satish chandra memorial school model question … · 32. 8त्कत्त िt vा y...

SATISH CHANDRA MEMORIAL SCHOOL MODEL QUESTION PAPER CLASS VI SUB-ENGLISH Section A 1) Reading Comprehension (unseen passages) Section B Do as directed: 2) How gracefully he played! (Identify the kind of sentence) Ans: Exclamatory Sentence 3) Do your duty. (Identify the kind of sentence) Ans: Imperative Sentence 4) She has an incredible love for nature.(Identify the kind of Noun) Ans: Love- Abstract Noun 5) I was doubtful whether it was you.(Transform into Negative sentence) Ans : I was not sure that it was you. 6) Nobody could ever count my love for you.(Transform into interrogative sentence) Ans: Who could ever count my love for you? 7) It is foolish of him to throw away his chances like that.(Transform into exclamatory sentence) Ans : How foolish of him to throw away his chances like that! 8) When I opened my eyes, I …… a strange sight. (saw,was seeing, have seen) Ans : saw 9) She ………….a novel. (has written, writes, have been writing) Ans: has written 10) The furniture …….of good quality.(supply a verb in agreement with the subject) Ans: is 11) Somebody……. .eaten the apple.(supply a verb in agreement with the subject) Ans: has 12) Did Suman invite you? (change the voice) Ans: were you invited by Suman? 13) I will never forget this experience. (change the voice) Ans: This experience will never be forgotten by me.

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    Section A

    1) Reading Comprehension (unseen passages)

    Section B

    Do as directed:

    2) How gracefully he played! (Identify the kind of sentence)

    Ans: Exclamatory Sentence

    3) Do your duty. (Identify the kind of sentence)

    Ans: Imperative Sentence

    4) She has an incredible love for nature.(Identify the kind of Noun)

    Ans: Love- Abstract Noun

    5) I was doubtful whether it was you.(Transform into Negative sentence)

    Ans : I was not sure that it was you.

    6) Nobody could ever count my love for you.(Transform into interrogative sentence)

    Ans: Who could ever count my love for you?

    7) It is foolish of him to throw away his chances like that.(Transform into exclamatory sentence)

    Ans : How foolish of him to throw away his chances like that!

    8) When I opened my eyes, I …… a strange sight. (saw,was seeing, have seen) Ans : saw

    9) She ………….a novel. (has written, writes, have been writing)

    Ans: has written

    10) The furniture …….of good quality.(supply a verb in agreement with the subject)

    Ans: is

    11) Somebody……. .eaten the apple.(supply a verb in agreement with the subject)

    Ans: has

    12) Did Suman invite you? (change the voice)

    Ans: were you invited by Suman?

    13) I will never forget this experience. (change the voice) Ans: This experience will never be forgotten by me.

  • 14) Do not heat the food. (change the voice) Ans: Let not the food be heated.

    15) He made the child drink the milk. (change the voice)

    Ans: The child was made to drink the milk.

    16) He will not come… rains. ( provide ‘Conjunction’)

    Ans: if

    17) Where's …… USB drive I lent you last week?(use ‘Articles’)

    Ans: the

    18) My sister has …..terrible headache.( use ‘Articles’)

    Ans: a

    19) We should not spend money ….. luxuries.(provide ‘Prepositions’)

    Ans: on

    20) He said that he was very pleased …… my work.(provide ‘Prepositions’)

    Ans: with

    21) having lost all my money I went home (Punctuate)

    Ans: Having lost all my money, I went home.

    22) Sailors who are generally superstitious say it is unlucky to embark on friday (Puctuate)

    Ans: Sailors, who are generally superstitious, say it is unlucky to embark on Friday.

    23) He is…………… (desire) of visiting Agra . [use suffix]

    Ans: desirous

    24) He is…………….. (qualified) from practising as a pleader. [use Prefix]

    Ans: disqualified


    25) Write a letter to your friend describing a picnic.

    Key Points: [enquiring about friend’s health-spot and date of picnic-fun on the way-

    delicious meal-conclusion.]

    26) You are Supriya / Suraj of DAV Public School. As the Student Coordinator of the

    Green Drive initiated by your School to mark the occasion of the World Wildlife Day

    on 3rd March, draft a notice urging the students to preserve the forests and wildlife.

    Key Points: [Name of the school-Notice-date-world wildlife Day-students are

    requested to participate-date-time-name]

    27) You are Anita/Amish. You stay in a hostel and share a room with Mita/Manish your

    classmate. You have been detected with typhoid fever and some other complications.

    For this reason you have to be admitted in a hospital immediately. Draft a message

    telling your roommate why and where you are going, also request him /her to submit

    your Matt’s notebook for checking.

    Key Points : [date-time-detected with typhoid fever – will be admitted in hospital –

    submit Maths notebook – name]

    28) Write a paragraph on “Modern Gadgets-A Boon”.

  • Key Points :[ modern gadgets made our life comfortable – time and energy saved-

    contribute to our entertainment – life style changed-life became easier].

    29) Write a letter to your Principal asking him to arrange for extra classes of English.

    Key Points :[ sender’s address – The Principal- school`s name and address – subject –

    salutation – vast syllabus of English – more practice required – conclusion]



    Read the passages and answer the questions that follow :

    30) “It was just my bad luck”

    i) Name the source of the above cited line.

    ii) Who is the speaker of the above line?

    iii) Why is the speaker referring to his bad luck?

    Key Points : [A Game of Chance, Rasheed, Rasheed’s purse drained in the lucky shop-

    unable to win any valuable prize]

    31) “I can’t pay you a penny for the wretched beast you sold me”

    i) Who is the author of the given chapter ?

    ii) Who speaks the above words and to whom?

    iii) Which wretched beast is referred to here?

    Key Points :[ Premchand, Samjhu Sahu to Algu Chowdhry, bullock that was sold by Algu to


    32) “Halfway up the tree I had built a crude platform where I would spend the afternoons

    when it was not too hot”

    i) Whom does ‘I’ refer to?

    ii) What did the speaker do by sitting on the tree?

    iii) At which place is the Banyan tree located?

