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1999 End of CycleElection Report

ABOUT THE SEATTLE ETHICS AND ELECTIONS COMMISSION: TheCommission is a seven-member, citizen body that interprets, administers andenforces the Seattle Elections Code, Code of Ethics, Election Pamphlet Code andWhistleblower Protection Code. Three members are appointed by the Mayor(confirmed by the City Council), three are appointed by the City Council and theseventh is appointed by the other six and confirmed by the City Council. Themembers serve three year terms.

The current members are:

Timothy Burgess, Chair Council appointee thru December 2001Sharon Kim Gang, Vice Chair Mayoral appointee thru December 2002Mary Brucker Mayoral appointee thru December 2002Paul J. Dayton Commission appointee thru December 2000J. Patrick Dobel Council appointee thru December 2001Daniel J. Ichinaga Council appointee thru December 2000Catherine Walker Mayoral appointee thru December 2000

Commission staff includes:

Carolyn M. Van NoyExecutive Director, 684-8577, [email protected]

Bob DeWeeseIT Professional, 684-8579, [email protected]

Glenda J. Graham-WaltonTraining & Education Specialist Sr., [email protected]

Brian MalarkyInvestigator, 684-8578, [email protected]

Anne RochonAdministrative Specialist II (TES), [email protected]

Contacting the Commission:

Address: Phone: (206) 684-8500226 Municipal Building Fax #: (206) 684-8590600 Fourth Avenue City Mail Stop: 01-02-01Seattle, Washington 98104 e-mail: [email protected]


Citizens of Seattle July 26, 2000

Re: Report Of Contributions and Expenditures In The 1999 City Election

Dear Citizen:

The attached report is published by the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission to giveyou information about the financing of the 1999 Seattle City campaigns. It was compiledfrom the campaign finance disclosure reports that the candidates and ballot issuecommittees were required to file, under the Seattle Elections Code. The data presentedhere includes all such reports filed for the 1999 election cycle.

Five City Council positions were on the ballot in 1999, as well as fifteen separate ballotpropositions. Council Positions 1, 7 and 9 were open this year because incumbentCouncilmembers Choe, Donaldson and Podlodowski did not run for reelection. Theincumbents in Council Positions 3 and 5, Councilmembers Steinbrueck and Pageler, didrun for reelection. Proposition 1 on the general election ballot was a levy to fundimprovements and construction to Seattle Center facilities as well as neighborhoodcommunity centers. Propositions 2 through 15 included various amendments of the City’sCharter.

The data discloses four trends of note:

• For the first time, the total amount of contributions raised and expenditures made byCity Council campaigns reached one million dollars. In 1995, the total amount ofcontributions raised and expenditures made by City Council campaigns was$718,444 raised and $753,896 spent; in 1997, $838,816 raised and $860,406 spent;and in 1999, $1,110,780 raised and $1,112,164 spent.

• In the City Council races there is increasing reliance on large contributions as asource of campaign funding. The average contribution size jumped significantly thisyear, from $88 in 1995 and $94 in 1997 to over $107 in 1999, an increase of 14%from 1997, far in excess of inflation. At the same time, the number of contributorsdecreased. In 1995 there were 10,183 contributors to City Council candidates. Thenumber of contributors dropped to 9,382 in 1997 and to 9,069 in 1999.

• For the first time, significant Independent Expenditures were made promoting andopposing candidates for City Council. Over $110,000 was spent by individuals andcommittees independently this year, 10% of the amount spent by authorizedcandidate committees.

• Spending on ballot issue campaigns has continued its five year drop. In 1995 $1.4million was spent promoting or opposing Seattle ballot measures. In 1996 thisdropped to $699,000. The trend has continued, with $525,000 spent in 1997,$489,000 in 1998 and just $289,043 spent in 1999 to promote or oppose measuresthat appeared on the ballot.

Since July 1995, we have distributed reports of the campaign finances of City officecandidates and City ballot issue committees in paper copy and on the web. This year’sweb version can be found at:

We hope this report assists you in understanding and participating in City government. Ifwe can provide more information, please call us at 206/684-8500, e-mail us [email protected], or come into the office at 226 Municipal Building, 600Fourth Avenue, Seattle, 98104. We welcome your interest.

Sincerely,Carolyn M. Van Noy,Executive Director

Data compiled by:Robert B. DeWeese,IT Professional




II. 1999 CITY OFFICE AND BALLOT ISSUE VOTE RETURNS(reported from data compiled by King County Records and Elections)

A. Primary Election 2

B. General Election 3


A. Total Contributions 5

B. Size Of Contributions 11

C. Area Of Contributors 16

D. Type of Contributors 21


A. Total Expenditures 27

B. Types Of Expenditures 30


A. Total Contributions Received, Averaged by Position 36

B. Average Contribution To Candidate Campaigns 36

C. The Impact of Public Financing 39


Top 20 Contributors to All Candidates 42

Top 20 Contributors to All Ballot Issue Campaigns 45

Top 20 Employers of Contributors 46

Contributors of $100 or more to 1999 City 47Ballot Issue and Candidate Committees


The information for this report was compiled from the disclosure filings of each candidateand ballot issue committee. The data found here covers all disclosed activity from thebeginning of each campaign through the end of the 1999 election cycle, April 30, 2000.

Throughout this report, the names of ballot issues may be followed by “Passed”/“P” or“Failed”/“F” and candidate names may be followed by an “Incumbent”/"I" and/or“Elected”/"E". All City office elections are non-partisan, so party affiliation is not reported.The following is a list of 1999 City primary and general election (in bold) ballot issuecommittees and candidates:

Council Position 1 Council Position 9Cheryl Chow Jim Compton (E)Bob Hegamin Alec FiskenJudy Nicastro (E) Dawn MasonDaniel Norton Andrew Scully

Council Position 3 Seattle Center /Community Center Levy (Passed)

Don Hennick Yes on Proposition OneLenora JonesStan Lippmann Propositions 2-9,11-15 (All Passed)Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) {No Committees For/Against}

Council Position 5 Proposition 10 (Failed)Lee Carter {No Committees For/Against}Curt FirestoneMargaret Pageler (E/I)E Mike Rodosovich

Council Position 7Elbert BrooksCharlie ChongGeorge FreemanDavid LawtonThomas WhittemoreHeidi Wills (E)


A. Primary Election Vote Returns, September 14, 1999(compiled from reports by King County Records and Elections)

Registered Voters 348,955Ballots Cast 80,229 23.0%

Council Position 1 Council Position 7

Bob Hegamin 6,984 9.2% George Freeman 3,071 4.0%Cheryl Chow 29,497 38.8% Charlie Chong 30,839 40.1%Judy Nicastro (E) 26,592 34.9% Heidi Wills (E) 29,330 38.2%Daniel Norton 13,019 17.1% Elbert V. Brooks 3,031 3.9%

Thomas Whittemore 8,024 10.4%Votes cast for this office 76,092 David W. Lawton 2,524 3.3%

Council Position 3 Votes cast for this office 76,819

Lenora Jones 9,924 13.5% Council Position 9Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 55,087 74.9%Stan Lippmann 3,774 5.1% Dawn Mason 24,480 34.5%Don Hennick 4,798 6.5% Andrew Scully 6,383 9.0%

Jim Compton (E) 26,099 36.7%Votes cast for this office 73,583 Alec Fisken 14,072 19.8%

Council Position 5 Votes cast for this office 71,034

Lee Carter 5,705 7.8%E. Mike Rodosovich 8,365 11.4%Curt Firestone 16,916 23.0%Margaret Pageler (E/I) 42,624 57.9%

Votes cast for this office 73,610

B. General Election Vote Returns, November 2, 1999Compiled from reports by King County Records & Elections

Registered Voters 352,090Ballots Cast 182,729 51.90%

Council Position 1 Council Position 7

Cheryl Chow 78,111 49.51% Charlie Chong 73,085 44.91%Judy Nicastro (E) 79,662 50.49% Heidi Wills (E) 89,662 55.09%

Votes cast for this office 157,773 Votes cast for this office 162,747

Council Position 3 Council Position 9

Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 118,484 79.98% Jim Compton (E) 84,511 56.92%Lenora Jones 29,667 20.02% Dawn Mason 63,972 43.08%

Votes cast for this office 148,151 Votes cast for this office 148,483

Council Position 5

Margaret Pageler (E/I) 97,665 67.03%Curt Firestone 48,048 32.97%

Votes cast for this office 145,713

Prop 1 - Seattle Center/Community CenterLevy

Prop 9 - Civil Service Commission

Yes (P) 94,503 55.31% Yes (P) 99,707 74.71%No 76,350 44.69% No 33,753 25.29%

Votes cast on this prop 170,853 Votes cast on this prop 133,460

Prop 2 - Gender Neutral Language Prop 10 - Police Chief Examination

Yes (P) 94,134 56.19% Yes 47,021 32.40%No 73,395 43.81% No (F) 98,102 67.60%

Votes cast on this prop 167,529 Votes cast on this prop 145,123

Prop 3 - Obsolete Descrip., Dept., andPositions

Prop 11 - Fire Chief Experience Requirement

Yes (P) 110,718 77.46% Yes (P) 91,088 63.53%No 32,211 22.54% No 52,298 36.47%

Votes cast on this prop 142,929 Votes cast on this prop 143,386

Prop 4 - Obsolete Comptroller/TreasurerReferences

Prop 12 - Mayor's Favorable Action on Bills

Yes (P) 102,258 72.26% Yes (P) 85,649 64.80%No 39,254 27.74% No 46,518 35.20%

Votes cast on this prop 141,512 Votes cast on this prop 132,167

Prop 5 - Annual Budget Estimates Prop 13 - Initiative Process & Time Limits

Yes (P) 93,230 67.30% Yes (P) 83,010 61.25%No 45,294 32.70% No 52,525 38.75%

Votes cast on this prop 138,524 Votes cast on this prop 135,535

Prop 6 - Eliminate Auditing CommitteeReferences

Prop 14 - Oaths of Office

Yes (P) 91,894 67.98% Yes (P) 80,994 59.36%No 43,287 32.02% No 55,441 40.64%

Votes cast on this prop 135,181 Votes cast on this prop 136,435

Prop 7 - Claims and Lawsuits Prop 15 - Drafting of Ordinance Amendments

Yes (P) 108,884 79.17% Yes (P) 75,852 61.07%No 28,649 20.83% No 48,361 38.93%

Votes cast on this prop 137,533 Votes cast on this prop 124,213

Prop 8 - Obsolete City Election Provisions

Yes (P) 109,776 80.57%No 26,467 19.43%

Votes cast on this prop 136,243


A. Total Contributions

Table 1 below lists the total amount of contributions received by each candidate committee fromthree categories: 1) contributions from the candidate, 2) anonymous contributions and miscellaneousreceipts such as proceeds from t-shirt sales or transfers from a previous committee for the sameoffice, and 3) contributions from individuals and groups. This chart also reports the number ofindividual (other than the candidate) and group contributors to each campaign and the averagecontribution amount made by those contributors.

Individuals & GroupsTotalReceipts

Cand-idate Misc. Amount Number Average

($) ($) ($) ($) (#) ($)

Council Position 1

Bob Hegamin 1,384 1,384 0 0 0 0.00Cheryl Chow 95,126 1,700 48 93,378 844 110.64Judy Nicastro (E) 83,140 1,103 0 82,037 744 110.26Daniel Norton 30,610 600 0 30,010 333 90.12

All Candidates 210,260 4,787 48 205,425 1,921 106.94

Council Position 3

Lenora Jones 3,063 800 0 2,263 28 80.82Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 63,110 0 276 62,834 517 121.54Stan Lippmann 755 755 0 0 0 0.00Don Hennick 755 755 0 0 0 0.00

All Candidates 67,683 2,310 276 65,097 545 119.44

Council Position 5

Lee Carter 615 615 0 0 0 0.00E. Mike Rodosovich 5,859 5,859 0 0 0 0.00Curt Firestone 61,266 10,420 0 50,846 565 89.99Margaret Pageler (E/I) 92,010 21,959 424 69,627 465 149.74

All Candidates 159,750 38,853 424 120,473 1,030 116.96

Council Position 7

George Freeman 0 0 0 0 0 0.00Charlie Chong 72,764 0 0 72,764 1,027 70.85Heidi Wills (E) 198,309 200 0 198,109 1,774 111.67Elbert V. Brooks 0 0 0 0 0 0.00Thomas Whittemore 23,811 7,235 45 16,531 197 83.91David W. Lawton 16,801 16,365 0 436 2 218.00

All Candidates 311,685 23,800 45 287,840 3,000 95.95{continued}

Individuals & GroupsTotalReceipts

Cand-idate Misc. Amount Number Average

($) ($) ($) ($) (#) ($)

Council Position 9

Dawn Mason 106,385 9,516 169 96,700 946 102.22Andrew Scully 14,013 0 0 14,013 185 75.75Jim Compton (E) 155,657 45,084 22 110,551 748 147.80Alec Fisken 71,910 10,167 28 61,715 447 138.06

All Candidates 347,965 64,767 219 282,979 2,326 121.66

Table 1

Table 2 shows total receipts for Ballot Issue Committees.

Individuals & GroupsTotalReceipts

Cand-idate Amount Number Average

($) ($) ($) (#) ($)

Proposition 1 - Seattle Center / Community Center Levy

Yes on Prop 1 289,043 480 288,563 513 562.50

Table 2

Table 3 shows total contributions to committees for candidates who did not appear on the 1999Council election ballot, as well as committees promoting or opposing ballot issues that did notappear on the 1999 ballots.

Council Candidates Ballot Issue Committees

Martha C. Choe $13,846 Save the Police & Parks (No on 45) $1,780Grant Cogswell $0 Back to Basics (Yes on 45) $28,075

Sherry Harris $362 Free Speech Seattle (Yes on 46) $6,082Douglas Mays $0 Neighborhoods 1st! (Yes on 48) $10,369

All Committees $14,208 All Committees $46,306

Table 3

Table 4 shows total receipts for each category. This table includes data from candidates who didnot appear on the 1999 ballots as well as committees promoting or opposing ballot issues that didnot appear on the 1999 ballots.

Individuals & GroupsTotalReceipts

Cand-idate Misc. Amount Number Average

($) ($) ($) ($) (#) ($)

All Campaigns

Council Campaigns 1,111,736 134,837 4,964 971,935 9,060 107.28Ballot Issue Campaigns 335,348 - 2,149 333,199 607 548.93

All Campaigns 1,447,084 134,837 7,113 1,305,134 9,667 135.01

Table 4

Figures 1 through 12 below graphically depict the information in Tables 1 through 4. The total contributionsgraphs include contributions from candidates, whereas graphs of total number of contributors and graphs ofaverage contribution size do not include candidate contributions.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

B. Size Of Contributions

The following pie charts graphically report the size of in-kind and monetary contributions received. Thesecharts include candidate contributions to their own campaigns, transfers from a previous campaign,anonymous contributions, loans and miscellaneous receipts such as receipts from a low-cost fundraiser andinterest from a bank account. All of these categories are broken out separately on the charts. Loans fromcandidates to their own committees are categorized as candidate contributions, until repaid.

Almost half of the money raised by 1999 City campaigns came from contributions of $400 or more, and only13% came from contributions of less than $100. See Figure 13. However, the story is very different whenballot issue campaigns are separated from Council campaigns. Ballot issue campaigns raised 90% of theirfunds from contributions of $400 or more, whereas Council campaigns raised only 34% of their funds fromcontributors who gave the maximum permitted by law, $400. This difference can be attributed in large part tothe fact that ballot issue campaigns are not subject to a contribution limit. See Figures 14 and 15. On thesmall end of the scale, Council campaigns raised only 16% of their funds from contributions of less than$100, and ballot issue campaigns raised even less, 3%, from small contributions.

Figures 16 thru 38 show marked differences in the size distribution of contributions among differentcampaigns.

Please note that these graphs are based on each campaign’s dollar receipts, not the number ofcontributors.

Figure 13

Figure 14

Figure 15

Candidates for City Council Position 1

Figure 16 Figure 17

Figure 18 Figure 19

Candidates for City Council Position 3

Figure 20 Figure 21

Figure 22 Figure 23

Candidates for City Council Position 5

Figure 24 Figure 25

Figure 26 Figure 27

Candidates for City Council Position 7

Figure 28 Figure 29

Figure 30 Figure 31

Figure 32 Figure 33

Candidates for City Council Position 9

Figure 34 Figure 35

Figure 36 Figure 37

Ballot Issue Committees

Figure 38

C. Area Of Contributors

The following pie charts report the areas that the contributors reported were the locations of their home orbusiness addresses. The areas inside the City limits include Capitol Hill/Madrona, Queen Anne/Magnolia,Downtown, Greenlake/University District, West Seattle, Ballard/NW Seattle and Mt. Baker/Rainier Valley.The report also includes contributions from Outside of the City and “Area Unknown.” Receipts from thefollowing sources are broken out into their own categories: candidate contributions or loans to his or her owncampaign, loans to ballot issues, miscellaneous receipts such as bank interest or receipts from a low costfundraiser, transfers from a previous campaign, and anonymous contributions.

Over one-third of the funds raised by the 1999 City campaigns came from addresses in Downtown/Belltown(16%) or from outside the City (20%). Another 12% came from Queen Anne or Magnolia and 11% camefrom Capitol Hill or Madrona. Together, these four areas were the source of almost 60% of the contributionsraised by all 1999 City campaigns. The remainder was somewhat evenly distributed among the broadregions we’ve identified, anywhere from 9% originating in Mt Baker or the Rainier Valley, to 3% from Ballardand the Northwest section of the City. See Figure 39.

There are marked differences in the regional distribution of Council campaigns and ballot issue campaigns.Ballot Issue committees received over 80% of their funds from Downtown/Belltown, Queen Anne/Magnolia,Capitol Hill/Madrona and from outside the City. Council campaigns received just over 50% of theircontributions from these areas. See Figures 40 and 41.

Figures 42 through 64 show dramatic differences in the regional distribution of campaign funds for differentcampaigns.

