scalding - the not-so-basics @ scaladays 2014

Scalding the not-so-basics Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski Scala Days 2014 @ Berlin

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Some more in depth tips about writing and optimising Scalding Map Reduce Jobs


Page 1: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Scaldingthe not-so-basics

Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski Scala Days 2014 @ Berlin

Page 2: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Konrad `@ktosopl` Malawski / / @ London

hAkker @

Page 3: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

How old is this guy?

Page 4: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Google MapReduce, paper: 2004 Hadoop (Yahoo impl): 2005

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the Big Landscape

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Scalding is “on top of” Hadoop

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Scalding is “on top of” Cascading, which is “on top of” Hadoop

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Summingbird is “op top of” Scalding, which is “on top of” Cascading, which is “on top of” Hadoop

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Summingbird is “op top of” Scalding or Storm, which is “on top of” Cascading, which is “on top of” Hadoop

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Summingbird is “op top of” Scalding or Storm, which is “on top of” Cascading, which is “on top of” Hadoop;

Spark is a bit “separate” currently.

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Summingbird is “op top of” Scalding or Storm, which is “on top of” Cascading, which is “on top of” Hadoop;

Spark is a bit “separate” currently.

HDFS yes,

MapReduce no

Page 13: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Summingbird is “op top of” Scalding or Storm, which is “on top of” Cascading, which is “on top of” Hadoop;

Spark is a bit “separate” currently.

Page 14: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Summingbird is “op top of” Scalding or Storm, which is “on top of” Cascading, which is “on top of” Hadoop;

Spark is a bit “separate” currently.

HDFS yes,

MapReduce no

Page 15: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Summingbird is “op top of” Scalding or Storm, which is “on top of” Cascading, which is “on top of” Hadoop;

Spark is a bit “separate” currently.

HDFS yes,

MapReduce no

Possibly soon?!

Page 16: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Summingbird is “op top of” Scalding or Storm, which is “on top of” Cascading, which is “on top of” Hadoop;

Spark has nothing to do with all this.


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Summingbird is “op top of” Scalding or Storm, which is “on top of” Cascading, which is “on top of” Hadoop

this talk

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Stuff > Memory

Scala collections... fun but, memory bound!

val text = "so many words... waaah! ..."!!! text! .split(" ")! .map(a => (a, 1))! .groupBy(_._1)! .map(a => (a._1,!

Page 20: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Stuff > Memory

Scala collections... fun but, memory bound!

val text = "so many words... waaah! ..."!!! text! .split(" ")! .map(a => (a, 1))! .groupBy(_._1)! .map(a => (a._1,!

in Memory

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Stuff > Memory

Scala collections... fun but, memory bound!

val text = "so many words... waaah! ..."!!! text! .split(" ")! .map(a => (a, 1))! .groupBy(_._1)! .map(a => (a._1,!

in Memory

in Memory

Page 22: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Stuff > Memory

Scala collections... fun but, memory bound!

val text = "so many words... waaah! ..."!!! text! .split(" ")! .map(a => (a, 1))! .groupBy(_._1)! .map(a => (a._1,!

in Memory

in Memory

in Memory

Page 23: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Stuff > Memory

Scala collections... fun but, memory bound!

val text = "so many words... waaah! ..."!!! text! .split(" ")! .map(a => (a, 1))! .groupBy(_._1)! .map(a => (a._1,!

in Memory

in Memory

in Memory

in Memory

Page 24: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Stuff > Memory

Scala collections... fun but, memory bound!

val text = "so many words... waaah! ..."!!! text! .split(" ")! .map(a => (a, 1))! .groupBy(_._1)! .map(a => (a._1,!

in Memory

in Memory

in Memory

in Memory

in Memory

Page 25: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

package org.myorg;!!import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;!import;!import;!import;!import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.*;!!import;!import java.util.Iterator;!import java.util.StringTokenizer;!!public class WordCount {!! public static class Map extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, IntWritable> {! private final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1);! private Text word = new Text();!! public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException {! String line = value.toString();! StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line);! while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {! word.set(tokenizer.nextToken());! output.collect(word, one);! }!

Why Scalding?Word Count in Hadoop MR

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private final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1);! private Text word = new Text();!! public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException {! String line = value.toString();! StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line);! while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {! word.set(tokenizer.nextToken());! output.collect(word, one);! }! }! }!! public static class Reduce extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer<Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable> {! public void reduce(Text key, Iterator<IntWritable> values, OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException {! int sum = 0;! while (values.hasNext()) {! sum +=;! }! output.collect(key, new IntWritable(sum));! }! }!! public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {! JobConf conf = new JobConf(WordCount.class);! conf.setJobName("wordcount");!! conf.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class);! conf.setOutputValueClass(IntWritable.class);!! conf.setMapperClass(Map.class);! conf.setCombinerClass(Reduce.class);! conf.setReducerClass(Reduce.class);!! conf.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class);! conf.setOutputFormat(TextOutputFormat.class);!! FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(conf, new Path(args[0]));! FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, new Path(args[1]));!! JobClient.runJob(conf);! }!}!

Why Scalding?Word Count in Hadoop MR

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“Field API”

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val data = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil

val doubled = data map { _ * 2 }


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val data = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil

val doubled = data map { _ * 2 }


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val data = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil

val doubled = data map { _ * 2 }


IterableSource(data) .map('number -> 'doubled) { n: Int => n * 2 }


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val data = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil

val doubled = data map { _ * 2 }


IterableSource(data) .map('number -> 'doubled) { n: Int => n * 2 }


available in Pipe

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val data = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil

val doubled = data map { _ * 2 }


IterableSource(data) .map('number -> 'doubled) { n: Int => n * 2 }


available in Pipestays in Pipe

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val data = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil!!val doubled = data map { _ * 2 }!! // Int => Int


IterableSource(data)! .map('number -> 'doubled) { n: Int => n * 2 }!!! // Int => Int


must choose type!