    Key Points :[ narrator Ruskin Bond, read the story books, Dehradun]

    Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words :

    33) Why did the friendship between Algu and Jumman break?

    Key Points :[ Algu gave verdict in favour of Jumman’s aunt-made Jumman angry]

    34) Which books are referred to by Ruskin Bond in the story “The Banyan Tree”? When

    did he use to read those books?

    Key Points :[Treasure Island, The Story of Dr. Dolittle, Huckleberry Finn-in the

    afternoon sitting on the crude platform on the banyan tree]

    35) Who were the other two spectators of the fight between mongoose and the cobra?

    What were they doing?

  • Key Points :[ myna and the jungle crow-they were trying to interfere in the fight]

    36) Why was Rasheed upset?

    Key Points :[ lost his money in the game – unable to win any valuable article - laughed

    at by people around him]

    37) What was Jumman’s verdict as head panch?

    Key Points :[ Algu was not responsible for the bullock’s death - Sahu should pay the

    bullock’s price to Algu]

    38) Describe the shopkeeper of the Lucky Shop.

    Key Points :[ Middle aged-neither too smart nor too lazy – provoking the customers to

    try their luck in against 50paise]

    Answer the following questions in 60 to 80 words :

    39) How strong was the bond of friendship between Jumman Shaikh and Algu Chowdhry?

    How did it break?

    40) Describe the game that was played in the lucky shop.

    41) How did the author Ruskin Bond describe “The Banyan Tree”?

    Answer the following questions in 80 to 100 words:

    42) “It was to be a battle of champions.” What qualities did the two champions have? Describe the battle.




    STD - VI




    1. संज्ञा किसे िहते ह?ै

    उ. किसी व्यकि, वस्त,ु स्थान आकि िे नाम िो संज्ञा िहते हैं।

    2. गुरु, लड़िा, युवि जाकतवाचि संज्ञा से भाववाचि संज्ञा बनाइए।

    उ. गुरुता, लड़िपन, यौवन।

    3. ’िीप अपना िाम ध्यानपवूवि िरता हैं’। इस वाक्य में संज्ञा शब्ि छाकिए?

    उ. िीप - व्यकिवाचि। िाम - जाकतवाचि।

    4. बगीचे में चारो ओर ______ फैली थी? ( संज्ञा शब्ि भररए )

    उ. हररयाली।


    5. पवूव पि और उत्तर पि किसे िहते हैं?

    उ. समस्त पि िे पहले पि िो पवूव पि तथा िसूरे पि िो उत्तर पि िहते हैं।

    6. अव्ययीभाव समास किसे िहते हैं? उिाहरण िीकजए।

    उ. कजस समास िा पहला पि अव्यय हो।

    7. चल-अचल, कनिोष, पंचतंत्र िा समास कवग्रह िीकजए?

    उ. चल और अचल, कबना िोष िे, पााँच ततं्रों िा समाहार।

    8. किगु समास और ििंि समास में क्या अंतर ह?ै

    उ. पहला पि संख्या हो और िसूरा पि प्रधान हो तो किगु समास तथा जब िोनो पि प्रधान हो तो ििंि समास िहलाता ह।ै

    9. ’चार मासो िा समुह’ समस्त पि बताइए।

    उ. चौमासा।

    म ैसबसे छोिी ह ाँ

    10. ’म ैसबसे छोिी ह ाँ’ िकवता में वह लड़िी बढ़ी होना क्यो नही चाहती?

  • उ. वह बड़ी होिर मााँ िा स्नेह नही खोना चाहती।

    11. मााँ िा आाँचल पिड़िर क्या िरना चाहती ह?ै

    उ. मााँ िा आाँचल पिड़िर सिा मााँ िे साथ घुमना चाहती ह।ै

    12. ’म ैसबसे छोिी ह ाँ’ िकवता में िकव क्या चाहता ह?ै

    उ. मााँ िा साकनध्य पाना चाहता ह।ै


    13. भारतीय छात्रों ने किसे और किसकलए आमंकत्रत किया था?

    उ. गााँधी जी िो, शािाहारी भोज में शाकमल होने िे कलए।

    14. गााँधी जी िे अनुसार नौिरो िे प्रकत हमारा िैसा व्यवहार होना चाकहर?

    उ. मतै्रीपणूव।

    15. घर और स्िूल िे छात्रावास से गााँधी जी िा आश्रम किस तरह अलग था?

    उ. आश्रम में सभी अपना िाम िरते तथा कवश्राम िरते थे। चात्रावास कसफव छात्रों िे रहने और पड़ने िी व्यवस्था होती ह।ै

    16. गााँधी जी िकिण अफ्रीिा में िहााँ रहते थे? वहााँ िौन सा युद्ध हुआ?

    उ. िॉलस्िॉय बाड़ी, बोअर युद्ध।

    सााँस-सााँस में बााँस

    17. इस पाठ में किसिी चचाव िी गई ह?ै

    उ. बााँस िी खेती, उपयोग तथा इसिे जीकविोपाजवन िी चचाव िी गई हैं?

    18. बााँस िी खेती भारत िे किस इलािे में िी जाती ह?ै

    उ. भारत िे उत्तर-पवूी िेत्रों मे।

    वन िे मागव में

    19. ’वन िे मागव में’ किस दृश्य िी चचाव िी गई हैं?

    उ. राम िे वन गमण िे दृश्य िा वणवन।

    20. राम िे साथ और िौन वन िे कलए गया?

