pro#essors and research institute directors"

congress!en and senators" !edia representati1es and others* Thereare about as !any Republicans and 0e!ocrats" and !ost regions o#the nation are represented*A!ong present and #or!er .*S* !e!bers are the chair!an o# theRepublican National o!!ittee" the president o# the A*F*'*-*I*/*" thepublisher o# the hicago Sun-Ti!es and others who surely would ha1edifculty hatching the sa!e plot* The Trilateral o!!ission does not take positions on issues or endorseindi1iduals #or electi1e or appointi1e ofce* It holds !eetings thatrotate #ro! region to region and assigns task #orce reports that arediscussed in co!!ission sessions* Reports ha1e dealt with di<erent

aspects o# world trade" energy resources" the International (onetarySyste!" :ast-%est relations and !ore*Is the co!!ission secreti1e] Not at all* For BEC a year" anyone cansubscribe to its 2uarterly !againe" 7Trialogue"7 and also recei1eperiodic !ailings o# task #orce reports* Further" we publish a list o# thesource o# all .*S* contributions in e+cess o# B5*CCC* The only part o# ourproceedings that is 7o< the record7 are discussions at co!!ission!eetings" and we keep these pri1ate to encourage uninhibitedcriticis! and debate*Is the co!!ission e+clusi1e] Qes" in that we try to select only the !ostable and outstanding citiens #ro! the industrial de!ocracies* In that

conte+t" it is grati#ying and not at all surprising that !any #or!er!e!bers are now Ad!inistration ofcials* (y point is that #ar #ro!being a coterie o# international conspirators with designs on co1ertlycon2uering the world" the Trilateral o!!ission is" in reality" a group o# concerned citiens interested in identi#ying and clari#ying proble!s#acing the world and in #ostering greater understanding a cooperationa!ong international allies*

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(y apologies" ,ro#essor %ald" 9ut" as %alter ronkite would say"7That)s the way it is*70A=I0 R/8:F:'':Rhair!an The hase (anhattan 9ank

New Qork" Aug* C" E4LC.((67773+l"e)+e)%3o)%()l(3.(m 

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De) Re"e)8 Ho7 Mu'. P)oo1 Do You

Nee"5 y +erry 4eanson ©, !o. 1/, 200I

U/ur attention is always caught when a #a!ous person orwidely recognied authority speaks* .se this trait o# hu!annature to help catch the attention o# your readers* I# a wellknown person !ade the state!ent you are planning toinclude in your essay" it is best to 2uote it directly" ratherthan paraphrase or su!!arie the passage*V

5 C9= Writing uide, Cuoting )ell =nown 9ersons 

/n a #ew occasions I ha1e been co!pelled to write so!ething basedsolely upon an e!ail I recei1ed regarding !y site* So!eti!es it wasa#ter I was !ade aware o# additional in#or!ation related to !yresearch* /ther ti!es it was criticis! that I #elt needed a largerresponse than a si!ple e!ail reply directed at a single indi1idual* Thisis one o# those ti!es*I won)t di1ulge the na!e or e!ail o# the person who sent !e theco!!ents" and I won)t 2uote it 1erbati! - !ainly because it hashorrendous spelling" gra!!ar and it)s poorly written* The gist o# it"howe1er" is that 7I ha1e no proo#7 other than 7odd 2uotes*7 $e wasspeaking generally about !y new article on world go1ern!ent andsocial change agents" but then goes on to include the rest o# !y site inbroad strokesG again" clai!ing that I ha1e no proo#*Since he brought up the #act that I utilie 2uotes to support !yassertions" I was le#t wondering e+actly what constitutes 7proo#7 in theeyes o# !ost o# the brainwashed public* The way I see it" 2uotes #ro!the elite are the best proo# we ha1e* $ow !uch !ore o# a s!oking gunis there that secret !achinations are hatched behind closed doors] The2uotes that I reproduce throughout !y site constitute an ad!ission o#guilt* They hang the!sel1es with their own words

7In the world as it is today" this institution can hardly be auni1ersal hurch* It is !ore likely to be so!ething like a

'eague o# Nations* I will not prophesy* I will !erely repeatthat we are at present working" discreetly but with all our!ight" to wrest this !ysterious political #orce calledso1ereignty out o# the clutches o# the local national stateso# our world* And all the ti!e we are denying with our lipswhat we are doing with our hands" because to i!pugn theso1ereignty o# the local national states o# the world is still aheresy #or which a states!an or a publicist can be \

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perhaps not 2uite burnt at the stake" but certainlyostracied and discredited7

5 Arnod J. +oynee, M+&e +rend o %nternationa Aairs 9in#e t&e War,M $nternational Affairs, !oemer 1N1, '. 80N

7/b1iously our rst step !ust be i!!ediately to establishand ad1ertise drastic policies designed to bring our ownpopulation sie under control*7

7***The rst task is population control at ho!e* $ow do wego about it] (any o# !y colleagues #eel that so!e sort o#co!pulsory birth regulation would be necessary to achie1esuch control* /ne plan o#ten !entioned in1ol1es theaddition o# te!porary sterilants to water supplies or staple#ood* 0oses o# the antidote would be care#ully rationed by

the go1ern!ent to produce the desired population sie*7

5 Pau E&ri#&, The 9opulation omb, '.10511

7%hate1er the price o# the hinese Re1olution" it hasob1iously succeeded not only in producing !ore efcientand dedicated ad!inistration" but also in #ostering high!orale and co!!unity o# purpose* The social e+peri!entin hina under hair!an (ao)s leadership is one o# the!ost i!portant and success#ul in hu!an history*7

5 "aid Ro#3eeer, on re#ord as stating in 1N7 aout 4ao +se5tung: > N7 Times 851057?

7%e shall ha1e a %orld go1ern!ent" whether or not we likeit* The only 2uestion is whether %orld go1ern!ent will beachie1ed by con2uest or consent*7

5 James Pau Warurg, $eruary 17, 1N/0, eore t&e =.9. 9enate

7I# I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earthas a killer 1irus to lower hu!an population le1els*7

5 Prin#e P&ii', "u3e o Edinurg&, eader o t&e Word Widie $und 5uoted in MAre Tou Ready $or ur !e) Age $uture*,M $nsiders 5eport ,Ameri#an Poi#y Center, "e#emer LN/

7There will be" in the ne+t generation or so" aphar!acological !ethod o# !aking people lo1e theirser1itude" and producing dictatorship without tears" so to

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speak" producing a kind o# painless concentration ca!p #orentire societies" so that people will in #act ha1e theirliberties taken away #ro! the!" but will rather en&oy it"because they will be distracted #ro! any desire to rebel bypropaganda or brainwashing" or brainwashing enhanced by

phar!acological !ethods* And this see!s to be the nalre1olution*7

5 Adous @u<eyLs e#ture to +&e Caiornia 4edi#a 9#&oo in 9an$ran#is#o in 1N1

7A total population o# 5C-3CC !illion people" a 45Ydecline #ro! present le1els" would be ideal*7

5 +ed +urner 5 C!! ounder and =! su''orter 5 uoted in t&e %cAlvany $ntelligence Advisor , June LN

7The war against terroris! is a new kind o# war*7

7This new paradig! renders obsolete ;ene1a)s strictli!itations on 2uestioning o# ene!y prisoners and renders2uaint so!e o# its pro1isions*7

5 Aerto on;aes, 1(2/(02 4emorandum $or t&e President >P"$?D Newsweek , /(2I(0I 

It)s not !e who would like to see the worldpopulation at 745Y o# the present le1els*7 9ut I)! not a billionaire"and I certainly can)t a<ord to gi1e away a cool billion to the .*N* tohelp in !y lo#ty goal o# population reduction* (y #riends and associatesaren)t the Rocke#ellers" the Rothschilds and the likes o# (aurice Strong and (ikhail ;orbache1*It)s not !e who re!inisces about !y colleagues wanting to add7sterilants to water supplies or staple #ood*7 (y buddies won)t ha1eaccess to 7doses o# the antidote*7 A#ter all" they would be 7care#ully

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rationed by the go1ern!ent to produce the desired population sie*7No #riend o# !ine has e1er ad1ocated a 7co!pulsory birth regulation*79ut then again" !y peers aren)t the !ost power#ul business!en andpoliticians in the world" either* It wasn)t !y predictions on the co!ingdisaster associated with the population e+plosion that ha1e been

discussed at global go1ernance #oru!s" 9ilderberg !eetings" or .nitedNations sponsored population control con#erences*It)s not !e who praises the achie1e!ents o# !ass !urderers like (ao Tse Tung* A direct 2uotation like that wouldn)t ha1e !ade it into !y!e!oirs either* No" I)! not the current head o# the Rocke#eller dynasty*I ha1e ne1er been the chair!an o# the ouncil on Foreign Relations andI didn)t create the Trilateral o!!ission* Time 3agaAine hasn)t labeled!e 7the pri!e !o1er in banking that controls the course o# worldecono!ic a<airs and history*7 E The e!peror o# Dapan has ne1er"!atter-o#-#actly" proclai!ed to the press that I 7outrank royalty*7  It)s not !e who calls #or 7world go1ern!ent7 by 7consent or con2uest*7

I)1e ne1er had the pri1ilege o# speaking to the Senate Foreign Relationso!!ittee* ,aul %arburg" one o# the original !e!bers o# the ouncilon Foreign Relations" isn)t !y #ather* No" you see" !y old !an wasn)tpri1y to the secret !eeting on Dekyll Island that hashed out the FederalReser1e Syste!G and once the bill was passed" %oodrow %ilsoncertainly ne1er appointed hi! as a !e!ber o# the Federal Reser1e9oard*It)s not !e who predicted the co!ing o# a 7phar!acological !ethod o#!aking people lo1e their ser1itude7 to create a 7dictatorship withouttears*7 I ha1e ne1er told an audience o# !edical students andpro#essors that soon there will be drugs to create a 7painless

concentration ca!p #or entire societies*7 Nope" I)1e ne1er written ase!inal work on the uses o# psychedelic drugs #or transcendent!ystical e+periences and pro#oundly inHuenced the entire generationo# the E4MCs counterculture*Its not !e who would &ust lo1e to be reincarnated as a 7killer 1irus tolower hu!an population le1els*7 I ha1e not an ounce o# 9lue 9loodcoursing through !y 1einsK 9esides" who on earth would take a!e!ber o# the 9ritish Royal Fa!ily seriously]It)s not !e that ad!itted to working 7discreetly7 to 7to wrest this!ysterious political #orce called so1ereignty out o# the clutches o# thelocal national states o# our world*7 I wasn)t one o# the chie# architects

o# the ;ospel o# ;lobalis! espoused by the ecil Rhodes Round Tablegroup*I)! sorry but I ha1e ne1er ad1ised the ,resident that the 7war onterroris! *** renders obsolete ;ene1a)s strict li!itations on 2uestioningo# ene!y prisoners and renders 2uaint so!e o# its pro1isions*7 I)1e alsone1er been chosen by the ,resident to be the ne+t Attorney ;eneral* I#that were the case then I wouldn)t at all be surprised i# !y past record ca!e back to haunt !e*

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I ha1en)t put words in their !ouths* Those state!ents weren)trecorded under duress* A kni#e wasn)t held to anyone)s throat toe+tract a con#ession* Qet" there it is* I could write a whole book lledwith the da!ning words that spew #ro! their lthy !ouths* That)s whyI re#use to call it conspiracy 7theory*7 There)s no theory about it* %hat

part o# 7proo#7 don)t you understand] I# that)s what they say in theopen" i!agine what goes on behind closed doors*


D:" Ro'<e1elle) U#!.me" P)e"(o)*


Some even believe we 9the "oc'efeller family: are part of a secret cabalwor'ing against the best interests of the United States characterizing myfamily and me as 0internationalists0 and of conspiring with others around theworld to build a more integrated global political and economic structure---oneworld if you will. #f that0s the charge # stand guilty and # am proud of it.

--&avid "oc'efeller (emoirs page D2=

?e are grateful to The ?ashington *ost The New Oor' Times Timemagazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our

meetings and respected their promise of discretion for almost forty years. #twould have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we hadbeen sub/ect to the bright lights of publicity during those years. 4ut the worldis now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a worldgovernment. The super-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and worldban'ers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced inpast centuries.

---&avid "oc'efeller at a GBBG 4ilderberger meeting

?e are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right ma/or 

crisis and the nations will accept the New ?orld 8rder.

---&avid "oc'efeller 

4ut this present window of opportunity during which a truly peaceful andinterdependent world order might be built will not be open for long. Alreadythere are powerful forces at wor' that threaten to destroy all of our hopes andefforts to erect an enduring structure of global interdependence.

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---&avid "oc'efeller spea'ing at the 4usiness )ouncil for the United NationsSeptember GD GBBD

5W.(e:e) (.e 6)'e o1 (.e C.#e!e Re:olu(o#8 ( .!

o+:ou!l* !u''ee"e" #o( o#l* # 6)o"u'#% mo)e

e11'e#( #" "e"'(e" "m#!()(o#8 +u( l!o #

1o!(e)#% .%. mo)le #" 'ommu#(* o1 6u)6o!e3 T.e

!o'l e,6e)me#( # C.# u#"e) C.)m# Mo!

le"e)!.6 ! o#e o1 (.e mo!( m6o)(#( #"

!u''e!!1ul # .um# .!(o)*35

999D:" Ro'<e1elle)8 !((eme#( +ou( Mo T!e9(u#% #

T.e Ne7 Yo)< Tme!8 Au%u!( @08 @3

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!re$son Ao#nds U 5ovBt )$$l lots North Americ$n *nion KNA*L

8% ($neen 5. eterson, h.(."eptemer 4, 2006

*pd$ted $n#$r% 1, 200E 

This research will reveal the betrayal of the American people by a governmentcabal who are bent on destroying our sovereignty in order to create a North

 American Union. The miscreants include many who function at the highest levelsin our government. (any hold membership in the )ouncil on Foreign "elations

9)F": and the Trilateral )ommission and pursue a subversive agenda. Thecabal is deliberately circumventing the U.S. )ongress and 0?e the *eople0 inblatant violation of our )onstitution. )ollectively they are committing !&A"N. #f you continue to believe that the illegal alien invasion is the biggest threat to

 America you will never understand that there is something far more dangerousto our country called the Security and *rosperity *artnership of North America9S**:. As $d $s the illeg$l $lien sit#$tion is . . . %o# will le$rn th$t thisn$tion is in dire peril f$r e>ceeding the illeg$l $lien prolem .

ducate yourself. Follow the lin's in the references provided below. "ead whatyour own government has posted on their official websites such as the

? S**.gov and http$$9nospace:) Oou will be aghast at the nearly completedestruction of our sovereignty 4ill of "ights )onstitution laws "epublic andfreedoms they have AH"A&O achieved. This heinous ongoing treason hasbeen engineered by an entrenched cabal of legislators courts military brassand government employees in this and prior administrations. The tyranny isbeing facilitated by hundreds of people embedded at all levels of the e!ecutivebranch constituting a so called 0Shadow ,overnment0 who are wor'ing in concertto dismantle this country in pl$in sight. The agenda was engineered by the)ouncil on Foreign "elations9)F": and 'ept secret by their delier$tel% m#temedi$ coll$or$tors.

Hill %o#r children live #nder !'" NA!A l$g inste$d of Bld 5lor%B?  

Those treasonous 0media collaborators0 have consistently used the most effectivetool in controlling what the media reports which is the tool of 0;'""'N0 . . .thin' illegal immigrant and )ommunist )hina for e!ample.

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As or Hh% ;ost Americ$ns $re *n$w$re of the )& rg$ni+$tion . . . 

($vid &ocefeller  chairman of the )ouncil on Foreign "elations 9)F": for G=years 9GBK2-GBC=: also founded and is the honorary chairman of the Trilateral

)ommission. +is father 7ohn &. and brother Nelson purchased and thendonated the land beneath the UN for JC.= million dollars then claimed it as acharitable deduction.9G:

 As for how the machinations of the )F" have remained unnoticed . . . in GBBG in4aden-4aden ,ermany &avid "oc'efeller gloatingly said ?e0re grateful toThe ?ashington *ost The New Oor' Times Time (agazine and other greatpublications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected theirpromises of discretion for al%ost forty years. 't wo#ld h$ve een impossilefor #s to develop o#r pl$n for the world if we h$d een s#ect to the rightlights of p#licit% d#ring those %e$rs. 8#t the world is now more

sophistic$ted $nd prepared to %arch towards a world goern%ent .91:

#n other words Americans are to be treated li'e mushrooms 'ept in the dar' andfed plenty of you 'now whatP

)F" member "ichard N. ,ardner who in a GBKD #orei%n Affairs article titled The +ard "oad to ?orld 8rder wrote +n short! the house of world orderwill hae to be built fro% the botto% up rather than the top down' 0t willloo) li)e a great boo%ing# bu//ing confusion  li'e the chaos of anoverwhelming illegal alien invasion combined with the uncertainty of 0the war onterror0 which will provide cover for ' ' ' an end run around nationalsoereignty# eroding it piece by piece# which will acco%plish %uch %orethan the old2fashioned frontal assault .9<:

And wh$t does ($vid &ocefeller s$% $o#t his wor? 

For more than a century ideological e!tremists at either end of the politicalspectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attac' the "oc'efellerfamily for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political andeconomic institutions. Some even believe we $re p$rt of $ secret c$$lworing $g$inst the est interest of the *nited "t$tes characterizing myfamily and me as 0internationalists 0 and of conspiring with others $ro#nd theworld to #ild $ more integr$ted glo$l politic$l $nd economic str#ct#re -one world, if you will. #f that0s the charge ' st$nd g#ilt%, $nd ' $m pro#d ofit.9=:

?hat colossal arroganceP Hi'e other globalists he loses sight of man0s humanityand the very fundamental nature of what it is to 4 human. (an'ind will

 AH?AOS resist sub/ugation and will AH?AOS struggle to have and maintain theirfreedoms . . . after all . . . for us Americans . . . it is the very essence of what it is

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to 4 an American.

ereBs &ocefellerBs 1M73 <iew on )omm#nist )hin$ . . . 

