seabee ecourier, may 2, 2013

Naval Construction Battalion Center, Gulfport, Mississippi May 2, 2013 Vol. 53 No. 18 NMCB 74 Warrior Platoon Competition NMCB 74 Warrior Platoon Competition Seabees assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 74 participate in a Warrior Platoon Competition at the Fitness Center Track on board NCBC Gulfport, April 26. The War- rior Platoon Competition consists of several events spanning six months, and is held to determine which NMCB 74 platoon is the strongest. (U.S. Navy photos by Construction Mechanic 3rd Class Katchen Tofil/Released) See NCBC Facebook for more Warrior photos

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Page 1: Seabee eCourier, May 2, 2013

Naval Construction Battalion Center, Gulfport, Mississippi May 2, 2013Vol. 53 No. 18

NMCB 74 Warrior Platoon CompetitionNMCB 74 Warrior Platoon Competition

Seabees assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion(NMCB) 74 participate in a Warrior Platoon Competition at theFitness Center Track on board NCBC Gulfport, April 26. The War-rior Platoon Competition consists of several events spanning six

months, and is held to determine which NMCB 74 platoon is thestrongest. (U.S. Navy photos by Construction Mechanic 3rd ClassKatchen Tofil/Released)

See NCBC Facebook for more Warrior photos

Page 2: Seabee eCourier, May 2, 2013

Last week I returned home from avery special road trip. My daughter,grandson and I all traveled to Ohio towelcome the newest member of ourextended family -- a gorgeous,healthy 7- week-old baby girl. Her proud parents marveled at her

tiny fingers and toes, pointed out fea-tures resembling specific family mem-bers and described milestones alreadyaccomplished despite her brief tenureon earth. As we all admired her, shelay happily propped on a Boppy, smil-ing at a world she clearly deemedfriendly, warm and pretty darned fas-cinating. Watching my step-daughterso tenderly care for her newborn, Ihad tears in my eyes. It was perfect.It was just . . . right. This week, back at work in family

advocacy, I reviewed articles on re-cent child abuse incidents reported inthe local paper. Given last week's visit,I couldn't help but be especially sad-dened as I considered the sharplycontrasting lives of these children. Stilllater, preparing for the annual KeeslerMedical Center "Pinwheels for Preven-tion" display, I researched the numberof kids in the surrounding communitysubstantiated last year for child abuseor neglect. For the display "garden,"the family advocacy program plantsone pinwheel to represent each ofthese kids - a total number that hasrisen by a whopping 30 percent sincelast year's display. This year we will beplacing nearly 1,300 pinwheels. Thirty years ago this month our

president dedicated April as NationalChild Abuse Prevention Month. Al-though we all have a responsibility tochildren year-round, this is a time dur-ing which individuals and organiza-tions are encouraged to dig a littledeeper, to play a more active role inmaking our community a better, saferplace for children and families. By en-suring that parents possess the knowl-edge, skills and resources they needto care for their kids, we can boosttheir social and emotional well-beingand prevent maltreatment within fami-lies and communities. Research shows that when parents

possess six main protective factors therisk for neglect and abuse diminish,and optimal outcomes for children,youth and families are promoted. Thesix protective factors are: Nurturing and attachment: Simply

put, this is just good, old fashionedbonding. There is no shortcut throughthis one. Hold and cuddle your babiesand spend time with your kids! A fewyears ago, I wrote an article about theimportance of putting down yoursmart phones, I-pads and laptops,curtailing the texting, tweeting andgaming and giving your babies andchildren face to face contact. There issimply no substitute for time spent to-gether. When your child calls out,"Mommy, watch me!" for what seemslike the hundredth time, stop andwatch! The quality and amount of thetime that you invest in your childrennow will determine what they invest inyou later on. When life passes by soquickly it leaves you breathless. Knowledge of parenting and of child

and youth development: What's nor-mal? When should you seek outsidesupport? Parents tend to worry andkids are full of surprises. The moreparenting skills and tools we all havein our back pockets to manage con-cerning behaviors the more likely weare to react calmly and appropriatelyin a tense situation. So take parentingclasses or enroll in FAP's new parentsupport program, not because youthink you are a "bad parent," but be-cause you want to prepare - becauseyou choose to become the best parentyou can be. By the way, I have consis-tently found that it's the invested, cu-rious, open-minded parents who mostfrequently register for classes! Parental resilience: How can we ex-

pect military parents to raise resilientkids if they cannot model those quali-ties at home themselves? Answer: Wecan't! This is where the comprehen-sive Airmen fitness modules come inhandy. The more our master resiliencetrainers educate base personnel to ef-fectively use the mental, physical, so-cial and spiritual interventions tomanage work demands, the morelikely they will be to implement them24/7. This will create a ripple effect.At home, partners and kids will be ex-

posed to and learn these skills, creat-ing a healthier family environment.Just envision neighborhoods andschools in which all the citizens knowand practice the life managementskills taught in these resiliencyclasses!Social connections: Just as research

has shown inadequate bonding to in-crease risk for shaken baby syndrome,it has also revealed social isolation tobe a primary contributor for familiesat risk for violence. A close, caring,supportive relationship is the best pro-tective factor against depression,PTSD, anxiety, physical illness, adjust-ment to unwanted change - the listgoes on and on. Ironically, even as wehave continually added to our optionsfor electronic connection with others -Twitter, Facebook, Skype, LinkedIn,text messages - many of us reportfeeling more alone than ever. The AirForce has real-world opportunities forsocial networking and support, so let'suse them. If you are a spouse, signup to attend Heart Link and supportthe Key Spouse program. Active dutymembers should educate themselvesabout base resources and considervolunteering as victim advocates,mentors or peer trainers. The Excep-tional Family Member Program pro-vides support to families of kids withspecial needs and the base FOCUSprogram helps families adjust to allphases of deployment. Single parent-hood is challenging; who can relatebetter than another single parent?Team Keesler, reach out! Concrete supports for parents: Child

abuse is more likely to occur whenparental stress and worry reaches anunmanageable level, at which timeeven a minor event can trigger a lossof control. So when parents are over-whelmed about kids' unmet needs orwhat seems to be an unsolvable lifesituation, that's when concrete, ortangible services, can keep a family onan even keel. All parents need an oc-casional respite from the constant de-mands of parenting to relax, rechargeand regroup. "Parents Night Out,"held the first Saturday of each monthat the child development center andyouth center, is a wonderful opportu-nity for base parents to do just that.

