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  • 7/27/2019 Sea Info-Vol. Xxii


    SEAMOLEC InfoSEAMEO Regional Open Learning Centre

    Volume XXII/ No. 45/ August 2013

    ISSN/ 1410-6582 SEAMOLEC Info

    The development of Information and

    Communication Technology (ICT) has been

    growing up rapidly which give impacts to

    various aspects of human life, including the

    way people work, learn and teach. ICT hasbeen widely used in most learning community

    as a new way of learning and teaching. The

    potential of ICT in education could be optimized

    for teachers, lecturers and institutions.

    As the Internet becoming a tool to distribute

    information to the global community, it is essential

    to know how to disseminate information properly

    through ICT. ICT technicians and teachers arerecommended to gain a rich understanding of

    web development, which will benet them in the

    design and delivery of content and information

    to the netters.

    To provide ICT technicians and teachers in

    Myanmar with competency for developing and

    designing a website, the Ministry of Science

    and Technology of Myanmar and SEAMEO

    Regional Open Learning Centre (SEAMOLEC)jointly conducted a Training/Workshop on Web

    Development and Design in Technological

    Research Department, in Pyin Oo Lwin,

    Myanmar, on July 1-4, 2013.

    This training is a follow-up program of expert

    exchange between Indonesia and Myanmar,

    which was conducted from December 2012 to

    January 2013 where SEAMOLEC delegated thestaff to Myanmar to develop e-learning systems.

    Upon the agreement of both sides, it was

    agreed to implement a further web development

    training in July 2013 to deepen Myanmar ICT

    technicians and teachers knowledge.

    Workshop/ Training on Web Development and Design

    for ICT Technicians and Teachers in Myanmar


  • 7/27/2019 Sea Info-Vol. Xxii


    As the internet becoming a tool to distribute

    information to the world, it is essential to know

    how to disseminate information through ICT.

    Digital Simulation Program is one of efforts

    to improve the competence of students and

    teachers to the latest IT knowlege.

    Twenty students from high school (SMA) and

    vocational high school (SMK) in collaboration to

    develop the applications of Germany language

    for Android devices.

    In order to improve the quality of education in

    the digital age, the Department of Education

    Bondowoso district cooperates with SEAMOLEC

    to conduct the online collaborative learning and

    implemented among schools in Bondowoso.

    In this SEAMOLEC Info, we would like to inform

    you about our activites/programs regarding to

    ICT development and partnership programs.

    SEAMOLEC conducted Indonesia-China

    Partnership Workshop on Vocational Education

    Cooperation has been implemented at ASEAN-

    China center, Beijing on May 21-31, 2013 with

    supported by Indonesian Embassy for China,

    attach Education and SEAMOLEC.

    SEAMOLEC co-conducted training for a web

    development and design with Ministry of Science

    an Technology Myanmar at Technological

    Research Department, in Pyin Oo Lwin City,

    Myanmar, on July 1-4, 2013.

    From Directors Desk

    In Philippines, Davao,

    SEAMOLEC was

    conducted training and

    assigned SEAMOLECs

    expert for 2 months. Both

    programs were welcomed

    by the Consul General

    Davao (Mr. Eko Hartono),

    Head of Indonesian

    School in Davao/ SID

    (Mr. Setyowardoyo), and

    Head of Educational

    and Cultural Attach in

    Manila (Mrs. Paris). In

    the opening ceremony,

    Davao Consulate General

    expressed his gratitude

    thank to SEAMOLECthrough it ICT-based

    training programs that are needed

    in Davao, especially for teachers of SID.

    All these accomplishments were reection of joint

    efforts of all SEAMOLECs staffs and partners.

    May I take this opportunity to congratulate and

    thank them for their signicant contribution to

    the development of education.

    Jakarta, August 2013

    Dr. Gatot Hari Priworjanto


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    Reaching the UnreachableMaking the World into One World of Learning

    In general, the goals of the training are to made

    all the participants be able to use advancedICT, such as developing an ofcial website for

    an institution as a portal for the information

    dissemination to a broader community.

    Specically, participants will be able to:

    Create a plan or blueprint for their1.

    institutional website.

    Build the website using CMS to save2.

    time and costs:

    Installing Web Server and Wordpress

    Wordpress Administration and


    Writing Content in WordPress

    Media Management in Wordpress

    Customising Look of the Site

    Extending Wordpress

    Making the site social

    Housekeeping Chores of WordPress

    Publish the website into internet.3.

    Maintain and update the existing4.


    On the rst day, Monday, July 1, 2013, Mr.

    Ith Vuthy, the deputy director for program of

    SEAMOLEC, ofcially opened the training.He overviewed the training program with

    participants and introduced the SEAMOLEC

    prole and Myanmar - Indonesia cooperation

    to a group of 30 female participants. On the

    same day, Mr. Abbas Supardi and Mr. AggryTiharapitra facilitated all participants to design a

    website plan. They were divided into 6 groups,

    then they were asked to discuss and brainstorm

    about what they need to build a professional

    website. Although there is language barrier, the

    spirit and enthusiasm of the participants keep

    them to accomplish the predetermined goals.

    At the end of the training/workshop, the

    participants could gain skills and knowledge

    related to the use of advanced ICT, especially

    in developing and designing a website. Their

    interest, innovation, and creativity in ICT are

    also improved. They are also excited to nd

    out that they have successfully developed a

    professional, ofcial website for their respective


    The Ministry of Science and Technology ofMyanmar, represented by vice president of

    Cyber University Yatanarpon, Mr. Aung Win

    officially closed the training on Thursday

    morning, 4 July 2013. A repr esentative from

    Technological Research Department, that

    contributed the venue for the training, also

    attended the closing ceremony. Mr. Ith Vuthy

    as a representative from SEAMOLEC also gave

    a speech in the closing ceremony. Awardingcerticates to all participants and gift exchanges

    follow the ceremonial speech. That concluded

    the closing ceremony.

    Workshop/ Training on Web Development

    and Design continued...

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    Expertise in Open and Distance Learning

    Along with the growing use of ICT in

    education, the students and teachers

    are required to be able to adapt to the

    development of the ICT world very rapidly.Delivery of learning gradually began to change

    from conventional methods to ICT-based

    methods that allow the learning delivered more

    effectively as well as the exchange of information

    among students and teachers.

    SEAMOLEC as institutions engaged in the eld

    of distance education based on information

    technology and communication, sees the need

    to increase the competence of ICT in order to

    improve the quality of learning, as well as to

    support distance education program that can

    be done anywhere, anytime and by anyone.

    Digital Simulation Program is one of efforts to

    improve the competence of students, teachers,

    and communities to the latest IT knowledge. It

    is expected that by applying this knowledge,

    participants can master several IT-based mediathat can be used to develop creativity, self-

    expression, and collaboration.

    In an effort of digital simulation program

    dissemination, SEAMOLEC prepares the

    place of Competency Test, where teachers

    and students can be tested for their ability by

    local assessors in place to obtain a certicate

    of Competency Test for student, teacher, andmaster trainers or even to become assessors.

    On curriculum 2013, an attempt to communicate

    an idea or concept through a digital presentation

    for vocational students packed in digital

    simulation subjects. The subjects are to be part

    of the vocational group, in the basic competency

    vocational subgroup. The result of the measured

    subjects are; involvement of students and

    teachers in a virtual classroom that utilize alimited social media and the presentation of

    the idea of objects or service concept in the

    form of digital books, which are paperless and

    equipped with hearing-viewing media.

    Measurable competencies as a result of

    learning this subject called Digital Simulation

    Competency. This competence consists of 5

    subcompetencies, respectively; participation

    in using social networking for learning;

    perform online communication; create video

    presentations; create visual simulations;

    digitizing material into a book / digital reports.

    To prepare the digital simulation educators, digital

    simulation training in teacher level has been

    carried out based on ve modules, namely: the

    use of Edmodo Social Network for Learning; the

    use of the Online Communications; producingvideo presentation; making visual simulation,

    and digital books.

    Currently, the digital simulation training has

    been carried out in several cities in Indonesia

    with the most participants were teachers of

    General High School (SMA)/Vocational High

    School (SMK). At the end of the training, master

    trainers, assessors and digital books of teacherstextbooks are produced.

    The following is the data of digital simulation

    training, which has been conducted by

    SEAMOLEC from May-July 2013:

    Digital Simulation:

    Eforts to Communicated Idea or Concept

    Through Digital Presentation

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    Reaching the UnreachableMaking the World into One World of Learning

    About 20 students from high school (SMA)

    and Vocational Secondary School (SMK)

    collaborate to create an application of

    German language for Android devices.