The enormous social advances of )hina have benefited greatly from the

singleness of ideology and purpose . . . The social e!periment in )hina under)hairman (ao0s leadership is one of the most import$nt $nd s#ccessf#l inhistor%.

The )ultural "evolution claimed the lives of nearly 100 million people in order toachieve the 0success0 that &avid "oc'efeller admires. 8ne might 6uestion /usthow he can reconcile those deaths and consider it something of value andworthy of praise instead of being condemned for its ab/ect horror and inhumanity. *erhaps (r. "oc'efeller needs a little 0re-education.0

ow (id the )& 5et medded in #r 5overnment?  

The )ouncil on Foreign "elations 9)F": was incorporated in New Oor' on #l%2M, 1M21 as the American branch of the #nstitute of #nternational Affairs while the4ritish branch was called the "oyal #nstitute of #nternational Affairs 9"##A:. Theoriginal membership included )olonel o#se, .. ;org$n, ohn (.&ocefeller, $#l H$r#rg, tto J$hn, $nd $co "chiff  who had previouslyengineered the creation of the Federal "eserve System.

The "#AA leadership was comprised of members of the "ound Table which wasstarted by )ecil "hodes in the GC220s which was designed to

feder$te thenglish spe$ing peoples of the world, $nd ring it #nder their r#le.

 According to 4arry ,oldwater in his boo' With o Apolo%ies . . . #n SeptemberGB<B two members of the )ouncil on Foreign "elations )F" visited the State&epartment to offer the council0s services.93:

They proposed to do research and ma'e recommendations for the departmentwitho#t form$l $ssignment or responsiilit% particularly in four areas -security armaments economic and financial problems political problems andterritorial problems. The &ocefeller o#nd$tion agreed to finance theoperation of this plan.93:

From that day forward the )ouncil on Foreign "elations has placed itsmembers in policy-ma'ing positions with the State &epartment and other federalagencies. ver% "ecret$r% of "t$te since 1M44, with the e>ception of $mes. 8%rnes, h$s een $ memer of the )F" co#ncil.93: The trend continueson as both )ondoleezza "ice and )olin *owell are members of the )F".

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thers Hho h$ve "poen #t Ao#t the B"h$dow 5overnmentB:  

&e$r Admir$l )hester H$rd, *"N 9"etd.: who was a member of the )F" forsi!teen years has written 0The most powerful cli6ue in these elitist groups have

one ob/ective in common--!he% w$nt to ring $o#t the s#rrender of thesovereignt% $nd the n$tion$l independence of the *nited "t$tes .93:

eli> r$nf#rter  7ustice of the Supreme )ourt 9GB<B-GB31: said The realrulers in Washin%ton are invisi,le and exerise power from ,ehind thesenes.9K:

#n a letter to an associate dated November 1G GB<< *resident r$nlin&oosevelt wrote The real truth of the matter is! as 'ou and + know! that afinanial element in the lar%e enters has owned the %overnment ever sine theda's of Andrew Jakson.9K:

#n a speech given on February 1< GB=D "en$tor Hilli$m enner  warned America 8utwardly we have a )onstitutional government. ?e have operatingwithin our government and political system $nother od% representing$nother form of government, $ #re$#cr$tic elite which elieves o#r)onstit#tion is o#tmoded.9K:

#n fact the )onstitution is far more than 0outmoded0 according to *resident 4ushwho rebuffed ,8* leader0s re6uest to soft pedal some parts of the 0*atriot Act0 bysaying # don0t give a goddamn . . . #0m the *resident and the )ommander-in-)hief. &o it my way. Then responding to an aide who stated There is a validcase that the provisions in this law undermine the )onstitution. 4ush screamedbac' "top throwing the )onstit#tion in m% f$ce . . . 'tBs #st $ godd$mnedpiece of p$per P9C:

 As for the 0bureaucratic elite0 of wealthy globalists who function as the B"h$dow5overnment0 . . . their ultimate goal is a so called N? ?orld 8rder which iscourse is N8T N? but is in reality a 8N ?orld 8rder. To that end Fran'lin&elano "oosevelt managed to condemn their monopolist lust from the grave in amessage found enshrined on this F&" memorial

T+O 9?+8: S; T8 STA4H#S+SOST(S 8F ,85"N(NT 4AS& 8N

T+ ",#(NTAT#8N 8F AHH +U(AN4#N,S 4O A +AN&FUH 8F #N&#5#&UAH

"UH"S )AHH T+#S A N? ?8"H& 8"&"#T #S N8T N? AN& #T #S N8T 8"&" 

And Hh$t (oes $ Horld )ontrolled % the *nited N$tions oo ie?

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?ritten in 1M62 and prepared by the #nstitute for &efense Analyses submitted tothe &epartment of State A world effectively controlled by the *nited N$tions isone in which world government 8ne ?orld ,overnment 98?8:would comeabout through the establishment of s#pr$n$tion$l instit#tions such as the UN

characterized by m$nd$tor% #nivers$l memership and some $ilit% toemplo% ph%sic$l force. ffective control would thus entail $ preponder$nce ofpolitic$l power in the h$nds of $ s#pr$n$tion$l org$ni+$tion  i.e. the UnitedNations r$ther th$n in individ#$l n$tion$l #nits li'e the United States andwould assume the effective operation of a general disarmament agreement. ?hile this supranational organization -- the *nited N$tions -- would notnecessarily be the organization as it now e!ists the present UN )harter couldtheoretically be revised in order to erect such an organization e6ual to the tas'envisaged there% codif%ing $ r$dic$l re$rr$ngement of power in theworld.9B:

 Are we there yet Thin' UNS)8 H8ST arth )harter Agenda 1G AreasFoundations )ANA(% 0,lobal ?arming0 and the ;yoto Treaty the ?orld)ourt The +ague ?T8 ,ATT NAS)8 NAFTA )AFTA and all the rest of thealphabet entities granted e!ternal control over the sovereign nation of the UnitedStates of America.

)oming up . . . the FTAA 9Free Trade Areas of the Americas: the final nail in America0s coffin. The Free Trade Area of the Americas 9FTAA: is an attempt toe!pand the failed North American Free Trade Agreement 9NAFTA: to everycountry in )entral America South America and the )aribbean e!cept )uba. Negotiations began right after the completion of NAFTA in GBBD and weresupposed to have been completed by 7anuary G 122=.

"overeignt%? or howm#ch longer? 

!he 5o$l of the 5lo$lists 's !o 5$in Horld ;onopol% 

 According to Antony Sutton a research fellow for the +oover #nstitution for ?ar"evolution and *eace at Stanford University . . . 0?hile monopoly control ofindustries was one the ob/ectives of 7.*. (organ and 7.&. "oc'efeller by the latenineteenth century the inner sanctums of ?all Street understood the mostefficient w$% to g$in $n #nch$llenged monopol% w$s to Bgo politic$lB $ndm$e societ% go to wor for the monopolists-- #nder the n$me of the p#licgood $nd the p#lic interest0.9K:

Frederic' ). +owe revealed the strategy of using government in a GB23 boo'(onfessions of a Monopolist) These are the rules of ,i% ,usiness - - - .et amonopol'/ let soiet' work for 'ou/ and remem,er that the best of all businessis politics ' ' ' 9K:

To fully understand the truly 0dar' side0 of a monopoly how about using food as

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a weapon as was once declared by +enry ;issinger. #t is strongl% s#ggestedth$t %o# read this article on the future of genetically 9read patentable andmonopolized: engineered seeds. All food starts with seeds and there is now apatent by (elt$ ine $nd which is about to be ac6uired by (onsantobecause they engineered a 0Terminator0 seed which cannot be used for the ne!t

year0s crop because it automatically self-destructs at the end of the growingseason. +ow sic' is that

Follow the twisted devious financial and political connections to its conclusionwhere in the final three paragraphs you will find that The 'ey scientific memberof the &elta I *ine Hand board since GBB< has been &r. Nam-+ai )hua. )hua31 is also head of the &ocefeller *niversit% l$nt ;olec#l$r 8iolog%$or$tor% in New or and has been for over 1= years the l$s which $re $tthe he$rt of the &ocefeller o#nd$tionBs dec$des-long development, andspending of more than JG22 millions of its own research grants to cre$te their5ene &evol#tion. Until GBB= )hua was also a scientific consultant to (onsanto

)orporation as well as to &u*ont0s *ioneer +i-4red #nternational. )hua is at theheart of "oc'efeller0s ,ene "evolution. And clearly &elta I *ine Hand andtheir rese$rch on !ermin$tor h$ve een in the center of th$t wor .9G2:

A De Facto 5lo$l conom%= 

#f you thin' about it by sending our manufacturing base to (e!ico or otherforeign countries the globalists have F8")& America to become global whenin the past we were self-contained and produced all we needed for ourselves ande!ported our e!cess around the world. Now we are dependent on countries li'e)hina etc. to supply stores li'e ?al-mart with nearly all of its merchandise. Saywhat you want about ?al-mart but their inventory includes nearly everything aperson might need at a price wor'ing Americans can afford to pay since wageshave not 'ept pace with inflation.

#n fact . . . later in this research you will find that the cabal wor'ing toward theNAU has gone one step further and created non-profit foundations to developmany of the road and infrastructure pro/ects that are planned under NAFTA 0plus0called the Security and *rosperity *artnership 9S**:. This means that N8TA%S will enter the coffers of America0s government till. ven worse . . . youwill find that they are using all manner of federal ta! dollars to fund some of the0non-profit0 pro/ects that are already in place. )lever by half wouldn0t you say. Ta'e ta!payer dollars ma'e money and pay no ta!es in return while America bydefault becomes the North American Union.

!he B"h$dow 5overnment h$s eg#n their Br$ce to the finishB $nd h$veecome ever more $rrog$nt $nd old. !he% h$ve concl#ded th$t the% $reso close to complete conI#est th$t the% $re ever more l$t$ntl% flo#tingo#r )onstit#tion $nd l$ws th$n %o# c$n ever im$gine in %o#r wildest ofdre$ms of hell on e$rth. 

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Hh$t 0S  $ppening to Americ$? $ve o# ver ondered !he ollowing . . .

(idnBt you ever wonder why our borders are still wide open

(idnBt you ever wonder why our immigration laws are unenforced

(idnBt you ever wonder why )AFTA was passed in the +ouse by two recantedvotes after the time for voting had e!pired specially in light of the fact thatmost ordinary people would agree that NAFTA has been such a devastatingfailure for both (e!ico and America.

(idnBt you ever wonder why the Senate told C<> of 0?e the *eople0 to 0go to hell0when they passed the amnesty bill S. 13GG which will add G22 million people to

 America in the ne!t ten years according to &r. "obert "ector of the +eritage

#nstitute. That number is a )8NS"5AT#5 estimate since statisticianse!trapolated those numbers from the 1222 census to arrive at the totally bogusfigures of G2-G1 million illegals.

(idnBt you ever wonder why the reon0uista rabble can march in our streets andshout from the roof tops that they want to ta'e over the Southwest and ourgovernment doesn0t investig$te them for sedition li'e they did the 5A nursewho wrote a letter to the editor complaining about the #ra6 ?ar and thegovernment0s handling of +urricane ;atrina.9GG:

Hh$t is sedition?  ?ebster0s defines it as follows The stirring up of discontentresistance or rebellion against the government in power. These photos spea'directly to the issue of sedition in the streets of America

,o here and view the reon0uista rabble in the streets and listen to their anti- American rants of sedition which unli'e the 5A nurse remain unchallenged tothis day (ob politics. 9G1:

+ere0s more sedition by a charter school principal and the mayor of Hos Angelestitled The Aztec Al-Maeda. 9G<:

#n GB3C---The +ispanic organization the Southwest )ouncil of Ha"aza Unida iscreated with a J3<2222 grant from the Ford Foundation which supports themovement to bring massive numbers of (e!icans into the U.S. From GB3C to

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GBB1 Ford Foundation grants to radical +ispanics totaled over J<G million. Andaccording to +enry Santiestevan 9former head of the Southwest )ouncil ofHa"aza: 0t would hardly be an e"aggeration to say that the FordFoundation is the Chicano %oe%ent .9GD:

#ncluded in the list of well financed 0radical +ispanic0 groups are the National)ouncil of Ha "aza 9i.e. The "ace: (AH&F and HUHA). 8ne other caveat isthat the US Attorney ,eneral ,onzales is rumored to be a card carrying memberof N)H" a charge that he has never denied. ?hat better way to achieve thegoal of a North American Union than to arm a 0=th column0 of rabid racist+ispanics organizations that will support massive illegal immigration creating ade fato elimination of our borders as the )F" desires. Some wags have evensaid that the )F" initials probably stand for )arnegie Ford and "oc'efeller.9G=:9G3:

 Along with the non-profit foundations that are funding the racist reon0uista 

rabble there has been a concerted effort by our own government to aid and abetthe massive illegal alien anarchy you see in our streets. 4elow in the numberedreferences you can find three well researched articles by this author thatdocument how our government and the non-profit foundations are promotingaiding and abetting the illegal alien anarchy 9GK:9GC:9GB:

!hen !here Are !hose Americ$ns Hho Are N! #nded % the Non-rofits:

For e!ample the 5A nurse mentioned above or one 5eorge 8$risich who losteverything in ;atrina his business his home . . . while at the same time hise!tended family lost GD of their GK houses in St. 4ernard Houisiana. 4arisichwas tic'eted after si> &+S security officers surrounded him in his vehicle on a?al-(art par'ing lot for giving away a T-shirt which said Flooded by ;atrinaPForgotten by F(AP ?hat0s Ne!t (r. 4ush The par'ing lot was considered0federal property0 because there was a F(A center located elsewhere on it. 4arisich was there pic'ing up canned goods from a charity relief tent.912:

8r . . . $n $ll $n r$nge )o#nt% lorid$, "$dler lement$r% "choolte$cher  who wrote a letter to her congressman that was confisc$ted bysomeone who translated it and had it published in the Spanish languagenewspaper l Nuevo &ia to incite hate and anger against her. Oou can find theoriginal handwritten letter here 91G: As a result 7an +all was immediatelysuspended without pay and threatened with loss of her teaching license after <<years of teaching.

 All this was done efore a thorough investigation and in violation of her civilrights. (s. +all is now pursuing a J12 million dollar lawsuit against the schooland its administration stating . . . you nevertheless chose to use her e!erciseof these clearly protected )onstitutional rights as grounds to suspend her without

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pay to publicly disparage and humiliate her to demonize her in the ,reater8rlando community . . .911:

Unfortunately today it ta'es a law suit to preserve your constitutional rights.

!hen !here is the B8$c (oorB Appro$ch to limin$ting Americ$Bs"overeignt% . . . 

4y auctioning off America to the highest bidder no 6uestions as'ed as . . .According to the Secretary of the &epartment of Transportation Norman (ineta$!e are li)e a po)er ga%e' !e are initing people to the table and saying#bring %oney when you co%e$ .91<:

(idnBt you ever wonder who )F#US was when you heard they approved the&ubai *orts deal

#ts full name is the 0)ommittee on Foreign #nvestment in the US0 which falls under the aegis of the U.S. Treasury &epartment. )F#US was established in GBK= by,erald Ford0s >ec#tive rder 11E@E. An !ecutive 8rder is legislation by*residential fiatP Then in GBCC "onald "eagan delegated his oversight to )F#USby >ec#tive rder 12661. This order re6uired )F#US to submit a report andrecommendation to the *resident at the conclusion of an investigation.91D:

[ (arta Havandier 9A*:

#f you will recall it was )F#US that insanely approved the United Arab mirates&ubai *orts ?orld 9&*?: ta'eover of 3 of our ma/or seaports. "emember . . . itwas a 0done deal0 by time the sale became public. The committee wor's inS)"T and ma'es S)"T decisions. )F#US has reviewed G=22 cases andbloc'ed only 8NP The &ubai deal was approved even after several federalagencies ob/ected to it on security grounds. nl% when there w$s p#lico#tcr% did the deal come under scrutiny.91=:

?hat was interesting was that ,eorge 4ush professed 0no 'nowledge0 of the dealeven though )F#US is reI#ired to submit a report and recommendation to the*resident at the conclusion of an investigation. The )ommittee has <2 days todecide whether to investigate a case and an additional D= days to ma'e itsrecommendation. 8nce the recommendation is made the *resident has G= daysto act if necessary to bloc' the deal.913:91=:

H$s 8#sh l%ing about his 'nowledge concerning such a massive transactionwith obvious ma/or security implications or was it simple incompetence +eshould have 'nown if )F#US was abiding by the rules. )ompounding the felony*resident 4ush threatened to veto any attempt by )ongress to 'ill the portdeal.91K:

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(any Americans understood that The &*? deal is yet another plot approvedin secret which would undermine American national security and sovereignty for

the benefit of the transnational political and commercial plutocrats who managegovernment and business across the globe.91C:

!he 5ovBt rovides 8og#s rop$g$nd$ A!& the (#$i (e$l )omes*nder ire 

"ead about the &ubai *orts ?orld deal that the Treasury &epartment and &+S9&ept. of +omeland Security: dutifully spewed forth in defense of the )F#USapproval. 4e sure to wear you 0hip boots0 when you wade into these threepropaganda 0reports.091B:9<2:9<G:

The Wall Street Journal  9?S7: threw in its two-cents worth of propaganda duringthe Senate debate on the U.S.-8man free trade agreement with a fatuous nonse6uitur which stated )ongress m$% not $ppreci$te wh$t is $t st$e. $rfrom eing in contin#o#s conflict, open c$pit$l m$rets $nd n$tion$lsec#rit% support one another . A strong econom% is p$rt of n$tion$lsec#rit% . . . 9<1:

#sn0t that bac'wards Shouldn0t the ?S7 have said that a strong nationalsecurity provides 0support0 for the economy 'snBt it p$r$mo#nt th$t sec#rit%N! e $ p$rt of the economic engine so th$t the B$lmight% doll$rB co#ldnBttr#mp sec#rit% me$s#res #sn0t that common sense After all the ?all Street7ournal is

 prima faie evidence of those who would prostitute themselves in

pursuit of that same 0almighty dollar.0

#n the &ubai ports deal it didn0t seem to matter that the *nited "t$tes $lre$d%prohiits foreign direct investment in s#ch ind#stries $s m$ritime e.g.&ubai *orts ?orld $ircr$ft, $ning, reso#rces, $nd power . ,enerally thesesectors were closed to foreign investors to prevent public services and publicinterest activities from falling under foreign control but again prim$ril% forn$tion$l defense p#rposes.9<<:

The !on-Florio law under which )F#US operates was written so that it givesthe resident broad powers to loc cert$in t%pes of foreign investmentespecially those involving issues of national security.9<<:

!he NH B;$ll of Americ$B= 

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ittle did the% now th$t )'*" $nd resident 8#sh wo#ld r#n this co#ntr%lie $ gi$nt shopping m$ll. He find th$t 8! p$rties willf#ll% ignored then$tion$l sec#rit% iss#es r$ised % m#ltiple feder$l $gencies d#ring theirreview of the (#$i orts Horld de$l.

