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Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic Admin Section Flow Document

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Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic

Admin Section Flow Document

Admin Index

1. Admin Link and Login details2. Admin Home Page3. Create User/Give Access Rights4. Access Privileges Listing page5. Menu Creation6. Create Footer Link7. Footer page Content8. Home Template9. CMS Template10. Content Template11. FAQ Template12. DMS Template13. Blank Template14. Form Builder Template15. Form Template16. Link Template17. Photo Gallery Template18. News Template19. Tabbed Template20. Careers21. Social Media Link Template22. Reach Us23. Form Builder Master 24. Form Builder View Data

Admin Link and login details

Admin to enter their Username and Password (As given) and Login Admin Link: / Id – [email protected] – a

Admin Home page

On login (as super admin) the user will see the admin functionality links on the left.

Create User / Give access rights

To add a new user Super admin will enter the users email id Email ID / user name Name of the user Contact number Password On entering these details admin will click on submit and save the user details Lock and unlock facility provided so that admin can lock the user created as and when

he desires to do so.

Access rights (Privilege) listing page

On clicking on submit the following page (shown below) will open where in the super admin to assign rights to that user that was just created.

Super admin will select and click on the check box provided against each section (template) to assign rights to the user for those respective sections

If Super admin wishes to give the user right to all the section to the use then he will click on check all option provided on the left top bar. He can give the user rights as an operator or approver. Only the approver has rights to publish the page, operator can only create the page and preview the page but cannot publish it. (This feature is used in case u have to create a user for say Career and allow him/her to only create an opening but not publish , super admin can go and approve the page to publish it after reviewing)

If the rights have to be given to a user to add / edit / delete the CMS pages then super admin must click on the check box of that Template, only then will the user get to view those pages assigned to him for the CMS tool. The pages to which the user has rights will be marked “(p) “which means he has the privilege to that page.

After selecting the section he will click on save privilege

Similarly Super admin will do the same process for the various section listed in the menu structure for each section. E.g. Print screen copied below. If admin want to give rights Career openings page and then assign approver or operator and say save privilege.

If Super admin wants to take back the rights, he will simple click on the check box again and the tick will be removed and then save privilege.

Super admin can edit/ delete user and modify the privilege at any time.

Menu creation

Only super admin has the right to create menu and submenu links Super admin can create submenu up to 4 levels and assign the priority for each

submenu. Once the menu is created then a template needs to be assigned to it and Approved He can edit / delete that template at any time. The page will be visible only when the

template is mapped to the menu.

Create Footer Link

The Link Name is to be entered in the Text box and give the priority An icon for that link can be uploaded and the alt tag for the image can be provided. On submit the link will be saved. Super admin can edit/ delete the footer links like all other menu links created

Once the footer link is created, it needs to be assigned data using Footer page content tool under CMS section.

Footer page Content

Admin will select the name of the page which is already created and then select from the options below:

1. Link – Using this, we can give that footer menu a link that it needs to go to on clicking that footer menu.

2. Form- Using this, we can assign that footer menu a form that it needs to have. This is a Built in form for custom forms we use Form Builder option.

3. Content – This allows us to populate the page with content (text, images etc.)4. Form Builder – This drop down lists all the forms that are created from the Form

builder master tool.

HOME Template

Add/Edit Home Page Top Box

Upload Logo Image for Site

The Super admin can upload Left Logo Image, right Logo Image and the alt tag for the logo image URL. Select if it needs to open in a new window and add Meta key words which are used for SEO.

Upload Top header Image

The top header images are the 3 scrolling images on the home page at the top. These can be removed / inserted using the Browse and remove button .We can assign a URL to the image and decide if it needs to open on a new page. Give it a heading and description. We can prioritize the order of the images.

Add/Edit What’s New

This section is for the Marquee. We can add Notices or News related Headlines here.There is an option to open the headline to a file or to another page / Link. Activation date is the date when the Headlines gets activated and Archive date is when it gets deactivated.

Add / Edit bottom Content

Add Category

Here we have provision to create 4 categories.Currently we have 1. Events2. Departments3. Notices4. Achievements All 4 sections are customizable. (E.g. we can replace Events with Results any time by creating Results category and deleting Events).