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var data = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil

val doubled = data map { _ * 2 }data = null


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var data = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil

val doubled = data map { _ * 2 }data = null


“release reference”

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var data = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil

val doubled = data map { _ * 2 }data = null


“release reference”

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var data = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil

val doubled = data map { _ * 2 }data = null


IterableSource(data) .mapTo('doubled) { n: Int => n * 2 }


“release reference”

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var data = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil

val doubled = data map { _ * 2 }data = null


IterableSource(data) .mapTo('doubled) { n: Int => n * 2 }


doubled stays in Pipe

“release reference”

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var data = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil

val doubled = data map { _ * 2 }data = null


IterableSource(data) .mapTo('doubled) { n: Int => n * 2 }


doubled stays in Pipenumber is removed

“release reference”

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val data = "1" :: "2,2" :: "3,3,3" :: Nil // List[String]

val numbers = data flatMap { line => // String line.split(",") // Array[String]} map { _.toInt } // List[Int]


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val data = "1" :: "2,2" :: "3,3,3" :: Nil // List[String]

val numbers = data flatMap { line => // String line.split(",") // Array[String]} map { _.toInt } // List[Int]


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val data = "1" :: "2,2" :: "3,3,3" :: Nil // List[String]

val numbers = data flatMap { line => // String line.split(",") // Array[String]} map { _.toInt } // List[Int]


TextLine(data) // like List[String] .flatMap('line -> 'word) { _.split(",") } // like List[String] .map('word -> 'number) { _.toInt } // like List[Int]


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val data = "1" :: "2,2" :: "3,3,3" :: Nil // List[String]

val numbers = data flatMap { line => // String line.split(",").map(_.toInt) // Array[Int]}


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val data = "1" :: "2,2" :: "3,3,3" :: Nil // List[String]

val numbers = data flatMap { line => // String line.split(",").map(_.toInt) // Array[Int]}


TextLine(data) // like List[String] .flatMap('line -> 'word) { _.split(",").map(_.toInt) } // like List[Int]


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val data = 1 :: 2 :: 30 :: 42 :: Nil // List[Int]

val groups = data groupBy { _ < 10 }

groups // Map[Boolean, Int]


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val data = 1 :: 2 :: 30 :: 42 :: Nil // List[Int]

val groups = data groupBy { _ < 10 }

groups // Map[Boolean, Int]


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val data = 1 :: 2 :: 30 :: 42 :: Nil // List[Int]

val groups = data groupBy { _ < 10 }

groups // Map[Boolean, Int]


IterableSource(List(1, 2, 30, 42), 'num) .map('num -> 'lessThanTen) { i: Int => i < 10 } .groupBy('lessThanTen) { _.size }


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val data = 1 :: 2 :: 30 :: 42 :: Nil // List[Int]

val groups = data groupBy { _ < 10 }

groups // Map[Boolean, Int]


IterableSource(List(1, 2, 30, 42), 'num) .map('num -> 'lessThanTen) { i: Int => i < 10 } .groupBy('lessThanTen) { _.size }


groups all with == value

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val data = 1 :: 2 :: 30 :: 42 :: Nil // List[Int]

val groups = data groupBy { _ < 10 }

groups // Map[Boolean, Int]


IterableSource(List(1, 2, 30, 42), 'num) .map('num -> 'lessThanTen) { i: Int => i < 10 } .groupBy('lessThanTen) { _.size }


groups all with == value 'lessThanTenCounts

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IterableSource(List(1, 2, 30, 42), 'num)

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IterableSource(List(1, 2, 30, 42), 'num) .map('num -> 'lessThanTen) { i: Int => i < 10 }

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IterableSource(List(1, 2, 30, 42), 'num) .map('num -> 'lessThanTen) { i: Int => i < 10 } .groupBy('lessThanTen) { _.sum('total) }

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IterableSource(List(1, 2, 30, 42), 'num) .map('num -> 'lessThanTen) { i: Int => i < 10 } .groupBy('lessThanTen) { _.sum('total) }

'total = [3, 74]

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import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner!import com.twitter.scalding!!object ScaldingJobRunner extends App {!! Configuration, new scalding.Tool, args)!!}

Main Class - "Runner"

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import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner!import com.twitter.scalding!!object ScaldingJobRunner extends App {!! Configuration, new scalding.Tool, args)!!}

Main Class - "Runner"

from App

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class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {!!!!!!!!!!!}

Word Count in Scalding

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class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {!! val inputFile = args("input")! val outputFile = args("output")!!!!!!!!}

Word Count in Scalding

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class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {!! val inputFile = args("input")! val outputFile = args("output")!! TextLine(inputFile)!!!!!!}

Word Count in Scalding

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class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {!! val inputFile = args("input")! val outputFile = args("output")!! TextLine(inputFile)! .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line: String => tokenize(line) }!!!! def tokenize(text: String): Array[String] = implemented!}

Word Count in Scalding

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class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {!! val inputFile = args("input")! val outputFile = args("output")!! TextLine(inputFile)! .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line: String => tokenize(line) }! .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) }!!! def tokenize(text: String): Array[String] = implemented!}

Word Count in Scalding

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class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {!! val inputFile = args("input")! val outputFile = args("output")!! TextLine(inputFile)! .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line: String => tokenize(line) }! .groupBy('word) { group => group.size }!!! def tokenize(text: String): Array[String] = implemented!}

Word Count in Scalding

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class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {!! val inputFile = args("input")! val outputFile = args("output")!! TextLine(inputFile)! .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line: String => tokenize(line) }! .groupBy('word) { _.size }!!! def tokenize(text: String): Array[String] = implemented!}

Word Count in Scalding

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class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {!! val inputFile = args("input")! val outputFile = args("output")!! TextLine(inputFile)! .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line: String => tokenize(line) }! .groupBy('word) { _.size }! .write(Tsv(outputFile))!! def tokenize(text: String): Array[String] = implemented!}

Word Count in Scalding

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class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {!! val inputFile = args("input")! val outputFile = args("output")!! TextLine(inputFile)! .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line: String => tokenize(line) }! .groupBy('word) { _.size }! .write(Tsv(outputFile))!! def tokenize(text: String): Array[String] = implemented!}

Word Count in Scalding


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1 day in the life of a guy implementing Scalding jobs

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“How much are my shops selling?”

Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .write(Tsv(output))

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“How much are my shops selling?”

Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .write(Tsv(output))

1!107!2!144!3!16!… …

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“How much are my shops selling?”

Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

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“How much are my shops selling?”

Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

shopId! totalSoldItems! 1!! ! ! 107! 2!! ! ! 144! 3!! ! ! 16! …!! ! ! …

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“Which are the top selling shops?”

Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .groupAll { _.sortBy('totalSoldItems).reverse }! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

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“Which are the top selling shops?”

Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .groupAll { _.sortBy('totalSoldItems).reverse }! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

shopId! totalSoldItems! 2!! ! ! 144 ! 1!! ! ! 107! 3!! ! ! 16! …!! ! ! …

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“What’s the top 3 shops?”

Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .groupAll { _.sortBy(‘totalSoldItems).reverse.take(3) }! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

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“What’s the top 3 shops?”

Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .groupAll { _.sortBy(‘totalSoldItems).reverse.take(3) }! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

shopId! totalSoldItems! 2!! ! ! 144 ! 1!! ! ! 107! 3!! ! ! 16

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“What’s the top 3 shops?”

Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .groupAll { _.sortBy(‘totalSoldItems).reverse.take(3) }! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

shopId! totalSoldItems! 2!! ! ! 144 ! 1!! ! ! 107! 3!! ! ! 16

SLOW! Instead do sortWithTake!SLOW! Instead do sortWithTake!

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“What’s the top 3 shops?”Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .groupAll { ! _.sortedReverseTake[Long]('totalSold -> 'x, 3) ! }! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

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“What’s the top 3 shops?”Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .groupAll { ! _.sortedReverseTake[Long]('totalSold -> 'x, 3) ! }! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

x!List((5,146), (2,142), (3,32))!

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“What’s the top 3 shops?”Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .groupAll { ! _.sortedReverseTake[Long]('totalSold -> 'x, 3) ! }! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

x!List((5,146), (2,142), (3,32))!


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“What’s the top 3 shops?”Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .groupAll { ! _.sortedReverseTake[Long]('totalSold -> 'x, 3) ! }! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

x!List((5,146), (2,142), (3,32))!


Emits scala.collection.List[_]

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“What’s the top 3 shops?”Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .groupAll { ! _.sortWithTake(('shopId, 'totalSold) -> 'x, 3) { ! (l: (Long, Long), r: (Long, Long)) => ! l._2 < l._2 ! }! }! .flatMapTo('x -> ('shopId, 'totalSold)) { ! x: List[(Long, Long)] => x! }! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

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“What’s the top 3 shops?”Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .groupAll { ! _.sortWithTake(('shopId, 'totalSold) -> 'x, 3) { ! (l: (Long, Long), r: (Long, Long)) => ! l._2 < l._2 ! }! }! .flatMapTo('x -> ('shopId, 'totalSold)) { ! x: List[(Long, Long)] => x! }! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

Provide Ordering explicitly because implicit Ordering is not enough for Tuple2 here

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Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .groupAll { ! _.sortWithTake(('shopId, 'totalSold) -> 'x, 3) { ! (l: (Long, Long), r: (Long, Long)) => ! l._2 < l._2 ! }! }! .flatMapTo('x -> ('shopId, 'totalSold)) { ! x: List[(Long, Long)] => x! }! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

“What’s the top 3 shops?”

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Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .groupAll { ! _.sortWithTake(('shopId, 'totalSold) -> 'x, 3) { ! (l: (Long, Long), r: (Long, Long)) => ! l._2 < l._2 ! }! }! .flatMapTo('x -> ('shopId, 'totalSold)) { ! x: List[(Long, Long)] => x! }! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

“What’s the top 3 shops?”

shopId! totalSoldItems! 2!! ! ! 144 ! 1!! ! ! 107! 3!! ! ! 16

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Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .groupAll { ! _.sortWithTake(('shopId, 'totalSold) -> 'x, 3) { ! (l: (Long, Long), r: (Long, Long)) => ! l._2 < l._2 ! }! }! .flatMapTo('x -> ('shopId, 'totalSold)) { ! x: List[(Long, Long)] => x! }! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

“What’s the top 3 shops?”

Page 98: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Tsv(input, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.sum[Long]('quantity -> ‘totalSoldItems)! }! .groupAll { ! _.sortWithTake(('shopId, 'totalSold) -> 'x, 3) { ! (l: (Long, Long), r: (Long, Long)) => ! l._2 < l._2 ! }! }! .flatMapTo('x -> ('shopId, 'totalSold)) { ! x: List[(Long, Long)] => x! }! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

“What’s the top 3 shops?”

MUCH faster Job =

Happier me.