8utrageously after the &ubai *orts ?orld debacle )F#US decided to sell U.S.military parts manufacturing facilities to &ubai. Oet another anti-security deal. This time there were no ob/ections heard from )ongress. *erhaps they were too0worn out0 from racing to the T5 cameras during the 0ports deal0 which left themincapable of proffering any ob/ections against a similar national security issue.9<D:9<=:

Hh$t ther Bire "$lesB of !$>p$%er $id 'nfr$str#ct#re $ve 8een ;$de?&e$d on . . . 

+ow many other secret deals and secret meetings to sell our infrastructure toforeign countries have there been and will there be in the future Hoo' aroundsee all of the infrastructure paid for with our ta! dollars that is up for sale to thehighest bidder. "oads bridges ports waterwor's. #t doesn0t matter ?+8 thebuyers areP

8ne e!ample . . . "?A, a ,erman owned utility company purchased the American ?ater ?or's in 122G for JK.3 billion. the American ?ater ?or's wasfounded in GCC3 and serves G<22 communities in 1< states from the ast )oastto the ?est )oast. 4ut guess what . . . its up for sale againP And because of#n#s#$ll% high r$te incre$ses $nd declining m$inten$nce . . . America0smayors are saying we want control of our own water.9<3:

Another e>$mple . . .  8n a single day in 7une an Australian-Spanishpartnership paid J<.C billion to lease the #ndiana Toll "oad. An Australiancompany bought a BB-year lease on 5irginia0s *ocahontas *ar'way and Te!asofficials decided to let a Spanish-American partnership build and run a toll roadfrom Austin to Seguin for =2 years.9<K:

#n )hicago last year the city sold a BB-year lease on the eight-mile )hicagoS'yway for JG.C< billion. The buyer was the same consortium that leased the#ndiana Toll "oad -- (ac6uarie #nfrastructure ,roup of Sydney Australia and)intra )oncessiones de #nfraestructuras de Transporte of (adrid Spain.9<K:

#n 8range )ounty )A . . . the road part of state "oute BG was built and run forJG<2 million by )alifornia *rivate Transportation )ompany partly owned byFrance-based )ompagnie Financiere et #ndustrielle des Autoroutes. The tollroad opened in GBB=. Seven years later 8range )ounty was loo'ing at gridloc'. 4ut it could not build more roads because of a provision in the lease. "o ito#ght $c the le$se -- for P207.@ million.9<K:

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A )ompil$tion of "till ;ore >$mples . . . 

<irt#$ll% ever% wee rings fresh evidence th$t highw$% tolling $nd priv$tefin$ncing $re g$ining new converts $mong governors $nd st$te

tr$nsport$tion offici$ls, in st$te legisl$t#res, $nd in the medi$. ,rowingtransportation budget shortfalls eroding value of highway ta! revenues and asupportive federal policy toward tolling and public-private partnerships havehelped to nurture the idea. Fanning its spread are visions of highway pro/ectsbuilt entirely with private funds and prospects of multi-billion-dollarconcessionary cash payments that could /ump start ambitious transportationimprovements years in advance of their planned e!ecution.9<C:

The highways were built with ta!payer dollars and the new owners intend toma'e you pay tolls on roads you have built. To whom do we turn if they do notmaintain and upgrade the infrastructures when needed ?ill they be

accountable to 0?e the *eople0 8ne concept behind the isenhower nationalinterstate system was that it was to be F". )linton0s !ecutive 8rder put anend to that and our )ongress went right along. Hastly these private companieswill use the Supreme )ourt0s ;elo decision to permit the TA;#N, of privateproperty for private gain. And . . . these entities will hire ?ashington insiders topry every single dollar from the federal government they can while building thesetoll road systems.

 As for the those who have spo'en out and 0hit the nail on the head0 . . . *atric'4auer the #ndiana +ouse0s &emocratic leader says s#ch de$ls $re t$>p$%errip-offs. 4auer believes (ac6uarie-)intra could ma'e JG<< billion over the K=-year life of the #ndiana Toll "oad lease -- for which #ndiana got J<.C billion. 0#nfive maybe G2 years all that money is gone and the tolls eep rising $nd themone% eeps flowing into the foreign coffers0 . . .9<B:

HhoBs &esponsile or !he ;$ssive #sh !o "ell Americ$ #t rom*nderne$th *s? 

#t is a fact that the direct selling of our infrastructure to foreign countries is inviol$tion of the )onstit#tion, Article ', "ection 10, )l$#se 3. #t is also a factthat such sales are in direct contr$vention of the >on-lorio l$ws whichmandates the prohibition of foreign direct investment in maritime aircraftban'ing reso#rces and power. ?hy then is the )ommittee on Foreign#nvestment in the US 9)F#US: which convenientl% falls under the aegis of theU.S. Treasury &epartment $nd individual local or state governments beingallowed to continue doing so with regularity and rapidly accelerating speed

 As for ?+O our infrastructure is being auctioned off to the highest bidder mostlyforeign investors the answer is because ,eorge +. ?. 4ush a 8ne ?orld(onopolist wrote and signed an !ecutive 8rder 9.8.: G1C2< on April <2 GBB1

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commanding that it be done. !h$t .. w$s p#lished in onl% two pl$ces)ornell University and on

>ec#tive rder 12E03 Section G under 0&efinitions0 it states the following . . .For the purpose of this order

9a: 0*rivatization0 means the disposition of or transfer of an infrastructure assetre$d t$>p$%er f#nded $nd owned such as by sale or by long-term lease fromState or local government to a private party.

9b: 0#nfrastructure asset0 means any asset financed in whole or in part by theFederal ,overnment re$d t$>p$%er fin$nced and needed for the functioning of the economy if we need it wh% $re we selling it?. !amples of such assetsinclude but are not limited to ro$ds, t#nnels, ridges, electricit% s#ppl%f$cilities, m$ss tr$nsit, r$il tr$nsport$tion, $irports, ports, w$terw$%s, w$ters#ppl% f$cilities, rec%cling $nd w$stew$ter tre$tment f$cilities, solid w$ste

dispos$l f$cilities, ho#sing, schools, prisons $nd hospit$ls. A4"AT+TA;#N, H#STP

Following 4ush0s lead 4ill )linton issued another unlawful !ecutive order .8.G1CB< which /ust li'e all the actions prompted by the Shadow ,overnment is

 AHS8 a little 'nown fact.

Oou can find a comprehensive list of America0s ta!payer financed roads beingsold to the highest bidder via #lic riv$te $rtnerships 9***:. Ta'e notethat the word 0partnerships0 is a euphemistic term which really means the f$scist blending of private 9corpor$te: and public 9government: in 0p$rtnerships0 to theeverlasting detriment of America0s security and sovereignty not to mention theviolation of our )onstitution and laws.

There are even seminars provided to teach state and local government officialshow to go about selling our ta!payer financed infrstructures to foreign privateinvestment groups. There will be a North American riv$te $rtnerships #ntensive Seminar . . . held at the +yatt "egency in (iami (arch GB to 1G122K. The cost will be J<=22 pro$l% p$id % t$>p$%er doll$rs perattendee.

8ur country is being sold out from beneath us often to foreign entities who willcontrol them in times of national emergencies and in violation of the !on-Floriolaw and our )onstitution. All is being accomplished while many Americansremain uninformed by the media AN& those who loudly ob/ect are being ignoredor silenced by the f$scist ne Horld ;onopolists, in coll#sion with thecorr#pt m$in stre$m medi$, in their drive to conI#er Americ$ from within.

Americ$Bs !r#cing 'nd#str% Hill 8e eop$rdi+ed 

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ruling that (e!ican truc's under NAFTA could enter the U.S. freely even if the(e!ican truc's failed to meet environmental standards as set by state andfederal law.9D1:


+ow devastating can those emissions become An estimated 3<222 (e!icantruc's crossed the border last year 122G ma'ing D.< million crossings mostlythrough Te!as.9D<: Today in 1223 the number of crossings is much higher andthe planned NAS)8 super highway will escalate the traffic e!ponentially.

8f the road infrastructure already sold in )alifornia ach ma/or transportationmode already faces serious limitations in capacity but huge growth is predictedfor all 'inds of cargo traffic including the NAFTA trade. According to S)A,Southern )alifornia Assn. of ,overnments two million tr#cs travelednorthbound$southbound across the )alifornia$4a/a )alifornia border in 122<.

 That was efore the Supreme )ourt o'ayed (e!ican truc's and buses for fullU.S. access and efore implementation of the recently-approved )entral American Free Trade Agreement )AFTA.9DD:

+ow rampant is the selling or leasing of roads and bridges The following article lists those already completed and those that are waiting in line and planning tobe sold or leased to foreign entities 9D=:

Furthermore . . . the )ommunist )hinese Army now controls the *anama )analand also controls port terminals in Seattle ?ashington and Hong 4each)alifornia . . . Americ$Bs le$ders $re willf#ll% $nd delier$tel% o#tso#rcing

ever% vi$le $sset we h$ve to foreign co#ntries. ver since *resident 4ill

)linton and Senate (a/ority Header 4ob &ole collaborated to ram NAFTA and,ATT down our throats the rush to outsource America0s /obs industries andeven our security has been in full wing 9and FTAA is /ust around the corner:.9D3:

A )hilling ;ess$ge rom the ffice of the *.". Attorne% 5ener$l  

(idnBt you ever wonder why our government is prosecuting border patrol agentsfor doing their /ob

&id you 'now that the &epartment of +omeland Security 9&+S: rules state #t isa violation of 4order *atrol reg#l$tions to go after someone who is fleeing. . . . The 4order *atrol pursuit polic% prohiits the p#rs#it of someone. Torepeat Agents $re not $llowed to p#rs#e. #n order to e!ceed the speed limityou have to get supervisor approval . . . 9DK:

8ne of the two agents said +ow are we supposed to follow the 4order *atrolstrategy of apprehending terrorists or drug smugglers if we are not supposed topursue fleeing people . . . verybody who0s brea'ing the law flees from us.

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 ?hat are we supposed to do &o they want us to catch them or not9DK: App$rentl% not= 

#n order to prosecute two border patrol agents one of whom was up for 4order*atrol Agent of the Oear the U.S. &epartment of +omeland Security 8ffice of

#nspector ,eneral investigator )hristopher Sanchez sought out the (e!icannational whose abandoned van contained C22 pounds of (ari/uana and was shotin the buttoc's as he fled to another waiting van on the (e!ican side of theborder. !he sm#ggler w$s given f#ll imm#nit% to testif% $g$inst the $gents$nd complete medic$l c$re $t Hilli$m 8e$#mont Arm% ;edic$l )enter, in l$so Te!as.9DK:

The agents "amos and )ompean face 12 years in prison after being convictedof assault with serious bodily in/uryL assault with a deadly weaponL discharge ofa firearm in relation to a crime of violenceL and civil rights violation . . . Thesm#ggler is now s#ing the 8order $trol for P@ million for viol$ting his civil


T7 4onner president of the National 4order *atrol )ouncil the unionrepresenting border agents said the 4order *atrol0s official pursuit policyhandcuffs agents in the field . . . !he $dministr$tion is tr%ing to intimid$tefront-line $gents from doing their o . . . 'f the% c$nBt do it $dministr$tivel%,the%Bll do it with tr#mped-#p crimin$l ch$rges.9DK:

 Andy "amirez of the nonprofit group Friends of the 4order *atrol0 said This isthe greatest miscarriage of /ustice # have ever seen . . . the prosecution hassent a very loud message to the other 4order *atrol agents #f you confront asmuggler this is what will happen to you.9DC:

 Are your outraged yet. . . +ave you 0connected the dots0 yet

Hh% A& #r 8orders "!' Hide pen, #r $ws *nenforced $nd;$ssive Amnest% roffered . . . 

?hy does our government tyrannically trample on the rights of American citizenswith impunity while it permits and tacitly condones the racist recon6uista rabblein our streets and on our campuses by allowing them to flood across our bordersand remain here unmolested )ould it be they ?ANT the recon6uista rabble tofoment their anti-Americanism hostility bal'anization racism sedition whilethey flaunt their anarchy

#s there something more to the story than illegal aliens rampaging in our streetscalling for 0rights0 which they have N8 "#,+T to get Hawbrea'ers who professtheir allegiance to (e!ico and other Hatin American countries defiling our flag

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re-writing our National Anthem shouting racist slogans on behalf of 0Ha "aza090The "ace0 which is ironically N8T a race:.

)$n the delier$te non-$ction of o#r government to stop the m$ssive 20-30million illeg$l $lien inv$sion of o#r co#ntr% $ct#$ll% e p$rt of $ some

hidden $gend$? 

'n rder !o Answer A of !hose (ist#ring 9#estions . . .  

Oou need to understand that the illegal alien invasion is simply a diversion to'eep our focus off the imminent implementation of the North American Union9NAU: the ne!t step towards a 8ne ?orld 8rder 98?8:. The illegal alieninvasion is a tool being used to segue America into the North American Union. 7ust thin' about the &F#ANT Senate amnesty bill S. 13GG which insanelyincludes all manner of benefits rights privileges 0a path to citizenship0 ma/orincreases in /ob stealing high tech visas AN& a tripling of 6uotas for H,AH

immigration which is $lre$d% over $ million per %e$r  which does not includethose see'ing asylum.9DB:

?hy did the Senate do such an insane thing in T8TAH and )8(*HTopposition to 0?e the *eople0 and in such ab/ect disregard for the horrendousconse6uences it will foist upon our nation0s future #t is without doubt . . . an0open borders manifesto0 $ n$tion iller .9=2:

The answer is as plain as the nose on your face. (any in the Senate AN& the+ouse AN& the !ecutive are wor'ing in concert to create a North AmericanUnion. They are capitalists whose agenda is )ommunism which ma'es themclassic fascists. They embrace the concept of a world run by a wealthy fewwhich they apparently believe will be themselves. Their goal is to achieve thefew remaining unfulfilled tenets of the )ommunist (anifesto in order to put anend to America.

ow (ishonest $nd )orr#pt '" o#r )ongress? 

&id you 'now that in GBBB and 1222 presidential candidate and then president-elect 5icente Fo! had a foreign rel$tions $ide who met with almost C2 U.S.congressmen and senators during numerous trips and at several events. Theaide Fredo Arias-'ing attests that ?ith /ust over =2 of them my colleaguesand # spo'e about immigration in some depth as it is one of the importantbilateral topics for (e!ico.9=G:

They found that Americ$n politici$ns $re overwhelmingl% pro-immigr$tionfor a variety of reasons $nd the% do not $lw$%s $dmit this to theirconstit#ents. 8f those =2 legislators 4@ were #n$mig#o#sl% pro-

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immigr$tion, even $sing #s $t times to Bsend more.0 This was true of both&emocrats and "epublicans.9=G:

+is conclusions #f an orgnizable mass of Americans comes to suspect thatmass immigration from Hatin America is eing #sed % the politic$l cl$ss to

#ndermine their democr$c% $nd $s $ tool to lier$te the politic$l elites fromthe effersoni$n $nd ;$disoni$n constr$ints then indeed we may witness areaction-but hopefully not against the immigrants themselves as they are alsoob/ects of elite manipulations in more than one country.9=G:

All Along, !he 5overnmentBs (i$olic$l l$n $s 8een As ollows:  

The illegal alien problem is simply the ;)AN'"; for leveraging what is yet tocome. 8nce the civil unrest and chaos caused by the overwhelming 0humantsunami0 of illegal aliens reduces America to complete anarchy a state of totallawlessness and riots 9they can0t be race riots because +ispanics are comprised

of AHH races: or the bird flu pandemic arrives or another 0;atrina0 occurs or a0dirty bomb0 is unleashed . . . the federal government will institute martial law. 8ne of those events or some other inventive prete!t will then allow the 0Shadow,overnment0 to step forward and 5#S#4HO ta'e over our country. They will usemartial law to install a socialist-)ommunist-(ar!ist 8ne ?orld 8rder 98?8:dictatorial government in plain sight instead of clandestinely as they do now.9=1:9=<:

#f you thin' those statements are too far fetched and bizarre to believe  o# willch$nge %o#r mind completel% once %o# h$ve re$d $nd digested $ll of theinform$tion e>posed in this report. The information will come primarily from,85"N(NT websites. #t will all be documented with clic'able U"H0addresses0 to the source material which is listed below as B&eferencesB andtagged numerically throughout the ne!t part of this e!pose. #f you don0t believewhat is written . . . then do your own research and chec'ing.

 o# will e st#nned e%ond elief $t the ne$rl% complete destr#ction of o#rsovereignt%, )onstit#tion, 8ill of &ights $nd o#r &ep#lic th$t h$s een$ccomplished th#s f$r while the f$scist c$$l devio#sl% Bhides in pl$insight.B  All has been completed without ANO proper oversight by our )ongressnor the 'nowledge or sanction by 0?e the *eople.0 +ow are they doing it "eadon . . .

