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  • 8/14/2019 SC notes.doc


    Sentence Correction Notes TOC

    Parallelism......................................................................................................................2Active vs. Passive Voice...................................................................................................2That vs. Which ...............................................................................................................3No vs. Not......................................................................................................................4Usage of One...............................................................................................................5

    et!een vs. Among" er vs. est forms" more vs. most.....................................................#One or other vs. One or another........................................................................................#Whether vs. $f.................................................................................................................%Use of eing in &'AT....................................................................................................%(i)e vs. As......................................................................................................................*(i)e vs. +,ch As..............................................................................................................*Partici-le Partici-ial Phrases.........................................................................................../+,01,nctive 'oo............................................................................................................/+ho,l vs. Wo,l...........................................................................................................$nfinitives +-lit $ !ith vs. om-are to.........................................................................................Altho,gh6 Tho,gh6 7ven tho,gh6 8es-ite6 $n s-ite of..........................................................o,nt Vs Non co,nt.......................................................................................................2

    O01ective case of Prono,ns.............................................................................................3Who vs. Whom..............................................................................................................3+ing,lar Prono,ns ollective No,ns..............................................................................4What 9+ing,lar or Pl,ral:;..............................................................................................4eca,se vs. 8,e to........................................................................................................5

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    Sentence Correction Notes


    Phrases or cla,ses m,st 0e -arallel in form !hen the= are in a series or !hen the= are 1oine0= a con1,nction. i.e. $f there is one ver0 !ith ingor !ith a who-clause6 then all of the ver0sm,st have ingor m,st 0e in the form of a who-clause.$f there is a com-arison6 ,se the com-arison !ors as a hint for -arallel constr,ction.Incorrect:The -olice came to arrest >ones6 a evo,t ch,rch?goer !ho also 0elongs to thefraternal orer of the eagles.Correct:The -olice came to arrest >ones6 a evo,t ch,rch?goer an a mem0er of the fraternalorer of the eagles.@irst sentence matches an a--ositive a evo,t ch,rch?goer !ith a !ho?cla,se.

    Also maintain -arallelism !ith correlative con1,nctions s,ch as either" or6 neither" nor an notonl=" 0,t also.. $n a series of t!o or more elements6 !hat =o, o on B2 etermines !hat =o, o on 3C. $n

    other !ors6 ever=thing after B2 m,st match B2 $ li)e to s!im6 to r,n6 an to ance.

    $ li)e to s!im6 r,n6 an ance.

    are o)a=.

    $ li)e to s!im6 r,n6 an to ance.

    $ li)e to s!im6 to r,n6 an ance.

    are NOT o)a=.htt-""!!!"for,ms"ineD.-h-:sho!to-icE*

    2. T!o ger,ns C no,n is o)a=7D Fe li)e sailing6 s!imming an girls.

    ,t t!o infinitives C no,n is NOT o)a=7D Fe li)e to sail6 to s!im an girls.

    We live in a !orl in !hich crime is ram-ant6 chilren are recalcitrant6 change is the onl=constant6 an ,ncertaint= -revails.

    9A; chilren are recalcitrant6 change is the onl= constant6 an ,ncertaint= -revails.9; chilren are recalcitrant6 change is the onl= constant6 an ,ncertaint= is -revalent.9; in !hich chilren are recalcitrant6 in !hich change is the onl= constant6 an in !hich,ncertaint= is -revalent.98; !here chilren are recalcitrant6 !here change is the onl= constant an !here ,ncertaint= is-revalent.97; !here chilren are recalcitrant6 change is the onl= constant6 an ,ncertaint= is -revalent

    OA is C

    What is wrong with B?Gin !hichG is -art of a -re-ositional -hrase. $f !e start the -arallelism after Gin !hichG !e are,sing -arallel fragments. Also !itho,t in !hich the s,0seH,ent -hrases seem to moif= theno,n crime as o--ose to !orl.

    Active vs. Passive Voice

    Active voice is -referre over -assive voice. $n active voice6 the s,01ect -erforms the action ofthe ver0.7D $ !rote a song

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    $n -assive voice6 the s,01ect receives the action eD-resse 0= the ver0. Normall=6 -assive voiceis forme !ith some form of the ver0 0e an the -ast -artici-le 9a ver0 that ,s,all= ens !ithIe or Ien;.7D A song !as !ritten 0= me.Passive is acceta!le i" it is #se$ to maintain "oc#s an$ ermit the correction o" a

    non%grammatical sentence.7D Tr=ing to fin a -ar)ing s-ace6 the= !ere accoste 0= a vagrant.

    That vs. Which

    . A testmagic ti- &'AT almost al!a=s 9$ sa= almost al!a=s 0eca,se $Jve seen twoH,estionsthat i not follo! this r,le6 0,t the r,le !as violate in all five ans!er choices; !ants =o,to -,t a comma !e"ore which. $n other !ors6 if =o, see which!itho,t a comma 0eforeit6 itJs -ro0a0l= !rong.

    $f the -erson =o,Jre tal)ing to6 or the -erson !hoJs reaing !hat =o,Jve !ritten6 nees thateDtra 0it of information to )no! !hich no,n =o,Jre referring to6 !e sa= that that eDtrainformation is non%restrictive. This !or oesnJt reall= escri0e the f,nction clearl=6 soman= teachers sa= that this information is eDtra.G

    On the other han6 if =o, nee that information to )no! !hich no,n =o, are tal)ing a0o,t6!e sa= that the information is restrictive. Again6 this !or is not reall= a goo choice forclarit=6 an man= teachers ,se the term Gnecessar= informationG instea

    We nee a comma !e"ore non%restrictive cla#ses an$ hrases0,t it is not neee0efore restrictive cla,ses an -hrases.

    oth the sentences 0elo! are correct accoring to &'AT6 0,t have ifferent meanings. Please go into the room an get me the 0ig 0oo)6 !hichis mine. 97D of non?restrictive;

    Please go into the room an get me the 0ig 0oo) thatis mine. 97D of restrictive;


    2. &That' almost alwa(s re"ers to a restrictive cla#se or hrase an$ &which' to a non%essential hrase.