    उ. सीता और लक्ष्मण।

    भाषा और व्यािरण 21. भाषा किसे िहते हैं? उ. भाषा एि साधन ह,ै अपने मन िे भावों और कवचारों िो प्रिि िरता ह।ै

    22. भाषा िे कितने भेि हैं? उनिे नामों िो कलकखए। उ. िो भेि, मौकखि भाषा और कलकखत भाषा।

    23. मौकखि भाषा किसे िहते ह ै

  • उ. वह भाषा कजसे बोलिर या सुनिर समझा जाता ह,ै मौकखि भाषा ह।ै

    24. कलकखत भाषा किसे िहते हैं? उ. वह भाषा कजसे कलखिर या पढ़िर समझा जाता ह,ै कलकखत भाषा ह।ै

    25. संकवधान में भारत िी कितनी भाषाओ ंिो स्वीिृकत प्रिान िी ह?ै उ. 22 भाषाओ ंिो सकंवधान ने स्वीिृकत िी ह।ै


    26. संकध किसे िहते हैं? उ. िो या िो से अकधि वणों िे मेल से जो कविार होता ह ैवह संकध ह| 27. स्वर संकध किसे िहते हैं? उिाहरण िीकजए। उ. िो स्वरों िे मेल से उत्पन्न कविार िो स्वर संकध िहते हैं। 28. स्वर संकध िे कितने भेि हैं? उनिे नाम कलकखए। उ. स्वर संकध िे पााँच भेि। िीघव , गुण, वकृिध ध, यणध अयाकि। 29. व्यंजन संकध किसे िहते ह?ै

    उ. व्यंजन िा व्यंजन से या स्वर से मेल होने पर जो कविार होता ह ैवह व्यंजन संकध िहलाता ह।ै

    30. कवसगव संकध किसे िहते ह?ै

    उ. कवसगव िे साथ स्वर या व्यंजन िा मेल होने से जो कविार होता ह ैकवसगव संकध िहलाता ह।ै

    31. गायि िा संकध कवच्छेि िीकजए?

    उ. ग ै+ अि।

    शब्ि कवचार 32. उत्पकत्त िे आधार पर शब्ि िे िौन-िौन से भेि ह?ै उ. चार भेि ह ै- तत्सम, तिध भव, िेशज, कविेशी। 33. रचना िे आधार पर शब्िों िे कितने भेि ह?ै उनिे नाम कलकखए। उ. तीन भेि ह ै- रूढ़. यौकगि, योगरूढ़।

    34. तत्सम शब्ि किसे िहते ह?ै

    उ. वे शब्ि जो संस्िृत भाषा से कहंिी में ज्यों िे त्यों आए ह ैजसेै घतृ, सयूव।

    35. िेशज शब्ि किसे िहते ह?ै

    उ. िेश िी कवकभन्न बोकलयों और भाषाओ से कहंिी में आए शब्ि। जसेै पगड़ी, झाड़ू।

    उपसगव और प्रत्यय

    36. मलू शब्ि िे आगे लगने वाले शब्िांश क्या िहलाता ह?ै

    उ उपसगव

  • 37 िुछ उिूव िे उपसगो कलकखए ।

    उ. बे,बा बि,ला,हम, गरै,

    38. बल िे आगे उपसगव कलकखए तथा नया शब्ि बनाइए ।

    उ िुबवल।

    39. तकद्धत प्रत्यय किसे िहते ह?ै

    उ जो शब्िांश संज्ञा,सववनाम,कवशेषण िे बाि जुड़िर नए शब्िो िो बनाते हैं ।

    40. आवि प्रत्यय से शब्ि बनाए ।

    उ कमलावि, रुिावि




    CLASS : VI

    A.Each question carry 1 Mark

    1.Round the following to nearest ten thousand - 34890

    2.Test the divisibility of 67529124 by 8

    3.Find the product of the largest 5 digit number and the largest 3 digit number using distributive law.

    4. Division by not defined.

    5.Find the additive inverse of -5.

    6.Represent 18/5 on the number line.

    7. 3.5+4.05-6.005

    8.Solve :3x-5=13

    9.Find the value of 36:x::x:16.

    10.Draw the lines of symmetry of Rhombus.

    B.Each question carry 2 Mark’s.

    11.Show that 48,60,75 are in Continued proportion.

    12.Define a)Concurrent lines b) Collinear points.

    13. Construct 105° using ruler and compass.

    14.Find the perimeter of a rectangle whose length and breadth are 15.4 cm

    and 11.6 cm respectively.

    15. Find the radius of a circle whose circumference is 176 cm.

    16.If 36 flats cost Rs.68251500,What is the cost of each such flats ?

    17. Write in Roman Numerals : a) 516 b) 611

    18.The product of two numbers is 2560 and their LCM is 320.Find their HCF.

    19. Find the largest four digit number divisible by 83.

    20. Find :( -7)+(-9)+12+(-16)=?

    C. Each question carry 3 Mark’s :

    21.The ratio of copper and zinc in an alloy is 5:3. If the weight of copper in the alloy

  • Is 30.5gm, find the weight of zinc in it.

    22.The weight of 65 books is 13kg.

    i) What is the weight of 80 such books ?

    ii) How many such books weigh 6.4 kg ?

    23.Construct 67.5°Using ruler and compass.

    24.If one angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of other two ,show

    That the triangle is a right triangle.

    25.The total cost of flooring a room at Rs.85/sq.m is Rs.5100. If the length of the room is 8 metres,

    find its breadth.

    26.Define: i) Array ii) Frequency of an observation iii) Tabulation of data.

    27. Construct a Frequency table for the following:


    28.Determine the longest tape which can be used to measure exactly the lengths 7m,

    3m 85cm and 12m 95cm

    29. While coming back home from his school ,Kishan covered 4 3/4 km by rickshaw and 1 1 /2 km on foot .

    What is the distance of his house from the school ?

    30. Sunita purchased a notebook for Rs. 19.75,a pencil for Rs. 3.85 and a pen for Rs.8.35 from a book

    shop. He gave a 50 rupees note to the shopkeeper .What amount did he get back ?

    D.Each question carry 4 Mark’s

    31.Solve : 5(x-1)+2(x+3)+6=0

    32.If 11 is subtracted from 4 times a number ,the result is 89.Find the number.

    33.In a proportion ,the 1st,2nd,and 4th terms are 51,68 and 108.

    34.Find the least number of five digits that is exactly divisible by 16,18,24,and 30.

    35.If the ratio between the length and perimeter of a rectangular plot is 1:3,tperifind the ratio between

    the length and breadth of the plot.

    36.A room is 20 m long and 18 m broad .Find the cost of carpeting the room with a carpet of width 1.5

    m at the rate of Rs. 60 per metre.

    37.Can you draw triangle which has

    i) exactly one line of symmetry

    ii)exactly two lines of symmetry

  • iii) exactly no line of symmetry

    iv) exactly three lines of symmetry

    38.The ratio of income to savings of a family is 11:2.Find the expenditure if the savings

    is Rs. 1520.

