sdoe cyber control of access workshop brief 11-13.approved cyber security plans (submittedapproved...

NRC Perspectives on Control of Access: on Control of Access: Secure Development and Operational Environment (SDOE) & Cyber Security Environment (SDOE) & Cyber Security Tim Mossman, NRO Sr. Electronics Engineer Eric Lee, NSIR Sr. Security Specialist (Cyber) Eric Lee, NSIR Sr. Security Specialist (Cyber) Prepared for DSRS I&C Workshop November 2013 November 2013 1

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Page 1: SDOE Cyber Control of Access Workshop Brief 11-13.approved cyber security plans (submittedapproved cyber security plans (submitted per 10 CFR 73.54) as part of their secure operational

NRC Perspectiveson Control of Access:on Control of Access:

Secure Development and Operational Environment (SDOE) & Cyber SecurityEnvironment (SDOE) & Cyber Security

Tim Mossman, NRO Sr. Electronics EngineerEric Lee, NSIR Sr. Security Specialist (Cyber)Eric Lee, NSIR Sr. Security Specialist (Cyber)

Prepared forDSRS I&C Workshop

November 2013November 2013


Page 2: SDOE Cyber Control of Access Workshop Brief 11-13.approved cyber security plans (submittedapproved cyber security plans (submitted per 10 CFR 73.54) as part of their secure operational

NRC Regulatory Framework• Licensing reviews against the requirements of 10 CFR

Part 50 specifically address safetyStaff will evaluate digital safety systems for a Secure– Staff will evaluate digital safety systems for a Secure Development and Operational Environment

• 10 CFR Part 73 covers security and protection from malicious activity, including cyber security– Staff will evaluate licensees’ cyber programs and protection of

Critical Digital Assets (CDAs)g ( )– CDAs include systems associated with safety, important-to-

safety, security and emergency preparedness functions, as well as digital support systems for any of the aboveg y y


Page 3: SDOE Cyber Control of Access Workshop Brief 11-13.approved cyber security plans (submittedapproved cyber security plans (submitted per 10 CFR 73.54) as part of their secure operational

Part 50 SDOE• Regulation

– 10 CFR 50.55a(h), IEEE Std. 603-1991• Clauses 5.6.3 (Independence) and 5.9 (Access Control)

– 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, GDC 21, “Protection System Reliability and Testability”System Reliability and Testability

– 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion III, “Design Control”

• Guidance– Regulatory Guide 1.152, Rev. 3 (2011)– IEEE Std. 7-4.3.2-2003


Page 4: SDOE Cyber Control of Access Workshop Brief 11-13.approved cyber security plans (submittedapproved cyber security plans (submitted per 10 CFR 73.54) as part of their secure operational

Regulatory Guide 1.152 Rev. 3

• Secure Development EnvironmentD l f t t i i t Develop safety systems in a secure environment (e.g. verification and validation of system requirements, design, coding phases; configuration management)

• Secure Operational Environment Establish an operational environment to ensure

reliable system operation


Page 5: SDOE Cyber Control of Access Workshop Brief 11-13.approved cyber security plans (submittedapproved cyber security plans (submitted per 10 CFR 73.54) as part of their secure operational

Secure Operational Environment

• If the application conforms to NRC guidance and satisfies all requirements the staff will beand satisfies all requirements, the staff will be able to conclude that a Secure Operational Environment will be established for the digital gsafety system such that measures provide reasonable assurance to prevent inadvertent unauthorized access to the system and to prevent any undesirable behavior from of connected systems from affecting itsconnected systems from affecting its operation.


Page 6: SDOE Cyber Control of Access Workshop Brief 11-13.approved cyber security plans (submittedapproved cyber security plans (submitted per 10 CFR 73.54) as part of their secure operational

Inadvertent Access?

• As previously stated, intentional, malicious activity is addressed under 10 CFR 73.54 programsp g

• Inadvertent access is postulated to be an event involving plant personnel (or an on-site contractor) with no

f i tinefarious motive– Physical points of access include open communication ports on

the system that someone from the licensee’s workforce may i k l imistakenly attempt to connect into

– Logical points of access include any points of human interface on systems connected to the same network on which the digital

f t t idsafety system resides


Page 7: SDOE Cyber Control of Access Workshop Brief 11-13.approved cyber security plans (submittedapproved cyber security plans (submitted per 10 CFR 73.54) as part of their secure operational

Cyber Controls for SOE?

• Licensees can credit controls in their approved cyber security plans (submittedapproved cyber security plans (submitted per 10 CFR 73.54) as part of their secure operational environment storyoperational environment story– However, Staff will only make findings in

regard to Part 50 requirementsregard to Part 50 requirements– Suitability and effectiveness of controls for

cyber purposes are evaluated by periodiccyber purposes are evaluated by periodic inspection


Page 8: SDOE Cyber Control of Access Workshop Brief 11-13.approved cyber security plans (submittedapproved cyber security plans (submitted per 10 CFR 73.54) as part of their secure operational

Inadvertent access protections?

