sbi vs pnb

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  • 7/31/2019 sbi vs pnb


    IntroductionWhatever the mind of man can conceives and believe, the mind can achieveMan is a complex mix of elements and ever new invention motivates him to achievesomething new. There was a time when human race struggled for food lived in caves andthen slowly, gradually and eventually with his strong desire, dedication and determination

    he moved on to invention of wheel, two wheelers, four wheelers, computer, laptop,economy, currency and unending list of elements.As the development continues withaccelerated momentum he felt a strong need of something which could add him inenhancing what he had with something what was in possession of someone else and thusMoney and Economywere born.But this was sheer beginning. Slowly men felt need of a institution which can

    safely keep the wages of man, can provide him money over some obligation (interest)when he was in dire need and thus it was conception of the institution called Banks.Atthe time of its conception the primary purpose of a bank was provide loan to tradingcompanies; and the name bank derived from Italian wordbanco

    naming desk / branch used during renaissance by Florentine Bankers who used to maketheir transaction above desk covered by green table cloth.Change is a part of Life.It is aptto say that with the increasing facilities man craves more and it is this craving of his whichintroduces various changes in the modus operandi of2various activities. Thus with the passage of time, the function of bank penetrated toindividual.Bank today cover various financial and commercial activities which includes :-Issue of promissory notes.Processing of payment by way of telegraphic transfer.

    Issuing bank drafts and chequesAccepting money on term deposit.Lending money by way of overdraft, installments, loan or otherwise.Safe keeping of documents and other items in a safe deposit box.Currency exchange.Sales, distribution or brokerage with or without advice, of insurance, unit trusts and similarfinancial products.As service of bank expanded, bank started using various methods whichcan aid in managing all the functions of bank and thus banks introduced, various physicalevidence like cheques, bank drafts and ATMs, Credit cards etc.An ATM [Automated TellerMachine] is a technological version of traditional bank teller who used to disperse cash andother facilities over bank counter. However bank teller was available only during bankworking hours, the ATM are 24 X 7, at disposal of customers.

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    Thus ATM is computerized telecom device that provide a customer of a financialtransaction in a public place without the need of human desk [bank teller].However ATMare invention of 20thCentury when in 27

    thJune 1967, Barclay Bankers installed first electronic ATM in Enfield town in NorthLondon.I India SBI was first Bank to introduce ATM Service in 1996. PNB, the secondlargest government owned commercial bank in India with about 4500 branches across 764cities and serving over 37 million customers to introduce this service soon after SBI. Thusthe ATM Service slowly become common to various bank in India too. Today almost allthe bank issue a free of cost ATM to all the customers of all their branch that are internetworked through core banking system. Hence, it is an endeavor to draw a comparative studybetween the pre issuance and post issuance ATM Service of the major government ownedbanking Titans.SBI&PNB



    Objectives of the ProjectWhether the customer is satisfied with ATM facility?If yes to what extent, if no what are the shortcomings.What are the shortcomings, which need attention?To draw Comparison between the Satisfaction of Customers from ATM services of SBIand PNB


    Importance of the studyIt is aimed to study the Customer Preference towards ATM Services of Punjab NationalBank and State Bank of India . The project is analyzed the demographic, psychographicand preference characteristics of the customers in using ATM. It includes the detailed studyof customers focusing on the various parameters that lead to identifying and understandingthe perception of the customer and behaviour regarding services8

    offered by SBI and PNB. SBI and PNB, both are public sector bank and enjoy the loyaltyof customers due to their work quality and long era of services. So it becomes important toreveal a correct diagram and impact of the ATM services provided by it maintaining theirdignity and positionMETHODOLOGY METHODOLOGY

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    Research can be defined as a systemized effort to gain new knowledge. A research is

    carried out by different methodologies which have their own pros and cons. Researchmethodology is a way to solve research in study and solving research problems along withlogic behind them are defined through research methodology. Thus while talking aboutresearch methodologies we are not only talking of research methods but also consider thelogic behind the methods. We are in context of our research studies and explain why it isbeing used a particular method or technique and why the others are not used. So thatresearch result is capable of being evaluated either by researcher himself or by others.10

    ASSUMPTIONS:1.It has been assumed that sample of hundred represents the whole population2.The

    information given by the customer is unbiasedLITERATURE SURVEY:The project is based on pure findings of factsCOLLECTION OF DATA:

    This research is solely based on primary research done by means of questionnairestargeted to respondents who primarily belong to the business and service sector. Thesample size is 100. Survey has been conducted inSitapur Region.a.Sampling Methods: A sample is the representative of the populations which will predictthe behaviors of the whole universeb.The sampling size put under 2 categories: ProbabilitySampling and Non Probability Sampling.EXECUTION OF PROJECTIt is very essential in the research process to know the accuracy of the findings whichdepends on how systematically the study has been carried out so that it can make sense.Wehave executed the project after prior discussion with our guide and structured in thefollowing steps:11

    a.Preparation of a questionnaireb.The focal point of the designing the questionnaire was tocomprehend the current investment scenarioc.This questionnaire was primarily aimed torespondents who belong to the service and business class peopled.The questionnaires werediscussed through personal interface with the respondents12

    Research DesignExploratoryInformation pertaining to ATM usage in Sitapur will be collected from various banks.

    Concerned persons at various banks will be interviewed.Information will also be collectedfrom customers using ATM facility and their attitude towards the same will be studied.Questionnaire

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    A questionnaire will be administered to the current ATM users of various banks in Sitapur,personally by the research team. The questionnaire will contain not more than 20 questions.Personal data of the respondents will be collected through additional questions at the end ofthe questionnaire.SAMPLING PLAN

    Relevant PopulationPeople using SBI and PNB Banks ATM cards in Sitapur City.Sample SizeSample of 100 will be taken from Sitapur City13