    7D The 0ananas that $ left on the ta0le have gone 0a.ananas6 !hich are high in -otassi,m6 are consiere ieal for ieting.

    3. Also6 the relative -rono,n &which' sho#l$ !e #se$ to re"er to a no#nan not an iea oran action -resente in an entire cla,se. 97D K.4/6 K.%* from O&;K.%* The root s=stems of the most flo!ering -erennials either 0ecome too cro!e6 !hichres,lts in loss of vigor6 an s-rea too far o,t!ar6 -ro,cing a 0are center. ?L Use of!hich is incorrect.

    4. Omitting &that'

    Mo, can omit thatin a relative cla,se !hen the s,01ect of the cla,se is ifferent fromthe !or or -hrase the cla,se refers to. Th,s6 =o, can sa= either

    The book that I was reading9or;The book I was reading

    Mo, can also omit that!hen it intro,ces a s,0orinate cla,se

    Ex: I think we should try again.

    Mo, sho,l NOT omit &that,ho!ever6 !hen the s,0orinate cla,se 0egins !ith an

    aver0ial -hrase or an=thing other than the s,01ect7DShe said that under no circumstances would she allow us to ski the meeting.

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    The book argues that e!entually the housing suly will increase.This last sentence !o,l 0e am0ig,o,s if that!ere omitte6 since the aver0 e!entuallyco,l then 0e constr,e as moif=ing either arguesor will increase.


    No vs. Not

    Nois a eterminer eD-ressing H,antit= li)e JallJ6 Jever=J6 Jman=J6 JsomeJ6 Jan=J6 JeachJ6 JeitherJ6JoneJ6 JanotherJ an is ,se 0efore sing,lar an -l,ral no,ns. $t is similar in meaning to Jnot aJor Jnot an=J an is often o,r -referre choice if !e !ant to give em-hasis to !hat !e aresa=ing. om-are

    $ have noiea !hat he is referring to. 9more em-hatic;

    $ $on)t have an= iea !hat he is referring to. 9less em-hatic;

    Nost,ents from the seconar= school in Ne! To!n achieve the highest graes in

    their en?of?=ear eDam. 9more em-hatic; There weren)t an= st,ents from the seconar= school in Ne! To!n !ho achieve the

    highest graes in their en?of?=ear eDam. 9less em-hatic; $Jm sorr=. $Jve got notime for that this afternoon. 9more em-hatic;

    $Jm sorr=. $ haven)tan= time for that this afternoon. 9less em-hatic;

    Notis ,se to ma)e a cla,se or sentence negative an ,s,all= com0ines !ith the ver0 Jto 0eJan !ith a1ectives6 aver0s6 no,n gro,-s or -re-ositional -hrases. Ver(is often ,se afternotto moerate the negative as-ect of the cla,se. Th,s6 !e have

    $t !as notiffic,lt to ,nerstan !h= she !as in love !ith him.

    $t is not al!a=s tr,e that -eo-le !ho are in love li)e the same things.

    Fe s!ims !ell6 0,t not ver= evenl=.

    $t !as not a h,ge meal6 0,t eno,gh for t!o -eo-le.

    $ )no! $Jll -ro0a0l= fail m= riving test6 0,t $Jm not in the least 0it nervo,s a0o,t it.

    J&ooJ is -ro0a0l= ,niH,e as an a1ective in that it can com0ine !ith noan an(an also !ithnot6 altho,gh there are sometimes s,0tle istinctions in ,sage or meaning. om-are

    J$s the mil) goo:J JNo6 itJs notgoo.J 9The isc,ssion here is a0o,t ho! fresh the mil)

    is an notfor me !o,l 0e the -referre negative; JWas the -la= an= goo:J J$t !as nogoo at all. The acting !as -oor an the irection

    !as terri0le.J 9Fere6 no goo$in the ans!er reflects an( goo$ in the H,estion.;

    J$tJs no goo. $ canJt see ho! !e can re-air this fence. We shall have to 0,= a ne! one. 9Fere6J$tJs no gooJ co,l 0e re-lace 0= J$tJs no ,seJ.;

    Note that goo$6 li)e #seor ointis often ,se !ith %ing J$tJs nogoo tr=ing to a-ologise. Mo, have reall= offene me.J

    J$tJs no,se com-laining a0o,t the service in this hotel. $t !ill never im-rove.J

    JThere !as no-oint 9in; carr=ing on !ith this. We ecie to en the investigation.

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    98; no ha--ier than are -eo-le !ho are living97; not as ha--= as are -eo-le !ho live

    OA is A

    *sage o" &One'

    As a eterminer6 the !or &oneis sometimes #se$ !e"ore a roer no#n to $esignate6-artic,larl=6 this -erson GFe elivere the -ac)age to one

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    &one o" those who': Sing#lar or l#ral ver!? $t is a matter of !hich !or =o, feel is mosta--ro-riate as the anteceent of the relative -rono,nQoneor the -l,ral no,n in the o$-hrase that follo!s it.

    Note also that when the hrase containing &oneis intro$#ce$ !( the $e"inite article-the ver! in the relative cla#se m#st !e sing#lar:

    Fe is the onl= one of the st,ents !ho has alrea= ta)en (atin.


    Between vs. Among2 &er' vs. &est' "orms2 more vs. most

    $f a sentence com-ares t!o items ,se 0et!een or the er form6 0,t if it com-ares more thant!o ,se among or est form.

    A1ectives an aver0s !ith three or more s=lla0les reH,ire com-arison !ith morean most.Thos !ith t!o s=lla0les can reH,ire either Ier" ?est or more"most.

