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b y K e n n e t h C o p e l a n d

• Christmasistheseasonofgiving.OurheavenlyFathersettheprecedent








WetrustthisspecialissueofBeliever’s Voice of Victory,filledwithstoriesandarticlesfromourfamily,willblessyouandyourlovedones.Ourprayeristhatitwillexpand


Merry Christmas!

Dear Partners and Friends,

lorytoGod!Thewarisover!mThose aren’tthewordsthatusuallycometomindwhenwethinkaboutChristmas.Theyshould,however,becausethatwasthemessagethatmarkedthedawningofthefirstChristmasmorning.ThatwasthemessagethatcausedthehostsofheaventoexplodeinjoyouscelebrationandsentbewilderedshepherdsscurryingtoaBethlehemstable.mGranted,you’veprobablyneverseenthoseexactwordsprintedonaChristmascardorsunginacarol.Butthemessageistherenonetheless—containedinthefamiliarphrasefromLuke2:14:Peace on earth, good will toward men.


b y K e n n e t h C o p e l a n d

Contrary to popular belief, that phrase isn’t just a divine peace slogan meant to convince people to stop fighting and start getting along with each other. It ’s not merely promoting good will among men. The angels that first heralded those words were talking about something far more significant than that. They were announcing good will toward men. They were declaring an end to the conflict between heaven and earth, a conflict that had been raging for 4,000 years. They were saying, “The spir-itual war is over! God has sent His Peace Offering into the earth. He has extended His good will toward men!”

Spiritual Prisoners of War It was an astounding announcement—an announcement the world has almost completely misunderstood. Even those of us who are believers haven’t yet fully grasped the impact of it. When we do, we won’t be content to sit quietly with folded hands and listen to the choir sing, “Hark, the her-ald angels sing….” We’ll want to do what the heavenly hosts did that day. They got so excited they could hardly let the first angel of the Lord fin-ish delivering His message. All he had time to say to the shepherds was this: “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger” (Luke 2:10-12, New King James Version). Three sentences. That’s all the angel had said when suddenly the rest of the heavenly host burst into jubilant praises to God. They shouted down that angelic preacher! When I try to imagine what that supernatural celebration must have been like, I’m reminded of the celebrations that erupted across the United States in 1945 when the announcement came that World War II was over. We’ve seen the pictures. I was only 8 years old, and I still remember it. People were running and shouting, blowing horns and going wild. Strangers hugged and kissed each other on the streets. Everywhere one joyous phrase resounded: The war is over! The war is over! The war is over! That ’s what the angels were proclaiming when they rejoiced over the birth of Jesus. But most people today don’t realize that. They don’t even know there ever was a war between heaven and earth. And many of those who do know it are under the impression the battle is still on and God is still angry with them. Like prisoners of war, they remain locked behind bars of unrighteousness and bound by shackles of sin because they haven’t yet heard the good news that victory has been won. The devil has been desperately trying to stop that good news from get-ting out for 2,000 years. He doesn’t want word of his defeat to spread, because when it does his reign of terror will be over. Believers everywhere will rise up and put him where he belongs—under their feet. But try as he may to delay it, that day is coming. The devil has known

S a l v a t i o n P r a y e r

Jesus Savior & Lord,

If you do not know

as your

simply pray the following prayer in faith, and Jesus will be your Lord! Heavenly Father, I come toYou inthe Name of Jesus.YourWord says,“Whosoever shall call on the name ofthe Lord shall be saved” and“If thoushalt confess with thy mouth the LordJesus, and shalt believe in thine heartthat God hath raised him from thedead, thou shalt be saved” (Acts 2:21;Romans 10:9).You said my salvationwould be the result ofYourHoly Spiritgivingmenewbirthbycomingtoliveinme(John3:5-6,15-16;Romans8:9-11)and that if I would ask,You would fillme withYour Spirit and give me theability to speak with other tongues(Luke11:13;Acts2:4). ItakeYouatYourWord.IconfessthatJesus is Lord.And I believe inmy heartthatYou raised Him from the dead.ThankYouforcomingintomyheart,forgiving meYour Holy Spirit asYou havepromised, and for being Lord over mylife.Amen. If you have just prayed this prayer, please contact us and let us know of your decision. We have a free Salvation Package we would like to send you to help you begin your new life in Jesus! Simply write and ask for offer #50801, call1-877-480-3388.


SATAn DIDn’T rEALIzE IT, but he’d killed Jesus illegally. Jesus had not committed any sin. He had not earned the death penalty like other men.

that ever since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. He’s known it ever since God spoke the words recorded in Genesis 3:15—words about a coming Messiah who would conquer him and win the war that he had started. He’s known it ever since he heard God say, “There’s coming One who is going to put His heel on your neck. He is going to squash you like a bug. He’s going to free mankind from your oppression and press you under His foot until you can’t function anymore.” (That’s the Copeland translation.) The devil spent 4,000 years with those words hanging over his head. From the moment they were first spoken in Eden, he lived in fear of their fulfillment. Every time a prophet of God came on the scene, the devil thought, Could that be the One who is going to whip me? I ’d better kill him now, just in case. In his efforts to stop God’s words from coming to pass, he persecuted and killed one Old Testament prophet after the other…but still, they kept coming. Still they kept prophesying about the coming Messiah—the Savior—the One anointed with enough of the power of God to totally annihilate the yoke the devil had put on the neck of the human race. In the meantime, the effects of sin continued to multiply on the earth. All mankind was increasingly engulfed in the filthy flood of darkness and death that Satan’s temptation and deception had released. There was no place to go to escape it. There wasn’t one spot on this earth left uncursed, no place to go where you wouldn’t get sick and die. The whole spiritual atmosphere had been infected with the deadly dis-ease of unrighteousness. For through one man (Adam) “sin had entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned” (romans 5:12, New King James Version). For millennium after millennium, death reigned over all mankind. Then, on that first starlit Christmas night, everything changed. The angelic announcement that rocked heaven and sent shock waves through hell was finally made: “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”

The Devil’s Biggest Mistake Immediately, the devil sprang into action, trying to kill, deceive or divert Jesus f rom His redemptive purpose. He used every trick he knew to stop this serpent-crushing Messiah. But nothing worked. This Prophet, it seemed, couldn’t be killed. He couldn’t be deceived or diverted from the will of God. For 33 years, the devil kept at it with no success until, mysteriously, he somehow finally got Jesus where he wanted Him: first on the cross—cru-cified, dead and off the earth once and for all—then in hell where He would be out of Satan’s way forever. But, as all of us who have read the Book know, that ’s not how the story ended. This plot had a divine twist. This time, the deceiver had been deceived. Satan didn’t realize it, but he’d killed Jesus illegally. Jesus had not com-mitted any sin. He had not earned the death penalty like other men. Instead, He had taken the sin of mankind upon Himself as an act of

Our 40 Years in Ministry wall calendar has been designed to honor our family and friends in ministry and help you plan and prepare for all the Lord has in store for you in 2007.

Featuring all our meetings throughout the year, this spe-cial calendar is also a great place to note each time God’s abundant goodness is poured into your life so you can always remember it.

Order your FREE calendar today and prepare for a year of remembering how good God is!

2007 Kenneth Copeland Ministries Calendar

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Our giftto you!

The angelic announcement

that rocked heaven and

sent shock waves through

hell was finally made: “For

unto you is born this day in

the city of David a Saviour,

which is Christ the Lord.”

obedience to God. He had become the Sacrificial Lamb and paid the price so all who believed on Him could go free. He who knew no sin was made to be sin for us so “that we might be made the righteousness of God in him” (2 Corinthians 5:21). By the time the devil recognized his mistake, it was too late. Suddenly, the power of Almighty God came thundering in to the regions of the damned, raised Jesus up and made Him the conquering Lord of all. The devil, who had lorded over mankind through the ages, was stripped of his authority. He and his demonic cohorts were permanently defeated when Jesus “having spoiled principalities and powers…made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it” (Colossians 2:15).

The Door Is Open The humiliation the devil suffered when Jesus was raised and glorified was bad enough. But it wasn’t until the Day of Pentecost that the full mag-nitude of what had happened was revealed. On that day, as the early disciples waited in prayer in an upper room, a heavenly sound echoed through Middle Eastern air much as it had 33 years before. This time, however, instead of angelic voices praising and magnify-ing God, there was a sound like a rushing, mighty wind. A roar like the sound of 747s taking off, rocked Jerusalem as the Holy Spirit, and all the hosts of heaven assigned to serve the untold millions of believers who would inherit salvation, invaded earth’s atmosphere (Hebrews 1:14). All of heaven poured itself into earth that day. God filled the atmospheric envelope of this planet with Himself. God’s own righteousness—through the redemptive work of Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit—conquered the flood of sin that had swept through the earth and ravaged the lives of every man, woman and child. As romans 5 says: “Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord” (verses 18, 21). Truly, the war was over! The wonder of it defies description. Although every comparison falls short, recently as I thought about how Jesus saved us, I remembered the images I had seen on television during the cleanup in new Orleans right after Hurricane Katrina. I thought about the people I saw wading around chest deep in the floodwaters. Those waters were like the putrid tides of sin that filled the spiritual atmosphere of this earth after Adam sinned. They were a horrible mess of danger and destruction, a kind of death soup, and we were all spiritually drowning in it. But Jesus came and opened the door of escape. Actually, He didn’t just open the door, He became the door. He said: “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” ( John 10:9-10). Just imagine if you’d been trapped in those deadly, rising waters during

Katrina, and suddenly you saw a doorway right in front of you with steps leading up to it and a welcome mat out in front. All you had to do was step through that door and you’d be out of those horrid waters

Wrap Up Your Year of Total Fulfillment—

Kenneth Copeland

Unable to attend? Join us via a live video or audio broadcast at!

