script development and the commisinig

Script writing and the commissioning process By Max Rogan

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Page 1: Script Development And The commisinig

Script writing and the

commissioning process

By Max Rogan

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Script Development

“The screenplay provides a written blueprint for the entire film making process. The script development process starts either with a Screenwriter writing a 'spec' (self-financed) screenplay for sale to a production company, or with a Producer commissioning a Screenwriter to write a screenplay based on a concept, a true story, an existing screen work (for example a cartoon or TV series), or another literary work (such as a story, novel, poem or play)”.

(ONLINE) The Script Department

There are different ways in which the start of script development comes around with either a spec [self financed] screenplay to be sold to a production company, or a producer will commission a screen write a script on what he wants e.g. a true story a cartoon or a series i read about this on the script departments website and the process of making a script and selling it on seems quite hard.

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‘Each offer sent to the BBC Commissioning team is automatically and securely logged with a unique reference number for your records following your submission. e-Commissioning enables the BBC to handle the huge volume of proposals it receives faster and more effectively so producers submitting proposals to the BBC receive a quicker response.’


This a basic system that has been put in place to effectively to sort and log all the scripts sent in. This process will then speed up the time in which the writer finds out whether they have been selected and this will also help

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Submission Flow Chart

Step 1 - Send script to writers roomWe will only consider scripts that meet our guidelines, so please ensure that you 89have run through our submissions checklist before you submit your script.

Step 2 - Script loggingWhen your script is received we log it on our database and send an acknowledgement card to you. If you haven't received an acknowledgement card within one month of sending your script, please contact us so that we can check if it has arrived.

Step 3 - Script siftOur readers sift all eligible scripts by reading the first ten pages. If the script shows potential, it will be given a full read. If not, it will be returned to the writer without any comments - this tends to be the case with the majority of unsolicited scripts. After a script has been returned we cannot enter into further discussion with the writer.

Step 4 - Script readAt this stage a script is read in full, and assessed by our readers for the potential of the writer. If a script doesn't merit further attention at this stage, it is returned to the writer along with the reader's comments.

Step 5 - Invite Next / Second ReadWhen a script shows promise but the writer isn't yet ready for further development, we may ask the writer to send in their next original script and monitor their progress. If a script shows real talent and potential, it will be given to another reader for a second opinion. If the second reader feels the writer isn't yet ready for further development, they will be invited to send in their next work. If the second reader feels the writer is ready, the script will be passed to the Development Manager.

Step 6 - Meet / DevelopScripts that are championed by our readers are then assessed by the Development Manager, who may meet with the writer, monitor their development, recommend their work to other BBC producers and departments, or place them on a development scheme. Only a small number of scripts and writers progress to this stage.

(ONLINE) Writers Room

This is a basic step by step guide on how to submit a script and what sort of process it will go through to be selected as the best one it is now very hard for a writer to get work as the process of deduction is extremely picky firstly you must send a hard copy of your script then the script will be logged and sifted through, if it selected it will be then read fully, if the script is what there looking for then they will ask you to meet for development. You are only aloud to send in one piece of work as there would be two many for them to go through if you send more than one they wont even be read and will be sent straight back but what even is a script?.

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About Script’s “A script is a document that outlines every aural, visual, behavioural, and lingual element required to tell a story. Why "outlines"? Because film is a highly collaborative medium and the director, cast, editor, and production crew will, based on your "outline", interpret your story their way when it is filmed. They may consult you, or they may not. Other writers may be brought in or you may be asked to re-write the entire thing. That's life, in the world of screenwriting. But because so many people are involved in the making of a film, a script must conform to standards that all involved parties understand and thus has a specific format or layout, margins, notation, and other conventions. This document is intended to overview the typical elements used screenplay writing.

It is crucial to remember that film is a VISUAL medium. You don't tell your audience your story, you SHOW them. You must learn to write a screenplay VISUALLY. Write what they will SEE and what they will HEAR. You might love your characters and know what they are thinking, but the discipline of screenplay writing is how to show it on a screen. When it happens, it may be just done with a look, often improvised on the movie set. So just write the pictures, sounds, and speeches, and leave the rest for the filmmakers.’ (ONLINE)

A script boldly points what needs to happen through out the film or show. It has key things that need to be followed like the narrative and shot type. Also as there are so many people writing and following scripts there is one specific layout as it would be mayhem to try and understand 50 different ways of how they have wrote a script

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Crafting short screen plays page 9

This piece of information talks how to connect with your audience as a writer and the true importance of it a key way of doing this is the use of real life so the real average person at home can connect with emotions and really get in to show. When people who are good at writing create a script that connects with audience its generally because they them selves are moved by the topic creating a more intense script.

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“When considering to pitch a script or idea for a TV show that would be scripted (Sitcom, Movie, Drama Series, Mini-Series) its important to understand the process that an executive or TV Producer undertakes in getting a television show produced. Knowing this process will help you bring the most valuable elements within your script”

For script writers it is key to get into the right mindset for writing there piece of work as if they have better understanding of what is needed they will apply them selves to creating a better script

Writing of the script

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Following on from the last side this book helps to get a different view on what producers are actually looking for and at one point says ‘The honest answer is : I don't know but when a good script comes across my desk boy you certainly know it’. This put a different light on the matter showing that really most of the time its not something pacific there looking for but just that one script that stands out and grabs there attention.

Writing of the script

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Conclusion After conducting this research I have found out many things they way in which scripts are developed and the way it comes about . I have also learnt about script commissioning and the process they go through before being selected, which is very long and picky. I also learnt the basic aspects of most scripts and how they are all wrote in a set format. The key points I found in books stood out to me strongly as the spoke more clear and direct about the different sections of script writing.