On selecting Content, it allows us to insert an image and description with a read more links (Events and Achievements).

Link/Upload File

On Selecting Link / upload File, it allows us to insert text and URL / File.

CMS Template

This section has a list of templates under it, which can be used based on the requirement.

Admin will select the menu for which every level he wants to add or edit the template and then select template from the drop down options given.

Content Template

Add Header Data Admin can upload Header Image and provide hyperlink to the same which can open in

new window or same. He will click on submit to save the header image.

Add Paragraphs

Provision to upload Heading for each paragraph given The text can be added in the editor tool provided. It is best to copy the text on a

Notepad before pasting it in the editor too to avoid junk characters from appearing if copied directly from word.

By using the editor the text can be made bold colour can be provided, bullets etc. A large paragraph image and a small paragraph image can be uploaded using the

Provision given. This is not mandatory. He can use the alt tag for the image. For the small Para image admin an decide if he want it in the left or the right of the

page Enter document – admin can browse and call for a file. After filling the details for one paragraph the admin will click on Add More to save the

details. Priority can be given to each paragraph as required.

Each paragraph upload will appear in a grid below in the admin web site and with a provision to edit or delete the details

Add banner – in the content template there is a provision to add a banner on the Page. This is not mandatory and if added it will appear on the front end on the space allotted in the design. Hyper link can be provided to the banner to open in same window or new. The priority of the banner can be set

Add Related Downloads – In the content template on any page if admin wishes to upload file related to that page he can do so using the upload related link facility provided. Multiple files can be uploaded. Admin will add the text heading and the text and upload the relevant file. This will be visible in front end in the provision made. If no file is uploaded this is not visible in from end.

Add popup window – in case admin wants to add a pop up in the front end he can do so using this section. He will add the heading or the title. He will then use the editor tool and add the text details, he an upload small par and large paragraph image. and click on add more to save the pop detail, in front end on clicking the title the pop will appear

Finally admin will upload the relevant keywords and description of that page and submit the page. This can be edited at any time

Preview option available

FAQ Template

If admin selects FAQ template he will get the below page.

He can browse and upload the header image for the FAQ page will appear in the front end of the website. He can edit and remove the image.

Display option can be selected as required by the Admin. He can add keywords and description like all other pages While uploading the FAQ, he will select from the category drop down already created

and then add the Question and the Answer. He will add a hyper link URL if he wishes and click on submit. The priority of the FAQ can be set.

Admin has a provision to add banners and related downloads, and the flow is the same as in the content template

Once added it will be listed below on the same page and this can be edited and deleted at any time

DMS Template (Document Management System)

Add Category

Category can be added for documents.


Here, Admin will select the category, date, Document display name, Description etc. And will call for the file that needs to be uploaded using the Browse button. Once complete, the documents will be seen of the front end after checking on the Approve checkbox. Meta Keywords and Description for SEO is mandatory.

Blank Template

This template is used when the admin wants to skip a link and jump to the next level in the site structure. This can be done only up to one level. e.g. In main navigation when you click on Corporate the user is taken to Corporate Overview page directly because a blank template is selected for link About Us.

Form Builder Template

The first step to use this is to create a form from the “Form Builder master”. Admin can map the forms already created from here and then map them to form builder template.

The list of forms created using the form builder will be visible in the drop down for admin to select and map the same for the link Admin will select the form and map as required. Admin can delete the form anytime.

Form Template This form is used to map an inner page to a built in form (similar to Header and footer pageData)

Link Template If the Admin selects the link template he will get the below page

Admin will select the menu for which he want to add the link and then he will paste the URL in the option given Option to open the link in new window is provide if require

Photo Gallery Template

Add Photo Gallery Category - On the top header there is option to add category. On clicking this he will

get a page Admin can add edit delete category and upload the header image for the photo gallery page

Add Photo gallery – when admin clicks on this option he can select category and then subcategory (if added) and add the caption of the image (title of the image), he will add the description and upload the relevant image.

Image Alt – For each image, the admin has to add the Alt tag message, i.e. A small description of the image.