Register your kids and give it a try! Orwhen monthly bills threaten to over-whelm your budget, don't stress andworry in isolation - call the airman andfamily readiness center and discussyour options with a financial coun-selor. They are savvy, professional andresponsive. This base is full of person-nel whom, if they cannot help, knowwho can. From tax assistance to foodstamps, to WIC to durable medicalequipment, there is a solution to everyneed. If you are worrying or could usesome support, talk to your leadership!Social and emotional competence of

children: While all six protective fac-tors are important, this one is particu-larly critical. For today's children togrow into the socially and emotionallycompetent adults of tomorrow, theyrequire healthy examples. This callsupon their parents and other adultrole models to demonstrate effectivecommunication skills, respect of oth-ers and their property, empathy, kind-ness, social consciousness, emotionregulation and self-discipline. And thisis just the beginning! As a grandpar-ent, I firmly believe that children needand benefit from the collective inputof many adults, not just their parents.Of course, loving parents will hope-fully provide the structural basics, butother caring adults may impart otherlessons: the spirit of generosity, thevalue of hard work or the wisdom ofpreserving nature. It does indeed takea village.What might you be able to offer the

children in your community? Thismonth, take the opportunity to con-sider just one way you could make adifference in the lives of the kids inyour local school, neighborhood,county or state. It might be dedicatingan hour a week to rock babies in adaycare, volunteering as a BigBrother/Sister, teaching a parentingclass or offering to help out the familyof deployed service member. Everything helps; everything counts. Call 228-376-3457 for more informa-



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NCBCCommanding Officer

Capt. Rick BurgessPublic Affairs Officer

Rob MimsEditor

Bonnie L. McGerrMass Comm. Specialist

MCC(SCW/SW/AW) Ryan G. Wilber

Special ContributorsCM3(SCW) Katchen Tofil

CECN(SCW) Lucinda Moise

The Seabee Courier is aweekly authorized on-linepublication for members ofthe military services and theirfamilies. Content does notnecessarily reflect the officialviews of the U.S. Govern-ment, the DoD or the U.S.Navy and does not imply en-dorsement thereof. The ap-pearance of advertising in thisnewspaper, including insertsor supplements, does notconstitute endorsement bythe U. S. Government, DoD,the Navy or NCBC Gulfport ofthe products and services ad-vertised. All content in thisnewspaper shall be madeavailable for purchase, use orpatronage without regard torace, color, religion, gender,national origin, age, maritalstatus, physical handicap, po-litical affiliation or any othernon-merit factor of the pur-chaser, user or patron. If aviolation or rejection of thisequal opportunity policy byan advertiser is confirmed,the publisher shall refuse toprint advertising from thatsource until the violation iscorrected. The Seabee Couriersolicits news contributionsfrom military and civiliansources, but the Public Affairsstaff reserves the right to editand/or rewrite material se-lected for publication to con-form with journalismstandards. The deadline formaterial is close of businessevery Friday. Your commentsare always welcome. TheSeabee Courier office is inBuilding 1, Room 205. Themailing address is 4902 Mar-vin Shields Blvd., Code 15,Gulfport, MS 39501. Phone:228-871-3662., Email:[email protected]

Parental protective factorshelp prevent child abuse


Commentary by Paula Spooner81st Medical Operations Squadron

Page 3: Seabee eCourier, May 2, 2013



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Customer Service Representative, Kelly Bradley, checksBuilder 1st Class Robert Little, assigned to Naval Mo-bile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 15, into the NavyLodge on board NCBC Gulfport, April 25. The NavyLodge is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Formore information or to make a reservation call: 228-864-3101. (U.S. Navy photo by Construction Electrician Con-structionman Lucinda L. Moise/Released)

Service members and civilians cheered and thanked vet-erans while welcoming them home from the Honor Flightin which the veterans visited a number of historic sites,including the World War II Memorial in WashingtonD.C., before flying back to Gulfport-Biloxi InternationalAirport, April 23. This was the fifth Honor Flight from theMississippi Coast dedicated to service members of allbranches of the Armed Forces. (U.S. Navy photo by MassCommunication Specialist 1st Class Jonathan Carmichael/Re-


Capt. Rick Burgess, command officer, Naval Con-struction Battalion Center (NCBC) Gulfport presentsEquipment Operator Constructionman Jessica Kirst,assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion(NMCB) 11 with a backpack award for volunteeringwith the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS).Volunteers were recognized at a NMCRS luncheon atthe Great Southern Club in Gulfport, April 26. (U.S. Navyphoto/Released)

‘Keep What You’veEarned’ campaigndeveloped bySailors for Sailors

Why do Sailors drink alcohol?What can the Navy do to pre-vent excessive drinking? Doexisting alcohol abuse preven-tion strategies and messagesaffect Sailors decisions? These are some of the ques-

tions the Navy Alcohol andDrug Abuse Prevention Office(NADAP) asked more than 700Sailors across the country lastyear in an effort to develop itsnewest campaign launchedthis month, "Keep What You'veEarned." "We recognized the need for

an innovative strategy aimedat promoting responsibledrinking among Sailors," saidDorice Favorite, NADAP Direc-tor. "So we conducted inter-views, focus groups, and anonline survey to gain a betterunderstanding of Sailors' per-sonal drinking habits and howalcohol consumption is per-ceived in the Navy as awhole." Results from the research

showed that 18 to 24-year-oldSailors want to be treated likeadults. "In view of that, the 'Keep

What You've Earned' campaignacknowledges that all of ourmen and women are accom-plished Sailors capable of mak-ing responsible drinkingdecisions," Favorite continued.With the slogan "You've

Earned It, Don't Waste It," the

See EARNED page 12

From Navy Personnel CommandPublic Affairs

Page 4: Seabee eCourier, May 2, 2013

Fifth grade students fromOcean Springs Upper Elemen-tary School attended the EarthDay 2013 Celebration at theTraining Hall and the track out-side the Fitness Center onboard Naval Construction Bat-talion Center (NCBC) Gulfport,April 22. Each year NCBC in-vites local schools, families andorganizations to participate inEarth Day. Earth Day was founded by

U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson in1970 following the 1969 mas-sive oil spill in Santa Barbara,California. Over the years ithas become known as thelargest civic observance onEarth. The Earth Day Celebration

kicked off at the Training Hallwhere Capt. Rick Burgess,commanding officer NCBC,spoke to the 5th grade aboutthe importance of taking careof the earth.“The environment is a gift to

us. It’s there for us to use butwe have to take care of it aswell,” said Burgess.To further encourage the stu-

dents to be mindful of the ef-fects of littering MississippiDepartment of EnvironmentalQuality and Bayou Town Pro-ductions presented “Water-shed Harmony,” a musicalpuppet play. The play not onlyencouraged the students, butentertained and educatedthem on how to take care ofthe earth. After the puppetshow the classes of AndreaMonoghan and Krystal Tiblierreceived recognition for win-ning an Earth Day poster con-test. The classes createdaward-winning three dimen-sional posters exhibiting the “3Rs” Reduce, Reuse and Recy-cle.

Following the award presen-tation the 5th graders joinedthe rest of the Earth Day par-ticipants at the base trackwhere they visited variouslearning stations. The informa-tion booths consisted of repre-sentatives and interactivedisplays from PascagoulaAudubon Society, MississippiMuseum of Natural Sciences,

Mississippi Power Co., NationalOceanic Atmospheric Adminis-tration (NOAA) Fisheries, Har-rison County ConservationDistrict and Wild at Heart Res-cue. Over 400 5th grade students

attended this year’s Earth DayCelebration amongst them wasLandon Miles whom expressedwhat he thought about Earth

Day and what he got out of it.“I really liked everything; es-

pecially the baby turtles and Ilearned how to help the earthand the animals.”

Editor’s note: Compiled withinformation from Ocean Springsstudents, Seabees celebrateEarth Day” by Priscilla Loebenbergand John Fitzhugh, April 23, theSun Herald. 4


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“The animals and thefood.”

“The possum, it was ab-solutely adorable.”

Katelin Lawerence


“What did you like most aboutNCBC Earth Day?”

Landon Miles


By CECN(SCW) Lucinda MoiseNCBC Public Affairs

Buzz on

the Street

Labrea Richards


“I really liked everything, es-pecially the baby turtles.”

Ocean Springs studentsjoin Seabees for annual Earth Day celebration

Above: Fifth grade students withOcean Springs Upper Elemen-tary listen to a volunteer withWild at Heart Rescue during theannual Earth Day Celebrationheld on board Naval Construc-tion Battalion Center (NCBC)April 22. Left: More than 400students participate in the Wa-tershed Harmorny puppet playat the Training Hall. Each yearNCBC invites a different groupof students to help celebrateEarth Day by attending an inter-active show and experiencingfun and interactive learning sta-tions at the base track. (U.S. Navyphotos by Construction Mechanic 3rdClass Katchen Tofil/Released)

By CECN Lucinda L. MoiseNCBC Public Affairs

Page 5: Seabee eCourier, May 2, 2013



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Sailors assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 11combine sexual assault awareness training with command physicaltraining during Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) with mul-tiple stations placed along their running route where interactive

training is facilitated. NMCB-11 is a Seabee battalion specializing incontingency construction, disaster response, and humanitarian as-sistance. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st ClassJonathan Carmichael)

NMCB 11 Seabees train mind and body during Sexual Assault Awareness Month

The Society of American Military Engineers(S.A.M.E.) is holding a scholarship fund raiser golf tournament May17, at 1 p.m., Bay Breeze GolfCourse, Keesler Air Force Base. Lunch willbe served at noon and is included in the$75/player fee or $260/4 person team fee.The event features a $40K Shootout frommulligan participants. Mulligans will beavailable for purchase for $5 or 3/$10. Toregister, go to

SAME ScholarshipSAME ScholarshipGolf TourGolf Tournamentnament



Team (UCT)


Contact UCT CCC/Diver recruiting team at 757-462-3988/4313 or Email YNC Aberle [email protected]; SW1 Dohse [email protected] or for information.

Join an ELITE forceand travel as a small,professional team. Ex-ecute specialized con-struction, diving anddemolition skills withthe latest and greatesttechnology and equip-ment.

UCT 1 is searchingfor highly motivatedSeabees and CEC Officers looking for acareer and lifestylechange.

Page 6: Seabee eCourier, May 2, 2013

The Deputy Commander ofU.S. Naval Forces CentralCommand (NAVCENT), RearAdm. Kevin D. Scott visitedSeabees assigned to NavalMobile Construction Battalion(NMCB) 15, Detachment Kan-dahar, April 19.Scott and his staff talked

with the Seabees as they atelunch before he went on toaddress a larger group abouthow future challenges wouldbe met and answered theirquestions about the impact ofthe budget sequestration.“The U.S. Navy is committed

to supporting a forward de-ployed force,” Scott said. “Weare going to continue to focuson training and maintenance.” Scott went on to tell the

Seabees that even with se-questration, operations wouldcontinue. He went on to addthat even though the size ofthe operating forces mayshrink, the capabilities wouldremain the same.“We’re not going to see a

drastic reduction of people,”

Scott said. “Many Sailors willstill have the opportunity toserve.”The Seabees responded to

the visit with positive feed-back. “It was nice to havesomeone of that rank talkingto you instead of just at you,”said Equipment Operator 2ndClass Keith Perreault. “He wasreally speaking to us on ourlevel so we could understandit. That was really great.” “I found the information use-

ful,” said Equipment Operator1st Class Scott Cruikshank.“He told us where the U.S.Navy is going and what theSeabees are going to do.”“You’re not hearing different

rumors from different people,”said Cruikshank. “You get theinformation from the source.” NMCB 15 is currently mobi-

lized in support of OperationEnduring Freedom and is anexpeditionary element of U.S.Naval Forces that support vari-ous units worldwide throughnational force readiness, civilengineering, humanitarian as-sistance, and building andmaintaining infrastructure.



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NCBC Building Manager’s TrainingMay 9, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.Training Hall, building 446This training is for all Building Managers under the NCBCArea of Responsibility. Attendance is HIGHLY ENCOURAGEDas this training is different from any previous training.

