scch-d7/ · eastern suburb memory...

SCCH-D7/07 *Valid from April 2018* *有效期从2018年4月起* ( Chengdu - Hailuogou - Mt. Emei - Leshan ) ( 成都 - 海螺沟 - 峨眉山 - 乐山 ) 7D5NChengdu 成都 Leshan 乐山 Mt. Emei 峨眉山 Hailuogou 海螺沟

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Page 1: SCCH-D7/ · Eastern Suburb Memory Music Park @ RMB380/pax ... sutras and a huge porcelain Buddha. Fuhu Monastery (includes

SCCH-D7/07 *Valid from April 2018*


( Chengdu - Hailuogou - Mt. Emei - Leshan )

( 成都 - 海螺沟 - 峨眉山 - 乐山 )


Chengdu 成都

Leshan 乐山

Mt. Emei 峨眉山


Page 2: SCCH-D7/ · Eastern Suburb Memory Music Park @ RMB380/pax ... sutras and a huge porcelain Buddha. Fuhu Monastery (includes


Depart to Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, which is known as the "Heavenly State".Wide and Narrow Alleys: Also known as Old Chengdu, a place full of traditional architectures from the Qing Dynasty such as the courtyard houses, as well as the mix of modern shops, bars and restaurants.

Kuala Lumpur Chengdu (Sichuan Specialty dinner)

吉隆坡 成都 (晚:川菜风味)乘搭国际航班飞往成都,自古被誉为“天府之国”。宽窄巷子:成都休闲文化的发源地,就像去北京都向往坐着人力三轮车游览什刹海胡同;到了上海,必定要去看看传统的里弄石门库;热衷人文的游客到了成都,就想去转转宽窄巷子。

DAY 1 第一天

[ SLEEP // 住宿 ]

[ EAT // 道地美食 ]

[ NO SHOPPING STOP ! // 无购物站 ! ]

[ OPTIONAL TOUR! // 自费项目! ]

Hotel based on local 4-5 star accommodation (Final con�rmation on similar standard)Chengdu (2N Kempinski Hotel - 5*)Hailuogou (2N Long Grand Hotel - 4*)Mt. Emei (1N Hua Sheng Chan Quan Hotel - 4*) Exclude hotel porter services

当地4-5星级住宿酒店 (最后确认于同等级酒店为准)成都 (2晚 凯宾斯基酒店 - 5*)海螺沟 (2晚 长征酒店 - 4*)峨眉山 (1晚 华生禅泉雅舍酒店 - 4*) 不含酒店行李搬运服务

Sichuan Specialty, Tibetan SpecialtyTujia Specialty, Chengdu SpecialtyYuanyang Hotpot


Tibetan Camp�re Dancing Night + Huanglongxi Ancient Town + Chengdu Funan River Night View + Eastern Suburb Memory Music Park @ RMB380/pax

藏族篝火歌舞晚会 + 黄龙溪古镇 + 成都府南河夜景游 + 东郊记忆音乐公园 @ 人民币380/人

Page 3: SCCH-D7/ · Eastern Suburb Memory Music Park @ RMB380/pax ... sutras and a huge porcelain Buddha. Fuhu Monastery (includes

DAY 2 第二天

Depart to Hailuogou, pass through Erlang Mountain Tunnel. Enjoy the unique scenery of the Mountainous regions. Moxi Ancient Town: Situated at the entrance of Hailuogou Scenic Area and able to feel the ancient �avor as it became the enclaves of 12 di�erent ethnics such as the Han, Tibetan and Yi. At the same time, outside view of the Catholic Church and Mao’s Camping Area.

Chengdu (358km) Hailuogou (Hotel breakfast/ Chinese lunch/ Tibetan specialty dinner)

成都 (358公里) 海螺沟 (早:酒店/ 午:中式合菜/ 晚:藏族风味)前往海螺沟,穿越二郎山隧道,欣赏沿途风景。磨西古镇:是去海螺沟的必经之地,拥有独特历史文化因有汉族、彝族、藏族等12个民族居住在这。同时,外观天主教堂以及毛泽东宿营地。

DAY 3 第三天

Hailuogou National Glacier Forest Park (includes entrance, shuttle bus & cable car): Cable car ride up to the glaciers viewing platform to see the wonders of glaciers, such as the crevasses of glaciers, glacier falls, the mushroom shaped glaciers and so on. You will also have chance to capture photo of the Mount Gongga, the King of Mountains in Sichuan. Hailuogou scenic spot has special climate characteristics, described by the saying “a ditch has four seasons, and ten miles of di�erent weather”. It is cool in summer and warm in winter, and has an annual precipitation of 2,000 mm.

Hailuogou (Hotel breakfast/ Chinese lunch/ Tujia specialty dinner)

海螺沟 (早:酒店/ 午:中式合菜/ 晚:土家风味)海螺沟冰川国家森林公园 (含门票、观光车 & 索道):中国唯一的冰川森林公园,也是世界上仅存的低海拔冰川之一,森林植被类型为冰川与原始森林。它拥有全球可进入性最强的冰川、最雄伟的大冰瀑布、最完整的山地植被带和浓郁的民族风情。我们将会乘搭索道抵达观景台,观赏冰川奇观,如海洋性冰川、大冰瀑布、冰川舌等等。您还可在“蜀山之王”- 貢嘎山,照相纪念。乘观光车经一号营地、二号营地、穿越原始森林,沿途欣赏河谷原始森林风光,感受 “一山观四季、十里不同天”的气象变迁。后抵达三号营地后,换乘观景索道前往四号营地近距离观看冰川。游览海螺沟四号营地,亲自登上冰川,感受海拔最低世纪现代冰川的绝妙的风光。

Page 4: SCCH-D7/ · Eastern Suburb Memory Music Park @ RMB380/pax ... sutras and a huge porcelain Buddha. Fuhu Monastery (includes

DAY 4 第四天

Baoguo Monastery (include entrance): Which was built in the 16th century. The monastery has serene gardens with rare plants, a library of sutras and a huge porcelain Buddha.Fuhu Monastery (includes entrance & buggy service): The temple was built in the Tang Dynasty, located at Sichuan Emei Mountain foothills. It is a typical architectural style Chinese Buddhist temple.Driving pass the Mt. Emei Waterfall.Enjoy Hot spring bath (Please bring along your swimming wear and cap).

