save work=worrymelloney stover engine works...

fiNNiel J. BURLISIG1i, Atterney and Counselor at Law U. S. Goetunissioner. Notary Public. ?Turtles In all the Stab stud 'federal cure twee In the aureerh Bundles, melee. 110S7ANA. DR. A. E. HENDERLITE, Physician and Surgeon. CAMAS, MONTANA, EYES TESTEDOLASSE44 Firma WALTER T. OUTZ Attorney -at -Law Camas, Mont. CHAS. E. LYNCH Blacksmith Shop ALL KINDS OF BLACKSMITH- ING, WAGON WORK. HORSESBOEING A SPECIALTY. Hardwood in Stock for Repairing PRICES REASONABLE Champagne & Beuregard General Blacksmithing Repair Work of all kinds. Horse- shoeing a Specialty. CAMAS - - MONTANA Cyr's Tonsorial Parlor IS NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Everything New, Neat and up to Date. Hair cut Shave. Shampooing dr Everthing Latest Style. NEXT TO POSTOFFICE, CAMAS, MONTANA, INCREASE the Feeding I value of your grain BY HAVING IT GROUND BY L. A. JARNIGAN, ON THE POLSON ROAD NEAR BITTER ROOT. GRIND rot CASH 02 TOLL E. T. I•lcCAFFERY Funeral Director: : Plains, Montana. MAIMING A SPECIALTY. A. H. BROWN, D.D.S. First National Bank Block Plains, Montana. Will be at Pineville Office, one Nock -west of DeMers Betel, every Monday. PUMA AUTO SERVICE Front Perma to Greenspring, Camas Prairie, Pineville and 'CAMAS WARM SPRINGS. Make, cassiatikon i.e Laamplose. NtsraSa, Ahem Daytee awl Illgarm. For Informailon writs or wire PERMS AUTO SERVICE. Pena Muni. _ --- IMIMENNIMEMY 111111111.11111K I CAT ALL I WANT TO NOW No more nee on the aterneoh or SOW Stomach! No More Heavy Feeling After Meals or constipation! We want everyone in thla town who IISS stomach or bowel trouble to luet j us t rec'd. PEES° & ZEIL Adv. try ANC bottle ot simple buckthorn bark. slyerrIne. etc., as compounded In Adler I kit. You will be surprised at the QUICK ACTION! LOCAL NEWS. irm" , (7 , 0' 7, !"Ant::::"It" , THE FREE CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND SPECIAL EXCURSTO The itT FIRST DOSSI shows re- sults short treatment with Adler-L. may Mak* yon feel better thous Orr F•selL That ~AV IPTAX to sottarptletee the $S..thisi meet aits tu Iriw lag the Impurities A =Mem DORI tisestir r.liaires ass en tee etemace, bum stem:Loh or constipation QtlICIt LT. rto not hesitate to say that A dler-I-k• hi the BEST bowel nod stomach remedy we bays ever itotat LEWIS PHARMACY, PLAINS, NION T.1 N 44 ) a Pere home rendered lard at Ific. CAMA6 MEAT MARKET. Adv. AV. B. Liudeley, of Perma, was visiting at the Springs Saturday. J. H. Toinlio, of Dayton, was in town Wednesday. Miss Ida Romer. of Kalis ** Pell, is visiting friends in Camas, Prairie. F. Farrell, of Potlatch, Idaho, was a guest of the DeMers the 2nd. John Papez, of Albion. Nebraska, was a guest of the DeMers Satur- day. 1)r.„Henderlite and F. E. Pees(' maae a business trip to Sloan Tues- day. H. D. Bernard, of Missoula, was registered at the Headquarters Mon- day. For Sale—Pure-blood Duroc-Jer- sey pigs, 12 weeks old. F. J. Beier - ever. 1 mile south of Oliver Gulch P.O. Adv Mrs. A. J. Banister, of White- fish, was a visitor in Camas Friday last. J. II. White, of Bigarm, was a visitor at the Health resort this week. Mrs. M. S Love s of Kalispell, was a visitor at the Springs last week. The Crabtree-Maxin well drill is putting down a well for Jabot) E. Cline. J. A. Aiken, of Spokane, was a visitor at the health resort last Sat- urday. Miss Shaver has accepted a posi- tion with Smith & Ekblad as book- keeper A. L. Brown, of Perma, was a guest of the DeMers the early part of the week. List your ranch with the Caine, - State Bank. Adv. Charles O'Neil was down from his homestead on the Little Bitter Root Friday last. P. S. Morrie and wife, of ,Kal-s- pell, were visit sre at the Hot Springs Monday. R. W. AVilliams. of Basin, Mon- tana, was registered at the DeMers Friday last. Mr. A. Stephens, of KaliopelLwas a gueet of the DeMers the early part of the week. Mrs. J. W. Booth, of Kaliepell, was a visitor at the Hot Springs Saturday last. Miss Nellie Ostlie is out from Plains this week visiting -her mother on the ranch. During August the auto fare from Penne to Camas Hot Springs will be three dollers. H. L. Nutter has the contract for painting the Catholic church and is ligsy on the job. 1 . Z. Connor, ,of Havre, was among the new arrivals at the De- Mere Wednesday. James K. Lang and wife, o( Kal- ispell, were among the visiters, in Camas this week. Fee made to measure clothes, see J. A. BILLINGS. Ad.v. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kelley, of Kalispell, were visitors a the Hot Springs this week. C. L. Hawn, of Pellican Rapids. Minnesota, was registered at the DeMers Wednesday. Fred Lang and wife were among the Kalispell people registered at the DeMers Saturday. Mrs. Webber of Camas Prairie, returned Wednesday from a few days visit in Missoula. C. I,. Hann, of NVallace, Idaho, was among the visitors at Canna Hot Springs Saturday. 