sc115 principles of nutrition unit 3 seminar october19 th term, 2011


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October19th term, 2011

Page 2: SC115 PRINCIPLES OF NUTRITION UNIT 3 SEMINAR October19 th term, 2011


Opening Poll

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Agenda Minutes

Opening 5

Student Questions 10

Review Unit 2 10

View Unit 3 15

Preview Unit 4 15

Wrap Up 5

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Seminar Preparation

Prior to attending the live seminar, or reviewing the seminar recording, complete the following tasks:

1.Check your grades and think about your performance in the previous unit:

• Where did you do well and where did you struggle? • What would help you do even better in the current unit?

2.Read the current unit Overview, Seminar, and Discussion pages.

3.Read the current unit recommended textbook pages.

4.Write down at least two questions you would like answers to in the seminar.

CHAT: Type one of your questions into the chat window.

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DiscussionReflect on your food log from Week 1 and compare it to the four components of a healthful diet

Lesson 1Determine if daily intake of water meets guidelines 1-2 hrs.

UNIT 2 Review: Nutrients and Water in Action in the Human Body

Lesson 2Identify and correct electrolyte imbalances 1-2 hrs.

Lesson 3Enter your food log from last week into the MyDietAnalysis program and create a MyFoodList report 3-5 hrs.

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1. Determine if daily intake of water meets guidelines


UNIT 2 Review: Lesson 1 Prepare

Follow these stepsExample - Joseph

1. Total number of ounces consumed per day

2. Divide ounces by 8 to convert to cups

3. Compare cups consumed to recommended intake


MEN: 15.5 cups13 cups from drinking2.5 cups from food

WOMEN: 11.5 cups9 cups from drinking2.5 cups from food

* Daily Recommended Intake (DRI) varies with body size and activity

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2. Identify and correct electrolyte imbalances


UNIT 2 Review: Lesson 2 Prepare

Ensure sodium is consumed in correct amounts to avoid the following:

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UNIT 2 Review: Lesson 2 Practice (Item 1)

Which, if any, electrolyte imbalance does Terry seem to be suffering from?



No imbalance

2. Identify and correct electrolyte imbalances

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3. Enter your food log into the MyDietAnalysis program and create a MyFoodList report


UNIT 2 Review: Lesson 3 Prepare

Follow the demonstration in the Prepare section.

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UNIT 3: Carbohydrates - Macronutrients I

Overview (including Survey)


DiscussionConsider how having diabetes could affect your life and how our eating habits affect risk for the disease.

Lesson 1Substitute healthier foods based on carbohydrate (simple vs. complex) 1-2 hrs.

Lesson 2Decide if daily intake meets recommended calorie percentage from carbohydrates 1-2 hrs.

Lesson 3Look up articles and summarize evidence that dietary fiber helps prevent disease 3-4 hrs.

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UNIT 3: Lesson 1 Prepare

1. Substitute healthier foods based on carbohydrate (simple vs. complex)

On useful method for analyzing carbohydrate content in a food is to compute the percent of carbohydrate from sugars.

Step 1: Find the amount of sugarsStep 2: Find the amount of total carbohydrateStep 3: Divide sugars by total carbohydrateStep 4: Multiply by 100

The percent of carbohydrate from sugars will be a number between 0 and 100. •A higher number indicates a higher amount of simple carbohydrates. •A lower number indicates a higher amount of complex carbohydrate.

Percent of Carbohydrate from Sugars

If Percent of Carbohydrate from Sugars is… Then we would say the food is…

70 or greater

30 or lower

High in simple carbohydrates

High in complex carbohydrates

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UNIT 3: Lesson 1 Practice (Item 1)



Classify each carbohydrate-source food as high in simple or complex carbohydrates. Compute the percentage of carbohydrate from sugars if needed.

You have volunteered to help with a Nutrition Fair at the local elementary school. Having been assigned to work in the Carbohydrates Booth, your job is to help people attending the fair identify foods high in simple and complex carbohydrates.

