scholars course for aipmt 2016 schedule

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  • 8/18/2019 Scholars Course for Aipmt 2016 Schedule


    Lecture Date Day Sub Test Topic Sub Topic

    22‐Jan‐16 Friday Phy —

    Units and MeasurementsLength, mass & time measurements,

     Accuracy & Precision, Errors, Significant



     Animal King dom-I

    Salient features and Classification of animals- Non chordates upto


    23‐Jan‐16 Saturday Chem —

    Some Basic Concept of Chemisty-I

    Laws of chemical combination, Dalton’s

    theory, Mole concept


    The Living World

    What is living? ; Biodiversity; Need for classification; Three domains of

    life; Taxonomy & Systematics; Concept of species and taxonomical

    hierarchy; Binomial nomenclature; Tools for study of Taxonomy –

    Museums, Zoos, Herbaria, Botanical gardens

    24‐Jan‐16 Sunday Phy —Motion in a Straight Line I

    Uniformly accelerated motion (horizontal

    & vertical)

    Zoo Animal Ki ngdom-II

    Non chordates-II Annelida to Hemichordata

    25‐Jan‐16 Monday Chem —

    Some Basic Concept of Chemistry -II

    Emperical and molecular formula,

    stoichiometry and calculation based on



    Biological Classification-I

    Kingdom systems of classification, Salient features and classification

    of Monera and Protista

    26‐Jan‐16 Tuesday Phy

    Lecture ‐ 3 27‐Jan‐16 Wednesday Phy —Motion in a Straight Li ne II

    Graphs  Zoo

     Animal Ki ngdom-III


    Lecture ‐ 3 28‐Jan‐16 Thursday Chem —

    Structure of Atom

    Spectrum, equations of K.E., P.E., T.E.

    Velocity and radius, Quantum numbers,

     Aufbau principle, Pauli Principle, Hund’s

    rule, Quantum numbers, Electronic



    Biological Classification-II

    Salient features and classification of Fungi into major groups; Lichens;

    Viruses and Viroids.

    29‐Jan‐16 Friday Phy —Motion in a Plane-I

    Projectile Motion  Zoo

    Structural Organisation in Animals-I

    Morphology, anatomy and functions of digestive, circulatory,

    respiratory, nervous and reproductive system of cockroach

    30‐Jan‐16 Saturday Chem


    (Lecture‐1 to 3)

    1:00 ‐ 2:30

    Classification of Elements and

    Periodicity in Properties

    Radii, I.E., Electron gain enthalpy,



    Plant Kingdom-I

    Salient features and classification of plants into major groups,

     Algae–Comparative study of green, brown and red algae; Bryophytes

    Salient and distinguishing features and examples

    Daily Planner of  Scholar Course(w.e.f. 22‐01‐2016)

    Lecture ‐ 2


    Lecture ‐ 4

    Lecture ‐ 1

  • 8/18/2019 Scholars Course for Aipmt 2016 Schedule


    Lecture Date Day Sub Test Topic Sub Topic

    Daily Planner of  Scholar Course(w.e.f. 22‐01‐2016)

    31‐Jan‐16 Sunday Phy —Motion i n a Plane-II

    Circular Motion, Relative Velocity  Zoo

    Structural Organisation in Animals-II

     Animal Tissue-Epithelial, Muscular, Connective, Nervous tissues

    1‐Feb‐16 Monday Chem —

    Chemical Bonding and Molecular


    Ionic bond, covalent bonds, VBT, Bond

    order, Resonance, Hybridisation and H-



    Plant Kingdom-II

    Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiospersms-Salient and

    distinguishing features and examples

    Lecture ‐

    6 2‐Feb

    ‐16 Tuesday Phy —

    Laws of Motion-I

    Three laws of motion, conservation oflinear momentum, friction



    Biomolecules-Structure and function of Protein, Carbohydrates,Lipids, Nucleic acid, Enzymes-types, properties, enzyme action

    3‐Feb‐16 Wednesday —

    Lecture ‐ 6 4‐Feb‐16 Thursday Chem —

    States of Matter : Gases and Liquids

    Ideal gas equation, Deviation from ideal

    behavior, Critical temperature, Viscosity,

    Surface tension


    Morphology of Flowering Plants

    Root, stem, leaf, inflorescence- cymose and recemose, Flower, fruit,

    seed and families

    5‐Feb‐16 Friday Phy —Laws of Motion-II

    Circular motion dynamics, Banking  Zoo

    Digestion and Absorption

     Alimentary canal and digestive glands, role of digestive enzymes and

    gastrointestinal hormones, Peristalsis/digestion, absorption and

    assimilation of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Caloric value of

    proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Egestion, Nutritional and digestive

    disorders-PEM, indigestion, constipation, vomiting, jaundice, diarrhoea

    6‐Feb‐16 Saturday ChemTest


    (Lecture‐4 to 6)

    1:00 ‐ 2:30


    Ist law and 2nd

     law of thermodynamics,

    Extensive and intensive property.Different forms of enthalpy of reaction,

    Entropy, Free energy, spontaneous and

    non-spontaneous process, third law of


    Bot Anatomy of Flower ing Plants

    Tissues; Tissue system, Anatomy of different parts of flowering plants,

    secondary growth in dicot stem & root

    7‐Feb‐16 Sunday Phy —

    Work, Energy and Power 

    Work-Energy theorem, Vertical circular

    motion, Collisions


    Breathing & Exchange of Gases

    Respiratory system in humans; Mechanism of breathing and its

    regulation in humans-Exchange of gases, transport of gases and

    regulation of respiration Respiratory volumes; Disorders related to

    respiration-Asthma, Emphysema, Occupational respiratory disorders.

    Lecture ‐ 5

    Lecture ‐ 7

    Lecture ‐



  • 8/18/2019 Scholars Course for Aipmt 2016 Schedule


  • 8/18/2019 Scholars Course for Aipmt 2016 Schedule


    Lecture Date Day Sub Test Topic Sub Topic

    Daily Planner of  Scholar Course(w.e.f. 22‐01‐2016)

    15‐Feb‐16 Monday Chem —Solutions

    Solubility of gas in liquid, Raoult’s law,

     Abnormal colligative properties

    BotMinerals Nutrition

    Essential minerals and their role, Deficiency symptoms, Mineral

    toxicity, Hydroponics, Nitrogen metabolism

    Lecture ‐ 12 16‐Feb‐16 Tuesday Phy —

    Mechanical Properties of Solids and

    Fluids, Thermal Properties of Matter 

    Elasticity, Flow of non viscous liquid,

    Viscosity, Surface Tension, Temperature

    scales, Thermal expansion Calorimetry,

    Heat Transfer 


    Neural Control & Coordination-I

    Neuron and nerves; Nervous system in humanscentral nervous

    system, peripheral nervous system and visceral nervous system;

    Generation and conduction of nerve impulse; Reflex action

    17‐Feb‐16 Wednesday

    Lecture ‐ 12 18‐Feb‐16 Thursday Chem —


    Products of Electrolysis, Laws of

    electrolysis, Nernst equation,

    concentration Cell, Kohlrausch’s law,

    specific and molar conductivity



    Site of Photosynthesis, pigments involved, cyclic and non-cyclic

    photophosphorylation, comparative study of C3 and C4 pathways,


    19‐Feb‐16 Friday Phy —

    Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory

    First law & Second law, Kinetic Theory of


    ZooNeural Control & Coordination-II

    Sense organs; Elementary structure and function of eye and ear 

    20‐Feb‐16 Saturday Chem


    (Lecture‐10 to 12)