    The student from several regions in Indonesia

    gathered through the activities of the Goethe-

    Institut Mobile Apps SEAMOLEC Camp (MAGIS


    The 10 students are the winner of German

    Olympic 2013 and school partner of Goethe

    Institut, while 10 other are the winner of

    SEAMOLEC Game Competition.

    The activities will run in 6 days. They will be

    paired to create applications. There will be 10

    android apps and can be downloaded free

    for people to learn German language for the

    basic lavel. Said Director of the SEAMOLEC,

    Gatot Hari Priowirjanto in Jakarta, Saturday


    Gatot hopes beside accommodate the abilities

    and interest of the young generation in the eld

    of higher programing, the result will be used by

    the public to learn the German language.

    Moreover, the 10 application will be selected,

    and one of the best applications will be

    presented on international seminar in Krabi,

    Thailand, September.

    Anang Tjahjono, Director of coaching vocational

    secondary school, Directorate General of

    Secondary Education, Ministry of Education and

    Culture said, this kind of activity is considered

    particularly important as one of the effort to

    accommodate ability of the student.

    The activity should be performed more frequently,

    especially for SMK. They not only makeapplication, but also learn to communicate

    what they created. Anang Said

    One of the participants from SMK 1 Surabaya,

    Noval Eka Herdinata said, this activity provides

    opportunities for him to develop in the ed of

    mobil device applications.

    Since entering vocational school I was interestedin programing and until now have created 15

    application for education, social and game

    Noval said

    20 Students Create Application of German Language

    No. LocationNumber of



    Digital Book


    Madura University and SMKN 3

    Pamekasan 111

    2. Banten 40

    3. SMKN 3 Mataram 33 33

    4. SMKN 5 Banjarmasin 43 38

    5. SMKN 1 Lamongan 60

    6.SMA Muhammadiyah 1,

    Kabupaten Sragen108

    7.Dinas Pendidikan Kab.

    Purbalingga82 82

    8. SMAN 2 Wonogiri 64 64

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    Expertise in Open and Distance Learning


    n order to improve the quality of education in

    the digital age, the Department of education

    Bondowoso district cooperates with

    SEAMOLEC to make collaborative learning

    online that will be implemented between

    schools in Bondowoso. This program is a series

    programs that were initiated by SEAMOLEC

    towards ASEAN Community 2015, to promote

    online collaborative learning between schools,

    between cities in Indonesia and also between

    schools in Southeast Asia.

    The program began with the socialization to50 Senior High school and Principal Vocational

    Middle School Bondowoso district by the

    Head of the regency, Mrs. Hj. Endang H and

    SEAMOLEC Director, Dr. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto,

    which was held on May 10, 2013 at Vocational

    Middle School 2 Bondowoso. In this socialization,

    head of high school, and vocational Department

    pushed to develop digital materials, one of which

    is digital books, which will be utilized in online

    collaborative learning.

    This activity was then followed by a workshop

    attended by 62 teachers of various subjects

    that were representative of each school. In the

    workshop, teachers learned to format their

    existing content into digital books and also used

    Edmodo as a collaborative learning platform.

    Based on the workshop, the teachers designeda collaborative learning, which will be tested

    between classes in each school and also have

    mutual discussions between schools to tested

    collaborative learning in the months from June

    to August 2013.

    E-Learning Collabarative of Bondowoso District

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    Reaching the UnreachableMaking the World into One World of Learning


    EAMEO Regional Open Learning Centre

    (SEAMOLEC) and Politeknik Perdamaian

    Halmahera (PADAMARA) signed a

    cooperation agreement for human resource

    development in the vocational education

    programs. The signing was conducted by Prof.

    Dr. Ir. Jan L. Nanere M.Sc, PADAMARA Director

    with Dr. Ir. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto, SEAMOLEC


    This cooperation agreement was executed in the

    Komodo Room, Amazing Hotel in Blok M, South

    Jakarta. Both sides are agreed to strengthencooperation for 3 years start from 2013.