Base decals on the way out . . . Effective May 13, Naval Construction Bat-talion Center (NCBC) Pass and ID will nolonger issue decals. Paper passes will beissued for six month increments. As decalsexpire, they will be scrapped. More infor-mation on this will be publicized as it isknown.

Seabees assigned to Kandahar Detachment of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion(NMCB) 15, pose with RADM Kevin D. Scott and Command Master Chief, CMDCM(AW/SW)Eddie L. Knight during recent visit. RADM Scott is the deputy commander, U.S. Naval ForcesCentral Command (NAVCENT) touring Afghanistan visiting Navy Expeditionary Forces de-ployed to Operation Enduring Freedom. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2ndClass Daniel Garas/Released)

NMCB 15 Kandahar Seabees receive VIP visitBy MC2 Daniel GarasNMCB 15 Public Affairs

Who remembers last hurricane season? Were you ready? In less than 30 days, the2013 Hurricane Season begins. To help get ready, visit

Page 7: Seabee eCourier, May 2, 2013

Naval Mobile Construction Battal-ion (NMCB) 1’s efforts in promot-ing a healthier lifestyle for itsmembers has earned the Green“H” from the Commander, NavyExpeditionary Combat Command(COMNECC).The award is presented to com-

mands that excel in mission readi-ness by promoting the overallhealth, fitness, and mental well-being of their active duty Sailors.In order to be a candidate for theaward a command must demon-strate exceptional medical effec-tiveness throughout the calendaryear.One of the commands major

driving forces toward the nomina-

tion was Lt. Adam Susmarski.Shortly after his arrival to NMCB 1he began developing the HealthPromotion Committee. The com-mittee met at least quarterly todevelop training and events to gettroops thinking more activelyabout their health not only profes-sionally but also during off-dutyactivities.“The command could not have

won the award without the dedi-cation and commitment of all thedifferent departments within thecommand represented by theHealth Promotion Committee,”said Susmarski.Although spread thin over the

course of their 2012-2013 deploy-ment to European/African Com-mands, the committeeimplemented the training and re-

duced Physical Fitness Failures by10 percent and only having onefailure for the fall cycle of 2012.The number of alcohol related in-cidents (ARI’s) has also beengreatly reduced throughout 2012.NMCB 1 is the only command in

the Naval Construction Forces(NCF) to receive the Green “H”award.“I am incredibly proud of my med-ical department and the work theyput in to develop and refine thenecessary programs needed toachieve this award, most notablyall of the hard work HM1(SCW)Amanda Daniels put into the cre-ation of the program at its outset.It is a great honor for NMCB1 as awhole to lead the way in HealthPromotion and Medical Readinessin the NCF,” said Susmarski.



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OKINAWA, Japan - Seabees run to shelter in MissionOrientated Protective Posture (MOPP) suits after a sim-ulated bombing and chemical attack on an airfield dur-ing a Silver Flag exercise on Kandena Air Base. SeveralSeabees assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Bat-talion (NMCB) 5 joined more than a hundred Air ForceAirman in Silver Flag, an Air Force exercise used totrain and assess a units airfield damage repair capa-bilities. NMCB-5 is supporting Navy and joint forcesthroughout the U.S. Pacific Command. (U.S. Navy photoby Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class John P. Cur-tis/Released)

‘The Professionals’ ofNMCB 5 train in Japan

Diversity Committee PizzaSale Fundraiser May 9, 11:30 a.m.

Pizza selections include: Pepperoni, Sausage,Ham and Cheese for $10 each (cash only)

Order the pizza by contacting committee representatives: BUCN Miller/NMCB 74;

BU2 Walker/NMCB 11; RP3 Valle/NMCB 133;CMCS Sawyer/NCG2; LT Choi/CBC; CE2

Clark/NCTC and EM1 Wade/ECS

Pizzas can be picked up at the CBC Chapel, May 9, 11:30 a.m. - Noon

All pizza orders must be in to Lt. Choi871-2454, no later than May 8

By CE1(SCW) Joshua ThonnissenNMCB 1 Public Affairs

‘First and Finest’ earn Green ‘H’

Members of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion(NMCB) 1’s Medical Department stand in front ofthe Green H awarded for exemplary healthcareperformance. The award is presented to com-mands that excel in mission readiness by promot-ing the overall health, fitness, and mentalwell-being of their active duty Sailors. Picturedfrom left to right are: HM2 Willie Battle, HN An-tavis Moses, HM1 Amanda Daniels, HM3 KevinRichards, HM3 Chase Lapradd, HMC Jesse Palacios,HM1 Omar Decastrososa, Lt. Mark Susmarski, HM2Tristan Welter, HM2 Sean Heard, and HM1 JedDiaz. (U.S. Navy photo/Released)

Page 8: Seabee eCourier, May 2, 2013

As a branch clinic, NavalBranch Health Clinic (NBHC)Gulfport Pharmacy faces spaceconstraints that limit theamount of medication that canbe stocked at one time. This constraint limits the

types of medications that theclinic can carry and distribute,which in turn prevents patientsfrom being able to refill pre-scriptions on site. In order to refill medication,

patients are asked to call therefill line number, 888-513-4164, which is also located inthe upper right hand corner onyour prescription label.Once connected to the auto-

mated system, patients mustselect the Gulfport option thenenter their prescription number(the seven digit number fol-lowing RXR located above thepatient’s name on the label).

Once a patient completes thisprocess, the automated sys-tem provides a date that theprescription will be ready forpick up at Naval Branch HealthClinic Gulfport. Refills are filled and sent to

NBHC Gulfport from NavalHospital Pensacola. The refill process normally

takes about five days, so pa-tients are encouraged to call inrefills at least one week priorto running out of medication.