Figure 39

Figure 40

Figure 41

Candidates for City Council Position 1

Figure 42 Figure 43

Figure 44 Figure 45

Candidates for City Council Position 3

Figure 46 Figure 47

Figure 48 Figure 49

Candidates for City Council Position 5

Figure 50 Figure 51

Figure 52 Figure 53

Candidates for City Council Position 7

Figure 54 Figure 55

Figure 56 Figure 57

Figure 58 Figure 59

Candidates for City Council Position 9

Figure 60 Figure 61

Figure 62 Figure 63

Ballot Issue Committees

Figure 64

C. Type Of Contributors

The following pie charts graphically report the type of contributors that gave to the 1999 City campaigns. Thegraphs include categories for individual contributors, PACs (Continuing Political Committees), businesses,organizations not required to report as PACs, candidates, miscellaneous receipts, and uncoded contributors.The latter category, uncoded contributors, includes most contributors of less than $100.00, as well as allanonymous contributions. These contributors are not coded because coding of such small contributionswould be too time-consuming. A random sample of 400 contributors of between $25.01 and $99.99 wascoded, however, and over 99% of the contribution amount in that sample was from individual contributors. Itis likely that almost all of the uncoded contributions are from individuals.

More than two-thirds of all contributions to 1999 City campaigns came from individual contributors. Figure 65shows this, with 53% of total contributions received from coded individuals and likely another 15% fromindividuals who were not coded. Businesses were the second largest category, with 13%, followed bycandidates at 9% and organizations at 7%. Only 3% of contributions were from PACs.

The overall numbers, however, mask significant differences between Council campaigns and ballot issuecampaigns. Council campaigns received 75% of their funds from individual contributors whereas ballot issuecampaigns received only 40% from individuals. Ballot issue committees received well over 50% of theirfunds from businesses and organizations whereas Council campaigns received only 8% from these sources.See Figures 66 and 67. The individual campaign pie charts in Figures 68 thru 90 show noticeabledifferences in the sources of funds for each campaign.

Figure 65

Figure 66

Figure 67

Candidates for City Council Position 1

Figure 68 Figure 69

Figure 70 Figure 71

Candidates for City Council Position 3

Figure 72 Figure 73

Figure 74 Figure 75

Candidates for City Council Position 5

Figure 76 Figure 77

Figure 78 Figure 79

Candidates for City Council Position 7

Figure 80 Figure 81

Figure 82 Figure 83

Figure 84 Figure 85

Candidates for City Council Position 9

Figure 86 Figure 87

Figure 88 Figure 89

Ballot Issue Committees

Figure 90


A. Total Expenditures

Tables 5, 6 and 7 below, report the total expenditures for all 1999 City campaigns. Figures 91 thru 94portray this information graphically.

Council Position 1 Council Position 7

Bob Hegamin $ 1,384 George Freeman $ 1,120Cheryl Chow $ 95,126 Charlie Chong $ 72,809Judy Nicastro (E) $ 83,152 Heidi Wills (E) $ 198,309Daniel Norton $ 30,620 Elbert V. Brooks $ -

Thomas Whittemore $ 23,582All Candidates $ 210,282 David W. Lawton $ 16,801

Council Position 3 All Candidates $ 312,621

Lenora Jones $ 3,193 Council Position 9Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) $ 61,971Stan Lippmann $ 755 Dawn Mason $ 106,385Don Hennick $ 755 Andrew Scully $ 14,413

Jim Compton (E) $ 155,657All Candidates $ 66,674 Alec Fisken $ 71,911

Council Position 5 All Candidates $ 348,366

Lee Carter $ 823E. Mike Rodosovich $ 5,859Curt Firestone $ 61,266Margaret Pageler (E/I) $ 92,010

All Candidates $ 159,957

Table 5

Ballot Issue Committees

Prop 1 – SeaCtr/CommCtr Levy (Passed)

Yes on Prop 1 $289,043

All Committees $289,043

Table 6

Candidates who did not appear on the ballot.Ballot Issue committees whose ballot issue did not appear on the ballot.

Council Candidates Ballot Issue Committees

Martha C Choe $ 13,902 Save the Police & Parks (No on 45) $ 683Grant Cogswell - Back to Basics (Yes on 45) $ 26,208Sherry Harris $ 362 Free Speech Seattle (Yes on 46) $ 6,028Douglas Mays - Neighborhoods 1st! (Yes on 48) $ 10,371

All Candidates $ 14,264 All Committees $ 43,290

Table 7

Figure 91

Figure 92

Figure 93

Figure 94

B. Types Of Expenditures

Each campaign itemized and described all expenditures over $50. Commission staff then reviewed thedescriptions provided by the campaigns and coded each expenditure into the following categories:

♦ Fundraising: Solicitation mailings, printing, postage, event costs and fundraising consulting♦ Lit & Mail: Promotional literature, design, postage, printing, copying, lists, labels and consulting♦ TV & Radio: Broadcast advertising production, time buys and consultants♦ Staff/Consult: Staff wages, payroll taxes and general consulting fees♦ Operations: Rent, office supplies, food, travel, phone, research, computer, office equipment♦ Newspaper Ads: Ad design and buys♦ Other Ads: Yard signs, internet, bus signs, t-shirts, bumper stickers, phone banks♦ Uncodable: Unitemized or insufficient information available to code appropriately♦ Miscellaneous: Signature gathering, contributions to charities and other committees, transfers to new

committee, fines & penalties

1999 City campaigns spent two-thirds of their funds on some form of voter contact. The mostpopular form of advertising was direct mail, which accounted for 50% of all expenditures. Radioand television advertising was a distant second, accounting for 7% of all expenditures. Staff &Consultants accounted for 17% and General Operations accounted for 9% of all expenditures.See Figure 95.

There were no dramatic differences in the overall voter contact spending of Council campaigns and ballotissue campaigns. Council campaigns spent slightly more on voter contact, 66%, ballot issue campaignsspent 55% of their funds on voter contact. There were sharp differences, however, in how voter contactspending was allocated. Council campaigns overwhelmingly used direct mail to get their message out,accounting for 56% of their expenditures. By contrast, ballot issue campaigns split their funding somewhatequally between direct mail and radio/television advertising, with 27% spent on literature and mail, and 22%spent on television and radio advertising. See Figures 96 and 97.

Interestingly, Council campaigns spent a far bigger proportion of their funds on fundraising activity than didballot issue campaigns, 6% as opposed to 1%. Ballot issue campaigns received only 3% of their funds fromcontributions of less than $100, whereas Council campaigns received 17% of their funding from this source.See Figures 14, 15, 96 and 97.

Figures 98 thru 120 show some differences in how 1999 City campaigns allocated their funds. Some largercampaigns spent 80% or more of their funds on voter contact while others spent 60% or less for thispurpose.

Figure 95

Figure 96

Figure 97

Candidates for City Council Position 1

Figure 98 Figure 99

Figure 100 Figure 101

Candidates for City Council Position 3

Figure 102 Figure 103

Figure 104 Figure 105

Candidates for City Council Position 5

Figure 106 Figure 107

Figure 108 Figure 109

Candidates for City Council Position 7

Figure 110 Figure 111

Figure 112 Figure 113

Figure 114 Figure 115

Candidates for City Council Position 9

Figure 116 Figure 117

Figure 118 Figure 119

Ballot Issue Committees

Figure 120


A. Total Contributions Received, Averaged By Council Position

The following graph compares the average amount of money raised by Council campaigns over thelast four regular election cycles. The amounts used in the graph are calculated by dividing the totalcontributions raised by all Council campaigns by the number of positions appearing on the ballot thatyear. This calculation is necessary because in 1993 four Council positions were on the ballot,whereas five positions were on the ballot in the other years.

Fundraising for Council positions increased dramatically in 1999, continuing an upward trend. Onaverage, over $219,000 was raised by all candidates for each position on the 1999 ballot, a roughly20% increase from 1997 ($176,000) and 1995 ($179,000). This amount is more than double the1993 level of $104,000. We have not seen a straight line increase over the past four cycles, totalfunds raised in 1997 were actually somewhat less than in 1995. This may be attributable to theimpact of Mayoral campaign fundraising competing with Council fundraising in both 1993 and 1997.See Figure 121.

Figure 121

B. Average Contribution To Council Campaigns and Number of Contributors

There was an alarming increase in the average contribution size to the 1999 City Council candidates.Campaigns are relying less and less on small contributions to fund their campaigns. The averagecontribution size for the 1999 Council campaign is a little over $107, an increase of 14% over the1997 average of $94, well in excess of inflation. At the same time that total contributions increased,the number of contributors to 1999 Council campaigns declined 3% from 1997 levels, from 9,382 to9,060. See Figures 122 and 123.Please note that averages for 1993 were calculated without using the number of contributors of $25or less in the equation. As a result, the 1993 calculation is higher than the calculation for 1995-1999,in which contributors of less than $25 were included.

It is hard to discern a trend in the average contribution size to ballot issue campaigns. Becausethere are no contribution limits for ballot issues, this figure can be dramatically affected by “outlier”

data. For example, the average contribution size in 1998 was roughly three times the similar figurefor 1995, 1997 and 1999. This was due, in large part, to the fact that the 1998 pro-library levycampaign received over 40% of its contributions from one large contributor. See Figure 124.

Figure 122

Figure 123

Figure 124


1993 $841995 $851997 $941999 $107

Table 8


1993 4,9461995 10,1831997 9,3821999 9,060

Table 9


1995 $4521997 $5901998 $1,5631999 $550

Table 10

C. The Impact of Public Financing

Seattle’s experience with partial public financing in the 1970’s and 80’s demonstratestwo things: 1) the use of such financing results in broader participation in politicalcampaigns, more people contribute to campaigns in this environment, and 2) the use ofsuch financing encourages campaigns to rely more on small contributions as a source offunding. With one exception, the following charts and tables clearly show two trends inyears when partial public financing was in place: 1) the average number of contributorsto each campaign was much higher, and 2) the average contribution size was muchlower.

There was one exception to the trend, the average number of contributors to 1987Council campaigns was lower than years in which there was no public financing. Theauthor of the study on which this data is based attributed this to a methodological issue.The author claims that several important campaigns were left out of the results becausethey started late and were thus not included in the category of “closely contested CityCouncil races” in 1987.

In three election cycles, 1979, 1981 and 1987, City Council candidates who agreed tocap their expenditures received matching funds from the City, dollar for dollar up to $50for each individual campaign contributor. The matching program was also in place in the1989 and 1991 election cycles and applied to other City Offices such as Mayor and CityAttorney. Unfortunately, no compiled data exists for these election cycles.

The 1975-1987 information in the following charts and tables was compiled by the former SeattleElections Administrator, Allen Miller. The data presented are not for all City Council races, only the"highly contested City Council races.” The trend is clear, during the years when Seattle had publicfinancing: 1979, 1981 and 1987, the average contribution was lower than the previous and followingyears in which public financing was not in place and the average number of contributors was greaterin 1979 and 1981.

Figure 125

Figure 126


(public financing was in place during the bolded years)

1975 $411977 $631979 $291981 $381983 $671985 $831987 $48

Table 11


(public financing was in place during the bolded years)

1975 8821977 7781979 10631981 11141983 6981985 9291987 483

Table 12

The Seattle Elections Code currently imposes a $400 limit on contributions to each candidate.Seattle no longer has expenditure limits, however. The United States Supreme Court ruled that

expenditure limits may not be imposed on candidates without giving them something in return. SeeBuckley v Valeo, 424 U.S. 1, 96 SCt 612, 46 L.Ed.2d 659 (1976). Prior to 1992, the Seattle ElectionsCode required expenditure limits of those City office candidates who accepted partial publicfinancing. In November 1992, Washington voters passed Initiative 134, which prohibits the use ofpublic funds for state or local elections. As a result, Seattle lost the authority to offer partial publicfinancing of campaigns and with it the authority to impose expenditure limits.


Top 20 Contributors to all Candidates

The following is a list of the top 20 contributors to all Council candidatesappearing on the 1999 ballot. The reported employers and occupations ofindividual contributors are also shown. Where the various campaigns havereported different employers or occupations, all reported employers andoccupations are listed.

The list includes 7 labor PACs, 3 other PACs, 3 developers, 2 propertymanagement companies, 1 retiree, 1 lobbyist, 1 policy consultant, 1 attorney and1 horticulturalist.

Human Services &Housing Now PAC

Cheryl Chow 400

Martin J DurkanMartin J Durkan IncConsultant/Lobbyist

Curt Firestone 400 Cheryl Chow 400Alec Fisken 400 Jim Compton (E) 400

Dawn Mason 400 Alec Fisken 400Judy Nicastro (E) 400 Dawn Mason 400

Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 400 Judy Nicastro (E) 400Thomas Whittemore 400 Margaret Pageler (E/I) 200

Heidi Wills (E) 400 Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 400Total 3200 Heidi Wills (E) 400

Total 3000

Public Service & Industrial WorkersLocal 1239Jim Compton (E) 400

Maryanne Tagney-Jonesdba Tresaith Co.

dba Maryanne Tagney-JonesPolicy Consultant Curt Firestone 400

Jim Compton (E) 400 Alec Fisken 400Alec Fisken 400 Dawn Mason 400

Judy Nicastro (E) 400 Judy Nicastro (E) 400Daniel Norton 400 Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 400

Margaret Pageler (E/I) 400 Heidi Wills (E) 400Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 400 Total 2800

Heidi Wills (E) 400Total 2800

PTSGE Preston Gates & Ellis PACCheryl Chow 350

Jim Compton (E) 400

Lennartz, Anndba Ann Lennartz


Alec Fisken 400 Charlie Chong 400Judy Nicastro (E) 400 Curt Firestone 400

Margaret Pageler (E/I) 350 Dawn Mason 400Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 400 Judy Nicastro (E) 400

Heidi Wills (E) 400 Daniel Norton 400Total 2700 Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 400

Total 2400

JAMPACJoint Artists & Musicians PAC

Int'l Brotherhood of Electrical WorkersLocal 77 PAC

Charlie Chong 400 Jim Compton (E) 400Curt Firestone 400 Curt Firestone 400Dawn Mason 400 Dawn Mason 400

Judy Nicastro (E) 400 Judy Nicastro (E) 400Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 400 Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 400

Heidi Wills (E) 400 Heidi Wills (E) 400Total 2400 Total 2400

Seattle Firefighters Voluntary PAC Int'l Federation of Professional &Jim Compton (E) 400 Technical Engineers Local 17 PAC

Dawn Mason 400 Jim Compton (E) 400Judy Nicastro (E) 400 Curt Firestone 400

Margaret Pageler (E/I) 400 Dawn Mason 400Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 400 Judy Nicastro (E) 400

Heidi Wills (E) 400 Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 400Total 2400 Heidi Wills (E) 400

Total 2400

B Gerald JohnsonPreston Gates & Ellis


Kenneth AlhadeffMiken Prop./Elttaes Ent./Alhadeff Cos.

Investor/Real Estate Management

Cheryl Chow 400 Cheryl Chow 400Jim Compton (E) 400 Jim Compton (E) 400

Alec Fisken 400 Margaret Pageler (E/I) 400Margaret Pageler (E/I) 250 Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 400Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 400 Heidi Wills (E) 400

Heidi Wills (E) 200 Total 2000Total 2050

King Co Committee onPolitical Education (AFL-CIO)

Matt GriffinPine Street Development LLC

Real Estate Development Curt Firestone 400Cheryl Chow 400 Dawn Mason 400

Jim Compton (E) 400 Judy Nicastro (E) 400Alec Fisken 400 Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 400

Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 400 Heidi Wills (E) 400Heidi Wills (E) 400 Total 2000

Total 2000

Laborers & Hodcarriers Local 242 PACCurt Firestone 400Dawn Mason 400

H Jon RunstadWright Runstad & Co

Real Estate Development

Judy Nicastro (E) 400 Cheryl Chow 400Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 400 Jim Compton (E) 400

Heidi Wills (E) 400 Alec Fisken 400Total 2000 Margaret Pageler (E/I) 400

Heidi Wills (E) 400Total 2000

The Vance Corporation Nitze-Stagen Co IncCheryl Chow 400 Cheryl Chow 400

Jim Compton (E) 400 Jim Compton (E) 400Margaret Pageler (E/I) 400 Alec Fisken 400Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 400 Margaret Pageler (E/I) 400

Heidi Wills (E) 400 Heidi Wills (E) 325Total 2000 Total 1925

Plumbers & Pipefitters UA Local 32Ancil H PayneRetired Cheryl Chow 400

Jim Compton (E) 400 Curt Firestone 400Alec Fisken 400 Dawn Mason 400

Judy Nicastro (E) 400 Peter Steinbrueck (E/I) 250Daniel Norton 100 Heidi Wills (E) 400

Margaret Pageler (E/I) 400 Total 1850Heidi Wills (E) 200

Total 1900

Table 13

Top 20 Contributors to all Ballot Issues

The following is a list of the top 20 contributors to all ballot issue committees onthe ballot in 1999. There was only one committee supporting or opposing aballot issue on the ballot in 1999, so below is the list of the top 20 contributors toYes on Prop 1, a committee in support of the Seattle Center/Community CenterLevy.

Seattle Center Foundation $48,099Pacific Northwest Ballet $17,436Seattle Opera $15,800Bank of America $15,000The Boeing Company $15,000

Microsoft $10,000Gerald HanauerRetired


Washington Mutual Bank $7,500Encore Media Group $6,990Starbuck's Coffee Company $5,075

Herman Sarkowskydba Herman Sarkowsky, Investor


Jack Benaroyadba Jack Benaroya, Investor


Jeremy JaechVisio Corporation, CEO


Key Bank $5,000Wells Fargo & Co. $5,000

Seattle Mariners $5,000Pistol Creek Financial Co. $5,000Craig McCawEagle River Inc, Telecom Exec


LMN Architects $4,000AT&T Wireless Services $4,000

Table 14

Top 20 Employers of Contributors

The following is a list of the top 20 employers of contributors to 1999 Councilcampaigns and the aggregate amount their employees gave to these campaigns.Campaigns are required to report the employer and occupation of each personwho contributes $100 or more. The information provided on these reports wasaggregated to create this table.

