scientific computing linear and quadratic splines

Scientific Computing Linear and Quadratic Splines

Upload: caren-harris

Post on 29-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Scientific Computing Linear and Quadratic Splines

Scientific Computing

Linear and Quadratic Splines

Page 2: Scientific Computing Linear and Quadratic Splines

Splines Overview

• We have looked at two methods of finding interpolating polynomials for a set of data points – Lagrange polynomials and Newton’s method.

• While these methods are fairly simple to program, they have a serious drawback – for a large number of data points, the interpolating polynomial can be quite unstable.

Page 3: Scientific Computing Linear and Quadratic Splines

Splines Overview

• Here is a set of 11 data points and the computer interpolating polynomial. Note the high degree of oscillation near the ends. This is an unfortunate property of interpolating polynomials of high degree!

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Splines Overview

• Here is a picture of the same data, but with spline curves interpolating the data. Note how this interpolation is so much more smooth and stable than the previous example.

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What is a Spline Curve?

• A spline curve is a curve that is made of a set of simple curves (lines, quadratics, cubics) that are joined together.

• A spline is piece-wise defined. That is, it is defined over a set of sub-intervals of a given interval. This set is called a partition.

• Definition: A partition of an interval [a,b] is a sequence of points between a and b such that

a = t0 < t1 < … < tn = b

The numbers ti (i = 1 to n-1) are called knots

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Linear Spline

• Definition: A function S is a linear spline on [a,b] if – The domain of S is [a,b]– S is continuous on [a,b]– There is a partition of points on [a,b] such

that S is a linear function on each sub-interval [ti , ti+1 ]

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Linear Spline

• A linear spline is defined by its values at the set of knots. Given the table of values

there is a unique linear spline with those values. • On each sub-interval, [ti , ti+1 ] , the linear spline is

defined by a linear function:

Then, S(ti)= yi and S(ti+1) = yi+1 (verify this)

Page 8: Scientific Computing Linear and Quadratic Splines

Linear Spline

• Example:

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Linear Spline

• Piece-Wise Linear Formula for Spline:

• Note: The fractions here are just the first divided differences for the data.


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Page 10: Scientific Computing Linear and Quadratic Splines

Matlab Linear Spline Function

function v = piecelin2(x,y,u)%Piecewise linear interpolation. (Slightly modified from Moler text)% v = piecelin2(x,y,u) finds the piecewise linear value of S(x)% with S(x(j)) = y(j) and returns v = S(u).% First divided difference – “diff” is a built-in Matlab command delta = diff(y)./diff(x);% Find subinterval index k so that x(k) <= u < x(k+1) n = length(x); k = 1; for j = 2:n-1 if x(j) <= u; k = j; end end% Evaluate spline at u s = u - x(k); v = y(k) + s*delta(k);

Page 11: Scientific Computing Linear and Quadratic Splines

Matlab Linear Spline Example

% x,y data in vector formx = 1:6;y = [16 18 21 17 15 12];% A series of values along the x-axisu = 1.0:.05:6.0;[m n] = size(u);% polyvals stores the linear spline values for the u-valuessplinevals = zeros(n);for i = 1:n % Compute each polynomial value splinevals(i) = piecelin2(x,y,u(i));end% Plot the x-y data as circles ('o') and the polynomial data as '-'plot(x,y,'o',u,splinevals,'-')

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Matlab Linear Spline Example

Page 13: Scientific Computing Linear and Quadratic Splines

Quadratic Spline

• Definition: A function Q is a quadratic spline on [a,b] if – The domain of Q is [a,b]–Q is continuous on [a,b]–Q’ is continuous on [a,b]– There is a partition of points on [a,b]

such that Q is a polynomial of degree <= 2 on each sub-interval [ti , ti+1 ]

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Quadratic Spline

• Example:

• Class Exercise: Verify that Q satisfies all parts of the definition of a quadratic spline.

Page 15: Scientific Computing Linear and Quadratic Splines

Formula for Quadratic Spline

• Need to find constants ai, bi, ci, such that

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Page 16: Scientific Computing Linear and Quadratic Splines

Formula for Quadratic Spline

Page 17: Scientific Computing Linear and Quadratic Splines

Formula for Quadratic Spline

• Need to find constants ai, bi, ci, such that

• Thus, we need to determine 3n different constants.

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Page 18: Scientific Computing Linear and Quadratic Splines

Formula for Quadratic Spline

• We know that:– Qi (ti ) = yi

– Qi (ti+1 ) = yi+1

– Qi’ (ti+1 ) = Qi+1’ (ti+1 ) (Q’ is continuous at knots)

• This gives n + n + (n-1) =3n -1 equations for 3n unknowns! • Need one more condition on Q. Could use one of these– a0 = 0 (Q0 is a line)

– Q’(t0 ) = z0 (slope at start)

– Q’’(t0 ) = w0 (curvature at start)

• We will use the second condition.

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Formula for Quadratic Spline

• Let zi = Qi’ (ti)

• Recall: Qi(x) = ai (x-ti)2 + bi (x-ti) + ci

Then, Qi (ti ) = yi -> ci = yi

Also, Qi’ (ti ) = zi -> bi = zi

• So, Qi(x) = ai (x-ti)2 + zi (x-ti) + yi

• Since Qi’(ti+1 ) = zi+1 we get 2ai(ti+1-ti) + zi = zi+1

• Thus, ai = (zi+1-zi)/2(ti+1-ti)

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Formula for Quadratic Spline

• We then get a formula for Qi(x) in terms of data points ti and yi and the derivative values zi

• Now, z0 is given as data. How do we get other zi ?


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Formula for Quadratic Spline



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Page 22: Scientific Computing Linear and Quadratic Splines

Formula for Quadratic Spline

Algorithm: Given data (ti , yi) and z0 = derivative at Q(a), compute – 1) for i = 1, 2, …,n

– 2) iiiiii

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Page 23: Scientific Computing Linear and Quadratic Splines

Quadratic Spline

• Example: Data x = [0 1 4], y = [1 -2 1]• Create Matlab Program piecequad. This is

one of your homework problems. We add another input variable z0, so we have piecequad(x,y,z0,u)

• Output is Qi(u) for i = interval in which u lies. • Our example, get – Q0 (x)= -3x2 + 1 – Q1 (x) = 7/3 (x-1)2 – 7 (x-1) -2

(Verify this is correct!)

Page 24: Scientific Computing Linear and Quadratic Splines

Quadratic Spline

• Example: Plot this using Matlab: x = [0 1 4];y = [1 -2 1];% A series of values along the x-axisu = 0.0:.05:4.0;[m n] = size(u);% polyvals stores the quadratic spline values for the u-valuessplinevals = zeros(n);for i = 1:n

splinevals(i) = piecequad(x,y,1,u(i));end% Plot the x-y data as circles ('o') and the polynomial data as '-'plot(x,y,'o',u,splinevals,'-')

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Quadratic Spline

• Example: