science in quran


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Quran Science


Answer:1. Quran mentions Allah is the Lord of two Easts and two Wests.The verse of the Quran which refers to Allah being the Lord of two Easts and two Wests is the following verse from surah Ar-Rahman: (He is) Lord of the two Easts and Lord of the two Wests: [55:17]In the original Arabic script, the words east and west have been used in the dual form. It implies that Allah is the Lord of two Easts and two Wests.2. Allah is the Lord of both the extremes of East and WestThe science of geography tells us that the sun rises from the east, but the point of sunrise keeps shifting throughout the year. Only on two days of the year known as equinox, does the sun rise exactly from due east. On the remaining days, it rises either from a little north or a little south of due east. During summer solstice the sun rises from one extreme of the east and during winter solstice it rises from the other extreme. Similarly, the sun sets in one extreme of the west in summer solstice. It sets in the other extreme of the west in winter solstice. This phenomenon can be easily seen in Mumbai or any other city, by people living in certain areas, or in tall buildings, from where the rising or setting of sun can be seen. They are able to notice that during the summer solstice the sun rises from one extreme of east and during winter solstice it rises from the other extreme of east. In short, through out the year, the sun keeps rising from different points of the east and sets on different points of the west. Thus when the Quran refers to Allah as the Lord of two Easts and two Wests, it means that Allah is the Lord of both the extremes of east and both the extremes of west.3. Allah is the Lord of all the points of the East and WestArabic language has two types of plurals. One is the dual plural i.e. the plural that implies the existence of two. The other is the plural for more than two, i.e. three and above. In surah Rahman verse 17 the Arabic words used are Mashriqain and Magribain which are in dual plural and therefore imply two Easts and two Wests.Consider the following verse of the Quran: Now I do call to witness the Lord of all points in the East and the West. [70:40]The Arabic words for east and west used in this verse are mashaariq and magharib which are plurals that imply the existence of more than two.We can thus conclude that the Quran refers to Allah being the Lord of all the points in the east and all the points of the west, as well as the Lord of both the extreme points of east and both the extreme points of west.

Science in Quran:Chemistry in Quran


The Use Of Molten CopperThe Miracle Of IronThe Formation Of PetrolThe Use of Molten Copper ()Saba34:12In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the MercifulAndWemade a fount of molten copper flow out for him. One of Allah's great blessings to ProphetSulayman(as) was "a fount of molten copper." This can be understood in several senses. By the use of melted copper, it may be referring to the existence, at his time, of an advanced technology that employed electricity/ heat energy. We know that copper is one of the best metals for conducting electricity and heat, and thus constitutes the basis of the electrical industry, which uses much of the copper produced in the world. The expression "flow out" may indicate that electricity can be used in many fields. (Allah knows best.)The Miracle of IronIronis one of the elements highlighted in the Quran. InSuratal-Hadid, meaning Iron, we are informed: ()Al-Hadid57:25In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the MercifulWe sent aforetime our messengers with Clear Signs and sent down with them the Book and the Balance (of Right and Wrong), that men may stand forth in justice;and We sent down Iron, in which is (material for) mighty war, as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help unseen, Him and His messengers; for Allah is Full of Strength exalted in Might (And able to enforce His will). (25) ( ) ( ) () ()Suratal-Hadidis the57thin the Quran. The numerical value of the word al-Hadid in Arabic is57. The numerical value of hadid on its own is26. As can be seen from the periodic table to the side, 26 is the number of the iron atom. With the verse revealed inSuratal-HadidAlmighty Allah indicates how iron formed, and with the mathematical code contained in the verse He reveals to us a scientific miracle.