'Kate Murphy and Winnifred Ambrose, of Creston, were guesta of the DeMers Wednesday. P. W. Lib:aeon, of Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, was a guest of the Headquarters Wednesday. N. M. Reiter, representing the Kalispell Commercial Company,was a visitor in Camas the 291.h. H. Parker, ef Columbia Falls, was a visitor at the Springs this week, the guest of the DeMers. J. W. Haney, of Missoula, one of the pioneers of western Montana, was a guest of the DeMers the , . week. New stock of ''Montana" hats P. S. Morris and IC. E. Kellev, of Kalispell, were visitors at the health resort the early part of the week. C. E. Peareall and D. T. Salvage, of Kaliapell, were among the visi- tors in Camas this week from the north. H. C. Ihmit, contmetor and builder, returned this week from the Richard L. Atkins ranch, where he I 4x24 in sise and with the old leele- ings will make them a good home. V. B. Skinner, of Missoula, rep- resenting the Miesoula Mercantile Company, was a visitor in Camas Monday: Charles First made his first trip 14) the Lake with the Ordiali auto- mobile. lie made the trip without any trouble. AT THE SPOKANE FAIR, h Wheel Perham, Just as much fun. P. C. Read, who has a homes t ead Thus there's the Animal Circus, with k e y. an d d ogs m id s hear that can skate near Lonepine - , is now located at grew sad Village and other shows too Boise, Idaho. where lie hen found le front of the I:t find Stand there employment. boys, the fireworks, the bly Indian battle When you go to Plains and want nice clean bed wittequiet surround- ings do not overlook the Temper- ance Home. Atfv. R. Hoffman is moving his house on the lot on which his stable stands. This will place him close to his business. M. B. Gray, C. E. Shepard,B. V. Edworthy, of Plains, were among the visitors at the Springs the early part of the week. WillianeStolte, has purchased a new car, going to Missoula for the same. He brought three lady pas- eengers with him. Fruit jars and supplies, The dz. U?. PEES° & ZEH. Adv. Octave Morigeau and wife and Mrs. Al Sloan, and - daughter, of Sloan. were guests of the Headquar- ters Saturday last. Mrs. George W. Koontz returned this week from Iowa, where she was called on account of the sickness and death of her mother. Fred E. Peeso left Wednesday morning to attend the Elk'sconven- tion. Fred will certainly enjoy his outing with that bunch. H. F. Tallman, of Camas Prailie, was in Camas this week. He was employed as deputy assessor and re- sided at Thompeon Falls for some time. Mrs. Robert DeMers is here visit- ingomong her numerous friends. She was formerly Miss Little and had homestead two miles north of Camas. Rey Linton sold his homestead this week to Sam Seholes and his friend Mr. Rose. This claim joins the other holdings of Mr &holes in Garcon gulch. Mrs. Newhouse, mother of our fellow townsman, T. P. Newhouse, arrived Monday from LaCrosse, AVieconsin, and will visit some time with her son. A meeting Is arranged at Lone- pine for Saturday night to perfect plans to meet Secretary Lane and let our views he known. All in- terested should go to the meeting. Real Estate—If you have real estate to sell, lease or a relinquish- ment to sell, write to Wade Parks, Penna, Montana. Adv. t f. C. C. Platt, of Spokane, repre- senting the Fairbanks -Morse Ma- el:liner" Company, was in town this week. He is doing a good business here in gaseline engines and pumps. Dr. John Ileidelman, the reser- vation doctor for the Indians, and Wilbur Mitchell, of Jocks, were Camas vied tont . Wednesday . The Doctor was over looking after mat- ters in his charge. Rev.Morris, of the Baptist church will hold services Sunday morning at the schoolhouse, and at the Hot Springs in the evening. A cordial invitation iteritended to all to at- tend the services. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Iland,of Plains, arrived Wednesday and will spend a few days at the Health Resort. This is not their first visit to the Hot Springs, in feet. they intend to own property here. A. A. Alvorri and wife, who will be remembered lived on a home- stead on Dry Creek, and who has been visiting friends near Lonepine, came to Camas this week and is re- /riding in Mr. Bataon's house. A meeting of the school trustees of school district No. 12 will be hold Saturday, August 113, in the schoolhouse at Camas. The bids for purchasing wood for the die trict will be opened at that time. John Branuigan and wife, who have been stopping at the Springs for the past nix weeks, left Tuesday for the west. They will visit' a number of places on the coast belore they return to their home in Minne- apolis. Henry Winkler, formerly with John Itomaln in the well-boring business, came back last week to see how the country was getting along. lie will stay only a tew days. He Mateo that Romain is in the saw mill business. George N. Mansfield wishes to thank the people who worked so ontrizenotedy to sityr his beddin g a t HERE is have week oli big Leif' covers more the mental hors and way there are enticing bally-h above all others where children. big and small, eeat, elle of the year, am! that plaee is the Spokane Fair the lb. One of the latest attractions, for the little folk is the Grounds installed by the Spokane Park Board. This acre and is full of au luxe. seesaw's. trapeze+. hart- 6 Oho. for having fun. and Its all free. Up In the mia- eyserland glittering merry -r eel, -rounds. with prancing steeds and isle, and the Ferris Dot so big as the interim Feels all sorts t.f cute. trained ponies, moti- on roller skates: the big Indian con- Yellowstone Park. tie to mention• the races, the ewe games, the cur- every night, the log chopping contest the miners in their rock drilling contest, the motorcycle relay race, Scotch Highlander.' baud, the broadsword battle on horseback and Iota in attrac- tions different and more interesting than any circus. Then there is a long list of cash prizes for children, nearly ,I0 all, cov- ering nearly everyteing they raise in gardens or make at school. ale•this ebil- dren's work will be shown together this year in a new department all its OWIL Even the babies ran win some big cash prizes at this spoken° Fair, for there is a prize of POO in gold for the best baby from outside Spokane, as well as many other cash and trophy prizes for the babies who enter in the Better Babies Contest. And last, but not least, there is a big Free Nursery, where the babies can be left In charge ot,competroi nurses while the parents enjoy the Fair. the late fire, through the columns of The Signal. He did not know the fire had occurred until he re- ceived his copy "ef The Signal. FOR SALE—Choice location in Camas with beiklings. Good for most any kind of businees. Inquire' at The Signal office. Adv. I James Kotilmier,. of Sloan, was 1 among the new arrivals Wednesday. Finals clearance sale of all Ox- fords at cost. PEES) & ZEII. Adv, George Koyle, of Missoula', was among the new arrivals from Gar- den City. Prof. F. E. Woodward- and sou and Mrs. 1VoodwAd, of Kalispell, are guests of the 'DeMers. Frank C. Jones, who has been working at the John Long saw niiree left early this moneing for Kalispell, to attend to husinese matters. J. D. Fritchie, of Helena, an ad- juster for the St. Paul Fire & Mar- ine Insurance conipany, was here Wednesday to investigate the Cline & 8mnitt fire. Hen Baldridge left Monday for lVashiniin, where he will take a position with the State Fish Hatch- eries. Mr. Baldridge worked twelve years in the fish hatcheries and is an expert in that line. Mr. Bald ridge has a hnmestead a few miles north of here and has demonstrated that with water this country will produce good crops. His family will remain here f9r a while. William Ferguson. one of the trail blazers of Plains valley,arrived Tuesday anti is a guest of the Head- quarters. "Uncle Billy" has passed the allotted time of mail but is quite strong in most ways, For several years past he has visited the Hot Springs for a few days or weeks of each year. His lower limbs are af- fected and he hopes bye the use of the mud bath to get better use of them. Dr. lienderlite made an auto trip over the Reservation Sunday,travel- ing 130 miles. Ilk was accent s, panted by Louis Beauregard. They went from Cameo to Perma, from Permit to Dixon, from Dixon to Ravalli,frurn Ravalli to Ronan, from Ronan to Politer', from Poison to Elmo and then home. They state the fields on the whole route show , the effect of drouth. Where water is on the land the crops are magni- fisent. Sam &holes receiveil a telegram 'idnseday that his brother-in-law d family, Robert 0.Vredenburgh, has started to Montana for an out- ing, and for Sam to meet them at Kalispell. Sam him the lumber on the ground for a two room addition to his house and has recently made changes on the place that will make it comfortable ter his visitors. In addition to placing his house near a beautiful spring Sam has ',mil an automobile road made to the reel- Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Arms, of Miseouls, were visitors in town Monday. They were very much impressed with the value of our hot ngs. Mr. Arms is to have charge of the