saturdays at noon our for men store at...

yr r i Tq Ttror mW ert 1N yM r1r ys a M i P rr r- r r i i 1 l ft 1 THE EVENING WORLDS MONDAY JULY Y3 a 19Oa r ro j i PETDOGCHASES WOUTOFHOUSE Dr Livingstons Irish Spaniel Saves the Family Jewelry by Prompt Action Dr Ernest P Livingston of No 459 I Coinont aenue Is the proudest man- n < Washington Heights over the feat of his prize Irish spjnel Ted which etch todiy chased two burglars out of the faintly residence and perhaps axeil Jewelry and other valuable wart 10X 3 which were almost within graps when the dog tecllle tame on the Job Ted Is flva years old and has been In the Ihlnsrston fnml > ever ilnce he wai shipped to this countij from U County Mayo Irelaml lie has a peill I gree almost as long as the subway- It was 2 clock V M today when i the Intruders entered the Livingston home by forcing a door lenllns to the kitchen Alter cleaning out the butlers Blherwire pantry they started upstairs Ted was ieepinK In a front hill He Jumped at the bar tars Ills bark in- I woke the family nnl neighbors Tiero was a quick rush of feet and the tlileei were out of the house and tunning as fast as their legs mull carry them be ¬ fore Dr Lhlngston got downstairs wltTi a revolver The rubbers got JiO worth of sllyer ware Central Office rictevlives are try tog to locate the loot r SEARCH FOR BODIES OF FOUR LAUNCH VICTIMS MARION Mass Jill 13Actls search for the bodies of the four men Roland Worthington of Boston Joseph fi Real of Milton JIln T Trull n f Woburn and George U Savory of Marblehfad who were idroanel vfo + terda after the explosion of the naplilia launch Dolpmn In Buzzards Bay was resumed toilav by half n- dozen launches from this nort and others trom nolnts on the east side of tlio bay Mr A P Tutbpll owner of the llanuli and his friend Edward r Packer th two survivors of the ac- cident ¬ were In much better condition today and at 10 0iloik It was belleuj that thev would Iw able to leave for their noiiieo In Boston later In the day n I Let the Telephone- Run Your- Errands It will save you much valuable time and contribute greatly- to your comfort NEW YORK TCLCPIIOKC 00 IS Goy Stfftl >a S Alt man En WOMENS MUSLIN DRESSES THE REMAINING STYLES IN WOMENS MUSLIN DRESSES r AND COAT SUITS OF WASHABLE FABRICS ARE BEING OFFERED AI MUCH LESS THAN ORIGINAL PRICES TOMORROW TUESDAY A SPECIAL SALE OF WOMENS MULN I DRESSES WILL BE HELD AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES 675 1200 160 1800 SEPARATE SKIRTS 375 425 SECOND FLO- ORAitman t t I i I m Cln J s MENS AND WOMENS SILK UMBRELLAS WIIH HANDLES OF NATO AL WOOD 26 AND 28 INCH SIZES SOLD USUALLY FOR 300 fie 350 I WILL BE Oi SPECIAL SALE I TOMORROW TUESDAY AT 200 EACH A SALE OF MENS NEGLIGEE SHIRTS WILL TAKE JLACE TOMORROW TUESDAY COMPRISING STYLES SOLD USUi LY FOR 150 AT 85c EACH 14fI lrcd J5tb strut nub 5tl- iV Aucm rJ1l l 1rlgf i Factory Sale of = = Walters Pianos At Half Value w Art Quickly Come 1 aman owl Heres a splendid opportunity for everybody to buy a tlh loncJ high- est ¬ grade Walters Piano at a clear living of horn 2JO to 25i Be- lldei you make the belt piano In- vestment ¬ In the world 1 1375 Style A Wa tm Pianos S198 75 > Style R Walters Pianos JJ75 ilOO Styo BB Wa ten Pianos 235 S80 Walters Vertical Grand J475 Style C Walters Pa 01 Z40 Uptight Pianos 375 f y5oo Style G Cfi m Wjlten J900 Wipers Player Piano Pianos 2SQ Outfit with 12 rolls of music 450 SSSO Style D Walters Piana 2bO- J650Styl 800 Walters Premiere Pianos 400 F Walters Pianos S325- J70J SIOO Wasters Baby Grand Colonial Walters Pianos 30 Pianos 1690 Price Include tool and ccvr Pianos priced up to S300 at the easy terms Ii- f r 5 Down and 1 a Week No Insurance no interest no extras Piano delivered on payment of 5 t They are materplecea of piano conattUwtion Built to last a lUetime Case lone l< rich and resonant and their touch elastic and responsive I double veneered erass l nJed ill through Original In design Caltiot Pt buy n II > el piano Dont buy n stencil piano tine that tIO makers n UUP li cast III ho plntr or the piano you buy I t1tw lame XvHerit on apiano stands for tliu very nlgifst salt S and hest iraifc bne Is Just as sao In Investing in a wIt 1515 Plnnn u they would be In purcliaslng United States lold fronds