schools property planning competition 2014 ‘rosedale’

Schools Property Planning Competition 2014 ‘Rosedale’

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Page 1: Schools Property Planning Competition 2014 ‘Rosedale’

Schools Property Planning

Competition 2014


Page 2: Schools Property Planning Competition 2014 ‘Rosedale’

Property Management Planning

• Is an “ongoing process for total management of a farm business which assists producers to improve their profitability and achieve more sustainable natural resource use”

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• Effective planning requires the assessment and consideration of all resources

• It also requires continual improvement





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Setting the Scene

You are a team of farm advisory consultants who have been asked by the landholder to plan the property ensuring it is both ecologically and economically sustainable.

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The Question

• Your task is to use the principles of whole farm planning to plan the sustainable and profitable development of your case study farm.

• You need to develop a map, where you will mark on where the infrastructure will be located. In each of the paddocks you will need to decide how you think they should be managed to ensure the sustainability of the farm in the long term.

• When you finish your map of the property you are to write a 4-5 page report that explains and justifies the decisions you have made in your plan.

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Up for Grabs

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Landholder’s GoalsWhile property plans can be based purely on the physical resources, it is the landholder who will implement the plan. It is therefore desirable that any plan not only accounts for the physical factors but also the aims of the landholder.

The goals of the owners of “Rosedale” are to:•Increase property value for sale in the future•Increase productivity of the cattle enterprise•Improve pasture quality and quantity (including having a mix of types of pastures and provision of seasonal shortages)

•Encouraging water to stay longer in the creek with better waterholes

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What are the Assets?

• Think about what you see at “Rosedale”

• What are the resources available to the landholders?

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Assets could include:

• Soil and nutrients• Water / Dams / Soil Moisture• Infrastructure (fencing, sheds etc)• Pasture / Groundcover• Biodiversity – Remnant Vegetation• Knowledge/Networks• Equity / Cash

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Soil constraints: Some problems you just shouldn’t ignore!

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Which is the Healthy Soil?

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Soils and Land

Capability• What do you remember from the Field Day?

• Soil relates to land capability

• What is Land Capability?

• What are the main indicators of land capability?

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Why use grazing management strategies to improve catchment health?

• Improved profit

• Maintains adequate groundcover to reduce run off.

• Prevent soil erosion.

• Improve soil health.

• Increase perenniality.

• Improve the quality of water entering waterways.

• Reduce deep drainage.

• Resist weed invasion.

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The main challenges on this property are:

•improving and maintaining groundcover to at least 70% or above •minimising erosion in the creek and adjacent paddocks•improving the condition of the creek and encouraging habitat for native flora and fauna•improving water quality in the creek•selecting appropriate grazing and or cropping enterprises•seasonal feed value and availability•shade and shelter for stock•planning for emergencies such as bushfires and floods as well as biosecurity issues.

These challenges should be addressed in the property plan.

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Plan the fencesThis will be guided by watering points, but also by the different soil types, drainage lines, erosion and planned stock movements (ie – location of yards, laneways, etc)Though the lower slopes have water troughs in all paddocks, the large mid-slope paddock has just one dam.Can paddocks and watering points in the mid-upper areas be improved?

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Hazards or Liabilities

• Soil erosion – gully, sheet, rill• Soil structure decline• Loss in Groundcover and desirable

perennial pasture species • Excess moisture loss• Loss of biodiversity• Biosecurity and emergency response• Infrastructure – fencing and water• Shade trees for shelter

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Any other suggestions?

The role of:• Earthworks – gully control structures

and management of these structures• Fencing• Planning paddocks – size, shape• Fertiliser• Farm trees• Improving biodiversity• Other enterprises…..

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Emergency Response and Bio-Security

Threat Source of information

Types of actions to include in such a plan


Think about the types of emergency and/or bio-security threats ‘Rosedale’ faces and how to minimise them.

List the types of threats which may require a plan and or emergency response.

Where would you find information to develop a fire preparedness or other plans.

