saturday, january 19,1910 where to dine many are cussed f 15/brooklyn...

„ <•*. \ vV"V-*» #'1 SsjRP " ' ' rar? su *» DAILY STAR Saturday, January 19,1910 Hi WHERE to DINE CHALET tlKIUGK ri.A/.A I., t. Tel. Aetorlat 444 crrr Sunday, January 20, 1918 DINNER S mno.n'. Oy-,ur> on Hitf Shall RELItHCS Quean OI.«», Tail!* ©alary mm Pure- sf Qrten Split Peal a >« HanfroN* Ch^eer Oum»>o FISH . PUtt of Sole, a u i Win Oianc unM Swe.U>re*d a la Prwi ROMTI KaM Crollod Spnna Ctlicaan Rent Ffeeri L*4n Her* Raul Prima RIB, at Reef Ml Jut VBOCTABLBB •re»n Pea, Waul Ma* ••Had or BUined Pot***** DESERT* Ice Cr»:m Are-la Fritters Pound Cake Preserved Paari State MANY ARE CUSSED AS HEW OFFICERS OF SPANISH WAR VETS Malcolm A. Rafferty Tump of the Spanish War Veterans installed its new officers Thursday night, an follows: Comm'i<mier. W. G. Lowe; senior vice-commander, H. Pchaefer: Junior vice-commander. William Llmlmck; adjutant, Charles Luts: fiunrtermaster. J. Leva; chaplain, J. Kuhl: officer of the day, F- Kowul; officer of the guard, D. Furlong; surgeon, Dr. 8. A. Marshall; trustee, F. Sluka; color sergeant, H. Lefferts; second color sergeant, Charles Phillips', patriotic Instructor, A. Brynes. The local hoards for Division 171. with headquarters In the Clay bulld- j ing, Ix>ng Islrtnd City, and 174, jprith I headquarters In Public 'School 11, i Woodside, have sent to The Star a i list of men who hnvc not returned . their questionnaires and have been I classed as delinquents, ' The Star has been- asked to publish ] these lists. Those in Division 171 are : all of Long Island City, unless othcr- I wise specified: ; The names follow: ', Division 171. Arch M. Leoa, 85 Third street. Allen O'Brien, 326 Crescent street. Sam Motso, 250 Academy street. * Frank Manguino, 59 Seventh street. Raffaele Erbussetti, 56 Third street. James P. Anderson, c. o. Ship "Annie E- Conlow," Fast river. Herman Wllhelmsen, foot of Division street. Michael Suttrian. 61 Seventh street, j Joyeph Paruna, 387 Jackson avenue. I Carl Schwartz, 295 Jackson avenue. Domenico Sclroli, 416 Vernon avenue, i Tony Bhaur, 74 Fifth street. To Aid Hebrew School. Wait for the BIGGEST BALL IN TOWN, in aid of the First He- brew School of Astoria. It will be held at the Astoria Schuetzert Park, Broadway and Steinway Avenues, on February 12th, Lincoln's "Birth- day Night. Music by Professor S. Berger. Many professional artists have volunteered to give their ser- vices on this occasion. There wiH be a drawing for material for a navy blue chiffon velvet dress and five yards taupe cbamouse. The articles will be on display at S.Wigod's, 186 Main street, Astoria. Tickets 25c. each. Hat checks 2J>v. each. 19-2l-22d f Hfrn jfr •» i i%ajm . ay* w %%•>• %»JM IWJJVU «fri. H f t i i i y , ! , ! ! V»"j1ft" ^ PUBLIC LECTURES HERE NEXT WEEK COURSE TO OPEN MONDAY NIGHT WITH TALK ON OUR DUTY IN THE WAR. GIVES SERVICE FUG ' TO DEMOCRATIC CLUB Charles F. Ltchtenberger, better known to his friends as "Dr. Charlie." has presented the Democratic Club of Astoria, Grand and Crescent streets, with a service flag, in honor of the members of the club who are in the service. The flag contains 14 stars. The honor of raising the flag fell to I Charles W. Pagan of 91 Monson street, Astoria, who at present Is naval in- | spector of construction work at "uth i street, South Brooklyn. LINCOLN SOCIAL CLUB TO RAISE 8ERVICE FLAG The Lincoln Social Club of Long Island City, will raise a service flag on bers in the arniy and navy. Ins IBP lowing members of the club are with the colors: P. McNally. W. O'Brien, M. Clarke, D. June, J. Scott, F. Rlgney, V. Holl- ran, W. Hollran. S. Whlttaker D. Slattery, J. Sweeney, J. Rafferty, W. Connors, G. O'Dowd, R. Costello, T, Burke. M. Coffey, J. Murray, F. Leahey, V, O'Dowd. H. Reltly, G. Casteline. J. Raul, J- Thomas, H, Leonard, W. Hicks. , Thompson Hughes. 130 Seventh street. James Smith. 357 Webster avenue. Hugo Elo, c. o. Standard Oil Co., foot of Division street. William Brady, 193 Radde street. John J. Hayes, 248 William street. William Hagans, 55 Fifth street. Robert Auselm, 35 Prospect street. Pannaeuone Modeste, 64 Fourth street. I'go Azzolina. 117 Seventh street- Friedrich Jurges, lnwood Country Club, Xassuu county. Tony Souforio. 564 Vernon avenue. Pietro De Amore, 6 Marion street. Charles Xadleu. 160 Eighth avenue. Fred Forstner, Borden and Vernon avenues. Frank Zeisel, 30#Sunswick street. August Koepke, 250 Jackson avenue. Charles Johnson. 9 Skillman avenue, Carl Mona, 66 Vernon avenue. George Minde, 125 Third street, Paul Bovasge, 123 Seventh street. • Louis Dunwald. 171 First avenue. Stephen Chemenlsky, 387 Jackson avenue. George Mulinowskl. 12 Dutch Kills street. George Hassinger. c. o. Clyde S. S. Co , Pier 37, X. R. Willard Parker Read. 126 Twelfth street. Michael Farrell. Borden and Vernon avenues. Carlo Zublena. 436 Hamilton street. Ml KEEP YOUR TEETH CLEAN m A ah** tees*, sewer atony*. Tour •J teats should fc* afe-tnrd asal aoale.l •a** yearly. m Warsar aftea renae* rnAaawd suae and •J leoaa tart" " ' Py»TTti<s, loose tarta, layte( tb* fowuCtiau for df rnanntl:.' autna often attack them Tl selves in *nl»e nf regular eTuaTrm Call and have fham »rnor«l. Pr <• 11.00. 1M TWI flllll V H Nat I I E I MERE Dr. Anthony B. Jurka SURGEON DENTIST 601 STEINWAY AVENUE Cor. FlutMftfAve. Astoria, L. 1. S •^•jpBaraWlBa eB#*BBBjwjB^ M l OPFHM HOURS: TaaS. « — •USaBJu M NOUttgi • A. M. to • P. M. « Tfam. • A. SI. to • •>. m. ft • to 1 t A. • . Thomas Jaffsrson to ba tha Subjaet at Bryant High Thursday Night— Othtr Subjects of Interest to ba Traatsd. DISSOLUTION SALE : The Original Wigod Store is at No. 186 Main Street, Astoria NO CONNECTION WITH ANY v OTHEJt STORE IN LONG ISLAND CITY aCT. Xicholas Dandy, 27 Hobson avenue,, laurel Hill. James 3. Virgilio. 141 45tl\ street. Corona. Oscar Pollorne. 53th street and Jackson avenue. Long I.HUIIKI City. Joseph Vintruski, Old Bowery Bay road. Woodside- Next week's public lecture course , I will open Monday night with a lecture ! on War and Vour Duty to Tour Coun- I tr>," by Col. Edwin A. Havers, at P. ' S. Xo. 6, Steinway avenue, near Broad- | way. Long Island City. At Bryant high school Thursday \ night Samuel W. Patteispn will lec- I uu-e on "Thomas Jefferson." and the I same night Albert G. Crawford will j give a lecture on "Folk Songs of France" at Good Templars' hall, I Springfield. near Higbie avenue. ' Springfield. "Five Months' Experience With the ; British Armies" Is the title of a lee- j ture to be given by Mrs. Elisabeth | Ten Per Cent Cash Discount with every Dollar's Worth '•'*»•, of Goods purchased at this store. I am* very thankful to my friends and patrons for their kind recognition up Ho the present time, and I hope the same relations will continue. Your Friend, SAMUEL WIGOD, 186 Main Street, Astoria l»-22d <•_ mm/U*m*lk RHHJJIMJRV* ' «»*PW l»*V ' " » • " A 1 ' ' " »i"wJasU'~M"*Tp|r"' M »«%'» " • ' *&**Ml Eugene Muntz. Long Island City. James Knight, Woodside. William Brady. 