    39. Draw a circle with centre C and radius 4 cm. Draw any chord AB .Construct the perpendicular

    bisector of A. And examine if it passes through C.

    40.Find the area of the following in cm.


    MODEL QUESTION PAPER – 2018-2019




    Air around us

    Question 1:

    Which of the following statements is incorrect?

    (a) All living things require air to breathe

    (b) We can feel air but we cannot see it

    (c) Moving air makes it possible to fly a kite

    (d) Air is present everywhere but not in soil


    (d) Air is present everywhere even in the soil. Oxygen is trapped in the soil and is helpful for

    organisms present in the soil for breathing

  • Note: The animals which live in soil and the plant roots which grow in soil need oxygen to breathe.

    Question 2:

    Wind does not help in the movement of which of the following?

    (a) Firki (b) Weather cock

    (c) Ceiling fan (d) Sailing yacht


    (c) Wind does not help in movement of ceiling fan. It rotates by electricity.

    Question 3:

    What is not true about air?

    (a) It makes the windmill rotate

    (b) It helps in the movement of aeroplanes

    (c) Birds can fly due to presence of air

    (d) It has no role in water cycle


    (d) The presence of water vapour in air is important for the working of water cycle in nature (This is

    because it is water vapour present in air which rises high in the sky along with hot air, gets cooled,

    condenses to form clouds and then brings rain on the earth).

    Question 4:

    Mountaineers carry oxygen cylinders with them because

    (a) there is no oxygen on high mountains

    (b) there is deficiency of oxygen on mountains at higher altitude

    (c) oxygen is used for cooking

    (d) oxygen keeps them warm at low temperature


    (b) As we go up above the sea level, the atmospheric pressure goes on decreasing and the amount of

    oxygen also decreases at higher altitude. This is why, mountaineers carry oxygen, cylinders with them.

    Question 5:

    Boojho took an empty plastic bottle, turned it upside down and dipped its open mouth into a bucket

    filled with water. He then tilted the bottle slightly and made the following observations:

    (i) Bubbles of air came out from the bottle.

  • (ii) Some water entered into the bottle.

    (iii) Nitrogen gas came out in the form of bubbles and oxygen gas dissolved in water.

    (iv) No bubbles formed, only water entered into the bottle.

    Which observation(s) is/are correct?

    (a) (i) and (ii) (b) Only (iv)

    (c) (iii) and (iv) (d) Only (i)


    (a) Bubbles of air came out from the bottle and some water entered into the bottle, when it was


    Question 6:

    Which of the following components of air is present in the largest amount in the atmosphere?

    (a) Nitrogen (b) Oxygen (c) Water vapour (d) Carbon dioxide


    (a) Nitrogen is present in the largest amount in the atmosphere. It occupies 78.09% of


    Question 7:

    The components of air which are harmful to living beings are

    (a) nitrogen and carbon dioxide

    (b) dust and water vapour

    (c) dust and smoke (d) smoke and water vapour


    (c) Dust and smoke present in air are harmful to living beings.

    Note: Breathing in air containing smoke and dust may enter our respiratory system (lungs,

    etc.) and damage our health.

    Question 8:

    Usha took a lump of dry soil in a glass and added water to it till it was completely immersed.

    She observed bubbles coming out. The bubbles contain

    (a) water vapour

    (b) only oxygen gas

    (c) air

    (d) None of the above


    (c) The bubbles contain air because soil absorbs some amount of air. The air is present in the

    spaces between the soil particles. Very Short Answer Type Questions

    Question 9:

    State whether the following statements are true or false. If false, correct them.

    (a) Plants consume oxygen for respiration.

    (b) Plants produce oxygen during the process of making their own food.

  • (c) Air helps in the movements of sailing yachts and glider but plays no role in the flight of

    birds and aeroplanes.

    (d) Air does not occupy any space.


    (a) True (b) True

    (c) False, air also helps in the flight of birds and aeroplanes.

    (d) False, air occupies space, i.e. Air fills all the space available to it.

    Question 10:

    In a number of musical instruments, air plays an important role. Can you name some such



    Air plays an important role in number of musical instruments such as flute, trumpet,

    harmonium, shahnai.

    Question 11:

    Make sentences using the given set of words.

    (a) 99%, oxygen, nitrogen, air, together

    (b) Respiration, dissolved, animals, air, aquatic

    (c) Air, wind, motion, called Solution:

    The correct sentences are :

    (a) Oxygen and nitrogen together make up 99% of the air.

    (b) Aquatic animals use dissolved air for respiration.

    (c) Air in motion is called wind. Short Answer Type Questions

    Question 12:

    Garima observed that when she left her tightly capped bottle full of water in the open

    sunlight, tiny bubbles were formed all around inside the bottle. Help Garima to know why it

    so happened?


    Air is dissolved in water in the form of oxygen. When water bottle is left in the open sunlight,

    tiny bubbles were formed all around inside the bottle because air dissolved in water starts

    escaping in the form of tiny bubbles due to heat from the sun.

    Question 13:

    Paheli kept some water in a beaker for heating. She observed that tiny bubbles appeared

    before the water started to boil. She boiled the water for about 5 min and filled it in a bottle

    upto the brim and kept the bottle airtight till cooled down to room temperature.

    (a) Why did the tiny bubbles appeared?

    (b) Do you think tiny bubbles will appear on heating the water taken out from the bottle?

    Justify your answer.


    (a) Air is dissolved in water in the form of oxygen. Tiny bubbles are formed, when air

    present in the water escape on boiling it.

    So, tiny bubbles appeared due to the evolution of air dissolved in water.

    (b) No, tiny bubbles will not appear as there is no dissolved air in this water

    Question 14:

  • On a Sunday morning, Paheli’s friend visited her home. She wanted to see some flowering

    plants in the nearby garden. Both of them went to the garden. While returning from the

    garden, they also observed some flowering plants on the roadside. But to their surprise, they

    found that the leaves and flowers of these roadside plants were comparatively very dull. Can

    you help them to know why?