    1:00 ‐ 2:30

    Chemical Kinetics & Surface


    Factors affecting rate of reaction,

    Determination of order of reaction,

    Different graphs for different order of

    reactions catalyst, Adsorption isotherm,

    colloidal state, Tyndall effect, Electron

    phoresis, emulsions


    Respiration in Plants

    Cellular respiration-Glycolysis, Fermentatin, TCA cycle and ETS

    (aerobic), Energy relations, Amphibolic pathways, Respiratory quotient

    21‐Feb‐16 Sunday Phy —Oscillation

    SHM, Free & forced oscillations  Zoo

    Chemical Coordination and Integration

    Endocrine glands and hormones; Human endocrine system

    Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal,

    Pancreas, Gonads; Mechanism of hormone action (Elementary Idea);

    Role of hormones as messengers and regulators, Hypo-and

    hyperactivity and related disorders (Common disorders e.g. Dwarfism,

     Acromegaly, Cretinism, goiter, exopthalmic goiter, diabetes, Addison’s



    Lecture ‐ 13

    Lecture ‐ 14

  • 8/18/2019 Scholars Course for Aipmt 2016 Schedule


  • 8/18/2019 Scholars Course for Aipmt 2016 Schedule


    Lecture Date Day Sub Test Topic Sub Topic

    Daily Planner of  Scholar Course(w.e.f. 22‐01‐2016)

    Lecture ‐ 18 1‐Mar‐16 Tuesday Phy —

    Moving charges and Magnetism

    Biot-Savart’s law, Ampere’s law, and itsapplications, Force on moving charge,

    Force on current, Moving coil


     Ammetre and Voltmetre


    Evolution-IOrigin of life; Biological evolution and evidences for biological

    evolution from Paleontology, comparative anatomy, embryology and

    molecular evidence)

    2‐Mar‐16 Wednesday

    Lecture ‐ 18 3‐Mar‐16 Thursday Chem —

     Alcohols , Phenols and Ethers

    Preparation & Property of alcohol,

    difference between 1°, 2° & 3° alcohol


    Principle of inheritane & Variations-II

    Chromosome theory of inheritance, Sex determination, Linkage and

    crossing over, sex-linked intheritance

    4‐Mar‐16 Friday Phy —

    Magnetism and Matter 

    Bar Magnet, Earth’s magnetism Dia,

    Para & Ferromagnetism, Electromagnets

    & Permanent magnets,

    Electromagnetic Induction

    Faradays law of EMI, Lenz’s law, Eddy

    Currents, Self & Mutual induction



    Darwin’s contribution, Modern Synthetic theory of Evolution;

    Mechanism of evolution-Variation (Mutation and Recombination) and

    Natural Selection with examples, types of natural selection; Gene flow

    and genetic drift; Hardy-Weinberg’s principle; Adaptive Radiation,

    Human Evolution



    16 Saturday Chem





    18)1:00 ‐ 2:30

     Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxyl ic


    Relative reactivity of different aldehydes& Ketones for nucleophilic addition

    reaction, condensation reaction


    Principles of Inheritance & Variaitons contd and Molecular basis

    of Inheritance-I

    Pedigree analysis; Mendelian and chromosomal disorders in humansSearch for genetic material, structure of DNA and RNA

    6‐Mar‐16 Sunday Phy —

     Al ternat ing Currents

     AC series LCR circuits, resonance,

    power consumption, wattless current, LC

    oscillations, AC generators, Transformer 

    Electromagnetic Waves

    Displacement current, EM waves & their

    characteristics, Electomagnetic spectrum


    Human health & Disease-I

    Pathogens; parasites causing human diseases (Malaria, Filariasis,

     Ascariasis. Typhoid, Pneumonia, common cold, amoebiasis, ring


    Lecture ‐ 19


  • 8/18/2019 Scholars Course for Aipmt 2016 Schedule


    Lecture Date Day Sub Test Topic Sub Topic

    Daily Planner of  Scholar Course(w.e.f. 22‐01‐2016)

