sds window client tutorial

Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 Windows Client Sample Application Description

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Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1Windows Client Sample Application


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© Copyright Ericsson AB 2009. All rights reserved.


No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the writtenpermission of the copyright owner.

The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due tocontinued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shallhave no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the useof this document.

Trademark List

Ericsson is the trademark of Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson.

Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Windows Windows is a registered trademark of MicrosoftCorporation in the United States and other countries.

All other trademarks are the property of their respectiveowners.

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1 Overview 1

1.1 How This Guide is Organized 1

1.2 Conventions Used in This Guide 2

1.3 Comments About the Documentation 3

2 Prerequisites 5

2.1 Assumptions 5

3 Installing and Running WindowsClient 7

3.1 Importing the Sample Code 7

3.2 Starting the Execution Environment 12

3.3 Configuring the CSCF 17

3.4 Installing the WindowsClient in Windows 17

3.5 Restarting the IMS Client Platform Service 21

3.6 Checking the ICP Configuration 22

3.7 Running WindowsClient in Windows 26

4 Using the Windows Client Features 29

4.1 The Contact List User Interface 29

4.2 Sending an Instant Message 36

4.3 Chat Sessions 38

4.4 VoIP Calls 43

Reference List 49

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Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 Windows Client Sample Application Description

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1 Overview

This document provides a description of the Windows Client sample applicationprovided with the Ericsson Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1.

The Windows Client sample application is source code which you can use asthe basis for your own applications. This document explains how to install it,run it, and how to use it. How you extend it or modify it is entirely up to you.If you extend it in a way that you would like to share with Ericsson and otherSDS developers, and possibly have your code included with future releases ofSDS, please contact [email protected].

1.1 How This Guide is Organized

This SDS 4.1 Tutorial is organized into the following sections:

Table 1 How This Guide is Organized

Section Description

Overview An introduction to this document (this section).

Prerequisites Prerequisites and assumptions for using thesample application.

Installing and RunningWindowsClient

Instructions for importing the sample code,starting the execution environment, installing theapplication, configurating the application, andrunning it in Windows.

Using the Windows ClientFeatures

A description of the GUI and features of theWindows Client sample application as deliveredwith SDS 4.1.

Reference List Related documents.

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Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 Windows Client Sample Application Description

1.2 Conventions Used in This Guide

The following typographic conventions are used in this guide:

Table 2 Typographic Conventions

Convention Description Example

Code Examples Code examples stat char* months[]=\{”Jan”,”Feb”}



Commandvariables, the valuesof which you mustsupply.


Document andFile Names

References todocument titlesor sections in adocument and filenames.

For more information, refer tothe System Administrator Guide.Check the local runlog files(xxx.runlog and xxa.runlog) inthe /var/log/xxx directory.

GUI Objects GUI objects, suchas menus, fields,and buttons, dialogboxes, and options.

On the File menu, click Exit.


Key combinations. Press Ctrl+X to delete theselected value.(2)


Text displayed bythe system

System awaiting input


Parametervalues (numbers,true/false, yes/no,and so on)

To use this feature, the parametermust be set to true.

System Elements Command andparameter names,program names,path names, URLs,and directory names

The files are located inE:\Test.The files are located inetc/opt/ericsson/bin. (3)

User Input A command thatyou must enterin a CommandLine Interface (CLI)exactly as written.

cd $HOME

(1) The back slash (\) is used to show where long lines are split.(2) The plus sign (+) indicates that you must press the keys simultaneously.(3) The use of the forward slash (/) is for Unix systems, PC systems use the backslash (\).

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1.3 Comments About the Documentation

Ericsson encourages you to provide feedback, comments or suggestions sothat we can improve the documentation to better meet your needs.

With your comments provide:• document title• document number• page number

Send your comments to your local Ericsson Support.

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2 Prerequisites

Before you can use the sample code:

• SDS must be installed and properly configured on your workstation.

Refer to the Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 Installation Instructions,1531-APR 901 753/3.

• The Sample Code component must be selected during SDS installation.

Refer to the Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 Installation Instructions,1531-APR 901 753/3.

• SDS is running and open to the Java Perspective.

Refer to the Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 Developer's Guide,198 17-APR 901 753/3.

2.1 Assumptions

For the purpose of this document, it is assumed that SDS is properly installedand configured, and that you have successfully completed the SDS Tutorial.Some instructions and configurations (such as the setting of preferences ordefaults) do not need to be performed a second time if you have previouslyused SDS and done them. Those cases are noted.

It is assumed that the reader is familiar and comfortable with:• Programming with Java 1.5.x• Eclipse 3.x• IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

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Installing and Running WindowsClient

3 Installing and Running WindowsClient

To begin using the WindowsClient sample application in the SDS simulatedenvironment, the following steps must be performed:

1. Importing the Sample Code

2. Starting the Execution Environment

3. Configuring the CSCF

4. Installing the WindowsClient in Windows

5. Restarting the IMS Client Platform Service

6. Checking the ICP Configuration

7. Running WindowsClient in Windows

3.1 Importing the Sample Code

To import the Windows Client sample code:

1. Start Eclipse. From Windows select Start > Programs > SDS 4.1 > SDS.

2. From the Eclipse menu, select File > Import.

This launches the Import wizard.

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Figure 1 Import Wizard

3. Expand the General folder and select Existing Projects into Workspace.

4. Click Next.

The Import Projects page of the wizard is displayed.

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Installing and Running WindowsClient

Figure 2 Import Projects

5. Type or navigate to the path C:\Ericsson\SDS4.1\Sample\Java\CDCandSE\WindowsClient in the Select root directory field.

Note: If you have installed SDS elsewhere than the default, your pathwill vary accordingly.

Once the path is in the Select root directory field, WindowsClientappears in the Projects list.

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Figure 3 Import Guess Client and Servlet: Sample Directory

6. Select the Copy projects into workspace check box. This isrecommended so that if you modify the code and wish to revert to theoriginal code, you can re-import it.

7. Click Finish.

You will see a progress bar while the project is imported into the workspace.This may take a few moments.

Figure 4 WindowsClient Project Added to Package Explorer

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Installing and Running WindowsClient

A Building workspace message with another progress bar appears in thestatus bar at the bottom of the screen while Eclipse rebuilds the workspace.This may take a few moments.

Figure 5 Building Workspace

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Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 Windows Client Sample Application Description

3.2 Starting the Execution Environment

SDS 4.1 provides a Network View perspective which displays a graphicalrepresentation of the simulated environment (CSCF, DNS, and PoC) as well asthe Symbian Emulator.

The Visual Network has a icon-driven Graphical User Interface (GUI), whichlets you select which simulated nodes to represent, and allows you to quicklysee and change their running states as well as access their configurationsettings (Preferences). When a simulated node is started, a symbol appearsnext to the icon to indicate this.

3.2.1 Accessing the Network View

1. From the Eclipse menu, select SDS > Server > Visual Network

This opens the Visual Network perspective and displays the Network View.

Figure 6 Network View

3.2.2 Adding Nodes to the Network View

SDS 4.1 supports the visual representation of one instance of each one ofthe following servers:

• PoC Server

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Installing and Running WindowsClient



• Symbian Emulator

To add a simulated node to the Network view:

1. Click on the icon for the node you wish to represent in the view in thepalette on the right.

The cursor changes to indicate the add-node state.

2. Click once in the client area of the Network View.

An icon representing the node is added.

Figure 7 CSCF Added to the Network View

3. Add the other nodes in the same way.

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Figure 8 Network View with All Nodes

3.2.3 Starting a Simulated Node in the Visual Network

The Network view allows you to start the simulated PoC Server, CSCF, andDNS. The Symbian Emulator can be started from the Visual Network, but isstopped by closing the Emulator.

1. Right-click the icon representing the simulated node you wish to start andselect the Start option.

Figure 9 Starting the CSCF in the Network View

An Operation in Progress dialog appears briefly.

A symbol next to the server icon indicates it is running.

A Console view opens and displays logging for each node that is started,except the Symbian Emulator.

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Figure 10 CSCF Started in Network View

2. Start the other simulated nodes and the Symbian Emulator the same way.

Figure 11 Starting the Symbian Emulator in the Network View

When all servers are started, they look like this:

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Figure 12 Visual Network - Execution Environment Started


If you have no need to keep the execution environment running, stop theseservers before exiting SDS.

The CSCF, DNS server, and PoC server continue to run (and use your system'sresources) even after you exit SDS. This can affect the performance of yoursystem.

Note: Stopping or closing a console does not mean the server is stopped.

3.2.4 Stopping the Execution Environment in the Visual Network

The Network view allows you to stop the PoC Server, CSCF, and DNS.

