saying nothing, writing everything


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Everyone has some way of venting, a way to let their emotions run free, for me and he, our vehicle is writing. Yet in our writing, we hope that you find something you can relate to as well. Something that will help you heal; make you smile or even pass on to a loved one. Whatever the case, whatever the situation we would like to invite you into our space for a moment or maybe for awhile. And if per chance you are someone who has ever known me, make me ecstatic or sad, broken my heart or mended it, comforted me or supported me and between these lines you think it was you on my mind... chances are you're probably right.


Page 1: Saying Nothing, Writing Everything
Page 2: Saying Nothing, Writing Everything


Saying Nothing



(Poetry Straight from the Hip)


Norlita Brown & De’Vray Rogers

Page 3: Saying Nothing, Writing Everything


Saying Nothing, Writing Everything

Copyright © 2010 by Brown Essence, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any

means without written permission from the author.

ISBN 978-0-9826745-0-5

Printed in USA by 48HrBooks


Page 4: Saying Nothing, Writing Everything


Table of Contents

Preface ........................................................ 7

Introduction ................................................ 8

What I want to say is ................................ 11

Self Destruction ....................................... 12

Poetic Soul ............................................... 13

Smoothly Unspoken ................................. 14

Unblemished Reality ................................ 15

Fearless .................................................... 17

Living ....................................................... 18

An Explanation of Us ............................... 19

Me and You............................................... 22

Envisioning .............................................. 23

Smooth Crest ..............................................25

Unforgettable .............................................26

Knowledge is Key ......................................27

What I Learn is...........................................28

strANGER ..................................................29

Page 5: Saying Nothing, Writing Everything



Itchy Feeling ..............................................31

I Want to Know Why .................................32

Unanswered Questions...............................33

Thank You .................................................34

There is.......................................................35

Different .....................................................36

The Color of Me.........................................37

Reclamation ...............................................38

Why ............................................................39

A World of Emotions .................................40

Crushed ......................................................41

What you never did ....................................42

What I wanted to do ...................................43

Family Troubles .........................................45

Who are you? .............................................46

Can you tell me ..........................................47

A better understanding ...............................48

Granted .......................................................49

Emotional ...................................................50

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Delusional ..................................................51

The Love We Never Made .........................53

Opened .......................................................54

Selfish ........................................................55

Your Eyes...................................................56

Existence ....................................................57

Rain ............................................................58

Burning ......................................................59

What is Life................................................60

Catching Feelings.......................................61


Sexual Suicide ............................................63

Thief ...........................................................64

I am not mad ..............................................65

The Invisibility of Me ................................66

Too Dark to Know .....................................67

The Message ..............................................68

Oh Wise One ..............................................69

It’s Generational.........................................70

I want to .....................................................71

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Emotionally Corrupt ..................................72

Thoughts ....................................................73

Thoughts of Yesterday ...............................74

Many Memories .........................................75

Opinionated ................................................76

Epitome ......................................................77

Recognition ................................................78

The Definition of Me .................................79

I’m Through ...............................................80

Painful Love ...............................................81

Confusion ...................................................82

Page 8: Saying Nothing, Writing Everything



De’Vray and I have been blessed with a gift to

write creatively. Our writing is done to speak to our

hearts as well as to the hearts of those who may have

been looking for direction, or just needing

understanding. In many of our writings we have

responded one to the other. There have also been

times when we have written on the same subject

unknowingly and yet so closely that they seemingly

go hand in hand.

It amazes me that De’Vray can speak so

beautifully at such a young age and I will forever be

proud. We had a hilarious moment where we didn’t

tag the writing at the end, and I couldn’t figure out

who wrote the piece. It turned out to be his.

Please enjoy our creativity and let us know what

you think by going to our website

Or sending us an email

[email protected]

[email protected]

Page 9: Saying Nothing, Writing Everything



E v e r y o n e h a s s o m e w ay o f v e n t i n g , a

w a y t o l e t t h e i r e m o t i o n s r u n f r e e , f o r

m e a n d h e , o u r v e h i c l e i s w r i t i n g . Y e t i n

o u r w r i t i n g , w e h o p e t h a t y o u f i n d

s o m e t h i n g y o u c a n r e l a t e t o a s w e l l .

S o m e t h i n g t h a t w i l l h e l p y o u h e a l ; m a k e

y o u s m i l e o r e v e n p as s o n t o a l o v e d

o n e . W h a t e v e r t h e c a s e , w h a t e v e r t h e

s i t u a t i o n w e w o u l d l i k e t o i n v i t e y o u i n t o

o u r s p a c e f o r a m o m e n t o r m a y b e f o r

a w h i l e . A n d i f p e r c h a n c e y o u a r e

s o m e o n e w h o h a s e v e r k n o w n m e , m a d e

m e e c s t a t i c o r s a d , b r o k e n m y h e a r t o r

m e n d e d i t , c o m f o r t e d m e o r s u p p o r t e d

m e a n d b e t w e e n t h e s e l i n e s y o u t h i n k i t

w a s y o u o n m y m i n d …c h a n c e s a r e y o u ’ r e

p r o b a b l y r i g h t . M y n a m e i s N o r l i t a

B r o w n , b u t m y w r i t i n g i s P u r e E s s e n c e .