    As is often the case with inventions, many inventors contribute to the history of aninvention. In the case of the ATM, Don Wetzel invented the first successful and modernATM in the USA, however he was not first inventor to create an ATM. In 1939, LutherGeorge Simjian started patenting an earlier and not-so-successful version of an ATM. Anautomatic teller machine or ATM allows a bank customer to conduct their bankingtransactions from almost every other ATM machine in the worldDon WetzelDon Wetzel was the co-patentee and chief conceptualist of the automated teller machine,an idea he said he thought of while waiting in line at a Dallas bank. At the time (1968)Wetzel was the Vice President of Product Planning at Docutel, the company that developedautomated baggage-handling equipment. It took five million dollars to develop the ATM.The concept of the modern ATM first began in 1968, a working prototype came about in1969 and Docutel was issued a patent in 1973. The first working ATM was installed in aNew York based Chemical BankThe first ATMs were off-line machines, meaning moneywas not automatically withdrawn from an account. A computer network to the ATM. not(at that time) connected the bank accounts. Therefore, banks were at first very exclusiveabout who they gave ATM privileges to. Giving them only to credit card holders (creditcards were used before ATM cards) with good banking records. Wetzel, Barnes andChastain developed the first real ATM cards, cards with a magnetic strip and a15

    personal ID number to get cash. ATM cards had to be different from credit cards (thenwithout magnetic strips) so account information could be included( George SimjianStarting in 1939, Simjian registered 20 patents related to the device and persuaded what isnow Citicorp to give it a trial. After six months, the bank reported that there was littledemand."It seems the only people using the machines were a small number of prostitutesand gamblers who didn't want to deal with tellers face to face," wrote Simjian. Later, of

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    course, the idea caught on, and today, modern versions of the automatic teller machinestand on nearly every street corner. Despite the notoriety that came with his ATM concept.( Technologies, Inc. Introduces New Transaction Processing System to

    Revolutionize the Traditional ATMAccording to ATM developer and DocuTel employee Don Wetzel, "We never did see theATM as just a cash dispenser. We thought it had to be a machine that did most of thefunctions of a teller including transferring money, taking payments and issuing cashadvances. But, nearly 30 years later, the ATM is still not much more than a cash dispenser.In fact, out of the nearly 220,000 ATMs installed in the U.S., research shows nearly halfprovide only cash dispensing transactions. And, only five percent of the remaining ATMsdo anything more than the original, basic16

    bank account functions -- even though consumers are demanding more twenty-four hour

    services from their local bank.Why? The answer is simple:The protocol used by ATMs, which was developed at their inception, does not supportadditional on-line services such as check cashing, bill payment, money order issuance andevent ticketing. With U.S. ATM cardholders completing more than 8.3 billion transactionslast year, financial networks and institutions have invested heavily in making sure thatconsumers can withdraw money from San Francisco to Singapore rather than allowingconsumers to purchase new financial and other services at their local ATM.Cash Tech'sEMMA transaction processing system will allow ATMs to quickly execute complextransactions over multiple networks.EMMA uses a message structure which provides anopen architecture for new application development without requiring modifications to hostsoftware.For the first time, communication between four primary channels:(1) The ATMnetwork(2) The credit card (POS) network, (3) The Automated Clearing House (ACH)network and (4) Cash will interface seamlessly.17

    With the new EMMA platform, ATMs are on their way to becoming electronicconvenience kiosks, capable of event and airline ticketing, electronic bill payment, andconnecting to an alternate host via the Internet."With ATMs becoming such a formidabledelivery channel, banks are weighing whether to configure their ATMs to do more than juststandard cash withdrawals.


    ATM INDUSTRY STATUS IN INDIAIn India ATM is still a new technology. With the emergence of private sector Banks likeICICI Bank, IDBI Bank, HDFC Bank etc. the number of ATM centres has increasedtremendously. There are presently all types of Banks offering ATM services. For exampleState Bank of India (a Public Sector Bank), ICICI Bank (a Private Bank), Citibank (A

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    Foreign Bank), Greater Bombay CO-OP Bank (a co-op Bank).The Banks are offeringvarious services like Cash withdrawal, fund transfer, Balance enquiry etc.The Banks havetie-ups in between them for sharing of their services this may be bilateral or multilateral byway of consortium like SWADHAN

    AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINES (ATMS) SHARED BY ACONSORTIUM OF BANKSEach bank provides its own computer to maintain its own accounts and process

    transactions against them. Cashier stations are owned by individual banks andcommunicate directly with their own banks computers. Human cashiers enter account andtransaction data. Automatic teller machines communicate with a central computer thatclears transactions with the appropriate banks. An automatic teller machine accepts a cashcard, interacts with the user, communicates with the central system to carry out thetransaction, dispenses cash, and prints receipts. The system requires appropriate record-keeping and security provisions. The system must handle concurrent accesses to the same

    account correctly. The banks provide their own software for their own computers; you areto design the software for the ATMs and the network. The cost of the shared system isnormally apportioned to the banks according to the number of customers with cash cards.InIndia very good example of such consortium is SWADHAN NETWORK. SWADHANNETWORK is a net work of various public sector Banks, Private Banks and Co- operativeBanks with nationwide coverage.SWADHANSWADHAN, Indias FIRST Shared Payment Network Service is unsurpassed in offeringcountrywide access to the banking operations at more than1000 ATMs in and around 64 cities. It has55 member banks in the network, which includes nationalized, private and foreign banks. SWADHANprovides convenient banking, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week through the AutomatedTeller Machines to the21

    participating banks customers across the country. With SWADHAN, the bank customersare never far away from an ATM. The member banks customer can withdraw moneyanytime from any of the ATM irrespective of the bank with which the customer has anaccount. It offers services beyond cash withdrawals, like utility bill payment, fund transferand deposits. SWADHAN widens the scope of ATM usage in the country in a costeffective manner. A member bank of SWADHAN can increase its geographical presencewithout deploying ATMs in all the locations; instead it can share and use ATMs of otherbanks, thereby saving a substantial amount. Likewise, the customer of the bank is highlybenefited by having a nation-wide access to the card, without holding multiple accounts indifferent banks. The averagetransaction per dayin the SWADHAN network is

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    around 2500. The largest and only Shared Payment Network System (SPNS) in India, SWADHAN isposting a very impressive growth rate since its inception. In 1997, at the start of thenetwork, the number of ATMs in SWADHAN Network was only around 24, whereastoday it is grown close to 1000 ATMs. Today, in the country, 25% of the ATMs are

    networked to SWADHAN. Everyday brings new ATMs and banks to the network. Beingthe leading light in Shared Payment Network System for debit cards in India, it hasauspicious plans to provide connectivity to the international payment networks, such asmaster card and visa in a very formidable way. It is poised to enable the existing systemfor e-payments thereby helping the banks excel in an e-powered service.22


    &SBI BANK IN INDIAAs part of its 'Clicks and Bricks' strategy, both SBI and PNB Banks have developedmultiple access channels comprising lean brick and mortar branches, ATMs, call centersand Internet banking. The branch network including extension counters presently coversmany locations across India. SBI and PNB Bankss network of 24 hr ATMs is one of thelargest and most widespread ATM Networks in India. Banks ATMs are convenientlylocated in Commercial areas, residential localities, Major Petrol Pumps and Airports, NearRailway Stations and other places, which are conveniently accessible to customers. TheSBI and PNB Banks ATMs feature user-friendly graphic screens with easy to followinstructions. IT has also introduced ATMs, which interact with customers in locallanguages for further convenience. The following are thefeatures available onSBI and PNB Banks ATMs, which can be accessed from anywhere at anytime.

    Cash Withdrawal:A customer can withdraw upto Rs.25,000/- on a single day from his account. In this, theFast Cash option shows prefixed amounts, which a customer can choose from, and UltraFast Cash option to withdraw Rs.3000/- at one time.

    Balance Enquiry:Customer can know the ledger balance and available balance with his account.Mini Statement:Customer gets a receipt printout of his last 8 transactions and the balance.Deposit Cash / Cheques:

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    Available in all full function ATMs, customers can deposit both cash and cheques in theATM. Cash deposited in ATMs will be credited to the account on the same day andcheques sent for clearing on the next working day.Funds Transfer:

    Customer can transfer funds from one account to another linked account in the samebranch.PIN Change:The Customer Change the Personal Identification Number (PIN) of the ATM or Debit card.Payments:This is the latest feature on Banks ATMs, its functionality can be used for payment ofbills, donating to temples / trusts or making airtime recharges for prepaid mobile phones.24


    ABOUT SBIThe Bank is actively involved since 1973 in non-profit activity called Community ServicesBanking. All our branches and administrative offices throughout the country sponsor andparticipate in large number of welfare activities and social causes. Our business is morethan banking because we touch the lives of people anywhere in many ways.BOARD OF DIRECTORS(As on 13thJanuary 2009)

    Sr. No.Name of Director1.Shri O.P. BhattChairman2.Shri S.K. BhattacharyyaMD & CC&RO3.Shri R. SridharanMD & GE(A&S)4.Dr. Ashok Jhunjhunwala5.Shri Dileep C. Choksi6.ShriS. Venkatachalam7.Shri. D. Sundaram8.Dr. Deva Nand Balodhi9.Prof. Mohd. SalahuddinAnsari10.Dr.(Mrs.) Vasantha Bharucha11.Dr. Rajiv Kumar26

    12.Shri Arun Ramanathan13.Smt. Shyamala GopinathTRANSFORMATION JOURNEY IN STATE BANK OF INDIAThe State Bank of India, the countrys oldest Bank and a premier in terms of balance sheetsize, number of branches, market capitalization and profits is today going through amomentous phase of Change and Transformation the two hundred year old Public sectorbehemoth is today stirring out of its Public Sector legacy and moving with an agility togive the Private and Foreign Banks a run for their money. The bank is entering into manynew businesses with strategic tie ups Pension Funds, General Insurance, CustodialServices, Private Equity, Mobile Banking, Point of Sale Merchant Acquisition, Advisory

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    Services, structured products etc each one of these initiatives having a huge potential forgrowth.The Bank is forging ahead with cutting edge technology and innovative newbanking models, to expand its Rural Banking base, looking at the vast untapped potential inthe hinterland and proposes to cover 100,000 villages in the next two years. It is alsofocusing at the top end of the market, on whole sale banking capabilities to provide Indias

    growing mid / large Corporate with a complete array of products and services. It isconsolidating its global treasury operations and entering into structured products andderivative instruments. Today, the Bank is the largest provider of infrastructure debt andthe largest arranger of external commercial27

    borrowings in the country. It is the only Indian bank to feature in the Fortune 500 list.TheBank is changing outdated front and back end processes to modern customer friendlyprocesses to help improve the total customer experience. With about 8500 of its own 10000branches and another 5100 branches of its Associate Banks already networked, today itoffers the largest banking network to the Indian customer. The Bank is also in the process

    of providing complete payment solution to its clientele with its over 8500 ATMs, and otherelectronic channels such as Internet banking, debit cards, mobile banking, etc.With fournational level Apex Training Colleges and 54 learning Centres spread all over the countrythe Bank is continuously engaged in skill enhancement of its employees. Some of thetraining programes are attended by bankers from banks in other countries.The bank is alsolooking at opportunities to grow in size in India as well as Internationally. It presently has82 foreign offices in 32 countries across the globe. It has also 7 Subsidiaries in India SBICapital Markets, SBICAP Securities, SBI DFHI, SBI Factors, SBI Life and SBI Cards -forming a formidable group in the Indian Banking scenario. It is in the process of raisingcapital for its growth and also consolidating its various holdings. Throughout all thischange, the Bank is also attempting to change old mindsets, attitudes and take allemployees together on this exciting road to Transformation. In a recently concluded massinternal communication programme termed Parivartan the Bank rolled out over 3300 twoday workshops across the country and covered over 130,000 employees in a period of 100days using about 40028

    Trainers, to drive home the message of Change and inclusiveness. The workshops fired theimagination of the employees with some other banks in India as well as other Public SectorOrganizations seeking to emulate the programme.

    EVOLUTION OF SBIThe origin of theState Bank of Indiagoes back to the first decade of the nineteenth century with the establishment of the Bank

    of Calcutta in Calcutta on 2 June 1806. Three years later the bank received its charter andwas re-designed as the Bank of Bengal (2 January 1809). A unique institution, it was the

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    first joint-stock bank of British India sponsored by the Government of Bengal. The Bank ofBombay (15 April 1840) and the Bank of Madras (1 July 1843) followed the Bank ofBengal. These three banks remained at the apex of modern banking in India till theiramalgamation as the Imperial Bank of India on 27 January 1921. Primarily Anglo-Indiancreations, the three presidency banks came into existence either as a result of the

    compulsions of imperial finance or by the felt needs of local European commerce and werenot imposed from outside in an arbitrary manner to modernise India's economy. Theirevolution was, however, shaped by ideas culled from similar developments in Europe andEngland, and was influenced by changes occurring in the structure of both the local tradingenvironment and those in the relations of the Indian economy to the economy of Europeand the global economic framework.