New Year s Eveat EMIC

Special Guests Dino and Cheryl Kartsonakis

Don’t Miss

Dec. 31 at 8 p.m.’

and in a warm home with hot showers and a big table full of food. Jesus is that door! He’s standing there opening the way for whosoever will believe on Him to step out of the muck of sin and death, into the abundant life and resources of God Himself. He’s standing there with a smile on His face, loving everybody, saying to anyone who will listen, “I am the Door to Life. I am the Light. Get out of the darkness. All you have to do is come to Me!”

Come as You Are Some people are reluctant to respond to His invitation. “I’m not worthy!” they say. “I can’t come to heaven’s table like this. I need to get myself cleaned up first.” The problem is, they can’t get themselves cleaned up while they’re wading around in that mess. It’s impossible. Their only hope is to quit trying, and just accept Jesus’ invitation. He’s the One who cleans us up. He washes us with His blood and with the water of His Word. He replaces our stinky, old garments of sin with the robe of His own righteousness. “But Brother Copeland,” you might say, “you don’t know what I’ve done. I just don’t deserve that kind of mercy!” none of us deserves it. God just gives it to us as His gift. All we have to do to receive it is believe on Him and receive Him as the Savior and Lord of our lives. If you’ve never done that, you can do it now if you want to. Just say: “Oh God in heaven, I believe with all my heart that Your Son, Jesus, came to earth and died for my sin. I believe with all my heart He has been raised from the dead. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive You now. I repent of my sin. I renounce the devil and everything he stands for. From now on, Jesus, You are my future. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I receive Him now, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.” Don’t spend another week, another day or another hour wading around in the murky waters of sin. If you’ve been hooked on drugs, you don’t have to do those drugs anymore. If you’ve been depending on alcohol to get you through, you don’t have to take that next drink. You don’t have to smoke that next cigarette. Jesus will pull you out of that mess and make you free. He isn’t mad at you for the bad things you have done. He isn’t looking for ways to punish you. He has already paid the price for your sin. now He just wants to deliver you and bless you. He just wants to give you a life that overflows with joy and peace. The war is over. The Savior has come. Glory to God in the highest! Peace on earth, good will toward men! Victory


West Coastjuly 9-14

Southwestaugust 6-11

Great LakesAugust 20-25

for the2007Believers’ Conventions

Admission is FREE. Meetings are subject to change without notice. For updated information, please log on to or call the KCM office nearest you. Partners and Friends within the United States call 800-600-7395. Partners and Friends within Canada call 877-480-3388.

Be a voice of victory...Bring a friend!

One Word From God Can Change

Your Life Forever!

This time of year can beespecially busy for women. Butif you’re a Proverbs 31 woman,you can handle all these things,and handle them with grace.From hectic holidays to muchmore serious situations,Godhasequippedyouwithall you’ll everneedtofaceeachchallenge. Proverbs31:10,The Amplif ied Bible, tellsus thatweare intel-ligent, virtuous and capable.That’sgoodnews tome, and itshouldbetoyou,too!TheLordhasagraceandanointingavail-abletousforoureveryday(andholiday!)life. Let that sink in. We are ca-pable.The dictionary definitionof capable is “able, skilled, com-petentandready.”AsaProverbs31woman,youareable,skilled, competent and ready!Don’t allow yourself to say,“Ijustcan’tdothat,”or“I’dneverbeabletohandlethat.”Changeyourwords,andyouchangeyourlife. Start saying,“I amcapable,not inmyownability, butbecause theGreater One lives inme.”Because in reality,youdon’tknowwhatyoucandountilyou’recalledontodoitandyoudrawupontheanointingoftheLord. GodhasnotcalledyoutodoanythingthatHedidnotequipyoutodo.Hehasgraceduswithgiftstoaccomplishthatcalling(Ephesians4:7, The Amplif ied Bible). Wecandoall thingsthroughChrist(theAnointedOneandHis

Anointing)whichstrengthensus(Philippians 4:13).The anoint-ing changes everything.Bottomline? Nothing can floor you ifyou’re a Proverbs 31 woman,and nothing is impossible to aWordwoman.

Mary Was a Proverbs 31 Woman

Mary, the mother of Jesus, isa good example of that truth.She was definitely a Proverbs 31woman. She had to be to walkthroughthethingsshedid.Thinkaboutit.ShelovedherSon.JesuswasagoodSon,andveryprecioustoher.ShehadtowatchHimsuf-feranddie.Howdidshemanagetogetthroughthattime?WhentheangeloftheLordappearedto

herinLuke1:26-38(The Amplif ied Bible),heproclaimedherhighlyfavoredandenduedwithgrace(thesupernaturalabilitytodowhatfleshcannotdo).Grace?Forwhat?ForthecallonherlifetobeJesus’mother,whichGabrielwenton to lay out before her. Her response was, “Behold thehandmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thyword”(Luke1:38). As Iwas reading thatoneday, IpicturedMary tryingtofindJesuswhenHewasatthesynagogue,laterhearingthe words of anger shouted about Him by the spiritualleaders and finally, Mary at the cross watching Him die.Forallofthatandmore,Godgaveherthepowerandthe

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Christmastime is such a wonderful time of year. WhatablessingitistocelebrateourLordandSavior’sbirthwithfriendsandfamily!Thatshouldbeourmainfocus,butformanyofusit’snot.Wegetcaughtupintheactivitiesoftheseason—decoratingthehome,buyingandwrappinggifts,cookingandcleaningbeforetherelativesarrive.

WomanCelebrate theProverbs 31

in you

b y K e l l i e C o p e l a n d

+ ∂•

accomplishments to show what a blessed woman ofGodyouare. This is what Proverbs 31 says about you. Be likeMary—believetheWordoftheLord,embracethecallingthatHehasforyouandreceivethegraceandanointingtoprosper in it.Be likeMary—saytotheLord,“IamYourhandmaid.WhateverYouwantmetodo,Iwilldo.”AndthentrustHimandtalktoHim.

Becoming the Proverbs 31 Woman

Icanalmosthearyouaskingme,“ButhowdoI start?HowdoIwalkoutHisplanforme?” The answer to that is the key to life in God.Whenwe were all on vacation several years ago, I wanted Dad

to impart some words of wisdom to thegrandchildrenaboutfulfillingtheirdestiny.Iwanted them tohear something thatwouldstick with them at college (Dad is goodatthat!). I was expecting a long, in-depth answer,butthat’snotwhatheimpartedtothem.Hesimply said,“The leading for your life is ineverydayobedience.” It was so simple, yet so profound. If youobey today, tomorrow and the next day, bythe end of the week, you’ll be where you’resupposed to be at that time. If you do thateveryweek,by theendof themonth,you’ll

be where you’re supposed to be. Do that for a year, two,10,a lifetimeandyouwillbethepersonyouweremeanttobe,fulfillingthecallingthatyouweredestinedfor.Isn’tthateasy? That’sthelifeofaProverbs31woman,aWordwoman,andthat’syourdestiny.AsyouobeytheLord’sleadinganddeveloptheskillsandattributesthatmakeupawomanofGod,you’llwalkinyourplaceoftotalfulfillment,peace,joyandblessing.You’llbeabletohandlewhatevercomesyourway.Asyourfamilygrowsandchanges,andastheneedsofyourhouseholdchange,youwillhavethewisdomtoteach,loveandinspirethosearoundyou,andrealizeHisplanforyou.SoreceiveHishelptoday.LettheHolySpiritministerHiscomfort,courage,peaceandlovetoyourheart. You’re not just a woman and you’re not alone—you’rea Proverbs 31 woman filled with the Holy Spirit.You’recapable, intelligent and worth more than rubies. Youare blessed, highly empowered and favored of the Lord!MerryChristmas,sisters!Wehavealottocelebrate.Victory

Kellie Copeland is the children’s pastor at Eagle Mountain International Church and actively guides KCM’s children’s ministry. She ministers the Word of God at EMIC, KCM and in churches both nationally and internationally.

grace,or supernatural ability tobevictoriousand tohelpJesus.AsJesushungonthecross,HemadeprovisionforhercarewhenHesaidtoher,“[Dear]woman,See,[hereis] your son!Then He said to the disciple, See [here is]yourmother”( John19:26-27,The Amplif ied Bible).AsImeditatedonthesethings,Isaid,“Lord,IknowthatYouare no respecter of persons, but I am not the mother ofYourSon.”Hespoketomeandsaid,But I have graced you to be the mother of your son.Wow!Itwentoffinme!Iamgracedandenduedwithpower tobe themotherofMaxand themotherofRachel,Lyndsey and Jenny! Ihave allthewisdom,theloveandthepatienceIneed.Furthermore,I amgraced and empowered tobeCommanderKellie orwhateverelseHehascalledmetodo! In the same way He provided for HismotherasHewashangingonthecross,Heprovided for us when He told the disciplesthatHewas sending theHolySpirit.He istobeallthethingstousthatJesushadbeento them—comforter, helper, guide, baptizerandpeacegiver.AndHewouldbring themthewisdomoftheFather—fromtheinside! Howdowelayholdofthiskindofpowerand ability? Elizabeth prophesied to MaryinLuke1:45that,“Youareblessed,becauseyoubelieved that theLordwoulddowhathe said” (New Living Translation).That isagoodwordforusaswell.BelievewhattheWord says about you in Proverbs 31. You are virtuous,powerful and capable. You are trustworthy, industrious,giving and you do plan the day for your servant girls (Iparticularlylikethatone)!Youarewiseaboutpurchasingyour real estate and fruitful in your finances. You haveenergy and you are a strong, hard worker. You alwaysturnaprofit ineverythingthatyousetyourhandtodo.Youaregenerousandyourfamilylacksfornothing.Youarecreative,supportiveofyourhusbandandpeoplewantwhatyouhavetooffer.Itisevidenttooutsidersthatyouarea strongandwisewoman,becauseyouhaveno fear.You smile and say,“The Lord takes care of me and myfamily.”Becauseofthis trust intheLord,yourwordsofwisdomand instructioncomeoutwitha senseofkind-ness and peace behind them. Nothing surprises you,becauseyoulistentotheLordandobeyHisprecautionsandinstructions. Your children love you and they tell others of yourloveliness. They pray for your harvest and call youblessed. Your husband praises you and he is awed thatyouarehis. You are a woman who reveres the Lord and HisWordaboveallelse.Hewillrewardyouandcauseyour

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Don’t allow yourself to say, “I just can’t do

that,” or “I’d never be able to handle

that.” Change your words, and you change your life.

The results of one Gallup Poll showed that 84 per-cent of people surveyed firmly believe in Jesus Christ,while a separate poll indicated 94 percent believe inGod. Other polls have had similar findings, leadingto the conclusion that although we have been led tobelieveChristiansaretheminority,wearenot! Imagine a vote in the U.S. Senate where the finaltallywas94to6.Itwouldbeuntenableforthesixtobedeclared the winner and have their policy enacted overthe votes of the 94. Yet this is exactly what happenedwhen public acknowledgment of God was prohibited.Unfortunately, this travestycontinuesona regularbasis.Why? Because we, as Christians, have relinquished ourright to be a democratic-republic and become a nationruledbyasmallcouncilof“elite”individuals. President James Garfield once said: “Now, morethan ever before, the people are responsible for thecharacter of their Congress…. If the next centen-nialdoesnotfindusagreatnation…itwillbebecausethosewhorepresenttheenterprise,thecultureandthemorality of the nation do not aid in controlling thepoliticalforces.”

PowerinaSingleVote Proof that it isuptouscame inthe1986Senateraces,whenfivecandidatesinseparatestateswhostoodforreturn-inggodlyprinciplestopublicaffairsweredefeatedbya

collective total of 57,000 votes—less than 12,000 votesperstate.Inthosefivestates,over5millionChristiansdidnotvote! Ifonlyoneof every100nonvotingChristians(1percent)hadvotedforthecandidatesupportinggodlyprinciples,allfivewouldhavebeenelected,thuscreatinga10-voteswingintheSenate. Thoughdisheartening,thisreportisactuallyencour-aging in that it reveals that godly candidates are mostoften defeated not by activists and radicals, but byinactive Christians! When we, as Christians, beginto believe we can make a difference, and act like themajoritywe are,wewillmake adifference.The abilitytochangethecurrentsituationisinourhands. It is time to believe and behave differently. We arenot a minority, but the majority! It is time to declareat the ballot box that we will no longer allow officialswhoembracethevaluesofthe6percenttoabrogatetherightsofthe94percent.Wemustremoveofficialswhodo not comply with traditional, historical and biblicalprinciplesandreplacethemwiththosewhodo. Our votedoes count, andwe canmakeadifference!Victory

David Barton is founder and president of WallBuilders, a pro-family organization which seeks to educate grass-roots society to rebuild America’s constitutional, moral and religious foundations. For more information go to, call 817-441-6044 or write to WallBuilders, P.O. Box 397, Aledo, TX 76008-0397.

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YourOneVote C a n C h a n g e A m e r i c a)

)When it comes to elections, we’ve all heard or perhaps even made statements like, “I’m only one person, what can my one vote do?” Or, “My vote won’t make a difference. As Christians, we’re already in the minority.” The fact is, such statements are not true.

b y D a v i d B a r t o n




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b. In this series, Kenneth Copeland shares how you can experience the

power of God in your life through the message of the Cross. Discover how

God has delivered you from the power of darkness…and how Satan no

longer has the right to steal, kill or destroy in your life, ever again!

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c. Ever wanted to know the secrets of abundant life? Now you can! Dig

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secrets of abundant living. As you study the Scriptures together, you’ll

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D. The latest release from Jeremy Pearsons and 14forty Worship, This Changes

Everything is a worship experience like no other!

Jeremy, the son of Pastors George and Terri Pearsons and Kenneth Copeland’s

eldest grandchild, is the senior high minister of 14forty Student Ministries

at Eagle Mountain International Church. As an anointed minister, musician

and songwriter with a heart for God, Jeremy desires to bring others into the

Lord’s presence with dynamic praise and worship. Songs include “For You We

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Divine Protection PackageCDN$6 #B061215



To ensure delivery by Christmas, please order by December 8, 2006.

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14 | B V O V | d e c e m B e r ’ 0 6

Can We Talk? Crisis Help for the

It’shalfpastNovemberandIalreadyfeelsobehind.Let’ssee,there’sdecoratingthehouseandtheyard,par-tiestogiveandattend,ChristmasspecialsonTV,attheschoolandatchurch.And,ofcourse,there’sthewholewardrobething. InTexas,whereIlive,youcanbesuretherewillbea

month’sworthof festive colors,T-shirtswith silly slo-gans,andeventhoughitcouldbeover80degrees,therewillbe a fair amountof fuzzy sweaterswith snowmenforbuttons.So,allthosemustcomeoutofstorage. Then there are the presents, which of course canonly happen after the list is made and—as the saying

b y T e r r i C o p e l a n d P e a r s o n s

Seasonally Challenged

goes—checked twice. Moms and dads, kids and grand-parents,auntsanduncles,cousins,friends,teachers,neigh-borsandofcoursetheangel-treefamilies.Soit’sofftothemall! But on the way I remember that I’m supposed to“makeamemory”oftheseason.SomehowI’vegottenitinmyhead that Ihave tomake everything amemory—andfor everyone. It starts to feel like everyone’s Christmasdependsonme! Does something like this happen to you aboutthis time of year? Do you ever just want to yell out,“MarthaStewartdoesn’tlivehere!”?Onlythere’sreallynoonetoyellitto,becausenooneputsusinthatposi-tionbutourselves! Pressurecertainlydoesn’tcomefromtheLord!He’stheOnewho sets us free! Really, our families generally onlycometoexpectwhatwetrainthemto.Andeventhoughthey may appreciate our efforts at the time, only a frac-tion of our busyness actuallybecomesmemories.

Here’s Proof | Recently,I surveyedmy family regard-ingtheirfavoritethingsaboutChristmas. After they tookway too much time to comeupwithanswers, I foundoutthere were only a few thingsthat made the rank of “mostmemorable.” Myhusband,George, said,“I liked having gatheringsoverseveraldayswiththedif-ferentgrandparents.” “Gee,Mom,”Jeremyfinallyconcluded,“Ilikeditthatyouwerethelasttoopenpresents’cause you were busy watch-ingeveryoneelse.Oh,andthesmellofcookies.” Surely my daughter willhave noticed the Decemberc lothing l ine, the end-less decorations, the color-coordinated wrapping, or atleast the bell-shaped sand-wiches. “Well,” Aubrey said,clearly feeling the pressure,“thereweresomany!Butmyfavorite was waking up onChristmasmorning.” “Yes?”

Seasonally Challenged

“And Christmas music would already be playingreallyloud!” QuicklyIrealizedIcouldhavebakedcookies,gonetoGrandma’sandopenedmypresentstothespeedybeatof“White Christmas” and saved myself a load of trouble!Now, that may be an exaggeration, but there’s still amajorrevelationtobehadhere!There’sgottobeawayto enjoy the season while glorifying the Lord.There’sgottobeawaytomakethosememorieswithoutbecom-ingexhausted,spirit,soulandbody!ThereisawayandHis Name is Jesus—the PerfectWay. Even though mychildrenaregrown,Istillcarryonasiftheyweresmall.Plusour extended family is alwayson thegrow.SomyChristmas agenda has not lessened much over theselast fewyears,butIhave learnedsomethingsthathavehelpedmediscoverChristmas—theJesusWay. It’s really quite simple. Let’s look at how the Lord

When Love Comes to Town What if Jesus had not been born? Unimaginable!Unthinkable!Unbelievable! Inthisthought-provokingseries,When Love Comes to Town,GeorgePearsonsexploreswhatlifewaslikebeforeJesus,andrevealshowradicallydifferenttheworldwouldbeifHehadnotcome. WhenJesuswasborn,Hiscomingtransformedeverything.Theworldwasindarkness,butLovebroughtlight.JesusbroughtwithHimanewlifeandanewkindoflove.ItwasanagapelovethatspringsfromtheheartofFatherGod. WhenLovecametotown,Heturnedsocietyright-sideup, touching every area ofman’s existence—from thevalueofhuman life, togov-ernment and science, andsomuchmore. John 1:14 in the New Living Translation explains:“So the Word becamehuman[flesh]andlivedhereonearthamongus.Hewasfull of unfailing love andfaithfulness.” That’s whatwasbornintotheearth—anunfailing love that nevergivesup.Itconfersvalueonothers. It sacrifices itself,not looking for anything inreturn. Whatactuallyhappensinyour lifewhenLovecomesto town? Love is birthedinside you, and the light,love and life of God trans-formeverythingyoutouch.



When Love Comes to Town5-CD series | CDN$15#B061211

See response form for ordering information.

handled the first Christmas and the pattern will becomeclear.Afterall,Hethrewquiteaparty,completewithsingers,fireworks, a citywide announcement and a petting zoo!Howcanwepulloffourseasonassuccessfully?

