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Saul Abarbanel; Half a century of scientific work Bertil Gustafsson, Uppsala University

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Page 1: Saul Abarbanel; Half a century of scientific work · Saul Abarbanel; Half a century of scientific work Bertil Gustafsson, Uppsala University. Grew up in Tel Aviv Served in Israeli

Saul Abarbanel; Half a century of scientific work

Bertil Gustafsson, Uppsala University

Page 2: Saul Abarbanel; Half a century of scientific work · Saul Abarbanel; Half a century of scientific work Bertil Gustafsson, Uppsala University. Grew up in Tel Aviv Served in Israeli

Grew up in Tel AvivServed in Israeli Army during the War of Independence 1948–1950

Page 3: Saul Abarbanel; Half a century of scientific work · Saul Abarbanel; Half a century of scientific work Bertil Gustafsson, Uppsala University. Grew up in Tel Aviv Served in Israeli

MIT 1952–1959

I Ph.D 1959, Theoretical Aerodynamics

Page 4: Saul Abarbanel; Half a century of scientific work · Saul Abarbanel; Half a century of scientific work Bertil Gustafsson, Uppsala University. Grew up in Tel Aviv Served in Israeli

Weizmann Insitute, 1960–1961

I Post Doc

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Tel Aviv University, 1961–2017

I Professor

I Head of Appl. Math. Dept., 1964– (As Associate Professor)

I Dean of Science

I Vice Rector,

I Rector

I Chairman National Research Council

I Director Sackler Institute of Advanced Studies

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ICASE (NASA Langley)

I Visitor

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Brown University

I Visitor

I IBM Distinguished Visiting Research Professor

Page 8: Saul Abarbanel; Half a century of scientific work · Saul Abarbanel; Half a century of scientific work Bertil Gustafsson, Uppsala University. Grew up in Tel Aviv Served in Israeli

1959–1969Heat transfer, gas dynamics

Most part mathematical analysis, little numerics.

Abarbanel: J. Math. and Physics (1960)Time Dependent Temperature Distribution in Radiating Solids.

Abarbanel: Israel Journal of Technology (1966)The deflection of confining walls by explosive loads.

Abarbanel–Zwas: J. Math. Anal. & Appl. (1969)The Motion of Shock Waves and Products of Detonation Confinedbetween a Wall and a Rigid Piston."...a detailed analytical solution of the piston motion and flow field iscarried out..."

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Construction and analysis of difference methods for PDEStability of PDE and difference methods

I Lax–Wendroff type methods

I Compact high-order finite-difference schemes.

I Method of lines, Runge–Kutta methods

I PML methods

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Law–Wendroff type methods and shocks



∂xvon Neumann–Richtmyer (1950): Add viscosity for numericalcomputation



∂x+ ε



Difference approximation "may be used for the entire calculation, just asthough there were no shocks at all".

1954: Lax defines shocks as viscous limits ε→ 0Dissipative difference methods for computation

1960: Lax–Wendroff scheme, damping all frequencies1969: MacCormack scheme, two stage, easier to apply

Godunov methods (Riemann solvers), upwind methods, shock fitting

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Lax-W methods: Possible oscillations near shock

97 il3 129 145 t6t t77 r95

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Abarbanel–Zwas: Math. Comp. (1969):An iterative finite-difference method for hyperbolic systems.

Lax–Wendroff type methodsHow to avoid oscillations near shocks?

Wt + F(W)x = 0 ⇐⇒ Wt + A(W)Wx = 0

Lax-WW n+1

j = W nj − λ

2(F n

j+1 − F nj−1)



j+1/2(F nj+1 − F n

j )− Anj−1/2(F n

j − F nj−1)]

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W n+1 = W n + Q ·W n

Modify toW n+1 = W n + Q · [θW n+1 + (1− θ)W n]

with iteration

W n+1,s+1 = W n+Q·[θW n+1,s+(1−θ)W n], s = 0, 1, . . . , k−1, W n+1,0 = W n

Analysis for different θ and different k :Courant number λ = ∆t/∆xNo oscillations for 1 and 2 iterations

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97 il3 129 145 t6t t77 r95

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Abarbanel-Goldberg: J. Comp. Phys. (1972)Numerical Solution of Quasi-Conservative Hyperbolic Systems; TheCylindrical Shock Problem.

Wt + [F(W)]x = Ψ(x; W)

General difference scheme

W n+1 = W n + CW n (1)

Implicit schemeExternal:

W n+1,s+1 = W n + CW n + θ[CW n+1,s − CW n]


W n+1,s+1 = W n + C(1− θ)W n + θCW n+1,s

Iterative solver as in Abarbanel–Zwas (1969), fixed number of iterationsLarger timestep compared to explicit solver.

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Standard scheme

i nt ,i iexocl) t1 (opprox.)