sale of all agricultural and stump lands of the Big Black- foot Milling Company, which are to be put on the market In a short time. He is making the trip to see some of the territory which he will handle. They will open an office in Missoula to handle thia T est amount of land. Will Visit Camas. Mrs. Gertrude H. Preston, of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, State Com- mandekof the Ladies of the Macca- bees of the World. will be the guest of Mrs. Clawson, at Camas, District Deputy for Montana, for a few days next week. Invitations will be is- sued for a reception for Mrs. Pres- ton by the ladies of Camas Hot Springe Hive during her visit here , Mrs. Preston is a member of the Eastern Star and Rebeka, and was a Red Cross nurse on U. S. cruisers for 10 _years, and has visited and lectured to the women of both China ale] Japan. She is a - pleasing speaker and those will be fortunate who are able to owe and hear her. Mrs. Preston will prebably visit the Hint* at Poison and Kalispell while in this vicinity. She will be the linnet of the I,. 0. T. M. at Plaine before coming to Camas. Parcel Post. The new parcel poet rate, which will go into effect the fifteenth of this month, will be welcomed by all who have parcels to send to nearby points. The weight of parcel', to be carried by post will be 'nereased from eleven to twenty peunde, and the postage will be reduced about one-third in the first and second zones --about lee) miles from any given postuffice. The pestoffioe de- partment expects eventually to ex- tend the system to all points, with a general reduction in rates of post- age, and a possible weight limit of 100 pounds. Gore's properly packed hear transportation by par- cel poet very well. Moved to Portland. Mr. George Wenenver and his two daughters Jose and Ethel left Mon. day for Portland, Oregon, where they will probably make their future home. They made the change en account of Mr. Weetover's health. They have made a lot of friends in their residence here that were sorry to see them depart. C. J. Menken went along to ship with the car. CAMAS STATE BANK There are two kinds of service, one a personal and the other general. The personal service is that kindly attentiveness that makes lasting friendship and is the kind- we try to render each of our custo- mers. ,SsIc sonic of them what they have to say on the subject. We sell drafts payable any- where in the United States or Canada at half the Potent order rate. Real Estate anti Insurance. WALTER 'T. GUTZ. Cashier. Camas Statc Bank. See This Year. August 11, 1913. From all Northern Pecific points in Montana atel Anaconda, Yellowetone Perk specials excursion tickets will he sold for all trains except the North Coast Limited, arriving at Livingston on August 11th. The fare will be one and one-third fare t• Gardiner and return and $10.00 added. for the $113-mileeseoteh- ing trip through the Park, which will include five and ate -hall dilys accommodations at the Yellowstone l'ark Company's hotels. Special fares for children under 8 leers of age. If de-. sired an extension of limit may be arranged for upon payment of regular hotel rate. Call and ask for full particulars W. H. MARRIMAN, D. F., & T. Agent, Butte, r Montina. For descriptive literature address A. M. CLELAND, General Ticket and Passen- ger AzAnt,..$t. Paul, Minn.,•Local Agent, Plains, Montana. Save Work=Worrymelloney SEND FOR FREE CATA- LOGUE. SEND FOR FREE CATA- LOGI . E. By using a STOVER GASOLINE ENGINE. Made Right, Sold Right. STOVER ENGINE WORKS FREEPORT, ILL.. Camas Hot Springs Headquarters Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN. WILLIAM GIRD, Manager. The place to stop when visiting Camas or the tiot Springs for Business or Pleasure. The Nearest Hotel to the Hot Springs Special Attentirm given to Invalids. Rates $1.50 per day Upwards. HOTEL DEMERS, CAMAS, MONTANA, IS THE PLACE TO STOP WHEN YOU ARE VISITING =KNOT SPRINGS ON BUSINESS OR PLEASURE. Board by the week Sa.00 Mrs. C. G. NAND. Prop Beds 50c. Meals 35c. CANYV•ymIce furnished to carry the sick to and from the Hot Springs. SEEDS and SEED GRAIN. Now is the time to buy your seeds for spring planting. WI invite you to look over the following list, the prices far which will prove entirely satisfactory. Medium Roth, Alnikc, Mammoth and White Clover, Alfalfa, Dry Land Alfalfa, Kentucky Blue Orem, Red Top, Drone's !nervous, Timothy, Millet, King Philip and ir tile Flint Field re- &sex Rape, Vetch Garden Seeds ofall kindS In Bulk or Package. Club Soft Spring Wheat. Blue Stem Spring WSW.' e Scotch Fife Hardliering Wheat. Success and Ifullesei Barley. Cleaned Seed Oats. McGowan Commercial Company, PLAINS, MONTANA. 4