Planning for Peace |First,planahead.Nowinactual-itytheLordstartedHisplanning“beforethefoundationoftheworld.”But,HeisGod—youdon’thavetothinkquitethatfarahead!ButdoconsiderthefactthatHereallyputthingsinmotionaboutayearandahalfaheadbyvisitingElisabethandZacharias.ThensixmonthslaterHevisitedMary and then Joseph.Your cue from this?Think aboutnextyearwhileplanningandpreparingforthisone.Don’ttry to force everything into thisChristmas season. Itwill

come again, I promise.Then take another cue from theLordandwritedownyourideas. Ihaveoftenwrittenalettertomyselfaboutnextyear’sChristmas, listing some dos and don’ts, as well as ideasor even purchases to make. I put it in the Christmas-treeboxsoIwill find it first thingnextyear. It isalwayskind of fun to find. (I wish I had kept them!)Then Imakethebestpossibleplansforwhatevertimeremains’tilthisChristmas. Don’tforceanythingbutyourtimewithHim.That’samust.Heis,afterall,theMasterPlanner. Next,trustGod.ZachariasquestionedGodandmadeanangelmad!Notgood.Thankfullytherewasaplantomakeitallworkoutanyway!ButthentherewasMary.Don’tyou

knowthedoubtsandwon-derings and questions justswirled in her mind? Butall shewould say is,“Be it[done] unto me accordingto thy word” (Luke 1:38).Simple, but it works!TotrustGod is truehumility.“Humble yourselves underthe mighty hand of God,that He may exalt you indue time, casting all your care upon Him,forHecaresforyou”(1Peter5:6-7,New King James Version).Togivesomeone else the respon-sibilitytoseetoyoureveryneedrequirestrust.But,youcando it.Mary’s responseshowssherecognizedtherewasenoughpowerinwhatthe angel said, to bringhiswords topass.Sodon’tneglect your Word time.Look to itmorenow thanusual, and then look forthose words of peace andprovisiontocometopass. The third observationI’vemadeof the firstNoelis the importance of hav-ing a grateful attitude. Itis an absolute must. I’veheard,asI’msureyouhave,how depression rises dur-ing the Christmas season.AlthoughIcan’tbecertain,

The Virgin Mary. Whatdoyouthinkofwhensheismentioned?



But there is so much more to this remark-

able life than most Christians have ever con-

sidered. In this strikingly poignant message,


iar story of Jesus’ birth in a stable, combining

Scripture and historical information to paint an




that swirled in Mary’s

mind as the angel pro-

claimed she would give

birth to theSaviorof the

world. Despite all that,

Mary trusted God and


believer should: “Be it



Mary’s story is one of

destiny. Her life exempli-

fies howbigGodwas in

her life and how big He

desires to be in yours.

As you listen to this

striking message, you’ll

sense the fortitude, per-

severance and love that

brought Mary through

the perils of a pagan world. Your heart will be



Her Life, Her Story, Her Destiny



Mary—Her Life, Her Story, Her Destinysingle message on 2 CDs | CDN$5#B061212

See response form for ordering information.

it’spossibleElisabethmayhavebeendealingwithit.Luke1:24indicatesshewentintohid-ingaftershebecamepregnant.Shewasolderandperhapsembarrassed.Ormaybeshewasashamed that her husband had made an angel so mad by his arguing, that he was struckdumb!Whateverthecase,thesituationchangedafterMaryenteredtheirhousewithaheartandmouthfullofpraise.JustherpresenceliftedElisabethsohighshefellrightinstepwiththemotherofourLord.IsuggestyoureadabouttheirHolyGhostpraiseandprophesyingsession inLuke1.Begrateful forwhatyouhave,spirituallyandnaturally.AsktheLordtohelpyoubeevenmoregrateful.Neverfeelsorryforyourselfbecauseofyourcircumstances.Mary and Joseph traveled quite a distance through rough terrain at what would seem theworst possible time. But it had to be done.They didn’t complain, and the Lord providedeverything.ImagineabirthattendedbythegloryofGod.Thehardcircumstanceswereswal-lowedupinthegoodnessandgloryoftheLord.YourswillbetooifyouwillbegratefulforallthegoodnessHehastowardyou.ThenspeakthatpraiseoutloudtoothersandwatchhowGodliftseveryone.

Follow His Leading | Fourthly, be led. Josephwas led throughdreams andby angels.Thewisemenwere ledbyastar.NowtheWorddoesnotpromiseyou’llbe ledbydreamsorangels,butthat’sbecauseyouhaveamuchmoredependableleaderthandreams—theHoly Spirit. Jesus said,“Hewill guideyou…andhewill showyou things to come.” (Thatcould mean tomorrow’s to-do list!) He will help you. First John 2:20 says you have anunction,aknowing,asensorontheinsideofyou.Learntodevelopsensitivitytoyoursensorby:knowingGodinHisWord,prayinginthespirit,thenfollowingthrough.Whenyoustarttodo,tobuyortogo,checkinside.Istherepeace?Oristherealittle‘catch’?I’mnottalkingaboutinyourheadoryourreasoning,butinyourinnerman.Ifthereisn’tasenseofa“greenlight”thendon’tdo,goorbuy.You’llneverdevelopthatsensitivityorreapthebenefitof itunlessyouarewillingtowalkawayfromagoodideaoragreatbuy. I lovethisone:Keepyoureyesonheaven.Thewisemenkepttheireyesonthestarandrejoicedwhentheysawit(Matthew2:9-10).Evidentlyitwasn’tvisibleallthetime.Buttheywere always looking—looking to heaven.We should be too. Only we aren’t looking at anemptysky.Wearelookingintotherealmofthespirit.Wearewatchingforthesupernatural.We’realwaysreadytoprayforsomeone—anywhere,anytime—andexpectamiracle.WearealwayslookingforthesupernaturalhandiworkofGodinourlives. “Don’tmissthesupernatural,”BrotherKennethE.Haginusedtosay,“bylookingforthespectacular.”God’sdirection,provisionandpresenceareallsupernaturalbutquiteoftencanseemsonatural.Itshouldbe.TheGreaterOnereally isinus. Lastly,butnotatallleast,islove.ForGodsoloved,Hegave.Lovealwaysgives.Butnotallgivingislove.Somegiftsaregivenoutofguiltorobligation,whichbringsresentment.Somearegiven tomanipulateanotherperson’s feelings, even tomake them feelguilty.Andsomegiftsaregiventomakethegiverfeelbetterabouthimselfandhavelittletodowithlovingtherecipient.Checkyourself.Judgeyourmotivesandbesurelove—God’slove—isbehindeverygift,everyserviceandespeciallyeveryword.Youcanbesureastore-bought-somethingnevermakesupforunkindness.Loveonpurpose,becauseit’sGod’sway.Lovebecauseit’swhoyouareandwhatyoudo.Truly,ofallthings,loveisthegreatest. IknowthesecluesfromthefirstChristmaswillbeahelptoyouastheyhavebeentome.Ihaveyet toperfect them inmy life,but I can truthfully say I look forward toChristmas,insteadoflookingforittobeover.Thisyearyoumaywanttoyellout,“MarthaStewartmaynotlivehere,butJesussuredoes!”Victory

This year you may want to yell out, “Martha Stewart may not live here, but Jesus sure does!”

Judge your motives and be sure love—God’s love—is behind every gift, every service and especially every word.

Love on purpose, because it’s God’s way. Love because it’s who you are and what you do.

Terri Copeland Pearsons is the eldest daughter of Kenneth Copeland. She and her husband, George, pas-tor Eagle Mountain International Church located on the grounds of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. For information or ministry materials write to Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001.

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The Montana sky shimmered like blue crystal over the mountains on the horizon, but Danielle Kelley didn’t notice the view as she rushed into the hospital and down the corridor to the intensive care unit. Her heart in her throat, she stepped into the partitioned area where her grown daughter Naydia lay in a coma. Danielle tried to keep her heart from shattering as she took in the scene.

Please don’tlet MyDieBabyb y M e l a n i e H e m r y

ArespiratormoanedasitforcedairintoNaydia’slungs.Aholehadbeendrilled intoher skull tomonitor cranialpressureandswellinginherbrain.Icesheetskeptherbodytemperaturelow;herskinfeltascoldasdeath. Theonly signof lifewas theheartpattern thatdriftedacrossthescreenonanearbymonitor. Danielle turned into her son-in-law’s arms and took atrembling breath. Had she breathed since she caught thefirst flightoutofTulsa,Okla.?Shewondered.Shehardlyremembered the trip. Her world had suddenly tilted offits axis when Carson, Naydia’s husband, called to tell herabout theaccident.Awindstormhad sent their children’strampoline tumbling through Naydia and Carson’s backyard, heading for their neighbor’s house.The couple hadrunoutsidetoretrieveit.WhileNaydiaandCarsonsatonthetrampolinetokeepit fromblowingaway, they lookedforsomethingtoholditinplace. “I’ll get those tires to hold it down!” he shouted, step-pingoff the trampoline.Whenhe turnedback, the tram-poline—andhiswife—hadbeenliftedupandblownaway.Running through the pouring rain, Carson found Naydiamoments later—laying crumpled in a nearby field wherethe wind-borne trampoline had dumped her—headfirst.Shehadsufferedafracturedskullandabrainhemorrhage. Thereportsfromthedoctorsweregrim.IfNaydiasur-vived the accident, there were no guarantees she wouldevercomeoutofthecoma.Testsshowednosignofbrainactivity—no signof the life thatNaydiahadonce foughtsohardtokeep.

AMother’sLove “Naydia was admitted to ICU on July 19, 2004,”Danielle remembers. “But this wasn’t the first time I hadsatbesidemydaughter’shospitalbedasshefoughtforherlife.WhenNaydiawas14monthsold,shewasdiagnosedwithaveryrareblooddiseasecalledtoxoplasmosis.” “Shewon’tlivetocelebrateherthirdbirthday,”thedoc-torhadgrimlyannounced. What followed was a nightmare of hospitals, oxygentents,needles and long sleeplessnights.Danielle’s alreadytroubled marriage fell apart and she and her husbandseparated. Danielle moved to Brooklyn, N.Y., to be nearNaydia’sbloodspecialist.ShegotajobonWallStreet,butwith each passing day, as Naydia’s health failed, Daniellebecamemoreandmoredepressed. “Nov. 26, 1976, Naydia was released from the hospitalfor a few days,” Danielle remembers. “Too sick to eat,shewastinyandweak.We’donlybeenhomeforacouple

hours when her symptoms started to worsen. I couldn’tbearthethoughtoflifewithoutNaydia.Iwasattheendof myself.There was nothing I could do to protect mychildfromthisawfuldisease.” As Danielle watched her struggle, getting sicker andweaker, she remembered times as a child when she hadheardangelssing. “IrememberedwhenIwasateenager,awomannamedMillie told me that Jesus loved me. I hadn’t been raisedin aChristianhome,but if therewas aGod tohelpmydaughter,IwantedtofindHim.” Daniellefelltoherkneesonthecold,hardfloor.“Jesus,Idon’t evenknowhow topray,but ifYou reallydo loveme,please don’t let my baby die.”

ForGodSoLovedtheWorld Danielle knew instantly that something inside hadchanged.Then Naydia’s symptoms lessened, and shesnuggledagainsthermother’ssideanddozedoff. Watching her daugh-ter sleeping so peacefully,Daniellethought:I just want to feel like this in the morning. Sun streamed through thebarredwindowsoftheirone-bedroomflat thenextmorn-ing.Onastreet thatboastedonlyone tree,Daniellewoketothecheerychatterofbirdssinging. Opening her eyes,shesawNaydiasittingonherkneesbesideher. “Hey,Baby,”shesaid. “Hotdog,Mommy.” She’s hungry! Danielle ranto the ref rigerator. Naydiaateandaskedformore. The doctors were stunnedwhen Naydia’s next bloodtestcamebacknormal. S he ’d been hea l ed—miraculously!

AJourneyofFaith The glory of that miracleset Danielle on a quest toknowGod.Aftermoving to

Father, You raised Lazarus after four days in a stinking grave! You put brain activity back in his brain—You can put it in my daughter’s!

Thistimeshewasn’tanunsavedyoungmotherbeggingforGodtosaveherbaby.ShewasachildoftheKing,and she knew her spiritual authority.

Naydia Coate

Syracuse with daughters Naydia and Niki, Daniellejoined Abundant Life Christian Center, where theywere introduced to Kenneth Copeland Ministries.DaniellesaturatedherselfintheWordbyreadingmanyKCM books and watching the daily Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast. She studied Kenneth Copeland’sblazing blue eyes as he taught on Mark 11:23-24, andmeditated daily on the Copelands’ devotional book,From Faith to Faith. “KennethCopelandseededfaithintomylife,”Daniellesays.“Myfaithcamefromhisfoundation.MyhungerfortheWord of God grew so much that when my daugh-ters graduated from high school, I moved toTulsa andenrolled at Rhema BibleTraining Center. A year later,NaydiaandNikienrolledatRhemaaswell.Whilethere,Imetandmarriedaclassmate, JohnKelley.NaydiametandlatermarriedanotherRhemastudent,CarsonCoate.Clearly,God’splanforourliveswasbeingunveiled.Lifecouldn’thavebeenbetter.” Untilnow. DaniellehadneverseenNaydiasostill.Theventilatorforcing life-givingair intoNaydia’s lungsmadeagroaning,

mournful sound. Danielle gathered the pieces of hersoul and held them together by faith. One thing wasperfectlyclear:IfsheandCarsonsteppedoutoffaith—they’dloseher.

ChildoftheKing “CarsonandIbelievedGodthatNaydiawouldexperi-ence complete restoration: nothing missing, nothingbroken,” Danielle recalls. “We prayed over her, and Ianointed her with oil each day. Carson put pictures onthewall,andwehungscripturalpromisesandmadeourdeclarationsoffaith.IreadtheWordofGodtoherdailyand played tapes. I talked to her, calling her by name,assuringherthatIwaswithher. Daniellealsostrengthenedherselfthroughreadingandre-readingMatthew8and9,goingoverallthedifferentways Jesushealed,andstandingonthestoryofLazarusinJohn11. Exhausted from her vigil, Danielle closed her Bibleandlaiditinherlap.Theenemytormentedherwiththedoctor’swords:No brain activity. Brain dead. A holy anger rose up in her.This time she wasn’t anunsaved youngmotherbegging forGod to saveherbaby.She was a child of the King, and she knew her spiritual

authority.Shestoodandmadeherdeclarationwithabold-nessthatshookhell. “Father,YouraisedLazarusafterfourdaysinastink-ing grave! You put brain activity back in his brain—You can put it in my daughter’s! I believe she is fully restored—nothingmissing,nothingbroken!” To protect her heart and her faith stand, Daniellestopped attending the medical conferences withthe doctor. Instead, she fasted and prayed. A few dayslater, she walked down a hospital corridor and sawNaydia’sneurosurgeon. “Wherehaveyoubeen?”heasked. “I can’t hear any more negative reports,” Danielleexplained.“Ibelievemydaughterishealedandrestored:nothingmissing,nothingbroken.”Shesteeledherselfforhisresponse. “Then,I’llbelievewithyou…byfaith,”thedoctorsaid. We have an ally! Inthechapel,DaniellepraisedandworshipedGod.

TheEyesofFaith By the end of the week, Danielle was overwhelmed

with exhaustion. In her hotel room that night, she slidoffthebedandontoherkneesandworshiped.ShetoldGod: “Father, I need to see her open her eyes.”ThenDaniellewenttosleep. Thenextmorning,DaniellewalkedintotheICUwithanewspringinherstep.“Naydia’sgoingtoopenhereyestoday!”sheannouncedcheerfullytothenurseonduty. “Really?Howdo youknow?” thenurse asked, a puz-zledlookonherface. “Byfaith.” Danielle leaned close to Naydia’s face and did whatshe’d done dozens of times before. “Naydia, it’s Mom.Openyoureyes,Baby.OpenyoureyesforMomma!” Naydia’s dark lashes fluttered, and her beautiful,green eyes looked up at Danielle. Unable to speakbecause of a tracheostomy, she mouthed one dis-tinctword. “Mom.” Tears streamed down Naydia’s face as Danielle heldherhandandencouraged,“You’regoingtobefine.” Thenurserantocalltheneurosurgeon. “Naydia!”hesaid.“Canyouopenyoureyesforme?” Nothing. “Mom,youtryit,”hesaid.

20 | B V O V | d e C e m B e r ’ 0 6

“I believe my daughter is healed and restored: nothing missing, nothing broken.” She steeled herself for his response.

“ Then, I ’ll believe with you…by faith,” the doctor said. ••

• • Once again, Danielle said, “Naydia, it’sMomma,Baby.Openyoureyes.” Again,Naydia’sgreeneyesblinkedopen.

NothingMissing,NothingBroken Naydia drifted back into semiconscious-ness.Clearly,shehadbrainactivity,contrarytothelieoftheenemy.Anewbrainactiv-ity test camebacknormal,butCarsonandDanielleknewtheirfaithstandwasn’tover. As Naydia woke permanently from thecoma, she spoke like a child. Infantile insomeareas,shehadtorelearnmotorskills.In addition to Danielle, Carson, Nikiand all their family, Kenneth CopelandMinistries and other prayer teams wereupholdingthembyfaith. Just 20 days after the accident, Naydiawas discharged from the ICU and sentto a rehab unit for four weeks. As Godcompleted the restoration, Naydia quicklyrecovered. Soon, she was back caring forherhusbandandchildren. Today, Naydia Starr Coate is perfectlyhealedandrestored.Sincetheaccident,theLord blessed her and Carson with theirfourth child. Naydia’s green eyes sparklewithlife,loveandgratefulnesstoGod. “The story doesn’t end there,” Danielleadds with a laugh. “The devil not onlycouldn’t take Naydia’s life, but her IQ isnow10pointshigherthanitwaswhenshewasinhighschool!” Twice Daniel le Kel ley has stoodbetween heaven and earth and claimed amiracleforherdaughter;onceasafright-ened,unsavedyoungmother,andonceasamaturedaughteroftheKing. Young or old, new believer or veteran Christian, God has a miracle for you. Victory

PartnershipIntroduced to Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Danielle Kelley saturated herself in the Word by read-

ing many KCm books and watching the daily Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast. She studied Kenneth Copeland’s

blazing blue eyes as he taught on mark 11:23-24, and meditated daily on the Copelands’ devotional book

From Faith to Faith. | “Kenneth Copeland seeded faith into my life,” danielle said. “my faith came from his foundation.

my hunger for the Word of God grew so much….”

Changing Lives Through

To become a Partner or to learn more about partnership: call 1-877-480-3388, or visit

BBecause of Partners like danielle Kelley, we have

the opportunity to reach around the world and touch

people and see their lives dramatically change. Not

only are their lives changing, so are the lives of our

Partners. Because of their partnership with us, they

get heavenly credit for touching those lives just as if

they had done it themselves.

Partnership is God’s way for all of us to do so much

more together than any of us could do alone. As we

combine our spiritual and physical resources with

God’s power to change lives, there’s nothing we can’t

do and no life that can’t be changed!

Pray today about mak-

ing The Partnership Connection with

Kenneth Copeland

ministries. When you

become a Partner, you’ll

receive our Partner

Package that contains

information about part-

nership, complimentary

gifts and more. Or, if you’d

simply like more informa-

tion, just let us know.

•danielle and her daughters Naydia and Niki

It’s time to get connected!

22 | B V O V | d e c e m B e r ’ 0 6

For 40 years now, Dad and Mom have led thisministry in fulfilling God’s commission to preach tothe nations. They have proclaimed f rom the top ofthe world to the bottom and all the way around that“Jesus is Lord,” the message of victory for everyone whowill anchor their lives on the integrity of a convenant-keepingGod.

Each and every day by your support in prayer andfinances, you are helping them preach the word of faithto millions of people—whether through our Believers’Conventions orVictory Campaigns, reaching a potentialaudienceofmorethan633millionpeoplethroughthedailyBeliever’s Voice of Victory broadcast, or going into morethan560,000homeseachmonthwiththeBVOVmagazine.

This yearhasbeenonefilledwithtremendousblessings fortheBodyofChrist.God proclaimed it the Year ofTotal Fulfillment, and that’s exactly what wehaveseen—ineveryarea.|Now,aswepreparetoenteranewyear,wecandosoexpectingmore—ineveryareaofourlives—asGodmanifestsHispowerandbless-ings inevengreaterabundance.HereatKennethCopelandMinistriesthatwillmeangreatandexcitingchangesinanumberofways.Someofthebiggestchangeswillbeinthewayweministertoyou,ourPartnersandFriends.

