sds podcast episode 99 with tuatini godard · we'll talk about what he's learning in...


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Kirill: This is episode number 99 with AI Learner Tuatini Godard.

(background music plays)

Welcome to the SuperDataScience podcast. My name is Kirill

Eremenko, data science coach and lifestyle entrepreneur.

And each week we bring you inspiring people and ideas to

help you build your successful career in data science.

Thanks for being here today and now let’s make the complex


(background music plays)

Welcome ladies and gentlemen back to the

SuperDataScience podcast. Today I've got a super inspiring

guest on the show, Tuatini Godard. Tuatini is my friend from

France, and the way we met was when Hadelin and I were

on our European roadtrip. Tuatini came to our catchup

there with students and it was so inspiring to hear him talk.

So one thing you need to know about Tuatini is that he used

to be a software engineer, an Android developer to be exact,

and he actually intentionally quit his job and became

unemployed just to pursue his passion in learning about AI.

How inspiring is that? When I heard that story, I was so

thrilled and so excited for him.

So you will hear him say in the podcast that he's actually

surviving on his unemployment benefits but he's extremely

happy that he has all the time that he needs to pursue his

passion in learning about AI and deep learning. And the

confidence that he has that the opportunities will come out

of it, that he'll just learn what he's passionate about and the

opportunities will come is extremely encouraging and

refreshing as well.

So in this podcast, we'll discuss quite a lot of different

things. We'll talk about how Tuatini structures his day since

he doesn't have to go to work. What does he do, and how

does he make sure that he does follow his passion in

learning and he pursues that. And we'll talk about the

Pomodoro time management method which he uses, and

actually I was using, even though I didn't know about it,

back when I was starting my educational courses.

We'll talk about what he's learning in artificial intelligence,

what the recent developments are, and we'll talk about deep

learning and why he's chosen to go into that path. And we'll

even cover off some of the major recent technological

breakthroughs in terms of GPUs and Tuatini will give us a

quick excurse into that world as well.

So, all in all, a very varied podcast, lots of interesting things

that we're going to discuss, and I can't wait for you to check

it out. And without further ado, I bring to you Tuatini


(background music plays)

[Speaking in French]

Kirill: Oh man, that was so cool. Just for everybody, back into

English, we met in Paris, right? Tuatini, when Hadelin and I

were on the roadtrip. It was a pretty cool catch up.

Tuatini: Yeah, it was really amazing to have dinner with you two

guys. Really interesting stories we told each other.

Kirill: Yeah. And for those of you who don't know French, that's

exactly how I felt. Like how you felt just now at the start of

the podcast was exactly how I felt because I know just a

little bit of French, and these guys were just talking French

the whole night long, right Tuatini?

Tuatini: Yeah, yeah, but actually you told me that I articulate well, so

you can understand what I am saying, so I thought it would

be ok!

Kirill: Oh yeah, that's right! That's right, out of all people there, I

could understand you the best. It's interesting, because

everybody was talking at about the same speed, but you just

articulate your words so well in French that I could

understand maybe like 80% of what you were saying. It was

really cool.

Tuatini: Oh, nice. Thank you.

Kirill: Yeah. But anyway, welcome to the podcast. So Tuatini

Godard is an AI learner. So tell us a bit about yourself,

Tuatini. What do you do for your free time, and what do you

do in life right now?

Tuatini: Currently I am unemployed. By choice, rest assured. And I

spend all my days actually learning everything I can around

data science, and especially deep learning. Most of the time,

when I have to get out of my house, I go to meetups and

meet some interesting people, like when I met you and

Hadelin in Paris. So basically, that's it.

Kirill: And this is really interesting, because I just found out just

before the podcast that you actually had a job at a startup

and then you decided to quit it because you wanted to spend

100% of your time on learning. Is that right?

Tuatini: Actually, I left the company almost 1 year ago and that was

a tough choice because when you are in your comfort zone,

it’s really hard to tell yourself that there is a new field which

is not related to what you do currently and you want to go

into that field. Basically, at that time I had multiple choices.

The first one was to stay in the company. And I really liked

the company and the team I had there. At the same time, I

wanted to get involved in AI. So, I went to my employer and I

asked him if he wanted to stop the contract I had with him

and then as of today I am living on my unemployment

benefits and more like surviving on my unemployment

benefits than living with it. But still, as of today, I’m doing

something I really like, even if it’s hard. Because there is a

lot of stuff in data science that I didn’t know, like everything

around mathematics, so that’s really hard for me. Still, I

really like what I do today. Even if I don’t have a good salary

or good co-workers, still that’s the most important to me – to

be able to do what you really want.

Kirill: That’s so cool. Is this something like you’re happy doing

what you’re doing, or are you building up your skills and

knowledge so that later on you can either start your own

business or get a very exciting job, or is this something that

you want to continue doing, just having fun with deep

learning on your own?

Tuatini: Actually, I want to make a living with deep learning. Because

I left my job and I don’t want to spend two years learning

deep learning and then going back to software engineering

and development because this is what I was doing in that

startup. So, yeah, as of today I’m learning everything I can.

And I don’t have any clear goal, but I take opportunities as

they come. I meet people. I try to get involved in open source

projects if I can, and I do what I can with my free time.