    The leaves and flowers of the roadside plants are very dull because the air along the roadside

    is polluted with air pollutants due to emissions from vehicles and industries, etc. Thus, the

    roadside plants had probably some dust and soot deposited on them. This made them to

    appear dull.

    Water Question 1:

    Which of the following activities does not involve use of water?

    (a) Washing clothes (b) Bathing (c) Cleaning utensils (d) Drying wet clothes


    (d) Drying wet clothes is an activity which does not involve use of water.

    Question 2:

    In which of the following activities will you use minimum amount of water? (a) Bathing (b)

    Brushing teeth (c) Washing clothes (d) Mopping a room


    (b) In brushing teeth we use minimum amount of water.

    Question 3:

    The quantity of water required to produce one page of your book is

    (a) one bucket (b) ten buckets (c) two glasses (d) few drops


    (c) Two glasses of water is required to produce one page of our book.

    Question 4:

    Water in our tap comes from a

    (a) river (b) lake (c) well (d) All of these


    (d) Water in our tap comes from river, lake or well.

    Question 5:

    In which of the following cases, evaporation of water will be slowest?

    (a) A tray of water kept in sunlight (b) A kettle of water kept on a burner

    (c) A glass of water kept in a room (d) A bucket of water kept on rooftop


    (c) The rate of evaporation increases on increasing the temperature and on increasing the

    surface area. A glass of water kept in a room has minimum surface area in the given options,

    so rate of evaporation will be slowest.

    Question 6:

    Transpiration is a process in which plants

    (a) receive water from soil (b) absorb water vapour from air

    (c) prepare food from water (d) release water in the form of water vapour


  • (d) Transpiration is a process in which there is loss of water from plants as water vapour

    through the pores of their leaves.

    Question 7:

    Clouds are

    (a) tiny drops of water floating in air (b) mixture of dust and water vapour (c) particles of

    water vapour (d) rain drops in air


    (a) The mass of tiny droplets formed by the condensation of water vapour which we see

    floating high in the atmosphere is called a cloud.

    Question 8:

    Wells are fed by

    (a) pond water (b) lake water (c) rainwater (d) groundwater


    (d) Wells are fed by groundwater. The underground water can be taken out by digging a well

    into the ground. It is called well water.

    Question 9:

    Floods cause extensive damage to

    (a) crops (b) property and human life

    (c) domestic animals (d) All of these


    (d) Floods cause extensive damage to crop fields, villages and forests causing damage to

    property, human life, domestic animals, crops and wild animals of the forests.

    Question 10:

    ‘Catch water where it falls’ is the basic idea behind

    (a) recycling of water (b) making dams to store water (c) rainwater harvesting (d)

    condensation of water vapour


    (c) ‘Catch water where it falls’ is the basic idea behind rainwater harvesting.

    Question 11:

    Write any two activities which require more than a bucket of water.


    Two activities which require use of more than one bucket of water is washing more than 10

    clothes and irrigating a crop field.

    Question 12:

    Write any two activities which require less than one bucket of water.


    Two activities which require use of less than one bucket of water is brushing teeth and

    washing a handkerchief.

    Question 13:

    Why do wet clothes placed on a clothes line dry after sometime? Explain.


    Wet clothes placed on a clothes line dry after sometime because water present in wet clothes

    is converted into water vapour and released in atmosphere due to evaporation which leaves

    them dry.

  • Question 14:

    Water kept in sunlight gets heat from the sun and is evaporated. But how does water kept

    under the shade of a tree also gets evaporated? Explain.


    Water kept under the shade of a tree also evaporates because of warm air. Actually, during

    day time, the heat given out by the sun heats all the air around us. This warm air provides

    heat for evaporation of water kept in the shade.

    Question 15:

    How do the areas covered with concrete affect the availability of groundwater?


    Areas covered with concrete affect the availability of groundwater because concrete reduces

    the seepage of rainwater into the ground which leads to reduction in the availability of


    Question 16:

    Why is there a need for conserving water? Give two reasons.


    There is a need for conserving water because of the following reasons:

    (i) Increasing population is creating more demand for usable water.

    (ii) Availability of freshwater is decreasing day-by-day.

    Question 17:

    Most of the water that falls on the land as rain and snow, sooner or later goes back to a sea or

    an ocean. Explain how it happens.


    The process by which land water returns back to a sea or an ocean is as follows: (i) Snow/Rain

    falling on the mountains melts into water that flows down in the form of streams and rivers.

    (ii) A part of the rainwater gets absorbed into the ground and rest flow in the form of

    stream or rivers.

    (iii) The river water after passing through various regions ultimately reaches into a sea or

    an ocean.

    Garbage In Garbage Out Question 1:

    The method of preparing compost with the help of earthworms, is called

    (a) composting (b) vermicomposting

    (c) manuring (d) decomposing


    (b) Vermicomposting is a method of preparing compost with the help of earthworms. It is an

    excellent method of getting the best out of waste and also save a lot of money that is spent on

    buying expensive chemical fertilisers and manure from the market.

    Question 2:

    If you dump kitchen waste in a pit, it may, after sometime

    (a) convert into compost

    (b) convert into vermicompost

    (c) remain as such

  • (d) remain forever in its dried form


    (a) The kitchen waste dumped in a pit may convert into compost after sometime. Kitchen

    waste is biodegradable and can be decomposed by microorganisms into compost, which is

    used as a manure. Compost is a natural fertiliser.

    Question 3:

    Which of the following activities does not reflect responsible behaviour with regard to waste


    (a) Goods carried in paper bags or cloth bags

    (b) Waste collected in polythene bags for disposal

    (c) Waste separated into those that degrade and those that do not

    (d) Making handicrafts with used up notebooks


    (b) Waste collected in polythene bags for disposal does not reflect responsible behaviour.

    This is because polythene bags are non-biodegradable. They do not decompose in nature on

    their own and are eaten up along with garbage food by cattle, thus causing harm to them.

    Question 4:

    Paheli gave the following ill effects of the practice of burning dried leaves 1 and other plant


    (a) Burning degrades the soil.

    (b) Burning produces harmful gases/fumes.

    (c) Precious raw materials to obtain manure at low cost is lost.

    (d) Lost of heat is generated unnecessarily, f The correct reasons of why we should not

    burn leaves are

    (a) i, ii and iv (b) i, ii, iii and iv

    (c) ii and iii (d) ii, iii, and iv


    (b) The practice of burning dried leaves and other plant parts leads to all the ill affects

    mentioned above.

    The best way to deal with this waste is to convert it into useful compost.

    Question 5:

    The steps required for conversion of kitchen garbage into manure are given below in a

    jumbled form.

    (i) Put garbage in a pit.

    (ii) Cover the bottom of the pit with sand.

    (iii) Cover the pit loosely with a gunny bag or grass.

    (iv) Add worms.

    Which of the following shows the correct sequence of the above steps?

    (a) (ii), (i), (iv), (iii) (b) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

    (c) (ii), (iv), (i), (iii) (d) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)


    (a) The correct sequence of the steps are ii —> i —> iv —> iii.

    This method of making manure from kitchen garbage using worms is called vermicomposting.

    Question 6:

  • Provide the suitable term that expresses the meaning of each of the following statements.

    (a) Greeting cards made from newspaper.

    (b) Contents of the waste bins.

    (c) Worms converting certain kinds of waste into manure.

    (d) An area where a lot of garbage is collected, spread out and covered with soil.


    A suitable term describing/expressing the meaning of the above given statements are as


    (a) Recycling (b) Garbage (c) Vermicomposting (d) Landfill

    Question 7:

    To what use can you put the following kinds of garbage and how?

    (a) Rotting smelly garbage

    (b) Dry leaves collected in a garbage

    (c) Old newspapers Solution:

    (a) Rotting smelly garbage can be converted into compost through composting. The process of

    converting plant and animal waste materials into manure by rotting is called composting. (b)

    Dry leaves collected in a garbage can be used as manure by vermicomposting the method of

    making compost from dry leaves by using red worms is called vermicomposting.

    (c) Old newspapers can be recycled to make paper bags or paper pulp for handicrafts.

    Recycling is the process of changing waste material into new products to reduce waste and


    Question 8:

    Read the poem written below and then answer the questions from the information gathered

    from the book or elsewhere.

    Blue and Green

    Two bins, you mean? Yes, they are there to throw your waste

    But not in a hurry Nor in a haste.

    Select from waste, sieve if seems muddy Separate all items and when they are ready Place in a

    blue bin, or one that is green For a voyage to the landfill, or for composting.

    (a) Name the two kinds of waste that need to be separated from each other in two

    different waste bins.

    (b) Name two items of waste each that need to be sent to a (i) landfill (ii) for composting.


    (a) Two kinds of waste that need to be separated are biodegradable and non-

    biodegradable wastes. The former is part of garbage on which bacteria can act to form

    harmless substances and the latter is part of garbage that cannot rot or decay.

    (b) (i) The part of garbage which cannot be disposed off by other method is dumped in a

    landfill, e.g. Any metal items.

    (ii) The rotted plant and animal waste can be sent for composting. The microorganisms can act

    on these wastes to convert it into manure.

    Question 9:

    Write three sentences on what comes to your mind when you get a chance to see the


    (a) A rag picker

  • (b) A cow eating a polythene bag.

    (c) Foul odour emanating from garbage at the entrance of your house.


    Following things come to our mind when we see:

    (a) A rag picker

    (i) Poor people working due to poverty.

    (ii) He removes the garbage generated by others.

    (iii) He is exposing himself to harmful substances, generated due to toxic waste.

    (b) A cow eating a polythene bag

    (i) Cow is getting exposed to hazardous materials, due to our mistake of using polythene


    (ii) There may be a possibility of polythene choking the animal to death.

    (iii) Incorrect/Improper disposal of polythene by us.

    (c) Foul odour emanating from garbage at the entrance of our house

    (i) There must be a large quantity of waste generated in the house.

    (ii) The waste has made the surroundings unhealthy.

    (iii) Unpleasant sight, the waste is disturbing the beauty of the house.


  • ANNUAL EXAMINATION 2018 – 2019.


    1. How many verses are there in the Mahabharata?

    Ans: - 1, 00,000 (one lac) verses.

    2. How many verses are there in the Ramayana?

    Ans: - Nearly 24,000 (Twenty- four) verses.

    3. What is Panchatantra?

    Ans: - This is the collection of stories for children with useful moral conclusion lesions.

    4. Few points on the Meghaduta.

    Ans: - The Meghaduta was written by Kalidasa. It was in Sanskrit. The story was based on monsoon. Kalidasa

    described the breeze that will carry the cloud north wards as a messenger of love.

    5. Short note on the Tamil epic Manimekalai.

    Ans: - The epic was composed by Sattanar around 1400 years ago. This describes the story of the daughter of

    Kovalan and Madhavi.

    6. Short note on the Tamil epic Silappadikaram.

    Ans:-The epic was composed by Ilango around 1800 years ago. The epic was a love story of a merchant Kovalan

    and Kannagi. Kannagi took revenge due to the injustice held with Kovalan and so she destroyed the whole of


    7. Who was the Nepoleon of India?

    Ans: - Samudragupta.

    8. Who was Vikramaditya?

    Ans: - Chandragupta- II.

    9. Who gave away to new ruling dynasty, the Rashtrakuta?

    Ans: - The Chalukyas.

    10. Name the two dynasties came in power in India after the Pallavas and Chalukyas.

    Ans: - The Rashtrakutas and Cholas.

    11. When did Harshavardhana become the king of Thanesar?

    Ans: - After the death of both of his father and his elder brother.

    12. Who are the rulers who offered Sumudragupta their daughters to marry?

    Ans: - Perhaps the descendents of the Kushanas and Shakas and ruler of Sri Lanka.

  • 13. Name the two jewels of Chandragupta II’s court.

    Ans: - Kalidasa and Aryabhatta.

    14. Mention some ways of earning of the people in rural areas.

    Ans: - Preparing the land. Sowing. Weeding. Harvesting.

    15. How do the fishermen earn for their livelihood during the four months of the monsoon?

    Ans: - The fishermen borrow money from the traders. When they again catch fish , have to sell their fish to the

    traders only. They cannot auction the fish in the market.

    16. Why do the people of Chizami work collectively?

    Ans: - To carry out the farming activities. To clean the mountain side of the weeds.

    17. Mention some problems of Sekar.

    Ans: - Sekar only have only two Acores of land with him. He has to sell the produce first to the money lender at

    lower prices than those market prices. He works in Ramalingam’s rice mill four months. He also rear cattle for

    milk to be sold in the market to earn money.

    18. Why had Thulasi and Raman to sell their cow?

    Ans: - They borrowed money from Ramalingam, when their daughter fell ill for treatment. To return his money

    back they bound to sell their cow.

    19. Some sentences on the work of agriculture.

    Ans: - Paddy is the main crop grown in the agricultural field. Other crops are cotton, sugarcane, plantains, fruits,

    spices etc.

    20. Where is Kalpattu village?

    Ans: - Kalpattu village is situated close to the coast in Tamil Nadu.

    21. What works do the people of this village do?

    Ans: - Farming, Making baskets, utensils, pots, bricks, bullock carts etc.

    22. What types of shops are there in this village?

    Ans: - Tea shops, Grocery shop, Barber shop, Cloth shop, Tailor shop, Fertilizer and seed shop.

    23. What do the four tea shops sell?

    Ans: - Tea and Tiffin. Tiffin in the morning- Idly, Dosa, Upama. Evening- Vadai, Bonda and Mysore pack.

    24. Mention some Ravi, Kharif and Ziad crops of India.

    Ans: - Ravi crops- Wheat, Gram, Mustard, Muttar, Masur etc

    Kharif crops- Rice, Sugarcane, Cotton, Urad etc.

  • Ziad crops – Maize, Jowar, Bajra, Groundnut etc.

    25. Features of Thorny Forest of India.

    Ans: - These forests are found in dry areas. Their leaves are in the form of spines to reduce loss of water.

    The trees are Cactus, Khair, Babool, and Keekar. They are found in states of Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana,

    Eastern slopes of Western Ghats and Gujarat.

    26. Features of Mangrove forests of India.

    Ans: - Mangrove forests thrive in saline water. Roots of the trees are deep under the water. They grow inlands

    near the coast lines in the sub tropical and tropical regions. In India, they are found in Sunderbans in West

    Bengal and parts of the Andaman and Nicobar islands. Sundari is the main tree of the forest.

    27. Mention some important migratory birds.

    Ans: - Pelican, Siberian Crane, Flamingo, Pintail Duck, Curlew etc.

    28. Treate to Natural Vegetation and Wild life.

    Ans: - Habitat destruction, Hunting, Poaching, Over exploitation, Environmental Pollution, Poisoning, forest fire.

    29. What are dunes?

    Ans: - The broad elongated valleys situated in the Himalayas are called dunes.

    30. Define Sub continent.

    Ans: - Sub continent is a big geographical unit which stands distinct from the rest of the continent having all

    the features of a continent.

    31. Mention some major and minor forest products.

    Ans: - Major forest products:- Wood, Bamboos, Rosewood, Sandalwood etc .

    Minor forest products: - Lac, Resins, Gum, Medical herbs, Kattha, Fodder, Tendu leaves, grass etc.

    32. Measures taken to preserve Wildlife.

    Ans: - Hunting and poaching of animals should be banned. Protecting animals in the National parks and Wild

    life Sanctuaries. Maintaining the existing reserves.

    33. Many species of wild life are facing extinction. Why?

    Ans: - Due to deforestation. Hunting and poaching animals. Pollution. Climatic change.

    34. Distinguish between a National Park and a Sanctuary.

    Ans: - A National Park. (a) Wild animals are preserved in their natural setting. (b) The purpose of setting up of

    national parks is to preserve natural vegetation, natural beauty and Wild life.

    Wild life Sanctuaries: - (a) Here endangered species are preserved and developed.(b) The purpose of a

    sanctuary is to preserve endangered animals and birds.

  • 35. Who was Ptolemy?

    Ans: - Ptolemy was the Egyptian geographer who first represented the Earth as a sphere.

    36. What is Yavanas?

    Ans: - The Indian name given to the Greeks and Romans.

    37. Who were Hunas?

    Ans: - A foreign tribe or invaders from Central Asia, who invaded India during the fifth century A.D.

    38. Name the three old regions of Indonesia.

    Ans: - Java, Borneo and Sumatra.

    39. Describe the cattle rearing of the Harappans.

    Ans: - The Harappans reared cattle, sheep, goat, buffaloes. Water and pastures was available around

    settlements. In dry summer animals are taken long distant in search of grass and water.

    40. How environment effect greatly the farming of cereals and rearing of animals?

    Ans: - Environment effects greatly the farming of cereals as different crops grow in different seasons and

    Different animals survive in different season.




    L¡m-La¥ /r¥¢cl¡j hp¤¤

    1) p¢WL Ešl¢V ¢ehÑ¡Qe Ll¡ :

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    U) r¥¢cl¡j-L gy¡¢pl B-cn ¢c-u¢R-me - L¡¢mc¡p hp¤¤ / ¢jx LZÑq¡X / ý-u p¡-qh z

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    L) ""öi¢c-e öim-NÀ hl -p-S L¡m-La¥ -c¡m¡u Qsm z'' --- H¢V -L¡eÚ N-Òfl Awn ? L¡m-La¥ -L ? L¡l p¡-b a¡l ¢h-u q-u¢Rm ? L£i¡-h

    -p ¢h-u L-l Bem ?

    M) ""fª¢bh£-a a¡-cl e¡j qm L¡m-La¥ J g¥õl¡ z'' --- m¡Ce¢V L¡l -mM¡ , -L¡eÚ N-Òfl Awn ? L¡m-La¥ J g¥õl¡ fª¢bh£-a L£i¡-h SeÈ ¢em

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    ¢R-me ?