    EstablishmentThe establishment of the Bank of Bengal marked the advent of limited liability, joint-stockbanking in India. So was the associated innovation in banking, viz. the decision to allowthe Bank of Bengal to issue notes, which would be accepted for payment of public

    revenues within a restricted geographical area. This right of note issue was very valuablenot only for the Bank of Bengal but also its two siblings, the Banks of Bombay andMadras. It meant an accretion to the capital of the banks, a capital on which the proprietorsdid not have to pay any interest. The concept of deposit banking was also an innovationbecause the practice of accepting money for safekeeping (and in some cases, eveninvestment on behalf of the clients) by the indigenous bankers had not spread as a generalhabit in most parts of India. But, for a long time, and especially upto the time that the threepresidency banks had a right of note issue, bank notes and government balances made upthe bulk of the investible resources of the banks.The three banks were governed by royalcharters, which were revised from time to time. Each charter provided for a share capital,four-fifth of which were privately subscribed and the rest owned by the provincialgovernment. The members of the board of directors, which managed the affairs of eachbank, were mostly proprietary directors representing the large European managing agencyhouses in India. The rest were government nominees, invariably civil servants, one ofwhom was elected as the president of the board.31

    BusinessThe business of the banks was initially confined to discounting of bills of exchange orother negotiable private securities, keeping cash accounts and receiving deposits andissuing and circulating cash notes. Loans were restricted to lakh and the period ofaccommodation confined to three months only. The security for such loans was publicsecurities, commonly called Company's Paper, bullion, treasure, plate, jewels, or goods 'notof a perishable nature' and no interest could be charged beyond a rate of twelve per cent.Loans against goods like opium, indigo, salt woollens, cotton, cotton piece goods, muletwist and silk goods were also granted but such finance by way of cash credits gainedmomentum only from the third decade of the nineteenth century. All commodities,including tea, sugar and jute, which began to be financed later, were either pledged orhypothecated to the bank. Demand promissory notes were signed by the borrower in favourof the guarantor, which was in turn endorsed to the bank. Lending against shares of the

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    banks or on the mortgage of houses, land or other real property was, however,forbidden.Indians were the principal borrowers against deposit of Company's paper, whilethe business of discounts on private as well as salary bills was almost the exclusive32

    monopoly of individuals Europeans and their partnership firms. But the main function ofthe three banks, as far as the government was concerned, was to help the latter raise loansfrom time to time and also provide a degree of stability to the prices of governmentsecurities.

    Major change in the conditionsA major change in the conditions of operation of the Banks of Bengal, Bombay and Madrasoccurred after 1860. With the passing of the Paper Currency Act of 1861, the right of noteissue of the presidency banks was abolished and the Government of India assumed from 1March 1862 the sole power of issuing paper currency within British India. The task of

    management and circulation of the new currency notes was conferred on the presidencybanks and the Government undertook to transfer the Treasury balances to the banks atplaces where the banks would open branches. None of the three banks had till then anybranches (except the sole attempt and that too a short-lived one by the Bank of Bengal atMirzapore in 1839) although the charters had given them such authority. But as soon as thethree presidency bands were assured of the free use of government Treasury balances atplaces where they would open branches, they embarked on branch expansion at a rapidpace. By 1876, the branches, agencies and sub agencies of the three33

    presidency banks covered most of the major parts and many of the inland trade centres inIndia. While the Bank of Bengal had eighteen branches including its head office, seasonalbranches and sub agencies, the Banks of Bombay and Madras had fifteen each

    SBI's Retail Banking34

    State Bank of Indiaoffers a wide range of services in the Personal Banking Segment which are indexed here.

    SBI Term DepositsSBI Loan For PensionersSBI Recurring DepositsLoan Against Mortgage Of PropertySBI Housing LoanLoan Against Shares & DebenturesSBI Car LoanRent Plus SchemeSBI Educational Loan

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    Medi-Plus SchemeSBI Personal LoanRates Of InterestDEPOSIT SCHEMESAll branches, are fully computerised, and realise the advantage of our vast network. Place

    funds in Multi Option Deposit Scheme, a term deposit which is not fixed at all and comeswith a unique break-up facility which provides you full liquidity as well as benefits ofhigher rates of returns, through your savings bank account. Alternately, keep that depositintact by availing an overdraft facility, to meet your occasional temporary fundsrequirements.PERSONAL FINANCE35

    State Bank of Indiahas a variety of schemes under Personal Finance to satisfy varying needs of the banking

    public. The Bank offers the following schemes with attractive rates of interest:

    Loan For ESOPS* Housing Loan* Easy Travel Loan* Car Loan* Educational Loan* Personal Loan* Property Loan* Loan to Pensioners* Loan Against Shares/Debentures* Festival Loans* Medi-Plus Scheme* Teachers-Plus Scheme* Sainik-Plus Scheme* Tribal-Plus Scheme* EMI Calculator* Credit Khazana


    State Bank of Indiaoffers a wide range of services in the Personal Banking Segment which are indexed here.

    Click on each of them to access the details.eZ-trade@sbiSBI VISHWA YATRA FOREIGN TRAVEL CARD


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    STATE BANK NETWORKED ATM SERVICESState Bank offers you the convenience of over8000 ATMs in India, the largestnetwork in the country and continuing to expand fast! This means that you cantransact free of cost at the ATMs of State Bank Group (This includes the ATMs ofState Bank of India as well as the Associate Banks namely, State Bank ofBikaner & Jaipur, State Bank of Hyderabad, State Bank of Indore, State Bank ofMysore, State Bank of Patiala, State Bank of Saurashtra, and State Bank ofTravancore) and wholly owned subsidiary viz. SBI Commercial and InternationalBank Ltd., using the State Bank ATM-cum-Debit (Cash Plus) card.KINDS OF CARDS ACCEPTED AT STATE BANK ATMsBesides State Bank ATM-Cum-Debit Card and State Bank International ATM-Cum-Debit Cards following cards are also accepted at State Bank ATMs: -1)State Bank Credit Card2) ATMCards issued by Banks under bilateral sharing viz.