    The objective to be achieved in this cooperation

    is to improve the quality of education in the

    vocational education as a model of applied

    education (diplomas degree). SEAMOLEC will

    carry out a series of training and mentoring

    programs especially in Open and Distance

    Learning (ODL) as an effort to prepare Blended

    Learning Program in PADAMARA and to improve

    human resource capabilities in developing a

    model of vocational education. The expected

    results are developing instructional materials

    and text-based module as well as audio and

    video (streaming) that can be distributed viaweb-based learning or Learning Management

    System (LMS).

    Cooperation Agreement between


    Learning is fnding out what you already

    know, doing is demonstrating that you

    know it, teaching is reminding others that

    they know it as well as you do. We are all

    learners, doers, and teachers.

    - Richard Bach

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    Expertise in Open and Distance Learning

    Library is one of the important

    factors supporting the institution

    and instrumental in the accreditation

    process. Regarding this matter, the library now is

    competing to improve their services, especially

    its role in developing a digital library.

    At this digital time information is easy to get

    in hand. As we wake up before doing anyactivity, even for wash your face, the majority

    of communication device users already busy

    open the hand phone, ipad, iPhone, or similar

    devices. Similarly, on the way to school or work

    are already visible, where people are busy with

    electronic devices within his hand.

    To face this phenomenon, as the heart of a

    college, library should be able to follow the

    developments in the community. The library

    is the heart of the college, the rst reference

    scholarly works produced by the students.

    Beside its other roles that are not less important,

    such as a place for literary work collections or

    valuable document of a nation.

    Challenges in the college library is able to meet

    the customer from digital era or Y generation,

    who have different needs than conventionalcustomer or generation from digital immigrant.

    Compensate for the digital natives lifestyle,

    who is never separated from the gadget with

    characteristic; fast, easy, instantaneous, and

    cheap, now is the time to improve the library in

    order to serve in accordance with the desires

    of consumers and the development of the era,

    namely by developing digital libraries.

    Why digital library? Because the digital library

    is a major trend today with the increasing of

    users access to sources of computer-based

    resources, electronic publishing which has depth

    implications for literature collection development,

    and utilization of telecommunication networks

    by libraries, dependence on resource-based

    digital resources, and no single library able to

    satisfy the needs of its customer through itscollection.

    Many advantages will be gained from the digital

    library as a means of access to books, records,

    and images. The customer do not have to

    physically go to the library, a lot of people

    in world can access to the same information

    throughout the internet as long as the connection

    is available. The main advantages of digital

    library are able to obtain access to information

    any time, day or night. The same sources can be

    continuously used by a number of users. Digital

    libraries provide access to a lot of information,

    where we can move on to other parts of the

    book catalogs, and so on. Another advantage

    is that users can use any search term they want

    (word, phrase title, name, subject) to search the

    entire collection.

    For rare book collections and usually have a

    fragile condition, digitizing books can minimize

    damage due to constant use. If the conventional

    library is very limited storage space, digital

    libraries do not require a large physical space. In

    theory, the cost of maintenance of digital libraries

    is lower than the traditional library that must

    spend money to hire staff, maintenance, etc.

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    Reaching the UnreachableMaking the World into One World of Learning

    Certain digital libraries also provide advantages

    in the form of providing information to customer

    with links to sources other digital libraries


    Of course, with various benets such as the

    above mentioned, some problems still haunt

    the establishment of digital libraries such as


    With regard to the copyright issue, the user

    must be very careful because of the ease of

    downloading doesnt meant piracy.

    Regardless of the problem that arise, it is

    time libraries in university and institutions in

    both private and government gives a positive

    response to the need of the public in accessing

    information quickly, easily and instantly, togradually switch from conventional library to

    digital library.

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    Expertise in Open and Distance Learning

    Indonesia-China Partnership Workshop

    on Vocation Educational Cooperation

    was implemented in Beijing on May, 27-

    31 2013, with support ASEAN-China center,

    the Embassy Republic of Indonesia for China,

    attach Indonesia in Beijing and SEAMEO


    Some colleges members Kopertip Indonesia,SMK-SMTI Pontianak and 2 colleges from

    Cambodia namely National Polytechnic

    Institute of Cambodia (NPIC), Cambodia-India

    Entrepreneurship Development Centre (CIENDC),

    present in the Indonesia-China Partnership

    Cooperation Workshop on Vocation Education


    In workshop and technical visit successfullysigned MoU between Indonesia, Cambodia,

    and China. Jakarta State Polytechnic, signed

    a MoU with Jiangsu Institute of Commerce,

    University of Science and Technology of China,

    Nanjing University of the Arts, Tianjin Polytechnic

    University, Changzhou Textile Garment Institute,

    Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology,

    Jiangsu Jiazhu Institute, Changzhou College

    of Information Technology, Beijing Polytechnic,

    and Beijing Polytechnic College.

