school health councils samantha heard executive board member, mash physical education chair, afhk...

School Health Councils Samantha Heard Executive Board Member, MASH Physical Education Chair, AFHK State Health Systems Director, ACS

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Page 1: School Health Councils Samantha Heard Executive Board Member, MASH Physical Education Chair, AFHK State Health Systems Director, ACS

School HealthCouncils

Samantha HeardExecutive Board Member, MASHPhysical Education Chair, AFHKState Health Systems Director, ACS

Page 2: School Health Councils Samantha Heard Executive Board Member, MASH Physical Education Chair, AFHK State Health Systems Director, ACS

Training Components

Step 1: Get Together Step 2: Create a Vision Step 3: Develop a Plan Step 4: Take Action Step 5: Maintaining Momentum

Page 3: School Health Councils Samantha Heard Executive Board Member, MASH Physical Education Chair, AFHK State Health Systems Director, ACS

Develop a Plan

Three parts of a school health plan: A vision of what the council wants to

accomplish A commitment to work together to

achieve the vision A set of actions describing

responsibilities, resources, and deadlines.

Page 4: School Health Councils Samantha Heard Executive Board Member, MASH Physical Education Chair, AFHK State Health Systems Director, ACS

Develop a Plan

Developing a plan means Looking at the big picture Setting priorities Initiating rather than reacting

“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Page 5: School Health Councils Samantha Heard Executive Board Member, MASH Physical Education Chair, AFHK State Health Systems Director, ACS

Develop a Plan

Brainstorm Desired Initiatives Prioritize Initiatives Evaluate Priorities Write an Action Plan

Page 6: School Health Councils Samantha Heard Executive Board Member, MASH Physical Education Chair, AFHK State Health Systems Director, ACS


What things does your council want to address: Childhood obesity Teen pregnancy Drug and Alcohol issues Lifestyle choices Social and emotional issues Many others…

Page 7: School Health Councils Samantha Heard Executive Board Member, MASH Physical Education Chair, AFHK State Health Systems Director, ACS


Review available data What statistics and information do you

already have on hand?—Take a moment to discuss this in your group now…

Brainstorming Generate ideas by allowing members to

provide ideas Review “Tips for Brainstorming” handout Provide “What Can We Do” handout

Page 8: School Health Councils Samantha Heard Executive Board Member, MASH Physical Education Chair, AFHK State Health Systems Director, ACS


Through the use of data and brainstorming, identify potential initiatives the council wishes to undertake.

List all of these on a large board for the group to review.

Discuss how the suggested initiatives will achieve the vision of the council.

Page 9: School Health Councils Samantha Heard Executive Board Member, MASH Physical Education Chair, AFHK State Health Systems Director, ACS


How do you eat an Elephant?

One bite at a time…

Page 10: School Health Councils Samantha Heard Executive Board Member, MASH Physical Education Chair, AFHK State Health Systems Director, ACS


You may be inspired to “take on the world” at this point.

Remember that doing one or two things well is more effective than doing a lot of things poorly.

Help the council to prioritize the initiatives.

Page 11: School Health Councils Samantha Heard Executive Board Member, MASH Physical Education Chair, AFHK State Health Systems Director, ACS


Ask the council members to rank the top 5 initiatives.

Once the top 5 initiatives have been chosen, consider using the following exercises: “Evaluating Priorities” handout “What is Needed for Change to Occur?”


Page 12: School Health Councils Samantha Heard Executive Board Member, MASH Physical Education Chair, AFHK State Health Systems Director, ACS

Design a Plan

Complete an action plan on each of the identified priority initiatives.

Make your plans SMART Specific-do not be too broad in scope Measurable-how will you measure success Achievable-do not over estimate Realistic-do you have the resources Timely-set a time frame for achievement

Page 13: School Health Councils Samantha Heard Executive Board Member, MASH Physical Education Chair, AFHK State Health Systems Director, ACS

Design a Plan

A Good Action Plan includes: What is to be accomplished Activities planned to create results Who will be responsible for each activity When each activity will be completed What resources are needed How will success be measuredReview “Action Planning Guide”


Page 14: School Health Councils Samantha Heard Executive Board Member, MASH Physical Education Chair, AFHK State Health Systems Director, ACS

“Between the saying and the doing there is a long stretch.”

-Irma Castro, New Beginnings