256 nue, Long Inland City. Christian Schwarz, 142 Young street, 1 Eighth street. Skillman ave- Luurel Hill Hutchinson Friday night at P. S. No. ! 40, Pacific and Cnlon Hall streets. Ja- > This is an interesting account i of Mrs. Hutchinson's own adventures. i Mrs. Curl! Lennborn Smith will give ! her lecture. "Grelg's Second Peer Gynt I Suite and Scandinavian Folk Music," I Monday night at P. S. No. 88, Catalpa I avenue and Fresh Pond road. Ridge- I wood Heights. Miss Orace Hofhelmer will preside at the piano and Mrs. , , , . ,,. . ^ ! Smith will sing some of Grieg's selec- «'">ehow my pen and I seemed to be tiortB. "Ready For France," Write* Raymond McGuigan From Camp Wads worth To the Editor of The Star: Sir:—Many tim«a 1 have decided to write a few lines to your paper, but In bis course on "Great Statesmen" place, I 'it the Ncv.- York parental school. .la- | tonight a miracle must have occurred. i boulevard, Winfleld. I AVIllUnn Lr.nge. Sehroeder Woodside. < j malca avenue. Flushing, Saturday Harry K'ahn. Third street near Long ! night. Dr. Thomas Mc.Tlernan will con- ; Island Railroad Woodside. j *J«w 'Lincoln, the Saviour of the Andrew Dekgren. l'Jl Montgomery : Country." ! avenue, Laurel Hill. strangers and 1 could not coax myself into u letter-writing mood. However, On Sunday evening, January 27, the Rev. Preston F. Strauss will preach the first of a series of 12 sermons on "The World's Only Job/' These ser- mons will be a discussion on the differ- ence between civilization and Chris- tianity. WATCH FOR THE GREAT YEARLY 1-CENT REXALL SALE THUR80AY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 25, M, AT NEUMANN'S PHARMACY. 171 PULTON AVIUM. Aflsnt for Liggstt, Riksr, Hegeman. TM. M7 Aaterto. Oat Atfmlntttor**. DR.A. R.ALLEN DR.W. M. 6UENSCH DENTISTS 3BS •ROADWAY. ASTORIA. At th* Stmt A»a. " U " 1 " u, "r-- i-Tiiin Fmll Fug, Boat "Ark Light," c. "o".""" O'Brien Bros.. 80 South street. N. Y. I City. | Rocco Nicola. Carbonella. 78 West | avenue. Bernard Restino, 568 Hamilton j street. . ; Elliott Naah, 58 Third street. | Tomenico Domenico, «i»3 P.tvntar avenue. Frank Suckoskt, Old Bowery Bay road. Woodside. Kdward Carstens. 120 43rd street, Corona. Joseph Kelly. 8r, Clay street. Creen- Woodside. James J. Clifford nue. Corona, Michael Dewviss. 104 Pearsall street. Long Island City. Kugene Dominick Tlvinan street. Long Island City. Daniel Brown, ins 50th street, j Corona. Emil Makka, Jackson avenue, C o - [ Mrs, Katharine Johnson Ashe will give a talk on ."Mid-Summer Night's 'Dream" Wednesday night ;tt P. C. Xo. 58, Walker and Beaufort avenues, Woodhaven. The program for the week follows: Monday. 145 Alburtis ave- 55 Hulst rona- ?4 Biadley ave- Montgomery | Patrick Peter Boylan, Madden street ! I and Jackson avenue. Long Inland City. | ' Kosctanty Dobies. 67 Greeniwint ave- I i nue. Long Island City. Rudolf Prlmosch, I nue, Long Island City. | Hugh McFadden, 158 | avenue. Laurel Hill. Wlawdystaw Jankiewre, 122 Mont- ! gomery avenue, I^aurel Hill. j Donato Goeambo, 23 Sixth street. ; Elmhurst. Flushing j Robert G. Savage. 2.16 25th street. 1 Klmhurst, * Peter Kvatyrza, 130 Hobson avenue. Laurel Hill. Noun t to • Banr. Tuewtty and ThunMaj until • P. M. Sundsf Marnlnat. Aalfttf DR. S. P. RATHER SURGEON DENTIST 369 STEINWAY AJ/ENUt, DPiir Ttr*>ndw«? (ipfn "T"iiltle»: ri'swniiMo charges; ilmg« anrl c»» «ftminl»'?Ti>tl for tlw i«l"tf"i rstraotlnn of tMlh. REILLY'S HAIR TORIC REMOVES DANDRUFF anS brlnat haek tnat natural, ImuriaM, radium hair all atmliw PRIOK BO OBNTS REILLY'S DRUG STORE •1 Pluthlnt A*a., eoemr at Hallau S««aal ASTORIA, L. I. OITV. KNIGHTS TRAININ6 FOR MEDLEY RELAY RABV 0ARRIAQB8. OO-OARTS ARP SULKIBB IlKrOHK BtrTWO *fwt for our «ta)o«na of ban* '••rrtagca W rtwnr niwt arw thraa. Baby rarrlata* «ii'""'»'-<1 tett $2 to I I S IM 'hin any otbar nor*. Spkciai for oiw atanili <-oly, UNIVERSAL BABY CARRIAGE STORE AND REPAIR SHOP aSS BTBINWAV »V„ T«l. 1SM Aatorlt Ro. 171 FULTON AW., ASTORIA, L. I. MATTHEWS' $1.00 & $1.50 HAT STORES rMTHWITt. gl WWAItH IT, WW TIM Anton Ralnos, 308 Jackson avenue. David Levy, 274 Kly avenue. Joseph Marnuart, 89 Third street. Harry Benthan, 164 Nott avenue. John Vylnlus, 281 Jackson avenue Charles Francis Tobln. 13!) Jackson avenue. Raffaele Larusso. 75 Payntar avenue. Araso Santo Rosarino, c. o, Fitzpat- rick Contracting Co., Corona. Harold Carlton, V. M. C. A. Joseph N'edved, 237 William street. Charles Horwitz, 142 Jackson ave- nue, Frederick Meier. 100 street. Constantlne Zolewskl, 328 Jackson avenue. John Steen, Pigeon and Front street. Paul M. Ounther, 100 Flushing street. Aspldio Bernardo, 768 Vernon avenue. Harold Merry, 186 F.iglnli street Michel© Agostino, 109 Eighth street. Michel© Agostino, 109 Eighth street. Charles Desher, 283 Jackson avenue. Frank Lopetoda, 165 William street. Hugh Coyle. 166 Nott avenue. Steven Cavello, 86 Wilbur avenue. Delancey N. Horan, 106 Twelfth street. Nleholns Agostino. 62 Fifth street. Angelo Savene, 69 Seventh street. John William Hosford, 62 William street- Frank Karsten, 19 Borden avenue. Stephen Palestolt, 41 Pun'is street. Raymond Johnson, 326 Crescent street. Joseph Vacb, 83 Crescent street. David Olasscr, 237 William street. Cronzo Fasono, 57 Borden avenue. Joseph Patscher, 99 Borden avenue. Clement Restonla. 98 Washington avenue- Max F. Balzer, 169 Eleventh street. Pear William Pearson, 165 Academy- street. Adam Hut*. 288 Jackson avenue. Joseph Malinalr, 13" Seventh street. John Zolewski, 328 Jackson avenue. % Martin Mulllns, 255 Second avenue. Ernest Westone. 42 (12) Wilbur avenue. John N. C. Brlggs, 39 Wilbur avenue. Guiseppe Orieco, 167 Sherman street. Ralph Russo, 39 Academy street. Oulseppe Abboterola. 82 Graham avenue. Andrew McGowan, 55 Ninth street. Vincent O'Rourke, 130 Beebee ave- nue. Niooia Mosci, 211 Webster avenue. Claude Curton, 237 Jackson avenue. Edwin Bertram Johnson, 1«» J have found the address of my friend's Twelfth street- mother and that you have made friends Broadway. Long Island City—Col. Kd- Wta A. Havers, "War and Your Duty to Your Ceuntry." Colored stereoptl- con views. P. S. No. 88, Catalpa avenue and Fresh Pond road, Ridgewood Heights Mr*. ^ur|i lennborn Smith, "Grieg's Second Peer Cynt Suite and Scandi- navian Folk Music." Illustrated by songs by Mrs. Smilh and piano selec- tions by Miss Grace Hofhelmer, Wednesday. 