• Staff has reviewed and allowed credit for:Ph i l b i d i i t ti t l d– Physical barriers, administrative controls, and alarms protecting physical access to digital safety systemssafety systems

– Logical access controls on any equipment designed to interface with the digital safetydesigned to interface with the digital safety system

• Area of synergy with cyber security controlsy gy y y


Page 9: SDOE Cyber Control of Access Workshop Brief 11-13.approved cyber security plans (submittedapproved cyber security plans (submitted per 10 CFR 73.54) as part of their secure operational

Undesirable Behavior Protections?

• Staff has reviewed and allowed credit for :Isolation of the digital safety system (!)– Isolation of the digital safety system (!)

– Hardware-based (and software-based*) devices that enforce one-way communicationy

– ISG#04 communication controls– CRC checks on software code– CRC checks on messages– Out-of-range checks on data

“Whit li t ” f t bl– “White lists” of acceptable messages

9* May not be appropriate for cyber security program based on RG 5.71

Page 10: SDOE Cyber Control of Access Workshop Brief 11-13.approved cyber security plans (submittedapproved cyber security plans (submitted per 10 CFR 73.54) as part of their secure operational

10 CFR 73.54: Protection of digital computer and communication systemscomputer and communication systems and networks• Performance-Based Programmatic (< 2 pages)• Performance-Based, Programmatic (< 2 pages)

– Provide high assurance against cyber attack– Integrated with Physical Security Program (10 CFR

73.55)• Main emphasis of regulations / guidance

Critical digital assets must be protected– Critical digital assets must be protected• Safety, important-to-safety, security, and emergency preparedness

functions and support systems that can impact those functions

Defense in depth protective strategy– Defense-in-depth protective strategy– Records maintained until the license is terminated


Page 11: SDOE Cyber Control of Access Workshop Brief 11-13.approved cyber security plans (submittedapproved cyber security plans (submitted per 10 CFR 73.54) as part of their secure operational

Regulatory Guide 5.71

Form Cyber Security Team

Identify Critical Digital Assets

Apply Defensive Architecture

Address Security Controls

1. Address each control for each CDA, or


2. Apply alternative measures, or3. Explain why a control is N/A

Page 12: SDOE Cyber Control of Access Workshop Brief 11-13.approved cyber security plans (submittedapproved cyber security plans (submitted per 10 CFR 73.54) as part of their secure operational

Regulatory Guide 5.71

• Security Controls– Appendix A (generic Cyber Security Plan template)pp (g y y p )– Appendix B (technical security controls)– Appendix C (operational/management security controls)

Add S it C t l• Address Security Controls – Apply security control to CDA– If security control can not be implemented then use alternative

controls or countermeasures with same degree of protection– If the security issue does not exist, then the security control is

not applicable


Page 13: SDOE Cyber Control of Access Workshop Brief 11-13.approved cyber security plans (submittedapproved cyber security plans (submitted per 10 CFR 73.54) as part of their secure operational

Cyber Security Plans (CSP)• Licensing document / required by regulation and• Licensing document / required by regulation and

incorporated into licensing basis (10 CFR 73.55)• Describes how cyber security program is established y y p g

and maintained• Essential elements – Plan must:

d ib l d ibiliti f lti di i li C b– describe roles and responsibilities of a multi-disciplinary Cyber Security Team

– describe the process for identifying Critical Digital Assets– describe the defensive model (protective strategy)– reference comprehensive security controls– describe the process for addressing controls


p g– address document control and maintenance

Page 14: SDOE Cyber Control of Access Workshop Brief 11-13.approved cyber security plans (submittedapproved cyber security plans (submitted per 10 CFR 73.54) as part of their secure operational

Q tiQuestions


Page 15: SDOE Cyber Control of Access Workshop Brief 11-13.approved cyber security plans (submittedapproved cyber security plans (submitted per 10 CFR 73.54) as part of their secure operational

Acronyms• CDA – Critical Digital Asset• CFR – Code of Federal Regulations• CRC – Cyclic Redundancy Check• CSP – Cyber Security Plan• DSRS – Design Specific Review StandardDSRS Design Specific Review Standard• GDC – General Design Criterion• HA - Hazard Analysis• IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers• IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers• ISG – Interim Staff Guidance• I&C - Instrumentation and Controls• RG – Regulatory Guide• SDE – Secure Development Environment• SDOE – Secure Development and OperationalSDOE Secure Development and Operational

Environment• SOE – Secure Operational Environment 15