lxchanc your nld plans fora b5 utlfulnewWdllere and pay any bni Snot at this tae qf Jlniir week- plJn reotiMt a rcpvuntatlve nlll call Warerooms 3d Floor sfl CutTici ii ti EhoOkaACOAIES lv > t 3JjtiM fttlfi- vv t n TV T T j W J J f 1J a > ytfJ jM Jii j aa umnm d Store kAwbu3yecrn NewY- orKlEGEIf tlENRY c l t The Best Sale in Recent YearsBe- st in many ways The stile involves enormous purchases from noted shirt makers In Troy N Y and Philadelphia 1908 sample lines large lots of cancelled orders miscellaneous groups overlooked ihirts and sec- onds ¬ in all styles sits and patterns Many of the shirts bear the naiiiCa of Broadway shirt selers plain liner IOUlJ uuzIN 9tri s Iuuu DOZEN 110 MINS SOc NIOLI N E < 1 L I 0 E l < WE S I1 I R T S GEE SHIRTS Broken SI11RIS SSc quality I- I Madrls and Percdes In marked seconds but sires out all sizes In large assortment of the nlrerf lIons are eluded In the lot AIll light and dirk color too slight to interfere god strong Negligee Ings Some are slightly naith the Searing quill Shirts In light and nark soiled tut most are new fresh stock All ties All sizes Walues pltterns Cut full large sizes up to IS at up to 3t c at size bodies 29c 19c 24c 2n1lO 11OZIN ms IrIiI U01IS iLOO uo IOZES J111NS- 75e IIIU NELIihE tND- Srllllrs N 1111 I II J 1 1 E11iEl slllltIS SIiHI JIJIIgSS SIIIH- sllghlly a few ore t kv or Madras pattErns plain or plaited bosoms dsnaged Madra Percales and Cllam Attached or etnche and Ierulea rhambray + brays While plaited tuns LIgh1 rncf1lvt etc light medium sal dark cntors Plain and bosoms etc coat style and dark patterns of Madras Per ales and plaited bosoms attaehet n well as the regular sutra Auue haven roller taohe ltaC1t11 or de other fine Summer nl hd Sft tlnl met lashed cons Plain slilrtings 011 styles st and hest ll fur u er mat and pleated bosoms Hand laundered Best hw etc ill sloes uu to IA lLt Sizes up to IS at finish All sizes at 37c 59c 79c Special 40 AeM to 1 PM Tuesday TO 101 I TO a10111t111 TOMURItOtI TO IORIIOW- JU 1110 1111 1OtI to J PM I IUAM to J PMI 101 to I 1 Wash Lawn Misses Womens Goods Kimonos Wash Suits Iaat Iress- prlntsl C oa ts II goad to all rnlorst Newtrlped trlnl c rruler- quullty ma- 11g1Ile apron rnrlnns pat Iera skirt wtlh fold TnRela urn hl lnJnUl1 rend col loll lrldlh t ttimnred can eulnr Iao hlrllu Iedrn IlaIn d w I t 4- Irlmmedt IraUol taint laOV ILue lentlI trallnped rdgea 17 s Id 10 anti ran 1 II 2e sulun no vnluea II IN Team value e turd vn n Sr Ier lard mall urdtn y2I1N DU mall 349 no mall order 12c urderaL69 MSIn2II t Jilrroot liner ISrrnnd hoar Second loon U TO ll it Inw 10MIIti111 1011I1111111 TI MO11ROn- 1U1M to I I I 11111E n I < I 1111 tn 1 111 0111 In1 P11 Muslin Criterion Pest Card Shirt Waist Drawers Ru s Albums Belts 11I110 Inign II n I din g 8110 tlJlItable clam llnde nllh lull blg arnrttnnu rnrda In n u 1 tic shirt valet rutllaa Oahed rnlnlmra an- ellh hlrlll umI1 prstty drllln bell lIh a dip hrlllIIII1OI1 na xemantrl and siIaperruu tilt alleched hem enluc Inst rrlurllllC t tI Ih In aeleetl cgularly mold sine no mall value iIOc ua value tue po far lU no mall mull urdera mall ender urdn orders 12c 49c 21c 4c Second 1Ioorl IIi Pinar Main tInor Olnia Floor PLWJN Mn VNMW SUMMER DRUG Toiet Articles Etc An All Day Sale Mail Orders Filled WAL U TTA 35c D DES KI cC- IIAIR D 90 HDENT 19c liTAIN SOAP sake ul1oN l- bDruls Medicines i Toilet Articles Sunjrles runt CASTOR OIL 31 EAU DE QUININE EDO A U Z E BANDAGES W01 PINLAD8 4Or any width lb nlc PUltE OIYCrRINE a LA DICIIE POWOEn ACAofDENT GAUZE 5 1 c 21 I yards lic PURE OIVCFllii AND GENUINE EGG a11AM OATH SPRAYS pas al Bonn wATER 3 POU jar Oc FOI 11S8YH1OES a SOC PONDS 10e Exrnwo quart rapid A- noINOEn Ell RE NC E IAMAICA n 1lls GREEN SOAP AF1AM eoulppedspeclalatalc- P00 violet prrrumsd lichee Wide double Ire I DNDEntNC 15c R IT i E ox P P I E Rs IIAIR tared yard 7rie- 25c alas COtOniNE EMPRESS HAtH JTE LYBlA IINIt11A5l9- 1AIEu01UC 2aslOel 4re 1EtIITAl1LE- r 63- J 23e tli com ouw- MlNT IEIiInt DANprIIINE Ii In N c E 25r TOOTH lIIel 2 01 POWDER lie TIN CTIJI E ARNICt 2 1Ir n 5e S IT or BATH u IOI IArNI 1Rc SCiIENCK9 NASAL COMPOIND CATIIAII nOIlII k NASA L TIC 11L1 1011inrl ClClMIIER and FLllI1n I WASil both 25c I1IAtII lHON 1lld4 FLOWER CREAM r for