Ironically, there are benefits tomoving so often as a militaryfamily. Every few years, we’reforced to go through all the usedmarkers, pillowcases, snow boots,kitchen utensils, Barbies, taekwan do trophies, tax records andsaucepans, and throw a bunch ofstuff out. As a person who attaches senti-

mental value to everything fromseashells and matchbooks tostained bibs and hospitalbracelets, this can be stressful.But the sands of time grind awaymy sentimentality, and eventually,I end up chucking out mementosthat I formerly believed to be tooprecious to part with. As we prepare for our next mili-

tary move to Rhode Island, I’mreconsidering items I thoughtwere useful or nostalgic enoughto haul around for so many years.For example, Aunt Millie’s (mayshe rest in peace) old end tables,with the cigarette burns I thoughtI’d buff out one day, were rele-gated to the donate pile. Al-though I kept one file of my kids’artwork, anything with crackedmacaroni or yellowing glue was

photographed and discarded.Similarly, clothing that has notbeen worn in the last five years –except for my college duck bootswhich I hear are coming backinto style -- has been delivered toGoodwill.Some collections, however, get

pared down with each tour, butare never completely discardedregardless of their current useful-ness. For example, I’ve beenadding to several tubs of old t-shirts for years, because some-day, I WILL make each of my kidsa t-shirt quilt before they go offto college. And, I have at leastfour boxes of old toys and booksthat WILL seed the fantastic play-room I envision for my futuregrandchildren. I WILL use thatstuff someday, I swear.And then there’s the stuff I re-

cently whittled down to one bot-tom file drawer. It containsdocuments that not only tookyears of hard work to assemble,but cost me over $90,000 to ac-quire. When my husband and Ifirst married in 1993, this collec-tion was huge and took up atleast a dozen boxes. But withevery tour, the contents aged, be-came obsolete, and were thrownaway. Other than a few musty books

which reside on our shelf just forshow, the bottom file drawer nowcontains the only tangible evi-dence of my career as a litigationattorney. The hanging folders in the bot-

tom drawer have tabs inscribedwith titles such as “Resumes,”

“Transcripts,” “Licensing,” and“Writing Samples.” Even thoughnone of these documents havebeen referenced since I quitworking in the 1990s to raise ourkids, I keep them all neatly filedin case I need them to land thatsix-figure offer partnership in ahigh-powered litigation firm oneday. Although I won’t readily admit

it, I know down deep inside thatthese old documents, now yel-lowed and stained with spots ofrust from ancient paper clips andstaples, will never realisticallyserve to supplement any futureapplication for my employment.But I can’t bring myself to throwthem away, just in case.Besides, the file drawers above

contain my children’s birth certifi-cates, report cards, physicalforms, the deed to our firsthouse, mortgage documents, col-lege savings statements, thedog’s shot records, orthodontist’sbills, car insurance policies, pass-ports, tax forms, orders and otheressential documents memorializ-ing 20 years of life as a militaryfamily. Like my college duck boots, the

tub of t-shirts, and those old toys,my legal career will stay packedaway a while longer. I WILL getto them eventually. In the mean-time, I’ve got other, more impor-tant things to do.



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Get more wit and observationsfrom Lisa at her blog,

‘The Meat & Potatoes ‘The Meat & Potatoes of Life’of Life’

By Lisa Smith Molinari Military Spouse Contributer

The bottom drawer . . .

Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline: Due to limitedIG resources throughout the Southeast Region, all Fraud, Waste andAbuse hotline work will now be handled by the Region. To report Fraud,Waste and Abuse, contact the Region at: Toll Free 1-877-657-9851Comm: 904-542-4979 DSN 942-4979 FAX: 904- 542-5587, E-mail: [email protected].

NCIS has two new anonymous ways to report crimes orsuspicious behavior with the use of discreet and secureonline or texting tip lines.To report information by Cell text:1. Text “NCIS” to the short code 274637 (CRIMES) from anycell or smart phone.2. Receive a response, for example: “Your alias is: S2U5 Call911 if urgent! If replies put you at risk, text “STOP”3. Begin dialogueTo report information Online:1. Go to, click on the “Report a Crime”tab and select the icon for “text and Web tip Hotline.”There is a reward of up to $1,000 forinformation leading to a felony ar-rest or apprehension.

See Something Wrong, Do Something Right!

Health Watch:How to refill yourprescriptions atNBHC GulfportBy HM3 Jessica MartinNBHC Gulfport

Page 9: Seabee eCourier, May 2, 2013

During the school year, it's easy tofill your children's schedules with ac-tivities - but what about during thesummer? If your children are look-ing for something exciting to do, theDepartment of Defense (DoD) ishere to help. Each year, the DoDprovides summer camp opportuni-ties for your children, giving them achance to have fun, meet new peo-ple, and develop skills that will ben-efit them for years to come.The DoD's Office of Family Policy

partners with several universities tooffer Teen Adventure Camps for mil-itary teens aged fourteen to eight-een. Through partnering with theseuniversities, DoD is able to use theexpertise of university faculty andstaff and offer an amazing camp ex-perience.With more than forty camps acrossthe country, there truly is somethingfor everyone. Opportunities for yourteens include~ Sailing around WashingtonState's Puget Sound ~ Kayaking through the FloridaKeys ~ Wilderness survival camp in Mon-tana's Backcountry ~ Caving, rappelling, and rock

climbing expeditions in Kentucky These camps are not limited to the

summer either. If your teens alreadyhave their summer booked, they canparticipate in a winter survival campin Washington State or New Hamp-shire.The DoD also offers camps de-

signed specifically for military youthand teens with special needs. Thesecamps are focused on providing asafe and fun environment that takesinto account the specific needs ofparticipants. Depending on the for-mat of these camps, age require-ments for participants may vary.To find out more about these

camps, visit the Military Teen Adven-ture Camps website at: several years, the DoD has

supported the Army's Operation:Military Kids program by fundingcamp opportunities focused on mili-tary children and youth goingthrough the military family deploy-ment cycle. Operation: Military Kidssupports all military youth, regard-less of Service branch, whose par-ents are deployed, deploying, orhave recently returned from deploy-ment. Camps are offered across the

country and vary in their design andactivities. Each camp is developedwith the idea of providing partici-pants with the necessary skills tonavigate the deployment cycle.While fun is the most important as-pect of these camps, another keyaspect is bringing military youth to-gether who may have had similarexperiences and are able to sharehow they have dealt with thesechallenges. To learn more, visit theOperation: Military Kids Camps web-site at: addition, you can contact your

installation youth programs to seewhat other unique summer activitiesare available for youth in their im-mediate area.Contact information for youth pro-

grams is available through Mili-taryINSTALLATIONS: In the "Looking for a specific pro-

gram or service?" box, select "YouthPrograms/Centers" from the drop-down menu.Take advantage of the opportuni-

ties the military and its partnersoffer to enhance the lives of yourmilitary children.