Priority – admin can set and change the priority of the image Approve- the operator can only upload the images and super admin will have to

approve only then they will be visible in front end. On clicking save , the record will be saved and displayed in the front end of the

website under the respective category

View / Edit Photo Gallery In this the administrator can view / edit and delete photos from the photo gallery from any category

Profile TemplateThe name of the Profile template is Our Team.

In this, we can Create a header image if required and click on submit

Add Profile Data

To create a new profile we add the title of the concerned profile holder, Subtitle, Thumbnail, Priority and Description as mandatory fields. We can also add the Bio data file and Image in High Definition if required as non-mandatory field Click on Add more to save and submit.

News Template

Admin will fill in the fields as listed for the header. Fields marked with * are compulsory Fields.

He will add the heading, news date, publication, upload header image, keyword and description, he will set the archival date until when the news has to be visible in the front end.

On submit the heading will be saved but the details for that headline have to be added in the provision given below.

He will then add the paragraph text with heading if required. Provision to upload header large and small image given. This is not compulsory.

Provision to upload video is also given with the paragraph of the news article On submit the details of that news will be saved Provision to add banners and related download also given on the news template page. On the top is the option for the admin to select if he wants to add news or edit /

delete In the front end the display is by the year and month.

Tabbed Template

This template is a combination of 4 templates1. Content template2. FAQ3. Photo Gallery4. Profile template

The admin has to first create a category as a mandate and select the sub template that is required.Each Category then forms a tab in the front end Based on the sub – template selected, admin enters data accordingly. It has a provision for Banners, related downloads and SEO Keywords and Description


Job posting can be done using this interface. Admin will first create the function master and then add the job posting

Add Career Function

Admin will add the function name in the text box provided and then select the status of that function if active or inactive. Only active function will be visible in the front view of the website.

The function name can be edited or deleted ant any time by admin The status of each function can be modified by admin at any time.

Add / Edit Job post

Once the admin has created he function name he can now add jobs. To add a new posting admin will click on add job and fill the form fields. The one

marked with an * are mandatory and the rest optional. Based on the requirement admin will enter the details and on submit this record will

be visible in the front end of the site. Admin can set the date of the expiry until when that job should be visible in the front

end of the site for the users to apply. Post expiry that job should not be visible on the website.

Admin can search by function and edit / delete the job postings at any time. In the front end the job posting will be visible with the recent record on the top and

post expiry that job will not be visible for the user to apply in the front end. But it will be visible in admin

View Job Applicants

The Applications posted by the user from the website are saved under this section On the click of the applicants name the user can see all the details filled up by the

applicant The resume uploaded too can be viewed by admin. The same details are sent to admin

in the email. Admin can search and filter theses records by function name, post name and by date.

Social Media Links Template

Place Holder for Link - here admin will select on which section should the social media link be visible

Upload Icon image- the social media small images can be browsed Alt Message - the alt for the image is provided here URL- the social media link is added here. Open link in new window – admin will select option of open in new window

Reach Us

This is the form that slides in on the home page. The details of this goes to concerned authority depending on the Query Category selected

Add / Edit / Delete Reach Us Text

Reach Us Text is the main place holder on the form. We can add Address and contact details there

View Reach Us data

This is used to review the form data filled by the visitor. We can export the data to excel if required

Form Builder master

The admin has to first go to the Form Builder Master to add the form name and from - To email id. This is as given in the screen above.

Here, the admin has to first enter the Name of the Form, To Email Id, The Introductory text for the Form and the Auto respond mail text that would go to the User and the admin.

The admin can also choose to deactivate the form by clicking on Deactivate button. After the details are submitted, then the admin has to click on the Add/ Edit Control to

add the fields for the form. The fields available are given below in the Field Type drop down.

To add the fields in the form, the admin has to first select the Field type and then give the Field Name.

The admin can then choose to mark the field as mandatory or non- mandatory. Also, a provision is to add the priority for the fields. Also, the admin can then edit/

delete the fields.

Form Builder Mapping to the Menu - The admin has to first select the menu and then map the Menu to the Form Builder Template and select the form.

Form Builder View Data

The admin can view the data that is submitted by the Users in the front end from the Enquiry and Feedback form. The screen is as given below.

Request Information View data

This is used to review the form data of Request Information Form inside

Admissions Request Information