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Page 1: Save Work=Worrymelloney STOVER ENGINE WORKS … · The itT FIRST DOSSI shows re-sults • short treatment with Adler-L

fiNNiel J. BURLISIG1i,

Atterney and Counselor at LawU. S. Goetunissioner.Notary Public.

?Turtles In all the Stab stud 'federal curetwee In the aureerh Bundles,

melee. 110S7ANA.


Physician and Surgeon.





Camas, Mont.




Hardwood in Stock for RepairingPRICES REASONABLE

Champagne &Beuregard


Repair Work of all kinds. Horse-shoeing a Specialty.


Cyr's Tonsorial ParlorIS NOW OPEN TO THEPUBLIC.

Everything New, Neat and upto Date.

Hair cut Shave. Shampooing dr

Everthing Latest Style.


INCREASE the Feeding

I value of your grain





E. T. I•lcCAFFERYFuneral Director: :

Plains, Montana.


A. H. BROWN, D.D.S.First National Bank BlockPlains, Montana.

Will be at Pineville Office, oneNock-west of DeMers Betel, everyMonday.

PUMA AUTO SERVICEFront Perma to Greenspring,

Camas Prairie, Pineville and


Make, cassiatikon i.e Laamplose.NtsraSa, Ahem Daytee awl Illgarm.

For Informailon writs or wirePERMS AUTO SERVICE. Pena Muni.

_---IMIMENNIMEMY 111111111.11111K


No more nee on the aterneoh or SOWStomach! No More Heavy Feeling

After Meals or constipation!We want everyone in thla town who

IISS stomach or bowel trouble to luet just rec'd. PEES° & ZEIL Adv.try ANC bottle ot simple buckthorn bark. slyerrIne. etc., as compoundedIn Adler I kit. You will be surprisedat the QUICK ACTION!


The itT FIRST DOSSI shows re-sults • short treatment withAdler-L. may Mak* yon feel betterthous Orr F•selLThat ~AV IPTAX to sottarptletee

the $S..thisi meet aits tu Iriw lagthe Impurities A =Mem DORItisestir r.liaires ass en tee etemace,bum stem:Loh or constipation QtlICIt LT.

rto not hesitate to say thatA dler-I-k• hi the BEST bowel nodstomach remedy we bays ever itotat



Pere home rendered lard at Ific.CAMA6 MEAT MARKET. Adv.

AV. B. Liudeley, of Perma, was

visiting at the Springs Saturday.

J. H. Toinlio, of Dayton, was in

town Wednesday.

Miss Ida Romer. of Kalis**Pell, isvisiting friends in Camas, Prairie.

F. Farrell, of Potlatch, Idaho,was a guest of the DeMers the 2nd.John Papez, of Albion. Nebraska,

was a guest of the DeMers Satur-


1)r.„Henderlite and F. E. Pees('maae a business trip to Sloan Tues-day.

H. D. Bernard, of Missoula, was

registered at the Headquarters Mon-day.

For Sale—Pure-blood Duroc-Jer-

sey pigs, 12 weeks old. F. J. Beier-

ever. 1 mile south of Oliver Gulch

P.O. Adv

Mrs. A. J. Banister, of White-

fish, was a visitor in Camas Friday


J. II. White, of Bigarm, was a

visitor at the Health resort this


Mrs. M. S Loves of Kalispell,

was a visitor at the Springs last


The Crabtree-Maxin well drill isputting down a well for Jabot) E.Cline.

J. A. Aiken, of Spokane, was a

visitor at the health resort last Sat-


Miss Shaver has accepted a posi-

tion with Smith & Ekblad as book-


• A. L. Brown, of Perma, was a

guest of the DeMers the early part

of the week.

List your ranch with the Caine,-State Bank. Adv.

Charles O'Neil was down from his

homestead on the Little Bitter Root

Friday last.

P. S. Morrie and wife, of ,Kal-s-

pell, were visit sre at the Hot SpringsMonday.

R. W. AVilliams. of Basin, Mon-

tana, was registered at the DeMers

Friday last.

Mr. A. Stephens, of KaliopelLwas

a gueet of the DeMers the early part

of the week.

Mrs. J. W. Booth, of Kaliepell,

was a visitor at the Hot Springs

Saturday last.

Miss Nellie Ostlie is out from

Plains this week visiting -her mother

on the ranch.

During August the auto fare from

Penne to Camas Hot Springs will be

three dollers.

H. L. Nutter has the contract for

painting the Catholic church and is

ligsy on the job.

1. Z. Connor, ,of Havre, was

among the new arrivals at the De-

Mere Wednesday.