10 0.0 002 39 0.1976 023 82 0.3957 0 44 136 0.5996 0.6

5182 0,7988 0.8

6 ?17 0.9951 l.o7 ?49 1.1959 1.2

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Internal scheme

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Use of time-dependent methods for computation of steady state.Abarbanel-Dwoyer-Gottlieb: J. Comp. Phys. (1986)Improving the Convergence Rate to Steady State of Parabolic ADIMethods.

ut = uxx + uyy

ADI-methods: Peaceman–Rachford (1955) .....Beam–Warming (1976)

(1− λδ2x )(1− λδ2

y )(vn+1 − vn) = αλ(δ2x + δ2

y )vn, λ = ∆t/h2

Improve convergence rate as n→∞ by adding extra term

(1−λδ2x )(1−λδ2

y )(vn+1−vn) = αλ(δ2x +δ2

y )vn+γ


xδ2y (δ2

x + δ2y )vn

Fourier analysis. Choose γ to minimize amplification factor.Model equation⇒ γ = 0.8 independent of mesh-size.

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Compact Pade’ type difference methods

Orzag 1971, Kreiss-Oliger 1972: pseudospectral methods high orderaccuracy.Number of points per wavelength?High order difference methods?

Pade’ (1890): Approximation of functions by rational functionsLele 1992: "Compact Finite Difference Schemes with Spectral-likeResolution"

v = ∂u/∂x

vj+1 + 4vj + vj−1 =1

h(3uj+1 − 3uj−1) (4th order)

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Approximation Q(ξ) of ξ in Fourier space 0 ≤ ξ ≤ πStandard 4th order, standard 6th order, compact 4th order

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Boundary conditions?Stability?Lele: Numerical computation of eigenvalues of difference operators,fixed ∆x .

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Carpenter-Gottlieb-Abarbanel, J. Comp. Phys. (1993)The stability of numerical boundary treatments for compact high-orderfinite-difference schemes.Normal mode stability analysis (GKS)."Weak point: complexity in its application to higher order numericalschemes."

Extra consideration:Fixed ∆t : Growing solutions ||V(t)|| ≤ Ceαt ||V(0)|| ?Time-stable if α = 0.Analysis and construction of boundary conditions leading to timestability.Extensive thorough analysis, but for scalar case.

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SBP-operators (Summation By Parts).

Kreiss–Scherer (1977)

ut = ux , 0 ≤ x ≤ 1,u(1, t) = g(t),u(x, 0) = f(x)

(v , ∂∂x

v) = 12(|v(1)|2 − |v(0)|2) for all v ⇒

ddt‖ u ‖2= |u(1, t)|2 − |u(0, t)|2

SBP: Construct scalar product (u, v)h and a difference operator D suchthat

(v ,Dv)h =1

2(|vN|2 − |v0|2)

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Simultaneous Approximation Terms (SAT)

Funaro 1988, Funaro–Gottlieb 1988: SAT for pseudospectral methodsAdd penalty term


dt= Dv− τ

(vN − g(t)

)w (2)

Carpenter-Gottlieb-Abarbanel, J. Comp.Phys. (1994)Time-stable boundary conditions for finite-difference schemes solvinghyperbolic systems: Methodology and application to high-order compactschemes.Previous article (1993) with stable and time-stable methods areconstructed for the scalar case.Use SAT method based on SBP-operators for systemsThis article: A systematic way of constructing time-stable SAT.

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Abarbanel–Ditkowski, J. Comp. Phys. (1997)Asymptotically Stable Fourth-Order Accurate Schemes for the DiffusionEquation on Complex Shapes

4-th order, nonsymmetric difference operators near boundaries,"SAT-type".Solution bounded by constant independent of t .

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Method of lines

Carpenter-Gottlieb-Abarbanel-Don: SIAM J. Sci. Comput. (1995)The theoretical accuracy of Runge–Kutta time discretizations for theinitial boundary value problem: A study of the boundary error.


+ ∂u∂t

= 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1,u(0, t) = g(t)

Physical boundary condition at each stage of the R-K method (4th order)

v10 = g(t + δt



Theoretical analysis showing deterioration of accuracy.

Use instead derivative boundary conditions derived from original b.c.

v10 = g(t) + δt



Full accuracy for the linear case, only 3rd order in nonlinear case

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Abarbanel–Gottlieb, J. Comp. Phys. (1981):Optimal Time Splitting for Two- and Three-Dimensional Navier-StokesEquations with Mixed Derivatives (33 pages)Interview by Philip Davis 2003: "Perhaps the most important article"

U = [ρ, ρu, ρv , ρw, e]T

Ut + Fx + Gy + Hz = 0

V = [ρ, u, v , w, p]T

Vt +AVx +BVy +JVz = CVxx +DVyy +K Vzz +Exy Vxy +EyzVyz +EzxVxz

Similarity transformation such that S−1MS are symmetric for all matrixesM = A, B, . . . , Ezx

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Ut + (FH + FP + FM)x + (GH + GP + GM)y + (HH + HP + HM)z = 0

Un+2 =[Lx(∆tx)Ly (∆ty )Lz(∆tz)Lxyz(∆txyz)Lxx(∆txx)Lyy (∆tyy )Lzz(∆tzz)]·[Lzz(∆tzz)Lyy (∆tyy )Lxx(∆txx)Lxyz(∆txyz)Lz(∆tz)Ly (∆ty )Lx(∆tx)]Un

Lx . . . , Lxx . . . MacCormack solversLxyz “MacCormack-like” solver

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Scalar equation:

ut = aux + buy + juz + cuxx + duyy + kuzz + exy uxy + eyzuyz + ezxuzx

Stability under the standard one-dimensional conditions


≤ 1, . . .