    7D eas=6 easier6 an easiest,t6 rea=6 more rea= an most rea=

    When in $o#!t ic1 the more2most "orm.Incorrect:o,l =o, rive slo!er:Correct: o,l =o, -lease rive more slo!l=:

    NOT3:Avoi amongst in &'AT.

    One or other vs. One or another

    one or other ? means 0et!een first or secon that is o,t of t!o choicesone or another ? 0et!een m,lti-le choices not restricte to t!o

    &enerall=6 Gthe otherG means Gthe secon one.G $n other !ors6 !e can onl= ,se Gthe other

    oneG !hen !e are tal)ing a0o,t onl= t!o things6 s,ch as o,r e=es6 feet6 ears6 hans6 or legs.

    7D $ have t!o sisters. One is a octor6 an the other one is an artist. ? Test'agic 7rin

    $f the claims of coastal nations to 2?mile territorial seas !ere acce-te on a !orl!ie 0asis6more than thirt= -er cent of the !orls ocean area !o,l come ,ner the 1,risiction of one orother national states.

    9A; one or other national states9; one or another national state9; one or the other national state98; some or another of the national states

    97; each an ever= national state

    OA is B

    The three -la=s in Preston >oness A TeDas Trilog= are com-letel= ine-enent6 an each hasonl= a -eri-heral relationshi- !ith the other.

    9A; ine-enent6 an each has onl= a -eri-heral relationshi- !ith the other9; ine-enent6 an each has onl= a -eri-heral relationshi- one !ith another9; ine-enent6 an the= have onl= a -eri-heral relationshi- !ith the others

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    98; ine-enent an have onl= a -eri-heral relationshi- !ith one another97; ine-enent an have onl= a -eri-heral relationshi- each !ith the other

    OA is 4

    Whether vs. I"

    On the 56AT- &whether' is more re"erre$ than &i"'

    &Whether'is ,se !hen there are alternative choices.7D $ ont )no! whether $ !ill ta)e the &'AT this month 9or not;.Incorrect:Fer client int tell her if he ha sent his -a=ment =et.Correct:Fer client int tell her !hether he ha sent his -a=ment =et.

    &I7'is ,se in a conditionalsense.7D $f =o, -re-are !ell =o, !ill get a goo score.

    *se o" &Being' in 56AT$n &'AT6 "being in an ans!er choice is !rong more often than it is right.

    Orer -f -reference !eing 8 since 8 !eca#se

    There are a fe! eDce-tions to the "being r,le in !hich being is often the right ans!er.

    3,amles when &being is correct:

    9. Some i$ioms allow onl( one str#ct#re:'ost often6 ieas can 0e eD-resse in more than

    one !a=. @or eDam-le6 $ can sa=R

    I%m a$raid o$ being late.9or;

    I%m a$raid that I%ll be late.

    7ach has its o!n em-hasis6 0,t the -oint is that these t!o str,ct,res eDist. When there is NO

    other alternative li)e iioms than ,sage of 0eing is o).

    ,t6 the iiomatic str,ct,re in addition to oes not have a co,nter-art that ,ses a s,01ect an

    a ver06 so o,r onl= o-tion here is to ,se being6 !hich is grammaticall= a no,n6 0,t is erive

    from a ver0.

    $n aition to 0eing one of the first resta,rants to com0ine 'eiterranean an American

    tastes6 he Panisse in er)ele= is also one of the a= AreaJs most esta0lishe resta,rants.

    . In the case o" an a!sol#te hrase ;with < no#n < no#n comlement=

    $n the eDam-le 0elo! with increased career rosects beingthe most im-ortant for man= 'Aa--licants is an a0sol,te -hrase.

    There are man= reasons to get an 'A6 with increased career rosects beingthe most

    im-ortant for man= 'A a--licants.



    No#n Comlement:A !or or -hrase that co,l logicall= an grammaticall= com-lete this -atternNOUN C ($NS$N& V7

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    Ex: ; The train running late6 !e ecie to get off at the neDt sto- an ta)e a taDi home. 2;&ll things being e'ual6 the active voice tens to 0e correct more often than the -assive.htt-""!!!"grammar"eD-lanations"-hrases"a0sol,te?-hrases?intro,

    The n,rses !ent on stri)e to -rotest their 0eing over!or)e9A; their 0eing over!or)e9; themselves 0eing over!or)e9; themselves as over!or)e

    98; their over!or)ing97; over!or)ing themselves

    OA is A

    'ore isc,ssion at htt-""!!!.gmatcl,"-h-00"vie!to-ic.-h-:tE2*43

    >i1e vs. As

    >i1eis ,se to comare no#ns.Asis ,se to comare actions.

    $n T,r)e=6 coffee is traitionall= r,n) ver= strong6 m,ch as the french o.

    A; m,ch as the @rench o; m,ch li)e the @rench o; m,ch as it is 0= the @rench8; m,ch as it is in @rance7; m,ch li)e it is in @rance

    OA is 4

    The com-arison is 0et!een t!o co,ntries T,r)e= an @rance6 so the choice is no! 8 or 7.The foc,s of the sentence is on the action 9of rin)ing;6 so it sho,l 0e GasG an not Gli)eG.

    >i1e vs. S#ch As

    "likemeans similar to6 an such asmeans$or examle.

    an =o, 0,= me some fr,it li1eoranges or gra-efr,it:

    This sentence !o,l mean that =o, o NOT !ant oranges or gra-efr,it instea6 =o,J -refersome fr,it similar to oranges an gra-efr,it. @or eDam-le6 =o, ma= !ant -omelo6 lemons6 orlimes.

    an =o, 0,= me some fr,it s#ch asoranges or gra-efr,it:

    Oranges an gra-efr,it are eDam-les of the t=-e of fr,it !e !ant.