James K. Lang and wife, o( Kal-

ispell, were among the visiters, in

Camas this week.

Fee made to measure clothes, seeJ. A. BILLINGS. Ad.v.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kelley, of

Kalispell, were visitors a the Hot

Springs this week.

C. L. Hawn, of Pellican Rapids.Minnesota, was registered at theDeMers Wednesday.

Fred Lang and wife were among

the Kalispell people registered at

the DeMers Saturday.

Mrs. Webber of Camas Prairie,

returned Wednesday from a few

days visit in Missoula.C. I,. Hann, of NVallace, Idaho,

was among the visitors at CannaHot Springs Saturday.

'Kate Murphy and Winnifred

Ambrose, of Creston, were guesta of

the DeMers Wednesday.

P. W. Lib:aeon, of Bonner's

Ferry, Idaho, was a guest of the

Headquarters Wednesday.

N. M. Reiter, representing the

Kalispell Commercial Company,was

a visitor in Camas the 291.h.

H. Parker, ef Columbia Falls,

was a visitor at the Springs thisweek, the guest of the DeMers.

J. W. Haney, of Missoula, one of

the pioneers of western Montana,

was a guest of the DeMers the,. week.

New stock of ''Montana" hats

P. S. Morris and IC. E. Kellev, of

Kalispell, were visitors at thehealth resort the early part of theweek.C. E. Peareall and D. T. Salvage,

of Kaliapell, were among the visi-tors in Camas this week from thenorth.H. C. Ihmit, contmetor and

builder, returned this week from theRichard L. Atkins ranch, where he

I 4x24 in sise and with the old leele-ings will make them a good home.

V. B. Skinner, of Missoula, rep-

resenting the Miesoula Mercantile

Company, was a visitor in Camas


Charles First made his first trip

14) the Lake with the Ordiali auto-

mobile. lie made the trip without

any trouble.



Wheel Perham, Just as much fun.

P. C. Read, who has a homestead Thus there's the Animal Circus, withkey. and dogs mid s hear that can skate

near Lonepine-, is now located at grew sad Village and other shows tooBoise, Idaho. where lie hen found le front of the I:t find Stand thereemployment. boys, the fireworks, the bly Indian battle

When you go to Plains and wantnice clean bed wittequiet surround-

ings do not overlook the Temper-ance Home. Atfv.

R. Hoffman is moving his house

on the lot on which his stable

stands. This will place him close

to his business.

M. B. Gray, C. E. Shepard,B. V.

Edworthy, of Plains, were among

the visitors at the Springs the early

part of the week.

WillianeStolte, has purchased a

new car, going to Missoula for the

same. He brought three lady pas-

eengers with him.

Fruit jars and supplies, The dz.

U?. PEES° & ZEH. Adv.

Octave Morigeau and wife and

Mrs. Al Sloan, and - daughter, of

Sloan. were guests of the Headquar-

ters Saturday last.

Mrs. George W. Koontz returned

this week from Iowa, where she was

called on account of the sickness and

death of her mother.

• Fred E. Peeso left Wednesday

morning to attend the Elk'sconven-

tion. Fred will certainly enjoy his

outing with that bunch.

H. F. Tallman, of Camas Prailie,

was in Camas this week. He was

employed as deputy assessor and re-

sided at Thompeon Falls for some


Mrs. Robert DeMers is here visit-

ingomong her numerous friends.

She was formerly Miss Little and

had homestead two miles north ofCamas.

Rey Linton sold his homestead

this week to Sam Seholes and his

friend Mr. Rose. This claim joins

the other holdings of Mr &holes in

Garcon gulch.

Mrs. Newhouse, mother of ourfellow townsman, T. P. Newhouse,arrived Monday from LaCrosse,AVieconsin, and will visit some timewith her son.

A meeting Is arranged at Lone-pine for Saturday night to perfect

plans to meet Secretary Lane and

let our views he known. All in-

terested should go to the meeting.

Real Estate—If you have realestate to sell, lease or a relinquish-ment to sell, write to Wade Parks,Penna, Montana. Adv. t f.

C. C. Platt, of Spokane, repre-

senting the Fairbanks-Morse Ma-

el:liner" Company, was in town this

week. He is doing a good business

here in gaseline engines and pumps.

Dr. John Ileidelman, the reser-

vation doctor for the Indians, and

Wilbur Mitchell, of Jocks, were

Camas vied tont • . Wednesday . The

Doctor was over looking after mat-

ters in his charge.

Rev.Morris, of the Baptist church

will hold services Sunday morning

at the schoolhouse, and at the HotSprings in the evening. A cordialinvitation iteritended to all to at-tend the services.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Iland,of Plains,arrived Wednesday and will spend a

few days at the Health Resort.