Page 99: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Reduce, these Monoids

Page 100: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Reduce, these Monoids

Page 101: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

trait Monoid[T] {! def zero: T! def +(a: T, b: T): T!}

Reduce, these Monoids

Page 102: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Reduce, these Monoids

trait Monoid[T] {! def zero: T! def +(a: T, b: T): T!}


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Reduce, these Monoids

+ 3 laws:

trait Monoid[T] {! def zero: T! def +(a: T, b: T): T!}


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Reduce, these Monoids

+ 3 laws:


trait Monoid[T] {! def zero: T! def +(a: T, b: T): T!}


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Reduce, these Monoids

+ 3 laws:(T, T) => TClosure:

trait Monoid[T] {! def zero: T! def +(a: T, b: T): T!}



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Reduce, these Monoids

+ 3 laws:(T, T) => TClosure:


trait Monoid[T] {! def zero: T! def +(a: T, b: T): T!}



Page 107: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Reduce, these Monoids

+ 3 laws:(T, T) => TClosure:


trait Monoid[T] {! def zero: T! def +(a: T, b: T): T!}


∀a,b,c∈T:(a·b)·c=a·(b·c)(a + b) + c! ==!a + (b + c)


Page 108: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Reduce, these Monoids

+ 3 laws:(T, T) => TClosure:


Identity element:

trait Monoid[T] {! def zero: T! def +(a: T, b: T): T!}


∀a,b,c∈T:(a·b)·c=a·(b·c)(a + b) + c! ==!a + (b + c)


Page 109: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Reduce, these Monoids

+ 3 laws:(T, T) => TClosure:


Identity element:

trait Monoid[T] {! def zero: T! def +(a: T, b: T): T!}


∀a,b,c∈T:(a·b)·c=a·(b·c)(a + b) + c! ==!a + (b + c)


∃z∈T:∀a∈T:z·a=a·z=a z + a == a + z == a

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Reduce, these Monoids

object IntSum extends Monoid[Int] {! def zero = 0! def +(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b!}


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Monoid ops can start “Map-side”

bear, 2

car, 3

deer, 2

Monoid ops can already start being computed map-side!

Monoid ops can already start being computed map-side!

river, 2

Page 112: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Monoid ops can start “Map-side”

average() sum()

sortWithTake() histogram()


bear, 2

car, 3

deer, 2

river, 2

Page 113: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Obligatory: “Go check out Algebird, NOW!” slide


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val NUM_HASHES = 6! val WIDTH = 32! val SEED = 1! val bfMonoid = new BloomFilterMonoid(NUM_HASHES, WIDTH, SEED)! ! val bf1 = bfMonoid.create("1", "2", "3", "4", "100")! val bf2 = bfMonoid.create("12", "45")! val bf = bf1 ++ bf2!// bf: com.twitter.algebird.BF =! ! val approxBool = bf.contains("1")!// approxBool: com.twitter.algebird.ApproximateBoolean = ApproximateBoolean(true,0.9290349745708529)!! val res = approxBool.isTrue! // res: Boolean = true

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val NUM_HASHES = 6! val WIDTH = 32! val SEED = 1! val bfMonoid = new BloomFilterMonoid(NUM_HASHES, WIDTH, SEED)! ! val bf1 = bfMonoid.create("1", "2", "3", "4", "100")! val bf2 = bfMonoid.create("12", "45")! val bf = bf1 ++ bf2!// bf: com.twitter.algebird.BF =! ! val approxBool = bf.contains("1")!// approxBool: com.twitter.algebird.ApproximateBoolean = ApproximateBoolean(true,0.9290349745708529)!! val res = approxBool.isTrue! // res: Boolean = true

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val NUM_HASHES = 6! val WIDTH = 32! val SEED = 1! val bfMonoid = new BloomFilterMonoid(NUM_HASHES, WIDTH, SEED)! ! val bf1 = bfMonoid.create("1", "2", "3", "4", "100")! val bf2 = bfMonoid.create("12", "45")! val bf = bf1 ++ bf2!// bf: com.twitter.algebird.BF =! ! val approxBool = bf.contains("1")!// approxBool: com.twitter.algebird.ApproximateBoolean = ApproximateBoolean(true,0.9290349745708529)!! val res = approxBool.isTrue! // res: Boolean = true

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Csv(input, separator, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.foldLeft('itemName -> 'itemBloom)( { ! (bf: BF, itemId: String) => bf + itemId ! }! }! .map(‘itemBloom -> 'hasSoldBeer) { b: BF => b.contains(“beer").isTrue }! .map('itemBloom -> 'hasSoldWurst) { b: BF => b.contains("wurst").isTrue }! .discard('itemBloom)! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

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Csv(input, separator, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.foldLeft('itemName -> 'itemBloom)( { ! (bf: BF, itemId: String) => bf + itemId ! }! }! .map(‘itemBloom -> 'hasSoldBeer) { b: BF => b.contains(“beer").isTrue }! .map('itemBloom -> 'hasSoldWurst) { b: BF => b.contains("wurst").isTrue }! .discard('itemBloom)! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

shopId! hasSoldBeer!hasSoldWurst! 1!! ! ! false!! ! ! true! 2!! ! ! false!! ! ! true! 3!! ! ! false!! ! ! true! 4!! ! ! true! ! ! ! false! 5!! ! ! true! ! ! ! false!

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Csv(input, separator, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.foldLeft('itemName -> 'itemBloom)( { ! (bf: BF, itemId: String) => bf + itemId ! }! }! .map(‘itemBloom -> 'hasSoldBeer) { b: BF => b.contains(“beer").isTrue }! .map('itemBloom -> 'hasSoldWurst) { b: BF => b.contains("wurst").isTrue }! .discard('itemBloom)! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

shopId! hasSoldBeer!hasSoldWurst! 1!! ! ! false!! ! ! true! 2!! ! ! false!! ! ! true! 3!! ! ! false!! ! ! true! 4!! ! ! true! ! ! ! false! 5!! ! ! true! ! ! ! false!

Why not Set[String]? It would OutOfMemory.