    TEDC Polytechnics Bandung signed the MoUwith University of Electronic Science and

    Technology of China, Nanjing Institute of Industry

    Technology, Nanjing College of Information

    Technology, Chengdu Textile College, Beijing

    Polytechnic, Beijing Polytechnic College.

    Harapan Bersama Polytechnic Tegal signed

    a MoU with Beijing Information Technology

    College, China Yalong Science and TechnologyGroup, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Beijing

    Polytechnic University, Baijing Polytechnic,

    Beijing Poly technic College.

    Indonesia-China Partnership Workshop

    on Vocational Educational CooperationASEAN-China Centre, Beijing, China

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    Reaching the UnreachableMaking the World into One World of Learning

    STMIK IKMI Cirebon, signed MoU with Tianjin

    Polytechnic University, Shandong Vocational

    College of Science and Technology, Beijing

    College of Politics and Law, University of

    Electronic Science and Technology of China,

    Chengdu Textile College, Beijing Polytechnic,

    Beijing Polytechnic, Beijing Polytechnic


    STMIK Bani Saleh Bekasi signed MoU with

    Shandong Vocational College of Science and

    Technology, Tianjin Foreign Student Foundation

    College, University of Electronic Science and

    Technology of China, Yellow River Conservancy

    Technical Institute, Chengdu Textile College,

    Beijing Polytechnic, Beijing Polytechnic


    National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia,

    Phnom Penh Cambodia signed 6 MoUs, CIEDC

    signed 2 MoU with Beijing Polytechnic and

    Beijing Polytechnic College.

    The Indonesia-China Partnership Workshop

    on Vocation Educational Cooperation in

    coordination with multiple parties have been

    successful with the formation of the cooperation

    among all participants of the workshop under


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    Expertise in Open and Distance Learning

    The cooperation program at the regional

    level between SEAMOLEC and education

    and cultural attach in Manila continues

    and serves more extensive in developmenteducation programs, especially in the utilization

    of information and communication technology

    (ICT) in learning.

    On the year 2012, cooperation program was

    centered in Manila. This year 2013 it was

    developed into Davao through a ve-days

    training and SEAMOLECs expert delivery for

    2 months. Both programs were welcomed

    either by the Consul General Davao (Mr. Eko

    Hartono), Head of School Indonesia in Davao/

    SID (Mr. Setyowardoyo) and Head of education

    and cultural attach in Manila (Mrs. Paris). The

    three ofcials attended the opening of the

    training which was held on June 25, 2013. In the

    opening, Davao Consul General expressed his

    gratitude for the support SEAMOLEC through

    ICT-based training programs that are needed

    in Davao, especially for teachers of SID.

    SEA Edunet 2.0 & Simulation Digital (SimDig)

    Training is facilitated by a SEAMOLEC team

    (Prayitno, Dwika and Relanica). The training

    materials consist of: 1) development of web-

    based teaching materials, learning and social

    networking media using Edmodo platform,

    2) development of digital books for teaching

    materials (digibook) with Sigil platform, and 3)development of digital simulation for presentation

    material with Blender platform.

    The total participants were 32, they were not

    only teachers of SID but also teacher and

    lecturer from 10 colleges and universities in

    the Philippines, such as: 1) Mindanao State

    University, 2) Ateneo de Davao University, 3)

    St. Tomas National High School, 4) Philippine

    Nikkei Jin Kai International School, 5) CarmenNational School of Art and Trades, 6) Dranhs

    ICT, 7) Baguio National School of Art and

    Trades, 8) Tagum City National High School,

    9) Samal National High School, and 10) Al

    Qalam Institute.

    At the end of the training, each trainee has

    accomplished to produce three products of

    teaching materials, such as; edmodo, digibook,

    and digital simulation. Especially for Edmodo,

    beside the prociency in using Edmodo as a

    web-based teaching materials, participants can

    establish and develop community partnerships.