State of Washington $23,311.66City of Seattle $23,040.00King County $15,572.00Microsoft $15,225.00Not Employed $11,637.34

Preston Gates & Ellis LLP $6,975.00Federal Government $4,305.00APCO Associates $4,275.00Seattle School District $4,055.00Windermere Real Estate $4,028.75

Foster Pepper & Shefelman PLLC $3,866.35The Boeing Company $3,490.00Martin J Durkan Inc $3,400.00Wright Runstad $3,375.00Pine Street Development LLC $3,300.00

Alhadeff Companies/MikenProperties/Elttaes Enterprises


Heller Ehrman White & Mcauliffe $2,619.85Ann Lennartz $2,400.00Argosy Cruises $2,400.00Uwajimaya Inc $2,325.00

Table 15

Contributors of $100 Or More To 1999 City Ballot Issue And Candidate Committees

This list is organized alphabetically by candidate last name or ballot issue committeename. The list includes all ballot issues and candidates that organized committees for the1999 City election, not just those that appeared on the ballot. For each candidate orcommittee the list is ordered by amount and then alphabetically, though a few contributornames are not in proper alphabetical order.

Council Position 7Elbert Brooks{no reported contributions}

Council Position 5Lee Carter{no reported contributions}

Council - WithdrewCandidacy

Martha ChoeMatt Griffin 400Candace T O'Neill 400Yang Ja Chung Choe 300Jackie L Rabb 250Young Su Kim 200Young Lee 200Donald D McDonough 200PTSGE Continuing PolCommittee


Beverly A Freeman 150Suzanne Hartman 150Roberto Rodriguez 150Jon W. Scott Jr 150Herbert M Bridge 125Shirley G Bridge 125Gloria K Lee 125Ellen L Ferguson 100Gary D Gayton 100Paul Isaki 100Carolyn Kelly 100Paul Kraabel 100Robert G Minnott 100Charles E Mize 100Tomio Moriguchi 100Judith M Runstad 100Sharon A. Sakamoto 100George Scarola 100George W. Scarola 100Sang K Shim 100Council Position 7Charlie ChongAASK PAC Apart. Asso., 400Allen, Irene 400Barger, Bion D. 400

Barger, Patricia M. 400Barnecut's Admiral Wy.Service,


Beeson, Donna A. 400Beeson, John C. 400Berteig, Irving 400Berteig, Rolf 400Burke, Suzanne M. 400Butterfly Graphics, 400Coad, Thomas J. 400Davis, Bruce H. 400Douglas, Dorothy R. 400Gagne, Lucile A. 400Garneau, Ed 400Garneau, Faye M. 400IBEW 77 PAC, 400JAMPAC-WashingtonFund,


Koh, James C.Y. 400Korman, Paul P. 400Lennartz, Ann 400Lorentzen, Douglas 400Nelson, David T. 400O'Brian, Tim 400Owens, Frank J. 400Pearson Chong, Mary 400Rigby, James 400Robinson, Dorothy A. 400Rodosovich, E.M. 400Rokdosovich, L.L. 400Sandall, Eric B. 400Sandall, Mrs. Eric B. 400Schoonmaker, Marlin H. 400Smith, Janice 400Smith, Richard P. 400Stecher, Daniel G. 400Surati, Sanjeev 400Thomas, Dorothy C. 400Weiss, L.S. 400Weiss, Stuart P. 400Baerwldt, Mark 395Livingston, Brian 375Livingston, Margaret 375Thomas, Cary 375

Hansen, Randy R. 350Hansen, Robin A. 350Meyer, Robin 350Walters, Frank J. 350Amundson, Orville 300Burns, Doris Baxter 300Music Club LLC, 300Dahlgard dds, Daryl L. 300Dodd, Lucille B. 300Goodwin, Terence 300Graham, Otho T. 300Narodick, Maxine L. 300Stack, Robert H. 300Sundberg, Kris J. 300Tsuneishi, Susan 300Barth, Frank E. 250Davis, Kirk C. 250Fies, Kathryn S. 250Fies, Ralph sr 250Lawton, David 250Robins, Bert G. 250Bader, Jorgen 220Bateman, Joan 200Aurlo Bonney 200Virginia Bonney 200Brown, Douglas 200Brumbach, Ann 200Bueche, Kristine 200Buhl, C.L. 200Davis, Barbara 200DeForeest, Robert G. 200Co., Modern Development 200Drager, Jeri 200Fay, Ruth S. 200Fite, F. Bartow 200Fite, Marilyn 200Hangartner, Rick D. 200Heavey, Connie 200Heavey, Michael J. 200Illusions Hair Design, Inc., 200Kapusuzoglu, K. Gwen 200Keating, Laura S. 200Donna M. Linstead 200Murray, Sue 200

Northrop, Sean 200Rhea, Diane D. 200Robison, George 200Rubstello, Steven 200Sartor, Richard 200Scott, James J. 200Scott, Loretta M. 200Shaw, Kenneth 200Co-Rec Soccer Association, 200Swanson, Don 200Del Vento, John M. 200Wade, Arlene G. 200Wade, George A. 200Warren, Richard 200Watson, John James 200Wittman, Bernard A. 200Wood, James L. 200Yaeger, Michael J. 200Young, Michael 200Jordan, Linda 182Richards, Jack 180Gaines, John E. 175Hale, Jeannie L. 175Patterson, Deborah 175Skagit Farms, Inc., 175Monzon, Camille 163Sauceda, Jay 155Bowser, Bylle 150Bowser, Richard 150Brigance, Gregory J. 150Butts, Gloria E. 150Butts, Wallace E. 150Coombes, Jim 150Deright, Alan H. 150Fox, Matthew A. 150Gianelli, Christopher F. 150Graber, Kelly 150Hartford, Kenneth 150Hartwell, Allen 150Herman, Jeffrey L. 150Hesse, Kyle 150Hesse, Midge 150Jacobson, Stuart L. 150Kingen, Gerald R. 150Knowles, Virginia M. 150Kuo, Jim 150Ladum, Larry T. 150Levy, Barry W. 150Lupsa, Viorel G. 150McBride, Allen D. 150McKee, Earle S. 150O'Brien, Shirley 150

O'Brien, William 150Prestegaard, Eilert 150Prestegaard, Virginia 150Rees, Mike 150Reichert, M. Jeannie 150Rousseau, Al 150The Central Saloon, 150Sanchez, Todd 150Shaw, Kyle 150Shaw, Ruth 150Stauch, Raymond A. 150Swartz, Erma 150Fox, Christopher A. 140Ruff, Rosemary 140Robison, James L. 137Brentson, Theda N. 125Feige jr., A.H. 125Kietzke, David R. 125Nelson, Andrew 125Osgood, David R. 125Algarin, Joanne P. 100Batt, Butch 100Batt, Midge 100Bean, Harold C. 100Brygger, James W. 100Bucci, Anne M. 100CDAKC, 100Chobot, Ed 100Chong, Fannie 100Clark, Karen E. 100Daly, Matthew 100Emry, Twila J. 100Erickson, Stephen J. 100Faucher, Leonard 100Faucher, Mardelle C. 100Florer, Nancy O. 100Florer, Robert E. 100Friesen, Benjamin 100Gallagher, Barbara M. 100Gallagher, Roderick M. 100Gardner, Aloha E. 100Gianelli, Albert J. 100Gildow, Elton C. 100Greive, R. R. Bob 100Griffiths, Richard M. 100Haugland, Sigfred 100Heaven, Bonnie 100Hulbert, Robert J. 100Johnston, Paul K. 100Jung, Klarinell L. 100Kelly, John E. 100Kessin, Robert A. 100

Ku, David 100Lau, Shek Hung 100Lecuyer, C. F. 100Lupsa, Lucia 100MacDonald, Mac A. 100Responsive ManagementSystems,


Marrese, Victor 100McLarin, John T. 100McPoland, Gary 100Mecum, Bonnie 100Mecum, Ed 100Merkle, Lawrence 100Merrill, Shirley M. 100Nemeth, Nickie 100Nissen, Anna 100Nissen, Keith 100Nyberg, Folke 100Olsen, Donna E. 100Olsen, Kenneth A. 100Overbeck, Brad 100Parashar, Rajan 100Parker, Donald L. 100Peyton, Brian D. 100Plaag, Linda M. 100Plaag, Robert E. 100Powers, A. H. 100Poy, Wallace J. 100Proctor, William C. 100Reynolds, Rita 100Reynolds, Sydney 100Richter, Eric 100Richter, Karen 100H.G. Runnings 100Mary H. Runnings 100Ryckman, Carley M. 100Ryckman, Jr., Walter J. 100Scott, Susan Berg 100Skaret, Capt. Morest L. 100Smith, James T. 100Smith, Judge Horton 100Steen, A. Jack 100Steen, Mildred E. 100Stensager, Dennis H. 100Stewart, Robert J. 100Storey, Jo Ann 100Strauss, Bruno 100Sun, Eric Chin Li 100Sweany, Garett 100Sweany, Karen 100Thomas, Robert E. 100Turner, Lois M. 100

Underwood, Eugene M. 100Verne Valentine, 100Wylie, Alex 100Yunker, R.J. 100Zepeda, Barbara 100Council Position 1Cheryl Chow11 Etruria Apartments, JohnDowning


Apartment Association ofSea/King,


Alhadeff, Kenneth 400Allen, Faye G. 400Bank of America, 400Holland America Line, 400Arai/Jackson Architects &Planners,


Asia Discount Center, Inc., 400Bayley, Cynthia 400Birkeland & Associates, 400Blackman, John C. 400Blackman, Mary B. 400Dexter Deli, Hugh Brannon 400Bridge, Jonathan 400Calhoun, Julia 400Chaffey, Rick 400Chaffey, Robert 400H. Chaffey Investments &Developmen, Herb Chaffey


Chan, Warren 400Chiang, Clement Chi Hang 400Chin, Allen K.C. 400Chin, Mona 400Chin, Randy 400Chinn, Dora 400Chow, Brien W. 400Chow, Marcia 400Chow, Margaret 400Chu, Tsung-Hsing 400Clise Properties, Inc., 400Don Covey 400Modern DevelopmentCompany,


Diel, Sharon 400Duim, Julie Ann 400Durkin, Martin 400Fatland, Rollin 400Fukuhara, David 400Garbutt, Monica 400First and Goal, Inc., 400Griffin, Matt 400Hillree Manor Apartments,Robert Nakao


House of Hong Restaurant, 400Horn, Joel 400Huang, H. Arnold 400Human Services andHousing Now,


Immunex, 400Jen, Hsui Pao 400Johnson, B. Gerald 400Johnson, James R. 400Koehler, Stephen 400Koh, James C.Y. 400Kramer, Lauren 400Kuchin, Charlotte L. 400Lanterman, A. K. 400Larson, Christopher 400Larson, Linda R. 400Lau, Damian 400Lau, Frank 400Lee, Yu Ling 400Loop, David 400Loop, Inc., Jonathan 400Loop, Patricia 400Maffei, Gregory 400Malevitsis, James 400Seattle Mariners, 400Doreen Centioli McTigue 400Morita, Yasuko 400Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, 400Nelson, James E. 400Neyhart, Douglas 400Nitze-Stagen & Co., Inc., 400Paragon Real EstateAdvisors, Inc,


Perry, Christine 400Perry, Wayne 400Curtiss PropertyManagement,


Purnell, Carolyn 400Raikes, Jeffrey 400Raikes, Patricia 400Washington Association ofRealtors,


Ocean City Restaurant, 400Rose, Jim 400Runstad, H. Jon 400Rypass, Mike 400Santos, Sharon Tomiko 400Shih, Constance 400Shih, Jeff 400Smith, Eric 400Su, John T. 400Su, Tzyy Peir 400Szeto, Mun Yin 400

UA Local 32, 400Uhlman, Wes 400The Vance Corporation, 400Winant, Anais 400Woo, Benjamin 400Woo, Ruth 400Wu Property Investments,Inc.,


Yeung, Chun-Fu Ricky 400Young, Elsa C. 400Base Capital L.L.C, 350Behnke, John 350Boeing Company, The 350Richard D. Ford 350Preston Gates PAC, 350Robinson, Frederick 350Tamura-Chow, Carol 350Walters, Frank 350Hanson, Anthony 345Eng, Wai C. 320Haugerud, Vince 313Bhagat, Arun 300Cheng, Alan 300Chiang, Mei Shine 300Chung, Ngan 300Li, Zhan 300Mar, Wayne 300Stern, Susan 300Thomas, Suzanne J. 300Wash St Women's PoliticalCaucus,


Yaplee, Terrance 300Biltmore Apartments, 250Centioli, Alma 250Chan, Hanny Pui 250Denny, Patricia 250Goldman, Peter 250The Ackerly Group, 250Health Care Management,Inc.,


Weslar Investments LLC., 250Lu, Wendy W. 250Mullally DevelopmentCompany, Vincent Mullally


Norem, William 250Overnight Printing, 250Puget Sound Energy, 250Scott, Patrick 250Samuel StroumEnterprises,


Woo, Jack N. 250Mar, Samantha 230Kay, Helen 225

Wakayama, Gloria Lung 222Chow, Ruby 2111311-2nd Avenue WestApartments, Robert Collins


3001 SW AvolonApartments, Jim Judson


514 East Roy StApartments, Judith Downing


Carney Badley Smith &Spellman,


Bishop, Meghan 200Bloome, Cory M 200Bloome, Mark 200Chan, Jackson 200Chin, Mae M. 200Nyson Chin 200Chow, Selina 200Brighton Court Associates, 200Covey, Marilyn Bradford 200Davis, Arthur C. 200Patrick Dunn andAssociates, LTD,


B.C. Education Center, 200Ellis, John W. 200EMB Partners, Inc., 200Erickson Jr, Josiah 200Fareast International Travel, 200Margola Apartments, TomGaetz


China Gate SeafoodRestaurant,


Gildow, Elton 200Hadley, Richard 200Huntingon, LLC, BrooksFenton


Huynh-Kong, Sandy 200Karch, Jonah 200Lau, Martin Kwok 200Lee, Harold C. 200Leong, John 200Louie, Fong 200McLaughlin, J. Terry 200Minnott, Robert G. 200MWW/Savitt StrategicComm. Counsel,


Rainier Pacific Company, 200Pinehurst CourtApartments, Judith Downing


Reichert, M. J. 200Robinson, David A. 200The Rockey Company, Inc., 200Breier-Scheetz Properties,Frederick Scheetz


Shih, John 200

Sill, Marcia Joslyn 200So, Teresa K. L. 200Asia Travel & TradingCorp.,


UNICO Properties, Inc., 200Veldyke, Jean 200Walker, James 200Edmund Wan 200May M. Wan 200Waste Management, 200Wong, Chow 200Wortley, William 200Yoshizumi, David 200Woo, Lily 180Baker, Mitchell E. 175Green, Sharon L. 175Tsuchiya, Jack 175Gould, Cynthia 165Ackerley, Ginger 150Anderson, Virginia 150Armour, William 150Arst, Renee 150Baxter, Gisela 150Bounds, Kenneth 150Branch, Andrew 150Chen, Kenny Mei-Lin 150Freeman, Beverly 150Fujii, Jeanne M. 150Grubb, Marlene 150Hittman, Suzanne 150Krippaehne, Michelle 150Lim, Kevin 150Lin, Mei-Jui 150Pettigrew, James M. 150Ramsay-Jenkins, Ann 150Rubinstein, Harvey 150Schepman, Mary K. 150A. Carl Smith & Associates, 150Tokunaga, Bryon 150Unsderfer, Brian 150Weeks, Tom 150Woo, George 150Aetna Marketing Inc., 145Chow, Sharon 140Stusser, Hermine 140Tresvant, Ginny 140Bullitt, Dorothy C. 130Chea, Henry 130Wong, Winnie M. 130Whitaker, Junko 125Stella Chien 115Nakano, Nyla 115

Sims, Adrienne 115Stusser, Joan 115Hui, Heidi 110Aoki, Russell 100Armour House Apartment,Donald Mehrer


Bailey, L.B. 100Bliss, Donald 100Bogard, Rebecca 100Bridge, Shirley 100Brodie, Ben 100Chau's Chinese Restaurant, 100Chin, Frank F. 100Chin, Janine 100Chinn, Tony 100Chinn, Wallace 100Cho, Casey S. 100Cholvin, Valerie 100Chow, Katy Ying 100Chui, David 100Clemons, Barbara 100Cohrs, Kay Cherberg 100Cooper, Karen 100Ellis, James R. 100Nor-Pac EquitiesDevelopment, Inc.,


Excel Properties, Inc., AnnMarie Kriedler


Ferguson, Ellen 100Ferries, Jean 100Filipino-American PAC ofWash.,


Garfield, Leonard 100Gillespie, Robert 100Graham, Thomas 100Granat, Laurence 100Humphrie, John 100Chin's Import Export Co.,Inc.,


Kates, Margaret H. 100Kauffman, George 100Kelly, Roger V. 100Kim, Bruce 100Ko, Cindy 100Lambros, Paul 100Lee, Jerry Quinn 100Lee, Kok Sing 100Lee, Nancy Chan 100Li, Pao Yu 100Lindal, Douglas 100Ly, Kim Lien Tran 100M & M Properties, 100MacGowan, Ian 100

Malliris, Ourania B. 100Marr, Byron 100Matsumoto, Pat 100Millena, Celia 100Morris, David 100Mukai, Donald 100Musselwhite, M. 100Nagai, Sanaye 100Nakamura, Janice 100Ong, Wendee 100PBO Properties, Peter B.Olson


Peabody, Penelope 100Chanhom Philalay 100Phillips, Lawrence 100Punyon, Ellen 100Ravenna Apartments,Michael Jordan


Renner, Brian R. 100Richmond, Charles 100Robinson, Tracy Thoma 100Patrice Roney 100Wa Sang Associates, 100Scarpelli-Norman, Gloria 100Sheilds, Sue 100Simon, Elsie 100Spitzer, Mark 100Straus, Joseph 100Streeter, Mel 100Eng Suey Sun FamilyAssociation,


Sullivan, Cynthia 100Tatu, Shailesh 100Toner, Kip 100Tsang, Linda H.S. 100Uchida, Jay 100Veloria, Velma 100Wallace, Robert 100Wang, Daniel 100Whisner, Jack E. 100Wong, Dorothy 100Wong, Edwin 100Wong, Robert H. 100Yang, Susan 100Wm. M. Yedor, Inc., 100Yee, James L. 100Yee, Suey-Hong 100Yeung, Christine 100Yu, Richard 100

Council - WithdrewCandidacy

Grant Cogswell

{no reported contributions}Council Position 9Jim ComptonSeattle/King County, AASKPAC Apartment Assoc.