Page 120: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014


Csv(input, separator, ('shopId, 'itemId, 'itemName, 'quantity))! .groupBy('shopId) {! _.foldLeft('itemName -> 'itemBloom)( { ! (bf: BF, itemId: String) => bf + itemId ! }! }! .map(‘itemBloom -> 'hasSoldBeer) { b: BF => b.contains(“beer").isTrue }! .map('itemBloom -> 'hasSoldWurst) { b: BF => b.contains("wurst").isTrue }! .discard('itemBloom)! .write(Tsv(output, writeHeader = true))

shopId! hasSoldBeer!hasSoldWurst! 1!! ! ! false!! ! ! true! 2!! ! ! false!! ! ! true! 3!! ! ! false!! ! ! true! 4!! ! ! true! ! ! ! false! 5!! ! ! true! ! ! ! false!


Why not Set[String]? It would OutOfMemory.

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that.joinWithLarger('id1 -> 'id2, other)!that.joinWithSmaller('id1 -> 'id2, other)! !!that.joinWithTiny('id1 -> 'id2, other)

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that.joinWithLarger('id1 -> 'id2, other)!that.joinWithSmaller('id1 -> 'id2, other)! !!that.joinWithTiny('id1 -> 'id2, other)

joinWithTiny is appropriate when you know that # of rows in bigger pipe > mappers * # rows in smaller pipe, where

mappers is the number of mappers in the job.

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that.joinWithLarger('id1 -> 'id2, other)!that.joinWithSmaller('id1 -> 'id2, other)! !!that.joinWithTiny('id1 -> 'id2, other)

joinWithTiny is appropriate when you know that # of rows in bigger pipe > mappers * # rows in smaller pipe, where

mappers is the number of mappers in the job.

The “usual”

Page 125: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Joinsval people = IterableSource(!(1, “hans”) ::!(2, “bob”) ::!(3, “hermut”) ::!(4, “heinz”) ::!(5, “klemens”) :: … :: Nil,!('id, 'name))

val cars = IterableSource(!(99, 1, “bmw") :: !(123, 2, "mercedes”) ::!(240, 11, “other”) :: Nil,!('carId, 'ownerId, 'carName))!

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import com.twitter.scalding.FunctionImplicits._!!people.joinWithLarger('id -> 'ownerId, cars)! .map(('name, 'carName) -> 'sentence) { ! (name: String, car: String) =>! s"Hello $name, your $car is really nice"! }! .project('sentence)! .write(output)

val people = IterableSource(!(1, “hans”) ::!(2, “bob”) ::!(3, “hermut”) ::!(4, “heinz”) ::!(5, “klemens”) :: … :: Nil,!('id, 'name))

val cars = IterableSource(!(99, 1, “bmw") :: !(123, 2, "mercedes”) ::!(240, 11, “other”) :: Nil,!('carId, 'ownerId, 'carName))!

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import com.twitter.scalding.FunctionImplicits._!!people.joinWithLarger('id -> 'ownerId, cars)! .map(('name, 'carName) -> 'sentence) { ! (name: String, car: String) =>! s"Hello $name, your $car is really nice"! }! .project('sentence)! .write(output)

Hello hans, your bmw is really nice!Hello bob, your bob's car is really nice!

val people = IterableSource(!(1, “hans”) ::!(2, “bob”) ::!(3, “hermut”) ::!(4, “heinz”) ::!(5, “klemens”) :: … :: Nil,!('id, 'name))

val cars = IterableSource(!(99, 1, “bmw") :: !(123, 2, "mercedes”) ::!(240, 11, “other”) :: Nil,!('carId, 'ownerId, 'carName))!

Page 128: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

“map-side” join

that.joinWithTiny('id1 -> 'id2, tinyPipe)

Choose this when: !

or: when the Left side is 3 orders of magnitude larger.

Left > max(mappers,reducers) * Right!

Page 129: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Skew Joinsval sampleRate = 0.001!val reducers = 10!val replicationFactor = 1!val replicator = SkewReplicationA(replicationFactor)! !!val genders: RichPipe = …!val followers: RichPipe = …!!followers! .skewJoinWithSmaller('y1 -> 'y2, in1, sampleRate, reducers, replicator)! .project('x1, 'y1, 's1, 'x2, 'y2, 's2)! .write(Tsv("output"))

Page 130: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Skew Joinsval sampleRate = 0.001!val reducers = 10!val replicationFactor = 1!val replicator = SkewReplicationA(replicationFactor)! !!val genders: RichPipe = …!val followers: RichPipe = …!!followers! .skewJoinWithSmaller('y1 -> 'y2, in1, sampleRate, reducers, replicator)! .project('x1, 'y1, 's1, 'x2, 'y2, 's2)! .write(Tsv("output"))

1. Sample from the left and right pipes with some small probability, in order to determine approximately how often each join key appears in each pipe.

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Skew Joinsval sampleRate = 0.001!val reducers = 10!val replicationFactor = 1!val replicator = SkewReplicationA(replicationFactor)! !!val genders: RichPipe = …!val followers: RichPipe = …!!followers! .skewJoinWithSmaller('y1 -> 'y2, in1, sampleRate, reducers, replicator)! .project('x1, 'y1, 's1, 'x2, 'y2, 's2)! .write(Tsv("output"))

1. Sample from the left and right pipes with some small probability, in order to determine approximately how often each join key appears in each pipe.

2. Use these estimated counts to replicate the join keys, according to the given replication strategy.

Page 132: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Skew Joinsval sampleRate = 0.001!val reducers = 10!val replicationFactor = 1!val replicator = SkewReplicationA(replicationFactor)! !!val genders: RichPipe = …!val followers: RichPipe = …!!followers! .skewJoinWithSmaller('y1 -> 'y2, in1, sampleRate, reducers, replicator)! .project('x1, 'y1, 's1, 'x2, 'y2, 's2)! .write(Tsv("output"))

1. Sample from the left and right pipes with some small probability, in order to determine approximately how often each join key appears in each pipe.

