sbq skills (from slide share)

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  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)


    the source based questionsources, skills and steps to take

  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)


    What you should do at the start

    Glance at the questionspart (a) to (d)

    Identify the TYPE ofquestions they belong to

    Read all the sourcesquickly

    Pick out and HIGHLIGHT

    the relevant portions of thesource before you beginanswering each question

  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)


    #1 Inference

    Firstly read or look at the source or sourcescarefully and write down the obvious things it istelling you.

    Secondly look beyond the obviousand see whatyou can infer.

    Write down what you have inferred and use thesource to back you up.

    What impression does Source A give of

    What message does the cartoon in source C give about

    How does Source A help you to understand

    Use the source and your own knowledge to explain

    What does the source tell you about

  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)


    #1 Inference

    Always use your own words for inference; You can quote directly from the source for

    evidence Give 2 inferences (3 if you want to be safe) 2-3 paragraphs

    What impression does Source A give of

    What message does the cartoon in source C give about

    How does Source A help you to understand

    Use the source and your own knowledge to explain

    What does the source tell you about

  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)


  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)


    Example: Inference

    Description of source:It shows many students attended the protest Unsupported inference:

    The students were highly influential.

    Supported inference:The students were highly influential as they were capable

    of mobilising support and public demonstrations. Thesource shows students gathered outside Chinese HighSchool for a common cause.

    The students were also very cohesive. They supported thedecision to Resist National Service and Unite againstthe Imperialists. They believe they are compatriotsfighting for a common good.

  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)


    #2 Comparison

    Possible points of comparison: content,

    attitude of writer, tone of writer, scope of

    discussion, purpose

    Concentrate more on content before you

    consider the provenance.

    Does Source B support/corroborate Source C?

    How different/similar is Source B to Source C?

  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)


    #2 Comparison

    Always have a point of comparison

    Always have one difference and one

    similarity (both supported);

    Last paragraph - on difference or similarityon purpose/motive/tone.

    3 paragraphs.

    Does Source B support/corroborate Source C?

    How different/similar is Source B to Source C?

  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)


    #3 Reliability

    Who produced the source and when?

    Was the writer/artist an eyewitness? Whatwere the sources of her/his information?

    Why was the source produced?

    What is the origin of the source? Is there consistency in the source?

    Is there consistency with other sources?

    To what extent can you trust Source E?

    How reliable is Source E in showing?

  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)


    #3 Reliability

    You might suspect a source provides unreliableevidence because:

    It shows the clear bias of the writer. It contains factual errors.

    It contains exaggerated comments.

    It is inconsistent with similar sources. It was written a long time after the events it


    It was produced for a particular purpose which

    might affect its reliability.

    To what extent can you trust Source E?

    How reliable is Source E in showing?

  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)


    #3 Reliability

    Start by stating whether it is reliable or not basedon source content;

    Always have 2 cross-references supported withevidence;

    Contextual knowledge

    Last paragraph, reliable or unreliable based onwho says it? Why? Purpose? Audience?Intended impact?

    4 paragraphs

    To what extent can you trust Source E?

    How reliable is Source E in showing?

  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)


    #4 Evaluation

    Use all sources!

    Group sources into those that support andthose that are against the hypothesis.

    Address the FOR portion

    Address the AGAINST portion About 4-5 paragraphs

    Make your final conclusion

    To what extent do the sources support the view that?

  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)


    #5 Usefulness

    Possible reasons why useful source

    grants us a full picture of history, shows usthe perspective of a particular group of

    people in society

    Possible reasons why NOT useful subjective point of view, gaps in


    How useful is Source D in telling us about?

    Compare the usefulness of Sources B and C.

  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)


    #5 Usefulness

    Biased sources can still be useful

    Always remember to cover both points of view useful AND not useful

    NOT Useful: You can cross refer to othersources that are better or use contextual

    knowledge It would be good to quote

    3-4 paragraphs

    How useful is Source D in telling us about?

    Compare the usefulness of Sources B and C.

  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)


    #6 Purpose

    Structure is the same as inference;

    Third paragraph must be on purpose.

    Consider: Who is the target audience? Isthere a hidden agenda behindsaying/writing all of this? Is the viewextremely one-sided?

    3-4 paragraphs

    What do you think is the intention of the writer in Source A?

  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)


  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)



    Due in exactly 1

    weeks time during


    Penalty for late work

    2 marks for every

    subsequent day after

    the deadline


  • 8/2/2019 SBQ Skills (From Slide Share)


    All the best for your assignment!