Kirill: Okay, got it. Tell us a bit more about what you did before,

because it sounds pretty interesting – software development.

What’s your background? Where did you study and where

did you work after that?

Tuatini: As for my background, I started coding at the age of 13. I got

my Master’s degree at the age of 23. And at the age of 22 I

went into the startup for which I worked for 2 years. And I

was the lead developer for Android over there. It was like

every morning you wake up and you tell yourself, “Okay,

there is this bug to fix or this stuff to add,” but you are still

solving the same problem, you know. So in the end, I was a

bit tired of this and this led me to this decision to quit this

job and go into deep learning. But during the last years, I

was involved in many areas of computer science. I was a

sysadmin, I worked on security systems, I worked as a

backend developer, and as an Android developer of course.

And nowadays I’m doing data science and deep learning.

Kirill: Gotcha. Okay, very interesting. So, tell us a bit about your

day. From my own experience, I know that it’s very hard to

organize yourself when you’re just working or studying from

home. You don’t have to be like, you know, at 9:00 you have

to be there, at 6:00 you come home. When you don’t have

this schedule that’s imposed upon you, when you have to

control your own time, sometimes it can be very hard. So tell

us about your day. What time do you wake up and how do

you go from there?

Tuatini: Yeah, sure. Actually, before leaving my old startup, what I

did was to create a clear roadmap of what I have to learn. My

days actually—what I do of my days is actually using a

Pomodoro Technique. I don’t know if you know this


Kirill: I’ve heard about it. Tell us a bit more. My brother told me

about it.

Tuatini: Yeah. Actually, it’s a really dumb technique, I would say. It’s

basically you take a timer, you put it for 20 minutes, and

you work during these 20 minutes but you have to work,

really work, like no Facebook, no eating, nothing, just work.

And when these 20 minutes are over, you can start having a

pause for 5 minutes and then you go back to your work for

20 minutes again. And actually, I use this technique every

day to get at least 4 hours of really productive work or not

work, but learning, really productive learning at least per

day so that I know that I was useful, you know, that I didn’t

lose my time spending my time on just social media so that I

can keep up with my goals which are defined on my

roadmap, you know.

Kirill: Yeah, that’s really cool. So, you use this Pomodoro

Technique. For those listening out there, it’s a very

interesting technique. I find it a bit controversial, or not

necessarily controversial, but perpendicular to a lot of the

other techniques that exist out there. For instance, there are

philosophies out there that say that it’s very hard when you

switch over between tasks. Like, you’re doing something for

an hour or two and then you switch over to something else.

It takes you at least 20 to 40 minutes to readjust your brain

to work on something else.

Whereas in the Pomodoro Technique, every 20 minutes you

have to get up and do something. And you can set the stamp

to whatever you want: it can be 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30

minutes. You get up and you have a break and then you

come back to the technique and so on. You’re constantly

consciously interrupting yourself, which is contrary to the

other methodologies and philosophies where you try to limit

the interruptions. It’s interesting. It’s great to meet a person

like Tuatini, for whom it’s working.

Tuatini: Actually, I don’t respect the technique 100%. (Laughs) When

I’m working on a piece of code and I really want to solve it, if

the timer goes off, I just start it again and I just don’t take

the 5-minute pause between the two 20 minutes. Actually, I

just use this technique to know that at least I commit 4

hours per day of doing productive work. I would say I only

use this for that, but I don’t respect it 100%. As you said, it’s

really hard to shift your focus to something else for 5

minutes and then come back to the same thing you were

doing before. Sometimes it doesn’t work for me either.

Kirill: Yeah, gotcha. I can totally relate to that. You kind of get into

this state of flow, right? You’re coding and you’re into it and

the last thing you want is to get up and have a break. I think

maybe that’s the way it’s designed. If you’re getting up and

having a break, that means you’re not in a state of flow, or

at least you’re kind of keeping control of how you’re

spending time. It’s harder to fall into the pattern of getting

on Facebook or doing something irrelevant to your work that

way, because even if you do that, then you’ll only be limited

to 20 minutes before you snap out of it and you realize,

“Okay, the next 20 minutes I will do well.” But if you do get

into the state of flow, definitely don’t get out of it. Because

when I feel that I’m in flow and I’m getting things done, like

you say, you don’t want to get up and you just restart the


Actually, I did something similar when I was also quitting

my job and I was working in the evenings and on the

weekends, I was valuing every single minute. Even without

knowing the Pomodoro Technique, what I did was I broke my

hour into four parts, so 15-minute parts, and I set a timer

for 15 minutes. And my goal wasn’t to get up and go have a


My goal was to reset the timer every 15 minutes, but on the

side of my desk I had a paper and a pen, in my notebook I

had a page dedicated to this, and it would be split into two

parts. On the left it would be ‘productive,’ on the right it

would just say ‘non-productive.’ And then whenever the

timer would go off, I would reset it and I would just put

another point or a line into ‘productive’ or ‘non-productive.’

So, I would look back and I would say, “Okay, were my 15

minutes productive or did I just waste them?” And then I

would just put a line—you know how they do, you put like

four lines and then you cross them over and that’s five and

so on.