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Focus on Education Focus on Education

NCBC School Liaison Officer Kevin Byrd is located at MWR Building 352 1706 Bainbridge Ave.

228-871-2117 or email: [email protected]

Coastline NewsCOASTLINE OFFERS NEW HEALTH AND FITNESS DEGREE Coastline Community College, a Navy Partnership Institution in

Fountain Valley, Calif., has announced that a new Associate De-gree in Health and Fitness is now available to active duty,spouses and dependents. All course work is available on-line through the Internet. The

degree is intended to prepare students for entry level positionsin the Health, Fitness and Wellness Industry. The degree also prepares students for transfer to Bachelor De-

gree Programs in the same areas. Some of the individual coursesrequired include: Physiology of Exercise with Lab, Biology ofAging, Nutrition, Personal Fitness and Wellness and Contempo-rary Health Issues.Additional information can be obtained from Dr. David Drye in

the Navy College Office, building 60, room 239 or at 228-871-3439 or [email protected].

ASBVAB information from Personnel SupportDetachment (PSD) Gulfport The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) willbe administered May 21. Request chits to take the ASVABmust be submitted to the Educations Services Officer by May14. For more information, contact the ESO at 228-871-3248.

DOD Summer Camp ExperiencesFrom Military OneSource

New Navy Spouse classMay 14, 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Smooth Moves for all who areplanning a PCS move

Sign up for these classes by calling 228-871-3000

Fleet and Family SupportCenter upcoming classes

Pass Road:24 hours, 7 days a week

Broad Avenue: 5 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday;

9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturday, Sunday and Holidays

28th Street: 5 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Monday - Friday and 5 - 7 p.m., Outbound Only

NCBC Gate Hours

Page 10: Seabee eCourier, May 2, 2013

FREE Movies at the Training Hall are Back!

Take a load off. Sit backand watch the big screenall by yourself for some

alone time, or make it afamily night and bring thewhole crew! Stop by theSnack Bar on your way into get that buttered moviepopcorn and those othergoodies that help you getlost in the moment. Forgetwhat was playing? No wor-ries - put the movie hotlinein your phone, 228-871-3299 and call anytime!



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Anchors & EaglesAuto HobbyBeehiveChild Development CenterFitness CenterInformation, Tickets & TravelLiberty CenterSeabee Heritage CenterNavy Outdoor Recreation RV ParkThe GrillTraining HallYouth Activities CenterMain Office



For MWR program For MWR program information contact:information contact:

Friday: Beautiful Creatures, PG13, 6 p.m.; Saturday: Escape from Planet Earth, PG, 11 a.m.; Warm Bodies,PG13, 1:15 p.m.; Beautiful Creatures, PG13, 3:15 p.m.;Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, R, 5:45 p.m.; Sun-day: Escape from Planet Earth, PG, 2 p.m., Warm Bod-ies, PG13, 4:15 p.m.

Page 11: Seabee eCourier, May 2, 2013

RAMP FOR DISABLED CHILD - Thereis an urgent need for three volunteers toconstruct an ADA compliant ramp in Gau-tier for a child with disabilities. If you canhelp, please contact Cynthia Singletary,228-388-2401 or [email protected]. USO GULF COAST - The USO GulfCoast needs 14 - 16 volunteers to workat the USO information at the Gulfport -Biloxi International Airport. The desk willbe staffed seven days a week between 8a.m. - 6 p.m. Volunteer shifts will be fivehours long (8 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 1 p.m. –6 p.m.) Volunteers are responsible forgreeting guests, directing them to theUSO lounge and answering general ques-tions about local hotels, restaurants,casinos, and events in the area. Registerat GULFPORT 8th GRADEPROCTORS - North Gulfport 8th Grade,4715 Illinois Avenue, Gulfport is lookingfor test proctors for May 14, 15 and 16.To volunteer, please contact Sherry John-son, 228-864-8944 or Shejohnson@harri- CHRISTIAN BOYS & GIRLSCLUB SOFTBALL BENEFIT- Four vol-unteers are needed to serve as umpiresat the “Bases Loaded for Boys and GirlsClub Adult Co-ed Softball Tournament,”May 4. The tournament will be held atKlondyke Road Fields, Long Beach.Teams are also welcome - fee is $150 perteam. Parties interested in volunteeringor entering a team can contact Leah Lad-ner, Balfour Beatty Communities, 228-863-0424 or [email protected]. RESTORE COASTAL ALABAMA PART-NERSHIP - Restore Coastal AlabamaPartnership needs volunteers May 4, 8a.m. - 4 p.m. to deploy interlocking 35-pound blocks to finish Pelican Point Liv-ing Shoreline which is near the mouth ofWeeks Bay in Baldwin County, Ala. Onceconstructed, the reefs will protect the ad-jacent shoreline and enhance habitat forfish, shellfish and birds, providing oppor-tunities for fishing, bird watching andsightseeing from land, kayak or boat.

Volunteers will meet at Pelican Point,Baldwin County, Alabama, near themouth of Weeks Bay, 10299 County Road1, Fairhope, Ala.. To volunteer, contactKandice O'Grady at [email protected] or 251-990-6002 or Sign up at BEACH SCHOOL DISTRICThas requested proctors for the May Statetests. Contact Christ Spinks at 228-864-1146 if you can help out.PASS CHRISTIAN MIDDLE SCHOOL -PCMS is asking for volunteers to serve asproctors and hall monitors during testingMay 14-16. Mandatory training for vol-unteers will take place may 9 at 3:15p.m. and May 10 at 8 a.m. To volunteeror for more information, contact TishaPosey, 228-452-5220 [email protected] GROVE ELEMENTARY Orange Grove Elementary, 11391 OldHighway 49, Gulfport is in need of sixvolunteers May 1, to serve as test proc-