    7‐Mar‐16 Monday Chem —

     Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxyl ic Acids-II

    Oxidation & Reduction, Relative reactivity

    order of acid derivatives, HVZ reaction,

    Beckmann rearrangement, Heating effect

    on carboxylic acids, methods of

    preparation and chemical properties of

    carboxylic acids

    Organic Compounds containing


    Preparation and properties of 1°, 2° & 3°

    amines, cyanides isocyanides and

    diazonium salts


    Molecular basis of Inheritance-II

    DNA packaging; DNA replication, Central Dogma, Transcription;

    genetic code, Translation, Gene expression and regulation; Genome

    and Human genome project; DNA finger printing

    Lecture ‐ 21 8‐Mar‐16 Tuesday Phy —

    Ray Optics and Optical Instruments,

    Wave Optics

    Reflection & Refraction, Optical

    Instruments, Interference, Diffraction,

    Polarization, Resolving Power 


    Human health & Disease-II

    Basic concepts of immunology-vaccines; Cancer, HIV, AIDS;

     Adolescence, drug and alcohol abuse

    9‐Mar‐16 Wednesday

    Lecture ‐ 21 10‐Mar‐16 Thursday Chem —

    Biomolecules, Polymers, Chemistry in

    Everyday Life

    Reaction of glucose and its structure,

    Isoelectric points, Mode of

    polymerization, Monomers of different

    polymers, Food preservatives and drugs

    Hydrogen and s-Block & p-block

    elements (XI Class)

    Preparation & Properties of H2O2

    anomalous properties of first element ofeach group (I & II) diagonal relationship,

    Silicates, Silicons, borax, B2H6


    Strategies for enhancement in food production

    Plant breeding and tissue culture, single cell protein, Biofortification;

    Microbes in Human Welfare

    In household food processing, industrial production, sewage treatment,

    energy generation, biocontrol agents and biofertilizers.

    11‐Mar‐16 Friday Phy —

    Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 

    Photoelectric effect, Matter waves,

     Atoms and Nuclei

    Bohrs’ Model, Radioactivity, Binding



    Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

     Animal husbandry

    Principles and process of Biotechnology

    Genetic engineering (Recombinant DNA technology)

    Lecture ‐ 20

    3 Hrs. Test on AIPMT Pattern

    (Lecture ‐ 13 to 18)

    10:00 ‐ 1:00

  • 8/18/2019 Scholars Course for Aipmt 2016 Schedule


    Lecture Date Day Sub Test Topic Sub Topic

    Daily Planner of  Scholar Course(w.e.f. 22‐01‐2016)

    12‐Mar‐16 Saturday Chem


    (Lecture‐19 to 21)

    1:00 ‐ 2:30

    General Principl es and Processes ofIsolation of Elements, p-Block

    Elements (XII Class)

    Different methods of purification of

    impure metals, Ellingham diagram,

     Acidic nature & order, Interhalogen

    compounds, Psuedohalide ions,

    Polyhadide ions, Important reactions of

    HNO3, H2SO4, Cl2, NH3, SO2, Oxoacids

    of halogen


    Organisms and Population

    Population and ecological adaptations, Population attributes,

    Population interactions, Ecosystem upto biomass & energy Nutrient

    cycling ecological succession

    13‐Mar‐16 Sunday Phy —

    Semi-conductor Electronics

    Energy bands, diodes, transistors, logic



     Appl ication of Biotechnologyin health and agriculture: Human insulin and vaccine production, gene

    therapy; Genetically modified organisms-Bt crops; Transgenic

     Animals; Biosafety issues-Biopiracy and patents

    14‐Mar‐16 Monday Chem —

    d and f-Block Elements, Coordination


    IUPAC nomenclature, Isomerism

    werner’s theory, VBT, CFT, Importance

    of co-ordination compounds in qualitative

    analysis & biological system


    Biodiversity & The Environmental Issues

    Biodiversity pattern, loss and conservation. Air pollution, Water

    pollution, Green house effect and global warning, ozone depletion,


    15‐Mar‐16 Tuesday

    16‐Mar‐16 Wednesday

    17‐Mar‐16 Thursday


    ‐16 Friday

    Lecture ‐ 22

    Lecture ‐ 23


    Doubts Session

    3 Hrs. Test on AIPMT Pattern

    (Complete Syllabus




    10:00 ‐ 1:00

    Doubts Session