This is not their first visit to the

Hot Springs, in feet. they intend toown property here.

A. A. Alvorri and wife, who willbe remembered lived on a home-

stead on Dry Creek, and who has

been visiting friends near Lonepine,

came to Camas this week and is re-

/riding in Mr. Bataon's house.A meeting of the school trustees

of school district No. 12 will be

hold Saturday, August 113, in the

schoolhouse at Camas. The bids

for purchasing wood for the dietrict will be opened at that time.

John Branuigan and wife, who

have been stopping at the Springs

for the past nix weeks, left Tuesdayfor the west. They will visit' a

number of places on the coast belorethey return to their home in Minne-


Henry Winkler, formerly with

John Itomaln in the well-boring

business, came back last week to see

how the country was getting along.

lie will stay only a tew days. He

Mateo that Romain is in the saw

mill business.

George N. Mansfield wishes to

thank the people who worked soontrizenotedy to sityr his bedding at

HERE ishaveweek olibig Leif'

covers more themental hors andway there areenticing bally-h

above all others where children. big and small, eeat,elle of the year, am! that plaee is the Spokane Fair thelb. One of the latest attractions, for the little folk is theGrounds installed by the Spokane Park Board. This

acre and is full of au luxe. seesaw's. trapeze+. hart-6Oho. for having fun. and Its all free. Up In the mia- eyserlandglittering merry-r

eel,-rounds. with prancing steeds and

isle, and the Ferris Dot so big as the interim Feels

all sorts t.f cute. trained ponies, moti-on roller skates: the big Indian con-

Yellowstone Park.

tieto mention•

the races, the ewe games, the cur-every night, the log chopping contest

the miners in their rock drilling contest, the motorcycle relay race, • ScotchHighlander.' baud, the broadsword battle on horseback and Iota in attrac-tions different and more interesting than any circus.

Then there is a long list of cash prizes for children, nearly ,I0 all, cov-ering nearly everyteing they raise in gardens or make at school. ale•this ebil-dren's work will be shown together this year in a new department all its OWIL

Even the babies ran win some big cash prizes at this spoken° Fair, forthere is a prize of POO in gold for the best baby from outside Spokane, as wellas many other cash and trophy prizes for the babies who enter in the BetterBabies Contest.

And last, but not least, there is a big Free Nursery, where the babies canbe left In charge ot,competroi nurses while the parents enjoy the Fair.

the late fire, through the columnsof The Signal. He did not knowthe fire had occurred until he re-ceived his copy "ef The Signal.

FOR SALE—Choice location inCamas with beiklings. Good formost any kind of businees. Inquire'at The Signal office. Adv. I

James Kotilmier,. of Sloan, was 1among the new arrivals Wednesday.

Finals clearance sale of all Ox-fords at cost. PEES) & ZEII. Adv,

George Koyle, of Missoula', wasamong the new arrivals from Gar-den City. •

Prof. F. E. Woodward- and souand Mrs. 1VoodwAd, of Kalispell,are guests of the 'DeMers.

Frank C. Jones, who has beenworking at the John Long saw niireeleft early this moneing for Kalispell,to attend to husinese matters.

J. D. Fritchie, of Helena, an ad-juster for the St. Paul Fire & Mar-ine Insurance conipany, was hereWednesday to investigate the Cline& 8mnitt fire.

Hen Baldridge left Monday forlVashiniin, where he will take aposition with the State Fish Hatch-eries. Mr. Baldridge worked twelveyears in the fish hatcheries and isan expert in that line. Mr. Baldridge has a hnmestead a few milesnorth of here and has demonstratedthat with water this country will

produce good crops. His familywill remain here f9r a while.William Ferguson. one of the

trail blazers of Plains valley,arrived

Tuesday anti is a guest of the Head-quarters. "Uncle Billy" has passed

the allotted time of mail but is quitestrong in most ways, For severalyears past he has visited the HotSprings for a few days or weeks ofeach year. His lower limbs are af-fected and he hopes bye the use ofthe mud bath to get better use ofthem.

Dr. lienderlite made an auto tripover the Reservation Sunday,travel-ing 130 miles. Ilk was accents,panted by Louis Beauregard. Theywent from Cameo to Perma, fromPermit to Dixon, from Dixon toRavalli,frurn Ravalli to Ronan, fromRonan to Politer', from Poison toElmo and then home. They statethe fields on the whole route show ,the effect of drouth. Where wateris on the land the crops are magni-fisent.Sam &holes receiveil a telegram

'idnseday that his brother-in-lawd family, Robert 0.Vredenburgh,

has started to Montana for an out-ing, and for Sam to meet them atKalispell. Sam him the lumber onthe ground for a two room additionto his house and has recently madechanges on the place that will makeit comfortable ter his visitors. Inaddition to placing his house near abeautiful spring Sam has ',mil anautomobile road made to the reel-

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Arms, ofMiseouls, were visitors in townMonday. They were very muchimpressed with the value of our hot

ngs. Mr. Arms is to havecharge of the sale of all agriculturaland stump lands of the Big Black-foot Milling Company, which are tobe put on the market In a shorttime. He is making the trip to seesome of the territory which he willhandle. They will open an officein Missoula to handle thia Testamount of land.