NA!A ;orphs 'nto the " $nd the NA* lot merges 

9A*:9=D:by A*$??* The self-proclaimed

Three Amigos

The tri-lateral cabal headed by *resident Fo! *rime (inister (artin and

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*resident 4ush have used NAFTA as a !ro$n horse to create the Security and*rosperity *artnership 9S**: which was officially announced on ;$rch 23, 200@,in H$co, !e>$s. The plan was little noticed when it was formally announced. Sadly it is . . . 0a day that will live in infamyP0

NAFTA a supposed Btr$de $greementB that has already cost millions of American /obs and closed many of our manufacturing plants has been deviouslyused to create the S**. #t was an ignominious day for America and all shestands for when the heads of state from three sovereign countries 9(e!ico)anada and America: could simply %utually agree to devio#sl% pervert theNA!A $greement $nd cre$te the ".9=D:9==:9=3:

+aving made their official announcement *resident 4ush believed he was thenentitled to order the e>ec#tive r$nch of o#r government to do his iddingto cre$te the NA* #nder cover of the " witho#t $n% oversight %)ongress or informing the Americ$n p#lic.

rgo, % presidenti$l fi$t, 8#sh h$s cre$ted $n end r#n $ro#nd Americ$Bssovereignt%, eroding it piece % piece or rather 0department by department0

 /ust as announced by )F" member "ichard ,ardner in his GBKD Foreign Affairsarticle.

!he $rl% H$rning BH$e #pB )$ll from ;e>ico: 

Their ideas are being implemented thro#gh the signing of Breg#l$tions,B nots#ect to citi+ensB review. This vision may initially have been labeled NAFTA*lus but the name gives a mista'en impression of what is at hand since therewill be no single treaty te!t no uni6ue label to facilitate 'eeping tabs. *erhapsfor this reason some civil society groups are calling the phenomenon by anothername the Security and *rosperity *artnership of North America 9S**NA: anofficial sobri6uet for the summits held by the three chief e!ecutives to agree onthe future of 0North America0. . . . This e!plains in part why deeper  integr$tion ist$ing pl$ce thro#gh $ series of regulations and e"ecutie decrees thataoid citi/en watchdogs and legislatie oersight . Activist civil societyorganizations have to wor' overtime to 'eep up.9=K:

7oined by their advisors *resident ,eorge ?. 4ush )anadian *rime (inister*aul (artin and (e!ican*resident 5icente Fo! meet at 4aylor University in ?aco Te!as during a (arch1< 122=.?hite +ouse photo by ric &raper. 9=C:

*resident ,eorge ?. 4ush tal's privately with (e!ican *resident 5icente Fo!center and )anadian *rime

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(inister *aul (artin right during a (arch 1< 122= trilateral meeting at 4aylorUniversity in ?aco Te!as.?hite +ouse photo by ric &raper. 9=C:

*resident ,eorge ?. 4ush wal's with (e!ico *resident 5icente Fo! left and)anadian *rime (inister *aul(artin upon their arrival ?ednesday (arch 1< 122= at the 4ill &aniels Activity)enter at 4aylor Universityin ?aco Te!as.?hite +ouse photo by ric &raper. 9=C:

*resident ,eorge ?. 4ush tal's with )anadian *rime (inister *aul (artin leftand (e!ican *resident5icente Fo! right during their (arch 1< 122= trilateral meeting at 4aylorUniversity in ?aco Te!as.

?hite +ouse photo by ric &raper. 9=C:

8#sh intends to end *.". sovereignt% in order to cre$te the North Americ$n*nion. The *resident is stealthily creating a unified continent wide economicand political entity similar to the uropean Union. +e is following the blueprintlaid out in a 122= report entitled uildin% a orth Amerian (ommunit') 3eportof an +ndependent Task #ore by the )ouncil on Foreign "elations 9)F": whichwas preceded in 122G by )F" member &r. "obert *astor0s boo' titled Toward aorth Amerian (ommunit') 4essons from the 1ld World for the ew  andseveral iterations in between.

!he $stor oo $nd m$n% other simil$r e$rlier )& reports reve$ls thene>#s to 8#sh $nd e>pl$ins the $dministr$tionBs ('8&A!#nenforcement of o#r immigr$tion l$ws $nd ("B ins$ne policies s#ch $sBc$tch $nd rele$seB $nd others th$t were #sed to eep the orders open. "#ch $ctions or non-$ctions $nd ine>plic$le policies were p#rposef#ll%emplo%ed to cre$te $ de facto elimin$tion of o#r orders . . . $ m$orprereI#isite for the North Americ$n *nion.

!he )orpor$te !$eover f Americ$ . . . 

 At this ery sy%bolic  0round table0 picture you are seeing the "AH governmentof America who are busy selling out our sovereignty and our freedomsP

4ush has created engaged and promoted North American )ompetitiveness)ouncil. ?hat is their mission and goal 'N)&A"'N5 &'<A! ")!&N5A5;N! in the S** % $dding high-level 8*"'N"" 'N*! willA""'"! 5<&N;N!" in enh$ncing North Americ$Bs competitiveposition $nd N5A5 ! &'<A! ")!& A" A&!N&" 'N 'N('N5"*!'N". The )ouncil will

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• )onsider iss#es th$t co#ld e $ddressed tril$ter$ll% or il$ter$ll% asimprovements in our bilateral relationships enhance North Americancompetitiveness.

•  Address issues of immediate importance and provide str$tegic medi#m$nd long-term $dvice.

rovide inp#t on the comp$tiilit% of o#r sec#rit% $nd prosperit%$gend$s given the lin'ages between security and prosperity in a globalmar'etplace.

• ffer ide$s on the priv$te sectorBs role in promoting North Americ$ncompetitiveness.9=B:

?ealthy corporate globalists such as the "oc'efellers are wor'ing in concertwith many in positions of power in our courts military and government who aremembers of the )F" the Trilateral )ommission and attend the 4ilderbergconferences. Their overarching desire is to create world political dominioncontrolled by corporate monopolies. Their goals are rooted in the ideologies of

socialism )ommunism and (ar!ism. )ollectively they wor'ing diligently andsecretly to cre$te $ A")'"! ne Horld rder .

The North American Union is but a stepping stone. 8nce our Americansovereignty )onstitutional republic and laws are superceded by a uropeanstyle government it will be the last ma/or hurdle for the globalists. Hong agofascism was defined by (ussolini as the );8'N'N5 );;*N'"; $nd)A'!A'";. Unfortunately . . . H A& A&A( !&=  Thin' not Thenread the list the of forty-five goals found in the (ommunist Manifesto that wasprinted in the United States.)ongressional "ecord in GB3< found here 932:

Hh$t the lite 5lolists "ee . . . 

Their basic fundamental desire is to increasingly transform our system ofgovernance so that we are moving from the system of representativegovernment set forth in the U.S. )onstitution to a system of coll$or$tivepolic%m$ing % profession$l #re$#cr$ts $nd #siness le$ders. Thisoutcome is precisely what the *resident0s )ouncil on Sustainable &evelopmentcalled for in its GBB< We elieve Statements . . .93G:931:

)$nc#n, ;e>ico - the !ril$ter$l )$$l ;eet Ag$in $nd . . .  

The 0new 'id on the bloc'0 *rime (inister +arper of )anada stated ?ecommitted to further engage the private sector. ?e0ve agreed to set up a North American )ompetitiveness )ouncil m$de #p of #siness le$ders from $llthree co#ntries, to $dvise #s on w$%s to improve the competitiveness ofo#r economies. !he% will meet with o#r ministers, identif% priorities, $ndm$e s#re we follow #p $nd implement them.93<:

*resident Fo! chimed in with ?e have come to an end in this productive

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meeting as you well 'now with bilateral meetings yesterday and today atrilateral meeting a very productive one followed by an enlarged meetingtrilateral-wise with the $ttend$nce of the entreprene#ri$l comm#nit%,#siness $nd investment of o#r three co#ntries.93<:

!hree glo$list elites and their coterie of wealthy puppet mastersgovernmental conspirators and )F" accomplices have collectively . . . piece bypiece made bi-lateral and tri-lateral agreements that have essenti$ll% elimin$tedo#r sovereignt% witho#t o#r consent. ?hat they are putting into place has Ncongressional approval or oversight let alone approval from 0?e the *eople.0

They are doing it through the State &epartment which is headed by "ice 9)F":and filled with )F" members. 8ther governmental department that are involvedinclude "umsfeld Secretary of &efense 9Trilateral )ommission and former )F"member:. )hao 9)F": Secretary of Habor *aulson 9)F": the new Secretary ofTreasury 9former )hairman and )8 of ,oldman Sachs: and the new )#A chief

+ayden 9)F":. ssentially AHH the departments of the federal government0se!ecutive branch are involved in the destruction of our )onstitution 4ill of "ightslaws and sovereignty. !he B"h$dow 5overnmentB is $n A" $w$% fromt$ing over=

!heir l$n to Jill Americ$ % "te$lth . . . 

Arrog$ntl% . . . witho#t s#mission to )ongress for disc#ssion $nd de$te,or providing $n% ongoing m$or medi$ e>pos#re *resident 4ush issuede!ecutive orders to create 0wor'ing groups0 in most if not all of the &epartmentsof the !ecutive 4ranch under the direction and management of the &epartmentof )ommerce.

#nstead they posted on the website Following the (arch 1< 122=launch of the S** e$ch n$tion est$lished "ec#rit% $nd rosperit% woringgro#ps to f#lfill the vision of the North Americ$n e$ds of "t$te. Thewor'ing groups will cons#lt with st$eholdersL set specific measurable andachievable goals and implementation datesL and identify concrete steps thegovernments can ta'e to achieve these goals. An initial report is due to +eads of ,overnment on 7une 1< with semi-annual progress reports thereafter.93D:

7ust how will they do their 0end run around our sovereignty0 eliminate theprotection of our )onstitution which ,eorge 4ush calls nothing but agoddamned piece of paper and erode our 4ill of "ights and freedoms !actlyas )F" author "ichard N. ,ardner said they would . . . 0from the bottom up . . .piece by piece0.

Their methodology for accomplishing their goals include )F" 0tas' force0prescribed agendas and initiatives that will be actively pursued by 0wor'inggroups0 inside the e!ecutive branch of our government. Nearly every wor' plan

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is characterized by action steps described variously as 0o#r three co#ntriessigned $ r$mewor of )ommon rinciplesB . . . or Bwe h$ve signed $;emor$nd#m of *nderst$nding . . . or Bwe h$ve signed $ decl$r$tion ofintentB . . . etc. 8nce again none of the <2 or so wor'ing agendas ma'es anymention of submitting decisions to the U.S. )ongress for review and approval.

 No new *.". l$ws $re contempl$ted for the 8#sh $dministr$tion to s#mitto )ongress. 'nste$d, the pl$n is ovio#sl% to nit together the NorthAmeric$n *nion completel% #nder the r$d$r, thro#gh $ process ofreg#l$tions $nd directives iss#ed % v$rio#s *.". government$gencies.93=:

)re$ting "te$lth BHoring 5ro#psB in the (ept. of )ommerce . . . 

)arlos (. ,utierrez<=th U.S. Secretary of )ommerce

sworn in on February K 122=•

;$n#f$ct#red 5oods "ector$l $nd &egion$l )ompetitivenessHoring 5ro#p . . . ensure compatibility of regulations and standards andelimin$ting red#nd$nt testing $nd certific$tion reI#irements. !plorenew approaches to enhance the competitiveness of North Americanindustries by promoting gre$ter cooper$tion in sectors s#ch $s $#tos,steel, $nd other sectors identified thro#gh cons#lt$tions.

• -)ommerce ')! Horing 5ro#p . . . agree on m#t#$l recognition of technic$l reI#irements for telecomm#nic$tions eI#ipment, tests $ndcertific$tionL adopt a fr$mewor of common principles for e-commerce:.

• nerg% Horing 5ro#p . . . facilitating investment in energy

infrastructure . . . enhancing cooperation to identify and utilize bestpractices stre$mline $nd #pd$te reg#l$tions.• !r$nsport$tion Horing 5ro#p . . . e!panding mar'et access facilitating

m#ltimod$l corridors reducing congestion and alleviating bottlenec's atthe border that inhibit growth . . . initi$te $n Avi$tion "$fet% Agreementprocess, p#rs#e sm$rt order inform$tion technolog% initi$tivesensure compatibility of regulations and standards in areas such asstatistics motor c$rrier $nd r$il s$fet% and wor'ing with responsible

 /urisdictions develop mech$nisms for enhanced road infrastructureplanning including an inventory of border transportation infrastructure inma/or corridors and p#lic-priv$te fin$ncing instr#ments for order

proects:.• ood Agric#lt#re Horing 5ro#p . . . enhanced laboratorycoordination and information sharingL and increasing cooperation in thedevelopment of reg#l$tor% polic% related to the $gric#lt#r$liotechnolog% sectors in )anada (e!ico and the United States throughthe wor' of the North Americ$n 8iotechnolog% 'niti$tive KNA8'L.

• nvironment Horing 5ro#p . . . &evelop complementary str$tegies for oce$ns stew$rdship by emphasizing an ecos%stem $ppro$ch

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coordinating and integrating e!isting marine managed areas andimproving fisheries management.

• in$nci$l "ervices Horing 5ro#p . . . further collaboration on tr$iningprogr$ms for $n, ins#r$nce $nd sec#rities reg#l$tors $nds#pervisors.

8#siness $cilit$tion Horing 5ro#p . . . facilitate f#rther themovement of #siness persons within North Americ$ • ;ovement of 5oods Horing 5ro#p . . . procedures to $llow speed%

implement$tion of r#les of origin modifications. #ncreasecompetitiveness by e!ploring additional supply chain options such as byr$tion$li+ing minor differences in e>tern$l t$riffs consistent withm#ltil$ter$l negoti$tion str$tegies.

• e$lth . . . cooperative efforts under the #nternational )onference on$rmoni+$tion of !echnic$l &eI#irements for &egistr$tion ofh$rm$ce#tic$ls for #m$n *se wor' towards the identification andadoption of best practices relating to the registration of medicinal products.


 A phone call to the 08ffice of *ublic Affairs0 for the &ept. of )ommerce found thatthe Security and *rosperity *artnership 9S**: is being called a 0pro/ect.0 Thatwas the response to a 6uery as to why the department0s organizational list didnot include a section called 0Security and *rosperity *artnership.0 Now . . . whydo you suppose they do not have it listed as a component of the &ept. of)ommerce ?hy the 0low 'ey0 innocuous identification of a ma/or emphasistowards a North American Union called /ust a 0pro/ect0 )ould it be more acts ofstealth933:

 An interesting fact is that )arlos ,utierrez the Secretary of )ommerce w$sorn in $v$n$, )#$ $nd ed#c$ted in ;e>ico.93K:

!he " is )re$ting "te$lth Agreements #phemistic$ll% )$lled . . .• r$mewor of )ommon rinciples • ier$li+$tion of &#les of rigin• ;emor$nd#m of *nderst$nding K;*L• Arr$ngement on the *se of• ;emor$nd#m of Agreement • !ril$ter$l (oc#ments setting o#t e$ch co#ntr%Bs proced#res $nd

pl$nned ch$nges•

"igned (ecl$r$tions of 'ntent• $rmoni+ing "tr$tegies Agreed *pon • !ril$ter$l Agreements • $rmoni+ing $ppro$ches disc#ssed $nd cre$ted • !ot$li+$tion Agreements K'N)*('N5 soci$l sec#rit%L93C:

#lic-riv$te $rtnerships V 5overnment-8#siness $rtnerships 

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4US#NSS 8?N"S with vested economic interests are gleefully gaining directaccess to the ,85"N(NT who is facilitating their interests. Under the aegisof the S** businesses are gaining entr\e and accommodations directly fromgovernment departments in the e!ecutive branch without intercession andoversight by congress in order to protect 0?e the *eople0 from a government by


 According to *atric' ;ilbride e!ecutive director of the )o#ncil of the Americ$sBNorth Americ$n 8#siness )ommittee in partnership with United *arcelService 9U*S: will provide on 7anuary G2-GG 1223 North American #sinessle$ders $nd government offici$ls $n opport#nit% for di$log#e on thedevelopment $nd implement$tion of the " . . . (ore than D2 private sectorparticipants from companies including Ford (otor )ompany Tyco !!on (obiland ,rupo #(SA are e!pected to /oin government officials from the *.".dep$rtments of "t$te $nd )ommerce, ;e>icoBs "ecret$ri$t of oreign&el$tions $nd )$n$d$Bs ;inistr% of 'nd#str% at the forum in Houisville

;entuc'y . . .93B:

;ilbride said 0?e see the " $s $ rem$r$le initi$tive % the NorthAmeric$n governments $nd we w$nt to ens#re it gets the f#ll s#pport fromthe priv$te sector th$t it deserves0 . . . ?e see this as an opportunity to bring'ey 0st$eholders0 together in a collegial and collaborative environment to$dv$nce o#r m#t#$l go$ls in tr$de $nd sec#rit% . . . ;ilbride . . . hopes the" for#m will l$% $ fo#nd$tion for future p#lic-priv$te sectorcoll$or$tion.93B:

(windling Americ$n A#to ;$n#f$ct#rers #mp no$rd the " 8$nd

H$gon . . . 

As part of the S** process the North American automotive industryrepresented by all ma/or manufacturers and their suppliers from the UnitedStates )anada and (e!ico recently established the Automotive *artnership)ouncil of North America 9A*)NA: and identified $n initi$l list of priorit%$ction items.9K2:

The automotive industry is the single largest manufacturing sector in NorthAmeric$ and represents the largest component of trade between )anada theUnited States and (e!ico. !he s#ccess $nd competitiveness of the NorthAmeric$n $#tomotive ind#str% stems in l$rge p$rt from the region$lintegr$tion of the ind#str%.9K2:

The associations and companies involved in the A*)NA are e$ger to wortogether $s $n ind#str% in cooper$tion with o#r p$rtners in government  tostrengthen the regional competitiveness and prosperity of our industry $crossNorth Americ$.9K2:

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Translated . . . region$l integration means that more American automobilefactories will move to (e!ico and now that )AFTA is signed to other Hatin

 American countries for even cheaper labor and little or no environmental or laborlaws to hinder them. The plutocracy marches on under the S**-NAFTA flag

"euters reported that Ford (otor )o. is slashing <2222 /obs and closing GDplants in the United States and is preparing to invest up to JB.1 billion in (e!icofrom 1223 to 12G1 and create up to G=2222 /obs as detailed in a confidential 1C-page document turned over to the 8a'land *ress in &etroit by a Ford employee.