I put a counter into one of the two sides of the page and that

way, at the end of the day, I could look back and similar to

you I would be like, “Okay, I’m going to count how many 15

minutes I spent wasted and how many 15 minutes I spent

productive,” and based on that, I would come up with it and

I would be like, “Oh, I actually had 4 hours or 8 hours of

actual productive work this day,” and I’d be satisfied with

that. If there was too much unproductive time, I would have

to look back at it and understand what I was doing wrong

and the next day it would become better.

Tuatini: Yeah. Actually, I also used, until a certain time, I used a

Don't Break the Chain Technique. I don’t know if you know

about that.

Kirill: No.

Tuatini: It’s actually also very dumb, but it’s like—for example, if I

tell myself that I have to commit 4 hours a day of really

productive work, I have to keep up with that for the rest of

the days. I can say that on weekends I don’t have to respect

that, but if I have to respect that from Monday to Friday, I

have a calendar and I have to check each day that I didn’t

break the chain, you know, I didn’t commit only 3 hours on

one particular day or things like that. It’s just that, actually.

And I had this calendar where I checked every day for like 3

months, and then I went on a trip and everything was

screwed, you know. (Laughs)

Kirill: Yeah, I can imagine. But that’s good. That’s how you get

stuff done, right? I’m sure you’re learning a lot.

Tuatini: Yeah, sure.

Kirill: We’ll get to that in a second. So you wake up and you start

working right away, or do you go for a walk? Walk us

through your day. What do you usually do first?

Tuatini: Actually, as soon as I wake up, I do my work. And if I see

that I’m reaching my 4 hours on the day, I can try to do

some stuff which are not useful, like browsing the Internet

or—I don’t know, but nothing special about it. Basically all

my days look like that. I wake up, I work, I commit to my 4

hours and then I can play video games or talk to my

girlfriend or—I don’t know.

Kirill: Gotcha, have a social life. But why only 4 hours? Is there a

reason? Why not 7? Why not 8? Why not 10?

Tuatini: Actually, it’s not only 4 hours; it’s at least 4 hours. So, it’s

that I know I was committed to these 4 hours. Yesterday, I

think maybe I spent 8 or 9 hours because I was in a Kaggle

competition and I was like, “Why doesn’t my accuracy go

up?” So, I was on my code and I just couldn’t stop.

Kirill: Gotcha. So, basically it’s better to set a reasonable but not a

very high level that’s easy to achieve and you are always

satisfied with your day and if you do more, you do more.

Tuatini: Yeah, exactly.

Kirill: Gotcha. Okay, really cool. Okay, so that’s how your day is

structured. Now tell us a bit about what is it that you’re

learning. We’ve had a few guests talk about deep learning on

the podcast, but what’s your version of deep learning, your

summary on deep learning in a few sentences? What is it?

Tuatini: Currently I’m learning everything I can around CNN and

computer vision. I just finished the courses on, and

I plan to start the new one you released on Kickstarter, you

know, as soon as you release it. I still didn’t finish the one

you released on AI because I was doing other MOOC before

that. But yeah, I think I will probably base my work around

computer vision and reinforcement learning because these

are the two fields which fascinate me the most.

Kirill: That’s really cool. Why do you like computer vision so


Tuatini: Well, compared to NLP, you have this feedback, this visual

feedback, so it’s much more rewarding than NLP. I don’t

know how to—

Kirill: Yeah, yeah, I got you. NLP, for those listening, is natural

language processing. Is that right?

Tuatini: Yeah, sure.

Kirill: No, I totally understand. It’s more gratifying to see your

results. You can actually see green boxes and stuff like that,

what’s going on.

Tuatini: Yeah. And there is also the fact that the field of computer

vision opens so much more opportunities than NLP, you

know. When you are doing NLP, in my opinion at least, I

don’t see that many opportunities compared to what you can

do with computer vision. With computer vision, for example,

you can make robots understand the world, you know. But

with NLP, you try to make them understand our language,

which is not an especially real representation of our world.

It’s a language which was created by humans, whereas

computer vision is a thing which is native. I don’t know how

to say that, but you get me.

Kirill: Yeah, gotcha. It’s just like information that’s out there

regardless of language.

Tuatini: Yeah, exactly. It was not made by humans, if you will.

Kirill: Yeah. Okay, very interesting. And you’ve got a very

interesting project that you’re working on or you’re planning

on working on – StarCraft, right? Tell us a bit about that.

Tuatini: Yeah. I didn’t start yet, but I plan to start hacking around

with StarCraft and really start diving deep into

reinforcement learning because this is actually one of the

fields which is very—not a lot of startups are involved in

reinforcement learning except OpenAI and DeepMind, and I

think that’s because it still has to make its proof. Because as

for today, with CNN and RNN – convolutional neural

networks or computer vision, and RNN, natural language

processing – you can already achieve a lot of real work. But

with reinforcement learning, it’s much more complicated

because you cannot—I don’t know how to say that, but it’s

much harder to see the goal of what you can do with

reinforcement learning.

Kirill: Gotcha. Just so that everybody is up to speed, let’s break it

down because there are people listening to this podcast,

maybe this is their first time encountering reinforcement

learning or CNN and RNN, so I’ll just explain the

abbreviations. CNN is convolutional neural network, it’s a

type of deep neural network that is used to recognize images

and process them and recognize objects and images and so

on. RNN is a recurrent neural network. It’s a deep neural

network that has memory. That’s what’s used for natural

language processing because like words and sentences—you

need to know what words came before the current word to

make sense of the meaning. And reinforcement learning is a

technique which—maybe you can explain reinforcement

learning, Tuatini. What’s your explanation of reinforcement


Tuatini: Actually, for me, reinforcement learning happens when you

have a goal. For example, let’s say you take a game—for

example, let’s take “Mario” because everyone knows “Mario.”

Your goal in “Mario” is actually to go to the end of the road

and get the flag at the end and you win. So, in reinforcement

learning, you define some specific goals that you want your

algorithm, or as you say in reinforcement learning, your

agent, to reach. But you don’t tell him about how to play

“Mario.” You just show him, for example, people playing

“Mario,” and it just figures out how to play “Mario” based on

how the human players were playing it. Basically that’s it.

But I believe there’s a lot more things you can do with

reinforcement learning, apart from games, but as of today, I

don’t yet have this vision because I didn’t look deeply into

reinforcement learning yet, so I can’t really tell.

Kirill: Yeah, exactly. There’s lots of applications. Reinforcement

learning basically allows computers and robots to learn from

the feedback they’ve been getting from their environment or,

as Tuatini mentioned, from observing humans and others

play games. It’s a way for computers to learn without us

hardcoding the algorithms into them, without saying, “If

this, do that; else, do this.” You know, without the

hardcoded algorithm, they can still learn.

So, the very interesting developments in the world these

days are using reinforcement learning for very complex

tasks. And games are a cool environment to test this stuff

out because games represent a mini real world with their

own rules and so on. So if you can make a robot or an AI

work in a game, that means you’re one step closer to making

it work in the real world. And one of the recent

breakthroughs was—I think it was OpenAI that created an

artificial intelligence that can play the game of DOTA. Did

you hear about that?

Tuatini: Yeah, I saw that. Actually, some people said on Reddit that it

was kind of dumb because it took a path in the game that

the algorithm wasn’t aware of. It was just failing at

completing its tasks. I don’t know, I didn’t look further into

that, but—

Kirill: Okay. It’s definitely getting closer. This game is quite a

complex game where they have annual competitions and the

pool prize is like $2 million or $8 million, it’s growing every

year. This artificial intelligence can already play comparable

to a one-on-one player. The next step is five-on-five and so

on. Those who are interested can check it out online, it’s

called DOTA – I think it stands for “Defence of the Alliance” –

version 2.0 – and artificial intelligence is playing that game.

You can have a look at that. So you’re venturing into an

even more complex territory. You want to create an AI or

take on the challenge of exploring how to create a

reinforcement learning algorithm for StarCraft. StarCraft is a

different type of game. It’s a strategy game, right?

Tuatini: Yeah. Actually, as I understood, the most complicated part

in this game is that when you start the game, you are not

aware of the map of the game. You actually have to do some

discovery by sending what they call in the game a probe, so

you’ll just send the probe to try to ‘map the map,’ you know.

But this is really challenging because when an AI is not

aware of its whole environment, it makes things more

complicated, you know.

Kirill: Yeah. That is going to be very interesting to see, how you

take on that challenge. So, once you dabble on with the

game—you mentioned you don’t have any ideas on how to

apply this in real life, but how are you going to go about

that? I think that’s an interesting question. Let’s say you’re

successful at creating an artificial intelligence to play

StarCraft. What is your next step for turning these skills

that you’ve developed into a business, or into something that

you can bring to the world and add value to the world in the

real world?

Tuatini: To be honest, I don’t know. (Laughs) All I know is that I want

to work on something that I like. And this is the very reason

why I left my old startup, you know. The future will tell me.

I’m the kind of guy who likes to do what he wants to do, but

I do not worry about the future like, “Will I start a startup

with that?” or “Will I work in that field with big companies?”

I’m only worried about doing the stuff I like, you know. And

random events of life will happen. Maybe I will have some

opportunities to meet people who are also interested in that

field and who have ideas to make that into a business. I’m

not close to anything, but as for now, I don’t know. I can’t

tell you how I could apply it to a business.

But as you told me when you came to Paris, there is actually

one real application for reinforcement learning that Google

made, which was to reduce their cost in electricity, and it

was reinforcement learning. So I believe that you can make

very useful stuff, but as of today, I’m not aware of what you

can really do, what is the potential of reinforcement learning.

I cannot tell you that I want to create a business out of that,

you know.

Kirill: No, I totally understand that. And that’s really inspiring,

right? It’s so cool to have the courage to just say, “No, I don’t

care what everybody else thinks. I don’t care that I don’t

have a job. I’m just going to do what I love. And I don’t even

know where it’s going. I don’t know what opportunities I

have in the future, but I know they will come. I know that if

I’m doing what I love, then the world cannot happen in a

way that I will not have those opportunities. They will come

no matter what. I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing

and when they come, they come.” That is very inspiring.

Tuatini: Yeah. Well, actually this is all I did for my whole life, you

know, because I was born in French Polynesia and I lived on

a very small island. And I really liked computer science so I

was just committed to it. I didn’t have really good grades in

school, but I didn’t care. I was only passionate about what

was useful to me and what I wanted to do. And then when I

came to France, I started applying this knowledge.

So, I don’t know if it’s the randomness of events or if it’s

chance, but I believe that you cannot have guarantees in the

future of what you will do. For example, I cannot tell myself

that as of today I will work on data science for marketing so

that I’m sure that I will get a job in that field. For me, I just

want to work on things I like. And at some point, you will

find something according to that, you know.

Kirill: Yeah. And how good is that, that when you do find

something, because all the time you’ve been doing just the

things that you like, you’re guaranteed that you’re going to

like it because you’ve never even thought of doing anything

that you don’t like?

Tuatini: Yeah, it’s really rewarding when you find something. It’s the

way I live, actually. (Laughs) Actually, I think randomness of

events can also come, because I told you I’m surviving on

unemployment benefits and actually the guy who gives me

these unemployment benefits can just come to my door and

say, “We will cut the grass under your feet.” So from one day

to another, I can find myself not having any income but I

just tell myself that when the time comes I will just figure

out what to do.

Kirill: Yeah. So you’re not stressing out about it? It’s not a problem

now right? “It might happen, it might not happen. If it

happens, then that’s when it will become a problem and

that’s when I’ll sort it out.”

Tuatini: Yeah, exactly.

Kirill: Very interesting. I’m actually reading a book now by Eckhart

Tolle, it’s called “The Power of Now” and there he talks

exactly about that. It’s very interesting how your story

depicts the philosophy that he explained. He says that

“There are no problems in the world. Think about right now.

Right now, do you have a problem? Does anybody have a

problem? Not five minutes from now, not a day from now,

not a year from now, but right now do you have a problem?”

No, all you have is the present moment and you have the

situation that you’re in. So, what we perceive as problems,

somebody else in your situation might say, “Oh, I might lose

unemployment benefits. This is a problem.”

But what we perceive as problems is actually a situation

that might arise in the future. And when the future comes,

when it becomes a present moment, if it arises it’s not a

problem, it’s a situation you’ve got to deal with. “It’s a

situation I’m in. I’m going to deal with it. Okay, done with

the situation. Now I’ll keep going with my life.”

Tuatini: Yeah, exactly.

Kirill: It’s a very healthy mentality, right? It helps you be calm.

Tuatini: Well, I would like to tell you that when this day arises, I

won’t stress a bit, you know. (Laughs) But I think I will

figure out what to do. There is no such thing in life as

insurance. You can’t say that, for example, “Oh, I’m great in

my position at the company where I’m in and I want to work

for the coming 10 years,” because you don’t know what will

happen. Maybe you will never get a salary raise, maybe the

company will fail or maybe you will get hit by a car and die. I

don’t know. So there is no such thing as trying to forecast

your future in terms of insurance, job insurance, for


Kirill: Yeah. I totally agree. You’ve got to be not even prepared, but

accepting of whatever comes. Whatever comes, comes, and

we will deal with it when it comes.

Tuatini: Exactly.

Kirill: Cool. That’s very inspiring. I’m sure a lot of people listening

to this will have something to think about. Tell us, has

somebody inspired you? Has there been like a mentor, a life-

changing event, something in your life that has inspired you

to choose the path that you’ve chosen of software

development and then get into deep learning and so on?

What’s been the most inspirational thing for you?

Tuatini: For software development there were two things. The first

one is that I wanted to get out of my little island. (Laughs)

And the second one is still related to that. My father told me,

“What do you want to do? You want to watch the cows and

do agriculture? Or you want to go abroad and make relevant

things?” So, I quickly made my choice.

As for the influencer, I don’t have any person who influenced

me. Well, not one that I remember. I think it’s a whole, you

know. I saw a lot of people in the field of AI and I was always

passionate about creating AI when I was young, but at that

time I was afraid of math and there wasn’t really a lot of

things happening in that field, [indecipherable], as everyone

called it. And when I saw all these views coming from

TechCrunch and your MOOC, for example, all the resources

online to learn about AI actually, I told myself, “Yeah, let’s go

for it.”

Kirill: So you could see the potential?

Tuatini: Yeah, exactly. But there wasn’t just one thing that led me to

that decision, you know. This is just a whole, I would say.

Kirill: Okay. And was it hard to start? There’s probably a lot of

listeners who are into data science but not yet into the field

of deep learning or artificial intelligence, and they can also

hear about it, hear about the potential and see things, how

it’s changing the world, but it’s very scary. There’s a lot of

programming, there’s a lot of complicated libraries and even

mathematics and so on. So was it hard to start when you

made that decision?

Tuatini: Actually, yes. (Laughs) As I told you, I have a software

engineer background, so it’s really like my comfort zone

when we are dealing with computer science stuff, you know,

whether it be sysadmin or programming or anything. But

when it comes to math, that’s a completely different story.

(Laughs) Like, as of today, when I look at a math formula,

when I look at one on paper, I just want to go on a tutorial,

or find an alternative to implement what I want to


But this past week, I was trying to implement the Unet

paper. Unet is actually a technique in deep learning to

segment images. So basically, let’s say you have a car in the

middle of the image and you have a background. You just

want to get the car and have a transparent background

behind it, you know. Unet is meant for that. So what I’m

trying to do is to implement the paper from A to Z, as you

used to say, and really look at the math formula and try to

make sense of that. Because I think what is really hard for

me in the math is not the logic, but it’s actually like a foreign

language to me.

Like, if I see some sigma sign, I know it translates into a ‘for’

loop in Python or things like that, but there is a lot of signs

that I don’t know in math. It’s just really foreign to me. But

I’m working towards that goal. And my goal actually is to be

able to take a paper, implement it and ship it into

production. Basically to do the whole workflow. Not just

implement the paper or just ship things into production, but

be able to do the whole thing, you know. Because if someday

I will have to create my business or contribute to something,

I will have to deal with this whole process. You won’t be

constrained just to implementing the paper or just shipping

things into production.

Kirill: Yeah, I totally agree. That’s a very big step, learning math. I

agree, if you want to do the full flow of things, then you’ll

need to know the mathematics. At the same time, for the

benefit of our listeners, I just wanted to say that there’s

ways to get into this field even without delving too deep into

the mathematical aspects of things, but rather just

understanding intuitively how and why things work and

then understanding what goals you want to achieve and

then putting everything together. It’s like building Lego

bricks together with the pre-coded libraries and so on. Like

in PyTorch—well, less on PyTorch and more in the Google


Tuatini: Keras?

Kirill: Yeah, with Keras, if you use Keras there’s a lot of stuff pre-

coded for you, right?

Tuatini: Yeah, exactly.

Kirill: You can just build this AI with a few lines of code. Even if

you don’t know that much coding, you just put in a few lines

of code and there you go – you’ve got a convolutional neural

network going or something like that.

Tuatini: Yeah.

Kirill: Do you think that’s a valid way for people to start?

Tuatini: Yeah, sure. Actually, this is how I started, so yeah, totally. If

you want to start and you don’t have a lot of background

into mathematics or even computer science, it’s better to

work with high level libraries, as we call them, because

actually it obstructs every low level computation you could

do with Flow or TensorFlow or with PyTorch, for example,

because Keras actually is a library on top of TensorFlow so it

extracts a lot of stuff you would spend hours to figure out

how to do.

Kirill: So do you use Keras or do you use PyTorch?

Tuatini: I started with Keras, but currently I’m with PyTorch. The

reason is very simple because with Keras, as it’s on top of

TensorFlow—TensorFlow uses what we call static graph—

Kirill: Yeah, and dynamic graph.

Tuatini: Yeah. So it basically means you have to define all your pre-

processing input. You have to define how you will multiply

this or that. And then when you have defined your graph

basically, you start a session and you run the thing. But the

drawback with that is that when you are used to work with

IDE and debuggers, it’s really hard to check on things. It’s

really hard to look at, for example, “If I multiply this matrix

by this scalar, what is the result of that?” Actually,

TensorFlow has its own debugger, but I didn’t get a chance

to look at it. But the difference between TensorFlow and

Keras and PyTorch is that PyTorch uses dynamic graphs so

that as you go through your code you can put break points

to your code and can just look at the result of your code,

actually. It’s not like blackboxed as you can find in

TensorFlow. That’s the main reason why I moved away from

Keras, but Keras is very great to start with.

Kirill: Yeah, definitely. And it just makes things easier for people

looking at this. It’s a natural progression, right? When a

child is learning how to speak, they don’t start by reading

Shakespeare. They start with the basics and then they

progress. It makes sense. Let’s talk a bit about hardware. I

think that’s a topic close to you because from our catch-up

in France, I remember you were talking quite passionately

about your computer setup and so on. So tell us a bit about

that. For deep learning you obviously need a powerful

computer. How did you go about that?

Tuatini: I started with buying a GTX 1070 because you have to get a

really good GPU, especially if you’re working on a computer

vision program with deep learning. With NLP it’s less

relevant, because when you are inputting images into your

model, images are actually big matrices, so you have to have

a really good GPU to handle this kind of data. Then I bought

myself a GTX 1080 Ti.

Kirill: Sorry, you lost me there. Is that a better system?

Tuatini: Yeah. It’s actually better, yeah. So, what I actually have is I

have two computers: one is in my basement and one at

home. And I have my MacBook also and I work on my

MacBook and I actually execute my code remotely on this

machine and I get the result back onto my MacBook.

Actually, on my blog – I will give you the link – I teach people

how to build their own rig. And I really try to explain

everything, like how do you do that and what does it mean,

not only what are the steps to build your rig, but also what

does this step mean so when you have to fix your rig, if it’s

not working anymore, you know what you are dealing with.

Actually, I have—I don’t know the model of my CPU

anymore, but I have a good CPU and especially a good GPU

and 32 GB of RAM. I think it’s the minimum for a deep

learning project.

Kirill: Gotcha. And tell us what’s the difference of CPU and GPU

and why do you need GPUs for deep learning?