Faster service is another priority of ours for the new year.

MoreJust for You!

b y J o h n C o p e l a n d

Monthly, more than 60,000 people are logging on to our Website at to read reports of God’s blessing and deliver-ance.Andthousandsmorearebeingministeredtodailythroughtheoutreach of our international offices in Australia, Europe, Canada,SouthAfricaandUkraine. Andtheyear2007promisesevengreateropportunitiesforKCMtoministertoyou. Part of the more that’s on its way involves the establishment of a24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week prayer line from our headquartersinFortWorth,Texas.Someonewill alwaysbehere to takeyourcall.Already,wehaveprayerministersonhandtoansweryourcallssevendaysaweekfor17hoursonweekdaysfrom6a.m.to11p.m.(CentralTime),andfrom8a.m.to4p.m.onweekends.Byearly2007,aspartof our new infrastructure system, we expect our prayer lines to beoperatingnonstop,foraround-the-clockavailability. Fasterserviceisanotherpriorityofoursforthenewyear.WhenyouplaceanorderwithKCM,weknowyouwanttoputittouseimmediatelyinyourlifeorinthelifeofsomeoneyoucareabout.Wewanttogetittoyouquickly—shippingitwithin24hours,ifpossible—andweareputtingactiontoourfaithtoreachthatgoalnextyear. Foryearswe’vebeenprayingforameanstoreachouttoandeffectivelyministerto the more than 37.4 million Hispanic people in the United States. God openedthat door for us earlier this year when Believer’s Voice of Victory began airing onTrinityBroadcastingNetwork’sSpanish-languagesatellitenetwork,Enlace.Thenet-work reaches over 50 million homes and more than 200 million viewers across theUnitedStates,Mexico,CentralandSouthAmerica,andSpain. WecontinuetoreceivereportsofgreatrevivaltakingplaceinthecountrieswhereSpanish is theprimary language.And it remainsaprioritywithushereatKCMtoseethatthesebelieversbecomegroundedintheWordofGodandlearntoleadvicto-riouslives. That’s not all the exciting news. In May, the BVOV broadcast began airing onDiscoveryChannel—openingthewayforthemessageofhopeandvictorytobecomeavailabletomorethan90millionhomeseachday. New doors of ministry opportunity continue to open.The acquisition of a newCessnaCitationX jet—theworld’s fastestmidsized corporate jet—made it possibleforus togomoreplaces faster thisyear toshareGod’sWord.In2007,wewillcon-tinueexploringwaystoreachevenfurtherandministertoevenmorepeopleasGodexpandsourvision. IoftendescribethisministrythesamewayIdescribeitsfoundersandmyparents,KennethandGloriaCopeland.ItisaministrybuiltontheWordofGodandfaith—onethat represents steadfastness,commitmentand integrity.Youwon’t findany twopeople more sold out to God and His call on their lives than my parents. And youwon’t findaministrymoredeterminedtofulfill itscommissiontopreachthegospeltothenationsthanKennethCopelandMinistries. We are grateful that God has called you alongside us to help fulfill the call onKCM.This is an exciting time for us as we look back at what God has done overthis year, and as we prepare to walk through an open door to untold blessings in abrandnewyear.Andwewantyou,Partners,towalkwithus—everyexpectantstepoftheway. We’refulfillingthecallofGodonthisministry.Butwecouldneverdoanyofthiswithoutyou!Victory

d e c e m B e r ’ 0 6 | B V O V | 23

MoreJust for You!

By early 2007, as part of our new infrastructure system, we expect our prayer lines to be operating nonstop, for around-the-clock availability..

The BVOV broadcast began airing on Discovery Channel—available to more than 90 million homes each day.

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It can sometimes be a challenge to balance the demands of the holiday season and stay focused on the things that really matter. Things like celebrating the birth of Jesus, recognizing His love and presence in our lives, and having memorable times with family and friends. So, I want to help you find a way to do those things, as well as maintain your health and fitness goals, and have some fun while you’re at it!

for attending is to celebrate Jesus and love on people rather than eat ’til you pop—it’ll make all the differ-ence! One way to do this is to pray and ask the Lord to give you opportunities to encourage others. Expect the Holy Spirit to draw you to the people who may be struggling in their lives, so you can speak words of life to them. Proverbs 25:11 says, “A word fitly spoken and in due season is like apples of gold in settings of silver” (The Amplif ied Bible). There is nothing more satisfying than being able to bless someone. What a great gift to give during Christmas! It’s true that “in giving you receive.” Helping others is much more fulfilling than a slice of three-layer chocolate cake loaded with calories that could possibly make you feel regretful moments later. Holiday gatherings are such a perfect time to nurture

When temptation abounds, it takes determination to steer clear of calorie-rich goodies and not trade exercise time for other things—like shopping and parties. But, you can have a terrific time this season without piling on the pounds, or the extra weight and guilt that come with it. These few tips have helped me over the years, and I trust they will do the same for you.

It’s All About People I’ve learned that reminding myself of what’s really important, helps me stay focused on my health and fit-ness goals, even when attending Thanksgiving dinners or Christmas parties. My purpose for attending these events is interaction with people—not with food. If you decide before you go to an event that your reason

Reasons You


b y M a r t y C o p e l a n d

WillNotGainWeightThis Holiday Season!

to avoid common pitfalls to gaining weight when it comes to holiday eating:

1. If you have decided not to eat at the party, then eat a healthy meal before you arrive. If you feel you will offend your host by not eating, then eat a small, high-fiber meal beforehand that will fill you up, and leave a little room to munch on raw veggies. Or, if you are attending a sit-down dinner, put extremely small portions on your plate and eat only larger portions of vegetables.

2. If you have a sweet tooth, take only a few bites of a low carb/low fat protein bar before the party to help curb your appetite for sweets.

3. Lunchtime parties at work can be a challenge. I rec-ommend taking a healthy sandwich to eat prior to the party. You’ll be full enough to steer clear of calo-rie-rich foods, and choose a dinner salad instead.

4. If asked to bring a dish, offer to bring drinks, plates or napkins. Then you won’t be tempted to eat some of the goodies you might bring.

Slack Now—Pay Later During the holidays it’s impor-tant not to slack off on workouts! Find creative ways to get the exercise you need. For instance: Squeeze in shorter workouts with greater inten-sity levels. Take the stairs, park in the back lot and walk farther to your destination. Burn calories by walk-ing faster while shopping, carrying your own packages and taking stairs rather than escalators. And, never go to the mall hungry! Take a snack and a bottle of water with you.

Enjoy the Day! Now, I want to take this oppor-tunity to wish you a very blessed and happy Christmas! I hope you are able to fully enjoy the holidays with your family and friends. And, I pray you experience the peace and joy of our Lord during this special time of year. And…savor each day! Victory

Certif ied by the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research in Dallas, Texas, Marty Copeland is a personal trainer, nutritional counselor, author and minister of the gospel.

relationships. Take the time to really listen to people and interact with them; reconnect with old friends, make new friends and help them feel valued and loved. As you focus on people, you won’t even notice you are not eating all that much. You’ll be having too much fun to be con-cerned about food! And, at the end of the day, you will feel guilt free and experience the joy that comes from having self-control, and the ultimate joy that comes from loving others.

Indulgence Boundaries I realize that part of the fun of celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas is having those once-a-year family favorite foods. Rather than deny yourself completely, set boundaries. Decide what indulgences you do not want to go without. Then, have a plan in place to compensate for those extra calories. For instance, plan an extra workout day before a big meal. If possible, take a walk in the park after the Christmas meal is over, and invite others to join you. Usually, I determine that Christmas Eve is my “treat” time because it is a big celebration for our family. To offset the extra calories I know I’ll consume, I exercise a little harder and eat a little lighter the day before. On Christmas Day, I do enjoy some treats. I savor a piece of my mom’s homemade fudge! I’ve loved it since I was a kid, so I look forward to it—the memory of her making it, as well as the fudge itself. But what do I say when she asks me if I want to take some home? “No, no and no!” The day after Christmas, I’m committed to a long workout to compensate for the extra calories and give my metabolism the boost it needs.

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions We’ve already touched on the subject of “deciding before you go.” This is such an important step and a very real deterrent to gaining weight during the holidays. So, before attending any social event, ask yourself this ques-tion: Which is more important, eating the tempting, fattening foods or maintaining my weight? Once you have made your decision, write down your goals. State when you plan to exercise, how much you plan to eat and how you will follow through with that plan. Writing it down indicates a sincere intention of reach-ing your goals, and it will help you stick to the plan! Also, enlist the Lord’s help! “Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass” (Psalm 37:5, The Amplif ied Bible). God can and will help you reach your goals! Now, on the practical side of things, here are a few ways

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If you decide before you go to an event that your reason for attending is to celebrate Jesus and love on people rather than eat ’til you pop—it’ll make all the difference!

Holiday gatherings are such a perfect time to nurture relationships. Take the time to really listen to people and interact with them.

b y M a r t y C o p e l a n d

A New Life in Christ I’m 30 years old and just recently accepted Jesus in my life. I’m writing you, hoping maybe my testimony will help someone else get away f rom Satan. I’ve committed every sin and broke all the commandments. I was a God-hater. I never thought or imagined my life being anything but that, but boy was I wrong. I asked Jesus with every bit of my heart to help me, to show me what I was missing, and believe me I’m getting what I asked for. I’m still just a baby in Christ, but I’m learning more every day. I’m reading your book now called Dear Partner. I love it. It helps me a lot. I still have problems with doubt and feeling that I’m not worthy, but I’m taking it a day at a time. Jesus cured my alcoholism, drug addiction and my anger and hate. Thank You, Lord.