    Andhra Bank, AxisBank,Bank of India, The Bank of Rajasthan Ltd., Canara Bank, Corporation Bank,Dena Bank, HDFC Bank, Indian Bank, Indus Ind Bank, Punjab National Bank,UCO Bank andUnion Bank of India.3) Cardsissued by banks (other than banks under bilateral sharing) displaying

    Maestro, Master Card, Cirrus, VISA and VISA Electron logos4) AllDebit/ Credit Cards issued by any bank outside India displaying Maestro,

    Master Card, Cirrus, VISA and VISA Electron logos38

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    Note: If you are a cardholder of bank other than State Bank Group, kindly contactyour Bank for the charges recoverable for usage of State Bank ATMs.State Bank ATM-cum-Debit (State Bank Cash plus) Card

    :Indias largest bank is proud to offer you unparalleled convenience viz. State BankATM-cum-Debit(Cash Plus) card. With this card, there is no need to carry cash inyour wallet. You can now withdraw cash and make purchases anytime you wish towith your ATM-cum-Debit Card.Features:Withdraw cash from over8000 ATMs of our group FREE and about 16000 ATMsof other banks under bilateral sharing viz. Andhra Bank,Axis Bank,

    Bank of India,The Bank of Rajasthan Ltd. Canara Bank, Corporation Bank, Dena Bank, HDFCBank, Indian Bank, IndusInd Bank, Punjab National Bank, UCO Bank andUnionBank of India apart from ATMs displaying Master Card/ Maestro/Cirrus logo for anominal fee as under: -TransactionATMs of Sharing network banksOther banks under Maestro/ Master Card/ Cirrus networkCash WithdrawalRs. 25/- *Rs. 50/-*Balance InquiryRs. 12/-*Rs. 12/-*Make payments for purchases by using the debit card at more than 2,39,000 shops,restaurants, shopping malls, hotels, petrol pumps and many other outlets whichdisplay Maestro logo

    Recharge pre-paid mobile phones of Vodafone,IDEA and BPL without anycharges at any State Bank ATM.Recharge pre-paid mobile phones of AIRTEL of 11 Circles viz. Mumbai, Delhi,Gujarat, M.P., U.P. (East), U.P. (West), Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh,Tamilnadu, and Chennai, through ATM/ SMS anywhere in India. Recharge mobile phones of AIRTEL, Vodafone, IDEA and BPL without anycharges at all ATMs as well as by sending SMS (after registration at State BankATM).The text of SMS will be as under: -Service ProviderSMS TextSend SMS to

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    Pay MTNL, Mumbai bills through State Bank ATMs

    Payment of SBI Credit Card billsPayment of SBI Life insurance premiumPay fees of select collegesDonate to Temple Trusts: - (a) Vaishno Devi (b) Shirdi Saibaba (c)

    Gurudwara Takht Saheb, Nanded (d) Tirupati and (e) Sri Jagannath Temple,PuriTransaction Limits:40

    Daily limit of Rs 25,000/- at the ATMDaily limit of Rs 50,000/- at Point of Sale (POS) terminal for debit transactionsCombined daily limit of Rs 75,000/-Fees:There is no joining fee for State Bank ATM-cum-Debit (Cash Plus) card. Annualmaintenance fee of Rs. 50/- p.a. will be recovered from the second year of issue.Apply for your cardIf you already have a Savings Bank or Current Account with us, apply for StateBank ATM-cum-Debit (Cash Plus) card at your branch.State Bank Cash Plus International Card:This is an International ATM-cum-Debit Card with which you can enjoy shoppingatover 2,64,000 establishments in India and over 10.5 Million establishmentsworldwide displaying Maestro logo, wherein the amount you spend on your card isautomatically debited to your account. Withdraw cash from over8000 ATMs of ourgroup FREE and over 16000 ATMs of other banks under bilateral sharing viz. AndhraBank,Axis Bank, Bank ofIndia, The Bank of Rajasthan Ltd. Canara Bank,Corporation Bank, Dena Bank, HDFC Bank, Indian Bank, IndusInd Bank, Punjab

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    National Bank, UCO Bank and

    Union Bank of India apart from ATMs displayingMaster Card/ Maestro / Cirrus logo in India and more than 8,20,000 ATMs across the globefor a nominal fee.In India, it would function as the State Bank ATM-cum-Debit (Cash

    Plus) card.WITHDRAWAL LIMIT: -41

    i) Cash Withdrawals (per day) :

    ii) Transaction at POS (per day) :IndiaAbroad

    MaximumRs. 1,00,000

    US$1000 or equivalent Maximum permitted aggregate utilization in a day is Rs. 145000 inIndia and equivalent to US$ 2000 abroad(subject to compliance with the RBI and ExchangeControl/ FEMA Regulations)TRANSACTION COSTS: -The Card holder's account is liable to be debited with the following fees, if the transaction

    is made at an ATM owned by bank other than SBI and its Associates: -42IndiaAbroadMinimumRs. 100Depends on the Bank whose ATM is being usedMaximumRs. 4500

    Type of transactionTransactions at ATMs of Banks under arrangements for Bilateral Sharing of ATMNetwork(A)Transactions at ATMs of other Banks under Maestro / Master Card/ Cirrus network (InIndia)Transactions at ATMs under Maestro /Master Card/ Cirrus network (Abroad)(B)(C)Cash WithdrawalRs. 25/- *Rs. 50/- *Rs. 150/- *Balance InquiryRs. 12/- *Rs. 12/- *Rs.15/- *Fees :The State Bank Cash Plus International Card is available forone time joiningfeeof Rs 200/-. Annual maintenance fee of Rs. 50/- p.a. will be recovered from thesecond year of issue.STATE BANK INTERNATIONAL ATM-CUM-DEBIT CARD

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    All Saving Bank and Current Account holders having accounts with networked branchesand are:

    18 years of age & aboveAccount type: Sole or Joint with Either or Survivor / Anyone orSurvivorNRE account holders are also eligible but NRO account holders are not.Benefits:

    Convenience to the customers traveling overseas

    Can be used as Domestic ATM-cum-Debit Card

    Available at a nominal joining fee of Rs. 200/-

    Daily limit of US $ 1000 or equivalent at the ATM and US $ 1000 orequivalent at Point of Sale (POS) terminal for debit transaction

    Purchase Protection*up to Rs. 5000/- and Personal Accident cover*up toRs. 2,00,000/-Charges for usage abroad: Rs. 150+ Service Tax per cash withdrawal Rs. 15+ Service Tax per enquiry.Acceptability:

    Card can be used at:

