sean homer - jacques lacan

JACQUES LACAN Sean Homer LONDON AND NEW YORK -iii- First published 2005 by Routledge 2 Pr! "#ure$ %ilto& Pr!$ Abi&gdo&$ O'o& O()* *RN "i+ult&eously published i& the ,"A &d &d by Routledge 2.0 %diso& A/e&ue$ Ne Yor!$ NY )00)1 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group o pur3hse your o& 3opy o4 this or &y o4 ylor Fr&3is or Routledge6s 3olle3tio& o4 thous&ds o4 e7oo!s plese go to 8e7oo! store8t&d483o8u! 9 2005 "e& :o+er ypeset i& Perpetu by Flore&3e Produ3tio& Ltd$ "toodleigh$ De/o& Pri&ted &d bou&d i& ;ret 7riti& by < =&ter&tio&l Ltd$ Pdsto$ or&ll All rights reser/ed8 No prt o4 this boo! +y be repri&ted or reprodu3ed or utili>ed i& &y 4or+ or by &y ele3tro&i3$ +e3h&i3l$ or other +e&s$ &o !&o& or here4ter i&/e&ted$ i&3ludi&g photo3opyi&g &d re3ordi&g$ or i& &y i&4or+tio& storge or retrie/l syste+$ ithout per+issio& i& riti&g 4ro+ the publishers8 British Library Cataloguing in Publication ata A 3tlogue re3ord 4or this boo! is /ilble 4ro+ the 7ritish Librry Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication ata A 3tlog re3ord 4or this boo! hs bee& re#uested ="7N 0-*)5-251)1-( ?hb!@ ="7N 0-*)5-251).- ?pb!@ -i/-

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First published 2005by Routledge2 Pr! "#ure$ %ilto& Pr!$ Abi&gdo&$ O'o& O()* *RN

"i+ult&eously published i& the ,"A &d &dby Routledge2.0 %diso& A/e&ue$ Ne Yor!$ NY )00)1

Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group

o pur3hse your o& 3opy o4 this or &y o4 ylor Fr&3is or Routledge6s 3olle3tio& o4thous&ds o4 e7oo!s plese go to 8e7oo!store8t&d483o8u!

9 2005 "e& :o+er

ypeset i& Perpetu byFlore&3e Produ3tio& Ltd$ "toodleigh$ De/o&

Pri&ted &d bou&d i& ;ret 7riti& by< =&ter&tio&l Ltd$ Pdsto$ or&ll

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication ataA 3tlogue re3ord 4or this boo! is /ilble 4ro+ the7ritish Librry

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication ataA 3tlog re3ord 4or this boo! hs bee& re#uested

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8/13/2019 Sean Homer - Jacques Lacan 2/48

CONTENTS"eries editor6s pre43e /iiA3!&oledge+e&ts 'iWHY LACAN? 1KEY IDEAS 15) he i+gi&ry ).2 he sy+boli3 BBB he Oedipus 3o+ple' &d the +e&i&g o4 the phllus 5)* he subCe3t o4 the u&3o&s3ious 155 he rel )1 "e'ul di44ere&3e 5AFTER LACAN 111FURTHER READING 129Wor!s 3ited )*)=&de' )5)


SERIES EDITOR'S PREFACEhe boo!s i& this series o44er i&trodu3tio&s to +Cor 3riti3l thi&!ers ho h/e i&4lue&3edliterry studies &d the hu+&ities8 he Routledge Critical Thin!ers series pro/ides the boo!syou 3& tur& to 4irst he& &e &+e or 3o&3ept ppers i& your studies8

E3h boo! ill e#uip you to ppro3h !ey thi&!er6s origi&l te'ts by e'pli&i&g her or his !eyides$ putti&g the+ i&to 3o&te't &d$ perhps +ost i+port&tly$ shoi&g you hy this thi&!eris 3o&sidered to be sig&i4i3&t8 he e+phsis is o& 3o&3ise$ 3lerly ritte& guides hi3h do &otpresuppose spe3ilist !&oledge8 Although the 4o3us is o& prti3ulr 4igures$ the seriesstresses tht &o 3riti3l thi&!er e/er e'isted i& /3uu+ but$ i&sted$ e+erged 4ro+ broder i&telle3tul$ 3ulturl &d so3il history8 Fi&lly$ these boo!s ill 3t s bridgebetee& you &d the thi&!er6s origi&l te'ts &ot repl3i&g the+ but rther 3o+ple+e&ti&g

ht she or he rote8

hese boo!s re &e3essry 4or &u+ber o4 reso&s8 =& his ). utobiogrphy$ "ot #ntitled $the literry 3riti3 Fr&! Ker+ode rote o4 ti+e i& the )10s

O& beuti4ul su++er l&s$ you&g people ly together ll &ight$ re3o/eri&g 4ro+ their dyti+ee'ertio&s &d liste&i&g to troupe o4 7li&ese +usi3i&s8 ,&der their bl&!ets or theirsleepi&g bgs$ they ould 3ht drosily bout the


gurus o4 the ti+e8 Wht they repeted s lrgely hersyG he&3e +y lu&3hti+esuggestio&$ #uite i+pro+ptu$ 4or series o4 short$ /ery 3hep boo!s o44eri&g uthoritti/e but

i&telligible i&trodu3tio&s to su3h 4igures8

here is still &eed 4or 6uthoritti/e &d i&telligible i&trodu3tio&s68 7ut this series re4le3ts di44ere&t orld 4ro+ the )10s8 Ne thi&!ers h/e e+erged &d the reputtio&s o4 othersh/e rise& &d 4lle&$ s &e reser3h hs de/eloped8 Ne +ethodologies &d 3hlle&gi&gides h/e spred through rts &d hu+&ities8 he study o4 literture is &o lo&ger - i4 it e/ers - si+ply the study &d e/lutio& o4 poe+s$ &o/els &d plys8 =t is lso the study o4 theides$ issues$ &d di44i3ulties hi3h rise i& &y literry te't &d i& its i&terprettio&8 Otherrts &d hu+&ities subCe3ts h/e 3h&ged i& &logous ys8

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L3&i& 3riti3is+$ there4ore$ is &ot upo& the u&3o&s3ious o4 the 3hr3ter or the uthor butupo& the te't itsel4 &d the reltio&ship betee& te't &d reder8 =& 4il+ &d o+e&6s studiesthe i+porttio& o4 these o4te& str&ge &d u&4+ilir ides 4ro+ Pris hs be3o+e l+ostsy&o&y+ous ith their estblish+e&t s u&i/ersity dis3ipli&es i& the ).0s8 L3&6s theory o4the +irror phse &d the 4or+tio& o4 the ego ?see hpter )@ s t!e& by +&y 4il+theorists s +odel 4or the reltio&ship betee& the 4il+ proCe3ted o& the s3ree& &d hothis 44e3ted the 4il+ /ieer or 3i&e+ti3 spe3ttor8 L3&6s 3o+ple' &otio& o4 ho subCe3t

3o+es to ide&ti4y the+sel/es s & 6=6 i& the so3il orld s see& s use4ul y o4u&derst&di&g ho 3i&e+ spe3ttors ide&ti4y ith i+ges o& the s3ree&$ beyo&d si+plyide&ti4yi&g positi/e &d &egti/e i+ges ?usully stro&g &d positi/e i+ges o4 +e& &dpssi/e or &egti/e i+ges o4 o+e&@8 "i+ilrly$ L3&6s de/elop+e&t o4 Freud6s theory o4se'ul di44ere&3e ?see hpter 1@ ope&ed up &e res o4 debte ithi& o+e&6s &d ge&derstudies8 =& the ).0s o+e&6s studies te&ded to 4o3us o& the so3il spe3ts o4 ge&der$ loo!i&gt so3il &d 4+ilil i&4lue&3es o& upbri&gi&g &d ide&tity8 L3&i& psy3ho&lysis3o&tributed to this or! the 3ru3il li&! o4 subCe3ti/ity to the u&3o&s3ious &d to l&guge$ sell s & u&derst&di&g o4 se'ul di44ere&3e s 3o&stituted t & u&3o&s3ious le/el8 Fi&lly$ i&the re o4 so3il theory &d i&ter&tio&l reltio&s 4igures su3h s the "lo/e&i& L3&i&philosopher "l/oC IiJe! hd tre+e&dous i+p3t o& our ppre3itio& o4 the u&3o&s3iouspro3esses &d 4&tsies u&derlyi&g so3il &d &tio&l


3o&4li3ts s ell s r3is+$ se'is+ &d ho+ophobi8 = ill retur& to &d e'pli& ll o4 theseter+s &d issues i& the subse#ue&t 3hpters$ 4o3usi&g i& prti3ulr o& the ys i& hi3hL3&i& ides h/e bee& pplied i& the 4ield o4 literry &d 3ulturl studies8

:o 3& e su++ri>e L3&6s proCe3t &d his 3o&tributio& to theory$ the& Psy3ho&lysisorigi&tes ith the or! o4 Freud &d re+i&s rooted i& his theories to this dy$ but e/eryge&ertio& o4 &lysts tht 3+e 4ter Freud hs sought to updte &d 3orre3t those theories$&d to resol/e the 3o&trdi3tio&s tht he le4t behi&d8 L3& rgued tht through this pro3ess o43o&ti&ul re/isio& psy3ho&lysis hd lost sight o4 its origi&l i+sG tht it hd be3o+e3o&ser/ti/e &d re3tio&ry8 7y plyi&g do& the +ore u&3o+4ortble &d disturbi&g spe3tso4 the theory$ espe3illy the u&derlyi&g prese&3e o4 repressed$ u&3o&s3ious$ desire i& our+e&tl li/es$ psy3ho&lysis hd +de itsel4 respe3tble but it hd lost its rdi3l edge8 =& the

erly )50s$ there4ore$ L3& 4+ously de3lred the &e3essity o4 6retur& to Freud6$ tht is tosy$ retur& to the te'ts o4 Freud hi+sel4 &d to 3lose redi&g &d u&derst&di&g o4 thosete'ts8 For the &e't 21 yers he ould e&gge i& this proCe3t o4 3lose redi&g$ &d i& thepro3ess ould re3o&stitute the theory o4 psy3ho&lysis8

o better u&derst&d this proCe3t &d its sig&i4i3&3e$ it is 3ru3il tht e brie4ly 3o&siderL3&6s or! ithi& the 3o&te't o4 the de/elop+e&t o4 psy3ho&lysis i& Fr&3e8 = ill dis3ussthe 3o&te'ts o4 L3&6s ides i& +ore detil i& the 4olloi&g 3hpters$ but it is i+port&t togi& & o/er/ie be4ore e begi& to loo! +ore 3losely t his or!8

LACAN IN CONTETL3& gre up i& 3o+4ortble +iddle-3lss tholi3 4+ily i& %o&tpr&sse$ Pris8 :ette&ded prestigious tholi3 s3hool$ the ollge "t&isls$ here he s re3og&i>ed s /ery bright pupil$ lthough &ot e'3eptio&l8 L3& did hoe/er e'3el i& religious studies &dLti&8 While t s3hool he de/eloped li4elo&g pssio& 4or philosophy &d i& prti3ulr the or!o4 7ru3h "pi&o> ?)1B2-..@$ hi3h s o/erridi&gly 3o&3er&ed ith the ide o4 ;od6se'iste&3e8 "pi&o> s <eish but s e'3o++u&i3ted s hereti3 s result o4 his or!$&d hristi&s lso de&ou&3ed hi+ s & theist8 At s3hool L3& hu&g digr+ o4 the6theist6 "pi&o>6s posthu+ously published #thics

8/13/2019 Sean Homer - Jacques Lacan 6/48



o& his bedroo+ ll - 3lerly sub/ersi/e 3t i& light o4 his +iddle3lss tholi3 upbri&gi&g&d +o/e o4te& i&terpreted s & erly i&di3tio& o4 his ttitude tords i&stitutio&s &d

uthority8 A4ter le/i&g s3hool L3& e&t o& to study +edi3i&e &d spe3ili>ed i& psy3hitryith prti3ulr i&terest i& psy3hosis8 :e loo!ed set to pursue 3o&/e&tio&l 3reer i&psy3hitry u&til i& the erly )B0s he hd to 3ru3il i&telle3tul e&3ou&ters8 First$ i& )B0 hered & rti3le i& "urrelist Cour&l by little-!&o& pi&ter "l/dor Dli ?)0*-@ o&6Pr&oi68 "e3o&d$ i& )B) he beg& redi&g Freud8 hese to e&3ou&ters ere to propelL3& o& li4elo&g e&gge+e&t ith - &d tr&s4or+tio& o4 - the 4ield o4 psy3ho&lysis8

Psy3ho&lysis 3& be sid to h/e begu& ith Freud &d the publi3tio& i& )00 o4 Thenterpretation of reams ?see ))@$ &d$ shortly 4olloi&g this$ ith su3h te'ts s ThePsychopathology of #'eryday Life ?))b M)0)@$ (o!es and their Relation to the )nconscious&d 'Th*## E!: o" )h# Th#o*: o; S#<-!$.):' &=o)h 19>5 ## 19910 !"/ / @8 =& the)20s$ s i&terest gre i& the &ely e+ergi&g dis3ipli&e o4 psy3ho&lysis$ it s re3ei/edith idely di44eri&g /ies i& di44ere&t 3ou&tries8 =&itilly$ i& North A+eri3 &d 7riti& boththe psy3hitri3 &d psy3hologi3l pro4essio&s r+ly e+br3ed ht Freud reportedly 3lled

the 6+oder& plgue68 Freud s lso e'tre+ely i&4lue&til ithi& +oder&ist literture$ &d spro+oted i& prti3ulr by the &o/elist &d 3riti3 Hirgi&i Wool4 ?)2-)*)@ &d the67loo+sbury ;roup6$ & i&telle3tul 3ir3le i& hi3h Wool4 4igured lrge8 =& Fr&3e$ hoe/er$psy3ho&lysis s reCe3ted o& ll 4ro&ts s3ie&ti4i3$ +edi3l$ religious &d politi3l8 As o&e3riti3 &otes$ 6the Fre&3h opposed psy3ho&lysis 4ro+ so +&y dire3tio&s tht it is ppropriteto spe! o4 & &tipsy3ho&lyti3 3ulture6 ?ur!le )22.@8 =&deed$ e/e& s lte s the)50s &d erly )10s Fre&3h psy3hitry re+i&ed de3idedly &tipsy3ho&lyti38 =& respo&seto su3h oppositio&$ the Fre&3h psy3ho&lyti3 estblish+e&t - u&der the guid&3e o4 the %rie7o&prte$ & erly dis3iple o4 Freud6s &d o&e o4 his 3losest sso3ites - i&sisted thtpsy3ho&lysis s s3ie&3e 3losely lig&ed to +edi3i&e8 7o&prte &d her llies ithi& the"o3iQtQ Psy3h&lyti#ue de Pris ?"PP@ e+phsi>ed the biologi3l &d +edi3l spe3ts o4psy3ho&lysis &d re#uired &yo&e ho ished to be3o+e & &lyst to 4irst u&dergo +edi3l tri&i&g8

"urrelis+$ hoe/er$ o44ered the you&g L3& & lter&ti/e route to psy3ho&lysis &d the3ru3il li&! to his 3li&i3l pr3ti3e i&


psy3hitry8 he "urrelists 4ully e+br3ed psy3ho&lysis &d duri&g his +edi3l studiesL3& de/eloped stro&g li&!s ith the +o/e+e&t8 "urrelis+ s literry &d rtisti3+o/e+e&t tht e+erged 4ter the First World Wr i& Pris$ its 4ou&di&g 4igure the riter &dpoet A&drQ 7reto& ?)1-)11@8 7reto& s 4+ilir ith Freud6s or! o& dre+s &dde/eloped te3h&i#ue o4 6spo&t&eous6 riti&g to gi/e 4ree e'pressio& to u&3o&s3iousthoughts &d ishes8 "i+ilrly$ "urrelist pi&ters su3h s Dli tte+pted to pi&t the 6relity6o4 their dre+s$ hi3h they s s +ore 6rel6 th& the prosi3 relity o4 our e/erydy orld8=& )B2$ &d ithi& this 3o&te't$ L3& 3o+pleted his do3torl thesis o& Paranoid Psychosis

and ts Relations to the Personality 8 Arou&d the s+e ti+e he e&tered &lysis ith RudolphLoee&stei&$ the "PP6s +ost 4+ous tri&i&g &lyst ? re3og&i>ed psy3ho&lyst ho is#uli4ied to tri& other &lysts ithi& the "o3iety@8 here hs lys bee& so+ethi&g o4 3o&tro/ersy rou&d L3&6s &lysis$ ith 3riti3s #uestio&i&g ho su33ess4ul it s &dhether or &ot he 3o+pleted it8 =t is !&o& to h/e bee& /ery 6stor+y6 reltio&ship &de&ded r&3orously i& )B8 Wht is 3ler is tht L3& spe&t si' yers i& &lysis - lo&ger th&s usul t this ti+e - &d tht he re+i&ed i& &lysis u&til he s 33epted s tri&i&g&lyst8 Duri&g this ti+e$ L3&6s li&!s ith the "urrelists de/eloped 4urther8 :e s 4rie&do4 A&drQ 7reto& &d "l/dor Dli$ &d s lter to be3o+e the pi&ter Pblo Pi3sso6s ?))-).B@ perso&l physi3i&8 :e tte&ded the 4irst publi3 redi&gs o4 <+es <oy3e6s ?)2-)*)@

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)lysses i& )2) &d s ell-!&o& 4igure i& the 34Qs &d boo!shops o4 Pris6s Le4t 7&!8=& )BB Dli s to re4er to L3&6s do3torl thesis i& the 4irst issue o4 the "urrelist re/ie*inotaure &d L3& hi+sel4 s to +!e +&y 3o&tributio&s to this &d other "urrelistpubli3tio&s8

L3&6s do3torl thesis$ the&$ s ritte& i& lrgely &ti-psy3ho&lyti3 3ulture &dre+i&ed ithi& estblished psy3hitri3 3tegories &d theories$ but t the s+e ti+e it dreo& the lter&ti/e resour3es o4 the "urrelist +o/e+e&t8 =& the )50s$ he& L3& beg& se+i&r$ he ould 4or+ulte his ides i& dire3t oppositio& to the biologi3l e+phsis o4 %rie7o&prte &d to 6Ego psy3hology68 Ego psy3hology de/eloped i& the ,&ited "ttes i& theyers 4olloi&g the "e3o&d World Wr &d 4o3used o& ys o4 stre&gthe&i&g the de4e&3e+e3h&is+s o4 the 3o&s3ious +i&d rther th& the u&3o&s3ious +oti/tio& o4 our 3tio&s$ si& 3lssi3l psy3ho&lysis8 Rudolph Loee&stei&$



L3&6s tri&i&g &lyst$ hd bee& o&e o4 the 4ou&di&g 4thers o4 Ego psy3hology$ h/i&g 4ledN>i perse3utio& i& the )*0s8 L3& s both s betryl o4 psy3ho&lysis8 :e sstro&gly opposed to the "PP6s re#uire+e&t tht &lysts u&dergo +edi3l tri&i&g &d spsy3ho&lysis s +u3h +ore 3losely lig&ed to philosophy &d the rts$ &d lter to+the+ti3s$ th& to +edi3i&e8 Fro+ the outset L3&6s or! s rooted o& the o&e h&d i&3li&i3l or! but o& the other i& broder 3ulturl u&derst&di&g o4 the u&3o&s3ious &d+e&tl ill&ess8 ,&li!e A&glo-A+eri3& psy3hitry &d psy3hology$ the Fre&3h trditio& hslys reti&ed +ore poeti3 or estheti3 ele+e&t8 his +y be Cust o&e 4urther reso& hyit be3+e so per/si/e i& :u+&ities deprt+e&ts i& the ).0s8

=&4lue&til though his or! +y e/e&tully h/e bee&$ 4ro+ the strt o4 his 3reer L3& sethi+sel4 o& 3ollisio& 3ourse ith the psy3ho&lyti3 estblish+e&t8 =&deed$ 4ro+ the ti+e o4his erliest publi3tio&s$ the &+e 6L3&6 hs go&e h&d i& h&d ith so+e o4 the +ost4ero3ious 3riti3is+ you re li!ely to red8 =& & i&trodu3tio& hi3h s!s hy L3& is orthredi&g$ &d hi3h see!s to gi/e you so+e ide o4 his i+p3t$ it ould be i+possible &ot to

loo! brie4ly t the #uestio& o4 his reputtio&$ &d &ot lest t his reputtio& 4or di44i3ulty8

CONTRO@ERSIAL REPUTATIONSo sy tht L3& is 3o&tro/ersil 4igure is & u&derstte+e&t i& the e'tre+e8 L3& s /ery 3hris+ti3 te3her &d he is o4te& des3ribed by biogrphers s 4l+boy&t$ 3hr+i&g&d so+ethi&g o4 d&dy8 :e u&doubtedly ttr3ted$ &d 3o&ti&ues to ttr3t$ i&te&se loylty4ro+ his 4olloers &d d/o3tes8 At the s+e ti+e$ he s e'tre+ely +bitious$ rrog&t&d uthoritri& ?see Roudi&es3o )@8 As ith ll 3hris+ti3 4igures$ L3& ttr3ts s+u3h /itriol &d tt3! s he does support8 For e'+ple$ Ry+o&d llis6s re/ie o4 Eli>bethRoudi&es3o6s biogrphy o4 L3& - Roudi&es3o is probbly the 4ore+ost uthority o& thehistory o4 Fre&3h psy3ho&lysis - i& The Times Higher #ducation Supplement  3o++e&3edthus

Future histori&s tryi&g to 33ou&t 4or the i&stitutio&li>ed 4rud tht goes u&der the &+e o46heory6 ill surely 33ord 3e&trl pl3e to the i&4lue&3e o4 the Fre&3h psy3ho&lyst <3#uesL3&8 :e is o&e o4 the 4ttest spiders t the hert o4 the eb o4 +uddled &ot-#uite-thi&!ble-thoughts &d e/ide&3e-


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4ree ssertio&s o4 li+itless s3ope$ hi3h pr3titio&ers o4 theorhoe h/e o/e& i&to their/ersio& o4 the hu+&ities8 %u3h o4 the dog+ 3e&trl to 3o&te+porry theory 3+e 4ro+ hi+8

?llis ).20@

llis6s re/ie 3o&ti&ues ith the ssertio& tht there is &o e+piri3l bsis 4or L3&6s theory$

4olloed by re+orseless tt3! o& his perso&l li4e8 he re/ie 4i&lly drs to 3lose iththe 3li+ tht this 6lu&ti3 leg3y6 &o o&ly li/es o& i& deprt+e&ts o4 E&glish Literture$hose 6i&+tes6 prete&d to +!e se&se o4 it

L3&i&s +y rgue tht the gret edi4i3e o4 the +crits is &ot u&der+i&ed by re/eltio&sbout his li4e the %ster6s thoughts should be Cudged o& their o& +erits8 :oe/er$ i& thebse&3e o4 &y logi3l bsis or e+piri3l e/ide&3e$ the uthority o4 the thought hs deri/edl+ost 3o+pletely 4ro+ the uthority o4 the +&8

?llis ).20@

Wht is i&teresti&g i& this re/ie$ 4ro+ & &lyti3 perspe3ti/e$ is the pthologi>tio& o4 bothL3& &d his redersG i& other ords$ the ssertio& by the re/ieer Ry+o&d llis tht both

L3& s & &lyst &d e s stude&ts &d reders o4 L3& re +e&tlly ill i& so+e y i4e prete&d ?4or$ o4 3ourse$ there is &o se&se to be +de o4 it@ to u&derst&d ht e retl!i&g bout8 We re li!e +e&tl ptie&ts lo3!ed i& & sylu+$ i&4li3ti&g our pr&oiddelusio&s o& others8 As rhetori3l ?persusi/e@ strtegy this is /ery e44e3ti/e be3use itpresupposes tht the riter o4 the pie3e hs 4ir+ grip o& relity &d e/erythi&g tht he sys&d does is rtio&l$ logi3l &d e/ide&3e-bsed8 =t e44e3ti/ely pl3es the re/ieer i& positio&o4 superiority to tht o4 the sdly deluded i&di/iduls ho red L3&8

his re/ie rises to i+port&t poi&ts tht &eed to be ddressed i4 e re to ppre3ite the3o&tributio& tht psy3ho&lysis &d L3& hi+sel4 h/e +de to our u&derst&di&g o4 3ulturlte'ts8 First$ 4ro+ its i&3eptio& psy3ho&lysis hs 3o&siste&tly bee& tt3!ed s h/i&g &o 4ir+bsis i& relity &d there4ore 4or bei&g u&/eri4ible8 "u3h tt3!s lso ge&erlly ssert tht theli/es o4 the &lysts 3& be used to dis3redit their theories8 "e3o&d$ it is pre3isely thessu+ptio&s u&derlyi&g this re/ie tht re #uestio&ed by psy3ho&lysis the ssu+ptio&

tht our theories &d /ies o4 the orld re det3hed 4ro+ our positio& s



subCe3ts ithi& it8 =& other ords$ psy3ho&lysis #uestio&s the 43t tht e re purelyrtio&l obCe3ti/e bei&gs &d tht our 3tio&s re ll logi3lly &d rtio&lly dri/e&8Psy3ho&lysis is &ot 3o&3er&ed ith ht is logi3l$ ht is rtio&l &d ht is 3o&s3iousG o&the 3o&trry$ it is 3o&3er&ed ith ht is illogi3l$ irrtio&l &d u&3o&s3ious8 Psy3ho&lysisloo!s t those spe3ts o4 thi&!i&g &d beh/iour 4or hi3h e 3&&ot rtio&lly or 3o&s3iously33ou&t8 his boo! is &ot the pl3e to dis3uss the e44i33y o4 psy3ho&lysis &d hether or&ot o&e 3& e+piri3lly pro/e or dispro/e the theory8 Wht = ill do$ hoe/er$ is t!e L3&6s

theory o& its 6o& +erits6 &d Cudge it ithi& its o& 3o&te't$ tht is to sy$ i& the 3o&te't o4the or! o4 Freud$ the history o4 psy3ho&lysis &d o4 Fre&3h i&telle3tul li4e8 =& doi&g so =ill suggest tht$ hile L3& +y o4te& be 3o&trdi3tory &d elusi/e$ &d e/e& i&4uriti&g toso+e$ there is +u3h to be gi&ed 4ro+ 3re4ul redi&g &d reredi&g o4 his te'ts8 L3&$ li!eFreud be4ore hi+$ hs tr&s4or+ed the y e thi&! bout oursel/es &d our pl3e ithi& theso3il orld8

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READING LACANWhe& you pi3! up 3opy o4 Freud 4or the 4irst ti+e$ hoe/er u&usul &d perple'i&g you +y4i&d the ides 3o&ti&ed ithi& the te't$ it is di44i3ult to re+i& i++u&e to the plesure o4 theriti&g itsel48 Redi&g Freud$ espe3illy the 3se studies &d the spe3ulti/e or!s o& rt$

so3iety &d religio&$ is li!e redi&g good dete3ti/e &o/el8 =&deed$ this s o&e o4 Freud6s4/ourite literry ge&res &d &logies 4or &lysis8 E/e& i4 you re &ot 3o&/i&3ed by thergu+e&ts$ you re+i& gripped by the story Freud tells8 With L3& the situtio& is /erydi44ere&t8 As the &gry 3riti3s h/e lredy &&ou&3ed$ he& you pi3! up L3& 4or the 4irstti+e you ill 4i&d te't tht is de&se$ 3o&/oluted$ ellipti3l &d see+i&gly i+pe&etrble$ e/e&by the st&drds o4 3o&te+porry literry &d 3ulturl theory8 Why is this

L3&i& ides 4irst e&tered the hu+&ities deprt+e&ts o4 7ritish u&i/ersities through thesi+ult&eous publi3tio& o4 to te'ts Al& "herid&6s tr&sltio&s o4 +crits, - Selection &dThe Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho.-nalysis$ both published i& the ,K i& )..8 For+&y stude&ts these te'ts represe&t their 4irst i&trodu3tio& to L3&$ &d ppers 4ro+ +crits$su3h s 6he %irror "tge6 &d 6he "ig&i4i3tio&


o4 the Phllus6$ re+i& so+e o4 the +ost 4re#ue&tly reprodu3ed &d &thologi>ed o4 L3&6sriti&gs8 7oth o4 these te'ts$ hoe/er$ prese&t prti3ulr di44i3ulties 4or redi&g L3&8

L3& s 4irst &d 4ore+ost 3li&i3i& &d the& te3her8 :e s &ot & 3de+i3 or riter &d he re+i&ed deeply suspi3ious o4 the u&i/ersity &d o4 ht he 3lled the dis3ourseo4 the u&i/ersity8 :e lso re+i&ed suspi3ious o4 publishi&g his or! &d$ tords the e&d o4his 3reer$ i& se+i&r (($ he ould re4er to the +crits s  poubellication$ pu& tht 3o+bi&es

 poubelle ? ste bi&@ &d publication ?publi3tio&@8 =& )5B L3& beg& 4ort&ightly publi3se+i&r t :pitl "i&teA&&e$ the psy3hitri3 hospitl here he or!ed ?4or the pre/ious toyers he hd gi/e& pri/te ee!ly le3tures i& the prt+e&t o4 "yl/i 7tille$ the& the i4e o4the philosopher &d riter ;eorge 7tille ?).-)12@ &d shortly to be3o+e L3&6s se3o&di4e@8 he se+i&r ould 3o&ti&ue 4or the &e't 21 yers8 E3h yer he ould t!e te't or

3o&3ept 4ro+ Freud &d de/ote the se+i&r to the study o4 tht te't or ide8 ,&der thege&erl editorship o4 <3#ues Ali&-%iller +&y o4 these se+i&rs h/e &o bee&re3o&stru3ted 4ro+ &otes &d tr&s3ripts +de by his 4or+er stude&ts$ &d stedilyi&3resi&g &u+ber h/e bee& tr&slted ?see the 6Further Redi&g6 se3tio& 4or detils@8 herti3les 3olle3ted i& +crits$ the E&glish sele3tio& o4 hi3h is ppro'i+tely third o4 the Fre&3heditio&$ o4te& represe&t su++ry or 3o&3lusio& o4 the ides tht L3& hd de/eloped o/er hole yer6s se+i&r8 he +crits$ there4ore$ should &ot be red s & i&trodu3tio& to the or!o4 L3& so +u3h s /ery 3o&de&sed prese&ttio& o4 his ides 4or those lredy i&itited i&tothe+8 For those redi&g L3& 4or the 4irst ti+e it is o4te& better to ppro3h hi+ through theerly se+i&rs$ o4 hi3h /olu+es =$ ==$ === &d H== re ll &o idely /ilble8 =& syi&g this$o&e should lso be re tht L3&6s theory$ s ith tht o4 &y i&&o/ti/e thi&!er$ s &otstti3$ but 3h&ged &d de/eloped throughout his li4e8 hese erly se+i&rs represe&t the4irst$ 6stru3turlist6$ phse o4 L3&6s 3reer ?see hpter 2@ &d +u3h o4 the +ost i&teresti&gor! tht is &o bei&g do&e i& the 4ield o4 L3&i& studies drs o& his lter or! 4ro+ the

)10s &d ).0s8 his 3h&ge i& our ppre3itio& o4 L3& is re4le3ted i& the e+phsis pl3edo& the lter or! i& the ltter hl4 o4 this boo!8 A 4urther di44i3ulty ith redi&g L3& is tht$o&3e he hd i&trodu3ed 3o&3ept su3h s the obCe3t a$ the Other$ the rel or the phllus$ heould reti& the ter+ i& his



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?) M).5 21@

A se3o&d spe3t o4 this di44i3ulty is relted spe3i4i3lly to L3&6s obCe3t o4 study$ tht is to sy$the u&3o&s3ious itsel48

A33ordi&g to Freud$ the u&3o&s3ious is rel+ tht does &ot !&o ti+e or 3o&trdi3tio&G it is

rel+ o4 repressed ishes &d 4&tsiesG &d it is lso rel+ ithout sy&t' or gr++r8=& ht se&se the& 3& e 3tully spe! o4 u&3o&s3ious ishes &d desires o spe! o4u&3o&s3ious desire is to re&der it 3o&s3ious &d the u&3o&s3ious$ by de4i&itio&$ is tht hi3h ise'3luded 4ro+ &d 3&&ot be re3lled to 3o&s3ious&ess8 he u&3o&s3ious$ i& other ords$ istht hi3h is



e'3luded 4ro+ l&guge8 his prdo'i3l situtio& le/es the theorist &d the &lyst i&so+ethi&g o4 dile++$ 4or ho 3& e dis3uss u&3o&s3ious ishes &d desires i4 e 3&&otput the+ i&to l&guge A33ordi&g to Freud$ e 3& dete3t the or!i&gs o4 the u&3o&s3ious

through our &'ieties &d phobis$ but e 3& lso dete3t its e44e3ts through our dre+s$ Co!es$ slips o4 the to&gue &d or!s o4 rt ?## Th-*0h#$$ &2>>>( ;o* !" .")*o/-0).o" )oF*#-/@8 =& other ords$ e 3& dete3t the or!i&gs o4 the u&3o&s3ious t pre3isely thoseti+es he& our 3o&s3ious +i&d is lest lert &d 3ti/e i& repressing u&&ted thoughts &ddesires8 =& his erly or! L3& 4o3used o& this re o4 Freud6s or! &d loo!ed espe3illy3losely t those te'ts o4 Freud tht delt ith #uestio&s o4 l&guge &d i&terprettio& The

 Interretation of !reams &1991! 19>>4(B The Psychoathology of "#eryday Life &1991= 19>14( !"/ $o%es and their Relation to the &nconscious &19910 19>54(8L3& sought to t3!le hed o& the prdo' hi3h lys 3o&4ro&ts psy3ho&lysis i4 e 3&sy tht psy3ho&lysis is the dis3ourse o4 the u&3o&s3ious$ or dis3ourse upo& theu&3o&s3ious$ it is dis3ourse tht rests upo& so+ethi&g tht is lys beyo&d itsel48 :is styleis o&e o4 the ys i& hi3h he ddresses the issue i& the se&se tht his riti&g is & tte+ptto sy ht is esse&tilly u&syble8 =& short$ L3& tries to rti3ulte through the stru3ture o4l&guge so+ethi&g tht re+i&s beyo&d l&guge itsel4 the rel+ o4 u&3o&s3ious desire8 :is

riti&g is & tte+pt to 4or3e the reder to 3o&4ro&t the li+its o4 +e&i&g &d u&derst&di&g&d to 3!&oledge the pro4ou&dly disturbi&g prospe3t tht behi&d ll +e&i&g lies &o&-+e&i&g$ &d behi&d ll se&se lies &o&se&se8 hus$ his prose 6o4te& obeys the ls o4 theu&3o&s3ious s they ere 4or+lised by Freud - it is 4ull o4 pu&s$ Co!es$ +etphors$ iro&y &d3o&trdi3tio&s$ &d there re +&y si+ilrities i& its 4or+ to tht o4 psy3hoti3 riti&g6?7e&/e&uto &d Ke&&edy )1)2@8 O&e should &e/er t!e L3& too seriously the pu&s$ theordply &d the elusi/e rou&dbout y o4 spe!i&g re &ot super4luous but esse&til to &u&derst&di&g o4 his or!8 his is style o4 riti&g tht is performati'e - tht tte+pts toe&3t its +e&i&g through its o& prese&ttio& &d sy&t'8 As o&e 3riti3 suggests$ L3&&ted 6his 3o++u&i3tio&s to spe! dire3tly to the u&3o&s3ious &d belie/eMd tht ordply$ here 3usl li&!s dissol/e &d sso3itio&s bou&d$ is the l&guge hi3h itu&derst&ds6 ?ur!le )255@8 he &e't ti+e you red L3& &d &t to thro the boo!3ross the roo+$ t!e +o+e&t to sit b3! &d 3o&sider ht the te't is doi&g to you8 hi&!bout ho you 4eel


t tht +o+e&t &d ht e44e3t the l&guge hs hd upo& you8 As you begi& to re4le3t upo&this pro3ess the te't ill h/e 3hie/ed its purposeG the u&3o&s3ious ill be or!i&g8

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THIS +OOKhe 4olloi&g se3tio&$ 6Key =des6$ ill i&trodu3e you to so+e o4 the +ost i&4lue&til ele+e&tso4 L3&6s or!$ setti&g the+ i& the 3o&te'ts 4ro+ hi3h they e+erged i& order to help youu&derst&d ht +ight t 4irst see+ /ery str&ge &d 3o+ple' theory8 he 3hpters ill

3o/er +&y !ey ter+s hi3h ru& through psy3ho&lysis tody$ but +y 4o3us is o& those idestht h/e bee& idely used i& literry &d 3ulturl studies$ su3h s the i+gi&ry$ sy+boli3&d the rel$ the +irror phse$ the subCe3t o4 the u&3o&s3ious$ the u&3o&s3ious stru3tured li!e l&guge$ the phllus$ 4&tsy$ Couiss&3e &d se'ul di44ere&3e8 = ill &ot be loo!i&g tL3&6s grphs &d 6+the+es6 or his 64our dis3ourses6$ s these ides re &ot idely usedithi& literry &d 3ulturl studies8 E3h 3hpter i& this se3tio& ill 3o&3lude ith & e'+pleo4 ho these ides h/e bee& pplied to literture$ 4il+ or so3il theory8 6A4ter L3&6 ille'te&d these e'+ples to dis3uss the di44ere&t ys L3& is 3urre&tly bei&g used i& te'tul&d 4il+ &lysis s ell s i& politi3l &d so3il theory8

L3&i& psy3ho&lysis is &ot stti3 theory &d hs 3o&ti&ued to e/ol/e si&3e L3&6sdeth8 =& )0$ o&e yer be4ore his deth$ L3& dissol/ed his s3hool$ the EFP$ &destblished the T3ole de l use Freudie&&e ?EF@8 his s3hool &d its subse#ue&t 4or+tio&sh/e bee& presided o/er by L3&6s so&-i&-l$ <3#ues-Ali& %iller8 As ge&erl editor o4

L3&6s se+i&r$ &d +ore i+port&tly through his o& se+i&r$ %iller hs begu& to estblish& 6orthodo'6 redi&g o4 L3&$ 4or+li>i&g &d syste+ti>i&g his 3o&3epts8 =& this i&trodu3tio&= dr o& %iller6s or! &d tht o4 his 3lose sso3ite$ the North A+eri3& 3de+i3 &d&lyst 7ru3e Fi&!8 Fi&!6s i&trodu3tio&s to L3& /ery 3losely 4ollo %iller6s se+i&r &d i& thisse&se re esier to 4ollo th& L3&6s o& riti&g8 7y tte+pti&g to +!e L3&6s ides+ore 3o&siste&t &d prese&ti&g the+ s 3ohere&t syste+$ hoe/er$ %iller6s &d Fi&!6s te'tslose the 3riti3l &d brsi/e edge tht lys +!es L3& so i&teresti&g to red8 here4ore$= ill Cu'tpose Fi&!6s e'pli3tio&s ith L3&6s riti&g so tht you 3& get 4eel o4 hisprti3ulr style8 Full detils o4 Fi&!6s i&trodu3tio&s &d L3&6s o& te'ts s ell



s su++ry o4 other use4ul 3riti3l i&trodu3tio&s re gi/e& i& the 6Further Redi&g6 se3tio& tthe e&d o4 this boo!8 You +ight &oti3e throughout this boo! tht dtes i& the re4ere&3es toL3&6s te'ts re /ery re3e&t8 = h/e #uoted 4ro+ re3e&t tr&sltio&s o4 L3&6s or!s$ ll o4hi3h re listed i& the 6Wor!s ited6 se3tio&8 = ill +e&tio& the origi&l dtes o4 L3&6s or!si& the +i& body o4 the boo!$ but the 6Further Redi&g6 se3tio& ill lso gi/e you detils o4 theorigi&l publi3tio&s8




L3&6s 4irst i+port&t i&&o/tio& i& the 4ield o4 psy3ho&lysis too! pl3e i& )B1$ he& hes B5 yers o4 ge$ pr3tisi&g s psy3hitrist &d still i& psy3ho&lyti3 tri&i&g8 At the4ourtee&th 3o&gress o4 the =&ter&tio&l Psy3ho-A&lyti3l Asso3itio&$ held t %rie&bd$L3& prese&ted pper e&titled 'L# )!/# /- %.*o.*'B $!)#* )*!"$!)#/ .")o E"$.h !'Th# M.**o* S)!#' 'Th# M.**o* S)!#' *#%!." o"# o; )h# %o) ;*#-#")$:

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!")ho$o.#/ !"/ *#;#*#"0#/ o; L!0!"' )#<) =t s tr&slted s erly s )1 i& the%r'ist Cour&l "e/ Left Re'ie/  &d$ s e ill see$ plyed 3ru3il role i& the disse+i&tio&o4 L3&i& ides i& 4il+ &d 3ulturl studies8 here is lso so+ethi&g o4 +ythology tht hsgro& rou&d this pper tht hs bee& i&4lue&til i& 3o&stru3ti&g & i+ge o4 L3& s &out3st - heroi3 4igure bttli&g 4or the truth gi&st 3o&ser/ti/e &d re3tio&ryestblish+e&t8

e& +i&utes 4ter strti&g his prese&ttio& o& the +irror stge L3& s i&terrupted &dpre/e&ted 4ro+ 3o&ti&ui&g by the 3o&gress preside&t$ Er&est <o&es$ Freud6s biogrpher &do&e o4 his +ost de/oted dis3iples8 L3& le4t the 3o&gress the 4olloi&g +or&i&g &d tr/elledto 7erli& here he /isited ;oebbels6 +o&u+e&tl 4s3ist spe3t3le o4 the ele/e&th Oly+pid tthe &ely built Oly+pi3 "tdiu+8 =& the pro3eedi&gs o4 the 3o&gress there s o&ly thebrie4est +e&tio& o4 L3&6s prese&ttio& &d his pper s &ot i&3luded i& the subse#ue&t3o&4ere&3e publi3tio&8 his i&itil e&3ou&ter$ there4ore$ 3& be see&


to set the to&e 4or L3&6s reltio&ship ith the psy3ho&lyti3 estblish+e&t 4or the rest o4his 3reer8 :e 4elt hi+sel4 to h/e bee& s&ubbed &d reCe3ted by the /ery people he &ted toi+press &d he respo&ded i& tur& by reCe3ti&g the+8 here is 3erti&ly so+e truth i& this$ &d

the =&ter&tio&l Psy3ho-A&lyti3l Asso3itio& re+i&s to this dy deeply 3o&ser/ti/e ore/e&$ i& the eyes o4 so+e$ re3tio&ry i&stitutio&8 7ut t the s+e ti+e e should &ote tht tthe 3o&gress e/ery spe!er s s3heduled to gi/e te&-+i&ute prese&ttio& &d by stoppi&gL3& t the e&d o4 his ti+e li+it <o&es s si+ply per4or+i&g his 4u&3tio& s 3hirperso&8Further+ore$ L3& did &ot sub+it the pper 4or publi3tio& i& the 3o&4ere&3e pro3eedi&gs$ soits bse&3e 4ro+ the e/e&tul /olu+e 3&&ot be see& s deliberte e'3lusio& by the =PA8here is &o !&o& tr&s3ript o4 the )B1 pper &d the /ersio& i&3luded i& +crits dtes 4ro+)*$ he& L3& o&3e +ore prese&ted it to the si'tee&th i&ter&tio&l 3o&gress o4 the =PA i&UVri3h8 his ti+e L3& s &ot stopped 4ro+ spe!i&g &d his prese&ttio& s publishedith the 3o&4ere&3e pro3eedi&gs i& the nternational (ournal of Psycho.-nalysis8 hirtee&yers hd elpsed$ there4ore$ betee& the 4irst 4or+ultio& o4 L3&6s ide &d the pper thte &o red - )B yers i& hi3h L3& hd 3o&ti&ued to de/elop &d +odi4y his ides8 AsD&y Nobus puts it

the +irror stge hs lys bee& /ieed by L3& s solid pie3e o4 theori>i&g$ prdig+reti&i&g its /lue to e'pli& hu+& sel4-3o&s3ious&ess$ ggressi/ity$ ri/lry$ &r3issis+$

 Celousy &d 4s3i&tio& ith i+ges i& ge&erl8 =& se&se$ this does &ot 3o+e s surprisehe& it is ppre3ited tht the )* *irror Stage rti3le s &ot so+ethi&g L3& hd3o&3o3ted t +o+e&t6s &oti3e$ but perl hi3h he hd 3re4ully 3ultured 4or so+e thirtee&odd yers8


CONTET AND INFLUENCESAs ith ll o4 L3&6s ppers$ there is +ultipli3ity o4 llusio&s &d re4ere&3es i& 6he %irror"tge6$ hi3h 3& o4te& 3o&4use reder ho is u&4+ilir ith its 3o&te't8 he pper is3o&3er&ed ith the 4or+tio& o4 the ego through the ide&ti4i3tio& ith & i+ge o4 the sel48A33ordi&g to Freud6s se3o&d +odel o4 the +i&d - ht is usully


re4erred to s the 6topogrphi3l6 +odel ?see hurs3hell 2000 3h8 5@ - the ego represe&tsthe org&i>ed prt o4 the psy3he i& 3o&trst to the u&org&i>ed ele+e&ts o4 the u&3o&s3ious?the id@8 As Freud rites$ the 6ego is tht prt o4 the id hi3h hs bee& +odi4ied by the dire3t

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i&4lue&3e o4 the e'ter&l orld8 he ego represe&ts ht +y be 3lled reso& &d 3o++o&se&se$ i& 3o&trst to the id$ hi3h 3o&ti&s the pssio&s6 ?Freud )* M)2B B1B-*@8 =& thisse&se$ the ego is o4te& sso3ited ith 3o&s3ious&ess$ but this is +ist!e8 he ego is reltedto 3o&s3ious&ess$ but it is lso i& 3o&st&t te&sio& ith the de+&ds o4 the u&3o&s3ious &dthe i+perti/es o4 the superego8 he 4u&3tio& o4 the ego$ there4ore$ is de4e&si/e i&so4r s it+edites betee& the u&3o&s3ious ?the id@ &d the de+&ds o4 e'ter&l relity ?thesuperego@8 E/e& t this erly stge o4 his 3reer L3& s 3o&3er&ed to disti&guish the ego

4ro+ the subCe3t &d to elborte 3o&3eptio& o4 subCe3ti/ity s di/ided or 6lie&ted68 7e4oree'pli&i&g the detil o4 his rgu+e&t$ it is i+port&t to u&derst&d tht L3& dre o& ider&ge o4 i&4lue&3es 4ro+ philosophy &d e'peri+e&tl psy3hology i& order to 4or+ulte hisides i& this pper8 "o$ = ill 4irst brie4ly highlight 4our str&ds o4 thi&!i&g i& 6he %irror"tge6 the philosophi3l trditio& o4 phe&o+e&ologyG the or! o4 the psy3hologist :e&riWllo& ?).-)12@ o& +irrori&gG the or! o4 the ethologist Roger illois ?))B-.@ o&+i+i3ryG &d the or! o4 philosopher Ale'&dre KoC/e ?)02-1@ o& re3og&itio& &d desire8

PHENOMENOLOGY=& ht e 3& see s the 4irst phse o4 L3&6s 3reer - 4ro+ the 3o+pletio& o4 his do3torlthesis i& )B2 to 6he Ro+e Dis3ourse6 i& )5B ?see hpter 2@ - he s philosophi3lly

spe!i&g phe&o+e&ologist8 Phe&o+e&ology deri/es 4ro+ the or! o4 the ;er+&philosopher Ed+u&d :usserl ?)5-)B@ &d is 3o&3er&ed ith the &ture o4 6purephe&o+e&6$ tht is to sy$ ith the ide tht obCe3ts do &ot e'ist i&depe&de&tly s thi&gs i&the orld seprte 4ro+ our per3eptio& o4 the+ but re i&ti+tely li&!ed to hu+&3o&s3ious&ess8 A33ordi&g to phe&o+e&ologists$ hu+& 3o&s3ious&ess is &ot the pssi/ere3og&itio& o4 +teril phe&o+e& tht re si+ply there$ 6gi/e&6$ but pro3ess o4 3ti/ely3o&stituti&g or 6i&te&di&g6 those phe&o+e&8 :usserl rgued tht e 3&&ot be 3erti& o4&ythi&g

:E =%A;=NARY


beyo&d our i++edite e'perie&3e &d there4ore h/e to ig&ore$ or 6put i& br3!ets6$e/erythi&g outside our per3eptio& or 3o&s3ious&ess8 :e 3lled this pro3ess 6phe&o+e&ologi3lredu3tio&6 i& the se&se tht e redu3e the e'ter&l orld to 3o&s3ious&ess lo&e8 =& short$ thepro3ess o4 thi&!i&g bout & obCe3t &d the obCe3t itsel4 re +utully depe&de&t8 As erryEgleto& ?)B@ &otes$ this is ll /ery bstr3t &d u&rel$ but the ide behi&dphe&o+e&ology s$ prdo'i3lly$ to get y 4ro+ bstr3t philosophi3l spe3ultio& &dget b3! to the &lysis o4 thi&gs the+sel/es i& rel 3o&3rete situtio&s8

:usserl6s ides ere 4urther de/eloped by his +ost 4+ous pupil %rti& :eidegger ?)-).1@8 :eidegger rgued tht ll u&derst&di&g is histori3lly situted8 As hu+& bei&gs elys per3ei/e the orld 4ro+ spe3i4i3 situtio& &d our +ost 4u&d+e&tl desire is totr&s3e&d or surpss tht situtio&8 his is ht :eidegger 3lled the 6proCe3t6 s subCe3to&e is physi3lly situted i& ti+e &d sp3e but o&e the& 6proCe3ts6 o&esel4 i&to the 4uture8:u+& subCe3ti/ity or ht e 3ll e'iste&3e i&/ol/es this 3o&st&t pro3ess o4 proCe3ti&g

o&esel4 out o& to the orld &d i&to the 4uture8 For :eidegger$ there4ore$ hu+&3o&s3ious&ess is &ot & i&&er orld o4 thoughts &d i+ges but 3o&st&t pro3ess o4proCe3ti&g outside$ or ht he 3lled 6e'-siste&3e68 hese ides ere 3rried o/er to Fr&3e by<e&-Pul "rtre ?)05-0@$ 4ter he tte&ded :eidegger6s le3tures i& )B28 =& & erly or!e&titled Transcendence of the #go ?)B*@ "rtre disti&guished betee& sel4-3o&s3ious&ess &dthe ego8 As e s bo/e$ Freud de4i&ed the ego s the reso&i&g 43ulty o4 the +i&d$+editi&g betee& u&3o&s3ious pssio&s &d e'ter&l relity8 7y e'te&di&g :eidegger6s &otio&o4 the proCe3t "rtre suggested tht sel4-3o&s3ious&ess s esse&tilly 6&othi&g6$ hile the egos & obCe3t i& the orld per3ei/ed by the subCe3t8 =& the )B0s &d )*0s L3& sstro&gly i&4lue&3ed by these ides8 "rtre6s disti&3tio& betee& subCe3t &d ego p/ed the

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y 4or L3&6s o& 4or+ultio& o4 the reltio&ship betee& subCe3t &d ego i& the +irrorstge$ hile the &otio&s o4 6e'-siste&3e6 &d 6&othi&g&ess6 re3ur throughout his or!8 Wht is3ru3il 4or u&derst&di&g L3&$ hoe/er$ &d espe3illy here he dopts ides 4ro+philosophy$ &thropology &d li&guisti3s$ is tht he lys tr&s4or+s 3o&3epts i&to psy3ho&lyti3 register8 hus$ he tr&s4erred phe&o+e&ologi3l &otio&s o4 e'-siste&3e &d&othi&g&ess 4ro+ the rel+ o4 3o&s3ious&ess to the u&3o&s3ious8 As <3#ues-Ali& %illerrites


I) ! ##").!$ )o h.% )h!) )h# -"0o"0.o- "o) =# )!,#" ! !" .")#*.o*.): o*0o")!."#* ." h.0h o%# /*.# !*# ;o-"/ o#* o" )h# o"# ./# !"/ ! ;#./#").;.0!).o" o#* o" )h# o)h#* H# )oo, )h# -"0o"0.o- "o) ! ! 0o")!."#*B =-)*!)h#* ! o%#)h." #<.)#") o-)./# .)#$; )h!) . 0o""#0)#/ )o ! -=6#0) ho .! $!0, o; =#."


We ill see ht %iller +e&s by 6l3! o4 bei&g6 belo8

EPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY THE SELFAS MIRROR IMAGE7etee& the 4irst prese&ttio& o4 6he %irror "tge6 t %rie&bd &d its publi3tio& i& )*$L3& s preo33upied ith the &ture o4 3o&s3ious&ess &d spe3i4i3lly sel4-3o&s3ious&ess8Wht s it$ i& other ords$ tht e&bled & i&di/idul to be3o+e re o4 hi+hersel4 s &uto&o+ous thi&!i&g$ 4eeli&g bei&g i& the 4irst pl3e &d to +i&ti& this le/el o4 sel4-3o&s3ious&ess rditio&lly psy3hology hd rgued tht sel4-re&ess rises 4ro+ thei&4&t6s grdul &d i&3resi&g re&ess o4 its o& physi3l body8 he psy3hologist :e&riWllo& rgued tht this s rther 3ir3ulr rgu+e&t i& the se&se tht it presupposed thtthe i&4&t hd le/el o4 i&di/idul re&ess i& the 4irst pl3e i& order 4or it the& to be3o+e

re o4 its o& body8 o&se#ue&tly$ he suggested tht the i&4&t +ust &ot o&ly gi&re&ess o4 its o& body &d bodily 4u&3tio&s but to si+ult&eously de/elop & re&ess o4its e&/iro&+e&t &d the e'ter&l orld i& order to di44ere&tite itsel4 4ro+ tht e'ter&le&/iro&+e&t8 =& other ords$ 4or perso& to ide&ti4y the+sel/es s & uto&o+ous 3ohere&tsel4 they +ust 4irst disti&guish the+sel/es 4ro+ others &d 4ro+ their so3il e&/iro&+e&t8 A!ey pro3ess i& this e+erge&t se&se o4 sel4$ rgued Wllo&$ s the bility o4 the i&4&t tore3og&i>e &d si+ult&eously disti&guish itsel4 4ro+ its o& +irror re4le3tio&8 he re4le3tedi+ge prese&ts dile++ 4or the i&4&t be3use it is t o&3e i&ti+tely 3o&&e3ted to its o&se&se o4 sel4 &d t the s+e ti+e e'ter&l to it8 Wllo& suggested tht betee& the ges o4three +o&ths &d o&e yer the i&4&t grdully progresses 4ro+ & i&itil i&di44ere&3e to the+irror i+ge to & 33ept&3e &d +stery o/er this i+ge s seprte 4ro+ itsel48 WhtL3& too! 4ro+ e'peri+e&tl psy3hology there4ore s the i+port&3e o4 the role o4+irrori&g i& the 3o&stru3tio& o4 sel4 &d

:E =%A;=NARY


o4 sel4-3o&s3ious&ess8 Wht psy3hology 3ould &ot 33ou&t 4or$ hoe/er$ s hy the i+geheld this prti3ulr 4s3i&tio& &d poer 4or the subCe3t$ &d 4or this L3& tur&ed to rtherdi44ere&t dis3ipli&e$ ethology$ the study o4 &i+l beh/iour8

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=t is ell !&o& tht +&y s+ll &i+ls &d i&se3ts 3& 3h&ge their 3olour to +t3h tht o4their i++edite e&/iro&+e&t or h/e de/eloped prti3ulr +r!i&gs &d 3hr3teristi3s to+!e the+ i&disti&guishble 4ro+ their e&/iro&+e&t8 he usul u&derst&di&g o4 this is tht ito44ers prote3tio& 4or the &i+ls 3o&3er&ed$ hidi&g the+ 4ro+ pote&til predtors8 Whtreser3h te&ded to sho$ hoe/er$ s tht i&se3ts tht ssu+e the pper&3e o4 theire&/iro&+e&t ere Cust s li!ely to be ete& s those tht did &ot8 "o ho 3ould thisphe&o+e&o& be e'pli&ed =& his pper 6%i+i3ry &d Lege&dry Psy3hsthe&i6 Roger illois

suggested tht$ 3o&trry to the usul e'pl&tio&$ i&se3ts tht ssu+e the pper&3e o4 theire&/iro&+e&t re i& 43t ssi+ilti&g the+sel/es to tht e&/iro&+e&t8 =& other ords they re3pti/ted by the /ery sp3e tht surrou&ds the+ &d see! to lose the+sel/es ithi& thtsp3e$ to bre! do& the disti&3tio& betee& org&is+ &d e&/iro&+e&t8 Fro+ illois6 or!the& L3& too! the ide o4 the 4s3i&tio& &d 3pturi&g properties o4 the i+ge &d bo/ell ho e shpe oursel/es 33ordi&g to tht i+ge8 L!0!"' .""o!).o" ." 'Th# M.**o*S)!#' ! )o 0o%=."# )h# h#"o%#"o$o.0!$ /.)."0).o" =#)##" -=6#0) !"/ #o.)h ! :0ho$o.0!$ -"/#*)!"/." o; )h# *o$# o; .%!# !"/ )h# 0o")*-0)#/ "!)-*#o; )h# #$; )h*o-h )h# h.$ooh.0!$ 0!)#o*: o; )h# /.!$#0).0


DESIRE7etee& )BB &d )B the philosopher Ale'&dre KoC/e 3o&du3ted ee!ly se+i&r o& thephilosophy o4 ;8W8F8 :egel ?)..0-)B)@8 KoC/e6s i&4lue&til se+i&r s tte&ded by l+ostll the +Cor 4igures o4 Fr&3e6s i++edite post-r i&telle3tul li4e - <e&-Pul "rtre$%uri3e %erleu-Po&ty &d ;eorges 7tille to &+e Cust 4e - i&3ludi&g L3& hi+sel48KoC/e6s i&terprettio& o4 :egel s to h/e pro4ou&d i&4lue&3e o& this hole ge&ertio& o4thi&!ers &d do+i&ted Fre&3h philosophy u&til the +id-)10s$ he& :egeli&is+ s 4i&llydispl3ed by "tru3turlis+ &d Post-stru3turlis+8 :egel


elborted 3o+ple' philosophi3l syste+ bsed o& 4or+ o4 thi&!i&g !&o& s dialectics8

Dile3ti3s re +ode o4 philosophi3l thought tht stresses the i&ter3o&&e3ted&ess o4phe&o+e& &d the u&ity o4 opposites8 his is o4te& represe&ted s3he+ti3lly s 6thesis -&ti-thesis - sy&thesis6$ here e3h ide ge&ertes its opposite &d the u&ity o4 to produ3es &e le/el o4 u&derst&di&g or &lysis8 For e'+ple$ the ide o4 the i&di/idul subCe3t - the6sel46 ?thesis@ - o&ly +!es se&se i& reltio& to &other subCe3t - & 6other6 ?&ti-thesis@8 O&3ee begi& to u&derst&d tht the sel4 is i&tri3tely 3o&&e3ted to the other &d 3&&ot e'istithout the other e h/e &e 3o&3ept$ 3olle3ti/e 6e6 subCe3t ?sy&thesis@8 his +o+e&to4 sy&thesis the& be3o+es &e thesis ge&erti&g its o& &ti-thesis &d so o&8 Dile3ti3lthought$ there4ore$ 4oregrou&ds the 3o&trdi3tory &ture o4 ll thi&gs$ s ll phe&o+e& 3&be sid to 3o&ti& their oppositeG their o& &egtio&8 Out o4 this reltio&ship or u&ity o4opposites so+ethi&g &e ill e+erge i& & e&dless pro3ess o4 tr&s4or+tio&8

KoC/e s prti3ulrly i&terested i& :egel6s 33ou&t o4 the e+erge&3e o4 sel4-3o&s3ious&ess

s & 33ou&t o4 the tr&sitio& 4ro+ &ture to 3ulture$ or to put it &other y$ s thetr&sitio& 4ro+ &i+l e'iste&3e to hu+& e'iste&3e8 A33ordi&g to :egel$ sel4-hood e+ergesthrough pro3ess o4 de/elopi&g sel4-3o&s3ious&ess through the 3ti/ity o4 sel4-re4le3tio&8 Forthe hu+& subCe3t to e+erge it +ust &ot si+ply be 3o&s3ious o4 its o& disti&3ti/e&ess but+ust be re3og&i>ed s hu+& subCe3t by &other8 :egel s!et3hed out this pro3ess s thedile3ti3 o4 6Lordship &d 7o&dge6$ +ore 3o++o&ly !&o& s the 6%ster"l/e6 dile3ti38 =&this 33ou&t to subCe3ts - 6%ster6 &d 6"l/e6 - re ppre&tly lo3!ed i& re3ipro3lreltio&ship o4 re3og&itio&8 =& order 4or the %ster to be subCe3t he +ust be re3og&i>ed bythe "l/e s su3hG i& tur&$ the "l/e !&os he is "l/e be3use he is re3og&i>ed by the%ster s o&e8 he %ster is thus 4ree to pursue his li4e i& the 4ir+ !&oledge tht his ide&tity

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is 44ir+ed by the re3og&itio& o4 the "l/e8 he prdo' o4 the dile3ti3$ hoe/er$ is tht positi/e lys tur&s i&to &egti/e8 7e3use the %ster is depe&de&t upo& the "l/e 4or there3og&itio& o4 his ide&tity he 3& &e/er be truly 64ree6$ heres the "l/e is &ot depe&de&t o&the %ster i& the s+e y be3use he hs &other sour3e o4 sel4-44ir+tio&$ his or!8 =4 the"l/e6s ide&tity is 44ir+ed through his or! s "l/e$ it is &ot the %ster ho is 4ree but the"l/e8

:E =%A;=NARY


KoC/e red this dile3ti3 s esse&tilly struggle o4 desire &d re3og&itio&8 he %ster &dthe "l/e re lo3!ed i& +utul struggle 4or re3og&itio& &either 3& e'ist ithout there3og&itio& o4 the other$ but t the s+e ti+e the other lso re#uires hisher o& re3og&itio&8=t is the& 4or KoC/e struggle to the deth$ but the deth o4 o&e ill lso be the deth o4 theother8 he %ster &d the "l/e re lo3!ed ithi& struggle hereby o&e 3&&ot do ithoutthe other but t the s+e ti+e e3h is the other6s orst e&e+y8 =t is this dile3ti3$ 33ordi&gto L3&$ tht per+etes the i+gi&ry8 %oreo/er$ this dile3ti3 i&trodu3es i&to thepsy3hologi3l 33ou&t o4 +irrori&g outli&ed bo/e the ele+e&t o4 aggressi'ity  $ tht is to sy$ itposits the reltio&ship betee& sel4 &d other s 4u&d+e&tlly 3o&4li3tul8 I) ! H##$'

*#!) .".h)B 0o")#"/ L!0!"B )o *##!$ ho '#!0h h-%!" =#." . ." )h# =#." o; )h#o)h#*' &L!0!" 19= 194 2( W# !*# 0!-h) ." ! *#0.*o0!$ !"/ .**#/-0.=$#/.!$#0).0 o; alienation Th#*# !*#B ho##*B )o %o%#") o; !$.#"!).o" ;o* L!0!"B;.*)B )h*o-h )h# %.**o* h!# !"/ )h# ;o*%!).o" o; )h# #oB !"/B #0o"/B )h*o-h$!"-!# !"/ )h# 0o").)-).o" o; )h# -=6#0) We ill loo! t the 4irst +o+e&t o4lie&tio& belo &d retur& to the se3o&d i& the 4olloi&g 3hpter8

THE MIRROR STAGEhe +irror phse o33urs roughly betee& the ges o4 si' &d ) +o&ths &d 3orrespo&ds toFreud6s stge o4 pri+ry &r3issis+8 ht is the stge o4 hu+& de/elop+e&t he& thesubCe3t is i& lo/e ith the i+ge o4 the+sel/es &d their o& bodies &d hi3h pre3edes the

lo/e o4 others ?see hurs3hell 2000 3h8 5@8 7etee& the ges o4 si' &d ) +o&ths thei&4&t begi&s to re3og&i>e hisher i+ge i& the +irror ?this does &ot +e& literl +irror butrther &y re4le3ti/e sur43e$ 4or e'+ple the +other6s 43e@ &d this is usully 33o+p&iedby plesure8 he 3hild is 4s3i&ted ith its i+ge &d tries to 3o&trol &d ply ith it8Although the 3hild i&itilly 3o&4uses its i+ge ith relity$ heshe soo& re3og&i>es tht thei+ge hs its o& properties$ 4i&lly 33epti&g tht the i+ge is their o& i+ge - re4le3tio&o4 the+sel/es8

Duri&g the +irror stge$ the&$ the 3hild 4or the 4irst ti+e be3o+es re$ through seei&g itsi+ge i& the +irror$ tht hisher body hs totl 4or+8 he i&4&t 3& lso go/er& the+o/e+e&ts o4 this i+ge


through the +o/e+e&ts o4 its o& body &d thus e'perie&3es plesure8 his se&se o43o+plete&ess &d +stery$ hoe/er$ is i& 3o&trst to the 3hild6s e'perie&3e o4 its o& body$o/er hi3h it does &ot yet h/e 4ull +otor 3o&trol8 While the i&4&t still 4eels hisher body to bei& prts$ s 4rg+e&ted &d &ot yet u&i4ied$ it is the i+ge tht pro/ides hi+her ith se&seo4 u&i4i3tio& &d hole&ess8 he +irror i+ge$ there4ore$ &ti3iptes the +stery o4 thei&4&t6s o& body &d st&ds i& 3o&trst to the 4eeli&gs o4 4rg+e&ttio& the i&4&te'perie&3es8 Wht is i+port&t t this poi&t is tht the i&4&t identifies  ith this +irror i+ge8he i+ge is hi+hersel48 his ide&ti4i3tio& is 3ru3il$ s ithout it - &d ithout the&ti3iptio& o4 +stery tht it estblishes - the i&4&t ould &e/er get to the stge o4

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per3ei/i&g hi+hersel4 s 3o+plete or hole bei&g8 At the s+e ti+e$ hoe/er$ the i+ge isalienating i& the se&se tht it be3o+es 3o&4used ith the sel48 he i+ge 3tully 3o+es tot!e the pl3e o4 the sel48 here4ore$ the se&se o4 u&i4ied sel4 is 3#uired t the pri3e o4 thissel4 bei&g &-other$ tht is$ our +irror i+ge8 L3& des3ribes it li!e this

he mirror stage is dr+ hose i&ter&l thrust is pre3ipitted 4ro+ i&su44i3ie&3y to&ti3iptio& - &d hi3h +&u43tures 4or ll the subCe3t$ 3ught up i& the lure o4 sptilide&ti4i3tio&$ the su33essio& o4 ph&tsies tht e'te&ds 4ro+ 4rg+e&ted body-i+ge to 4or+ o4 its totlity tht = shll 3ll orthopedi3 - &d$ lstly$ to the ssu+ptio& o4 the r+our o4& lie&ti&g ide&tity$ hi3h ill +r! ith its rigid stru3ture the i&4&ts e&tire +e&tlde/elop+e&t8

?).. M)* *@

Fo* L!0!"B )h# #o #%#*# !) )h. %o%#") o; !$.#"!).o" !"/ ;!0."!).o" .)h o"#'o" .%!# Th# #o . =o)h ;o*%#/ =: !"/ )!,# .) ;o*% ;*o% )h# o*!".." !"/0o").)-)." *o#*).# o; )h# .%!# Th# #o . )h# #;;#0) o; .%!# .) .B ." ho*)B!" .%!."!*: ;-"0).o" L!0!" . !*-." h#*# !!.") Eo :0ho$o: !"/ .))#"/#"0: )o *.o*.).# )h# #o o#* -"0o"0.o- *o0## ! #$$ ! )o #-!)# )h##o .)h )h# #$; L!0!" .".) )h!) )h# #o . =!#/ o" !" .$$-o*: .%!# o;

ho$#"# !"/ %!)#*: !"/ .) . )h# ;-"0).o" o; )h# #o )o %!.")!." )h. .$$-.o" o;0oh#*#"0# !"/ %!)#*: Th# ;-"0).o" o; )h# #o .B ." o)h#* o*/B o"# o; mis'recognition o; *#;-." )o !00#) )h# )*-)h o; ;*!%#")!).o" !"/ !$.#"!).o"

:E =%A;=NARY


A33ordi&g to L3&$ 4ro+ the +o+e&t the i+ge o4 u&ity is posited i& oppositio& to thee'perie&3e o4 4rg+e&ttio&$ the subCe3t is estblished s ri/l to itsel48 A 3o&4li3t isprodu3ed betee& the i&4&t6s 4rg+e&ted se&se o4 sel4 &d the i+gi&ry uto&o+y out o4hi3h the ego is bor&8 he s+e ri/lry estblished betee& the subCe3t &d hi+hersel4 islso estblished i& 4uture reltio&s betee& the subCe3t &d others8 As 7e&/e&uto &d

Ke&&edy put it$ 6the pri+ry 3o&4li3t betee& ide&ti4i3tio& ith$ &d pri+ordil ri/lry ith$the other6s i+ge$ begi&s dile3ti3l pro3ess tht li&!s the ego to +ore 3o+ple' so3ilsitutio&s6 ?)15@8 o e'ist o&e hs to be re3og&i>ed by &-other8 7ut this +e&s tht ouri+ge$ hi3h is e#ul to oursel/es$ is +edited by the g>e o4 the other8 he other$ the&$be3o+es the gur&tor o4 oursel/es8 We re t o&3e depe&de&t o& the other s the gur&toro4 our o& e'iste&3e &d bitter ri/l to tht s+e other8

riti3s o4 L3&6s +irror stge rgue tht he i& 43t hs thi&gs 3o+pletely the ro&g yrou&d8 =& order 4or the subCe3t to ide&ti4y ith & i+ge i& the +irror &d the& to +is-re3og&i>e the+sel/es$ they +ust 4irst h/e se&se o4 the+sel/es s sel48 =4 the L3&i&subCe3t is & lie&ted subCe3t the& this presupposes 6&o&-lie&ted6 subCe3t i& the 4irsti&st&3e$ otherise there is &othi&g tht o&e 3& +e&i&g4ully be sid to be lie&ted 4ro+8:e&3e$ the ide o4 pri+ry l3! or bse&3e is bsed upo& the presuppositio& o4 pri+ryprese&3e or u&ity8 L3! i& this se&se is se3o&dry &d &ot pri+ry8 A&tho&y Elliott rgues tht

the /ery ter+s o4 L3&6s +irror stge re ll ro&g +irror re4le3tio&$ l3! &d bse&3e re&ot pre-e'isti&g phe&o+e& but the or! o4 the subCe3t &d the i+gi&ry ?see Elliott )3h8 *@8 L3&6s use o4 the ter+ lie&tio& is rther di44ere&t 4ro+ tht o4 his 3riti3s though8hrough the +irror stge the i&4&t i+gi&es tht it 3hie/es +stery o/er its o& body but i& pl3e outside o4 itsel48 A$.#"!).o"B ." L!0!"B . *#0.#$: )h. '$!0, o; =#."' )h*o-hh.0h )h# .";!")' *#!$.!).o" &." =o)h #"# o; )h# )#*% ;o*%." ! /.)."0) 0o"0#)." )h# %."/ !"/ =#0o%." *#!$( $.# ." !"o)h#* $!0# I" )h. #"#B )h# -=6#0) ."o) !$.#"!)#/ from o%#)h." o* ;*o% .)#$; =-) *!)h#* !$.#"!).o" . 0o").)-).# o;)h# -=6#0) )h# -=6#0) . !$.#"!)#/ in .) #*: =#."

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THE MIRRORB THE SCREEN AND THESPECTATORAs e s bo/e 6he %irror "tge6 s o&e o4 the 4irst rti3les by L3& to be tr&slted i&toE&glish &d it s e'tre+ely i&4lue&til i& literry &d 3ulturl studies$ p/i&g the y 4or +ore idespred 33ept&3e o4 L3&i& ides8 Fro+ literry perspe3ti/e L3&6s 3o&3eptio&o4 the i+gi&ry &d the 4or+tio& o4 the ego hs bee& utili>ed to gi/e & 33ou&t o4 both the3o&stru3tio& o4 ide&tity &d subCe3ti/ity ithi& te'ts s ell s the reltio&ships betee&3hr3ters ?see Pr!i&-;ou&els 200) 3h8 )@8 =t hs bee& i& 4il+ studies$ though$ tht the&otio& o4 the i+gi&ry hs hd the gretest i+p3t8 L3&6s +irror stge s see& to3orrespo&d to the reltio&ship betee& 4il+ spe3ttors &d the i+ge proCe3ted o& to thes3ree&8 Probbly the +ost i+port&t erly essy to i&3orporte L3&i& psy3ho&lysis i&to4il+ theory s <e&-Louis 7udry6s 6=deologi3l E44e3ts o4 the 7si3 i&e+togrphi3Apprtus6$ 4irst published i& Cinethi0ue i& ).08 7udry6s rti3le s 3o&3er&ed ith the yi& hi3h 3i&e+togrphi3 pprtus - tht is to sy$ the i&stru+e&ts &d te3h&i3l bse o4 4il+produ3tio&$ proCe3tio& &d 3o&su+ptio& - is 3o&stituti/e o4 +e&i&g i& its o& right8 A33ordi&g

to 7udry$ the sig&i4i3&3e or +e&i&g o4 spe3i4i3 4il+ does &ot lie i& the 3o&te&t o4 the storyprese&ted but rther i& the hole set-up o4 3i&e+ti3 spe3ttorship8 his shi4t i& the use o4psy3ho&lysis 4ro+ i&terpreti&g the 3o&te&t o4 i&di/idul te'ts to & &lysis o4 ho oursubCe3ti/ity &d ide&tity re 3o&stru3ted through the stru3ture &d 4or+ o4 te'ts hs bee&rgubly the +ost i+port&t 3o&tributio& o4 L3&i&is+ to 3o&te+porry 3ulturl studies8 Letus &o see ho 7udry used L3&6s 3o&3epts be4ore tur&i&g to the 3riti#ue o4 the+8

A33ordi&g to 7udry$ the 3i&e+ti3 pprtus 3o&stru3ts our positio& s 4il+ spe3ttorsthrough the positio& o4 the 3+er &d the pro3ess o4 proCe3tio&8 he 3+er o33upies boththe positio& 4ro+ hi3h the i+ges e see o& the s3ree& re shot &d the positio& 4ro+ hi3he subse#ue&tly see those i+ges8 he 3+er there4ore situtes both the obCe3ts o4per3eptio& ?the i+ges o& the s3ree&@ &d the per3ei/i&g subCe3t ?the 4il+ spe3ttor@8 =& thisdouble se&se the pprtus o4 3i&e+ lo3tes us s 4il+ spe3ttors &d dire3ts our g>e i& /ery spe3i4i3 y8 Wht +!es 4il+ di44ere&t$ hoe/er$ 4ro+ other 4or+s o4 i+ges tht esee o& dily bsis$ su3h s d/ertise+e&ts$

:E =%A;=NARY


pi&ti&gs or photogrphi3 i+ges$ is tht 4il+ prese&ts us &ot ith & isolted i+ge but ith su33essio& o4 i+ges8 he 4u&3tio& o4 the proCe3tor &d the s3ree& is to restore to thtse#ue&3e o4 i+ges the se&se o4 3o&ti&uity o4 +o/e+e&t &e3essry 4or us to 3o&stru3t+e&i&g out o4 it8 A33ordi&g to 7udry$ it is the subCe3t$ the 4il+ spe3ttor$ ho +!es the&e3essry li&!s &d 3o&&e3tio&s betee& the series o4 i+ges displyed be4ore hi+her i&order 4or these dis3rete i+ges to be3o+e +e&i&g4ul s hole se#ue&3e8 here4ore$3o&ti&uity is & ttribute o4 the subCe3t &d the subCe3t6s reltio&ship to the i+ges o& the

s3ree& rther th& o4 the 4il+ plot8

=& this se&se$ the 3i&e+ti3 subCe3t is 4or+ed through the 4u&3tio& o4 the 3+er$ theproCe3tor &d the s3ree&8 =t is i& reltio& to the 3o+ple' pro3ess o4 ide&ti4i3tio& tht e'istsbetee& the spe3ttor &d i+ge o& the s3ree& tht pprtus theory drs +ost he/ily o&psy3ho&lyti3 ides8 7udry des3ribes 4il+ spe3ttors i& L3&i& ter+s s bei&g pl3ed i& dr!e&ed &d e&3losed sp3e i& hi3h$ hether they !&o it or &ot ?&d they usully do &ot@$they re 63hi&ed$ 3ptured or 3pti/ted6 ?).*-5 *5@8 Wht i&terests 7udry is the y i&hi3h L3&6s +irror or re4le3ti/e sur43e is 4r+ed$ li+ited &d 3ir3u+s3ribed8 You ill re3lltht the pri+ry site o4 ide&ti4i3tio& i& the i+gi&ry is the body itsel4$ tht this pro3ess t!es

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pl3e i& 4ro&t o4 re4le3ti/e sur43e be4ore hi3h the i&4&t hs o&ly li+ited +obility$ &d thtthere is lso & ele+e&t o4 3o&4usio& 4or the i&4&t betee& the relity o4 their o& e'perie&3e&d the i+ge be4ore the+8 As ith the i+gi&ry$ the 3i&e+ti3 +irror-s3ree& re4le3ts b3!i+ges but &ot relity$ lthough re4le3tio& +ust lys be re4le3tio& o4 so+ethi&g8=de&ti4i3tio&$ 7udry rgues$ t!es pl3e o& to disti&3t le/els i& the 3i&e+ti3 pro3ess8 First$the spe3ttor ide&ti4ies ith ht is represe&ted o& the s3ree& - the e/e&ts$ 3hr3ters et38"e3o&d$ the spe3ttor ide&ti4ies ith the 3+er itsel4 &d it is the ltter o4 these tht is +ost

i+port&t8 For 7udry$ the 3o&te&t o4 spe3i4i3 4il+s is &ot relly sig&i4i3&tG it is the pro3esstht +tters8 Fil+ &d the 3i&e+ti3 pprtus$ there4ore$ e&3ts the L3&i& dile3ti3 o4bse&3e &d prese&3e8 he pre3o&ditio&s 4or 3i&e+ti3 ide&ti4i3tio& to t!e pl3e re lso theto pre3o&ditio&s 4or the i+gi&ry &d the +irror stge to t!e pl3e$ tht is to sy$ thesuspe&sio& o4 +obility &d the pri+3y o4 the /isul 4u&3tio&8 7udry thus 3o&3luded his essyith the suggestio& tht the 3i&e+ti3 spe3ttor is 4or+ed pre3isely i& the


s+e y s L3&6s di/ided &d lie&ted subCe3t8 As e ill &o see there re &u+ber o4proble+s ith 7udry6s or!8 hese proble+s ere dr& out by o&e o4 the +ost i+port&tpsy3ho&lyti3 4il+ theorists o4 the ).0s &d )0s$ hristi& %et>$ s ell s by 4e+i&ist4il+ theorists$ su3h s Lur %ul/ey8

CHRISTIAN MET'S CRITIQUE OF+AUDRYhristi& %et> 33epts 7udry6s thesis tht the pri+ry ide&ti4i3tio& o4 the spe3ttor re/ol/esrou&d the 3+er rther th& the i+ges represe&ted o& the s3ree&$ but he #uestio&shether or &ot this 3& be e#uted ith L3&6s +irror stge8 here is se&se$ he suggests$i& hi3h e 3& see the pro3ess o4 3i&e+ti3 ide&ti4i3tio& s &logous to the +irror stge$but this is &ot /ery pre3ise se&se8 %et> poi&ts out tht ht the 3hild sees i& the +irror &dide&ti4ies ith is & i+ge o4 its o& body$ &d tht it ide&ti4ies itsel4 s & obCe3t8 =& thetrditio&l 3i&e+$ o& the other h&d$ ht the spe3ttor sees o& the s3ree& is &ot & i+ge

o4 her or hi+sel48 =&deed$ 4or %et>$ the pre3o&ditio& 4or the spe3ttor to re3og&ise theirbse&3e 4ro+ the s3ree& or

the i&telligible u&4oldi&g o4 the 4il+ despite tht bse&3e - is the 43t the spe3ttor hs lredy!&o& the e'perie&3e o4 the +irror ?the true +irror@$ &d is thus ble to 3o&stitute orld o4obCe3ts ithout h/i&g 4irst to re3og&ise hi+sel4 ithi& it8


=& this se&se the 3i&e+ should be lo3ted &ot i& L3&6s i+gi&ry order but i& the sy+boli3order ?see hpter 2@8

%et> de4i&es ide&ti4i3tio& ith either 3hr3ters or 3tors s se3o&dry ide&ti4i3tio&8 he

pri+ry ide&ti4i3tio& o4 the 3i&e+ is &ot ith so+ethi&g tht is seen ?s i& the +irror stge@but ith so+ethi&g seeing $ s %et> puts it$ 6 pure$ ll-seei&g &d i&/isible subCe3t6 ?)2.@8Wht is see& i& this situtio& - the obCe3t o& the s3ree& - does &ot !&o it is bei&g see& &d itis this l3! o4 re&ess i& the obCe3t tht it is see& tht 43ilittes the /oyeuristi3 #ulity o4the 3i&e+8 Fil+ spe3ttors re esse&tilly /oyeurs ithout bei&g re tht they re/oyeurs8 %et> i&sists o& the &eed to +i&ti& seprtio& 3i&e+ &d psy3ho&lysis8 Whtpsy3ho&lysis pro/ides 4il+ studies ith re the

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3o&3epts through hi3h e 3& u&derst&d ho 3i&e+ or!s$ espe3illy &otio&s o4s3opophili ?the o/erhel+i&g desire to loo!@ &d 4etishis+8 We ill see ho these 3o&3eptsor! i& our dis3ussio& o4 4e+i&ist 4il+ 3riti3is+ i& 6A4ter L3&68 First$ e +ust 3o&sider o&e+ore grou&dbre!i&g rti3le8

LAURA MUL@EY AND @ISUAL PLEASUREFor both 7udry &d %et> the 3i&e+ti3 spe3ttor s 3o&3ei/ed o4 s esse&tilly +le/oyeur8 =& & i&3redibly i&4lue&til essy$ 6Hisul Plesure &d Nrrti/e i&e+6$ Lur%ul/ey too! up these debtes &d rgued tht the 3i&e+ produ3es 4u&d+e&tlly +leg>e or loo! &d tht the o+& is lys the obCe3t o4 this g>e8 %ul/ey suggested thtthere ere three le/els upo& hi3h the g>e operted i& the 3i&e+8 First$ there is the g>e o4the 3+er s it is 4il+i&g &d this$ 4olloi&g %et>$ is lys /oyeuristi3 g>e8 "e3o&d$ therere the loo!s i&tri&si3 to the 4il+ &rrti/e &d these re usully the loo!s o4 +leprotgo&ists$ s they positio& o+e& 3hr3ters ithi& the &rrti/e itsel48 Fi&lly$ there is theg>e o4 the spe3ttor$ &d$ s this g>e is 43ilitted by the pre/ious to positio&s - o4 the3+er &d o4 the protgo&ists ithi& the 4il+ - it is & i&here&tly +le positio& to dopt8

%ul/ey6s 4or+ultio& o4 the 6+le g>e6 pro/ided the strti&g poi&t 4or +&y debtes rou&dthe possibility o4 elborti&g 4e+i&i&e$ bl3! &d gy spe3ttor positio&s8 Would o+e&lys re+i& the obCe3t o4 the spe3t3le or does L3&i& psy3ho&lysis o44er lter&ti/eys out We ill see ho L3&i&s ddressed this issue i& subse#ue&t 3hpters8



=& 6he %irror "tge6 L3& drs o& & e'trordi&ry r&ge o4 sour3es 4ro+ philosophy$psy3hology &d ethology$ to re4or+ulte the psy3ho&lyti3 3o&3eptio& o4 the ego &d thei+gi&ry8 he i+gi&ry is the rel+ o4 the ego$ pre-li&guisti3 rel+ o4 se&se per3eptio&$ide&ti4i3tio& &d & illusory se&se o4 u&ity8 he pri+ry reltio& i& the i+gi&ry is reltio&

ith o&e6s o& body$ tht is to sy$ the spe3ulr i+ge o4 the body itsel48 hese i+gi&rypro3esses 4or+ the ego &d re repeted &d rei&4or3ed by the subCe3t i& hisher reltio&shipith the e'ter&l orld8 he i+gi&ry$ there4ore$ is &ot de/elop+e&tl phse - it is &otso+ethi&g tht o&e goes through &d gros out o4 - but re+i&s t the 3ore o4 oure'perie&3e8 As the se&se o4 origi&l u&ity &d 3ohere&3e i& the +irror phse is & illusio&$there is 4u&d+e&tl dishr+o&y regrdi&g the ego8 he ego is esse&tilly terri& o43o&4li3t &d dis3ordG site o4 3o&ti&ul struggle8 Wht L3& re4ers to s 6l3! o4 bei&g6 isthis o&tologi3l gp or pri+ry loss t the /ery hert o4 our subCe3ti/ity8 L3& goes 4urther$hoe/er$ th& Cust suggesti&g tht e h/e lost & origi&l se&se o4 u&ityG he rgues tht thisloss is 3o&stituti/e o4 subCe3ti/ity itsel48 =& short$ the i+gi&ry is rel+ o4 ide&ti4i3tio& &d+irror-re4le3tio&G rel+ o4 distortio& &d illusio&8 =t is rel+ i& hi3h 4utile strugglet!es pl3e o& the prt o4 the ego to o&3e +ore tti& & i+gi&ry u&ity &d 3ohere&3e8

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=4 6he %irror "tge6 represe&ted L3&6s 4irst i&&o/tio& ithi& the 4ield o4 psy3ho&lysis$ its o&e tht re+i&ed re3og&i>bly ithi& the li+its o4 33epted theory &d pr3ti3e8 =t sl+ost )5 yers be4ore disti&3ti/ely L3&i& redi&g o4 psy3ho&lysis beg& to e+ergehe&$ i& )5)$ L3& +de his 3ll 4or 6retur& to Freud68 o yers lter$ t the Ro+eo&gress o4 Ro+&3e L&guge Psy3ho&lysts$ L3& deli/ered pper e&titled 6heFu&3tio& &d Field o4 "pee3h &d L&guge i& Psy3ho&lysis6 ?)..b M)51@$ subse#ue&tly!&o& s 6he Ro+e Dis3ourse68 his pper set out his +Cor 3o&3er&s 4or the 4olloi&gde3de$ the disti&3tio& betee& spee3h &d l&guge$ & u&derst&di&g o4 the sub1ect  sdisti&3t 4ro+ the   &d$ bo/e ll$ the elbortio& o4 the 3e&trl 3o&3epts o4 the signifier &dthe symbolic order 8 Also i& )5B$ L3& &d group o4 3ollegues le4t the PrisPsy3hoA&lyti3l "o3iety to 4or+ the "o3iQtQ Fr&Sise de Psy3h&lyse ?"FP@8 he Ro+eDis3ourse 3+e to be see& s the 4ou&di&g do3u+e&t o4 the &e s3hool &d o4 &e dire3tio&i& psy3ho&lysis8

his 3hpter 4o3uses upo& L3&6s or! i& the )50s$ he& he pl3ed his gretest e+phsiso& the role o4 l&guge i& psy3ho&lysis &d 4or+ulted his +ost i+port&t thesis tht theunconscious is structured li!e a language8 his s & e'trordi&rily i&&o/ti/e period 4orL3& &d he i&trodu3ed +&y o4 the 3o&3epts tht ould preo33upy hi+ 4or the rest o4 his3reer8 =& order to help you u&derst&d these


3o&3epts &d L3&6s tr&s4or+tio& o4 the+$ this 3hpter ill outli&e the +Cor i&4lue&3es4ro+ this period &d sho ho L3& dre o& 4ield o4 study !&o& s Structuralism &d o&li&guisti3 theory8 =& so doi&g the 3hpter pro/ides the 4r+eor! 4or +ore detileddis3ussio& o4 the u&3o&s3ious &d the subCe3t i& the 4olloi&g 3hpter8 = ill brie4ly i&trodu3e"tru3turlis+ be4ore outli&i&g lude LQ/i-"truss6s ?)0-@ ele+e&try stru3ture o4 !i&ship$

s this pro/ides the bsis 4or u&derst&di&g L3&6s 3o&3eptio& o4 the sy+boli3 order &d the4or+tio& o4 the u&3o&s3ious8 LQ/i-"truss6s stru3turl &thropology s 43ilitted by theor! o4 the "iss li&guist Ferdi&&d de "ussure ?)5.-))B@ &d it s through LQ/i-"trusstht L3& beg& to red li&guisti3s8 =& the pro3ess he +de rdi3l &d 4rre3hi&g 3h&gesto "ussure6s 3o&3ept o4 the li&guisti3 sig&$ 3o+pletely re/ersi&g &y 3o&/e&tio&lu&derst&di&g o4 the reltio&ship betee& the spe!i&g subCe3t &d l&guge8 Fi&lly$ e illloo! t the Russi& li&guist Ro+& <!obso&6s ?)1-)2@ or! o& +etphor &d +eto&y+y$s this s 3ru3illy i+port&t 4or L3&6s 3o&3eptuli>tio& o4 desire8 E'plori&g thesei&4lue&3es ill help you u&derst&d L3&6s 3o&3eptio& o4 the subCe3t s 3o&stituted i& &dthrough l&guge8 he 3hpter 3o&3ludes ith L3&6s &lysis o4 Edgr All& Poe6s short storyThe Purloined Letter  s this 3lerly illustrtes ht he 3lls the subCe3t s the sub1ect of thesignifier 8

STRUCTURALISM"tru3turlis+ s 4irst &d 4ore+ost +ethod o4 &lysis tht do+i&ted Fre&3h i&telle3tulli4e i& the )50s &d )10s8 =t s &ot +o/e+e&t s su3h but rther lbel 4or +ode o4thi&!i&g &d &lysis 3o++o& to ide r&ge o4 dis3ipli&es$ 4ro+ +the+ti3s to literry3riti3is+8 "tru3turlis+ s see& to be ppli3ble to ll hu+& so3il phe&o+e&8 hedisprte 3olle3tio& o4 thi&!ers ho re &o pl3ed$ 4re#ue&tly i&3orre3tly$ u&der the rubri3Structuralism do &ot 4or+ 3ohere&t group8 hese o4te& i&3lude the psy3hologist <e& Piget?)1-)0@G the li&guist Ro+& <!obso& ?)1-)2@G the literry theorists Rol&d 7rthes

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?))5-0@$ >/et& odoro/ ?)B-@ &d ;Qrrd ;e&ette ?)B0-@G the so3il theorist %i3helFou3ult ?)21-*@G the %r'ist philosopher Louis Althusser ?))-0@G &d$ o4 3ourse$ thepsy3ho&lyst <3#ues L3&8 he sour3es o4 "tru3turlis+ ere /ery e3le3ti3 &d its i&4lue&3eide r&gi&g$ but it hs &o


i&e'tri3bly 3o+e to be sso3ited ith the or! o4 si&gle 4igure$ the &thropologist ludeLQ/i-"truss8

LQ/i-"truss6s stru3turl +ethodology deri/es 4ro+ "ussure6s 4ou&dtio&l disti&3tio&betee& langue &d parole ?see p8 B.@ or the disti&3tio& betee& gi/e& syste+$ su3h sl&guge$ &d the i&di/idul e'pressio& or +&i4esttio& o4 tht syste+$ s i& & i&di/idul6sspee3h8 "tru3turlists ere &ot 3o&3er&ed ith the +e&i&g o4 i&di/idul sig&s but ithdes3ribi&g the org&i>tio& o4 the o/erll sig&-syste+ or 6stru3ture68 Li&guisti3s pro/ided the+odel 4or this 4or+ o4 &lysis$ lthough the +i& obCe3ts o4 study 4or "tru3turlis+ ere /eryo4te& &o&-/erbl sig& syste+sG 4or e'+ple$ Rol&d 7rthes6 study o4 4shio& ?)5 M)1.@$or LQ/i-"truss6s o& &lysis o4 !i&ship syste+s ?)1 M)*@ &d 4ood preprtio& ?)11@8he bsi3 pre+ise o4 "tru3turlis+ s tht ll so3il 3ti/ity 3o&stitutes l&guge i&so4r sit i&/ol/es sig& syste+s ith their o& i&tri&si3 rules &d gr++r8 hus$ e u&derst&d

i&di/idul 3ts &ot i& their o& right but gi&st b3!grou&d o4 so3il reltio&s 4ro+ hi3hthey deri/e their +e&i&g8

THE SYM+OLIC FUNCTION=& his se+i&l study 6he Ele+e&try "tru3tures o4 Ki&ship6 ?)1 M)*@ LQ/i-"truss&lysed the +rrige &d !i&ship syste+s o4 so-3lled 6pri+iti/e6 so3ieties8 :e postultedtht ht o&e 4ou&d i& the +rrige reltio&s o4 these so3ieties s &othi&g less th& thebsi3 u&derlyi&g stru3ture o4 so3iety itsel4G i& other ords$ the ele+e&try stru3ture 4ro+hi3h ll subse#ue&t so3il reltio&s deri/e8 Wht is i+port&t bout LQ/i-"truss6s study is&ot so +u3h its 33ur3y$ s his &otio& o4 ele+e&try stru3tures hs bee& idely disputed &ddispro/ed$ but rther the &ture o4 the study itsel48 LQ/i-"truss rgued tht ht s

sig&i4i3&t i& this pro3ess s &ot so +u3h the e'3h&ge o4 rel people - o4 3tul o+e& -but the y i& hi3h o+e& ere tr&s4or+ed i&to sig&s &d operted ithi& syste+ o4symbolic e$change8 he e'3h&ge o4 o+e& operted li!e l&guge - 4or+l syste+ ithits o& rules &d regultio&s hi3h 3ould &ot be i&4ri&ged but t the s+e ti+e re+i&edu&3o&s3ious to the i&di/idul syste+ users8 =& other ords$ there is & u&3o&s3ious stru3turetht deter+i&es people6s so3il positio& &d regultes their reltio&ships ithout their bei&gre o4 it8 L3& dre to i+port&t lesso&s 4ro+ LQ/i-"truss

:E "Y%7OL=


) ht there is & ele+e&try stru3ture - si&gle 6u&3o&s3ious6 stru3ture - hi3h 3& be see&

to u&derlie ll other !i&ship &d so3il reltio&s82 ht ht t!es pl3e ithi& !i&ship syste+s is &ot the gi/i&g &d t!i&g o4 relperso&s i& +rrige but pro3ess o4 sy+boli3 e'3h&ge8

Fro+ the stru3turl &thropology o4 LQ/i-"truss$ there4ore$ L3& deri/es the ide tht ht3hr3terises the hu+& orld is the symbolic function - 4u&3tio& tht i&ter/e&es i& llspe3ts o4 our li/es8 Further+ore$ i& & i&trodu3tio& to the or! o4 &other &thropologist$%r3el %uss ?).2-)50@$ LQ/i-"truss suggested tht 6ht is 3lled the u&3o&s3ious is+erely & e+pty sp3e i& hi3h the sy+boli3 4u&3tio& 3hie/es uto&o+y6$ tht is to sy$ sp3e here 6sy+bols re +ore rel th& ht they sy+boli>e6 ?Roudi&es3o )2))@8 =& the

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)50s L3& &ted to re-estblish psy3ho&lysis s s3ie&3e &d$ i& order to do so$ he 4irsthd to ide&ti4y ht s spe3i4i3 bout its obCe3t o4 study$ the u&3o&s3ious$ &d ho o&e3ould go bout studyi&g it8 LQ/i-"truss6s i&sight i&to the uto&o+y o4 the sy+boli3 4u&3tio&s to pro/ide L3& ith 3ru3il step i& his tte+pt to estblish Freudi& psy3ho&lysis o& +ore philosophi3lly &d s3ie&ti4i3lly 4ir+ 4ooti&g8 7ut to +!e this +o/e 4ully L3&&eeded to +!e o&e +ore theoreti3l detour - detour through li&guisti3s8

SAUSSURE &15191( AND THELINGUISTIC SIGNFerdi&&d de "ussure6s Cours de linguisti0ue g2n2rale ?published posthu+ously i& ))1$ see)B@ hs bee& des3ribed s &othi&g less th& 6oper&i3& re/olutio&6 i& the hu+& &dso3il s3ie&3es$ i& the se&se tht$ 6i&sted o4 +e&6s ords bei&g see& s peripherl to +e&6su&derst&di&g o4 relity$ +e&6s u&derst&di&g o4 relity 3+e to be see& s re/ol/i&g bouttheir so3il use o4 /erbl sig&s6 ?"ussure )B M))1 i'@8 Prior to "ussure the study o4l&guge s pri+rily 3o&3er&ed ith philology &d ety+ology$ tht is to sy$ tr3i&g thehistory &d deri/tio& o4 ords8 rditio&lly li&guisti3s s l&guge s 3o+posed o4seprte dis3rete u&its or ords$ e3h ord h/i&g its o& 6+e&i&g6 dheri&g to it8 "ussure

rgued tht i4 li&guisti3s s to be 3o&sidered s3ie&ti4i3 it 3ould &ot be bsed upo& histori3lpri&3iples$ or ht is


ter+ed diachronic  ppro3h8 "3ie&ti4i3 +ethod re#uires tht o&e 4irst ide&ti4ies o&e6s obCe3to4 study8 =& ter+s o4 li&guisti3s this re#uired the li&guist to /ie l&guge &ot histori3lly butsynchronically  s syste+ tht is 3o+plete t &y gi/e& +o+e&t i& ti+e8 =& this syste+ llthe ele+e&ts &d rules re$ i& theory t lest$ si+ult&eously /ilble to the l&guge user8Whe& e use l&guge e do so gi&st b3!grou&d o4 /o3bulry$ sy&t'$ gr++r &d3o&/e&tio&sG e re &ot 3o&s3ious o4 ll those ele+e&ts he& e spe! or rite but they rethere &d they deter+i&e ht e 3& &d 3&&ot sy8 =4 e tr&sgress the rules$ our spee3hbe3o+es +e&i&gless8 "ussure disti&guished three spe3ts o4 l&guge

X L&guge itsel4 s u&i/ersl hu+& phe&o+e&o& o4 3o++u&i3tio&8X Langue s prti3ulr l&guge or l&guge syste+ ?E&glish$ 4or e'+ple@8X Parole s l&guge i& use$ spe3i4i3 spee3h 3ts or utter&3es8

:is or! s 3o&3er&ed ith the se3o&d o4 these 3tegories$ tht is$ l&guge s syste+&d ho +e&i&g is 3reted by tht syste+8 Wht is i+port&t here$ &d prti3ulrly i&reltio& to L3&$ is tht i&di/idul spe!i&g subCe3ts re+i& u&3o&s3ious o4 the syste+ itsel48"ussure6s +ost origi&l 3o&tributio& to the study o4 l&guge$ the&$ s the 3o&3eptio& o4l&guge s total system - syste+ tht go/er&s ht people 3& sy$ hile theythe+sel/es re+i& u&3o&s3ious o4 its rules8

A33ordi&g to "ussure$ l&guge is &ot si+ply list o4 ter+s tht 3orrespo&d to set o4thi&gs$ or phe&o+e&$ i& the orld8 L&guge is rther syste+ o4 signs8 A 63orrespo&de&3e6theory o4 l&guge sees it s syste+ o4 sig&s tht re4ers dire3tly to obCe3ts i& the orld8 We

3& digr++ti3lly represe&t this through the reltio&ship betee& /ord  - its concept oride - &d the thi&g to hi3h it re4ers$ the referent 

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"ussure rgued$ hoe/er$ tht ords 3&&ot re4er to spe3i4i3 phe&o+e& i& the +terilorld$ s this ssu+es tht there is &turl$ org&i3$ reltio& betee& ords &d ht theyreprese&t8 As he poi&ted out$ i4 = spe! the ord 6tree6 or 63hir6 e ill ll i++editely3o&Cure up 3o&3eptio&s o4 trees or 3hirs$ but these i+ges do &ot 3tully re4er to spe3i4i3tree or 3hir i& the +teril orld8 =&sted$ e re ll thi&!i&g bout di44ere&t trees &d3hirs8 Wht the ord 6tree6 re4ers to is &ot 6thi&g6 - rel tree - but 3o&3ept o4 tree8 We+ust$ there4ore$ br3!et the ter+ 6re4ere&t6 &d put the &otio& tht l&guge re4ers tosubst&ti/e phe&o+e& i& the rel orld to o&e side8 Our digr+ &o loo!s li!e this

he ord does &ot re4er to spe3i4i3 re4ere&t t ll$ but o&ly to 3o&3ept$ &d the proper3o&3er& o4 li&guisti3s - the li&guisti3 sig& - 3o&sists o4 ord &d its 3o&3ept8 "ussure6sli&guisti3 sig& 3o&sists o4 to ele+e&ts the sou&d ptter& or ritte& ord$ hi3h is 3lled thesignifier $ &d the 3o&3ept$ hi3h is !&o& s the signified 8 Agi& this 3& be s!et3heddigr++ti3lly s

he reltio&ship betee& the sig&i4ier &d the sig&i4ied is rbitrry &d is deter+i&ed by so3il3o&/e&tio&8 7ut i4 l&guge does &ot 3orrespo&d to obCe3ts i& the orld the& ho does itbe3o+e +e&i&g4ul A33ordi&g to "ussure$ +e&i&g does &ot reside i& i&di/idul sig&s but i&the reltio&ship betee& sig&s i& the l&guge syste+ itsel48 L&guge 3retes di44ere&tilsyste+ hereby &y gi/e& sig& 3#uires its +e&i&g by /irtue o4 its di44ere&3e 4ro+ othersig&s8 Whe& e spe!


e 3hoose to use 3erti& ords &d e'3lude others8 For e'+ple$ = +y sy 63hir6 rther th&6thro&e6 or 6r+3hir68 E3h ord desig&tes pie3e o4 4ur&iture = 3& sit upo& but they llh/e /ery di44ere&t +e&i&gs8 his ele+e&t o4 sele3tio& is 3lled the paradigmatic  'is o4l&guge8 7ut = 3&&ot sele3t &d use &y ord = &t8 = +ust 3o+bi&e the+ i& sy&t3ti3lly3orre3t y 4or the+ to +!e se&se &d this is re4erred to s the syntagmatic  'is8 he+e&i&g o4 e3h ord$ e3h sig&$ lso depe&ds o& the ords tht 3o+e be4ore &d 4ter it i& se&te&3e8 Let us t!e$ 4or e'+ple$ the se&te&3e

We ill le/e Pris to+orro8

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sig&i4ier8 =& 4+ous e'+ple 4ro+ 6he Age&3y o4 the Letter i& the ,&3o&s3ious$ or Reso&"i&3e Freud6 ?)..3 M)5.@ L3& dis+isses the usul "ussure& illustrtio& o4 the4u&3tio&i&g o4 the sig&$ tht is$ the pi3ture o4 tree$ &d repl3es it ith &other

L3& the& pro3eeds to tell this story

A tri& rri/es t sttio&8 A little boy &d little girl$ brother &d sister$ re seted i& 3o+prt+e&t 43e to 43e &e't to the i&do through hi3h the buildi&gs lo&g the sttio&plt4or+ 3& be see& pssi&g s the tri& pulls to stop8 6Loo!6$ sys the brother$ 6e6re tLdies6G 6=diot6 replies his sister$ 6&6t you see e6re t ;e&tle+e&68

?)..3 M)5. )52@

Wht this e'+ple re/els$ rgues L3&$ is the y i& hi3h the sig&i4ier e&ters the sig&i4ied8he doors re ide&ti3l$ so ht disti&guishes o&e toilet door 4ro+ the other is &othi&g e'3eptthe sig&i4ier bo/e the doors8 Wht L3& is proposi&g$ there4ore$ is to re/erse the priority

"ussure bestoed upo& the sig&i4ied i& the sig&i4iersig&i4ied reltio&8 L3&6s re4or+ultio&&o reds

he 3pitli>ed "ig&i4ier t!es pre3ede&3e o/er the sig&i4ied &d the 6br6 betee& the toele+e&ts sy+boli>es$ 4or L3&$ &ot the

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i&seprbility o4 the sig& but its 4u&d+e&tl di/isio&8 he br 4u&3tio&s s brrier to+e&i&g8 Wht sig&i4ier re4ers to is &ot sig&i4ied$ s there is lys brrier betee&the+$ but to &other sig&i4ier8 =& short$ sig&i4ier re4ers us to &other sig&i4ier$ hi3h i& tur&re4ers us to &other sig&i4ier i& & l+ost e&dless 3hi& o4 sig&i4i3tio&8 =4 e try to de4i&e the+e&i&g o4 spe3i4i3 ord or 3o&3ept$ 4or e'+ple$ e 3& o&ly do so through other ordsGe re 3ught i& 3o&ti&ul pro3ess o4 produ3i&g sig&s8 Our s3he+ti3 represe&ttio& o4 thel&guge syste+ gi/e& bo/e 3ould there4ore be reritte& s

"ig&i4i3tio& is lys pro3ess - 3hi&8 No&e o4 its ele+e&ts 3tully 63o&sist6 o4 the+e&i&g or the sig&i4ied but rther e3h sig&i4ier 6i&sists6 o& +e&i&g$ s it presses 4orrdto the &e't sig&i4ier8 %e&i&g is &ot 4i'ed$ or s L3& puts it$ there is 6& i&3ess&t slidi&g o4the sig&i4ied u&der the sig&i4ier6 ?)..3 M)5. )5*@8 L3&$ hoe/er$ is &ot suggesti&g thtthere is &o 64i'ed6 +e&i&g t ll8 here re ht he 3lled 6&3hori&g poi&ts6 or 6 points decaption6$ here this i&3ess&t slidi&g o4 the sig&i4ied u&der the sig&i4ier stops &d llos 4or+o+e&ts o4 stble sig&i4i3tio&8 he point de caption literlly desig&tes & upholstery butto&o4 the !i&d o&e 4i&ds o& so4s &d +ttresses &d hi3h re used to hold the stu44i&g i& pl3e8"ussure6s 6s3ie&ti4i36$ s opposed to histori3l$ &lysis o4 l&guge pro/ided L3& ith +odel to study Freud6s 6tl!i&g-3ure68 "ussure re/eled ho there s 6stru3ture6 ithi& ustht go/er&ed ht e syG 4or L3& tht stru3ture is the u&3o&s3ious8 he u&3o&s3ious is to&3e produ3ed through l&guge &d go/er&ed by the rules o4 l&guge8 he pre3ise+e3h&is+ through hi3h this t!es pl3e s pro/ided by Ro+& <!obso&8

ROMAN JAKO+SON &193192(<!obso& too! up "ussure6s disti&3tio& betee& the to 'es o4 l&guge - the prdig+ti3&d the sy&tg+ti3 - &d proposed 3orrespo&de&3e betee& these 'es &d the rhetori3l4igures o4 +etphor &d +eto&y+y8 %etphor is the use o4 ord or e'pressio& to des3ribe

so+ethi&g else ithout stti&g dire3t 3o+priso&8 %eto&y+y$ o& the


other h&d$ is the use o4 ter+ 4or o&e thi&g pplied to so+ethi&g else ith hi3h it is usullysso3ited$ 4or e'+ple$ he& o&e sys 63ro&6 4or the positio& o4 the +o&r3h$ or 6sil6 toi+ply bot8 <!obso& poi&ted out tht +etphor is & 3t o4 substitution o4 o&e ter+ 4or&other &d thus 3orrespo&ded to the prdig+ti3 'is$ or the 'is o4 sele3tio&8 %eto&y+y is reltio& o4 contiguity $ i& tht o&e ter+ re4ers to &other be3use it is sso3ited or dC3e&tto it$ &d there4ore it 3orrespo&ds to the sy&tg+ti3 'is$ or the 'is o4 3o+bi&tio&8 L3&s i& <!obso&6s stru3turl +odel o4 +etphor &d +eto&y+y dire3t 3orrespo&de&3e ithFreud6s pro3esses o4 dre+ or! condensation &d displacement 8 o&de&stio& desig&testhe pro3ess hereby to or +ore sig&s or i+ges i& dre+ re 3o+bi&ed to 4or+

3o+posite i+ge tht is the& i&/ested ith the +e&i&g o4 both its 3o&stituti/e ele+e&ts8 =&perse3utory dre+s$ 4or e'+ple$ the dre+er +y dre+ tht they re bei&g pu&ished by &u&!&o& uthority 4igure &d try to ide&ti4y tht 4igure ith so+eo&e i& their li4e8 his 4igure+y ell i& 43t &ot be si&gle perso&$ hoe/er$ but 3o+posite$ or 3o&de&stio&$ o4 &u+ber o4 di44ere&t perso&s - pre&tl 4igures$ e+ployer or prt&er8 All o4 the +bi/le&t4eeli&gs tht the dre+er hs rou&d these 4igures 3o+bi&e i&to si&gle perse3utor i& thedre+8 Displ3e+e&t des3ribes the pro3ess through hi3h +e&i&g is tr&s4erred 4ro+ o&esig& to &other8 Let us t!e the e'+ple o4 &'iety dre+s8 =& &'iety dre+s the dre+er+y be3o+e &'ious bout so+e /ery +i&or i&3ide&t i& their li/es$ but this 4u&3tio&s ssi+ply y o4 /oidi&g$ or displ3i&g$ +u3h +ore serious proble+ tht they re 43i&g8

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hese to pro3esses re ht Freud 3lled primary processes i& 3o&trst to the secondary processes o4 3o&s3ious thought8 7y +ppi&g <!obso&6s disti&3tio& betee& +etphor &d+eto&y+y o& to Freud6s primary processes L3& s 4i&lly ble to de+o&strte ho theu&3o&s3ious s stru3tured li!e l&guge8 he u&3o&s3ious$ he rgued$ opertes 33ordi&gto the rules o4 +etphor &d +eto&y+y8

THE SYM+OLIC ORDERhroughout the )50s L3& s 3o&3er&ed ith elborti&g syste+ 33ordi&g to hi3he/erythi&g i& the hu+& orld is stru3tured 6i& 33ord&3e ith the sy+bols hi3h h/ee+erged6 ?L3& )b M). 2@8 L3& is &ot syi&g here tht e/erythi&g is redu3ible tothe sy+boli3$ but tht$ o&3e sy+bols h/e ppered$ e/erythi&g ill be

:E "Y%7OL=


ordered$ or stru3tured$ i& 33ord&3e ith those sy+bols &d the ls o4 the sy+boli3$

including the u&3o&s3ious &d hu+& subCe3ti/ity8 For Freud$ the u&3o&s3ious is tht prt o4our e'iste&3e tht es3pes us &d o/er hi3h e h/e &o 3o&trol$ but t the s+e ti+e hi3hgo/er&s our thoughts &d ishes8 For L3&$ o& the other h&d$ the u&3o&s3ious 3o&sists o4sig&i4yi&g +teril8 he u&3o&s3ious is pro3ess o4 sig&i4i3tio& tht is beyo&d our 3o&trolG itis the l&guge tht spe!s through us rther th& the l&guge e spe!8 =& this se&se$L3& de4i&es the u&3o&s3ious s the dis3ourse o4 the Other8 he big Other is l&guge$ thesy+boli3 orderG this Other 3& &e/er be 4ully ssi+ilted to the subCe3tG it is rdi3lother&ess hi3h$ &e/ertheless$ 4or+s the 3ore o4 our u&3o&s3ious8 We ill see ho this or!si& the 4olloi&g 3hpter$ but 4irst let us loo! t L3&6s 3o&3eptio& o4 the subCe3t &d ho it isdeter+i&ed by the sig&i4ier8

L3& 3o&3ei/ed o4 the sy+boli3 order s totli>i&g 3o&3ept i& the se&se tht it +r!s theli+it o4 the hu+& u&i/erse8 We re bor& i&to l&guge - the l&guge through hi3h thedesires o4 others re rti3ulted &d through hi3h e re 4or3ed to rti3ulte our o& desire8

We re lo3!ed ithi& ht L3& 3lls 3ir3uit o4 dis3ourse

=t is the dis3ourse o4 the 3ir3uit i& hi3h = + i&tegrted8 = + o&e o4 its li&!s8 =t is thedis3ourse o4 +y 4ther$ 4or i&st&3e$ i& so 4r s +y 4ther +de +ist!es hi3h = +3o&de+&ed to reprodu3e8 = + 3o&de+&ed to reprodu3e the+ be3use = + obliged to pi3!up gi& the dis3ourse he be#uethed to +e$ &ot si+ply be3use = + his so&$ but be3useo&e 3&6t stop the 3hi& o4 dis3ourse$ &d it is pre3isely +y duty to tr&s+it it i& its berr&t4or+ to so+eo&e else8

?L3& )b M). @

We re bor& i&to this 3ir3uit o4 dis3ourseG it +r!s us be4ore our birth &d ill 3o&ti&ue 4terour deth8 o be 4ully hu+& e re sub1ected  to this sy+boli3 order - the order o4 l&guge$

o4 dis3ourseG e 3&&ot es3pe it$ lthough s stru3ture it es3pes us8 As i&di/idulsubCe3ts$ e 3& &e/er 4ully grsp the so3il or sy+boli3 totlity tht 3o&stitutes the su+ o4our u&i/erse$ but tht totlity hs stru3turi&g 4or3e upo& us s subCe3ts8

=& the pre/ious 3hpter e s ho L3& disti&guished betee& the ego &d the subCe3t8 heego is & 6i+gi&ry 4u&3tio&6 4or+ed pri+rily through the subCe3t6s reltio&ship to their o&body8 he


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subCe3t$ o& the other h&d$ is 3o&stituted i& the sy+boli3 order &d is deter+i&ed byl&guge8 here is lys disCu&3tio&$ 33ordi&g to L3&$ betee& the subCe3t o4e&u&3itio& &d the subCe3t o4 the utter&3eG i& other ords$ the subCe3t ho spe!s &d thesubCe3t ho is spo!e&8 Folloi&g the li&guist E+ile 7e&/e&iste6s ?)02-.1@ 3o&3eptio& o4 6=6 s shifter  - s h/i&g &o spe3i4i3 re4ere&t but i& the 3t o4 spee3h desig&ti&g the perso& hosys 6=6 - L3& rgued tht the 6=6 i& spee3h does &ot re4er to &ythi&g stble i& l&guge tll8 he 6=6 3& be o33upied by &u+ber o4 di44ere&t phe&o+e& the subCe3t$ the ego or the

u&3o&s3ious8 For e'+ple$ i& ht L3& 3lled 6e+pty spee3h6$ the 6=6 ould 3orrespo&d tothe egoG i& 64ull spee3h6 it 3orrespo&ds to the subCe3tG hile t other ti+es it 3orrespo&ds to&either subCe3t &or ego8 his is ht L3& +e&s he& he sys is an other $ tht is to sy$6=6 is &ot 6+e6G these to ter+s do &ot re4er to the s+e e&tityG the subCe3t is &ot the s+e sthe i&di/idul perso& - it is de3e&tred i& reltio& to the i&di/idul8 =& short$ L3& de.essentiali3es the 6=6 &d prioriti>es the sy+boli3$ the sig&i4ier$ o/er the subCe3t8 =t is thestru3ture o4 l&guge tht spe!s the subCe3t &d &ot the other y rou&d8 L3&su++ri>es this i& his 4+ous stte+e&t$ the sub1ect is that /hich is represented by onesignifier to another 8 he se+i&r o& The Purloined Letter  is &othi&g less th& & e'positio& o4this$ hereby the subCe3t is 3ught up i& the 3hi& o4 sig&i4i3tio& &d it is the sig&i4ier tht+r!s the subCe3t$ tht de4i&es the subCe3t6s positio& ithi& the sy+boli3 order8

T(" P&RLOI)"! L"TT"R L3&6s se+i&r o& The Purloined Letter  s 4irst deli/ered i& )5*8 =t s ritte& up the4olloi&g yer &d 4or+ed the i&trodu3tory essy to the origi&l Fre&3h publi3tio& o4 the+crits$ lthough it s re+o/ed 4ro+ lter editio&s8 As 7e&/e&uto &d Ke&&edy poi&t out$pl3i&g the se+i&r o& Poe t the begi&&i&g o4 the +crits ser/ed dul 4u&3tio& it bothreprese&ted ht s to 4ollo &d$ +ore i+port&tly$ it estblished prti3ulr +ode o4redi&g8 =& 6order to red L3&$ the story see+s to be syi&g$ o&e +ust 4ollo the pth o4 thesig&i4ier$ &d the re+i&der o4 +crits is 4u&d+e&tlly 3o&3er&ed ith the ls o4 the sig&i4ier6?7e&/e&uto &d Ke&&edy )12B-*@8 he )5*-5 se+i&r series s gi/e& the o/erll titleThe #go in Freud4s Theory and in the Techni0ue of Psychoanalysis &d 3o&3er&ed Freud6s lte+etpsy3hologi3l

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te't Beyond the Pleasure Principle ?)*b M)20@8 L3& s pri+rily 3o&3er&ed ithFreud6s ide o4 repetitio& 3o+pulsio&$ tht is$ the 3o+pulsi/e urge to repet u&ples&te'perie&3es i& ppre&t disregrd o4 the plesure pri&3iple8 L3& 3lled this pro3ess6repetitio& uto+tis+6 &d sso3ited it ith his ide o4 the i&siste&3e o4 the sig&i4yi&g 3hi&8L3&6s se+i&r o& The Purloined Letter  is & illustrtio& o4 this thesis$ tht is$ the insistenceof the signifying chain and the determination of the sub1ect by the signifier 8

Edgr All& Poe6s ?)0-*@ short story The Purloined Letter s the 4i&l tle i& trilogybout the dete3ti/e$ %8 Dupi&8 he story 3o&3er&s the the4t o4 letter 4ro+ the Zuee& by o&eo4 the Ki&g6s %i&isters &d the ser3h 4or this letter 4irst$ u&su33ess4ully$ by the poli3e &d

the&$ su33ess4ully$ by Dupi&8 he tist i& Poe6s story is tht the letter is i& 43t &e/er hidde&but lys i& 4ull dis3losure8 A33ordi&g to L3&$ the tle 3& be di/ided i&to to s3e&es8 =&the 4irst$ letter is deli/ered to the Zuee& i& the prese&3e o4 the Ki&g &d the %i&ister &d theZuee& le/es the u&ope&ed letter o& the tble i& 4ro&t o4 e/eryo&e8 he %i&ister i++editelyreli>es the i&3ri+i&ti&g &ture o4 the letter &d pi3!s it up o44 the tble$ le/i&g the Zuee&u&ble to s! 4or its retur& ithout lerti&g the Ki&g to its i+port&3e8 he poli3e se3retlyser3h 4or the letter but re u&ble to 4i&d it be3use they ssu+e tht the %i&ister hshidde& it$ heres he hs lso le4t the letter o& ope& disply i& letter r3! h&gi&g 4ro+ his+&telpie3e8 =& the se3o&d s3e&e$ e h/e repetitio& o4 the 4irst$ but &o the %i&isterpossesses the letter$ the poli3e re i& the positio& o4 &ot bei&g ble to see ht is dire3tly

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u&der their &oses &d Dupi& is ble to see the sig&i4i3&3e o4 the &o disguised letter ope&lyh&gi&g 4ro+ the +&telpie3e8

L3&6s i&terprettio& o4 Poe6s story 4o3uses upo& to +i& the+es 4irst$ the &o&y+ous&ture o4 the letter$ hi3h 4or L3& ser/es s the 6true subCe3t6 o4 the story$ &d$ se3o&d$ theptter& o4 i&tersubCe3ti/e reltio&ships tht re repeted i& the tle8 he reder !&os &othi&gbout the letter e'3ept tht the origi&l s3ript s i& +le h&d &d tht it ill 3o+pro+isethe Zuee& i4 the Ki&g !&os o4 its 3o&te&ts8 As the letter psses 4ro+ h&d to h&d - 4ro+Zuee& to %i&ister$ %i&ister to Dupi&$ Dupi& to Pre4e3t o4 Poli3e$ Pre4e3t o4 Poli3e b3! to Zuee&- it 4or+s 6sy+boli3 p3t6$ situti&g e3h perso& ho possess it ithi& 3hi& o4 sy+boli3reltio&s8 Further+ore$ the tle dupli3tes the reltio&ships betee& the Zuee&$ Ki&g &d%i&ister i& the 4irst hl4 o4 the tle ith the reltio&ships betee& the %i&ister$


Pre4e3t o4 Poli3e &d Dupi& i& the se3o&d8 hese rotti&g positio&s$ or i&tersubCe3ti/ereltio&ships$ pi/ot rou&d the shi4ti&g positio& o4 the letter itsel48 As the 3o&te&t re+i&su&!&o& throughout this pro3ess o4 sy+boli3 e'3h&ge$ e 3& lso sy tht the letter is sig&i4ier ithout sig&i4ied8

A33ordi&g to L3&$ the /rious subCe3t positio&s i& the tle 3& be de4i&ed by three disti&3t4or+s o4 6gl&3e6 or 6g>e68 he 4irst gl&3e is the gl&3e tht sees &othi&g$ tht is to sy$ thepositio& o4 the Ki&g i& the 4irst s3e&e &d the poli3e i& the se3o&d8 his$ the&$ 3& lso be see&s the positio& o4 the l - the l s bli&d8 he se3o&d gl&3e is the gl&3e tht 6sees thtthe 4irst sees &othi&g &d deludes itsel4 s to the se3re3y o4 ht it hides6 ?)3 M)51 B2@8his is the positio& o4 the Zuee& i& the 4irst s3e&e &d the %i&ister i& the se3o&d8 he thirdgl&3e is the gl&3e tht 6sees tht the 4irst to gl&3es le/e ht should be hidde& e'posedto hoe/er ould sei>e it6 ?)3 M)51 B2@8 his is the positio& o33upied 4or+erly by the%i&ister &d ltterly Dupi&8 We h/e the& dupli3te tri&gulr stru3ture

For L3&$ The Purloined Letter is pre3ise illustrtio& o4 his ide tht it is the sig&i4ier ?theletter@ tht deter+i&es the subCe3t8 Wht he is proposi&g$ i& 43t$ is 3orreltio& betee& thethree subCe3t positio&s he ide&ti4ies i& the story &d his three orders or registers thei+gi&ry$ the sy+boli3 &d the rel$ hi3h e 3& represe&t thus

L3& obser/es tht the Ki&g &d 6the dete3ti/es h/e so i++utble &otio& o4 the rel6?)3 M)51 B@ tht they 4il to &oti3e ht is be&eth their /ery &oses8 his is htL3& 3lls the 6relist6s i+be3ility6 or &i/e e+piri3is+ tht thi&!s tht the orld is gi/e&&d e h/e dire3t$ u&+edited$ reltio&ship to it8 he se3o&d positio&

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is tht o4 the seer8 =& this positio& the subCe3t sees both tht the 4irst positio& is bli&d &du&re o4 ht is hppe&i&g &d tht the third positio& is 4ully re o4 ht is u&4oldi&g&d there4ore holds the poer8 7ut i& this positio& the subCe3t belie/es tht ht is hidde&?the se3rets o4 the letter@ 3& re+i& hidde& &d there4ore 6delude6 hi+hersel4 tht it is theyho possess the sig&i4ier ?the letter@8 =& the se3o&d positio&$ the&$ the subCe3t o33upies &esse&tilly &r3issisti3 reltio& to the letter &d this 3orrespo&ds to the i+gi&ry phse eoutli&ed i& the pre/ious 3hpter8 he third positio& is sy+boli3 &d i& this positio& the subCe3t

6dis3er&s the role o4 stru3ture i& the situtio& &d 3ts 33ordi&gly6 ?%uller &d Ri3hrdso&)1B@8 his is the positio& o4 the %i&ister i& the 4irst s3e&e &d Dupi& i& the se3o&d8 7oth4igures 3& see ht is t!i&g pl3e i& 4ro&t o4 the+$ they u&derst&d the i+pli3tio&s o4 theletter$ &d +oreo/er they !&o ho to 3t8 his is the positio& o4 the subCe3t i& the sy+boli3orderG subCe3t ho u&derst&ds their situtio& ithi& lrger stru3ture &d the 4u&3tio& o4tht stru3ture i& deter+i&i&g their 3tio&s8

First the Zuee& &d the& the %i&ister belie/e they 3& possess the letter &d !eep it hidde&8L3&$ hoe/er$ rgues tht it is the letter ?the sig&i4ier@ tht possesses the subCe3tG it is thesig&i4ier tht i&s3ribes the subCe3t i& the sy+boli3 order8 Whe& the %i&ister t!es &d hidesthe letter he reddresses it to hi+sel4$ but i& doi&g so he 3h&ges the +s3uli&e s3ript o4 theorigi&l to 4e+i&i&e o&e8 hus$ suggests L3&$ he is 3ught up 6i& the dy&+i3s o4 repetitio&tht drg hi+ i&to the se3o&d positio&6 ?%uller &d Ri3hrdso& )1B@8 "i+ilrly$ Dupi&3&&ot resist le/i&g his sig&ture o& his o& repl3e+e&t letter &d i& doi&g so he isi++editely drgged i&to the se3o&d &r3issisti3 positio&8 As L3& puts it$ 6Dupi&$ 4ro+ thepl3e he &o o33upies$ 3&&ot help 4eeli&g rge o4 +&i4estly 4e+i&i&e &ture6 ?)3M)51 5)@8 =& le/i&g 3rypti3 +essge o& his letter Dupi& is t!i&g re/e&ge o& the %i&ister4or pst slight$ but t the s+e ti+e he is gi/i&g up his positio& s det3hed &lyst orobser/er8 he subCe3t is 3ught up by the sig&i4ier &d situted i& 3hi& o4 sig&i4i3tio&through 3o&ti&ul pro3ess o4 repetitio&8 6his is the /ery e44e3t6$ rites L3&$ 6o4 theu&3o&s3ious i& the pre3ise se&se e te3h tht the u&3o&s3ious +e&s tht +& is i&hbitedby the sig&i4ier6 ?)3 M)51 *@8 he subCe3t does &ot e$ist  outside the sig&i4yi&g 3hi&but rther in.sists ithi& it8 he letter is 4loti&g sig&i4ier tht psses lo&g the sig&i4yi&g3hi& ith e3h perso& u&3o&s3ious o4 the 4ull i+port o4 ht is t!i&g pl3e8



he )50s ere period o4 e'trordi&ry i&&o/tio& 4or L3&8 hrough the i&4lue&3e o4 thestru3turl &thropologist lude LQ/i-"truss &d li&guists Ferdi&&d de "ussure &d Ro+&<!obso&$ L3& de/eloped his 3e&trl &otio& o4 the sy+boli3 order &d the subCe3t s subCe3to4 the sig&i4ier8 his 43ilitted L3&6s bre! ith trditio&l psy3ho&lysis &d p/ed they 4or his +Cor i&&o/tio& - the ide tht the u&3o&s3ious is stru3tured li!e l&guge8 =&the 4olloi&g 3hpter e ill see ht L3& +e&s by this s ell s ht disti&guishes theL3&i& 4ro+ the Freudi& u&3o&s3ious &d ho the e+phsis o4 his or! 3h&ges 4ro+ the+id-)10s o&rds8

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=& this 3hpter e ill see ho L3&6s or! +o/ed y 4ro+ the stri3t li&guisti3 &d"tru3turlist ter+i&ology o4 the )50s to elborte theory o4 the subCe3t i& ter+s o4u&3o&s3ious desire &d the dri'e8 =& order to help you u&derst&d L3&6s re3o&3eptuli>tio&o4 su3h psy3ho&lyti3 3o&3epts s the phllus$ the 4ther &d the superego$ e ill 4irst seeho he re4or+ulted the 3e&trl 3o&3ept o4 Freudi& psy3ho&lysis$ the Oedipus 3o+ple'8For L3&$ the phllus is &ot to be e#uted ith the pe&is$ &d s sig&i4ier it per4or+s di44ere&t 4u&3tio& i& e3h o4 the three orders the i+gi&ry$ the sy+boli3 &d the rel8

"i+ilrly$ the 4ther is sig&i4ier or +etphor rther th& & 3tul perso&8 As e ill see$the 6N+e-o4-the-Fther6 is sig&i4ier tht bre!s the +other3hild 3ouple &d i&trodu3es the3hild i&to the sy+boli3 order o4 desire &d l3!8 hrough the 4u&3tio& o4 the 4ther i& theOedipus 3o+ple' the superego is 4or+ed8 he superego is the result o4 the i&ter&li>tio& o4the 4ther &d L3& hd /ery i&&o/ti/e u&derst&di&g o4 the role o4 the 4ther &d thesuperego8 A4ter gi/i&g & 33ou&t o4 e3h o4 these ides i& tur& e ill see ho the4u&d+e&tl prdo'i3lity o4 psy3ho&lyti3 3o&3epts 3& help us u&derst&d so3ilphe&o+e& su3h s r3is+ &d &ti-"e+itis+8 -5)

THE OEDIPUS COMPLEFreud6s 3o&3eptio& o4 the Oedipus 3o+ple' is probbly o&e o4 the +ost populri>ed &d t the

s+e ti+e o&e o4 the +ost +isu&derstood ides o4 psy3ho&lysis8 !i&g his 3ue 4ro+ the&3ie&t ;ree! trgedy by "opho3les$ 5edipus Re$ $ here Oedipus u&itti&gly !ills his 4ther&d be3o+es !i&g by +rryi&g his +other$ Freud suggested tht our deepest u&3o&s3iousdesire is to +urder our 4ther &d +rry our +other8 he Oedipus 3o+ple' is rther +ore3o+pli3ted th& this$ though$ &d represe&ts Freud6s tte+pt to +p the +bi/le&t$ bothlo/i&g &d hostile$ 4eeli&gs tht the 3hild hs tords its pre&ts8 =& its positi'e 4or+ the3o+ple' +&i4ests itsel4 s the desire 4or the deth o4 ri/l$ the pre&t o4 the s+e se'$33o+p&ied by the se'ul desire 4or the pre&t o4 the opposite se'8 =& its negati'e 4or+ the3o+ple' or!s i& re/erse$ s the desire 4or the pre&t o4 the s+e se' &d htred tordsthe pre&t o4 the opposite se'8 =& 3tul 43t$ so-3lled 6&or+l6 Oedipus 3o+ple' 3o&sists o4both positi/e &d &egti/e 4or+s8 Wht is i+port&t bout the Oedipus 3o+ple' is ho the3hild ler&s to &egotite &d resol/e its +bi/le&t 4eeli&gs tords its pre&ts8 Freud sthis pro3ess s t!i&g pl3e betee& the ges o4 three &d 4i/e yers8 With the resolutio& o4the Oedipus 3o+ple' se'ulity goes through period o4 6lte&3y6 u&til it reppers duri&g

puberty s doles3e&t se'ulity8 %ost 3o&tro/ersilly$ Freud i&sisted tht the Oedipus 3o+ple's u&i/ersl$ tr&s-histori3l &d tr&s-3ulturl phe&o+e&o&

Mhe Oedipus 3o+ple' is the &u3ler 3o+ple' o4 &euroses$ &d 3o&stitutes theesse&til prt o4 their 3o&te&t8 =t represe&ts the pe! o4 i&4&tile se'ulity$hi3h$ through its 4ter-e44e3ts$ e'er3ises de3isi/e i&4lue&3e o& the se'ulityo4 dults8 E/ery &e rri/l o& this pl&et is 43ed by the ts! o4 +steri&g theOedipus 3o+ple'G &yo&e ho 4ils to do so 4lls /i3ti+ to &eurosis8

?Freud ))d M)05 )*@

=& & erly e&3y3lopedi rti3le o& the 4+ily ?)B@ L3& dopted 4irly orthodo'Freudi& u&derst&di&g o4 the Oedipus 3o+ple'$ &d it s &ot u&til the )50s &d through

the i&4lue&3e o4 LQ/i-"truss ?see hpter 2@ tht L3& beg& to de/elop his o& disti&3ti/e6stru3turl6 +odel o4 the 3o+ple'8 For L3&$ the Oedipus 3o+ple' is pri+rily sy+boli3stru3ture8 Whe& to people li/e together or get +rried they


do so 4or/ery perso&l &d i&ti+te reso&s$ but t the s+e ti+e there is ider so3il orsy+boli3 spe3t to this reltio&ship8 A reltio&ship or +rrige 3o&3er&s &ot Cust the topeople i&/ol/ed but lso hole so3il &etor! o4 4rie&ds$ reltio&s &d i&stitutio&s8 hus$perso&l reltio&ships situte +e& &d o+e& i& sy+boli3 3ir3uit o4 so3il +e&i&gs8A33ordi&g to L3&$ there4ore$ e +ust disti&guish betee& the rel people i&/ol/ed &d the

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sy+boli3 stru3tures tht org&i>e reltio&ships betee& +e& &d o+e&8 =& our so3iety thepri+ry stru3ture tht de4i&es our sy+boli3 &d u&3o&s3ious reltio&s is the Oedipus 3o+ple'8%ore pre3isely the Oedipus 3o+ple' represe&ts tri&gulr stru3ture tht bre!s the bi&ryreltio&ship estblished betee& the +other &d 3hild i& the i+gi&ry$ lthough$ s e illsee$ the i+gi&ry is &e/er si+ply dul stru3ture - there is lys third ele+e&t i&/ol/ed8he i&4&t6s erliest e'perie&3es re 3hr3teri>ed by bsolute depe&de&3e upo& the +others she 4ul4ils the 3hild6s &eeds o4 4eedi&g$ 3ri&g &d &urturi&g8 At the s+e ti+e the 3hild is

43ed ith the e&ig+ rou&d the ?+@other6s desire - Wht + = i& the Other6s desire he&sers the 3hild 3o+es up ith ill be 3ru3il to its resolutio& o4 the Oedipus 3o+ple'8

he Oedipus 3o+ple' +r!s the tr&sitio& 4ro+ the i+gi&ry to the sy+boli38 hrough thei&ter/e&tio& o4 third ter+$ the N+e-o4-the-Fther$ tht 3losed 3ir3uit o4 +utul desirebetee& the +other &d 3hild is bro!e& &d sp3e is 3reted$ ithi& hi3h the 3hild 3&begi& to ide&ti4y itsel4 s seprte bei&g 4ro+ the +other8 L3& 3lls this third ter+ theN+e-o4-the-Fther$ be3use it does &ot h/e to be the rel 4ther$ or e/e& +le 4igure$ butis sy+boli3 positio& tht the 3hild per3ei/es to be the lo3tio& o4 the obCe3t o4 the +other6sdesire8 =t is lso$ s e ill see$ positio& o4 uthority &d the sy+boli3 l tht i&ter/e&es toprohibit the 3hild6s desire8 For L3&$ the !ey sig&i4ier tht this hole pro3ess tur&s upo& is the


THE MEANING OF THE PHALLUSA33ordi&g to Freud$ the Oedipus 3o+ple' is 3o&te+por&eous ith the 6Phlli3 Phse6 o4i&4&tile se'ulity8 Prior to this phse Freud thought o4 ll 3hildre& s esse&tilly bise'ulbei&gs ho tti&ed se'ul stis43tio& through uto-eroti3is+8 7y this he +e&s tht /eryyou&g i&4&ts gi& se'ul sti+ultio& through their o& bodies8 here -5B- is &o se'ul obCe3ts su3h$ but they 3hie/e stis43tio& through the +&ipultio& o4 erotoge&i3 >o&es8 A&erotoge&i3 >o&e is &y re or org& o4 the body tht is ssig&ed se'ul sig&i4i3&3e by thei&4&t$ su3h s the orl &d &l ori4i3es s ell s the se'ul org&s8 For e'+ple$ thu+b-su3!i&g is & uto-eroti3 3ti/ity i& the se&se tht it i&/ol/es the sti+ultio& o4 prti3ulrre o4 the body &d the i&4&t deri/es plesure 4ro+ it8 Wht 3h&ges through the phlli3phse is tht the ge&itls be3o+e the 4o3us o4 se'ul sti+ultio&8 here is 3ru3il di44ere&3e$hoe/er$ betee& dult &d i&4&tile se'ulity i& tht duri&g i&4&3y$ 4or both se'es$ 6o&ly o&e

ge&itl$ &+ely the +le o&e$ 3o+es i&to 33ou&t8 Wht is prese&t$ there4ore$ is &ot thepri+3y o4 the ge&itls$ but the pri+3y o4 the phallus6 ?Freud ))e M)2B B0@8 =t is thesight o4 the prese&3e or bse&3e o4 the pe&is tht 4or3es the 3hild to re3og&ise tht boys &dgirls re di44ere&t8 o begi& ith$ Freud postulted tht both se'es dis/o the bse&3e o4 theo+&6s pe&is &d belie/e they h/e see& it$ e/e& i4 it is &ot there8 E/e&tully$ hoe/er$ theyre 4or3ed to d+it its bse&3e &d they 33ou&t 4or this bse&3e through the ide o43strtio&8 he boy sees the o+& s 3strted +& &d the girl hs to 33ept tht shehs &ot got &d &e/er ill h/e pe&is8 Freud did &ot disti&guish betee& the pe&is s &3tul bodily org& &d the 6phllus6 s sig&i4ier o4 se'ul di44ere&3e8 he phllus ithi&Freud6s or! lys +i&ti&ed its re4ere&3e to the +le se'ul org&8

For L3&$ the i+port&3e o4 Freud6s i&sight i&to i&4&tile se'ulity s &ot hether or &otgirls h/e pe&is &d boys 4er tht theirs ill be 3ut o44$ but the 4u&3tio& o4 the phllus s sig&i4ier o4 l3! &d se'ul di44ere&3e8 he phllus i& L3&i& theory should &ot be 3o&4usedith the +le ge&itl org&$ lthough it 3lerly 3rries these 3o&&ottio&s8 he phllus is 4irst&d 4ore+ost sig&i4ier &d i& L3&6s syste+ prti3ulrly pri/ileged sig&i4ier8 he phllusopertes i& ll three o4 L3&6s registers - the i+gi&ry$ the sy+boli3 &d the rel - &d shis syste+ de/elops it be3o+es the o&e si&gle i&di/isible sig&i4ier tht &3hors the 3hi& o4sig&i4i3tio&8 =&deed$ it is prti3ulrly pri/ileged sig&i4ier$ s e ill see$ be3use iti&ugurtes the pro3ess o4 sig&i4i3tio& itsel48 =& this 3hpter e ill 4o3us o& the i+gi&ry&d sy+boli3 spe3ts o4 the phllus &d ho these relte through the pter&l +etphor tothe N+e-o4-the-Fther8 We ill retur& to the #uestio& o4 the phllus$ Couiss&3e &d the reli& subse#ue&t 3hpters8 -5*-

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THE IMAGINARY PHALLUSAs e s bo/e$ the 3hild sloly 3o+es to relise tht it is &ot ide&ti3l to$ or the sole obCe3to4$ the +other6s desire$ s her desire is dire3ted elsehere8 :eshe ill there4ore tte+pt too&3e gi& be3o+e the obCe3t o4 her desire &d retur& to the i&itil stte o4 bliss4ul u&io&8 he

si+ple dydi3 reltio&ship betee& the +other &d 3hild is thus tur&ed i&to tri&gulrreltio&ship betee& the 3hild$ the +other &d the obCe3t o4 her desire8 he 3hild tte+pts tosedu3e the +other by be3o+i&g tht obCe3t o4 desire8 L3& 3lls this third ter+ the i+gi&ryphllus8 he i+gi&ry phllus is ht the 3hild assumes so+eo&e +ust h/e i& order 4orthe+ to be the obCe3t o4 the +other6s desire &d$ s her desire is usully dire3ted tords the4ther$ it is ssu+ed tht he possesses the phllus8 hrough tryi&g to stis4y the +other6sdesire$ the 3hild ide&ti4ies ith the obCe3t tht it presu+es she hs lost &d tte+pts tobe3o+e tht obCe3t 4or her8 he phllus is i+gi&ry i& the se&se tht it is sso3ited i& the3hild6s +i&d ith & 3tul obCe3t tht hs bee& lost &d 3& be re3o/ered8 he Oedipus3o+ple'$ 4or L3&$ i&/ol/es the pro3ess o4 gi/i&g up the ide&ti4i3tio& ith this i+gi&ryphllus$ &d re3og&i>i&g tht it is sig&i4ier &d s su3h s &e/er there i& the 4irst pl3e8Wht Freud 3lled 3strtio&$ there4ore$ is sy+boli3 pro3ess tht i&/ol/es the i&4&t6sre3og&itio& o4 the+sel/es s 6l3!i&g6 so+ethi&g - the phllus8 For L3&$ 3strtio& i&/ol/esthe pro3ess hereby boys 33ept tht they 3& sy+boli3lly 6h/e6 the phllus o&ly by

33epti&g tht they 3& &e/er 3tully h/e it 6i& relity6 &d girls 3& 33ept 6&ot-h/i&g6 thephllus o&3e they gi/e up o& their 6phlli36 ide&ti4i3tio& ith their +others ?e ill dis3ussthis /ery 3o+pli3ted ide i& +ore detil i& the 3hpter o& se'ul di44ere&3e@8 his is the4u&3tio& o4 the Oedipus 3o+ple' i& L3&8


=t is through the i&ter/e&tio& o4 the N+e-o4-the-Fther tht the i+gi&ry u&ity betee&3hild &d +other is bro!e&8 he 4ther is ssu+ed to possess so+ethi&g tht the 3hild l3!s&d it is this tht the +other desires8 =t is i+port&t here though &ot to 3o&4use the N+e-o4-the-Fther ith the 3tul 4ther8 he N+e-o4-the-Fther is sy+boli3 4u&3tio& tht i&trudesi&to the illusory orld o4 the 3hild &d -55- bre!s the i+gi&ry dyd o4 the +other &d 3hild8he 3hild ssu+es tht the 4ther is o&e tht stis4ies the +other6s desire &d possesses the

phllus8 =& this se&se$ rgues L3&$ the Oedipus 3o+ple' i&/ol/es & ele+e&t o4 substitutio&$tht is to sy$ the substitutio& o4 o&e sig&i4ier$ the desire o4 the +other$ 4or &other$ theN+e-o4-the-Fther8 =t is through this i&itil 3t o4 substitutio& tht the pro3ess o4 sig&i4i3tio&begi&s &d 3hild e&ters the sy+boli3 order s subCe3t o4 l3!8 =t is lso 4or this reso& thtL3& des3ribes the pro3ess o4 sy+boli>tio& itsel4 s 6phlli368 =t is through the N+e-o4-the-Fther tht the phllus is i&stlled s the 3e&trl org&i>i&g sig&i4ier o4 the u&3o&s3ious8 hephllus is the 6origi&l6 lost obCe3t$ but o&ly i&so4r s &o o&e possessed it i& the 4irst pl3e8he phllus$ there4ore$ is &ot li!e &y other sig&i4ier$ it is the sig&i4ier o4 bse&3e &d does &ot6e'ist6 i& its o& right s thi&g$ & obCe3t or bodily org&8 Let us loo! t this +ore 3losely8

L3& e#utes the pro3ess o4 gi/i&g up the i+gi&ry phllus ith Freud6s 33ou&t o43strtio& &'iety$ but he rgues tht the pro3ess o4 3strtio& i& Freud is +ore 3o+pli3tedth& people ge&erlly thi&!8 strtio& i&/ol/es &ot Cust & &'iety bout losi&g o&e6s pe&isbut si+ult&eously the re3og&itio& o4 lac! or absence8 he 3hild is 3o&3er&ed bout losi&g its

o& pe&is &d si+ult&eously re3og&i>es tht the +other does &ot h/e pe&is8 he ide o4the pe&is$ there4ore$ be3o+es +eto&y+i3lly li&!ed to the re3og&itio& o4 lac! 8 =t is i& thisse&se tht L3& rgues tht the phllus is &ot si+ply the pe&isG it is the penis plus therecognition of absence or lac! 8 strtio& is &ot the 4er tht o&e hs lredy lost$ i& the 3seo4 girls$ or ill lose$ i& the 3se o4 boys$ o&e6s pe&is but rther the sy+boli3 pro3ess o4 gi/i&gup the ide tht o&e 3& be the phllus 4or the +other8 he i&ter/e&tio& o4 the 4therdist&3es the 3hild 4ro+ the +other &d lso pl3es the phllus 4ore/er beyo&d its re3h8 =4the sy+boli3 4ther is see& to possess the phllus$ the& the 3hild 3& o&ly be3o+e subCe3titsel4 i& the sy+boli3 order by re&ou&3i&g the i+gi&ry phllus8 he proble+ 4or L3& is hodoes o&e sy+boli3lly represe&t 6l3!6 - so+ethi&g tht by de4i&itio& is &ot there :is solutio&

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is the ide o4 the 6/eil68 he prese&3e o4 the /eil suggests tht there is & obCe3t behi&d it$hi3h the /eil 3o/ers o/er$ lthough this is o&ly presu+ptio& o& the prt o4 the subCe3t8 =&this y the /eil e&bles the perpetutio& o4 the ide tht the obCe3t e'ists8 hus$ both boys&d girls 3& h/e reltio&ship to the phllus o& the bsis tht it lys re+i&s /eiled &dout o4 re3h8 he phllus pro/ides the /itl li&! betee& -51- desire &d sig&i4i3tio&8 =t isdesire tht dri/es the pro3ess o4 sy+boli>tio&8 he phllus is the ulti+te obCe3t o4 desiretht e h/e lost &d lys ser3h 4or but &e/er hd i& the 4irst pl3e8

o su++ri>e$ be4ore e e'plore this 3o+ple' ide 4urther$ the phllus st&ds 4or tht+o+e&t o4 rupture he& the 3hild is 4or3ed to re3og&i>e the desire o4 the otherG o4 the+other8 6he +other is re4used to the 3hild i& so 4r s prohibitio& 4lls o& the 3hild6s desireto be ht the +other desires6 ?Rose )1 1)@8 he phllus$ there4ore$ lys belo&gsso+ehere elseG it bre!s the +other3hild dyd &d i&itites the order o4 sy+boli3 e'3h&ge8=& this se&se the phllus is both i+gi&ry &d sy+boli38 =t is i+gi&ry i& tht it represe&tsthe obCe3t presu+ed to stis4y the +other6s desireG t the s+e ti+e$ it is sy+boli3 i& tht itst&ds i& 4or the re3og&itio& tht desire 3&&ot be stis4ied8 7y bre!i&g the i+gi&ry 3ouple6the phllus represe&ts +o+e&t o4 di/isio& Mtht l3!-i&-bei&g hi3h re-e&3ts the4u&d+e&tl splitti&g o4 the subCe3t itsel46 ?Rose )1 1B@8 As prese&3e i& bse&3e$ 6see+i&g6 /lue$ the phallus is a fraud 8

THE LAW OF THE FATHER AND THESUPEREGO=t is through the i&ter/e&tio& o4 the 4ther tht the 3hild is pre3ipitted out o4 the i+gi&ryorld o4 i&4&tile ple&itude i&to the sy+boli3 u&i/erse o4 l3!8 he Oedipus 3o+ple' +r!s thistr&sitio& 4ro+ i+gi&ry to sy+boli3$ or$ s Freud theori>ed it i& su3h or!s s Totem andTaboo ?))g M))B@ &d Ci'ilisation and its iscontents ?))4 M)B0@$ the tr&sitio& 4ro+&ture to 3ulture8 he Oedipus 3o+ple' 4or Freud +r!s the origi& o4 3i/ili>tio&$ religio&$+orls &d rt8 =t is o&ly through the repressio& &d subli+tio& o4 our i&3estuous desire 4orour +others tht 3i/ili>tio& &d 3ulture 3& de/elop8 he L3&i& N+e-o4-the-Fther$there4ore$ is sso3ited ith the prohibitio& o4 i&3est &d the i&stigtio& o4 sy+boli3 l8 hesy+boli3 order &d the pro3ess o4 sig&i4i3tio&$ 33ordi&g to L3&$ is 6phlli36 &d go/er&ed bythe pter&l +etphor &d the i+positio& o4 pter&l l8 he 4ther is see& to e+body theso3io-sy+boli3 l &d the 4u&3tio& o4 the pter&l +etphor is to substitute the desire 4or the+other ith the l o4 the 4ther8 his is lso the 4ou&di&g +o+e&t o4 the u&3o&s3ious 4orL3& &d the poi&t t hi3h the phllus is i&stlled s the 3e&trl org&i>i&g sig&i4ier o4 theu&3o&s3ious8 he i&ter&li>tio& o4 -5.- the pter&l +etphor lso 3retes so+ethi&g else$though$ tht Freud desig&tes s the superego8 L3& hs de/eloped the &otio& o4 thesuperego i& /ery spe3i4i3 &d /ery i+port&t y8

he superego e+erges through the tr&sitio& 4ro+ &ture to 3ulture /i the i&ter&li>tio& o4the i&3est tboo &d is o4te& sso3ited ith the de/elop+e&t o4 +orl 3o&s3ie&3e8 L3&reti&s this sso3itio& betee& the superego &d the l &d poi&ts to & i&here&t prdo'tht Freud did &ot hi+sel4 de/elop8 =& Totem and Taboo Freud rgued tht the prohibitio&gi&st i&3est pro/ided the 4ou&dtio& 4or ll subse#ue&t so3il ls8 =& other ords$ the +ost

4u&d+e&tl desire o4 ll hu+& subCe3ts is the desire 4or i&3est &d its prohibitio& represe&tsthe go/er&i&g pri&3iple o4 ll so3ieties8 For L3&$ the superego is lo3ted i& the sy+boli3order &d reti&s 3lose but prdo'i3l reltio&ship to the l8 As ith the l$ theprohibitio& opertes o&ly ithi& the rel+ o4 3ulture &d its purpose is lys to e'3ludei&3est

Freud desig&tes the prohibitio& o4 i&3est s the u&derlyi&g pri&3iple o4 thepri+ordil l$ the l o4 hi3h ll other 3ulturl de/elop+e&ts re &o +oreth& 3o&se#ue&3es &d r+i4i3tio&s8 A&d t the s+e ti+e he ide&ti4ies i&3ests the 4u&d+e&tl desire8

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?L3& )2 M)1 1.@

he l$ i& other ords$ is 4ou&ded upo& tht hi3h it see!s to e'3lude$ or$ to put it &othery$ the desire to bre! &d tr&sgress the l is the /ery pre3o&ditio& 4or the e'iste&3e o4the l itsel48 O& the o&e h&d$ the superego is sy+boli3 stru3ture tht regultes thesubCe3t6s desire$ &d$ o& the other$ there is this se&seless$ bli&d i+perti/e&ess to it8 As L3&sys i& se+i&r (($ &othi&g 4or3es &yo&e to e&Coy e'3ept the superego 6he superego is thei+perti/e o4 Couiss&3e - E&Coy6 ?) M).5 B@8 he superego$ there4ore$ is t o&3e thel &d its o& destru3tio& or tht hi3h u&der+i&es the l8 he superego e+erges t thepoi&t here the l - the publi3 or so3il l - 4ils &d$ t this /ery poi&t o4 4ilure$ the l is3o+pelled$ s IiJe! puts it$ 6to ser3h 4or support i& & illegal  e&Coy+e&t6 ?)*5*@8 hesuperego is$ i& se&se$ the dile3ti3l 3o&trry o4 the publi3 lG it is ht IiJe! 3lls itsobs3e&e 6&ightly6 l - tht dr! u&derside tht lys &e3essrily 33o+p&ies the publi3l8 A33ordi&g to psy3ho&lysis$ there is si+ply &o y subCe3t 3& /oid -5- this te&sio&betee& the l &d the desire to tr&sgress it &d this +&i4ests itsel4 s 6guilt68 =&deed$ 4orpsy3ho&lysis$ e re &ot si+ply guilty i4 e bre! the l &d 3o++it i&3est$ but rther ere lys-lredy guilty o4 the desire to 3o++it i&3est8 :e&3e$ the ulti+te prdo' o4 thesuperego 6the +ore e sub+it oursel/es to the superego i+perti/e$ the greter its pressure$the +ore e 4eel guilty6 ?IiJe! )*1.@8 We ill see ho these ides or! i& pr3ti3e lter$but 4irst e &eed to 3lri4y o&e 4i&l +biguity regrdi&g the superego8

THE TWO FATHERS=t is through the ide&ti4i3tio& ith the Oedipl 4ther tht the i&3est prohibitio& is i&ter&li>ed&d Oedipl desire b&do&ed &d it is this pro3ess$ 4or Freud$ tht 3o&stitutes the superego87ut ht e 4i&d here i& Freud is &ot o&e &otio& o4 the 4ther but t/o8 here is 4irst o4 ll the4ther o4 the Oedipus 3o+ple'$ ho i&ter/e&es &d disrupts the reltio&ship betee& +other&d 3hild &d thus de&ies the 3hild6s 33ess to the +other6s desire8 his is the 4ther hotr&s+its the l to the 3hild - the l o4 the i&3est prohibitio& - &d subordi&tes the 3hild6sdesire to the l8 =t is i+port&t to !eep i& +i&d$ though$ tht this 4ther is hi+sel4 subCe3t tothe l8 "e3o&d$ there is the pri+l 4ther o4 Totem and Taboo$ ho is per3ei/ed to be outsidethe l8 =& Freud6s +yth o4 origi&s the pri+l 4ther is 4igure o4 bsolute poerG the 4therho ggregtes to hi+sel4 the o+e& &d elth o4 the pri+l horde by e'pelli&g his so&s&d ri/ls8 Wht disti&guishes this tyr&&i3l 4igure 4ro+ the Oedipl 4ther is tht he is &ot

hi+sel4 subordi&ted to the l - the l tht prohibits his so&6s 33ess to the o+e& o4 thehorde8 his other 4ther$ there4ore - the 3ruel &d li3e&tious o&e - is the re/erse side o4 thel8 7oth 4thers 4u&3tio& psy3hi3lly t the le/el o4 the superego8

=de&ti4i3tio& ith the pri+l 4ther i&/ol/es & +biguous pro3ess hereby the subCe3tsi+ult&eously ide&ti4ies ith uthority$ the l and $ t the s+e ti+e$ the illi3it desires thtould tr&sgress &d u&der+i&e the l8 As ith the &otio& o4 the superego itsel4$ the 4ther4u&3tio&s i& pe3ulirly prdo'i3l y8 :e is si+ult&eously the ge&3y o4 uthority &d 4igure outside the l ho 3ti/ely tr&sgresses the l tht he i+poses upo& others8 hesubCe3t$ there4ore$ is 43ed ith its subordi&tio& to uthority &d the regultio& o4 its -5-desires through the i&ter&li>tio& o4 sig&i4ier tht is itsel4 beyo&d the l8 At psy3hi3le/el$ & o/erly pu&ishi&g superego &d subordi&tio& to the sy+boli3 l is o&e y i& hi3hthe subCe3t 3o+es to resol/e this u&berble situtio&8 A&d yet$ by i+pli3tio&$ i4 o&e +uste'ert stro&g +esures to prohibit so+ethi&g$ there +ust be 3orrespo&di&gly stro&g desire to

3o++it the 3ri+e8 Let us &o see ho this /i3ious 3y3le o4 tr&sgressio& &d pu&ish+e&topertes i& the so3il do+i& through IiJe!6s &lysis o4 r3is+ &d &ti-"e+itis+8


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per4or+ed pre3isely this 4u&3tio&8 he 4igure o4 6the <e6 is the pre3o&ditio& 4or &ti"e+iti3ideologyG it is tht hi3h susti&s &ti-"e+itis+8 Wht IiJe! 3lls the 63o&3eptul <e6 +ustbe i&/e&ted &d susti&ed t the le/el o4 4&tsy 4or &ti-"e+iti3 ideology to or!8=&teresti&gly$ rgues IiJe!$ N>i ideology s o4te& +ost /irule&t i& those res o4 ;er+&ytht hd the 4eest <es8 Prdo'i3lly$ the&$ the s+ller the thret &d the 3tul &u+ber o4<es prese&t$ the greter their poer s per3ei/ed to be8 his i& tur&$ o4 3ourse$ legiti+tes greter use o4 repressio& &d 4or3e$ hi3h i& tur& presupposes stro&ger thret gi&st it8

his is the /i3ious$ sel4-pu&ishi&g$ 3y3le o4 the superego8

here is lso so+ethi&g else t!i&g pl3e here$ though8 For &y uthoritri& regi+e to e'ist$hoe/er totlitri& it +y be$ the 3ti/e prti3iptio& &d support o4 popultio& is re#uired$otherise the regi+e ill /ery #ui3!ly 3ollpse8 A&d yet$ hy ould &y popultio& support &o/ertly repressi/e regi+e his is here the +biguity o4 the 4ther &d ht L3& 3lls thesuperegoi3 i+perti/e to E&Coy 3o+es i&8 Whe& subCe3t ide&ti4ies ith leder4ther 4igure$heshe ide&ti4ies ith positio& o4 Oedipl poer &d uthority8 At the s+e ti+e$ hoe/er$the subCe3t ide&ti4ies ith tht 3ruel &d li3e&tious 4ther o4 the pri+l horde8 =4 e do &oth/e 33ess to plesure &d e&Coy+e&t$ e ssu+e tht it is be3use so+eo&e else hsusurped our positio& &d t!e& it 4ro+ us8 :e&3e$ the i&4lted i+ges o4 poer &d pote&3ys3ribed to other 6+i&ority6 groups8 A33ordi&g to IiJe!$ this is the logi3 tht is t or! i& &ti-"e+itis+8 he e44i33y o4 the 4igure o4 the 6<e6 relies o& the ssu+ptio& o4 3erti& surplus -tht <es possess so+ethi&g tht e do &ot &d there4ore they h/e 33ess to plesures thte re de&ied8 For r3is+ &d &ti-"e+itis+ to 4u&3tio& psy3hi3lly & i+possible$u&4tho+ble e&Coy+e&t$ llegedly stole& 4ro+ us$ +ust be ttributed to the other8Prdo'i3lly$ rgues IiJe!$ ht 6holds together6 gi/e& 3o++u&ity is -12- &ot so +u3hide&ti4i3tio& ith the publi3 or sy+boli3 L tht regultes the 3o++u&ity6s 6&or+l6e/erydy li4e$ but rther identification /ith a specific form of transgression of the La/6 of theLa/4s suspension ?i& psy3ho&lyti3 ter+s$ ith spe3i4i3 4or+ o4 en1oyment @8 ?)*55@

%ore spe3i4i3lly$ ht holds 3o++u&ities together is the ttributio& o4 e$cessi'e e&Coy+e&tto other or lie& groupsG 4or i&st&3e$ the stereotypi3l 4&tsy o4 se'ul pote&3y sso3itedith bl3! +e&8 his ttributio& o4 e'3essi/e e&Coy+e&t to the other the& 3o+es to operte s spe3i4i3 4or+ o4 the4t 4or the subCe3t - the the4t o4 o&e6s o& e&Coy+e&t8Psy3ho&lysis rgues tht the i&here&t +biguity o4 these psy3hi3 stru3tures - the superego$the 4ther &d 4&tsy - is &e3essry &d 3o&stituti/e prt o4 ll so3il orders &d esse&til

to their proper 4u&3tio&i&g8 =4 the thret is &ot 3tully$ e+piri3lly$ there the& it ill h/e tobe i&/e&ted$ Cust s N>i ideology hd to 3o&stru3t the 63o&3eptul <e6 i& order to Custi4y itso& repressi/e regi+e8 he poi&t is tht the <e is &ot the 3use o4 tht ideology$ but rtherso+ethi&g tht is 3o&stituted i& its e44e3ts$ tht is to sy$ the <e is posited retrospe3ti/ely sthe 3o&ditio& o4 possibility 4or the 4s3ist regi+e8 he &otio& o4 the 63o&3eptul <e6 is htgi/es the irrtio&lity o4 4s3ist ideology its 3ohere&3e &d 3o&siste&3y8 Withi& r3is+ &d &ti-"e+itis+$ e&Coy+e&t$ &d spe3i4i3lly & 6e'3ess6 o4 e&Coy+e&t$ is lys i+puted to theother 6the other +y be l>y but they still h/e +ore 4u& th& usG they li/e o44 our hrd or!et3868 :oe/er$ tht is &ot e&ough i& itsel4 4or r3is+ to t!e hold8 he e&Coy+e&t o4 the other+ust lso be see& s depri/i&g us o4 our o& e&Coy+e&t 6e or! hrd to build 3o++u&itye 3& be proud o4 &d be hppy ithi&$ but this gol is de&ied us by l>y s3rou&gi&g4oreig&ers8 We 3& there4ore &ot e&Coy our 3o++u&ity be3use they h/e stole& y 4ro+ ustht hi3h ould +ost 4ully reli>e our e&Coy+e&t86 his is ht IiJe!sees s the logi3 o4r3is+ &d &ti-"e+itis+ the theft of en1oyment 8



L3& re4or+ulted the 3e&trl 3o+ple' o4 psy3ho&lysis$ the Oedipus 3o+ple'$ s symbolic structure8 hus$ 4or L3&$ the thret o4 3strtio& does &ot i&/ol/e & 3tul bodilythret but sy+boli3 pro3ess$ s the i&4&t ssu+es positio& i& the sy+boli3 order s

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desiri&g subCe3t8 "i+ilrly$ L3& rdi3lly re4or+ulted the role o4 the 4ther8 he role o4 the4ther i& psy3ho&lysis depe&ds &ot upo& the prese&3e o4 & 3tul 4ther but upo& sig&i4ier$ the pter&l +etphor$ hi3h substitutes the desire o4 the +other ith sy+boli3 l8=t is through the i&ter/e&tio& o4 the N+e-o4-the-Fther tht the dydi3 reltio&ship o4 thei+gi&ry is bro!e& &d the phllus is i&stlled s the origi&l lost obCe3t8 he phllus is theorigi&l obCe3t-3use o4 desire &d the 3e&trl org&i>i&g sig&i4ier o4 the u&3o&s3ious8 heseides re li&!ed through the &otio& o4 the to 4thers to the 4u&3tio& o4 the superego$ s t

o&3e the i&ter&li>tio& o4 the sy+boli3 l &d the desire to tr&sgress this l8 =& the4olloi&g 3hpter e ill loo! +ore 3losely t the #uestio& o4 desire &d the subCe3t o4 theu&3o&s3ious8



=& the pre/ious to 3hpters e 4o3used o& L3&6s or! 4ro+ the )50s$ he& he pl3ed thegretest e+phsis o& the role o4 l&guge &d the sy+boli3 order8 L3& s not

"tru3turlist i& &y stri3t se&se o4 the ter+$ hoe/er$ 4or to reso&s8 First$ "tru3turlis+sought to dissol/e the subCe3t 3o+pletely &d s subCe3ts s +erely the 6e44e3t6 o4 sy+boli3stru3tures8 L3&$ o& the other h&d$ hile see!i&g to lo3te the 3o&stitutio& o4 the subCe3t i&reltio& to the sy+boli3$ does &ot see the subCe3t s si+ply redu3ible to & e44e3t o4 l&gugeor the sy+boli3 order8 "e3o&d$ 4or "tru3turlis+$ stru3ture is lys 3o+plete$ hile 4orL3& the stru3ture - the sy+boli3 order - is &e/er 3o+plete8 here is lys so+ethi&g le4to/erG & e'3ess or so+ethi&g tht e'3eeds the sy+boli38 Wht e'3eeds the sy+boli3 is thesubCe3t &d the obCe3t8

=& this 3hpter e ill loo! t this e'3eptio& i& ter+s o4 the subCe3t &d i& the 4olloi&g3hpter i& reltio& to the ob1et petit a8 =& se+i&r (= ?)1*@ & i+port&t bre! si&trodu3ed i&to L3&6s or!$ s he sought to disti&guish his o& 3o&3eptio& o4 theu&3o&s3ious 4ro+ Freud6s &d +ore syste+ti3lly 4or+ulte ht is beyond l&guge &dstru3ture8 :e lso repl3ed the li&guisti3 3tegories o4 +etphor &d +eto&y+y ith the &e

3o&3epts o4 alienation &d separation8 As e ill see$ the pro3esses o4 lie&tio& &dseprtio& re 3losely li&!ed to the psy3ho&lyti3 3o&3eptio& o4 desire &d the dri/e$ &d i&order -15- to help you u&derst&d these di44i3ult 3o&3epts e ill loo! t L3&6s redi&g o4"h!espere6s Hamlet 8

FORMATIONS OF THE UNCONSCIOUShe u&3o&s3ious 4or Freud is esse&tilly representation$ i& the se&se tht it 3o&sists o4 the+e+ory tr3es o4 erly i&4&tile e'perie&3es &d tru+s8 hroughout his 3reer Freudde/eloped &u+ber o4 di44ere&t +odels o4 the +i&d the e3o&o+i3 or dy&+i3 +odel o4poer4ul desires origi&ti&g i& the u&3o&s3ious &d see!i&g e'pressio& i& 3o&s3ious&essG thetopogrphi3l +odel o4 the 3o&s3ious$ pre-3o&s3ious &d u&3o&s3iousG &d 4i&lly thestru3turl +odel o4 the id$ ego &d superego ?see hurs3hell ?2000 3h8 5@ 4or & 33ou&t o4

these di44ere&t +odels@8 "i+ilrly$ L3& de/eloped &u+ber o4 di44ere&t de4i&itio&s o4 theu&3o&s3ious &d the e+phsis tht he pl3ed o& e3h 3o&3eptuli>tio& 3h&ged throughouthis 3reer8 We ill 3o&sider three spe3i4i3 de4i&itio&s o4 the u&3o&s3ious d/&3ed by L3&belo

X he u&3o&s3ious s gp or rupture8X he u&3o&s3ious s stru3tured li!e l&guge8X he u&3o&s3ious s the dis3ourse o4 the Other8

First$ let us 3o&sider ht e +e& by the u&3o&s3ious8

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A33ordi&g to L3&$ psy3ho&lysis is s3ie&3e8 =t is the s3ie&3e o4 the u&3o&s3ious subCe3t$&d this subCe3t 4irst e+erged i& the se/e&tee&th 3e&tury ith the 4ou&der o4 +oder&philosophy Re&Q Des3rtes ?)51-)150@8 L3& i&terprets the Freudi& u&3o&s3ious s boththe dire3t heir o4 the rtesi& subCe3t &d$ t the s+e ti+e$ tht hi3h u&der+i&es llphilosophies deri/i&g 4ro+ it8 =& *editations ?)1*2@ Des3rtes s!ed ho e +ight !&o thetruth o4 our belie4s &d our per3eptio&s o4 relity8 :e suggested tht e 3ould o&ly do thiss3ie&ti4i3lly i4 e reCe3ted e/erythi&g tht e hd 3use to doubt &d the& s ht

re+i&ed ith 3erti&ty s true8 he di44i3ulty ith this ppro3h$ Des3rtes obser/ed$ is thtit 3ould led o&e i&to +ore di44i3ulties &d u&3erti&ty th& the positio& 4ro+ hi3h o&eorigi&lly strted8 O&e ould h/e to 33ept$ s Des3rtes put it$ tht 6there s &othi&g t lli& the orld &o s!y$ &o erth$ &o +i&ds or bodies6 ?)1 M)1*2 )0B@8 Des3rtes 3o&3luded$the&$ tht ll e 3ould be 3erti& o4 s the e'iste&3e o4 ;od &d oursel/es -11-

here is there4ore &o doubt tht = e'ist$ i4 he M;od de3ei/es +eG &d let hi+de3ei/e +e s +u3h s he li!es$ he 3& &e/er 3use +e to be &othi&g$ so lo&gs = thi&! = + so+ethi&g8 "o tht$ 4ter h/i&g thought 3re4ully bout it$ &dh/i&g s3rupulously e'+i&ed e/erythi&g$ o&e +ust the&$ i& 3o&3lusio&$ t!es ssured tht the propositio& am$ e$ist $ is &e3essrily true$ e/eryti+e =e'press it or 3o&3ei/e o4 it i& +y +i&d8

?)1 M)1*2 )0B@

Fro+ L3&i& perspe3ti/e$ o& the other h&d$ s "l/oC IiJe! puts it$ the o&ly thi&g o&e3& be 3erti& o4 is tht one does not e$ist 8 Let us try to 3lri4y this8 Freud re+i&s rtesi&to the e'te&t tht he sets out 4ro+ positio& o4 doubt$ but$ heres Des3rtes +o/es 4ro+ positio& o4 doubt to the 3erti&ty o4 3o&s3ious +i&d$ Freud +o/es i& the opposite dire3tio& &dpl3es the e+phsis o& the doubt  tht supports 3erti&ty8 For Freud$ it is the 3e&trl te&et o4psy3ho&lysis tht the /st +Cority o4 +e&tl li4e &d 3ti/ity re+i&s i&33essible to the3o&s3ious +i&d8 :e 4+ously used the i+ge o4 & i3eberg to illustrte the hu+& +i&d$ i&the se&se tht o&ly 4r3tio& o4 & i3eberg is i++editely /isible &d the +Cority o4 itre+i&s sub+erged be&eth the sur43e8 L3& rgues tht i4 e t!e the Freudi&u&3o&s3ious seriously the& e +ust re/erse Des3rtes6 4or+ultio& thus 6By 'irtue of the factthat doubt6 am sure that thin! 6 ?). M).B B5@8 he 3erti&ty o4 3o&s3ious&ess islys supported by so+ethi&g else by doubt$ by the u&!&o& or u&!&oble$ or by ht

Freud ill desig&te s the u&3o&s3ious8 For L3&$ there4ore$ the o&ly thi&g e 3& !&o ith3erti&ty 4ter Freud is 6tht the subCe3t o4 the u&3o&s3ious +&i4ests itsel4$ tht it thi&!sbe4ore it tti&s 3erti&ty6 ?). M).B B.@8 =& this se&se the u&3o&s3ious is pre-o&tologi3lGit is &ot #uestio& o4 e'iste&3e$ o4 bei&g or &o&-bei&g$ but rther o4 the unreali3ed $ theu&!&o& o4 rtesi& doubt8 We +ust be #uite 3ler here though tht the u&3o&s3ious is &otthe 3t o4 doubti&g s su3h$ s this presupposes & lredy e'isti&g subCe3t8 he u&3o&s3iousis the u&!&o& tht lies beyo&d doubt8

THE UNCONSCIOUS AS GAP ORRUPTUREhe u&3o&s3ious$ rites L3&$ +ust 6be pprehe&ded i& its e'perie&3e o4 rupture$ betee&per3eptio& &d 3o&s3ious&ess$ i& tht &o&te+porl lo3us$ Freud 3lls &other s3e&e6?). M).B 51@8:E ",7<E OF :E ,NON"=O,"


A33ordi&g to Freud e !&o tht there is & u&3o&s3ious be3use it +&i4ests itsel4 tpre3isely those +o+e&ts he& our 3o&s3ious de4e&3e +e3h&is+s re t their e!estG 4ore'+ple$ through our dre+s he& e sleep$ i& those 33ide&tl slips o4 the to&gue he& esy so+ethi&g tht e did &ot relly i&te&d to sy but e o4te& +e&$ through Co!es hi3h4re#ue&tly re/el +ore bout us th& e thi&!$ or$ 4i&lly$ through the sy+pto+s o4 +e&tldistress &d ill&ess8 Wht e3h o4 these e'+ples poi&ts to$ rgued Freud$ is the prese&3e o4

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des3ribed to +o+e&ts o4 lie&tio& &d suggested tht the subCe3t s doubly lie&ted4irst$ through the i&4&t6s ?+is@-re3og&itio& o4 itsel4 i& the other duri&g the +irror stge &d$se3o&d$ through the subCe3t6s 33essio& i&to the sy+boli3 &d l&guge8 Alie&tio& is &i&e/itble 3o&se#ue&3e o4 the 4or+tio& o4 the ego &d &e3essry 4irst step tordssubCe3ti/ity8 o&trry to the usul u&derst&di&g o4 the ter+ i& philosophy or politi3l theory -tht is$ lie&tio& s self -lie&tio& tht +ust be o/er3o+e i4 the true sel4 is to e+erge -lie&tio&$ 4or L3&$ is u&/oidble &d u&tr&s3e&dble8 he lie&ted subCe3t is the subCe3t

o4 the sig&i4ierG it is the subCe3t tht is deter+i&ed by the sy+boli3 order &d l&guge &d is3o&stituti/ely split or di/ided8 Fro+ the +id-)10s o&rds L3& &o lo&ger spo!e o4 theseto +o+e&ts o4 lie&tio& but elborted si&gle pro3ess tht desig&tes the subCe3t6s -.)-deter+i&tio& by the sig&i4ier8 Fro+ L3&i& perspe3ti/e 6lie&tio& is desti&y6 ?"oler)5 *@ - e 3&&ot es3pe l&guge &d l&guge i&s3ribes us i& 3erti& positio& ithi&the sy+boli38

L3&6s bre!through i& se+i&r (= s the i&trodu3tio& o4 the 3o&3ept o4 6seprtio&68"eprtio& is li&!ed to desire &d desig&tes the pro3ess through hi3h the 3hild di44ere&titesitsel4 4ro+ the ?+@Other &d is &ot si+ply subCe3t o4 l&guge8 =t is through the 3o&3ept o4seprtio& tht e 3& see tht 4re#ue&t 3riti3is+ o4 L3& - tht he redu3es e/erythi&g tol&guge - is bsed o& /ery prtil redi&g o4 his erly se+i&rs8 "eprtio& t!es pl3e i&the do+i& o4 desire &d re#uires 4ro+ the subCe3t 3erti& 6&t to be6G 6&t to be6seprte 4ro+ the sig&i4yi&g 3hi&8 =t lso i&/ol/es 6&t to !&o6 o4 tht hi3h is outsidestru3ture$ &d beyo&d l&guge &d the Other8 :oe/er$ the Other i& this 3se is &ot thes+e s the Other o4 lie&tio&8 Pre/iously e 3o&sidered the Other s 3o&sisti&g o4 sig&i4iers$but the Other o4 seprtio& is 4irst &d 4ore+ost 6l3!i&g6 Other8 We ill see ht L3&+e&s by this belo$ but 4irst let us 3o&sider ht e +e& by desire8

L3& is /ery 3re4ul to disti&guish betee& 6&eed6 &d 6desire68 A &eed su3h s hu&ger orthirst 3& be stis4ied8 Desire o& the other h&d re4ers to so+ethi&g beyo&d bsi3 hu+&&eeds tht 3&&ot be stis4ied8 For L3&$ desire is +u3h broder &d +ore bstr3t 3o&3eptth& either libido or 6ish6 i& FreudG i& se+i&r (= he des3ribes it$ 4olloi&g "pi&o>$ s 6theessence of man6 ?). M).B 2.5@8 Desire is t the /ery 3ore o4 our bei&g &d s su3h it isesse&tilly reltio& to lac! G i&deed$ desire &d l3! re i&e'tri3bly tied together8 L3&de4i&es desire s the re+i&der tht rises 4ro+ the subtr3tio& o4 need  4ro+ demand 

hus desire is &either the ppetite 4or stis43tio&$ &or the de+&d 4or lo/e$but the di44ere&3e tht results 4ro+ the subtr3tio& o4 the 4irst 4ro+ these3o&d$ the phe&o+e&o& o4 their splitti&g ?Spaltung@8

?)..d M)5 2.@

Desire &d the u&3o&s3ious re 4ou&ded through the re3og&itio& o4 4u&d+e&tl l3! thebse&3e o4 the phllus8 Desire$ there4ore$ is lys the +&i4esttio& o4 so+ethi&g tht isl3!i&g i& the subCe3t &d the Other - the sy+boli3 order8 =t is through the Other tht thesubCe3t se3ures its positio& i& the sy+boli3$ so3il$ order8 he Other 3o&4ers -.2-upo& thesubCe3t its sy+boli3 +&dte$ s it is through the desire o4 the Other tht the subCe3t6s o&desire is 4ou&ded

=& the 3hild6s tte+pt to grsp ht re+i&s esse&tilly i&de3ipherble i& theOther6s desire - ht L3& 3lls the ($ the /rible$ or ?better@ the u&!&o& -the 3hild6s o& desire is 4ou&dedG the Other6s desire begi&s to 4u&3tio& s the3use o4 the 3hild6s desire8 ?Fi&! )55@

he i&4&t6s erliest e'perie&3es re 3hr3teri>ed by & bsolute depe&de&3e upo& the?+@Other$ s she 4ul4ils the 3hild6s &eeds o4 4eedi&g$ 3ri&g &d &urturi&g8 =& this s3e&rio thei&4&t 4&tsi>es tht the ?+@Other 3& 4ul4il ll its &eeds &d desires &d$ s it is the 3e&tre o4tte&tio&$ the i&4&t ssu+es tht it e#ully 4ul4ils the +other6s desire8 ;rdully$ the i&4&treli>es tht the +other is &ot s depe&de&t upo& it s heshe is upo& her &d tht prt o4

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her desire is dire3ted elsehere8 F3ed ith this dile++ L3& suggests tht the 3hild poses series o4 #uestio&s to itsel4 ht does she &t 4ro+ +e Wht + = 4or her Wht doesshe desire he i&4&t is 4or3ed to re3og&i>e tht &ot o&ly is heshe split &d l3!i&g subCe3tbut lso tht the ?+@Other is desiri&g subCe3t &d there4ore l3!i&g so+ethi&g8 he?+@Other is &e/er per4e3t &d the i&4&t6s de+&d 4or lo/e goes beyond  the obCe3ts thtstis4y its &eeds8 For L3& it is this irredu3ible 6beyo&d6 o4 the de+&d tht 3o&stitutes desire8As ith the subCe3t the Other is lso l3!i&gG the Other is lso 6brred68 here re+i&s

so+ethi&g esse&tilly u&4tho+ble i& the desire o4 the Other 4or the subCe3t8 Wht L3&3lls seprtio& is this e&3ou&ter ith the l3! i& the Other &d the 6&t to be6$ +ore th&+erely l3!8 "eprtio& i&/ol/es the 3oi&3ide&3e$ or o/erlppi&g$ o4 to l3!s the l3! i& thesubCe3t &d the Other8 he i&ter3tio& betee& these to l3!s ill deter+i&e the 3o&stitutio&o4 the subCe3t8 "eprtio&$ there4ore$ t!es pl3e t pre3isely the poi&t tht the subCe3t 3&4or+ulte the #uestio& ht + = i& the Other6s desire &d 3& thus di44ere&tite itsel4 4ro+the desire o4 the Other8 While the desire o4 the Other lys e'3eeds or es3pes the subCe3t$there &e/ertheless re+i&s so+ethi&g tht the subCe3t 3& re3o/er &d thus susti& 6hi+ orhersel4 i& bei&g$ s being of desire6 ?Fi&! )51)@$ or desiri&g subCe3t8 ht re+i&der isthe ob1et petit a$ the obCe3t-3use o4 desire ?see hpter 5@8:E ",7<E OF :E ,NON"=O,"


THE LACANIAN SU+JECThe L3&i& subCe3t is$ there4ore$ 3o&stituted through to +o/e+e&ts the 4irst 3orrespo&dsto the pro3ess o4 lie&tio& through l&guge$ the se3o&d to the seprtio& o4 desire8 L3&&e/er$ hoe/er$ pre3isely desig&tes the poi&t t hi3h the subCe3t ppers$ be3use it &e/erppers s su3h8 he subCe3t i& L3&i& psy3ho&lysis hs &o per+&e&3e or persiste&3e8L3& lys re4ers to the subCe3t s rri/i&g or h/i&g Cust rri/edG s lys too erly or toolte8 here is &e/er poi&t i& ti+e tht the subCe3t 3& be sid to 4i&lly e+erge s stble&d 3o+plete e&tity8 =t e+erges o&ly 4leeti&gly through 3o&ti&uous pro3ess o4subCe3ti4i3tio& - lie&tio& &d seprtio& - rther th& t spe3i4i3 +o+e&t i& ti+e8 PulHerheghe su++ri>es the pro3ess ell

Mhe subCe3t$ 3o&4ro&ted ith the e&ig+ o4 the desire o4 the Other$ tries to/erblise this desire &d thus 3o&stitutes itsel4 by ide&ti4yi&g ith the sig&i4iers

i& the 4ield o4 the Other$ ithout e/er su33eedi&g i& 4illi&g the gp betee&subCe3t &d Other8 :e&3e$ the 3o&ti&uous +o/e+e&t 4ro+ sig&i4ier to sig&i4ier$i& hi3h the subCe3t lter&tely ppers &d disppers8


Wht is 3ru3il here is tht the subCe3t assumes its positio& ithi& the sy+boli3 order &d isthus ble to 3t8 he subCe3t is &ot si+ply deter+i&ed by stru3ture8 o be3o+e subCe3t$ o&e+ust t!e positio& i& reltio& to the desire o4 the Other8 he i&4&t +ust di44ere&tite itsel44ro+ the desire o4 the Other8 =t is this ele+e&t o4 3hoi3e tht llos 4or the possibility o43h&ge$ beyo&d the i&es3pble deter+i&tio& o4 the sy+boli38 L3& re4erred to this s the64uture &terior6 - the 4uture pst8 he subCe3t +!es 3hoi3e tht ill deter+i&e its 4uturebut$ prdo'i3lly$ this is grou&ded o& the i&deter+i&te&ess o4 the u&3o&s3ious &d desire8he subCe3t is$ i& se&se$ suspe&ded betee& 6subCe3t-to-be6 &d the 4ield o4 the Other$ i& 3o&ti&uous /3illtio& or 4di&g but &e/er subst&ti/ely prese&t8 7ut i4 the subCe3t hs &oper+&e&3e or 3o&siste&3y &d it is &ot +erely the e44e3t o4 l&guge or dis3ourse$ ht is itWht is there beyo&d l&guge &d the sy+boli3 tht +!es the subCe3t +ore th& thesubCe3t o4 the sig&i4ier he &ser to this bsolutely 4u&d+e&tl #uestio& is to be 4ou&d i&the psy3ho&lyti3 u&derst&di&g o4 the dri'e8 here is &o subCe3t disti&3t 4ro+ the dri/e8 -.*-


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Freud6s theory o4 the dri/e s re/ised e'te&si/ely throughout his 3reer8 he dri/e$ ori&sti&3t s it is usully tr&slted i& E&glish$ is 3o&3ept tht e'ists o& the border betee& theso+ti3 ?bodily@ &d the +e&tl8 =t 3o&sists o4 #u&tity o4 e&ergy &d its psy3hi3lreprese&tti/e ?re+e+ber ht e sid bo/e bout the u&3o&s3ious bei&g represe&ttio&@8<e& Lpl&3he &d "erge Le3lire de4i&e the Freudi& dri/e s 6 3o&st&t 4or3e o4 biologi3l&ture$ e+&ti&g 4ro+ org&i3 sour3es$ tht lys hs s its i+ its o& stis43tio&through the eli+i&tio& o4 the stte o4 te&sio& hi3h opertes t the sour3e o4 the dri/e itsel46

?).2 M)15 )*0@8 A33ordi&g to Freud$ there re 4our 3hr3teristi3s o4 the dri/e its6pressure6$ its 6i+6$ its 6obCe3t6 &d its 6sour3e6 ?)*3 M))5 ))@8 7y pressure Freud +e&sthe dri/e6s +otor 43tor$ tht is to sy$ 6the +ou&t o4 4or3e or +esure o4 the de+&d 4oror! hi3h it represe&ts6 ?)*3 M))5 ))@8 E'erti&g pressure is 3hr3teristi3 3o++o&to ll dri/es &d represe&ts the dri/e6s esse&3e8 he i+ o4 the dri/e is to see! its o&stis43tio& &d it 3hie/es this by re+o/i&g the sour3e o4 sti+ultio&8 he obCe3t o4 the dri/eis tht hi3h the dri/e tt3hes itsel4 to i& order to 3hie/e its i+8 Freud desig&tes prti3ulrly 3lose tt3h+e&t betee& the dri/e &d its obCe3t s 64i'tio&68 Fi&lly$ the sour3eo4 the dri/e is 6the so+ti3 pro3ess hi3h o33urs i& & org& or prt o4 the body &d hosesti+ulus is represe&ted i& +e&tl li4e by & i&sti&3t6 ?)*3 M))5 ))@8 he dri/e$ i& short$is so+ethi&g tht origi&tes ithi& the body &d see!s e'pressio& i& the psy3he sreprese&ttio&8 Freud is pri+rily 3o&3er&ed ith the i+s o4 the dri/es &d ho they see!stis43tio&8

We 3&&ot go i&to Freud6s di44ere&t theories o4 the dri/e i& detil here$ but it is 3ru3il to3!&oledge the disti&3tio& betee& & i&sti&3t &d dri/e8 A& i&sti&3t desig&tes &eedtht 3& be stis4ied8 he e'+ples Freud usully gi/es re the o&es = used bo/e - those o4hu&ger &d thirst8 hese &eeds gi/e rise to & e'3ittio& ithi& the body tht 3& be stis4ied&d &eutrli>ed8 he dri/e$ o& the other h&d$ 3&&ot be stis4ied &d is 3hr3teri>ed by theconstancy  o4 the pressure it e'erts o& 3o&s3ious&ess8 he +odel o4 the Freudi& dri/e is libido - se'ul e&ergy - or ht is lso tr&slted s 6ish6 or 6desire68 A33ordi&g to Lpl&3he &dLe3lire$ it is the i&trodu3tio& o4 the dri/e i&to the sphere o4 &eed tht +r!s the disti&3tio&betee& &eed &d desire 6the dri/e i&trodu3es i&to the sphere o4 &eed & -.5- eroti3#ulity libido ill be substituted 4or &eed6 ?).2 M)15 )*0@8 Libido is the 4u&d+e&tl+oti/e 4or3e o4 hu+& bei&gsG it is u&3o&s3ious desire hi3h is the org&i>i&g pri&3iple o4 llhu+& thought$ 3tio& &d so3il reltio&s8 hroughout his 3reer Freud +i&ti&ed dulisti3theory o4 dri/es8 =& the Pro1ect for a Scientific Psychology  ?)5* M)5@ he disti&guishedbetee& bou&d &d u&bou&d e&ergy8 =& Three #ssays on the Theory of Se$uality  ?))dM)05@ Freud disti&guished betee& libido &d the ego-i&sti&3ts$ or the dri/e to sel4-preser/tio&8 Fi&lly$ he& he 3+e to 33ept the 3riti3is+s o4 his 4ello &lysts tht thedri/e to sel4-preser/tio& s lso se'ul i& &ture$ he 4or+ulted his 4i&l gret +ythopoeti3theory o4 Eros$ the plesure pri&3iple$ &d h&tos$ the deth dri/e$ i& Beyond the PleasurePrinciple ?)*b M)20@8

For L3&$ the Freudi& &otio& o4 the dri/e is probbly the si&gle +ost i+port&t 3o&tributio&o4 psy3ho&lysis to the 4ield o4 hu+& psy3hology &d our u&derst&di&g o4 subCe3ti/ity8L3& i&sisted o& the &eed to reti& the Freudi& disti&3tio& betee& the dri/e &d i&sti&3t$&d i& his erly or! the dri/e is 3losely sso3ited ith desire8 Abo/e ll$ the dri/e shresith desire the property o4 &e/er 3hie/i&g its i+8 he dri/e lys 3ir3les rou&d its obCe3tbut &e/er 3hie/es the stis43tio& o4 re3hi&g it8 he purpose o4 the dri/e$ there4ore$ issi+ply to +i&ti& its o& repetiti/e 3o+pulsi/e +o/e+e&t$ Cust s the purpose o4 desire is to

desire8 L3&6s theory o4 the dri/e$ hoe/er$ di44ered 4ro+ Freud6s i& to i+port&t respe3ts8Freud rgued tht se'ulity s 3o+posed o4 series o4 prtil dri/es hi3h he de4i&ed s theorl$ &l &d phlli3 phses8 hese phses be3o+e i&tegrted i&to si&gle$ hole$ ge&itldri/e 4ter the resolutio& o4 the Oedipus 3o+ple'8 o&trry to Freud$ L3& rgues tht lldri/es re prtil i& the se&se tht there is &e/er si&gle i&tegrted hr+o&ious resolutio& o4the dri/es i& the subCe3t8 Further+ore$ prtil dri/e does &ot represe&t  part of   si&gulru&i4ied dri/e$ but rther the partiality  o4 the dri/e i& the reprodu3tio& o4 se'ulity ?see hpter1@8 L3& lso de/eloped Freud6s theory o4 the dri/e i& &other i+port&t respe3t8 :e thoughttht it s i+port&t to reti& Freud6s dulis+$ rther th& redu3i&g e/erythi&g to si&gle+oti/ti&g 4or3e$ but reCe3ted Freud6s &otio& o4 to disti&3t dri/es$ Eros &d h&tos8 For

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L3& e/ery dri/e is se'ul i& &ture &d t the s+e ti+e e/ery dri/e is deth dri/e8 hereis 4u&d+e&tlly o&ly o&e dri/e 4or L3& - the deth dri/e - &d s e ill see this dri/e illi&3resi&gly be sso3ited ith the rel &d 1ouissance8 Fro+ se+i&r (= o&rds L3& ill-.1- oppose the dri/e &d Couiss&3e to desire$ &d tht little pie3e o4 the rel - o4 Couiss&3e- tht the subCe3t hs 33ess to ill be desig&ted the ob1et petit a ?see hpter 5@8 hese re/ery di44i3ult ides &d$ i& order to help you u&derst&d the+ better$ let us loo! t L3&6s3o&3eptio& o4 the subCe3t i& reltio& to the desire o4 the Other through his redi&g o4

"h!espere6s Hamlet 8

(*+L"T  AND THE TRAGEDY OF DESIREAlo&g ith "opho3les6 5edipus Re$ $ Hamlet  hs bee& 3e&trl literry re4ere&3e 4orpsy3ho&lysis8 =& the nterpretation of reams$ Freud produ3ed the 4irst pie3e o4psy3ho&lyti3 literry 3riti3is+$ he& he disti&guished betee& the to plys o& the bsis o4the se3ulr d/&3e o4 repressio& i& the e+otio&l li4e o4 hu+&ity

=& the 5edipus the 3hild6s ish4ul ph&tsy tht u&derlies it is brought i&to theope& &d relised s it ould be i& dre+8 =& Hamlet it re+i&s repressedG&d - Cust s i& the 3se o4 &eurosis - e o&ly ler& o4 its e'iste&3e 4ro+ its

i&hibiti&g 3o&se#ue&3es8 "tr&gely e&ough$ the o/erhel+i&g e44e3t produ3edby the +ore +oder& trgedy hs tur&ed out to be 3o+ptible ith the 43ttht people h/e re+i&ed 3o+pletely i& the dr! s to the hero6s 3hr3ter8

?Freud )) M)00 B11-.@

For Freud$ &d lter 4or Er&est <o&es ?)*@$ :+let6s hesittio& to 3t &d re/e&ge the detho4 his 4ther t the h&ds o4 his u&3le 3ould be e'pli&ed i& ter+s o4 his repressed Oedipldesire 4or his +other8 7y !illi&g :+let6s 4ther &d the& +rryi&g his +other$ his u&3le hd4ul4illed :+let6s o& u&3o&s3ious ish &d there4ore :+let s u&ble to !ill hi+ i& tur&8For L3&$ o& the other h&d$ Hamlet  is &ot ply bout repressed Oedipl s3e&rios$ butrther dr+ o4 subCe3ti/ity &d desire ?)2@8 Hamlet  is trgedy o4 desireG the trgedy o4 +& ho hs lost the y o4 his desire s it is i&e'tri3bly tied up ith the desire o4 the

Other8 As Eli>beth Wright rites$ L3& uses Hamlet  6s & llegory both o4 blo3!ed desire&d the 3t o4 +our&i&g hi3h u&lo3!s it6 ?)..@8 =& 6%our&i&g &d %el&3holi6 ?)).@Freud suggested tht the or! o4 +our&i&g i&/ol/ed the grdul ithdrl o4 libido 4ro+ lo/ed o&e ho hd died8 his pro3ess t!es pl3e sloly &d$ i& the +e&ti+e$ 6the e'iste&3eo4 the lost obCe3t Mperso& -..-is psy3hi3lly prolo&ged6 ?)*d M)). 25B@ &d the subCe3t6sdesire re+i&s 4i'ed o& the lost obCe3t8 O&3e the or! o4 +our&i&g is 3o+plete the subCe3t is4ree to dire3t their desire elsehere8 A33ordi&g to L3&$ :+let s u&ble 4ully to +our& hisded 4ther be3use his +other pre+turely +rried his u&3le &d repl3ed the sy+boli34ther8 he +other$ there4ore$ repl3ed the lost obCe3t ith &e o&e be4ore :+let 3ouldithdr his desire &d dire3t it elsehere8 As e s i& the pre/ious 3hpter$ the origi&llost obCe3t is the phllus &d ht L3& is suggesti&g is tht :+let is u&ble to +our& theloss o4 the phllus tht ill i&ugurte the +o/e+e&t o4 his o& desire8 =& this situtio& Freudsuggested tht +our&i&g tur&s i&to +el&3holi8 he 3ru3il di44ere&3e betee& +our&i&g &d+el&3holi is tht i& the 3t o4 6+our&i&g it is the orld hi3h hs be3o+e poor &d e+ptyG

i& +el&3holi it is the ego itsel46 ?Freud )*d M)). 25*@8 =& +el&3holi the 3t o4+our&i&g is &r3issisti3lly tur&ed b3! upo& the sel4 &d the subCe3t ide&ti4ies hisher o&ego ith the lost obCe3t8 %el&3holi$ there4ore$ hs the e44e3t o4 blo3!i&g the &turl pro3esso4 +our&i&g &d 4ree>i&g the subCe3t i& ti+e8

L3& sso3ites &r3issis+ ith the i+gi&ry order ?see hpter )@ &d the +other3hilddyd8 he dile++ 4or :+let$ rgues L3&$ is ho to seprte hi+sel4 4ro+ the de+&d o4the ?+@Other &d reli>e his o& desire8 L3&$ there4ore$ i&terprets :+let6s &otorioushesittio& to 3t &d re/e&ge the deth o4 his 4ther s +&i4esttio& o4 the desire o4 theOther8 :+let si+ply 3&&ot 3hoose betee& his o& desire &d the desire o4 the Other8 We

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&eed to be 3ler here though tht it is &ot :+let6s desire for  his +other tht i&hibits hi+$ buthis 4i'tio& /ithin his +other6s desire8 :+let is si+ply u&ble to di44ere&tite his o& desire4ro+ his +other6s desire8 :+let 3o&4uses &d distorts his o& desireG he sees his desire &ots 3o&stituted i& reltio& to the Other but s the s+e s the Other8

Opheli 3& o&ly be3o+e the obCe3t o4 his desire o&3e +ore he& she is ded$ tht is to sy$he& she is o&3e gi& u&tti&ble8 For L3&$ the trgedy o4 :+let is the trgedy o4 subCe3t ho is suspe&ded ithi& the ti+e o4 the Other8 :+let lys 3ts too erly ?s iththe !illi&g o4 Polo&ius@ or too lte ?s ith his 4ilure to !ill ludius i& the 3hur3h or re3og&i>ehis obCe3t o4 desire@ u&til the 4i&l hour8 =t is o&ly t the /ery e&d o4 the ply$ he& :+lethi+sel4 is +ortlly ou&ded$ tht he ssu+es his positio& s subCe3t8


A33ordi&g to L3& e 3&&ot !&o ht the u&3o&s3ious is8 =&deed$ it is &ot thi&g s su3hbut hypothesisG e 3&&ot !&o the u&3o&s3ious$ but o&ly dedu3e it 4ro+ subCe3t6sspee3h8 We 3& dedu3e tht there is 6!&oledge6$ & ($ tht e'ists elsehere8 =& this se&se$the u&3o&s3ious +&i4ests itsel4 i& the sy+boli3 order &d e+erges through the subCe3t6se&3ou&ter ith tr&s-i&di/idul sy+boli3 order8 here 3& be &o u&3o&s3ious ithout &-Other8 he u&3o&s3ious depe&ds upo& the e'iste&3e o4 &-Other - & i&terlo3utor$ reder or

&lyst ho 3& de3ipher its i&s3riptio&s8 "i+ilrly the subCe3t o4 the u&3o&s3ious$ the subCe3to4 desire$ is &ot the s+e s & i&di/idul hu+& bei&g$ but so+ethi&g tht is 3o&stituted i&the gp betee& the sig&i4ier &d the sig&i4ied8 he subCe3t is the subCe3t o4 the sig&i4ieri&so4r s it is +r!ed by l&guge8 At the s+e ti+e$ the subCe3t is the breach i& thesig&i4yi&g 3hi& - the gp tht ope&s up betee& the sy+boli3 &d the rel$ through hi3h thedri/e +&i4ests itsel48 We ill dis3uss these ides 4urther i& the &e't 3hpter8

:E ",7<E OF :E ,NON"=O,"