Alhadeff, Kenneth 400Allison, Thomas G. 400Almo, Eli 400Bank of America WAPAC, 400Holland America Line, 400Baker, Ross C 400Barer, Stanley H 400Barrientos, Maria T 400Bayley, Chistorpher T. 400Behan, George P. 400Black, Luther 400Block, William H. 400Bloome, Mark 400Brainerd, Paul 400Buel, Ronald A 400Bullitt, Harriet Stimson 400Calhoun, Julia Larson 400Carlyle, Reuven 400Carpenters Local 131, 400Chan, Nobie 400Coffey, Forrest G. 400Cole, Carla 400Collins, Pricilla 400Ferguson Construction, 400Cowan, JoAnn 400Denny, Brewster C 400Denny, Patricia S 400Donoghue, William E. 400Dorrance, Sturges D. 400Douglas, Dorothy 400Durham, Darrann 400Durkan, Jennifer R. 400Durkan, Jenny A. 400Durkan, Martin J 400Durkan, Martin J Jr 400Edelstein, Alex 400Edelstein, David 400Edelstein, Florence 400Equity Office, 400Fatland, Rollin A. 400Faulstich, James R. 400Cocker Fennessy Inc, 400Ferguson, Mary A. 400Ferguson, Raymond B. 400Seattle FirefightersVoluntary Pac,


Ford, Richard D. 400

Garrison, David L. 400Gillespie, Robert 400First and Goal, Inc., 400Gogerty Stark Marriott, Inc., 400Gogerty, Robert E. 400Griffin, Matt 400Hillis, Jerome L. 400Horn, Joel 400Affordable Housing Counil, 400Hudesman, Karen 400Intl.Federation Prof&TechEngineers,


Immunex Corporation, 400Jackson, Scott 400Jaech, Jeremy 400Johnson, B. Gerald 400Jones, David Terry 400Jonsson, Lars 400Jonsson, Laurie McDonald 400LADS Local 1144, 400Langlie, Arthur K. 400Larson, Chistopher R. 400Leadership Connection,Kathleen Schafer


Levy, Gilbert H. 400Levy, Laurie 400Lewis, William L. 400Lorentzen, Douglas 400Maffei, Gregory B. 400Mariners, Seattle 400Marriott, David M. 400Mason, Peter R. 400McCullough, John 400Moriguchi, Tomio 400Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, 400Nelson, Sharon 400Nesholm, John F. 400Nitze-Stagen & Co., Inc., 400Nordic Cold Storage Co.,Inc,


Norton, Eileen 400Norton, Peter 400Pacific Public Affairs, Inc., 400W&H Pacific, Inc., 400Pageler, Margaret A. 400Pailthorp, Michelle 400Paragon Real EstateAdvisors, Inc,


Payne, Ancil 400Payne, Valerie 400Perry, Christine 400Perry, Wayne M. 400Pope, Cheryl L. 400

Pope, William T. 400Clise Properties, Inc, 400Pruzan, Carl 400Pruzan, Lynn 400Pruzan, Marian 400Pub. Serv. & Employeeslocal 1239,


PTSGE Continuing PoliticalComm.,


Puget Sound Energy, 400Puget Sound TourismCoalition,


Raikes, Jeffrey S. 400Raikes, Patricia McGinnis 400Ratliffe, Robert A. 400Washington Assoc. ofRealtors,


Redman, Richard C. 400Royer, Robert J. 400Rozner, Evelyne Renee 400Runstad, H. Jon 400Runstad, Judith M. 400Sabey Corporation, 400Sarkowsky, Herman 400Shulman, Steven M 400Sperry, Carolyn W. 400The Stratford Group, Ltd., 400Althea Stroum 400Samuel Stroum 400Tagney-Jones, Maryanne 400Uhlman, Wes 400UNICO Properties, Inc., 400The Vance Corporation, 400Waste Management, 400Weiss, Stuart S. 400Wiley, Welles R. 400Wright, Christina 400Wash. State Council of Cty& Cty Em,


Baerwaldt, Mike 395Blackman, Mary B. 375Dart, Stephen H. 350Kelly, Linda Jean 350McAdoo, Steve 350Mullin, J. Shan 350Potter, James B. 350Wagoner, Marcia D. 350Hammond, Nancy J. 325Arson, Lucille 300Arson, Michael 300Bhagat, Arun K. 300The Boeing Company, 300Fortune Terminal Assoc., 300

Gerlach, Thomas B. 300Krippaehne, William W. Jr. 300Neubauer, Ronald G 300The Rockey Company, Inc, 300Smith, Milton L. 300Wood, Thelma K. 300Allen, Catherine M. 275Blackman, John C. 275Beers, Andrew C. 250Bishop, Meghan Bloome 250Bloome, Cory 250Brotman, Susan 250Bryan, Darrell E. 250Clifford, Steven 250Cole, Ida S. 250Dickey III, Charles D. 250Dickey, Sheila Wyckoff 250Roger Dunn Company, Inc,Roger


Faustich, Gretchen 250Fleming, Michael M. 250Frisbe, Don 250Greenberg, Daniel 250Hennessy, John J. 250James, Michael 250JML Associates 250Jordan, Robert 250King, Joseph E. 250Kitchell, Frank R. 250McCaw, Bruce R. 250Namkung, Johsel 250Ballard Oil Co., 250Paup, Everett P. 250Reich, Jay A. 250Ringe, Donald S. 250Rolstad, Koryn 250Slices Deli and Espresso, 250Talbot, Christina J 250Waterman, Gary L. 250Weintraub, Nancy 250Wright, Howard S. III 250Hamilton, Bill 230Barbee, William D. 225Green, Joshua III 225Green, Pamela K. 225Bronkhorst, Thomas Van 206Albery, Tom 200Alexander, Robert C. 200Anderson, Virginia 200Bakamis, Gretchen K. 200Bakamis, William T. 200Bean, Karen 200

Beck, Judi 200Besk, Lawrence 200Brass, Richard I. 200Bridge, Jonathan J. 200Bunch, Cliff 200Claudon, Lynn M. 200The Crestwood Group, 200Darling, Martha 200Dorrance, Pamela W. 200Durkan, Timothy F. 200Dwyer, Regina J. 200EMB Partners, Inc., 200Zimmer Gunsul FrascaPartnership,


Herche, Thomas F. 200Horizon Incentives, PatGriffith


Hough, John D. 200James, Donna Bott 200Keefe, Thomas Patrick Jr. 200Kenyon, Ron 200Kline, D. Adam 200Koehler, Carol L. 200Koehler, Stephen K. 200Koh, Christopher J 200Kraabel, Paul 200Label, David 200Langlie, Stephanie 200Leavitt, Susan J. 200Locke, Hubert G. 200Minnott, Robert G. 200Moorman, Mary Anne 200Mullally DevelopmentCompany,


Omenn, Gilbert S 200PEMCO Mutual InsuranceCompany,


Pflaumer, Katrina C. 200Pritchard, David 200Redman, Eric 200Redman, Heather B. 200Rosen, Deborah 200Rosen, Douglas 200Schlickeisen, Rodger O. 200Schwartz, Pepper 200Smith, Gregory B. 200Smith, Palmer 200Smith, Patricia A. 200Sommers, Helen 200Watjen, Craig M. 200Watjen, Joan S. 200Welch, Shari G. 200Welch, Stephen G. 200

Williams, Jeanette 200Wilson, John A. 200Walkinshaw, Jean S. 175Walkinshaw, Walter 175Ullman, John S. 162Armout, William O. 150Behnke, John S. 150Branch, Andrew L. 150Branch, Bernetta E. 150Davis, John M. 150Davis, Patricia J. 150Ellis, James R. 150Griffin, George 150Kilham, Alice 150Lorig, Andrea 150Lorig, Bruce 150McDonald, Kirby M. 150Miller, Nancy 150Quarnstrom, Mariana 150Riley, Roberta N. 150Rockey, Jay 150Rolfe, Stuart T 150Story, Jo Ann 150Thomas, Suzanne J 150Unsderfer, Brian 150WA Conservation VotersAction Fund,


Walker, Douglas W. 150Walker, Margaret K. 150Willougby, George V. Jr. 150Willoughby, Colleen S. 150Young, James G. 150Landrum, Francis S. 149Behnke, Carl G. 125Behnke, Renee J. 125Byers, Peter MD 125Gillespie, Mary Jo. 125Gillespie, Robert G. 125Hadley, Karen O. 125Hadley, Richard G. 125McCarthy, Lucinda P. 125McCarthy, Stephen 125O'Boyle, Sharon 125O'Boyle, T.W. 125Sandifer, John 125Wildeman, C. Nicodemus 125Pebble, Randy 120Boyer, Steve 118Bracy, Dennis 118Agreement Dynamics, 100Akiyama, Patricia R. 100Alexander, William F. 100

Allen, Dean C. 100Anastasio, Paul 100Anderson, Gilbert W. 100Argo, Warren 100Bassetti, Fred 100Bertchi, Rudy 100Bloome, Sharon 100Bogard, Rebecca 100Braddock, Dennis J. 100Bratton, George W III 100Cairncross & Hempelmann,P.S.,


Callahan, Maurice Patrick 100Carlson, David Chris 100Cedar Grove Composting,Inc.,


CH2M Hill, Inc, 100Conlin, Richard B. 100Coppersmith, Jeffrey H. 100Cross, John M. 100Crowley, Walt 100Culp, Gordon C. 100Danysh, Terrence I. 100Daudon, Maud S 100DeLaunayCommunications, Inc,


Depew, Charley F. 100Depew, LaurieDaubenspeck


Donnelly, Peter F. 100Dorpat, Paul 100Downing, John C. 100Downs, Lyndsay C. 100Dressler, Joel H. 100Ride the Ducks of Seattle,LLC


Durkan, Lorraine 100Duthweiler, Diane 100Duvernoy Land Use & Env.Serv.,


Ernst & Associates, 100Fenster, William E. 100Firmani, Frank A. 100Fox, Nancy E. 100Frost, Michael A. 100Gale, Diana H 100Gallant, Theresa 100Galuszka, Frank R 100Gardner, Jean 100Gaspard, Matthew Scott 100Gayton, Gary D. 100Gest, Theodore 100Gibson, Gary R. 100

Gildow, Adeline R. 100Gildow, Elton C. 100Gilmore, James L. 100Greer, Franklin O. 100Guppy, Nancy A. 100Hansen, Nancy R 100Hanson-Hazen, Catherine 100Heidorn, George E 100Hewitt, David M. 100Hiatt, Perer D. 100Howard, Jone E. 100Hudson, Carolyn 100Hume, Jarlath J 100Kahn, Bruce A. 100Keller, Lee C. 100Keller, Michael R. 100Kemp, Richard 100Keul, Per-Odd 100Kilbane, Karen 100Klein, Otis 100Lamphere, Phyllis 100Langston, Peter 100Lazowska, Edward D. 100Lessenger, Neal F. 100Leyrer, Bill 100Mann, Dorothy H. 100Maruska, Robert T. 100Mazzola, Arthur H. 100Mclaughlin, J. Terry 100Mitchell, III, Daniel J 100Mohl, Lucy 100Mullarkey, Michael F. 100Nakao, N. Robert 100Neukirchen, Kathy 100Newman, Peter 100Inc., NOR-PAC EquitiesDevelopment


O'Neil, John 100Ordal, Robert E. 100Parsons, Walter 100Pearce, Roger A. 100Peterson, Randall G. 100Peterson, Robert 100Peterson, Susan Welcome 100Phillips, Lawrence R. 100Primomo, Janet 100Reich, Jane M. 100Richmond, Charles R. 100Rose, James B. 100Rosellini, Albert D. 100Rothmyer, KM 100Rubenstein, Sam 100

Ryan, Mary Jean 100Sandaas, Kirstin L. 100Schaefer, Carol Deal 100Schroeter, Dorothy 100Sheehan, Marian 100Shields, Walter J. 100Shultz, Barry 100Simons, Langdon S. Jr 100Solien, Stephanie M. 100Soricone, Patrick J. 100Stone, Amy 100Sullivan, Cynthia 100Tatu, Shailesh 100Thonn, Jerry E 100R. W. Thorpe & Assoc., 100Torrance, John R. 100Towne, David L. 100Wilson, Deborah R. 100Wilson, Jr, John D. 100Wood, Francis C Jr 100Young, Elsa C. 100Zarker, Gary E. 100Council Position 5Curt FirestoneAppel, Susan 400Arnold, Sara 400Astley, Guy 400Amalgamated Transit UnionLocal 587,


Baur, Ingrid 400King County COPE (AFL-CIO),


Curiel - EC, Joseph 400Davis, Judith 400Disenhouse, Cecile 400Fein, Anita 400Fein, Lawrence 400Firestone, Bernard 400Firestone, M.J. 400Firestone, Ruth W. 400Firestone, Sylvia 400Gormley, Daphne 400Gormley, Melissa 400Haug, Bob 400Haug, Jody 400Housing Now PAC, HumanServices and


Howard, Denys 400Hudson, Leonard D. 400IBEW Local Union No. 77, 400IFPTE Local 17, 400Iron Workers Local Union 400

86,JAMPAC, 400Johnston, Sherry Tarbet 400Katz, Greg 400Kaufman, Michael V. 400Knapp, Nancy 400Krahl Astley, Maia 400Hodcarriers & GeneralLaborers Local 242,


Lennartz, Ann 400Merkle, Dan 400Novak, Peter 400Pearman, Charles 400Plumbers and PipefittersLocal 32,


Public Service & IndustrialEmployees,


King County RainbowCoalition,


Raugust, Anthony 400Roofers, Waterproofers, &Allied Workers,


Stephens, Helena 400Street Pavers Local 440, 400Wall, Leslie 400White, Brent 400Wiginton, Bill 400Wilber, Hanna 400Hill, E.M. 399Lee, Anthony 375Beck, Carl 372Goldstein, Lester 350Morrison, Diane 350Jette, David 346benMiriam, Faygele 338Hill, Robert 335Brecher, Alec 325Barnes, Bob 320Music Club LLC, 300Colman, Jean 300Ferrari, Justin 300Watson, Audrey 300Bartels, Angela 261Heyer, Nicolas 261Internat'l Union of OperatingEngrs, Local #302


Sarkissian, Julia 250Spratlen, Thaddeus 250Stanke, Ronald 250Warmenhoven, Nic 250Barish, Jean 200Breitweiser, John 200Carpenters Local Union No. 200

131,Crowell, Areta 200Crowell, C.R. 200Dixon, Thomas 200Fodor, Anthony 200Glascock, Scott 200Gordon, Emanuel 200Guttmann, George 200Hangartner, Rick 200Kushmerick, Martin 200Kushmerick, Patricia 200Nilsson, Lisa 200Pardo, Lars 200Rolland, Charles 200Rowitch, Jerome 200Schreiber, Eric 200Bereano, Phil 175Fathi, David C. 175Butler-Wall, Brita 160Gordon, David Spinning 160Buskin, Jean 150Domingo, Cindy 150Domingo, Jr., Nemesio 150Fujikado, Suyeko 150Harwood, Rick 150Howell, Lembhard 150Levine, Stephen 150Owens, Garry 150Seattle ProgressiveCoalition,


Smithson, Jeremy 150Wall, David 150Watkins, Jim 150Werner, Joanne 150Williams, Leonard 150Zepeda, Barbara 150Baldwin, Ann 145Barbee, Lynne 140Livingston, Brian 132Aldrich, Newell 125Davis, Robert 125Jacoby, Peter 125Walker, Tom 115Benham Studio Gallery, 105Affleck-Asch, Willaim 100Allar, Terry 100Anderson, Kathryn 100Baillet, Michelle 100Bricklayers & AlliedCraftsworkers Union, Local1


Brugnoli, William 100

Cataldo, Stephen 100Ceccarelli, David 100Chotzen, Benjamin 100Christensen, Blair 100Corr, William 100deGroen, Larry 100Duvall, Anderson 100Political Action Group ofWashington, Filipino-American


Fisse, Lynne 100Fitzsimmons, Julie 100Flyberg, Dale 100Frantzen, John 100Gillespie, Robert 100Gish, Oscar 100Gordon, Erica 100Green Party of Seattle, 100Grossman, Michael 100Katz, Aaron 100Kaufman, Albert 100Keller, Keith 100Kiuchi, Frank 100Komedal, Neal 100Kosins, David 100Kraft, George 100Lakshminarayan, B.J. 100Lundstrom, Evelyn 100Manly, Ann 100Morris, Greg 100Podrebarac, Francis 100Regan, James 100Salins, Craig 100Santos, Bob 100Shepherd, Stanley 100Swanson, Dawne 100Taylor, Carol 100Tobin, Douglas 100Tolman, Celso 100Tomiko Santos, Sharon 100Trivison, Cheryl 100Wagner, Sharon R. 100Wilber, Stuart 100Wilson, Lynne 100Withey, Michael 100Council Position 9Alec FiskenAllison, Thomas G. 400Anderson, Webster B. 400Anderson-Bittenbender,Karen