Is this food higher in simple or complex carbohydrates?

1. Substitute healthier foods based on carbohydrate (simple vs. complex)

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Sample exercise


2 g sugar / 29 g carbohydrate = 0.0689

0.0689 x 100 = 6.9% (7%)

Less than 30% - Complex carbohydrate

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UNIT 3: Lesson 2 Prepare

2. Decide if daily intake meets recommended calorie percentage from carbohydrates

These steps can be used to compute the percent of calories from carbohydrates for a single food item, for a meal, or a daily intake.

Find the total amount of carbohydrates

If needed, convert grams of carbohydrate to calories by multiplying the total carbohydrate grams by 4

Divide the number of calories from carbohydrate by the number of total calories and multiply by 100

Find the number of total calories

Computing Percent of Calories from Carbohydrate

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 1

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UNIT 3: Lesson 2 Practice (Set 2)

Your friend has been tracking the foods she eats and wants your opinion. She tells you that her recommended daily calories is 2200, and yesterday she consumed 120 grams of carbohydrates.

Decide if your friend’s intake from yesterday meets the guidelines for percent of calories from carbohydrate.

2. Decide if daily intake meets recommended calorie percentage from carbohydrates

120 grams x 4 kcal per gram = 480 kcal from carbohydrate

480 / 2200 = 0.218

0.218 x 100 = 22 %

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Is your friend’s diet from yesterday within the guidelines for percent of calories from carbohydrate?

Yes or No


What is the reason for your answer?

_____ Her percent of calories from carbohydrate is below 45%. _____ Her percent of calories from carbohydrate is between 45-65%

_____ Her percent of calories from carbohydrate is above 65%

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UNIT 3: Lesson 3 Prepare

3. Look up articles and summarize evidence that dietary fiber helps prevent disease

Follow instructions in Prepare for finding an article to review.Use the example article summary as a model for your Perform

summary.Review the scoring guide to see how points are assigned.

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UNIT 3: Lesson 3 Practice

3. Look up articles and summarize evidence that dietary fiber helps prevent disease

In the Practice, read the student’s article summary.Score it using the scoring guide.Compare your scoring of the summary to the expert’s scoring.

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UNIT 3: Lesson 3 Perform

3. Look up articles and summarize evidence that dietary fiber helps prevent disease

Follow instructions in the Perform Activity document:Read two articles. Select one article to summarize using the summary template.Submit your completed summary to the Dropbox.

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UNIT 3: Tips for Success

• Prepare for writing your article summary in Lesson 3:• Follow the instructions to access the KU Library to download articles.

• In the Prepare, study the expert summary of an article.

• In the Practice, study the expert scoring of a student summary.

• Use the scoring guide to make sure you include everything needed to get points in your article summary.

• Use the unit checklist to track your completion of tasks.

• Complete assignments on time to avoid losing valuable points.

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UNIT 4 Preview: Fats - Macronutrients II



DiscussionNo discussion in this unit.

Lesson 1Substitute healthier foods based on amount and type of fat content 1-2 hrs.

Lesson 2Decide if daily intake meets recommended calorie percentage from fats 1-2 hrs.

Lesson 3Analyze fat content and create a healthier diet plan within dietary guidelines for amount and type of fat 4-7 hrs.

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UNIT 4 Preview: Lesson 1 Prepare

1. Substitute healthier foods based on amount and type of fat content

Because saturated and trans fats are the most likely types of fats to increase one’s risk of heart disease, professionals recommend reducing intake of saturated fats and keeping trans fat out of one’s diet as much as possible.

Saturated and Trans Fats

Healthier Foods: Lower Saturated FatFoods High in Saturated Fat

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UNIT 4 Preview: Lesson 1 Practice (Set 1)

1. Substitute healthier foods based on amount and type of fat content

Rank order these snack chips by amount of saturated fat from least to most.

