screenshot version of the final product

Screenshot Version of the Final Product Big Sky Documentary Film Festival Dashboard

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Screenshot Version of the Final Product

Big Sky Documentary Film Festival Dashboard

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These are screenshots of our final dashboard. Each graph is enlarged and explained below.

Offerings to Attendees by Day

This graph helps to show the films that were shown each day and how many attendees viewed the movie by date. This is a helpful graph because it makes it easy to see if the film is shown multiple times, how successful each showing was. The films can also be sorted by what film had the most attendees by date. Currently the graph is sorted by most popular films for 2/20/16.

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Revenue by Venue per day

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This graph shows the revenue by venue by day. The venues are listed on the Y axis and the X axis is the date in February 2016. This is a powerful graph when our team makes the argument that the Wilma should not be used during the weekday and instead more films should be shown in the other theaters. Our main point is that the 25th of February is a day when there were no films shown at the Wilma. The total revenue is more on the 25th when the Wilma is not used than on the 24th when the Wilma is used. This means that showing films at other theaters instead of the Wilma has the potential to bring in just as much (or even more) revenue than utilizing the Wilma during the week. This will help save costs because the Wilma is an expensive venue and almost never filled to capacity this year.

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Attendees By Venue

This graph shows the attendees by venue by date. The darker green squares signify higher attendance where the lighter green squares signify lower attendance.

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Count of amount of films shown per day per genre/Attendees by day by genre

The above graph shows the count of the amount of films shown per day per genre and the attendees by day by genre. This is an important graph that our sponsor wanted us to include. Initially we broke down the amount of attendees by genre, but the graph was not giving accurate data because as you can see there is an overwhelming amount of Biographical/Autobiographical data. This graph shows how many particular films were shown for each genre per day in the first of the two graphs. The second graph shows how many attendees watched specific genre films per day. So on the 20th of February there were 18 biographical/autobiographical films shown and a sum 2,649 people attended that specific genre of film.

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True/False Dashboard

This is the final dashboard for True/False Film Festival. The graphs are shown in larger images below.

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2015 Attendance & Capacity %

This shows the total attendees per film on the left side of the graph and on the right side it shows for each venue the film was shown in, how many seats in the venue was it full. The graph on the right shows percent capacity the showing generated. This is an important graph because it shows that if films don’t do very well in a large venue, they could move it to a smaller venue in order to reach higher percent capacity. This can also be applied in the opposite manner. If a film does really well in a small venue, than they can move the film to a larger venue to see if it can get close to 100% capacity in the larger venue.

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2016 Attendance & Capacity %

This graph is very similar to the other graph in the True/False dashboard but this is for the 2016 film festival data set.