Bayley, Christopher T. 400

Bhagat, Arun K. 400Black, Alan F. 400Black, David C. 400Black, Mary Fite 400Black, William M. 400Block, Kenan S. 400Block, Kristin Hyde 400Branch, Andrew L. 400Bullitt, Stimson 400Clise Properties, Inc., 400Collins, Priscilla 400Coonrod, Stephan H. 400Cowan, JoAnn 400Durkan, Martin J. 400Emory, Meade 400Fatland, Rollin A. 400Finke, John A. 400Fisken, Alexander M. 400Fisken, Elizabeth R. 400Garvey, Michael D. 400Gogerty Stark Marriot Inc., 400Griffin, Matt 400Hauberg, John H. 400Human Services andHousing Now,


Johnson, B. Gerald 400Jones, David T. 400Jones, William G. 400Kongsgaard, Martha Jane 400Lamoureux, LaVerne 400Lewis, William L. 400Malloy, Lawrence 400McCullough, John C. 400Mercer, Cholly 400Mitchell, Bruce C. 400Nitze-Stagen & Co., 400Nordic Cold Storage Inc., 400Ballard Oil Co., 400Pageler, John C. 400Pageler, Margaret 400Payne, Ancil H. 400Payne, Valerie 400Rainier Petroleum Corp., 400MacMillan-Piper, Inc., 400Price, Andrew 400Price, Marianna B. 400Pruzan Building Co., 400PTSGE ContinuingPol.Action Comm.,


Public Service & Indus.Employees L,


Puget Sound TourismCoalition,


Rhodes, Emory 400Rhodes, Lee 400Runstad, H. Jon 400Runstad, Judith M. 400Ryan, Mary Jean 400Smith, Palmer 400Spitzer, Hugh 400Puget Sound SteamshipOperators Ass,


Tagney-Jones, Maryanne 400UNICO Properties, Inc., 400Weed, Cynthia 400Woo, Ben 400Woo, Ruth T. 400Wyckoff, Ann P. 400Blackman, John C. 350Block, William H. 300Booth, William 300Byrne, Daniel V. 300Davis, John M. 300Fennessy, J. Anne 300Lorig, Bruce C. 300Wyman, Virginia 300Aequus Corp., 250Gaffney, Joseph M. 250The Ackerly Group, 250Houtchens, D. Mark 250Kaplan, Robert 250McGinnis, Kathleen 250Rosenberg, Casey 250Snodgrass, Leslie 250Spaeth, Charles 250Adams, Leslie J. 200Bangasser, Hugh F. 200Behrend, James U. 200Booth, Beatrice C. 200Brunton, Thomas 200Byse, James 200Claudon, Lynn M. 200Clever, Richard W. 200Crooks, Lee 200Elliott Bay Design Group,Ltd.,


Dickey, Charles 200Wyckoff-Dickey, Sheila 200Ellis, James R. 200Fleming, Douglas K. 200Gow, Jeffery D. 200Hillis, Jerome L. 200Hoffman, Harris 200Immunex, 200Justen, William J. 200

Kelley, Richard C. 200King, Michael B. 200Kitchell, Frank R. 200Kucera, Victor 200Levi, Margaret 200Lillian, Lew 200MacGowan & Associates, 200Martin, Chris 200Mitchell, Elizabeth S. 200Burlington Northern & SantaFe Rail,


Northwest Flower & GardenShow,


O'Neill, Candace 200Painter, Sue 200Puget Sound Pilots, 200Redman, Richard C. 200Shaw, Bill 200Smith, James A. 200Taylor, Susan 200Tobin, Judith M. 200Weissbourd, Burt 200Weissbourd, Katherine 200Welch, Stephen G. 200Wyckoff, Martha 200Young, Gary A. 200Mattox, Jeremy 155Washington ConservationVoters,


Barr, Gordon F. 150Davis, John H. 150Ewing, Gary 150Garfield, Leonard T. 150Gillespie, Robert 150Hartman, Suzanne 150Lattimore, Thomas 150McCullough, Sandra 150Palmer, Susan K. 150Parker, Stewart 150Betts, Patterson & Mines, 150Spragg, Terry G. 150Warjone, Robin A. 150Zalutsky, Jane 150Berkowitz, Richard C. 140Barton, Carol 125Barton, Donald 125Brinkley, James F. 125Bullitt, Dorothy C. 125Burns, Mary Jane 125Fridley, Jim 120Seattle Hotel Association, 114Alexander, Martha 100

Anderson, Glenn 100Backer, Thomas E. 100Bain, William J. 100Blomquist, Peter A. 100Bogard, Rebecca 100Brownell, Catherine B. 100Bryan, Darrell E. 100Bullitt, Katharine M. 100Bundy, Emory 100Burtenshaw, DeVere Jerry 100Cavanaugh's on FifthAvenue,


Clevenger, Mark 100Rainier Cold Storage & Ice, 100Dedrick, Lee 100Dull, Grant 100Durkan, Timothy F. 100Ernst, Jerome R. 100Excell, Steve 100Eyre, Kathleen A. 100Feldman, Kathy 100Fluhrer, Gary 100Ford, Richard D. 100Frush, Jim 100Gayton, Gary 100Goodman, Karl R. 100Graff, Thomas P. 100Grenley, Neal F. 100Gross, Shari R. 100Hawkins, Marilyn 100Hesterberg, Timothy 100CH2M Hill Inc., 100The Seattle Hilton, 100Hudson, Carolyn 100Hunt, William H. 100Johnson, Mark S. 100Kauffmann, Veronika 100Kelleigh, Beatrice 100Kenworthy, Lise 100Keough, James R. 100Ketchum, Janet 100Levine, Alan S. 100MacDonald, Kenneth A. 100Macfarlane, Ross A. 100Mannheimer, Robert A. 100Martinez, Kevin 100Mayflower Park Hotel, 100McCarthy, Joseph L. 100McIntire, James 100McLaughlin, J. Terry 100Minor, Stanley N. 100Misshula, Rebecca 100

Mize, Chuck 100Moll, Elizabeth B. 100Moriguchi, Tomio 100Morris, Steven C. 100Munro, Don 100Murray, Carla 100Nepom, Barbara Snyder 100Nepom, Gerald T. 100O'Neill, Kate M. 100Olsen, Ronald R. 100Owen, Jonathan D. 100Pacific Plaza Hotel, 100Palmer, David L. 100The Paramount Hotel, 100Payne, Susan M. 100Perthou-Taylor, Margaret L. 100Pflaumer, Katrina C. 100Marine Publishing, Inc., 100Pujalet, Marc 100Ray, Bret A. 100Renaissance MadisonHotel,


Reynolds, Charles 100Richmond Public Relations, 100Rigsbee, Jill Bullitt 100Ritzman, Gary 100Roberts, Lawrence 100Schropp, Jill L. 100La Serena Holdings, Inc., 100Sivia, Michael J. 100Bill Speidel Enterprises, 100Stagen, Frank P. 100Stangler, Ronnie S. 100Underhill, Henry 100Urbina, John 100Seattle VIP Services, 100Volkert, Brian E. 100Wade, Julie 100Walker, Edward J. 100Walkinshaw, Jean 100Walkinshaw, Walter 100Warren, Dana 100The Warwick Hotel, 100Winant, Anais 100Yapp, Shelly 100Young, James G. 100Council Position 7George Freeman{no reported contributions}

Council - WithdrewCandidacy

Sherry Harris

{no reported contributions}Council Position 1Bob Hegamin{no reported contributions}Council Position 3Don Hennick{no reported contributions}Council Position 3Lenora JonesEdith W. Cooper 400A Lyndell Jones 400Robert L. Taylor 400Burnis L Jones 162Thornton Bell 130Gloria Barber 100Faith Mission 100Council Position 7David LawtonNancy Tyson 400Council Position 3Stan Lippmann{no reported contributions}Council Position 9Dawn MasonAdkins, Susan G.H. 400Aramande, Adisu 400ATU Special Holding Acct, 400Black, Inez 400Bobis, Harolyn 400Bobis, Michael 400Andrew L. Branch 400Brown, Jane 400Burke, Suzanne 400Orange Cab, 400Cleaners, Jiffy 400Cleary, Patricia C. 400King Cty Comm. on PoliticalEdu,


Daniels, Ira 400Douglas, Dorothy 400Durkan, Martin 400Eason, Oscar 400Edwards, Murray 400Seattle FirefightersVoluntary,


Gaba, Dave 400Hassell, John 400St. Jude Healthcare, Inc, 400Heaven, Bonnie 400Hirai, Kay 400Human Svcs. and HousingNOW,


Hunt, Darryl 400IBEW 77 PAC, 400Iron Workers Dist. CouncilPNW,


Int'l Union of OperatingEngin.,




Kaufman, Michael V. 400Donald King Architects, 400Korman, Paul 400KRIZ Bennet Braodcasting,Inc.,


Laboreres & Hodcarriers, 400Lamoureux, LaVerne 400Lennartz, Ann 400Livingston, Brian 400Livingston, Margie 400Local 17 PAC, 400Macintosh, William 400Merkle, Daniel 400Mitchell, Dorothy 400Namioka, Aki 400Nguyen, Thach 400Nilson, Erik 400Noland, Jane 400Powelson, Lawrence 400Garneau Properties, 400Public Service & IndustrialEmployees,


United Union of Roofers,Waterproo,


Safeco Corporation, 400Santos, Sharon Tomiko 400Scanlon-Greene, Mark 400Sidles, John 400The Snowden Company,Inc.,


Southard, Diane 400Charlene Stecher 400Dan Stecher 400Street Paver's PAC, 400Taft, Ellen 400Tiloben Publishing Co., 400UA Local 32, 400Washington, Michael B. 400Watanabe, Louis 400Weedin, Donald 400Weedin, Patricia 400Weslar Investments, LLC, 400White, Brent 400Wilson, James (Chip) 400Woo, Ruth T 400

Ferguson, Dian 399Wooten, Doris 390Bentley, Bruce 385Brennan, Barbara 375Roux, Christine 375Roux, Nick 375Ware, Johnny 370Branch, Bernetta 350Crockett, Ron 350Jones, Emma 350Potratz, George 350Thomas, Suzanne 350Turk, Benjamin 350Wooten, Octavius 350Sidles, Connie 335Brown, Ed 325Graham, Elinor A. 320Walk About Inc., 300Affleck, William 300Beeson, John 300Brooks, Violet 300Drew, Jody L. 300Hangartner, Rick 300Harris, Pamela 300Jacobson, Stu 300McCloskey, Susan 300Paschal, Patricia J. 300Quarnstrom, Fred 300Romero, Victoria 300The Showbox, 300Triarm Health Care Inc., 300WA State Women's Pol.Caucus,


Grace, William 275Howell, Lem 275Jones, Johnny 275Verchot, Michael P. 255Bailey, Edward K. 250Barnhart, Scott 250Bradford, William D. 250Cato, Doreen A. 250Durkan, Timothy 250Gary, Steven 250Graham-Squire, Michael 250Mason, Joseph 250Miles, Nate 250RW Smith and Assoc., 250Spratlen, Thad 250M. Susan Stecher 250Columbia Physical Therapy, 250Dianne Turk 250Veldyke Realty Inc., 250

Williams, O.C. 250Wheeler, Douglas 245Benmiriam, Faygele 234Scott, Ora L. 225Atkins, Richard 200Aurora Mini Mart, Inc., DBACapitol Hill Arco


Bailey, Harry C. 200Bailey, Mattie 200Barnes, Mandie Marie 200Bennett, Chris 200Bishop, Meghan 200Bloome, Cory 200Bloome, Mark 200Bogan, Tommy 200Bolz, Laura 200Boston, Louis 200Bown, Constance D. 200Burns, Doris Baxter 200Butler, Bryce 200Butters, David 200Cal, Francis 200Calos, Norresa 200Chen, Judith 200Cheng, Paul H. 200Chesapeake Press, 200Coad, Thomas 200CWR Resource Network, 200Dias, A.J. 200Edwards, Stacy 200Fawcett, Ellen 200Fisher, David 200Foulke, Elizabeth G. 200Frazier, Bertha 200Gayton, Gary 200Green, Goldyne 200Gulledge, Betty 200Heidergott, Karen 200Hicks, C. Genevieve 200Hogans, Mack L. 200Knapp, Nancy S. 200Maxie, Fred L. 200Merrell, Frederica 200Moriguchi, Tomio 200Mycon's Inc., 200Northcroft, George 200Pearman, C.R. 200Prichard, Kenneth D. 200Rabinowitz, Alan 200Robinson Group, Inc., 200Rodgers-Yates, Donna 200Romero, Colin 200

Santos, Bob 200Shaw, Wanda 200Stack, Harold 200Stack, Robert 200Staggers, George M. 200Taylor, Larry 200Ezra Teshome InsuranceAgency,


Toussaint, Keith 200Verner, Lisa S. 200Young, Wilbur B. 200Harvey, Robert 180Greene, Janice 175Stewart, Zakiya M. 175Veloria, Velma 175Youngers, Peter 175Zabinsky, Steven 175Toussaint, Angela 174Johnston, Timothy E. 173Dickerson, Mary Lou 170Lowe, Phyllis 165Means, J. Beth 160Anthony, Gaye 150Caine, Daniel M. 150Cobb, Ruth 150Covington, Germaine 150Dunlap, Addie Rose 150Ferguson, Doreen 150Gibbons, Eileen 150Harris, Claude 150Isaacs, Andrew H. 150Malliris, Ourania 150Mayes, Jean S. 150Morrill, Richard 150Palmer, Nancy 150Pettigrew, Eric 150Poole, Alfred 150Reed, Clyde 150Rye, Jr, Eddie 150Seymour-Wilson, Leahe 150Swanigan, Kenneth 1503A-EDJ Transit, 150Williams, Anthony 150Zepeda, Barbara 150Mostow, K.L. 140Holland, Debra 135Allen, Elma 125Atkinson, Walter Jr 125Baker, Lloyd 125Bergman, Abraham 125Garrett-Turner, Valerie 125Hill, Twanda 125

Emett Kelsie 125Evelyn Kelsie 125McKinney, Bruce 125Eric pettigrew 125Jada Berteaux Pettigrew 125Vallery, George 125Bohlke, Karen 120Curtis, George 115Prestegaard, Virginia 115Fichtenberg, David S. 110Eichwald, Jenny 104Algarin, Joanne 100Allen, Brian 100The Allen Group, Inc, 100Apilado, Myron 100Auta, Appeh 100Bagshaw, Elizabeth 100Ballew, Christopher 100Batayola, Teresita I. 100Baxter, Katherine 100Berteig, Irv 100Blood, Charles 100Bramhall, Stuart J 100Breland, Eula 100Bricklayer & AlliedCraftsworkers,


Brooks, Antoinette 100Brown, Robert L. 100Burton, Kenneth 100Butts, Gloria 100Caldwell, Napoleon 100Carpenter, Tom 100Carr, Yvonne Ervin 100Cavazos, Sylvia 100Chong, Charles 100Cornerstone Advisors, Inc, 100Crim, Larry 100Crowley, Chris 100Dolan, Kathleen 100Dorsey, Kikora 100Dudley, Donald T 100Dunston, Ernest 100FAPAGOW, 100Fulcher, Charles 100Gayden, Curtis 100Granat, Laurence 100Gray, Betty Howell 100Gray, Jan 100Green Party of Seattle, 100Griffin, Carl L. 100Hailey, Priscilla 100Hampton, Charlie 100

Hawkins, Irvin 100Haynes, Sue B. 100Heavey, Michael J. 100Hill-Stuart, Patricia 100Hodge, William 100Howell, Ina 100Ikeda, Tsugo 100Jackson, Johnathan 100Jefferson, Christina 100DBA Jim's Market and Gas,James Y Lee


Johnson, Billy V. 100Johnson, Kevin 100Jones, Ronald 100Kern, Alma 100Kietzke, David 100King, James 100Kramer, Lauren 100Kvamme, David 100Lee, Vivian 100Leigh, Richard 100Leonard, Gloria 100Lindley, Martha 100Linstead, Donna 100Livingston, Carl Jr 100Mann, Mary Ruth 100Marshall, Bill 100McKinney, Herman 100Miller, Lincoln 100Mitchell, Charles H. 100Nguyen, Vuong 100Oglesby, Kathleen 100Osborne, Kim C. 100Otero, Doris 100Overby, Tracy 100Overy, Pat 100Pichereau, Susan 100Pimpleton, Sadie 100Pitre, Paul 100Prasad, Seema 100Rabb, Jackie 100Raedeke, D.A. Milligan 100Richardson, Earl 100Roberts, John W. 100Roland, Charles 100Rosenberger, Robert 100Assoc., The Law Offices ofRosier &


Humane Seattle, 100Shen, Albert K. 100Shim, Sokyeon K. 100Simpson, Andrea 100

Sims, Robert 100Smith, Melvin 100Snelling, George 100Spates, Joseph A. 100Square, Celia Sr 100Steers, Lucy B. 100Stewart, Robert J. 100Stone, Terry Michael 100Taoka, Susan 100Tate, Willis 100Tennican, Scott Patrick 100Thomas, Benita 100Thomas, James 100Thompson, Rahmelle 100Toliver, Paul 100Tucker, Minnie 100Upton, Elizabeth F. 100VelDyke, Jean 100Vinson, Lawrence 100Wakefield, Jay 100Watanabe, Georgia Lord 100The Wellington, 100Harris-White, Paula 100

Council - WithdrewCandidacy

Douglas Mays{no reported contributions}

Library Initiative45

Save the Police & Parks/No on 45PTSGE Continuing PoliticalCmt


Tim Clifford 100Deborah Doust 100Deborah Jacobs 100Gloria Leonard 100Nick Licata 100Doug Lorentzen 100Seema Prasad 100Kirk Robbins 100Linda Saunto 100Helen Sommers 100Council Position 1Judy NicastroAlbertson, Jeffrey R. 400Alhadeff, Ike 400Allen, Paul 400Allison, Thomas 400ATU Special Holding Acct., 400Barnes, Gregory 400Brenlin, Bob 400

Brown, Sandra L. 400Bullitt, Stimson 400Butterworth, J. Blair 400Collier, Mitchell T. 400Coluccio, Frank 400Cook, Jonathan 400King Cty Committee onPoli.Educ.,


Cunneen, Dan 400Della-Libera, Giovanni 400De Nunzio, Luigi 400Durkan, Martin J. Jr. 400Emory, Deborah Carley 400Emory, Meade 400Felber, Brian 400Seattle FirefightersVoluntary PAC,


Floresca, Fred 400Floresca, Tina 400Forbes, Roger H. 400Frush, C. James 400Gauche, Kristen Elaine 400Glinka, Frank 400Grinstein, Keith D. 400Hodge, Jim 400Holodney, Maryanne 400Human Services & HousingNow,


IBEW 77 PAC, 400IFPTE, Local 17 NEWPAC, 400JAMPAC Washington Fund, 400Junker, John 400Kegley, Keith A. 400Kick, Sharron M. 400Kraabel, Paul 400Kylen, Patrick 400Washington State LaborCouncil,


Laborers & Hodcarriers, 400Lanard, Rosemarie Ann 400Lennartz B, Ann 400Levy, Gilbert H. 400Levy, Laura 400Littlewood, Paula C. 400Washington MachinistsCouncil,


Marler, Julie E. 400Marler, William 400Marquart, Joel 400Martin, Christopher H. 400MEBA PAF, 400Merkle, Daniel R. 400Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, 400

Newman, Tracy 400O'Leary III, John J. 400Payne, Ancil H. 400Pigott Swenson, Judy 400Prichard, Kenneth D. 400Prichard, Nancy 400PTSGE Continuing PoliticalCommitte,


Public Service & Inds.Employees,


United Union of Roofersetc.