Tuatini: Actually, deep learning deals a lot with matrices and GPUs

are a specialized kind of hardware which is meant to deal

with matrices. This is why you can transfer your data to

your GPU memory and then make the GPU work instead of

your CPU. And the difference between the two is that—I

don’t know how to say that, but GPU is really parallel, it

does a lot of parallel work, it has like 3,000 cores, compared

to your CPU, which has 8 cores or something like that. CPU

can do a lot of stuff, but not really parallel. In contrast, the

GPU is meant to deal with very specific narrow tasks, but it

can parallelize a lot of stuff. So that’s the main difference

between the two.

Kirill: And GPU are actually for graphics, right?

Tuatini: Yeah. Graphics, if you think of it, are actually just matrices,

you know. So yeah, it’s why GPU can also be used to train

deep learning models.

Kirill: Yeah. So it’s just a convenient coincidence that GPUs were

originally developed for graphics, which are matrices, and

“We’re going to run some deep learning now on these GPUs,

only a trillion times faster?”

Tuatini: Yeah.

Kirill: And did you hear about the NVidia Volta chip?

Tuatini: Yeah.

Kirill: Tell us a bit about that, because Ben Taylor told me about it

a couple of times and I’m not really up-to-date with it. What

is this Volta chip and why is it so special?

Tuatini: As for today, there is only one GPU which was released with

this chip, with this new architecture, which is Tesla V100.

Volta is actually an architecture. Basically, you have

different kinds of architectures: there is Maxwell, there is

Pascal, there is Volta. Currently, with the latest models of

GPU you can find on the market, we are with Pascal. And

Volta actually is one step ahead, and it’s GPU which was

made especially for deep learning. It’s an architecture which

was made especially for deep learning because with Pascal,

it was made more for gamers because it uses a special

architecture, which actually has some optimization

especially made for games.

But these are optimizations which aren’t needed for deep

learning models, so the Volta architecture, at least the Tesla

V100—it doesn’t really take away, but kind of takes this

optimization and it also uses the half-precision mode which

is—how could I simply explain that? Basically, you have two

modes, which are FP32 and FP16. FP32 is actually to deal

with numbers with really good precision. And FP16 is

actually what we call half-precision, which is actually what

we need in deep learning because we don’t need to have a lot

of decimals in deep learning.

Kirill: Floating points, how many floating points you have. Gotcha.

Tuatini: Exactly. Volta was made actually to deal with half-precision

in a way better sense than past architecture. As of today, if

you try to put matrices with half-precision on your GPU, you

would get really worse results than if you put FP32 precision


Kirill: So how come there’s only one of them in the world then?

Tuatini: You mean one of—

Kirill: There’s only one type, right?

Tuatini: Because it’s fairly new. And as of today, I don’t think it’s yet

released to the public. I think NVidia sends it only to a few

people involved in artificial intelligence, but you cannot buy

this GPU yet. They will release it next year, I think. I’m not

sure about that, but as of today, it’s hard to get your hands

on this GPU.

Kirill: And it says that it’s about $150,000 for one of them. Crazy.

Tuatini: Yeah. (Laughs) It’s not for everyone.

Kirill: Yeah, that’s right. Okay, that’s really cool. Thanks a lot,

Tuatini. I just have one question to wrap up the podcast

here. You obviously have a huge experience in this field and

all this knowledge that you’ve acquired in a short period of

time. From what you see and from what you know about

deep learning and AI or data science, about all these fields,

where do you think this is all going and what should our

listeners look into in order to prepare for the future?

Tuatini: Given the past events, the past news I saw passing by over

the Internet on TechCrunch, Reddit and things like that, it

seems like a lot of VC are interested in investing in startups

which deal with edge computing. Simply put, edge

computing is being able, for example, to learn your deep

learning models not on the cloud, but directly on your

device, for example an IoT device or your smartphone. And I

feel like it’s the next step, that you are able to run directly

your deep learning models onto your device locally.

Because if you take, for example, drones, when they have to

map their environment and avoid obstacles, if they lost their

Internet connection or if there is a lot of latency onto that

connection, they cannot make the decision quickly enough

to not go into the obstacle, you know.

Yeah, I saw a lot of people saying that the next step in deep

learning is to be able to ship model into production, and

actually even François Chollet, who is the author of Keras,

said that the deep learning field in term of research paper is

told and the real problem now is to be able to ship this

model into production, whether it be on the cloud or on edge

computing. But I feel edge computing is the next big thing

for me.

Kirill: Gotcha. Okay, thanks a lot. That’s something to look into.

You normally think that everything is going offline more and

more now, but as you say, some applications have to make

very quick decisions.

Tuatini: Yeah. And if you look at the chipmaker, for example

Qualcomm, for example, or even if you look at the latest

iPhone, iPhone X that Apple released—

Kirill: iPhone 8.

Tuatini: They also released iPhone X, I believe.

Kirill: Oh, okay. I didn’t know that.

Tuatini: Yeah. There’s 8, 8S and X. X is the one without any buttons

on it. And actually you can do face recognition directly,

locally on the phone. And when they spoke about the chip

which is in the iPhone, they talked about a neuro-engine,

you know, and same goes for Qualcomm. They are trying to

make this kind of core processors which are meant to deal

with deep learning models. So, even by looking at the

hardware makers, you can see that they are trying to do this

edge computing scene.