Hailuoguo (323km) Mt. Emei (Hotel breakfast/ Chinese lunch/ Chinese dinner)

海螺沟 (323公里) 峨眉山 (早:酒店/ 午:中式合菜/ 晚:中式合菜)报国寺 (含门票):座落在峨眉山麓的山中第一大寺,寺内有明朝万历年间紫铜华严塔,4700座小佛像,塔周刻有华严经;寺门外有莲花铜钟,为“峨嵋十景”之“圣积晚钟”。伏虎寺 (含门票 & 电瓶车):因为寺前的山形像一头伏卧的老虎,故名“伏虎寺”。它是峨眉山中少有的不称尼姑庵而称寺的尼姑庙。车观峨眉山迎宾瀑布。体验泡温泉 (请自备泳衣和泳帽)。

DAY 5 第五天

A relaxing cruise to view The Giant Buddha of Leshan (include cruise ticket): The Giant Buddha (71m height) was carved on the rock facing the Lingyun Hill, known as "Mount Buddha or Buddha Mount".Chunxi Road Pedestrian Street: A symbol of Chengdu's commercial center of fashion and also a place that brings together delicious snacks from all over the country. Visit the giant climbing panda sculpture which is located along Chengdu's Chunxi Road.Enjoy the famous Sichuan Opera Show ~ The Changing Masks Performance (include entrance).

Mt. Emei (46km) Leshan (151km) Chengdu (Hotel breakfast/ Chinese lunch)

峨眉山 (46公里) 乐山 (151公里) 成都 (早:酒店/ 午:中式合菜)船游世界第一大佛~乐山大佛 (含船票):雕凿在岷江、青衣江和大渡河汇流处岩壁上,依岷江南岸凌云山栖霞峰临江峭壁凿造而成为弥勒佛坐像,是世界上最大的石刻弥勒佛坐像(高71米),比曾号称世界最大的阿富汗帕米昂大佛(高53米) 高出18米,名符其实的世界之最,素有“佛是一座山,山是一尊佛”之称。春熙路时尚步行街:位于成都市中心,是一条历史悠久,热闹繁华的商业街,是成都最具代表性、最繁华热闹的商业步行街。还还可观看到知名艺术家劳伦斯所作的巨型熊猫塑像是春熙路最新的亮点。欣赏中国国粹 ~ 川剧变脸秀 (含门票)。

Page 5: SCCH-D7/ · Eastern Suburb Memory Music Park @ RMB380/pax ... sutras and a huge porcelain Buddha. Fuhu Monastery (includes

DAY 6 第六天

Giant Panda Breeding Center (includes entrance & buggy service): There are over 20 pandas and other rare animals living in this base, which helps the visitors to understand how the giant panda live in the wild.Jinli Ancient Street: A live museum of traditional folk custom from western Sichuan. It represents the architectural style of Ming & Qing Dynasty on the 400-metres long street with shops and stalls. Time to bid farewell to these exciting destinations and bring home wonderful memories!

Chengdu Kuala Lumpur (Hotel breakfast/ Chengdu specialty lunch/ Yuanyang hotpot dinner)

成都 吉隆坡 (早:酒店/ 午:成都小吃/ 晚:鸳鸯火锅)大熊猫繁育基地 (含门票 & 电瓶车):位于成都北郊斧头山,是大熊猫异地保护的重要场所。这里是以造园手法模拟大熊猫野外生态环境,营建了适宜大熊猫及多种珍稀野生动物生息繁衍的生态环境,常年圈养着20余只大熊猫、小熊猫、黑颈鹤、白鹤以及其它珍稀动物。锦里古街:川西仿古建筑,青石板小路,街上散布各类手艺、泥人、糖画、剪纸等等,“好吃街”更是集四川名小吃于一街。西蜀历史上最古老、最具有商业气息的街道之一。送往机场搭乘国际航班返回家园,结束愉快的旅程,带着美丽的回忆与纪念品,与家人和朋友共同分享。

DAY 7 第七天

A warm Welcome Home! Arrived Kuala Lumpur


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免责声明:1. 全程使用中文或粤语讲解,领队将以英文简约地说明。2. 我们有权改变顺序或更改,修正或改变行程,如果有必要,恕不另行通知。3. 所有航班及酒店乃暂定性,最终确认将随后通知。4. 膳食安排将可能因季节材料转换及不同出发日期而有所变动。5. 行程景点将视全球气候变化而做适当的更改。6. 本团成团人数将以最少20位及不多于38位付费成人为标准。

Disclaimer:1. Tour commentary will be conducted in Mandarin or Cantonese with simple English translation by Tour Leader. 2. We reserve the right to alter the sequence or change, amend or alter the itinerary if necessary, with or without prior notice. 3. All �ights and hotels are provisional and will be subject to our �nal con�rmation.4. Local specialty meals are subject to the season and availability at time of travel.5. Sights-seeing places are subject erratic weather conditions caused by global warming climate change. 6. The group departure is subject to a minimum group size of 20 paying adults and a maximum of 38 paying adults.