scientix 9th spwatfcl brussels 6-8 november 2015: rri tools

RRI Tools project fostering Responsible Research and Innovation with and for society Scientix 2 – 9 th SPW in the FCL, 7 November 2015 Viola Pinzi – European Schoolnet

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RRI Tools projectfostering Responsible Research and Innovation with and for society

Scientix 2 – 9th SPW in the FCL, 7 November 2015

Viola Pinzi – European Schoolnet


Bridging the gap between science and societybring together researchers, citizens, policy makers, businesses and educators to cooperate during the entire research and innovation process

Science and innovation with society and for societyincluding society ‘very upstream' in the processes to align their outcomes with the values of society

Key concept at Horizon2020cross-cutting issues in this programme

What is RRI?

| RRI and science education Why is RRI important for education?

Recommendation 5

“ Greater attention should be given to promoting Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and enhancing public understanding of scientific findings and the capabilities to discuss their benefits and consequences’’

• to ensure more effective public communication, to make the underlying issues and consequences understandable by citizens

• to prepare students for active citizenship and employability

Extract from SCIENCE EDUCATION for Responsible Citizenship, Report to the European Commission of the Expert group on Science Education, 2015

| RRI policy agendas

| Policy agenda: Science education

Focus on

enhancing the current education process to better equip citizens withnecessary knowledge and skills to participate in research and innovation debates

promote scientific vocations, for example to increase the number of researchers

| The RRI Tools project - Who

| The RRI Tools project - What

Whattransform Research and Innovation in Europe into a process

• that targets the grand challenges of our timescience for society

• where deliberation and reflection are coupled with actionscience with society

How• training science leaders in the RRI process• raising awareness of the concept through Europe• engaging all relevant stakeholders

| Online Toolkit and Trainings

1st Phase 2nd Phase 3rd Phase

| RRI Stakeholders and Hubs

Community of Practice

19 National Hubs

Opening participation Trainings on RRI

| RRI Stakeholders and Hubs

European Schoolnet for Education community

| Join the RRI

| Follow and register

Thank you for participating!

Viola Pinzi - [email protected]ïté Debry - [email protected]