scrumban what it is and when to use it

Scrumban What it is and when to use it.

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Page 1: Scrumban What it is and when to use it

Scrumban What it is and when to use it.

Page 2: Scrumban What it is and when to use it


The Scrumban [R]Evolution Pearson Education (2015)

65,000+ users and counting Your friendly neighborhood Scrum and Scrumban tool

The game trusted by trainers and coaches

A quick peak at our products, services & affiliations

Boutique IT Solutions & Services firm that builds high-performing teams & organizations.

Who We Are

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A snapshot of organizations we’ve helped

Who We Help

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Vague and False Impressions

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“Broad is the way that leads to” ineffectiveness.

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VersionOne’s State of Agile across the industry

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-Ken Schwaber

7 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

“ 75% of organizations using Scrum will not succeed in getting the benefits they hope for from it. ”

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Consistent Problem Areas

8 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

Productivity or Perceived Productivity



Disconnection with economics

Cargo Cult implementations

Organizational Apathy

Worker or Work focus not value focused

Cargo Cult implementations

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Starting With The End In Mind How can you tell if you’re on the right path if you don’t know where you’re going?

9 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” asked Alice. "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat. "I don't much care where –" said Alice. "Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat. "– so long as I get somewhere," Alice added as an explanation. "Oh, you're sure to do that," said the Cat, "if you only walk long enough."

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Scrumban A misunderstood concept

What’s Your Perspective? Which of these descriptive labels would you apply to “scrumban”?

10 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

Agile without Sprints / Time-boxes

No estimation

kanban inside Scrum

Scrum inside Kanban

No project burn downs

No Scrum Master or equivalent role

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Scrumban : Original manifestation 2008

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Backlog   Defined   In  Progress   Done   Accepted  


Limit  =  4   Limit  =  3   Limit  =  ∞   Limit  =  ∞  


Pull System

Single piece flow

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Framework Values Supporting successful outcomes



Scrum Team-centric & focused on promoting agility.

Kanban Service delivery & evolutionary change






Agreement Respect





Customer Focus


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Framework Values Supporting successful outcomes

Empiricism Empirical approaches are always favored over theories, and verifiable results over dogma.

Scrumban Grow sustainably


Humility Systems are complex and constantly changing, and we are constantly learning. We must always be ready to challenge our beliefs. Improved understandings and approaches can come from any source.

Constructive Interaction There will always be competing management frameworks and methods. Scrumban emphasizes constructive debate that improves understanding of the strengths and limitations of each over blind acceptance that any one framework represents the “only” or “best” way of achieving a particular outcome.

Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]


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What is Scrumban? Three Essential Flavors



A framework for introducing and adopting Scrum as a software development methodology.


Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

A framework for evolving from Scrum to a unique set of processes and practices.


Recognized Manifestations

Using Kanban as a lens through which we can view and manage a Scrum work process.

A framework for overcoming common challenges with scaling Scrum across an Enterprise.  

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The Kanban Method Agendas, values & practices

Serviceability 1

Survivability 2

Sustainability 3

3 Main Agendas

Transparency 1

Balance 2

Understanding 3

Flow 4

9 Primary Values

Visualize 1

Manage Flow 2

Make Process Policies Explicit 3

Develop Feedback Loops 4

6 Core Practices


Customer Focus 5

Agreement 6

Respect 7

Leadership 8

Collaboration 9

Limit Work in Progress 5

Improve Collaboratively & Evolve Experimentally


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Applying the Kanban Lens to Scrum Different lenses for different perspectives

16 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

Using  Kanban  as  a  lens  into  exis2ng  systems  enables  us  to  focus  on  the  “right”  things  –  even  when  they’re  outside  of  our  defined  processes.      

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Lead Time A productivity measure


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Lead Time Histogram A forecasting measure


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What is Scrumban? Three Essential Flavors



A framework for introducing and adopting Scrum as a software development methodology.


Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

A framework for evolving from Scrum to a unique set of processes and practices.


Recognized Manifestations

Using Kanban as a lens through which we can view and manage a Scrum work process.

A framework for overcoming common challenges with scaling Scrum across an Enterprise.  

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Amplify Scrum Understand, Identify and Improve

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Scrum  commonly  does  well  around These bring additional perspectives and capabilities to the Scrum context

21 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

 Team  focus  aiding  vision  alignment      Importance  of  cadence,  rhythm    Focus  on  shorter  term  planning  compared  to  tradi2onal  methods      Call  for  customer  par2cipa2on;  Value  from  customer’s  stand  point    Focus  on  smaller  batches.    Collabora2on  enabler    Shared  ownership,  Cross  func2onal  work  

Key  Enabler:  High  trust  environment  

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Scrum  commonly  does  not  do  well  around These bring additional perspectives and capabilities to the Scrum context

22 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

 Nature  of  work-­‐  specifically  -­‐  It’s  arrival,  it’s  unpredictability  Longer  term  considera2ons  such  as  architecture  Addressing  psychological  barriers  in  implementa2on  Product  owner  role  effec2veness  and  scale  Scaling  constructs  unreliable  beyond  the  team  Sprint  ‘Commitments’  rela2onship  to  Market  Risks  Longer  term  quality  considera2ons  Determinis2c  planning  Share  ownership  emergence  Reliance  on  top  down/ver2cal  buy-­‐in  with  affirma2ons  of  servant  leadership  

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A Scrumban Case Study- Mammoth Success in different contexts

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24 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

Case Study – Mammoth Bank Overcoming Common Challenges

The State of Scrum at Mammoth •  In third phase of an “Agile Transformation” that began 8 years

earlier. •  Scrum had not been adopted throughout the organization, and the

objective was to now have all development teams practicing Scrum at the conclusion of this latest initiative.

•  Major source of dissatisfaction for business lay with a perceived slow and unreliable delivery from a variety of teams within the IT organization.

•  Major source of dissatisfaction for the IT teams lay with constantly shifting priorities from the business unit, forcing frequent context shifts of work in progress.

•  Teams were also suffering from “improvement fatigue.”

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Scrumban: Amplify Scrum A framework for evolutionary change and continuous improvement

Four familiar principles


Start with SCRUM you already do

Agree as a Scrum team to pursue incremental changes to improve the way you work

Respect the Scrum Master, Product Owner and other current roles

Encourage acts of leadership at all levels

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A Financial Services Institution

Digital Data Team Served a large number of different business owners. Majority of incoming work related to enhancing existing high-profile applications and services. Constantly shifting priorities across business owners resulted in frequent “project” interruptions. Quality of delivered work was high, but lead times were very slow.

26 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

Reported  Project  Size Time  WaiBng    in  Project  Queue

Actual    Development  Time

Total  Customer    Lead  Time

Small 14 16 30 Small 24 9 33 Medium 16 14 30 Medium 15 27 42 Medium 23 17 40 Medium 24 36 60 Large 20 30 50 Large 25 42 67 Average 20 24 44 Median 22 22 41

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Started with Improved Visualization Understanding the current context

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New Metrics Exposed New Understandings Understanding the current context

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Evolved Existing Visualizations Responding to improved understandings

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More Metrics, Deeper Understandings Using Kanban as a lens, the team better understood what to focus upon in terms of addressing challenges.

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Sprint  Flow  Efficiency      

Working Time  ___________________________________________

 Working Time + Waiting Time  



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Initial Improvements Effects from using Kanban as a lens after just 10 weeks

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Key Enablers Trust in the workers and the system

Mapped the Value Stream

Analyzed Flow, Visualized External Dependencies

Captured Objective Data and Negotiated SLEs

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Visualizing Improvement Adding discipline & visualization to continuous improvement

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1.    Challenges  and  opportuni2es  are  iden2fied  and  added  to  a  “backlog”  of  poten2al  efforts.  