1. Right-click the icon representing the simulated node you wish to stop andselect the Stop option.

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Figure 13 Stopping the CSCF in the Network View

An Operation in Progress dialog appears briefly.

The symbol next to the server icon disappears.

2. Stop the other servers the same way.

Note: The Symbian Emulator is not stopped in the Network View. It isstopped by closing the Emulator window on your desktop.

3.3 Configuring the CSCF

SDS is delivered with users Alice and Bob provisioned and ready to run theWindowsClient sample application. There is no configuration to change fromthe default settings.

3.4 Installing the WindowsClient in Windows

To open Eclipse andrun the WindowsClient in Windows:

1. From the Eclipse menu, select SDS > Client > Install Client in Windows.

The Install Client in Windows wizard is launched.

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Figure 14 Select Client to Install

2. Select WindowsClient and click Next.

The Select project resources screen is displayed.

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Figure 15 Select Project Resources

The Client Configuration File field is already filled.

3. Click Next.

The Define the application deployment information screen is displayed.

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Figure 16 Define the Application Deployment Information

4. Define the application deployment information:

• Application Name is provided. Leave windowsclient

• In the Application deploy path navigate to an existing folder that willcontain your ICP application, for example, C:\ICPapps. You mayneed to create the folder if it does not exist.

5. Highlight in the Application MainClass list.

6. Click Finish.

• A Progress Information message, followed by a Client installationcompleted! message are displayed.

• The WindowsClient sample application is installed in the specifieddirectory, with all necessary files required to run your application.

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Installing and Running WindowsClient

3.5 Restarting the IMS Client Platform Service

Restarting IMS Client Platform (ICP) service automatically registers theprovisioned user.

To restart ICP:

1. In Windows, select Start > Run.

The Windows Run dialog opens.

Figure 17 Windows Run Dialog Box

2. Type services.msc and press Enter.

The Services window is displayed.

Figure 18 Services Window

3. Scroll through the list and select the IMS Client Platform service.

4. Click the Restart button on the toolbar.

A Service Control message shows the progress of the restart.

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Figure 19 Services Window

5. Close the Services window.

3.6 Checking the ICP Configuration

ICP comes preconfigured with a user profile for Alice. We will now check theprofile and its registration status, and start the profile if it is not registered.

To check ICP configuration:

1. In Windows, select Start > Settings > Control Panel.

The Windows Control Panel opens.

2. Double-click the IMS Settings icon.

The ICP Properties window opens.

Figure 20 ICP Properties

3. Click on the Profile Manager tab.

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Figure 21 ICP Properties - Profile Manager

4. Click the Configuration button.

The IMS Setting window opens.

5. Click on the User Profile tab.

The profile displayed is Alice.

Figure 22 IMSSetting - User Profile tab

6. Click on the Profile Status tab. If the status is registered, go to the nextstep.

• If status is Registration Failed:

� Click the Stop Profile button and wait for the displayed status tobe Stopped.

� Click the Start Profile button and wait for the displayed status tobe Registered.

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Note: If not, restart the IMS Client Platform service (Section 3.5on page 21).

Figure 23 IMSSetting - Profile Status

7. Click OK.

The IMSSetting window is closed.

8. Click OK in the ICP Properties window.

The ICP Properties window is closed.

Check the user registration in the Registrar view of the Provisioning perspectivein Eclipse:

9. In Eclipse, switch to the Provisioning perspective. From the Eclipse menu,select SDS > Server > Provisioning.

The Provisioning view opens.

10. Select the Registrar tab.

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Figure 24 User Alice is Registered

You can see registered users. Only Alice is currently listed.

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3.7 Running WindowsClient in Windows

To run the WindowsClient sample application in Windows:

1. In Eclipse, switch to the Java perspective.

2. In the Package Explorer, right-click the WindowsClient project.

3. From the pop-up menu, select Run As > Java Application.

The Select Java Application window is displayed.

Figure 25 Select Java Application

4. Select Main - and click OK.

A new console logs activity for the main Java application.

The WindowsClient graphical user interface (GUI) appears on yourdesktop. This may take a few moments.

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Figure 26 Windows Client GUI

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Using the Windows Client Features

4 Using the Windows Client Features

This section describes the GUI and features of the Windows Client sampleapplication as delivered with SDS 4.1.

1. The Contact List User Interface

2. Sending an Instant Message

3. Chat Sessions

4. VoIP Calls

You may change or extend the features by modifying the sample code.