Jne COLOATFEaASSORTED IAnK iiR k C0 SANITARY NoIKtNS un- GR CASCARA ellne I EUF t 1 M h R many l box te COATED 11102IN nltr 101 bottle In 11110 SCOTT- SwrTItN lac IUII AS- CA1tA eludrd E IC111- 1E Al n CIIOI COTFIJI 51k- TIULETS tuoall W 0 0 D II U R Y R I COMILERION nRUAll LADY WE 13 ST E R S F1CIA1 I c I EA far washing the DINXEII PILLS Ifill I CIIEI I tNI 24e valuttDe lilt Mall Floor I L- iS r i i j = J = l L = = r W 0- rJl1 The best Lunoheon Place L Sutinny loAntnrtlvc 1 f Uralnjpvery2mlns Is our notch buttricil cool Kc- 1tnuranli 1f4 a J0 rJ 7 t flrnndnny MulUon antCurs I Ways to i with gaud food well avenue Curs > rhlnl Udimi Can beuwl Luncheon 6Cc uoiii nuinil avenue Cars J Wawmakers 1130 on on anat New nldg Store Closes at 5P M Saturdays at Noon i fin au utrcet KleiaM Core t i 41 Our Highest Grade Summer Suits for Men Tomorrow at 25Until now 28 30 3250 35 38 The finest suits to be had at their full pricesthe best that skilled tailors can turn out from splendid all = wool materials Tomorrow our remaining stock of them takes its first drop in price to 25 thereby presenting a most uncommon opportunity to buy the best ready = made clothing at a marked saving The suits nro 111 worsteds velours cheviots and cassimcroa in the handsomest fancy effects of the season ana in plain blue arid black hOlgfc and unfinished worsted The range of sizes is complete ill regulars stouts and longs Every 28 to w88 suit in stock tomorrow 25 a suit Mali floor Xev Building All Mens Tuesdays Basement Specials Straw Hats Reduced Women SUMMER DRESSES at 275- Ad I Prettily made as Illustration sljons The moment for r1 psychological your 1 of dotted Swiss muslin In light anti dark second straw hat has arrived Not one r a i blue brown ami pink In overwaist style I plaited from the shoulders fitted girdle of stock the Panamas es- capes ¬ our except and three plaits In skirt the blue pencil tomorrow All fine 1908 hatsall of them that were originally Charmingly Trimmed Hats 5 2 01 more hand = made on wooden blocks More of the attractive Chip Hats trimmed with lowers and Details of the good news specially designed for midsummer wear HeraarKiiblo at the price 5 All Hats that were I ti Tomorrow 125 150 165 2 i t to Young Womens Buttonfront Hats that were I 25U and 3 Tomorrow 175 r i ° i Washable Skirls at The popular style of Separata Skirts All Hats that were I Tomorrow 250 II °i ° for Summer wear made of white cotton 4 5 and 7 Malts floor New Dalldla j II buttoned In frultta stylish rlrcuhr gored ° model with or without folds Lengths 31 to 3J In Unusual at 150 I I1 a a I Also a group of Young Womens Over- t NEW SUMMER ° l waist Dresses ot fancy figured lawn TAILORED SUITS 5 ° with border to mulch wuMire neck- s I Japanese skees full plaited skirt Sizes 14 to IS years Sperlall priced at S3 f 1 The picture gives a slight idea of the style Clearance of Remnants of Silks and Dress GoodsI of these well = tailored SILKS DROSS GOODS A flue collecllon of waist and We Included all our remnants suits of striped cotton dress lenstlisi TouKinls pongees cotton and wool dress goods In suiting Coat is single = laffptas and friry silks In marls this July clearance There are hun- dreds ¬ of the most pnpulai and col ¬ styles of add lengths for waists breasted semi = fitting orings of the season 25c to 35c and dresses In every material and J with at front yard refiiilarlj HOc to 123 points Also GInch White Japanese coloring at a third to a half less back and sides slashed Wash Silks nt 38c vard thin their prices I i seams with rows of- white Womens Low ShoesSummer Styles165 buttons Notched col- lar = Smart new lasts In nil popular leathers for Summer weal and evers of tan brown cold black made to sell at 2 50 anti 3 and with the brood ar Wananmkoi guarantee for quality Many of the styles lIt complete x duck coat sleeves with range of sIzes and nil sizes anti widths in the lot 165 a pair turnover cuffs Gored i Remnnnts of Embroideries Muslin Underwear side skirts = plaited i and White Goods wellmale Muslin Underwear In At effective summer styles nt very low 4fl 1 Particularly Fine tinbroMirles In tilsiiR nnd In prices liidudlns- 1ittlcoits e ertlani ami II vailrty of tlnc sheer of cambric at 1 worth suits at a low price 5 Wnltr Goods