school magazine analysis


Upload: leanne94

Post on 18-Jul-2015




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The image is the main focus on the page, however the image doesn’t portray the headline very well.

The Masthead is in a conventional place on the page, it is easily seen, yet the font/style isn’t very interesting or eye catching.

Conventional magazine technique in the top left, and the tag line both frame the masthead.

The headlines stand out from the image, however headlines should dominate the page and catch the readers eye.

Overall I think the magazine cover is quite plain and boring, to improve they could make it more interesting by adding more colour and more information on what's inside.

The masthead stands out from the background due to the black and yellow contrasting each other. Also its in a conventional place on the page so it will easily be seen.

The image easily dominates the page, it shows all the different activities going on in school. Also the purple foregrounds the piece of art as it’s the only purple on the page, this could mean that its focusing on being creative.

This text would be the last thing you see on the page and would then leave a lasting impression, its also in bold writing as its something the school are proud of.

To improve they could have wrote about what's inside of the magazine and the picture could be less busy.

The main headline stand out from the rest of the image as it a completely different colour to the rest of the conventions on the page. The headline also relates to what the image is about.

The masthead colours compliment the background by being a different shade of blue.

The image takes up 3/4 of the page, which shows how it dominates the page, and that this is the first thing the designer wants the reader to see.

To improve the cover they could add more subtitles, splashes etc to give the reader more idea of what's inside.

Images frame the contents at both the top and bottom of the page.

Contents list is clearly laid out in order with bold titles making it easier for the reader.

Continued the house style with the same colour scheme, making the overall look of the magazine more professional.

To improve the contents page they could have made it more interesting to the eye by having a different font, or the pictures laid out differently.

Strong title at the top of the page, also with magazine conventions in a different colour so they stand out (date and issue number).

Images frame the page and also make it more appealing to look at, they have page numbers which relate to the image, so its easy for the reader to find what they want.

Red text keep the colour scheme to a minimum so the page doesn't look to busy and too much for the reader to take in.