tors and 35 volunteers, May 14, 15 and16 to serve as proctors. Volunteers areasked to report to the school by 7:30a.m. Contact Stephanie Schepens, 228-365-0204 for details. WEST HARRISON HIGH SCHOOLWest Harrison High School, 10399County Farm Road, Gulfport, is in need of13 volunteers to assist in proctoring andmonitoring the hallways May 6-10 andMay 13 from 7:15 a.m. - 3 p.m. (possiblyearlier), during the administration of theMS SATP tests. Volunteers should dresscomfortably as they will be walking andstanding the majority of the time. If in-terested, please reply to Julie [email protected]. CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOLVolunteers are needed to serve as proc-tors at Central Elementary School, 1043Pass Road, Gulfport, for state testing May14 - 17. If you are able to help, pleasecontact Jessica Mitchell at [email protected] or 228-865-4641.FIELD DAY VOLUNTEERS - Bel-Aire El-

ementary School, 10531 Klien Road,Gulfport needs 40 volunteers to help outat their Field Day May 17, 7 a.m. - 2:30p.m. Volunteers will assist with runningthe games, helping out at the concessionstands and supervising. Send an email [email protected]. for details.2013 SPECIAL OLYMPICS - NCBCGulfport will host the Area 3 2013 SpecialOlympics Saturday, June 8. Games willbe held outside of the Fitness Center,near the softball fields, and will begin fol-lowing a 9 a.m. opening ceremony. Anawards ceremony will happen immedi-ately after the games conclude. A mini-mum of 200 volunteers are needed to setup, register and accompany the athletes,cheer them on and tear down the site.Volunteer request forms will be availableon each Command Quarterdeck and willbe collected May 24. Uniform for militaryvolunteers: Service PT gear; civilians: ap-propriate athletic attire. Please direct in-quiries to MCC Ryan Wilber,228- 871-3663 or [email protected].



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NCBC Center Chaplains: Lt. Cmdr. Paul Smith, Protestant Chaplain

Lt. Yoon Choi, Protestant ChaplainFor information concerning other faith groups,

call the chapel office at 228-871-2454Services: Sunday Gospel Service: 8 a.m.

Sunday Catholic Mass: 9:30 a.m.Sunday Protestant Divine Worship: 10:30 a.m.Weekday Catholic Mass: Tuesday, 11:15 a.m.

Seabee Memorial ChapelSeabee Memorial Chapel

NCBC Helping Hands volunteer opportunitiesNCBC Helping Hands volunteer opportunities

Looking for a church?The Seabee Memorial Chapel holds services every Sunday that might suityour needs. Protestant Services include a Gospel Service at 8 a.m. andDivine Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. Catholic Services include CatholicMass at 9:30 a.m. There is also Catholic Mass Tuesdays at 11:15 a.m.Seabee PantryThe Seabee Pantry needs restocking. During the holidays, the need forfood donations is at its highest level. Please donate as many canned goodsand other nonperishables as possible. Donation drop-off sites are locatedat the Navy Exchange, Chapel, Commissary, Fleet and Family Support Cen-ter and Armed Forces Retirement Home. The Seabee Pantry is for anyone affiliated with NCBC.Praise and WorshipThe Seabee Memorial Chapel is looking for new members for the Praise andWorship Team for the Divine Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. Sundays. If youcan sing or play an instrument, you are invited to come share your gift.Women’s Bible Study Women’s Bible Study is held Wednesdays at 11 a.m. at the SeabeeMemorial Chapel. Free child care is available. For more information onall offerings that are available, contact the chapel at 228-871-2454.

Chapel Offerings

NCIS has two new anonymousways to report crimes or suspiciousbehavior with the use of discreetand secure online or texting tiplines.To report information by Celltext:1. Text “NCIS” to the short code274637 (CRIMES) from any cell orsmart phone.2. Receive a response, for example:“Your alias is: S2U5 Call 911 if ur-

gent! If replies put you at risk, text“STOP”3. Begin dialogue

To report information Online:1. Go to, clickon the “Report a Crime” tab and se-lect the icon for “text and Web tipHotline.”There is a reward of up to $1,000 forinformation leading to a felony ar-rest or apprehension.

See Something Wrong, Do Something Right!

Page 12: Seabee eCourier, May 2, 2013



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SUPPORTFamily Readiness Groups NMCB 1 FRG invites friends andfamily members to attend FRG meet-ings the second Monday of everymonth at the Youth Activity Center,building 335. Meetings are from 6 - 8p.m. Children are welcome andbabysitting is provided during deploy-ment. Contact FRG President JennyRichter, [email protected]. NMCB 11 FRG For more informationregarding the NMCB 11 FRG, pleasevisit oremail us at [email protected] 74 FRG All families of NMCB74 are invited to the 74 FRG meetingthe third Monday of each month.Meetings are at the MWR Youth Activi-ties Center, building 335, behind theGrinder on NCBC. Socializing begins at5:30 p.m., and meetings begin at 6p.m. Bring a covered dish to share atour potluck dinner. Children are wel-come. Email [email protected] visit our Facebook page at

“NMCB74 Fearless FRG” for details.NMCB 133 FRG invites all friendsand family members to attend FRGmeetings the first Monday of themonth at 6 p.m. at the Youth Center.Children are welcome and babysittingis provided. Please bring a dish toshare. For more information contactFRG President Jaime Royal at 317-730-4064 or email [email protected]. Log on to the FRG site, FOCUSFamilies OverComing Under Stress(FOCUS), provides resiliency trainingto service members and their familiesby teaching practical skills to helpmeet the challenges of military life, in-cluding how to communicate & solveproblems effectively and to success-fully set goals together. Confidentialand free with family-friendly hours,contact FOCUS today! Call 228- 822-5736 or email [email protected] Officer’s Spouse ClubThe Gulfport Officers’ Spouses’ Club isa social organization that has FUNwhile helping our community. Wemeet monthly and have special inter-est groups for almost everyone! Formore information, email [email protected]. We hope to seeYOU soon! Navy Wives Clubs of America,Inc. The Navy Wives Clubs of Amer-ica, Inc. is interested in reestablishinga club in the local area. If you are in-terested in joining an organizationthat promotes the health and welfare