 According to the document !he H$% orw$rd - ;e>ico 9offers an: opportunityto further leverage Ford of (e!ico cost advantage and location to reducecorporate fi!ed costs . . . He will lever$ge o#r glo$l sc$le lie never efore$nd ;e>ico is $ e% p$rtner $s weBre t$rgeting lower fi>ed costs, etter

I#$lit% $nd speed to deliver o#r H$% orw$rd pl$ns . . . 9KG:

)o#ld 't 8e #st A )oincidence !h$t . . . 

The creation of the Security and *rosperity *artnership 9S**: is %A)THO whatwas planned by the )ouncil on Foreign "elations 9)F": as noted in their DKpage 'NA "eport dated (ay 122=. The report was p#lished #st threemonths $fter the HA), !e>$s meeting etween the three he$ds of st$te. +ow were they able to so 6uic'ly issue a F#NAH report when the concept had

 /ust been officially announced The answer is that there were m$n% preceding0blueprints0 by the )F" detailing 0how to0 create the NAU by using NAFTA 0onsteroids0 as the basis for the S**. #n particular the )F"0s &r. "obert A. *astor0shopped0 the concept around in boo's monographs speeches before theTrilateral )ommission and by providing 0e!pert testimony before )anada0s*arliament and the US )ongress.9K1:

For OA"S the )F"0s had been calling for the erasure of our borders. &r.*astor a )F" tas' force 5ice-)hair had been trumpeting the concept /ust abouteverywhere it mattered wor'ing hard to achieve the )F"0s stated goals. All thewhile 0?e the *eople0 were 0left out of the loop0 until Hou &obbs e!posed the)F"0s plans. *lease watch the video tape of *astor0s testimony before )ongresswhen he announced that our borders are to be eliminated by 12G2. See *astor0stestimony and Hou &obbs reaction to it here.9K<:

The )F" and hundreds its of members have infiltrated our government at alllevels . . . the legislative the e!ecutive the courts and the military. They are thedriving force and facilitators behind the )F"0s publicly stated position that saysthe following An annual summit of North American leaders would do more toc$rr% o#t o#r  )F"0s over$ll go$l of cre$ting $ North Americ$n )omm#nit% than virtually any of the report0s other recommendations. As we have seen with

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the annual ,roup of Seven$ight 9,-K$C: and Asia-*acific conomic )ooperation9A*): summits regular meetings of leaders not only help promote a sense ofcommunity and shared ob/ectives but ch$nnel the v$rio#s #re$#cr$ciese$ch %e$r to wor on those common oectives.9K1:

?hether on matters of security education or economic integration anddevelopment $nn#$l s#mmits will drive $ process th$t will h$sten the go$lsth$t we o#tline in o#r report. ;ore to the point, $n $nn#$l s#mmit c$n e$nno#nced $nd implemented right $w$%, giving t$ngile impet#s to thegood eginning m$de $t the ;$rch 200@ s#mmit $nd to the go$ls wepromote here.9K1: ,et the picture

The )F" had reason to re/oice because At their meeting in ?aco Te!as at theend of (arch 122= U.S. *resident ,eorge ?. 4ush (e!ican *resident 5icenteFo! and )anadian *rime (inister *aul (artin committed their governments to apath of cooperation and /oint action. He welcome this import$nt development

$nd offer this report to $dd #rgenc% $nd specific recommend$tions tostrengthen their efforts.9K1:

 Although there are those who would deny there is ANO connection between the)F" and the North American Union they are simply in severe denial dupes orpart of the cabal and wor'ing to cover up the truth.

!he )&Bs (r. &oert $stor nvisions the #t#re of the NA* . . .  

Oou will need to re-read the following several times to grasp the enormity of what*astor and the )F" has proposed for America. #t will TA; O8U" 4"AT+


*astor told the Trilateral )ommission in 2002 that the North American Unionneeded to implement $ series of politic$l propos$ls which wo#ld h$ve$#thorit% over the sovereignt% of the *nited "t$tes, )$n$d$ $nd ;e>ico . Specifically *astor called for the creation of North Americ$n p$ssports $nd $North Americ$n )#stoms $nd 'mmigr$tions which would have authority overU.S. #mmigration and )ustoms nforcement 9#): within the &epartment of+omeland Security. A North Americ$n $rli$ment$r% 5ro#p wo#ld overseethe *.". )ongress. A erm$nent )o#rt on !r$de $nd 'nvestment wouldresolve disputes within NAFTA e!erting fin$l $#thorit% over the #dgments ofthe *.". "#preme )o#rt. A North American )ommission would 0develop anintegr$ted continent$l pl$n for tr$nsport$tion $nd infr$str#ct#reB.9KD:

?atch this sic'ening video where a pair of the Trilateral )ommission0s mostfamous stalwarts &ic' )heney and &avid "oc'efeller pat each other0s bac'. The di$olic$l d#o are at a meeting where they are planning for the final 0nail in

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 America0s coffin0 called the Free Trade Area of the Americas 9FTAA:. 9K=:

(iscover Hh$t )overt per$tions Are 8eing )ond#cted *nder the " . . .  

,o to S**.gov and see for yourself. 4e sure to put on your prop$g$nd$ filter  before entering the website. *ay attention to how cleverly they clothe theirtreasonous acts with self-effacing feel good words li'e 0prosperity.0 4e sure andas' yourself . . . 0prosperity0 for ?+8( those Americans whose /obs andmanufacturing has already disappeared 4e sure and as' yourself . . . 0security0for ?+8( once they erase our borders and eliminate our sovereignty 4e sureand as' yourself . . . 0partnership0 with ?+8( and by ?+8( Thus far it is apartnership between Fo! +arper and 4ush in collusion with businesses and theban'ing community. N8T with the American people and$or their duly electedrepresentatives in the legislature.

 Americans need to become s#spicio#s about what0s going on right under theirown noses and in their own bac' yard. Oou need to get out from behind thetelevision and ?8"; to ferret out for yourself what is happening because thesilence from the m$in stre$m medi$ is p$rt of the tre$son.

8ew$re of the BNorth Americ$n )ompetitiveness )o#ncilB it is A")'";&"N''(= 

That )ouncil will create ever incre$sing priv$te sector eng$gement under theS** by adding high-level #siness inp#t will $ssist governments inenhancing North America0s competitive position and engage the private sector aspartners in finding solutions.9K3:

(eeting on 7une G= 1223 . . . the U.S. )ommerce Secretary )arlos ,utierrez(e!ican conomy (inister Sergio ,arcia de Alba and )anadian (inister of#ndustry (a!ime 4ernier . . . met with North American business leaders toofficially launch the North Americ$n )ompetitiveness )o#ncil KNA))L. #n(arch of 1223 4ush +arper and Fo! announced the creation of the NA)) $s $priorit% to their commitment to the Security and *rosperity *artnership of North

 America 9S**:. The S** is built on the North American Free Trade Agreementbetween the United States )anada and (e!ico 9NAFTA: which entered intoforce on 7anuary G GBBD.9KK:

 At the meeting )ommerce "ecret$r% )$rlos 5#tierre+ stated that Today is acontinuation of *resident 4ush0s strong commitment to our North Americanpartners to focus on North America0s security and prosperity . . . The privatesector is the driving force behind innovation and growth and the priv$tesectorBs involvement in the " is e% to enh$ncing North Americ$Bscompetitive position in glo$l m$rets.9KK:

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!he NA)) is m$de #p of high level #siness le$ders from e$ch co#ntr%. ach country0s council consists of ten members who will meet annually with theS** *rosperity and Security (inisters to provide recommendations and prioritieson promoting North American competitiveness globally. #n addition thegovernments of North Americ$ will wor with the NA)) to remove $rriers

in order to incre$se the competitiveness of North Americ$n firms in theglo$l m$retpl$ce $nd sp#r economic growth.9KK:

 At that same 7une meeting . . . the " rosperit% ;inisters Secretary,utierrez Secretary ,arcia de Alba and (inister 4ernier met to ta'e stoc' ofprogress on the *rosperity component of the S**. The " "ec#rit% ;inisters+omeland Security Secretary (ichael )hertoff )anadian (inister of *ublicSafety Stoc'well &ay and (e!ican Secretary of #nterior )arlos Abascal are alsota'ing stoc' of progress on the Security component with a view to releasing areport in 7uly. !he "ec#rit% $nd rosperit% ;inisters will hold a meeting withthe NA)) in early fall 1223 to discuss their priorities. They will also discuss

updates to the wor' plans and consider new initiatives.9KK:

 As you review the documents from their official websites such as the? S**.gov or ) you willnotice that they N5" mention ?+8 the 0high level business leaders0 are orwhat industry commerce or ban's they represent. So in reality the informationthat they offer is /ust so much propaganda for the 0mushrooms0 9i.e. 0?e the*eople0: whom they have deliberately 'eep in the dar' and fed you 'now what.

Oou will N5" see any reporting in the media because it is tightly controlled bya very few who are treasonously wor'ing in concert with the )F" and its agentsand sympathizers of the 0Shadow ,overnment.0

Hh$t o# )$n (o !o ight 8$c . . . 

,et yourself a computer and learn how to 0surf0 the internet. #t is easy to learnand do. #f my C2-year-old neighbor can do it . . . you can too. &o it because it isthe l$st $stion of #ncontrolled inform$tion left to %o#  and it won0t last toomuch longer because they are wor'ing and creating legislation to control theinternet. 8ne such law is called 0net neutralityP0 Sounds innocent doesn0t it #t0s

 /ust their way of conning you with their propaganda.

 A computer is literally a 0window on the world0 and best of all is that it is not totallyand completely controlled by the media mafia that has a complete strangleholdon 5"OT+#N, you see hear and read.

,et educatedP "ead these articles on 0Net Neutrality0 5ouse Turns Deaf 9ar  toet eutralit'/ The !orld$s !orst 0nternet .aws Snakin% Throu%h the Senate/#ollow the Net Neutrality 8oney Trail L and follow that with the truncated versionof Wh' we should think twie a,out 6net neutralit'6  in support of net neutrality

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posted by &ouglas +oltz-a'en on the )& website. +oltz-a'en is the holderof the *aul A. 5ol'er )hair in 'ntern$tion$l conomics and &irector of the(aurice ". ,reenberg )enter for 5eoeconomic "t#dies. The article wasoriginally posted in the 0Financial Times0.9KC:9KB:9C2:9CG:


ven when one &8S in6uire into what0s going on we find ,eri ?ord head ofthe S** office who says their wor' has not been disclosed because He didnot w$nt to get the cont$ct people of the woring gro#ps distr$cted %c$lls from the p#lic.9C1: Uh . . . that0s 7S*  . . . 0?e the *eople0 not to mentionthe U.S. )ongress. ?hat arroganceP 4e advised that you will find sucharrogance to be a 0trademar'0 of the traitorous cabal.

(s. ?ard also suggested th$t the wor prod#cts of the woring gro#ps w$sdescried on the " wesite, so p#lishing the $ct#$l doc#ments did not

seem reI#ired.9C1:

8n the website you will find two reports The S** of North America rogress and Ne>t "teps.9C<:9=B:

See if you thin' Tony Snow the 0?hitehouse Spo'esperson0 lied through is teethwhen he was as'ed Hill the president c$tegoric$ll% den% $n% interest in#ilding $ #rope$n *nion-t%pe s#perst$te in North Americ$?  +eanswered f co#rse, no. HeBre not interested. !here is not going to e$n * in the *".9CD:

And . . . 5et &e$d% for the A;&= 

#n his 122G boo' &r. "obert A. *astor the 0*ied *iper0 of the North AmericanUnion called for a currency that will replace the )anadian and American dollarsand the (e!ican *eso. #t is a concept that was discussed as early as GBBB bythe Fraser #nstitute in )anada in a paper titled The Case for the A%ero) TheEonomis and Politis of a orth Amerian Monetar' 7nionL and then again in1221 in the )anadian +ouse of )ommons reporting to the Standing )ommitteeon Foreign Affairs and #nternational Trade a report titled Partners in orth

 Ameria Advanin% (anada6s 3elations with the 7nited States and MexioLfollowed in 122D at the University of )alifornia by a paper that addressed theorth Amerian Monetar' 7nion) A 7nited States Perspetive-9C=:9C3:9CK:

;eet (r. &oert A. $stor . . . Bied iperB of the North Americ$n *nion  

Hong before the GBBD NAFTA tr$de $greement morphed into a plan for the NAUcalled the S** 9signed ;$rch 23, 200@ in ?aco Te!as: &r. "obert *astor a

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member of the )F" since GBBK had already made public in A#g#st 2001 his0blueprint0 for the NAU in a boo' titled Toward a North A%erican Co%%unity: .essons fro% the Old !orld for the New .9CC:

#n his boo' *astor discusses NAFTA and decries that The )anadian (e!ican

and US governments defined the NAFTA agreement so narrowly . . . +owever<icente o> 9#es$d$, h$s oldl% proposed tr$nsforming the free tr$de $re$into $ common m$ret lie #ropeBs . . . whereas the United States )anadaand (e!ico need to modernize our relationship if we want the 1Gst )entury toimprove on the past. The three countries of North America already have a largermar'et than the uropean Union but we have not begun to e!plore our potentialas a diverse community.9CC:

 As detailed in the boo' . . . $stor sei+es o>Bs ide$ $nd m$ps o#t the p$thstow$rd m$ing it $ re$lit%. +e analyzes NAFTA0s success and shortcomingse!tracts lessons from the uropean Union0s D2 years of reducing disparities

between rich and poor countries and proposes ways that NAFTA can $d$pt $ndincorpor$te those lessons. 4y 0adapt and incorporate0 *astor really meansA!& $nd 'NA!, or $s the% c$ll it B(NB, $ previo#sl% signedoffici$l $greement called NAFTA.9CC:

The centerpiece of the boo' is a detailed proposal and specific recommendationsfor new instit#tions $nd BNorth Americ$n policiesB including plans forinfrastructure and transportation immigration and customs $ #nified c#rrenc%,$nd proects $imed to lift the poorer regions.9CC:

So you see according to *astor Fo! +S running our country. 8r . . . is it the other way around As for 0lifting the poorer

re%ions0 which are in fact

soverei%nountries everyone 'nows that means red#cing the economies of the richerco#ntries K)$n$d$ $nd the *.".L in order to r$ise ;e>icoBs . NAFTA hasalready reduced our wealth and prosperity and so now &r. *astor is prescribingmore 0vision$r% reforms0 that are 0p$rt $nd p$rcel0 of the NAFTA 0pl#s0 which isthe so called Security and *rosperity *artnership of North America or S**.

8% )omp$ring !he NA* !o !he #rope$n *nion o# Hill e$rn !h$t . . .  

G. The uropean Union 9U: eg$n $s $ free-tr$de $greement in GB=G /ustli'e our NAFTA the North Americ$n ree !r$de Agreement in GBBD.

1. #t then morphed into the #rope$n conomic )omm#nit% 9): *astor is calling ours the North Americ$n )omm#nit%.

<. 8nce the ) was a reality and commonly accepted it then morphed intothe )ommon ;$ret ours is called the "ec#rit% $nd rosperit%$rtnership 9S**:.

D. &eceptively the 4rits were sold the lie that is was /ust a 0common mar'et0and thus /oined up in 7anuary GBK<. 8nce they were suc'ed into the

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0)ommon (ar'et0 it then went on to morph into the #rope$n *nion 9U:ours will be the North Americ$n *nion 9NAU:.

=. As it stands now the U is well on its w$% to ecoming $ feder$lists#perst$te, which is e>pected to morph $g$in $nd ecome the *nited"t$tes of #rope ours will be the *nited "t$tes of the Americ$s

Kpl#r$lL when they finish combining North and South America into 8Nas is already planned.3. !he * $lre$d% h$s $ single c#rrenc% c$lled the #ro ours will be the

Amero and the uropean Union0s #nelected $nd #n$cco#nt$leBle$dersB $re woring overtime to cre$te N leg$l s%stem, Nmilit$r%, N police force, N fl$g $nd N n$tion$l $nthem .

The U is the SA( blueprint that the 8ne ?orld (onopolists are following herein America -- to the letter P They are creating the North American Union by . . .'N)&;N!A "!A!. The only difference is that it too' =2 years for theU to get to where it is today. Unfortunately unless we can stop them . . . the%

will $ccomplish the NA* here in the *nited "t$tes in $ 8&A!!AJ'N5 1@%e$rs. That is their plan.

Are %o# re$d% to roll over $nd give #p *& sovereignt%?  

To understand what happens when you give up your sovereignty to become theNAU . . . you ;*"! watch The 5eal Face of the 9uropean ;nion. #t is aS+8);#N, video documentary from 122D that features U insiders andcommentators. #ndependent author *hillip &ay covers the history and goals ofthe uropean Union as well as the disturbing irrevoc$le implic$tions thisnew government h$s for ever% 8ritish citi+en. +e says that sadly the

m$instre$m medi$ h$s ref#sed comment because the 4ritish press /ust li'eours is tot$ll% controlled % the ne Horld ;onopolists.

Soon for the uropean countries . . . AHH vestiges of national sovereignty will be&A"( &<&P

!he I#estion th$t needs to e $sed is . . . 

B"ec#rit%B for whom? Brosperit%B for whom? And Bp$rtnershipB with whom .. . three he$ds of st$te? A p$rtnership with two co#ntries th$t $reincomp$tile soci$ll%, c#lt#r$ll% Kthin $lso $o#t rench 9#eec hereL,economic$ll%, $nd politic$ll%. ;ost import$ntl% is the difference of o#rconstit#tions $nd leg$l s%stems. ?hy would America 5" want to mergewith the corrupt oligarchy of (e!ico or the parlimentary style socialist country of)anada &o you

4esides that there is N8 )8(*A"#S8N to the uropean Union0s minimaldifferences between first world countries compared to the huge differences in theeconomies between a third-world country li'e (e!ico and the US or )anada.