H i s n a m e i s D e ’ V r a y R o g e r s , b u t h i s

w r i t i n g i s i n t e l l e c t u a l l y P r o p h e t i c

P r o p h e s y .

Page 10: Saying Nothing, Writing Everything


Self Destruction

What I want to say I don’t

What I need to say I won’t

So instead I say nothing

And write everything

When I want to speak, I shout

I’m angry there’s no doubt

But before I say something

I live to regret...

I’ll say nothing

And write everything

What I shouldn’t feel, I do

What I should feel, I don’t

So before I mix feelings

And hurt yours or mine

Or even someone else’s

I’ll choose to say nothing

And write everything

Hoping you or he, read between the lines

Before my saying nothing

Causes me to self-destruct

- Pure Essence

Page 11: Saying Nothing, Writing Everything


Unblemished Reality

When I walk into a room I change the

atmosphere with my words of honesty in the

rarest form. They are made to uplift, bring joy

to ones smile

But they have been known to cut once in


The words I verbalize say something so


Straight forward so to speak

You know nothing but the truth so help

me, please

I know, you thought I’d use His name in


But that is my point precisely

I choose my words, they don’t choose me

I try to make sure they’re not tainted

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Dimmed with a lie

My words come naturally

Honestly, they are free to be

The rarest form of pure essence

And nothing less

- Pure

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An Explanation of Us

One and one is equivalent

To you and me

So does that make us one

Or just two

Two people wanting each other

Feeling the other

For the day or the morrow

Is this something for the moment

Or the beginning of eternity

Wow! When you say it like that

It seems like a long time.

How about this?

How about we back up

Take one step, no two

Me…then you.

Now let’s try this thing again

Would you like to be friends?

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Or maybe more…

How about we kiss and try this

Did you feel that?

Yeah, I felt it too

I think the earth just moved.

Should we take it a step further?

But what happens if…

You know like I know

The earth shatters in two

We’ll be back to where we started

Me then you.

One, maybe two hearts broken

Needing healing,

Okay STOP!

This is getting too heavy for me

Way too heavy!

Who started this shit anyway?

Was it me or was it you?

My fingers point in your direction,

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While yours put the blame on me

I relent because I realize at this point,

It doesn’t matter

What are we going to do?

What are you going to do?

Push me away and hope the feelings subside?

I can’t think,

I don’t know what I want

And neither do you

It’s all a ball of confusion

Mirroring turmoil

And now we’re done, but

There’s just one more thing

It’s pulling at me, my heart, mind, body and soul

And it won’t let go!

- Pure

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Me and You…..

Are like a car crash

A collision of some sort

When we get together

We mix like oil and vinegar

And with that we explode

Like a nuclear testing site

Into the heavens

And create our separate worlds

Battling for centuries

- Prophetic

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I envision you on the tropical white sands

Riding a Black stallion

The flow of your body making my heart beat

I see you, but you don’t see me,

As I envision you, in my dreams.

I envision you standing so close to me

I can’t breathe

Reaching to touch you

But knowing I can’t

For my vision has not yet

Become a reality

I envision you underneath the sheets

Making my body explode uncontrollably

I envision you enjoying with me

Many nights filled with ecstasy

I envision you, touching my soul

Candlelit dinners while secrets unfold

Your eyes are dancing, while my heart is smiling

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No one caring who’s wrong or right

In our mindless conversations into the night

I envision you and I, individualized

Becoming us and we, intertwined

What I see with you, I hope you see with me,

A vision of us together, happily.

- Pure

Page 19: Saying Nothing, Writing Everything


Smooth Crest

I long for your love

Being of sound mind & soul

I need you

to comfort me

when I can’t sleep

take me to that special place

where we collide into the heavens

and back before seven

I need you, you need me

we long for each other

with the smooth crest of your body

caressing mine

I love the way we move back and forth

- Prophetic

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Knowledge is Key

With all the things I know

I find I know nothing at all

What I thought was big,

turned out to be really small

I tried to argue a point that had no tip

I tried to flip the script

to pages with no meaning

I tried to impress you with my knowledge

Astonish you with my skills

Just to find out

With all the things I thought I knew

It turns out, I know nothing at all.

- Pure

Page 21: Saying Nothing, Writing Everything


I want to know why….

I want to know why

You do this to me

This insanity - that wonderful

Lifelong thing called love

But to me it’s a tragedy

I want to know why

You criticize me

Why you don’t love me

Like I love you

Why you talk about me

Behind my back

Tell me why

As these tears roll down my face

Into this river that holds my fate


- Prophetic

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What can I do when losing you is like . . .













- Prophetic