The Bible you sent me in prison is being well-used now!R.H. | Oklahoma

From Infer tility to Overflow

Four years ago we had requested prayer because we were strug-

gling with infertility and miscar-riage. I heard the Copelands preach

on 2004 being the year of bless-ing and abundance. I claimed that

promise for us and our family. In February 2004, we were blessed with

a healthy baby gir l . Then, I heard the Copelands speak on 2005 being

the year of overflow. Once again, we claimed that for our family. I’m pleased

to report that on Dec. 31, 2005, we were once again blessed with a healthy baby

girl. Keep up the good work in encourag-ing us to go for what God has for us.

J.S. | Indiana

Healed While Watching BVOV On March 31, 2006, I was healed of pneumonia while watching the Believer’s Voice of Victory broad-cast. It was a really anointed program and I am still healed today. Praise God for His Word and your ministry, which I have been a part of for more than 30 glorious years. A.H. | Alabama


GoodNewsGazetteR e a l Pe o P l e , R e a l N e e d s , R e a l V i c t o R i e s

Reborn and Renewed

Brother and Sister Copeland,

I thank the Lord for you. I was

given “Blessed Beyond Measure”

for Christmas. Over Christmas

break I read it and was reborn.

I have been in and out of church

my whole life, so in my mind I

knew what I needed to know,

basically. But I have picked up the

Bible and now under-

stand it for the

first time.

A.W. - Oklahoma

Condemnation Wiped Away I was raped at the age of 20 and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at age 25. Even though I have grown as a Christian, I have really grown since becoming a Partner with KCM in November 2005. I am seeing big changes in my life. I just received the BVOV magazine today and was delivered from guilt, shame and con-demnation from the rape. I am now 53 and have never felt worthy, but praise God, after reading the article “Change Your Image, Change Your Life” by Bill Winston, and receiving the Word of Isaiah 43:25, I am free from all condemnation and believe I can do all things that God asks of me. All I have to do is receive the Word and

believe Jesus is Lord.J.A. | Ohio

Jesus curedmy anger & hate

Angels Steer Car, Girls, to Safety I have been a Partner and blessed so tre-mendously by every aspect of the ministry for several years now. I woke up early on Resurrection Sunday of this year. I read my From Faith to Faith devotional, confessed Psalm 91, prayed in the spirit and was impressed to read the prayer of protection in Kellie’s book, Protecting Your Family in Dangerous Times. I am the single mother of two beautiful girls, ages 10 and 9. They both know and love the Lord. We were getting ready to leave the house to attend morn-ing worship services at our home church. My girls and I went outside to the car, they got in the back seat and I pulled the car from the rear to the front of the driveway. The front of the car was facing the street. I jumped out of the car and went inside the house to get my purse and lock the door. As I was coming out of the house, I heard my youngest daughter call my name. I looked in the front of the driveway and didn’t see the car. Then I heard my daughter call to me from across the street. My oldest daughter told me that when I got out of the car I had not taken it out of drive and the car rolled across the street and into the neighbor’s drive-way. She saw that the car was headed toward my neighbor’s garage, and had the presence of mind to put the car in park. No cars were hit, no property was damaged and my girls were unharmed. I know the angels of the Lord were encamped around about them to keep them safe and protected. I’m so thankful for the living Word that works every time we use it in faith. I am so grateful for the teach-ings of Brother Kenneth, Glor ia , Kel l ie and everyone who min-isters on the daily broadcast. I can hardly wait for the month l y maga-zine to come. Jesus is Lord!J.W. | California

••••••••••I’m so thankful for

the living Word. It works every time we use it in faith.


GoodNewsGazetteWalking by Faith, Not Sight! My wi f e was g i ven the d i agnos i s o f “ in fant i l e u te rus . ” Four doctor s proved that diagnosis and said we could not have children and it was useless to take treat-ment. But we believed God, repented of our sins and started going to church. We have been watching the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcasts since 2001. In one of your broad-casts you said that the truth is in Jesus Christ, and not in what we see and hear. My wife and I started establishing God’s promises in our lives, and two years later our son was born!Y.M. | Ukraine

Healing and Restoration Thank God and KCM for their support of Word-based prayer with the safe arrival of our twin granddaughters. Through lis-tening and quiet time with From Faith to Faith, this has brought healing to our family and I would not have gotten through with-out the ongoing support of this wonder-ful ministry. I praise God for introducing me to this partnership of KCM. Praise be to God!J.J. | United Kingdom

Webcast Fills a Void I just wanted to give glory to God and thank you for showing the Branson Victory Campaign on the Webcast . I l ive in the UK and have been disabled s ince chi ld-hood, so I am limited as to how far I can travel. I have never been to a large conven-tion, although we have small ones at our church, and it meant a great deal to me to be able to watch and be a part of such a large gathering of believers f rom all over the wor ld. Praise God. I thank God daily for both of you and your ministry. I am study ing more and feed-ing on the Word more and growing stronger in faith and it ’s all thanks to God putting me in touch with your ministry. A.J. | United Kingdom


It just sounds too good to be true.That’s what many people think when they hear me make a statement such as, “ You don’t have

to wait to get to heaven to prosper and have your needs met.” | But the fact is, you don’ t have to wait until you get to heaven to prosper and enjoy life. You can enjoy a world of good here and now! God has already done everything it takes for you to live the highest kind of life right here

on earth. He created man to live in His limitless provision and care. Had Adam not sinned in the Garden, he never would have had to toil , struggle or sweat.

b y G l o r i a C o p e l a n d

Seeingthe Unseen

And,thankGod,thestorydoesn’tendwithAdam! EverythingAdamandEve lost in theFall, Jesusgotback in redemption.Hecamesowecouldenjoylife…andnotjustalittle.Hecamesowecouldhavelifeinabundance—tothefull,tillitoverflows( John10:10).JesushasdoneHispart.Nowit ’suptoustodoourpartandreceiveallthegoodHehasinstoreforus. And,faith is the key to receiving. Ittakesfaithtobringthingsf romtheunseenrealm of the spirit into the seen realm—the here and now. Hebrews 11:1 says,“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”Whether we need a physical healing, a loved one’s salvation, more finances, asoundmindoranythingelse,wereceiveitoneway—byfaith. Now, if you’ve been listening to us very long, you already know faith comesbyhearing theWordofGod(Romans10:17). Ifyoudon’tknowwhatGodhaspromised inHisWord,youdon’thaveanybasis for faith. Inorder tobring theunseen (what you arebelieving for) into the seen realm, youmust receivewhatGodsaysinHisWord,believeitandapplyittoyourselfpersonally. “That ’smine!”yousay.“Ireceiveit.”

TheSpiritofFaithCreates The Scripture tells us God created the universe in the same way, by usingwords of faith and power. “Through faith we understand that the worlds weref ramed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made ofthingswhichdoappear”(Hebrews11:3). GodsaidwhatHedesired,andbelievedit,beforeHesawitmanifest. WhenHewants somethingdone,Goddoesn’t just think about it.Hedoesn’tcomplain about it either. He says it, by faith believing that what He says willcometopass. NoticeatCreationGoddidn’tsayanythingabouthowdark itwas.No.“Godsaid,Lettherebelight:andtherewaslight”(Genesis1:3-4). God believes and He speaks. He says and then He sees. GodHimselfcallsthings“whichbenotasthoughtheywere”(Romans4:17).WhenHespeaks,Hiswordsarealiveandenergizedandeffective.Hebrews4:12tellsusthereispowerinHiswordstocausewhateverHesaystocometopass. You and I create a victorious life here on earth the same way God createdandframedtheworlds.That ’sright.Infact,wehavethesamespiritoffaithHedoes. It is imparted touswhenwe are born again.And, to bringHis promisesf romtheunseenrealmintotheseenrealm,wemustnotonlybelieve,butwealsomustspeakHisWord—justasHedoes(2Corinthians4:13). First,faithmustbestoredupinourheartsbyconsistentlytakingintheWordthrough our eyes and ears. Then, as we meditate on those promises and theybecome more and more real to us, the spirit of faith within us becomes boldenough to speak that Word in power! When that happens, the words “By thestripesofJesus,Iamhealed!”createhealing. I want you to know that no matter what your situation is, or how serious itlooks, thatsituationcanchange—ifyou’llhearwhatGodsaysabout it,andputHispromiseinyourheartandinyourmouthuntilalldoubtiscrowdedout.

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b y G l o r i a C o p e l a n d

Seeingthe Unseen

Faith is the key to receiving. It takes faith to bring things from the unseen realm of the spirit into the seen realm—the here and now.

We can talk the problem and keep the problem, or we can talk the answer (the Word of God) and have the answer. It’s our choice.

Just being born again doesn’t guarantee you a victorious life.


BeTransformed,InsideandOut Believe!Say!Andseeitbyfaith!That’swhatittakestolivealifeofvictoryonearth. Justbeingbornagaindoesn’tguaranteeyouavictori-ous life. You are instantly transformed on the insidewhen you receive Jesus as your Savior, and you will gotoheaveneventually.Butforyourouter lifetobetrans-formed,yourmindhastoberenewedandretrainedwiththeWordofGod.Romans12:2commands,“Andbenotconformed to this world: but be ye transformed by therenewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is thatgood, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” What renews your mind—your soul—is f inding out what God says about something and coming into agreement with it. Don’t agree with the world that insists, “You couldnever have that.” Don’t say, “That ’s too good to betrue!”IfyourefusetoreceivetheWordofGod,youarehardeningyourheartjustlikethechildrenofIsraeldidwhen they refused tobelieveGodwhenHe told themto take the Promised Land. And Hebrews 3:15 warnsus, “Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not yourhearts,asintheprovocation.” UnbeliefkepttheIsraelitesoutofalandthatseemedjusttoogoodtobetrue(verse19).Itcankeepusoutofourpromisedlandtoo. So, retrain your soul: your mind–how to think; yourwill–what to choose; and your emotions. Make themcomeintoline to agree with the Word of God. AndmakeyourwordsagreewiththeWord:“LettheredeemedoftheLordsay so…”(Psalm107:2). Saying soisfaith.

