
SATURN Made by Luke Pai

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Saturn. Made by L uke P ai. Saturn Symbol. Saturn's name origin/meaning. Saturn was named after the roman god of agriculture. Saturn means Saturday. Discovery. Who : Galileo Galilei When : 1610 How: By telescope. Distances. In the 6 th order away from the sun. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Saturn

SATURNMade by Luke Pai

Page 2: Saturn

Saturn Symbol

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Saturn's name origin/meaning

Saturn was named after the roman god of agriculture.

Saturn means Saturday.

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Who : Galileo Galilei When : 1610 How: By telescope

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In the 6th order away from the sun. 1,433,000,000 km away from the sun. 1,300,000,000  km away from the earth.

Link shows Saturn in the 6th order from the sun

Page 6: Saturn

Planet Measurements Mass : 568,319,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

kg Volume : 827,129,915,150,897 km3 Density : 0.687 g/cm3 Would Saturn float of sink in water. Explain. - Saturn would float for its density is lower then

waters density. Gravity : 1.08 times the gravity on earth. Ex: 100 lb on earth, 108 lb on Saturn.

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Orbit and Rotation

Saturn takes 29 earth year to orbit the sun.

10 hr and 37 minutes for Saturn to completely rotate on its axis.

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Saturn is approximately 94% of hydrogen and 6% of helium.

Methane ,ammonia, nitrogen and oxygen have been found in smaller traces.

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Temperature range on Saturn is -288 F. Temperature on earth is hotter by a long

shot. Florida is the hottest place know to man.

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Composition/Appearences Gas Giant . - Surface is just a layer of gas. Internal composition is the core is 10 to 20 times

massive as the earth. Saturn looks like a spherical gas planet with a

massive rocky ring around it.

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Saturn weather is very windy for its winds can reach up to 180 km mph .

3 regions where “weather” occurs . Contains ammonia clouds, ammonium

hydro sulphine clouds, and water clouds.

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Discovered in 1610 by a telescope by Galileo Galilei.

Eight rings around Saturn you can see by telescope.

People believe the rings are made of comets, asteroids, or shattered moons the broke up before they reached the planet.

The color of Saturn rings are shimmering pinks, properties of gray and a hint of brown.

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53 natural satellites Titan-(1655) Lapetus, Rhea, Dione, Tethys –(1671-

1654) Hyperion – (1848) Janus –(1966)


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Human travels

If someone traveled to Saturn they would have no place to land for Saturn is just a gas planet.

He would sink to hotter and denser gases in Saturn till he gets crushed by the pressure.

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Special Slide

Each ring of Saturn rotates at a different speed. Titan (Saturn moon) is so large it affects near

things around it. Moons can go thought the gaps between Saturn

rings. Scientist believe that titan can support life.

Page 16: Saturn


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"Saturn's Atmosphere: All the Way Down." N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2013.

"Saturn's Atmosphere / Cassini-Huygens / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA." European Space Agency. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2013.

"What Would Happen If You Tried to Land on Saturn?" What Would Happen If You Tried to Land on Saturn? N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2013.

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