The word "anzalna" translated as "sent down" and used for iron in the verse could be thought of having a metaphorical meaning to explain that iron has been given to benefit people. But, when we take into consideration the literal meaning of the word, which is,"being physically sent down from the sky"as in the case of rain and Sun rays, we realize that this verse implies a very significant scientific miracle. Because, modern astronomical findings have disclosed that theiron found in our world has come from giant stars in outer space.Not only the iron on earth, but also the iron in the entire Solar System,comes from outer space, since the temperature in the Sun is inadequate for the formation of iron. The sun has a surface temperature of 6,000 degrees Celsius, and a core temperature of approximately 20 million degrees. Iron can only be produced in much larger stars than the Sun, where the temperature reaches afew hundred million degrees. When the amount of iron exceeds a certain level in a star, the star can no longer accommodate it, and it eventually explodes in what is called a"nova" or a "supernova." These explosions make it possible for iron to be given off into space.Stellarnucleosynthesisis the collective term for the nuclear reactions taking place in stars to build the nuclei of the heavier elements such as Iron.One scientific source provides the following information on this subject:There is also evidence for older supernova events: Enhanced levels of iron-60 in deep-sea sediments have been interpreted as indications that a supernova explosion occurred within 90 light-years of the sun about 5 million years ago. Iron-60 is a radioactive isotope of iron, formed in supernova explosions, which decays with a half life of 1.5 million years.An enhanced presence of this isotope in a geologic layer indicates the recentnucleosynthesisof elements nearby in space and their subsequent transport to the earth (perhaps as part of dust grains).All this shows that iron did not form on the Earth, but was carried from Supernovas, and was "sent down," as stated in the verse. It is clear that this fact could not have been known in the 7thcentury, when the Quran was revealed. Nevertheless, this fact is related in the Quran, the Word of Allah, Who encompasses all things in His infinite knowledge.Astronomyhas also revealed that other elements also formed outside the Earth. In the expression "We also sent down iron" in the verse, the word"also"may well be referring to that idea. However, the fact that the verse specifically mentions iron is quite astounding, considering that these discoveries were made at the end of the 20thcentury. In his bookNature's Destiny, the well-known microbiologistMichael Dentonemphasizes the importance of iron:Of all the metals there is none more essential to life than iron. It is the accumulation of iron in the center of a star which triggers a supernova explosion and the subsequent scattering of the vital atoms of life throughout the cosmos.It was the drawing by gravity of iron atoms to the center of the primeval earth that generated the heat which caused the initial chemical differentiation of the earth, the out gassing of the early atmosphere, and ultimately the formation of the hydrosphere. It is molten iron in the center of the earth which, acting like a gigantic dynamo, generates the earth's magnetic field, which in turn creates the Van Allen radiation belts that shield the earth's surface from destructive high-energy-penetrating cosmic radiation and preserve the crucial ozone layer from cosmic ray destructionWithout the iron atom, there would be no carbon-based life in the cosmos;no supernovae, no heating of the primitive earth, no atmosphere or hydrosphere. There would be no protective magnetic field, no Van Allen radiation belts, no ozone layer, no metal to make hemoglobin [in human blood], no metal to tame the reactivity of oxygen, and no oxidative metabolism.The intriguing and intimate relationship between life and iron, between the red color of blood and the dying of some distant star, not only indicates the relevance of metals to biology but also thebiocentricityof the cosmosThis account clearly indicates the importance of the iron atom. The fact that particular attention is drawn to iron in the Quran also emphasizes the importance of the element.Moreover, iron oxideparticles were used in a cancer treatment in recent months and positive developments were observed. A team led byDr. Andreas Jordan, at the world famousCharitHospital in Germany, succeeded in destroying cancer cells with this new technique developed for the treatment of cancer-magnetic fluid hyperthermia (high temperature magnetic liquid). As a result of this technique, first performed on the 26-year-oldNikolausH., no new cancer cells were observed in the patient in the following three months.This method of treatment can be summarized as follows:oA liquid containing iron oxide particles is injected into the tumor by means of a special syringe. These particles spread throughout the tumor cells. This liquid consists of thousands of millions of particles, 1,000 times smaller than the red blood corpuscles, of iron oxide in 1 cm3 that can easily flow through all blood vessels.oThe patient is then placed in a machine with a powerful magnetic field.oThis magnetic field, applied externally, begins to set the iron particles in the tumor in motion. During this time the temperature in the tumor containing the iron oxide particles rises by up to 45 degrees.oIn a few minutes the cancer cells, unable to protectthemselvesfrom the heat, are either weakened or destroyed. The tumor may then be completely eradicated with subsequent chemotherapy.In this treatment it is only the cancer cells that are affected by the magnetic field, since only they contain the iron oxide particles. The spread of this technique is a major development in the treatment of this potentially lethal disease. In the treatment of such a widespread disease as cancer, the use of the expression "iron in which there lies great force and whichhas many uses for mankind" (Quran, 57:25) in the Quran is particularly noteworthy. Indeed, in that verse, the Quran may be indicating the benefits of iron for human health. (Allah knows best.)Iron is also highlighted in the following verses of Quran: () () ()Saba34:9-11In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the MercifulHave they not observed what is before them and what is behind them of the sky and the earth? IfWewill, We can make the earth swallow them, or cause obliteration from the sky to fall on them. Lo!hereinsurely is a portent for every slave whoturneth(to Allah) repentant. (9) And assuredlyWegave David grace from Us, (saying): O ye hills and birds, echo his psalms of praise! AndWemade the iron supple unto him, (10) Saying: Make thou long coats of mail and measure the links (thereof). And do ye right. Lo! I am Seer of what ye do. (11) () ( ) () () ()Al-Hajj 22:21In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the MercifulAnd for them are hooked rods of iron. (21) ()InSuratAl-IsraAllah mentioned thatDead bodies will become Fossil (like stone or hard like Iron) he will bring us back to life, and also mentioned the relativity of Time. / () () () ()Al-Isra17: 49-52In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the MercifulAnd they say: When we are bones and fragments, shall we forsooth, be raised up as a new creation? (49) Say: Be ye stones or iron (50)Orsome created thing that is yet greater in your thoughts! Then they will say: Who shall bring us back (to life). Say: HeWhocreated you at the first. Then will they shake their heads at thee, and say: When will it be? Say: It will perhaps be soon; (51) A day when He will call you and ye will answer with His praise, and ye will think that ye have tarried but a little while. (52) / ( ) () ( ) () ( ) () ( ) () ( ) () ( ) () ()[Go to Top]The Formation of Petrol

() () () () ()Al-Ala87: 1-5In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the MercifulGlorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High: He Who created and molded; He Who determined and guided; He Whobrings forth green pasture, then makes it blackened stubble.(Quran, 87:1-5) () () () () ()As we know, petrol forms from the remains of plants and animals in the sea. Once these have decayed on the sea bed after millions of years, all that is left are oily substances. These, under layers of mud and rock, then turn into petrol and gas. Movements in the Earth's crust sometimes lead to the sea petrifying and to the rocks containing petrol being buried thousands of meters deep. The petrol that forms sometimes leaks through the pores in the rock layers from several kilometers down, and rises to the surface, where it vaporizes (turns into gas), leaving a mass of bitumen behind.The three elements identified in the first four verses ofSuratal-Ala parallel the formation of petroleum. It is quite likely that the term "almaraa," meaning pasture or meadow, refers to the organically-based substances in the formation of petroleum. The second word of note in the verse is "ahwa," used to describe blackish-green, greenish-black, dark or sooty colors. This word can be thought of as describing thewaste plant matter accumulated underground gradually turning black, since these words are supported by a third word, "ghuthaan." The word"ghuthaan" translated asstubble,can also mean flood-water plants, plants brought together by waste matter being collected and dispersed around valleys, rubbish, leaves or foam. In addition to the connotation of "vomiting out" implied in the word, it may also be translated as "to flood forth vomited matter,"and describes the way that the earth "vomits" forth petroleum. In fact, in the light of the formation of petroleum, the way it emerges, its foam-like appearance and its color, one can better see with what wisdom were employed the words in the verses.As discussed, the plant in the verse turning into a dark and viscous liquid bears a strong resemblance to the formation of petroleum. The description of such a formation over many years, at a time when the formation of petroleum was unknown, is without doubt another proof that the Quran is the revelation of Allah.