secchi consortium 3/5/07 - gds1.1 stereo/secchi early operations - lessons learned and lots of...

CHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.1 STEREO/SECCHI Early Operations - Lessons Learned and Lots of Images 5th SECCHI Consortium Meeting March 5, 2007 Orsay, France Nathan Rich - NRL/Interferometrics Inc. ([email protected]) Lynn McNutt - NRL/Interferemotrics Inc.

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.1

STEREO/SECCHI Early Operations - Lessons Learned and Lots of


5th SECCHI Consortium MeetingMarch 5, 2007Orsay, France

Nathan Rich - NRL/Interferometrics Inc. ([email protected])

Lynn McNutt - NRL/Interferemotrics Inc.

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.2

How do I …?

• One Source for all your SECCHI information needs:

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.3

Early Operations At A Glance

• Launch (061025)• Functional Tests A (061106, pzt 061128); B (061109-10, pzt 061128)• Calibration Events and Outcomes

– Closed-door Calibration– Dark, LED– All decontamination heaters off by 061128– GT

- use by S/C enabled (061112, 061113)- calibration A (061205-6,14,26) B (061209,10,16,20,21)

– First Light- SCIP-A 061204- SCIP-B 061213- HI-A 061213- HI-B 070111

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.4

Calibration Events and Outcomes (2)

• Offpoints

– GT-controlled Offpoints

- Description: GT bias induced via table in EEPROM; up to 16 separate tables loaded via scheduled command

- Dates: A (061206, 061214, 061221, 061226, 070112, 070203, 070213, 070221); B (061216, 061221, 061226, 070203, 070204)

– S/C-controlled Offpoints

- Solar Power testing: A (061211 13:55); B (070102 18:20)

- IMPACT STE -2 to +2 deg: B (070105 16:55 - EUVI,COR1,COR2 incidental)

- SECCHI Flat-field calibration: A (070105 15:55: COR doors did not close because scheduled door ops not enabled, S/C did greater than expected offpoint; 070215 08:00) B (070205 05:15)

- HI straylight: A (070110 22:00, 070130 16:00) B (070113 08:10, 070125 21:15)

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.5

Calibration Events and Outcomes (3)

• Rolls

– MAG Smooth Calibration Rolls (15 deg/min x 4):

- Dates: A (061120 14:20, 061222 09:30); B (061120 18:25, 061129 21:00 [SECCHI off], 061212 11:00)

– SWAVES Smooth Calibration Rolls (6 deg/min):

- Dates: A (061218 06:50-16:50, 061220 07:20, 061223 04:30); B (061219 02:35, 070129 05:10, 070131 04:50)

– Stepped Roll (Dwell at 90, 120, 180, 240, 270, 300 & 360 deg):

- Dates: A (070220 14:25); B (070206 06:50)

– HI calibration A and B 90/270 and 180 deg:

- Dates (070313, 070315 TBC)

• Lunar Flybys (images for A only)

– 061215 21:59 - Series of images of dark side of the moon in HI-2.

• Lunar Transit (B only)

– 070225 07:00-18:00 (rehearsal 070214)

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.6

Calibration Events and Outcomes (4)

• Image Processing Tests: short term onboard software tests

– A (070119, 070125, 070201)

• New tables implemented

– Exposure: A (061115, 061121, 061127, 061129, 061204, 061205, 061221, 061222, 070119, 070221, 070227); B (061115, 061122, 061123?, 061129, 061205, 061221, 070219, 070228)

– Image Processing: A (061118?, 061221, 070104, 070125?, 070202?, 070301); B (061118?, 061221, 070103, 070228)

- Error in imagetbl.img 061221 caused images to be incorrectly sent down realtime channel, causing lots of buffer overrun errors and skipped images

- FSW Bug 103 (open) caused images on B (070302-070303) to have some problems

– Event-detect Threshold: A (070119, 070201, 070301) B (070216, 070228)

– Icer Wavelet: A (070119, 070201); B (061221?)