    The expectation from this training in the future

    is to develop cooperation in e-learning and

    e-learning collaborative with teachers in

    Philippines, as well as between two countries,

    Indonesia and Philipina. It has been started

    with the establishment a group of Indonesiaand Philippines in Edmodo.

    After training, the next SEAMOLEC program in

    Davao is expert exchange by sending expert

    SEAMOLEC, Mr. Muhardi to carry out the task

    for 2 months in Davao. The main program of

    expert exchange in this year is to facilitate the

    development of ICT, both skill development of

    teachers, teaching materials and networks at5 Madrasah schools in Davao. The expectation

    is that the SEAMOLEC program in Davao can

    make a real contribution to help the development

    of education in Davao in accordance with the

    wishes of the Minister of Education and Culture

    during the visit to Davao in 2012.

    SEA EduNet 2.0 & Digital Simulation

    for Davao, Philippines

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    Reaching the UnreachableMaking the World into One World of Learning

    About 35 teachers of vocational high

    school (SMK) and lecturers of Community

    College (AK) in Indonesia followed the

    workshop of Digital Simulation (SimDig) at

    SEAMOLEC on June 10-15, 2013. This program

    was opened by the Director of SEAMOLEC, Dr.

    Gatot Hari Priowirjanto. The program is held

    in cooperation between SEAMOLEC and the

    Directorate of Vocational Education (PSMK),

    Ministry of National Education and Culture.

    The Executive Training Coordinator, Anti

    Rismayanti and Cahya Kusuma Ratih said

    that the workshop was held to address the

    implementation of the new 2013 curriculum and

    is a development of subjects of Computer Skills

    and Information Processing (KKPI) that already

    exists. In this workshop all teachers/ lecturers

    could conduct virtual learning using the Internet,

    online communication between teachers and

    teachers, teachers and students, developing

    instructional videos, developing digital books

    that could be read on mobile phone, laptop, or

    tablet, and developing a 3-dimensional object

    which could dene a product/ how the product

    works, said Cahya.

    This is the rst batch workshop of digital simulationin SEAMOLEC, followed by the second batch

    which held on June 24-29, 2013. The workshop

    was concluded with the implementation of online

    examination by participants to get certied in

    Digital Simulation.

    SEAMOLEC Digital Simulation Workshop

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    Expertise in Open and Distance Learning

    Since the regulation of Ministry of

    Education and Culture No.24/Tahun2012

    about distance learning (PJJ) has been

    issued, many education providers in Indonesia

    are preparing to be able to organize learning

    with PJJ system. In organizing PJJ system,

    there is a requirement that must be met, such

    as administration, facilities, human resources,

    and cooperation agencies.

    National Institute of Science and Technology

    (ISTN) Jakarta is one of the Universities which

    are interested to organize the lecture with

    PJJ. To be able to prepare well in terms of

    planning, strategy and implementation, ISTN

    needs of assistance by the competent agencies

    in PJJ program. SEAMOLEC as PJJ center

    in Southeast Asia is expected to help the

    development of PJJ at ISTN.

    Starting from a few times of consultative meeting,

    then it was agreed to build a cooperation of the

    two institutions, SEAMOLEC and ISTN, in the

    form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

    as the implementation of the legal framework of

    cooperation program. The signing of the MoU

    has been executed in SEAMOLEC on February

    20, 2013 by Director SEAMOLEC, Dr.Ir. Gatot

    Hari Prowirjanto and Rector of ISTN, Prof. Dr..

    Ir. Agus Priyono.

    After signing the MoU, it was discussed the

    planning, strategy and implementation of several

    programs contained in the MoU. The director

    of SEAMOLEC has delivered some points in

    the meeting, such as; 1) ISTN is expected to

    strengthen the cooperation with SEAMOLEC to

    support programs; 2) targeting the admissions

    of about four thousand to ten thousand; 3)

    prioritize courses competency-based skills that

    will be implemented by PJJ; 4) development of

    a proposal to Higher Education for the opening

    PJJ; and 5) to build a good relationship with

    Southeast Asia countries, SEAMOLEC will assist

    in the partnership program.

    Rector ISTN was very grateful to SEAMOLEC,

    in which ISTNs desire can be realized and

    optimistic in the near future PJJ lectures

    models could be developed. Many things are

    expected to be implemented in cooperation

    with SEAMOLEC, beside the preparation of the

    model, the preparation of teaching materials

    and the ability of teachers in ICT-based learning

    must be good prepared.