    As 0,siness gro!s more com-leD6 st,ents ma1oring in s-ecialie areas li)e those of financean mar)eting have 0een 0ecoming increasingl= s,ccessf,l in the 1o0 mar)et.

    a; ma1oring in s-ecialie areas li)e those of finance an mar)eting have 0een 0ecomingincreasingl=0; !ho ma1or in s,ch s-ecialie areas as finance an mar)eting are 0ecoming more an morec; !ho ma1ore in s-ecialie areas s,ch as those of finance an mar)eting are 0eingincreasingl=; !ho ma1or in s-ecialie areas li)e those of finance an mar)eting have 0een 0ecomingmore an moree; having ma1ore in s,ch s-ecialie areas as finance an mar)eting are 0eing increasingl=

    OA is B ;O5 =

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    Note: &S#ch' is also re"era!le to &these' "or resenting e,amles or instances.

    Particile @ Particiial Phrases

    Particile:A ver0 used as an a1ective. There are t!o )ins of -artici-les. The ast articilehas the -ast form of the ver0 !hich !o,l go !ith the ver0 havean !o,l ,s,all= en in %e$.The resent articileens in %ing.

    Particiial hrase: $t consists of -artici-le -l,s moifier9s;6 o01ect9s;6 an"or com-lement9s;.

    Astronomers have theorie that the ig ang governs the 0ehavior of interstellar ,st6-articles that com-rise the atoms an molec,les create in the -rogenitive eD-losion an-ersisting in even the em-tiest regions of s-ace

    A. -ersisting. -ersists. -ersiste8. the= -ersist7. are -ersisting

    OA is A

    This sentence 0asicall= has t!o -artici-ial -hrases. create in the -rogenitive eD-losion2. -ersisting in even the em-tiest regions of s-ace.oth moif=ing Gatoms an molec,lesG+o6 =o, can maintain -arallelism onl= 0= ,sing the t!o -artici-les GcreateG 9-ast -artici-le;an G-ersistingG 9-resent -artici-le;.'ore etaile eD-lanation at htt-""!!!.gmatcl,"-h-00"vie!to-ic.-h-:tE2*3

    S#!+#nctive 6oo$

    The s#!+#nctive moo$is ,se in e-enent cla,ses that o the follo!ing. e,ress a wish6 mostl= follo!e 0= !ere She wishes her boy$riend were here.

    2. 0egin !ith ifan e,ress a con$ition that $oes not e,ist ;is contrar( to "act= I$ (uan were more aggressi!e, he%d be a better hockey layer.

    I$ she were coming, she would be here by now.

    I$ I were you, I would not go there.

    3. 0egin !ith as ifan as though!hen s,ch cla,ses $escri!e a sec#lation or con$itioncontrar( to "act )e acted as i$ he were guilty.

    4. 0egin !ith thatan e,ress a $eman$- re#irement- re#est- or s#ggestion.9O&K.45; an secon ver0 is in infinitive form I re'uested that he be resent at the hearing.

    I insist that the chairman resign*

    Their main demand was that the lawsuit be droed

    & I"' cla#ses: Accoring to traitional r,les6 =o, ,se the s,01,nctive to $escri!e anocc#rrence that (o# have res#ose$ to !e contrar( to "act. The ver0 in the maincla,se of these sentences m#st then contain the ver! wouldor 9less freH,entl=; should: I$ I were ten years younger, I would consider entering the marathon.

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    I$ &merica were still a +ritish colony, we would all be drinking tea in the a$ternoon.

    When the sit,ation escri0e 0= the &ifcla#seis NOT res#ose$ to !e "alse6 ho!ever6that cla,se m#st contain an in$icative ver!. The form of ver0 in the main cla,se !ill e-enon =o,r intene meaning I$Famlet was really written by arlowe, as many ha!e argued, then we ha!e

    underestimated arlowes genius.

    I$ e!in was out all day, then it makes sense that he couldnt answer the hone.


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    Slit In"initive:An infinitive is sai to 0e Gs-litG !hen a !or 9often an aver0; or -hrasesnea)s 0et!een the toof the infinitive an the root of the ver0 Gto 0oll= go6G

    Split infinitive is not considered acceptale in standard !"erican #n$lis%&

    $f -resent metal -rices contin,e to shar-l= rise6 the val,e of the co--er in a -enn= !ill soon 0egreater than the face val,e of the coin.

    a. $f -resent metal -rices contin,e to shar-l= rise6

    0. $f -resent metal -rices are contin,ing their shar- rise6c. +ho,l -resent metal -rices contin,e their shar- rise6. ontin,ation of shar-l= rising metal -rices sho,l mean thate. 'etal -rices shar- rise contin,ing sho,l mean that

    OA is C

    Whats wrong with A?A ,ses slit in"initive6if A ha sai to rise shar-l= it !o,l have 0een acce-ta0le.

    Comare with vs. Comare to

    #le 9 Comare to com-ares #nli1e things6 !hereas comare with com-ares li1e things.#le Comare to is ,se to stress the resem!lance. Comare with can 0e ,se tosho! either similarit= or ifference 0,t is #s#all( #se$ to stress the $i""erence.

    Comare with To eval,ate things relative to each other for eDam-le6 I%m thinking o$ buyingeither a )onda &ccord or a Toyota 0amry, so I%m comaring each with the other, trying to

    $igure out which to buy.This meaning is m,ch more common.

    Comare ta)es with !hen it refers to the act of eDamining t!o li1e things in orer to iscerntheir similarities or ifferences The -olicecomare$the forge signat,re withthe original. The committee !ill have to comarethe +enateJs version of the 0ill withthe version that!as -asse 0= the Fo,se.

    Comare to To sa= that one thing is li)e another thing6 often to tr= to eD-lain !hat one isli)e6 0,t sometimes as an ins,lt for eDam-le6 y $riend didn%t know what a omelo was, so Icomared it to a grae$ruit. Then she was able to understand what it was.or y $riend gotmad at the way I handled her bags, so she comared me to a gorilla. This meaning is lesscommon.

    Comare ,s,all= ta)es the -re-osition to !hen it refers to the activit= of escri0ing theresem0lances 0et!een #nli1e things Fe comare$her toa s,mmer a=. +cientists sometimes comarethe h,man 0rain toa com-,ter.