(∆x)2 ≤ 12, . . .

and ∆txyz ≤ ∆tx .The same stability result for the Navier-Stokes equations due tosymmetric coefficient matrices.

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Abarbanel-Duth-Gottlieb: Computers & Fluids (1989) Splitting methodsfor low Mach number Euler and Navier-Stokes equationsStiff systemSplittingSymmetrizingStiffness isolated to linear system ("may be solved implicitly with ease")

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Abarbanel-Chertock: J. Comp. Phys. (2000)Strict Stability of High-Order Compact Implicit Finite-DifferenceSchemes: The Role of Boundary Conditions for Hyperbolic PDEs, I,II

Derivation of general compact implicit methods.

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Absorbing boundary conditions

Enquist–Majda (1977):Wave equation

utt = uxx + uyy , −∞ < x, y <∞

Boundary conditions for finite domain x ≥ x0 ?Fourier transform

ω2 = ξ2 + η2

ξ = ±ω√

1− η2/ω2, +ω√

for leftgoing wave

Pseudo-differential equation. η/ω small⇒√1− η2/ω2 ≈ 1− η2

2ω2⇒ ξω − ω2 +


2η2 = 0 ⇒

boundary condition at x = x0


∂x∂t− ∂2





∂y2= 0

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Berenger (1994): (Centre d’Analyse de Dèfense, France)Perfectly Matched Layers (PML).









Absorbing layer



Outer boundaries of computational domain

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Maxwell equations 2DW = [Ex , Ey , Hz]T


∂t= A


∂x+ B


∂y+ CW

Can be symmetrized.PML formulationWb = [Ex , Ey , Hzx , Hzy ]T


∂t= Ab


∂x+ Bb


∂y+ CbWb

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Abarbanel-Gottlieb, J. Comp. Phys. (1997)A mathematical analysis of the PML method

New system cannot be symmetrized.Shown in the article:Initial value problem weakly well posed:

Fourier transform∂/∂x → iω1

∂/∂y → iω2

Explicit form of transformed system is derived.

|Hx(t)| ∼ (αω1 + βω2)t

Requires bounded derivatives, but still growth in time.

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Even worse:Perturbation

0 0 −δ δ0 0 −δ δ0 0 0 00 0 0 0

Compute eigenvalues λ

λ1 ∼√ωδ

⇓W(t) ∼ eωδt

Ill posed!Similar results for semi-discrete and fully discrete approximations.

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Abarbanel-Gottlieb, Appl. Numer. Math., 1998On the construction and analysis of absorbing layers in CEM.

New PML type formulation.Introduce new variable polarization current J (Zilkowski 1997)


∂t= ∂Hz

∂y− J


= −σ ∂Hz


P = J + σEx∂P

∂t= −σP + σ2Ex

Strongly well posed (even when the outer boundary is taken intoaccount).Still another formulation constructed, strongly well posed.

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Abarbanel-Gottlieb-Hesthaven, J. Comp. Phys., 1999Well-posed Perfectly Matched Layers for Advective Acoustics

Development based on Abarbanel-Gottlieb (1998)."...somewhat lengthy algebraic manipulations..."Strongly well posedNumerical method: 4th order in space, Runge–Kutta in time

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Abarbanel-Gottlieb-Hesthaven, J. Sci. Comp. 2002Long Time Behavior of the Perfectly Matched Layer Equations inComputational Electromagnetics

PML-method of Abarbanel–Gottlieb (1998) shows long time growth(after the initial pulse has left the original domain).

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0 ≤ t ≤ 70

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0 ≤ t ≤ 5000

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Analysis of source of the problemDouble eigenvalue, one eigenvectorCure: Split the eigenvalues by introducing small perturbation εUncertainty about damping properties in the PML-layer

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Abarbanel-Quasimov-Tsynkov: J. Sci. Comp. (2009)Long-Time Performance of Unsplit PMLs with Explicit Second OrderSchemes.

Long-time growth with PML analyzed.Sensitive to choice of numerical method.Perturbation may or may not enter the original domain from PML-layer.

"Lacunae based stabilization" by Qasimov-Tsynkov (2008).

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Last publication:Abarbanel-Ditkowski: Appl. Numer.Math. (2015)Wave propagation in advected acoustics within a non-uniform mediumunder the effect of gravity.

Saul 84 years old.

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