58. Walker and Beaufort as I feel as if I could make my row reconciled "Waterman" dash off a novel. Perhaps it's conditions that t have to thank, as I have just finished post- ing my sentry relief, our company be- ing on regimental guard, and as T place my girl (rifle) in the rifle rack.. I give a sigh of relief as I have Just finished a stup'endoua task of plodding through thick, slimy Carolina mud. ou ever had the misfortune RllSllgJI m m ' P. S No. avenues, Worfohaven—Mrs. Katharine Johnson Ashe, "Mid-Summer Night's Dream," Thursday. Bryant high school, Wilbur avenue and Academy street, Long Island City —Samuel W. l*Rtte.;-son, Ph. D., "Thomas Jefferson." Good Templars' hall, SpVlnBfl. Id ave- nue, near Higbie. Springfield—Albert G. Crawford. "Kolk Songs of France." Illustrated by vocal and instrumental music. Friday. P. ft No. 40, Pacific and Cnion Hall streets. Jamaica—Mrs. Elizabeth Hut- chinson. "Five Months' .Experience With the British Armies." Saturday. cular state after a series of rain and hail storms, you will sympathize with me. But I am getting away from the in- tended subject. What I Wish to n«y Is, after a diligent 15-minutes hard Wfcor of scraping the now caked clay oft my j person I sat myself on the edge of my springless cot and somehow my thoughts soared from my body and before I realized It I was thinking of Green point and my mind painted an imaginative picture, and I could plain- ly see the old landmarks and familiar facet of not so long ago. I wondered if many of the fellows had heeded the call, and somehow or other I became Impressed with the thought that all that could answered Uncle Sam, and Greenpoint must now resemble Goldsmith's "Deserted Vil- lage." So I decided to write and Jet those back home who have someone In the 106th regiment know that all the Greenpoint fellows I have come in touch with are feeling fine and all Im- bued with the same spirit, a spirit of patriotism- and sacrifice. We are all ready to go "over there" and wait only the command. Our training has been no child's play, but It has made us better men, both mor- ally and physically, and the arctic weather which seems to have adapted itself to this part of the "Sunny South" way of "doing her bit," for nothing has hardened us like the zero-like weather. I believe that when peace once more relgna St will be hard for me to sleep In any place except a cold storage plant. I guess I am infringing too much on your time, so 1 close with a few per- sonals of Greenpoint boys. Thahklr.a; you for the time you have given in reading this, I am, Very truly yours, Raymond A. McGuigan, Company A, 106th Infantry, Camp Wadeworth. s. C. COMING EVENTS Nottatw in tht* Mlumn |14t per *mM Hr not over HVB line*. Free to Mtrene of Jofc Department Saturday HI«M. January 1B—Ram Danea at th* Lone Inland City Athktira »t tttrlr >-Inb hoaaa. Ill Tbirtr.iith avenue. Loos bland fity. Saturday Btranln*. January IS—Anneal Ball of the Thot. K. Itugen Ataoriatlnn. at Vnlkart'd Ball, 368 Prsanert (treat, Lone laland City. Saturday tvtnlnf, January IS -Second Moneter Cabaret and Ball of The Beya FVom lleToe'e, at HrtMnier'e Hall, oornar Broadway and Seventh •venue, 1/ong Ialand City. Tnurtdsy, January I d — A Xe* England Sapper will be K-nwJ by tha Ladlea' AW Society at th» Pint Methodiat Kniarnpal Church, corner Tempi* atreet and tlie Creaeant. PrIdM B.anlnt, January IB—ItoTle Rail ot tin Kxnibitor* Aaaociatlon at Queer. County, Schaetjau Park, Broadway and Stainway arenoe. Aatutia. L. I. Saturday gyanlef. January SS—Que na CnunnF Rar Aaaod.tlnn'i Animal Dinner at the Bote' Btltmore, Xt-w llatliaon avenue. Tork City. Wadsaiday Bvenlna. Janui •»."rd atreet and SS—Kuchre «nt Happy Mother Receives Word That Son and Daughter's Sweetheart Got Medals in France A proud mother, if there Is one In Greenpoint today. Is Mrs. Jantzen Of 122 Noble street. She received word recently that her son, 3, B- Jantzen, with the First En- gineers Regiment "somewhere In France" was one of those who received medals from the French for gallantry under Are. Mrs. Jsmtzen's daughter's sweet- heart, Thomas H. Benson, who is with Knights of St Antony athletes are In training for the various Indoor meets scheduled around New York during the balance of the Indoor season, and In particular for the many relays. Sprinters and middle distancers are trying for the big medley team that Will carry the blue find white at the Mlllrose games, and also the match j relay medley race with Loughlin L y - t eetlm at the 47th regiment armory I Saturday evening, February 23, j This latter event should cause some ' great excitement, and although both ' teams are badly crippled due to the i War it Is expected to be a notable race, | Pete Waters is relying on O'BflJen [ Kimball, Milne, McDonald or Hauser, | to do most of the running and with | some new material on his hands, win ; round out a big team, while the : Knights who have been always strong | on medley relays are out with Ban- fleld, McAuley. Reflly. Hutchison, Blush, Johnston and IA Rose. avenue. Flushing—Dr. Thomas Mc- Tlernan, "Llncoin, the Saviour of the Country." * Is hung in the window of the present home of the Jantzena on Noble street. Yesterday was a happy one tor Miss Henrietta Jantzen. who Is engaged to Private Benson, for the postman, "smiling Chris" Gorman, brought a stack of mail, the addresses on the let- ters being in a handwriting familiar to the girl. Writing to his mother young Jant- xen aays: . "Wejl mother, you can say the U. S. ! A. is malting a man of me. You can the same regiment, enlisted from the New York Parental school, Jamaica fjantgen heme when the family lived on Kckford street. He also received a oee that by the photo I am sending medal, according to word that reached you, I »m Jn the J. M. C. A. and It 18 Mrs. Jantsen. ' ' 1?:S0 and I'm going In for a swim so A service Wreath, bearing two stars, I must close." Net Like Her to Be Still. "1« your \»lfe llf'.ne «lll!" "Sm iink-M ah.. I n * eha,taj*d het »ode of life within the last fi-w hoora." B ARRIRSTM'S STORAGE WlQEIInlitK _ WAREHOUSES, Thuradty Kyarilse. January SI—Grand Con- cert. Bu.