2. Use these estimated counts to replicate the join keys, according to the given replication strategy.

3. Join the replicated pipes together.

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Where did my type-safety go?!

Page 134: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Where did my type-safety go?!Tsv(in, ('userId1, 'userId2, 'rel))! .filter('userId1) { uid1: Long => uid1 == 1337 }! .write(Tsv(out))!

Page 135: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Where did my type-safety go?!Tsv(in, ('userId1, 'userId2, 'rel))! .filter('userId1) { uid1: Long => uid1 == 1337 }! .write(Tsv(out))!

Caused by: cascading.flow.FlowException: local step failed at cascading.flow.planner.FlowStepJob.blockOnJob( at cascading.flow.planner.FlowStepJob.start( at at at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at Caused by: cascading.pipe.OperatorException: [com.twitter.scalding.C...][com.twitter.scalding.RichPipe.filter(RichPipe.scala:325)] operator Each failed executing operation at at at at at at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at

Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "bob" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString( at java.lang.Long.parseLong( at java.lang.Long.parseLong( at cascading.tuple.coerce.LongCoerce.coerce( at cascading.tuple.coerce.LongCoerce.coerce(

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Where did my type-safety go?!Tsv(in, ('userId1, 'userId2, 'rel))! .filter('userId1) { uid1: Long => uid1 == 1337 }! .write(Tsv(out))!

Caused by: cascading.flow.FlowException: local step failed at cascading.flow.planner.FlowStepJob.blockOnJob( at cascading.flow.planner.FlowStepJob.start( at at at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at Caused by: cascading.pipe.OperatorException: [com.twitter.scalding.C...][com.twitter.scalding.RichPipe.filter(RichPipe.scala:325)] operator Each failed executing operation at at at at at at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at

Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "bob" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString( at java.lang.Long.parseLong( at java.lang.Long.parseLong( at cascading.tuple.coerce.LongCoerce.coerce( at cascading.tuple.coerce.LongCoerce.coerce(

“oh, right… We changed that file to be user names, not ids…”

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Trap it!Tsv(in, ('userId1, 'userId2, 'rel))! .addTrap(Tsv(“errors")) // add a trap! .filter('userId1) { uid1: Long => uid1 == 1337 }! .write(Tsv(out))

Page 138: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Trap it!Tsv(in, ('userId1, 'userId2, 'rel))! .addTrap(Tsv(“errors")) // add a trap! .filter('userId1) { uid1: Long => uid1 == 1337 }! .write(Tsv(out))

solves “dirty data”, no help for maintenance

Page 139: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Typed API

Page 140: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

TypedAPI’sTsv(in, ('userId1, 'userId2, 'rel))! .filter('userId1) { rel: Long => rel == 1337 }! .write(Tsv(out))!

Page 141: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

TypedAPI’sTsv(in, ('userId1, 'userId2, 'rel))! .filter('userId1) { rel: Long => rel == 1337 }! .write(Tsv(out))!

import TDsl._!! TypedCsv[(String, String, Int)](in, ('user1, 'user2, 'rel))! .filter { _._1 === "bob" }! .write(TypedTsv(out))!

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TypedAPI’sTsv(in, ('userId1, 'userId2, 'rel))! .filter('userId1) { rel: Long => rel == 1337 }! .write(Tsv(out))!

import TDsl._!! TypedCsv[(String, String, Int)](in, ('user1, 'user2, 'rel))! .filter { _._1 === "bob" }! .write(TypedTsv(out))!

Must give Type to each Field

Page 143: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

TypedAPI’sTsv(in, ('userId1, 'userId2, 'rel))! .filter('userId1) { rel: Long => rel == 1337 }! .write(Tsv(out))!

TypedCsv[(String, String)](in, ('user1, 'user2, 'rel))! .filter { _._1 === "bob" }! .write(TypedTsv(out))!

import TDsl._!! TypedCsv[(String, String, Int)](in, ('user1, 'user2, 'rel))! .filter { _._1 == "bob" }! .write(TypedTsv(out))!

Page 144: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

TypedAPI’sTsv(in, ('userId1, 'userId2, 'rel))! .filter('userId1) { rel: Long => rel == 1337 }! .write(Tsv(out))!

TypedCsv[(String, String)](in, ('user1, 'user2, 'rel))! .filter { _._1 === "bob" }! .write(TypedTsv(out))!

import TDsl._!! TypedCsv[(String, String, Int)](in, ('user1, 'user2, 'rel))! .filter { _._1 == "bob" }! .write(TypedTsv(out))!Tuple arity: 2 Tuple arity: 3

Page 145: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

TypedAPI’sTsv(in, ('userId1, 'userId2, 'rel))! .filter('userId1) { rel: Long => rel == 1337 }! .write(Tsv(out))!

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: num of types must equal number of fields: [{3}:'user1', 'user2', 'rel'], found: 2 at cascading.scheme.util.DelimitedParser.reset(

TypedCsv[(String, String)](in, ('user1, 'user2, 'rel))! .filter { _._1 === "bob" }! .write(TypedTsv(out))!

import TDsl._!! TypedCsv[(String, String, Int)](in, ('user1, 'user2, 'rel))! .filter { _._1 == "bob" }! .write(TypedTsv(out))!Tuple arity: 2 Tuple arity: 3

Page 146: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

TypedAPI’sTsv(in, ('userId1, 'userId2, 'rel))! .filter('userId1) { rel: Long => rel == 1337 }! .write(Tsv(out))!

