school prospectus final with text box.pdf with front page

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  • 8/8/2019 School Prospectus Final With Text Box.pdf With Front Page



  • 8/8/2019 School Prospectus Final With Text Box.pdf With Front Page




    Ofsted said:There is a strong sense of teamwork andpride in what has already been achieved.The school knows exactly what to do further

    on its journey to excellence and so thecapacity to further improve is outstanding.October 2008

    Brampton is a two form entry communityschool for pupils aged from 4+ to 11. Classsizes are no more than 30 and we try ourbest to keep class sizes to this figure. Theschool rises up to 420 pupils in the Springterm.

    Brampton Primary School was opened in1935 serving the Brampton Park Estate ofPrivate housing, built during the suburbandevelopments of the 1930s. Our pupilsmostly live in the locality, although somecome from further afield.

    The main building houses classrooms, thehall and offices. There is a Breakfast and

    Afternoon Club room. The school has alarge sports field. There is an environmentalstudies area with a pond and a stage in oneof the playgrounds. Our school is very wellresourced with books, equipment andcomputers and has a separate ICT suite.


    Our school has a website which is updatedregularly and contains further information

    about our school and news and events. Theaddress


    Ofsted said:Governors know the school well and askchallenging questions about what goes onbecause they are keen for all pupils to do as

    well as possible.(October 2008)

    The Governors of Brampton Primary Schoolare responsible for approving all the policiesand meet regularly with the Head Teacher todetermine the overall strategic direction ofthe school and to review its progress.Governors serve a four year term of officeand may seek to be reappointed. Parentshave the opportunity to stand for election asparent governors and so become involved inthe strategic direction of the school.The Governing body comprises fourcommunity governors, three local authoritygovernors, six parent governors, four staffgovernors and one observer.


    Ofsted said:Leaders have created a school which is aharmonious environment, in which pupils of

    all races and cultures get on well together.October 2008

    We believe everyone has the right to bevalued equally whatever their colour, race,religion, culture, gender, sexuality, class ordisability. All pupils have full access to thecurriculum.

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    At all times we must show respect for othersin the way we behave. This includes theway we look at, listen to, speak to, speakabout, write about and act towards oneanother.

    (The above includes pupils, parents, staff,visitors and governors)

    The schools DDA policy (DisabilityDiscrimination Act), along with theAccessibility Plan and SEN policy can beviewed on the school website. Arrangementsfor admission are made on an individualbasis depending on need and can bediscussed with the SENCo, Class Teacherand Head Teacher.


    At Brampton we encourage a smartstandard of dress as it creates a sense ofpride of belonging; enhancing self disciplinea positive image and reducing unnecessarypeer group pressure amongst pupils. Ouruniform colours are Brampton Blue, greyand white. Jewellery is not part of theuniform.

    P.E. and Games

    Children need a PE kit consisting of a Teamcolour T-Shirt, navy shorts, plimsolls forindoor use and trainers for outdoor use only.Blue tracksuits can be worn in winter.

    All clothing must be clearly marked with yourchilds name (including outdoor coat,wellingtons and plimsolls).


    The school comprises three Key Stages.

    The Foundation Stage consists of theReception classes (4-5 years), Key Stage 1which consists of Year 1 and 2 (5-7 years).Key Stage 2 consists of Years 3, 4, 5 and 6(7-11 years).

    The School Day

    Foundation and KS1:a.m. session 8.55 12.15p.m. session 1.30 3.15

    There is a 15 minute break during eachmorning session and a 10 minute breakduring the afternoon.

    Key Stage 2.a.m. 8.55 12.25p.m. 1.30 - 3.15

    Staff supervise the playgrounds from 8.45a.m. when pupils should arrive.

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    Ofsted said:The carefully planned curriculum contributesstrongly to pupils learning.October 2008

    Pupils at Brampton are encouraged to takeresponsibility, grow in independence anddevelop a spirit of enquiry. Teachers takeaccount of the needs of every child and workis planned to ensure that each child makesprogress.

    Foundation Stage.

    The Reception classes follow theFoundation Stage Curriculum whichunderpins all future learning. It is a highlypractical curriculum which is divided into sixareas of learning, and childrensunderstanding is deepened through free andstructured play, talk, observation, planning,questioning, experimenting, testing,repeating, reflecting and responding. At theend of Foundation Stage, pupils areassessed on the six areas of learning usingthe Foundation Stage Profile in line withguidance from the Government and BexleyCouncil.Our reception staff provide pupils with awelcoming and calm environment.

    Key Stage 1 and 2.

