
Heist Girls By Myles Haskell

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Script

Heist Girls


Myles Haskell

Page 2: Script


EXT. Location: A Reception to a building

A white van pulls outside the reception, four people dressed in black with balaclavas carrying shotguns jump out of the back and run into the building about to perform an armed robbery.

INT. Location: Reception

Armed Robber #2

Give us the money!

The receptionist is sobbing as they tip the contents of the cash tray into a black duffle bag. Two other armed robbers are holding the receptionist at gunpoint, whilst the fourth is on lookout. Once the tray has been emptied into the bag Armed robber #2 grabs the receptionist and drags him outside the office and onto the pavement.

Whilst pointing a shotgun at the receptionist

Armed Robber #2

Don’t you look at me, don’t you dare look at me!

Armed Robbers #1, #3 and #4

Come on, let’s go, we haven’t got time!

Title- HEIST GIRLS in pink thick font.

Armed robber #2 turns away from the receptionist and begins to chase after the moving van with the doors open by foot. After chasing the van, they jump in and the doors shut.

INT. Location: In the van QUICK CUT TO:

All four armed robbers are sat in the van whilst it is moving they all take off their balaclavas to reveal four teenage girls.

Armed Robber #3

(groans) It’s boiling in that thing.

Armed Robber #4

(groans as well) You can say that again.

Their eyes all lock on to the duffle bag in the middle of the van full of money, they all begin to cheer.

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Armed Robber #1

(Angrily to Armed Robber #2) Why’d you have to go and scare that poor reception guy, we could have been half way to Spain


Armed Robber #2

Shouldn’t have gotten in the way then, should he?

Armed Robber #1

(sounding worried) What if he calls the police?

Armed Robber #2

And say what, four innocent girls just attacked me with shotguns, relax.

EXT. Location: Industrial Estate QUICK CUT TO:

The van stops and the ignition of the van turns off and the driver bangs on the back wall as a signal that he has stopped. The doors open to a police detective stood outside the van with blue lights flashing.

Armed Robber #3

You took your ti- FADE OUT

The End.