FaithinTwoPlaces The victory and f reedom you walk in depend onhow much of the Word goes in your eyes and ears ona continual basis.Andyouhave tomix faithwith thatWord.Hebrews4:2saysoftheIsraelitesthat“themes-sagetheyhearddidnotbenefitthem,becauseitwasnotmixedwithfaith” (The Amplif ied Bible). Andremember,itkeptthemout! You can listen to tapes day and night, but until youmixfaithwiththatWord—untilyouget it in your heart

and believe it, and put it in your mouth, it won’t profityou. According to Romans 10:8, “The word is nighthee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, thewordoffaith,whichwepreach.”Faithhastobeintwoplaces—inyourheartandinyourmouth. Ifyou’respeakingnegativewordsofdoubtandunbe-lief, youhave aheart problem.“For out of the fullness(the overflow, the superabundance) of the heart themouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34, The Amplif ied Bible). Your future is literally stored up in your heart. Makesure it’s full of the Word. Faith comes by hearing theWord, and faith goes by saying the Word. You releaseyour faith in words that come from your heart. What you say is what you are calling into your life.

HolySpiritPower Now,apart frombeingbornagainandrenewingyourmind to the Word, nothing can change your life morethan being filled with the Holy Spirit. On the Day ofPentecost, the Holy Spirit swept into this atmospherein a new way. Instead of hovering over the face of thedeepandwaitingforGodtospeakasHedidatthetimeof Creation, He came to indwell God’s children. Why? SowhenbelieverswouldspeaktheWordofGod,thepowerinthatWordwouldcauseitselftocometopass. That’snotHisonlyfunctionthough.TheHolySpiritalso teachesus, guidesus andgivesus revelationof allthegoodGodhasinstoreforus:

Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither haveentered into the heart of man, the things whichGod hath prepared for them that love him. ButGod hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit….Nowwehave received,not thespiritof theworld,butthespiritwhichisofGod;thatwemightknowthethingsthatarefreelygiventousofGod.Whichthingsalsowespeak,notinthewordswhichman’swisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghostteacheth…(1Corinthians2:9-10,12-13).

We can be empowered by the infilling of the HolySpirit.HewillrevealtheunseenthingsGodhasforusand

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that situation can change—if you’ll hear what God says aboutit,andputHispromiseinyourheartandinyourmouthuntil




TheEyeofFaithSeestheUnseen IfyouneedsomethingfromGod,youhavetostandinfaithontheWordofGod.Holdontothepromise.Believeituntilitmanifests. You’ll have lots of opportunity to be moved by whatyousee.Butdon’t!Insteadbemovedbywhatyoubelieve.Whatyoubelievewilltakeovertheseenrealm. The unseen will swallow up the seen. YearsagoKennethE.Hagintaughtusthatthe“eyeoffaith” is what looks at the unseen realm. The eye of faith is the eye of believing the Word of God.Inthetimebetweenwhen you believe you receive a promise from theWord,

and the time it manifests in your life, keep looking at what the Word says, not at thecircumstances. “Walk by faith, not by sight”(2Corinthians5:7).Don’tfocusonafflictionsorlack.Ifyou’rebelievingforanewcar,don’tfocusontheold jalopythatwon’tstart. Faith lives in the promise. So “look not at the thingswhich are seen, but at the things which arenot seen: for the things which are seen aretemporal;but the thingswhicharenot seenareeternal”(2Corinthians4:18). Whenyouhaveapaininyourbody,see it through the Word which says Jesus bore yourpain and“with his stripes [you] are healed”(Isaiah 53:4-5).You walk healed by believ-ingandspeakingtheWordabouthealing,byputtingitinyourheart,andlettingitbecomebigger than any sickness.Through the eyeoffaith,seeyourselfhealedandwhole—andsayso! No matter what you need today, find apromise from God’s Word and believe it.

Putitinyourheartandinyourmouth,anditwillbegintowork foryou—that’s faith.There’snogettingaroundthatprocess. Why? Because faith is a law. Jesus said, “According toyourfaithbeituntoyou”(Matthew9:29).Sostartcallingthingsthatbenotasthoughtheywere. What are you calling your body? Your family? Yourbankaccount? Say what God says about those things. Speak the answer you desire.Bytheeyeoffaith,keepseeingwhatyou’rebeliev-ingforuntilitbecomesseeninthenaturalrealm. Making substance of the unseen will surely bring youdaysofheavenonearth.Peoplewill lookat youand say,“Why,yourlifeisjusttoogoodtobetrue!”Victory

teachustotalk faith.That’simportantbecauseourwordsgiveeitherGodorthedevilauthoritytomoveinourlives.

WeDecide We cannot be talkers of problems, unless we want tobe like the world and join them in their problems.Wecan talk the problem and keep the problem, or we can talk the answer (the Word of God) and have the answer.It’sourchoice. IntheNameofJesuswecantakeauthorityoveradversesituations in our lives and see them change.We’ve beenempowered by the Holy Spirit and the words of GodHimself todo just that.You can let the indwellingHolySpiritteachyouhowtospeakintotheatmospherewordsthatwillchangethings.

BecomeLikeLittleChildren KenandIwereSpirit-filledaboutfiveyearsafterwewerebornagain,butwedidn’tknowanythingabouttheWord.ItwaslikewhentheHolySpiritwashoveringoverthefaceofthedeep before God spoke—nothing was hap-pening!Wedidn’tknowhowtoturnourfaithloose.We didn’t even know what to believe.Wehadalottolearn.AndwehadtobecomelikelittlechildrenandallowtheHolySpirittoteachus. Galatians3:23sumsupourlifeatthattime:“Before this faith came, we were held pris-onersbythe law, lockedupuntil faithshouldbe revealed” (New International Version).Wedidn’t know what theWord of God said, sowe couldn’t believe for anything. We werelockedupinlackandunbelief,withnofutureandnohope. But after we moved to Tulsa and Kenbecame a student at Oral Roberts University,we began hearing theWord of God from Oral Robertsand Kenneth E. Hagin.We learned that faith comes byhearing, believing and saying theWord.We learned thissamefaithmadeusovercomers. Next, we began to change our words. Even thoughwe didn’t understand it all, we didn’t harden our heartsor argue with the truth.We just took what we learnedandbegantowalkinit.Littlebylittle,ourlivesbegantochange for the better. Finding out what God said so wecould receive His promises became serious for us.We’restillserious. WhateverweseeintheWord,webelieveitandreceiveit.We don’t say, “That’s too good to be true.”We don’tharden our hearts. We just take it by faith—now. Not

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Now, apart from being born again

and renewing your mind to the Word,

nothing can change your life more than being f illed with the Holy Spirit.

Kenneth Copeland MinistriesPO Box 3111 STN LCD 1

Langley BC V3A 4R3


God’s Got You CoveredGod wants you well! During this week, Gloria Copeland will dig in to the Word

and reveal what Scripture says about your healing—spirit, soul and body.


CD or tapeDaily broadcast (one week) CDN$10Sunday broadcast CDN$5

DVD or VHSDaily broadcast (one week) CDN$15Sunday broadcast CDN$10

BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY VOLUME 34 NUMBER 12 December 2006 BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY is published monthly by Eagle Mountain International Church Inc./Kenneth Copeland Ministries Inc., a nonprofit corporation, Fort Worth, Texas. © 2006 Kenneth Copeland Ministries Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY and the logo on the back page are registered trademarks of Eagle Mountain International Church Inc./Kenneth Copeland Ministries Inc., in the United States and international countries where BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY circulates. Printing and distribution costs are paid for by donations from KCM Partners and Friends. Printed in the United States of America. For a free subscription write to Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001 or sign up online at Because all BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. Partner Development Strategy Manager/Kelly Weekly Publishing Manager/Glenda Bunkofske Managing Editor/Ronald C. Jordan Contributing Editor/Don Turner Editor/Deborah Ide Editorial Assistant/Camille Wilder Writers/Michelle Medlock Adams Karen Adlong Darlene Breed Rick Bunkofske Gina Lynnes Christopher Maselli Proofreaders/John Caccomo Jean De Long Michelle Harris Eileen Hooley Senior Designer/Michael Augustat Project Managers/Deborah Brister Lynette Lundy Type Coordinator/Joyce Glasgow

Gloria CopelandHealing Is Part of Your Protection

You believe in God’s protection…and healing is part of it. Learn how this truth affects your daily


Kenneth CopelandReceiving the Reality of The Blessing

God has great things for us when we receive His Blessing as a reality in our lives and ministries!

Kenneth and Gloria CopelandChristmas Eve

Celebrate the Anointed One and His Anointing with the Copelands!

The Compassion ReactionGather your family around this week as Jeremy Pearsons opens up the character

and ministry of Jesus…the ministry of compassion that He desires to be at work in your life!




Order your audio or video copies of the BVOV broadcast now by using the form in the center of this magazine.

Tune in to the BVOV broadcast Monday through Friday and on Sunday each week at

Gloria CopelandStake Your Claim for Healing

Discover how to stake your claim for healing and put sickness far behind you.


Merry Christmas and Happy New YearKenneth and Gloria Copeland end the year with a powerful week of faith, focus-

ing on the love of God and the great opportunities the new year holds.

Preparing for Christmas—Together!As you begin to prepare for your family Christmas celebration, join Kenneth

and Gloria Copeland in their home as they share the love, joy and peace of the season with you.

D e c e m b e rBel i ever ’ s vo ice of v ictory BroaDC aSt C alenDar

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Kenneth CopelandChange Your Future With Your Words!

Set the course for 2007 as you greet the new year with the uncompromised Word of God!


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End-Time PrayerLearn how to pray effectively in these last days as Terri Copeland Pearsons

teaches on end-time prayer.

Watch the BVOV broadcast again and again!

Gloria CopelandKenneth Copeland

Jeremy Pearsonsterri Copeland Pearsons