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: num of types must equal number of fields: [{3}:'user1', 'user2', 'rel'], found: 2 at cascading.scheme.util.DelimitedParser.reset(

TypedCsv[(String, String)](in, ('user1, 'user2, 'rel))! .filter { _._1 === "bob" }! .write(TypedTsv(out))!

import TDsl._!! TypedCsv[(String, String, Int)](in, ('user1, 'user2, 'rel))! .filter { _._1 == "bob" }! .write(TypedTsv(out))!Tuple arity: 2 Tuple arity: 3

“planing-time” exception

Page 147: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

TypedAPI’sTsv(in, ('userId1, 'userId2, 'rel))! .filter('userId1) { rel: Long => rel == 1337 }! .write(Tsv(out))!

// … with Relationships {! import TDsl._!! userRelationships(date)! .filter { _._ == "bob" }! .write(TypedTsv(out))!!}

Page 148: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

TypedAPI’sTsv(in, ('userId1, 'userId2, 'rel))! .filter('userId1) { rel: Long => rel == 1337 }! .write(Tsv(out))!

// … with Relationships {! import TDsl._!! userRelationships(date)! .filter { _._ == "bob" }! .write(TypedTsv(out))!!}

Easier to reuse schemas now

Page 149: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

TypedAPI’sTsv(in, ('userId1, 'userId2, 'rel))! .filter('userId1) { rel: Long => rel == 1337 }! .write(Tsv(out))!

// … with Relationships {! import TDsl._!! userRelationships(date)! .filter { _._ == "bob" }! .write(TypedTsv(out))!!}

Easier to reuse schemas now

Not coupled by Field names, but still too magic for reuse… “_1”?

Page 150: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

TypedAPI’sTsv(in, ('userId1, 'userId2, 'rel))! .filter('userId1) { rel: Long => rel == 1337 }! .write(Tsv(out))!

// … with Relationships {! import TDsl._!! userRelationships(date) ! .filter { p: Person => == ”bob" }! .write(TypedTsv(out))!!}

Page 151: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

TypedAPI’sTsv(in, ('userId1, 'userId2, 'rel))! .filter('userId1) { rel: Long => rel == 1337 }! .write(Tsv(out))!

// … with Relationships {! import TDsl._!! userRelationships(date) ! .filter { p: Person => == ”bob" }! .write(TypedTsv(out))!!}


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Typed Joins

case class UserName(id: Long, handle: String)!case class UserFavs(byUser: Long, favs: List[Long])!case class UserTweets(byUser: Long, tweets: List[Long])! !def users: TypedSource[UserName]!def favs: TypedSource[UserFavs]!def tweets: TypedSource[UserTweets]! !def output: TypedSink[(UserName, UserFavs, UserTweets)]! !users.groupBy(! .join(favs.groupBy(_.byUser))! .join(tweets.groupBy(_.byUser))! .map { case (uid, ((user, favs), tweets)) =>! (user, favs, tweets)! } ! .write(output)!

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Typed Joins

case class UserName(id: Long, handle: String)!case class UserFavs(byUser: Long, favs: List[Long])!case class UserTweets(byUser: Long, tweets: List[Long])! !def users: TypedSource[UserName]!def favs: TypedSource[UserFavs]!def tweets: TypedSource[UserTweets]! !def output: TypedSink[(UserName, UserFavs, UserTweets)]! !users.groupBy(! .join(favs.groupBy(_.byUser))! .join(tweets.groupBy(_.byUser))! .map { case (uid, ((user, favs), tweets)) =>! (user, favs, tweets)! } ! .write(output)!

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Typed Joins

case class UserName(id: Long, handle: String)!case class UserFavs(byUser: Long, favs: List[Long])!case class UserTweets(byUser: Long, tweets: List[Long])! !def users: TypedSource[UserName]!def favs: TypedSource[UserFavs]!def tweets: TypedSource[UserTweets]! !def output: TypedSink[(UserName, UserFavs, UserTweets)]! !users.groupBy(! .join(favs.groupBy(_.byUser))! .join(tweets.groupBy(_.byUser))! .map { case (uid, ((user, favs), tweets)) =>! (user, favs, tweets)! } ! .write(output)!

3-way-merge in 1 MR step

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> run pl.project13.oculus.job.WordCountJob ! —local —tool.graph --input in --output out!!writing DOT: !!!writing Steps DOT: !

Do the DOT

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Do the DOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

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> dot -Tpng!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

Do the DOT

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> dot -Tpng!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

Do the DOT


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> dot -Tpng!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

Do the DOT



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Do the DOT

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<3 Testing

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class WordCountJobTest extends FlatSpec ! with ShouldMatchers with TupleConversions {!! "WordCountJob" should "count words" in {! JobTest(new WordCountJob(_))! .arg("input", "inFile")! .arg("output", "outFile")! .source(TextLine("inFile"), List("0" -> "kapi kapi pi pu po"))! .sink[(String, Int)](Tsv("outFile")) { out =>! out.toList should contain ("kapi" -> 3)! }! .run! .finish! }!!}!

<3 Testing

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class WordCountJobTest extends FlatSpec ! with ShouldMatchers with TupleConversions {!! "WordCountJob" should "count words" in {! JobTest(new WordCountJob(_))! .arg("input", "inFile")! .arg("output", "outFile")! .source(TextLine("inFile"), List("0" -> "kapi kapi pi pu po"))! .sink[(String, Int)](Tsv("outFile")) { out =>! out.toList should contain ("kapi" -> 3)! }! .run! .finish! }!!}!