of any enlisted member of the Navy,Marine Corps or Coast Guard, pleasecontact Darlene Carpenter at 228-342-2271 or Tina O’Shields, 228-357-0513. formore information on NWCA.. NMCRS The Navy-Marine Corps Relief SocietyThrift Shop is located in building 29on Snead Street. The Thrift Shop isstaffed entirely by volunteers, andchild care and mileage are reim-bursed. Retail hours of operation areTuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 9a.m. - 1 p.m. Volunteers are alwayswelcome. Visit the NMCRS offices atthe Fleet and Family Support Center,building 30, suite 103 or call 228-871-2610 to find out how to become apart of the NMCRS volunteer team!Gamblers AnonymousThe Fleet and Family Support Centeroffers GA meetings every Thursday at11 a.m. GA is a fellowship of people who share theirexperience, strength and hope witheach other. All meetings are confiden-tial and facilitated by GA. Come to a meeting or call Jim Soriano at 228-871-3000 for more information.TRAINING Naval Sea Cadets The Gulfportbranch of the Naval Sea Cadets arerecruiting youth ages 11 to 17 for SeaCadets, a nation-wide organizationthat help youth achieve personal suc-cess through nautical training. Meet-ings are the third Saturday of themonth from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m., build-ing 1, 2nd floor conference room.

Contact Lt.j.g. Bowling at 228-313-9035 or [email protected] formore information.SOCIAL Miss. Gulf Coast First Class Asso-ciation is always looking for newmembers. Meetings are everyWednesday at 2:30 p.m., at the Fit-ness Center classroom. For more in-formation, contact Associationpresident, CE1 Daniel Shaver, 228-871-2145. NCBC Multi-Cultural DiversityCommittee is seeking members.Meetings are held the first and thirdWednesday of the month at 9 a.m., atthe Seabee Memorial Chapel. ContactBU1 Jerma Cloude, 228-871-2454 fordetails. VFW Post 3937 Long Beach isopen Monday - Thursday from noonuntil 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday fromNoon until 10 p.m., Sunday from noonuntil 7 p.m. The first Friday of themonth is Seafood Night, the remain-ing Fridays are Steak Night. Breakfastis served from 7 to 10 a.m. on Satur-days. VFW meetings are held the sec-ond Wednesday of the month at 7:30p.m. New members are always wel-come. Contact Post Commander BillNorth at 228-863-8602 for info. VFW Post 4526 Orange Grove isopen daily from Noon to 10 p.m. andlocated at 15206 Dedeaux Road, Or-ange Grove. Meetings are the firstWednesday of the month at 7 p.m. Allare welcome and encouraged to at-tend. Call 228-832-0017 for more info. NMCB 62 Alumni GroupNaval Mobile Construction Battalion

(NMCB) 62 was recommissioned inGulfport in 1966, and decommissionedin 1989. To become a member, go to or for linksto Seabee historical sites. D.A.V. - Disabled American Veter-ans, Chapter 5 invites Veterans andfuture Veterans to monthly meetingsheld the 3rd Monday of each month at7 p.m. Call Service Officer, SilvaRoyer at 228-324-1888 to find outmore about our organization. Navy Seabee Veterans of America(NSVA) Island X-1, Gulfport is al-ways looking to add new members.You do not have to be retired to be amember. If interested, please con-tact Eugene Cowhick [email protected], 228-871-2488 or Robert Smith [email protected], 228-871-2436. If you are already a member,please join us on the second Thursdayof each month at 6 p.m. in the A&EChiefs and Officers Club, NCBC Gulf-port, for the Monthly Island X-1 busi-ness meeting. For more informationon NSVA Island X-1, The Seabee Gift Store is located inthe Seabee Heritage Center TrainingHall, building 446. Hours are Monday -Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Satur-days from 11a.m. to 3 p.m. The shophas a variety of Seabee related mem-orabilia, books and DVD’s. Contact themuseum at or call the gift shop at 228-871-4779 for information on all that isavailable.


campaign promotes responsi-ble decisions by focusing onhow much Sailors have accom-plished during their careerswith the Navy-therefore high-lighting how much they haveto lose."The majority of Sailors we

spoke with listed loss of pay,rank and other privileges asthe most significant conse-quences of alcohol abuse," Fa-vorite said, discussing thedecision to focus messages onthe achievements in a Sailor'scareer. "These consequencesnot only impact Sailors' indi-vidual careers but threaten theoverall force readiness of ourNavy."NADAP offers three sugges-

tions to Sailors to have funand drink responsibly:

1. Plan ahead for a safe ridehome.2. Don't try to "keep up" with

your friends or shipmates.3. Know your limit, before

you get there.Sailors from the Jacksonville-

Mayport-King's Bay, Fla., re-gion will also be featured incampaign materials and hadthe opportunity to providefeedback on a poster series re-flecting five fleet communities:aviation, expeditionary, med-ical, submarine and surface. "We had an overwhelming

response of enthusiasm fromour Sailors when we requestedtheir help, as they were grate-ful to take part in the develop-ment of such an importanteffort," said Cmdr. Jay Clark,USS Roosevelt (DDG 80) exec-utive officer. "It was great tosee how the campaign's im-

agery represented each of theunique roles our Sailors servein as part of the Navy, frommedical corpsmen to aviationpilots."Favorite said the campaign

could not have been devel-oped without help and cooper-ation from across the fleet,and NADAP looks forward toengaging Sailors as partners increating a culture of responsi-ble drinking in the Navy. "This is truly a campaign for

Sailors, by Sailors," Favoritesaid. "We travelled across thecountry to hear your ideas,and we're excited to bringthem to life through our mate-rials and messages." For more information on how

you can support the Navy's ef-forts to encourage responsibledrinking among Sailors,

From EARNED page 3

DAPA CornerRisks of Alcohol Use . . . Did you know that 21 - 34-year-old

drivers comprise approximately half of all the drunk driver in-volved in alcohol-related fatal crashes?~ They’re responsible for more alcohol-related fatal crashesthan any other age group.~ They’re more likely than any other age group to have beenintoxicated at the time of the crash.~ They have the highest blood alcohol concentrations (BACs)in fatal crashes.~ They’re about twice as likely as other drives to have experi-enced a prior crash.~ They’re four times more likely to have had their licensessuspended or revoked.~ They’re the most resistant to changing their drinking anddriving behavior.~ Posthumous testing reveals these drivers to have con-sumed almost twice the alcohol needed to reach the legallimit for intoxication.For information on the Navy’s drug and alcohol policies and

programs, please contact your Command DAPA.