    Altho#gh- Tho#gh- 3ven tho#gh- 4esite- In site o"

    Altho#gh6 tho#gh an even tho#ghare all con+#nctions6 !hilst in site o" an $esiteare0oth reositions. +o ,sage reH,iresaltho#gh < cla#se

    tho#gh < cla#seeven tho#gh < cla#se

    $esite < no#n

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    in site o" < no#n

    Altho#ghan tho#ghcan 0e ,se in the same !a=. Tho#gh is -erha-s more common ininformal s-eech an !riting6 !hereas altho#gh can 0e ,se in a !ie variet= of st=les. O,r ne! neigh0ors are H,ite nice6 tho#ghtheir og is a 0it of a n,isance.

    +he insiste on )ee-ing her coat on6 altho#ghit !as eDtremel= !arm in the ho,se as the

    central heating !as on. Altho#gh she !as commene for com-leting the 'illenni,m 8ome -ro1ect on time an

    !ithin 0,get6 management felt that it !as no! time for a ne! -erson !ith ifferent talentsto ta)e over.

    3ven tho#gh:Tho#ghis often ,se !ith even in orer to give em-hasis $ manage to get goo res,lts in m= eDams6 even tho,gh $ !ent o,t fo,r times a !ee)

    !hen $ !as s,--ose to 0e revising.

    4esitemight 0e tho,ght more formal than in site o"0,t there is reall= ver= little ifferencein ,sage 0et!een the t!o 4esitethe a--alling !eather6 the= s,cceee in !al)ing to the to- of en Nevis.

    The= ecie to get marrie in site o" the h,ge ifferences in their ages.

    4esiteanin site o"are normall= ,se as -re-ositions6 the= can also 0e ,se in aver0ialconstr,ctions !ith %ing6 th,s $ manage to -ass m= eDams6 $esite goingo,t fo,r times a !ee) ,ring the revision

    -erio. In site o" "eelingterri0l= sic)6 $ !ent to !or) ever= a= that !ee).

    4esite !eingseverel= hanica--e6 he manage to com-lete the race.


    Co#nt Vs Non co#nt

    oncrete things s,ch as ta0les6 st,ents6 0ottle6 -erson etc are co,nt no,ns.While others !hich refer to a0stract ieas s,ch as air6 0ea,t=6 mone=6 !ater6 f,rnit,re6

    information6 soa- etc are non?co,nt no,ns. Non?co,nt no,ns o not ,s,all= -l,ralie. @orinstance !hile -l,ral of 0ottle is 0ottles6 there is no -l,ral of !ater.

    To H,antif= these !ors ifferent !ors are ,se for co,nt an non?co,nt no,ns.

    $f there !ere fewer carson the roa6 there !o,l 0e less tra""ic.

    The number o" carson the roa contri0,tes to the amount o" tra""ic.

    Theres too much tra""icon this roa 0eca,se there are too manycars.

    Co#nta!le: n#m!er- "ew- "ewer- man(- ma+orit(- severalNot co#nta!le: amo#nt or #antit(- little- less- m#ch- an(- a lot o"

    3,cetion:When referring to time or mone=6 lessis often ,se even !ith n,m0ers. +-ecific,nits of time or mone= ,se feweronl= in cases !here inivi,al items are referre to.Non co,nt no,ns generall= ta)e sing#lar ver!s an$ co#nt no#ns ta1e sing#lar or l#ral$een$ing on the n#m!er.

    3,: 6ost eole areD 6ost o" the water is

    Percentages an fractions ta)e -l,ral ver0 if referring to co,nt no,ns. 7Dce-tion to this !o,l ifthe -ercentage or fraction res,lts in a single H,antit=. A H,arter of m= home!or) remains to 0e one.

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    T!o thirs of the st,ents !ere"amiliar with the #estion.

    O!+ective case o" Prono#ns

    There is no o01ective form for =o, an it+,01ective $ Fe" +he We The= WhoO!+ective 6e Eim2 Eer *s Them Whom

    Possessive '= Fis" Fer O,r Their WhosePreicative 'ine Fis" hers O,rs Theirs Whose#le 9:O01ective forms of -rono,ns are #se$ a"ter reositionss,ch as to6 at6 in6 of60et!een6 among6 over etc.Incorrect:The co-s ha nothing on hrisan I.Correct:The co-s ha nothing on hris an me.

    Incorrect:The 7nglish6 among whoare some fine m,sicians6 cannot !rite o-era.Correct:The 7nglish6 among whomare some fine m,sicians6 cannot !rite o-era.

    #le :O01ective forms of -rono,ns are #s#all( #se$ a"ter ver!s.Incorrect:The co-s li1e$hris an ICorrect:The co-s li1e$hris an me.

    Incorrect:The +miths !elieve0oth the(an their stor=.Correct:The +miths !elieve0oth theman their stor=.

    Test:The sentence sho,l ma)e sense if =o, remove the con1,nction either -rono,n. 7DThe co-s ha nothing on me ma)es more sense than The co-s ha nothing on $.

    3,cetion to #le : The eDce-tion to this r,le is ver0 !e.Incorrect:$t is me" $ts me

    Correct:$t is $" $ts $

    Incorrect:The= nee the H,arter0ac) to !e him!ho has a cool hea an a strong thro!ingarm.Correct:The= nee the H,arter0ac) to !e he!ho has a cool hea an a strong thro!ing arm.

    Note:$ts is contraction of it C is. $ts is the -ossessive of it. Never,se it to re-lace acom-lete iea6 cla,se or a -hrase.

    Who vs. Whom

    Use whowhen someone is the S*BF3CTof a sentence6 cla,se6 or -hrase.

    3,:Who calle the meeting:

    Use whom when someone is the OBF3CTof a ver0 or -re-osition.3,:Whom i =o, invite to the meeting:

    Note Tr= the H,estion test. $f =o, ans!er the H,estion !ith &he' or &the(' ic1 &who'if =o,ans!er the H,estion !ith &him' or &them' ic1 &whom'.