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 There is a l$rge gl$ring ineI#it% in per c$pit$ 5(. For e!ample in GBBB theUnited States ,&* was P31,000L for )anada P20,000 and (e!ico it wasP4,M00. 4ut that fact pales in comparison to the language educational andcultural differences between (e!ico and the United States where political graftand corruption is endemic throughout (e!ican society where 0mordida0 is an

accepted and practiced way of life.9CB:

#n fact despite Fo!0s best intentions and concrete efforts to clean up and improve(e!ico0s law enforcement it is still riddled with corr#ption $t $ll levels 9li'e therest of the country:. #f we compare (e!ico to the uropean Union the countrydoesn0t fare too well. According to one survey the 899: (orruption Pereption+ndex  from Transparency #nternational ;e>ico r$ns ehind 5reece whichhad the worst record of any U member. ,reece ran'ed D1 and (e!ico =G onthe list of BG countries worldwide 9)anada ran'ed Kth and the United StatesG3th:.9B2:

4esides the difference between 0rich and poor0 countries *astor constantly refersmainly to the ?AHT+ or prosperity of the country and in the case of (e!ico)anada and the United States &r. *astor appears to completely ignore theenormous cultural social educational legal political linguistic and societalissues as if they were of little or no conse6uence. A gl$ring intellect#$l error .

Hh$t lse (oes (r. $stor &eve$l in is 8oo? 

+e promotes the following agenda and begins by saying that The United Statesand (e!ico

sho#ld #se the st$te visit to H$shington of resident <icenteo> of (e!ico on September D-K 122G to build on *resident Fo!0s boldproposals to launch the creation of a tr#e North Americ$n )omm#nit%. Theyshould invite )anada to /oin them in creating a community that could

• integr$te the infr$str#ct#re $nd tr$nsport$tion networs of NorthAmeric$L

• cre$te $ development f#nd to reduce income disparities across thecountriesL

• est$lish $ North Americ$n )ommission to prep$re for the threele$ders $t their ne>t "#mmit $n $gend$ $nd options for promotingcontinent$l integr$tionL

move toward a )ustoms Union in five years with a erm$nent NorthAmeric$n )o#rt on !r$de $nd 'nvestmentL• forge a more h#m$ne immigr$tion polic% that includes North

Americ$n p$ssports for freI#ent tr$velers immigration preferencesand a larger temporary program with safeguardsL

• tr$in North Americ$n c#stoms $nd immigr$tion officers to reduceduplicationL and

• eventually $dopt $ common c#rrenc%.

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 According to *astor these proposals would be used to deepen the c#rrentNorth Americ$n ree !r$de Are$ KNA!AL . . .9BG:

0(eepen0 . . . a very heady word. #t does ma'e one realize as ?ebster0s notesthat it is a word synonymous with heighten e!pand e!tend increase and

intensify. That does about sum up what they have done with NAFTA in order inorder to beget the Security and *rosperity *artnership 9S**:.

!he ied iperBs 'll#strio#s Networ of )onnections . . .  

 Apparently wor'ing overtime &r. *astor has created a whole industry andnetwor' of organizations to bring 0gravitas0 and prominence to his NAU positionvia teaching research and service. +e has created The new )enter for(emocr$c% $nd lection ;$n$gement which trains students political leaders

 /ournalists and election managers from the US and abroad. !he )enter forNorth Americ$n "t#dies ed#c$tes $nd cond#cts rese$rch $o#t )$n$d$,

;e>ico, $nd the *nited "t$tes with the $im of #nderst$nding $nd #ilding $North Americ$n )omm#nit%.9B1:

#nterestingly and of significance is that . . . &r. *astor is a member of theoreign olic% Advisor% )ommittee for the N$tion$l )o#ncil of $ &$+$ The "ace. Ha "aza . . . another of the well-funded treasonous racist anti-

 American +ispanic organizations wor'ing hard to eliminate our borders insupport illegal aliens. Their ultimate goals match perfectly.9B<:

&r. *astor has been a foreign polic% $dvisor to e$ch of the (emocr$ticresidenti$l )$ndid$tes since 1M76 . . . and 4ill )linton nominated him to be

Am$ss$dor to $n$m$.9B1:

From GBC=-BC he was a fellow at the )$rter )enter  and founding director of theHatin American and )aribbean *rogram the &emocracy *rogram and the )hin$lections roect . . . &r. *astor served as U.S. national security advisor onHatin America 9GBKK-CG: and org$ni+ed intern$tion$l deleg$tions to medi$teelections in 20 co#ntries, incl#ding ;e>ico.9BD:

#n addition &r. *astor is the >ec#tive (irector of the )ommission oneder$l lection &eform co-chaired by 7immy )arter and 7ames A. 4a'er###.9B=:

Now there0s a scary bit of information. Thin' about those 0blac' bo!es0 thegovernment 'eeps promoting and nearly everyone else distrusts including manycomputer e!perts who have provided )ongressional testimony revealing theflaws of electronic balloting.

Hastly the very busy &r. *astor participates in the following which is but a verytiny part of his august r\sum\

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• 5ice )hair N.O. )ouncil on Foreign "elations Tas' Force )F" on the#t#re of North Americ$ 122D-2=.

• )hairman 4oard of &irectors North Americ$n or#m on 'ntegr$tionKNA'L, ;ontre$l, )$n$d$ GBBB- 122DL 4oard of &irectors GBBB-present.

• (ember North Americ$n )ommittee National *olicy Association 122G-

122<.• 4oard of &irectors )ommon )$#se d#c$tion #nd 1222-122=• +istorical "eview *anel on (e-)l$ssific$tion, )entr$l 'ntelligence

Agenc% GBB=-122=.• )ommittee on 'ntern$tion$l "ec#rit% "t#dies American Academy of Arts

and Sciences GBB1-present.• rofession$l )ons#lt$nt to U.S. ,overnment National Security )ouncil

9GBC=-BC:L &epartment of State 9GBBD-B=:L (ep$rtment of (efense 9GBB=: C!op "ecret )le$r$nceF9B<:

(oes "overeignt% ;$tter to o#? 

#n his Foreign Affairs article titled North A%erica$s Second Decade in7anuary$February 122D *astor stated that NAFTA was merely the first draft ofan economic constitution for North America. #t was a deliberately lean documentintended only to dismantle barriers to trade and investment. #ts architectsplanned neither for its success nor for the crises that would confront it. AlthoughNAFTA fueled the train of continental integration it did not provide conductors toguide it.9B3:

#f you have any doubts that the )F" has designs on destroying U.S. sovereigntythe following statement by *astor in that same )F" Foreign Affairs0 publication

reveals that is their position 8pponents of integration often attac' suchproposals as threats to national sovereignty. "overeignt%, however, is not $fi>ed concept. #n the past )anada used sovereignty to 'eep out U.S. oilcompanies (e!ico relied on it to bar international election monitors and the*nited "t$tes invoed it $s $n e>c#se to privilege st$tesB rights overh#m$n rights. #n each case sovereignty was #sed to defend $d policies. )ountries benefited when they changed these policies and evidence suggeststhat North Americ$ns i.e. (e!icans Americans and )anadians $re re$d% for$ new rel$tionship th$t renders this old definition of sovereignt%osolete.9B3:

 Are you ready to surrender your sovereignty to the global monopolists who wantto erase America Now we 'now where the globalists funded racist pro-illegalalien groups get their mantra about their entitlement to 0human rights0 over ourlaws and sovereignty.

 Also notice that *astor calls our nation a STAT. ?e are a nation of (ANOstates and re/ect the perversion of such identification by the globalists and theUnited Nations. #t is all part of their propaganda to brainwash us into giving up

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our )onstitution 4ill of "ights guns private property and laws in order toachieve their (ar!ist-)ommunists goals of 8ne ?orld &isorder.

Hastly did %o# now th$t the North Americ$ *nion w$s in its seconddec$de Apparently *astor started counting when NAFTA was born in GBBD and

the )F" globalists thought they had their North American train on a path to theirglobalist nirvana. #nstead it was a complete unmitigated failure e!cept for thosefew at the very top of the corporate pile so they followed up with creating theS** and passing )AFTA and they are now wor'ing very hard pushing the FTAA .. . the final nail in America0s sovereign coffin.

?hy is the Free Trade Area of the Americas 9FTAA: so bad for America 4ecause it is an attempt to e!pand the failed North American Free Trade

 Agreement 9NAFTA: to every country in )entral America South America and the)aribbean e!cept )uba. Negotiations began right after the completion ofNAFTA in GBBD and were supposed to have been completed by 7anuary G 122=.

"ince is 8oo in A#g#st 2001 . . . Bied iperB $stor )ontin#es toromote the )&Bs B8l#eprintB 

• A#g#st 31, 2001  A lueprint for a orth Amerian (ommunit'  a News"elease at the #nstitute for #nternational conomics.

• er#$r% 7, 2002 +nvited Testimon' of $r- 3o,ert A- Pastor <efore the

Standing Co%%ittee of Foreign Affairs and 0nternational Trade 2House of Co%%ons - 5overnment of )$n$d$ in 8ttawa )anada.

• Novemer 1-2, 2002  A orth Amerian (ommunit') A 8odest

(roposal To the Trilateral Co%%ission Toronto 8ntario )anada.•

ctoer 21, 2003 &r. "obert A. *astor- 5ice president of #nternational Affairs - *rofessor and &irector of the )enter for North American Studies - American University - ?ashington &.). !estimon% 'nvited % the *.".o#se of &epresent$tives - 'ntern$tion$l &el$tions )ommittee -Subcommittee on ?estern +emisphere Affairs.

• ;$rch 200@ (reatin% a orth Amerian (ommunit' )  )F" (hairmen6sStatement 22 +ndependent Task #ore on the future of orth Ameria .

• ;$rch 14, 200@ The Paramount (hallen%e for orth Ameria) (losin%the $evelopment .ap.

• ;$rch 14, 200@  A Proposal for a orth Amerian +nvestment #und) Adaptin% Europe6s Model and Avoidin% +ts Mistakes.

;$% 27, 200@ uildin% a orth Amerian (ommunit') 3eport of an+ndependent Task #ore on the #uture of orth Ameria -- Sponsored bythe )ouncil of Foreign "elations with the )anadian )ouncil of )hief!ecutives and the )onse/o (e!icano de Asuntos #nternationales by &r."obert A. *astor.

• ;$% 27, 200@ #nterview on uildin% a orth Amerian (ommunit') 3eport of an +ndependent Task #ore on the #uture of orth Ameria .

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• #ne M, 200@ Testimony #nvited by the Subcommittee on the ?estern+emisphere *.". "en$te oreign &el$tions )ommittee A orth

 Amerian (ommunit' Approah to Seurit'  

)omm#nit% vs. *nion $nd rop$g$nd$ 

+ow cleverly the promoters of the North American Union have used the wordcommunity when discussing the NAU. #t is a very subtle form of*"8*A,AN&A. As proof of that accusation the following is offered

)omm#nit% 9as defined by ?ebster0s:G. a: $ll the people living in $ p$rtic#l$r district etc. b: the district city

etc. where they live.

1. a group of people living together as $ sm$ller soci$l #nit within $ l$rgerone and h$ving interests, wor, etc., in common.<. $ gro#p of n$tions loosel% or closel% $ssoci$ted because of common

tr$ditions or for politic$l or economic $dv$nt$ge D. society in generalL the p#lic =. ownership or participation in common comm#nit% of goods3. simil$rit%, lieness comm#nit% of t$stesK. a: the condition of living with others b: friendl% $ssoci$tionD fellowship 

8nce the three countries have been combined into one will our cultures blendinto one ?ill our local communities become one ?ill our political interests

become one #n all probability the answer to all those 6uestions is N8P

?here will one0s allegiance lie ?ill it be to N. America 8r . . . will it remainwith (e!ico the USA or )anada ?ill our language become one #f so whichwill it be French nglish or Spanish ?ill our traditions become one #f sowhich would that be French Spanish or American

?hat has already happened to our communities across America is thedisintegration of our social fabric our schools /ails hospitals and welfare systemall created by the overwhelming numbers of illegal aliens and legal immigrantswhose culture allegiance and language differences have AH"A&O bal'anizedour communities dumbed down our schools wrec'ed our social servicessystems closed hospitals and filled our /ails. &o you thin' the future will getbetter when the doors are thrown wide open with no restrictions to all membersof the North American continent9GK:9GC:9GB:9G=:9G3:

?ill the North American 0)ommunity0 desired by our fascist government becomea Bfriendl% $ssoci$tionB of BfellowshipB ?ill we all have the same Bcomm#nit%of t$stes, simil$rit%, lienessesB Hoo' around you. #s T+AT what e!ists even

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today 8f course notP 8r will the contrived 0community0 simply be a marriage ofconvenience created S8HHO for the economic advantage of the monied elites 8f course it will.

#n fact we will simply be a nation of Bpeople living in $ p$rtic#l$r district,B a

Bsm$ller soci$l #nitB living within the larger area of North America having only aBcomm#nit% of goodsB and services in common. Surely one can agree thatsuch a combining will N8T include common BinterestsB e!cept for thoseBinterestsB of the 0money mafia0 9i.e. capitalists corporatists and ban'ers: andtheir fascist cohorts in the government. ?on0t we simply be 0closely associatedonly for T+#" BeconomicB advantage not ours without any Bcommontr$ditions,B thereby creating a rudderless polyglot of disparate bal'anizedpeoples that /ust happen to populate the same piece of geography called North

 America &oes T+AT a 0community 0ma'e 8f course notP

So beware of the term 0community0 used by the globalists to suc' you into their

propaganda using such benign soft and agreeable terms to cover up their plansfor a North American *nion. The proof is that by &F#N#T#8N we will N8T be a0community.0 #nstead we will simply and plainly become a 0union0 as defined by?ebster0s as follows

G. $ #niting or eing #nitedL combinationL especially a: $ comining, oining, or gro#ping together of n$tions states political groups etc. for some specific purpose b: a marrying or being marriedL marriage

1. something united or unified $ whole m$de #p of p$rtsL esp. a: $norg$ni+$tion or confeder$tion #niting v$rio#s individ#$ls, politic$l#nits etc.

 A )ommunity is what you e!pect to happem AFT" the gradual progression oflong periods of time where people events polotics laws /obs geography bearsupon disparate peoples allowing them to coalesce and merge into a community. #t )ANN8T and does N8T happen instantly. ?hereas the creation of a union&8S. "ip open the borders send people flooding in of disparate cutlureslanguage economic status education levels and you will get )+A8S but you?#HH have a UN#8NP

rgo it will N8T be community. #t ?#HH be a union ?#T+8UT the naturalassimilation acculturation and blending into the 0melting pot0 the United States of

 America is famous for having achieved. #t will not be a community. #nstead it willbe simply a polyglot of people bal'anized and angry towards each other untilcivil war erupts. This is on the horizon 9re *aris Australia etc.: and has alreadycome and gone in S. Africa. ?ill you sit bac' and wait for the demise of Americaor will you fight to 'eep what too' D22 years to build and mature into what oncewas Amercia the 4eautiful

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's <icente o> &e$ll% $ "t$#nch All% or #st $ #ppet for $stor $nd the)&? 

(ost li'ely brought to power by the money from the US globalists - his election /ust li'e )alderon0s (e!ico0s recently elected president was hotly contested in

the streets by the (e!ican people claiming voter fraud.

 As soon as Fo! arrived in office he lived up to the "obert *astor0s glowingaccolades chronicled in his boo' when he described how he 0seized0 upon<icente o> 9#es$d$, who oldl% proposed tr$nsforming the NAFTA freetr$de $re$ into $ common m$ret lie #ropeBs. Fo!0s first 0official0 documentwas the National &evelopment *lan for 122G-1223 9i.e. Plan aional de$esarrollo 899:2899; :.

The 0National &evelopment *lan0 was described as follows Fran'ly the officialplan of (e!ico is closer to $ pl$n of coloni+$tion than it is to a plan of

development. 7ust as their national plan clearly dictates the (e!icangovernment is preparing for an attac' on America -- $n $tt$c perpetr$tedthro#gh ideolog% $nd $ssimil$tion r$ther th$n with #llets $nd lood .9BK:

The self-hating political correctness of mainstream Americans combined withtheir history-blind confidence that the United States is a nation invulnerable toterritorial loss continues to aid and abet this aggression.9BK:

't is $ f$ct of histor% th$t virt#$ll% ever% m$or $ct of $ggression ors#version or str$tegic intent to e perpetr$ted h$s $lw$%s een preceded% $ doc#mented polic% st$tement in writing -- #s#$ll% in the form of $ oo

or some doctrin$ire form$t th$t provides the g#iding principles for its$dherents $nd s#pporters. "#ch $ doc#ment h$s $lw$%s een necess$r%so th$t ever%one #nderst$nds the pl$n $nd the intended o#tcome. ?e havebeen warned. So far everything is going according to the plan.9BK:

 As stated in (e!ico0s official ational Plan of $evelopment 899:2899;  . . . dualcitizenship is officially encouraged by the (e!ican government. According to?.7. *erry the plan is a shoc'ing document . . . a five-year plan full of politicalrhetoric emphasizing planned improvements for every aspect of (e!ico0sinfrastructure but it also lays out specific str$tegies for e>p$nding then$tionBs politic$l re$ch f$r e%ond the *"-;e>ico order  . . . (e!ico issystematically trying to cultivate dual loyalties i.e. disloyalty among its ethniccompatriots in America thin' Aztlanders here. !his is $ n$ed e>p$nsion of;e>icoBs n$tion$l interest $t the e>pense of o#rsD the m%ster% is wh% we$re toler$ting it.9BC:

05lo$li+$tion0 is a buzzword that appeares fre6uently in (e!ico0s = year plan. The (e!ican government is demanding that we give all (e!ican illegals a freepass and also support them with numerous social services paid for by American

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ta!payers. Some of these -- li'e free medical care -- we do not even provide toour own citizens. (e!ico0s plan specifically outlines its intent concerning(e!ican citizens who have entered the United States illegally in a subsectiontitled 0&efense 8f (e!icans Abroad.0 The plan states

+t is important to note that even if 8e"ico has achieed a nu%ber ofagree%ents and %echanis%s to ensure ,etter treatment of our ountr'mena,road! the issue of mi%ration! espeiall' in the 7nited States! needs a newfous over the lon% term to per%it the %oe%ent and residence of 8e"icannationals to ,e safe! omforta,le! le%al and orderl'! and the attitude of police

 persecution of this pheno%enon %ust be abandoned and it %ust be perceied as a labor and social pheno%enon-" 9BC:

Then in $ televised interview in 2000 Fo! made his country0s intentions clear

0$% tal)ing about a co%%unity of North A%erica! an inte%rated a%reement of 

(anada! the 7nited States! and Mexio in the lon% term! 89! <9! =9 'ears fromnow- And this means that some of the steps we an take are! for instane! toa%ree that in five 'ears we will make this onver%ene on eonomi varia,les- That ma' mean in 46 years we can open up that border  when we haveredued the %ap in salaries and inome-" 9BC:

$stor $nd the $n$m$ )$n$l . . . 