    More than 8,20,000 ATMs and 7 million POS, worldwide, displaying Cirruslogo

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    All State Bank Group and tie-up banks ATMs, and ATMs & POS in Indiadisplaying Master Card/ Maestro / Cirrus logo



    With over 37 million satisfied customers and over 4589 offices, PNB has continued toretain its leadership position among the nationalized banks. The bank enjoys strongfundamentals, large franchise value and good brand image. Besides being ranked as one ofIndia's top service brands, PNB has remained fully committed to its guiding principles of

    sound and prudent banking. Apart from offering banking products, the bank has alsoentered the credit card & debit card business; bullion business; insurance business; Goldcoins & asset management business, etc. Since its humble beginning in 1895 with thedistinction of being the first Indian bank to have been started with Indian capital, PNB hasachieved significant growth in business which at the end of March 2008 amounted to Rs2,85959 crore. Today, with assets of more than Rs 1,99,000 crore, PNB is ranked as the 3rdlargest bank in the country (after SBI and ICICI Bank) and has the 2nd largest network ofbranches (4589 including 322 extension counters).During the FY 2007-08, with 43% shareof low cost deposits, the bank achieved a net profit of Rs 2,049 crore, maintaining itsnumber ONE position amongst its peers. The banks Return on Assets at 1.15% was alsothe highest. During the FY 2007-08,its ratio of priority sector credit to net bank credit at44.11% & agriculture credit to net bank credit at 18.94% was also higher than therespective national goals of 40% & 18%. PNB has always looked at technology as a keyfacilitator to provide better customer service and ensured that its IT strategy follows theBusiness strategy so as to arrive at Best Fit. The bank has made rapid strides in thisdirection and achieved 100% branch computerisation. A pioneering effort of the bank inthe use of IT is the implementation of Core Banking Solution (CBS) which facilitates anytime, any where banking. PNB has implemented CBS in 3503 service outlets at aroundcenters to facilitate "anytime, anywhere" banking to its clients. The bankhas also beenoffering Internet banking services to the customers of CBS branches like booking oftickets, payment of bills of utilities, purchase of airline tickets etc.Towards developing acost effective alternative channels of delivery, the bank has installed more than 1516 ATMsand entered into ATM sharing arrangement with other banks & IDRBT, making available apool of additional 21,500 ATMs throughout the country to its customers.Backed by strongdomestic performance, the bank is planning to realize its global aspirations. In order toincrease its international presence, the bank has already set up representative offices atAlmaty (Kazakhstan), Dubai (UAE) & Shanghai (China) ; a branch at Kabul (Afghanistan)and a subsidiary at London (UK) and a branch at Hongkong. Work on assessing potential atother international centers is progressing. The bank also has a joint venture with EverestBank Ltd. (EBL), Nepal, with 20 per cent equity participation. With PNBs management,

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    EBL has become one of the leading banks in Nepal. As a tribute to its consistent businessgrowth, improved assets & attractive returns to shareholders in the joint venture, PNB haswon Bank of the Year Award in Nepal (2006) by The Banker, a publication of theLondon based Financial Times.Amongst Top 1000 Banks in the World, The Banker listedPNB at 255th place. Further the leading international Credit Rating index provider,

    Standard & Poors (2006) listed PNB, amongst the 300 World companies & 7 Indiancompanies, which are expected to emerge as challengers to the worlds leading blue chipcompanies.

    Financial Performance:


    Punjab National Bank continues to maintain its frontline position in the Indian banking

    industry. In particular, the bank has retained its NUMBER ONE position among thenationalized banks in terms of number of branches, operating and net profit in the year2006-07. The performance highlights of the bank in terms of business and profit are shownbelow:(Rs Crore)Parameters March 05 March 06 March 07 CAGR (%)Gross Profit 24042917 3231 15.91Net Profit 1410 1439 1540 4.50Deposits 103167 11968513986016.43Advances60413 74627 9659726.45Business163580 194312 236457 20.23Awards50

    Awards & Achievements of Punjab National Bank in Recent Times"Best IT Team of the Year Award"

    at the IDRBT Banking Technology awards for the year 2005-06.SKOTCH ChallengerAwardfor Change Management for the year 2005-06Best IT User in Banking & FinancialServices Industry - 2004by NASSCOM in partnership with Economic TimesGolden Peacock Awardfor Excellence in Corporate Governance - 2005 by Institute of DirectorsFICCI's RuralDevelopment Awardfor Excellence in Rural Development - 2005 Skotch Challenger Award for Exemplary useof Technologyfor becoming a pioneer in Public Banks - 2005 Golden Peacock National Training - 2004& 2005by Institute of DirectorsNational Award for Excellence in SSI LendingRanked 2nd for 4 consecutive years - 2002, 2003, 2004 & 2005Banking TechnologyAwards 2004 Runner up in 'Best IT Team of the Year Award 2005'Jointly Adjudged by IBA, Finacle & TFCIMoney Outlook Award - 2004Runner up in 'BestBank (public Sector) of the year

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    Debit CardPNB INTRODUCES ADD-ON DEBIT CARD :-Share the convenience of PNB Debit card with your loved ones .Simply gift them add-on

    card .PNB Customers of CBS branches can get two add-on cards alongwith his own Debitcard for free.The person you are gifting the card to does not necessarily has to be anaccount holder with PNB. The add-on card can be issued in the name of spouse, dependentparents,and dependent children not below 18 years.The add-on cardholders like the maincardholder will also be covered for accidental death insurance of Rs. 1 lac subject to certainterms and conditions. The tranasactions done by add-on cardholders will automatically getdebited to the account of the primary cardholder who shall be responsible for all thetransactions made by Add On card holder/s.Issuance of Debit Card from Call centre:- "CBS branches customers of our Bank may also get PNB Debit Card simply by

    contacting our All India Call Center over phone at the following no's :-

    1800 180 2222 Toll free 0124-2340000Accessible from mobile also.52

    ATM Sharing ArrangementsPNB Debit Card is purely an on-line product. It is ATM-cum-Debit card having Maestrobranding which is sub-brand of MasterCard International. PNB Debit Card bears Maestrologo on the front and Cirrus logo (for ATM usage) on the back. Debit Cards can be usedto withdraw cash through ATMs as well as used by the customers at over 45000 merchantestablishments accepting Maestro Debit Card for shopping purposes. It is thus an ATM-cum-Shopping Card. Personal Identification Number (PIN) is the key security feature ofthe Debit Card. It is a four digit numerical number.A few aspects of Banks Debit Card arehighlighted as under:Valid in all Maestro and Cirrus Acceptance Marks.Acceptance in India at over 32,000 Maestro Merchant locations and over 4200MasterCard ATMs across 70 cities.Wide acceptance at both Merchant Locations (including Utility bill payment) and ATMlocations across IndiaA PIN (Personal Identification Number) based magnetic Stripe Card which provides thesafety and security to customers, while accessing their funds with the bankPIN can be changed at all PNB networked ATMs