-hrc. Bridie and Oance for the benaflt af At. John'a Long Ialand t':ty Heapital. nnder tha arjaplcea of the Aid «or!»ty at the WaJdorf- Aatola. Fiftli aveno* and S4th atraat. Saw York. Friday Kvanlne. February '1—Charity hall and entariatnraant under auaplcea ot Queen* Borousb Lfdsr. lie. S7A. B. P. O. B. at Ba'm O.rilen. •6th atraat near Lexington avenue. New f t r % Saturday, February t - - M inure! Bliow and !!» eaptbm cf Knterpr:»c> L o d w , So, 22s. K, of P. at Lint'a Aituria Nchuctsen Park, comminiotat- ing 32nd A.mlveraart. 17-2 Saturday tvenlnt. February S—Winfleld <Htl- len'a and Taxpayer'* Anbcbttion annual onte-- taimnent and receiitkm flvrn a* Knhu'a Hall. Forrest avenue, WuiHeld. h. I. Net proceed* to be donated to St. John's llisuftel. Saturday Nlflht, PaKrurry S—Te nide Tvn* Barn Ddnce sbee by the Havenawood Social Club, Inf., at Former Bettfncer's Ram. Broadway tjine and Seventh avenue. I.ont Island City. Saturday Kvaninf, Fearuary •—rtrand Annual Btll or iUnn Pytbaaocu 60t, Foreatcia <A Anuria* and FTtda ef tmx Island Cttt Clrc'* 3BB, Conpanlon* of the Forest, at Voltert'a MqlL ProsDKt street, between Saab* and Fraetnin trenue. Lout Maud City. Baturda* gesnlnf, Fabruary Sta—Sa-enth Grand Annnal Carnfral. Ckbaret and Ban ttrtder sn*pl-*e of Lent Maud Lode* S*. 483, Leysl Order of Moos*, at Schuetien Park, Broadway and •ttlnwes-. ivenue Lon-- Island Itty. ' Mandat BtsMtns, February 11—Grand Barn Dane* under auspices of tha Ttoly Name Society of St. Bit*'* Church at Hettinger's Halt. Broad- way and Seventh avenue. L. I. CRT. . Wee day CswnlnS, F * * » w y 11—Yovmt Ladles Sodality of Oar Lady of Borrow* Chnrrh. at. t h * Parish Hall, 4*th atreet, bear Polk aeenne. Corona, will present the the** act comedy "It Pay* to Advertl**," Llsaeln's •IrUMsay I**.. Fattruary 11—Annual Smoker of th* «lm "K" Social Ciub at U'CooutU'S Hall. 30ft Elm atreet, Astoria. Llsaeln's Birthday Mhjht, Fakeusr* tif— Grand Annnal Concert and Ball of th* First Astoria Hebrew School at Astoria Settacttea " Broadway. Astoria. =S= MAM OFFICE, 14U50MEDMWTAVL BRAROM OFFI0B. «t RtJBSBI.1. «T. •ROOKLYN. i ALWAYS WHi RE HEALTHY IHFRAHCE, SAYS TUCKEH In a letter which his mother re- ceived yesterday. Bernard Tucker of 111 Huron street declared he's "healthy and happy and a1m*ays will be so long as 1 am in France." 1 am glad" he Writes, "that you M f t . SST e*»n«J» PAORIRO ABB BrirPPIBB. LMMBSBO PIAMO BMVIRS Base Vans far Uas BBS BRIM. TiisaRini' 1BBB. mm. CNnSBEND BYVACUUM THE "BUNCH" AT CAW WA0SW0RTH ,, «LL0.L M ' i | To the Editor of The Star: Private Walter Duffy la one of the i Greenpoint boys now with" the colors. I Dugy is a member of Co, A., lotth i infantry, having enlisted last July in ! the 23rd New York Infantry which la j now the 10«th. Other Qveenpointere who are with j the 27th division at Camp WAdsworth i are: Sergeant Fgan, now in the officers | training school. Privates Kelson, Kir- wan, O'Keefe. Siorn, Callaran, Bulger pnd Oalvln of Co. A, 10«th infantry, Corporal O'Connor, Co. P., lOJth In- fantry, and Pht Kerrigan. They are all O. K. and send best of regards tor their friends. One of Them. INDUSTRIAL LEAQUE MEN AT SAUERKRAUT 8PRBAP Park, Steinway svasu* and Ttoketa SS oents. 101*12 TOYS! J OTS! GREENFIELD'S get. 8'w*v A Jams.cs Avs^ L. I. CITY m 8TEINWAY AVENUE, William Herbert Pound. 139 Twelfth I street. I Anthony Rossi. 164 Sixth street. Albert Thomas Duffy, 84B Jackson avenue. Giovanni Ballino, 27 Payntar avenue. James Dallavy, fit Hunterapoint avenue. Joseph Hemaon, 287 Jakson avenue. Philip Schaorf, 69 Wilbur avenue. Giovanni Delonzo, 112 Jackson ave- nbe. James Del Grudiee. 89 Eighth atreet. Alex Ssroka, 90 Crescent street. oivJsiorTm. Frank Tubich. 67 Pearsall street. Long Island City. Peter Lavanoueski, 118 Pearsall A street, Long Island City. with her. He is a good friend of mine but I am not In the same company any more but I am not away from hire. We meet each week. I suppose it must he cold borne and snowy. P. 8—Tell all the boys at Lindsay's corner that I asked about them and tell them to think of me on Friday night "big night." He also asks to be remembered to vsriotis friends mentioned by name In the letter. Self Nsss *««•*• Only SB S4). Jack Cross, an old-time member of the Congress Alumni, the organisation formed at the Greenpoint Y. M. C. A. many years ago. will speak >tt t h e men's meeting In the lobby of the local association building tomorrow afternooaj ^ Si^ 4 S£eT£ ?SS!SIi ' ::5 * * y i tsesdsed >•**» lb**** fQSWSstrVS f M ^ SIS •erW*SiW ^^srp frt HiH**» _ ..fa*. s^ii*i-BBa_ <*•*********« 9w ^WWWgwy> Aiy • • • st^y %m BjNr^t* w^^mm m mwn mmmmn mm m tm m mm "LONG 18LAMD VAOtJUM CTLEAKIHO 0 0 . TstABRSfva, wM Astoria OF'ICE. 2S2 E L M iTRfET, LONG ISLAND CITY.' 6REERP0IHT WEMRsflS. Woeeener—Oeedenough. Matthias Woessner of 99 Eagle street and Miss Gertrude F. Good- enough of 710 Leonard street, were united in marriage last Saturday eve- ning at the parsonage, 146 Meserole avenue, by the Rev. P. W. Oswald of St. John's Lutheran Church. Miss Edith A. Moore was brides- maid and Anthony R. Degnan best man. Member: of the Industrial Fellow- ship League enjoyed a sauerkraut fes- tival on Thursday night at the Grgen- point Y. M. C, A. The organisation- Is composed of men who are engage! In wolfare work under the auspices of the Y. M, dSA. In'various Greenpoint fac- tories The officers of the league are: Arthur Howsrth, president; Eugene Smith, vice-president; William Rons, tary and H. Rattke. treasurer. REVERE HOUSE M. SMITH 11 Borden Ave. tMm art LLIS^HI n i l H i m m Pssst 4. PrRSSAL, RELIABLE UPHOLSTfRISR Furniture, tile Covers BfBl MastPSBBSB. A 399 Btslaway AYS., L. 1 Oity Underhill— Hansen. The very pretty wedding of Miss Ingrat Hanson to William W. Under- hill took place at the home of the bride, 125 P-dsiill street. Glendale, on Satur- day evening. January 13, at 8 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. R. Oreenwood of the Noble Street Presbyterian Church of which Mr. UnderhlH Is a well known member. Mr, Underbill enlisted in the service of our country In July, 1917, and has been abroad on one trip. He will shortly sail again for foreign ports. _ •BBM Coke may be obtained in One Bushel Lots at 20 Cents per bushel at the corner of Vernon and Freeman Avenues. Long Island City. Not more than one bushel to each cus- tomer. Customer must bring bag and carry it away. NEW AMSTERDAM GAS CO. FORD C M S , PARTS, SERVICE COMPLETE STOCK PARTS HONEST, RELIABLE WORK STANDARD FORD PRICES CHATFIELD'S GARAGE St£ g Corona,l. 1. 'stint Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: Saturday, January 19,1910 WHERE to DINE MANY ARE CUSSED f 15/Brooklyn NY Daily Star/Brooklyn NY … · DISSOLUTION SALE : The Original Wigod Store is