    Key Stages 1 and 2 follow the NationalCurriculum for each subject area and theNational frameworks for English andMathematics.

    The autumn term in Year 1 is a transitionterm when the National Curriculum is taughtthrough a Foundation Stage approach. Weplan a wide and varied curriculum, which wetry to make as creative as possible withstrong links between subjects. Ourcurriculum is enriched through opportunitiesfor creativity, visitors, outside visits, workwith the community and extra curricularactivities.

    Pupils experience a range of approaches inlessons which suit all learning stylesresulting in sustained challenge and highexpectations.

    Our high quality Teaching Assistants (TAs)work effectively in class by working in close

    partnership with the class teachers,providing support for groups and individualpupils.

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    Special Educational Needs

    Ofsted said:The value placed on each pupil, and the

    attention paid to meeting everyonesindividual needs, underpins the schoolssuccess in supporting and developing pupilspersonal and academic achievements.October 2008

    At Brampton School we believe in trying tomeet successfully the demands of a range ofabilities from the very able children to thosewith learning difficulties or disabilities. It isour aim to provide a caring and secureenvironment which will encourage childrento reach their full potential.

    With the assistance of the Boroughs supportservices, we try to identify and provide forthe special education needs of pupils asearly as possible and work with our parentsand carers in order to give them theconfidence that their child will receive theeducation they need.

    We believe that inclusive education is a

    human right; it is good education andprovides effective learning opportunities forall. At Brampton, we recognise andacknowledge differences while supportingindividual needs.

    Child Protection

    Brampton Primary School staff, parents andGovernors share a common responsibility tokeep our children safe.

    We are committed to safeguarding andpromoting the welfare of children and expectall staff and volunteers to share thiscommitment. Consequently, all adultsworking in school, including volunteers arerequired to complete a CRB (CriminalRecords Bureau) Enhanced Police Check.

    Target Setting

    Schools are required to set targets forachievement at KS2 based on pupilsachievement since their KS1 assessments(SATs).

    Targets are also set for individuals andgroups of pupils in order that they shouldreach their full potential. These targets areidentified to help the children move forwardin their learning at an appropriate place forthem.

    Progress meetings take place each termwhen childrens achievement is discussedand tracked, so that appropriate steps canbe taken.

    Reporting Pupil Progress

    Each class teacher holds an informal

    Welcome meeting for parents at thebeginning of the autumn term when classprocedures and organisation are discussed.More formal parent consultation eveningsare held later in the autumn term and duringthe spring term. These provide anopportunity to discuss your childs progressand target setting. Reports are given to allpupils before the end of the summer term,and parents can make an appointment withthe class teacher to discuss the reportshould they want to discuss it further.

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    Ofsted said:Very good relationships and excellent care,guidance and support result in happy

    learners.October 2008

    The School has devised a Behaviour Policywith the aim of working in partnership withparents and carers. The full Policy isavailable on the website or to any parentupon request.

    We emphasise positive reinforcement ofbehaviour through our code of conductwhich we share with parents and carers.Pupils are taught that there areconsequences to the actions they chooseand they are involved in discipline processthrough the code. We believe in providingrewards that give children goals to worktoward, for example certificates, stickers,house points and the Gold Book.

    Our experience is one where if the parentsand school strive to work together,behaviour issues are easily managed.

    Bullying and Racism

    We are committed to providing a caring,friendly and safe environment for all of ourpupils so they can learn in a relaxed andsecure atmosphere. Bullying or racism ofany kind is unacceptable at our school. Ifbullying does occur, all pupils should be ableto raise this and know that incidents will bedealt with promptly and effectively.

    Bullying is the use of aggression or unkindbehaviour with the intention of hurtinganother person on several occasions over aperiod of time. Bullying results in pain anddistress to the victim. This and badbehaviour, bad language including racistremarks or any other form of discriminationwill not be tolerated.

    Children are strongly encouraged to reportincidents to teachers or midday supervisors.There is a strong system in the school for

    dealing with bullies and if a situation persiststhe Head Teacher will talk with parents andsanctions will be agreed.


    Home Learning

    Brampton Primary School values thecontribution you can make to your childslearning. By working together we can help

    your child to achieve their best. Thehomework is graduated as your child getsolder and comprises extension activities andpractice. We ask for your co-operation inencouraging your child to do home work andto bring it back to school on time.

    We also provide parents with suggestions ofactivities which can be done at home toenrich learning taking place in school.