2.    Poten2al  efforts  are  contextualized  as  to  whether  they  are  reac2ve  or  pro-­‐ac2ve  (top  vs.  boeom  quadrants)  and  paradigm-­‐changing  or  paradigm-­‐consistent  (leg  vs.  right  quadrants)  

3.    Team  priori2zes  change  efforts  and  undertakes  a  disciplined,  itera2ve  approach  toward  target  condi2ons.  

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33 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

Visualizing Improvement Adding discipline & visualization to continuous improvement

Common  Scrum  func2ons  /  prac2ces  can  be  “visualized”  to  reflect  core  mechanisms  to  try  using  as  “countermeasures”  for  moving  from  current  condi2on  to  target  condi2on.  

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Visualizing Improvement Harmonizing with other methods and frameworks

This  Mammoth  Bank  Team  incorporated  A3  Problem  Solving  and  the  Cynefin  Complexity  Management  framework  as  part  of  their  con2nuous  improvement  discipline.  

This  worksheet  was  developed  through  the  point  of  implemen2ng  and  measuring  the  impact  of  their  countermeasures.  Note  the  visualiza2on  of  current  condi2ons.  

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Visualizing Improvement Harmonizing with other methods and frameworks

Note  the  con2nued  emphasis  on  visualizing  of  results  and  iden2fica2on  of  next  steps  in  this  itera2ve  process.  

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Case Study – Mammoth Bank Overcoming Common Challenges

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Common  Challenges  

Amplifying Scrum

Cargo Cult Implementations Scrumban  


§  Emphasis  on  systems  thinking  and  understanding  of  current  context  helps  assure  teams  and  organiza2ons  don’t  just  blindly  apply  prescribed  roles  and  ceremonies.  

Broken Commitments


§  Ac2ve  risk  recogni2on  and  management  improves  ability  to  aeack  highly  variable  work  items  early.  

§  Expanded  opportuni2es  to  build  trust  through  probabilis2cly  determined  SLEs  vs.  just  a  Sprint  commitment.  

Disruptive Implementations


§  Core  principles  of  “start  with  what  you  do  now”  and  “respect  current  roles  and  responsibili2es”  minimizes  psychological  barriers.  

§  Preference  for  evolu2onary  vs.  revolu2onary  change  minimizes  disrup2on.  

Inexperienced Product Owner


§  No  longer  reliant  on  individual  capabili2es  of  Product  Owner.  Risk  and  economic  priori2za2on  is  visualized  and  can  be  ac2vely  managed  at  every  phase  of  the  value  stream.         Arbitrary

Team Size


§  Not  all  systems  are  created  equal,  and  some2mes  the  right  size  falls  outside  of  -­‐Scrum’s  recommended  7-­‐12  person  limit.  

Long Standups


§  Visual  board    radiates  status.  

§  Emphasis  on  the  flow  of  work  over  the  ac2vi2es  of  individual  workers  mi2gates  risk  of  meaningless  conversa2ons  on  status.  




§  Addi2onal  prac2ces  and  mechanics  allow  teams  to  effec2vely  collaborate  from  diverse  geographic  loca2ons.  

§  Scrumban  aids  in  building  trust.  

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Adopt Scrum Understand, Identify and Improve

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A Scrumban Case Study- Simpli-safe, Capital One, State Street Success in different contexts

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-Tobias Mayer

40 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

“ Scrum is a good example of an organizational framework. It has well-defined components, namely roles, meetings, artifacts, and values. These are fixed, and failure to embrace the whole usually results in a collapse of the framework. ”

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Visualizing Improvement Adding discipline & visualization to continuous improvement

41 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

1.    Challenges  and  opportuni2es  are  iden2fied  and  added  to  a  “backlog”  of  poten2al  efforts.  

2.    Poten2al  efforts  are  contextualized  as  to  whether  they  are  reac2ve  or  pro-­‐ac2ve  (top  vs.  boeom  quadrants)  and  paradigm-­‐changing  or  paradigm-­‐consistent  (leg  vs.  right  quadrants)  

3.    Team  priori2zes  change  efforts  and  undertakes  a  disciplined,  itera2ve  approach  toward  target  condi2ons.  