Sanders, John S. 400Scheidelman, Russell 400Schlotzhauer, James 400Scholz, Kristi 400Schorr, Celia 400Schuyler, Sarah E. 400Scragg, James H. 400Service Employees CouncilPAC,


Sheehan, Gerard John 400Sidawi, Edward C. 400Soriano, Max D. 400Stem, Katie 400Stem, Mark 400Street Pavers Poli.ActionComm.,


Stroum, Samuel N. 400Tagney-Jones, Maryanne 400Tapang, Wendy 400Washington TeamstersLeg. League,


Vance, Cyrus 400Walter, Cloey N. 400Weiss, Stuart 400White, Brent Alan 400Wiley, Welles R. 400Williams, Jeanette 400WA St. Council of Cty & CtyEmp.,


Baerwaldt, Mark 395Nielsen, Dean 375Pardo, Lars 375Ringen, Joanne A. 350Watanabe, Louis H. 340Rosenblum, Jonathan 320Barbee, B. Lynne 310De Imus, Carlos C. 301Booth, T. William 300Ceccarelli, David 300Egan, Mike 300Ferrari, Justin M. 300

Hughes, Kevin M. 300Jeffords, Susan 300Kaufman, Michael V. 300Kylen, Patricia L. 300Maddox, Alan 300Moriguchi, Tomio 300Noland, Jane 300Schnapper, Eric 300Steicher, Jeff 300Ukelson, Mark 285Overnight Printing, 284Affleck-Asch, William C.S. 256Bass, Tyler 250Gaba, David M. 250Gayton, Gary 250Hangartner, Rick D. 250Hartman, Suzanne 250Herche, Thomas F. 250Lake, Celinda C. 250Malmo, Jerry A. 250Pheasant, Joann L. 250Wechsler, Felice 250Meister, Mary 230Daneker, Lee 225Attridge, Melinda M. 200Bachelder, Joseph 200Bain Jr., William J. 200Ballweg, Ruth 200Bloome, Mark 200Ceis, Timothy Y. 200Cockrill, Michael P. 200Durkan, Timothy 200Hale, Jeannie L. 200Hoyden, Robert J. 200Jackson, Scott 200Kick, Adam N. 200King, John W. 200Lindstrom, S. R. 200Livengood, Gordon A. 200Locascio, Eleanor 200Locascio, Frank 200The MWW Group, 200Pagan, David 200Powelson, Lawrence H. 200Quigley, Eileen V. 200Reynolds, Tom K. 200Rosellini Jr., John M. 200Rosellini, John M. 200Sato, John 200Stonington MD, David T. 200Tennican, Scott Patrick 200Whetzel, Judith A. 200

Wildeman, Gloria C. 200Winslow, Charles Prescott 200Wolf, Richard 200Yim, Peter 200Rasmussen, Lowell A. 195AT&T Wireless Services 180Benmiriam, Faygele 180Lancaster, Brad 170Parish, Elizabeth Cameron 170Stewart, John A. 160Nicastro, Doris 158Garrett, Alan E. 155Niolu, Raymond B. 151Arends III, John H. 150Barnes, Blake L. 150Bloom, Marcy 150Broberg, William C. 150Teri Citterman 150Cockrill, Carol 150Coopersmith, Jeffrey H. 150Delashmutt, Diana Lee 150Grant, Michele L. 150Hernandez, Jean 150Koh, Christopher J. 150Lefebvre, David C. 150Lucky, Lorie 150Moore, Genevieve 150Morrison, Diane 150Oglesby, Kathleen L. 150Spino, Victor 150Stickel, Sheila M. 150Strauss, Inge 150Wohlstetter, Philip 150Roseth, Katherine 137Vogt, Benjamin 133Mary Hjorth 130Roland Hjorth 130Cabral, Bonnie Jean 125Christ, N. Susan 125Fogarty, Faith 125Kurimura, Alan 125Lord, Roberta 125Stotler, W. Bruce 125Wenzel, Mark A. 125White, Scott B. 125Fuentes-McNamara,Lourdes


Lynn Davis 120Ralph Davis 120Fritts, Kurt B. 120Katroscik, Joseph 120Osgood, David R. 115

Nicastro, Andrew E. 114Aguirre, Rosalinda 110Ginorio, Angela 110Herrmann, Lara A. 110Scanlon, Edward T. 105Allen, Brian G. 100Apilado, Myron 100Bailey, L.B. 100Barnard, Thomas A. 100Batchelder, Alexander D. 100Block, Kenan 100Block, William H. 100Bricklayers & AlliedCraftsworkers Loc.1,


Brustkern, Michael F. 100Burke, Suzanne M. 100Burkey, Sheral 100Cavagnaro, Joan T. 100Cerise, Gilbert I. Jr. 100Chong, Charles 100Clark, Gary R. 100Cole, Cindy Ann 100Copass, Cloantha W. 100Davis, Steven 100DeCavalcanti, Ronald 100Edgar, Margaret L. 100Feichtmeir, Kurt 100Gillespie, Robert L. 100Gray, Blake A. 100Green Party of Seattle, 100Haskell, Benjamin 100Hickey, George 100Holden, Mark L. 100Holm, Jeanne L. 100Inter.UnionofOperatingEngineers,


Jewett, Douglas N. 100Johnson, Kyle 100Judd, Ron G. 100Justice, Cliff M. 100Kelley, James J. 100Knapp, Nancy 100Landes, Daniel M. 100Livingston, Brian 100Livingston, Margaret 100Lloyd, Philip E. 100Lorentzen, Douglas 100Macgilvra, Glenn E. 100Moriguchi, Toshi 100Moris, Kristina M. 100Mullen, Wendy E. 100Nakamura, Ted 100

Nguyen, Mai 100O'Halloran, Vincent A. 100Okada, Danny M. 100Okomski, Andrea 100Osborne, Kim C. 100Rand, Mike 100Rolstad, Koryn 100Scott, Joan M. 100Scott, Loretta M. 100Seebeth, John N. 100Soricone, Patrick 100Southard, John E. 100Southard, Laura 100Swift, BrynDel 100Thurston, Richard 100UFCW Local # 1105, 100Van Cleve, Janice 100Wales, Catherine 100Webster, Craig L. 100Wenaweser, Joe 100Wershow, Dan 100Wills, Heidi 100Woodhouse, Stuart G. 100Council Position 1Daniel NortonArambaru, J. Richard 400Bellanca, Sara-Jane 400Lee Daneker 400Joseph Dunn 400Mary Garretson 400Robert H. Garretson, III 400Horwitz, Lawrence P. 400Jones, Kathleen N. 400Jones, Robert D. III 400Koh, James C.Y. 400Lennartz, Ann 400McInnis, Stanley N. 400McQuaid, Thomas L. 400Norton, J. Michael 400Norton, Karen J. 400Pearson, Clinton 400Steve Peha, Inc. 400Pehrson, Margaret 400Sautter, Chris 400Soriano, Max 400Spitzer, Jack 400Tagney-Jones, Maryanne 400Treanor, Timothy 400Weiss, Stewart P. 400Friends of Westlake, 400Whisner, Jack 400Wilkenson, Tom 400

Sandy Bradley 330Abel, Don G. 300Bastien, Robert 300Bastien, Susan 300Steinbrueck, Peter 300Legault, Jeanne 283Lowry, Mike 280Howard, Denys 250Francis, Peter D. 230Lorentzen, Douglas 230Peck, Kevin Atwood 230Canaday, Nicholas 200Hjelm, Marcia R. 200Leahy, Daniel B. 200Lewis, Ronald R. 200Pageler, Margaret A. 200Pope, William 200Rosenberger, Robert M. 200Cleve, Janice M. Van 200Wilson, Roy D. 200Licata, Nick 175Arkills, Christopher 170Kelly, Kathy 160Hatley, Tim 150Hujar, Thomas F. 150Nyberg, Folke 150Craig, Steve Van Loon 125Fulton, Suzanne Elise 125Papsdorf, Peggy 125Richards, Camille 125Weinstock, David 125Stockmeyer, Law Firm of,Cleveland


Edmonds, Carolyn 112Snyder, Michael 110Abel, Jane M. 100Walk About Inc., 100Bagley, Charles M. 100Fury Bailey Trial Lawyers, 100Burke, Suzanne M. 100Chandler, Mark 100Charles, Edsonya 100Chong, Charles 100Close, Pat 100Colman, Timothy S. 100Cooper, Maurice 100Emory, Meade 100Fimia, Margaret M. 100Ford, Alice M. 100Ford, Nathan S. Jr. 100Fulton, Moira M. 100Seattle, Green Party of 100

Hale, Jeannie L. 100Bonny Heatherly 100Hjelm, Mary E. 100Kelley, Richard 100Klein, Robert S. 100Lamb, Ronald A. 100Leed, Jean 100Leed, Roger 100Luecke, Barbara A. 100Lundgren, Stephen E. 100Merkle, Daniel R. 100Miller, Julia 100Morris, Joseph Newton Jr. 100Panitch, Allan 100Payne, Ancil 100Payne, Valerie 100Prasad, Seema 100Pruzan, Herbert 100Reiss, John 100Richards, Jack 100Rose, Aaron 100Rudo, David N. 100Sarles, Neil R. 100Sherwin, John A. 100Robert Sims 100Slabaugh, Erick 100Snell Partnership, 100Soriano, Don 100Stevens, Robert 100Strosahl, Pat 100Sundberg, Kris 100Thaler, Toby 100Thomas, Joan 100Thompson, Laurie 100Van Dyk, Christopher 100Walkinshaw, Walter 100Yearout, Leroy 100Zytniak, Karen Lynn 100Council Position 5Margaret PagelerAlhadeff, Kenneth 400Alhadeff, Michael 400Arai, Steven 400Charles M. Bagley 400Nancy H. Bagley 400Baker, Michael 400Barer, Stanley H. 400Barrientos, Maria T. 400Bergman, Matthew P. 400Block, William H. 400Boehmer, Stefan 400Bowman, Jill D. 400

Brainerd, Paul 400Van Bronkhorst, Thomas 400Brotman, Jeff 400Bullitt, Stimson 400Calhoun, Julia Larson 400Denny, Brewster C. 400Denny, Patricia S. 400Donnelly, Peter F. 400Durkan, Jenny A. 400Agreement Dynamics Inc., 400Edison, Suzanne E. 400Elvins, Deborah A. 400Faulstich, James R. 400Seattle Firefighters VolntryPAF,


Gale, Diana H. 400Gates, William H. 400First and Goal, Inc., 400Gogerty Stark Marriott, Inc., 400Graff, Thomas P. 400Griffin, Matt 400Hall, Camden M. 400Hillis, Jerome L. 400IBEW 77 PAC, 400Jones, Floyd U. 400Justen, William J. 400Koehler, Stephen K. 400Kongsgaard, Martha Jane 400Larson, Christopher R. 400Larson, Linda R. 400Leavitt, Susan J. 400Leigh, Marion Monica 400Lewis, William L. 400Loacker, Lynn J. 400Maffei, George B. 400Seattle Mariners, 400McCullough, John C. 400McQuaid, Tom 400Moriguchi, Tomio 400MWW/Savitt, 400Nesholm, John F. 400Nitze-Stagen & Co., Inc., 400Osborne, Kim C. 400Pageler, Jennifer R. 400Palumbo, Ralph H. 400Payne, Ancil H. 400Payne, Valerie D. 400Price, Marianna B. 400Pacific Public Affairs, 400Raikes, Jeffrey S. 400Raikes, Patricia McGinnis 400Redman, Anne M. 400

Redman, Eric 400Reiter, Paul D. 400Rubinstein, Sam 400Ruckelshaus, William D. 400Runstad, H. Jon 400Runstad, Judith M. 400Wright Runstad & Co., 400Sabey Corporation, 400Sarkowsky, Herman 400Savage, Stanley D. 400Steers, Lucy B. 400Stores, Linda K. 400Tagney-Jones, Maryanne 400Thebault, Mark 400Tobin, Judith M. 400UNICO Properties, Inc., 400The Vance Corporation, 400Wampold, Jay J. 400Winant, Anais 400Wright, C. B. 400Wright, Virginia Bloedel 400Yarmuth Wilsdon PLLC, 400Cocker, Rick 394The Boeing Company, 350McGrath, Susan 350PTSGE Continuing PoliticalCmmtt,


Chandler, Bridgett Ann 325Phillips, Lori Lynn 319Krippaehne, Jr., William W. 300Burlington Northern SantaFe,


Pageler, Meg 300Shulman, Steven M. 300Strosahl, J. Patrick 300Shim, Edna C. 287The Ackerley Group, 250Bassetti, Ann 250Black, Mary Fite 250Cole, Ida S. 250Johnson, B. Gerald 250Krogh, Egil 250Lundsgaard, David C. 250Lundsgaard, Nancy C. 250Olympic Fund, 250Puget Sound Energy, 250Stroum, Samuel N. 250Black, William M. 200Bloome, Mark 200Bogard, Rebecca 200Braddock, Dennis J. 200Bushley, Kristin K. 200

Bushley, R. Alan 200Clarke, Peter L. 200Cleary, Colleen 200Collins, Priscilla 200Copass, Lucy 200Cortelyou, David C. 200Drago, Jan 200Durkan, Martin J. 200Gardner, Jean 200Germann, Michael R. 200Gosline, Sue C. 200Hansmire, Gerald D. 200Immunex Corporation, 200Jenkins, Speight 200Kelly, Duane M. 200King, Joe 200Kraabel, Paul 200Livengood, Gordon A. 200McIver, Richard J. 200McKay Chadwell PLLC, 200McLerran, Dennis J. 200Murray, Mark Duncan 200Rabinowitz, Alan 200The Rockey Company, Inc., 200Royer, Robert J. 200Royer, Sidney S. 200Thonn, Jerry E. 200Willoughby, Jr., George V. 200Woo, Benjamin 200WA. State Women'sPolitical Caucus,


Zarker, Gary E. 200Weinstein, Brian 165Behnke, Charlotte L. 150Behnke, John F. 150Beighle, Douglas P. 150Bloome, Sharon 150Brooks, Bruce 150Donaldson, Sue 150Hailey, James D. 150Harnly, Denise W. 150Haskins, A. Scott 150Ivie, Bill E. 150Neiman, M.D., Paul 150Neuman, Charla 150Schmidt, Jackson 150Sohen, Stephanie 150Tierney, Jr., Thomas M. 150Wott, John A. 150Larson, E. Keith 125Larson, Joan G. 125Molloy, Lawrence T. 125

Abramson, Nancy L. 100Allen, Debra M. 100Anderson, Croil 100Andrews, Deborah L. 100Bain, William J. 100Batayola, Teresita I. 100Boguch, Janet R. 100Booth, T. William 100Bridge, Jonathan J. 100Bridge, Shirley 100Brogan, Rita 100Brown, Jane 100Caputo, Kent A. 100Ceis, Margaret A. 100Chin, Douglas 100Clarkson, Dan J. 100Claudon, Lynn M. 100Coffey, Forrest G. 100Cohen, Matthew 100Conlin, Richard 100Corbally, Marguerite 100Corcoran, George C. 100Denny, Maria J. 100Durkan, T. Ryan 100Ellis, James R. 100Emory, Meade 100Eskilsson Architecture, 100Ferris, Lincoln 100Fox, Nancy E. 100The Gaitan Group, PLLC, 100Gayton, Gary D. 100Ginsberg, Phillip H. 100Greene, Jaime L. 100Griffin, Carol M. 100Gurvich, Max A. 100Helsell, Frank 100Hempelmann, John W. 100Henry, Blair C. 100Herstein, Paul R. 100Hervey, David E. 100Holmes, Peter S. 100Hubbard, Walter T. 100Hudson, Carolyn 100Ishimitsu-Curtis, Nancy 100Ives, Rosemarie M. 100Johns, Robert D. 100Jorgensen, Kristin 100Kanda, Catherine N. 100Kelly, Carolyn 100King, Jason W. 100Kiyohara, Bea 100Kurimura, Alan 100