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    There is a thriving Friends association ofwhich all parents are automaticallymembers. Fund raising, social and otherevents are organised. Regular newsletters

    are sent out to inform parents aboutforthcoming events. The Friends ofBrampton have a website:


    Concerts and dramatic performances takeplace at various times during the schoolyear.

    Separate KS1 (Infants) and KS2 (Juniors)Sports Days are organised in the summerterm, as is a swimming gala for Year 6Juniors.

    Educational Visits are arranged for each

    class during the year, linked with class work.These visits are financed by voluntarycontributions from parents and the school.Where there are difficulties about makingvoluntary contributions, parents are asked tocontact us to see if we can help.There is a residential school journey once ayear for Year 6 pupils.

    A variety of fund raising activities take placeduring the year.


    Ofsted said:Pupils come to school ready to learn andare eager to contribute to lessons. Theattendance rate of over 97% reflects pupils

    great enjoyment of school.

    Every Day Counts!We believe that it is extremely important thatchildren attend school regularly in order thatthey do not miss out both socially andacademically.Did you know that children whoseattendance is below 95%, on average are 6months behind children whose attendanceis more than 95%?

    If your child is sick or cannot attend schoolfor any reason, it is essential to send a noteor telephone. This helps to deter truancy,which is very rare at our school.

    The Governors discourage parents fromwithdrawing their children from class duringterm time, as this has a detrimental effect ontheir education. However, allowances aremade for exceptional circumstances. An

    absence request form is available from theschool office and should be given to theoffice staff at least two weeks in advance ofthe absence dates. Holidays are notauthorised.


    Punctuality is good training for life andlateness is definitely discouraged. It isimportant that children arrive well in time for

    a calm start to the day.

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    Accident or Illness

    If your child is obviously unwell s/he shouldnot be sent to school.

    It is extremely important that parents give usup to date contact details so that we can getin touch if a child becomes unwell or isinvolved in an accident.

    The school trains staff as emergency,paediatric and fully qualified first aiders. Noointments or other medicines will beadministered. Asthma inhalers may be usedunder adult supervision.


    Brampton Primary School has achievedHealthy Schools Status and support healthyeating.

    Mid morning snackWe encourage our pupils to eat healthily.Infants are provided with a piece of fruit orvegetable daily under a Department ofHealth Scheme; Junior children areencouraged to bring fruit for a mid morningsnack.

    Milk is available for those who wish topurchase it. Some pupils may be entitled tofree milk.

    Cooked Meals

    Good quality meals are cooked on thepremises by an enthusiastic and caring teamof cooks who take pride in the food theyserve. We encourage all parents to buyschool dinners as we are a Healthy School.

    The school meals service caters for alldietary requirements.

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    Packed Lunches

    Parents may provide their children with apacked lunch and should follow our healthyeating policy. We encourage children tomake healthy choices and would ask all

    parents to ensure that packed lunches avoidfoods with large amounts of fat, salt andsugar. Chocolates and fizzy drinks are notpermitted.


    Ofsted said:The very wide range of clubs, visits and

    extra activities also contribute to pupils verypositive views about learning.October 2008

    We have popular and oversubscribedBreakfast and After School Clubs. Breakfastclub starts at 7.45 and ends at 8.45. Afterschool starts at 3.15pm and ends at 6pm.A number of activities are voluntarilyorganised by teachers during their lunchbreak and after school. Although not all of

    these activities are offered every year, mostare, and others could be added.

    Tuition is sometimes arranged on a musicalinstrument such as violin, clarinet, trumpetetc. Full details will be given whennecessary, but it is important to emphasisethe need for regular practice, purchase of aninstrument after one year, and not giving upby a child just because they find the goinghard. All worthwhile things have to be

    worked for! It is also expected that suchchildren will join the school orchestra as theybecome more proficient.


    Pupils are encouraged to develop their rolewithin the community through links andpartnerships with other local primary andsecondary schools, the community police,churches, fundraising for charities, and avariety of visitors linked to the curriculumtopics such as The Life Bus.


    We hope that you will be happy with thequality of education offered at BramptonPrimary School. We value our relationshipwith parents and welcome comments andsuggestions regarding all aspects of schoollife. However, a parent who is unhappyabout something concerning school, shouldplease come and see us. The best time tosee a class teacher is after a school session.

    If dissatisfied, the LA first encouragesparents to discuss the complaint further withthe Head Teacher. In most cases this willlead to a resolution of the problem.

    You may refer the complaint to theGoverning Body Panel. The ClerkshipPractice at Hill View Drive, Welling will giveadvice on how to proceed.

    There are also further appeal stages to a

    Panel of the Local Education authority andfinally to the Secretary of State forEducation.