    At the end of the meeting also agreed on the

    establishment of the Task Force of PJJ both

    institutions. The Task Force will be the motor

    in the implementation of the program. Some

    programs were agreed to be implemented in

    the near future are:

    Preparation for the implementation of the1.

    Programs of PJJ for Bachelor (S1);

    Development of facilities and support the implementation of PJJ lecture-

    based information and communication

    technology (ICT);

    Development of ICT skills of lecturers3.

    through ICT-based training;

    Development of ICT-based teaching4.


    The Development of Distance Learning (PJJ) at ISTN

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    Reaching the UnreachableMaking the World into One World of Learning

    The UK declared to be as an Associate

    Member of the SEAMEO - an international

    organization established among

    governments of Southeast Asian countries to

    promote regional cooperation in education,

    science and culture at the 47th SEAMEO

    Council Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam on 20March. The SEAMEO Council Conference is the

    annual meeting of the Council of the Southeast

    Asian Ministers of Education Organization

    consisting of education ministers of the 11

    SEAMEO Member Countries, namely, Brunei

    Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People

    Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, the

    Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste

    and Vietnam.

    The Conference is attended by the Ministers

    of Education of SEAMEO Member Countries,

    representatives of SEAMEO Associate Member

    Countries, Afliate Members, SEAMEO Regional

    Centre Directors, SEAMEO Secretariat; and

    officials and observers from development

    partners and international organizations.The

    UK membership will reinforce the relationships

    with Southeast Asias education network, andto cultivate new regional education links to bring

    mutual prosperity to the SEAMEO member

    nations. The other important resolution of the

    SEAMEO Council was included the approval of

    legal documents for the establishment of the

    SEAMEO Regional Center for Lifelong Learning

    (SEAMEO CELLL) in Vietnam.

    Southeast Asian (SEA) Countries is now enticingin the eyes of European countries as well as

    other countries e.g. China, India, Japan, and

    Korea to be able to share knowledge and

    experience in education. This will benet SEA

    as a way to support ASEAN Community which

    will be implemented in 2015 that allow human

    resources to work and learn with ease anywhere

    in Southeast Asia.

    The meeting discussed the issues regarding

    the acceleration synergy and strategy among

    nations through educational institutions in eachcountry. On this occasion also introduced

    SEAMEO College that will be funded for two

    (2) years by the Asean Development Bank.

    This program will facil itate communication

    between the leaderships of the Ministry of

    Education between countries, so that decisions

    about education policies could be discussed


    Synergies among institutions, joint research,

    students, lecturers and teachers on a regional

    basis is a must. The question is, are we ready

    to compete with other countries in Asia in

    preparing qualied human resources? It is

    our collective challenge to make Indonesia a

    great nation, dignied and positive inuence in

    Southeast Asia.

    All of the strategic decisions of the Minister ofEducations--let us implement as quickly and

    perform as best as we could in preparing young

    people to be ready to compete with neighboring

    countries in 2015, in which the door is open to

    all citizens of Asia.

    SEAMOLEC will try to facilitate in accelerating

    the achievement of networking between

    countries and educational institutions thathas benefits for all people, especially the

    younger generation who will lead the future

    of Southeast Asia. Programs offered by

    SEAMOLEC are namely SEA Edunet 2.0 and

    SEA Twin that will be developed starting in 2013.

    47th SEAMEO Council Conference in Ha Noi, Vietnam

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    Expertise in Open and Distance Learning

    Distance education (Pendidikan Jarak

    Jauh/PJJ) is increasingly in demand

    as a learning system. Likewise with

    education in the police academy (PTIK-

    STIK) Jakarta. SEAMOLEC cooperation with

    Institutions of Police has been started in 2012ago, with the Police Academy (Akpol) Semarang.

    PJJ program development at the Police

    Academy in Semarang was initiated through

    information and communication technology

    training (ICT) for lecturers at the Police Academy.

    The plan is, in 2013 PJJ development program

    will be continued in the Police Academy.

    SEAMOLEC was invited by PTIK-STIK to

    assist in the development of PJJ system in

    their institutions. The agreement of cooperation

    in PJJ development has been reached after

    several meeting with the representatives of both

    institutions. The signing of the Memorandum of

    Understanding was on April, 1 2013 in PTIK-

    STIK Jakarta.

    From the meeting of representatives of both

    institutions, the implementation of an agreement

    reached PJJ development cooperation programin PTIK-Stik. Forms of cooperation between the

    two institutions formally implemented on 1 April

    2013 through the signing of a Memorandum

    of Understanding or MoU housed in PTIK-Stik.

    Present in the ceremony accompanying the

    SEAMOLEC Director were Deputy Director of

    Programs, Mr. Ith. Vuthy, SEAMOLEC Business

    Unit Coordinator, Mr. Yudha Prapantja, Manager

    Training SEAMOLEC, Arise Pardede and someother staff.

    In the MoU signing ceremony as well as in

    the opening of the training event, SEAMOLEC

    Director, Dr. Gatot H. Priowirjanto thanked to

    PTIK-STIK, which gave credence to SEAMOLEC

    to assist and facilitate the development of PJJ

    at PTIK-STIK. He has also conveyed, that in

    this time SEAMOLEC is developing several

    cooperation programs in ICT-based learning for

    schools in Indonesia and schools or collegesin Southeast Asia with program namely Sea

    Edunet 2.0 and SEA twinning as a digital

    learning model.

    PTIK-STIK chairman, Inspector General Dr.

    Iza Fadri, expected that SEAMOLEC can

    assist PTIK-STIK in the development of PJJ

    through training and mentoring, so that in

    September 2013 the model PJJ lecture is to

    be implemented, with the target before the year

    2017 will graduate 1500 students. He also

    hoped that all participants are able to participate

    actively to achieve maximum results in the

    form of skills training and ICT-based teaching

    materials products.

    PJJ development program in PTIK-STIK by

    SEAMOLEC has begun with the implementation

    of training for leader, lecturer, IT staff andadministrative staff in three weeks in April 2013.

    The training consisted of the development of

    training materials including: instructional design,

    presentation materials, instructional video, digital

    book development, and e-learning.

    In addition to training, SEAMOLEC will provide

    guidance for completion and preparation of

    teaching materials and technology networksystem that will be utilized in the implementation

    of PJJ lectures. It is expected that all program

    development is completed before August

    2013 to begin classes with PJJ system in


    The Police Academy on Distance Education

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    Reaching the UnreachableMaking the World into One World of Learning

    Began from the visionary thinking of

    SEAMOLEC Director and Head of

    Department of Education, Provincial

    Government of South Sumatera on how to

    make teachers in South Sumatra, literacy in

    Information and Communication Technology

    (ICT) with inexpensive technology, simple, easy,

    and fun. Both leaders conducted meeting

    at SEAMOLEC in April 2013 and agreed that

    SEAMOLEC should provide training in ICT for

    400 teachers of South Sumatra Province in

    May 2013.

    Two of ve SEA EduNet 2.0 programs areagreed to be as the training package, namely

    the development of ICT teaching materials: 1)

    web-based learning through social learning

    platform (Edmodo), and 2) digital book based

    on ePub format.

    The main competency of the training is the

    participants able to produce web-based

    teaching materials and digital book. Due tothe number of participants reached 400 people,

    the training was conducted in two batches.

    The rst batch was conducted on May 13-15,

    2013, followed a week later on May 20-22,

    2013 for the second batch.

    Training is conducted in three days at the

    Palembang Technical Education Training

    Center (BLPT) facilitated by 10 resource

    persons from SEAMOLEC. This is intended to

    maximize service assistance for participants

    in developing two products of ICT teaching

    materials, wherein each resource person

    assisting 20 participants.

    SEAMOLEC director on the opening ceremonysaid that it is time teacher become as a producer,

    not only as an user in the use of ICT for learning.

    With the ability to develop web-based learning

    (Edmodo) and digital book, teachers are able

    to develop learning collaboration with fellow

    teachers in their respective schools and among

    schools. This is also reinforced by the direction

    of Department of Education of South Sumatera

    which stated that by 2014 all teachers in SouthSumatra have an Android-based mobile phone

    for teaching using Edmodo and digital books.

    SEA EduNet 2.0 for 400 Teachers

    of South Sumatera Province

  • 7/27/2019 Sea Info-Vol. Xxii


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