script -- ah counter

Ah Counter Script (To be read by the ah counter) Toastmaster of the Evening, Fellow Members, and Most Welcome Guests: I'm pleased to be the Ah-Counter of tonight's meeting. The purpose of the “Ah Counter” is to improve speech patterns and teaches Toastmasters how the elimination of ahs improves flow and effectiveness of our speeches. Taking the assignment of the “Ah Counter” also enhances listening skills. The “Ah Counter” notes words and sounds that are used as verbal pauses by anyone who speaks during the meeting. We call these ahs. These are words and sounds such as "uh", "and", "um", "er", "you know", and so on. I will also note when speakers repeat words, such as "I I" or "and and". At the end of the meeting I will make a report on the number of ahs said by each speaker. Toastmaster of the evening!

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Ah Counter Script (To be read by the ah counter)

Ah Counter Script (To be read by the ah counter)Toastmaster of the Evening, Fellow Members, and Most Welcome Guests:

I'm pleased to be the Ah-Counter of tonight's meeting.

The purpose of the Ah Counter is to improve speech patterns and teaches Toastmasters how the elimination of ahs improves flow and effectiveness of our speeches.

Taking the assignment of the Ah Counter also enhances listening skills.

The Ah Counter notes words and sounds that are used as verbal pauses by anyone who speaks during the meeting. We call these ahs. These are words and sounds such as "uh", "and", "um", "er", "you know", and so on.

I will also note when speakers repeat words, such as "I I" or "and and".

At the end of the meeting I will make a report on the number of ahs said by each speaker.

Toastmaster of the evening!