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Emergency Response and Biosecurity (Continued)

Threat Source of information

Types of actions to include in such a plan

Flood SESFire RFS Vegetation clear, fire units

maintained and evacuation plan established

Drought DPI Monitoring, Security of fodder and water, adjustment plan

Weeds LLS/LHPA Hygiene, ground cover, controlDisease LLS/LHPA Hygiene records and control.

Examples: BJD and Hendra

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Monitoring• Decide on some indicators of change that you can use to

monitor physical changes on the property. Think about some of the tests and assessments you participated in at the field day. Some examples could include:

• Pasture and/or groundcover percentage• Pasture and/or crop yields • Soil carbon or structural changes and soil pH• Groundwater levels• Records of bird sightings as an increase in the number and

diversity of species signals better environmental conditions• Water quality

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A helpful hint….

• When you make suggestions – think about how these are going to be managed.

• How are the landholders going to know they have achieved their goals? (Monitoring)

• How are they going to measure the improvements?

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Criterion Not doneMarks: 0

Consideration given. Marks: 1-2

Adequate standard Marks: 3 - 5

High standard Marks:6 - 8


1) Consideration of Land Use issues and hazards

No discussion of strategies to manage property considering land use constraints.

Inappropriate suggestions to manage property considering land use constraints.

Good discussion of strategies to manage property considering land use issues. Appropriate management decisions.

Thorough discussion of strategies to manage property considering land use issues and hazards. Appropriate management decisions made. Innovative strategies explored.

2) Enterprise selection, range, justification and suitability

No information presented to show enterprise selection.

Irrelevant or inappropriate enterprise selection. No reasons given.

Appropriate enterprise selection. Relevant and adequate explanation of enterprise selection.

Appropriate enterprise selection. Relevant and adequate explanation of enterprise selection. Innovative ideas demonstrated that meet the requirements of landholder and land resource.

3) Consideration of Landholders aims

No consideration given.

Some consideration given to some aims.

Some consideration given to all aims.

High level of consideration shown for all aims.

4) Map Presentation

Not included, poor presentation.

Some effort shown to present map

Map presented clearly with some effort made with presentation.

Map presented very clearly and to a high standard with effort made with presentation.

5) Report Presentation

Not included, poor presentation.

Some effort shown to present report

report presented clearly with some effort made with presentation

Report presented very clearly and to a high standard with effort made with presentation.

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MARKING SCHEDULE. Part B Criterion Not done


Consideration given

Marks: 1 – 2

Adequate standard

Marks: 3 - 4

High standard

Marks: 5 - 6


6) Use of Resource Information provided

No use of information provided.

Some resource information used to develop management recommendations or map.

Most resource information used to develop management recommendations and map.

All resource information used to develop both management recommendations and map.

7) Legal considerations accounted for

No accounting for legal considerations.

Legal constraints considered, but unclear how they affected decisions.

Legal constraints considered. Clearly affected management decisions.

Legal issues clearly considered and applied to management, Consideration given to overcoming legal constraints.

8) Funding considered

No consideration of funding works.

Mention of need to source funding.

Funding sources suggested for works proposed.

Range of funding options explored and linked to proposed works.

9) Use of other resources

No reference to other resources used.

References given to use of resources, but irrelevant resources used.

References given to use of resources. Relevant resources used but not referenced.

List of relevant resources mentioned in text and references given.

10) Monitoring

No consideration to monitoring of recommended and works

Need to monitor mentioned

Map shows monitoring points and strategy described

Range of monitoring options given with preferred strategies recommended and mapped.

11) Bio-security and Emergency Planning

No consideration given/no response to any Biosecurity or Emergency Planning criteria

Mention given or poor understanding of Biosecurity and Emergency Planning issues

Understanding of Biosecurity and Emergency Planning issues

Thorough understanding of Biosecurity and Emergency Planning issues. Good evidence of ideas being used in plan.

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Good Luck!

Best two entries due in by 26 May