• SSR2 testing: A (070113 ff)

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.7

Calibration Events and Outcomes (5)

• Mechanism Tuning

– Description: multiple operations at different Delay settings to determine optimum setting; use encoder position or exposure duration

– Dates: A (061130, 061219-21 ); B (061130, 061219-20)

• FSW update to A (5.01 061218, 5.01.05(IP) 070301); B (5.01 061226, 5.01.05(IP) 070228)

• SECCHI SSR1 filled week 47 of 2006; some data lost as a result

– Contributing factor: incorrect compression predictions

– Resolution: more conservative scheduling

• Watchdog Timer Reset on SECCHI Ahead 070125 04:37Z

– Response: auto reboot to MAINT mode - transition to OPS at 19:30Z

– Cause is not determined

– Impact to data and operations - S/C G&C configured to not use rate component of GT data on 070127 - current status unknown (by me)

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.8

Day-to-Day Operations

Nominally from NRL:

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.9


• Telemetry– POC workstations are configured to connect automatically at each pass,

currently 4 hrs/day– We had problems getting ITOS working on web-servers so telemetry web pages

could be made available outside of NRL:

1. Unreliable connecting to realtime telemetry socket from NRL (connection was not persistent)

- Workaround: proc can reconnect at each pass (TBD)

2. We are generating telemetry products (S/W Events, page snaps) that are in an http-accessible area

• Commanding – Procedures are in place to upload commands and/or files to MOC before pass

(dailyload.proc) and monitor execution of commands during pass (verifydailycmds.proc) - Soon, commanding during pass only upon advance request

– Some tweaking of procs required to account for increased lag time between sending of command and confirmation of receipt

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.10

Data Processing Status

• It is taking a while to get all the steps in sync for LZ image processing (file retrieval, playback, database update, secchi_reduce)

– Database update still needs to be better implemented to minimize delays

– Two new sun workstations are in place as of 2 Mar 07 to do telemetry playback and pipeline processing, which should significantly reduce processing times.

• Linux compatability:

– Best option for speed

– Has been implemented for all steps except HI 32-bit images

• Bugzilla being used to track problems, tasks and enhancement requests for the ground system and flight software (report following)

• All data to date will be re-processed after majority of bugs are fixed and currently planned enhancements completed

– Target is April 2007

– Temporary workarounds for most problems should be part of secchi_prep

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.11

Ground System Issue Status


Bug/Task Summary OPEN Res/Ver/Closed

FSW 3 20


Pipeline Processing

11 36

PT 0 2

WWW 0 1

Analysis 4 6

• Detailed Bug List (pdf)

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.12

SECCHI Image Statistics

• As of 23 Feb 2007 (non-spaceweather)





EuviA EuviB Hi1A Hi1B Hi2A Hi2B

N Images 13439 16035 8051 8354 23924 27696 1207 846 1149 707

Size (Raw GB)

9.51 9.78 4.97 4.96 5.98 6.79 4.07 2.76 3.85 1.86

Size (FITS GB)

26.11 35.60 63.38 60.92 192.40 211.37 5.88 4.27 5.55 3.39

Avg Comprssn

2.7 3.6 12.8 12.3 32.2 31.1 1.44 1.55 1.44 1.82

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.13

SECCHI-A Compression Averages

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.14

SECCHI-B Compression Averages

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.15

SECCHI-A Number of Images

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.16

SECCHI-B Number of Images

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.17

SECCHI-A Cumulative Volume

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.18

SECCHI-B Cumulative Volume

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.19

SECCHI-A Daily Image Telemetry Volume

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.20

SECCHI-B Daily Image Telemetry Volume

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.21

Lifecycle Of A SECCHI Image

5th SECCHI Consortium MeetingMarch 5, 2007Orsay, France

Nathan Rich - NRL/Interferometrics Inc. Lynn McNutt - NRL/Interferemotrics Inc.Ed Esfandiari - NRL/Interferometrics Inc.

Simon Plunkett - NRL

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.22

Overview of Pre-Image Information Flow

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.23

Pre-Observation Ground Events

Our Example: 20070129_224540_s4euA.fts • (T = DATE-CMD)

• Pre-Observation Ground Events

– T-3+ days Define OS_1343 - $PT/PRO/

– T-3+ days Define schedule file:

- OS_1343 summary:

- 1614 2007/01/20 22:45:40 EUVI 2000 2176 2112 HG 1x1 1x1 S1 195A SCIP Seq 1/2 1343 (IP89: SSR1,ICER6=40.00) FPS

- OS_1343 in uploaded RTS file:

- ---00224440S442F113433189100000120110002----

– T-2+ days send schedule file to instrument

- rtsfile= ”PT/flight/commissioning/A/synoptic/720/070120/SEC20070120000.IPT.RTS”

- start uploadfile(rtsfile, ”temp/07012000.sch”)

- /FMCOPY from= ”temp/07012000.sch”, to=”temp/07012900.sch”

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.24

Planning Tool Graphic

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.25

Onboard Events

• T-22:45:40 Image is scheduled at 0000 UT of day of observation

• T-0 Shutter opens


– Image file (7129018T.443: data+header) goes to SEB memory, then waits in line to be be packetized and transferred to SSR1 at 153 kbps (~ 1 MB/minute)

• T+1 day

– Image is part of SSR1 playback → DSMS → APL MOC archive (for SSR2 could be T+5 days)

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.26

Pipeline Processing Timeline

• Retrieve Telemetry

– T+2 (0311 ET) APL MOC generates Level-0 archive file

– T+2 (0730) Level-0 archive file retrieved to NRL

- get_sds (nathan@calliope crontab)

– T+2 (1030) Level-0 file played back (ITOS pblevel0cont.proc) to regenerate 7129018T.443 on the ITOS workstation.

– T+2 (1130) HK database scripts for 1/29/07 copied to lambda and run so temperatures can be retrieved.

• Level-0.5 Pipeline Processing

– T+2 (1200) secchi_reduce started

– T+2 (2030) 20070129_224540_s4euA.fts is written to

- $secchi/lz/L0/a/img/euvi/20070129/ by (~11 hr/day in Jan. 07)

– T+3 (1200) Entries for 20070129_224540_s4euA.fts are transferred to image database.

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.27

Data Processing Diagram

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.28

Pipeline Processing Steps - Level 0.5 (1)

• Telemetry playback (ITOS)

– 2 Sun Ultra25 workstations (Solaris)

• Playback to HK - ITOS sequential print

• HK to database - cphklz (/bin/sh)

• Database - scc_hk_update (esfand@lambda crontab)

– MySQL on Sunfire 280R (Solaris)

• Science file to Level-0.5 - (IDL)

– Sun Ultra25 Solaris or PC linux (TBI)

– Populate headers -

- Orbit: SPICE:,

- Attitude/pointing info:, (SPICE), (from GT data, TBI)

- Database to Headers (temperatures) -

- Current table info - (queries MySQL database)

- See SECCHI FITS header definition for details:

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.29

Pipeline Processing Steps - Level 0.5 (2)

• Science file to Level-0.5 - (IDL) - (cont.)– Populate Extended Header for multiple exposure level 0.5 images (mostly HI)– Decompression binaries: ricerecon64 (Rice) or idecomp (Icer) or hd64 (H-

compress) - COMPRSSN keyword in FITS header--get key with in

$SCC_DATA/PT/PRO (currently NRL only)- NMISSING and MISSLIST (TBI) derived from decompression output

– Rectify non-cal images:

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.30

Post-Processing - Local Archive

• FITS Archive - $secchi (/net/corona/secchi/flight/lz) see

– 2 Silicon Mechanics storage servers: each has 12 drives,

- venus: currently 1.8 TB available (free) for secchi

- earth: currently ?

– Electronic Distribution

- Maryland: SSC/GSFC (W.Thompson, rsync)

- France: Orsay (F.Auchere, rsync)

- California: JPL (J.Hall, rsync), LMSAL

- Germany: MPAe; Belgium: ROB; …?

– DVD archive - TBD (not for distribution)

• IDL Image Query (local archive):

– queries summary files in $secchi/*/*/summary

– use GUI to find available files and query summary files for telescope, time, size, onboard source, polarizer/quadrant/filter, SEB_PROG, EXPTIME (future: COMPRSSN)

– query Image database - most flexible

SECCHI Consortium 3/5/07 - GDS1.31

Post-Processing (cont.)

• Level-1 Processing - (R.Colaninno)• Remove Background - (K.Battams)

– We have begun generating COR2 “monthly” backgrounds for 0/120/240/TB at NRL

– Insertion in pipeline pending• Analysis, CME Search, Daily MVI - in development• Website Access

– CME Info - TBD– Beacon Mpegs - TBD– Daily Mpegs - TBD– Download Images and HK Plots -