Lamphere, Phyllis 100Lessenger, Neal F. 100Levine, Alan S. 100Lorig Associates, LLC, 100Macfarlane, Lisa D. 100Matheson, Lois 100McDonough, Donald D. 100McKinney, Herman L. 100McLaughlin, J. Terry 100Minnott, Robert G. 100Moddemeyer, Steven D. 100Mullin, J. Shan 100Murphy, Ronald F. 100Noble, R. Scott 100Nussbaum, Lenell 100Ovena, Leita 100Paden, David W. J. 100Pearce, Roger A. 100Peck, Kevin 100Pelz, Dwight R. 100Phillips, Stevan D. 100Pritchard, Llewelyn G. 100Quintana, Joe G. 100Rice, Janet L. 100Roosevelt, Kate 100Rutzick, William 100Ryan, Mary Jean 100Samboni, June 100Schroeter, Dorothy 100Schwarz, Gerard 100Shaw, Barry A. 100Simons, Anne M. 100Smith, Milton L. 100Smith, Richard K. 100Co-Rec Soccer Association, 100Stewart, Irene K. 100Storli, Carolann 100Sugai, Wayne 100Swisher, Gloria W. 100Taoka, Susan 100Thomas, Harry 100Thomas, Joan K. 100Thorson, Timothy K. 100John Veblen 100Wallace, Robert C. 100Wampold, Mike S. 100Whetzel, Judith A. 100Whisler, Benjamin A. 100Wicks, Lauren 100Woo, Ruth T. 100Wyatt, Scott W. 100Wyckoff, Ann P. 100

Yang, Edgar 100Yapp, Michele 100Council Position 5E Mike Rodosovich{no reported contributions}Council Position 9Andrew ScullyPartnership, AAS/DMPManagement Limited


Inc., All Alaskan Seafoods 400Nagy, Carol 400Roberts, Philip 400Schumacher & Assoc., Inc., 400Schumacher, Robert 400Scully, Glendalee 400Scully, Jed 400Scully, Laura Epstein 400Scully, Margaret 400Scully, Patrick F. 400Turnure, Thomas 400Garner, Michael 350Freeman, John S. 250Petersen, Rick 250Wallace, Marcia 225Dooley, James 200Eastin, Carol 200Hayasaka, David 200Jalbert, Bernhard 200Jones, Carole 200Smith, Payton 200Turnure, Rolfe 200Weeks, Roberta 200Bodoia, Laura 150Grieco, Jo Ann 150Larijiani, Fred 150Shiroma, Dennis 150Garrison, Michael 127Baker, Dan 125Couden, Elliott N. 100Gordon, Romina Richmond 100Grady, Kathleen 100Hanley, Sylvia 100Keene, Peggy 100Loeb, Joellen 100Oaksmith, Maurice 100Sandler, Peter 100Shay, Doug 100Smiley, Laurie 100Sweetland, Phil 100Wells, James 100Council Position 3Peter Steinbrueck

Alhadeff, Kenneth 400Alhadeff, Michael D. 400Amalgamated Transit Union#587,


Barrientos, Maria T. 400Bassetti, Fred 400Bracken-Clough, Laura J. 400Burke, Suzanne M. 400Carlson, Donald 400Clemency, Carol Bracken 400Clemency, John R. 400Clise, Al 400Cole, Ida S. 400Collins, Priscilla 400King County Comm. on Pol.Education,


Cowan, JoAnn 400Denny, Brewster C. 400Denny, Patricia S. 400Durkan, Jr., Martin J. 400Edwards, M.D., Lynn K. 400Eglick, Peter J. 400Seattle FirefightersVoluntary PAC,


Fogarty, Faith 400Forbes, Roger H. 400Fulghum, Christian M.M. 400Fulghum, Midori Matsui 400Fulghum, Robert Lee 400National Furniture Rental &Sales,,


Griffin, Matt 400Hartmann, Elma 400Hartmann, John L. 400Affordable Housing Council, 400Human Services & HousingNow,


IBEW 77 PAC, 400IFPTE, Local 17 NEWPAC, 400JAMPAC, 400Johnson, B. Gerald 400Kinzer, Craig 400Koh, James C. Y. 400Laborers & HodcarriersPAC,


Larson, Linda R. 400Lennartz, Ann 400Loeb, Donald 400Maffei, Gregory B. 400McQuaid, Douglas W. 400McQuaid, Jr., Thomas L. 400Milici, Gary 400Milliman, Alison W. 400

Milliman, Glen S. 400Moriguchi, Tomio 400Pehrson, Clinton 400Pehrson, Margaret Stenson 400Plunkett, Mark K. 400Public Service & Ind. EmplLcl 1239,


PGE Continuing PoliticalCommittee,


Raphael, R.B. 400Sarkowsky, Herman 400Schmidt, Jackson 400Simon, Robert D. 400Tagney-Jones, Maryanne 400Tunks, Margaret Cary 400The Vance Corporation, 400Weiss, Stuart P. 400Weyant, Maxine 400Wright, Jr., Ronald W. 400Washington St Cncl of Cnty& Cty Em,


Yarmuth, Richard C. 400Zieve, Peter 400Baerwaldt, Mark 395Ewing, Gary 350Goldingay, Derek 300Goldman, Peter R. 300Gordon, Karen S. 300Moraitis, Demetrios 300Streeter, Mel 300Thonn, Jerry E. 300Uznay, William C. 300Washington ConservationVoters,


Brinley, Doug 250Bryan, Darrell E. 250Colin, Gene J. 250Lint, Robert 250Lint, Sandra J. 250Tobin, Judith M. 250Turnbull, John 250UA Local 32 Plumbers &Pipefitters,


Aramburu, J. Richard 240Ketcham, Sally 225Grant, Steven D. 210Barson, Leonard 200Braddock, Dennis 200Braker, Anita C. 200Branch, Andrew L. 200Byrne, Daniel V. 200Cancler, Carole M. 200Cardwell, Richard 200

Carpenters Local 131, 200Chien, Julie 200Cocker, Rick 200Donnelly, Peter F. 200Dunn, Elizabeth P. 200Egbert, James C. 200Fleming, Mary V. 200Fleming, William L. 200Graff, Thomas P. 200Haag, Richard 200Hansen, Therese 200Hasson, David 200Jalbert, Bernard A. 200Johnson, James R. 200Jones, Carole 200Jones, Grant R. 200Justen, Sue G. 200Justen, William J. 200Lackermann, Ellen 200Lawrence, Rhoda A.R. 200Lawrence, Thomas V. 200Lorig, Bruce 200Lundeed, Terry 200MacInnes, K. J. 200Merkle, Daniel R. 200Nelson, Marjorie M. 200Ormsby, Cheryl L. 200Ormsby, Will 200Pepple, Andrea S. 200Pepple, Daniel P. 200Phillips, John E. 200Pollock, Bruce K. 200Washington Assoc. ofRealtors,


Reiff, Peggy 200Sherman, Ernie 200Spady, Richard J. 200Staggers, George M. 200Stamets, John W. 200Stephenson, Neal 200Tausend, Fredric C. 200Taylor, Alan H. 200Thomas, Harry 200Trivison, Cheryl 200Wetherald, Margaret 200Whitebear, Bernie 200Yapp, Michele 200Brown, Eric 150Bystrom, Arne 150Lee, Sharon H. 150Martin, Cheryl 150Martin, Christopher H. 150

Martin, David 150Merrick, Arthur P. 150Olsen, Alice M. 150Olsen, Raymond A. 150Pletcher, Blake A. 150Seattle ProgressiveCoalition,


Shay, Dennis 150Weinstock, Harold Charles 150Wright, David 150Gayton, Gary D. 125Goodman, John A. 125Grimm, Fred 125Roseth, Katherine D. 125Roseth, Robert M. 125Crowley, Walt 112McCaffrey, Marie 112Bagley, Jr., Charles M. 100Bagley, Nancy H. 100Jr., William J. Bain 100Behnke, Charlotte L. 100Behnke, John F. 100Ben-Shmuel, Rachel 100Block, William H. 100Bloome, Mark 100Bottler, Elisabeth T. 100Bracken, Sharon M. 100Brown, Jr., Rodney L. 100Chaney, John S. 100Cleveland, Grover E. 100Cohn, David L. 100Rainier Cold Storage & Ice, 100Conolly, Catherine 100Crutcher, Jr., M.D., JamesP.


Davis, Ann M. 100Davis, John M. 100Dingfield, Dan 100Driscoll, Marleigh J. 100Driscoll, Matthew L. 100Evans, Hayward M. 100Falls, Jeannie M. 100Fatland, Rollin A. 100Feichtweir, Kurt 100Filipino-American Pol. Act.Grp WA,


Fox, Nancy E. 100Gilman, Jeffrey F. 100Hansmire, Gerald D. 100Harris, Laird 100Hoyt, John 100Jenkins, Speight 100

Johnson, Brian P. 100Jonassen, James O. 100Jones, Susan H. 100Kaplan, Kenneth B. 100Kaufman, Michael C. 100Keller, Michael R. 100Kohls-Kaplan, Sheila D. 100Kubota, Ken 100Kurimura, Alan 100Landberg, Rose 100Lazerwitz, Jay A. 100Lee, Anthony 100Lewis, Ron 100Lewis, William L. 100Licata, Nicholas J. 100Lorentzen, Douglas 100Lynam, Joseph E. 100Lynam, Mary Stamper 100McCauley, Marie E. 100McDonough, Don 100Moll, Elizabeth B. 100Nesholm, John F. 100Noland, Jane 100Osborne, Kim C. 100W&H Pacific, Inc., 100Parsons, Thomas 100Phillips, Ivan 100Potter, James B. 100Purcell, Paul 100Robbins, Kirk W. 100Rosling, John C. 100Scarola, Geroge W. 100Sharp, David C. 100Shema, Paul A. 100Southard, John E. 100Speidel, Sunny 100Spence, Michael 100Steinert, Jeffrey C. 100Tate, Dennis F. 100Taylor, Mary M. 100Taylor, Norman E. 100Wagoner, Marcia D. 100Wall, Irene 100Waste Management, 100Weed, Steven B. 100Wong, Anthony 100Council Position 7Thomas WhittemoreAFFLECK-ASCH, WILLIAMC S










WOLDT, ALICE 100Council Position 7Heidi WillsApt. Assoc. of Seattle/KingCounty,


Abta, Ron 400Ackerley, Ginger 400Affleck-Asch, William 400Alhadeff Properties LimitedP.S.,


Alhadeff, Kenneth 400Allen, Jason 400Allison, Thomas 400Bank of AmericaWashington PAC,


Anches, Jerome 400Anderson, Steven 400APCO Associates Inc., 400Appleford, Robin 400ARCO Products Company, 400Arnold, John 400AT&T Wireless, 400ATU Special HoldingAccount,


Austin, Willie 400Barnes, Nancy 400Barnes, Tiffany 400Barnes, William 400Barrientos, Maria 400Behar, Howard 400Behar, Lynn 400Jeff Bjornstad 400Blankenship, John 400Blankenship, Matt 400Block, William 400Boeing Company, 400Borrow, Betsy 400Brainerd, Paul 400Brandt, Robert 400Brass, Richard 400Brennan, Douglas 400Brunner, Barbary 400Wash. St. CableCommunications PAC,


Cadman, 400Cairncross & HempelmannP.S.,


Calhoun, Julia Larson 400Cantwell, Maria 400Chatalas, Helen 400Clark, Gary 400

Clark, Mary 400Clise Properties, Inc., 400Jeannete Coburn 400Cocker Fennessy, Inc., 400Collins, Priscilla 400King County C.O.P.E. AFL-CIO,


Coryell, Carol 400Da Vinci Gourmet, Ltd., 400Davenport, Gregory 400Degel, James 40034th District Democrats, 400Wash. State DemocraticCentral Comm,


Durkan, Jennifer 400Durkan, Jenny 400Durkan, Lorraine 400Durkan, Martin 400Durkan, Timothy 400Dwyer, Regina 400Eco Efficiency Associates, 400Egan, Mike 400Ehrenberg, Michaelanne 400Ellis, James 400Fatland, Rollin 400Fearn, Milton 400Ferguson, Mary 400Ferguson, Raymond 400Ferguson, Robert 400Finneran, Susan 400Seattle Firefighters Vol.P.A.F.,


Foster, Valerie 400Franulovich, Tim 400Gamble, Harold 400Garvey, Dana 400Gates, William 400Gavriluk, Erik 400Gerrard, Julie 400Gillespie, Robert 400First & Goal, Inc., 400Gogerty Stark Marriott, Inc., 400Goldman, Peter 400Griffin, George 400Griffin, Matt 400Grinstein, Keith 400Groot, Janke De 400Gust, Charles 400Hamilton, David 400Hedreen, Elizabeth 400Hedreen, Richard 400Heidorn, George 400

Horowitz, Mark 400Affordable Housing Council, 400Human Services andHousing Now,


IFPTE Local 17, 400Iron Workers DistrictCouncil,


Jackson, Peter 400Jackson, Scott 400JAMPAC-WashingtonFund,


Johnson, James 400Jones, David 400Craig Kinzer & Co., 400Kirk, Barbara 400Kirk, Judd 400Kraabel, Paul 400Kruithof, Patrick 400Laborers & HodcarriersLocal 242,


Larson, Christopher 400Larson, Frank 400Lehman, Dorothy 400Levy, Gilbert 400Levy, Laura 400Eli Lilly & Co., 400Lin, Jeff 400Loeb, Richard 400Luckey, John 400Luckey, Laura 400Luckey, Robin 400MacAulay, Robert 400Washington MachinistCouncil,


Maffei, Gregory 400Mallahan, James 400Mallahan, Sheila Evoy 400Seattle Mariners, 400Martin, Christopher 400McIntire, James 400Thomas McMahon 400Miller, H. Richard 400Minnott, Robert 400Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, 400MWW Group, 400Nelson, James 400Nesholm, John 400Nesmith, Barbara 400O'Conner Family LivingTrust,


Pacific InvestmentCompany,


Pacific Public Affairs, Inc., 400

Pageler, Margaret 400Pardo, Lars 400Parten, Karen 400Street Pavers P.A.C., 400Foster Pepper & ShefelmanPLLC,


Perry, Christine 400Perry, Wayne 400Peterson, Robert E. 400Bill Pierre Ford, Inc., 400Inc., Bill Pierre Dodge 400Podlodowski, Tina 400Portico LandscapeArchitects,


Prichard, Kenneth 400Prichard, Nancy 400Pruzan, Lucy 400Public Serv. & Ind.Employees Local,


PTSGE Cont. PoliticalCommittee,


Puget Sound Energy, 400Puget Sound TourismCoalition,


Raikes, Jeffrey 400Raikes, Patricia McGinnis 400Washington Association ofRealtors,


Redman, Richard 400Rolfe, Stuart 400Rolstad, Koryn 400United Union of Roofers, 400Rose, David 400Rosellini, Albert 400Ross, Stephanie 400Rozner, Evelyne 400Runstad, H. Jon 400Runstad, Judith 400Schilling, Timothy 400Schulstad, Jenny 400Sheehan, James 400Sierra Pac WashingtonState,


Smith, Gregory 400Smith, H. Martin 400Smith, Larry 400Smith, Patricia 400Soriano, Max 400Spencer, Elaine 400Stern, William 400Stroum, Samuel 400Sullivan, Cynthia 400Tagney-Jones, Maryanne 400

Fortune TerminalAssociates,


UA Local 32, 400Uhlman, Wes 400UNICO Properties, Inc., 400Vance Corporation, 400Verprauskus, Andrew 400Walker, Tanya 400Wallace, Alan 400Waste Management, 400Whisner, Jack 400Wiley, Welles 400Williams, Jeanette 400Wills, Frank 400Wills, Jean 400Wills, Kristel 400Wills, Patricia 400Wright Hotels Inc., 400Wa. St. Council of County &City Em,


Yang, Sung 400Yingling, Richard 400Mahon, Robert 388Washington ConservationVoters,


Bertin, Laura 375Blankenship, Carol 375Blankenship, Michael 375Herche, Thomas 375McFadden, Catherine 375McFadden, Fred 375Moulton, Gregor 375Davis, Marilyn 350Tupper, James 350Tupper, Suzanne 350Williams, George 350Bannecker, Randy 325Port Blakely CommunitiesInc.,


Boguch, Phil 325Hale, Jeannie 325Mahoney, Michael 325Nitze-Stagen & Co., Inc., 325Thomas, Suzanne 325Wright, Roger 325Walsh, Thomas 316Blackman, John 300Blackman, Mary 300Burton, Nancy 300Music Club LLC, 300Coopersmith, Jeffrey 300Culp, Gordon 300Equity Office, 300

Hempelmann, John 300Krippaehne, William 300Lewis, Jane 300Murray, Mark 300Paglialunga & Harris LLP, 300Rockey Company, Inc., 300Rosenshine, Gabriel Eli 300Wa. State Women'sPolitical Caucus,


Bergem, Harold 298Valdez, Javier 277Doi, James 275Doi, Mary 275Loftus, John 275McCullough, John 275Ohlenkamp, Sally 275Burdell, Charles 262Durkan, T. Ryan 262Gaberman, Amanda Davis 262Gaberman, Michael 262Roush, Dabney 262Roush, Jeffrey 262Winterscheid, Loren 262Winterscheid, Muriel 262Boydell, Thomas 250Carpenters Local 131, 250Ceccarelli, David 250Christiansen, Judy 250Colacurcio, Frank 250Cole, Ida 250Conte, Gil 250Dedomenico, Mark 250Fueston, Ada An 250Hadley, Eleanor 250Hou, Victor 250Howe, Douglas 250Huff, Andrew 250Jackson, Helen 250Jonson, Jon 250Kenyon, Christi 250Leuba, Jennifer 250McGrady, Dan 250Rowley, George 250Swenson, Judy Pigott 250West Coast Trucking 250Wildeman, C. Nicodemus 250Zimmerman, Helen 250Connor, Judith 237Connor, Thomas 237Conlin, Richard 230Gallup, Stanley 230Gallup, Suzan 230

Barton, Carol 225Barton, Donald 225Bergquist, Robert 225Bogard, Rebecca 225Cohn, David 225Gantt, Ben 225Hatley, Tim 225King, Maury 225Kwon, SoYoung 225Noland, Jane 225Ohlenkamp, Steve 225Osborne, Kim 225Poon, Derek 225Soth, Jeffrey 225Stevens, Michael 225Gregory, Carol Jean 212Acarregui, Brian 200AMPCO System Parking, 200Anderson, Samuel 200Angel's Thai Cuisine, 200Behar, Sarina 200Behnke, Carl 200Behnke, Charlotte 200Behnke, John F. 200Behnke, Renee 200Berkey, Jill 200Bert, Aaron 200Boyle, Patrick 200Brain, Christopher 200Branch, Andrew 200Branch, Bernetta 200Champernowne, Arthur 200Chopp, Frank 200Clapp, Jane 200Clapp, Paula 200Clapp, William 200Cocker, Richard 200Continental Bentall LLC, 200Alaskan Copper & BrassCo.,


King & Crowley, Inc., 200Denny, Brewster 200Denny, Patricia 200Donnelly, Peter 200Erickson, Ronald 200Ford, Richard 200Gamble, Catherine Knoll 200Gayton, Gary 200Buck & Gordon LLP, 200Graham, Margaret 200Hanauer, Lenore 200Holmes, Robert 200

Houtchens, D. Mark 200Immunex Corporation, 200Int'l Union of OperatingEngineers,


Jenner, Charles 200Johnson, B. Gerald 200Johnson, Christopher 200Johnson, Thomas 200Justen, Sue 200Justen, William 200Kalian, Michael 200Kelly, Alice Heck 200Kelly, Duane 200Kucera, Linda 200Kucera, Victor 200Larson, Linda 200American Lease Company, 200Lennon, Michael 200Lewis, William 200Mahon, Elaine 200Marks, Rosanne 200Murphy, Dan 200Murray, E.A. 200Burlington Northern & SantaFe Rail,


Northwest Flower & GardenShow,


O'Neill & Associates, 200O'Neill, Candace 200Oglesby, Kathleen 200Olson, Kenneth 200Olson, Miwa 200Rainier Pacific Company, 200W&H Pacific, 200Payne, Ancil 200Payne, Valerie 200Pharris, Dan 200Overnight Printing &Graphics, Inc.,


Rice, Fredrica 200Rice, J. Steven 200Richards, Jeffrey 200Richichi, Vincent 200Robertson, Jerry 200Robertson, Susan 200Savitt, Kathy 200Sheehan, Gerard 200Sidor, Stanley 200Sinegal, James 200Skinner, Catherine Eaton 200Skinner, David 200Smith, Carmen 200Smith, Laurie 200

Solien, Stephanie 200Sommers, Helen 200Spence, Michael 200Stickel, Sheila 200Strauss, Inge 200Streissguth, Ann 200Streissguth, Daniel 200Taft, Ellen 200Taucher, Fred 200Tenney, Sally 200Lake City Travel & Cruises, 200TRF Pacific, Inc., 200Vanderburg, Charles 200Seattle VIP Services Inc., 200Watjen, Craig 200Watjen, Joan 200Whisler, Barbara 200Whisler, Benjamin 200Wilson, Sarah 200Wott, John 200Yu, Rok 200Bullitt, Dorothy 195Constantine, James Dow 180Wyble, John 177Bayne, Ryan 175Evans, Eric C. 175Hempelmann, Sandi 175Hudesman, Karen 175Kipp, Stephen 175Kipp, Tracey 175Lockard, Laura 175Micek, Mark 175Stark, Donald 175Triplett, Heather 175Triplett, Kurt 175White, Scott 175Stafford, Brien 160Aley, Ronald 150Alhadeff, Ike 150Arends, John 150Dingfield Associates, 150Black, Mary Fite 150Black, William 150Block, Kristin Hyde 150Bloome, Mark 150Bloome, Sharon 150Bradbury, Timothy 150Bright, June 150Emory, Meade 150Fennessy, J.A. 150Hamick, Joann 150Hernandez, Cynthia 150

Joly, Jennifer 150Lawyer, Erik 150Levine, Alan 150Lindsay, Frank 150Lindsay, Madelyn 150Lorig, Bruce 150Lorig, Mrs. Bruce 150Main, Ronald 150McMillan, Leigh 150Moore, Carin 150Moore, Rod 150Peterson, Laura 150Peterson, Robert 150Quintana, Joe 150Rabinowitz, Alan 150Raymond, Kevin 150Sabsowitz, Jim 150Smith, Milton 150Unsderfer, Brian 150Wallace, Joan 150Wayne, Steven 150Wilson, John 150Wilson, Rebecca 150Zalutsky, Jane 150Hirsch, Robert 145Rosenbloom, Harvey 135Ad Mark Services Inc., 125Allan, Joanne 125Allan, William 125Alphagraphics, 125Bianchi, Rachel 125Brady, Melvin 125Branz, Jacqueline 125Bremner, Eric 125Christopher, Margaret 125Clark, Jim 125Claudon, Lynn 125Cohen, Sal 125Continental, Inc., 125Daggatt, Scott 125Dale, Suzanne 125Dally Homes, Inc., 125Daudon, Marc 125Drago, Jan 125Dussault, William 125Ernst, Jerome 125Ferguson, Ellen 125Flynn, Dan 125Gaitan Group PLLC, 125Gandara, Daniel 125Garfield, Leonard 125Gerberding, William 125

Green, Joshua 125Green, Pamela 125Sharp Hartwig Inc., 125Hirakawa, Gregg 125Jones, Susan 125Kim, Rocky 125King, Sheelagh Kane 125Lowe, Marco 125McCurdy, Russell 125Pryde Corporation, 125Sellars, Bill 125Sellars, Katherine 125Shapiro, Anthony 125Shen, Albert 125Sill, Diana 125Smith, Sandra 125Soricone, Patrick 125Sorrin, Leonard 125Sparks, Karen 125Stusser, Hermine 125Tallman, Cynthia 125Tallman, Richard 125Theiler, Donald 125Tobiason, Michael 125Wagoner, Marcia 125Whittemore, Thomas 125Wolff, Joy 125Young, James 125Courtney, Marcus 120Schmid, Andrew 120Wyndham Publications,Inc.,


Jaynes, Sarah 117Zuckerman, Edward 117Seattle Hotel Association, 114Hawn, Thomas 112McLaughlin, J. Terry 112McLaughlin, Kathleen 112O'Hara, Mary AnnLehmkuhle


Patu, Von Treschow 103Adamack, Randy 100Alhadeff, Marleen 100Alvord, Nancy 100Bank of America Tower, 100Anderson, Gilbert 100Andrews, Jim 100Arbes, Jerome 100Arends, Carol 100Arnold, Robert 100Bagley, Charles 100Bagley, Nancy 100

Baker, Ross 100Benson, Keith 100Bhagat, Arun 100Bhagat, Neena 100Bishop, Meghan 100Bishop, Randall 100Boguch, Janet 100Booth, Beatrice 100MacDonald Boyd &Associates,


Bradley, Sandy 100Bridge, Herbert 100Bridge, Shirley 100Brotherton, Mitchell 100Brown, Dennis 100Buck, Douglas 100Burnett, James 100Burtenshaw, De Vere 100Burton, Paul 100Callahan, Maurice 100Cavanaugh's on FifthAvenue,


CH2M Hill, Inc., 100Chateau Development, Inc., 100Coffey, Forrest 100Coffey, Shirley 100Cohan, David 100Cohan, Michelle Lavin 100Cohen, Daniel 100Cortelyou, David 100Cortelyou, Peggy Flynn 100Covey, Donald 100Covey, Marilyn Bradford 100Cowan, Pamela 100Danysh, Terrence 100Derrick, Robert 100Dickinson, Jim 100Donaldson, Sue 100Dull, Grant 100Dunn, Jessie 100Dwight, James 100Dwyer, Michael 100Ellerbeck, Ruth 100Puget Sound Energy CreditUnion,


Esser, Luke 100Filipino-American Pol.Action Group,


Feliciano, Rose 100Ferrin, Allan 100Fleming, Michael 100Forest, Ronald 100Phillips Foss Wood Garden 100

Design,Foster, David 100Fremont Dock Company, 100Gaba, David 100Gendler, Michael 100Gorsuch, Kim 100Graff, Thomas 100Graham, Stephen 100Guinan, Cathleen 100Hadac, Lucy 100Hammond, James 100Harris, James 100Hartholz, Steven 100Headrick, Carter 100Hennes, Randolph 100Hilfer, Richard 100Hilliard, Edith 100CRG Hospitality Inc., 100Hudson, Carolyn 100Jewell, S.M.R. 100Jewell, Warren 100Johnston, Gretchen 100Jones, Steven 100Jones, Tracie 100Jones, Trever 100Kadlec, Ken 100Keefe, Roderic 100Keller, Michael 100Kelley, Richard 100Kilbane, Karen 100King, Joseph 100Kirschner, Bryan 100Kline, D. Adam 100Koenig, John 100Conway Leovy 100Janet Leovy 100Lessenger, Neal 100Levi, Margaret 100Libby, Arneta 100Lindsay, Bobbie 100Livengood, Gordon 100Livengood, Janet 100Lowe EnterprisesNorthwest, Inc.,


Magnolia Court Apartments, 100Mangels, John 100Matheson, Joan 100Mayflower Park Hotel, Inc., 100McBride, Angela 100McBride, Thomas 100McDonald-Jonsson, Laurie 100Miller, Steven 100

Misshula, Rebecca 100Mize, Charles 100Moga, John 100Morris, Steven 100Muir, Jeanne 100Nakamura, Patricia 100Neiswender, Philip 100Nielsen, Donald 100Nooney, Ross 100Nordquist, Clare 100Oncorp Madison, 100Owen, Jonathan 100Pacific Plaza Hotel, 100Paglialunga, Charles 100Palmer, Earl 100Palmer, Shirley 100Paramount Hotel, 100Parker, Catharine 100Parker, John 100Payne, Lucinda 100Pearce, Roger 100Pickett, Marlin 100Pyramid Communications, 100Raekes, Michael 100Reich, Jane 100Reich, Jay 100Renaissance MadisonHotel,


Richmond Public Relations, 100Richmond, Charles 100Ringer, George 100Robart, James 100Robbins, Scott 100Roberts, Joanne 100Roe, James 100Roosevelt, Kate 100Rosen, Deborah 100Rosen, Douglas 100Rubinstein, Sam 100Ruderman, Laura 100Rutherford, G. Scott 100Schwabacher, John 100Seattle Hilton, 100Seltzer, Robert 100Settle, Richard 100Sexton, Daniel 100Shellan, Joanne 100Silverstone, Sharon 100Simons, Langdon 100Skinner, Kathryn 100Skinner, Paul 100Stusser, Joan 100

Sullivan, Kathleen 100Swift, Bryndel 100Tanaka, Paul 100Toner, Walter 100Tsao, Felicia 100Valdez, Roger 100Verner, Lisa 100Verpraukus, Karen 100Verprauskus, Frank 100Wallace Properties Group, 100Wallace Properties, Inc., 100Wangen, Michael 100Warwick Hotel, 100Weaver, Neale 100Webster, John 100Whitney, Sheryl Verlaine 100Williams, Bruce 100Wilson, Dwight 100Wilson, Eric 100Winant, Anais 100Wirum, C. Harold 100Wirum, Eleanor Tsao 100Wolf, Elliot 100Wright, Bud 100Yearout, Leroy 100Young, Frank 100Zedicoff, Alex 100Library Initiative 45Back to Basics (Yes)Stuart Weiss 25000Jordan Brower 1489Sue Burke 1000Faye Garneau / GarneauProperties


Margaret Freeman 150Mark Freeman 150Poster Initiative 46Free Speech Seattle (Yes)The Stranger,, 1000Tim Crowley 717Beth Fell 258Innovative Access, 225Girlie Press, 221Ludd, Deran 200Ben Livingston 139Virginia Crowley 100Novoselic, Krist 100Light Rail Initiative 48Neighborhoods First!Coalition(Yes)Weiss, Stuart 5639

Nelson Trucking Co. Inc. 2000Chris Newell 1000Rainier Pacific Co. 1000Washington Dental Clinic 146Seafirst Bank 133Fred Quarnstrom 120Nancy Sandine Lamb 100Prop 1 - Seattle Center /Community Center LevyYes on Proposition OneSeattle Center Foundation, 48099Pacific Northwest Ballet, 17436Seattle Opera, 15800Bank of America, 15000The Boeing Company, 15000Hanauer, Gerald 10000Microsoft, 10000Washington Mutual Bank, 7500Encore Media Group, 6990Starbuck's CoffeeCompany,


Benaroya, Jack 5000Pistol Creek Financial Co., 5000Wells Fargo & Co., 5000Jaech, Jeremy 5000Key Bank, 5000Seattle Mariners, 5000McCaw, Craig 5000Sarkowsky, Herman 5000LMN Architects, 4000AT&T Wireless Services, 4000First & Goal Inc., 3667Skilling Ward MagnussonBarkshire,


Alhadeff Properties LimitedPartnership,


Faulstich, James 2500Woodland Park ZoologicalSociety,


Baugh Construction, 2000Wright Runstad AssociatesLimited Partnership,


Stroum, Samuel 2000James, Henry 1500James, Mary Ann 1500Payne, Ancil 1250Payne, Valerie 1250Pageler, Margaret 1151Tracy Thoma, Robinson 1099Blakeney, Betty 1000Brotman, Jeffrey 1000Brotman, Susan 1000Dunn, Bill 1000

Dunn, Sandy 1000Erickson, Ronald P. 1000Gellert, Max 1000Jenkins, Speight 1000Kraft, James 1000McInturff, Patricia 1000Nelson, Dean 1000Nesholm, John 1000Redman, Rick 1000Robinson, Mary M. 1000Wright, Virginia Bloedel 1000Boise Cascase Corporation, 750Hubbach, Susanne 750Albrecht, Constance 500Allen, Thomas 500Alvord, Chap 500Alvord, Eve 500Anderson, Gilbert 500Anderson, Virginia 500Bain, William J. Jr. 500Bayley, Christopher 500Bayley, Cynthia 500Port Blakely CommunitiesInc.,


Bounds, Ken 500Brainerd, Paul 500Byers, Tom 500Carpenters Local 131, 500Clise Properties, Inc. 500Collins, Priscilla 500Davis, David R. 500Davis, Jane 500Elgin DDB, 500Elias, Jim 500Garrison, Marion 500Garrison, Robert 500Hanna, Jeffrey 500Standard InsuranceCompany,


Jonassen, James O. 500MARPAC ConstructionLLC,


GM Nameplate, 500Peterson, Rosemary 500Rindlaub, Sarah 500Rubinstein, Sam 500Skellenger, David 500Skinner, Kathryn L. 500Stowell, Francia 500Stowell, Kent 500Tobin, Judy 500Watjen, Craig 500

Allen, Kym 331Schaeffer, Robert 285Allen, Mary Ellen 250Behnke, Carl 250Behnke, Renee 250Black, Luther 250Butterworth, J. Blair 250Donnelly, Peter 250Fischer, Jennifer 250Foster, Susan 250Geary, Richard 250Grinstein, Carolyn 250Grinstein, Gerald 250Hanks, Dean 250Heidt, W. Daniel 250Hughbanks, C. David 250Hurlbut, Wendell 250Johnson, Cynthia 250PTSGE Continuing PoliticalCommittee,


Ramels, Jackie Szikszoy 250Robinson, David 250Schell, Pamela 250Schell, Paul 250Spitzer, Jack 250Sprenger, Gertrude 250Wheeler, Mark F. 250Whetzel, Judith 250Wilkinson, R.W. Jr. 250Wright, Christina 250Wyatt, Jennifer 250Wyatt, Scott 250Yapp, Shelly 250Booth, T. William 200Ceis, Margaret 200Goldman, Peter 200Hanauer, Lenore 200Hughes, Kevin 200McCarthy, Joseph 200Taoka, Susan 200

Welch, Sarah 200Mohn, Robert 175Morrison, Shelley 175Bentley, Bruce 150Donaldson, Sue 150Patrick Dunn andAssociates LTD,


Tom Cats Inc. - DBA Etta'sSeafood,


Hasson, Michele 150Kraabel, Paul 150Rohan, Robert 150Towne, Dave 150Wetter, Margaret 150Blair, Jane 125Blair, Watson 125Lindsay, Frank 125Lindsay, Madelyn 125Stansbury, Mary Jo 125Stansbury, Michael 125Anderson, Robert 100Anderson, Rosemarie 100Bagley, Nancy 100Barrientos, Maria 100Cargal, Jennifer 100CCA Inc., 100Chong, Charles 100Clifford, Tim 100Connelly, Kenneth 100Dickinson, Carol 100Dingfield, Barbara 100Donovan, Rob 100Elder, Patricia 100Ellis, James 100Gillespie, Robert 100Harbold, William 100Harke, Beverly 100Herring, Susan 100Local 15 I.A.T.S.E., 100Jones, Stephanie 100

Kassen, Paul 100Kitchell, Frank R. 100Krebs, Donald 100Lee, Winifred 100Loacker, Lynn J. 100Maag, Lois 100Magiera, Kathy 100McDowall, Wendy 100McInnis, Stanley 100McLaughlin, Kathleen 100McNichols, Joy 100Mehdi, Yazmin 100Miller, Joan 100Moriguchi, Tomio 100Nellams, Robert 100Ostrom, Thomas 100Oxley, Vicky 100Pedersen, Carolyn 100Pelz, Janet 100Penn, Laura 100Perthou-Taylor, Margaret 100Peterson, Laura 100Phelps, Steven 100Place, Karen 100Punyon, Ellen 100Ross, Melanie 100Schubert, Kenneth 100Smith, McNair 100Sommers, Helen 100Sugiyama, Machiko 100Tenckhoff, Henry 100Tousley, Russ 100Tousley, Sarah 100Traisman, Clifford 100Traisman, Frances 100Waldo, Joan 100Zalutsky, Jane 100