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    Initially available to account holders of CBS branches that are networked53

    It is offered absolutelyFREENo pre-set limit on the card. Limit is equal to the available funds in the customers account.Initially Rs.15,000 cash withdrawals and Rs.25,000 by way of point of sale (POS)transactions per day are permittedCard validity - Till the customer holds the accountBank has tied up with Reputed Corporate and Local Merchants to provide discounts on

    usage of card for payment through Debit Card. Corporate from the entire spear are covered,to quote few are like Escorts, Max Health Care, Apollo, Travel Gin, Cox and Kings,Holyday INN, Hans, Park. A list of tie-ups is availableAll POS transactions (shopping transactions) are also freePNB Debit Card is anInternational card.It can be used all over the world on ATMs displaying Cirrus Logo and merchant

    establishments displaying Maestro logo.The charges for International transactions are asfollows:Cash Withdrawal - Rs. 150/- per transactionBalance Enquiry- Rs. 15/- pertransactionATM Sharing ArrangementsMITR Shared ATM Network:The list of members under this arrangement:1. Oriental Bank of Commerce54

    2. Indian Bank3. Karur Vysya Bank Ltd.4. IndusInd Bank5. UCO BankCharges applicable:Cash Withdrawal - Rs. 17/- per transactionBalance Enquiry- Rs. 5/- per transactionRevised charges applicable to Debit Card w.e.f. 01.02.2008NFS ATM Sharing Arrangement:The list of member banks under this arrangement: 1. Allahabad Bank 2. Andhra Bank3. Bank of Baroda 4. Citi Union Bank 5. Corporation Bank 6. Dena Bank 7.Development Credit Bank 8. ICICI Bank 9. IDBI Bank 10. Oriental Bank of Commerce11. Tamilnadu Merchantile Bank 12 .The Dhanalakshmi Bank 13. The Jammu & KashmirBank

    14. The Karnataka Bank 15. The Karur Vysya Bank 16. The South Indian Bank 17. TheUnited Western Bank 18. YES Bank

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    Charges applicable:Cash Withdrawal - Rs. 24/- per transaction Balance Enquiry- Rs. 12/- per transactionPNB~SBI Bilateral ATM Sharing arrangement:Charges applicable:Cash Withdrawal - Rs. 22/- per transactionBalance Enquiry- Rs. 10/- per transactionPNB-EBL (Everest Bank Ltd) ATM Sharing Arrangement:

    PNB will charge Indian Rupees 50.00 only for cash withdrawal and Rs. 15.00 for BalanceEnquiry from our customers for making ATM transactions in EBL's ATMs in Nepal.

    Branches eligible to issue Debit Cards:Initially Debit Cards are issued to the customers of CBS branches only. All the CBSbranches are eligible to issue Debit Cards to their customersWho is eligible for PNB Debit Card:All existing customers who are maintaining minimum balance and who regularly operatetheir account shall be eligible for the issuance of Debit Card. New customers who opentheir accounts after introduction of the Debit Card shall also be eligible for the issue of

    Debit Cards at the time of opening the account itself.Existing ATM Cardholders who havedone at least one transaction during the immediately proceeding quarter.Debit Card facilityshall be extended to the individual customers only, having Savings Bank Account andCurrent Account. Debit cards shall also be issued to individual customers having overdraftfacility, which is in the nature of a personal loan. This shall mean and include personalloans extended to individual customers in the form of a regular overdraft limit such asclean overdraft facility or overdraft facility against FD/NSCs/LICs etc. where operationsthrough cheques are permitted.Debit Card can be issued in Joint Accounts with Either orSurvivor/Former or Survivor mandate. In Either or Survivor accounts cards can beissued to both the account holders whereas in Former or Survivor accounts card can beissued only to the Former. In joint Accounts where account has to be jointly operated57

    Debit Card shall not be issued unless mandate for operation of account is changed toEither or Survivor or Former or Survivor basis.FINDING &FINDING & ANALYSIS

    Finding and AnalysisQ1. Do you have account inTable 1State Bank of India38Punjab National Bank22Both19Others

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    21State Bank of IndiaPunjab NationalBankBothOthers


    Q2. Do you have ATM Services with your accountTable 2Yes68No22Yes


    Q3.Which of these is the most important reason for possessing ATM card/s?Table 3Bank offered Free55For emergency purpose60Availability of many ATM centres4024 hour accessibility2031%35%23%11%Bank offered FreeFor emergencypurposeAvailability ofmany ATM centres24 houraccessibilityInterpretation

    Q4How frequently do you use ATM card in a week?Table 4Less than 3 times12

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    3-5 times185 to 817More than 8 times

    2124%22%28%26%3-5 times5 to 8More than 8 times24 hour accessibilityInterpretation62

    Q5.What is the purpose/s for using ATM? (Tick one or more)Table 5Cash Withdrawal45Balance Inquiry13Balance Transfer2Others851%15%2%9%23%Cash WithdrawalBalance InquiryBalance TransferOthers24 houraccessibilityInterpretation

    Q6.How much time do you spend waiting in queue at ATM?Table 6SBI (38/100 Customers)PNB(22/100 Customers)Less than 5 min8125 min to 10 min28610min or more24828212640

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    30Less than 5min5 min to 10min10 min ormoreSBI (38/100Customers)PNB(22/100Customers)Interpretation

    Q7.How long does it take to process your transaction at the ATM centre?Table 7SBI (38/100 Customers)PNB(22/100 Customers)Less than 5 min25185 min to 10

    min10410 min or more30251031840051015202530Less than 5min5 min to 10min10 min ormoreSBI (38/100Customers)PNB(22/100Customers)Interpretation

    Q8. Have you ever been cheated our your ATM has been misused without YourpermissionTable 8SBI (38/100 Customers)PNB(22/100 Customers)Yes20No36222036220510152025303540SBI (38/100Customers)

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    Q9. Did you complaint for the fraud and any action taken by Bank AuthorityTable 9SBI (2/38 Customers)PNB(0/0 Customers)Yes20No10201000.511.52

    2.5SBI (2/38 Customers)PNB(0/0 Customers)YesNoInterpretation67

    Q10.What are the additional services provided by your bank at ATM centres?(Tickone or more)Table 10SBI (38/100 Customers)PNB(22/100 Customers)Cash Deposit00Cheque Deposit00BillPayments3822Phone bank00Other2012003802000220120510152025303540Cash DepositCheque DepositBill PaymentsPhone bankOtherSBI (38/100Customers)PNB(22/100Customers)Interpretation68

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    11.How much satisfied are you with your ATM service?Table 11SBI (38/100 Customers)PNB(22/100 Customers)Highly Satisfied42Very

    Satisfied62Satisfied1810Less Satisfied56Not Satisfied52461855221062024681012

    14161820Highly SatisfiedVery SatisfiedSatisfiedLess SatisfiedNot SatisfiedSBI (38/100Customers)PNB(22/100Customers)Interpretation

    Q12.How much secured do you feel to use ATM card?Table 12SBI (38/100 Customers)PNB(22/100 Customers)Highly Secured82VerySecured102Secured1514Less Secured44Not Secured1081015412214400246810121416Highly SecuredVery SecuredSecuredLess SecuredNot SecuredSBI (38/100Customers)

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    Q16.Do they run out of cash frequently?

    Table 16SBI (38/100 Customers)PNB(22/100 Customers)Always185Sometimes1810Never27181825107024681012

    14161820AlwaysSometimesNeverSBI (38/100Customers)PNB(22/100Customers)Interpretation71


    FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONThis project was a great experience for me and I really learnt a lot of things from thisproject. This project gave us the knowledge and information about ATM machines, banksoffering ATM services and also about the people and their attitudes and perceptionstowards ATMs.I have found,People want the ATM centers to be very close to their houses or place of work.People want that they should not be made to wait in queues in front of ATM centers.They want that the bank should go ahead and bring all its functions and activities on theATM machine. The bank should provide services like balance transfer, balance inquiry etc.and that too at a cheap rate.The ATM machines sometimes take a lot of time to process a transaction and therefore thecustomers have to wait for a long time in front of the machine and which is irritatingaccording to some respondents and if possible the

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    banks should improve the software they use and reduce the time required by the customers.

    PNB and SBI ATM centers do not provide additional services like cash deposit, chequesdeposit, bill payments all its centers, which many people want but they dont get itand leads to their dissatisfaction and where ever it is available it is charged.I have also found in this survey that many of the respondents felt that they were feelingsecured using the PNB and SBI ATM card services and this has led to increasedsatisfaction level of these respondents which is a good sign.I also conclude from this survey that the almost 70% people are satisfied with the numberand location of the PNB and SBI ATM centers. But they still insisted that the numbershould be increased to give enhanced service and satisfaction to its customers.

    People were happy to say that the PNB and SBI ATM center provides the currency in thedenomination they want and this was as good as dealing with the cashier of the bank whereyou can tell him which denomination you want.Another good finding from this survey was that the ATM centers of PNB and SBI bankrarely run out of cash even though it is one of the largest used ATM centers. About 49% ofthe respondents said that it never runs out of cash.74


    RECOMMENDATIONSThe findings and the conclusions reveal that there is a lot of changes which can be broughtabout to improve the perception and satisfaction of the customers towards PNB and SBIbanks ATM centers.I recommend that,PNB and SBI bank should increase the number of ATM centers and at strategic positions.Software used by the bank should be updated and fast so that people are not made to waitin the queue.PNB and SBI bank can bring all its services on the ATM machines.Facilities like cash deposit should also start at the ATM centers.To increase the customer base and the customer satisfaction the ATM facility should bemade as secured and safe as possible. PNB and SBI ATM is one of the safest but still thereis scope for improvement.

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    QUESTIONNAIREName___________________________________________________________Address_________________________________________________________Age__________________________ Profession ________________________Q1. Do youhave account in a) PNB b) SBI c) Both d) Others_______________ (specify)Q2. Do you have ATM Services with your account a)Yes b) NoQ3.Which of these is the most important reason forpossessing ATM card/s?(Tick one or more)a.) Bank offered Freeb) For emergency

    purposec.) Availability of many ATM centres d.) 24 hour accessibilitye) Others (specify)________________Q4How frequently do you use ATM card in a week? a.)Less than 3timesb.)3 5 timesc.)5 8 times d.)More than 8 times Q6.What is the purpose/s for usingATM? (Tick one or more)a)Cash withdrawalb)Balance enquiryc) Balance Transferd) Other(Specify)______________Q7.How much time do you spend waiting in queue at ATM?Less than 5 mins 5 mins to 10 mins10 mins or moreQ8.How long does it take toprocess your transaction at the ATM centre? Less than 5 mins 5 mins to 10 mins10mins or moreQ9. Have you ever been cheated our your ATM has been misused withoutYour permission Yes No79

    Q10. Did you complaint for the fraud and any action taken by Bank Authority YesNoQ11.What are the additional services provided by your bank at ATM centres?(Tick one or more)a) Cash Deposit b) Cheque Deposit c) Bill Payments d)Phone banke) Other (specify)_____________Q12.How much satisfied are you with yourATM service?Highly Satisfied - Very satisfied Satisfied-Less satisfied - Not Satisfied- Q13.How much secured do you feel to use ATM card?Highly secured - Very secured Secured -Less secured - Not secured - Q14.Are you satisfied with the number of ATMcentres provided by the bank?Highly Satisfied - Very satisfied Satisfied-Less satisfied- Not Satisfied - Q15.Are you satisfied with the locations of ATM centres provided byyour bank?Highly Satisfied - Very satisfied Satisfied-Less satisfied - Not Satisfied -Q16.Do the ATM centres provide the denominations of currency you require?a) Alwaysb)sometimesc) neverQ17.Do they run out of cash frequently?a)Alwaysb)sometimesc)neverQ18.What according to you are the shortcomings of your bank ATMcentre?__________________________________________________________Q.19. Whatextra facilities do you expect from an ATM centre?Pleasespecify____________________________________Q20. Which face comes closet toexpressing how you feel about your ATM service?80

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    Signature of respondent

    Thank You