saying yes to saving lives a community presentation on organ, eye and tissue donation

Saying YES to Saving Lives A community presentation on organ, eye and tissue donation

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Saying YES to Saving Lives A community presentation on organ, eye and tissue donation. Donate Life Northwest Serving Oregon and SW Washington since 1975 2525 SW 1 st Ave, Suite 175 | Portland, OR 97201 503-494-7888 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Saying YES to Saving LivesA community presentation on organ, eye and tissue donation

Manage the confidential Oregon Donor RegistryEducate DMV employees about the importance of asking every visitor do you want to be an organ donor?Visit high schools in Oregon and SW Washington to give free presentationsWork with over 400 volunteers statewide to organize community-based presentations, events, and donor registration drivesFacilitate accurate representation in local media (print, TV and online)

Visit our websites or call/email us to get involved or ask questions!

Donate Life NorthwestServing Oregon and SW Washington since 19752525 SW 1st Ave, Suite 175 | Portland, OR 97201503-494-7888 | | More than 130,000 Americans are waiting for a life-saving organ transplant.More than 80% need a kidney.In the Pacific Northwest, over 3,000 people are waiting.

Why our work matters

Diabetes and hypertension are leading causes of renal failure.

Hispanic, Native and African Americans are three to four times MORE LIKELY than Caucasians to suffer from diabetes and hypertension.3Not everyone receives a transplant in time.At least 30 Americans die every day, waiting for a donation which never comes.


FearLack of informationIll get around to it uhtomorrow!I just dont want to think about it!

Donation isA life-giving giftAn act of supreme generosity SelflessA surgical procedure conducted with compassion and respectOften a source of comfort for families, whose loved ones legacy lives on

Donation is NOTA conspiracy to steal your organs and tissuesDisfiguring An end-of-life decision that just goes away if you ignore itProhibited or discouraged by any mainstream religion in the United States

6Facts about DonationYour medical care will NEVER be compromised because you signed up as a donor. Hospital staff cannot access your states Donor Registry, and have nothing to do with the donation process. A completely separate team of Organ Recovery Professionals are called in only after all life-saving efforts have been exhausted and death has been legally declared.

Age or past medical issues may not prevent your ability to donate!At the time of death, Recovery Professionals conduct thorough medical exams to determine what can and cannot be donated. It may turn out that certain organs are not suitable, but other organs and tissues may be fine. The science of donation is always evolving please dont disqualify yourself prematurely!

Donation costs your family nothing.

Organ Donation: Did you know?Organ donation is very rare. Less than 1% of the population pass away within the medical environment which makes organ donation possible.

One organ donor can save up to eight lives.

Potential organ donors must meet three initial criteria:Death occurs in hospitalDuring the attempts to save the donors life, mechanical support systems were put in place; after death these maintain the flow of blood and oxygen through the deceaseds vital organsDeath is declared; specifically due to brain death. Blood, electricity, and oxygen have permanently ceased to flow through the brain. This is usually due to a severe head trauma, prolonged lack of oxygen to the brain, or stroke. Although their brain will never recover, their vital organs remain functional so long as mechanical support is connected.8Eye and Tissue Donation: Did you know?Thousands depend on the donation of corneas to restore their vision.Several thousands more depend on the donation of tissue to save or enhance their life.

One cornea and tissue donor can save and enhance more than 50 lives!

Give Life. Take action!Talk to your family.Regardless of whether you register as a donor, your next-of-kin will be consulted by Recovery Professionals if donation is a possibility. Too often, families have never discussed donation and do not know what their loved ones wishes were.

Register your decision to donate.If you wish to donate any organs or tissues which may be used after your death to save a life, restore sight, or restore mobility, indicate your consent by enrolling in your states confidential registry.

Say yes while renewing your drivers license, permit or ID while at DMVRegister online at Fill out a paper form and return it to Donate Life Northwest.

What about living kidney donation?Those waiting for a kidney transplant have a unique alternative to waiting and hoping for a deceased donor: Living Kidney Donors.A healthy living person can donate one kidney to a family member, friend, co-worker even a stranger.Donating a kidney does not increase the risk of future health problems, and people with one kidney live as long as those with two.

To learn more, contact a living kidney donation program!

Anonymous Living Donation Program11Thank you!

Laurie, Hasan, and Tara, waiting for kidney transplantsMike, liver recipientJan, tissue recipientCarlos, kidney recipient

Lindsey and Rosie, heart recipientsFrom the hundreds of Oregonians who are waiting, and those who have received the gift of life