scopidea estimate system

14 Submitted By: Vikash Kumar (CEO)

Upload: scopidea-team

Post on 10-Aug-2015




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Submitted By:

Vikash Kumar



In SCOPIDEA Estimate is used to find an approximation

of the cost of a product, project, or services. Learn how to

create an estimate for your clients.


Creating an estimate is similar to creating a free-form, open invoice. To create an estimate:

Go to Estimates > Overview and click Create Estimate.

Click Save Estimate. You can send your estimate right away, or save a draft and send it later.

User can perform following operations on Estimate:

Send: User can send estimate summary to multiple recipients.

Edit: User can also edit estimate.

Mark as Sent: User can mark any estimate as sent after sending the estimate.

Delete: This allow user to delete estimate.

Accepted: User can label estimate as accepted by

clicking Accepted.

Declined: User can also decline the estimate.

Web Estimate: Allow user to view estimate on web.

PDF: Allow user to print PDF version of estimate.

Print: User can print estimate using Print.

View History: User can view activity on estimate.

Revert Status: This helps in changing status from

Accepted to Declined and vice versa.

Estimate Report works similar to Invoice Report.


In SCOPIDEA user can customize fields according to his


Click icon then “setting” link.

Settings > Invoice Settings

SCOPIDEA provides four types of Invoice settings.

Default Values: Default values are those values which are taken by default when user chooses not to take any value.

In SCOPIDEA user can set default values for following fields:

1. Tax: User can set default tax value which will remain same throughout invoice management system.

2. Time Rounding: Time entries are rounded for reports and invoices To the and up to nearest.

3. Payments Due: Display the net days for which the payment is due.

4. Invoice Summary: Default description about current invoice.

5. Invoice Notes: Default brief record of important points.


In SCOPDIEA user can translate following labels.

Document Title, From, For, Invoice ID, PO Number,

Issue Date, Due Date, Upon Receipt, Tax, Tax 2,

Discount, Subject, Type, Description, Quantity, Unit

Price, Amount, Subtotal, Amount Due, Notes, PDF Page

Numbering, Payments,

Retainer Payments, Pay Invoice, Invoice Link, Paid and

Client Message.

The translations will show up in all invoices also on PDF



User can add multiple Categories which will be visible on

Invoice. User can also Edit the added categories.

Messages: In SCOPIDEA user can customize three types of message

Invoice Message: This is the email message sent to your client when you send them an invoice through SCOPIDEA. By default, SCOPIDEA will include an invoice summary in the message.

Thank-you Message: After you record a payment for an invoice, you may send a thank-you email to your client through SCOPIDEA.

Reminder Message: In SCOPIDEA user can setup an automatic reminder message for late invoices. In Reminder message user can also set the period to send message.


Setting works in same way in both Invoice and Estimate.

Default Values: Default values are those values which are taken by default when user chooses not to take any value.

In SCOPIDEA user can set default values for following fields:

1.Tax: User can set default tax value which will remain same throughout invoice management system.

2.Estimate Summary: The Estimate Summary is a one-liner to quickly summarize what the Estimate is for.

3.Estimate Notes: Estimate Notes show up below line items on Estimate. You can add additional information such as payment method, payment terms, or additional tax information.

4.Translations: Translation is estimate works is same way as in Invoice.

5.Categories: It also works same as invoices

6. Messages: In estimate settings user can modify estimate message as per his requirement