scene: ender makes a deadly choice

Scene: Ender Makes a Deadly Choice Book: Ender’s Game Author: Orson Scott Card Animation: Laura Gray

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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Scene: Ender Makes a Deadly Choice. Book: Ender’s Game Author: Orson Scott Card Animation: Laura Gray. Ender and His Family Eating Breakfast. Sleeping, Probably. Where’s Valentine?. Oh, we can’t worry dear, for the children’s sake. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Scene: Ender Makes a Deadly Choice

Scene: Ender Makes a Deadly ChoiceBook: Enders GameAuthor: Orson Scott CardAnimation: Laura Gray

Ender and His Family Eating Breakfast

Wheres Valentine?Sleeping, Probably

Oh, we cant worry dear, for the childrens sake.

Open Up! International Federation! Oh dear, first Peter, then Valentine, and now Ender I bet!Oh, I suppose youre right. I just hope. . . Ender will make the right choice. 3

IFI take it youre here about Ender, arent you?So youve come for that reason.Hello Mr. and Mrs. Wiggin. Colonel Graff here. Yes. You know the routine.In all the tests he did extraordinarily well.

Morning Ender!Wheres Mum and Dad?Talking to the International Fleet soldier at the door

Morning Valentine.

Valentine, whats wrong? Oh no. Not Ender.Ender, Please come to the door!


Yes Father? Ender, I would like to talk to you-er- alone.

Ender, have you heard of battle school? Its for smart children like you.You would go into space and learn all about battle and have an exceptional education.


But my family Valentine You see Ender, You dont like Peter very much, and you love your parents, and they love you, but they wont miss you. Not for long. You wouldnt get to come home and see your family until you are sixteen. Thats when the training is complete. But you are guaranteed to secure a ship position in space.


Ender, well miss you. Very Much. Well write you.Ender, We love you. So youre really going to leave.


Kill some buggers for me.

Please get in the car now, Ender.Ender! Come back to me someday!


And so, Ender has made his first deadly choice. The choice to go to battle school. Let the game begin.To find out what happens to Ender Wiggin, read the book, Enders Game.You wont be disappointed.