    Presenters at the seminar6 one !ho is 0lin6 !illemonstrate aa-tive eH,i-ment that allo!s vis,all= im-aire -eo-le to ,se com-,ters.

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    9A; one !ho9; one of them !ho9; an one of them !ho98; one of !hom97; one of !hichOA is 4

    $n this statement6 =o, are tr=ing to sa= one of the -resenters is 0lin. 9ie one of them is 0lin;When in o,0t s,0stit,te the !hom !ith them or the=.

    Sing#lar Prono#ns @ Collective No#ns

    No one No!o$( Nothing

    Someone Some!o$( Something

    3ver(one 3ver(!o$( 3ver(thing

    An(one An(!o$( An(thing

    None 3ach An(

    Another 3ither 3ver(

    The n#m!er Neither

    Collective no#n e,amles: @amil=6 +chool6 ommittee+ing,lar -rono,ns sho,l al!a=s 0e follo!e 0= sing,lar ver0s. @or collective no,ns6 ,se asing,lar ver0 if =o, !ant to stress the gro,- as a !hole an ,se -l,ral ver0 if =o, !ant toem-hasie the inivi,al ,nits in the gro,-.

    What ;Sing#lar or Pl#ral?=

    When whatis the s,01ect of a cla,se6 it ma= either ta)e a sing,lar or -l,ral ver0./hatis sing#lar!hen ta)en as the e#ivalent o" &that whichor &the thing which: I see what seems to be a dead tree.

    What is l#ral!hen ta)en as the e#ivalent o" &those whichor the things which:

    )e sometimes makes whatseem to be thoughtless mistakes.

    When a cla,se that has whatas its s,01ect is itself the s,01ect of a sentence6 it ma= ta)e asing,lar or -l,ral ver0. 'ost of these whatcla,ses are sing,lar6 $n fact6 whatcla,ses are,s,all= sing,lar even !hen the ver0 is a lin)ing ver06 s,ch as beor seem,follo!e 0= a -l,ralno,n or a series of no,ns /hat she ket in her drawer was ten sil!er dollars.

    /hat truly commands resect is a large air $orce and a resolute $oreign olicy.

    $n some cases6 =o, can treat a cla,se !ith whatas the s,01ect as sing,lar or -l,ral6 e-eningon the em-hasis =o, !ant to conve=. $n /hateDcite him mostare money and ower,theim-lication is that mone= an -o!er are istinct elements in /hateDcites him most is moneyand ower,the im-lication is that mone= an -o!er are a single entit=.

    The whatcla,se as a !hole is l#ral i" it has a l#ral ver! /hatseem to be two dead treesare blocking the road.


    The -erio !hen the great -ainte caves at (asca,D an Altamira !ere occ,-ie 0= U--erPaleolithic -eo-le has 0een esta0lishe 0= car0on?4 ating6 0,t !hat is m,ch more iffic,lt toetermine are the reason for their ecoration6 the ,se to !hich -rimitive -eo-le -,t the caves6an the meaning of the magnificientl= e-icte animals.

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    . The octrinal is-,te res,lte in the ismissal of the -resient of the seminar=6 !ho !ascharge !ith teaching false octrine an !ith aministrative miscon,ct.

    9A; charge !ith teaching false octrine an !ith aministrative miscon,ct9; charge !ith teaching false octrine an aministrative miscon,ct9; 0eing charge that he ta,ght false octrine an aministrative miscon,ct98; charge !ith 0oth false octrine teaching an aministrative miscon,ct

    97; teaching false octrine an aministrative miscon,ct as charge

    OA: A

    Wh( is OA A- an$ not 4 or B?

    In 4: The )e= here is to notice that $octrineis the o01ect of teachingan sho,l therefore 0e)e-t as the o01ect6 not as an a1ective 9or6 as !e sometimes sa=6 Gin attri0,tionG;.

    $n other !ors6 !e sho,l follo! this -attern P

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    9; Unli)e moern feminism6 eriving m,ch of its strength from re1ection of an o--ressivehome6 'arietta Folle=s novels98; Unli)e those of the moern feminist !ho erives m,ch of her strength from re1ectionof an o--ressive home6 novels of 'arietta Folle=97; Unli)e those of moern feminism6 !hich erive m,ch of their strength from re1ection of ano--ressive home6 'arietta Folle= s novels

    OA is 3

    Whats wrong with 4?

    8 is almost correct6 0,t it oes have a co,-le of errors. One of the easiest to -oint o,t is themissing eterminerthereH,ire for the -hrase no!els o$ arietta )olley.

    Fo!ever6 there are still a co,-le other things to -a= attention too6 things that are act,all= moreim-ortant if =o,Jre shooting for %C.

    om-are the follo!ing t!o -hrases !ho erives m,ch of her strength from re1ection of an o--ressive home

    !hich erive m,ch of their strength from re1ection of an o--ressive home

    $n the first cla,se "who deri!es much o$ her strength $rom re2ection o$ an oressi!e home!e are sa=ing that the moern feminist gains strength.

    $n secon cla,se which deri!e much o$ their strength $rom re2ection o$ an oressi!e home!e are sa=ing that the novels gain strength.

    We )no! !hatJs referring to !hat 0eca,se of the relative -rono,ns an the form of the ver0.

    We )no! that !e sho,l 0e tal)ing a0o,t the novels an Gthe feminist6G 0eca,se the latter -artof the sentence sho!s the contrast??Folle=Js novels 9not Gthe feministG;.

    @inall=6 if !e o inee !ant to tal) a0o,t feminism6 then it !o,l 0e 0etter to o so 0=referring irectl= to $eminism6 an not to the $eminist9to re-resent all of feminism;.

    4. T!ent=?t!o feet long an feet in iameter6 the A'? is one of the man= ne! satellites that is a -artof 5 =ears effort of s,01ecting the interactions of 7arths atmos-here6 oceans6 an lan s,rfaces toetaile scr,tin= from s-ace.

    9A; satellites that is a -art of 5 =ears effort of s,01ecting the interactions of 7arthsatmos-here6 oceans6 an lan s,rfaces9; satellites6 !hich is a -art of a 5?=ear effort to s,01ect ho! 7arths atmos-here6 oceans6an lan s,rfaces interact9; satellites6 -art of 5 =ears effort of s,01ecting ho! 7arths atmos-here6 oceans6 an lans,rfaces are interacting98; satellites that are -art of an effort for 5 =ears that has s,01ecte the interactions of7arths atmos-here6 oceans6 an lan s,rfaces

    97; satellites that are -art of a 5?=ear effort to s,01ect the interactions of 7arths atmos-here6ocean6 an lan s,rfaces

    OA is3

    Wh( not B?

    5. The com-,ter soft!are 0eing esigne for a -ro1ect st,=ing Native American assess tohigher e,cation !ill not onl= meet the nees of that st,=6 0,t also has the versatilit= an -o!erof facilitating similar research eneavors.

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    9A; 0,t also has the versatilit= an -o!er of facilitating9; 0,t also have the versatilit= an -o!er to facilitate9; 0,t it also has the versatilit= an -o!er to facilitate98; an also have the versatilit= an -o!er of facilitating97; an it also has s,ch versatilit= an -o!er that it can facilitate

    OA is B

    Wh( not A?Fere the -arallel constr,ction !ith not onl=R0,t also com-ares !ill meetG !ith G!ill haveGGFe meetsG !ith Ghe hasG. +o6 here soft!are nees the -l,ral have.htt-""!!!.gmatcl,"-h-00"vie!to-ic.-h-:tE34

    #. it= Planners in 8etroit ho-e that the rene!al -ro1ect eDtening along the eastern riverfront!ill esta0lish a -o-,lation that lives an$ wor1s $owntown an$ also rovi$esthe office s-aceneee to attract ne! 0,sinesses.

    A; that lives an !or)s o!nto!n an also -rovies; to live an !or) o!nto!n an also -rovie; that lives as !ell as !or)s o!nto!n an also -rovie

    8; !hich lives as !ell as !or)s o!nto!n an also -rovies7; !ho live as !ell as !or) o!nto!n an also -rovies

    OA is C

    Wh( not A?

    $n A6 8 an 7 the G-roviesG im-lies that the -o-,lation -rovies the office s-ace !hile it sho,l0e the Gcit= -lannersG.+o6 the -arallel constr,ction is !ith G!ill esta0lishG an G!ill -rovieG.htt-""!!!.gmatcl,"-h-00"vie!to-ic.-h-:tE34htt-""!!!"for,ms"sho!threa.-h-:moeEh=0ritE324

    %. The $mmigration +ervice no! has the iscretionar= -o!er to )ee- families ,nite even tho,gh all theirmem0ers o not meet the five?=ear resienc= reH,irement.

    9A; all their mem0ers o not meet the five?=ear resienc= reH,irement9; not all their mem0ers meet the five?=ear resienc= reH,irement9; all their mem0ers have not met the reH,irement for a five?=ear resienc=98; not all their mem0ers have resie for five =ears6 a reH,irement97; all their mem0ers have not resie for five =ears6 as reH,ire

    OA is B

    Wh( not A?

    $t is im-lie !ith G)ee- families togetherG that onl= some of the mem0ers o not meet the


    Onl= ans!ers an 8 ma)e that istinction. The others s,ggest that the !hole famil= mem0erso not meet the reH,irements 9in that case the= co,l all 0e e-orte together an the famil=!o,l still 0e ,nite right:;.

    *. Art historians are ,sing a -rocess )no!n as infrare scanning in anal=ing the 'ona (isa to etermineif it has 0een altere since com-letion an if (eonaro a Vinci first s)etche the fig,re in 0lac)6 as one0= man= artists of the time.

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    9A; if it has 0een altere since com-letion an if (eonaro a Vinci first s)etche the fig,re in0lac)6 as one9; if it ha 0een altere since com-letion an if (eonaro a Vinci first s)etche the fig,re in0lac)6 a -ractice em-lo=e9; !hether it has 0een altere since com-letion an !hether (eonaro a Vinci first s)etchethe fig,re in 0lac)6 a -ractice em-lo=e98; !hether it !as altere since com-letion an !hether (eonaro a Vinci first s)etche thefig,re in 0lac)6 as !as one

    97; !hether it ha 0een altere since com-letion an !hether (eonaro a Vinci first s)etchethe fig,re in 0lac)6 a -ractice one

    OA is C

    Wh( not 4?

    Fas 0een altere is correct ? , nee -resent -erfect !ith GsinceG@e! -oints

    . Which one is 0etter here ? J$@J or JWhetherJ. +ince J$@J is not follo!e 0= a JTF7NJ cla,se6JWhetherJ is right. This means A an are o,t.

    2. (oo)ing at 86 !e have J!hether it !as one......6 as was done% . Jas !as oneJ s,rel= is a!)!ar.+o 8 is o,t.

    3. 0"! an 7...6 7 has Ja -ractice oneJ an has Ja -ractice em-lo=eJ. JA Practice em-lo=eJseems right. also has Jhas 0eenJ ? !hich is right. Jha 0eenJ an Ja -ractice oneJ togetheroesJnt )ee- the tenses intact.

    /. Asset allocators create -ortfolios6 often in the form of m,t,al f,ns6 !ith the intention to t,rn in goores,lts in 0oth 0,ll an 0ear mar)ets.

    9A; !ith the intention9; the intention of !hich is9; intene98; an intening97; so intene as

    OA is C.

