
Presentation on SCRUBADUB Auto Wash Group members: Rasana Shrestha Aastha Bista Nikita Agarwal Garima Paudel Swachchha Pokharel Serina Rajkarnikar

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Post on 14-Nov-2015




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Presentation onSCRUBADUB Auto WashGroup members:Rasana ShresthaAastha BistaNikita AgarwalGarima PaudelSwachchha PokharelSerina Rajkarnikar

Brief background of the case studyScrubadub Auto Wash

Largest auto wash chain in Boston Owner : Marshall Paisner, Elaine

8 locations

Sales more than $5 million

Continued growth increase of 10% in annual sales

Provides superior services charging more than competitors, still maintaining higher market share and profit margin.

1992 disastrous economy

Scrubadub had best year

Expertise in science of cleaning cars

Employees sweat the details that define experience for customers

Company track buying habits to improve customer service

Managers and employees think from the customers point of view

Looks beyond to anticipate how customer will feel about the services

Shows concern towards customers

Focused on automating functionsCash management(to free up funds to invest in labor, computer operations and customer services)

7 lessonsPay attention to the details

Know the customers

Mine new prospects

Fix the problems

Customer satisfaction

Training & incentives to ensure good service



Shows more concern towards customers customers satisfied

Track customers buying habits reminding & suggesting them.


Introduction of own innovation

THREATSExcessive services for free

Customers can take unnecessary benefits from the company

Increase in cost

People may perceive it negatively

OBJECTIVES OF THE VENTURESWhich type of marketing philosophy has Scrubadub adopted? Do you think this is the best choice? Why or why not? Offering superior service

Value customer demands and satisfaction

Yes, since it has captured the entire market share

What methods of marketing research were used by Scrubadub? What additional research could it do to better understand its customers?Feedback mechanism to evaluate quality

Service questionnaire - to ensue its inside cleaning services are as per customers expectation.

Professional shoppers report experience of customer (customer views)

Do you think the promotional activities of Scrubadub could be improved and/or extended?No, Scrubadubs promotional activities is sufficient in the current situation because the market is fully responsive till date.

To sustain in the competitive environment, continuous improvement that has been also applied by Scrubadub which is essential in the long run to gain competitive advantage.

What kind of forecasting method do you believe would be appropriate to estimate Scrubadubs market potential? Naive forecasting method can be used to estimate Scrubadubs market potential since the interval the customer take the services is usually a fixed time.

Easiest among the forecasting method

Estimation is done with the previous satisfaction level and the volume of sales recorded.