scavenger hung: perspective digital art 1. design principle perspective – demonstrate an...

Scavenger Hung: Perspective Digital Art 1

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Scavenger Hung: PerspectiveDigital Art 1

Perspective Project CriteriaDESIGN PRINCIPLE PERSPECTIVE – Demonstrate an understanding and application of linear and/or atmospheric perspective.ART ELEMENT SPACE/DEPTH – Demonstrate an understanding and application of foreground, middle ground, and background space, through scale and size relationships.THEME – Select a theme for the PLACE you will be illustrating. For example, not just a city, but at city at sunset, or a surrealist castle. Think Place + one element that describes the Theme.COMPOSITION – Include a focal point and at least 3 details in the composition.POINT-OF-VIEW – Select eye level, below eye level, or above eye level.COLOR SCHEME – Select a color scheme that best fits the theme of your work.

Plan Create Reflect Publish



△ File named Perspective in Digital Art Folder on Y Drive

△ Experiment files△ Save As file for final work

as .jpg△ Process file (Power Point)

in Perspective folder in Digital Art Folder on Y

△ E-mail feedback△ Brainstorming△ Visual Research△ Written Notes△ Light Bulb Moments△ Feedback from others△ Symbolic Meaning△ Theme development△ Brainstorm list△ Scavenger Hunt△ Instructions from web

△ 1-point Perspective Practice△ 2-point Perspective Practice△ 3-point Perspective Practice△ Color experiments △ Evidence of Creative

Problem Solving△ Evidence of Stretch &

Explore (Risk-Taking)

△ Process Power Point File△ Self-Critique△ Group Critique△ Feldman Critique Model△ Rubric for Planning/Creating△ Rubric for artwork

March 10th-11th , 2015 – Digital Art 1

Set Up

Materials Needed• Computer/Internet• Perspective

Scavenger Hunt FileLocation• Computers

(Individual work)

Target I will be able to explain three types of linear perspective and atmospheric perspective, giving examples of what these look like (visuals).

Linear & Atmospheric Perspective Scavenger Hunt Part 1

Type an “X” in the box once you have completed the activities on the following pages. INCLUDE CITED SOURCES (where did you get your information from?)

Define Linear Perspective. What are the parts of Linear Perspective?

What are the 3 types of Linear Perspective? What makes them different from each other?

What is Atmospheric Perspective? How is it different from Linear Perspective?

There are three types of line in Linear Perspective. What are the names of the lines?

Include four images showing each type of perspective you find in your research.

Identify the theme in the Perspective images.

Sort the images into Point-Of-View categories

Sort the images into Developing, Proficient, & Mastery Level categories, and explain WHY you made those choices.


Exit Ticket Completed Scavenger Hunt in Y Drive (added to your Digital Art 1 folder, in a folder named “Perspective”

Extra Time?• Research how to use

the Perspective Tool in Adobe Illustrator

• Gather Visual examples of Perspective works

National Art Core Standard VA:Cr1.1.HSI: Use multiple approaches to begin creative endeavors.

March 10th-11th , 2015 – Digital Art 1

Target I will be able to explain three types of linear perspective and atmospheric perspective, giving examples of what these look like (visuals).

Linear & Atmospheric Perspective Scavenger Hunt Part 1

Use YOUR OWN WORDS and answer the questions below. INCLUDE CITED SOURCES (where did you get your information from?)

Define Linear Perspective. What are the parts of Linear Perspective?


What are the 3 types of Linear Perspective? What makes them different from each other?


What is Atmospheric Perspective? How is it different from Linear Perspective?


There are three types of line in Linear Perspective. What are the names of the lines?



National Art Core Standard VA:Cr1.1.HSI: Use multiple approaches to begin creative endeavors.

March 10th-11th , 2015 – Digital Art 1

Target I will be able to explain three types of linear perspective and atmospheric perspective, giving examples of what these look like (visuals).

Linear & Atmospheric Perspective Scavenger Hunt Part 1

Insert 4 images you find . INCLUDE CITED SOURCES (where did you get your images from?)


Type of Perspective:Source:

Type of Perspective:Source:

Type of Perspective:Source:

Type of Perspective:Source:

March 10th-11th , 2015 – Digital Art 1

Target I will be able to explain three types of linear perspective and atmospheric perspective, giving examples of what these look like (visuals).

Linear & Atmospheric Perspective Scavenger Hunt Part 1

Identify the type of Perspective and explain WHAT makes it that type.


Type of Perspective:Why?

Type of Perspective:Why?

Type of Perspective:Why?

Type of Perspective:Why?

March 10th-11th , 2015 – Digital Art 1

Target I will be able to identify the theme and give evidence from the images to support the theme.

Linear & Atmospheric Perspective Scavenger Hunt Part 2

Identify the Theme in the Perspective artwork and give evidence from the artwork that supports that theme.




March 10th-11th , 2015 – Digital Art 1

Target I will be able to identify points of view in images and explain in writing what makes point of view different from perspective.

Linear & Atmospheric Perspective Scavenger Hunt Part 3

Sort the Images into Point-of-View Categories (you can enlarge the image to see it, then reduce it to fit in the column)


Below (Ant’s eye) Eye Level Above (Bird’s Eye)

What makes Point of View different from Perspective?

March 10th-11th , 2015 – Digital Art 1

Target I will be able to explain how works of art are ranked in alignment to the project criteria.

Linear & Atmospheric Perspective Scavenger Hunt Part 4

Sort the Images into the 3 Categories below (you can enlarge the image to see it, then reduce it to fit in the column).Consider the project criteria in your choices and written responses.


Developing Proficient Mastery

March 10th-11th , 2015 – Digital Art 1

Target I will be able to summarize what I know about Perspective and ask a question I want answered about Perspective.

Linear & Atmospheric Perspective Scavenger HuntPart 5

Summarize what you know about Perspective:

Ask a question you would like answered about Perspective:


March 10th-11th , 2015 – Digital Art 1

Target I will be able to locate on-line resources in order to understand how to use Adobe Illustrator’s Perspective tool.I will be able to gather images that inspire me and use Perspective.

Linear & Atmospheric Perspective Scavenger HuntExtra time

1. Look up tutorials on how to use the Perspective Tool in Adobe Illustrator. Copy and Paste the website addresses below.

2. Gather images that use Perspective and copy/paste them into this document.