„ <•*. \ vV"V-*» #'1

SsjRP " ' '

rar? su *» DAILY STAR Saturday, January 19,1910



t l K I U G K r i . A / . A I . , t . T e l . Aetorlat 444 crrr

Sunday, January 20, 1918 D I N N E R

S mno.n'. Oy-,ur> on Hi t f Shall R E L I t H C S

Quean OI.«», Tail!* ©alary

m m Pure- sf Qrten Split Peal a >« HanfroN*

Ch^eer Oum»>o F ISH

. PUtt of Sole, au i Win Oianc

u n M Swe.U>re*d a la P r w i

R O M T I KaM Crollod Spnna Ctlicaan

R e n t Ffeeri L*4n o» Her* R a u l Prima RIB, at Reef Ml Jut

VBOCTABLBB • re»n Pea, Waul M a *

• • H a d or BUined Pot***** D E S E R T *

Ice Cr»:m Are-la Fritters Pound Cake Preserved Paari

S ta te



Malcolm A. Rafferty Tump of the Spanish War Veterans installed its new officers Thursday night, an follows:

Comm'i<mier. W. G. Lowe; senior vice-commander, H. Pchaefer: Junior vice-commander. Will iam Llmlmck; adjutant, Charles Luts: fiunrtermaster. J. Leva; chaplain, J. Kuhl: officer of the day, F- Kowul; officer of the guard, D. Furlong; surgeon, Dr. 8. A. Marshall; trustee, F. Sluka; color sergeant, H. Lefferts; second color sergeant, Charles Phillips', patriotic Instructor, A. Brynes.

The local hoards for Division 171. with headquarters In the Clay bulld-

j ing, Ix>ng Islrtnd City, and 174, jprith I headquarters In Public 'School 11, i Woodside, have sent to The Star a i list of men who hnvc not returned . their quest ionnaires and have been I classed as delinquents, ' The Star has been- asked to publish ] these lists. Those in Division 171 are : all of Long Is land City, unless othcr-I wise specified: ; The names follow: ', Division 171.

Arch M. Leoa, 85 Third street. Allen O'Brien, 326 Crescent street. S a m Motso, 250 Academy street. * Frank Manguino, 59 Seventh street. Raffaele Erbussett i , 56 Third street. James P. Anderson, c. o. Ship

"Annie E- Conlow," F a s t river. Herman Wllhe lmsen, foot of Divis ion

street. Michael Suttrian. 61 Seventh street , j Joyeph Paruna, 387 Jackson avenue. I Carl Schwartz , 295 Jackson avenue . Domenico Sclroli, 416 Vernon avenue, i Tony Bhaur, 74 Fifth street.

To Aid Hebrew School.

Wait for the BIGGEST BALL IN TOWN, in aid of the First He­brew School of Astoria. It will be held at the Astoria Schuetzert Park, Broadway and Steinway Avenues, on February 12th, Lincoln's "Birth­day Night. Music by Professor S. Berger. Many professional artists have volunteered to give their ser­vices on this occasion. There wiH be a drawing for material for a navy blue chiffon velvet dress and five yards taupe cbamouse. The articles will be on display at S.Wigod's, 186 Main street, Astoria. Tickets 25c. each. Hat checks 2J>v. each.


f Hfrn j f r •» i i%ajm . ay* w %%•>• %»JM IWJJVU « f r i . H f t i i i y , ! , ! ! V » " j 1 f t " ^






Charles F. Ltchtenberger, better known to his friends a s "Dr. Charlie." has presented the Democratic Club of Astoria, Grand and Crescent streets, with a service flag, in honor of the members of the club who are in the service. The flag contains 14 stars.

The honor of raising the flag fell to I Charles W. Pagan of 91 Monson street, • Astoria, who at present Is naval in- | spector of construction work at "uth i street, South Brooklyn.


The Lincoln Social Club of Long Island City, will raise a service flag on

bers in the arniy and navy. I n s IBP lowing members of the club are with the colors:

P. McNally. W. O'Brien, M. Clarke, D. June, J. Scott, F. Rlgney, V. Holl-ran, W. Hollran. S. Whlt taker

D. Slattery, J. Sweeney, J. Rafferty, W . Connors, G. O'Dowd, R. Costello, T, Burke.

M. Coffey, J. Murray, F. Leahey, V, O'Dowd. H. Reltly, G. Casteline.

J. Raul, J- Thomas, H, Leonard, W. Hicks . ,

Thompson Hughes . 130 Seventh street.

James Smith . 357 Webster avenue . Hugo Elo, c. o. Standard Oil Co.,

foot of Div i s ion street. Will iam Brady, 193 Radde street. John J. Hayes , 248 William street. William Hagans , 55 Fifth street. Robert Ause lm, 35 Prospect street. Pannaeuone Modeste, 64 Fourth

street. I'go Azzolina. 117 Seventh street-Friedrich Jurges , lnwood Country

Club, Xassuu county. Tony Souforio. 564 Vernon avenue. Pietro De Amore, 6 Marion street. Charles Xadleu. 160 Eighth avenue . Fred Forstner, Borden and Vernon

avenues. Frank Zeisel, 30#Sunswick street. August Koepke, 250 Jackson avenue. Charles Johnson. 9 Skillman avenue , Carl Mona, 66 Vernon avenue. George Minde, 125 Third street, Paul Bovasge , 123 Seventh street.

• Louis Dunwald. 171 First avenue. S tephen Chemenlsky, 387 Jackson

avenue. George Mulinowskl. 12 Dutch Kil ls

street. George Hass inger . c. o. Clyde S. S.

Co , Pier 37, X. R. Willard Parker Read. 126 Twelf th

street. Michael Farrell. Borden and Vernon

avenues . Carlo Zublena. 436 Hamilton street. Ml

KEEP YOUR TEETH CLEAN m A a h * * tees*, sewer atony*. Tour • J teats should fc* afe-tnrd asal aoale.l

• a * * yearly. m Warsar aftea renae* rnAaawd suae and • J leoaa tart" " '

Py»TTti<s, loose tarta, layte( t b * fowuCtiau for

d f rnanntl:.' autna often attack them Tl selves in *nl»e nf regular eTuaTrm

Call and have fham »rnor«l. Pr <• • 11.00. 1M T W I f l l l l l V H Nat I I E I MERE

Dr. Anthony B . Jurka SURGEON DENTIST

601 STEINWAY AVENUE Cor. FlutMftfAve. Astoria, L. 1.

S •^•jpBaraWlBa eB#*BBBjwjB^ M l

O P F H M HOURS: TaaS. « — •USaBJu

M NOUttgi • A. M. to • P. M. « T f a m . • A. SI. to • •>. m. ft • to 1 t A. • .

Thomas Jaffsrson to ba tha Subjaet

at Bryant High Thursday Night—

Othtr Subjects of Interest

to ba Traatsd.


The Original Wigod Store is at No. 186 Main Street, Astoria


Xicholas Dandy, 27 Hobson avenue,, l a u r e l Hill.

James 3. Virgilio. 141 45tl\ street. Corona.

Oscar Pollorne. 53th street and Jackson avenue. Long I.HUIIKI City.

Joseph Vintruski, Old Bowery Bay road. Woodside-

Next week's public lecture course , I will open Monday night with a lecture ! on War and Vour Duty to Tour Coun-I tr>," by Col. Edwin A. Havers, at P. ' S. Xo. 6, Steinway avenue, near Broad-| way. Long Island City.