(idnBt you every wonder why )arter gave away the *anama )anal

#n his article titled Meet 3o,ert Pastor) #ather of the orth Amerian 7nion 7erome )orsi charges that "obert *astor intends to give away U.S.sovereignty to a newly forming North American Union e!actly as he gave awaythe *anama )anal to *anama during 7immy )arter0s presidency.9BB:

There is absolutely no doubt about the clear and evident goal of the )F" asconstantly e!pressed by their 0golden boy0 &r. "obert A. *astor. +e has been aconsistent 0mouth piece0 for their agenda for a minimum of eight years whichincludes the two years of study he made of the uropean Union before he wrotehis 122G 0blueprint0 for the NAU. +e has been groomed engaged supported andshowered with accolades from within and without the )F"0s many tentacledoperations organizations and 0good ole boy0 connections. 8ver the years he hashad access and positions at the highest levels of our government.

8f import was the fact that from February GBK= to 7anuary GBKK &r. *astor wase!ecutive director of the Hinowitz )ommission on U.S.$Hatin American "elations. The Hinowitz )ommission supported *resident )arter0s decision to negotiate atreaty to turn over the *anama )anal to *anama. *astor left the Hinowitz)ommission to /oin and then become director  of the 8ffice of Hatin Americanand )aribbean Affairs in the N$tion$l "ec#rit% )o#ncil in the )$rter Hhite

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o#se. There *astor served as )arter0s 0point man0 in getting the Senate tonarrowly vote for the )arter-Torri/os Treaty on April GC GBKC despite staunchob/ections from conservative politicians including "onald "eagan.9BB:

&id you 'now that it was )F" stalwarts +enry ;issinger llsworth 4un'er andSol Hinowitz who arranged 9with Senate approval: to give away the U.S. canal in*anama and to p$% the ;$r>ist dict$torship in th$t co#ntr% P400 million tot$e it9G22:

8#t . . . Now He Jnow Hh% the $n$m$ )$n$l H$s 5iven Aw$% . . . NA")$nd NA'N: 

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 As you can see from the map above there is no need for the *anama )analwhen )ommunist )hina can pull up to three convenient ports of entry on thewest coast of (e!ico. Actually they can 0'ill two birds with one stone0 because)ommunist )hina will avoid the *anama )anal which ta'es a great deal of time

to traverse and they will avoid the high cost of unloading at ports on the westcoast of )alifornia.

&on0t thin' for a minute that the *anama )anal will still be necessary to get to theeast coast ports because the )F" membership is way ahead of you with theirplans. They intend to carve up America into many Super )orridors to transport5"O?+" including the east coast. The ast coast will be the last to becon6uered because it is more densely populated as opposed to Te!as and the

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mid-west which has lots of open land and fewer people to resist having ourcountry made into )ommunist )hina merchandise arteries.

)onsider that the )hinese have a world-class economy the world0s largestarmy a fast growing navy and a nuclear arsenal aimed at U.S. cities. They are

dead serious. +ere0s what one of their military leaders said 0As for the *nited"t$tes, for $ rel$tivel% long time it will e necess$r% th$t we I#ietl% n#rseo#r sense of venge$nce . . . He m#st conce$l o#r $ilities $nd ide o#rtime.0 -- Ht. ,eneral (i Yhenyu 5ice )ommandant Academy of (ilitary Science4e/ing.9G2G:

#n the frenzy to learn about and fight against the carving up of America and lossof our sovereignty we must N5" lose sight of the fact that the 0corridors0 willliterally provide B$ven#es of tr$nsportB directl% into the he$rt of Americ$re$d% m$de for o#r conI#ering % foreign powers=  Oou can stash a lot ofarmament and soldiers into thousands and thousands of shipping containers ontruc's or rails not to mention a dirty bomb or two. &o you thin' that )ommunist)hina would let us do that in their country Thin' about all the socialist and(ar!ist governments in South America that could ma'e similar use of thoseSuper )orridors. ?a'e up America . . . it is N8T /ust about roadsP

The +an/in Shanghai container ship is loaded up at 5irginia *ort Authority0sNorfol' Terminal before leaving for ,eorgia on its way bac' to )hina."oey Oohai 9T+ ?AS+#N,T8N T#(S:9G21:

#st Hh$t is NA") $nd NA'N . . .  

#t is another of the )F" elite cabals ingenious methodology for forcing America tosurrender its sovereignty on the altar of global monopoly. NAS)8 stands for theNorth Americ$Bs "#per)orridor  )oalition #nc. is a non-profit org$ni+$tionK&e$d no t$> reven#e for Americ$Bs coffers while m$n$gement $nd the$ns will m$e plent%L dedicated to developing the world0s first internationalintegrated and secure multi-modal transportation system K&e$d here - A !&A(L along the #nternational (id-)ontinent Trade and Transportation )orridorto improve both the trade competitiveness and 6uality of life in North America.

NAS)8 )reated the term 0#nternational Trade )orridor0 #T) now usedinternationally by all corridor coalitions. And NAS)8 has rovided $ model for other successful trade corridor initiative through its wor' on #-<=.9G2<:

For those of you who still believe the lies and propaganda that the NAFTASuper+ighway is nothing but a conspiracy theory as stated by &ic' )heney andparroted by the media mafia the mas' is 8FFP Ta'e a few minutes to listen tothis 0(anitoba Throne Speech0 as a )anadian official nonchalantly tal's about theNAS)8 9North American Super)orridor )oalition: a$'$a the NAFTASuper+ighway and their planned destruction of our sovereignty. 4ush +arper

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200@ NAS)8 is instrumental in inserting language for a 0(ulti-State#nternational )orridor &evelopment *rogram0 into the new federal highway bill. NAS)8 calls it the 0Safe Accountable Fle!ible and fficient Transportation6uity Act -- A Hegacy for Users0 9SAFTA-HU: and gets )ongress to call itthis. !hro#gh en$ctment of this P2E6 illion l$w, )ongress I#$dr#ples

f#nding for the ne>t five %e$rs for the comined corridors $nd Bordersc$tegories,B r$ising over$ll f#nding to P2.7 illion. NAS)8 gets J1=2 millionof these 0e$rm$red f#ndsB 9virtually G2>: for further improvements in itsconnectors for the NAS)8-NAFTA Super)orridor. >P3 ?@=@9 AS(1! entitled6The $ust has Settled on the Transportation 3e2AuthoriCation ill-6B  

2006 NAS)8 is aggressive in Te!as by announcing the )intra-Yachry dealwhich consists of a wholl%-owned *"-"p$nish consorti#m of priv$teinvestors holding the e>cl#sive rights to #ild, oper$te, $nd ch$rge tolls onthis priv$te corridor now design$ted $s B!r$ns-!e>$s )[email protected] This US-Spanishconsortium is actually paying JK.1 billion dollars for the right to develop the first

leg of the Super)orridor the 322 miles of it from the (e!ican border to the8'lahoma border. ?hile refusing to divulge all the terms of its 0proprietarycontract0 with the State of Te!as )intra-Yachry will at a minimum get to operatethis segment of the Super)orridor on its own and be able to charge tolls foryears to come. !h#s $ foreign-owned priv$te entit% is in ch$rge of $ ighole in the ;e>ic$n order for its own priv$te profits .9G2D:

Hh$t is $ ;#ltimod$l !r$nsport$tion "%stem? 

They will ta'e #-<= 9carved our of isenhower0s&

 interstate route: probablyusing the Supreme )ourts insane ;elo decision allowing private ta'ing viaeminent domain to create an integrated highway toll road $ 4-foot$ll fieldlong sw$th which will incl#de sep$r$te l$nes for p$ssenger vehicles Kthreein e$ch directionL $nd tr#cs Ktwo in e$ch directionL, si> r$il lines Ksep$r$telines in e$ch direction for high-speed r$il, comm#ter r$il, $nd freight r$ilL,$nd $ 200-foot #tilit% +one for oil $nd g$s pipelines, $longside of electricit%towers.

NA") is $ !&A( org$ni+$tion, not $ government org$ni+$tion. NAS)8officers are deeply involved in wor'ing with federal and state departments oftransportation local and state government and regulatory agencies in promotingthe Super )orridor.

The NA") )orridor encomp$sses 'nterst$te ighw$%s 3@, 2M $nd M4 andthe significant east$west connectors to those highways in the United States)anada and (e!ico. The )orridor directly impacts the continental trade flow ofNorth America. (embership includes public and private sector entities along the)orridor in )anada the United States and (e!ico.

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!hen !here is )ANA;W . . . 

The NAFTA corridor movement involves )ANA(% $nother tr$deorg$ni+$tion that promotes a ?estern tri-lateral route utilizing #-GB #-G2 #-B<

and #-G= in the states of Arizona Nevada Utah #daho and (ontana to lin' thethree countries in trade.


Another non-profit gro#p the North American Forum on #ntegration 9NAF#:identifies four bands of NAFTA corridors 9*acific ?est ast and Atlantic: allrelying primarily upon intern$tion$li+ing north-so#th e>isting interst$tehighw$%s into NA!A tr$de corridors.9G23:

Following the implementation of NAFTA co$litions of interest have been

formed in order to promote specific transport channels to develop theinfrastructures of these channels and to propose /urisdictional amendments tofacilitate the crossing of borders. These co$litions incl#de #sinesses,government $gencies, civil org$ni+$tions, metropolit$n $re$s, r#r$lcomm#nities $nd $lso individ#$ls wishing to strengthen the commercial hubsof their regions.9G2K:

The North American trade corridors are bi- or tri-national channels for which

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various cross-border interests have grouped together in order to develop orconsolidate the infrastructures. The North American corridors are consideredm#ltimod$l in the sense that they bring into play different modes of transport insuccession.9G2K:

!he infr$str#ct#res m$% incl#de ro$ds, highw$%s, tr$nsit ro#tes, $irports,pipelines, r$ilw$%s $nd tr$in st$tions, river c$n$l s%stems $nd portf$cilities, telecomm#nic$tions networs $nd teleports.9G2K:

As 5oes !e>$s . . . "o 5oes the N$tion? 

Then there is the Te!as &epartment of Transportation 9T!&8T: is a NAS)8

member  and NAS)8 supports the Trans-Te!as )orridor  as part of thatrelationship.

NAS)8 is particularly foc#sed on coordin$ting the efforts of loc$l, st$te $ndfeder$l $gencies $nd the priv$te sector  to integrate and secure a multimodaltransportation system along the e!isting NAS)8 )orridor.

8e prep$red to h$ve Americ$ divided into 4 )orridors. !he !r$ns !e>$s)orridor K!))-3@L will st$rt #ilding in 2007. !he corridor eginning $t;e>icoBs west co$st will let )hin$ et al  offlo$d their c$rgo on the ;e>ic$ntr#cs $nd e tr$nsported thro#gh ;e>ico $nd #p the corridor '-3@ th$t will

split Americ$ in h$lf $ll the w$% to )$n$d$ where it r$nches to the e$st$nd west co$sts of )$n$d$.

Trans-Te!as )orridor 9TT)-<=: website has a <KK page 0report.0 The sheermassiveness of it is overwhelming. The pro/ects the list of federal agenciesstate agencies U.S. )ongressmen Native American tribes State officials)ounty 7udges )ity officials 9mayors: (etropolitan *lanning 8rganizations9(*8s: Hibraries and other people and groups involved is astounding and is <2pages long. The !ecutive Summery for the pro/ect is =3 pages long.9G2C:

Toll 5oad Giant <uys Newspapers to Silence Critics ' ' ' 

(ritis har%e that the Ma0uarie Dan Australian ank purhase of Amerian(onsolidated Media is designed to silence critics of a Te"as toll road

 pro1ect -

 Australian toll road %iant Ma0uarie agreed  Wednesda' D:@8=@9F to purchaseforty local newspapers# pri%arily in Te"as and O)laho%a! for G?9 million- Ma0uarie ank is Australia6s lar%est apital raisin% firm and has invested

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,illions in purhasin% roads in the 7S! (anada and 7H-

Most reentl' the ompan' 1oined with Cintra Concesiones of Spain in aontroversial F2'ear lease of the :F2mile +ndiana Toll 3oad .

5oing to... J$ns$s )it% ... J$ns$s )it% "m$rt ort ere ' )ome ... 

&id you 'now that there are plans to have a ;e>ic$n )#stoms f$cilit% $s p$rtof the J$ns$s )it% B"m$rtortB in the area called the ;ansas )ity Foreign TradeYone

+ow is it the mayor and others were able to create and put in place the manycomponent parts of the Smart*ort without your 'nowing or comprehending thevastness of it A meg$-proect th$t co#ld possil% imp$ct %o#renvironment, societ$l or economic sec#rit%, not to mention the thre$t to%o#r n$tion$l sovereignt% or $n% other neg$tives th$t might f$ctor in .

The fact is that got where they are today because they were operating covertlyunder the radar with minimal and mostly 5"O *8S#T#5 information providedby the complicit media. Their plan of course was to produce little or noresistance to their newly devised North American Union concept called an#NHAN& *8"T.

#nland ports are a part of the federal government0s overall plan which theyeuphemistically call the Security and *rosperity *artnership of North America orS** for short. Oou will find that this massive pro/ect in your bac'yard is but oneof hundreds of pro/ects that the federal government0s e!ecutive branch isspearheading through the &epartment of )ommerce. They are wor'ingfeverishly to move forward in many areas in order to create a fait aompli  beforeyou 'now what is actually going on.

#N FA)T the ;ansas )ity Smart*ort is a ma/or S** component that will helpthem leverage the creation of the North American Union or the NAU for short. #norder to achieve the North American Union pro/ects li'e the ;ansas )itySmart*ort was a results of the planning and agreements by the three heads ofstate from (e!ico )anada and the United States.

+ow did they do it The ;ansas )ity planners along with the complicity of yourlocal state and national news media maintaining their silence was able todesign prepare and initiate the Smart*ort concept. +ow they conducted theirenormous planning design innumerable meetings signed agreementsmobilization and pro/ect development and moved forward with little or noresistance.

The ;ansas )ity Smart*ort is a non-profit economic development organizationformed to promote and enhance the ;ansas )ity metro area@s status as

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Americ$Qs 'nl$nd ort "ol#tion which will lease the customs site has agreedto repay the city@s loan over G2 years with revenues generated by internationaltruc'ing shippers who will use the (e!ican customs clearinghouse. "m$rtortresident )hris 5#tierre+ s$id he hoped the f$cilit% wo#ld e re$d% %;$rch for $n e>pected rion-c#tting % ;e>ic$n resident <icente

o>.9G2B: Now it will have to be )alderon because Fo! leaves office in&ecember of this year.

'n ctoer of 200@ ne$rl% 200 *."., )$n$di$n $nd ;e>ic$n #siness $ndgovernment le$ders met Thursday to map new North American tradepartnerships that will place ;ansas )ity in a pivotal role.9G2B:

E;ansas )ity is well positioned to be an economic and transportation hub ofNorth America said "en. Jit 8ond of ;isso#ri, e%note spe$er for the two-d$% conference. +e outlined the region@s central geography nationally ran'edhighway and rail assets and $ pending $greement th$t will $llow ;e>ico to

est$lish its first foreign-$sed c#stoms inspection office here.9G2B:

!h$t precedent-setting intern$tion$l p$ct is the sub/ect of high-level t$lsnow etween the two n$tions and 4ond said the deal was e!pected to closesoon. The J$ns$s )it% )o#ncil h$s $pproved $ P2.@ million lo$n to J)"m$rtort to #ild the c#stoms f$cilit% in the ?est 4ottoms near ;emper

 Arena on city-owned land east of Hiberty Street and mostly south of #nterstate3K2.9G2B:

8ayor =ay <arnes welomed Hansas (it'Is international %uests as  threecultures co%ing to the table as one for an econo%ically stronger North

 A%erica'K 9G2B:

+n the past 'ear! the it' has signed cooperatie agree%ents with the Mexiandeep2water port ities of ManCanillo and 4aCaro (ardenas! and the Mexianstate of Mihoaan! ai%ed at fostering business and goern%ent

 partnerships to %oe goods to and fro% 8e"ico through =ansas City -9G2B:

The it' toda' is scheduled to sign si%ilar agree%ents with !innipeg andthe Canadian proince of 8anitoba - - - DSenator ond praised the effort asthe first ,rin%in% to%ether of the hemisphereIs ke' transportation! ,usiness and%overnment leaders in workin% sessions- Transportation partnerships are a ke'omponent! and entral to that is the Mexian ustoms presene in Hansas (it'-9G2B:

Freight would be inspected by 8e"ican authorities and then sealed incontainers for %oe%ent directly to 8e"ican destinations# with fewerborder delays- The deals ,eome more lurative when Asian markets that shipthrou%h Mexian ports are fi%ured into the mix- 1ffiials sa' the arran%ementwould shave si%nifiant time and la,or osts for 7-S- and (anadian exporters-

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$o the math!K =ansas City2based international cargo bro)er Daid <urdic)  said at a work session Thursda'-  (eople are saying this can>t be done' !ell#it>s already being done- WeIre wa' past provin% our point!K said urdik!

 president of Priorit' 4o%istis +n- urdik said the advanta%es of usin% Mexian ports over strained 7-S- ports suh as 4os An%eles and 4on% eah! (alif-! aresta%%erin%-9G2B:

 .abor costs alone are ?@ percent cheaper in 8e"ico !K he said-   As soon as=ansas City is clic)ing# eerybody will want to use it - That is the hope ofH( SmartPort! whih promotes international trade in the re%ion-" 9G2B:

8#t . . . ow ;$n% 8" (oes !h$t "m$rtort rod#ce? 

