
Scientists, Engineers and Technicians In my earlier work of comical literature such as lordship of Gayra and of course you Bastard! , my main focus was on mocking of human emotions and viewing of situations in a hilarious way .Love and commitment can often be a serious cause of heart-ache, deep depression and other psychological symptoms. his factor alone can destroy beautiful and enlightened souls.   o come out of this curse, one either intoicates himself"herself with poisons or further degrades his"her soul with pursuing other immoral, useless and non-sociable activities. But there is hope and an opportunity to live life at its fullest. he important step to set up the process is mock in g those emot io ns whic h form a pattern in your mind-set causing pain and other symptoms in a repeated cycle. Living comically and hilariously is the key to free yourself. #ver wondered why great teachers, scientists, priests, hea lers and nl p pr acti oners are mostly smil ing and cracki ng  $okes%  his story introduces the concept of freedom, happiness and fortress system. he fortress system is by far new and

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Post on 04-Mar-2016




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intoduction to fortress Ssytems


7/21/2019 Scientists 1/1

Scientists, Engineers and Technicians

In my earlier work of comical literature such as lordship of Gayra

and of course you Bastard! , my main focus was on mocking of 

human emotions and viewing of situations in a hilarious way .Loveand commitment can often be a serious cause of heart-ache,

deep depression and other psychological symptoms. his factor

alone can destroy beautiful and enlightened souls.

 o come out of this curse, one either intoicates himself"herself 

with poisons or further degrades his"her soul with pursuing other

immoral, useless and non-sociable activities. But there is hope

and an opportunity to live life at its fullest. he important step to

set up the process is mocking those emotions which form apattern in your mind-set causing pain and other symptoms in a

repeated cycle. Living comically and hilariously is the key to free

yourself. #ver wondered why great teachers, scientists, priests,

healers and nlp practioners are mostly smiling and cracking


 his story introduces the concept of freedom, happiness and

fortress system. he fortress system is by far new and