4.1 The Contact List User Interface

The Contact List is the main window of the Windows Client sample application.It displays your contacts and groups, and provides access to all the functionsand features of the Windows Client sample application.

Figure 27 Windows Client GUI

4.1.1 Operations in the Contact List

The following operations can be performed from the Contact List:

• Manage your contacts:� Add a buddy� Rename a buddy

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� Remove a buddy� View contact information

• Manage your groups:� Add a group� Remove a group� Add a contact to a group� Remove a contact from a group

• Sort the contact list

• Send an Instant Message

• Initiate a session with an online contact:� Start a chat session� Start a VoiP call

4.1.2 Presence Information (Online Status)

The Windows Client sample application uses presence information to showonline/offline status of your contacts.

A contact's online status is indicated by the color of the avatar (icon).

Figure 28 Bob is Online

Figure 29 Bob is Offline

Figure 30 Bob is Blacklisted

Your presence status is displayed at the bottom of your contact list.

Figure 31 Your Online Status

4.1.3 Functions Accessed from the Menus

The menu bar across the top of the main window provides access to the mainfunctions of the Windows Client sample application. You can initiate mostservices from these menus. The selected action will be performed on theselected contact, so it is important to select your contact before going to themenu.

Note: In the rest of this document the preferred way to interact with yourcontacts is to right-click the contact and select an option from theavailable options.

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Using the Windows Client Features

File Menu

The File menu contains an option to exit the Windows Client sample application.

Figure 32 File Menu

Exit Ends the session and closes the Windows Clientsample application.

Edit Menu

The Edit menu contains the contact list and group management options.

Figure 33 Tools Menu

Note: Right-clicking a contact name or a group name displays a pop-upmenu offering the available options from the Edit menu. This isthe recommended way to interact with your contacts, since contactselection is implicit in the right-click.

Add Buddy Accesses the New Buddy window, where you can adda new contact to your list.

• Fill in the following information for the contact toadd:� Add to Group: Select the group to which the

contact will be added. The default group isOthers until you create more groups or renamethe group.

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� Buddy Name: Enter the name for the contactthat will appear in your contact list.

� Buddy URI: Enter the Uniform ResourceIdentifier (URI) of the contact. This must be inthe format sip:<user>@<domain>

� Click OK.

Note: The OK button is unavailable if theBuddy URI is not in the required format.

The new contact is added to the contact listunder the specified group.

Rename Buddy This option is unavailable if no contact is selected.

Accesses the Modify Buddy window for the currentlyselected buddy.

• Type a different name for the contact.

Note: You cannot modify a contact's SIP URI.You must create a new buddy and removethe old one.

Remove Buddy This option is unavailable if no contact is selected.

Removes the currently selected contact from your list.

Note: You are not prompted for confirmation andthere is no Undo.

Move to Group This option is unavailable if no contact is selected.

Accesses the Move to group window for the currentlyselected contact. If you have not created more groups,this list will be empty.

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• Select the group to which to move the contact andclick OK.

The selected contact is moved to the specifiedgroup.

Send Message This option is unavailable if no contact is selected.

Accesses the Message to send window to send anInstant Message to the currently selected contact.

• Type your message and click OK.

If the contact is online, they will receive the incominginstant message.

If the contact is offline, you will receive an errormessage.

Add Group Accesses the New Group window.

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• Specify the name of the group to create and clickOK.

An empty new group is added to your contact list.You may now add new contacts or move existingcontacts to this group.

Rename Group This option is unavailable if no group is selected.

Accesses the Modify Group window for the currentlyselected group.

• Specify a new name for the group and click OK.

The name of the group is changed in your contactlist, but the contacts in the group are untouched.The contacts still belong to the renamed group.

Remove Group This option is unavailable if no group is selected.

Removes the currently selected group from your contactlist. All contacts in that group are automatically movedback to the default Others group.

Note: You are not prompted for confirmation andthere is no Undo.

Sort Ascending Sorts your groups and your contacts alphabetically fromA-Z.

Sort Descending Sorts your groups and your contacts alphabetically fromZ-A.

Session Menu

The Session menu contains options to start a chat session or a VoiP sessionwith a contact.

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Using the Windows Client Features

The session selected from this menu invites the currently highlighted contact;so take care that the highlighted contact is the one on which you wish to start asession.

If the menu is unavailable, you do not have a contact selected.

Figure 34 Session Menu

Start Chat Session Initiates a chat session with the selected contact.

See Section 4.3 on page 38.

Start Voice Session Initiates a voice call with the selected contact.

See Section 4.4 on page 43

View Menu

The View menu accesses the Black List.

A black list specifies which contacts may not see your presence when you areonline; in other words, you always appear offline to those contacts.

Figure 35 View Menu

Black List Accesses the Black List window, where you canmanage the black list status of your contacts.

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• Check the box to the left of the contact to black listthem.

• Black listed contacts appear in the contact list witha red “forbidden” symbol over their avatars, as inthe example below.

Help Menu

The Help menu provides version information for the Windows Client sampleapplication.

Figure 36 Help Menu

About Accesses a splash screen providing version informationfor the Windows Client sample application.

4.2 Sending an Instant Message

Instant Messages are simple messages you can send to a contact withoutinitiating a session.

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4.2.1 Sending an Instant Message

To send an Instant Message (IM) to a contact:

1. Right-click on the name of the contact to whom you want to send an instantmessage.

Figure 37 Right-Click the Contact

2. Select Send message from the pop-up menu.

The Message to send dialog box appears.

Figure 38 Blank Message to Send

3. Type your message and click OK.

The selected contact receives the message.

Figure 39 Received Instant Message

If the contact is offline, you will receive a message indicating that the userdid not receive the IM.

Figure 40 Error Sending Instant Message

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4.2.2 Receiving an Instant Message

If you are online when a contact sends you an instant message, you receivethe message.

Figure 41 Received Instant Message

• Click OK to dismiss the message.

If you are offline, you will not receive the message, even after you go backonline.

4.3 Chat Sessions

This section provides the information you need to know to initiate chat sessionsand interact with a contact during those sessions, send files, and save yoursessions.

4.3.1 Starting a Chat Session

To initiate a chat session with a contact:

1. Select the contact with whom you want to start the session.

2. From the Contact List menu, select Session > Start chat session.

A chat window opens on your desktop, while the selected contact is sent anIncoming Communication message.

Figure 42 Incoming Communication

If the contact clicks No or takes more than 60 seconds to accept, you will receivea message that the Windows Client was unable to initiate communication withthe remote party.

• Click OK to dismiss the message

• Close the chat window.

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Figure 43 Unable to Initiate Communication

If the contact accepts the invitation, the chat session begins.

Figure 44 Chat Session in Progress

3. Type a messages in the input field at the bottom of the window and pressEnter or click Send.

4.3.2 Accepting a Chat Invitation

When a contact invites you to a chat, you will receive an IncomingCommunication message.

Figure 45 Incoming Communication

1. Click Yes to accept the invitation.

Note: You have 60 seconds before the request times out.

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Once you have accepted, a Chat session window opens on your desktop.

Figure 46 Accepted Chat Session

2. Type a message in the input field at the bottom of the window and pressEnter or click Send.

4.3.3 Sending and Receiving Image Files

You can send an image file (.gif or .jpg) to a contact during a chat session.

Note: The file type is predetermined for this sample application; but using theICP API, the user can send any types of files. Sending an Image File

1. From the chat session window menu, select Options > Send an Image.

The Select a file dialog box appears.

Figure 47 Select a File

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2. Navigate to the file you wish to send and select it.

Note: You can only select one file at a time.

3. Click Select.

The file is sent to the selected contact(s). The contact may accept it orrefuse it. Receiving a File

When a contact sends you a file you will receive an Incoming Communicationmessage.

Figure 48 File Transfer

• If you click No, the file transfer is aborted.

• If you click Yes, you are prompted where to save it, and you can choose ityour own file name.

Figure 49 File Transfer Complete

4.3.4 Saving a Chat Message Log

If you want keep a copy of the conversation of your chat, you can save it whilethe chat session windows is open:

1. In the Chat session window click File > Save.

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You are prompted to save the file.

Figure 50 Saving Chat Conversation

2. Give the conversation a unique name with a .txt or .log extension andclick Open.

Note: If you do not specify an extension, none will be added to the file.

The chat is saved as an ASCII file on the path you specify. You can open itwith any text editor.

Note: File transfers are not recorded in the chat log.

4.3.5 Leaving a Chat Session

You can leave a chat session at any time.

• From the menu select File > End Communication or simply close thewindow.

The chat session view is closed on your desktop, and a message is sent tothe contact that you have left the session.

Figure 51 Communication Ended

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Using the Windows Client Features

4.4 VoIP Calls

You can use the Windows Client sample application to initiate or receive Voiceover IP (VoIP) calls with your contacts over the IMS network.

Note: A voice call can only connect with contacts who have audio capability.

During a VoIP call, users can have a voice session and type notes to documentconversation highlights. The notes can be saved to a text file. The call can beput on hold and reconnect at a later time.

4.4.1 Prerequisites

To use the VoIP capability of the Windows Client sample application, two PCsare required. One PC must connect to the other PC as follows:

1. Determine the IP address of the CSCF of the other computer.

2. In Windows, select Start > Settings > Control Panel.

The Windows Control Panel opens.

3. Double-click the IMS Settings icon.

The ICP Properties window opens.

Figure 52 ICP Properties

4. Click on the Profile Manager tab.

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Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 Windows Client Sample Application Description

Figure 53 ICP Properties - Profile Manager

5. Click the Configuration button.

6. Select the Network tab.

Figure 54 IMSSetting - Preferred Network

7. Click on the Profile Status tab.

• If status is Registration Failed:� Click the Stop Profile button.

The dialog indicates Stopping.� Click the Start Profile button.

The dialog indicates Starting.

The Status indicates Registered.

Note: If not, restart the IMS Client Platform service (Section 3.5on page 21).

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Using the Windows Client Features

Figure 55 IMSSetting - Profile Status

8. Click OK.

The IMSSetting window is dismissed.

9. Click OK in the ICP Properties window.

The ICP Properties window is dismissed.

Check the user registration in the Registrar view of the Provisioning perspective:

10. Switch to the Provisioning perspective. From the Eclipse menu, select SDS> Server > Provisioning.

11. Select the Registrar tab.

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Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 Windows Client Sample Application Description

Figure 56 User Alice is Registered

4.4.2 Starting a Voice Call with a Contact

To initiate a voice call session with a contact:

1. Select the contact with whom you want to start the session.

2. From the Contact List menu, select Session > Start voice session.

A Notes window opens on your desktop, while the selected contact is sentan Incoming Communication message.

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Using the Windows Client Features

Figure 57 Start a Voice Call

4.4.3 Ending a Voice Call

End a voice call by closing the window.

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Reference List

Reference List

Documents in this Set

[1] SDS 4.1 Technical Product Description, 1/221 02-FGC 101 0558

[2] Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 Installation Guide, 1531-APR901 753/3

[3] Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 Developer's Guide, 198 17-APR901 753/3

[4] Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 C++ Developer's Guide, 1/19817-APR 901 753/3

[5] Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 Tutorial, 1553-APR 901 753/3

[6] Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 C++ Tutorial, 1/1553-APR 901753/3

[7] Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 Glossary, 0033-APR 901 753/3

[8] Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 Third Party Licence Agreements,0962-APR 901 753/3

[9] SDS 4.1 Client Use Case Signalling Flows for Java Developers,1953-APR 901 753/3

[10] SDS 4.1 Client Use Case Signalling Flows for C++ Developers,1/1953-APR 901 753/3

[11] IMS Client Platform (ICP) 4.1 Parameter List, 190 59-APR 901 0338

[12] Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 Sample Windows ClientDescription, 198 10-APR 901 753/3

[13] Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 Mini Golf Game SampleApplication Description, 198 10-APR 901 753/3

Useful References

[14] Apache Tomcat,

[15] Eclipse IDE home,

[16] UIQ Developer Community,

[17] Symbian Signed site,

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Service Development Studio (SDS) 4.1 Windows Client Sample Application Description

[18] Sony Ericsson Developer World site,

[19] 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group CoreNetwork; IP Multimedia Call Control Protocol based on Session InitiationProtocol (SIP) and Session Description Protocol, 3GPP TS 24.229 V6.1.0

JSRs and RFCs

[20] JSR 116 SIP Servlet API,

[21] JSR 281 IMS Services API,

[22] SIP: Session Initiation Protocol RFC 3261,

[23] RFC 2327 - SDP: Session Description Protocol,

[24] RFC 4825 - The Extensible Markup Language (XML) ConfigurationAccess Protocol (XCAP),

PoC References

[25] OMA Push-to-Talk over Cellular Working Group (PoC),

[26] OMA Public Documents for PoC,

Presence References

[27] OMA Presence and Availability Working Group (PAG),

[28] OMA Public Documents for PAG,

[29] OMA Presence SIMPLE specification, version 1.0,

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