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42 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

Visualizing Improvement Adding discipline & visualization to continuous improvement

Common  Scrum  func2ons  /  prac2ces  can  be  “visualized”  to  reflect  core  mechanisms  to  try  using  as  “countermeasures”  for  moving  from  current  condi2on  to  target  condi2on.  

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Star2ng    condi2ons:    Waterfall Implemeting Scrum

Limited  process  improvement  

Central  Project  Manager

Large  batch End  of  Project

Long  range  planning

Time/Scope  driven  plan


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44 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

Visualizing Improvement Adding discipline & visualization to continuous improvement

Common  Scrum  func2ons  /  prac2ces  can  be  “visualized”  to  reflect  core  mechanisms  to  try  using  as  “countermeasures”  for  moving  from  current  condi2on  to  target  condi2on.  

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Present  Condi2ons:    


Implementation route: Scrumban

Trust  enabler

Small  batch Customer  par2cipa2on

Short-­‐term,  nimble  planning

Cadence Beeer  Aligned  Vision

Crossfunc2onal    work

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Case Study – Mammoth Bank Overcoming Common Challenges

What iteration size makes the most sense for a given team / type of work ?

How many stories to plan for a given Sprint?

How many iterations are going to be needed to deliver a full release?

How many resources will be needed to complete this project within a given time frame?

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What is Scrumban? Three Essential Flavors



A framework for introducing and adopting Scrum as a software development methodology.


Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

A framework for evolving from Scrum to a unique set of processes and practices.


Recognized Manifestations

Using Kanban as a lens through which we can view and manage a Scrum work process.

A framework for overcoming common challenges with scaling Scrum across an Enterprise.  

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Scale Scrum Understand, Identify and Improve

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Star2ng  condi2ons:  Scrum  and    ‘kanban’  teams    interoperability Scaling with Scrumban

49 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

 Dependencies  unclear    Coordina2on  central    Fire-­‐figh2ng  mode    Hidden  work  and  unclear  rules  of  engagement.    Invisible  systems    Big  release  out  back.  Coordina2on  costs  high    “Scrum  of  Scrums”  

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50 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

Star2ng    condi2ons:    

Scrum  and    ‘kanban’  teams    interoperability

Scaling with Scrumban

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Present  condi2ons:  Scrum Implementation route: Scrumban

51 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

 Dependencies  visualized    Value  chain    Focused  on  minimizing  variability  in  work  defini2ons    Smaller  batches    Teams  working  towards  a  policy  that  anyone  can  stop  the  value  chain    Cost  of  delay  priori2za2on    Limited  work  in  progress  through  dependencies  

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52 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

Present    condi2ons:    

Scrum Implementation route: Scrumban

Dependencies  visualized Value  chain

Smaller  batches Systems  Visualized Cost  of  delay  priori2za2on  

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What is Scrumban? Three Essential Flavors


A framework for introducing and adopting Scrum as a software development methodology.


A framework for overcoming common challenges with scaling Scrum across an Enterprise.


Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]

A framework for evolving from Scrum to a unique set of processes and practices.


Recognized Manifestations

Using Kanban as a lens through which we can view and manage a Scrum work process.

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Why Do you care The market


Interest from the market 1

Mike Cohn recommended 2

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Kanban classes vs Scrumban book 3

Here are some indicators

Scrumban is growing

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Enhanced Perspectives & Capabilities Frameworks, methods & disciplines we can “plug-in” to Kanban

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The GetScrumban Game Experience Scrumban evolutions


10 Minutes Now let’s experience some common evolutions in action by walking through a small portion of the GetScrumban Game…

Introduction Brief overview on what we’ll see.

Game Play  Experience  a  typical  evolu2on.  

Retrospective  Observa2ons  and  learnings  from  the  experience.  

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57 Official Licensed Material © CodeGenesys, LLC @ajrdy [email protected]