    Wh( not A?G!ith the intention ofG is the correct iiom. A ,ses !ith the intention to.. Altho,gh a0o,t // -ercent of the more than 5 million T,r)s are ',slims6 the re-,0licfo,ne 0= ',stafa Semal Atat,r) in /23 is resol,tel= sec,lar.

    a; Altho,gh a0o,t // -ercent of the more than 5 million0; Altho,gh a0o,t // -ercent of over 5 million of thec; Altho,gh a0o,t // -ercent of more than 5 million; 8es-ite the fact that a0o,t // -ercent of more than 5 million

    e; 8es-ite the fact that a0o,t // -ercent of over 5 million

    OA is A

    Whats the $i""erence !etween A @ C?

    $f !e ,se Gthe6G !e are sa=ing that there are onl= 5 million T,r)s in the !hole !orl if !eonJt ,se Gthe6G !e are sa=ing that there are -ossi0l= more than 5 million T,r)s in the !orl

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    $e!ate over

    4i""erent "rom 9com-are -eo-le an things; 4i""erent than;comare cla#ses%lessre"erre$=

    $i""ic#lt < in"initive ;to=

    4isclose to < erson2organiHation

    $isting#ish !etween , an$ (

    $isting#ish , "rom (

    4o#!t that 4o#!t whether

    4rawn to erson2thing

    4ream o"2a!o#t

    4win$le "rom

    3merges "rom

    3ssential to

    estimate$ to !e

    3,cet "or 3,ceting

    7ascinate$ !(

    7lee "rom7oc#s on < thing2erson

    7or!i$ , to $o (

    "rom , to (

    5et cre$it "or2give cre$it "or

    I$entical with I$entical to

    In an attemt to As attemt in

    In contrast to In contrast o"

    In regar$ to In regar$s to

    In site o" 4esite

    In$een$ent o" In$een$ent "romIn$icate that2 to

    In$i""erent towar$s

    inten$ to

    intent on

    Invest in Invest into2 "or

    >ea$s to

    >ess onxthan on y

    li1en , to ( li1en to !e

    metho$ o".. metho$ to

    6istoo1x"or y 6istoo1Gto

    more ...than ever

    native o"

    native to Native in

    Nee$ "or2 to

    no less ...than

    Not onl( G !#t also not onl(G an$ also

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    Not so m#chGas

    or$ere$ ( to $o H

    Originate in

    Potential to

    Prohi!its , "rom $oing (

    Promise o" < thing

    Promise torange "rom , to (

    rates "or rates o" when rates=>rices charge$

    e"er to

    regar$ as

    egar$less Irregar$less

    re#ire < thing2erson < in"initive re#ire o" , to (

    esonsi!le "or

    esonsi!ilit( to

    es#lt2es#lting in

    es#lts "rom

    Sacri"ice , "or (

    same to , as to (

    Save "or

    Save "rom

    See1 to2thing2erson

    seem < in"initive

    So in"re#entl( that

    so , as to (

    sea1 to2 with

    state ...that

    S#!scri!e to

    Ta1e a$vantage o"

    Targete$ at Targete$ to

    Thin1 o" , as ( Thin1 o" , to !e (

    Tr( to Tr( an$

    #se #sing , to !e (

    *se$ < in"initive

    With the intention o"(o# ha$ !etter $o it

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    T=-e 7Dam-les Notes

    No less im-ressive

    than the invention of the laser !as

    the evelo-ment of the !heel.

    an &

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    T=-e 7Dam-les Notes

    +o rarel= oes a comet a--ear

    visi0le to the na)e e=e that !hen one

    oes6 it is consiere

    a ma1or event.

    This is not so common on the TO7@(6 0,t

    is fairl= common on the &'AT an &

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    T=-e 7Dam-les Notes

    +cientists h=-othesie that there


    a certain t=-e of -article

    that can travel faster than the s-ee

    of light.

    s-o)en an !ritten 7nglish.

    'ost -eo-le remem0er there is an thereare. UT !e m,st also remem0er that

    there are other ver0s that !e can ,se

    instea of is an are. The most common

    ones are eDist6 come6 an go.

    . here is6 here

    are6 here comes6

    here come

    Fere is some goo foo for =o, to tr=.

    Fere are the 0oo)s that $ ont nee


    Fere comes the 0,s

    $nversion is o0ligator=.

    Us,all= ,se onl= !ith these ver0s.

    Mo, !ill -ro0a0l= not see this on the

    grammar section of the TO7@( or on the

    &'AT or &oe

    7le-hant (egs lo!.

    Not hel-ing the sit,ation

    !as little +,sie6 !ho !as thro!ing

    ne!s-a-er on the s-reaing


    $nversion is o0ligator=.

    Use onl= !ith 0e?ver0s.

    This form is not common on the TO7@(6

    0,t might sho! ,- on the &'AT or &

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    T=-e 7Dam-les Notes

    2. em-hasis

    o= am $ h,ngr=.

    $s it ever hot in here

    8o =o, )no! ho! to coo)

    $nversion is o-tional.

    Use !ith all ver0s.

    Mo, !ill -ro0a0l= not see this on the

    grammar section of the TO7@( or on the

    &'AT or &

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    T=-e 7Dam-les Notes

    5. Gstor= s-eechG

    $ thin) its time to go6 sai +,san.

    $ts time for =o,6 0,t not for me6re-lie &ar=.

    'a=0e !e sho,l collect o,r tho,ghts

    for a moment6 commente (an=.

    $nversion is o-tional.

    Use !ith ver0s that re-ort s-eech.

    Mo, !ill -ro0a0l= not see this on the

    grammar section of the TO7@( or on the

    &'AT or &osX s-ea) antonese.

    The oo reg,lations !ill not -ermit

    =o, to to,ch the animals6 nor !o,l

    most -eo-le avise =o, to o so.

    $nversion is o0ligator=.

    Use !ith all ver0s.

    Mo, might see this on the aa-tive TO7@(

    if =o, are scoring high an it co,l a--ear

    on the &'AT or &

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    T=-e 7Dam-les Notes

    &'AT or &