At Bryant high school Thursday \ night Samuel W. Patteispn will l e c -I uu-e on "Thomas Jefferson." and the I same night Albert G. Crawford will j g ive a lecture on "Folk Songs of

France" at Good Templars' hall, I Springfield. near Higbie avenue. ' Springfield.

"Five Months' Experience W i t h the ; British Armies" Is the title of a l ee - j ture to be given by Mrs. El i sabeth |

Ten Per Cent Cash Discount with every Dollar's Worth ' • ' * » • ,

of Goods purchased at this store.

I am* very thankful to my friends and patrons for their kind recognition up

Ho the present time, and I hope the same relations will continue.

Your Friend,


186 Main Street, Astoria l»-22d <•_

mm/U*m*lk RHHJJIMJRV* ' «»*PW l » * V ' " » • " A 1 ' ' " »i"wJasU'~M"*Tp|r"' M »«%'» " • ' *&**Ml

Eugene Muntz. Long Island City.

James Knight, Woodside.

Will iam Brady. 256 nue, Long Inland City.

Christian Schwarz, 2»

142 Young street,

1 Eighth street.

Skil lman ave-

Luurel Hill

Hutchinson Friday night at P. S. No. ! 40, Pacific and Cnlon Hall streets . J a -> This is an interesting account i of Mrs. Hutchinson's own adventures . i Mrs. Curl! Lennborn Smith will give ! her lecture. "Grelg's Second Peer Gynt I Suite and Scandinavian Folk Music," I Monday night at P. S. No. 88, Catalpa I avenue and Fresh Pond road. Ridge-I wood Heights. Miss Orace Hofhelmer

will preside at the piano and Mrs. , , , . ,,. . ^ ! Smith will sing some of Grieg's selec- «'">ehow my pen and I seemed to be


"Ready For France," Write* Raymond McGuigan From Camp Wads worth

To the Editor of The Star: Sir:—Many tim«a 1 have decided to

write a few l ines to your paper, but

In bis course on "Great Statesmen" place, I 'it the Ncv.- York parental school. .la- | tonight a miracle m u s t have occurred.

i boulevard, Winfleld. I AVIllUnn Lr.nge. Sehroeder

Woodside. < j malca avenue. Flushing, Saturday Harry K'ahn. Third street near Long ! night. Dr. Thomas Mc.Tlernan will con-

; Island Railroad Woodside. j *J«w 'Lincoln, the Saviour of the Andrew Dekgren. l'Jl Montgomery : Country."

! avenue, Laurel Hill.

strangers and 1 could not coax myself into u le t ter-wri t ing mood. However,

On Sunday evening, January 27, the Rev. Preston F. Strauss will preach the first of a series of 12 sermons on "The World's Only J o b / ' These ser­mons will be a discussion on the differ­ence between civil ization and Chris­t ianity.



JANUARY 24, 25, M , AT


Aflsnt for Liggstt, Riksr, Hegeman.

T M . M 7 Aaterto. Oat Atfmlntttor**.



At t h * Stmt A»a. " U "

1 " u ,"r-- i-Tiiin Fmll F u g , Boat "Ark Light," c. "o"."""

O'Brien Bros.. 80 South street. N. Y. I City. |

Rocco Nicola. Carbonella. 78 West | avenue.

Bernard Restino, 568 Hamilton j street. . ;

Ell iott Naah, 58 Third street. | Tomenico Domenico, «i»3 P.tvntar •


Frank Suckoskt, Old Bowery Bay road. Woodside.

Kdward Carstens. 120 43rd street, Corona.

Joseph Kelly. 8r, Clay street. Creen-

Woodside. James J. Clifford

nue. Corona, Michael Dewviss. 104 Pearsall street.

Long Island City. Kugene Dominick Tlvinan

street. Long Island City. Daniel Brown, ins 50th street, j

Corona. Emil Makka, Jackson avenue, Co- [

Mrs, Katharine Johnson Ashe wi l l give a talk on ."Mid-Summer Night's

'Dream" Wednesday night ;tt P. C. Xo. 58, Walker and Beaufort avenues , Woodhaven.

T h e p r o g r a m f o r t h e w e e k f o l l o w s :

M o n d a y .

145 Alburtis ave -

55 Hulst


?4 Biadley ave -


| Patrick Peter Boylan, Madden street ! I and Jackson avenue. Long Inland City. | ' Kosctanty Dobies. 67 Greeniwint a v e - I i nue. Long Island City.

Rudolf Prlmosch, I nue, Long Island City. | Hugh McFadden, 158 | avenue. Laurel Hill.

Wlawdystaw Jankiewre, 122 Mont-! gomery avenue, I^aurel Hill. j Donato Goeambo, 23 Sixth street. ; Elmhurst.

Flushing j Robert G. Savage. 2.16 25th street. 1 Klmhurst, *

Peter Kvatyrza, 130 Hobson avenue. Laurel Hill.

Noun t to • Banr. Tuewtty and ThunMaj until • P. M.

Sundsf Marnlnat. Aalfttf


DPiir Ttr*>ndw«?

(ipfn "T"iiltle»: ri'swniiMo charges; ilmg« anrl c»» «ftminl»'?Ti>tl for tlw i« l " t f " i rstraotlnn of tMlh.


anS brlnat haek tnat natural, Imur iaM, radium hair all atmliw


REILLY'S DRUG STORE • 1 Pluthlnt A*a., eoemr at Hallau S««aal



RABV 0 A R R I A Q B 8 . OO-OARTS A R P SULKIBB IlKrOHK BtrTWO *fwt for our «ta)o«na of ban*

'••rrtagca W rtwnr niwt arw thraa. Baby rarrlata* «ii'""'»'-<1 m » tett $2 to I I S

I M 'h in any otbar nor*. Spkciai for oiw atanili <-oly,


aSS BTBINWAV » V „ T«l . 1 S M Aatorlt Ro. 171 FULTON AW., ASTORIA, L. I.

MATTHEWS' $1.00 & $1.50 HAT STORES

rMTHWITt. g l W W A I t H IT, WW TIM

Anton Ralnos , 308 Jackson avenue. David Levy, 274 Kly avenue. Joseph Marnuart, 89 Third street. Harry Benthan, 164 Nott avenue. John Vylnlus, 281 Jackson avenue Charles Francis Tobln. 13!) Jackson

avenue. Raffaele Larusso. 75 Payntar avenue . Araso Santo Rosarino, c. o, F i tzpat -

rick Contract ing Co., Corona. Harold Carlton, V. M. C. A. Joseph N'edved, 237 William street. Charles Horwitz , 142 Jackson a v e ­

nue, Frederick Meier. 100

street. Constantlne Zolewskl, 328 Jackson

avenue. John Steen, Pigeon and Front street. Paul M. Ounther, 100 F lush ing

street. Aspldio Bernardo, 768 Vernon

avenue. Harold Merry, 186 F.iglnli street Michel© Agostino, 109 Eighth street. Michel© Agostino, 109 Eighth street. Charles Desher, 283 Jackson avenue . Frank Lopetoda, 165 Will iam street. Hugh Coyle. 166 Nott avenue. Steven Cavello, 86 Wilbur avenue. Delancey N. Horan, 106 Twel f th

street. Nleholns Agostino. 62 Fifth street. Angelo Savene, 69 Seventh street. John Wil l iam Hosford, 62 Wil l iam

street-Frank Karsten, 19 Borden avenue. Stephen Palestolt , 41 Pun' i s street . Raymond Johnson, 326 Crescent

street. Joseph Vacb, 83 Crescent street. David Olasscr, 237 William street . Cronzo Fasono, 57 Borden avenue. Joseph Patscher, 99 Borden avenue. Clement Restonla. 98 Washington

avenue-Max F. Balzer, 169 Eleventh street . Pear Wil l iam Pearson, 165 Academy-

street. Adam Hut*. 288 Jackson avenue . Joseph Malinalr, 13" Seventh street. John Zolewski, 328 Jackson avenue .

% Martin Mulllns, 255 Second avenue. Ernest Westone. 42 (12) Wilbur

avenue. John N. C. Brlggs, 39 Wilbur avenue. Guiseppe Orieco, 167 Sherman

street. Ralph Russo, 39 Academy street . Oulseppe Abboterola. 82 Graham

avenue. Andrew McGowan, 55 Ninth street. Vincent O'Rourke, 130 Beebee a v e ­

nue. Niooia Mosci, 211 Webster avenue . Claude Curton, 237 Jackson avenue. E d w i n Bertram Johnson, 1«» J have found the address of my friend's

Twelfth street- mother and that you have made friends

Broadway. Long Island City—Col. Kd-Wta A. Havers, "War and Your Duty to Your Ceuntry." Colored stereoptl-con views.

P. S. No. 88, Catalpa avenue and Fresh Pond road, Ridgewood He ights —Mr*. ^ur| i l ennborn Smith, "Grieg's Second Peer Cynt Suite and Scandi­navian Folk Music." Illustrated by songs by Mrs. Smilh and piano selec­tions by Miss Grace Hofhelmer,

Wednesday. 58. Walker and Beaufort

as I feel a s if I could make m y r o w reconciled "Waterman" dash off a novel.

Perhaps it's condit ions that t have to thank, as I h a v e just finished post­ing my sentry relief, our company b e ­ing on regimental guard, and as T place my girl (rifle) in the rifle rack.. I give a s igh of relief as I have Just finished a stup'endoua task of plodding through thick, s l imy Carolina mud.

ou ever had the misfortune RllSllgJI m m '

P. S No. avenues , Worfohaven—Mrs. Katharine Johnson Ashe, "Mid-Summer Night's Dream,"

Thursday. Bryant high school, Wilbur avenue

and Academy street, Long Island City —Samuel W. l*Rtte.;-son, Ph. D., "Thomas Jefferson."

Good Templars' hall, SpVlnBfl. Id ave­nue, near Higbie. Springfield—Albert G. Crawford. "Kolk Songs of France." Illustrated by vocal and instrumental music.

Friday. P. ft No. 40, Pacific and Cnion Hall

streets. Jamaica—Mrs. El izabeth Hut ­chinson. "Five Months' .Experience With the British Armies."


cular s ta te after a series of rain and hail storms, you wil l sympathize with me.

But I a m ge t t ing a w a y from the in­tended subject. W h a t I Wish to n«y Is, after a diligent 15-minutes hard Wfcor of scraping the n o w caked clay oft my j person I sat mysel f on the edge of my springless cot and somehow m y thoughts soared from my body and before I realized It I was thinking of Green point and my mind painted an imaginative picture, and I could plain­ly see the old landmarks and familiar facet of not so long ago.

I wondered if many of the fellows had heeded the call, and somehow or other I became Impressed wi th the thought that all that could answered Uncle Sam, and Greenpoint m u s t now resemble Goldsmith's "Deserted Vil ­lage." So I decided to write and Jet those back home who have someone In the 106th regiment know that all the Greenpoint fellows I have come in touch w i t h are feel ing fine and all Im­bued with the same spirit, a spirit of patriotism- and sacrifice.

W e are all ready to go "over there" and wait only the command. Our training h a s been no child's play, but It has made us better men, both mor­al ly and physically, and the arctic weather which seems to have adapted itself to this part of the "Sunny South"

w a y of "doing her bit," for nothing h a s hardened us like the zero-l ike weather. I believe that when peace once more relgna St will be hard for me to sleep In any place except a cold s torage plant.

I guess I a m infringing too much on your time, so 1 close wi th a few per­sonals of Greenpoint boys. Thahklr.a; you for the t ime you have given in reading this, I am,

Very truly yours, Raymond A. McGuigan,

Company A, 106th Infantry, Camp Wadeworth. s . C.

COMING EVENTS Nottatw in tht* Mlumn | 1 4 t per *mM

Hr not over HVB line*. Free to Mtrene of Jofc Department

Saturday H I«M. January 1 B — R a m Danea at th* Lone Inland City Athktira »t tttrlr >-Inb hoaaa. I l l Tbirtr . i i th avenue. Loos bland f i t y .

Saturday Btranln*. January I S — A n n e a l Bal l of the Thot. K. Itugen Ataoriatlnn. at Vnlkart'd Bal l , 3 6 8 Prsanert (treat, Lone laland City.

Saturday t v t n l n f , January I S -Second Moneter Cabaret and Ball of The Beya FVom lleToe'e, a t HrtMnier'e Hal l , oornar Broadway and Seventh •venue, 1/ong Ialand City.

Tnurtdsy, January I d — A X e * England Sapper will be K-nwJ by tha Ladlea' AW Society at th» P i n t Methodiat Kniarnpal Church, corner Tempi* atreet and tlie Creaeant.

PrIdM B.anlnt, January IB—ItoTle Rail ot tin Kxnibitor* Aaaociatlon at Queer. County, Schaetjau Park, Broadway and Stainway arenoe. Aatutia. L. I .

Saturday gyanlef. January SS—Que na CnunnF Rar Aaaod.tlnn'i Animal Dinner at the Bote' Btltmore, Xt-w llatliaon avenue.

Tork City.

Wadsaiday Bvenlna. Janui

•»."rd atreet and

SS—Kuchre «nt

Happy Mother Receives Word That Son and Daughter's Sweetheart Got Medals in France

A proud mother, if there Is one In Greenpoint today. Is Mrs. Jantzen Of 122 Noble street.

She received word recently that her son, 3, B- Jantzen, with the First E n ­gineers Reg iment "somewhere In France" w a s one of those who received medals from the French for gallantry under Are.

Mrs. Jsmtzen's daughter's sweet ­heart, Thomas H. Benson, who is wi th

Knights of St Antony athletes are In training for the various Indoor meets scheduled around N e w York during the balance of the Indoor season, and In particular for the many relays.

Sprinters and middle distancers are trying for the big medley team that Will carry the blue find white at the Mlllrose games, and also the match j relay medley race with Loughlin Ly- t eetlm at the 47th regiment armory I Saturday evening, February 23, j

This latter event should cause some ' great excitement, and although both ' teams are badly crippled due to the i War it Is expected to be a notable race, |

Pete Waters is relying on O'BflJen [ Kimball, Milne, McDonald or Hauser, | to do most of the running and with

| some new material on his hands, win ; round out a big team, while the : Knights who have been a lways strong | on medley relays are out with Ban-fleld, McAuley. Reflly. Hutchison, Blush, Johnston and IA Rose.

avenue. Flushing—Dr. T h o m a s Mc-Tlernan, "Llncoin, the Saviour of the Country." *

Is hung in the window of the present h o m e of the Jantzena on Noble street.

Yesterday w a s a happy one tor Miss H e n r i e t t a Jantzen. w h o Is engaged to Private Benson, for the postman, "smiling Chris" Gorman, brought a stack of mail, the addresses on the let ­ters being in a handwrit ing familiar to the girl.

Wri t ing to his mother young Jant-xen aays: . "Wejl mother, you can say the U. S.

! A. is malting a man of me. You can the same regiment , enlisted from the

N e w York Parental school, Jamaica f jantgen heme w h e n the family lived on Kckford street. H e also received a oee that by the photo I a m sending medal, according to word that reached you , I » m Jn the J. M. C. A. and It 18 Mrs. Jantsen. ' ' 1? :S0 and I'm going In for a swim s o

A service Wreath, bearing two stars , I m u s t close." Net Like Her to Be Still.

"1« your \»lfe llf'.ne « l l l ! " "Sm iink-M ah.. I n * eha,taj*d het »ode of

life within the last fi-w hoora."


Thuradty Kyarilse. January S I — G r a n d Con­cert. Bu.-hrc. Bridie and Oance for the benaflt af At. John'a Long Ialand t':ty Heapital. nnder tha arjaplcea of the Aid «or!»ty at the WaJdorf-Aatola. Fi f t l i aveno* and S4th atraat. Saw York.