nil u third to a half be- low ¬ tl 5- 0Nlehttronns refill ir prIes lc ti ifliiO a- rviiinniil A Smart Group of Suits at 88- Ilncne Irimttt 1 in 414 yards at tor worth 7fic of cambric or nainsook In plain colors anil iopleco effects in striped Childrens Dresses Reduced Corset Coieis of crossbar dimity t at tree worth W- eCombinations Ute Inoroy Including suitings A variety of attractive styles Husflin or alst Dresses of lawn corset coer anrt able coat to d years slightly mussed SOc and short pcttlrcat or drawers of cam And at 10 tome very tjllsh Slnslcbrcaslfd Suits of ear fi nn 1 mud LuO uric at ale worth 7ic khaki cloth whim collar anti culTs of contrasting tit and Russian Utosies of per regular army case amt ilumbrij 2 to 6 years nt Third floor Old Building velvet oar from 1c Handkerchiefs Infants Nainsook Slips line from 3k lacetrimmed Attractive lots of pure linen Ian d Infants Ian caps LILLIAN CORSETS FROM PARIS at Jfic from 21c kerchiefs For HoHifn Embr lcred Inltals wait wreath or In iSsbir plaids Even if the Directoire Linens luni < tltclicd als rill iTiL- 1Uliboritolj hunch flnthi nf red blue or white crnlirulrleied seconds in fringed tiorcleih 51 In square 7V ei- Turkl of 23c and lie grades nt ISc curb gown is not adopted en- tirety = ° h and llnckiback Towels l r 1cn HomstltiliPd with open- work ample slut ICo rack S Initials H Is for 7r c by American women AlMlniM Crash Toweling 17 In wide at 5o n yard leancy colored Handkerchiefs 1iic the fashions of the day will HANDKERCHIEFS JAPANESE DRAWN be affected by the long lines Uncostly Attractive WORK REDUCED of this style Any defect in Pretty pure linen The low is price corseting will be fatal to the nocriterionofthese Scarfs and Center- pieces = i beauty or effectiveness of x = I excellent pure linen- handkerchiefs dlwith Japa the mode We have Lillian for nese models particularly design- ed = men and women are reduced thus from former prices for wear with Diredoire Womens dainty French hand- kerchiefs ¬ with solid color 4 in Scarfs gowns ii hems with embroidered initial ISx3G In St5 from 165 At 150r fiiio French toile cloth to match 2Sc handkerchiefs each with 1Sx i 5111 7c from 1- vj Womens IS ln1i5c from 1 2- 5Jin Mist 3iimll waist trimmed high lacE embroidered corners In a dozen and extremely long over the hips and or more styles 25c each 18xl 113 tram lDo I at the hack + 1 Mens plain hemstitched hand ¬ Centerpieces Mnny other models ranging in price kerchiefs In two nhlllis of hem S020 In arc und 5 1J5 from from E r n to S40 each at 2 a dozen usually 210 15 and Ji 2J Soon floor OU Hull ling I uu Slain floor Old Hull lint Broadwayt Fourth An- A T 1 Stewart urr eriy Co JOHN WANAMAKER Eighth to Tenth St ss S CURES ECZEMA 1jIfh 4- i o AC li l area aI4i ITER ETC I r I j fflrn l The skin is an index to the quality of the blood FC7cma Acne 1 show that some unhealthy humor tdf etc Tetter pimples rashes eruptions t i impurity is diseasing anti corrupting the circulation so that I Lead of au il mg nourishment and strellhth to the fine delicate tissues I tJ l J of the skin it is continuall pouring out its acrid and unhealthy accum- ulations ¬ V j of salves washes lotions ecmay 1 r External applications Users ofB- usiness relieve sonic of the itehin and discomfort caused by skin troubles ltJ- JF t and for this reason should be used but suck treatment cannot reach the ol II opportunity f humorladen blood and therefore cannot cure A thorough cleansig il vegetal e V Advertisements for skin diseases sssl1purcl the blood is the only cure preparation is the best and quickest remedy It goes down into the J in THE WORLD circulation and neutralizes and removes the acids impurities and humors I and permanently cures skin diseases thoroughly purifies the circulation of every kind When S S S liar driven the humors and impurities front l and cooled and cleansed the acidhiattd circulation every 1- I Symptom passes away the skin is again nourished with rich healthful f blood aril the trouble cured as the cause has heels removed Hook on Skin diseases and any medical THE SWIFT advice SPECIFIC lICe to nil who CO Write ATLANTA GA 66 FOLLOW THE C RO W D 7 i n I i INTO THE WORLDS WAN IILII Sunday World Wants Work Monday Morning Wonders If a tf ww g w r 41

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Page 1: Saturdays at Noon Our for Men Store at · yr r i Tq Ttror mW ert 1N yM r1r ys a M i P rr r- r r i i 1 l

yr r i Tq Ttror mW ert 1NyM r1r

ys a M i P rr r-



i i 1







Dr Livingstons Irish Spaniel

Saves the Family Jewelry

by Prompt Action

Dr Ernest P Livingston of No 459

I Coinont aenue Is the proudest man-

n< Washington Heights over the feat

of his prize Irish spjnel Ted whichetch todiy chased two burglars out

of the faintly residence and perhaps

axeil Jewelry and other valuablewart 10X 3 which were almost withingraps when the dog tecllle tame on

the JobTed Is flva years old and has been

In the Ihlnsrston fnml > ever ilnce hewai shipped to this countij from U

County Mayo Irelaml lie has a peillI gree almost as long as the subway-

It was 2 clock V M today wheni the Intruders entered the Livingston

home by forcing a door lenllns to thekitchen Alter cleaning out the butlersBlherwire pantry they started upstairs

Ted was ieepinK In a front hillHe Jumped at the bar tars Ills bark in-


woke the family nnl neighbors Tierowas a quick rush of feet and the tlileeiwere out of the house and tunning asfast as their legs mull carry them be ¬

fore Dr Lhlngston got downstairs wltTia revolver

The rubbers got JiO worth of sllyerware Central Office rictevlives are trytog to locate the loot




MARION Mass Jill 13Actlssearch for the bodies of the four menRoland Worthington of Boston Josephfi Real of Milton JIln T Trull nfWoburn and George U Savory ofMarblehfad who were idroanel vfo +

terda after the explosion of thenaplilia launch Dolpmn In BuzzardsBay was resumed toilav by half n-

dozen launches from this nort andothers trom nolnts on the east side oftlio bay

Mr A P Tutbpll owner of thellanuli and his friend Edward rPacker th two survivors of the ac-


were In much better conditiontoday and at 10 0iloik It was belleujthat thev would Iw able to leave fortheir noiiieo In Boston later In the day


I Let theTelephone-

Run Your-Errands

It will save you muchvaluable time andcontribute greatly-to your comfort


>a S Altman En







675 1200 160 1800






I m ClnJ











14fI lrcd J5tb strut nub 5tl-



rJ1l l 1rlgfi

Factory Sale of = =

Walters PianosAt Half Value

wArt Quickly Come 1aman owl

Heres a splendid opportunity foreverybody to buy a tlh loncJ high-est


grade Walters Piano at a clearliving of horn 2JO to 25i Be-

lldei you make the belt piano In-


In the world1

1375 Style A Wa tm Pianos S198 75 > Style R Walters Pianos JJ75ilOO Styo BB Wa ten Pianos 235 S80 Walters Vertical GrandJ475 Style C Walters Pa 01 Z40 Uptight Pianos 375

f y5oo Style G Cfi m Wjlten J900 Wipers Player PianoPianos 2SQ Outfit with 12 rolls of music 450

SSSO Style D Walters Piana 2bO-

J650Styl800 Walters Premiere Pianos 400

F Walters Pianos S325-J70J

SIOO Wasters Baby GrandColonial Walters Pianos 30 Pianos 1690

Price Include tool and ccvr Pianos priced up to S300 at the easy termsIi-


r 5 Down and 1 a WeekNo Insurance no interest no extras Piano delivered on payment of 5

t They are materplecea of piano conattUwtion Built to last a lUetime

Case lone l < rich and resonant and their touch elastic and responsive I

double veneered erass l nJed ill through Original In designCaltiot Pt buy n II > el piano Dont buy n stencil piano tine that

tIO makers n UUP li cast III ho plntr or the piano you buy I

t1tw lame XvHerit on apiano stands for tliu very nlgifstsalt S and hest iraifc bne Is Just as sao In Investing in a wIt1515 Plnnn u they would be In purcliaslng United Stateslold fronds

lxchanc your nld plans fora b5 utlfulnewWdllere and pay any bniSnot at this tae qf Jlniir week-

plJn reotiMt a rcpvuntatlve nlll call Warerooms 3d Floor

sfl CutTici ii ti EhoOkaACOAIES lv >t 3JjtiM fttlfi-vv

tn TV T T

jW J J f 1J a > ytfJ jM Jii j


umnmd Store

kAwbu3yecrn NewY-


c lt

The Best Sale inRecent YearsBe-

st in many ways The stile involves enormouspurchases from noted shirt makers In Troy N Y andPhiladelphia 1908 sample lines large lots of cancelledorders miscellaneous groups overlooked ihirts and sec-onds


in all styles sits and patterns Many of the shirtsbear the naiiiCa of Broadway shirt selers plain liner

IOUlJ uuzIN 9tri s Iuuu DOZEN 110 MINS SOc NIOLIN E < 1 L I 0 E l <WE S I1 I R T S GEE SHIRTS BrokenSI11RIS SSc quality I-


Madrls and Percdes In marked seconds but sires out all sizes In

large assortment of the nlrerf lIons are eluded In the lot AIll

light and dirk color too slight to interfere god strong NegligeeIngs Some are slightly

naith the Searing quill Shirts In light and narksoiled tut most arenew fresh stock All ties All sizes Walues pltterns Cut full large

sizes up to IS at up to 3t c at size bodies

29c 19c 24c2n1lO 11OZIN ms IrIiI U01IS iLOO uo IOZES J111NS-


SrllllrsN 1111 I II J 1 1 E11iEl slllltIS SIiHIJIJIIgSS SIIIH-

sllghllya few ore t kv or MadraspattErns plain or plaited bosomsdsnaged Madra Percales and Cllam Attached or etncheand Ierulea rhambray +

brays While plaited tuns LIgh1 rncf1lvtetc light medium saldark cntors Plain and bosoms etc coat style and dark patterns of

Madras Per ales andplaited bosoms attaehet n well as the regularsutra Auue haven roller taohe ltaC1t11 or de other fine Summer

nl hd Sft tlnl met lashed cons Plain slilrtings 011stylesst and hestll fur uer mat and pleated bosoms Hand laundered Besthw etc ill sloes uu to

IA lLt Sizes up to IS at finish All sizes at

37c 59c 79cSpecial 40 AeM to 1 PM Tuesday

TO 101 I TO a10111t111 TOMURItOtI TO IORIIOW-JU 1110 1111 1OtI to J PM I IUAM to J PMI101 to I 1

Wash Lawn MissesWomens Goods Kimonos Wash Suits

Iaat Iress-prlntslC oa ts II

goad to all rnlorstNewtrlpedtrlnl c rruler-



11g1Ileapron rnrlnns pat Iera skirt wtlh fold

TnRela urn hl lnJnUl1 rend col loll lrldlh t ttimnred caneulnr Iaohlrllu Iedrn IlaIn d w I t 4-

Irlmmedt IraUol taintlaOV ILue lentlI trallnped rdgea 17 s Id 10 antiran 1 II 2e sulun novnluea II IN Team valueeturd v n n

Sr Ier lard mall urdtn y2I1N DU mall

349 no mall order

12c urderaL69MSIn2IIt Jilrroot liner ISrrnnd hoar Second loon


TO ll it Inw 10MIIti111 1011I1111111 TI MO11ROn-1U1M to I I I 11111E n I < I 1111 tn 1 111 0111 In1 P11

Muslin Criterion Pest Card Shirt Waist

Drawers Ru s Albums Belts11I110 Inign II n I din g 8110 tlJlItable clam

llnde nllh lull blg arnrttnnu rnrda In n u 1 tic shirt valetrutllaa Oahed rnlnlmra an-

ellh hlrlll umI1 prstty drllln bell lIh a diphrlllIIII1OI1 na xemantrl and siIaperruu tilt allechedhem enluc Inst rrlurllllC t tI Ih In aeleetl cgularly mold

sine no mall value iIOc ua value tue po far lU no mallmull urdera mall ender urdnorders

12c 49c 21c 4cSecond 1Ioorl IIi Pinar Main tInor Olnia Floor


SUMMER DRUGToiet Articles Etc An All Day Sale

Mail Orders Filled

W A L U TTA 35c D DES KI cC-


liTAIN SOAP sake ul1oN l-

bDruls Medicines i Toilet Articles Sunjrlesrunt CASTOR OIL 31 EAU DE QUININE EDO A U Z E BANDAGES


1 c 21 I yards licPURE OIVCFllii AND GENUINE EGG a11AM OATH SPRAYS pas al

Bonn wATER 3 POU jar OcFOI 11S8YH1OESa SOC PONDS10e Exrnwo quart rapid A-


n 1lls GREEN SOAP AF1AM eoulppedspeclalatalc-P00 violet prrrumsd lichee Wide doubleIre

I DNDEntNC 15c R ITi


P P I E Rs IIAIR tared yard 7rie-


1AIEu01UC 2aslOel 4re 1EtIITAl1LE-r


23e tli com ouw-MlNT



TIC 11L1 1011inrl ClClMIIER and FLllI1n I WASil both 25cI1IAtII lHON 1lld4 FLOWER CREAM r forJne COLOATFEaASSORTEDIAnK iiR k C0 SANITARY NoIKtNSun-GR CASCARA ellne I E U F t 1 M h R many

l box teCOATED 11102IN nltr 101 bottle In

11110 SCOTT-SwrTItN lacIUII AS-

CA1tAeludrd E IC111-

1EAl n


COMILERION nRUAllLADY WE 13 S T E R S F1CIA1 I c I EA far washing the


lilt Mall Floor I


iSr i

i j = J =

lL = = r W 0-

rJl1The best Lunoheon Place L Sutinny loAntnrtlvc 1 f

Uralnjpvery2mlnsIs our notch buttricil cool Kc-

1tnuranli1f4 a J0 rJ 7 t flrnndnny

MulUonantCurs I


to iwith gaud food well avenue Curs >

rhlnl Udimi Canbeuwl Luncheon 6Cc uoiii nuinil avenue Cars J Wawmakers1130 on on anat New nldg Store Closes at 5 P M Saturdays at Noon i finau


Coret i


Our Highest Grade Summer Suits for MenTomorrow at 25Until now 28 30 3250 35 38The finest suits to be had at their full pricesthe best that skilled tailors can

turn out from splendid all = wool materials Tomorrow our remaining stock of themtakes its first drop in price to 25 thereby presenting a most uncommon opportunityto buy the best ready = made clothing at a marked saving

The suits nro 111 worsteds velours cheviots and cassimcroa in the handsomest fancy effectsof the season ana in plain blue arid black hOlgfc and unfinished worsted The range of sizes iscomplete ill regulars stouts and longs Every 28 to w88 suit in stock tomorrow 25 a suitMali floor Xev Building

All Mens Tuesdays Basement Specials

Straw Hats Reduced Women SUMMER DRESSES at 275-



Prettily made as Illustration sljonsThe moment for r1psychological your

1 of dotted Swiss muslin In light anti dark

second straw hat has arrived Not one r ai blue brown ami pink In overwaist style I

plaited from the shoulders fitted girdleof stock the Panamas es-

capes¬our except and three plaits In skirt

the blue pencil tomorrow All fine1908 hatsall of them that were originally Charmingly Trimmed Hats 5

2 01 more hand = made on wooden blocks More of the attractive Chip Hatstrimmed with lowers and

Details of the good news specially designed for midsummer wearHeraarKiiblo at the price 5

All Hats that were I ti

Tomorrow 125150 165 2 it to Young Womens Buttonfront

Hats that were I

25U and 3 Tomorrow 175 r i °

i Washable Skirls atThe popular style of Separata Skirts

All Hats that were I Tomorrow 250 II °i °for Summer wear made of white cotton

4 5 and 7 Malts floor New Dalldla jII

buttoned In frultta stylish rlrcuhr gored° model with or without folds Lengths

31 to 3J In Unusual at 150I I1

a a I Also a group of Young Womens Over-tNEW SUMMER °

l waist Dresses ot fancy figured lawnTAILORED SUITS 5


with border to mulch wuMire neck-s I Japanese skees full plaited skirt Sizes

14 to IS years Sperlall priced at S3

f 1 The picture gives aslight idea of the style Clearance of Remnants of Silks and Dress GoodsIof these well = tailored SILKS DROSS GOODS

A flue collecllon of waist and We Included all our remnantssuits of striped cotton dress lenstlisi TouKinls pongees cotton and wool dress goods In

suiting Coat is single = laffptas and friry silks In marls this July clearance There are hun-



of the most pnpulai and col ¬styles of add lengths for waistsbreasted semi = fitting orings of the season 25c to 35cand dresses In every material andJ with at front yard refiiilarlj HOc to 123points Also GInch White Japanese coloring at a third to a half less

back and sides slashed Wash Silks nt 38c vard thin their prices

Ii seams with rows of-


Womens Low ShoesSummer Styles165buttons Notched col-

lar= Smart new lasts In nil popular leathers for Summer weal

and evers of tan brown cold black made to sell at 2 50 anti 3 and with the broodar Wananmkoi guarantee for quality Many of the styles lIt complete

x duck coat sleeves with range of sIzes and nil sizes anti widths in the lot 165 a pair

turnover cuffs Goredi Remnnnts of Embroideries Muslin Underwear

side skirts= plaitedi and White Goods wellmale Muslin Underwear In

At effective summer styles nt very low4fl

1 Particularly Fine tinbroMirles In tilsiiR nnd In prices liidudlns-1ittlcoits

e ertlani ami II vailrty of tlnc sheer of cambric at 1 worthsuits at a low price 5 Wnltr Goods nil u third to a half be-


tl 5-

0Nlehttronnsrefill ir prIes lc ti ifliiO a-

rviiinniilA Smart Group of Suits at 88-


Irimttt 1 in 414 yardsat tor worth 7fic

of cambric or nainsook

In plain colors anil iopleco effects in stripedChildrens Dresses Reduced Corset Coieis of crossbar dimity t

at tree worth W-

eCombinationsUte InoroyIncludingsuitings A variety of attractive styles

Husflin or alst Dresses of lawn corset coer anrtable coat to d years slightly mussed SOc and short pcttlrcat or drawers of cam

And at 10 tome very tjllsh Slnslcbrcaslfd Suits of ear fi nn 1 mud LuO uric at ale worth 7ickhaki cloth whim collar anti culTs of contrasting tit and Russian Utosies of perregular army case amt ilumbrij 2 to 6 years nt

Third floor Old Buildingvelvet oar from 1c HandkerchiefsInfants Nainsook Slips line from3k

lacetrimmed Attractive lots of pure linen Ian dInfants Ian caps

LILLIAN CORSETS FROM PARIS at Jfic from 21c kerchiefsFor HoHifn Embr lcred Inltals

wait wreath or In iSsbir plaids

Even if the Directoire Linens luni < tltclicd als rill iTiL-

1Uliboritoljhunch flnthi nf red blue or white crnlirulrleied secondsin fringed tiorcleih 51 In square 7V ei-

Turklof 23c and lie grades nt ISc curbgown is not adopted en-


° h and llnckiback Towels l r 1cn HomstltiliPd with open-workample slut ICo rackS Initials H Is for 7r cby American women AlMlniM Crash Toweling 17 In

wide at 5o n yard leancy colored Handkerchiefs 1iicthe fashions of the day will

HANDKERCHIEFS JAPANESE DRAWNbe affected by the long lines Uncostly Attractive WORK REDUCEDof this style Any defect in Pretty pure linenThe low ispricecorseting will be fatal to the nocriterionofthese Scarfs and Center-



beauty or effectiveness of x =I excellent pure linen-

handkerchiefsdlwith Japa

the mode We have Lillian for nesemodels particularly design-


= men and women are reduced thusfrom former pricesfor wear with Diredoire Womens dainty French hand-



with solid color 4 in Scarfsgowns iihems with embroidered initial

ISx3G In St5 from 165

At 150r fiiio French toile cloth to match 2Schandkerchiefs

eachwith 1Sx i 5111 7c from 1-

vjWomens IS ln1i5c from 1 2-5Jin

Mist 3iimll waisttrimmed highlacE embroidered corners In a dozenand extremely long over the hips and or more styles 25c each

18xl 113 tram lDoI

at the hack +

1 Mens plain hemstitched hand ¬ CenterpiecesMnny other models ranging in price kerchiefs In two nhlllis of hem S020 In arc und 5 1J5 from

from E r n to S40 each at 2 a dozen usually 210 15 and Ji 2J

Soon floor OU Hull lingI uu Slain floor Old Hull lint

Broadwayt Fourth An-

A T1

Stewarturr eriy

Co JOHN WANAMAKER Eighth to Tenth St

ss S CURES ECZEMA 1jIfh 4-


o ACli l area aI4i ITER ETC I

r I j

fflrn lThe skin is an index to the quality of the blood FC7cma Acne 1

show that some unhealthy humor tdfetcTetter pimples rashes eruptions t i

impurity is diseasing anti corrupting the circulation so thatI

Lead of au il mg nourishment and strellhth to the fine delicate tissues I tJ l Jof the skin it is continuall pouring out its acrid and unhealthy accum-


¬ Vj

of salves washes lotions ecmay 1 rExternal applications Users ofB-

usinessrelieve sonic of the itehin and discomfort caused by skin troubles ltJ-JF


and for this reason should be used but suck treatment cannot reach theol

II opportunity f

humorladen blood and therefore cannot cure A thorough cleansigil

vegetal e V Advertisementsfor skin diseases sssl1purclthe blood is the only curepreparation is the best and quickest remedy It goes down into the J in THE WORLDcirculation and neutralizes and removes the acids impurities and humors I

and permanently cures skin diseasesthoroughly purifies the circulationof every kind When S S S liar driven the humors and impurities front l

and cooled and cleansed the acidhiattd circulation every 1-

I Symptom passes away the skin is again nourished with rich healthful

f blood aril the trouble cured as the cause has heels removed Hook on

Skin diseases and any medicalTHE SWIFT

adviceSPECIFIClICe to nil who




Sunday World Wants Work Monday Morning WondersIf a tf

ww gw r 41