scala in practice

Scala In Practice: A Case Study Tomer Gabel July 2013

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While the Java platform has gained notoriety in the last 15 years as a robust application platform with a thriving ecosystem and well-established practices, the Java language has had its share of criticism. Highly verbose, overly didactic, limited feature set; whichever flavor of criticism you prefer, it's patently obvious that Java is playing catch up to more modern languages with a less rigid evolution path.The language landscape today is vastly different than it had been five or ten years ago; a wide array of languages are available, designed to suit a variety of flavors: Groovy, Clojure, Scala, Gosu, Kotlin... which should you choose? This lecture focuses on one company's decision to focus on Scala, and presents a case study based on our experiences using Scala in practice, in the hope of providing much-needed real world context to assist your decision.This presentation was used for the Scala In Practice lecture at the Botzia Israeli Java User Group meeting, May 3rd 2012.


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Scala In Practice:A Case Study

Tomer GabelJuly 2013

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H’ors D’oeuvres

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Some context

circa 2011:

• Startup with limited budget• Cloud hosted, Linux based• Complex POC-grade codebase

– Lots of Java code– Serving paying customers

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Strategy 101

Evolve codebase

Refactor and


Supplant with new architectu


Complete rewrite

Amount of work involved

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Data points

• Complete system rewrite impractical– Too much code– Business continuity a priority– Cannot afford product stagnation

• Team comfortable with Java platform

• … but want a better language

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Why Scala?

• JVM-targeted, statically typed• Success stories (Twitter,

Foursquare, LinkedIn)• Active community• Good (not perfect) tool

ecosystem• Reasonable learning curve

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• Dynamic• LISP dialect

• Dynamic• Java-like

syntax• Script-oriented• Static• Java-like

syntax• In its infancy

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Scala in a nutshell

• Pervasive type inference

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Scala in a nutshell

• Type aliases, closures, first class functions and comprehensions Output:

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Scala in a nutshell

• Imperative with functional-style constructs

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Scala in a nutshell

• Traits: static mixins

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Scala in a nutshell

• Pattern matching FTW!

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Scala in a nutshell

• Other goodies– Option wrappers (no more NPEs!)– Powerful collection framework– Implicit conversions– Concurrent, immutable maps

(HAMT)– Built in actors

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Main course

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Caveat emptor

• Scala is bleeding edge• You will get cut

– Learning curve– Rough edges– Partial/outdated documentation

• It’s well worth it, if you’re prepared!

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Focal points

• Learning curve• Tooling• In production

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Learning curve

• Risks:– Functional constructs need getting

used to– Few best practices:

• Coding conventions• Patterns• “Dangerous” features

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Learning curve

• Mitigations:– Relatively familiar syntax– Seamless Java integration

• Evolve your codebase to include Scala• Reuse existing components and

libraries– Lots of wow moments!

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Lessons learned

“New techniques are easy to explain. Old techniques are hard to maintain.” - an old Vulcan proverb

• Encourage experimentation• Encourage rapid iteration• Document and share new


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Lessons learned

• Get a good grasp of the basics:– Functions and closures– Option wrappers– Pattern matching– Traits, traits and traits

• Each of these is immensely powerful

• Together, they make ponies!

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Lessons learned

• Avoid wacky syntax!– Some common Scala libraries have

atrocious syntax (scalaz)– Does this make sense to you?

val p2c = ((_: Int) * (_: Int)).curriedsome(5) <*> (some(3) <*> p2c.pure[Option]) should equal(Some(15))

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Lessons learned

• Promote functional constructs:– Intent over implementation–Massive code savings– Immutability, correct code by

design• Mentor junior developers!

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Lessons learned

• Don’t go overboard– Use implicits sparingly– Avoid tuple overload

• x._1._2 * x._2 orElse x._3 == yuck• Use case classes and/or partial

functions instead– Path-dependent types are scary!

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Focal points

• Learning curve• Tooling• In production

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IDE Support

• Eclipse support via TypeSafe’s own ScalaIDE

• IntelliJ IDEA support via plugin

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IDE support

• Loads better than a year or two ago– Mostly just works– ... but not up to Java standards yet

• Don’t skimp on dev hardware!• Take your time

– Assign a “go-to guy” (or gal)– Participate! (file bugs, track


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IDE support

• Wonky debugging– Java debuggers work…– … with some caveats

• Step into synthetic stack frames• Do not step over closures

– TypeSafe are focusing on debugging

– JetBrains will likely follow

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IDE support

• Expect the unexpected–Error analysis/highlighting

• May highlight correct code• May miss errors (worse!)

–Generally works correctly–The situation is improving daily

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Build tools

• Native Scala build tool is sbt– Ivy2 (-> Maven repositories)– Scala syntax– Very powerful, steep learning curve

• Stay away from ant• Maven works well• … so do Buildr and Gradle

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Compiler nasties

• Different compiler, different edge-cases– Scary compiler errors with 2.10.x– Much less of an issue since 2.10.2

• Slow compilation– sbt helps. A lot– IDEA “external compiler” helps too

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Library ecosystem

• Surprisingly mature landscape!

Testing: Specs2 ScalaTest

ORM: Slick Squeryl

Web: Play! Lift Scalara


Akka Finagle

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Library ecosystem

• Use your favorite Java libraries natively!– Yes, this includes Spring, Guice and

Hibernate• Usually with no interop pain

– Options can help a lot– Callbacks may need a little work

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Focal points

• Learning curve• Tooling• In production

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GC considerations

• Lots of generated classes– Higher PermGen utilization– Increase -XX:MaxPermSize

• Lots of intermediate objects– High eden space churn (normally

OK)– Tune with –XX:NewRatio

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Other considerations

• Scala compiler emits lots of synthetic code–Deep call graph– Intermediate stack frames

• Default stack often too small– -Xss=2m should do

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Error analysis

• Scala stack traces look different– Lots of intermediate frames– … and delegations– … and unusual symbols

• You get used to it very quickly• Takipi’s Stackifier can help

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Codebase Evolution




CCodebase evolution

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• I would recommend Scala for:– Startups willing to take the plunge– Small teams of senior developers– Large enterprises with tech

advisory/leadership teams• But not (yet) for:

– Contractors– Traditional enterprises

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Questions?… answers may be forthcoming

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• newBrandAnalytics for allowing the use of the company name and R&D evidence

• Typesafe and the amazing Scala community for making Scala what it is

• … and for the PowerPoint template

• Get in touch!– [email protected]–