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    -ØVne , T) mXÑ L¡SÑe , U) ¢jx LZÑq¡X z

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    q-h z

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    P) c£-en l¡u Bl q-le plL¡l z fËg¥õ Q¡L£ J r¥¢cl¡j hp¤¤ z ¢e-S -m-M¡ z

    ¢QlL¥V / h¡h¤

    1z pwrf Ešl c¡J :

    L) ""na -L¡¢V fËZ¡j¡-¿¹ / ýS¥-l ¢e-hce HC ----'' ---L¡l -L¡eÚ L¢ha¡l Awn ? na -L¡¢V fËZ¡j¡-¿¹ ýS¥-ll L¡-R L£ ¢e-hce Ll¡ q-u-R

    pw-r-f a¡ -m-M¡ z

    M) "h¡h¤' L¢ha¡l e¡jLl-Zl p¡bÑLa¡ ¢e-Sl i¡o¡u -m-M¡ z

    N) "" ¢i-V-a q¡a -cu e¡ -ke ''---L¡-cl q¡a ¢i-V-a e¡ -cJu¡l Lb¡ hm¡ q-u-R ? "¢i-V' Lb¡¢Vl AbÑ L£ ? ¢i-V-a q¡a e¡ -cJu¡l Lb¡

    -Le hm¡ q-u-R ?

    O) "" M¡Se¡ Hh¡l j¡f e¡ qm/ SÆm EWh B…e '' --- Evp ¢ecÑn Ll pfËp‰ hÉ¡MÉ¡ mM¡ z

    P) ""h¡h¤ L-l jq¡l¡-N -L¡m¡qm''--- L¡l -L¡eÚ L¢ha¡l Awn ? h¡h¤l -l-N ¢N-u -L¡m¡qm Ll¡l L¡lZ L£ ?

    Ešl pwLa : 1z L) p¤¤L¡¿¹ i–¡Q¡-kÑl -mM¡ "¢QlL¥V' L¢ha¡l Awn z ¢e-S -m-M¡ z

    M) L¢ha¡l f¤-l¡V¡ plm¡bÑ ¢e-Sl i¡o¡u ¢mM-a q-h z

    N) f¡CL hlL¾c¡S-cl Lb¡ z ¢eSü h¡pÙÛ¡e h¡ hpa h¡¢s z ¢e-S -m-M¡ z

    O ) L¡l mM¡ L¡eÚ L¢ha¡l Awn EõM Ll , L¡eÚ fËp‰ Lb¡¢V hm¡ quR p¢V ¢mM pwrf ¢eSl i¡o¡u mM¡ z

  • P) p¤¤L¥j¡l l¡-ul "h¡h¤' L¢ha¡l Awn z ¢e-S -m-M¡ z

    -R-m-cl l¡j¡uZ (¢L¢×LåÉ¡ L¡ä )

    1z pwrf Ešl c¡J :

    L) j¡u¡h£ -L ¢R-me ? M) h¡m£l jªaÉ¥l fl l¡j L¡-L ¢L¢×LåÉ¡l k¤hl¡S L-l¢R-me ? N) -L¡eÚ fhÑa f¡l q-m AÙ¹¡Qm ? O) hªoi fhÑ-a L¡l¡

    h¡p L-l ? P) -L¡eÚ fhÑ-a pÇf¡¢a f¡¢M b¡La ?

    Ešl pwLa :

    L) c¤¾c¥¢i e¡jL c¡ehl hs Rm z M) A‰cL z N) p¤¤jl¦ fhÑa z O) NåhÑl¡ z P) ¢håÉ fhÑa z


    1) ¢ef¡a-e ¢pÜ ülp¢å L¡-L h-m ?

    2) e£Ql në…¢ml p¢å Ll¡ : BcÉ¿¹ , k¡N¾cÊ , e£a£n , djÑ¡djÑ

    3) e£Ql në…¢ml p¢å ¢hµRc Ll¡ : Sm + EµRÅ¡p , ¢qa + Ho£ , p¡d¤ + D , AeÉ + AeÉ z

    4) ¢m‰ L¡L hm ?

    5) ¢m‰ f¢lhaÑe Ll¡ : j¡lN , ju§l , AS , ch

    6) cm ¢hnÔoZ L-l¡ :

    ¢e-h¢ca¡ , p¤¤je

    7) hZÑ ¢h-nÔoZ L-l¡ :

    ASNl , L¡P¡m z

    8) e£Ql h¡LÉ…¢m h¡LÉNWel naÑ jeR ¢Le¡ a¡ mM¡ :

    L) l¡j i¡-m¡ M) h-e j¡R b¡-L z

    9) hQe Lu fËL¡l J L£ L£ ?

    10) p§kÑ , Q¾cÊ --- -L¡eÚ f¤l¦-ol Ec¡qlZ z

    11) L¡lL J ¢hi¢š² ¢eZÑu Ll¡ z

    L) h¡h¡ h¡¢s B-Re z

    M) L¥L¥-ll -mS z

    12 ) ¢hfl£a në -m-M¡ : ÙÛ¡hl , p¤¤l

    13) fË¢anë -m-M¡ : f¡¢M z

    Ešl pwLa :

    1) ¢e-S -m-M¡ z

    2) B¢c + A¿¹ , -k¡N + C¾cÊ , e£¢a + Dn , djÑ + AdjÑ

    3) S-m¡µRÅ¡p , ¢q°ao£ , p¡dÆ£ , AeÉ¡eÉ

    4) ¢e-S -m-M¡ z

    5) j¤l¢N , ju§l£ , AS¡ , -ch£

    6) ¢e-h¢ca¡ = ¢e --h- ¢c - a¡ ( 4 ¢V cm )

    p¤¤je =p¤¤ - je ( 2¢V cm )

    7) ASNl= A + SÚ + AÚ+ NÚ+ A + lÚ + A

    L¡P¡m = LÚ + B + PÚ+ B + mÚ + A

    8 )

    L) l¡j i¡-m¡= naÑ j¡-e ¢e z (BL¡´M¡ l£¢a )

    M) h-e j¡R b¡-L z= naÑ j¡-e ¢e z (h¡-LÉl -k¡NÉa¡ l£¢a )

    9) ¢e-S -m-M¡ z

    10)fËbj f¤l¦o

    11) L) LaÑ« L¡lL "n§eÉ' ¢hi¢š², M) pðå fc "Hl' ¢hi¢š² z 12) S‰j , Ap¤¤l z 13) fr£ , MQl