Friday Kvanlne. February '1—Chari ty hall and entariatnraant under auaplcea ot Queen* Borousb Lfdsr. l ie. S7A. B. P. O. B . at Ba'm O.ri len. • 6 t h atraat near Lexington avenue. New f t r %

Saturday, February t - - M inure! Bliow and !!» eaptbm cf Knterpr:»c> Lodw, So, 2 2 s . K, of P . at Lint'a Aituria Nchuctsen Park, comminiotat-ing 32nd A.mlveraart. 17-2

Saturday tven ln t . February S—Winfleld <Htl-len'a and Taxpayer'* Anbcbttion annual onte--taimnent and receiitkm flvrn a* Knhu'a Hal l . Forrest avenue, WuiHeld. h. I . Net proceed* to be donated to St. John's llisuftel.

Saturday Nlflht, PaKrurry S — T e nide T v n * Barn Ddnce sbee by the Havenawood Social Club, Inf. , at Former Bettfncer's Ram. Broadway t j ine and Seventh avenue. I.ont Island City.

Saturday Kvaninf, Fearuary • — r t r a n d Annual Bt l l or iUnn Pytbaaocu 6 0 t , Foreatcia <A Anuria* and FTtda ef tmx Island Ct t t Clrc '* 3BB, Conpanlon* of the Forest, at Voltert'a MqlL ProsDKt street, between Saab* and Fraetnin trenue. Lout M a u d City.

Baturda* gesnlnf, Fabruary Sta—Sa-enth Grand Annnal Carnfral. Ckbaret and Ban ttrtder sn*pl-*e of L e n t Maud Lode* S * . 4 8 3 , Leysl Order of Moos*, at Schuetien Park, Broadway and •ttlnwes-. ivenue Lon- - Island I t t y . '

Mandat BtsMtns, February 11—Grand Barn Dane* under auspices of tha Ttoly Name Society of St. B i t * ' * Church at Hettinger's Halt. Broad­way and Seventh avenue. L. I . CRT. .

Wee day CswnlnS, F * * » w y 11—Yovmt Ladles Sodality of Oar Lady of Borrow* Chnrrh. at. t h * Parish Hal l , 4 * t h atreet, bear Polk aeenne. Corona, will present the the** act comedy " I t Pay* to Advertl**,"

Llsaeln's •IrUMsay I * * . . Fattruary 1 1 — A n n u a l Smoker of t h * « l m " K " Social Ciub at U'CooutU'S Hall. 30ft Elm atreet, Astoria.

Llsaeln's Birthday Mhjht, Fakeusr* t i f — Grand Annnal Concert and Ball of t h * First Astoria Hebrew School at Astoria Settacttea

" Broadway. Astoria.



• R O O K L Y N .

i t»


In a letter which his mother re­ceived yesterday. Bernard Tucker of 111 Huron street declared he's "healthy and happy and a1m*ays will be so long as 1 am in France."

1 am glad" he Writes, "that you


Base Vans far Uas BBS BRIM.

TiisaRini' 1BBB. mm.


THE "BUNCH" AT CAW W A 0 S W 0 R T H , , « L L 0 . L M

' i | To the Editor of T h e Star:

Private Wal ter Duffy la one of the i Greenpoint b o y s n o w with" the colors. I D u g y is a m e m b e r of Co, A., l o t th i infantry, hav ing enlisted last July in ! the 23rd N e w York Infantry which la j now the 10«th.

Other Qveenpointere who are wi th j the 27th division a t Camp WAdsworth i are: Sergeant F g a n , now in the officers | training school . Pr ivates Kelson, Kir-

wan, O'Keefe. Siorn, Callaran, Bulger pnd Oalvln of Co. A, 10«th infantry, Corporal O'Connor, Co. P., lOJth In­fantry, and P h t Kerrigan.

They are all O. K. and send best of regards tor their friends.

One of Them.


Park, Steinway svasu* and Ttoketa SS oents. 101*12

TOYS! J O T S ! GREENFIELD'S get. 8'w*v A Jams.cs Avs^ L. I. CITY

m 8 T E I N W A Y A V E N U E , •

Wil l iam Herbert Pound. 139 Twel f th I street. I Anthony Rossi . 164 Sixth street .

Albert T h o m a s Duffy, 84B Jackson avenue.

Giovanni Ballino, 27 Payntar avenue . J a m e s Dallavy, fit Hunterapoint

avenue. Joseph Hemaon, 287 Jakson avenue . Phi l ip Schaorf, 69 Wilbur avenue . Giovanni Delonzo, 112 Jackson a v e -

nbe. James Del Grudiee. 89 Eighth atreet. Alex Ssroka, 90 Crescent street.

oivJsiorTm. Frank Tubich. 67 Pearsall street.

Long Island City. Peter Lavanoueski, 118 Pearsal l

A street, Long Island City.

with her. H e is a good friend of m i n e but I am not In the same company any more but I am not away from hire. We meet each week. I suppose it must he cold borne and snowy.

P. 8—Tel l all the boys at Lindsay's corner that I asked about them and tell them to think of me on Friday night "big night."

He also asks to be remembered to vsriotis friends mentioned by name In the letter.

Self Nsss * « « • * • Only SB S4).

Jack Cross, an old-t ime member of the Congress Alumni, the organisation formed at the Greenpoint Y. M. C. A. many years ago. will speak >tt the men's meeting In the lobby of the local association building tomorrow afternooaj

^ S i ^ 4 S £ e T £ ? S S ! S I i ' : : 5 * * y i tsesdsed >•**» lb * * * *

fQSWSstrVS f M ^ SIS •erW*SiW ^^srp

f r t HiH**» _ ..fa*. s^ii*i-BBa_ <*•*********« 9w ^WWWgwy> A iy • • • st^y %m B j N r ^ t * w^^mm

mmwn mmmmn mm m tm m mm "LONG 18LAMD VAOtJUM

CTLEAKIHO 00 . TstABRSfva, wM Astoria

O F ' I C E . 2S2 E L M i T R f E T ,


6REERP0IHT WEMRsflS. Woeeener—Oeedenough.

Matthias W o e s s n e r of 99 Eagle street and Miss Gertrude F. Good-enough of 710 Leonard street, were united in marr iage last Saturday eve ­ning a t the parsonage, 146 Meserole avenue, by the Rev . P. W. Oswald of St. John's Lutheran Church.

Miss Edith A. Moore was brides­maid and Anthony R. Degnan best man.

Member: of the Industrial Fel low­ship League enjoyed a sauerkraut f e s ­t ival on Thursday night a t the Grgen-point Y. M. C, A. The organisation- Is composed of men w h o are e n g a g e ! In wolf are work under the auspices of the Y. M, dSA. In'various Greenpoint fac­tories

The officers of the league are: Arthur Howsrth , president; Eugene Smith, v ice-president; William Rons, tary and H. Rattke. treasurer. •


11 Borden Ave. tMm art

L L I S ^ H I

n i l H imm Pssst

4. PrRSSAL, RELIABLE UPHOLSTfRISR Furniture, t i le Covers BfBl MastPSBBSB.

A 399 Btslaway AYS., L. 1 Oity

Underhill— Hansen. The very pretty wedding of Miss

Ingrat Hanson to William W. Under­hill took place at the home of the bride, 125 P-dsiill s treet . Glendale, on Satur­day evening. January 13, at 8 o'clock.

The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. R. Oreenwood of the Noble Street Presbyterian Church of which Mr. UnderhlH Is a well known member. Mr, Underbil l enlisted in the service of our country In July, 1917, and has been abroad on one trip. He will shortly sail a g a i n for foreign ports.



Coke may be obtained in One Bushel Lots at 20 Cents per bushel at the corner of Vernon and Freeman Avenues. Long Island City. Not more than one bushel to each cus­tomer. Customer must bring bag and carry it away.





CHATFIELD'S GARAGE St£ g Corona,l. 1. 's t int

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