<3 Testing

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class WordCountJobTest extends FlatSpec ! with ShouldMatchers with TupleConversions {!! "WordCountJob" should "count words" in {! JobTest(new WordCountJob(_))! .arg("input", "inFile")! .arg("output", "outFile")! .source(TextLine("inFile"), List("0" -> "kapi kapi pi pu po"))! .sink[(String, Int)](Tsv("outFile")) { out =>! out.toList should contain ("kapi" -> 3)! }! .run! .finish! }!!}!

<3 Testing

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class WordCountJobTest extends FlatSpec ! with ShouldMatchers with TupleConversions {!! "WordCountJob" should "count words" in {! JobTest(new WordCountJob(_))! .arg("input", "inFile")! .arg("output", "outFile")! .source(TextLine("inFile"), List("0" -> "kapi kapi pi pu po"))! .sink[(String, Int)](Tsv("outFile")) { out =>! out.toList should contain ("kapi" -> 3)! }! .run! .finish! }!!}!

<3 Testing

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class WordCountJobTest extends FlatSpec ! with ShouldMatchers with TupleConversions {!! "WordCountJob" should "count words" in {! JobTest(new WordCountJob(_))! .arg("input", "inFile")! .arg("output", "outFile")! .source(TextLine("inFile"), List("0" -> "kapi kapi pi pu po"))! .sink[(String, Int)](Tsv("outFile")) { out =>! out.toList should contain ("kapi" -> 3)! }! .run! .finish! }!!}!

<3 Testing

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class WordCountJobTest extends FlatSpec ! with ShouldMatchers with TupleConversions {!! "WordCountJob" should "count words" in {! JobTest(new WordCountJob(_))! .arg("input", "inFile")! .arg("output", "outFile")! .source(TextLine("inFile"), List("0" -> "kapi kapi pi pu po"))! .sink[(String, Int)](Tsv("outFile")) { out =>! out.toList should contain ("kapi" -> 3)! }! .run! .finish! }!!}!

<3 Testing

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class WordCountJobTest extends FlatSpec ! with ShouldMatchers with TupleConversions {!! "WordCountJob" should "count words" in {! JobTest(new WordCountJob(_))! .arg("input", "inFile")! .arg("output", "outFile")! .source(TextLine("inFile"), List("0" -> "kapi kapi pi pu po"))! .sink[(String, Int)](Tsv("outFile")) { out =>! out.toList should contain ("kapi" -> 3)! }! .run! .finish! }!!}!

<3 Testing

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class WordCountJobTest extends FlatSpec ! with ShouldMatchers with TupleConversions {!! "WordCountJob" should "count words" in {! JobTest(new WordCountJob(_))! .arg("input", "inFile")! .arg("output", "outFile")! .source(TextLine("inFile"), List("0" -> "kapi kapi pi pu po"))! .sink[(String, Int)](Tsv("outFile")) { out =>! out.toList should contain ("kapi" -> 3)! }! .runHadoop! .finish! }!!}!

<3 Testing

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class WordCountJobTest extends FlatSpec ! with ShouldMatchers with TupleConversions {!! "WordCountJob" should "count words" in {! JobTest(new WordCountJob(_))! .arg("input", "inFile")! .arg("output", "outFile")! .source(TextLine("inFile"), List("0" -> "kapi kapi pi pu po"))! .sink[(String, Int)](Tsv("outFile")) { out =>! out.toList should contain ("kapi" -> 3)! }! .runHadoop! .finish! }!!}!

<3 Testing

run || runHadoop

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Page 172: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

“Parallelize all the batches!”

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“Parallelize all the batches!”Feels much like Scala collections

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“Parallelize all the batches!”Feels much like Scala collectionsLocal Mode thanks to Cascading

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“Parallelize all the batches!”Feels much like Scala collectionsLocal Mode thanks to Cascading

Easy to add custom Taps

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“Parallelize all the batches!”Feels much like Scala collectionsLocal Mode thanks to Cascading

Easy to add custom TapsType Safe, when you want to

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“Parallelize all the batches!”Feels much like Scala collectionsLocal Mode thanks to Cascading

Easy to add custom TapsType Safe, when you want to

Pure Scala

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“Parallelize all the batches!”Feels much like Scala collectionsLocal Mode thanks to Cascading

Easy to add custom TapsType Safe, when you want to

Pure ScalaTesting friendly

Page 179: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

“Parallelize all the batches!”Feels much like Scala collectionsLocal Mode thanks to Cascading

Easy to add custom TapsType Safe, when you want to

Pure ScalaTesting friendly

Page 180: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

“Parallelize all the batches!”Feels much like Scala collectionsLocal Mode thanks to Cascading

Easy to add custom TapsType Safe, when you want to

Pure ScalaTesting friendly

Matrix API

Page 181: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

“Parallelize all the batches!”Feels much like Scala collectionsLocal Mode thanks to Cascading

Easy to add custom TapsType Safe, when you want to

Pure ScalaTesting friendly

Matrix APIEfficient columnar storage (Parquet)

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Scalding Re-Cap

!!! !! TextLine(inputFile)! .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line: String => tokenize(line) }! .groupBy('word) { _.size }! .write(Tsv(outputFile))!!!

Page 183: Scalding - the not-so-basics @ ScalaDays 2014

Scalding Re-Cap

!!! !! TextLine(inputFile)! .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line: String => tokenize(line) }! .groupBy('word) { _.size }! .write(Tsv(outputFile))!!!


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!!! !! $ activator new activator-scalding!!

Try it!

Template by Dean Wampler

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Loads Of Links

1. 2. 3. 4.

qid=6db1da40-121b-4547-8aa6-4fb051343d91&v=qf1&b=&from_search=3 5.

qid=6db1da40-121b-4547-8aa6-4fb051343d91&v=qf1&b=&from_search=2 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

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Danke! Dzięki! Thanks! Gracias!


ktoso @ t: ktosopl / g: ktoso blog: