screenplay for a soul's redemption


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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Screenplay for A Soul's Redemption

A Soul’s Redemption

Ext Widderson spring wood

An establishing shot of the wood is shown and then cuts away to a shot of a newspaper. The camera then slowly zooms in towards the picture which shows a young boy. The title reads “Family murderer captured. Son missing without a trace”. The shot then slowly fades out showing the woods once again.

The camera will be tilted upwards towards the sky (low shot) which will show the stormy weather. This will be a few of seconds long and be in slow motion to create a mysterious atmosphere. When this shot is introduced Elsie’s original composition will begin. The screen will then fade out.

The screen will reopen to see PROTAG sitting on the floor. The camera will then cut closer to the PROTAG in a mid-shot. He will appear to be distressed and arguing with himself. This will be shown by him attacking himself with his arms. To show the lost battle his hands will fall onto his lap. The camera will then slowly zoom into his hands. A quick cut then swaps to the opposite side to see him calm and composed. This technique shows how there are two people in one body (Devil and PROTAG).

The cover fades out a slightly so the Diegetic sound from when Bertie (PROTAGONIST) running across the screen and the crunching from his footsteps can be heard. Black screen. (NAME OF PRODUCTION COMPANY OR IN ‘ASSOCIATION WITH’). Screen opens again with a fade out to the woods. Music returns to full volume (original composition).

A mixture of shots are used to show the uneasy atmosphere which the PROTAGONIST creates with quick jump cuts from close ups to low shots. A large flash then takes up the screen and cut to the PROTAGONIST in still shots gradually getting closer to the camera. Until three close up shots of the PROTAGONIST eyes will be shown showing three different emotions. This will show the fight inside the PROTAGONIST is having but how the devil manages to stay in control. Black screen. The cover song stops momentarily and an uncomfortable violin piece plays (ACTOR’S NAME APPEARS).

Composition will begin again. The screen will then open again and show the PROTAGONIST kicking leaves and brushing himself off showing his mannerisms. Mid shots will be used for the kicking of leaves and a POV shot of him brushing himself off.

The camera will then cut to the family dog which has followed the PROTAG to woods. The dog’s mood will be happy due to being with the PROTAG again. However, a quick cut turns towards the PROTAG glaring at the dog. The dog will become scared and run away.

Page 2: Screenplay for A Soul's Redemption

Quick clips of the wildlife is shown scurrying away/ flying way. This will show the fright which the PROTAG brings not only to humans but animals too. The screen goes black. Then it quickly cuts back to Bertie screaming and shaking the camera.

The screen will then fade out to the PROTAG who will then continue acting normally in a mid-shot. Suddenly, the camera will jolt and have a close up of the side of his face, the main focus being his eye. This will be played in slow motion to show the PROTAGONIST looking to the side. It will then cutaway to a low shot of a teenage girl walking through the woods. Gradually, it will pan up to her face of her casually looking at the scenery. Black screen (FEMALE ACTORS NAME APPEARS).

The screen will then reopen to show a close up shot of the PROTAG hiding behind a tree. The camera will then slowly zoom into his face trying to look around without being caught waiting for a time to strike. The PROTAG will then try calling for help however be cut short when the Devil becomes in control again and puts his hand over his mouth.

The screen will then dissolve and show a close up of the PROTAGONIST’S curious face. He will then run off the screen which will be sped up to show his power and dominance. Black screen (CAMERAMAN’S NAME AND SCRIPT SUPERVISER).

The screen will then open up again to show a mid-shot of the teenage girl. A tracking shot will then be used when she is walking around confused. The PROTAGONIST will then run towards her from behind, the cover song in the background will then cut off. The screen turns black.

The screen will then begin to fade in again with a low shot. This will be the POV of the teenage girl. The PROTAG will be placed in the middle of the screen with his body language showing that he dominating her. The use of lighting will also make the PROTAG like a silhouette which will give the sense that the Devil is in complete control. The PROTAG will slowly lift his chin. The screen turns black. A sample of Bertie screaming will abruptly cut in. (TITLE OF PRODUCTION FADES IN).