scott foresman reading street - gorham schoolsbarbh/0160da94-000f6fca.1/community... ·...

Scott Foresman Reading Street 2.5.1 Genre Comprehension Skills and Strategy Expository nonfiction • Main Idea Compare and Contrast Text Structure ISBN 0-328-13292-6 ì<(sk$m)=bdcjci< +^-Ä-U-Ä-U Suggested levels for Guided Reading, DRA, Lexile, ® and Reading Recovery are provided in the Pearson Scott Foresman Leveling Guide. Community Helpers by Marianne Lenihan

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Page 1: Scott Foresman Reading Street - Gorham Schoolsbarbh/0160DA94-000F6FCA.1/Community... · 2010-06-08 · Lexile,® and Reading Recovery™ are provided in the Pearson Scott Foresman

Community Helpers

Scott Foresman Reading Street 2.5.1


Skills and Strategy

Expository nonfi ction

• Main Idea• Compare and

Contrast• Text Structure

by Marianne Lenihan

ISBN 0-328-13292-6

ì<(sk$m)=bdcjci< +^-Ä-U-Ä-U

Suggested levels for Guided Reading, DRA,™ Lexile,® and Reading Recovery™ are provided in the Pearson Scott Foresman Leveling Guide.

13292_CVR.indd A-B13292_CVR.indd A-B 11/18/05 10:57:04 AM11/18/05 10:57:04 AM

Community Helpers

Scott Foresman Reading Street 2.5.1


Skills and Strategy

Expository nonfi ction

• Main Idea• Compare and

Contrast• Text Structure

by Marianne Lenihan

ISBN 0-328-13292-6

ì<(sk$m)=bdcjci< +^-Ä-U-Ä-U

Suggested levels for Guided Reading, DRA,™ Lexile,® and Reading Recovery™ are provided in the Pearson Scott Foresman Leveling Guide.

13292_CVR.indd A-B13292_CVR.indd A-B 11/18/05 10:57:04 AM11/18/05 10:57:04 AM

Page 2: Scott Foresman Reading Street - Gorham Schoolsbarbh/0160DA94-000F6FCA.1/Community... · 2010-06-08 · Lexile,® and Reading Recovery™ are provided in the Pearson Scott Foresman

1. What is the main idea in this book?

2. What happens when firefighters get a call about a fire in their community? Make a graphic organizer like the one below to write down events in order. Start at the fire station.

3. Many community workers work in special buildings. What are the names of some buildings you read about in this book?

4. Look at the illustrations on pages 6 and 7. What special clothes and tools do firefighters use?

Reader Response

13292_CVR.indd C-D13292_CVR.indd C-D 11/18/05 10:57:30 AM11/18/05 10:57:30 AM

Community Helpersby Marianne Lenihan

Editorial Offices: Glenview, Illinois • Parsippany, New Jersey • New York, New YorkSales Offices: Needham, Massachusetts • Duluth, Georgia • Glenview, Illinois

Coppell, Texas • Ontario, California • Mesa, Arizona

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ISBN: 0-328-13292-6

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A community is a group of people. Neighborhoods and towns are made up of communities. People in communities do things together. What communities are you a part of?

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Page 4: Scott Foresman Reading Street - Gorham Schoolsbarbh/0160DA94-000F6FCA.1/Community... · 2010-06-08 · Lexile,® and Reading Recovery™ are provided in the Pearson Scott Foresman


Communities need helpers. A town has many community helpers. They are called service workers. Let’s see how service workers help!

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Police officers patrol their communities using cars, bicycles, or horses. They make sure everyone is safe. Some police officers direct traffic. Police officers help the people in a community live together in peace and safety.

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Page 5: Scott Foresman Reading Street - Gorham Schoolsbarbh/0160DA94-000F6FCA.1/Community... · 2010-06-08 · Lexile,® and Reading Recovery™ are provided in the Pearson Scott Foresman


Firefighters put out fires in their communities. Fire trucks are tightly packed with ladders, hoses, and masks. Firefighters save people from burning buildings.

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When an alarm starts ringing in the fire station, firefighters jump into their fire trucks. The trucks roar to the fire. Then the firefighters use their hoses to put out the fire.

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Page 6: Scott Foresman Reading Street - Gorham Schoolsbarbh/0160DA94-000F6FCA.1/Community... · 2010-06-08 · Lexile,® and Reading Recovery™ are provided in the Pearson Scott Foresman


Teachers and coaches are also community workers. Your teachers help you learn. They may teach you how to read and write. Coaches help you learn how to play sports. Coaches also teach you how to play fairly.

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Doctors and nurses help people stay healthy. When people are sick or hurt, doctors and nurses help them feel better. Doctors and nurses may work in hospitals and clinics.

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First-aid workers also help people who are sick or hurt. They quickly drive people to the hospital in their ambulances. First-aid workers save lives in our communities every day.

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Postal workers work at the post office. They help their communities by taking care of the mail. Mail carriers carry mail to homes and work places. Who brings your mail?

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You may know a librarian at your school or local library. Librarians help people find information and books.

Communities are made up of people who live together and help each other. What other community workers can you name?

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1. What is the main idea in this book?

2. What happens when firefighters get a call about a fire in their community? Make a graphic organizer like the one below to write down events in order. Start at the fire station.

3. Many community workers work in special buildings. What are the names of some buildings you read about in this book?

4. Look at the illustrations on pages 6 and 7. What special clothes and tools do firefighters use?

Reader Response

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