(idnBt you ever wonder what 0international trade0 #S

This is how the propagandists promote it Today intern$tion$l tr$de isemerging $s $n import$nt inter-#risdiction$l iss#e in the ;idwest region.The GBBC (id-)ontinent Trade?ay Study reinforced this reality. This study foundthat a significant amount of international cargo is already processed in or passesthrough the ;ansas )ity region. #n addition NA!A tr$de in J$ns$s $nd;isso#ri is growing, $nd opport#nities e>ist to provide alue2added  services for NA!A goods process more freight in the 5re$ter J$ns$s )it%Are$. The study also showed that the area needed a single organization with asole focus of growing the transportation industryL enter ;ansas )itySmart*ort.9GGG:

+owever most Americans understand that international trade means NAFTA . . . American /obs going to (e!ico and now with )AFTA they will also go to )entral America. +ere in the United states those truc's and trains bringing )ommunist)hinese goods up the length of (e!ico into the United States then all the way tothe ;ansas )ity Smart*ort will be driven by guess who . . . (e!icans. ,uesswho will get hired to do their maintenance

The 0trade goods0 will be warehoused in huge buildings that cheap (e!ican laborwill construct because they have already ta'en over the construction tradesacross America. As noted above . . . (e!ican labor is 3D> )+A*". 8nce thewarehouses are built all the movement of goods storage loading imports andre-loading them as e!ports will be done primarily by automation.

So the 6uestion is /ust how many /obs will Americans get not to mention that youwill now have to pay to drive on #-<= and other interstates.

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ow !o "$ve J$ns$s )it% rom 8ecoming the irst of ;AN 'nl$nd orts: 

4ecause the ;ansas )ity Smart*ort is the HON)+*#N to all other proposed0inland ports0 . . . * the people of ;isso#ri need to stop this tre$sono#s

$tt$c #pon Americ$Bs sovereignt% $nd th$t is $ m$or )onstit#tion$lviol$tion % $ll levels of government. #rs#e the ;$%or, the "en$tor, $ndothers . . . in the co#rts, $s follows: 

4y signing agreements with a Foreign *ower AHH agreement that have beensigned to created the Smart*ort and other similar roads are AHH in viol$tion ofthe *" )onstit#tion, Article 1, "ection 10 which says that no state shall enterinto any agreement with a foreign *ower without the )onsent of )ongress. 4ydoing so they are in violation of our )onstitution. !h$t $lone co#ld stop the"m$rtort. The )onstitution T"U(*S all other laws.

NASCO =ey Successes & Outco%es 

NAS)8 states that they have )reated the term 0#nternational Trade )orridor0now used internationally by all corridor coalitions. *rovided a model for othersuccessful trade corridor initiatives through its wor' on #-<=.9G2<:

;emor$nd$ of *nderst$nding K;*L: • )reated ;* with eight U.S. states and a )anadian province for

continued cooperation toward technology development and infrastructure

enhancement of the #-<=$#-1B$#-BD )orridor• )reated ;* with U.S. Treasury &epartment to develop #T*)0s along #-<=• )reated ;* with the U.S. &epartment of nergy the nvironmental

*rotection Agency the United States *ostal Service and the Te!as,eneral Hand 8ffice to promote alternative fuels along the corridor

#nding: • ;nown as the strongest #nternational Trade )orridor )oalition on )apitol

+ill• Hobbying efforts have helped secure more than P1@0 million in corridor

transportation pro/ect funding to date•

+elped gain more than P7M million in )orridor pro/ects in FO2< throughthe National )orridor *lanning and &evelopment *rogram #TS *rogram#nterstate (aintenance *rogram and the &iscretionary 4ridge *rogram

• )ontributed to the state match of federal funds received for a 1221transportation technology study -JG=222- innovative financing fromNAS)8

o%ing fforts: 

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• Successfully lobbied for the creation of two new categories under theTransportation 6uity Act of the 1Gst )entury -- the N$tion$l )orridorl$nning $nd (evelopment rogr$m and the )oordin$ted 8order'nfr$str#ct#re rogr$m 

• orm$tion of $ )orridor )$#c#s on )$pitol ill to promote corridor

development and begin to organize as a corridor in preparation of the ne!tre-write of the highway legislation ne!t year• "#ccessf#ll% loied to t$e the ighw$% !r#st f#nd  off-#dget

which resulted in increased transportation formula funding for NAS)80scorridor states

• Aw$rded $ se$t on the North Americ$n 'ntern$tion$l !r$de )orridor(! "teering )ommittee to oversee the development of the federallyfunded #TS$)58 study along the corridor9G2<:

"ince 1MMM, the eder$l 5overnment h$s directed more th$n P234 million inproect f#nding tow$rds the NA") )orridor . Are you sic' yet

)ongress )overing !he "Bs !re$sono#s !r$cs . . . 

;atherine +arris K)&L 9who declared 4ush the winner of Florida in 1222: with)o-Sponsors *earce and Shays has proffered +" 13K1 9(ay 13 122=: theNorth Americ$n )ooper$tive "ec#rit% Act in the +ouse To direct theSecretary of State and the Secretary of +omeland Security to establish aprogram to enhance the mutual security and safety of the United States )anadaand (e!ico and for other p#rposes9GG1: ?ell there0s a loophole you can drivea tractor-trailer though no pun intended.

 And in the Senate S. C=< "ichard Hugar "-#N April 12 122= is WA)! the"A; name and purposes as the +arris bill. )o-Sponsors Norm )oleman 9"-(N:L 7ohn )ornyn 9"-T%:L )harles +agel K)&: 9"-N:L ;ay +utchison 9"-T%:L7ohn (c)ain K)&L 9"-AY:L Ted Stevens 9"-A;:.9GG<:

 As of this date S. C=< has never emerged from the Senate Foreign "elations)ommittee and +.". 13K1 has not emerged from the Subcommittee on#ntelligence #nformation Sharing and Terrorism "is' Assessment.

Therefore . . . there is N8 congressional legislation for the authorization of theS** wor'ing groups and tas' forces nor is there any proper oversight or controlby the legislature of what the )ommerce &epartment calls a pro/ect.

The ?orld Net &aily 9?N&: acting as a watchdog has re6uested from ,eri?ord in the U.S. &epartment of )ommerce a complete listing of the contactpersons and the participating membership for the wor'ing groups listed in the7une 122= S** report to the trilateral leaders. #n addition HN( $sed to see

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$ll wor prod#cts, s#ch $s memor$nd#ms of #nderst$nding, letters ofintent, $nd tril$ter$l $greements th$t $re referenced in the report.9C1:

(any S** wor'ing groups appear to be wor'ing toward achieving specificob/ectives as defined by a (ay 122= )o#ncil on oreign &el$tions t$s force

report which presented a blueprint for e!panding the S** agreement into aNorth American Union that would merge the U.S. )anada and (e!ico into a newgovernmental form.9C1:

)oncerning )orn%n $nd the NA(8$n KNorth Americ$n (evelopment 8$nL

#n order to cover what was already in progress 7ohn )ornyn 9"-Te!as: proffereda bill S. <311 titled North American #nvestment Fund Act . . . that would

provide for what already e!isted . . . the North American &evelopment 4an'. ,ohere then clic' on 4))-NA&4 )+A"T" to get the Agreement 8etweenthe 5overnment of the *nited "t$tes of Americ$ $nd the 5overnment of the*nited ;e>ic$n "t$tes )oncerning the st$lishment of $ 8ordernvironment )ooper$tion )ommission $nd $ North Americ$n (evelopment8$n then clic' on Summary of *ro/ect Financing Activities.

See where the NA&ban' authorizes *"( P2M.@ million in loans for air 6ualityand solid waste pro/ects in 4a/a )alifornia was announced in a press releasehere9GGD:

8nce the deceptive 0bac' door0 bill by )ornyn was e!posed he bac'ed downfrom it but will N8T pull the bill claiming it will /ust 0languish0 till the end of thecongressional sessions and then die. #f he was "AHHO sincere he would retractit now. *erhaps he is only waiting for the 0dust to settle0 before it again sees thelight of day. Two e!cellent articles on the issue were written by 7oseph Farahand 7erome )orsi. Oou can find them here9GG=:9GG3:

?ait till you see how US ta!payers are footing the bill for these pro/ects and howthey are manipulating all the (UHT#TU& of governmental agencies to getessentially F" money for their pro/ects from which the 4AN; ma'es a profit. ?ho0s "AHHO behind all of this . . . the 8ne ?orld 8rder )F" cabal includingthe (oney (afia and many many globalist traitors in our own governmentslocal state and national.

8f course there is H8TS more on the site. #t0s huge. ducate yourself.

8e s#re to ind #t ;ore Ao#t !his NA* "!A! roect ere:9GGK:

Note 4order %%# in "oman Numerals is 1G and matches UN0s A%enda 8:*  

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(oneptuall'! the idea ,ehind the orth Amerian 7nion is thesame as for the European 7nion- Strate%iall'! the idea is tocreate large regional# unelected# unseen goernance

structures that can be %anaged by the social engineers of the;nited Nations creating a totalitarian One !orld Goern%entby stealth 4oth the North American Union and the uropeanUnion began with a 0trade0 agreement.

To understand how this treason has oured ri%ht under our noses!one must %o ,ak to the Stokholm :LF8 $elaration of the 7nitedations (onferene on the 5uman Environment - This onferenewas headed up ,' Maurie Stron% ! a soialist from (anada-

 A 7-S-2Mexio inational (ommission was esta,lished in :L?:-

 Presuma,l'! the' are the ones who rafted the 4a PaC A%reement  that was si%ned ,' 3onald 3ea%an in :L?<- +t implemented the priniples defined in the :LF8 $elaration-

The a%reement alled for the esta,lishment of a preisel' defined,order re%ion ostensi,l' for the purpose of workin% ooperativel'with Mexio to lean up the environment in the re%ion- 0t called for the establish%ent of si" wor)ing groups to cooperate in theareas of 4B water# 3B# air# *B ha/ardous and solid waste# @B

 pollution preention# +B contingency planning and e%ergencyresponse# and ?B cooperatie enforce%ent and co%pliance -

+t6s important to understand that um,er ; is the har%oni/ation of laws between the ;'S' and 8e"ico- This was pre2plannin% for thedisinte%ration of the ,order and the esta,lishment of the orth

 Amerian 7nion-

Seeral other clauses in the .a (a/ Agree%ent were written toallow both funding and e"pansion of the areas ofresponsibility without the oersight of Congress'

0n effect# this agree%ent internationali/ed significant areas inthe ;nited States putting the% under a different legal structurewith the right under an international agree%ent to e"pand intothe territorial ;nited States-9GGK:

 * . . . !he 'ndivid#$l Americ$n ;#st "t$nd *p $nd 8e )o#nted . . . 

 America is the only country in the world that can thwart the global fascists0 driveto con6uer man'ind and achieve their goal of world dominion by a select few. To

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understand how they have operated in the past and will most li'ely in the futureta'e the time to watch this fifty-three minute documentary. #t covers the povertycre$ted % the pred$tor% pr$ctice of lo$ning mone% to poverty stric'encountries who can N5" pay bac' the crushing interest that comes with thoseloans.9GGB:

The money is doled out to countries where as much as a third of those moniesended up in the poc'ets of the corrupt regimes that run the country. As part ofthe plan . . . many of those regimes were brought to power by the bac'ing fromfirst world countries. They now are suppressed by the #(F the ?orld 4an' the?T8 and other organizations whose evil lust for wealth and political dominancenecessitates 'eeping them enslaved and indebted in order to leverage their 8ne?orld &isorder.9GGB:

Specifically covered is #ndonesia which possesses enormo#s miner$l we$lth which has been co-opted by agreements between the lenders of the money and

the corrupt regimes they have put in place. #ndonesia is the perfect e!ample toillustrate how the 8ne ?orld 8rder cabal functions because it is a country of vastmineral resources a prec#rsor to economic prosperit%. #nstead #ndonesiahas devolved ever deeper into ab/ect poverty because of the crushing debt andinterest.9GGC:

Hh$tBs in store for Americ$? 

 A woman in South Africa warns those who remain cowed by the challengesahead due to the overwhelming illegal alien invasion and the coming North

 American Union 9NAU: both of which will force the elimination of our borders andsovereignty in complete defiance of 0?e the *eople0 our )onstitution 4ill of"ights and laws.

The woman ,emma (eyer sends the following warning to Americans

South Afria ma' ,e the %rim model of the future Western world! for events in Ameria reveal trends hillin%l' similar to those that destro'ed our ountr' Dof3hodesia-

 Ameria6s strutures are Western- our (on%ress! 'our lo,,'in% %roups! 'ourfree speeh! and the wa' ordinar' Amerians either %et involved or i%nore

 politis are peuliarl' Western! not the wa' most of the world operates- ut thefat that onl' a,out a third of Amerians deem it important to vote is horrif'in% inli%ht of how lose 'ou are to losin% 'our western harater-

Writin% letters to the press! mannin% stands at ountr' fairs! hostin% fund2raisin%dinners! attendin% rallies! settin% up onferenes! writin% to 'our (on%ressman 2that is what 'ou know! and that is what 'ou are omforta,le with- Those are the

 politial methods 'ou6ve reated for 'ourselves to keep 'our ountr' on trak and 

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to ensure politial aounta,ilit'-

ut woe to 'ou if 2 or more likel'! when 2 the rules han%e- Amerians ma' soonfind themselves una,le or unwillin% to stand up to hallen%e the new politialmethods that will ,e the inevita,le result of the ethni metamorphosis now takin% 

 plae in Ameria- 7na,le to ope with the new rules of the %ame 2 violene! mo,riots! intimidation throu%h ausation of raism! demands for proportionalit',ased on raial num,er! and all the other soial and politial weapons used ,'the have2nots to ,lud%eon treasure and power form the haves 2 Amerians! likeothers ,efore them! will no dou,t ave in- They will co%pro%ise away theirindependence and ulti%ately their way of life-

Once you lose social# cultural and political do%inance# there is no getting it bac) again-

7nfortunatel'! 'our ha,its and values work a%ainst 'ou- ou annot fi%ht terror

and street mo,s with letters to 'our (on%ressmen- ou annot fi%ht ausationsof raism with pra'er meets- ou annot appeal to the %oodness of 'our fellowman when the fellow man despises 'ou for 'our weaknesses - - - To survive!

 Amerians must never lose the power the' now enNo' to people from alienultures- A,ove all! don6t put 'ourselves to the test of fi%htin% onl' when 'our,aks are a%ainst the wall- ou will pro,a,l' fail-

Millions around the world want 'our %ood life- ut make no mistake) The' arenot for the hi%h2minded ideals of Jefferson! DMadison and Washin%ton and 'our(onstitution- What the' want are 'our possessions! 'our power! 'our status-

 And the' alread' know that there are allies amon% 'ou! the 6human ri%htsativists6 the skillful law'ers and the left win% politiians will fi%ht for them and not for 'ou- The' will exploit 'our (hristian harit'! and 'our %ood will-

The' have studied 'ou! Mr- and Mrs- Ameria! and the' know 'our weaknesseswell-

The' know what to do - - - $o 'ouO9GGB:

 As indicated throughout this article there is strong evidence that America is invery serious trouble. #f you still thin' not . . . re-read what F&" has engraved onhis monument as seen above

! KHL "J ! "!A8'"""!;" 5<&N;N! 8A"( N! &5';N!A!'N A *;AN

8'N5" 8 A AN(* 'N('<'(*A&*&" )A !'" A NH CH&(F &(&

'! '" N! NH AN( '! '" N! &(& 

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?e live in interesting times. 8ur mainstream leaders have sold us out. Societyhas slipped the moorings of truth and is steered by megalomaniacs. All we c$ndo is contin#e to m$n the lifeo$ts of tr#th.9G12:

&eferences G. ?i'ipedia 7nited ations Accessed August 13 1223 wi'ipedia.orghttp$$en.wi'$wi'i$UnitedWNations.

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<. "ichard N. ,ardner The 5ard 3oad to World 1rder  April GBKD Foreign Affairs vol. =1 No. < 9.pdf document for sale:http$$$GBKD2D2GfaessayG2G23$"ichard-n-gardner$the-hard-road-to-world-order.html.

D. ?illiam F. 7asper A A#TA@#TAA 3o%ues6 .aller'  April = 1223stoptheftaa.orghttp$$$artman$publish$printerWG1=.shtml.

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K. ?illiam 4lase The (ounil on #orei%n 3elations >(#3B and the ewWorld 1rder  GBB= conspiracyarchive.comhttp$$$N?8$)ouncilWForeignW"elations.htm. 

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GB.&aneen ,. *eterson *h.&. 4an%ua%e 4unaies R .ov6t 6Aids and A,ets6+lle%al Aliens >Part <B February 1G 1223 Stop The North American Unionhttp$$$HanguageHunacies.html.

12.Haura *ar'er #EMA riti6s shirt %ets him tan%led up in tiket  (arch <1223 infowars.comhttp$$$articles$newWorleans$femaWcriticWshirtWgetsWtic'et.htm.

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1C.". )ort ;ir'wood Sink the $u,ai Ports $eal*  (arch 12 1223 Updated April = 1223 The New Americanhttp$$$artman$publish$printerW<D31.shtml.

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<3.7oyce (orrison Amerian Water Works is for Sale 2 A%ain April GC 1223newswithviews.comhttp$$$(orrison$/oyce<2.htm.

<K.Associated *ress #orei%n ompanies ,u'in% 7-S- roads! ,rid%es 7uly G=1223 USA Today http$$$news$nation$1223-2K-G=-u.s.-highwaysW!.htmcsp]<D.

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<B.(ish Shedloc' Sellin% 1ff 1ur Eonomi #uture) The +nesapa,le(onse0uene of Ameria6s Pa'ments $efiit  Accessed 7uly <G http$$$public$GD13.cfm. 

D2.?orldNet&aily Mexian trukers to hit 7-S- roadwa's next 'ear September G 1223 worldnetdaily.comhttp$$$news$article.aspA"T#)HW#&]=GKKB.

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D1.7erome )orsi Mexian truks to enter 7-S- freel'O 7une 1K 1223?orldNet&aily http$$$news$article.asp

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DD.*hyllis Spivey Trade! Truks! Trains! and Tolls September G< 122=newswithviews http$$$Spivey$phyllisC.htm.

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