The same thing goes for Movidius. Movidius is the company

which was bought by Intel. They created the neural compute

stick, which you can buy for $70 and then run your deep

learning model on that. But be aware that these kinds of

devices are not meant to train your model, but just to run

inference – in other term, predictions.

Kirill: Yeah. And to your point, if anybody wants a really vivid

example of this, I’m not sure about the latest iPhones, but

on the more older versions – for instance, iPhone 5 or maybe

6 and 7 as well – if you try to do speech-to-text, you know,

you’re trying to type a message and you click that little

microphone button on the left, and I’m pretty sure it’s the

same thing on Android phones like Samsung, you click that

button and it will convert what you’re saying into written

text, into the text message. So you can dictate the text

message. And that’s really cool. That’s actually deep learning

in action. But if you switch off your internet connection, if

you put it into flight mode and you try to do the same thing,

it won’t work because it’s actually going through the cloud.

It’s sending your voice to the cloud, it’s recognizing it there

and then sending the text back to your phone.

So this is what we’re talking about here when Tuatini is

saying “edge computing,” is that those models, and that

hardware and everything, will be integrated into your device.

That’s the challenge. In order to perform that there and then

so you could, for instance, do the speech-to-text even while

you’re offline.

Tuatini: Yeah. And that’s really interesting for people in this field,

because actually, instead of paying cloud instances to run

your deep learning models, they just let the client pay for

their latest iPhone and then they ship their application

which runs into the iPhone. They just cut costs regarding


Kirill: Yeah, gotcha. And cutting costs means competitiveness and

competitive means successful business.

Tuatini: Exactly.

Kirill: Okay. Thanks a lot, Tuatini. Could you give us some details

on how our listeners can find you, follow you or connect with

you if they’d like to learn more about your journey?

Tuatini: Sure. There is my LinkedIn, my e-mail, and I have also a

personal website where I blog from time to time, which is The next blog post I’m going to do is, as I

told you, about Unet. And actually, what I want to show is

how I went from reading the paper to doing the

implementation and explaining each step of the

mathematical formula and translate it into code. I think that

it may be useful to some people. I know some people found

useful the last article I released on how to build your deep

learning rig, but the next coming article will be on real deep

learning stuff. As for now, there is only computer science

stuff; there is no deep learning stuff.

Kirill: Gotcha. I’m looking at it now. It’s very detailed. The posts

have a lot of information. So if anybody listening wants to

build their own deep learning machine – and I know there’s

a couple of people like that who are following this podcast –

then check it out, it’s And of course, we will

share these details in the show notes. I’ve got one more

question for you Tuatini: What is the one book that you’d

like to recommend to our listeners?

Tuatini: Regarding the book, there is one which is not really related

nor to AI nor to data science, but it’s a really good book

which opens your mind, I would say. It’s called “Homo

Deus.” Actually, it’s made by a really famous historian that

you can find on TED because he gave some talk there. He

basically created two books: First one is “Homo Sapiens,”

which tells the story of where we came from; and “Homo

Deus” is where we are going. And he’s not only talking about

artificial intelligence and stuff, but everything about our

future. At the same time, he doesn’t put himself as someone

who wants to predict the future. He only opens your mind to

think about what happened in the past and now look at our

present and imagine our future. It’s really, really interesting

and I really recommend this book. I really loved it.

Kirill: Fantastic. I might check it out myself. I just googled it, it’s

called “Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow” by Yuval

Noah Harari. Very interesting. Once again, thank you so

much, Tuatini, for coming on the show and sharing all the

insights. It’s been a fantastic episode. I really loved to learn

from you.

Tuatini: Thank you.

Kirill: So there you have it. That was Tuatini Godard, AI learner. A

very inspiring episode! We wish Tuatini the best of luck. I’m

sure that he’s going to definitely find the right application of

all of these skills that he’s learning and there’s probably tons

of companies that would love to have a person like Tuatini

on their team, somebody so passionate about what they’re

doing. And as you saw from the podcast, there were lots of

things that were discussed.

My personal favourite out of all of them was just the whole

commitment and dedication to his passion that Tuatini has;

how he quit his job and became unemployed just to follow

his passion. It takes a lot of guts, it takes a lot of courage to

do that, and it’s very inspiring to see that there are people

like that in the world, who can jump straight into it and

know that they will be successful if they follow their passion.

And I wish the same to everybody. I think when you do what

you’re passionate about, when you do what you love, then

eventually you will become successful and it’s just a matter

of time. So make sure to follow Tuatini on his LinkedIn to

see how his career goes. I’m sure there are lots of exciting

and inspiring turns that are coming up for him.

And on that note, you can get all of the show notes for this

episode, the transcript, and a link to Tuatini’s LinkedIn at If you enjoyed this episode,

we’d really appreciate your review or a rating on iTunes. All

of your reviews definitely help us spread the word about

data science. We’re getting close to our 100th episode, so we

can’t wait to share more exciting and fun guests with the

rest of the world. Thank you so much for being here. I can’t

wait to see you here next time. Until then, happy analysing.