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UNIT 4 Preview: Lesson 1 Practice (Set 2)

1. Substitute healthier foods based on amount and type of fat content

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UNIT 4 Preview: Lesson 2 Prepare

2. Decide if daily intake meets recommended calorie percentage from fats

NOTE: To convert the number from Step 3 to a percentage, multiply it by 100.)

This procedure can be used to compute the percent of calories from fat for a single food item, a meal, or a daily intake.

Computing Percent of Calories from Fat

Find the number of calories from fat

Divide the number of calories from fat by the number of total calories


Find the number of total caloriesSTEP 2


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UNIT 4 Preview: Lesson 2 Practice (Set 1)

What percentage of calories are from fat?

2 grams of fat x 9 kcal per gram = 18 kcal from fat

18 / 157 total calories = 0.12

0.12 x 100 = 12% calories from fat

Maple & Brown Sugar Instant Oatmeal

2. Decide if daily intake meets recommended calorie percentage from fats

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UNIT 4 Preview: Lesson 2 Practice (Set 2)



Is your friend’s daily intake within the guidelines for percent of calories from fat?

2. Decide if daily intake meets recommended calorie percentage from fats

Her percent of calories from fat is between 20-35%

Her percent of calories from fat is below 20%

Her percent of calories from fat is above 35%

A friend has been tracking her calorie intake and wants your help. She tells you that her recommended daily intake is 2000 calories, and yesterday she consumed 620 calories from fat.

Decide if your friend’s intake is within the guidelines for percent of calories from fat.

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UNIT 4 Preview: Lesson 3 Prepare

3. Analyze fat content and create a healthier diet plan within dietary guidelines for fat

Watch the Prepare demonstration!

Steps for Changing Fat Consumption

1. Create the Actual vs Recommended Intakes report

2. Find the recommended calories from fat

3. Find the actual calories from fat

4. Determine if too many/too few calories came from fat

5. Find the actual calories from saturated fat

6. Determine if too many calories came from saturated fat

7. Find the actual grams from trans fat

1. Create the Calories from SatFat and Trans Fat reports

2. Examine the trans fats

3. Examine the saturated fats

4. Remove or replace the foods that are the most unhealthy in regards to trans fats and saturated fats

5. Create a new Actual vs Recommended Intakes report

6. Evaluate the trans fat, saturated fat and total fats to see if changes still need to be made

Steps for Comparing Fat Intake to Guidelines Steps for Choosing Healthier Foods

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UNIT 4 Preview: Lesson 3 Practice

3. Analyze fat content and create a healthier diet plan within dietary guidelines for fat

The 7 Practice items step you through what you will do in the Perform activity using the MyDietAnalysis software.

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UNIT 4 Preview: Lesson 3 Perform

3. Analyze fat content and create a healthier diet plan within dietary guidelines for fat


In this Perform section, you will show your ability to do three tasks:

1.Determine whether the foods you ate during a given day provide the right amount of fat.

2.Determine whether the foods you ate during that day contain more trans fat and saturated fats than are healthy.

3.Modify your daily diet to meet the guidelines for fat intake.

You will use the MyDietAnalysis software to complete these tasks.

You will submit your completed work to your instructor via the DropBox.

This activity is worth 55 points toward your grade.

This activity will take approximately 1 hour to complete.

Click here to view the instructions.

Click here to view the Scoring Guide for this Perform activity.

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UNIT 4 Preview: Tips for Success

• Complete the lesson activities in sequence to prepare for the Lesson 3 Perform activity.

• Read the Lesson 3 Perform instructions and scoring guide carefully to get all your points.

• Use your unit checklist to track your completion of tasks.

• Complete assignments on time to avoid losing valuable points.

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Agenda MinutesOpening 5

Student Questions 10

Review Unit 2 10

View Unit 3 15

Preview Unit 4 15

Wrap Up 5

Poll Question

How many of you still have questions?

Post your questions in“Course Questions” discussion board

Yes No

(Link in Course Home menu)

Wrap Up