Will Visit Camas.Mrs. Gertrude H. Preston, of

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, State Com-mandekof the Ladies of the Macca-bees of the World. will be the guestof Mrs. Clawson, at Camas, DistrictDeputy for Montana, for a few daysnext week. Invitations will be is-sued for a reception for Mrs. Pres-ton by the ladies of Camas HotSpringe Hive during her visit here,Mrs. Preston is a member of theEastern Star and Rebeka, and wasa Red Cross nurse on U. S. cruisersfor 10 _years, and has visited andlectured to the women of both Chinaale] Japan. She is a -pleasingspeaker and those will be fortunatewho are able to owe and hear her.Mrs. Preston will prebably visit theHint* at Poison and Kalispell whilein this vicinity. She will be thelinnet of the I,. 0. T. M. at Plainebefore coming to Camas.

Parcel Post.The new parcel poet rate, which

will go into effect the fifteenth ofthis month, will be welcomed by allwho have parcels to send to nearbypoints. The weight of parcel', to becarried by post will be 'nereasedfrom eleven to twenty peunde, andthe postage will be reduced aboutone-third in the first and secondzones--about lee) miles from anygiven postuffice. The pestoffioe de-partment expects eventually to ex-tend the system to all points, witha general reduction in rates of post-age, and a possible weight limit of100 pounds. Gore's properlypacked hear transportation by par-cel poet very well.

Moved to Portland.Mr. George Wenenver and his two

daughters Jose and Ethel left for Portland, Oregon, wherethey will probably make their futurehome. They made the change enaccount of Mr. Weetover's health.They have made a lot of friends intheir residence here that were sorryto see them depart. C. J. Menkenwent along to ship with the car.

CAMAS STATE BANKThere are two kinds of service,one a personal and the other


The personal service is that

kindly attentiveness that

makes lasting friendshipand is the kind- we try • torender each of our custo-mers.

,SsIc sonic of them what they

have to say on the subject.

We sell drafts payable any-

where in the United States

or Canada at half the Potent

order rate.

Real Estate anti Insurance.

WALTER 'T. GUTZ.Cashier.

Camas Statc Bank.

SeeThis Year.

August 11, 1913.From all Northern Pecific points in Montana atel Anaconda,

Yellowetone Perk specials excursion tickets will he sold for all

trains except the North Coast Limited, arriving at Livingston

on August 11th. The fare will be one and one-third fare t•

Gardiner and return and $10.00 added. for the $113-mileeseoteh-

ing trip through the Park, which will include five and ate-halldilys accommodations at the Yellowstone l'ark Company's

hotels. Special fares for children under 8 leers of age. If de-.

sired an extension of limit may be arranged for upon payment

of regular hotel rate. Call and ask for full particulars

W. H. MARRIMAN, D. F., & T. Agent,Butte, rMontina.

For descriptive literature address

A. M. CLELAND, General Ticket and Passen-ger AzAnt,..$t. Paul,,•Local Agent, Plains, Montana.

Save Work=WorrymelloneySEND











Made Right, Sold Right.


Camas Hot Springs

Headquarters HotelEUROPEAN PLAN.


The place to stop when visiting Camas or the

tiot Springs for Business or Pleasure.

The Nearest Hotel to the Hot Springs

Special Attentirm given to Invalids.

Rates $1.50 per day Upwards.




Board by the week Sa.00 Mrs. C. G. NAND. Prop

Beds 50c. Meals 35c.

CANYV•ymIce furnished to carry the sick to and from the Hot Springs.

SEEDS and SEED GRAIN.Now is the time to buy your seeds for spring planting.

WI invite you to look over the following list, the pricesfar which will prove entirely satisfactory.

Medium Roth, Alnikc, Mammoth and White Clover,Alfalfa, Dry Land Alfalfa, Kentucky Blue Orem,

Red Top, Drone's !nervous, Timothy, Millet,

King Philip and ir tile Flint Field re-

&sex Rape, Vetch

Garden Seeds ofall kindS

In Bulk or Package.

Club Soft Spring Wheat. Blue Stem Spring WSW.'e •

Scotch Fife Hardliering Wheat.Success and Ifullesei Barley. Cleaned Seed Oats.

McGowan Commercial Company,PLAINS, MONTANA.